#what he beatts himself up with
halinski · 2 years
New profile pic bc ace week is coming up soon and bc ace sperm donor bpd buck makes me emotional
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akutasoda · 10 months
don't say anything else just stay
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synopsis - after a heated argument, maybe a resolve is found in a comfortable embrace
includes - dazai, ranpo, chuuya, akutagawa, nikolai
warnings - gn!reader, angst to comfort/mild comfort, arguing, wc - 915
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osamu dazai ★↷
one of his particularly bad habits was he tended to try and avoid you after a argument or try to avoid any conflicts as he didn't know how to handle them.
but that often lead to them being worse than they should be as you hated how he ran from every problem you two encountered. and this was a prime example of that. you two were having another classic argument that you've had before but he just left in the middle of it. and that just infuriated you to beyond belief.
later on, you were simply lying in the shared futon scrolling aimlessly on your phone as it had gotten quite late. and in all honesty you were starting to get worried that dazai would never come back. that was until you heard the familiar click of the front door opening and closing.
and the familiar weight of the futon, followed by the familiar bandaged pair of arms wrapping round your midsection. you were too tired to care so you let yourself fall into dreamland with the most difficult but loveable man holding onto you.
ranpo edogawa ★↷
most arguments you two had were dumb little squabbles that you would end up either forgetting or laughing about the next day. but this one felt different it seemed to way heavier upon both of you as it got more tense.
stupid comments turned into hurting jabs at stupid insecurities. and eventually, ranpo's ego got the beatt of him and said a particularly harsh comment and stormed out the shared apartment, leaving you on the verge of tears. you knew neither of you were in the right mindset but it still hurt either way.
you decided to sleep on the bed still but made sure that if ranpo came back he would know that you didn't want to talk to him yet by sleeping on the furthest corner away from his side. but not long after you drifted to sleep you woke up again to not see or feel ranpo in bed and you were starting to feel quite lonely.
eventually you went back to sleep and not too long after ranpo came back into the apartment. he walked into the shared bedroom to see you huddled up in the furthest corner of the futon. as he tried to slip into the futon you, now awake, turned over and brought him into your embrace. no words were exchanged but between you two, you knew that you would just talk it over in the morning, byt now all you two wanted was to lay in each others embrace.
chuuya nakahara ★↷
arguments were rare with him, but sometimes they were unavoidable. he tried to keep his anger issues in check but sometimes if something stemmed from insecurities that could cause petty arguments that always made him feel bad.
another argument was occurring and you both were starting to escalate it but you both knew that now it was just each other looking for excuses to keep arguing. but he couldn't help but say a particularly mean comment that he truly didn't mean. and immediately he felt bad.
you had realised what he said and were very taken aback. you tried not to let it get to you but it was proving to be difficult. chuuya instinctively reached out and offered his embrace as a silent apology and you took it knowing deep down he didn't mean. foe now though you would happily stay in his embrace as you heard him mutter an apology into you ear.
ryūnosuke akutagawa ★↷
arguments with him were mostly one sided. meaning it would be other something like his illness or his lack of taking care of himself and insisting that he needed to take some time for himself. but most of the time he was stubborn.
this time he let it get the best of him. he didn't quite understand yet why you wanted to look after him, despite getting into a relationship with him. it was the same argument and it just frustrated you to no end. so before you said something you regretted you just went off. you could just find him later if he didn't find you first.
and he did go to find you first. because he was worried. not because he cared don't get it mixed up(he cares). and he found you. and when he found you, you were starting to miss hin and deciding on going to find him yourself. so seeing him just spurred you to give him a massive hug and hope that he returns the embrace.
you knew he wasn't a big hugger but to your surprise he hugged back un prompted. and now you just wanted to stay like that for a while and he did aswell.
nikolai gogol ★↷
being with someone like nikolai was an experience to say the least. but as comes with any couple, arguments weren't really a good thing. not because they are bad but because sometimes nikolai didn't see how serious some problems were.
for example sometimes during am argument nikolai would just brush it off and completely ignore the problem and soemtimes that just made something in you tick and made you angrier. but most the time he was good with arguments so it was a 50/50.
but during particular arguments that were quite heated, it would most the time end up with you in nikolai's embrace as you both calm down to speak about whatever issue more calmly.
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oyapluto · 3 years
you know a haikyuu boy has a crush on you when he...
ᴋᴇɴᴍᴀ ᴋᴏᴢᴜᴍᴇ — lets you push his boundaries for the better. kenma’s known to be stubborn, and hates getting out of routine for anyone. but for some reason, you’re the exception to that. it starts with the little things, like braiding his hair while he games. anyone who has known kenma knows he hates when someone touches his head while gaming. next thing he knows he’s trying out new things with you just because it’ll make you smile, and that makes kenma smile, for whatever reason. ᴛᴏʙɪᴏ ᴋᴀɢᴇʏᴀᴍᴀ — asks questions about you. since when has kageyama ever gotten out of his way to learn about someone else if it wasn’t related to volleyball in any way? he’s curious about you, and sometimes you feel like you’re in an interrogation rather than having a conversation, but it’s endearing how fascinated he is about every aspect of you. maybe now would be a good time to start dropping hints that these questions would be great to answer over dinner or a cup of coffee. ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴛᴏᴏʀᴜ — always has an eye on you. he’ll try to look away when you start to feel someone staring but he’s not very good at hiding it. when he’s not on the court, oikawa can get pretty egotistical, but when you’re around you’re all he can think about. if it gets too overbearing iwaizumi will call him out on it, but have the time he doesn’t even realize he’s looking at you, you’re just that captivating to him. even in a crowd of adoring fans, he’ll look for you and only you in the stands. ᴀᴋᴀᴀsʜɪ ᴋᴇɪᴊɪ — writes notes to you in class. he’s a teacher’s pet, there’s no doubt about it. studies are first and foremost for akaashi. but when you whisper “psst” and pass him a scrap of paper how can he resist? your conversations back and forth making jokes about the teacher is what gets him through class now. he can’t tell if his heart is racing because you two almost got caught or if because you drew a little heart next to name in the piece of paper in his hand. ᴛsᴜᴋɪsʜɪᴍᴀ ᴋᴇɪ — shares things with you. he’d never outwardly admit it when someone calls him out on it, but he definitely has a soft spot for you when it comes to letting you in on spaces he likes to keep for himself. people know better by now to ask tsukishima for something, so it would take you a bit to notice. whether that be one of his earbuds while he’s listening to music, or some of his food while he’s eating. though his words may seem harsh, his gestures tell you a whole different story about how he feels about you. ɴɪsʜɪɴᴏʏᴀ ʏᴜᴜ — is uncharacteristically quiet around you. nishinoya has always got something to say. it’s not that he’s at a loss of words, since given the right moment he could go on about you for hours, he just doesn’t want to miss anything about you. he’s extremely attentative, but usually has trouble making eye contact with you. at first you think he might hate you, but if you confront him about it and he turns into a bumbling mess about how awesome you are, hopefully you realize that he likes you a lot more than you knew ɪᴡᴀɪᴢᴜᴍɪ ʜᴀᴊɪᴍᴇ — always goes out of his way to walk with you. it’s difficult to spend quality time with someone you like, especially with school and volleyball. though, he’ll always accompany you to your classes, mentioning that it’s no problem at all despite overhearing that his classes are all the way across campus. he likes to make the most out of the few moments he spends with you, and he looks forward to the mondays he’s not at practice to walk you home and make sure you’re safe. ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ ᴋᴏᴛᴀʀᴏᴜ — wants to make you smile whenever he’s around. he will go through extreme lengths just to make you laugh. from praising you to cracking jokes, bokuto isn’t satisfied with himself until he could get a genuine smile out of you. when he does, he feels like he’s on top of the world, and it’s pretty painfully obvious how much he loves to see you happy. why would he want to hide that fact, after all? ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ ᴛᴇᴛsᴜʀᴏᴜ — knows your favorite things like the back of his hand. he’ll leave a snack you mentioned once that you liked on your desk every morning. he’ll hand you a drink from the vending machine before you could even say you’re thirsty. he’ll always ask if he’s right, but the smirk on his face means he knows he is. it’s not entirely intentional, but he wants to let it be known that he’d make an amazing boyfriend should you feel the same about him.
sᴜɢᴀᴡᴀʀᴀ ᴋᴏsʜɪ  — stays up late for you. sugawara usually likes to get a full night’s sleep, but if you’re up at asscrack hours texting him to ask if he’s up, you’ll get a text back saying “of course! what’s up?” within 5 minutes and won’t bat an eye till he knows you’ve fallen asleep. you start to realize something is definitely up when the next school day comes around and the boy is BEATT. text him to ask if he’s okay and you may just put together that he has a special ringtone just for you.
a/n: i hope these are okay! i was definitely inspired by the format of haikyuu boys’ toxic traits (by haik-choo) and them falling in love by (by ahtsumu). i really enjoyed writing this, even if some of them might be ooc. i’m a new acc, so if you’d like to send requests my way thatd be amazing <3
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darknessisafriend · 4 years
Hey! I love your writing so much!!! Could i pls request a Joaquin x Reader where they've been close friends for like a couple yrs now and theyre just hanging out or smth together one day and eventually fall asleep together. As one of them is falling asleep tho, they tell the other that they love them (doesn't matter to me who says it first, w/e fits best 😂) nd obv the other overhears it nd then like the next am or w/e they talk about it nd confess their feelings nd start dating. Thank you!!!💖
Hey thank you for the request! I finally wrote it and I hope you will enjoy <3 
Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction inspired by what we see of these people, I do not claim to know them nor to establish this work as the truth about their personal lives, the realities might be completely different.
                                             First date?
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“See? This movie was great!” You exclaimed as you entered Joaquin’s home with a big smile.
“Right…I wasn’t expecting it; it was pretty good; I’ll recommend it to my sisters.” He admitted, closing the door behind you, taking off his hoodie and throwing it on the couch.
“I think Rain will particularly love it.” You replied, taking off your shoes with your feet, keeping on your hoodie, well, the hoodie he had given you. Even if the weather was warm, you loved keeping it on, wrapped up in his smell.
“Yeah, definitely.” He passed a hand through his hair, following you to his kitchen. You were so used to come to his place, it was as if you lived in it and it made him smile. Even more, when he saw you being happily greeted by Soda, giggling as he licked your face.
“Awwww I missed you too, my snuggle bear!” you beamed kissing its head before getting up and letting Joaquin pet his dog. You watched him, those two had an incredible bond; you saw it not only now but also every time you came to his home for dinner, to watch a movie or simply because you missed him.
“So, what are we cooking my dear vegan chief?” you put your hands on your hips, hungry and eager to start.
“Well, what do you want to eat?” he grinned putting his hands on the central counter, slightly leaning towards you.
“Why not some vegetables lasagna?” you suggested with an excited grin. He had been vegan for longer than you are, so naturally you loved when he gave you cooking lessons.
“Sure. It’s not a ten-minute thing you know? We’ll have to keep ourselves busy while it cooks.”
“Well it’s not like you were a boring guy.” You teased him, and he arched an eyebrow in return.
“I’m a boring guy.” He declared, shaking his head in disbelief.
“You’re not!” you instantly retorted with a giggle, smashing your hands on the counter.
“Yes I am! What are we gonna do? Like just talk or play or read, nothin’ exciting.” He replied modest, he always had a hard time understanding why people found him interesting.
“But you know I love doing those things with you! Come on let’s start cooking, boring man.” You gave him a big kiss on the cheek and went to take an apron for yourself and him. As your back was turned on him, you didn’t notice his little blush at your kiss; you often did it, but it still had the same effect on him.
The two of you started cooking, rarely talking and mostly focused on your tasks, washing and cutting the vegetables, preparing the pasta. But with Joaquin, often silence spoke better than words…you threw looks at each other, full of tenderness and playfulness. And of course, little smiles followed, but those were more discreet, shy…each time your fingers accidentally brushed over his, your heartbeat would increase and your cheeks get flushed; what you didn’t know is that Joaquin felt the same; just like he didn’t know about the growing affection you had for him.
“Here, put the layers of eggplant like that…” he indicted in a murmur, as if to not trouble the peaceful silence of the room. Joaquin moved to get the tomato sauce on your left side, his arms basically wrapping around you in the process. You didn’t know if you two were always so close, but you only noticed today or maybe Joaquin was being bit more tactile today…in any case you didn’t complain and you enjoyed it.
“Alright, now we let it cook for 45 minutes. Time to be patient.” Joaquin broke the silence; cleaning is hands on a dish towel. You took off your apron and smiled at him, already thinking of what you could do while it cooks.
“Let’s go in the garden; it will be soon dark. Let’s watch the sunset.” You suggested softly, Joaquin nodding with a little smile; he loved to spend time in nature, and even more when it was with you or his family. He followed you outside and Soda too, he was such a clingy dog and you loved it.
You went to sit in the grass and finally laid down, watching the many warm colors of the sky, slowly disappearing, letting a few stars appear…it was always a wonderful sight. Joaquin quietly joined you, laying down beside you, Soda resting his head on his belly, Joaquin’s fingers distractingly scratching its head. He felt your gaze on him and briefly met your eyes, you gave him a gentle smile, slightly blushing; he had caught you staring at him, once again.
The both of you stayed silent, focusing back on looking at the sky and listening to few birds that were still singing at dusk. You thought about this moment you were spending with Joaquin, all the moments you had been spending with him lately. There wasn’t a day where you didn’t at least call him; he was constantly part of your thoughts, how was he feeling? Did he think about you when you are not together? And in which way did he think about you? Could he feel more than friendship for you one day? You were pushed out of your thought by a soft and constant sound, finally realizing it was Joaquin who seemed to have fallen asleep, he was breathing deeply, almost sounding like a light snore.
You slowly shifted towards him, resting on your elbow. You detailed his peaceful face, his thick brows, his pouty lips with his unique scar, his silver hair…the most handsome silver fox you had ever met. You hesitated before slowly letting your fingers brush the features you loved so much.
“I love you…” you whispered, leaning forward to place a feather-like kiss on his cheek, right at the corner of his mouth. You wanted to kiss him, but who knows how he would react…you softly smiled and as gently as you could laid your head on his chest; listening to his heartbeat, you noticed how it was actually rather fast, he must have been really tired…
You quickly drifted off to sleep, lulled by his steady breathing. But that sleep was of a short time when you were awakened by the timer of the oven, it was ready and your nap close to Joaquin already over. You met Joaquin’s look as he realized how close your body was to his, you had really slept on him.
“Come on, let’s check our lasagnas before it burns.” You replied in a low tone, your eyes briefly lingering on his lips; you should go back inside before he asks why you were on him. And you got up, Soda following you eagerly. Joaquin watched you for a few seconds puzzled by the whole situation, he had to talk about this, no matter how uncomfortable it would be. He soon reached you in the kitchen, you were taking out the plate from the oven and put it down on the counter with a smile.
“Damn that looks great! We’re going to-” but you were interrupted by the face your friend made; he looked nervous and careful. “What is it?”
“I heard what you said. Back in the garden.”
You opened and closed your mouth several times, not knowing what to say “Oh…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make un-…” he cut you off by putting his hand on yours, his thumb soothingly stroking your skin.
“Hey, it’s all good! I just want to talk about it...” He flashed you a little smile, perhaps himself a bit nervous and licking his lips before speaking “I like you too…very much.” He started, looking at you to assess your reaction to his words. Your eyes detailed his face, he was waiting for your reaction and honestly you didn’t know how to react. Was he really telling you that the feeling is mutual?
“Huh…really? Very much?” you pushed to make sure you had understood correctly.
“Yes, I…I think I’m in love with you.” He clarified, scratching the back of his head, yes it was a bit uncomfortable to talk about that but if that meant a chance to end up together, he was willing to. Your heart missed a beatt, you pinched your lips together to stop squealing in joy like a crazy girl, but it made you so happy. You moved your fingers to lightly caress the back of his hand, a little smile slowly forming on Joaquin’s face.
“Well, why don’t we make this dinner our first date?” you suggested sweetly, kissing his cheek. Joaquin met your eyes, in the end it wouldn’t change much, you loved each other greatly already but he will finally be able to show you fully how much you mean to him.
Joaquin’s squad: @arcticmonkais​ @amourtiara @sirianfromsixties @sweetness-doesnt-touch-my-face @live-love-loki @lyoongx @skaravile @jaylovesbats @niniita-ah @dirtyginger @valentina15  @cumberbitching @weirdflecksbutok @charlie-sisters @stardancerluv @sgtsavoytruffle @ohcarlesmycarles @rajacero
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goodlookingforagirl · 7 years
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Happy Birthday, JOHN ADAM BELUSHI - January 24, 1949 - March 5, 1982
The night that I went to New York to see the National Lampoon Show, Doug Kenney was sitting in the audience with me. We were looking up at the stage, and he said, “Brian, he’s got a great face for the screen. Billy, he’ll always work. Gilda, everyone will love Gilda. But your brother,” he said, “your brother’s gonna be a big star.” - Jim Belushi 
The night that Animal House opened, he got me to drive around with him to movie theaters to see all the mania. When we got to the Sutton we were going in just as people were coming out. All these kids who’d just seen Bluto on the big screen suddenly walked right into him outside the lobby. They went crazy. They were all asking for his autograph; one of them gave him a bottle and asked him to break it on his head. John was so excited about it, in a way that only a kid would be. - Mitch Glazer 
When he did Cocker, he would spin, spin and go down - Whack! - And it was two hundred pounds hitting the floor. He’d spit beer up in the air, get himself covered with it. He didn’t care too much. John and I were both very physical, but John, I found, was more willing to hurt himself. Whenever John took a fall, he hit his head. I think he even knocked himself out once. He really went all the way for something. - Chevy Chase 
He just didn’t have limits, with anything. If you gave him a loaf of bread, he’d eat the whole loaf of bread. If you gave him a bag of drugs, he’d do the whole bag of drugs. If you put four cats on him, he’d play with all four cats. It didn’t really matter what it was. - Janis Hirsch 
One of the curious things about John was that the self-confidence he exuded onstage was not a facade. There’s nothing more important to getting people to laugh than being confident of what you’re doing. You have to be massively committed to being funny, and John was. Everything about John was massive. Yet, at the same time, he also had a massive vulnerability. - Tony Hendra 
John was, and still is, the only actor I’ve ever auditioned whom I not only immediately fell in love with, but immediately put into the main company. No serving time in the touring companies or any of that. He had something that you can’t learn in school. Call is charisma, call it magnetism, he had it. - Bernie Sahlins
John was an icebreaker for a lot of people. He was the first one to go from Chicago to New York, and he got everybody out. He was the force; people gravitated to him. - Bill Murray 
When John was performing he was in total control. If he were going to fling himself across the stage, he had to know what he could do it and not hurt himself or others. I think he could do that easily. You could see how he worked. I think the center of his cyclone was always pretty calm. - Robin Williams 
John could make people laugh by raising an eyebrow, but I think it would be less than giving him due to suggest that’s as far as his talent went. He also was really good at impersonations, and he struggled long and hard over them. If you spent half an hour with John, he could do an impression of you. He had an actor’s craft, and he worked at it and made significant choices about what he did. He certainly made it all seem effortless, but then that’s the trick, isn’t it? - Anne Beatts 
One night, John and I had gone to see a blues group and we ended up sitting and talking for a couple of hours. He was trying - in a protective, big brotherly way - to share with me his experience of what it was like to be famous, and just how disappointing it was. How, as a performer, you’ve yearned for the attention, you’ve yearned for the spotlight, you’ve yearned for people to like what you do, and then at some point everything you’ve ever longed for turns into this thing that’s very difficult. It was the most real conversation I ever had with him. - Karen Allen 
John was the Thing That Wouldn’t Leave, the guy who wouldn’t take a hint that it was time to go to bed. Late one night he and Mitch Glazer showed up, unannounced, at my apartment on Riverside Drive. They were drinking out of brown paper bags. Eventually, Mitch left and John passed out on my bed. So I called Judy just to let her know that I had him in possession. It was only in the morning after he left that I went over and looked in the brown paper bag. It was a carton of milk. - Laraine Newman 
John was a caring person, a gentleman from the get-go and a class-A cat who was into the music. I know for a fact that the Blues Brothers movie and soundtrack helped people like Aretha Franklin and myself reach the young kids who might not have known we existed. As far as commercial interest in R&B is concerned, John helped get the ball rolling again. Man, we owe him. - Ray Charles 
At that point, John and Harrison Ford were my only two screen kisses, and John’s is still the best. - Carrie Fisher 
With some movie stars people just stare into their faces. John was so antic that that never happened. But one day I saw him sitting alone in this rare moment of stillness, and it was one of those moments when you see somebody and you think, I know who you were when you were a little kid. I know who you were when you were growing up. And it was that moment, for me, when he stopped being “Belushi.” I sort of went, “Oh, right, I get it. You’re that guy.” - Blair Brown 
“I love you,” was the last thing he said [to me]. And then he was gone. - Judy Belushi
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