#wildstar fan art
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stanli77 · 1 year
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Laveka the Dark-Hearted and Mordechai Redmoon From WildStar
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whitestagartist · 2 years
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Been feeling nostalgic for Wildstar lately and also wanting to practice painting faster. Thanks to the good folks in the WSRP discord for offering their OCs for me to practice on.
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jeff-from-marketing · 10 months
I hate that, even in the era of everything being on the internet and things being preserved, we can still just lose games.
I understand that sometimes it isn't financially viable to keep hosting servers for a certain game, it sucks for everyone involved (both the players and the devs working on it) but sometimes it's the only option left. However, that shouldn't just condemn the game to a grave never to be seen again! Chances are there's still fans of that game, still some small community that'd love to just keep playing, even if only for a little longer. But they're never given the chance, because the proverbial keys to the gate are held only in the hands of those making the game.
If a game's servers are to be shut down, a molding for the key should be made freely available for anyone to cast their own keys to the gate. In "less bullshit metaphor" terms: the source code for the servers should be made freely available to the public, or as much of it as possible. Like I said, I understand that sometimes it's not feasible for a dev company to keep servers up, but that doesn't mean the community wouldn't step in if given the chance.
Titanfall 2 is probably the best example I have of this. When the game was absolutely fucked by DDoS attacks on the servers, rendering the entire multiplayer unplayable, and with literally no intervention from Respawn (though they made sure to spout "Titanfall is the core of our DNA!" at least...) the community took it upon themselves to mod in community servers. The code wasn't even freely available like I was suggesting above, and some madlads did it anyway. They saw that the multiplayer was effectively murdered and unplayable, so they took it upon themselves to keep the game alive and give people a way to keep playing the game that they love. It's not a massive community, I only ever see a couple hundred online at any given time (but I don't know how accurate Northstar's player count is) but that's still more than enough to have full matches with people.
There are active efforts to revive the original Hawken and there are people trying to build up WildStar from scratch. Both games for which the services have long since shut down, but still have people who love them and would absolutely love to keep playing. I myself would absolutely love to revisit WildStar, and I've been having fun dicking around in Hawken again recently thanks to the Hawakening team. Hell, people brought back vanilla World of Warcraft before Blizzard themselves did, and that was hugely popular. The passion is very clearly there, and people are more than willing to put in the work for it.
So why not make their lives easier? Hell, you can even still just sell the original game and make it a requirement to own that to access any community servers. Not sure how that'd work for free to play titles, but I'm sure something could be done. Anything would be better than our current landscape where games just die and are condemned to a grave, left to languish, just because they can no longer phone home.
We have art from hundreds to thousands of years ago that's still preserved and admired today. Why can't we do the same for games?
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epic-loot · 4 years
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Visibly tired
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regalclaw · 5 years
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this was gonna be a halloween based post, but cuz i came up with the idea too late, its now an end-of-the-Nexus based post so here, have a draw of some of my toons as the 4 riders of le apocalypse (but no mount lol) Fey Talis - Pestilence Reyga Dragonclaw - War Faren Hyte - Famine Luna Tikkels - Death Nexus will come to an end and we shall be judged for our sins lol
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cyberelladraws · 6 years
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this-has-a-purpose · 6 years
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My Wildstar characters are basically OCs in a Wildstar AU lmao
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rptv-drawings · 3 years
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Derek Wildstar (from Starblazers)
February 21, 2021
pencil, black pen, and markers on white paper
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nataliesartprofile · 5 years
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Was going through old WIP files to try & kickstart my creative juices & then found myself finishing up some art of one of my old Wildstar characters from 2016; didn't feel up for finishing the other, unfortunately, but I still really like the sketch as-is
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Another bunch of random WS based doodles. Third sketch was Jazz during the winter break of Fantastic Enterprises heading off to Nexus to see a man about some ink ;3
Bhadra the draken and Ashenko the mordesh (first and second sketch, respectively) belong to @pleasantcowboykid Tai the green bean (fourth sketch) belongs to @serbaki
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epic-loot · 5 years
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Expression sheet! These are so fun to draw
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regalclaw · 6 years
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finally got myself to draw a full body of Rhoh Merrh
she looks rather reptilian for someone with the nickname of “raid slank”, scale-y n all that stuff. You’d think she be some sort of draken/aurin hybrid experiment or something like that, but the scales are actually rocks, with the spike-y ones laced with poison sometimes. She’s kinda ancient-looking than she appears. Hibernated under the earth long enough to, um, “evolve” (if thats the word) into what she is now. Technically she’s Faren’s ancestor, but i dont plan to explain it yet (yes i hav a story but its complicated stuff)
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th3ba1r0n · 5 years
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*From the Brad Blog*
Here’s a fan character for Wildstar.  “Detective Gold Jabbit.” :3  It just makes sense. lol.  Viva la Wildstar.
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