#whumpee gets a special treat
mj-iza-writer · 14 days
This story comes from an extremely hot day, and watching some children get excited when an ice cream truck drove pass. -Mj
Caretaker had talked Whumpee into going out on the front porch to soak in the beautiful day with them.
"This should feel really good not to be cooped up inside all day", Caretaker smiled as they set down two cups of lemonade.
Whumpee weakly nodded, "thankyou", they whispered, "I didn't get to go outside often while with Whumper, but I'm still nervous to be out here. You're sure they're in jail?"
"Yes, of course Whumpee. They are in jail, and you are safe", Caretaker assured.
Whumpee nodded again before reaching a shaky hand for the lemonade.
An ice cream truck started to sing at the end of the road. Caretaker and Whumpee watched as several neighbors ran out to buy ice cream.
Whumpee smiled weakly, "I remember being younger and begging my parents for ice cream. They would often say no, but on occasion I'd get a special treat."
Caretaker stood with a grin and made their way off of the porch and to the end of the driveway. They couldn't go far away from Whumpee due to the protection orders in Whumpee's care.
Whumpee watched timidly, wondering what Caretaker was up to.
After a few minutes Caretaker walked back with two ice creams from the truck.
They had a smug grin as they handed one to Whumpee and sat down with the other.
"You didn't have to do that", Whumpee blushed with embarrassment.
"I know, but you deserved a treat", Caretaker started to open the package, "I think these are my favorites from the ice cream truck, that's why I picked them. Maybe next time we get an ice cream, you'll have enough strength to go pick what you want."
"Thankyou so much", Whumpee smiled as they looked at the package again, "I really appreciate you getting me this."
"You're welcome Whumpee", Caretaker started to eat their ice cream.
Whumpee's shaky fingers fidgetted with the package for a few seconds before they managed to open it. Then, ever so cautiously started to eat the ice cream.
After a few moments Caretaker glanced over at Whumpee to watch them.
Whumpee gave a big smile to Caretaker.
"How does it taste?", Caretaker smiled back.
"This is so good", Whumpee looked over the treat, "thankyou so much Caretaker."
"You're welcome Whumpee, we will definitely do this again if you like."
"Yes please", Whumpee smiled before taking another bite of the ice cream, "I would really like this again."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems @lavndvrr @ivymyers @starfields08000 @a-living-canvas @lumpofsand @watermeezer
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whumpberry-cookie · 5 months
(tw: noncon touch)
Imagine Whumpee being magically so beautiful and breathtaking that all mortals are just falling on their knees before them.
Whumper treated them as their pretty bird in a cage. Kisses, compliments, unwanted pets and affection.
After the rescue, Caretaker... without a second thought decides to never mention how captivated they feel. Because they think it's unfair that Whumpee can't have any true relations with mortals for who they actually are.
(C:) "I never told you this, but..."
(W:) "I knew you loved me, Caretaker. Because you never told me"
(Also that's what I found after searching for pretty man in gifs)
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(Ah, yes. My primary school crush)
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(Of course Taehyung's here)
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whump-place · 1 month
Living weapon whumpee that is actually treated like a weapon.
After their conditioning they don't get hurt anymore. After all, you wouldn't mistreat a precious weapon that does anything you say, and that you've worked too hard on make, right?
They get dressed in the most expensive silks while not in use, caged in a special cell just for them.
But still, they don't get to forget their place.
They are grabbed, and shown off in front of strangers to show their strength. Treated like a luxury object.
After all, under all that luxury there's nothing but a weapon. The owner can choose to treat their property however they want.
It's not like that thing can feel, after all.
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simply-whump · 3 months
The Sign (ลางสังหรณ์) - Whump List
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Whumpees : Phaya played by Billy Patchanon and Tharn played by Babe Tanatat
Synopsis : For as long as Tharn can remember, he's had premonitions about those around him, sensing both the good and the bad. Partners on a team of special investigators, when kind and cheerful Tharn met clever and charming Phaya, it felt as though they'd known each other for a long time. (MDL)
Genres : Action, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural, BL
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Ep 1 : (11:40) (In Tharn’s vision) Gets impaled, bleeding from the mouth — (13:36) Shot, stopped by the bulletproof jacket, fighting, hit — (36:35) Almost drowns
Ep 2 : (25:36) Goes into the water, in some sort of trance, concern for him, woken up
Ep 3 : (54:36) Having a nightmare — (01:18:24) Sparring
Ep 4 : (45:49) Fighting, hit in the head, collapse, dizzy, saved, bleeding from the head — (47:29) Treated — (01:01:57) Upset
Ep 5 : (34:20) Fighting, in a headlock, punched, thrown around, groaning in pain, choked, coughing — (38:35) Worried for Tharn — (56:23) Wincing in pain after using his arm, treated, hand bandaged — (01:17:21) Hit on his wound, concern for him
Ep 6 : (38:24) Sudden vision, injured in his vision, falling to the ground, woken up — (44:18) Punched by Tharn
Ep 7 : None
Ep 8 : (01:08) Having a nightmare/vision, very tense and agitated (kinda looks like a seizure), concern for him, woken up, coughing, heavy breathing — (24:10) Hallucinating Tharn in danger, worried, suddenly in a trance (body seems controlled), going into the water, drowning — (27:35) Seeing his past, groaning in pain — (In his past life) (28:50) Laying down injured, bleeding, groaning in pain, vision blurry, passes out, healed with magic, wakes up, wincing in pain — (Past Life) (37:00) Fighting, hit with magic, choked until he almost passes out, collapses to his knees, fighting, injured, pierced by a rock, bleeding from the mouth, dies — (Present) (50:42) (Gif Set) Drowning, pulled out of the water, unconscious and not breathing, concern for him, cpr, mouth to mouth breathing
Ep 9 : (02:47) (Gif Set) On a stretcher in the hospital, unconscious, cpr, concern for him, intubated — (08:11) Worried friends arrive at the hospital — (23:13) Unconscious in a hospital bed, nose cannula, concern for him — (24:42) (Gif Set) Friends come visit him at the hospital, all very concerned for him — (38:44) Attacked in his “dream”, (Gif Set) having a seizure, concern for him, flatlines, cpr, wakes up — (43:08) Having a nightmare, wakes up, rips out his IV and runs away from the hospital — (44:34) Arrives at Tharn’s house looking exhausted   
Ep 10 : (12:54) Scolded
Ep 11 : (30:19) Shot at, big tree branch almost falls on him, saved, shot at — (32:00) Fighting, punched — (33:44) Running away, shot at, falls off a cliff — (34:57) Hanging from the side off a cliff, asking Tharn to let him go, forces Tharn to let go of his hand, falls — (40:29) Wakes up in some cave, hugged, wincing in pain — (42:50) Groaning in pain, concern for him
Ep 12 : (42:02) Wakes ump without Tharn by his side, worried, crying, jumps into the water — (46:16) Pushed, fighting, choked — (50:30) Very worried for Tharn — (51:47) Wakes up in the hospital screaming Tharn’s name, concern for him, panicked, crying — (57:53) Depressed
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Ep 1 : (11:28) Headache, has visions — (18:55) Pushed, grabbed by the neck
Ep 2 : (58:27) Very drunk, almost throws up, carried
Ep 3 : (06:05) Still drunk —(01:18:24) Sparring, pinned to the ground 
Ep 4 : (18:13) Having a vision, headache
Ep 5 : (04:01) Punched — (38:20) Shielding Phaya, stabbed, concern for him — (39:41) Wound bandaged — (01:06:24) Has a fever, looked after
Ep 6-7 : None
Ep 8 : (Past life) (41:06) Pierced by a rock while protecting Phaya, collapses, coughing blood, concern for him, dies — (Present Life) (49:53) Fighting, in a chokehold, coughing, has a vision of Phaya drowning, jumps into the water, very worried for Phaya
Ep 9 : Very worried for Phaya — (08:16) Crying, worried — (10:26) Crying while holding Phaya clothes — (25:40) Visiting Phaya at the hospital, crying, blaming himself, comforted — (36:53) Fighting, kicked several times, almost shot, has a vision of Phaya seizing — (39:24) Worried for Phaya
Ep 10 : (42:31) Has a vision, concern for him
Ep 11 : (24:00) Has a vision, concern for him — (32:00) Fighting — (33:44) Running away, shot at, falls off a cliff — (34:57) Hanging from the side off a cliff, worried for Phaya, falls, saved by some magic, collapses to his knees, crying — (43:32) Emotional, teary-eyed
Ep 12 : (17:13) Fighting, at gunpoint, hit, choked, concern for him — (42:02) Has disappeared, concern for him — (46:24) Hit — (49:37) Hit by some powerful magic, concern for him, bleeding from the mouth, in pain, disappears 
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whumpster-dumpster · 1 year
Hi Red! I hope you’re doing okay! I wanted to ask you what are the kinds of Whumpees, like “Stoic Whumpee”, for example. Can you make a short list?
There are many kinds of whumpees because every one's personality is different, but some of the community's general favorites are:
Stoic Whumpee, who may be more reserved and internalize or suppress their emotions
Defiant Whumpee, who holds onto their anger, spite and snark to stay strong
Soft/Cinnamon Roll Whumpee, sweet, kindhearted, possibly naïve, a contrast to the cruelty they endure
Comic Relief Whumpee, the one who uses lightheartedness and humor to hide the pain
Pet Whumpee, treated like they're meant to owned, made to act like they're beneath others
Nonhuman Whumpee, who could be anything from a mercreature to an angel to an alien to a mutant to a robot, etc.
Magic/Superpowered Whumpee, who may be exploited and exhausted for their special abilities
Tiny Whumpee, who, true to the name, is smol and typically has a tol counterpart caretaker or whumper
Broken Whumpee, who has given in, given up, who feels hopeless, unsure if they have the strength to survive
Caretaker-Turned-Whumpee: the usual helper and healer ends up needing someone else's aid
Whumper-Turned-Whumpee: the usual bringer of pain ends up getting a taste of their own bitter medicine
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t0rture-me · 5 months
immortal whumpee who quite literally gets forgotten if not actively observed. of course, if you're looking right at them, you can remember everything you already know, but the second you turn away it's like they never even existed. the epitome of out of sight out of mind.
maybe they used to be treated like a deity. using their curse to garner a following. if no one really remembers them, they can control the narrative, right? tell eveyrone they have special powers instead of just being forgotten. hell, they can do just about whatever they want. how do you catch a bank robber if you don't remember getting stuck up in the first place?
but it's fuckin lonely. no one invites them anywhere. remembers their birthday. no one reaches out to even ask how their day was. nothing. if they want interaction, they have to go get it. it's fucking exhausting having to reinsert themself into the lives of the people who supposedly care about them. having to constantly remind people that they exist. but it's not your fault you can't remember. it's not their fault either.
then maybe whumper finds them. gives them an opportunity to never be forgotten. a trap, of course. maybe some sort of streaming set up? something where there's always eyes on whumpee, someone always there to remember and record as whumper tortures them for countless to see. or whumper finds a way around the curse, but in turn makes whumpee entirely dependent on their interactions. 'i'm the only one that actually remembers you, after all. i'm the only person capable of caring for you.' or maybe whumper leaves them alone in a room to rot until someone happens to stumble upon a starving, weak whumpee. they promise to come back with help, but no one ever comes. who would? as far as anyone remembers, no one needs help.
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redd956 · 1 year
Whump Prompt List: NMA Edition
Based off of my NMA worldbuilding line
AKA Whump that @demondamage would like. AKA: nonhuman whumpees, experiment whump, medical whump, lab whump
CW: Violence, Hospital Whump, Experiment Whump, Nonhuman whumpees, Death Mention, Needles
Draining whumpee's blood in order to centrifuge a special resource from it
Hooking whumpee up to an IV that contains some form of sedative, paralytic, or similar formula inside of it
A physically powerful whumpee needing to be held down by a group, as a sedative is forcefully entered into their system
Whumpee watching their blood exit their veins through a tube, knowing theirs nothing they can do, slowly realizing that they're taking too much
Whumpee getting their blood drained, not knowing if their captors are going to stop before it's too late, or if they plan to get rid of whumpee this way after all
Filing down whumpee's sharp teeth, their pointed claws, sawing off their horns, tying down their tail. Whatever needs to be done to keep the nonhuman whumpee from having an advantage.
Whumpee being kept sedated or out of it, until they are needed for their magic
Muzzled and/or restrained whumpee lashing out at the doctors analyzing
Whumpee's every nonhuman aspect being analyzed, their privacy completely invaded, as doctors poke and prod, crooning over their find
A group of whumpees are captures, and they all fear the worse. However after one is found to be more rare than the others, they quickly discover that for one of them, it's going to be much much worse.
Multiple whumpees getting separated based off of the research that needs to be conducted on them
A limp whumpee, kept down for research, needing to be moved or treated as a comatose patient since the doctors dealing with them are too scared of their abilities
Testing to see what whumpee reacts painfully too, how they heal from the different things tested on them, watching them slowly grow terrified of the scientist opening their door
Taking a marker to whumpee's skin and going to town, preparing for the next set of plans
Forcing whumpee to use their magic or nonhuman abilities far past their limit
Whumpee growing more and more tired as they loose their magic/blood, watching the world darken and the noise of life muffle
Doctors taunting and teasing a heavily restrained whumpee. Whumpee, who is normally such a dangerous creature, can do nothing as they pull on their tail or forcibly spread out their wings
Hands latching onto whumpee's face, moving their head into the position they need to
Whumpee waking to the feeling of fingers prodding for the perfect injection spot
Strapping whumpee down to a table, the doctor admiring their work, thinking they'd never see a nonhuman of this type to work on
Whumpee being returned to a cell full of other nonhuman whumpees after a finish experiment, being plopped down unceremoniously in front of the others, before the doctor looks up to pick the next one
Tattooing whumpee to know what experiment group they belong to
Holding an oxygen mask to whumpee's face, watching as the mist of a sedative kicks in
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whumpshaped · 8 months
I know you just wrote one but I would love another sickfic out of you! Maybe illness affecting the taste of the blood or something?
how abt a mild infection beck is deathly scared of.. (ive had that on my list and i think itll fit the bill but we'll see)
tw gross infection, sickfic all the way through, conditioned whumpee, aftermath of punishment, emotional whump
Beck woke up to an immense amount of pain radiating from his neck. He groaned and tried to move in a way that would lessen it, only to find that turning his head at all was a monumental task. It hurt. The whole area felt... swollen... too warm.
Was it... was it infected?
He stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom, horrified to see the damage Helle had left him with. His neck looked disgusting. His skin was flushed starting from his face all the way down to his collarbones, and the bites were... leaking. He stepped away from the mirror and covered his mouth, trying to keep the nausea at bay.
This was bad. This was bad. This was bad.
He texted Christie with shaking hands about an 'infected dog bite', then tried to ignore her dumb joke about him being a chewtoy for more than one species. Should he go to a doctor? He should at least look up how to treat it at home. Was this the way he'd die? Not even from a direct attack or Helle's sadistic whims, but an infected wound?
No, first and foremost, he needed to clean it all out. He used a generous amount of water and his special antibacterial soap, scrubbing down the entire area despite his body's protests. Then came the ointment and the bandages, and he very quickly realised that his neck and shoulders were a very awkward place to try to patch up. Nonetheless, he persisted.
Would Helle be mad at him for not taking better care of the bites? They could still drink from his wrist! Right..?
He looked into the mirror again, relieved to see most of the gross parts covered. He lifted a hand to feel his cheeks, not too happy to find they felt warmer than usual. He probably knew way too much about infections, but even if he hadn't, the average person could deduce that a creeping fever was a bad sign.
Every medical paper he could find agreed that vampire bites were distinctly different from that of an animal's. First of all, there was no chance of them being rabid. Second of all, it rarely ever resulted in death, at least in patients who attempted to treat it. Well, he was definitely trying.
Still, a doctor's visit was in order. Not right now... not when he was still so tired... but after a quick nap, maybe.
Unfortunately for him, his pillow was full of stains, blood and... whatever that was, he stuff that was coming out of the infected bites. He really, honestly tried not to be too grossed out. He tried not to cry at the thought of having slept in that. He failed.
He needed to change his bedsheets right now, even if moving around was a fucking agonising ordeal. He needed clean sheets. He wasn't going to lie back down in fuckig filth.
By the time he was done cleaning up, his neck felt entirely stiff. Even moving his arms was a challenge, given that all the motions started from the shoulder muscles, the ones that were now in an incredible amount of pain. But maybe sleep would make it better. Surely, if he let the ointment work its magic, he would wake up feeling better. So he crawled under the blankets, exhausted and shivering, and prayed he wouldn't wake up to being bitten.
The pain was so much worse the second time around. The articles all warned about the dangers of venom in an infected wound, but Helle didn't use venom, and apparently no one had studied raw vampire bites. This wasn't a case of 'the patient might be inclined to leave the infected area untreated due to an altered state of mind, in which they respond positively to the pain that comes with it'. This was a case of pure 'I can barely lift my body to get out of bed, I cannot walk or drive like this'.
He just had to ride it out. Vampires didn't kill via infections. They didn't. He wasn't going to die. He was just... going to be in some pain, is all. He just had to whimper and whine his way through it, through the fever and nausea, through the debilitating fatigue and thirst. It would go away. It was going to go away.
The next time he woke up, the pain was a little less intense. It was more of a dull ache rather than an all-consuming, burning fire under his skin, and he took the chance to go change the bandages. The wounds looked... better. They weren't... healed, or even healthy by any means, but... better.
Soap. Ointment. Bandages.
He downed a bottle of water on his way back to the bedroom, and put a full bottle on the nightstand. The plastic clinked against the pile of jewellery that he still had there, and he froze. He needed to put those away, immediately. Where was the box his mother had them in? Oh god, he had no idea.
He walked back out into the living room, looking on every surface and in every drawer until he finally found it, hidden away nicely so Helle wouldn't question it. He quickly rushed back to the bedroom and threw all the silver in there, hardly caring about the necklances and bracelets getting tangled for now. He would untangle them before giving the box back.
He collapsed onto the mattress again and took a deep, calming breath. He had to stay up tonight, to ensure Helle wouldn't try to bite into bandages this time. He was pretty sure they would be pissed about it. He had to stay up and explain the situation, apologise, then offer his wrist as an alternative. He had to be polite about it. Respectful. Good.
Maybe they would be forgiving, if he was good. Maybe they would absolve him of the sin of causing a mess and getting sick from it.
Or maybe they would reprimand him further. Kill him off because they had no use for a disgusting, dirty bloodbag like him.
It was a coin toss. Beck could only hope.
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries
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whumpees · 11 months
The X-Files whump list
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Synopsis: The X-Files focused on the professional lives of two FBI special agents, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, who are charged with investigating unusual and unsolved cases, known as X-Files, that involved elements of the supernatural or paranormal. Some of these cases forwarded the series’ mythological story arc and involved the investigative duo’s moving closer toward uncovering a vast government conspiracy regarding the existence of extraterrestrials.
Whumpee: fox mulder played by david duchovny
Seasons: 11 (1993-2018) (218 eps)
Movies: 2
Ep2: kidnapped, held down on a stretcher, restrained in the stretcher and given a sedative injection by force & oxygen mask put on his face, delirious (half awake), in an operation room, scully got him out and he looked confused & shocked & wasn't walking well? He forgot how he got kidnapped
Ep5: mini attack & lifts his shirt for paramedics to bandage his torso
Ep10: mini attack & bruised cheek. Thrown against the ground & limping & using crutches
Ep12: suffocating from smoke, collapse on the floor and helped to walk by firemen
Ep13: shot in the leg and falls on the floor, laying in a stretcher unconscious with an oxygen mask & leg bleeding, recovering in the hospital (the whole things was very brief and boring)
Ep14: hit on the head and falls on the ground then hit again and knocked out briefly
Ep20: attacked by insects, hospitalized & has bruises on his face
Ep1: found passed out
Ep15: stabbed or something in the arm by magic or whatever and falls on the ground & scully finds him laying on the ground
Ep16: flash forward: brought to the hospital in a critical condition, hypothermia, bad eye bruising, but in a bathtub to warm him, his heart stops and the scene is cut
Ep17: thrown at the ground multiple times, a substance gets in his eyes and he's almost blinded,dragged out side of the submarine and falls from a high distance, unable to see properly & difficultly moving, the scene from last episode continues and he his in a bathtub. Defibrillation, in the hospital for days unconscious, woke up and speaking with difficulty
Ep18: attacked by a gorilla and falls on the ground, hit by light and then found unconscious with his head bleeding
Ep19: "aging fast", rescued & passed out in hospital
Ep25: sleep deprived, loses his temper and attacks someone and so is manhandled. Asleep, wakes up started by scully, says he came home cuz he might have been running a fever, coughs. Sweating and breathing heavily a lil bit crying at the death of someone and comes home to scully with a fever and she puts him to bed and puts a cold cloth on his head. He won't listen to scully so she shoots him, falls unconscious, wakes up in someone's house bandaged, turned out he was being drugged and it's what caused him to get out of control to get everyone to distrust him. Holding his arm to his torso to stay still and not aggravate his wound. In a burning place, status unknown
Ep1: found passed out under debris, carried to safty, passed out for 3 days with high fever
Ep4: fighting, thrown in the ground, hurt & winces in pain
Ep7: pushed across the room (srsly what's with the useless pain free pushes???)
Ep9: in a fight & pushed to the ground (i swear one more push and imma 😤 i just write them in case somebody cares about details 🙃)
Ep10: strangled, blood marks from the robe on his neck, knocked out & kicked multiple times, found unconscious with bloody face, carried while unconscious
Ep14: hit in the face, face treated by paramedic
Ep16: in a car accident, passed out, wakes up briefly and passes out again, wakes up in the hospital
Ep24: in a fight and thrown to the ground & a little hurt
Ep1: smashed against a car & falls on the ground, meets scully and she says "you're freezing, you're in shock."
Ep3: tranquillised, collapses, found paralysed with his eyes open, unresponsive, dragged by scully
Ep8: whipped, passed out on the ground in a prison cell then wakes up, held down by many men & injected something to take him to do "experiments" on him, woke up tied in bed, worms entering his nose and get through his eyes and whole face 🤮
Ep9: passed out in the cell in a fetal position, thrown away by an explosion, helped to walk by scully
Ep15: punched & stepped on
Ep23: woke up on the floor covered in blood (not his) & doesn't remember what happened, scully finds him in a bathtub trying to warm himself and says "you're in shock", gets a sudden severe headache, on the floor & comes to consciousness, headache again, slapped hard af lol, goes to a doctor to perform a certain procedure on him to trigger his memories, doc injects him with something, in a bed struggling like he's having seizures ( he's remembering things) & doc restrains him
Ep2: puts his head next to scully while she's sleeping and cries silently (i don't list emotional whump but this one he looked so helpless i liked that 😂)
Ep3: a substance is sprayed all over him & is painful so he takes off his shirt & writhes in pain on the gound & seems delirious or smth
Ep4: attacked by smth and hurt his arm and has a scratch on his chest, is cold and scully says you might still be in shock, scully cuddles him and he sleeps like a baby on her lap, the scratch on his chest is bandaged
Ep5: collapses from gass
Ep11: chained & electrocuted, virtual reality: woke up in an ambulance & confused asks what happened & finds his arms burned from the electrocution, opens his eyes again, sweating & being rushed to the operating room, turns out those "doctors" want to experiment on him & he notices that and is dead scared and asks for scully to be his doctor, injected smth in his neck, wakes up, says "i feel sick", finds his arm cut and panics, nurse suffocates him with pillow, wakes up again with both his arms cut:: back in reality: tied to the machine that forced him to watch that virtual world, scully calls out for him but the machine druggs him to not answer her, scully gets him off the machine & he's unresponsive, she helps him walk
Ep12: eats drugged pizza & is found passed put & is slapped to wake up (& the scene is repeated but from mulder's narrative and he has difficulty speaking then passes out), "attacked" & wakes up in a car
Ep14: attacked & falls on the ground & a gun point at him
Ep18: blindfolded, his hands are restrained to the table, being interrogated & every time he doesn't "confess" they pull back his finger and he's in so much pain & screams, they finally break his finger & he's dying 😂😂, finger in a cast
Ep19: hysterically attacking someone cuz he thinks he's a monster & so he's manhandled, thought to be having psychosis so he's admitted to the hospital restrained in bed, injected smth & winces in pain, nurse turns off light so he can sleep and then the monster comes to him and he screams for help and begs the nurse to untie him but she dismisses him and thinks he's crazy so he just screams all night 😂😂
Ep3: (this man has to get him self in trouble all the time 😂😂😂) passed out in the water face down, pulled out of the water by rope while passed out, wakes up fast & coughs up water, punched several times but the men who saved him, jumps into the water, wakes up in hospital & says "i feel like hell"
Ep13: attacked by an octopus (but not shown) & has its marks around his neck & he can't breathe well, stumbles
Ep14: shot, scully rips his shirt & puts her hand in the wound to stop the bleeding
Ep21: unconscious and being digested alive by mushrooms, rescued and pulled from underground and put in an ambulance
Ep22: an image keeps triggering him every time he sees it: feels disoriented, hissing ears every, blurry vision, collapses in pain, later put in a psychiatric facility and is shown through the camera to act hostile & screaming, doctors said they're given him alot of drugs enough to put him into a coma put his brain has an "abnormal brain function"
Ep1: abnormal brain activity that won't allow it to shut down or rest manifesting in episodes of aggression, attacks someone, manhandled against the wall, unresponsive & restrained in bed hands & legs, in a wheelchair while still unresponsive, given a high dose of a drug to lower his brain activity so he can walk to get him out of the hospital but results in a seizure & held down in bed
Ep2: still in bed like a zombie, injected smth in his head & is in pain , in handcuffs & still in hospital gown, on a table arms & legs tied & unconscious, being operated on, laying unconscious, wakes up & says to scully with difficulty: "help me"
Ep4: found in a basement sitting on the ground with hurt his arm (zombie attack) , arm bandaged
Ep6: shot in the arm (literally has no whump at all not even pain!!), being bandaged in hospital
Ep9: bitten by snakes & found unconscious on the ground by scully, in the hospital
E13: beaten by a character in a game
E16: attacked & drowned but doesn't pass out
Ep18: coughs blood, insect eggs are hatching in his lungs, unconscious in the operating room and the worms are being vacuumed from his lungs by a tube, unconscious in bed, wakes up & his voice is weak, gasps for air, "code blue", the docs are trying to stabilise him
Ep21: thrown to the ground by an explosion
Ep22: abducted by aliens
Ep1: aliens doing experiments on him (honestly brutal ew), screaming , in scully's "dream" but it's actually real & shown later: naked & restrained to the chair by bars pierced through his hands & legs, his chest being cut open & screaming
Ep2: ( not actually mulder but someone masking as him but it looked good tho 🙂: jumps from a cliff, passed out on the ground), again shown in someone's dream but it's real: naked & unconscious, and again at the end of the episode
Ep14: found in a forest passed out.
Ep15: presumed dead, dug out of the grave, at the hospital
Ep16: flashback of the horrific experiments
Ep20: attacked & falls unconscious on the ground, scully treats his face
(He was missing the whole season)
Ep19: appears in a prison cell, a soldier asks him "what are you thinking?" And mulder replies "where am i?", the man goes "wrong answer" and punches him in the stomach and he crumples to the ground, soldier: "no sleeping!", thr man comes to ask him the same question again and "wrong answer!" And hits him, tries to hit him again but mulder resists but the man holds the weapon up his throat and is choking him, in the ground sleeping naked and the man comes again and shouts "no sleep!" and mulder is startled, he asks him again what is he thinking (basically torturing him into compliance) and mulder says "what should i be thinking?" The man says "you're a guilty man who did blah blah" and holds his stick up to hit him and shouts "say it!!" and mulder flinches, mulder submits and says "I'm a guilty man who did blah blah" and is shaking
Ep2: ringing ears, falls on his knees and holds his head
Ep5: takes drugs and is high, wakes up in the hospital, in a wheelchair
Ep6: is shown with bruised and bloody face, flashback showing why he had the bruised face: in a fight, choked:: on the ground (sick from a disease spreading in the whole population), passed out in a chair, wakes up, someone picks him up and helps him walk
The X-files: fight the future (1998)
Shot in his head & falls on the ground, wakes up at the hospital and tries to leave immediately and they try to stop him
Passes out in the ice (from exhaustion?), scully hugs him to keep him warm
The X-files: i want to believe (2008)
To be updated
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dresden-syndrome · 3 months
Whats the worst fate for a class 4 prisioner turned pet?
Thank you for asking! :3
Every possible class 4 designation can be called one of the worst fates one can endure in EESU; a lot would argue being designated "for personal use" (turned pet) is already the worst one imaginable. Well, what could make it even more horrifying for the poor whumpee to endure?
1. The owner can do whatever they want. Despite class 4 offenders not having any human rights or protections under the EESU laws there are still some regulations on what could be done to them depending on the facility, designation status and what they're planned to be used for. Detainees/subjects requested for personal use need to be kept alive and relatively well, no torture that'd cause serious injuries or long-lasting body marks, no purposeful infection or delay in medical treatment when needed: their future owner, a very powerful person in EESU government, needs to receive their new personal plaything in a good condition. However, once the poor whumpee gets brought to their owner's office, all rules go out the window. They're now the sole property of their owner and nobody can control or restrict what they do to them.
The only regulations on pet owners are where they can bring their pet to. Aside from class 4 designation places, certain government facilities allow officials to bring a class 4 subject in it; these places are highly guarded and only open for personnel of certain rank and position with needed security clearance on their workplace ID card. Keeping the existence of class 4 offenders after detention secret is a must.
Oh, and within those facilities a pet whumper can go public. They're right to be sure all the personnel here understands a class 4 offender is an object of use and such a conviction means they've been doing such inhuman deeds against the regime they can't be called "human" anymore. Even if they don't really like it, nobody can really say anything to a whumper terrorizing their pet, aside from some inconvenience complaint - acting out against it might well be endangering the trust both from their superiors and the regime itself. (What are they, going against what the Supreme Commander and the Party said?) Joining the whump, on the other hand, is often encouraged - where there's one whumper, there might be more!
2. One can be both a pet whumpee and a lab whumpee at once. While most owners take their pets to local ASR labs for a health check or an illness/injury treatment, or just for a time they have to be away, some order to carry out a few experiments on them along the way. What are things that could motivate the whumpers to do it? In most cases it's either a desire to contribute to their country's progress (it's no EESU gov official if they fail to believe all such secret state projects are done for the greater good), an act of discipline for the pet or both. Owners are often being recommended - or pressured - to offer their "property" for a test or two (depending on their position and the need for lab rats in the region) as to make them more useful for the state. There are a few special cells for "personal use" subjects in most ASR labs, provided with an extra bed for visiting owners which could be moved to make a single big one, the pets are treated better to avoid getting in trouble with a big powerful owner, the same reason why the personnel is reluctant to make any plans on a pet without owner's supervision. Not to mention there are owners that enjoy seeing their pet's medically induced suffering. "See, my counter-revolutionary terrorist is making himself useful for our science! Isn't that good?" (Oh, and the added humiliation for those poor whumpees made to withstand invasive medical exams under their owner and comrades' gaze).
In the case an owner can't or won't keep their "property" anymore, the pet is given away to the nearest lab as an average test subject (if the owner hasn't specifically arranged something else). Sometimes they can be "inherited" by a higher ranking official - especially if a previous owner is under arrest - but that's yet to happen.
3. A pet can be forced to work within the facility. It won't be nice and it won't change the treatment; no type or amount of work can make a class 4 offender into a loyal comrade with respect to the state and the Party or make them be viewed as such. It won't make them less of their owner's personal possession either. Sure, it can add some purpose to their life but the kind of work pets are usually forced to do is either directly serving the owner and their workmates - bringing food, drinks and cigarettes, cleaning around the home (if the owner returns home often and the pet can be brought there) - or the "dirty" kind, like assisting on interrogations or counting other detainees/subjects in class 4 units. By that point, a whumpee may be thoroughly broken into obedience - even conditioned to believe the State is right to do so - but for actual political opposition activist whumpees this can be one of the worst things they could be made to do. They've acted out against an oppressive government and their totalitarian regime. They've been imprisoned for it. They've been reduced to a "nonperson" state for it. They've been given out as a literal object for another person to use and command. That person is a powerful enforcer of the system they've sworn to destroy. What's the worst that could happen?
Lore dump tag (yeah it exists!!!): @sweet-lost-husbands (let me know if you wanna get there!)
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nat-1-whump · 1 year
🌿 Whump for elves
Fantasy whump ideas no. 4
(Note that I'm going with the stereotypical foresty elves, but they vary a lot by setting so don't be afraid to play around with them. Sorry for basically disappearing for weeks. I just graduated high school and it was... a time. I'll start working on more writing prompts soon! 💖)
Longevity is a curse. Elf Whumpee can live for hundreds or even thousands of years. Everyone they care about, they will outlive. So, they avoid getting too close to people. The less you love, the less you grieve. Their long lifespan also means that they can suffer for a very long time, perhaps captured by an immortal Whumper who even they cannot hope to outlive. Maybe Whumper doesn't even reveal that they're immortal, so Elf Whumpee spends decades waiting for their captor to die before realizing that it's not going to happen.
Ears. Elf Whumpee is super sensitive to sound. Whumper uses this to their advantage, blasting their eardrums out with a whistle only they can hear, maybe using it as a way to control them in public. Their ears are also a very obvious indicator of their nature. Maybe they've had to chop them off to disguise in a place that is not kind to elves. Every now and then they trace the scarred edges of their ears, wishing they could have them back, but knowing they never will.
Connection to nature and magic. Elf Whumpee has a special connection to those things and the place they call home. Deprived of it, they feel themselves withering away like a flower in a dark room. Maybe they were captured and brought to a lifeless land of concrete and metal. Whumper taunts them by putting wires and metal pipes in ceramic flower pots around Elf Whumpee's cell.
Alcohol. Elf Whumpee has little to no alcohol tolerance. They try a pint of strong Dwarven alcohol at a party and end up a crying, shaking mess on the bathroom floor. Everyone is laughing at them and they feel incredibly sick and embarrassed.
Loneliness and isolation. For whatever reason, elves are strongly looked down upon in society. Elf Whumpee has a hard time getting close to people when nobody wants to be seen near them. Or, their own pride keeps them distant from others. Either way, they have nobody to rely on. When they get hurt, they have no choice but to seclude themself, their hands shaking as they try to treat it alone. Maybe their injuries get worse and they have to drag themself to go beg for help, but nobody will listen.
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mj-iza-writer · 6 months
Whumpee waited quietly and watched Whumper unpack a couple of bags they had just carried in.
"Master may I help", Whumpee offered, not knowing what needed to be done.
"Yes", Whumper spoke over their shoulder, "please set the table for two. Hmm, let's do semi formal table settings for dinner tonight."
"Yes Master", Whumpee set to work putting the table together exactly as Whumper would want it. They went back through and made minor adjustments to ensure it was perfect. They knew the punishment well if they failed this task.
"Master I have your table set", Whumpee quietly waited to be acknowledged.
Whumper stepped out into the dinner room and inspected Whumpee's work.
They made one minor adjustment that caused Whumpee to panic and almost cry.
"Okay it looks good", Whumper smiled, "good work."
Whumpee almost fell over, "oh, uh, thankyou Master", they looked down.
"Okay, I'm going to finish setting up the actual meal, I had it catered for tonight. My favorite restaurant was doing a special Thanksgiving meal", Whumper went back to the kitchen.
"Where would you like me to hide during your meal with your guest Master?", Whumpee followed. Whumpee had forgotten it was Thanksgiving day.
"Oh, I'm not having any guest over tonight. Everyone normally goes to their families for Thanksgiving", Whumper looked at Whumpee with a smile.
"Oh", Whumpee thought about the second plate, but didn't dare ask.
"When would you like me to serve you Master", Whumpee watched as Whumper meticulously set up the meal.
"Actually, you won't be serving tonight", Whumper gave another grin.
"Master forgive me, but please help me to know what is expected of me tonight", Whumpee fell to their knees, "please."
"Go upstairs to my bedroom. There is an outfit on the bed for you. Get cleaned up, put that on, and come back to the dinner room", Whumper picked up a dish, "be fast, please."
Whumpee quickly did as they were told. They met Whumper back in the dinner room.
"Is this okay Master?", Whumpee waited at the entrance of the room.
"Yes you look great", Whumper pulled out a chair and offered the seat to Whumpee, "I thought for tonight we would enjoy Thanksgiving dinner together. How does that sound?"
Whumpee stared for a second to process what was just said, "you mean it Master? I get to eat dinner with you?"
Whumper nodded, "I mean it, I thought it would be a special treat for us. What do you think?"
"I would like that Master", Whumpee smiled excitedly.
"Good, please have a seat", Whumper offered the chair again, "dinner is ready."
Whumpee quickly went to the seat and sat down. They eagerly waited for Whumper to come back.
"Now, I'm drinking wine, but I'm not serving you any alcohol. I thought you would enjoy some regular grape juice, though. It should pair nicely with the meal", Whumper carried out two wine glasses.
"Thankyou Master", Whumpee looked at the glass excitedly.
Whumper took the plates to the kitchen to serve the food.
Soon Whumpee was looking at a plate piled high with some of the best food you could think of. Whumper sat across from them, smiling at Whumpee's reactions.
'I'll have to do this more often', Whumper thought to themself, 'I dont know why I don't. It's not like I hate them.'
Whumpee looked up, "thankyou Master for letting me eat with you, I'm so excited to eat dinner with you."
"You're welcome Whumpee. You may begin eating", Whumper watched for a moment as Whumpee reached for silverware.
Whumpee paused for a moment, trying to remember the table etiquette.
Whumper smiled, "Whumpee", they whispered, then reminded them of which utensils did what.
"I'm sorry Master", Whumpee looked down.
"It's alright, you haven't had a meal like this in a while. It's okay to forget once in a while", Whumper picked up their glass and took a sip, "I know I forget a lot."
Whumpee smiled, "thankyou Master."
After dinner Whumper cleared the table themself and even loaded the dishwasher. They came back just to grab the dessert plates.
"I hope you're hungry for dessert", Whumper carried the plates back out.
"I-I get dessert too", Whumpee looked at the plate as Whumper set it down.
"You do", Whumper sat down again, "please enjoy."
Whumpee took a bite, "wow", they exclaimed.
Whumper smiled, "I'm glad you like it", Whumper then took a bite, "that does taste pretty good."
After dessert was done Whumper finished loading the dishwasher, then started it.
Whumper leaned into the dinner room,"While I finish in here, go get into your lounge clothes, we'll watch a move to finish off the night."
Whumpee stood quickly, "yes Master."
Once done, Whumper went and also got changed into lounge clothing.
They both met in the living room.
Whumpee couldn't contain it anymore.
"Thankyou Master, this was all so wonderful to experience", Whumpee watched Whumper get comfortable.
"You're welcome. Now get comfortable. Let's get this movie going", Whumper smiled, "you have more grape juice waiting for you."
Whumpee smiled, "thankyou."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
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simply-whump · 8 months
Bright Eyes in the Dark (他从火光中走来) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Lin Lu Xiao played by Johnny Huang and Ran Dong Yang played by Guan Ya Jun
Synopsis : Lin Lu Xiao possesses exceptional firefighting skills and extensive experience. He is the head of the Special Operations Station on Heping Road in Beixun City. By a twist of fate, he is chosen to become an instructor for a reality show aimed at promoting firefighting knowledge. During the show, Lin Lu Xiao coincidentally encounters Nan Chu, a dancer he had rescued from a fire years ago. (MDL)
Genres : Action, Romance
⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️ There are some rescues for attempted suicide in several episode
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Lin Lu Xiao
Ep 1 : Fails to save a kid trapped under a collapsed building, angry outburst
Ep 2-9 : None
Ep 10 : Has a nightmare 
Ep 11 : (Flashback) Training too hard, scolded, scratches on his neck — (Present) Wincing in pain, treated, falls asleep
Ep 12-16 : None
Ep 17 : In a very dangerous firefighting mission, concern for him — Covered in ash, dazed, hugged, crying, worried for his friend, comforted
Ep 18 : At his friend side in the hospital, crying, blaming himself
Ep 19 : Emotional, crying
Ep 20-26 : None
EP 27 : Some debris fall on him in an unsafe building — In the hospital, injured, sleeping, wakes up, bandaged, exaggerates his injuries, concern for him, a bit manhandled, tries to get up, wincing in pain — Hugging someone, wincing in pain
Ep 28-31 : None
Ep 32 : Angry outburst, learns one of his fellow firefighters has died, crying
Ep 33 : Grieving
Ep 34-35 : None
Ep 36 : Dizzy, vision blurry, leaning on a tree, concern for him, almost throws up — Sick, in bed, nauseous, feverish, given medicine
Ep 37 : Limping, has lots of blisters on his foot
Ep 38 : Teary-eyed
Ep 39 : None
Ep 40 : On a dangerous mission (forest fire), missing, concern for him, surrounded by fire — Crying
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Ran Dong Yang
Ep 17 : Volunteers for a dangerous task on a firefighting mission, surrounded by fire, hit by a pipe, concern for him, blasted by an explosion, falls from high — Bleeding, unconscious — In a hospital bed, wakes up, lost his leg 
Ep 18 : In a hospital bed, realises his leg is missing, shocked, “It’s okay” (It’s definitely not okay) — Pretends to be fine — Discharged form the hospital, his friends are here to help him, in a wheelchair — Helped to bed
Ep 19 : In a lot of pain (phantom pain from missing limb), sweating, crying — Falls to the ground while trying to go to his wheelchair, found on the floor, hugged, trashing, screaming, sobbing — Crying — Drinking on top of a building, wants to kill himself, concern for him, everyone crying
>> More whump Lists
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quietly-by-myself · 1 year
A Wicked Work of Art - Prologue
I don't know if I'll continue this but here's my medical whump brain rot. You have @demondamage and @sparrowsage to thank. Also brought to you by: roleplays I had online when I was 14.
Constantine and Vasiliki are mages born of the light arts. The subject is a mage born of the dark arts. Vasiliki will warm up with time, if I continue this. The subject is being prepared to be sold or kept by the handlers for training other mages born of the dark arts for sale.
CW: fantasy racism, test subject whumpee, experiment whumpee, medical whump, doctor carewhumper, dehumanization, fantasy setting, trans whumpee (ftm), sick whumpee, dubcon medical treatment, medical restraints, panic attack, death wish, begging, dubcon sedation
“There’s something dark about him.”
Vasiliki looked up from the subject standing before him and right at Constantine. “Something dark?”
Constantine nodded, motioning to the eyes of the subject. The subject himself had dark, almost mulch colored hair that was in mats. His eyes were striking, yes, hazel, but Vasiliki couldn’t see anything special about them. 
“Do you not see the ring?”
Now that Vasiliki looked harder, he did notice it - a silver ring around the hazel, as dark as his pupils. 
“He invited evil. Do not feel bad for him.”
Vasiliki looked up at Constantine with surprise. “Don’t feel bad for him? Would I really be here if I believed these creatures were the same as us?”
Constantine laughed a little. “No, you wouldn’t. However, you’ll see what I mean soon enough.”
Vasiliki looked at Constantine hesitantly. “What… exactly did you do to him over there?”
“Nothing important,” Constantine said dismissively. “We did what we were ordered to do on him and trained him properly. Now, it’s your turn to patch him up so we can move onto the next step, whatever that is.”
Vasiliki nodded. He lifted the chin of the subject, looking at the bruises on his neck. The skin of the subject was very warm to the touch. “Well, then, he’s in my hands. I’ll make the determination of if I want to keep him for my work or not.”
Constantine nodded. “Of course, Vasiliki. You’re the best we have.”
Vasiliki was not one for modesty. He just nodded gracefully. He took the leash of the subject as Constantine left the room. Vasiliki needed to get the subject to a bed quickly. The subject’s labored breathing, the way that he winced, forcing himself to stand wasn’t lost on Vasiliki. His doctor instincts had kicked in, no matter how much he despised the subject’s kind.
It wasn’t even twenty steps before the subject collapsed, thrown into a coughing fit by whatever he was fighting off.
Vasiliki looked at the curled up figure on the floor, the pained way that he coughed. Vasiliki took a small pager out of his pocket and dialed for someone to bring a bed to him. It wasn’t the first time he’d treated a subject that was so severely wounded. Sickness was another thing entirely. Luckily, Vasiliki couldn’t catch their illnesses.
Once the bed arrived on wheels, Vasiliki quickly lifted the feather-light form of the subject from the floor and placed him onto the bed. Vasiliki waved the nurse off. He didn’t want what he was about to ask to be on the books.
He wheeled the bed down the hall, down to the special ward where the subjects were treated and into a private room, as all subjects had. Vasiliki, for a moment, considered the soft restraints on the edge of the bed. The subject wasn’t fighting, but it could all be a trick. Vasiliki was no fool.
Vasiliki took the leash off of the subject’s collar, then strapped his hands and feet into the restraints. No resistance. Interesting.
“What’s your name, subject?”
“My designation is 7634.” The subject’s voice was robotic. From the scratchiness of his throat, Vasiliki could tell that he was struggling to breathe.
“Not your designation.” Vasiliki leaned over the subject. “Your name.”
The subject hesitated. Normally, Vasiliki might’ve hit the subject, but that wouldn’t get him anywhere with someone so sick.
He moved to the oxygen tank near where he’d set up the bed. While the subject chewed on the idea of spitting out his name, Vasiliki worked to put a cannula in his nose, an IV in his arm with Lactated Ringer’s, and electrodes to his chest.
As Vasiliki moved aside the subject’s gown, he noticed the scars on his chest.
“You weren’t born a man?”
The subject was quick to answer. “No, I wasn’t.”
Vasiliki hummed. “I assume they gave you the appropriate treatment at the other place?”
“Yes, sir.”
Vasiliki continued his work on the subject’s electrodes. Soon enough, the machine was beeping away. Vasiliki took a sticky tape and attached the finger stick to the subject’s right pointer. 
His oxygen was 85%. 
Vasiliki was glad he put the subject on oxygen right away. He’d likely need antibiotics or testing to see if it was viral.
“Now, I asked you a question. What’s your name?” Vasiliki was running out of patience for the subject. He needed the subject to know that it was different with him.
The subject immediately began to pull at the restraints. Vasiliki cocked an eyebrow as panic filled the subject. The rings in the subject’s eyes grew larger. He was coughing and hyperventilating and more than anything, looking absolutely petrified.
“Listen, subject,” Vasiliki tilted the subject’s head so that he met Vasiliki’s eyes. “I want to make one thing clear. I’m different from them. I don’t see you as human, no, but I do not intend to hurt you like they did. Now, take a few breaths. Whatever is inside of you wants to come out.”
“Just kill me. You’ve done enough to me. I don’t want to live anymore.”
The subject was in tears. Vasiliki couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed. Why couldn't the subject see that he had the subject’s best interests in mind? 
“I will do no such thing. I’m a doctor. I heal. I don’t kill.”
That sent the subject sobbing, pulling at the restraints weakly and coughing. “I can’t. I can’t keep going.”
Vasiliki debated sedating the subject. It would make him more comfortable, not to have to suffer with all the anxiety he was clearly going through. Whatever the others had done to him, Vasiliki was sure it had left the subject completely traumatized. More so than usual. Maybe he’d been a fighter. 
Maybe that meant that sedation was what was best for him. 
Vasiliki went over to the cabinet and pulled out a small pill bottle. From the bottle he shook out two pills. Vasiliki poured a glass of water from the sink in the room, then walked back over to the subject.
“Take these. You’re too anxious.”
The subject looked at him, wide-eyed. The subject paused. Not obedient. Most would’ve taken Vasiliki’s gift without hesitation. 
Eventually, the subject opened his mouth. What Vasiliki saw inside was disturbing, even for him. All of the subject’s teeth had been removed. Now, he was certain that they would grow back, but it didn’t mean that he wouldn’t wince at the sight.
Vasiliki placed the pills on the subject’s tongue, then allowed him to drink from the glass. The flinch from the subject wasn’t lost on him.
“I’ll be back soon, subject. By then, have your name ready.”
With that, Vasiliki sighed and left the room, sliding the one-way glass door shut and turning the lights off. The subject would probably be asleep when he came back. However, Vasiliki was fine with that. Sleeping subjects were easier to work with than ones that were awake.
Tags: @i-can-even-burn-salad @whumpsday @pigeonwhumps @oddsconvert
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tragedyinblue · 1 year
BBU Community Days, Day 4
{Day 4: Facility} Make a post linking a favorite facility / training piece (one by you, one by someone else) with commentary on what makes these ones special to you
In terms of one that really sticks out to me, I love “Signing Up” by @pigeonwhumps because of the glimpse it offers into a moment at which a person becomes a Pet (voluntarily). Instead of a violent encounter it’s a conversation (albeit with already obvious class/power differences from the get-go even before the collar comes on). The scene is calm, but the intensity/gravity is still there and becomes frightening as the handler’s persona changes on a dime.
As for one by me, I wrote a follow-up on the day 3 “Discipline” prompt. I didn’t intend to spend a lot of time in the training portion of C47’s story, but I couldn’t help but wonder: what kind of training separates a normal Platonic/Domestic from a Caregiver and how could it be used badly? Hence, this was born.
CW: dark, dehumanization, “it” as a pronoun, animalization, hand-feeding, shock collars and extensive use of shock collars, mention of blood, semi-death, whumpee forced to watch, whumpee forced to whump
2. Practical Application
C47 counted out loud, punctuating each number with a compression on the rubber torso beneath it.
“Twenty-eight… twenty-nine… thirty!”
It bent down to seal its lips against the dummy’s mouth and forced two long breaths into the sensor tube, eyes catching on the dull LED protruding slightly from the synthetic neck. If it didn’t light, C47 would need to do it all again and the timer was still ticking.
Two minutes. It had only two minutes to save a life. It understood the consequence of failure outside the facility: If it performed the motions too fast, its owner’s heart wouldn’t start. If it pushed too hard or in the wrong place it would shatter the sternum and possibly kill its owner instead. Both outcomes would mean grave threats to its own life, but as it breathed into the cold rubber dummy, it thought the shock collar buzzing around its neck right now was the more important concern.
Pet whined in the back of its throat. It deserved to be punished for such a despicable, evil idea.
At the tail end of its second breath, the light shined brightly. Handler Stott applauded from beside it.
“Congratulations, 47! You’ve successfully saved your Master without major damage with twenty-eight to spare,” Handler Stott said, her clipboard tucked beneath one armpit and the collar’s remote dangling harmlessly from her hip.
C47 assumed Position 2 and grinned up at her. “Thank you, Ma’am.”
Its eyes followed her gloved hand as it dipped into a pouch on her belt, and held out a bone-shaped biscuit. C47’s mouth instantly salivated. Ignoring the way its bruised knees protested, it rose high enough to lick the treat up without drooling into her palm and pressed its cheek gratefully into the empty space.
“Such a good Pet,” she crooned, laughing when it shivered with pleasure. It Loved being told it was good, that such a lowly beast was worthy of praise.
The phone attached to the wall rang and she pivoted away to answer it. C47 didn’t listen in, instead leaning down to place the half-soggy biscuit on the floor to devour it bit by bit. The texture was grainy and a little savory but so much tastier than the single nutrition bar that it received every day.
C47 had just gathered the crumbs of its reward when Handler Stott approached.
“Well, given your performance today I think you’re ready for the next step,” she said brightly. The Pet cocked its head, confused. It proved it could perform CPR within ideal limits. What more could there be?
She clipped a leash to its collar and led it out of the room with a “Come.” C47 crawled after her, keeping its head down respectfully, though its eyes darted about beneath the curtain of its bangs. This corridor was unfamiliar but not the muted sounds and scuffles behind the doors at each side. The Pet tried not to shake as Handler Stott opened one to their left and led it inside.
“Heel,” she commanded, not noticing that C47 was already frozen in place at the scene before it.
A Pet lay immobilized in the center of the room, its limbs locked and back arched to breaking as electricity seized its body. Medical leads taped to its head and bare torso made the monitors along the wall scream the way the poor Pet could not.
Handler Stott sighed. “88 misbehaving again, huh?”
“Yep. Bit Daniels’ calf clear through his trousers and broke skin,” the other handler, Jenson, answered as she released the button on the remote. “This one just won’t quit.”
C88’s sweat-slick body slapped the ground, writhing and twitching with aftershocks. It keened weakly and a thin trickle of bloody spittle leaked from the corner of its mouth—probably from biting its tongue.
“Well, thanks for letting us barge in on your session,” Stott said.
“Of course! If 88’s gonna refuse its training anyway, may as well make it useful. With any luck today will break it.”
The Pet’s dull gray eyes found C47’s one second before its body jerked again, irises rolling back into its head until only the bloodshot whites showed.
The biscuit in C47’s stomach turned sour as it tried not to be sick.
This time when Handler Jensen released the button, the disobedient Pet dropped and the monitor let out a long, continuous tone.
Before C47 could react, Handler Stott unclipped its leash and snapped her fingers. Its eyes ripped away from the Pet on the floor, panic surely evident in its face. The handler was disturbingly calm.
“‘The patient is unresponsive and shows no signs of life,’” she recited, then smiled encouragingly. “Showtime, Pet.”
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Tag list: @maracujatangerine
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whump-me · 11 months
Martyr, Chapter 22: So Close
Chapter 22 of Martyr, a novel-length sci-fi whump story about a captured Martian rebel with a secret and the renowned interrogator who has waited a decade for the chance to break him. This series is best read in order. Masterpost here.
Contains: whumper POV, defiant whumpee, cold whumper, restraints, interrogation, verbal sparring
She left him alone to think for a little while. But not too long. Just long enough to let him stew on his thoughts without the distraction of her presence or the other prisoner’s not-quite-suppressed noises of pain. She had to be careful here—if she left him too long, he would have the chance to work his way past his first emotional reaction and come up with a justification for why his leader had done what he had done. She had to capitalize on that first rush of anger, that initial bite of betrayal. It was a fine line to walk.
While she was gone, she had food brought to him. Nothing too special—just some of the glop from the cafeteria. She didn’t want it to look like an obvious bribe. But she imagined the cafeteria food would be a treat to him after days of going hungry. This was the right time for Isadora to treat him well. It would make for a useful contrast between her and the man who had sent him here.
After he’d had a chance to eat and think, she came back—alone this time. This wasn’t the time to threaten the prisoner in front of him. There would be time for that later, if he didn’t cooperate, but she had a feeling he would.
She had broken through the first and deepest layer of his defenses. He understood his true situation now—he knew what his leader had done to him. Now, if she acted quickly and precisely, he was hers for the taking.
He had a smear of green goop down his chin; the guard who had spoon-fed his dinner to him must not have cared enough to clean him up. He gave Isadora the expected glare, but there was no fire in it. Isadora stared deeply into his eyes, and let out an internal sigh of satisfaction, although she was careful not to let her feelings show on her face.
They said the eyes with the windows to the soul. Isadora was skeptical. She had met rebels with eyes opaque enough to hide their true intentions, and evil men who had stared across this same table at her with the clear blue eyes of an angel. But today, looking at Wraith, she was ready to believe the maxim.
His eyes didn’t burn with rage anymore. And they were no longer opaque curtains that kept her from getting at his true feelings, a mask he could draw across his face at will along with the cocky smirk he no longer wore. Now the curtains had jagged tears down the middle. The more she looked, the more she could swear she saw the fracture lines, streaks of lighter brown like lightning running across the deep muddy surface. And behind those cracks was something that ran deeper than anger, something thick and dark and messy. The man looked torn open. He looked like he might bleed out in front of her, even though there wasn’t an open wound on him, except for the seeping swollen cut on his ankle.
“I know what you were trying to do with the food,” said Wraith. “You can’t buy me off that easily.”
“If I were trying to buy you off,” Isadora said, settling into the chair across from him, “I would have given you something better than the slop they feed us every day.”
Her fingers brushed something wet. She brought her hand up and saw a streak of reddish-brown across her fingertips. The guards hadn’t cleaned up the other prisoner’s blood thoroughly enough. She would have to talk to someone about that display of carelessness. With an inner shudder of distaste, she wiped the congealed liquid off on her pants.
“You can’t expect me to believe they feed you that shit.”
“Believe it or not, that was one of our cafeteria’s better offerings. You can’t expect much when food has to travel 140 million miles just to reach us. Fresh food is a distant memory for most of us.”
“The problem is, you’re trying to make it taste like Earth food.” Wraith’s voice was husky, like he had been crying, even though it was no sign of tears around his eyes. “You can do a lot with yeasts and mushrooms if you’re willing to get creative. You just can’t make it taste like… I don’t know, a steak and fries, or whatever it is you miss from Earth.”
“Burger and fries,” she corrected automatically, her mouth watering. She mentally shook her head at herself. Indulging in nostalgia? She knew better.
“Anyway,” she said, “you weren’t too proud to eat it.”
“Manipulation tactic or not, I’ve got to keep my strength up.” Wraith’s small smile looked strange under the torn-open look in his eyes. His slight shrug made his wrists tug against his cuffs. The skin around the cuffs was an unhealthy grayish-purple. Maybe she had tightened them too far. Then she thought about what he had done, all the ways she had manipulated her from the beginning. No, on second thought, they were exactly tight enough.
She graced him with a small nod of acknowledgment. “I approve of your practicality. That’s the other reason I had the food brought to you. It wasn’t only a way to demonstrate that I am willing to treat you well if you cooperate, unlike the one who sent you here. I also need you in good enough condition to answer my questions, and that means giving your body the calories it needs to function.”
“Cooperate,” Wraith echoed, curling his mouth around the word like it was another spoonful of green slop. “I thought you’d come around to that sooner or later. You want his name, don’t you?”
“That would be a good start, yes.” Isadora leaned forward, staring into his wounded eyes. “Have you had some time to think?”
He nodded. She waited, but he didn’t offer anything else. She was about to break the silence when he spoke. His face was solemn, his voice quiet, with none of the arrogant defiance he had offered at their first meeting. “The first time you and I really talked, I saw him in you. Maybe I should have figured it out then. Once I got to know you better, I thought I had been wrong. But I was right all along, wasn’t I?” He gave a soft, close-lipped laugh. “You aren’t like him—not the way I thought you were. He’s like you.”
She knew better than to trust any read she got off him. And yet. His face was bright with vulnerability. His voice had lost all its hardness. All her instincts, honed over years and years in this same chair, told her he was ready for her.
She injected a note of sympathy into her voice. “You don’t have to sacrifice for someone who wouldn’t do the same for you. Anyone who would use you so easily isn’t worthy of your love.”
Wraith shook his head, sending his hair flying across his eyes. “Again with the manipulation. First the food, now this fake concern routine. Just don’t, all right? Have a little more respect for me than that.”
Isadora straightened in her chair. “All right,” she said, letting her voice settle back into its more accustomed patterns. “Then let me tell you what will happen if you don’t give me what I’m looking for. Whatever the two of us say behind closed doors, in public we will still treat you as the leader of the Martian rebellion—for the sake of publicity, you understand. We already know you can play the role well. You will give us the statement we want—and yes, I can make sure you give it to us eventually, even if you’re in no shape by then to understand the words you’re saying.”
Wraith watched impassively. Even torn open, his gaze revealed too little.
“After that,” she continued, “you’ll die slowly, painfully, and quietly—we wouldn’t want to make a martyr out of you, after all. As for how you’ll die, there are many people around here who would welcome a chance to vent a decade’s worth of anger on the leader of your rebellion, and I see no reason to tell them who you really are. I’ve already ensured these recordings won’t be accessible to anyone but me.”
Wraith swallowed, but said nothing.
“And then,” she continued, “we’ll hunt down the true leader anyway, and dispose of him without fanfare. With the rebels’ morale sufficiently broken by your statement, it shouldn’t take long to find someone willing to roll over on him—and now we have a photo to go on, even if it is ten years old. Or did I not tell you that yet?” She fixed him with a brief, unfriendly smile. “So you see, we’ll have him soon enough, regardless of what you do next. The only difference is whether you want to suffer for him—suffer purely on principle, you understand, because it won’t ultimately make a difference to his fate. And whatever incorrect assumptions I may have made upon our first meeting, you are not, I think, a man of principle.”
With his head tilted down, he looked up at her through his hair. “And what if he’s the principle I’m willing to die for?”
“Then you should rethink your life’s philosophy,” she responded. “Look where it’s gotten you so far.”
“I knew what I was signing up for.”
She raised her eyebrows. “What you were signing up for? It seems to me he made that choice for you.”
Wraith open his mouth, then closed again. He didn’t say anything.
But Isadora felt the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air, like the charge in the sky before a thunderstorm back home. She waited in silence. She tried to keep the hungry anticipation off her face. Her fingers curled around the arms of the chair.
After a moment, he spoke again, as she had known he would. “I wanted to be a ‘man of principle,’ as you call it,” he said. His voice sounded flat and wrong without his customary spark of defiance. “I wanted to love his cause as much as he did—enough to die for it. Because then maybe I would spend worthy in his eyes.” He sighed and shook his head. His hair fell across his eyes again. “But he was always going to love cause more than me. No matter what I did to prove myself, no matter how much I played the true believer, it would never have been enough to earn his love. Because his heart always belonged to someone else—to something else. He would always have been willing to sacrifice my life. The only difference is, if I really was the man I tried to be for him, I would have welcomed it.”
He let out another sigh, softer this time. She smelled defeat on his breath, fragile and delicious. She took a deep breath. No sudden moves. She couldn’t rush this. Every word, every gesture, had to be carefully calculated.
But it took all her self-control to remain impassive. She could already taste it on her lips, melting on her tongue like chocolate: the end of the rebellion. All her sacrifices, justified at last. Her skin tingled. Her cheeks heated. Finally. Finally.
She wanted to scream her question at him, shake his shoulders until an answer fell out. What is your leader’s name? She didn’t. She held herself still, breathing slowly and evenly. In for four, out for four.
“I wish I could welcome it,” said Wraith. “I wish I had it in me to die for a cause like he would. Even if that cause is doomed either way.” He shook his head, looking down at his lap. “I tried to be what he wanted.”
Isadora had a feeling he wasn’t really talking to her anymore.
“If I tell you,” he asked, still not looking at her, “what happens then?”
“I’m sure we can work out a deal that’s agreeable to both of us.” It took everything in her to keep her voice steady. Anticipation tightened her throat until it hurt.
“You can’t expect me to believe you’d let me go.”
“Why not?” Isadora calculated her shrug to appear casual, even though casual was the last thing she felt. She was a shark, and the air smelled of blood. “You said yourself that you don’t care about his cause enough to die for it. And without him to lead the rebellion, there would be nothing left for you but death if you went back. I think you’re smart enough to understand that there’s no point in that. Yes, you’re angry, and anger makes people do stupid things. But I think you know by now that we are not the proper targets of your anger. So I imagine that if we let you go—after we have your leader in hand, of course, just to make sure you don’t run off to warn him—you’ll go off and live a quiet life, and make no more trouble for us. I wouldn’t see a problem with that.”
Wraith was silent for a moment, considering. “And why should I take your word for it?” He finally asked.
“Why should I trust that you’re telling me the truth when you give me his name?” Isadora countered. “You could decide to give me another patsy instead. This arrangement would require a leap of faith on both our parts. I’m willing to try. Are you?”
Wraith’s ragged breaths were deafening in the silence. With every inhale, the phantom smell of blood in Isadora’s nose thickened. The air pulsed with her heartbeat and his. Together, they beat out a frantic rhythm, growing faster and wilder as they built toward the coming conclusion.
The end of the rebellion.
The end of her decade of sacrifice.
Wraith gave a jerky nod. “All right,” he breathed, staring down at his lap. “All right.”
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