#welcome home renaissance au
justmwahstruly · 9 months
weee whiteboard doodles on @koifsssh board tehehehehe
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when cant draw rainy but fren comes to rescue 🥲
(and how dearly I love butler rainy and maid molly…)
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(DID NOT DRAW THAT ⬆️ clearly)
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ooh spoopy 😦
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side by side comparison??
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i see no difference/j
it is ALWAYS super fun drawing with the koi, go follow them if you aren’t already
love you! (platonically)
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theepisceswriter · 10 months
(Aka Stallion's return event)
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OMGGGG, lovies I am SAUR excited to be back and share my creativity and world with you all and build off of the equally amazing ideas you have as supporters of my work. As an artist, having the inspiration and drive to write after not having ANY for so long means the world to me! So come help me spew out more content for yall!! And what better way to do it than a Beyonce themed event?
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MASTERLIST (TBA once requests start rolling in)
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♡ Underneath the readmore tag there is an assortment of characters, tropes/situations (both sfw and nsfw), and even reader specifics to choose from annnnddd even wildcard options for you if there's anything I left out!
♡ You’ll choose a Drink (character), Beyonce Song (situations/tropes), and your favorite Yonce (reader specific).
♡ The characters listed are not the only ones available, all characters from the fandoms I have listed on my page are available! The ones listed are just the ones I get requests for the most or ones I’ve been having brainrots for lately 
♡ You can send in all sorts of combinations and be as vague or descriptive as you want to be. You can list multiple characters, multiple situations, etc, etc.
♡ For example: "Can I have a Long Island Iced tea, Cuff It & Energy, with Femyonce?", "Can I request Zeke Jaeger with the fwb trope and nb!Reader?" and even, "Can I have One night stand trope with Gojo after he comes home after being locked away for so long?" Whatever you want baby I got you!
♡ Enjoy grandma's babies !!!
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Long Island: Reiner Braun
Margarita: Toji Fushiguro
Martini: Gojo Satoru
Old Fashion: Nanami Kento
Mimosa: Jotaro Kujo
Cosmopolitan: Dio Brando
Bloody Mary: Geto Suguru
Whiskey Sour: Jean Kirchstein
White Russain: Eren Jaeger
Daiquiri: Zeke Jaeger
Negroni: Gutts
Gin Fizz: Shigure Sohma
Manhattan: Levi Ackerman
Mojito: Erwin Smith
Lemon Drop: Shuu Tsukiyama
Sangria: Benimaru
Screwdriver: Leonard Burns
Mai Tai: Character of your choice!
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♡ CHOOSE A JAM TO BOOGIE TO! (Scenarios/Tropes)♡
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KITTY KAT: Sidechick-type beat
NO ANGEL: Troubled!Reader
JEALOUS: Jealousy
ALL NIGHT: Domestic themes (marriage, children, etc)
SORRY: Reconciling
ON THE RUN: Criminal!Reader x Criminal!Character
MINES: Any trope to lovers
BEST THING I NEVER HAD: AU (coffee shop, modern, organized crime, etc, etc)
HELLO: First date
BREAK MY SOUL: wildcard! A theme you think of that might not be listed
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COZY: Cockwarming
ALIEN SUPERSTAR: Monsterfucking
CUFF IT: Overstimulation
CHURCH GIRL: Religion kink
PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA: Aftercare (can be sfw)
VIRGOS GROOVE: Friends with benefits
MOVE: Dominatrix
THIIQUE: Body worship (can be sfw)
PURE/HONEY: Onlyfans!Reader
VIDEO PHONE: Phone sex
IF I WERE A BOY: Pegging
6-INCH: Sex worker!Reader
UPGRADE U: Sugar Daddy/Mommy
BLOW: Oral fixation
DANCE FOR YOU: Striptease
ENERGY: Mutual masturbation
ROCKET: wildcard! A theme you think of that might not be listed
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Femyonce: F!Reader
Thugga Bey: M!Reader
Themyonce: Nb!Reader
Diversce (I thought of this one real hard): POC!Reader (you specify)
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virgilisspidey · 1 year
You bet your fregin ass i am making another au for tmnt 2012. fuck everything vro, my creative juices are flowing.
It's called "Five Years Earlier" an AU where Karai is five years older than the turtles and and where the Shredder discovers Splinter is in New York way earlier, making him and Karai move to the city to watch for him closely before he enacts his revenge.
Before they do leave though, Karai discovers a photo in Shredder's office of her and her family when she was still a baby with a note behind saying:
"My dearest Miwa,
Your song has yet to begin, my love, I wish to hear its melody."
She knows Splinter is her father.
She knows Shredder is lying to him when he gave her the ripped photo the next day when he left.
He thought he planted a seed of resentment in Karai for Hamato Yoshi, instead he planted it for himself.
Karai is a smart girl, she knows Shredder is powerful despite being just five years old. She's going to wait and bid her time.
She's not an idiot to throw a tantrum about who her real father is in front of the man that kidnapped her.
One day she sneaks out of her home with some cash because, of course, the Shredder is rich, okay.
She threw a little tantrum earlier for not getting a pet so she went on to buy one herself.
She goes into the pet store and sees these four cute little turtles and were about to ask for then when they were suddenly taken off. She panics and said that she was going to buy them but the store owner told her someone already beat her to it, but there are other pets she can look to buy, maybe a fish or a hamster, taking care of turtles is a bit much for a five year old, and where are her parents?
Being five years old, she didn't want to see the little turtles leave and was about to cry when the turtles new owner crouched down to her level and shows the little guys to her.
One of the turtles nuzzles her finger when she reaches out.
"It seems to like you." The man says.
And this man is familiar but she couldn't put her finger on it.
The man told her that he promises to take good care of the little guys and although it seems strange she was welcomed to visit the turtles whenever she wanted. He becomes a bit lonely in his apartment so any company is welcomed.
He leads her out the store and even allows her to hold the bowl.
He introduces himself as Yoshi. She met Splinter. She calls him Mr. Yoshi-san and introduces herself as Karai.
"Have any name ideas?" The man asks her.
"Yeah." She says, cooing at the little guys. "I read about the reneesans—"
"The renaissance? Such an advanced read for a little girl."
"I'm very smart!"
"No doubt about that, little one."
Karai just smiles down at the turtles.
"This one's Leonardo because he's my favorite from the reenesans or whatever." She points at the one that kept on nuzzling her finger. "This one's Raphael, it kinds fits him." She points over the grumpt one that kept on trying to shove another turtle off of him. "This one's Donatello, he looks like one and he's kinda cute and calm and stuff" She points at the turtle that chooses to just watch the chaos. "And this guy is Michelangelo! Hey— don't annoy your brother!" she scolds the last turtle that kept on trying to climb the other.
"How can you be so sure they are boys?"
"I just know."
And then they meet the Kraang.
Splinter tells her to go, entrusting the baby turtles in her care and went to investigate. She's stubborn and snuck after him.
She sees the mutagen canister get thrown on the floor, she hears a rat squeak, an alleycat hiss and Mr. Yoshi-san's screams.
She accidentally drops the turtle bowl when the Kraang guys stared to look at her.
She screams but before any harm can be done, Splinter, now a rat, rushes forward to protect her.
"RUN!" He tells her. "RUN AND TAKE THE TURTLES!"
She was scared and crying but she's brave, she's going to be a kunoichi, she needs to be brave.
So she removes her jacket and scoops the baby turtles away from the glowing liquid and runs.
She ends up in an alley somewhere and realized the bundle in her arms were much bigger and that they were squeaking. She opens her jacket and gasped.
Staring back at her were four humanoid baby turtles the size of four small teddy bears.
Leonardo pats her hand, tilting his head, asking if she was okay in his own weird way, black beady little eyes staring into her own.
She always wanted baby brothers.
"My name is..." Karai... No... She's not Karai, never Karai, that's the name her kidnapper gave her. "... Miwa." she says instead. "But that's our little secret, okay?"
"I'm your big sister and I'll protect you from those evil men. I won't let them get you."
But she can't keep them forever, they don't even belong to her and Mr. Yoshi-san was—
Somehow he finds her and she screams but he reassures her it's still him and that he needs to take the babies because they're in danger.
She doesn't want the babies to go but she knows she has to give them away.
"I want to see them." She begs. "Please! I'm new here and i dont have friends and my father won't let me out, i just snuck out, i dont want to let them go please they're—"
"Alright, little one... You may see them."
"How can i find you?"
"I will find you... Perhaps let's meet up in this alley once more a week from now, is that alright?"
She agrees.
When she gets home, scratches all over her and tears in her eyes she begs the Shredder to train her already.
The Shredder thought she was already on the path to revenge.
In reality she wants to be strong to protect her new baby brothers.
And so for the past 15 years Karai helped Mr. Yoshi-san behind his father's back, giving them groceries, money, food, even helped with hunting for furniture because the rat man refused to let her spend more money than she already had. She baby sits if need be (Leo loved pulling at her long hair... Maybe a new change if style?)
They find the lair, set everything up, and so her sporadic visits became scheduled. She watches the boys grow up, she watches them train for their protection and even helps with training. She sees Splinter praying to a shrine, seeing familiar people in it but she can't be so sure.
She grows up with her brothers and they all adore her.
Leo looks up to her the most, he takes up twin swords because he sees her wield a blade. He's gentle and nerdy, somehow dragging her into watching the Space Heroes show she got him out of a whim when she passed a video store. Raph idolizes her skills a lot, he always begs for her to train with him and to spar even though he loses. He usually throws a tantrum when he loses but he smiles whenever she does it. She's patient when Donnie infodumps and shows her his inventions, she got him a tool box for their mutation day and he loved it. He's a wonder and she loves the way his eyes light up with knowledge. Mikey was clingy and first to hug her whenever she visits. He tells her made up stories and she listens, he has a creative and imaginative mind.
She loves them so much...
And then the events of the show start...
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l-sincline · 1 year
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Valorant OC Week 3 is here!
If you haven’t done one of these before here’s the run down:
Any art form is welcome for all the days, your only job is to create something with your oc and then post and tag it with #valorant oc week! You can look through the tag now if you want to see old examples of what people have done.
Don’t like all the prompts? Pick and choose and just do the ones that you want. Busy that week? Do them another time! All just very chill and fun having around here.
Here is the discord server so you can talk to your fellow oc makers
And here are extensions of the prompts for those that want a little more help below the cut 
Everyone comes from somewhere- where’s your oc from? Who raised them? Do they keep in touch? Do they have a good relationship or a bad relationship? Maybe the protocol is your family- after all, found family is one of the best tropes out there.
Originally called “(everybody wants to be my) Enemy” this prompt is all about who boils your oc’s blood the most. Maybe it’s their E2 counterpart, maybe it’s someone in the protocol, or maybe it’s someone not in the protocol at all. How do they interact? Why are they enemies? Best not let yourself get distracted from the mission.
Home cooked meal;
It’s officially friends giving in the middle of January- what dish does your oc bring to the dinner table? Or are they even any good at cooking? What’s their favorite childhood meal?
Fantasy AU;
Kings and queens, knights and mages, lords and ladies. The protocol is teleported back to the renaissance- what’s your oc up to? Do they slay a dragon? Maybe they’re a mage or a fairy? Go forth ye noble warrior, and show us your fantasy vision.
Human V Radiant War;
It’s over… humans and radiants fighting tooth and nail for control. Which side is your oc on? Who are they most loyal to? Do they miss the days of the protocol? Or maybe they’re glad it’s finally over…
BONUS Internet Personality AU;
HEEEELLLLLOOO everybody my name is [redacted]. Wow that was so weird someone took over writing the prompt for a minute there… anyways. Your oc is now a popular content creator! What content do they make? Are they a streamer, a YouTuber? Perhaps a famous tik toker? Is your oc the next Britney Broski? The next Markiplier? Better hop on the Twitter trending page and find out.
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squirrelno2 · 2 months
Pinned Post, Take Two
I decided I wanted to make a few more things apparent and easy to find than just fics I was working on. Especially once that just started being a list of things that are on hiatus.
As my bio says, my pronouns are she/her and he/him - please do not use they/them for me! You may see a name floating around for me, and if you find it you're welcome to use it publicly, but I prefer not to announce it. SquirrelNo2 and Squirrel are easy enough for me to figure out, so don't worry about it. Lastly, I am an adult, and I literally do not care how old you are. So long as I never have to hear from a kid I work with at my job that they found me on Tumblr, it's none of my business who's a minor and who isn't.
Points of Interest:
The Jesse Lives AU: Tumblr-only series of snippets about Jesse surviving the crash at the end of the Clone Wars, featuring my attempts at writing allosexual romance between him and my oc Jale. Has not been updated in a while, and eventually I do hope to put a more polished version on AO3, but you never know when I'm going to drop a new piece in this universe.
Snippets and Sneak Peeks: for all previews of fics and things that I have not yet posted on AO3 (except the above au). Some things have since been posted, but others exist only on Tumblr.
A Comedic Primer to my OCs: At any point may be in need of updating, and only includes the major named characters among my Star Wars ocs, but a good place to start if you're confused about someone I'm rambling about. Does not include the ocs of the Shag Pabol Outpost, who have their own sideblog. Also does not include my ocs for other fandoms, who are far fewer in number and usually created specifically for fics.
This blog is not even so much multifandom as it is "whatever I want whenever I want" so while it's where I personally am most active, if you want a fandom-specific experience or even just to make sure you've read all my fics that you care about, check one of the links below:
AO3: SquirrelNo2 - Profile | Archive of Our Own
SWTOR Sideblog: more time travel. always more time travel.
Clone OC Sideblog (Shag Pabol Outpost): Home of the Todd Squad
Creator/Mod of JATP Renaissance - if you're looking for more Julie and the Phantoms stuff, check there! It's still under construction as of April 2024 but in the next few weeks/months the goal is for it to become a hub of activity.
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (12-18 Feb 2023)
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😊 "List of People Who Disappeared Mysteriously at Sea" (Jen Myers) - nicely eerie short story
😊 In The Market For Murder (Lady Hardcastle Mysteries #2) (T.E. Kinsey, author; Elizabeth Knowelden, narrator) - again, I'm a fan of the breezy 'not-super-serious-about-historical-accuracy-in-the-small-details' tone; I really like that Flo & Lady H have this backstory/history that we only find small bits about here and there
😍 Same As It Ever Was (QuokkaFoxtrot) - 62K, Steddie - EXCELLENT time-loop fixit AU
🥰 Cabin Pressure - Series 1: Abu Dhabi to Fitton (John Finnemore, author; Stephanie Cole/Roger Allam/Benedict Cumberbatch/John Finnemore, voice cast) - entertained again by the crew of MJN Airlines
😍 Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Steve a Match (BlueSimplicity) - 209K, shrunkyclunks - omegaverse (but fairly nontrad, no mpreg) - the slow burn tag is not inappropriate but also it kind of doesn't FEEL that slow! deep worldbuilding, excellent epistolary component, incredible OC's, the differences/subversions of trad omegaverse tropes gave me clowfish AU vibes, which I loved
😍 Will Wonders Never Cease (PorcupineGirl) - 56K, zimbits AU, You've Got Mail/She Loves Me fusion - magic's real, Bitty's a tech witch with a very cute familiar - read this in one sitting and my face hurt when I was done from smiling so much
🥰 Luke and Billy Finally Get a Clue (Cat Sebastian) - novella, set in 1953; to paraphrase the official description: two best friend pro ball players finally figure their shit out, featuring: inclement weather, only one (real) bed and some hurt/comfort. Technically this is set in the Cabot Universe but there are zero Cabots in this one. Cat continues to score home runs on vibes alone. I love her books so, so much!
💖💖 +189K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
I Want You to Find Me (PorcupineGirl) - Check Please!: zimbits, 23K - canon-divergent AU where Bitty's a camboy that catches Jack's attention (while also still being his former teammate and all)
Ruin me (rainbow_nerds) - Stranger Things: steddie, 11K - absolutely cannot get enough of a reunion/2nd chance fic!!!!! fluffy AF!
Critical Feline Mass (Kryptaria, zooeyscigar) - MCU: stucky, 39K - no-powers AU where they're both retired military, Steve rents an apt to a still-struggling-to-reintegrate Bucky & sparks (and feelings) fly. also there are a lot of adorable kittens.
Tom Scott & Gavin Free - "We tried the Hot Ones sauces. It was painful."
Queer Historical Romance panel with KJ Charles, AL Lester & Lex Croucher presented by The Portal Bookshop
Poker Face - s1, e5-7
Our Flag Means Death - s1, e8-10
⭐ Vibe Check - NFL = National Fenty League
Digital Folklore - Monsters and Mental Healthcare - Vivian Asimos & Kathleen Hale
The Sporkful - Alan And Arlene Alda Bonded Over A Fallen Rum Cake
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Henry Miller Memorial Library
You Must Remember This - 1984: "Vioporn," Body Double and Crimes of Passion (Erotic 80s Part 7)
Switched on Pop - “Flowers” and the art of the response song
Digital Folklore - Hidden Meanings (Haunted Videogames, ARGs, & Folk Groups)
Strange Customs - Katie Lowes and Adam Shapiro—The Rock
It's Been a Minute - Unlocking desire through smut; plus, the gospel of bell hooks
⭐ Vibe Check - There’s Dog Years, and Then There’s Queer Years
ICYMI Plus - The Internet’s Black Emo Renaissance
99% Invisible #525 - The Chinatown Punk Wars
⭐ Fated Mates - S05.22: Trailblazer K.J. Charles
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Pushkin’s Duel
Welcome to Night Vale #222 - Makarov the Magical
Shedunnit - Bonus: Tana French on Josephine Tey
Fated Mates - S05.14: Band Sinister by KJ Charles
Writing Excuses - 18.07: Deep Dive into THE SPARE MAN
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Cactoblastis Memorial Cairn
Writing Excuses - 18.05: An Interview with Mary Robinette Kowal
Ologies - Melaninology (SKIN/HAIR PIGMENT) with Tina Lasisi
You Must Remember This - 1985: Fear Sex. Jagged Edge & AIDS (Erotic 80s Part 8)
Endless Thread - The Journeys of Two Russian Anti-War YouTubers
Strong Songs - From Bach to Miles Davis, with Emily Reese
You're Dead To Me - Early Medieval Papacy
It's Been a Minute - Kelela's guide for breaking up with men
Dear Prudence - My Partner Might Be in Conversion Therapy. Help!
The Celtic Spirit
my 'Thumbs Up' playlist
Tropical Dance Pop
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Welcome to how I choose to cope with the Twitter apocalypse: making more Steve Saga fan content instead of catching up with Rainbow Quest.
Inspired by the Twittypets and zzoupz’ Twitblr chronicles, I wanted to do a Steve Saga take on the Tumblr x Twitter lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers story. I call it the Hellsite Steves AU.
Keep reading if you’re actually interested in the lore of the AU.
This AU centers around two ambitious Blue Steves. While they lived happy lives among the Steves and found love in each other, they both aspired to create a safe haven where Steves could be fandom trash in peace. They managed to create that safe space; they called it Tumblr Town. One member of the duo renamed himself to Tumblr Steve, becoming the life force of the Town.
They made so many great memories and had so much fun in the Town. But as the years went by and Tumblr Town started dealing with more problems, the two Steves started to have disagreements. Tumblr Steve’s partner - pessimistic about the longevity of Tumblr Town -  took some time away and discovered a new area, and he saw the potential to create a new fandom space. He declared the land Twitter Town, renamed himself Twitter Steve, and broke up with Tumblr Steve. Twitter Steve took his loyal followers to Twitter Town and they started a new life there, assuming that Tumblr Town would eventually die off.
Tumblr Steve tried his best to lead Tumblr Town on his own. Eventually, through a lot of studying and reflecting, he became an Elder Blue, which darkened his color palette and gave him more power. It wasn’t enough to keep his Town strong, but it eventually led to a cultural renaissance that gave the Town new life. Twitter Town and Tumblr Town exchanged resources and words sometimes. But other than that, Twitter Steve kept Tumblr Town and his ex out of his mind.
That is, until one day, Twitter Steve was overthrown, and Twitter Town immediately fell into ruins. Imposters and hatred terrorized the Town. Some of its citizens were barred from entering the Town’s walls, when its protective barrier called the 2FA system started experiencing issues. Twitter Steve tried to reclaim his Town, but ended up getting exiled by the new leader. And with the Town falling apart, Twitter Steve started glitching out, since his life force was tied to the Town.
Twitter Steve tried to find a new home for him and his followers, but other kingdoms and towns didn’t meet their needs. Then, Twitter Steve had to swallow his pride and reach out to the place he never wanted to return to: Tumblr Town.
Tumblr Steve is full of mixed emotions when he sees his ex again, looking worse than before. They have both changed a lot; they feel like strangers to each other. Will Tumblr Steve welcome Twitter Steve back home? Or is it too late to repair their old relationship?
Gah, I spend way too long on this, and the sensible part of me regrets it. Sabre, if you find this, I am so sorry.
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lunar-ghostlily · 1 year
i’m obsessed with all the welcome home aus where wally is different like a vampire or an animator or a ghost it’s like a sansverse renaissance
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moneeb0930 · 1 year
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The date of birth for Julia Ringwood Coston, one of the first black women to edit a magazine, is unknown. We do know that she was named after Ringwood farm in Warrenton, Virginia, where she was born. While she was still an infant, Ringwood moved to Washington D.C. with her family and attended public schools there. She had almost completed school when her mother died and she was forced to withdraw.
In the spring of 1886, Ringwood married William Hilary Coston, a student at Yale University who eventually became a minister and writer. They had two children, a daughter, Julia R. in 1888, and a son, W.H. in 1890. The family settled in Cleveland, Ohio where William Coston was pastor of Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church. William Coston was especially encouraging of Julia’s writing interests and gave her advice based on his experience as a writer.
In 1891, Julia Coston, realizing that white journals ignored black interests and themes, decided to create her own journal: Ringwood’s Afro-American Journal of Fashion. Concerned with the suffering and hopelessness of black women in the South, she believed that press editorials could be effective in protesting their inhumane treatment. The twelve-page journal, which had a yearly subscription fee of $1.25, provided advice on homemaking, etiquette, and fashion.
Ringwood’s Afro-American Journal of Fashion carried illustrations of the latest Paris fashions along with articles, biographical compositions of outstanding black women and promising young ladies, instructive articles for women and their daughters, as well as love stories. At the time, it was the only fashion magazine for blacks in the world.
The journal received tremendous praise from its readers and other noted publications. In 1892, Rev. Theodore Holly, then living in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, wrote that Ringwood’s Afro-American Journal of Fashion was already the leading magazine in that nation while the Philadelphia Recorder declared the magazine a welcome addition to any home, white or black. Victoria Earle (later Matthews), a black New York society leader, wrote that the magazine was a major source for instruction and guidance in home organization.
Julia Coston strongly supported and encouraged women writers through her journal and allowed younger contributors to gain publication experience there. She also believed these writers were good role models for the journal’s target audience.
For two years, from 1893 to 1895, Coston published a second journal: Ringwood’s Home Magazine. It was not as successful as her fashion magazine though, and she eventually stopped publishing it.
Black Wall Street Book eStore
Support the Black Wall Street Movement
Top Seller: The 1619 Project
The Victory of Greenwood
Tulsa's Legacy: A Greenwood Novel
The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, and the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921
Hidden History of Tulsa
Dreamland: The Burning of Black WallStreet Tulsa, Oklahoma. 1921
The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre: A Photographic History
From Burning to Blueprint: Rebuilding Black Wall Street After a Century of Silence
Tulsa, 1921: Reporting a Massacre
Tulsa's Black Wall Street: The Story of Greenwood
Black Wall Street 100: An American City Grapples With Its Historical Racial Trauma
Black Wall Street: From Riot to Renaissance in Tulsa's Historic Greenwood District
I Am Black Wall Street
Black Wall Street and the Tulsa Race Massacre: The Creation and Destruction of America’s Wealthiest African American Neighborhood
The Destruction of Black Wall Street
Death in a Promised Land: The Tulsa Race Riot of 1921
Angel of Greenwood
Unspeakable: The Tulsa Race Massacre
Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921: The History of Black Wall Street, and its Destruction in America's Worst and Most Controversial Racial Riot
The Nation Must Awake: My Witness to the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921
Black Wall Street Burning
The Tulsa Massacre of 1921: The Controversial History and Legacy of America’s Worst Race Riot
Riot And Remembrance: The Tulsa Race Massacre and Its Legacy
Hiding The Tulsa Black Wall Street Massacre: How the Media Shapes Racial Stereotypes
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twwpress · 2 years
Creator Spotlight: Week 3
Welcome back to our TWW fandom Creator Spotlight! For every spotlight, we’ll ask each featured creator the same ten questions as well as questions submitted by you. This week, we’re chatting with @sinistercherubs on twitter // thababes on ao3.
All answers come directly from Connor, who creates gorgeous edits and also writes fic! Let’s dive in:
1) What are your top 5 desert island TWW fics?
the still feels good series by thotsandfeelings (also, affectionately known as yale au) https://archiveofourown.org/series/1895503
gOD. What’s not to love about this series? It brings me such great memories of FINALLY being able to get into the tag after I finished the show in October 2020. It’s a classic for the “renaissance” of tww fics that came flying in.
aftershock by greatesheights https://archiveofourown.org/works/4786607/chapters/10952567
I know this was just recommended by aleena, but it bears repeating. It’s absolutely a must for everyone’s post noel watch and also for anyone who loves general senior staff.
 I fall apart (and i thought i was so smart) by roseyposeypie https://archiveofourown.org/works/30626918/chapters/75559058 
Oohhh, the journey this was. I have Rosie and this fic to thank for most of the very close fandom friendships I formed from us spiraling and speculating about this story for months.
where the oleander grows by kairach https://archiveofourown.org/works/27211249/chapters/66468748
Cue me just yelling “THE FLOWER FIC!” I’m pretty sure I have recommended this to absolutely everyone that’s watched the show in the past 2 years lmao. It’s about the found family
 nothin’ like you by sam_writes_fics https://archiveofourown.org/works/40285125/chapters/100907319
My poor samjosh summer camp au heart. This fics makes me muppet scream after every single line. Also background cjtoby, my beloved. The cutest concept ever. 
2) Do you have a favorite character to write/edit? Favorite ship(s) to write/edit? Are there characters or ships you'd like to write/edit more of?
Joshua…I think for both? Ballet AU has fortunately let me get a chance to explore writing all of them, so that’s been fun! I like to write up lots of dialogue and meta, but to actually play with them for real is interesting. I’ve only “publicly” written Josh’s POV, so time will tell if I ever get comfortable enough to move on to someone else. Editing Josh/Brad is also always a hoot. Obviously, editing j/d is a good time, but i do like the challenge of when i get the inspo to edit cjtoby, those edits end up being a lot more heartbreaking. I loooove doing friendship edits and writing about those relationships as well, (chaos twins !!!) but im looking forward to doing some studio 60 edits soon. 
 3) Tell us about your creative process (setup/location? Night or day? Snacks/beverages? Computer/phone/notebook? Music or silence? Anything else you want to share is welcome!)
I like to call it “going into my edit hole” where I will clip/airdrop, edit, color, and then post all in the same sitting. I do like to outline edits (and now fics) on my notes app because most of my outlining and planning happens from 6am-2pm when I’m not home. This usually ends up being why I start editing at 7pm and finishing 3 hours later. Most edits usually take me 3 hours from beginning to end if I have it really thought out. For edits, I do like to be home alone or locked in my room to really pay attention to the music and voice overs. I have a Ballet AU playlist that I usually play while writing that. 
 4) What video editing/writing advice do you have for others who may be reading this?
This is for editing, but practice practice practice?? I made 40 tww edits in 2021 and you can definitely see when I started to get more comfortable with coloring/lighting this hell show. Voice overs were also kinda tricky for a bit, but I just played more and more with it for different edits, and you start to see what you like and what works. I think working with the same clips and show for so long provided something to work up to. My writing advice would be to open up google docs, advice that I myself should take ;) 
5) From where do you usually draw your inspiration? (Other forms of media, music, tropes, etc?)
MUSIC!!! For about 5 years, I made gifs almost everyday for Tumblr (follow me at @karenandthababes if ya want!) and most were lyric sets. Gifs were my alternative for not having the proper programs back then for edits. I saw these characters and ships through music. Music either puts choreography in my head or it flows out an edit lol 
 6) What is the fic/edit you've written/created that you're most proud of and why?
I’m still really proud of having an almost 9k unfinished fic (i’m so sorry) published? Ballet AU started as a joke and ended up being REAL, and that freaks me out. The noel edit to Ave Maria is one I think I’m still most proud of from a creative standpoint? It wasn’t one i had planned AT ALL, came out of nowhere and ended up doing really well and hurting a lot of people, which really is my biggest joy hahaha. 
 7) What's the fic trope/concept/AU you'd read 1000 of? What's the fic trope/concept/AU you'd write 1000 of? And/or, are there any editing tropes/artists/themes you can't get enough of?
I’m team angst (derogatory) but I love hurt/comfort. (which this show gives you plenty of reasons for it) I love reunions. I love found family. I love people feeling and being loved! For edits, I’m back to just adoring a good friendship edit. Nothing beats just seeing some of these duos or trios be absolute ding dongs. 
 8) Is there anything you'd like to try writing-wise/video editing-wise that you haven't yet?
I would love to try to write my angst feelings and hcs down for tww. I’ve been really proud of stuff I wrote for another fandom and OCs that were really DARK, but I just won’t have that chance for that in ballet au (which I think people would be grateful for). 
 9) What's your go-to Starbucks/coffee shop/other drink order?
lavender oat milk iced coffee wink wink (I also swing for hazelnut most of the time)
10) Do you have any current projects you'd like to promote or anything upcoming you'd like to tell us about?
Ballet AU!!! There’s a bunch of surprises coming in ACT 2 that I think a lot of people that haven't caught up or started yet would really enjoy, still saving quite a few tags for secret plot lines. There’s definitely more edits coming :) 
Submitted questions:
From @sam_writes_fics: one song you really want to make an edit to? how long have you been making edits?
Pretty much everything on my j/d playlist lol. I think there’s just so many songs to pick from at this point for any character dynamic and ship that now it’s just when inspiration really hits. I’ve been making fandom edits since 2019, but my first tww edit was in 2021. 
From @jessbakescakes: What do you think is the easiest part of editing? The most difficult part? What’s the one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
The easiest is getting the concept most of the time? Usually, it’s a song that hits my shuffle that I never thought of using and then suddenly my brain is just providing the scenes or vibes for me. After an hour of repeats, it’s an edit. The most difficult part for me usually is starting. The program I specifically use (InShot on IOS) doesn’t let you drop and move things around like working on a desktop program would, so if my beginning doesn’t work like I wanted it to but I know how my middle and end works, I just have to keep at it until I find a way that works lol. 
From @jessbakescakes: What’s the one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
This is a hard question. I went to school for multimedia in high school and focused on the post production of whatever we were making that week, so it’s less of what I wish I knew and more of what I wish I had. Studying graphic design in college threw me off from my video editing, so finding a way to just do it again, even on this level, is great.
From @claudiasjeans: what’s your fave tww rarepair? what got you into fandom, either editing or writing? how did you get exposed to tww?
For a rarepair, I’ll probably say andy/cj/toby and cj/kate? I’m a huge multishipper, so my end point is always a poly relationship lmao. I think samjosh might be too popular to be a rarepair, but I’ll put that down just in case. God, if we want to get real deep, my fandom writing background comes from twilight roleplay when i was a tiny teen. It wasn’t fic, but it was definitely years of writing. Gifs led to edits. Roselle (mskimwexler) and Di (onourownside) pulled me into watching tww completely blind and it was a magical time. I just celebrated my 2 year anniversary! 
From @kennysroys: Since you’re an editor (a great one at that!) what scene or scenes from the show do you think are well edited?
What a compliment :’) Noel as a whole, jfc. It’s the only episode of it’s kind and nothing can beat that Emmy winning masterpiece. I think that’s what was so fun about editing noel, because you have to work a little bit harder with the therapy scenes because it’s already edited so well. I would love to add that I have a love/hate with editing the cold kiss hahaha. I have at one point even tried to clip the matching shots together to make longer kisses and no dice!! The cold kiss is filmed and edited like an fandom edit, the 360 is amazing for the drama of editing, but sometimes you just WISH we got some more transition type single camera kisses lmao 
From @joshatella: When did you make your first edit/how did you start editing?
I posted the Humble Josh edit Christmas Day 2020, but I think my first twitter edits were Star Wars related from 2019. I just know Bea (schiff0rd) and I both started our tww edit journey around the same time, and it’s been really fine to work back and forth with her. Remi (piketrickfoots) was a godsend and actually clipped all of j/d for us back when it was still on Netflix, so without her and my season files, there’s no way I would have been able to edit at the quantity I was last year. The Humble edit and the Silver Fox Bradley edit were my firsts, which led to the red dress edit. The rest is history lol
Lightning round from @S4MWILSON: fave fic you wrote ? fave edit you made ? would you ever make an edit to a fic ? what app/software do u think is best for editing ? fave ship you have yet to write ? most underrated tww dynamic ?
I know I’ve talked about Ballet AU a lot, so I’m gonna say you know that i'm fallin’ was a really fun start to my tww fic journey. Ofc my first published fic was santos 3, which i would really love to do a little ficlet sequel to soon. The chaos twins or santos 3 edits i hold very dear to my heart, but the he's the man edit for josh was my real big break into making things as a whole I was really happy with. We’ve actually discussed doing a fic/edit/art collab event, so maybe soon! This is really a personal preference for me who’s used every editing software besides Vegas, but I prefer editing fancams on my phone. I use InShot for general editing and Prequel for coloring. I was originally trained with ​​Premiere Pro, but anyone that’s used that program knows it’s the devil. I would love to write some cjtoby at length. As the one of the spokespersons for underrated tww dynamics, I could list for hours, but any dynamic with Abbey involving a member of the senior staff is so special to me.
Thanks again, Connor!
If you’re interested in being featured for a future spotlight, please drop us a line here on tumblr, on twitter, or email [email protected].
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linneatanner · 11 months
Kelly Evans Turning the World to Stone #HistoricalFiction #Renaissance #histfic #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @chaucerbabe @cathiedunn
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FEATURED AUTHOR: KELLY EVANS Please welcome Kelly Evans to The Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour held between July 4th — July 6th, 2023. Kelly Evans is the author of the Historical Fiction, Turning the World to Stone: The Life of Caterina Sforza Part One 1472 to 1488, released by Eska Publishing on 2 May 2023 (385 pages). Below are highlights of Turning the World to Stone, author bio for Kelly Evans, and an excerpt from her book. Blog Tour Page: https://thecoffeepotbookclub.blogspot.com/2023/05/blog-tour-turning-world-to-stone.html HIGHLIGHTS: TURNING THE WORLD TO STONE Turning the World to Stone The Life of Caterina Sforza Part One 1472 to 1488 by Kelly Evans Blurb: Vilified by history, Caterina Sforza learned early that her life was not her own. Married at age ten, she was a pawn in the ever-changing political environment of Renaissance Italy. Resigned to her life as a fifteenth-century wife, Caterina adapted to the role she was expected to play: raising and educating her children, helping the poor in her new home, and turning a blind eye to her husband’s increasingly shameful behaviour. But Fate had other plans for her, and soon Caterina’s path would be plagued by murder, betrayal, and heartbreak. “Could I write all, the world would turn to stone.” Buy Links: This title is available to read on #KindleUnlimited. Universal Link: https://mybook.to/Caterina Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Turning-World-Stone-Caterina-Sforza/dp/1778022421 Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Turning-World-Stone-Caterina-Sforza-ebook/dp/B0C1HZHT93 Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/Turning-World-Stone-Caterina-Sforza-ebook/dp/B0C1HZHT93 Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/Turning-World-Stone-Caterina-Sforza-ebook/dp/B0C1HZHT93 AUTHOR BIO: KELLY EVANS   Born in Canada of Scottish extraction, Kelly Evans graduated in History and English then moved to England where she worked in the financial sector. While in London Kelly continued her studies in history, concentrating on Medieval History, and travelled extensively through Eastern and Western Europe. Kelly is now back in Canada with her husband Max and a rescue cat. She writes full-time, focussing on illuminating little-known women in history with fascinating stories. When not working on her novels, Kelly writes Described Video scripts for visually impaired individuals, plays oboe, and enjoys old sci-fi movies. Social Media Links: Website: https://www.kellyaevans.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChaucerBabe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kellyevansauthor Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kellyevansauthor/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/kellyewrites/ Book Bub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/kelly-evans Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Kelly-Evans/author/B0187JGTOQ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14335541.Kelly_Evans EXCERPT: TURNING THE WORLD TO STONE   “There is something I must do.” She turned to Luisa. “I need you to stay here and remain with the children.” To Bossi, she said, “And you’ll need to remain here too.” “I don’t care where you’re going, Madonna, but I am going with you. Nowhere is safe right now.” “I need you here.” “I’ll see that my best men are left here, if that will ease your mind.” He waited, watching her face. “Fine. But I am resolute and will brook no argument nor hear words that will sway me from my path.” Bossi nodded his agreement. “This is the only way to ensure my husband will live through these next days and assure I still have some control.” They looked at her expectantly as she turned to a mirror to put on a pair of riding gloves. Turning back to them, she smiled grimly. “I am going to capture the Castel Sant’Angelo.” “You’re going to storm the stronghold?” Bossi asked incredulously. Caterina smiled. “No. I’m going to walk in and ask for it.” Instagram Handle: @thecoffeepotbookclub   Read the full article
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marvelcriminalhoe · 2 years
Steve Rogers Fic Recs 2.0
ALL FICS ARE (X READER) STORIES however how inclusive they are depends on the writer. Please read ALL WARNINGS AND NOTES of the authors. Some stories could be DARK or be 18+. You are responsible for reading the warnings.
All works here are COMPLETED works. I will add to the list as more stories are finished :)
Arming the Soldier  by @kaunis-sielu
Dear Mr.Captain America by @kaunis-sielu
Kisses by @floatingpetals
Super Like & Swipe Right by @avengerscompound
His new Partner by @star-spangled-steve
Fools Rush In by @ronearoundblindly
The Line Between Respectful and Stupid by @anika-ann
Traditions Kept by @anika-ann
The Blue Stick by @itsanerdlife
Baby Come Home by @itsanerdlife
Classified by @itsanerdlife
Nothing Like You @itsanerdlife
Call Sign: Renaissance by @captain-kelli
Old Fashioned Way by @notyetneedcoffee
Sunburst by @the-canary
Kissing Games by @avengemebuckyy
Used to be Overlooked by @justkending
Panicked  by @prettyyoungtragedy
Scratch by @findyourhappyplaces
A Good Man by Brooklynboys
Muse by Brooklynboys
Three Hearts by Brooklynboys
Twofer & Threefer by Brooklynboys
Wanderlust by Brooklynboys
The Best Mistake Of My Life by @anika-ann
Love Bites by StarfleetStgMgr
Santa Baby by StarfleetStgMgr
Flavor of the Week by StarfleetStgMgr
Save Me  by @captainrogers-ass
The Lonely Tree by @sarahwroteathing
Sexiled by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
Missed Connections by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
The Art of Love by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
Aurora by @prettyyoungtragedy
Hold That Thought by @itsanerdlife
Love in the Ink by @itsanerdlife
Knockout by @itsanerdlife
The Night We Met by @avengerofyourheart
Before you Go by @world-of-aus
Mini Matchmaker  by @avengerofyourheart
Slow Like Honey by @heli0s-writes
A Series of Unfathomable Feelings by @redgillan
Mess with them  by @redgillan (this isn’t room mate but oh well)
Welcome to the pack by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Serendipity by Brooklynboys
Fire Dogs by @kaunis-sielu
Fallen From Grace by @the-mighty-jellybean
(Sequel) Rising from the Earth 
Menage et trois by Brooklynboys
Edge Of The Water by @floatingpetals
Beautifully Unfinished by @kayteewritessteve
If Only You Knew by @kayteewritessteve
Tear in My Heart by @prettyyoungtragedy
Unexpected by @sunriserose1023
Reckless by @kinanabinks
Black & Blue by @the-mighty-jellybean
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venusjeon · 2 years
stardust | ch1
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struck by your beauty, Jimin begs to paint you naked behind the world's back so as not to stain your influential family—his patrons—with scandal.
♔ PAIRING: painter!jimin x muse!reader
♔ GENRE: renaissance au, angst, fluff
♔ WORD COUNT: 8.6k
♔ WARNINGS: unrequited love (for now), cheeky flirting, reader has a sickly health, jimin is quite sexist bc of the time period, drinking, nudity, religion themes, mentions of sex & death
♔ AUTHOR'S NOTE: this is loosely inspired by the tv show medici, which you don't need to have watched to understand, but that i highly recommend! jimin is sorta based on sandro botticelli<3 it took me forever to write so i rlly rlly hope you like it :)
♔ SOME QUICK ITALIAN NOTES: messer=lord, madonna=lady, maestro=master(of the arts), palazzo=palace.
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1475, Florence
Jimin had heard of you.
As the daughter of one of the most prominent families in Italy, your flirtatious character was naturally a subject of gossip throughout the land.
The most scandalous rumours were tied to your name, from having lain with men out of wedlock to being a witch who took pleasure in cursing her enemies. Some of them had reached Jimin’s ears despite his intention to stay out of anything that wasn’t his artistic craft, and he considered it a burden to attend the welcome party of a lady with so shameful a reputation. But it was your brother Jungkook who’d invited him, so he must.
They’d been close friends for years, ever since the young messer had moved to Florence from Rome, where you were from. He’d immediately recognised Jimin’s talent with the brush and offered to cover the cost of a workshop for him to own in exchange for the painter undertaking commissions from nobles Jungkook sought to make allies of.
Given his humble origins, Jimin was beyond grateful for his patronage, but an artist’s life wasn’t without hardships. Perfection wasn’t easy to achieve, if it could even be done, and the path towards it was so long that it seemed a waste of time to follow it… Still, he would set his worries aside tonight not to spoil the party. He’d very much have preferred to stay home and go to sleep early, but there was no going back now that he was already being welcomed in by the servants.
If not personally, Jimin knew most of the people present by sight—nobles, philosophers, poets, politicians, clergymen... The absence of an insignificant commoner such as he wouldn’t be noticed, so he might actually get away with leaving early on, although it would be rude to do so without being introduced to you first. Bowing his head to those he made eye contact with, he swam through the crowd in search of Jungkook, whom he knew would make an awkward small talk with you bearable.
Your family’s palazzo in Florence reflected the values of the time in the most harmonious ways. The columns that supported the arches in the inner courtyard were of Greek and Roman style, as were the thoughts and morals encouraged to study; the tapestries hung on the rooms depicted scenes from the Bible; and a special occasion or not, musicians could be heard playing sweet tunes to entertain the guests. Culture flourished.
It was the paintings on the walls of the hallways alone that Jimin was captivated by. They always distracted him whenever he walked past but tonight, the sight of his own work up there made him sigh through his nose and speed up his pace.
Fortunately, he soon spotted Jungkook in the dining hall talking to a cardinal, so he accepted the wine a cupbearer boy offered him and waited nearby until the messer was free. It wasn’t unlike your brother to mix business and pleasure, Jimin knew, since he’d attended many parties thrown specifically to further your family’s interests in politics. This one, albeit your welcome one, was no exception.
To make time, the painter’s eyes roamed slowly through the room to read the lively ambience until they landed on a stranger he assumed to be you. He could only see how on your head, a braid crown encompassed a golden hairnet with pearls sown onto it, and how your curls fell gracefully on your back. Not to mention that dress, dyed in the brightest red... Clearly, you meant to impress Florence from your first appearance, which Jimin understood as a power play, something typical of nobility.
A glass of wine in hand, you were conversing with a flustered Namjoon, philosopher and another of Jungkook’s friends. Well... rather, you must be counting his eyelashes, for even from the back, Jimin could tell how close you were standing to him, far more than was socially acceptable. The rumours of your indecency were true, it seemed, and that almost disgusted him enough to make him renounce his manners and leave at once.
Because when you turned around, he couldn’t bring himself to move his legs.
Jimin had seen beauty before. It was his job to translate it into an image, a moment frozen in time as close to the ideals in trend, but nothing he’d seen so far compared to the radiance of your face. You were gorgeous! He almost wanted to, God forgive him, but… worship you at an altar since your fairness struck him as divine. Perhaps his feelings weren’t misguided because you must be an angel, or at least have been fashioned by one.
In the span of a breath, Jimin changed his mind. He would stay all night at that party if it meant he’d get to be in your presence and before he left, he must pay his respects.
“Would you like more wine, maestro?” the voice of a cupbearer made him turn around.
“Eh… Yes, thank you.”
His glass was refilled in an instant, hence he couldn’t fathom how you had disappeared by the time he’d turned back. Jimin looked and looked around the hall, but it was in vain, as you were gone. Could you have been a pigment of his imagination? Maybe he’d finished that first glass of wine too fast, plus the stress he’d been dealing with… Yes, Jungkook’s actual sister must be somewhere else in the hall. Speaking of, he seemed nowhere near the end of his conversation with the cardinal, so until Jimin could be introduced to you, wherever you were, he decided to wait somewhere less crowded. The study would do.
As he walked the quieter hallways that led away from the party, an idea peaked through the grey clouds in his mind. Even if she didn’t exist, could that woman become his–
Wait, there she was again!
Alone in the study, you stood in front of a painting. Jimin immediately hid behind the door’s frame to watch you marvel at none other than one of his creations. He’d been unhappy with his work as of late, but your reaction to it prided him of every brushstroke.
“You know, it is quite rude to creep on a lady.”
Jimin froze. He was somewhere you’d have to turn a little to see, yet you’d not moved an inch as the reproach had calmly fallen out of your mouth. Caught in the act, he walked to your side, the embarrassment not sufficient to keep him from staring at your profile now from up close.
“It is my painting you look at, Madonna.” That caught your attention, gaze averting from the artwork to Jimin for the first time. “An artist is always flattered to have an audience, but I shouldn’t have spied… Please, forgive me.”
“You painted this?” you asked. It wasn’t often that people stared at you other than for lust, envy, or judgement, and much less the author of a scene that had managed to reach your heart.
“I did. Your brother commissioned it two summers ago.” Allegory of time was its title.
You nodded, remembering. “Park Jimin. I know who you are, Jungkook has made mention of you in his letters. I should’ve recognised this splendid piece as yours.”
Jimin smiled, but it seemed to you only out of politeness. “I don’t know if I’d call it that, but I’m glad Jungkook is putting out good word of me.”
Well, this was new. Every other artist only boasted about their talent in order for you to let them immortalise you. None had succeeded in convincing you, though. Seeing men try their hardest to win you over was fun, but you didn’t want them to think you owed them your body because you had allowed them to paint it. Flirtation had its limits and despite your youthful age, you were wise enough to know them.
“I’m afraid I don’t know much about art, but I believe that some are blind to what others see perfection in. So it’s not a matter of what is or isn’t, but what it means to your audience.”
The way Jimin parted his lips almost made you laugh. What with the way you’d been behaving all night, he couldn’t have imagined you’d be capable of deep thought. No one ever did.
“That may be…” he said once he’d recovered from his small shock. Someone seeing beyond the brushwork was a rare occurrence. “What does it mean to you then, if I may ask?”
You looked back at the painting, in which three women at different stages of their lives—one a child, another an adult, the other elderly—handled a long, thin thread. Jungkook considered this man part of the family, but you had just met: whether or not you should trust him with your torments wasn’t something you should decide in just minutes.
“It means that woman has been holding that thread for so unnecessarily long,” you joked instead, earning another of Jimin’s smiles, this time a genuine one. “What do you think, maestro?”
Jimin looked up at it. “That it’s unworthy of admiration, but Jungkook somehow believes otherwise.”
“He is right to,” you assured him. “And he must have noticed my absence already. Shall we?”
You held out your hand but Jimin barely glanced at it, his focus being your delicate features. His earlier idea slipped back into his mind. Wine was known to endow him with a courage that most might consider reckless, and tonight was no exception. He was going to try regardless of what was proper.
“Madonna… I know this is sudden, but I must confess something.” You drew back your hand, expectant, and he took a deep breath. “I paint to honour God, but always fail in capturing the beauty of His creation… It might have to do with the fact that nothing seems to attract my eye as of late, to inspire me.” People seemed to be blind to that by the way they praised his work and called it true art, but it troubled Jimin so much that he’d come to contemplate giving up altogether. “When I saw you earlier, the fairest creature to walk this land... I knew for certain that you’re the sign I’ve asked God for months. You’re meant to be my muse and I’m meant to paint you. If you be willing to pose for a piece, it’d be my welcome gift, free of charge.”
Not many things were capable of leaving you speechless, but this just had. A teasing response would normally follow something like that, but you could tell this pious man had no sexual interest in you. No, he saw beyond what others did.
“If my brother agrees, then I don’t see why n–”
An idiot for falling for it so fast, you scoffed. He was just like all the others. “Excuse me?”
“I’d like to paint you as Venus, naked,” Jimin explained. “As the Lord made you. Perfect.”
He prayed you wouldn’t think ill of him, but any respectable lady would’ve already walked away—rightfully so—and yet you were still there, considering it. The rumours Jimin had been so put off by may end up playing in his favour, after all.
What he didn’t know was that all your life you’d been no more than a pretty object men longed to possess for their own enjoyment, and that you’d learned to play along to get what you wanted. No one had looked at you before and been reminded of holiness. Even yourself didn’t think it possible.
“The Lord also made me a noblewoman,” you pointed out, disappointed at the fact for the first time. “I’d be disgraced. My family would never agree to it.”
Jimin dared take a step closer after a moment of thought, and whispered, “No one need ever find out if you pose for me in secret, and only God will lay eyes on the painting when it’s finished, if you so wish. It is only for Him I’d risk so much.”
Whether it was because of his proximity, the innocence of his intent, or the thrill of doing something wrong in secret, you did not know.
But persuaded you were.
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At the first blush of dawn, you snuck out of the palazzo disguised in a hooded black cloak.
It had been some days since the party and to your own surprise, you did not regret agreeing to Jimin’s proposal. There weren’t many beside him in Florence that your brother trusted, so he wouldn’t wrong you, right? If he did, you’d make sure to show him you could not only be as pretty as an angel, but also as lethal.
It was to his workshop a few streets away you were surreptitiously going to. Daylight was needed and the first hour of it was perfect for the venture at hand given that Jungkook would assume you still asleep. It did mean you had to wake up earlier and dress yourself without the help of your servants, but you’d live.
Yawning, you knocked thrice lightly on the wooden door and it opened in a matter of seconds. As promised, Jimin was already waiting for you. He’d been awake for hours, actually, praying you wouldn’t change your mind last minute and not show up, so the sound brought him relief—but not as much as seeing you under the sunrise’s peach light. The way it painted your face told him he’d chosen the right colour palette, even if that would come later on. Today, Jimin was to sketch you.
He showed you in the empty workshop and led you upstairs to a barely furnished bedchamber.
“You live here?” you asked surprised as he drew the curtains, rays of sunlight almost blinding you. Being under the patronage of your family, Jimin should be able to afford a house of his own.
“Yes, Madonna.” He opened the windows slightly and the distant sound of the early-rising people going about their day broke the silence between his speech. “I moved in recently to avoid distractions.” Turning, he said nonchalantly, “You can undress now.”
It was in that moment when you realised that you were still by the door, standing still like a statue. There was no use in trying to convince yourself you weren’t nervous, but you would not let Jimin know, proceeded to get rid of your clothes and throw them on an armchair while he set up an easel and a wooden canvas before the bed almost ignoring your presence.
You’d be lying if you said you were a fan of his professionalism. Jimin was an attractive man only a few years older, and that you knew he would be nothing but respectful to his God-sent muse only woke your mischievous side.
“How do you want me?” You sat on his bed and Jimin walked over, gaze avoiding your naked body yet unable to settle anywhere else.
There weren’t a large number of occasions in which a lady could feel powerful but when you got men flustered, you did. Because they usually didn’t expect your forwardness, it took them aback and brought them under your control. Good fun.
“Lying on your right side, but facing me.” Gestures accompanied Jimin’s instructions so as not to touch you, and that he didn’t handle you like an object he was entitled to was noted. He kept checking out a paper he held, the flustering all shrugged off by now. There was much work to be done and no time to waste. “Hold your head with your right hand and rest your left one on your hip.”
Without hesitation, he dug his fingers in your loose curls and dragged some of them to each side so they wouldn’t cover your face. You prayed he’d touch your skin next but after a small nod of approval, he sat on the floor to be close to your height and showed you the paper. A rough sketch depicted Venus in your current position looking upwards, and a baby Cupid struggling to climb the bed to cover her nudity with a blanket. It was so adorable that you chuckled.
“It is a simple scene,” Jimin explained gently, glad you liked it, “but nice, don’t you think? Nothing draws too much attention from her.”
Before he knew it, he was immersed in the job like never before, carefully glancing back and forth from your shape to the canvas as he drew.
Now, for the first five minutes, it was alright. You had managed to relax despite the bizarre situation you were in, but the lack of conversation... It was unbearable! Being quiet for so long wasn’t healthy, you were sure.
“Do you normally do this?” you couldn’t help but ask, and Jimin thankfully didn’t seem to mind, concentrated as he was. “Paint nude girls?”
“Not normally, no. I prefer the challenge of drapery.”
“I’d have thought you’d find it sinful, both of us being unmarried and all. As well as making me a pagan goddess.”
“Messer Namjoon, whom you were with the other night,” Jimin started, “he’s a philosopher. I used to scorn his work for that very reason, but he taught me the pagan gods are to be taken as ideas put in the minds of the ancients by God. Everything goes back to Him. And He made us in His image, so there’s nothing wrong in showing His beauty.”
“There are many cardinals in Rome less devout than you, maestro,” you said with a scoff, feeling the soft bedsheets with your toes. “Still, it’s… hard to believe a man wouldn’t be tempted by the allure of his exposed models.”
The glare he failed to suppress was exactly what you were after. This wouldn’t be fun if Jimin didn’t get at least a little worked up.
Lady or not, by what right dared you insinuate he was weak of will? You, who were said to have known more men than a prostitute? Jimin had lain with women out of wedlock, true, but he’d confessed and atoned for it—still was, by regularly painting for the Church. The one without shame wasn’t him.
“Some of us are capable of self-restraint.”
You laughed, “Oh dear, I have a feeling you’re talking about me.”
Jimin went back to drawing. “Madonna, why would that be!”
The sarcasm in his tone amused you. Despite being lowborn, he didn’t seem scared to challenge you. “It isn’t true, you know. What they say about me.”
The painter tried not to make his skepticism of that claim obvious. But even if you’d been the one to bring it up, it wasn’t his place to scold you for it. “I don’t listen to gossip.”
“Sure you do. Everyone does, even the commoners.” Jimin wondered how you knew about what commoners were up to. Did you welcome his kind too into your bed? “I’m taken for indecent, but that’s exactly what I want people to think of me.”
Jimin blew the chalk’s dust off the canvas with a frown. He wasn’t interested in your life, but you clearly wanted him to bite. “Why would anybody want that?”
“It’s the only thing one can do to shoo her suitors away. I’ve never given myself to lust and plan to keep it that way until marriage, but if the world thinks I’ve stooped as low, no man will want me for a wife.” Proudly, you asked, “Don’t you think that’s clever of me?”
“Reckless,” Jimin answered while shaking his head. The day had started off well, but you were putting him in a bad mood, “is what I think of it, Madonna. It’s not only yours but your family’s reputation you harm by behaving that way. Besides, it is not right for a woman to remain unwed for long.”
Such potential that you had and yet you chose to throw it away… Arranged marriage was a gamble but not the end of the world, and it certainly did not mean you must be reduced to a housewife if you played your cards well, which Jimin was sure you’d know how to do.
“Forgive me for resisting being mated like cattle.” You rolled your eyes. “Some fool will eventually come along anyway and turn a blind eye to the rumours for the sake of my dowry. I’ll have no way out then, but until the day comes, I want to live freely. And don’t you worry about my family, more than once they’ve had me help in their intrigues. Needless to say, Jungkook doesn’t like that I can sweet-talk the politicians his eloquence cannot sway.”
Jimin continued sketching calmly. He found no sense in what you were saying, but there was no point in arguing with someone like you.
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You had decided annoying Jimin would be your new pastime.
It was every morning that you met, and every morning that you came up with a new way to interrupt his work and thus, delay the finishing of his painting. That Jimin had no love for you was no secret, but he was different to the rest, so you wanted to hold on to the excuse of being his muse to be around him for as long as you could.
Immune to your charms, he ignored your cheeky advances, taking them for just a game to see if it was possible to corrupt him—and he had no interest in playing. His was not the kind of soil to plant a vineyard in. Your appearance may be without flaw, but it was something sacred to him, and there was nothing you could do to tantalise him. You knew it, of course, but you would try regardless.
Like when you’d suddenly lie on your back in the middle of a session, almost making Jimin groan from behind the canvas.
“Don’t move, Madonna,” he’d sigh, but you would stretch your limbs like a cat, comfortable rolling around on his bed without any clothes.
“I apologise, I seem to have forgotten the position you want me in.” You didn’t even try to pretend you weren’t lying, a coy smile always playing on your lips. “You’ll have to remind me, Jimin.”
“On your side, with a–”
“My… side?” You frowned as though the word was new to your vocabulary.
“She’s worse than a child,” Jimin muttered fed up, leaving the piece of chalk he was using on a small table near the easel to shake the dust off his hands before walking to the bed.
“We’re all children of God. How very blasphemous of you to forget.” Ha. As if you of all people could give him lessons on blasphemy.
Limbs playing dead for him to move into position, you bit your lip at the feeling of his touch, especially when his hand grabbed yours to lay it on your hip and you brushed your fingers against his. The touch of a man had never given you shivers before, and now you found yourself seeking them from Jimin. It was a thought that actually terrified you.
Only the angle of your head was left to arrange, so he tilted your face in his direction by your jaw, ever so gently. However, something kept him from drawing away.
The way you were looking at him, with a hint of vulnerability breaking through your playful persona. He didn’t know your confidence was a façade, or what had caused it to crumble, but he did wonder why you’d feel the need to put on an act for someone as low in station as him in the first place.
“Jimin?” you asked in a whisper, breaking whatever spell he was under. At once, he withdrew the hand he’d only just realised was still under your chin.
Clearing his throat even though he wasn’t about to say anything, he returned behind the canvas and told himself these matters should have no place in his heart– thoughts. Thoughts.
Other times, you liked to be more direct when messing with him.
“What’s your favourite part of my body?”
Jimin pretended not to hear that as he added white to his palette, in order to get the fairer shades of sunrise. He was tired after spending the whole previous day grinding the mineral pigments that were to be mixed up with egg yolks, thus making paint, but also excited to begin the next stage of the process.
“Jimin?” you spoke a bit louder in case he hadn’t heard, even though you knew he had. “What is your favourite part of my body?”
“I will not dignify that with an answer.”
More often than not, your plan backfired and you ended up being the annoyed one. Couldn’t he indulge you, at least for once? If he thought he was impossible to break, you would show him otherwise.
“Fair enough… What is your favourite part of my body to paint, then?”
“That would be your hair, I suppose.”
You caressed your locks only for a moment so Jimin wouldn’t scold you yet again for moving. Hardly the answer you’d hoped for, but not a reason to give up.
“I don’t know what I’d choose, myself,” you mused, “if I were to paint you as you lay naked on my bed...”
“You couldn’t paint me naked to begin with.”
“Is that a challenge, Park Jimin?” You weren’t nearly as talented as him, of course, but you’d been taught the basics of drawing back in Rome.
The Pope liked his Vatican colourful, and your family would share patronage with him and employ the same artists he did to educate you in art. Arrogant and more interested in seducing you than in the lessons as they were, you weren’t to blame for not paying that much attention, but how you wished you’d made an effort so that you’d have more in common with Jimin…
“That is the law, Madonna,” he said, a draft suddenly flying into the chamber. Jimin’s eyes had been fixed on the canvas, but he noticed you got goosebumps, so right away he closed the windows, the place becoming quieter. “Women are not allowed to be exposed to nude men. It would shatter what little of your reputation is left.”
“I know, which is why we’d do it in secret.”
The corner of Jimin’s lips threatened to curl. A win! “No one in their right mind would do something like that.”
You scoffed. Serious and reserved as he was around everyone, it felt a victory to get him to joke. Not that you would stop teasing him, you enjoyed it far too much, but putting him in a good mood turned out to satisfy you more. He just looked so handsome when nothing troubled his soul… Fine like a prince.
Because Jimin spoke highly of your beauty, it baffled you that he was blind to his own. Were he to have been born a lord, every lady in the land would fight to be his wife—perhaps even you, too.
“On reflection, it would be your smile,” you said after a moment, earning a quizzical look. “My favourite part of yours to paint. Although I doubt I could make those lips any justice.”
Jimin, as with every other comment of yours that paid him a compliment, dismissed that and returned to painting.
Still, your favourite way to get on his nerves was any that involved an audience.
Unlike you, he abstained from going to parties, and you didn’t get many opportunities to meet him out of his workshop unless it was in one. It didn’t take much begging to convince your brother to drag Jimin to them.
“Don’t glare at me,” you’d told him as the three of you entered the palazzo of another noble family, “this is a great chance for you to be introduced to possible clients.”
“Isn’t it just…” Jimin sighed. He suspected the reason why he was there had more to do with a whim of yours.
The night turned out to go well in any case, most of it consisting indeed of Jungkook showing him off to high society. Some of the nobles there Jimin had already painted for, but they’d paid him so well that he wouldn’t mind doing it again, especially now that his own creations were beginning to not disgust him anymore.
“Soon,” your brother said to him while a boy poured wine into their empty cups, “you will be undertaking commissions from the Pope himself.”
Jimin huffed out a laugh. “I’ve yet to make a name for myself here in Florence.”
“With my help, the whole of Europe will know your name,” Jungkook assured him, then spotted someone in the distance. Jimin turned to make out a middle-aged couple and their young daughter coming into the hall. As a greeting, the man nodded at Jungkook, who did the same. Politics, Jimin assumed.
It had been hours since he’d last seen you, now that he thought about it, but one quick look around the place was enough to find you.
Sat on the lap of one of the musicians.
You were holding his lute and he was teaching you how to play it, by the looks of it—and by the looks of it also, he wanted to rip your clothes off right there and then. If you were to stain your name, couldn’t you at least do it by flirting with men who saw you as more than a piece of meat? Had you no self-respect at all?
“And here I feared my sister would have trouble making friends in this city,” Jungkook joked to Jimin’s surprise. You’d told him your family had made use of your skills in the art of seduction in the past, but he was reluctant to believe your behaviour wasn’t humiliating for them. “I can tell you’re biting your tongue.”
Jimin feigned ignorance, “What are you talking about?”
“Y/N. You think I shouldn’t allow her to act in such way,” Jungkook read his mind, but the maestro drank from his cup to avoid answering because he didn’t want to lie and the truth was not right for him to speak. “I would agree with you if I had another sister, but… I can’t deny a thing to Y/N as long as I have her.” Jimin frowned at the misery in his tone, but before he could inquire about it someone called Jungkook’s name. It was the man from before. “Excuse me,” he said before walking away to that family, leaving the maestro where he stood.
It was then that you took the chance to approach him, a spring in your step.
“All alone, are you?”
“I wish I were…” You chuckled, stealing his cup and drinking from it all without breaking eye contact. Until he rolled his eyes, that is.
“To enjoy the music, right?” you asked, well aware that he had been watching you. He snatched his cup back, but remained quiet. “Does it upset you so much what I do or don’t?”
Of all the nerve. As if you hadn’t meant to vex him. “I care not.”
“Right,” you chuckled again. “He was just teaching me to play a song, nothing more. You know that.”
“And you know I don’t approve of the spectacle you made out of it.” If he were your brother, he absolutely wouldn’t stand for it.
“Let people think what they will of me for acting without consequence. Who are they to judge? You of all people should know that not everything is what it seems.”
Jimin looked you up and down. “Me? Why’s that?”
You stole his cup again and gave it to the nearest cupbearer before linking arms with him, much to his embarrassment. “In the eyes of everyone in this hall you’re no more than a painter, but with only your hands you can morph reality to your liking, create worlds of your own. Power may seem to be ours, but it’s yours and your art’s. You will be the one to go down in history.”
It took him a moment to reply, “Was that the song of wisdom you learned to play just now?”
“I’ve always mastered that tune, people simply never stopped to listen to it,” you said more to yourself than to Jimin, who didn’t miss a word. Forcing a smile, you pulled him along to the middle of the hall. “But maybe I can make you dance to it.”
“Madonna, no one is dancing!” Jimin protested, unsuccessful in his attempt to free himself of your grasp as respectfully as he could, since people were beginning to stare. You may be his model, but you were still a lady, so he was reluctant to put his hands on you except when necessary.
“They’ll join us,” you giggled, then shrugged, “or they won’t.”
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Months after you’d first set foot on the city, you were walking calmly along three serving girls around the palazzo’s gardens.
To befriend the right people in Florence had been easy enough, but one could never tell whom to trust, so you preferred the company of maids loyal to you alone. You refrained from telling them about your secret with Jimin, but in most other affairs they were your confidants and you were theirs as well, sharing gossip about even commoners becoming a source of entertainment while sewing together in your chambers.
That afternoon, the sound of their voices was at once forgotten when a certain someone made it into your visual field.
“Prepare a bath for me, will you?” you asked to drive them away, and after a curtsey, they left you alone in the gardens with a clueless Jimin. Hands held behind your back and chin up, you skipped your way to his side like a child. What could you say, seeing him put you in a good mood... “Once a day isn’t enough for you, is it, maestro?”
Jimin damned himself for not leaving earlier. Perhaps then, he wouldn’t have bumped into you.
He strongly disliked you, truth be told, wondered why such indecorous personality had been gifted a beautiful appearance. You did not deserve it, but despite his personal opinion… you would forever be his muse. Jimin was cursed with the need of painting you for the rest of his mortal life.
“I was here to see Jungkook,” he explained tapping the file he carried, inside of which you assumed lay sketches. “He wants me to paint a piece for him.”
“Let’s see,” you sang, and before Jimin knew it, you had snatched it from his grasp and taken a quick step backwards, away from him.
“What are you doing? Give that back!”
“Why don’t you come and get it?”
And why did you burden him so? Anyone else would’ve realised by now that he did not enjoy either your flirting or your childish games. He was in fact sick of them. Peasant girls had far better manners.
“Madonna Y/N, please, give it back.”
Playing deaf to his pleas you ran around the garden’s hedge maze with the skirt of your olive-coloured dress billowing with every stride you took, leaving behind a trail of giggles. The sheets of paper inside the file paid by Jungkook were expensive, so Jimin had no choice but to chase you lest your carelessness led to the damaging of them.
It turned out you were faster than he’d anticipated, and since the walls of the maze were short in height, you were able to locate him each time you twirled, thus knowing how to escape him. It was funny, seeing him so stressed, even though he had no cause to be. You weren’t as naughty as to do anything to his drawings, but that he believed you might be had got him to play along, so you couldn’t complain. When Jimin finally caught up with you after a couple of minutes, his irritation was replaced by concern.
Struggling to remain on your feet, you seemed faint.
“Madonna, are you alright?” He didn’t hesitate to hold you by your waist and walk you to the seating wall of a small fountain there.
Although being cared for took control away from you, it felt nice to be met with his worried eyes, worried for you, after so long of having them roam every inch of your body only for reference.
“I am, it is nothing… Just a slight headache.” Jimin wasn’t convinced, a hand still on your back. You tried to ignore the familiar ringing in your ears and the lack of strength in your muscles so as not to scare him, but as of late guilt had begun to press your heart in its grip whenever you lied to him. Wafting out the reluctance with a deep breath, you opted for honesty, “Only, in truth… it is a reminder that because I greeded for life, I am punished with a half one. You see, I was born earlier than I was supposed to, and may have lived longer than my poor health ever meant me to.”
Jimin didn’t know why you were telling him this, but the vulnerability he once saw on your face was there again. If that was the real you, his curiosity was for some reason piqued.
“Is there no remedy for your ills? Surely, your family can afford the best physicians,” he asked, surprised at the indignation in his tone. He’d been sure he must paint you even when he thought you were no more than a consequence of wine stirred by stress, so he could do with you gone, but he didn’t want to. Why would God take you from him? Was your purpose in his life almost served? You shook your head, eyes unable to meet his.
“I’m afraid my fate is in the hands of the Lord alone, which is the main reason why I dread marriage,” you confessed, Jimin’s brows meeting in confusion. “If I run out of breath running around the garden, who can tell if I’ll survive childbirth? Or even the wedding night…”
It was neither lust nor profanity that drove your actions, but fear of dying? For the first time, Jimin pitied you.
Carefully, you opened his file to reveal its content, sketches of some lovers in each other’s embrace. Huh, fitting. “These are masterly, like everything you have a hand in. Is there a reason why you’re unmarried as well?”
The question took Jimin off guard. “I have no time for marriage, or interest.”
You smiled again as you traced the shapes on the drawing, “I don’t believe someone who captures passion as well as you do doesn’t long for it.”
Well, he didn’t. Of course not. No, God had different plans for him. Chaste plans.
“I lied to you on the night we met.” Jimin’s attention returned to you. “Your painting of the weavers drew me in because it reminded me I won’t reach ripe old age, that there is much of life to enjoy and the only thing holding me back is time. So I will not waste it. Don’t you waste it, either.”
“I will make you immortal, Madonna,” Jimin promised. “You’ll live forever in my paintings.”
The next morning didn’t find him so poetic.
It might’ve had to do with the fact that you’d approached him as soon as you’d got rid of your clothes, in the mood for messing with him.
“Come on, let me!” you’d begged to see the painting, but Jimin had shielded it with his body, forced to turn his head to a side not to be met from up close with your bareness. If you squinted, a blush could be seen on his cheeks. We were getting there.
“It’s not finished!” he’d protested, shooing you away as best as he could. “Not even the first layer of paint...”
“I don’t mind, I just want to see how it’s going.” A step forward alarmed him. Jimin was used to seeing you naked by now but should you do something unpredictable while being so close to him, how was he to react?
He’d willed himself to look you straight in the eye, “You’ll see it when it’s finished, I promise.”
With a puff, you had walked to the bed and lain down. “You’re no fun.”
Now, the two of you were discussing your immodest lifestyle again. Your justification wasn’t an excuse good enough for Jimin, who was disappointed to see you back in your usual flirtatious self.
“Look up, Madonna,” he repeated for the hundredth time, given he was the target of your pupils.
“Why? My head is on the other side of the canvas, you’re not even working on it!”
“By that logic, I wouldn’t need you to come here every day. If I only needed your face, I could use a sitter who actually knows to keep still for your body.”
You stretched your left leg, raising it in the air seductively, at which Jimin rolled his eyes. “You couldn’t, because the angels sent me. Besides, don’t change the subject, I asked you a question.”
“No, I do not think you’re shallow,” he answered in a deep breath, mixing the colours of the sunrise on his palette. “I just don’t share your tastes, and consider them… distasteful for a woman.”
“My tastes being enjoying what life has to offer?”
“Or throwing yourself all over Namjoon at any given chance…”
He was talking, of course, of Jungkook’s engagement party the previous night.
Your brother was marrying a Florentine lady, Madonna Caterina, and he had invited practically the whole city to celebrate with him and his future wife. Jimin knew he should’ve stayed home when he saw you talking to his friend. A part of him knew your behaviour was just for show, that you were playing with poor, flustered Namjoon so that people would take you for a whore and not because you genuinely planned to lie with him, but it made him sick you were having fun during every second of it. Like you’d had fun the night you’d forced him to dance in front of half the city’s nobility.
You chuckled, “Are we jealous?”
Jimin frowned. “Me? Of course not. What would I be jealous of?”
“I suppose you’re right. Messer Namjoon isn’t the one who’s got me naked in his bed, following his every command…”
“You’re not following my every command because you’re still not looking up,” Jimin pointed out, and your groan almost made him smirk. “I don’t understand why you do those things. One can enjoy life without disgracing herself.”
“I’ve found that not to be the case,” you disagreed. “Drinking, dancing closely, toying with men… You may scorn me for doing these things, but I’d be miserable if I lived by the rules of society, trapped so young in a loveless marriage. As long as I don’t hurt anybody, I don’t see what wrong there is in my tastes. I’m also honouring God in my own way, by rejoicing in the world He created. Humans have free will, do we not? I believe He would rather take offence if I didn’t seek happiness and waste the life He gave me.”
Jimin just shook his head in disbelief. He should know by now that you were unsalvageable.
Leaving the brush and palette on the small table next to him, he shook his tired right hand to get some relief. That pain was a reminder that he had been working more than he should have ever since he’d recovered his passion for the craft, but he preferred it over nothing.
“Does it hurt?”
“Not more than usual,” he lied, grabbing hold of his tools again, “so let’s continue.” You ignored him and sat up. “Y/N–”
“Come sit with me for five minutes, take a break.”
“It’s only one hour a day that you spend here in my workshop. I can’t afford to take breaks if you want this painting finished soon.”
What the hell made him think you did? Pointing at the spot next to you on the bed, you threatened, “I won’t pose unless you sit for five minutes.”
Muse or not, Jimin did sometimes wish to be rid of you. He left everything on the table again and glared at you as he walked to the bed, sitting a generous distance away. But you were having none of his propriety.
As he often did to you, his posture was the first thing you changed after crawling to him. Ignoring his protests, you dragged his right leg up and made it fold and lie on the bed, so he would face you. Then, you moved your own bare legs over his lap, resting your knees on his tensed-up torso. You expected him to be tense in that position because you were without clothes, but for the first time the goal was another.
“Give me your hands,” you asked softly, holding out yours. Jimin could not bring himself to look at you, hard as it was being trapped under your legs and forced to face you, but he obliged.
Your touch was warm and soft as you massaged his hands in a way that he instantly came to appreciate, muscles soon relaxing along with his heart. If he were to tell anyone that a lady was doing such thing, nobody would believe him. You seemed to treat him like a person, that is, like he wasn’t beneath you in status. He wondered why you were different to the rest of nobles.
“My mother used to do this to me when I was little.” You smiled sadly. “We’d sew and weave for hours, which to a child is eternity, and she’d rub my hands to ease the pain. It works, doesn’t it?”
Jimin met your gaze and nodded slowly, the fact that you were naked having quickly become a minor detail he was able to disregard. “Does she still do it?”
You looked down. “She’s long passed. I do it to myself now.”
Jungkook had never mentioned it, but Jimin still cursed at himself mentally for not having at least asked around. “Forgive me, Madonna, I did not know...”
“Forgiven you are, Jimin.”
A comfortable silence fell, and you hoped it would last.
For a craftsman, Jimin’s hands weren’t that rough, you were pleased to find out. Your cheeks would gladly welcome their caresses, but that would never happen. He would never do that. Whatever you felt around him was irrelevant, for he would never reciprocate. Even if his heart were yours, his love for God, good manners, and your brother would keep him from coming to your embrace. Too much stood between you and that stupid idea.
Not to mention you were beginning to doubt he was special… Despite your many efforts to be friends, Jimin kept his distances, thought of you no more than a disgrace.
“My mother died as well,” he suddenly said, unaware himself why. He hadn’t told anyone before, and never thought you’d be the first. “and father, some time ago. They were farmers who came to the city for a better life, but the plague soon took them. I don’t think they would’ve liked to see me grow up to be a painter, but it would’ve been nice to…” He shook his head as though shaking his thoughts away. “I don’t know.”
You stopped massaging his hands and held them delicately, “Pain is the result of effort. They'd be proud you’re pouring your soul into your craft.”
A soft smile couldn’t help but tug at Jimin’s lips. Why couldn’t you always be like that? Sweet… Except, maybe, it wasn’t you that he was angry at, but himself, for if you were moulded to his liking, he could justify whatever he felt in these rare moments. But you weren’t. You were more demon than angel.
A noise downstairs interrupted his brooding.
The door.
“Who’s that?” you screamed in a whisper, both standing up. Jimin was quick to react, rushing to the chair where you’d always leave your clothes and tossing them over.
“Apart from me, Jungkook is the only person who has a key,” he whispered back.
“What?!” You froze in your spot, watching as Jimin put his palette and brushes inside a chest of drawers and hid the easel and canvas behind the curtains.
“Jimin!” the voice of your brother called. Footsteps walking up the stairs accompanied him, letting you know he was seconds away from discovering you. “Wake up, you lazy man!”
“Under the bed!” Jimin mouthed as he motioned towards it, and you crawled under it just in time to see the door be opened and a pair of feet enter the bedchamber. “Messer Jungkook! What are you doing here so early?”
Your brother walked closer. “Oh, you’re up already. Good.”
“Is something wrong?” Jimin joined his hands behind his back and rubbed them hoping to get the same relief you’d given him. His heart had never beaten so fast. Jungkook was doubtlessly going to catch you both in the act and kill him.
“No, worry not. I’ve just come to tell you I’ve decided which of the sketches you showed me yesterday I want to gift Caterina,” your brother explained, and Jimin discreetly sighed in relief. “Well, Y/N decided for me. She says the one with the lovers is most appropriate. Passionate, is the word she used.”
You failed to bite down a smile, lamenting you couldn’t see Jimin’s face.
“She’s, uh, right.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll have the whole workshop work on it to finish it in time for the wedding.”
The advantage of having a workshop meant that he didn’t have to do everything on his own when the commissions were plenty: his apprentices and assistants helped him transfer sketches onto canvases, make paint, ready the tools, paint details in his artworks, and even budget his finances. Your painting was a different story not only because it was secret, but because Jimin needed to do it alone.
“I’m pleased to hear that,” Jungkook said satisfied. “What’s that?”
You gripped your cloak in fear when you saw the two men walk to the other side of the chamber, in front of the curtains. Jimin put on an indifferent expression. “That? Just a discarded piece, nothing worth minding…”
“I thought you were past your self-pitying phase,” Jungkook joked, drawing the curtains and moving the easel and canvas into full view. Bracing yourself for the chaos that would ensure, you covered your entire head with the cloak, the silence that followed being proof that your brother was speechless his friend and sister had been lying to him for months. However, what next emerged from Jungkook’s mouth weren’t threats nor curses, but a whistle. “You’ve discarded this? Why the hell, Jimin? It is magnificent so far! And the model… quite a beauty, indeed. Who is she?”
You uncovered your face to grimace. Although, disgust you as though that did, it meant Jungkook hadn’t recognised said model.
Jimin, whose skin was starting to regain colour after being drained of it by the tension, stepped forward and moved the easel and canvas back behind the curtains. “Some seamstress, I think– I-I don’t know,” You raised an eyebrow. A seamstress? “I don’t like it, so I’m throwing it away.”
“Don’t be a fool,” Jungkook shook his head. “I’ll buy it, there’s a perfect spot for it in a hallway near the main hall. Y/N will like it, we can tell her it’s your late welcome gift for her!”
Jimin wanted to throw himself out of the window. “Your sister deserves a better gift, Messer. It can be one of the other sketches I–”
“I’m buying it and that’s the end of it,” Jungkook insisted. “Believe in yourself, my friend, this may be your best yet. Take as long as you need, but bring it to the palazzo when it’s finished.”
“As you wish…”
Your brother left soon afterwards and when Jimin helped you get out of under the bed, neither knew what to say for a while.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hello! Thank you for all the collections you've recommended! This blog is amazing! Do you have any recs for au's where A or C are Lords/princes etc. and they are thrown together and/or fall in love? Spicy recs are welcome.
Of course!
Mark of the Serpent [E], WIP by NaroMoreau, summerofspock
Prince Aziraphale is about to be crowned King of Angelhaven when he's taken captive by pirates. When he's sold as a pleasure slave to King Crowley, ruler of the nation readying for war with his, he is forced to keep his identity a secret as he tries to find a way home and keep peace. But not everything at King Crowley's court is as it seems and Aziraphale will have to face machinations of a Royal Court that are far more complex than he had thought.
A Captive Prince AU with an omegaverse twist.
with all your delights [E] by weatheredlaw
Crowley laughed. “I thought you’d have realized by now. I am no ordinary king.”
“No,” Aziraphale said. “You certainly are not.”
or: aziraphale is sent as a gift to the southern king to smooth over trade negotiations. they both find themselves in over their heads.
Until Death [E] by TawnyOwl95
Both desperate to escape arranged marriages Prince Aziraphale and Royal consort in training Crowley elope.
It's a daring coup designed to free them both and end the decades old war raging between their countries.
They just have to make it back to Aziraphale's home without either side catching them. And prove that a wedding night did, in fact, take place.
It quickly becomes apparent neither of them have thought through the implications of this.
The Charge of the Love Brigade [E], WIP by saretton
As a newly appointed member of the Royal Guard, ex-blacksmith sir Aziraphale Fell is tasked with watching over Prince Crowley of the Rubies, the second in line to the throne of Rosenfield, who is engaged to be married to avoid a war the kingdom can't afford. But soon the personal guard becomes also a lover, and they embark on an idyllic secret relationship with the threat of discovery and war hanging over them.
A Good Omens Renaissance AU written for the GO+Queen Creator's Fest and inspired by Queen's The Millionaire Waltz.
~Mod N
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 27: Princess (Royal/medieval AU)
The shrill akuma alarm wakes Marinette up the next morning and she sighs, rubbing her head gently before grabbing the bottle of painkillers that Dick had left next to her on the table.
“Don’t leave yet!” A voice calls from the other room. Marinette frowns, but listens, quickly taking a couple painkillers and letting herself wake up. Dick rushes into the room, nearly falling as he slides across the floor in his socks. He rushes over to her and kneels in front of her, staring into her eyes. She frowns.
“What are you doing?” She asks, too tired to try and comprehend what’s wrong with her brother right now.
“Checking your eyes and seeing how bad your concussion is so I know if I need to call Adrien to keep a closer eye on you for this fight.” Dick says, frowning slightly at something he sees. He reaches out and gently pushes a spot on her head and she hisses in pain.
“Hey, ya big jerk, that hurts!” She complains, giving him her best ‘Damian’ glare. He just rolls his eyes.
“This is serious kid, you got seriously injured last night.” Dick reminds her. She purses her lips.
“I know, and I promise I’ll take it easy later, but right now I really need to go.” She pleads. Dick sighs, but nods, standing up.
“Go kick some butterfly butt.” He says with a small grin. Marinette grins back at him, quickly calling her transformations and portaling away to Paris. She blinks in the bright sunlight, trying hard to push away any disorientation she has from the stupid concussion. I can do this, she thinks, glancing around to assess the situation. She frowns at her surroundings. She knew she was technically in Paris, she could see the Eiffel tower and Kaalki never misled her before. Well, not during an attack anyway. But where the giant modern buildings should be, there were small stone buildings with thatch roofs. Glancing around, she also notices a huge, stone castle where her school used to be. That should be fun.
“I am the Dark Knight, and I will not rest until I have Chat Noir and Ladybug’s Miraculous!” A voice shouts out above the rest of the noise. Marinette creeps over and just blinks at the fashion atrocity before her. She was going to slap Hawkmoth twice when she found him. Once, for terrorizing Paris for over a year. And again for the awful wardrobe choices he made. Seriously. And the Dark Knight? Isn’t that name trademarked, or something?
“Hey Bugaboo, what’s the plan?” Chat asks, landing beside her and leaning on his baton. She frowns.
“I don’t actually have one yet. I just got here.” She says, and this time he’s the one confused.
“But you always rush over.” He says, careful not to include anything about Kaalki. You never know who might be listening.
“I’ll explain later. Any idea where the object might be?” She asks, scanning the akuma. It’s power didn’t seem too awful. It had changed most of the structure in Paris, and now it was changing people’s clothes too when they got hit by the orange light. Some citizens were in what Marinette could only assume was the height of fashion during the Renaissance, whereas some citizens were draped in obvious “peasant” outfits. But there didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for the difference. Just a difference.
“The satchel looks promising.” Chat says, and Marinette grins, a plan slowly taking hold in her mind. She’d just need two paper clips, a stick of gum and whatever her lucky charm was.
“Pound it.” Chat says holding out a fist. Marinette grins, returning the fist bump. “Did you have time to talk? You know, about why you were late?” Chat asks, and Marinette sighs but nods. They both recharge in an alley before swinging to sit on the top of the Eiffel tower.
“I fought an akuma alone, while you were out of town.” She says first, shrugging lightly. “I didn’t think about it, honest. I’d done it a million times before with Monsieur Pigeon. But the Bat got mad.” Marinette says, not wanting to risk calling him her dad while she’s masked in Paris. It just felt like it was asking for trouble.
“Cause you fought alone?” Chat asks, frowning.
“Well, that and I sort of jammed the Zeta tubes so that outsiders can’t come to Paris during an active akuma attack.” She mumbles under her breath, wincing at the noise Chat’s neck makes when he jerks around to stare at her dumbfoundedly.
“That’s insane. How’d you do it?” He asks and she simply grins.
“Spent enough time with Pegasus and Red Robin and Oracle. Add in a tiny bit of luck and boom. I win.” She smirks
“So you were late cause you’re grounded.” Chat says simply, a proud smile on his face as he thinks he cracked the code. Solved the mystery.
“Not quite,” Marinette says with a slight frown.
“Then what?” Chat asks. Marinette lets out a long sigh, glaring at Adrien to let him know she’s not happy about this situation, she does not want to talk to him about this. He’ll just get all worried.
“Well last night I was still benched from patrol because of the whole akuma attack thing but Tikki thought I should be ungrounded so I went out anyway and then the dude that stabbed me a couple months ago found me and the rest of the Batclan didn’t know that I was out so they couldn’t help me and I was all alone and then he knocked me out and I don’t really remember much except I woke up at Nightwing’s apartment and met Starfire and yeah that’s it.” She rambles, shooting him a smile and waving nonchalantly.
“I’m going to wrap you in bubble wrap. No, I’m going to make the Batclan do it.” Chat finally says, pulling out his baton.
“No, don’t! Batman doesn’t know. Neither does Hood or Red Robin. Only Nightwing and Robin know.” She says, swatting the baton out of his hand. The last thing she needed was for him to accidentally call her dad on her. She’d be in so much trouble.
“Geeze Bug.” Chat mutters under his breath, tugging her into a hug. She sighs and hugs him back, taking just a moment to relish being with her friend.
“I’m pretty sure Batman is narrowing down his Hawkmoth suspect list.” She mumbles, and Chat pulls back from her, staring into her face.
“Are you serious?” He asks, the relief on his face clear. Marinette nods, and Chat lets out a long sigh. One that Marinette could feel in her bones, because she was tired too. She also wanted to end this fight. Hopefully her dad would have a suspect soon.
Bruce Wayne was the world’s greatest detective. He had solved cases infinitely larger than this one, so he didn’t understand why he couldn’t find a damn lead on Hawkmoth. Actually, he understood perfectly. It was magic. God he hates magic. It’s unpredictable, and most of the time it’s more trouble than it’s worth. He sighs and sends a quick text to Dick, double checking that Marinette had made it back to his apartment okay. He knew his daughter was...upset with him for benching her and demanding she take someone with her to Paris. But they were all precautions, just to guarantee that nothing worse happened to her. She wasn’t invincible, no matter how much she seemed to think she was. He frowns at the text he receives back, quickly hitting call and waiting a few moments for Dick to pick up.
“What do you mean she’s not at your place?” Bruce asks, not giving his eldest son a chance to talk.
“Well hi to you too, B.” Dick teases, and Bruce just knows he’s grinning. He lets out a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Is she really not there? The akuma attack ended nearly twenty minutes ago and she’s not here either.” Bruce says, trying to think of where else she would go. Jason was even at the Manor, and hadn’t heard from her either.
“No, B, she’s not-” Dick pauses, then lets out a long sigh. “It’s B. He was wondering where you were.” He hears Dick say, and Bruce is surprised to hear his son’s tone. It was less carefree and more...like a father. He was a father, with Mar’i, but it was still odd to hear him use the tone on someone besides his granddaughter.
“I had to talk to Adrien.” He can barely hear her say and Bruce lets out a frustrated huff. Of course she was with the Agreste boy again. Honestly, he seemed nice enough until Selina pointed out the crushes that the two had on each other. Now, Bruce wanted nothing more than to lock him away. Far away.
“Can you please ask her if she’s coming home tonight?” Bruce finally says, listening to the silence on the other end. He wonders if they’d put the phone on mute or if Marinette was signing furiously the way he’d seen her do over a video call with Cass earlier in the week.
“We’re all coming. See you at dinner.” Dick says, hanging up almost fast enough for Bruce to not hear the protest from Marinette. Almost. Bruce walks to find Alfred, trying not to let the fact that his daughter doesn’t want to see him again get to him.
Marinette glares at her oldest brother as they walk into the manor. He just grins, acting as if he hadn’t practically forced her home. It’s not that she didn’t want to come home, but she knew she had a couple bruises and a lump on her head. She also knew that Damian was apparently barely holding himself back from hunting down Slade. She really didn’t need Tikki giving him any ideas.
“Welcome home, Miss Marinette. Would you like me to look at your injuries?” Alfred asks immediately walking towards her as he walks into the room. Marinette glances around, hoping her dad isn’t around before sighing.
“No thank you Alfred, I’m fine.” She reassures him, or she tries to. His face doesn’t look like he believes her.
“Yes, I’m certain a concussion is nothing to worry about. Especially since you’ve had so many.” He drawls, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Hey, whoa. You said this was your first concussion.” Dick says after urging Mar’i to fly off and find Jason or Damian or Tim. Marinette huffs.
“It is.” She says, crossing her arms.
“The concussions you sustain in the suit still count. Head injuries are not an exact science. Nor are they an exact magic cure, either. They often heal at an accelerated speed, but can still have long-lasting effects.” Alfred says and Marinette blinks. That was almost- Almost- information about the Miraculous. And only someone who knew about the Miraculous would know about the whole head injury thing. She blinks at him for a moment, running possibilities through her head. She sighs, realizing that if Alfred had been a holder, it was definitely for a Miraculous she didn’t have. She could just...feel it.
“I promise I’m fine, and if I start feeling any of those other concussion symptoms, I’ll come to you.” Marinette promises.
“And how did you get a concussion?” Her dad asks, practically materializing out of nowhere.
“Akuma attack. Miraculous cure can’t do a complete heal with concussions, it’s too, uh, dangerous. Not exact.” Marinette lies, trying hard not to do any of her tells. She doesn’t tense up, she doesn’t grin, she doesn’t look at someone else and giggle, nothing. She lies with a straight face, which honestly almost scares her more than getting yelled at by her dad. He just hums before nodding at her.
“Will you be staying here tonight? Most of us have patrol, but afterwards Tim suggested that we all watch a movie together.” Her dad says and Marinette tries hard to suppress her grin. There’s no way.
“Wow Tim, you really wanna have a full-family movie night?” She calls out, grinning at the surprised look on her brother’s face. Because of course her dad was the one to set it up, but of course he didn’t want anyone to know. “I think that’s super cool Tim. As long as we can watch some Disney princess movies.” She adds, laughing as Mar’i comes flying around the corner with wide eyes.
“Did someone say princess?” She squeals, flying straight into Marinette’s arms. Marinette grins at her niece and nods.
“Oh yes. Timmy has decided we’re gonna watch Disney princess movies as a family all night long!” She says, laughing as her niece cheers. She glances at her Dad and tries hard to hold back the snort that wants to come out at his exasperated look. Looks like it’s gonna be a Disney night for the Wayne household.
Tag list:  @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @laurcad123 @waiting247 @jayjayspixiepop @mizzy-pop @jjmjjktth @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @nerd-nowandforever @tazanna-blythe @jaybird-and-co @jumpingjoy82 @lady-bee-fechin @corporeal-terrestrial
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thesmutbasement · 3 years
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Welcome to Code Red: Shark Week! All the best period sex, period.
Everything here in The Smut Basement is for 18+ friends only! Minors and unverified persons will be blocked. Please heed ALL author warnings when you click a link.
Dave York (Equalizer 2)
Rare by @ezrasbirdie (This was the first period kink fic Claire ever read, and frankly her young 42-year-old mind was not ready for how hot it was. Dave York helping you with your cramps, and he’s kinda mean, too! HOT!)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Pornstar!AU Din by @charnelhouse (Because godDAMN of course... of course only charnelhouse could write something this hot for the word count, and make me actually miss having my period. Fuuuuck, that was hot. -Claire)
Uj'ayl by @salt-is-a-terrible-currency (See? This is why we rely on submissions to feed us our smut, because without a submission, I never would have known this HOT FIC existed! I'm in love, this version of Mando is hot and direct and HOT and just... oh damn. Seriously, this was so good. -Claire)
Frankie “Catfish” Morales (Triple Frontier)
Eucharist by @gaiuswrites (Frankie Morales loves to give you oral during Shark Week - it's a scorcher!! -Claire)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Blood Magic by @danniburgh (I immediately sent a DM to Claire about this even prior to reading that it was going to make an appearance here!! I said, “I haven’t read it yet, but come on it’s Dani!” Then we both read it and wanted to scream about it together. 🥵 My pussy is throbbing right now.) - Lauren
Marcus Pike (The Mentalist)
Size difference/Period kink Ask by @whataperfectwasteoftime (We get a 2-for-1 here! This size difference/period fic Ask takes place in Penny's Born To Run Marcus universe... and it's a DOOZY... how is this the very first Marcus Pike period fic I've read?? I have no idea, but it's choice! -Claire)
Pero Tovar (The Great Wall)
Get Your Motor Runnin’ by @writeforfandoms (Part of the Born To Be Wild series where Pero Tovar is dropped into modern times near a renaissance festival, this installment is delicious and depraved and HOT!!! Pero helps you with your cramps when he comes home and finds you laying on the couch in misery. Did I say hot? I meant VOLCANIC!!! -Claire)
Pedro from Across the Street (AppleTV+ “Calls”)
Period cramps Ask by @oonajaeadira (A follow up to the Kinktober smash hit “Good. Things. Take. Time.” Specialized masseur ATS Pedro takes things to a whole new level to help you out during your cycle. I think I speak for all of us when I say 🥴😵‍💫😍. -Claire)
To be continued...
Bottom of the Basement: Filthy Fic Recs Masterlist
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