#we met before and we will meet again in Jannah
gxldbvby · 1 month
I love the concept of ‘my soul got along with yours before the earth was even created and we recognised each other in this world’
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
My ideal ending to TROS
Honestly imo how TROS should've ended
Rey and Ben kill Palpatine together
Finn successfully leads a Stormtrooper Rebellion and we get Stormtroopers vs Sith Troopers and blowing up the tower
Poe leads the people against THe FInal Order and wins the fight
Rey brings Ben back to base and while the tensions are high between Ben, Finn and Poe. Poe gives a cheeky line about. "Ben? I never met a Ben before. It's an honor to meet the general's long lost son, it's a good thing you escaped that monster Kylo Ren. Right *winks*
Finn Simply shakes his hand and tells him, "what my co-general means is you have been pardoned by The Resistance. It was the general's final wish. " "I can't exactly forgive you, but saving Rey was the start in the right direction."
Where Rey, Finn and Poe get their big hug, Ben gets his big hug from Lando and Chewie
We would see our heroes part ways and a clear direction for their story
Rey is walking the path of the Jedi. She hears the force sensitives out there and they need her help. She starts by finding the boy on Canto Bight. "These are your first steps"
Ben is walking a path of atonement. Going from system to system wielding his mother's Lightsaber and father's blaster, flying The Falcon undoing the damage he's done as Kylo Ren to make things right.
Finn and Jannah are going to free anyone still enslaved to The First Order. Their fellow Stormtroopers and finding out who they are and where they are all from.
Rose leads a sanctuary for all the children and animals who have lost their families due to the war and helps take care of them, but also Rose would lead an attack on arms dealers and war profiteers who have profited off the war and suffering of the galaxy.
Poe with the help of Lando is going to build a New Order. A Republic that helps everyone, where everyone has a say and makes sure corrupt bureaucrats cannot corrupt the system ever again so nothing like The Empire/First Order can never rise up again.
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daintyqueen14 · 1 year
A Start Of Something New
After approximately 5 years, I am finally getting the treatment that I needed. Alhamdulillah.
I was diagnosed with Endometriosis (is a disease where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, causing pain and/or infertility) in the late of 2018. I had two Endometrotic Cyst removed from my Uterus. Both were growing on my Fallopian Tubes.
When I was first diagnosed with the condition, I had little to none information about the disease. All I could remember was the pain. So much pain. Accruciating pointy pain at my abdominan,back & thighs. There was one point in time before I went to A&E and was then diagnosed, I had troubel of walking properly. My legs were pulled down and that made me had a hard time. Those poking needle like pain drove me crazy.
Fast forward, after I had my cysts removed, I had a breakdown. The reality hit me. Knowing that every single time if I were to remove any cysts growing in me, my egg count will drop and that will eventually lead to difficulty to conceive. The thought of having to live with this disease for the rest of my life also made me feeling miserable.
For the past 5 years or so I struggled emotionally. My emotions were simply unmanageable. I am not diagnosed with depression but I was showing symptoms. I was simply miserable & lost. I could not accept the reality. I also struggled physically & it affected my livelihood.
I tried so many things to manage the pain, the nausea & vomitting. It was nightmare. I gave up everytime something does not go my way. I gave up everytime the pain got worse. The countless clinics & hospital visits irritated me. Like, when will this ever be over? Broken spirit,broken hope,unstable emotions and impatience were and somehow still lives within me.
The countless random Gynae & GP that I have visited could not give me definite answers or proper treatment or guidelines as to how I could manage the pain,the side effects as well as how to manage my emotional & mental health. I changed from one hospital to another.
With the new hospital,initially I was still seeing random Gynae and to me it was somehow waste of time. They kept telling me to keep taking painkillers and pills (similar to birth control pill) to manage my pain. Like, I am in pain now. I needed something immediate not for long term.
Finally, after so many years, I finally somehow see hope when the current Hospital I visit for check-up/follow-up has opened a Endometriosis Clinic. ALHAMDULILLAH. I can finally get consultation and proper treatment from an Endometriosis Specialist and not having to meet random Gynae everytime I go for check-up. A little side story on this, earlier this year my Uncle actually asked me how am I doing. He then suggested for me to find one Gynae and stick to he/she so I can have a more organised,detailed treatment plan. I was touched by how he genuinely is concerned about my health. Talking to him that day made me feel cared for and that I really miss my Dad. Oh yeah, a couple of months after I had my surgery, my Dad passed away. THAT was my second breakdown.
I completely lost everything the day my Dad passed away. EVERYTHING. Hope,spirits,love. I lost it all. The only one person whom truly cares & support me with everything in life left me when I was battling the disease. I lost my father, protector,my bestfriend. He whom accompanied me to check-ups ( I did the same for him), he whom send me to work, he whom brought Pisang Goreng home for me. I lost him. He is no longer with me now but I pray that we, the whole family will be reunited again in the highest of Jannah (Heaven). Aamiin.
Back to the Endometriosis Clinic story; I finally met and was consulted my an Endo Specialist. Her name is Dr Lim. She explained to me in detailed about my current state and she shared with me her treatment plans she has in mind. She given me medication that could help to surpress the Cyts growth also to manage the pain. Apparently I had taken the medication before after I had my surgery. She advised me to take this medication for 4 months till the next follow-up with her. In the mean-time, she has ordered me to go for a MRI Scan so she could have clearer view on what's happening in my body especially my uterus area.
Moving forward, I strive to be more positive thinking, more patient,more calm and poise. Well, I strive. I strive to make things happen. All those pin saving on Pinterest in regards to Endometriosis (pain management,diet etc), I am determined to follow them through. One step at a time that is.
🤲 Bismillah.💪 💛
P.S: To all my fellow Endo Warriors, keep your head held high. Do not fret. Have hope,keep calm and be happy. 💛
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Vampire!Hux x Stackhouse!Female Reader
A/N: So this is something I’ve been working on for a long time. It’s a Star Wars, True Blood mash up and I mean mash up. Like I smushed the two together, rubbing them between my hands making fanfiction breadcrumbs. We have Vampire!Hux 🤓 Shapeshifter!Poe and Werewolf!Kylo further down the line. Reader is the sister of Jason but trust me she’s not as annoying as Sookie (I couldn’t think of anyone to replace Jason because he’s the bomb so reader had to be a Stackhouse!) Bill doesn’t exist, because he too was annoying. I am posting this first chapter in celebration of @clydesducktape milestone celebration! Congrats Thia! I hope this is enjoyed.
Warnings: Not much for now, maybe some stalkerish behaviour from Hux. Mention of drinking, telepathic abilities. It will be a Darkfic and NSFW 18+
Word count: 4078
He’ll never forget the first time he saw you, the way your lips curved into a smile, how your eyes danced in the dim light of the club, the shape of your body, the sway of your hips as you walked and the fall of your hair with every movement of your head. He swore he could hear the strands as they settled softly. No, he’ll never forget the first time he saw you or the way your scent drifted over to him, carried on the rush of air when the club door opened. It was divine, he had to use all his self control not to rush over and steal you from your group of friends and have you in the office. His pupils dilated in a rush, if his heart beat it would be pounding in his chest, instead he heard yours; loud and clear, a steady beat in his ears drowning out all other sound. His nose flared sucking in as much of you as possible. Your blood sang to him, making you a beacon amongst the crowd; you smelled like sunshine, fresh flowers and grass, so earthy and light….you smelled like daylight. And he had to have you.
You shivered slightly looking at the gaudy neon sign on the side of the squat brick building. The night sky had begun to finally darken overhead and your excitement rose making you feel fidgety as you hopped from one foot to the other. You were surrounded by a group of friends who were all chatting excitedly about visiting the new vamp bar in Shreveport. You were intrigued, you’d never met a vampire before and now they were out of the coffin everyone wanted to meet one.
“You cold?” Shaking your head you looked up into the deep brown eyes of your friend Poe.
“I’m ok, just wish they’d let us in, you know?” He grimaced slightly.
“Not sure I’d wish for that.” You looped your arm through his and pulled him close, enjoying his warmth, Poe was always so hot, he was like your own personal radiator.
“Come on, we’re just here to scope out the competition, I’m sure these vamps have got nothing on us. I mean,” you gestured at the sign. “Look at it.” Poe smiled and dipped his head slightly causing his curls to cascade over his brow.
“Yeah maybe.” You shook his arm in an effort to get him to loosen up.
“What’s up? You were all for this earlier?” You asked, a hint of concern in your voice. He pulled his hand out of his pocket and gave his stubble a quick scratch and he wrinkled his nose.
“Ah, you know me, I aim to keep everyone happy.” You rolled your eyes, he was too much of a softy, a real push over.
“You don’t have to keep us happy! I can always report back if you don’t want to come in?” His eyes widened slightly and you could see the clench in his jaw as he pressed his teeth together.
“You’re not going in without me,” he rumbled. Your eyebrow rose at the gruff commanding tone in his voice, one you hadn’t heard before in all the years you’d known him.
“Yes boss!” Just then the door opened and a cheer rose up from the crowd outside. Jannah turned to beam at you as the line shuffled forward and you smiled back. You noticed Poe’s arm tense against yours and gave him a reassuring squeeze, his sense of unease was coming across to you the longer you had contact with him. Your barriers were lowering, whispers edged your mind and you tried harder to block them out. People streamed into the loud club, a tall blonde woman stood by the door watching everyone with a bored expression on her face until you reached the door. Her arm stretched out to stop you both entering, her eyes were bright as she scanned you both.
“ID,” she drawled, holding out a perfectly manicured hand, her fangs flashed when she spoke and you let out a giggle.
“Oh! You’re my first vampire!” You gushed as you dug out your ID. She pursed her lips and looked down at the card, cocking an immaculate eyebrow. “I haven’t been ID’d in such a long time! It’s so nice to meet you.” She sighed slightly and handed back the card.
“I can’t tell human ages anymore. You bloodbags all look the same to me.” Her blue eyes slid over to Poe when she spoke, a hint of smirk playing on her lips. “Go on in,” she drawled.
“Thank you!” Smiling broadly you dragged Poe in after your friends, it was dark all blacks and reds but you just assumed that was the commercial vampire aesthetic. The bar spread along the right hand side, the bartenders performing inhuman tricks and serving at superhuman speed. The middle of the club was made up of space to dance, punctuated by tables to stand around, a couple of poles flanked a stage and you couldn’t draw your eyes away from the scantily clad woman climbing up and down them with ease. Your gaze finally settled on the stage, a vampire, you assumed, was reclining in a deep red leather and gold chair. He had a shock of red hair that flopped over his brow giving him a soft appearance. His pale skin almost glowed from the spotlight that shone on him, his long fingers rested delicately on his lips while he surveyed the area before him, his bright eyes settled on you and it felt like all the hairs on your body rose at once making you shiver again. He lounged comfortably like a ruler regarding his kingdom in a dark suit, with a white shirt and a suit jacket in only what you could describe was a throne the longer you stared.
“If you’re not comfortable we can go,” said Poe and he moved to block the vampire from your view.
“Are you kidding? This is great!” You exclaimed. “Nothing like your bar though Poe, I’m sure these guys have got nothing on us, I bet they don’t even serve food,” you said leaning into him and whispering in his ear. He chuckled and placed a hand on your back.
“No, I don’t think food is a vampire’s, thing.” Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth with a hand to stifle a giggle.
“I didn’t think that through, did I? Anyway, let's get a drink.” The music wasn’t too loud and you were able to hold a conversation with your group of friends, Poe hovered closely by your shoulder as protective as always. He had his reservations about the vamps coming out to mainstream, he didn’t think they should have but you just thought it was exciting and brave of them to do so. You sipped your drink gazing around the club and tapping your foot to the music, until you found yourself looking at the stage again. The vampire’s eyes were trained on you with an intensity you’d never experienced before making your breath hitch in your throat.
It’s said that vamps have heightened hearing and you wondered if he could hear the increase in your heart beat, the rush of each pound as your blood coursed through your veins. You played with your bottom lip out of habit and he leaned forward in his chair, his blazing gaze never leaving you. Your lips parted and dragged in a sharp breath, your skin began to tingle, your heart fluttering erratically. It was so hot in here all of a sudden and you shifted under his intense attention trying to release some of the tension that had gathered in your body. Your eyes flickered as he stood up suddenly, your body seemed to cease functioning more and more the closer he got, your group of friends trailing off their sentences in awe. He drew level with you, his gaze still trained on you like you were his prey and he was stalking you. Not even Poe’s protective hand on your waist could break the spell you were falling under and everything dropped away the closer the vamp got. You reached out instinctively only to find his mind was empty, blank, silent and you felt your interest grow, the heat under your skin reached a fever pitch and you vaguely remembered to breathe. Your head swivelled to track his movement as he walked past you, finally pulling his bright gaze away from yours at the last moment and the noise of the club returned in a rush.
“Ok,” said Jannah. “What was that?” You frowned and shrugged.
“I can’t hear him,” you looked around, letting your barriers drop slightly. “I can’t hear any of them.” Poe frowned.
“You mean your….” you nodded, a relieved smile breaking over your face at the thought that if you were surrounded by vampires you wouldn’t have to exhaust yourself all the time by blocking out their thoughts. This was something you needed to explore.
The temperatures had soared today, after all the rain it was a relief to finally have some sun. You reclined in the chair baring as much skin as you could without being indecent, you couldn't explain it but the sunlight seemed to rejuvenate you, it warmed your entire body from the top of your scalp to the very tips of your toes, the heat curling around you, basking your skin in its vibrant heat. If you could lay here for the rest of your life you would, being outside, in the sun was the only real pleasure you got these days and you wouldn't give it up for anyone. The sound of large tyres broke your calm but you were used to it, you could sense his annoyance as he got out of the truck and you slowly placed your barriers back up, your brother's mind was one place you didn’t want to be. He called your name curtly and you sighed lightly.
“What’s this I hear you went to that fucking vamp bar in Shreveport?” He demanded loudly, making you sit up in annoyance.
“Would you keep your voice down? I don’t want Gran to hear!” You hissed. He looked around quickly before crouching down next to you, his short blonde hair seemed golden in the light, his eyes tracking over your body making you stick your tongue out at him. “You think I’d be sitting out here like this if I had vampire marks all over me?” You asked haughtily and he frowned.
“Stay out of my head!”
“I’m not in your head, moron. I know you.” He hummed in irritation and you settled back into your chair. “Is that all you came to say? To try and police me by making comments on what I do with my free time?” He said your name in defeat as he settled down in the short grass.
“You’re my baby sister, I just want you to be safe.” You looked over at him through the lenses of your sunglasses.
“I was safe, Jason. I promise, Poe came with me, and Jannah, Finn and Kaydel.”
“See, I wasn’t fucking told that. Why wasn’t I invited?” He whined.
“No, you just assumed I’d be stupid enough to go by myself, you weren’t invited because we went to scope out the competition.”
“Jason!” You both looked over at your Gran standing on the porch. “Get out of the sun kids, you’ll burn to a crisp. Come and have some lemonade.”
“You got any food Gran?” Your brother asked hopefully as he dusted himself off.
“I always got food for my growing boy, come on.” You slowly sat up, you didn’t want to go in just yet but you also knew your Gran would hound you until you had a drink and something to eat at least. You grabbed the dress that was hanging on the back of the chair and slipped it over your bikini before making your way indoors. You had a light lunch with Jason and your Gran before making your way upstairs to get ready for work. The water from the shower was cool on your sun heated skin, you took your time making sure you were fresh and all the dust from the dry ground had been washed off. You dried your hair and you pulled on your uniform for the bar thinking about how busy your shift was going to be tonight.
“I’m off to work Gran!” You said loudly as you grabbed your bag off the banister at the bottom of the stairs, dusk had fallen outside and your shift started really soon.
“Bye sweetheart! Say hi to Poe for me. I really wish you’d bring him here for dinner one night.” You leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek while rolling your eyes.
“Bye Gran,” you glossed over her comment with a knowing tone to your voice. “Don’t wait up for me.” You locked the door behind you and stepped down the porch steps to head to your car, your feet faltering before you came to a stop. Someone was standing in your driveway, blocking your route to the car.
“Excuse me? Can I help you?”
“I don’t know. Can you?” His voice was clipped with a heavy British accent, he had a large black overcoat on and his hands were clasped behind his back.
“Well I don’t know you’re just standing there,” you replied with annoyance. He turned slightly and the light from the porch fell on his face, you recognised him immediately as the red haired vamp from the bar. “How did you know where I live?”
“Phasma looked at your ID.” Right.
“Surely she can’t just hand out my information like that?” You could feel panic rising in your chest and you looked up at the house worried for your Gran’s safety.
“Don’t worry,” you shrieked loudly and backed up a few steps because he was suddenly before you looking down at you, curiosity marking his high cheek boned face. “I can’t get in without an invitation.” He stated, his red hair falling across his brow.
“So that’s true then!” You gasped, your hand clutching your top as your heart raced. He didn’t move, his light green eyes suggestively making their way down your body. “Stop looking at me like that,” you snapped.
“Why?” He didn’t sound like he was teasing, he was genuinely asking.
“Because it’s making me uncomfortable and you’re making me late for work.” You walked round him in a wide circle but he just followed your movements with peaked interest.
“He makes you wear that to work? Isn’t it a bit revealing?” He asked. You scoffed, shoving your key into your car door.
“Unlike what the women were wearing last night at your place,” you murmured to yourself.
“You noticed then.” You screamed again, he was so close, his voice bleeding smoothly into your ear as he leaned over your shoulder. You recoiled when he sniffed your hair, his eyes fluttering closed slightly. “What are you?” He whispered.
“I’m a waitress, who’s late for work. Now if you’ll excuse me…” you wrenched the car door open feeling relieved when he made no moves to stop you, the wheels kicking up gravel and dust as you pulled hastily away.
“You’re late!”
“I’m sorry Poe!” You threw an apologetic smile his way, rushing past the bar.
“Took your time,” said Jess as she winked at you. You stuffed your bag in your locker and hastily tied your apron before heading out into the diner. It was busy which for the business was great, but for your mind it wasn’t. It didn’t take long for your concentration to slip, you began rattling off orders before the customers had even opened their mouths making them eye you nervously. You plastered a big smile on your face and each time you did it felt like you were losing a piece of yourself. It was so tiring, blocking this many people’s thoughts from entering your mind all at once. Your break finally came around and you disappeared out the back door leaning heavily against the building.
“You taking a moment babe?” Asked Finn lightly as he stepped through the back door.
I knew Poe shouldn’t have taken her last night. She’s too pure for that vamp club.
“Yeah Finn, just having a breather, so loud in there tonight,” you said pointing with your thumb over your shoulder.
It’s not loud for me, you’re the one with crazy weirdness going on… Finn smiled and it was moments like this where you hated being a telepath. You hated not being able to completely block out your friends thoughts because it changed the way you looked at them in that moment. Other people’s thoughts aren’t meant to be heard. He threw some rubbish in the bin slamming the lid back down.
“I’ll see you back in there biatch,” he waggled his eyebrows, dragging a slight giggle from you before he disappeared back inside. You scuffed the dirt with your trainer wishing you didn’t have to go back in and face the stares and unheard comments of everyone around you. It was lonely being different, maybe that’s why you admired the vamps so much but then there were a lot more of them and everyone could see they were vampires. You told people you were telepathic and they recoiled like you had a deadly disease, because sucking blood was much better, you thought with a loud sigh.
Thankfully most of the diner had emptied by the time you went back in, you rolled your shoulders to try and ease the tension in your neck. Poe popped his head out of the office when you were refilling the salt pots and softly called your name with a jerk of his head.
“You looked tired.” He commented while closing the door.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I was late, the vamp from the bar turned up at my house,” you finished with a laugh turning to your cubby. “Not sure what he wanted, he didn’t even tell me his name. He seems a bit stuck up if you ask me….” Poe said your name with a hint of panic, his hands gripping you tightly as he spun you round.
“What do you mean the fanger was at your house? Which one?”
“Don’t call them fangers, and it was the red haired one never gave me his name.” He gripped you even tighter and you frowned. “Poe, you’re beginning to pinch…” he released you to run a hand through his messy dark curls.
“Damn! I knew we shouldn’t have gone! You, definitely not.” He muttered angrily and began to pace in front of you.
“Poe calm down, what’s the matter?” You asked, watching him walk up and down, you tried to get a read on him but Poe had always been one of those people who’s thoughts seemed to be fuzzy, out of focus almost. More images and feelings rather than words themselves.
“This is bad, what did he say to you?” You crossed your arms wondering why Poe suddenly made you feel like you’d done something wrong.
“I don’t know, we chatted.” Poe huffed, his hand rubbing over his face, he looked as drained and tired as you felt.
“That’s Hux, and if he’s shown an interest in you this is bad,” he explained.
“Well he can’t get in my house and he can’t bother me during the day so I think I’ll be just fine. I can look after myself.” You snapped, turning back to your cubby and grabbing your stuff. You hated how everyone thought you were some poor helpless girl that needed looking after and right now you could feel that rolling off Poe in waves. “I take it, can I go?” He nodded miserably and moved to the side letting you pass him, you caught the image of his truck just at the edges of your mind. “No, I don’t need a ride home!” You shouted as you left his office.
You sighed heavily and rested your head on the back of your seat, you weren’t sure why today had been far more exhausting than usual, maybe the unexpected visit from a vampire of all people had put you on the back foot. You turned the car on and headed home, when you pulled into the driveway you cast all your senses around but you couldn’t hear or see anything. Not that you would.
“Ok, he’s not here, just get out of the car.” You muttered, psyching yourself up to make the journey to your front door. You grabbed your bag and made it to the porch when a voice rang out behind you.
“What are you?” You turned slowly to see him standing at the bottom of the stairs, you saw he had a smart suit on under his overcoat, his hands still clasped behind his back, his head cocked to the side.
“Why don’t you go home?” You insisted. He had a confident air about him as he began to slowly climb the steps towards you, a smirk splitting his face. Again you couldn’t get a read on him, nothing in his mind, no words, emotions, images and you found yourself relaxing in someone else’s presence for the first time ever. He stopped a few paces from you when he reached the top step, his piercing eyes looking over you like he’d never seen you before.
“I could go home, but something draws me here.” He turned and faced the garden meaning you got a good look at his profile. Not being able to know what he was thinking or feeling you found out, put you at a disadvantage and even though it was relaxing you weren’t sure you liked it. He took a few steps along the porch, turning his back to you to look up at the sky.
“Well if that’s all you’re gonna say I’ll be heading to bed,” you told him.
“Humans….” he murmured. “Such basic creatures.”
“And you’re not?” You asked boldly, stepping forward. “From what I heard all you do is sleep during the day and drink blood.” He regarded you over his shoulder, the breeze sweeping in and ruffling his flame red hair slightly. You blinked and he moved, appearing before you like he’d teleported. You stumbled backwards and he followed you step for step, his eyes boring deep into yours until he had backed you up against the wall. “What do you want from me?!” you asked in a rush. He bent forward slightly so his nose just ghosted over your hair and you could hear him breathing deeply. He straightened, flexing his shoulders in a fluid movement, his pupils blown wide almost making his eyes appear black, his mouth opened and you jumped as the fangs seemed to erupt out of nowhere.
“You smell like sunshine…..” he groaned and placed a hand on the wall next to you, leaning into your space. Your heart rate rocketed, you scrunched up your face and turned away from him thinking this was it, this was the moment you were going to die. He was going to drain you and leave you here for your Gran to find in the morning. You felt his fingers on your chin and you gasped at how cold they were, leeching the very heat from your skin. Your eyes flew open to gaze into his, you felt like a rabbit caught in a pair of bright, intense headlights, although now he was only millimetres from your face you could see his eyes were a rich green grey colour and they were mesmerising.
“Your eyes…” you murmured without thinking and he stilled. He could have been a statue, his chest didn’t even rise and fall as if he didn’t need to breathe. The silence hung between you like a living thing, loud in the motionless of you both. You flinched when his fangs retracted, but he didn’t remove his hand from the wall or his fingers from your chin for a few more beats. Your hair ruffled in the wake of his sudden movement and you looked up and down the porch, finding yourself so very alone.
“What the hell….” you muttered, giving yourself a mental shake. Whatever this was, whatever was happening you didn’t want to be a part of it.
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sisterssafespace · 3 years
Salaam ukhti, I do not know what to do. I’ve been talking to a guy for a while now. My mother knows about him she’s happy for us to be wed. Alhamdulilah
So, this guy & I are from different cultures. I’m african he’s indian & I have no problem with that. In terms of his deen he’s perfect for me. The last step was for him to meet my father; I spoke to my father before they met told him he’s asian not african. He seemed completely okay with it at the time. Anyway, on the day he rang him and he hung up to call me. He said a lot of negative things I won’t repeat.
But, my issue is that he didn’t even try to meet him because of his ethnicity? The worse part is I have a strained relationship with him already (we don’t live together). So, the fact he couldn’t even meet a prospective guy for me his daughter his youngest child makes it worse.
Ever since then, we haven’t been speaking and he’s being really rude to me. Constantly making sly remarks about me because he asked what I did. I was angry because he knows he put me in a horrible situation. Since I had to go back to the guy to tell him my father couldn’t come because of an ‘emergency’.
My mother came up with the solution of her older brother going to meet the guy instead. To be honest, I understand why because my uncle speaks better english so they can communicate which I’m grateful for. But, it’s upsetting knowing my dad didn’t even try and I do not know if my uncle can even mehr me if my dad doesn’t say yes.
- ☁️
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu dear sister, I hope you are feeling better by the time you are reading this.
Let me start by saying that your ask hit a not close to home for I can relate on some points. Allahu al'mustaān.
Now, before getting into the story, let me just answer your last question about whether your uncle (brother to your mom) could marry you, if your father doesn't cooperate. Well, I know I clarified in the bio and the opening post that this page doesn't give fatwahs but this is not a fatwah as the fatwah is already there and all over the internet , and it's ' common knowledge ' unfortunately no, the brother of the mother doesn't have the authority to marry the girl off in Islam. In fact, there is a sequence or list of ' wali-s ' who can marry her and in case the father wasn't capable of doing that, then it is the paternal grandfather, then the brother, then the half brother (from her father's side), then her father's brother, then her father's half-brother, then her paternal cousin (son of her father's brother), then son of her father's half-brother, then in case all of them are not available or they don't agree, then it's taken up to the Judge. See, there is no family member from the mother's side in that lineage. Just to be clear.
However, we should consider alllllll the other options that you have before thinking of the worst case scenario, sis. Because even if your father wasn't the greatest man and you don't have the strongest relationship with him, you don't want to start this important chapter of your life on the wrong foot, by upsetting him more, or ruining your chances to fix things with him. It will only complicate the situation more. And keep in mind: it is not permissible to get married without a wali, as prophet Muhammad ﷺ said : There is no marriage without the permission of a guardian.
Now let's see what we are dealing with, I don't know the reasons why your father is having this position - but one can only imagine.. However, Islam is innocent from all these ideologies, interracial and mixed marriage were never a problem in Islam and Allah swt and his Prophet ﷺ never forbid nor advised against marrying someone from a different ethnicity. In fact, the Prophet ﷺ said : "When someone whose religion and character you are pleased with proposes to (someone under the care) of one of you, then marry to him. If you do not do so, then there will be turmoil (Fitnah) in the land and abounding discord (Fasad)."
So, if the only reason why your father is not approving of this marriage is that the potential partner is from a different ethnicity, then your father is in the wrong and he will be accountable on his part. But there isn't much you can do without his approval. So what can you do instead? Is there any uncles from your father's side? A grandfather? An authoritarian family member? Or your local Imam or someone that your father actually values and listens to that you can actually talk to? To convince him to at least give the man a chance? And yes your uncle from your mother's side could talk to the guy and get to know him and maybe then he could tell your father about his qualities and how he is in shaa Allah a perfect fit for you, but again, he can't marry you off.
Now, I am sharing with you the feedback of a sister who is Alhamdulillah in a mixed marriage, she has been thru your experience and is now Alhamdulillah happily married, may Allah bless her and her family : "I understand her pain. They're judging him before even meeting him.. I don't know if there's much she can do tho. I think it's most likely that her father needs time to get used to the idea. He didn't expect her to marry out of the culture, that's a hard pill to slick for a lot of elder people. The advice I can give is to give it time and pray for it. Intercultural relationships is almost normal for our generation but it isn't for the generations before us. We have to keep that in consideration.
Also, if her uncle gets to meet the guy, maybe he can tell her father how great he is especially when it comes to deen. And her mother knows her father the best, she can eventually also speak in on his mindset and make him see that he's wrong to judge someone he hasn't even met.
I pray that her father 'wakes up' and realizes that culture doesn't matter. The only thing that will bring them to jannah, is their deen, and alhamdulillah he's perfect for her deen-wise. May Allah ease their affairs and bring them together in marriage. ❤️"
I will finish with this meaningful insight from islamqa.org "While family members may think they are acting in the best interest of their children, there are many cases in which the refusal of parents is based on incorrect presumptions and understandings that stem from their own, distinct experiences and contexts that their children may not necessarily share.
In such cases, if someone does believe they have genuinely found someone suitable for marriage, whether from a different race/culture or not, and their parents still prove to be difficult, they should try to convince them with wisdom and tact, and take all appropriate means to make them see the merits of the decision.
Parents certainly have a right to be concerned about the future of their children, but since it is not the parents entering into the marriage, children also need to make sure they are not being forced into decisions that will adversely effect them in the future."
And most importantly (from the same source) "You should know that marriages are destined by Allah, All-Wise. So if this marriage is facilitated for you, then it will happen, and if not, then it won’t. And in either case, there is wisdom behind this that you are not aware of, so you should pray salat al-istikharah for ease in this matter if it should be good for you. It is best that you take the path of benevolence and kindness in these kinds of issues and don’t rush things lest you aggravate the problems."
To conclude, my dear sister, I KNOW that when we are inn love/ or when we start getting attached to someone, we let our imagination run wild, we build hopes and dreams involving them, we want to be with them asap and we let ourselves get carried away, I know for a fact that you'd want to rush things and just get married to this guy and get it over with, I feel you, I relate to you, I understand you perfectly. But sometimes that's not how life works for a) there's Allah's timing for everything and b) there's Allah's plan for us. We think we are choosing and we think we are planning but it's just an illusion, at the end of the day it's only Allah's plan that works. That's why I pray that your choice matches what Allah swt has already chosen for you, and your plan confirms with Allah's plan for you. Please please please pray Istikhara times and times and times again, tell your guy to pray Istikhara as well, and sis, duāa is your only way out of this. Try to pray Tahajjud (night prayer) if you can, I heard a saying a while ago that anyone who has any need from Allah swt should never miss a Tahajjud prayer. In the quiet of the last third of the night, when everyone else is sleeping, just you and your broken words and you crying heart sincerely and humbling asking for Allah's help and guidance. It works miracles ✨
In shaa Allah kheir my dear, may Allah swt guide you, and bring what's kheir for you closer, and grant you what your heart is wishing for. May Allah swt have mercy on your heart and not allow it to be broken over this matter. Ameen. 🤍
- A. Z. 🍃
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direnightshade · 4 years
I just can’t wait (for love to destroy us) / Chpt. 1
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As always, you can find this over on AO3.
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Soft jazz fills the space of the coffee shop that you find yourself in, and though normally you’d find yourself soothed and at ease with the melodic sound, today you’re nothing short of on edge. It’s your first day working for First Order Management, Boston’s largest hedge fund firm, and the last thing that you want to do is be late. Another quick glance down to your phone alerts you to the fact that you have all but twenty minutes left until your starting time—which means you have five minutes to grab your drink and head across the street if you want to leave a good impression.
But you can’t, you won’t get there on time, you’re sure of it, and it’s all thanks to the jackass at the front of the line who’s currently arguing with the baristas about his incorrect order.
“What I said was that I wanted a flat white. What you gave me was a blonde flat white.”
If your eyes could roll any harder, you’d swear they’d pop right on out of that head of yours. Pretentious asshole, you think to yourself, arms folding across your chest while your foot begins to tap against the tiled floor. You can hear the barista stammering their way through an apology, but the words that follow seem to ignite a heated flame in the man who’s order had apparently been so wrong.
“I c-checked the order. We did make you a flat wh—”
“You didn’t! I know the difference in the flavors, and what you gave me was incorrect!”
Another glance to your phone informs you that you no longer have time to mess about. It’s either get your coffee or leave, and you’re verging on being forced to accept the latter at this rate. With a frustrated huff, you lower one arm down to your side, setting your other hand on your hip just as you cock it out to the side. “Some of us don’t have the luxury of mucking about over frivolous things like which blend of coffee got used. Either take your coffee or go to the back of the line and try again. The rest of us actually have jobs to get to. On time, I might add.”
The back of the man who’d spent his time arguing straightens immediately, the fabric of the navy suit that he wears stretching across broad shoulders, and it’s then that you notice that he’s much, much taller than you’d initially anticipated. It takes him a moment, but eventually, he turns to glance over his shoulder, dark eyes locking with your own. You lift a single brow as if daring him to challenge you. The muscles of his jaw twitch with visible irritation, though he says nothing in reply. Instead he grabs his coffee and, without so much as a thank you to the barista, makes his way out of the coffee shop.
One final glance down to your phone alerts you to the fact that you’ve got all of two minutes to get your coffee and go. With an exasperated huff, you pivot on the balls of your feet and vacate the line to step back outside into the rush of people who filter up and down along the sidewalk amid the early morning rush hour. With any luck, you’ll be able to grab yourself some coffee from the break room once you’ve gotten settled into your first day of work.
Crossing the street, hurried steps carry you towards the grey steel high-rise that sits directly across the way from the coffee shop. Once inside, you take a moment to scan the board in the lobby that lists off each of the companies that reside within, spotting First Order Management almost immediately at the top of the board. The ding of the nearby elevator pulls your attention away from the board, and the moment that your gaze slides over to find the doors opening, you dart off in order to file in with a few other businessmen and women. Directing the individual closest to the button panel to push the appropriate floor for your departure, you wait patiently, gaze cast upward to watch the red LED screen above the door as it chimes when it passes each floor, stopping intermittently to let off some of the other passengers until it’s just you and one other woman remaining.
Your eyes drift downward to the button panel to find only one final button illuminated. “Looks like we’re headed to the same place,” you say, mustering up a friendly tone to hide the nerves that threaten to bubble up.
The tall blonde who stands on the opposite end of the elevator from you gives you a sideways glance before exhaling a less than enthusiastic hmph in response. The smile that’d found its way to the surface only mere seconds ago falters before you push it back up, extended a hand out to introduce yourself.
Again, the blonde gives you the same look as before, this time debating internally as to whether or not she’ll reciprocate the gesture. Eventually, she reaches forward to take your hand in her own, giving it a quick, albeit sturdy shake. “Phasma,” she says, the only word that she utters to you on the entirety of your trip to First Order Management.
You release her hand begrudgingly at her cold demeanor, but determined not to let her behavior ruin your day before it’s even really begun, you flick your gaze back up to the LED numbers that still tick up and up until you finally hear the familiar ding of the elevator. When the doors part, you let her step out before you, following behind Phasma until you reach the reception area. The woman behind the desk is decidedly more friendly than Phasma, the smile you’re greeted with one that you’re more than happy to return. Exchanging a greeting, you extend your hand and introduce yourself just as you’d done in the elevator. Jannah, you find out the woman’s name is.
“I’m a new hire,” you inform her as you release your hold on her hand, your own dropping down to your side. “I’m the new executive assistant for Mr. Ren.”
The smile on Jannah’s face instantly fades, and you watch as her gaze slides to the clock on her computer monitor. “You’re early,” she says, her gaze lifting to meet yours as the smile reappears. “That’s good. He’ll appreciate that. Follow me.”
As if on instinct, your hands smooth out the fabric of your skirt as you follow close behind Jannah, the two of you weaving your way through the office space until you reach a closed mahogany door. Jannah lifts her hand to knock her knuckles against the wood three times before a deep voice calls for her to come in. She pushes the door open and steps in, motioning for you to join her.
“Sir, your new Executive Assistant is here.” She introduces you by name, but her words fade into the background as your eyes widen at the sight of the man in front of you. It’s clear as day, the same recognition in his eyes as his own widen almost imperceptibly.
It’s the same blue suit, same broad shoulders from the coffee shop. No. No, no, no. This cannot be how you’d had your first impression.
One the initial, fleeting look of shock passes across his face, the corners of his mouth curl upwards into the beginnings of a smirk. “Yes, I believe we may have met earlier in the day.”
You can feel your face heat, embarrassment washing over you at how you’d spoken to him this morning. Clearing your throat, you put on your best smile and step forward, offering him your hand to introduce yourself, hoping like hell you could put this morning’s events behind you and start anew.
— — — — —
Tagging my fellow Kylo lovers.
@mind-p0llution​ @candycanes19​ @little-laamb​ @gurl-ly​ @duty-isnt-always-honour​ @prncess91​ @holacherrycola90​ @safarigirlsp​ @exit-goat​ @aloneandsleepless​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​ @maybe-your-left​
If you’d like to be added to the tag list, give me a shout!
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twomoonstwosuns · 4 years
right the wrongs.
back to you [series masterlist]
previous part  ·  next part 
pairing: professor!poe dameron x reader
warnings: swearing, angst/pining, age gap (reader over 18)
word count: 2.9k
a/n: i wanted to incorporate a little Poe POV, so hopefully this turned out ok! feedback is welcome and very much appreciated (thank you to all who have given me feedback so far, it truly makes me happy to know you’re enjoying this story).
i get to go to work thursday-saturday to prep a store for re-opening, so if you don’t see an update in my normal 3-4 days after this update, that’s why! 
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Poe sat at the desk in his office, twirling the pen in his hand as he rocked back in his chair. His office door was locked, any knocks by students and staff met by complete silence. There was work to be done, papers to grade, lesson plans to arrange, and an interview to prepare for. The hope was that he’d be able to get some work done, but it wasn’t effective. He had tried working at home and that didn’t work either.  
All he could see when he looked around his apartment was the fight you two had.
Poe was a little surprised to see you in class. He wouldn’t have blamed you for skipping; he didn’t feel like going to class that day either. It took every ounce of strength he had not to look at you during class. He naturally glanced around the room as he taught to make sure his students were paying attention, so he did have to look in your direction a few times. He was glad to see that you were avoiding looking at him. Poe didn’t think he’d be able to bear seeing the anguish on your face. It probably matched his, though he had to do a better job of hiding it.
Truth was, he was miserable being in a fight with you.
This was one of the cons of being in a relationship with you that he dreaded. Besides the fact that it was veryagainst the rules, if there wasany animosity between you, it couldn’t exist in public. Couples fought, it was natural, but you had to fake it. And it was much easier said than done.
Poe knew you didn’t mean what you said, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less. He wasn’t proud about his behavior either; of the comments he made towards you out of jealousy and frustration. You had been honest about your ex and he really appreciated that, yet he couldn’t help but get jealous. Was it the fact that you could be seen in public with him and have it not be a big deal or the idea that another guy could think of you the way he did that made him jealous? Poe didn’t know.
The only thing he did know was how quickly the evening had turned into a disaster. He had been excited to see you. He should’ve kept his jealous feelings to himself and let you show him the surprise you had underneath your dress. If Poe hadn’t said anything, you wouldn’t have said anything and neither one of you would be miserable. But the fact was, words weresaid and there was no way to take them back. He was stubborn; he wanted to see you so badly, but he also wanted you to be the first one to apologize.
There was something to be said that even though he was upset with you and had been hurt by you, all he wanted to do was see you, make up with you, and hold you.
He missed you. Plain and simple.
》 》 》
“Hey, it’s Jannah, leave a message after the beep!”
“You’ve reached Rose Tico. I can’t come to the phone right now but if you leave your name and number, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks!”
“Damn it,” you whispered, tossing your phone onto the counter. You’d never felt more alone than you did at that very moment. Karé was out of town for the weekend, you were barely speaking to Jessika, and neither of your best friends from high school was answering their phones.
You really needed someone to talk to.
It had been two days since you left Poe’s apartment and you didn’t know whether or not you’d get to go back. You almost didn’t go to class because you felt too cowardly to face him. But you did go and you could barely focus. You kept your head down the entire time, only looking up if you had to take note of something. At the same time, all you wanted to do was go up and hug him and not let go. You felt ashamed, hurt by the things you both said and even more hurt when he seemed to ditch his office hours after class. You could only assume it was because he wanted to avoid you.
You couldn’t stop thinking about what you said, how wrong it was for you to say.  Of course you didn’t mean it; you could never mean it. Except you did say it and now there was nothing you could do now but apologize.
But you couldn’t bear the thought of Poe looking at you with disappointment again.
That image of Poe was stuck in your brain, taking away your sleep and your sanity. A dull throb beat against your forehead from the crying and lack of sleep.
So you tried to distract yourself with baking.
The smell of chocolate chip cookies filled the kitchen. You’d been at this for hours, making batch after batch. There was something so satisfying about mixing ingredients together, pent up frustration coming out with each twist of your kitchen utensils. When you talked to Poe, whenever that might be, you planned to bring a batch as part of your apology, or to use as an icebreaker for what you knew would be a very tense and uncomfortable conversation.
A knock on your door brought you out of your reeling thoughts. Part of you wished it was Poe, but deep in your mind you knew he wouldn’t risk coming into an apartment building full of students. You opened the door and saw the last person you’d expect on the other side.
“Ben! Wh—what are you doing here?”
Ben, all tall and broad, leaned against the doorframe and smiled down at you. “I stopped by to see my mom and thought I’d take a chance and see if you were out of class.”
“How’d you know where I live?”
“I kind of asked your mom.”
You shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. Ben was nice. Ben was a friend. However, this was a little weird. His eyes wandered around behind you.
“Um, I’d invite you in but my roommate isn’t feeling well and she’s sleeping so I don’t want to disturb her.” It wasn’t a complete lie. Jessika had skipped her classes and stayed home with the beginnings of a migraine. With Ben showing up and saying these things, you weren’t comfortable letting him into your home.
“Would you want to go get coffee then?”
The idea did sound enticing. It would provide a distraction from Poe, if only temporary. And with all of your friends gone or not available, you could use a friend right about now.
“Sure, but I’m in the middle of baking right now. Could I meet you somewhere in like an hour?”
“If you don’t mind driving, there’s a coffee and tea bar about thirty minutes away that’s supposedly really good. My mom goes there all the time, I guess.”
You nodded. “Sounds good, text me the address.”
You bid him goodbye and shut the door, walking back into the kitchen and taking the cookies out of the oven just as the timer went off. You turned the oven off and leaned forward against the counter.
“Everything ok?”
Jessika emerged from her bedroom, hair still disheveled from lying in bed.
“Everything’s fine,” you answered, your tone colder than you intended. “Sorry if I woke you up.”
If Jessika did notice your attitude towards her, she didn’t mention it, instead shaking her head and standing directly across from you. She glanced behind you at the cookies. “You usually only bake when it’s a holiday or you’re trying to distract yourself.”
There was no answer from you, but it wasn’t a silence that told her to back off.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Poe and I had a fight.”
You blurted it out before you even processed the thought, the need to talk about it becoming so overwhelming. But you weren’t going into all of the details, the trust between you and your roommate still very fragile.
“We fought about my ex and then I said something terrible.” You took a deep breath, the exhale shaking a little more than you anticipated. “I’m a terrible person.”
“You’re not a terrible person,” Jessika immediately interjected, nearly cutting you off. “I don’t know what you said and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but people say things they don’t mean in the heat of the moment. That doesn’t mean they’re terrible people. We’re human and we make mistakes.”
Glancing up at Jessika, you noticed her looking back at you, the first significant eye contact you’d made with her in weeks. The double meaning didn’t go unnoticed by you and you gave her a half smile.
“Thank you,” you said softly, earning a small smile back from Jessika. “I picked you up some ginger ale and crackers when I was at the store. And help yourself to cookies.”
Jessika gave you a grateful smile before grabbing a glass of water and retreating back to her room.
It was dim, but a little bright light was peaking into your dark cloud. Maybe there was some hope for the both of you.
》 》 》
The café that Ben found was a family-owned, hole in the wall place with a cozy atmosphere. You always imagined these kinds of café’s in small towns across the different countries of Europe, which may have been why Ben had been drawn to it.
It was the kind of place you’d wish you could take Poe to.
Ben bought a cup of tea for you. You teased how much space he took up as he sat down across from you. Ben had always towered over you, even when you first met him in middle school. It wasn’t until high school when you became friends and became comfortable enough to make light-hearted fun of him for it.
You picked up where you left off at the restaurant, having Ben elaborate more on his travels since you had gotten through all of the reminiscing and catching up. As hard as you tried to stay engaged in the conversation, it got increasingly harder. You felt bad, enjoying yourself while you were supposed to be feeling guilty about the things you said. You kept glancing at your phone, having sent a text before you sat down telling Poe you missed him and wanting to know if you could talk.
You started to regret leaving your apartment. It was so much easier to wallow in self-pity when you were curled up in a blanket in the comfort of your own home.
“Earth to Y/N!” Ben snapped his fingers in front of your face and snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Everything ok?”
“Yeah.” Ben tilted his head in concern, the look on his face saying he didn’t believe you one bit. “Really, everything’s fine. I’m just tired. And a little stressed.”
“Do you want to get dinner tonight? Talk about it?”
Shaking your head, you gave him a sympathetic half smile. “I’m sorry, I can’t.”
“That’s ok, maybe another time,” Ben said. He eyed you cautiously. “Do you…ever think about what went wrong between us?”
You were waiting for this topic to come up. Truth be told, though you anticipated this conversation being a little on the uncomfortable side, you were happy it was brought up between the two of you and not when you were at dinner with your families. Your tongue pressed against the back your teeth.
“I don’t think anything went really wrong,” you answered after careful consideration, your fingers drumming against the side of your cup. “We didn’t fight, there wasn’t cheating…we were kids with our whole future ahead of us. We’d only been dating four months, whatever ‘dating’ meant as a couple of teenagers. And the marriage thing…”
“Yeah, not my greatest moment.”
You gave a light laugh, glad that there were no hard feelings between the two of you over your breakup. Ben suddenly placed his hand over the one that was wrapped around your cup of tea. You felt your whole body freeze.
“I want to try again,” he said softly, holding your gaze. “Us.”
You gulped as your smile fell. “Ben…”
“I’ve been thinking about it since I got back.” The pad of this thumb gently ran over the back of your hand. “We were good together.”
You pulled your hand back quickly. This was the last thing you needed to hear, your mentality already delicate between all the fights you had in your life right now.  
“Ben, I have a boyfriend.”
Ben sat back in his seat, studying you carefully.
“You didn’t say that at dinner,” he finally said after a few seconds.
“It’s still new. I didn’t want to share it quite yet.”
“You haven’t posted it on social media.”
“Stalking my social media now?” What was meant to be said in a joking manner instead came out irritated. “I’m not obligated to post my relationship status online.”
“No pictures either.” You knew Ben was testing you and you felt exasperation bubbling inside you at having to defend every statement you made.
“He’s a private person.”
“He a student?”
“No, he’s graduated already.” You crossed your arms defensively, leaning back in your chair. “Why the interrogation?”
“I’m starting to think this boyfriend doesn’t exist.”
“Well, he does.”
“What’s his name?” You kept your mouth shut. He could coax this information out of you, but you weren’t giving him anything else. “You’re not going to tell me his name?”
“Why not?”
“Because that’s my business.”
“He doesn’t exist.”
“Yes he does.”
“Then why won’t you tell me his name?”
“Because it’s my business, Ben!” You repeated, voice growing louder. A couple of other patrons turned to look at the sudden outburst. “You don’t need to know everything about my life. We are completely different people now.”
“Why’d you agree to this coffee date then?”
“I thought I was just getting coffee with a friend. Usually when two people are on a date, they both know it.” You stood up, quickly putting your coat on. “I think it’s best if you stop texting me.”
“Why? You’re boyfriend going to get jealous?” Ben was irritated. You were irritated. And you were done.
“He doesn’t control who I talk to,” you explained. “It’s because I’ve told you I have a boyfriend that I want to keep private and you don’t respect that.”
You stepped away from the table, but decided to turn back with one last thing to say. Ben had been watching you.
“You can believe he’s real or not, I don’t really care. But even if he wasn’t, the answer would still be no.”
With that, you walked out the door, the care you were taking to not slip on the slippery sidewalks preventing you from storming to your car like you wanted. As your car warmed up, you looked at the previous message you sent to Poe an hour earlier, telling him you missed him and asking if you could talk. It had been delivered, but not read. You texted him again, telling him you were coming over before tossing the phone into your purse and pulling out of the parking lot.
The wintry roads made you drive slowly, which gave you plenty of time to think of what you were going to say when you got to Poe’s. He had been right. There was no way he could’ve known, but he was right. And you were angry that he was right.
Had you led Ben on? You went over the conversations you had with him, trying to pinpoint where you might’ve been a little too flirty or accidentally touched him a little too friendly. And meeting up for coffee – you were practically on a date with your ex while you were fighting with your boyfriend.
You felt guilty, even though you were pretty sure you didn’t have to.
You were going to tell Poe everything. Honesty didn’t get you very far the last time you decided to tell the truth, but you didn’t know how much more you could keep bottled up. As messed up as it was, even if you got in another fight with him, at least you were in the same room as him.
Being upset was exhausting and distracting. You barely registered the music coming from the radio. You were only aware of other cars on the road when their lights blinded you as they drove in the opposite direction as you. You were consumed by your thoughts, consumed by guilt, and consumed by heartache.
It wasn’t until you slammed on the brakes and your car started spinning out of control that you realized how distracted you truly were.  
tag list [open!] - @ah-callie @darksideofclarke @gloomygoregirl @leilei-draws @imaginecrushes @i-ievu @brianamaree @yeeintensifies @spider-starry @krazykatkay456 @fanfiction-trashpile @afootnoteinyourhappiness @easterncryptid @my-child-gaara @myrandom-fandomlife @onebatch--twobatch @the-cry-of-youth @p3nny4urth0ught5 @porgiez @umchrisevans @galaxy-of-stories @seeking-a-great--perhaps @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @dameronsgalaxygal 
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desiraypark · 4 years
Love in Writing [Prologue]
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Series Summary: Friends since childhood and sweethearts since adolescence, Finn and Darla are now of age to court and eventually marry. But when Finn is away in the army, his “brother” and frenemy, Ben, snatches their chance at matrimony away.  Main Characters: Darling “Darla” Teven (Daughter of Dekari and Amala Teven) (Blk/F) Finn Okani (Son of the late Jace and Callila Okani) Ben Skywalker Solo (His Grace, the Young Prince) Setting: - Country of Alderaan - Not space - In a world comparable to the Western hemisphere of the Earth (but not Earth lol) - Starts in a time comparable to the early 1910s Disclaimer: Though set in a “historical” period, this series won’t be completely historically accurate. The series is more so “inspired” by the Western culture of the early 20th century, but much of the content is the result of my re-imagining and re-envisioning the era(s).  Categories: Angst - Drama - Fluff - Historical - Romance - Scandal - Smut  Content Warnings: Arranged Marriage - Backstabbing - Conniving - Deceit - Degradation - Infidelity
Though the original character will be forced into a marriage, I intend to avoid putting any non-con into this series.
(Prologue after break) 
The Debut Ceremony
My Dearest Finn,
My Love, I wish the contents of this letter were pleasant. The most horrific thing has happened. Ben has asked my parents’ permission to court me and they said “yes”! I am mortified. I miss you my Love and wish you were here to fight this with me. My parents said that they think you are a splendid young man and they adore you. But of course, a union within the royal family would be more beneficial to the Teven family. I can’t understand why Ben would do this. Surely, he knows that we’ve been in love since we were in secondary school. I know that you’ve shared your affections for me with him. Yes, I remember you telling me that he may harbor some resentment toward you, but I did not believe it was this strong. Princess Leia asked me if I was sure I wanted to court Ben. I’m sure that she, too, is aware of our affection for each other. But my parents burned into me with a mighty glare, striking the fear of the Maker into me. I said “yes”. But as you know, Princess Leia isn’t the final decision-maker. King Luke also sees benefit in a Skywalker-Solo-Teven union. My sweet Finn. I am sorry that I have to share this news with you in a letter. Please say a prayer for me, as I will continue to pray for you. But now, I fear that I pray for an end to this undesirable union in a not-so-pleasant way. I love you, Finn. And only you. Always.
Sincerely, Your Darling ____________________ THREE EVENINGS BEFORE
“Ladies and gentlemen, the highlight of our evening begins…”
“Ready to make ourselves available for sanctified deflowering, ladies?” Rey asked. Jenaveve pinched her daughter’s bare shoulder.
“Twelve gorgeous young ladies are ready to make their debut as women among King Luke Skywalker, his Royal Family, esteemed guests, and twelve Alderaan’s finest young men. Here they are…”
A violin played.
“First out, Estela Becall, daughter of Trevin Becall, escorted by her mother, Lumina Becall…”
The announcer--Prime Minister Tico, called the names of the remaining eleven young ladies, including his granddaughter, Rose. She was Rose Tico, daughter of Issak, escorted by her mother, Belle. Isaak Tico was a Navy general who wanted little to do with politics and the frills of the aristocracy. He was intent on letting his daughters, Rose and Paige, live relatively normal lives--but he wasn’t always able to escape the golden claws of his esteemed father. Rose took it all in stride. She was a perfect combination of her male descendants: fiercely independent like her father and boldly persuasive like her grandfather. And she was a humanitarian like her mother--dedicated to remaining on the right side of history. Now, here she was following Alderaan aristocrat tradition--her hair pinned up and body adorned in minimal jewels and a gown of Skywalker blue. 
Jannah Itanni--fourth in the debut line. She was the granddaughter of York Itanni I - the world-famous inventor and engineer, and daughter of his son, York Itanni, II. Jannah was very much like her father--an explorer at heart. Curious. Always ready for a new adventure. She didn’t hate the debut ceremony--in fact, she hoped to catch the eye of a young pilot who could teach her to fly--but she hated the rules and the consequences of unfollowed rules. So many unnecessary things, if you asked her. Rose and Jannah went to school with Rey Jakkan and Darling Teven. Rey was the youngest daughter of Markus Jakkan and Jenaveev Olvair-Jakkan (daughter of oil tycoon, Cyrus Olvair). She and Jannah were best friends. Whenever one was in trouble, the other one usually was, too. They often snuck out of their homes to meet each other. How they were able to do it so often without being caught, no one ever knew. Like Jannah, she hated all the rules and protocol of the debut ceremony--but unlike Jannah, who kept her complaints to low mumbles, Rey fought and protested the entire way. Ninth in the line (and alphabetically in front of Rose) was Darling Teven. Yes, Darling is her real name. But everyone (except her mother) called her “Darla”. Darla was the daughter of Dekari and Amala Teven--and granddaughter of Jahani Teven. Her grandfather was the founder and CEO of Eastland Preserves, one of the biggest dried foods manufacturers in Alderaan. Eastland Preserves also had storefronts in five of Alderaan’s major cities. 
Darla was just as mischievous as Rey and Jannah, but she did an excellent job of hiding her capers and quieting her quips. Always relaxed and easygoing, she knew when to play with the fire and knew when to step away. Naturally, Rose Tico was her best friend.
Twelve single young men stood in line to greet the young women with bows, kisses to hand, and hellos. If they didn’t know their names, they asked - but there were probably only two young ladies who were strangers to the Skywalker castle. For many of these young men and women had roamed the marble halls and plush grounds as children--passing the hours with boundless fun as their parents talked business, politics, or simple social affairs with King Anakin and Queen Padme, and for five years now, King Luke. Additionally, many of them attended the same prestigious academy. The young men traditionally lined up by titles and importance - royals first, the children of politicians second, and esteemed citizens (like businessmen’s sons) after. One by one, they chose their first dance. First in line was Prince Ben Skywalker-Solo - son of Princess Leia and Prince Han Solo, nephew of King Luke. This was his third time attending the annual debut ceremony. For it was no secret that the carefree young man wasn’t interested in a wife, but his parents forced him to participate. To at least look like he was trying to be an honorable man.
“Darling,” Ben said when he reached the Teven family’s only daughter. He bowed and kissed her hand, and she raised an eyebrow at him. The chandelier seemed to illuminate her and only her. She was always lovely, but the night’s air and the room’s airs made her radiant. “Benjamin,” she responded. He noticed Rose biting down a chuckle. “Ben is my full name, Darla.” “I know.” He smirked and walked to Rose. When greetings were done, Ben chose Rey to dance with first. He knew that she hated the entire affair and only wanted to antagonize her for it. Then, there was Darla--his final dance partner. Unofficial sweetheart to his unofficial brother.
“Darling Teven,” Ben said, as he took her hand. The second dreadfully long song of the evening began, and the two bowed and curtsied, and pranced into their waltz. “Why do you keep calling me that?” Darla asked. “Is your name not Darling?” “You have never called me Darling, Ben.” “Ben?” he asked, looking into her eyes. “Your Grace, you mean.” “You would love for me to call you that, wouldn’t you?” “I would. Just like I enjoy calling you Darling.” “All of a sudden...” Darla mumbled. Ben grunted and looked over Darling’s head. It required little effort--for he towered over everyone on the dance floor. “How is Finn? Do you still write him?” he asked. He met her eyes again. Darla was slightly annoyed by the question. She didn’t quite know why. There seemed to be a tinge of intrusiveness to it. He knew good and well that nothing could stop them from writing each other. “Of course I do. He is well. Ready for his advanced training soon,” she answered with a proud smile. “You don’t write him?” Ben shrugged. “He writes to his uncle. His uncle passes the messages on.” Darla nodded and they danced in brief silence. “So, how does it feel to be a woman?” he asked. She shrugged. “I feel no different.” “Oh. So I must give Finn some lessons.” Darla’s eyebrows scrunched together. “What are you talking about?” “Oh, you know. Sweet little harlot,” he said. Darla blinked in shock. “What did you call me?!” she growled. “Shh. Not in front of the guests, Darling,” he said with a grin. “Your secret is safe with me.” Darla huffed and suddenly began to sweat.
“Finn didn’t tell me, by the way,” Ben continued. “I knew when he left for the base. The way you two looked at each other at the station. The way he walked like he’d drank ten coca drinks. Where did you two go? His uncle’s barn?” "That’s none of your fucking business,” she said between clenched teeth.  Ben shook his head. “Language, little one. Language...” “Oh, shove it up your ass, Ben,” she whispered. He just laughed. “But you’re right. It’s none of my business,” he said. “It’s just such a shame that the Darling of Alderaan didn’t get her beautiful cherry popped by a man with more experience.” “You’re disgusting,” Darla hissed. “And I wouldn’t want my cherry popped by a worn out and used utensil, anyway.” Ben threw his head back to laugh this time. He looked back down at her. “Used? Yes. Worn out? Not even close. Darling.” Darla rolled her eyes. “When will this song end?” Ben glanced over the dance floor and ignored the pained and impatient expressions on his peers’ faces. “We can change partners at this point.” “Thank the Maker.” “I have to initiate the switch. Me being the more important bachelor and all,” he said. “Well. Initiate!” Ben bit down on his bottom lip. Dimples pressed into his cheeks. He kept waltzing with Darla. “You’re a torturer,” she said. “And Finn would kill you if he saw what you were doing right now.” Ben didn’t say anything. He just stared into Darla’s eyes. “Why are you doing this?” she asked.  “Finn isn’t the only person who thinks you’re beautiful, Darla.” Chills went down Darla’s spine. She swallowed. His confession was sweet but dripped with a sinister elixir. Surely, these feelings of his were new. If they were even genuine. “That’s kind of you, Ben. But Finn is the only man whose affections I desire.” Ben smiled. Then, his eyebrows knitted together. He nodded.
“We’ll see.” ____________________ Let me know in the comments if you want to be tagged in “Love in Writing”!
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dreamxeyes · 4 years
TROS Novel!
I just finished the entirety of The Rise of Skywalker novel in one sitting yesterday and I cried twice. I absolutely loved it.
Here are some highlights. Spoilers ahead!!!
Leia and Rey have a deep bond with each other. When Rey says, “I will earn your brother’s saber one day.” It’s not because she can’t wield it. It’s because it belongs to the Skywalker’s. It was never Reys. It was about respecting her current master, Leia, who believed she still needed training in the force. Using the force isn’t about being able to fight, it is also about learning to control your emotions. Rey was struggling with fear and often times went head on with things. Leia really was trying to teach her patience in the force. But she also sensed that Rey was struggling towards the dark.
The pacing was certainly better and we get more time with the resistance members, such as Maz, Rose, Connix, and even learn Beaumont’s role on their team.
Rose and Finn actually have some good moments. They actually hug before Finn leaves, and even Rey is jealous of their exchange (only because she was afraid Leia wouldn’t say goodbye to her). AND near the end, when Rose asked where Finn was going, he said, “Saving the ones I love.” And my heart melted.
Finn is such a good boy. He is perfect. I actually love him more and there were great FinnRey moments.
Obviously there is a ton of good Reylo moments and quotes. There interactions are actually more intense than I felt the movie projected, especially when they first interact. In the desert, both Kylo and Rey were relieved they did not kill each other and Kylo even felt he was being an idiot (yeah, he is a Solo alright). Also, it is confirmed from Kylo’s perspective that Rey has a “lovely” face. I’m dead.
When Palp tells Kylo there is more to Rey, he legitimately thought her parent’s were nobodies from the vision he saw, and thought he must of missed something, explaining the inconsistencies. So Kylo never lied to Rey. He just told Rey what he thought and only got a glimpse of her parents.
Lando actually had a daughter, but she was kidnapped by the first order as a child and it is presumed that she became a storm trooper. This opens up the possibility that Jannah could be his daughter, making their first meeting near the end more meaningful
We also get a Lando moment on the falcon as he goes around and looks throughout the ship and finds a holo memory of Chewie holding a baby Ben.
It is confirmed that Chewie was known to as “Uncle Chewie” from Ben Solo as a child and that Chewie helped raise and teach him things. He and Kylo have an encounter and it actually affects Kylo.
Leia and Han always loved Ben. They never abandoned him. It is confirmed that Snoke/Palpatine manipulated Ben’s feelings and made him think they never loved him. Ben realizes this truth on the death star after his mother reaches out to him. And even later he acknowledges that he was conditioned into believing that people hate him and was worried that Rey would leave him after he saves her.
Rey finding out that Ben and her were a dyad actually meant a lot to her after being alone most of her life. It is actually implied that they were always a dyad, but I know other sources say their connection happened when they first met, but who knows.
Palpatine literally does drain Rey and Ben’s power away from their dyad connection. This makes both of them weak, which is why Rey died because she used the rest of her strength and power. However, she had some “spark” left as Ben held her. This is also the reason why he died because his power was drained as well and he used up all he had to save her. Essentially, it was all Palps fault. EVERYTHING.
Rey was actually mad that Palp threw Ben down the pit. She wanted to scream, she just couldn’t because of being weak. She also tried sensing his life force. Ben’s death was certainly done a bit better and we do get some closure between the two.
Now the dreadful ending was certainly better explained, when Rey visits Tatooine, she is only going there to bury the lightsabers. Luke’s force ghost actually allows Rey to go ahead and take their name, so it was given, not stolen. The old lady she met was even like, “oh okay, see ya.” and Rey and BB8 are on their way leaving to go back to their friends, so she wasn’t planning on living there alone. Even BB8 was sick of the planet and complained about the sand. She then thinks about her friends and even Ben and they are just admiring the sunrises (not sunsets) before they head off.
It is discussed early on that Rey was already building a light saber for herself and when she encounters her dark self, the red lightsaber her vision had was actually the original idea Rey had for her own lightsaber and I thought that was neat.
I would also like to point out that Rey’s favorite color is green and loved the planet their base was on, so I doubt that Rey ever wants to live on a desert planet again, so I think it’s safe to know that Rey was not going to stay on Tatooine and this makes me feel better.
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zainclaw · 4 years
Finn & Poe in TROS :
I’ve already declared my love for TROS, despite it’s obvious flaws, and I’m finally done crying about it, so now I’m here to talk about my more Finn/Poe centric feels. I’m gonna talk about some of their moments that I really liked, and how I “interpreted” them, I suppose.
I’m just here to appreciate what JJ Abrams -- who would’ve made Finn and Poe canon if Disney had fucking let him -- did manage to give us.
# Them being a great fucking team on the Falcon in the very beginning of the movie. I was just excited to have Poe finally flying the Millennium Falcon, but to have Finn behind the gun, making it a direct parallel to the very first time they met and escaped in a TIE fighter... I got really emotional about that. Finn was so much more confident this time around, him and Poe having the same thought. This scene really displayed how familiar they are with each other these days, and how many missions they’ve been on together before this.
# “Bad mood?” “Him? Always.” Again, the familiarity. Poe is dealing with a lot of anger in this movie, which, in my opinion, finally leaves him mainly thanks to Finn. (More on that later.) But Finn knows how to handle Poe’s bad moods, all too used to it, and it never comes in the way of their bantering. Finn has plenty of sassy comebacks for Poe, which is a development of his character and him finding his own personality that I really like.
# When they’re being chased by Stormtroopers out in the desert, and Finn only has to call out “Poe!” for him to execute the rest of Finn’s unspoken plan. Just like they had the same thought when dealing with the TIE fighters in the opening sequence, only this time they didn’t bother telling each other “I was just thinking that”. They just did it.
# Finn wanting to hold everyone’s hand. Ever since The Force Awakens, when he keeps taking Rey’s hand, I always figured this was just who Finn was as a person. Someone with so much compassion and affection, despite years of brainwashing, which ultimately lead to him managing to break free from his conditioning and escape The First Order. My head canon has always been that Finn likes to hold hands with the people he cares about, and the way Poe asks “hands?” when Finn holds out his hand towards him, and just responds with “hands.” really speaks for how many times he’s done this before. With Poe specifically. And I fucking love that.
# Poe being curious about what Finn wanted to tell Rey, and Finn not wanting to tell him. Because, thanks to John Boyega, we know for certain that Finn meant to tell Rey that he’s Force Sensitive. Thing is: Poe isn’t the biggest fan of the Force -- didn’t see the importance of Rey staying at base and training with Leia instead of running missions with them -- and Finn knows this. Which is why he initially wants to tell no one but Rey, because he knows she’ll understand.
# Finn saying The Force is what brought him to Rey and Poe, when admitting to Jannah that he can sense it. Because she can feel it, too. That? Like I can’t even handle that. 
# Finn finally trying to tell Poe that he’s affected by the Force, that he knows what Rey has to fight against, when they’re arguing on the hill. However, I can’t tell if Poe understands what Finn is trying to tell him, since the mention of Leia knowing what Rey and Finn are going through clearly upsets him.
# Poe snapping at Finn that he’s not Leia, to which Finn agrees, only for them to return to base and learn that she’s no longer with them. The look on Poe’s face when Finn, clearly upset, agrees that he isn’t Leia, is... painful to say the least. But I think this was the turning point for Poe’s anger. Leia was a great general who lead them through many battles, and Poe suddenly being faced by the fact that she’s gone, and that he’s supposed to take her place as the leader of the Resistance, accompanied with Finn’s disappointment with him from before, becomes a little too much. He’s not Leia, just like he said, but now feels like he should and maybe needs to be.
# Lando finding Poe talking to himself next to Leia’s covered body, giving him the speech about how none of them -- him, Han, Leia and Luke -- had to do it alone. They had each other, and that’s why they could do what they did. Which Poe’s immediate response to is seeking out Finn and tell him “I can’t do this alone” and appointing him to general alongside him. Putting the two of them in charge of the entire Resistance army.
# “General.” “General.”
# Them talking to their forces as a united front, discussing strategy and plans. And then, when they’re still surrounded by everyone, Poe meets Finn’s gaze and holds it, showing no sign of the stress or frustration that he’s been battling for the entire movie, as he tells him: “Then we go together.”
# Poe riding with R2D2 in his X-wing for the final battle, leading their team of pilots, while BB8 is with his second dad Finn who’s leading the ground team.
# Finn successfully blowing up the command deck of the big Imperial ship, and Poe being so damn fucking proud with the biggest smile on his face, oh my god.
# Poe being told that Finn is still on the Imperial ship that’s burning, and that all the other ships have left, and doesn’t even blink before he’s rushing back into the chaos to try and save him, despite his X-wing not being fast enough. This whole thing went by pretty fast, so it’s easy to underestimate the importance of it. But Poe turning his ship around and heading back to where enemy ships are still blowing up is kind of a big deal, especially him being the one of two generals who’d already made it out of immediate danger.
# Finn and Poe embracing on the ground after the battle, which is yet another parallel to them reuniting again in Force Awakens. The smiles on their faces, the way Poe cups the back of Finn’s head and buries his face into his neck-- I don’t even know what to say about that. Other than the fact that these two men clearly have so much love and care for one another, and now that the fighting is finally over, they’re gonna have the time to talk things out, to get to know each other outside of the frontline of a war.
# Finn holding the two people who mean the most to him in the whole universe close while tears run down his face. The two people he believes he only found thanks to The Force.
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fireinmoonshot · 4 years
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PART ONE | PART TWO | PART THREE | PART FOUR | PART FIVE Summary: Armitage Hux finds himself strangely fascinated by you, a Resistance fighter and pilot, even though he knows he shouldn’t. You know that there’s much more to him than you see on the surface. Pairing: female!Reader x Armitage Hux Fandom: Star Wars Word Count: 4273 Warnings: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER SPOILERS A/N: I got thinking today and realised that most of my multi-chapters before have been between seven and eleven parts in length... and this one is going to be way longer. I planned most of the future of the fic out this afternoon while stacking shelves at work and I can easily say there will be parts into the late teens... definitely don’t want to rush this one, and Hux isn’t one that can be rushed! But for now, please enjoy the sixth part – this is the longest one so far and also my favourite to write so far! Read it on Ao3 here.
When Poe informs everyone that you’ll be arriving on Ajan Kloss within a matter of minutes, Armitage takes a deep breath to try and steady himself. He runs a hand through his hair, which is no longer as perfect as he had made it look that morning. With the escape, the crash landing on Kef Bir and the wind on the ocean moon, some of the hair had escaped its confines. He doesn’t quite care as much as he thought he would and happily messes it up a little more in his stress. There’s nobody here to judge him for hair that isn’t perfectly gelled, though he does feel a little like an officer could turn a corner at any second and ridicule him for it.
You’re sat beside him, eyes scanning the pages of a book you’d found on the ship not long after leaving Kef Bir. You’ve been reading it most of the way back, and Armitage has been carefully and quietly sneaking glances at you. The words he’d heard you speaking to Jannah, the woman on Kef Bir, were not missed by him. He’d heard them – several of them. You considered him a friend, and he’d never really had one of those before. He supposes that he considers you as one too.
He watches you as you finally close the book and then stifle a yawn. As you sit the book down on the table and then turn to him, meeting his eyes and catching him the act of him looking at you, his cheeks redden a little and he looks away.
“Are you ready to meet the Resistance?” You ask him, crossing your arms. He’s nervous, and you can tell – not only because he’s been anxiously bopping his knee up and down for the last ten minutes or so.
Armitage finds himself nodding.
“They might take a bit of convincing to trust you, Hux. They’re a good bunch, all of them… but none of them have a particularly good impression of you, what with everything they’ve been through with the First Order these past few years… but give them time. They’ll warm up to you, just as I did.”
He believes you on that, and he tries to focus on your good words, but his mind stalls on one thing in particular – you called him Hux. And he’s suddenly struck with a strange dislike for the name.
“Call me Armitage, if you would.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “Don’t you usually prefer Hux?”
“You called me Armitage once before on Steadfast. When we left,” he reminds you. “Hux… it was my fathers surname. He wasn’t a particularly kind man. Hux… the name Hux, it commands a certain kind of feeling, a certain kind of responsibility and title that I don’t think I want to carry with me into the Resistance. I have been General Hux to everybody in the First Order for years now, and that name holds something dark, something I think I want to forget… being just Armitage… it could be the change I’m looking for.”
It feels strange to ask something like that of you, and he worries for a moment if he’s doing wrong by asking you and confiding so much personally in you. But then you nod at him, and he sees a look in your eyes that makes him want to smile and crumble, both at the exact same time.
“Armitage it is, then.”
As you enter the cockpit, you can see Ajan Kloss in the distance. It fills you with a sense of peace as you slowly advance towards it, towards the place you call home. It’s been a long few hours, and you’re ready to just retire to your quarters and take a second to breathe and relax in comfort before jumping back into everything.
Poe looks up as he hears you. “We’ll be landing in a minute. Finn and I were talking before, we’re going to go and tell Leia about what we found on Kef Bir, about Rey, and then I’m going to go to the infirmary to get patched up,” he explains. “You should head there straight away.”
You furrow your eyebrows and shake your head. “Yeah, that’s not happening.”
“It isn’t?”
“No,” you shake your head again. “I’m coming with you all to talk to Leia. I need to introduce Armitage to her, to tell her that he was the spy. To explain why he’s with us. I need to break it to the Resistance. I’m not just going to leave him to fend for himself, no matter how injured I am. And the pain isn’t too bad anymore. The rest on Kef Bir must have done me some good.”
Poe doesn’t seem too impressed, and you understand. He’s protective of those he cares about, and you slot into that category. Ever since you met him and joined the Resistance with him, since you started flying in his squadron. But he understands. You see that in his eyes as he looks back at you, narrows his eyes and then nods.
He turns back to look out at Ajan Kloss as you slowly begin your landing – it’s bound to be a much safer, softer landing than the one on Kef Bir so you don’t bother bracing yourself or finding yourself a seat to settle in. Then, without looking at you, he speaks.
“You called him Armitage.”
“He asked me to.”
The Falcon settles down on the ground of Ajan Kloss. He glances back at you.
“Just… be careful. I trust you, and if you think he’s good, then I think he is too. But… be careful. For your sake. For your safety. And for the sake of everyone else’s.”
Armitage stays close to your side as you all exit the Falcon. It’s his first look at Ajan Kloss, the planet you call home, and he’s surprised by it. He didn’t expect it to be this green, this… open. It’s been a while since he’s been in a place this full of colour and this full of light. He would almost call it beautiful, though the word seems foreign when he thinks it.
He knows he looks out of place on the planet next to you. You, in your dark green and browns. Him, in his black. The only parts of him that are no longer First Order regulation are his hair and his allegiance. He watches as people catch sight of him and sink back into themselves. He slightly self-consciously tugs on the bottom of his coat in an attempt to assert some kind of dominance, and then he stops. That’s not what he’s here for. That’s not him anymore.
You glance back at him as Poe, Finn and Chewie push past a Resistance commander he doesn’t recognise, but you do – Larma D’Acy. He gives you a small nod, a nod of reassurance, or the best he can manage of one. This place, it’s your home. The place you command respect. He refuses to let you sink down so low as to be someone like his keeper. To have to constantly be checking on him. You deserve better than that.
“We’ve gotta see the General,” he listens to Poe say to the woman, and he notices how you give her a tight-lipped smile as you slip past her with Armitage in tow.
But then you stop as she suddenly speaks, and he forces himself to a stop just in time to not run into you.
“She’s gone.” The woman says.
He spins around and looks at her as Poe, Finn, Chewie and you do the same.
“What?” Your word is merely more than a breath, and only Armitage hears you because he’s standing so close to you. It goes unheard by everyone else.
And for a moment, Armitage is confused. Gone? As in, gone to see someone, to do something – off planet, perhaps? But then he hears Chewie bellow, and he watches as you stumble sideways away from him and brace yourself on the ladder leading up to the X-wing beside you. He watches how Finn buries his face in his hands and how Poe tries to comfort the wookiee before being pushed away. And he knows that gone means something different to you.
Not gone briefly. But gone for good.
He watches you carefully. As you stand, hands on the ladder, and shudder in your grief. You’re crying, he knows that much. But he doesn’t know how to comfort you. He’s never been good at comfort, and part of him wants to walk over to you, to just try, but the part of him that wins out is the place within him that fears for you pushing him away.
And so he stands still. Allows himself to keep his distance. To let you and the others sit in your grief for a moment without interference. The woman stays standing and watches alongside him, and she gives him a strange look, but the look disappears soon after.
There are more important things to worry about than him right now.
He’s surprised at how quickly you compose yourself. Eventually, Chewie joins Finn and Poe and they slowly make their way back to the centre of the base in silence. Poe gives your shoulder a squeeze as he leaves, and it’s only minutes later that you’re standing up a little straighter and taking a deep breath. Armitage watches as you rub your face with your hands to remove the remaining tears as best you can, and then you turn back around and face him.
Your eyes are bloodshot and red, and his heart twinges.
“She was like a mother to me. That’s all.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself.”
That earns him a look of relief.
You take another deep breath and then glance off to the side. “I’ll introduce you to the rest of the Resistance soon. I’ll make an announcement. I just need a second to…” You drift off and pause for a moment. “I’m going to go back to my quarters. I’ll find you some clothes and you can freshen yourself up before I introduce you. Come on, I’ll take you the quick way.”
Armitage joins you and walks alongside you as you lead him around the base. He takes in as much as he can – the people, the locations, the green of it all. It’s entirely different to the First Order, and he hopes that he can one day find a sense of comfort here that he never found in the First Order. He ignores the eyes that fall on him and his obvious black uniform and tries to focus on the future – soon enough, he will be in the Resistance completely. Soon enough, he will properly be fighting alongside you. Not flying, but fighting.
And then, moments later, you’re pushing a door open, welcoming him inside your quarters, and the first thing his eyes fall on is the First Order uniform he’d given you sitting by the end of your bed, folded neatly.
“I knew you didn’t forget them.”
Your eyes fall on the uniform and you chuckle. “It was a choice I made, to not wear them.”
Armitage scans your room. It’s small, much smaller than his quarters back on Steadfast, and he’s surprised by the size of it. It looks like you’re yet to really make yourself at home. The only personal items he sees are several of the small devices he’d given you over the months to give the Resistance information, and your clothes folded on a table beside your bed. There’s a small framed photo above your bed, but he can’t make out who’s in the photo from the door.
“There’s a small bathroom in there where you can freshen up. I’m going to go and get you some clothes. I’ll leave them on my bed and wait outside for you,” you explain, and then you’re gone, leaving him alone in your quarters.
Hesitantly, he wanders towards the room you’d motioned to and sees himself inside. There’s a shower, and he takes full advantage of it, and when he walks back into your quarters he sees the Resistance uniform sat on your bed like you’d said it would be. He picks up the clothes. They fill him with a sense of something he’s never felt before. And he pulls them on and finds himself surprised by how much more comfortable they really are compared to his usual First Order garb.
It’s only about twenty minutes after he first entered your quarters to when he opens the door and walks outside to find you leaning against the wall, fiddling with a bracelet around your wrist. You glance up at him as you hear the door and involuntarily gasp.
Armitage looks like an entirely different person.
He looks less harsh in the browns and greens of the Resistance. He looks much more comfortable. The trousers are a little tight on him, and the shirt a little short on him due to his height. But it suits him. The Resistance look suits him. And his hair– he’s entirely washed out the gel. His red hair falls over his forehead, and it’s a little longer than you thought it was without the gel in it, holding it in place. It looks… surprisingly soft, despite the darker patches which are still a little wet and drying. He looks entirely Resistance worthy.
You clear your throat. “How does it feel?”
He looks down at it and attempts to smooth his shirt down. “Scratchy.”
You laugh at that. “I never denied it.”
Then, you step forward and surprise him by straightening up his uniform a little. He looks lopsided, and the collar of his shirt is buttoned up so high it looks a little like he has no neck at all.
“You’re not First Order now. There’s no need for you to choke yourself with a buttoned up shirt. We’re a lot less strict on the uniform policies here, I imagine.”
He tenses up a little as you start to unbutton the first few buttons on his shirt, and for a moment he thinks he stops breathing entirely. You’re standing closer to him than you’ve ever been before and he’s not sure what to do with that information other than pause. When you’re done, you take a step back but your hands fall onto his shoulders as you survey the look. Then, you nod.
“Better. Much better.”
One of his hands goes to toy with his collar. It’s much looser than he’s used to. He feels strangely exposed… but he also feels freer than he’s ever felt before. It makes a surprisingly nice change from the uniform he’s been wearing for years. He finds he likes it.
He meets your eyes. “Thank you.”
“Oh, only doing my job to make you fit in.”
“No,” he shakes his head. “Thank you for offering your hand.”
Your lips twitch into a smile. “Thank you for taking it.”
Armitage is nervous. He can’t bring himself to admit it to you, but as you take his hand and lead him towards where Poe has assembled the entire Resistance, he has to force himself to keep his feet moving. This moment, it’s make or break.
You fix him with a reassuring smile as you stop in front of the Resistance, and as you drop his hand, he quietly wishes you hadn’t. But he pushes the thought of his mind as soon as it entered and, instead, focuses on the way everyone is looking at him. He feels different, better, in his new Resistance uniform, but he can tell that everyone thinks it’s a facade of sorts. That he’s wearing it to fit in. He knows that several people probably just think he’s planning on taking them down from the inside. He, and you, are the only ones that know for sure that he isn’t.
He stands up straighter and remains by your side as you look around at everyone.
Then, you speak. “You all have probably seen him by now, and I know there are rumours floating around about why he’s here. I’m here to set those rumours straight,” you begin. “Armitage Hux, previously known as General Hux of the First Order, has been spying on the First Order for the Resistance for months. He’s the spy that I’ve been flying out to meet with and the one I’ve gotten all the information from.”
In the distance, someone loudly protests. Armitage watches as you shut them down with a look, and he’s impressed at how you take charge. At the respect you command among the Resistance. It’s a side of you he’s never really seen before – a side of you that he’s known has always been there, but one he’s never been able to see in all its glory. He likes seeing it.
“When Chewie and I were taken captive by the First Order, and after Poe and Finn came to rescue us with Rey, Armitage helped us. He helped us escape, and in return I offered him a chance at a new life. A chance at a life within the Resistance, helping us take the First Order down.”
“How could you do that? He’s killed us before! He’ll do it again!” Someone yells. He can’t see who they are or where they’re coming from, but their voice ignites a few cheers of agreement from people around them.
Armitage’s straight posture slumps a little.
You step forward and raise your voice equally. “We’ve lost too many people already! We’ve fought enough! I can’t force you to trust Armitage, but I can ask you to trust me. I know who he is. I know who he is now. And he is here, in our uniform, willing to help us win.” You glance back at him and he nods.
He’s not sure if it’s the right time, nor is he sure if it’s what you want, but he does it anyway. He steps forward, looks around at the Resistance, and decides to address them for the first time.
“When I first started sharing information with you, it was born out of a hate for Kylo Ren. I still remained loyal to the First Order, but I wanted Kylo to lose. I didn’t care for who won,” he speaks, and it’s the first time he’s spoken in this way since leaving the First Order. He commands no respect here, only hatred and minor fear, but he says it anyway. “Over the months, in meeting with her,” he nods towards you, “I have learnt to support the Resistance. I still want Kylo to lose. But now I wish for the Resistance to win. And I am here, alive, thanks to her allowing me to choose a different life. A different path. I intend to fight for the Resistance, and I am here asking you to let me.”
There’s silence after his words, and he steps back and wonders if he shouldn’t have said anything. If his words were just said and not heard. But then a woman he recognises steps out from the crowd and fixes him with a look. He doesn’t remember her name, but he’s seen her before – a year ago, he’d nearly killed her with Finn by her side. His resolve crumbles a little.
She looks between you and Armitage, and then she nods. “I can’t trust you, Armitage,” she speaks, and then looks at you. “But I can trust you. People can change. I trust that. And if we turn away someone wanting to help us, what sort of people are we? No matter where they come from. If we turn them away, we’re sinking to a level I don’t think any of us want to be at.”
You smile proudly at Rose and make a note to thank her later.
When the Resistance disbands and goes back to work, you take a moment to turn to Armitage. His appearance is still strange for you to take in, but it’s slowly becoming normal to you, to see him so similarly dressed to you. And you’re proud of him for stepping up and talking to the Resistance, explaining so you didn’t have to.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” You cross your arms and look up at him.
He raises his eyebrows. “I thought I was about to be kicked into the nearest X-wing and blasted off into space for a moment, but no, not so bad.”
You flash him a grin and then glance over to where you see Poe’s retreating form – he’s going to where Leia’s body is. “You know the way back to my quarters, don’t you?”
Armitage nods.
“I’m going to go and talk to Poe. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes, tops. Wait for me there, would you? We’re going to have to sort out a few more things,” you hum.
He watches you as you jog off after Poe – your side, he supposes, mustn’t be causing you too much pain anymore after you got it patched up in the infirmary before the meeting. And then, when you disappear, he sighs and turns.
Armitage takes a second to look at the Resistance around him. His new home, if he could call it that yet. But the place he’s supposed to find comfort. There are less eyes on him this time as he walks on his own back to your quarters. He knows that has to do with you. And he’s thankful.
Poe taps his fingers together as he stares at the sheet covering Leia’s body. You’re sat beside him, legs crossed on the chair you’re sat on. It’s been a few minutes since you joined him, and neither of you have said a word.
You both find just sitting in her presence is as calming as it always was.
She had been like a mother to you both when you joined the Resistance. And when you’d doubted your flying ability when you accidentally nearly cost a member of Poe’s squadron their life on a flight drill, she had been the one to assure you that you were a valued pilot. Her belief in you had been what forced you to keep trying. To keep pushing yourself to be better. To become the pilot you were today – unafraid, willing to do whatever it took, ruthless, when necessary.
You owe that to her. You wish she knew it.
And most of all, you wish you could tell her about Armitage. About his spying for you, and about how much you’d grown to like his company. How it surprised you – how he surprised you, nearly on an hourly basis these days. How he had come to be a person you considered a friend.
You’re grateful that you at least can share that with Poe.
It’s nearly like he can hear what you’re thinking when he finally breaks the silence and meets your eyes. There are tears in his, and they take you aback, but he’s blinking them away before you can mention them.
“You held your own out there… when you explained everything to everyone. I think Armitage was impressed with you. I was too,” he pauses, and then looks back at Leia. “I think she might have made a mistake in naming me General instead of you.”
“Leia knew what she was doing.”
“Yeah? It doesn’t feel like it.”
You sit up straighter in your chair and knot your hands together in front of yourself. Poe doesn’t look at you as you look at him. He doesn’t take his eyes off of Leia, but you know he’s hearing you when you speak.
“You’ve technically been her second-in-command for over a year, Poe. You’ve been leading missions, saving people. I would never have even met and started communicating with Armitage if you hadn’t made contact with Boolio,” you tell him. He’s the best damn leader the Resistance has now that they no longer have Leia. You only wish that he could see it.
Poe shakes his head at your words. “I’m never going to be the General that you could be.” He doesn’t say what follows. You know what he’s thinking: transferring it to you could be the way to go.
“You’re right.” His head snaps towards you. “You’re going to be better than I ever could be. I’m not built to lead the Resistance, Poe. I’m built to fly in your squadron, under your command. I’m built to be there when you need me, just like Finn is, just like Chewie and Rey and BB-8 and every other person on this base. I’m built to fly into battle on Exegol beside you when you need me to.”
He opens his mouth to protest. You beat him to it.
“I have a healing blaster wound in my side, but I can damn well fly an X-wing when you need me to. I can be anything you need me to be, Poe, but I cannot be General of the Resistance. Leia picked you for that. You’re allowed to do with that what you will, but you will not transfer command to me. I won’t let you.”
Poe fixes you with a look. “I think I need some time to think this all over.”
You smile sadly at him. He’s not wrong, and even if it’s not what he meant, you push yourself to your feet and then lean down to squeeze his shoulder with a hand. He needs time alone to think. To process. And you need to get back to Armitage.
“I’ll fly at your command, General. I trust you’ll do what’s right.”
TAG LIST: @agirlinherhead, @songforhema, @sleep-paralysis-demon @midgardian-witch @capcrayon @redsacrament @wlucyw @the-dream-catch3r @petalduck @hopesxxhigh @treblebeth @burritonee @acaprioglino @rebelspykim @iwritefanficnotprophecies @ahsfan23 @erys-targaryen @tazzclegane​ @ibikus​ @seafrost-fangirl​ @percivalgravs​ @chewle​ @j1224​
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generallynerdy · 4 years
Hold Him (Poe Dameron X M!Reader)
Summary: Poe lands on Ajan Kloss after destroying the Final Order once and for all with only one thought on his mind; he desperately wants to find his boyfriend and kiss the life out of him. (Y/N), however, has other ideas. Like maybe punching his beloved idiot.
Requested by Anon: Disaster bi Poe = best Poe so can I get Poe x M!reader where Poe just landed after the final battle in TROS and reader smacks him for putting himself in danger and then kisses him cause GOD does he love that idiot
Key: (Y/N) - your name Warnings: author self-projects desperately bc he wants a relationship like this, minor cursing, author still hasn’t decided on pronouns for droid characters leave me alone, Sequel Canon exists unfortunately and is prevalent in this fic :/ Word Count: 1,153
Note: technically i fulfilled the prompt by 500 words but i’m a weak bitch and my brain worms have complete power over my fingers so. ANYWAY my dumb gay ass fell way more in love with Poe writing this but i haven’t watched the movies in a while so he may be slightly OOC, Finn might be too so that’s my bad. Also wild thing that comes with realising im bigender is that it’s so much easier to write with,,,all the pronouns AND i can self project onto every single fic
    Poe Dameron practically launched himself from his X-Wing the moment it touched down on Ajan Kloss. His heart was light with victory, with freedom from a war he’d spent far too long fighting. Too many thoughts were running through his head, almost at the same rate as his pulse, which hadn’t dropped since they took off from the base hours before.
    But the one thing that kept coming to mind was that he desperately, desperately wanted to find his boyfriend and hold him for the next 20 years.
    Pushing through the crowd of exhilarated rebels, Poe smiled and greeted the occasional familiar face, but he was really focused on finding his man. He didn’t catch sight of him immediately and, in fact, found Finn first.
    “Finn!” he cried, rushing to greet his friend with a tight hug.
    “We did it-- General,” Finn said with a fond, mischievous grin.
    Poe smiled back. “General. Hey, have you seen (Y/N)?”
    He grimaced. “Uh, no, but you’re a dead man. Threatening to come pull us off the star destroyer? You’re dead.”
    “Hey, I’ll be fine,” he said, waving him off. “He loves me.”
    Finn looked over his shoulder, eyes going wide. “Yeah, uh, not that much. Good luck.”
    He made himself scarce as soon as Poe turned around. The man was met with (Y/N), his dear, dear boyfriend, and said boyfriend’s most vicious scowl.
    Poe winced, but played it off with a smile. “Hey, hon--”
    “Don’t you ‘honey’ me, Poe Dameron!” (Y/N) scolded, storming up to him and hitting his shoulder. “You’re a karking dumbass!”
    He scoffed, gesturing wildly. “Oh, I’ll just fly right up beside a star destroyer and I’ll be perfectly fine! I’ll just kill myself for the sake of three people and a droid!”
    “I was protecting you and BB and Finn and Jannah,” he said firmly. “It would have been worth it-- but I didn’t even end up doing and you’re all safe. So can you please just breathe?”
    (Y/N) inhaled deeply. Poe waited.
    A moment later, he was dragged into a kiss. He made a little happy, amused hum and pulled (Y/N) in by his waist. (Y/N) would have rolled his eyes if they weren’t closed. Instead, he reached up to cup Poe’s head and run his fingers through his hair, earning him a pleased huff. (Y/N) loved playing with his hair and Poe loved the feeling of it, so it was a win-win situation.
    When (Y/N) let the poor man breathe again, he couldn’t help smacking his shoulder. “I don’t know why I love you,” he mumbled before falling into his shoulder forehead-first.
    Poe laughed. “I’m insufferable and it’s part of my charm?”
    (Y/N) muttered something incoherent against his flight suit, while Poe rubbed a comforting hand across his back. He noted with fondness that his boyfriend was wearing his jacket, which sent a wave of affection through his chest, almost like he’d been shot. 
The weight of his mother’s ring hanging on a chain around his neck fell heavy against his heart, reminding him of the promise he’d made to himself. When this is over...Well, it was over now. It was over and Poe was free to make a million promises to this man, this man that he loved with every bit of his soul. That ring was going to be his.
He noticed then that (Y/N) had tucked in closer and gone silent.
“Hey,” he whispered against his hair. “Hey, you okay? You hurt?”
(Y/N) mumbled a muffled negative, but buried his face in Poe’s neck. “No. ‘M fine.”
Poe frowned. Something wasn’t right. “What is it, baby?”
Finally, his boyfriend looked up, meeting his gaze with something that he might call bittersweetness, though he couldn’t understand why.
“It’s over,” (Y/N) breathed out.
Poe couldn’t help a soft smile. “Yeah, baby, it’s over. But you...don’t look happy. What’s wrong?”
“I just--” he paused. “Shit. We’ve been fighting for years. Everything we’ve done, everything we are is because of this war. And now it’s just-- it’s over. What are we gonna do?”
He considered this for a long moment. “I don’t know,” he admitted with a smile. “I have no idea. That’s kind of great, isn’t it? We could do anything we want, go anywhere we want, and I don’t even know where to start!”
“It’s terrifying!” (Y/N) cried. “We have no idea what we’re doing!”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he said soothingly, caressing his cheek with his thumb and holding him close. “We’ve got each other, we’ve got money, we’ve got friends-- we’re gonna be okay. I’ve got you, you’ve got me. That’s all we need.”
His boyfriend huffed a little. “You’re so cheesy.”
“You love me,” he sang, pressing a finger to his nose teasingly.
(Y/N) rolled his eyes. “I do. Love you, I mean. Even though you’re a reckless idiot who doesn’t worry nearly as much as you should.”
“I already know what I’m gonna do for the next 20 years,” Poe said, leaning forward to kiss him chastely. “I’m gonna spend every single day with the people I love; exploring the galaxy, flying my ship, taking care of my droid, holding my boyfriend-- who I intend to marry--”
He laughed. “Take me on a proper date first, Dameron, and we’ll see.”
“See? We already have plans!” he declared. “Maybe a few rugrats in the future--”
“I am so not ready to be a parent,” (Y/N) said firmly.
Poe raised an eyebrow. “Honey, I hate to break it to you, but you already are.”
An indignant whirr and beep sounded in the distance. A tiny ball of orange and white rolled viciously toward the pair, making (Y/N) burst into laughter.
“Speaking of your child--”
“Our child,” Poe corrected immediately. “You were definitely involved in the raising process.”
(Y/N) rolled his eyes. “Implying that the raising process is over.”
BB-8 shrieked excitedly upon approach, bumping into Poe’s legs and then rolling in between him and (Y/N), bouncing up and down as best as a little ball could.
“Hey, buddy!” Poe greeted fondly, leaning down to properly do so.
Beebee started spouting off about the mission on Exegol, father-figure listening intently. Nearby, Finn and Rey came out of nowhere, laughing and refusing to move away from each other after the day’s events. Rose and Chewie were nearby, too, embracing and, in Chewie’s case, roaring with joy. Jannah and Lando spoke in quiet tones to each other, but (Y/N)’s gaze moved away from all of them and back to his boyfriend.
“No kidding!” Poe was saying to his-- their droid-child, glancing up at (Y/N) to shoot him a desperately lovesick, overjoyed smile.
(Y/N) smiled back and, looking at his little family, couldn’t help thinking that maybe the future wasn’t so terrifying a thought after all.
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motherofjedi · 4 years
Leia’s Final Gift
After Ben brought me back from the other side, I felt an elation that spread through my entire being. I knew I had died - I had heard Ben screaming and weeping while I was between worlds...and I knew he had used his own life force to bring me back. From that moment, I knew everything was going to be alright.
But then Ben's eyes went dim...they closed and he fell back. I caught him just in time to slowly lower his head to the ground.  Panic seized my heart with an iron grip.  No, I thought.  This wasn't right.  My heart raced as my hands went to his face, his hair, his hands, helpless...  Ben was gone and I was alone again.  I felt that I had finally just met Ben Solo, having known 'Kylo Ren' for so long now, and now he had been ripped away.  I knew that I wouldn't mourn Kylo Ren...but I would have very much loved to have known Ben Solo.
Grief tore at me from the inside, tears streaming down my cheeks as I gripped his clothes and wept into his chest.  He had selflessly given his life for my own...but I couldn't imagine going on without him.  I rested my head on his chest, my sobs echoing in the destroyed theater, with nothing but the wreckage to keep me company.  Then, faint at first, and then stronger, I heard something...felt something that hadn't been there moments before:  a heartbeat.
I was so shocked I almost didn't notice the Millennium Falcon descend into the amphitheater.  I breathed a sigh of relief and gratitude, my tears now tears of pure joy.  I had come so close to swearing allegiance to the Sith as ‘Empress Palpatine’ in order to save my friends. If Ben had not come, it might have happened, but I didn’t want to think about that just then...
The Falcon landed, and Poe’s ship just behind it. A swarm of people came running out, seeing the damage to the throne, the destroyed amphitheater, the bodies of the Sith worshipers...and us.
Finn and Jannah reached us first. Poe soon followed.
‘Rey! What happened? Are you alright?’ Finn asked.  I nodded.
‘He’s gone,’ I began. ‘Palpatine is dead.’
The words felt so strange leaving my lips. Palpatine was dead. And I had done it. To my own kin... And yet, I felt apart from the decrepit emperor. He had murdered my parents. He was the reason I had lived a life of want and solitude prior to meeting BB-8. A part of me died with him when I passed to the other side. I had returned with renewed clarity, and I decided in that moment that I would never carry that name with me ever again.
People started fussing over me and asking many questions before Finn calmed them, telling them to give me some air. I was weak and slightly dazed. But it was important to convey a vital message before anything else happened...
I pointed to Ben. ‘He needs help.’
‘What?!’ exclaimed Poe.
‘We’re bringing him.’
‘You can’t be serious.’
‘He helped me defeat Palpatine,’ I said insistently. ‘He saved my life. Ben Solo has returned to the Light. We’re bringing him.’
Several people looked very concerned, while others seemed convinced, especially Finn. He and Poe lifted me from the ground and helped me walk inside the Falcon. Jannah and another member of her tribe picked Ben up and carried him to the ship. I hobbled over to him, feeling as though I was going to pass out any moment. I was fueled by pure adrenaline and an intense need to keep Ben alive. The Falcon took off and we traveled back to Ajan Kloss. I stayed with Ben for the entire trip, answering questions from others, receiving treatment, and making sure my equal in the Force received the best care possible. I fell asleep on a table next to him.
I learned later from Ben that it had been Leia who had given the rest of her life force to Ben, allowing him to return.  He had spoken with her in the World Between Worlds and she knew that I needed him now more than ever.  I will be forever grateful to my Master for that.
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msfangirlgonewild · 4 years
Prescence (post-TROS fanfiction/Post Canon)
Before I’m posting on Archives, this is my first DamereyDaily2020 during pandemic week, and this is the second after Healing or ‘possibly the third’ series of ‘It's Like Poetry, Sort Of. They Rhymes.’
Pairing: Poe Dameron/Rey Skywalker
Word count: 4,650
Prompt: ’Two hearts and one home.’ Plus a bonus from late March ‘If You Lived to Be A Hundred’
Summary: Three months later...Poe had faith that his dauntless ally, his best friend, his ray of sunshine, his beloved Jedi...had returned for him.
Once the Death Star’s latest target and the site of the Rebel base during the final battle. Yavin 4 was a vast and most affluent planet of the Outer Rim Territories, and its large and sprawling tropical jungles teemed with an abundance of exotic beauty.
Following a long hyperspeed, T-70 X-wing Black One had reached Yavin 4. Similar to Ajan Kloss, this tropical moon planet was where Poe Dameron was born. He was glad, relieved to have finally returned from Coruscant and the third meeting of the Galactic Senate’s restoration.
Poe thought about the peace that had ensued after the war, and the friends that he had made along the way. He missed them so much out there, but it was time to come home, take a breath, and rejoin his father. Nonetheless, he was reflected on Finn and the journey with his fellow former stormtrooper Jannah, along with Rose Tico, Chewbacca and Lando Carlissian in search of their families. Larma D’Acy was now in the Senate’s seat while Beaumont Kim as her aide. Caluan Ematt had retired and returned to his home planet with his family. Kaydel Ko Connix had been promoted to Major and continued to serve in the military. And Jessika Pava, the fearless sole member of the Black Squadron was taking over Poe’s command.
He had visited some time with Maz Kanata at her restored castle at Takodana where she had her new cantina, and with Zorii Bliss and Babu Frik who were still running spices like in the days when Poe had worked them long ago. Zorii would keep in touch with him until if she needed hand otherwise.
The giant red planet was covered in clouds as Black One dropped from the atmosphere and flew over the grassy fields to landed perfectly just as near from his father’s homestead.
He pulled off his flight helmet and climbed down from the cockpit. As General Dameron’s temporary side droid while Beebee-Ate was away with Rey, Artoo-Detoo popped up from the astromech socket behind the cockpit, and maneuvered himself with his two small rockets to land slowly onto the ground. Finally, the droid and his maker-pilot were strolling toward the stable next to the farmhouse.
They walked past his mother’s A-wing interceptor, parked next to an old X-wing model, and Poe was suddenly curious. He looked towards the craft as Artoo was suddenly became excited with blipping and whistles.
Poe turned to the diminutive droid, as he arched his brow. “What?” he asked unexpectedly. “What do you mean—“
“Is that you, son?” His father shouted from the nearby stable while fixing his tractor. “And I could hear Artoo’s droidspeak.”
He nodded to himself. “Yeah, Dad,” he said, still focusing on the ship as Artoo rolled closer. “I’m home!”
“How’s my old mates at Coruscant?”
“Er...they all missed you,” he looked closer at the craft: one had the red stripe on two of its wings and on the body. It was sleek, like the T-70 X-wing or his original Black One that had been destroyed inside the Raddus’ hangar.
Poe abruptly realized that this was the T-65B starfighter, the one that Uncle Luke had piloted to destroy the first Death Star at Yavin 4, and then thirty three years later the same craft that had flown to Exegol with the guide of a Sith Wayfinder, with Poe along with Finn and the rest of the Resistance following its track.
Red Five––here? Poe thought. No kriffing way!
“They’re coming to visit you the next seasons,” added Poe, sighed in relief. “And they’ll bring some of that Corellian cognac that you wanted!”
“Sounds good, Poe!” Kes Dameron answered enthusiastically.
That’s Master Jedi-Luke’s X-wing and I recognize this ship, Maker-Poe, the droid beeped to Poe. And I think there is someone here?
“Who?” asked Poe.
“Oh, there’s a visitor for you, kid,” Kes added. “And she’s with our Beebee.”
“Really?” His heart leaped to find out Rey was already there.
“Of course, you Space Porg! Did you see that old X-wing she’s flying?” Kes chucked as Poe got annoyed at his ridiculous teasing. “She’s at our old place. Do invite with your Jedi friend for a dinner tonight.”
“Ah…no problem, Dad. And I’ll tell her!” Poe wore a satisfied grin as he turned to giddy Artoo. ”Will you take it easy, bud?”
Sorry, sir. Artoo beeped. Never can help it.
He shook himself as he walked and the droid followed. “You know what, you’re a lot more cheekier like Beebee-Ate.” he observed. “And a bit naive.”
Why thank you very much, Master-Poe. You have to add that I’m a stubborn little droid as well. Jedi Master-Luke calls me that, by the way.
“Ah, I almost forgot that.” he chuckled lightly as they move along the path through the woods where his new home was, where his family was, and where the Uneti tree was located. “Does Uncle Luke cross your mind?”
Yes, Master-Poe. We had a lot of adventures when I was with him from time to time. But I can’t say much about what happened after he had gone.
“I know, Artoo,” he sighed sadly.
Until a sound of jubilant beeps and chirps approached as a spherical looking droid followed by a tiny cone shaped, rolled towards Poe.
“Beebee-Ate! Welcome back!” Poe exclaimed, dropping to his knees. He rubbed the droid’s body back as Beebee’s dome head jiggled excitedly like a child has returned from a long trip. “I really missed you, Buddy?”
Same to you, Master-Poe! Beebee beeps and chirps happily. It’s good to be home! What’s up, Artoo and you’ve been spending time with him!
Incredibly much, Beebee-Ate. Artoo replied. Master-Poe is happy you’ve come back.
“And how d’you enjoy crossing the galaxy with your Jedi Mistress-Rey?” he asked with a smile at Beebee. “Have you stuck with her?”
Yes, sir. She’s been keeping my antenna straight in case I get into trouble. We’ve traveled around to all the places, especially Tatooine.
“You mean Luke’s old homestead?”
Yes, sir.
Dio rolled closer to Poe. “Welcome back, Master-Poe.” he said calmly. He had been living there permanently as Poe’s second familiar. “How was the Senate meeting at Coruscant?”
Poe groaned as he nuzzled the droid’s cone head like a house pet. “Lot’s of reconstruction and other headaches, Little Buddy.” he smiled lightly. “Thanks for asking.”
He brought himself back to his feet as he was looked in the direction where he was going. “Is she there?” he asked.
“Yes, sir.” Dio replied.
Jedi Mistress-Rey has been at the tree in about an hour, Master-Poe. Beebee beeped in reply.
“What’s she doing?” asked Poe, looking at Beebee.
Meditating. Beebee double-beeped.
Poe looked over in the direction of the tree. He took a deep breath, glad of see Rey again. They had shared intimately at the forest of Ajan Kloss during an evening celebration. And it felt rewarding to him, as it was so very uncommon.
“Why don’t you guys go with Artoo and charge yourselves alright?” he said at the two. “I just need to speak alone with her.”
Beebee and Dio responded in the affirmative as they joining with Artoo and proceeded to the charging area. Poe resumes up the path, which finally opened into a clearing where he could almost feel her presence.
The ancient Force-sensitive Uneti tree stood there near the lake and his family’s old home, remodeled now as his own. Like The Great Tree at Coruscant, colorful fan-shaped leaves of gold and brown were attached to the coiled branches and stems of the large, twisted trunk.
Then Poe saw  the enchanted tree, and near it a beautiful floating figure sat crossed-legged in the air with small boulders and rocks hovering slowly around her as the Force flowed through her. Her eyes were closed peacefully as she concentrated in a meditative trance that flowed between her and the tree.
Poe was silently impressed; he sat down on the grass, placing his flight helmet beside him. Then he stripped off his flight vest and placed it on top of the helmet as he watched the floating and reposed Rey. She had more beautiful since their first encounter on Crait where she had used her power to lift rocks. Looking at her now, Poe thought her once again of how she resembled an ancient Yavinesque goddess with her celestial objects surrounding her.  
He’d never fallen in love with any woman in the galaxy before he found her. He had wanted her from the beginning when they first met at the Falcon, and now he loved having her in his life. Time was specifically a good thing when it came to General Dameron, who was gladly reunited with the lone scavenger from Jakku, now a fiercely independent Jedi after the tides of galactic war.
And it was something that he had faith in the ideal of his dauntless ally, his space goddess, his ray of sunshine, his beguiling sweetheart, and his beloved Jedi. She had returned for him.
Then a minute later, Rey had finally completed her meditation. She lowered herself neatly on the ground as the rocks fell around her.
Poe stood up and walked to her. “Hey, Sunshine,” he said to her.
Rey was aware of the familiar voice as she slowly opened her eyes and blinked. “Hey, Flyboy,” she replied breathlessly with a bright smile.
Poe took a quick step forward as Rey approached him and then wrapped her arms around him. At once all his aching memories of three unbearable months had finally lifted, and his eyes closed in bliss that as was back in his beloved Jedi’s arms. He tightened his hold around her waist and leaned against her chest as he inhaled the scent of her.
"I missed you,” she sighed softly.
“Same to you,” he murmured, his face buried in the crook between her neck and shoulder. “I’m surprised that you’re here.”
“Oh, I know. That’s why I came to see you, Poe,” she sniffed. “It’s been a long time since I was away.”
“I was worried while you were still out there.”
“More than your Force-sensitivity of tracking me?”
“Indubitably.” Poe lifted his head, raising his brows in a cocky manner and looked at her teary eyes. “I don’t want to spoil it too much, and it takes time,” he said meticulously, wiping her tears with his thumb.
“To be sure,” assured Rey.
He chuckled as his eyes mirroring hers while he stood in silence. It had been months since he and Rey had parted after leaving Ajan Kloss. There had been a lot of opportunities in their separate ways during the restoration of the New Republic, and some perks.
And he could see the truth in her eyes. Rey had missed him all these months since their fight against the Final Order, Emperor Palpatine, and his Sith Eternal, and she had come back to see him once again.
After disowning herself her Palpatine bloodline and adopting the Skywalker’s surname, Rey had made plans for the restoration and reorganization of the New Jedi Order––or maybe a search for the kybel crystal to build her own lightsaber from the parts of her staff.
She had returned to see Poe after her final trip to Tatooine. And either way, Poe was happy that Rey had come.
He began to move closer again until Rey spoke. “I hope you’re surprised I’m here with Beebee-Ate,” she noted. “He missed you.”
“Did he?”
She nodded slowly. “Uh-huh.”
“That’s my buddy,” he shrugged his shoulders with a sardonic grin as they gently pulled away. “And you’ve been flying Uncle Luke’s Red Five. What happened to your Falcon?”
“Lando asked me to borrow it for a while with Chewie,” she answered. “He told me the whole story about how his ship before he was beaten by Han in a card game.”
“That’s him, alright. He’ll never change a bit,” he sighed with a scoff, scratching the back of his head. “Are you going to stay for a while?”
“If you want me to,” she assured playfully, “then, I’m staying.”
“Good, I’m glad you’re welcome here, and you can stay as long as you like,” he said with a smirk. “Also, my Dad made some dinner for us tonight.”
“That’s sound’s wonderful,” she said in an optimistically.
Poe led her on a simple tour of the Force-sensitive tree. Despite growing up in the desert, Rey had already visited so many greens planets in the galaxy like Takodana and Ajan Kloss. But she was amazed at the exotic fields of Yavin 4 with its fresh breezes blowing through the Massassi trees, the scented fresh fruits of Koyo trees that Kes had planted, the bioluminescence of fresh flowers and lush green grasses, and the gleams of the late afternoon sun on the crystal-clear lake that shone with a lustrous and rare beauty.
As they strolled around under the tree in conversation, Rey noticed the renovated house nearby. “I can see the new home that you’ve to built over there. Is that the house where your parents lived?”
“Yup, I’m still restoring it,” he answered, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his fight uniform.
“Perhaps you need a hand. I’ve fixed a lot of stuff besides ships,” Rey glanced at him. “How about it, General Dameron?”
“Why not, Jedi Mistress Skywalker.” he was amused at the tone of her new surname. “A carpenter would be nicer to have around than a scavenger, a mechanic, or even a Jedi. But you only have a new lightsaber rather than a laser saw. Or maybe the Force would do–”
Instinctively, Rey quickly slapped his arm while Poe laughed with a cocky humor as they strolled. She ignored him as she is looked up to watch the gentle breeze moves through the branches of the Force-sensitive Uneti tree.
“Your father showed me this tree, and I can’t believe it’s so beautiful and mythical,” she said. “But it much seems so huge and different, unlike the one at Ahch-To.”
“It’s pretty awesome, huh? And it’s matured and more than I expected.” He walked to the trunk, but did not get close. “My mom helped Uncle Luke to cut two clippings a long time ago. So he gave her one as a thank you present.”
“So Luke has the other one at Ahch-To,” Poe continued. “and you’ve said there was a library underneath the trunk of the tree where the sacred Jedi texts kept.”
“That’s right, Poe.” she answered. “I returned the day on exile as when I saw the tree, it was burned down.”
Later, she stopped as Poe kept strolling. “Have you ever touched the tree?”
“Huh?” he blinked as he halted and turned back toward her.
“Did you?” she asked curiously.
“When I was thirteen, I was supposed to be close to the tree, but I’m afraid that was because I was being sensitive about staying away.” Then he swiftly glanced at her. “Later, I did at this point that I sat under the tree, and when I did, I felt the inside of me for the first time while I was napping.”
“Was it scary?” she asked.
Poe moved shyly away from her. “Nope, it’s childish. But sentimental.”
“Can you tell me, Poe?” Rey giggled, teasing him. “Come on.”
He turned back toward her again and looked down at the necklace that held his mother’s wedding ring around Rey’s neck. His expression was earnest as he moved towards her, and his fingers fiddling with the ring.
He took a patient breath and began. “I can only I remember what I felt about my mother and me. She was very close to me when I was a little boy. She would take me outside at night when my father was fast asleep. We went to the lake near the growing Force tree, we’d lie down on the grass and stared at the night sky.” Poe released the ring from his hand as he looked up at the afternoon sky. “Once, she pointed to the brightest star –– Caeli, the Bird Star of the galaxy. And it was a good sign; my mother promised me that I’d become the best pilot when I grew up, just like her.”
Poe missed his mom so much when he was with her. She had taught him advising and caring across the galaxy and over until he found himself in a place where the eyes of Shara Bey could not reach him.
“That was very touching, Poe,” she observed. “You missed your mom a lot?”
He sighed as he looked down at the surface roots between his feet, and he felt something like life, a presence, like the air through him. He cocked his head at her. “What about you, Sunshine?”
“What?” she puzzled.
“Have you touched or meditated through the tree?” he asked simply.
She took her breath with ease. “I felt it,” she replied with a simple nod.
“Was it scary or something?”
She shuddered slightly as Poe moved at her.  “Hey, it’s alright I’m here with you.” he reassured her.
“It’s like a magnet pulling me, Poe,” she answered, and her eyes rose and met his. “It’s not scary. It replenishes me inside––the Force––through the way of the world, through my parents, Han, Luke and Leia, and Ben. I had cherished them as my faithfully as long as I wished for them. They’re in peace now, and I shall never regret it. The bond between Ben and me has been reconciled and purpose. I was very fond of him and remember him as a friend rather than an adversary. I embraced him with gratitude when he brought me back to life after I was defeated Palpatine and the Sith.”
Poe moved closer to her, brought her hand to his lips and softly kissed her knuckle. “Finn and I thought that you were gone there at Exegol.” he murmured with his breath hitched. “I…I’m––“
“I know, Poe,” she answered softly in a brittle tone. “But I live.”
He watched her in silence for a while, and before he could kiss Rey began to talk about something else.
“I was there in Coruscant,” she said. “At the service.”
He understood. He hadn’t seen her at the Monument Plaza during the service. “Finn told me that you’d left early,” he said.
“I wish I could’ve stayed for a while, but I had something to settle.” she nodded slowly. “That was a good speech, Poe. It was very...”
“Solacing,” he admits, cutting off Rey’s sentence.
Rey clasped both hands. “I’m sorry.”
He heaved a sigh and swallowed, looking more comforted than grieving. “I know, sweetheart. I don’t want to affect myself of having an ordeal like this. I miss everyone, especially Snap and Aunt Leia.”
She bowed her head sadly. “I understand.”
“Leia was your master after Uncle Luke, Rey,” he said.
“Yes,” she said calmly. “Master Leia taught me everything while I was at Ajan Kloss. She watched me what I’m doing, and it was with a patience between peace and calm. She told me about all the moments she treasure with Luke as he taught her every day. I miss her, and especially Master Luke, Poe.”
Rey recollected the motherly relationship with the master who trained her apprentice to refocus and free her mind from fear through the Force. She understood entirely that patience was the key of the Force.
Poe walked and stood beside her as he gazed at the fields. “Before we left on a mission in search of the Wayfinder, Leia said she was passing her torch to me to bring the Final Order down. And while I was at Exegol that I nearly failed or retreated, until the spark which had become a fire finally arrived with Lando and the entire fleet from the whole galaxy. They had done it, and Leia was right about what she’d said about new hope. I believe in her, Rey.”
Then a single tear fell from his eye, and he wiped it away. “Anyway, that was then before the war was over and it was time to move on. But i’m here now with my dad to start a new life, right from the start.”
He took a breath like he’s relaxed from bereavement as he runs his hand through his hair. “So, um…how’s Tatooine?” he asked. “Beebee-Ate told me.”
“Hot during the day, and cold at night,” she said, walking over and staring out at the lake as she felt the gentle wind behind her. “It looks fairly different than Jakku. And it’s not to be lightly traveled, that desert planet.”
“Did you find what you’ve looking for at Uncle Luke’s place?” he asked, watching the most beautiful Jedi he had ever seen standing on the very edge of the lake.
After exploring across the galaxy, and revisiting Ahch-To, her final stop had been the Lars homestead in the Great Chott flat on Tatooine. The moisture farm had remained abandoned, it was there where she buried Anakin and Leia's lightsabers. She stayed there for a while in peace and tranquility, staring at the striking blue and gold sunrise of the twin suns.
“Nothing special,” answered Rey after took a long breath. She picked up a small stone and threw and skipped it across the water. “But, there’s one who came and visited me before I left.”
“No, it was Leia,” she said, turning her back to him. “She told me everything about Ben, about the pain he’d suffered, that there was still good inside of him, and she could feel it before she died.”
After a moment, Poe sighed as Rey went on. “Leia told me about you, Poe. Not so feisty as you’d think since when you were with her.”
“Oh, please,” he said like he’s was fooling around. “What was our second mom saying?”
“She wanted to know how you felt to be without guidance. Your instinct as a leader was genuinely unsurpassable, and it was such a difficult situation with what you did out there. She was pleased with you, Poe.”
Poe missed having Aunt Leia by his side during the war after Shara’s passing. He was just amazed by the miracles in the galaxy.
“When if she comes as a ghost to see you,” said Poe with a light smile. “tell her to say thank you, will you?”
“There’s more,” she said, this time sincerely. “Leia told me that I was her last wish for you—it’s because I’m your gift, Poe. I hadn’t noticed this before we met––”
Poe moved closer to her and felt the way her body relaxed against his. He placed his finger gently on her lips to silence her. “Enough, sweetheart. You’ve talked too much, and I know the exact words that she said to me.”
“Oh, there is something else,” she added with a sigh, leaning her forehead to his, and held her hands on his chest, clutching her fingers against the fabric of Poe’s flight uniform. “While I was still meditating with the tree, and I felt a presence that was unforgettable.”
They stood looking at each other in serenity and longing as the sunlight gleamed on the surface of the Yavinesque lake around them.
“It’s about us, Poe.” she whispered as her breath hitches. She closed her eyes like she was praying.
His heartbeat skipped a beat, and his eyes blinked as though he couldn’t believe what she was saying. “Tell me,” he murmured, as his eyes closed with hers.
“I remember at Crait when you were bewildering me while I used the Force to lift rocks and help you, Finn, and the rest of the Resistance to escape. Then we met at the Falcon, and as we shared about our pain by Ben and then Snoke, we were truly connected. Then we bickered with each other like feral Loth-cats about the Falcon being on fire because of your habit on lightspeed skipping,” Poe snorted at that as Rey lightly chuckled before continuing. “We fought alongside with Finn against the First Order from time to time. And while on a mission, you protected me that I fought my Palpatine bloodline against turning to the Dark Lord’s throne and falling to the Dark Side. And when I was ready for heading to Exegol to face my grandfather, were still arguing that I didn’t need you to safeguard or watch over me anymore. But you  still protected me because you were deeply in love from the beginning without telling me.”
And Poe moved to hold her gently, then ran his hands smoothly along her arms and between her neck and her face. His head moved up as his lips brushed softly against her forehead. Rey flutters her eyes blissfully as she let her saying the words to flow. He whispered with kisses, from one of her eyelids to her cheek, and then that close to her mouth. Rey sighed with bliss and felt the feathery touch of his breath against her skin.
She went on: “Then the other day during the victory celebration, the night we shared each other in the deep of the forest when we made love...as the Force enlivened inside of our deepest emotions we shared, and preserved this moment forever. And when we left Ajan Kloss at dawn in our separate ways, I felt that my presence was inside still  in your heart and soul, and that you would be waiting for me when I returned from across the galaxy. And now…” she paused for a second with her eyes opened, and Poe instantly stopped kissing her while his eyes stared lovingly at hers. “Poe?”
“What?” he asked, his expression beguiling.
“Why did you stop?” she asked, begging him to continue in his dawdling manner.
“Why did you stop,” he asked. “I wouldn’t know until you allow me to say so.”
Her breath hitched, then she choked up like she was almost crying, and they were both quiet for a moment until her face rested on his shoulder and Poe moved his hand to gently fondle her head.
“I came for you, Poe,” she declared softly at last with her eyes closed. “And I’m here…right here.”
He smiled peacefully, pressing his lips against the crown of her head. “Well, you’re here right now, my Lady Jedi,” he replies. “And I love you.”
With hindsight, she took his hand from her head and placed it gently on her abdomen.
Poe‘s eyes were stunned and surprised, and his mouth parted in wonder. Rey cocked her head to face him and smiled at him.
“No way,” he stammered, furrowing his brows. “Rey, you’re––”
“Does it surprise you, General?”
As their heartbeats touched each other’s chest, Poe’s permission was written into the desperation of with which his mouth met hers, something like a sense of contentment that he shared with her. He wanted more than anything is to be with her eternally.
Two hearts and one home. Poe discerned in thought.
“So you’re staying with me, Rey,” Poe said as his eyes gleamed and smirked. “And if you live to be a hundred?”
Rey laughed joyfully. Tears flowed down on her cheeks, and he gently wiped them away with his thumb. “I hope to live to be a hundred minus a day.” she sniffed in jest.
He chuckled thoughtfully with one brow widened. He nodded and caressed Rey’s face as she looked at him. “So that I never have to live a day without you.”
She leaned her forehead against his. The Force inspirited their emotions because of love, and the heart of the galaxy was forever changed.
“I love you, Space Porg.” she murmured.
Instead of calling her ‘Desert Rat,’ he decided to call her from now on.
“I know, Buttercup,” he answers softly, pulling her gently and returning his lips to hers. “I know.”
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saltylikecrait · 4 years
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Like, A Date? - Jannah/Rose Fanfic
I’ve been wanting to write a Jannah/Rose fic for a while, but other stories distracted me. It can also be read on AO3 here.
Ajan Kloss was a world full of beauty. Jannah almost forgot how beautiful many places could be. Life in the First Order hadn’t taught her how to appreciate the natural, she had to learn that on her own.
This was her first time on a proper Resistance base, making it feel all the more official to her. She was part of something better than the First Order – an organization trying to takedown the remains of the very people who raised her to be a soldier.
As she walked down the ramp of the Resistance shuttle, Jannah found herself distracted by everything in sight. There was so much going on between the unusual wildlife singing in the trees to the activity around the base. She stopped to watch a group of volunteers run past the shuttle, together, but not in unison like the First Order had preferred.
A group of mechanics stood around a grounded A-wing, watching one of their own give a lecture about repair. She glanced over at them, trying to get a look at what they were doing. A petite woman was in the center of the group, holding up some sort of tool while addressing her team. She couldn’t get a clear view of the woman, but she could see she wore her black hair in a ponytail and her beige worksuit had a marking on the left chest pocket to show she held rank. Jannah thought the woman looked familiar, but she had encountered so many Resistance members in passing, she couldn’t be sure if she was just imagining things or not.
“Jannah,” a voice called behind her. She turned around to see General Calrissian standing a few feet away from her. “Welcome to Ajan Kloss.”
She looked back at the engineering group one more time before walking over to the general.
Standing next to General Finn, Jannah listened in to a rundown of what First Order activity the Resistance was tracking when the engineer leader reappeared.
“Oh,” Finn stopped mid-sentence. “Rose, have you met Jannah yet?”
Their eyes locked. Suddenly, Jannah felt at loss for words, which was a rarity for her. She swallowed before she held out her hand, heart beating a bit harder than normal.
“Nice to meet you.”
The other woman took her hand with a smile. “We briefly encountered each other on Exegol, but it’s nice to meet you in person. I’m the head of the Engineering Corps.”
That’s why she looked familiar, Jannah thought. She must have seen her then, but never got a chance to really look at her.
Still, the explanation didn’t make it clear why her heart was still fluttering in her chest.
The whole meeting, she tried to pay as much attention to Finn, Lando, and Poe, but she kept finding her gaze drifting towards the other woman. Rose was a quiet presence, but Jannah found there was strength within the woman too.
After that, the two ran into each other on base more frequently, exchanging shy smiles and chatter about whatever latest news came to their ears. She learned that Rose was a talented mind with recycled parts and gained a fondness for animals through her deceased sister – a hero of the Resistance herself.
“Hey, I was wondering…” Rose began but hesitated for a moment.
“Yeah?” Jannah asked.
Rose took a deep breath. “I was wondering… would you like to get a drink tonight? You probably know the cantina isn’t anything special, but it might be nice and-"
Laughing, Jannah stopped her. “Breathe, Rose. I would love to.”
She exhaled and beamed. “Great. Find you at 1900 hours?”
“Sounds good!”
As excited as she was, Jannah tried to keep her thoughts about the evening to the back of her mind. She had things to do, Resistances to plan for. Still, she couldn’t quite keep the corners of her mouth from twitching upward.
“You look happy,” Finn observed as they were looking over terrain maps together. “What’s up?”
“Hmm? Oh. Umm… I’m just looking forward to this evening,” she answered. “Rose and I are getting drinks.”
“Like a date?” His eyebrows arched.
Jannah felt her heart race. Was it a date? Rose didn’t indicate it as any more than a friendly get-together, though her nerves implied there was something more to it. She might not have a ton of experience with attraction, but Jannah knew when someone wasn’t acting like they were only interested in being friends. She knew they both snuck glances when the other wasn’t looking, thinking they were being sneaky. If she was being honest with herself, she was hoping this was exactly what the evening was supposed to be.
“I dunno…” she admitted.
Finn’s eyes widened. “Really? The way you two are always around each other, I thought… Well, I guess I shouldn’t assume…” He looked embarrassed.
“It’s all right,” she told him. “I kind of hope that’s what it is.” She felt her cheeks warm.
“I hope you two hit it off then,” he chuckled. “Hope you don’t mind… but I think you make a nice couple.”
If it were possible, Jannah’s skin felt hotter from the teasing, but well-meaning smile Finn shot her.
She waited outside when the time drew near, walking around the area of the hangar closest to the command center. While she doubted Rose would miss her, she didn’t want to make her walk around to look for her.
Rose didn’t keep her waiting long. A few minutes before their set meeting time, she wandered out into the hangar, looking for Jannah.
When they spotted each other, Rose waved warmly to her. Jannah couldn’t help but wave back enthusiastically.
“I was so worried I was going to be held up,” Rose confessed when she got withing hearing range. “Thank goodness for Finn. He knew we were meeting up and ran in to cut Poe short.”
Jannah made a mental note to thank Finn when she saw him next.
“Still up for drinks, then?” she asked.
“Of course!” Then, Rose paused. “Could we… go for a walk first? I’ve been hunched over all day.”
“Sure.” Jannah didn’t mind. She understood how a day of hard work could be on the back. Engineers and mechanics probably had the worst time for that. “Where to?”
Rose looked around. “Rey’s training grounds, maybe?” It was one of the cleared areas of the jungle, not known for housing anything dangerous, though the Resistance was encouraged to carry blasters if they had to go out into the flora, just in case. Rey kept the area well-traveled, especially now that she wasn’t the only one training there. She and Finn wanted to make sure they were safe to train without running into too many problems during exercises. They needed to concentrate if they wanted full control of the Force… or, that’s what Jannah assumed anyway.
They headed over in that direction, taking the time to appreciate the nature around them.
“Hayes Minor wasn’t quite this beautiful,” Rose told her. “It was icy most of the time.”
“Is that where you’re from?” Jannah asked.
She nodded. “Yeah, I lived there most of my life. I thought I was going to drive ore diggers for a living. That’s what a lot of us did. My parents got my sister and I out when the First Order… Well, they didn’t make it.”
“I’m sorry.” Jannah didn’t know what else to say. “I’m sorry about your sister too.”
“She died a hero,” Rose replied. “The Resistance would have fallen on D’Qar if it weren’t for her.” She said this proudly, but Jannah knew pain when she saw it. Some wounds would never heal.
“Does it bother you,” Jannah swallowed thickly before she continued, “that I was a stormtrooper, I mean?”
Rose shook her head. “You were brave to leave. Finn too. We wouldn’t have been able to defeat the First Order without you two.”
“Oh, I don’t know…”
“It’s true!” Rose grabbed her hand suddenly, the brush of skin feeling like an electrical tide down Jannah’s arm. “Finn helped us destroy Starkiller. You helped us defeat the fleet on Exegol.”
Once again, Jannah didn’t know what to say. “Thank you,” she whispered.
They paused for a moment, staring at each other, until Jannah felt herself blink and looked down at their linked hands before she looked back up at Rose.
Face flushing pink, Rose scrambled to let go. “S-sorry,” she stammered.
“It’s all right,” Jannah assured her.
They kept walking forward, before making a loop at a crevasse they couldn’t cross and heading back to camp. When they returned, nothing really happened in the time they were gone.
The cantina was really a makeshift counter with upturned crates situated around it for seating. A few of the pilots had cut down logs and thatched together a roof of straw and leaves to give it more of a “tropical” aesthetic. It still looked a lot nicer than the bars the First Order had, with far more personality than durasteel walls and cold, uncaring metallic furnishings. Being a lowly stormtrooper, Jannah had never been allowed in those. The bars were strictly for commanding officers.
She would bet that even without a proper bartender, the drinks were better too. Resistance members with some experience in mixing drinks volunteered when they wanted, though the alcohol was locked away when unattended. Poe was concerned about drunk Resistance members working on machinery, flying starfighters, and shooting.
Tonight, a human man named Imrie was bartending. They told him what kind of drinks they liked and he made up something for them.
Rose was given something green that smelled tropical under the alcohol. Jannah, meanwhile, found herself with something called Jet Juice. She was almost afraid to ask what was in it, but when she took her first sip, she found herself tasting flavors of citrus with a slight kick to it. She liked it.
“So how’d you end up with the Resistance after you fled Hayes Minor?” She tried to pick up the conversation where they left off.
“Our parents told us to find them,” Rose explained. “But we knew the First Order was looking for us, so we had to lay low while also trying to find an in. We got lucky and found a Mon Calamari crew that knew how to find Ackbar.” Her face fell. “I miss him too.”
Jannah felt like she was bringing up too many bad memories for Rose and worried she would make her upset. “Was it hard to adjust?” she asked, one final question on her mind.
“A little,” Rose admitted before she looked Jannah straight in the eyes. “I bet it was hard for you, right?”
She was reminded of the days after Exegol when she was starting to get used to life on a Resistance base. Finn had jumped into his new role as a co-general, but quietly retreated when he was done for the day, taking solace with his friends Rey and Poe. Particularly with Rey, who he had feared for dead back during the battle. Jannah didn’t blame him for wanting to be close to his friends after all they had been through, but she didn’t know many of the other Resistance members back then and felt at loss of where to go.
“It was a bit rough,” she agreed. “I wasn’t sure you would trust a former stormtrooper. I didn’t know Finn was a defector at first either.”
“You two are a lot alike.” Rose smiled when she said this. “Both brave; both good people.”
“You think I’m good?” No one had ever described Jannah like that before.
“Yeah.” The smile Rose gave her was genuine.
Her heart began to beat just a little faster. Was it getting warm? Warmer than usual?
“We should… get together like this more often. I like our date.” She hadn’t meant to use the D-word, but it came out on accident. Jannah mentally kicked herself.
Rose was mid-sip when she said this, and the moment the word was uttered, she spluttered, her drink dribbling a little out of her mouth and down her shirt. Jannah gasped and looked around for anything that could be used to wipe it away, but the only thing she could find was cloth rags someone probably left behind.
“Your shirt-"
“Is this a date?” Rose gasped.
“I-" Jannah wasn’t sure how to answer. “If you want it to be…”
This was the moment everything could go wrong. She braced herself for rejection.
But it never came. Instead, she watched as Rose beamed at her.
“I’m glad you thought so too. I was hoping…”
“So we’re on again soon?” Jannah tried not to sound too hopeful, but it was hard not to. Not when Rose was looking at her like that.
“Well, I’ll have to wash this shirt first, but I think soon would be a nice idea.”
The two women went quiet again, drinks forgotten as they stared at one another with smiles on their faces.
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segalia · 4 years
And we’ll be standing side by side on top of it all
AN: Back again with a Jedi!Finn AU for all your Star Wars needs! Now, I want to be clear that ForceSensitive!Finn is essentially canon but something they chose not to pursue. It would be easy to do an AU where little changes but his force sensitivity is explored. However, I decided if I was going to do an AU, I was going to go whole hog, so this is just me picking through canon and discarding the rest. 
A series of snapshots starting from the end of The Force Awakens up until the end of technically The Rise of Skywalker. Enjoy
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He heard the stories of the lightsaber flying past Kylo Ren into Rey’s hands like it belonged there, like it had been called there by something even stronger. He remembered the sense that something was wrong before the First Order burst upon Maz Kanata’s palace, and again when Rey was kidnapped. He recalled the sense that had urged him not to shoot, led him to Poe. He listened to the stories around the Resistance of the Jedis, of the Force. 
He flexed his fingers.
The cup twitched. 
This time, they aren’t separated as the First Order rallies. This time, their forces aren’t as depleted and the galaxy has their back. This time, it’s the pervasive othering, violent dogma spread by the First Order, inflicted on brainwashed soldiers and picked up by those harboring xenophobic tendencies, that’s the real enemy. 
This time, when he has something he wants to tell her, he does it sooner. 
It still took longer than it reasonably should. He thought about it every time Leia called Rey to Jedi training or he moved the cup a little further, but there was always something else going on. He was being called on a scouting mission with Poe or working on maintenance with Rose or BB-8 had something to show him. The wheel of rebellions could never afford to slow but damn if it wasn’t exhausting. 
It came up without him intending it, not the way he’d planned in his head at ALL, on a rare day when he and Rey were relaxing after a supply run. They were stretched out in a green field, a sight that he could never get over, the rolling green tugging at something deep within him; Rey was determined to soak up every bit of green she could get. She’d admitted to him one day that she wanted to tuck it all away deep inside her in case she ever got banished back to Jakku again. She’d wanted to take it back as soon as she’d said it, but he’d just taken her hand and nodded. Some things were hard to shake. 
Rey had idly mentioned that Naboo, her grandmother’s-her grandmother- planet was supposed to be full of endless grassy fields like this. Maybe after the war, they could visit. 
Instead of breaking the tentative hope that those words always cast- “after the war…”- he spliced a blade of grass with his finger. Poe had said you could make them into a whistle, but he still couldn’t manage it. “Do you think you have to be related to one of them to have the Force?”
He felt her eyes on him, but remained fixated on the wilted grass in his hand. 
“One of who?” She finally prompted, attempting to sound casual. 
“The old Jedi masters. From before the Empire. You know, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu.” He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t spent time lingering over the hologram of Mace Windu in the archives, wondering. 
She was silent which he appreciated since he knew it meant she was truly giving it some thought. “No.” 
He finally looked at her. 
“No, Leia…” She paused but couldn’t make herself say the other word, “Leia’s been telling me more about the Force, how it has something to do with midi...chlorians, which some creatures have more of than others, but anyone can have the Force. Jedi used to be found all over.” Looking at the almost too bright sky, she took a deep breath. “We have to believe it cause that means there could be more.” 
She met his eyes. 
“I have something I need to tell you.” 
Rey was thrilled, of course. She wanted to tell everyone immediately, but he managed to convince her to keep it under wraps for now. He’d seen the adulation she got for being a Jedi, and the high expectations and pressure that came with it, even with both Luke and Leia helping her. He wasn’t sure if they’d treat him the same since he was an ex-stormtrooper. His past hung over him like a glowing casino sign. On his good days, he reminded himself that he didn’t choose the First Order, but he did choose to leave. On the bad days, he remembered the stormtroopers he left, those he hadn’t gotten to try to save. He thought of Rey with her newly-discovered heritage and Poe with his Rebellion hero parents and Rose with her Resistance sister. That was when a disgruntled voice that sounded distinctly like Solo would grumble in his head about not letting your past define you, kid. 
Luke was off-planet on a mission, but they told Leia. Her eyes lit up, and he swore he could feel her warm reassurance long before she gave him a hug. She focused on the facts first: how much had he been able to do so far? What did he want to do with it? They had an additional lightsaber if he wanted. Could they incorporate this into their stormtrooper rebellion plan? Would he rather train with Luke or Leia? The whole meeting was a bit of a whirlwind, but her hug at the end made it all worth it. Especially when she whispered, “I had a feeling,” and winked before walking away, ignoring his protestations. 
He ended up doing more training with Luke since it helped them spread personnel out on missions. When he and Rey were on missions together, they spent their downtime training together. 
Poe and Rose were both encouraging in their own way, but went right back to treating him like normal which he greatly appreciated. 
He couldn’t deny how right it was to stand by Rey, Luke, or Leia, ignited lightsaber in his hand or floating rock extended before him as the living Force flowed through him, through them, through every living thing. Somehow, he thought his family, whoever they’d been, would be proud of him.
When he started his undercover missions as a stormtrooper (Poe berated him for leaving all his armor in the sands of Jakku, but his complaints about the heat started a pleasantly distracting debate about deserts that dragged both Rey and Luke in), Rey tried to tell him about the hand-waving trick to convince those around him that he was who they needed him to be. He refused point-blank and wouldn’t elaborate. She started to argue with him, but stopped abruptly when her eyes fell on his First Order tattoo, his number branded into the inside of his forearm. They hadn’t been able to remove it yet, but sometimes he’d have to close his eyes and ball up his fists to keep from scratching it off himself. 
Instead, she told him to ask Luke about a cloaking technique before kissing him on the cheek and telling him to stay safe. 
The first few missions were routine, just short enough to plan getting in and out, take note of their numbers. 
When he got a nudge, some undeniable something in the Force, he went off plan, ignoring Poe’s yelling in his ear. It was worth it. After he got the stormtrooper alone and asked her for her name, she looked at him defiantly and proclaimed, “Jannah.” 
Having an ally already on the inside (she’d beaten him at his own game, having rebelled and gone back undercover to pull out others three times now) accelerated the plan. They pooled their resources, learned from each other, planted ideas, and whispered freedom. 
Phasma had no idea what was coming. 
The stormtrooper rebellion didn’t leave time for much else. The pieces were falling into place, plans to storm the bridge, dismantle the ships, confuse orders, and disrupt the First Order hatching in coded conversations. As it gained traction, spreading like fire as it picked up allies in unexpected places, they were able to come up with contingency plans then backup plans for their contingency plans. When one of the soldiers in his old unit volunteered to hijack a planned raid on the Festival of the Ancestors, because “it just wasn’t right,” he let himself feel hope.
Everywhere he looked, he felt the sharp edge of hope as things seemed to be rushing towards an end. Poe was promoted to general; he managed to sneak away for a late night of games, drinks, and stories to celebrate. Rose used the information he sent back to make improvements on their ships and weapons, maximizing their impact and offering strategic modifications in planning sessions.
The Force also felt like it was building towards something; he didn’t have to ask the others to know they felt it too. Leia and Luke held hushed, troubled conversations about murky visions. Rey confessed fears of the Dark Side, whispering tugs. His acceptance emboldened her to ask Luke and Leia about it. (Leia tried to hide beneath her General’s steady calm, but her grief poured through the Force. He thought again about Solo’s death.) Their conversations about the history of the Jedi, different interpretations of the Force, the role of emotions led to the revelation of Darth Vader’s true identity. They talked deep into the nights, when even the last lights in the hangars had turned off. He relished the chance to delve into the history of his (his) people. Though sobered, Rey was steadier.
He made a silent vow to the others and himself.
In the end, he and Rey dueled Kylo Ren together. The Sith fell under their whirling blades, abjectly rejecting redemption for the last time, spitting vitriol. (They hugged and Finn felt more relieved than anything).
(Leia mourned her son and Luke his nephew, but they lived to start again. They defeated Snoke, Leia shouting, “I want my son back, you son of a worm!” before decapitating him. Then she turned to Luke and asked him to take her home.) 
The stormtroopers made the greatest difference in the battle, refusing orders, instead turning on their abusers and overtaking whole fleets. The First Order, built on fear and intimidation, crumbled. 
As the space dust cleared, they took a moment before starting on eradicating prejudice from the rest of the galaxy to celebrate being alive. Liberated stormtroopers shook hands with old enemies, now allies. Pilots hugged soldiers hugged mechanics hugged friends. 
(Luke and Leia privately burned Kylo’s body. Somewhere, Anakin Skywalker berated his grandson in the afterlife before embracing him. This time, when the offer came, he accepted his dad’s hug. The afterlife brought unexpected clarity-and sobs- it seemed.)
Reconstruction was slow but powerful. Untold heroes came out of the shadows, and tales of resistance were spread and celebrated. Jannah was lauded. Rose and Poe received well-deserved awards for their parts. Rey and Finn were knighted in a separate but equally publicized ceremony. The message was clear: the Jedi were back, but they were doing things differently this time. It took longer, but other Force sensitives started showing up, sending messages. Luke started a new school. Both Rey and Finn chipped in when they could. 
 When they weren’t busy --turned out rebuilding also never stopped-- they could be found in each other’s company. Sometimes Jannah joined them or another one of their friends made along the way, but it was usually Rose and Rey tinkering away at something, Poe and Rey bickering about some flying thing, Rose and Poe comparing Resistance stories, and Finn taking part in it all or taking it all in. 
 Sometimes he couldn’t believe all that had happened because one day he refused to shoot. And then chose to free Poe and then chose to help Rey and then...It was a series of choices that he’d made, not always easy and certainly not without consequences, but he wouldn’t change them for the world. 
 Because sometimes, no matter who you were or where you were from, your choices could change the galaxy. 
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