#wish alice and patrick were in this too
barrowsteeth · 2 years
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Heartstopper cast at the National Television Awards 2022
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dorianslayyy · 12 days
13 Books Tag Game
Tagged by @bubblegum-blackwood
1) The last book I read:
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros - I absolutely devoured this sequel, omg. Obviously it’s nothing fancy or anything like that but hey what’s wrong with a smutty YA? Not to mention DRAGONS
2) A book I recommend:
Perfume by Patrick Süskind - when I read it I had no idea it was a whole entire modern classic, I just picked it up at Oxfam for like 3 for £1 or something but, wow, I can 100% understand how it earned that status! If you like an eery not-too-long horror story with the most beautiful imagery describing some fucked up gothic storylines and a lot of social commentary, you’ll love this book!
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Ahhh ok, im gonna say In Memoriam by Alice Winn. The ending was… idk I wasn’t really a fan of the ending, I thought it kind of disengaged and took away from the struggles and severity of war and sexuality the rest of the book portrayed but until that point the rest of the story was everythingggg, there’s a sweet forbidden romance/coming of age/found family in the 1910’s propelling into a story of the horror of WW1 and losing everything you know. All I can really say is that I read it all in one go (more or less) and it had me laughing and sobbing throughout
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
I mean… there’s an obvious choice here - The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. HOWEVER I’m going to absolutely cheat and also say Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, the drama, the trauma, the vast majority of these characters are awful and I love it 🤌🤌
5) A book on my TBR:
So many… so so many… I’m gonna say House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski tho because it was expensive and it’s cool looking and I’ve actually been meaning to read that for a while but boy howdy it’s huge
6) A book I’ve put down:
The Tale Of The Body Thief by Anne Rice UGHH I’m trying so hard!! It’s so many words with so little going on, and I do enjoy it, I really do, it’s so goofy, but it’s so.. i mean verbose isn’t really quite the right word but you know what I mean. Sorry mutuals :( I just need a break to read something short and silly - which I’ve almost finished the little series I’m currently reading
7) A book on my wish list:
Prophet Song by Paul Lynch - it sounds absolutely soul crushing and miserable, I know this completely contradicts what I just said about being in the mood for a silly read but <333
8) A favorite book from childhood:
Omg 10000x the Skulduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy, guys you don’t understand, as much as I would love to talk about how my mum and I used to sit and read Anne Of Green Gables before bed or my Enid Blyton obsession when I was like 6, Skulduggery Pleasant was my absolute jam - I must’ve read that series (the original 9 + spin offs) a million times in primary school. I did keep up with phase 2 when that was coming out but I don’t know if I’ll bother with phase 3, I’m just too old now and phase 2 wasn’t all that imo - I think it’s sort of beating a dead horse at this point :( but the original 9 and Maleficent Seven/Armageddon Outta Here were my childhood and I definitely absorbed Valkyrie Cain into my identity as a child so that series probably shaped a big part of who I am and my hobbies as an adult
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Love On The Brain by Ali Hazelwood. Silly, nerdy, fun, a cute little Pride and Prejudice-esque enemies to lovers feat. women in STEM
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
Ok so anyone who’s seen my other poetry blog @apoemadaykeepsthehoesaway knows my obsession with The Complete Poems of Wilfred Owen (I have a lot of difference versions) AHHH by far my favourite poet - as you can imagine with such a young man, you can clearly see his changing mentalities, his growth as a person and a writer, his influences, and really gather a lot of context for what’s going on with him in general through his poems. And he grew up in all the same areas I grew up in and hung around as a kid/younger teen, which I think adds to my personal interest in him too. Idk ig we’re very close friends on a parasocial level lol.
And ofc there really aren’t that many poets around that give such visceral, truthful, and emotional insights to the First World War as Owen does (also a queer icon). He was my intro to war literature and I have tattoos relating to him, he and his work are just incredible to read about, would highly recommend having a look at Siegfried Sassoon’s war poems too; another very blunt poet who was a celebrity and war protestor at the time and happened to mentor Wilfred Owen, as well as being linked with other influential folks of the time such as Robbie Ross, Stephen Tennant, Rupert Brooke, and Ivor Novello. Ok Ill move on :,)
11) A nonfiction book you own:
Surprisingly I quite like nonfiction, mainly history and essays from philosophers and the like. Speaking of, Friedrich Nietzsche’s Beyond Good And Evil is a pretty solid one I own, I’ve never read anything where the author begins by calling himself and all his coworkers socially inept incels 🥹 but even though I don’t remember the specific reason I bought it (I was reading it to argue against some other philosophers in an essay in college and I really don’t remember who or what it was) I remember it being a really interesting read
Or yknow in a more traditional sense of non-fiction, I also have Notes On A Nervous Planet by Matt Haig. Really helped me get through some stuff, if you’re struggling with anxiety or feeling a bit down lately I’d very much recommend
12) What are you currently reading:
Omg ok, The Hitchhiker Trilogy by Douglas Adams, I’m currently on book 3 of 5 - Life, The Universe, And Everything. Really silly and nonsensical space bs but somehow also a bleakly satirical social commentary on the unseriousness of our ‘serious’ world. Really enjoyable, fairly political to some degree, really short (around or less than 200 pages a book), really fun. Martin Freeman truly was the perfect casting for Arthur Dent in the film of the first book. Full of that quintessentially British cynical humour and of course plenty of cups of tea
To give a little preview, the second book literally opens “The story so far: In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”
13) What are you planning on reading next?
Books 4 and 5 of The Hitchhiker Trilogy, and then I suppose I had better carry on reading The Tale Of The Body Thief :D
Tagging whoever wants to have a go, it’s super fun, sorry if I went on a bit on some of these 😅
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besidesitstoowarm · 5 months
"Midnight" thoughts
i'll be honest i did not super enjoy this rewatch. everyone was so goddamn stupid and annoying it was kind of hard to sit through
i do like bottle episodes and wish we got more of them. donna has a nice relaxing spa day and the doctor tries to go on a field trip and has the worst day of his life. i like how he short-circuits the various bits of entertainment so that they can all talk to each other instead, it was cute. we briefly see rose on one of the music video screens when the doctor's back is turned
bus stops and something outside starts knocking. it starts with two, the dad knocks back 3 times and it repeats, the doctor knocks 4 times and it repeats. there's only one thing i think of when i hear 4 knocks and i'm not sure if it was an intentional reference or not
so the power goes out briefly and something enters the newly divorced lesbian and she's frozen, unable to do anything except repeat what everyone is saying. first normally, then it speeds up so she's speaking at the same time. it's suitably creepy and interesting that this thing is learning, mimicking. i also like that we never see it, learn nothing about it, and have no idea what it is or what it wants. the professor continually insisting nothing could possibly live on midnight just pissed me off, motherfucker do you know what lives in deep sea vents?! have you seen what tardigrades can do?! extonic sun or not
it's a classic hysteria story, like the house md episode set on an airplane. if i were there i would simply not become hysterical so it's hard to relate to these people, lol. eventually the doctor gets possessed too and they go to throw him out the airlock but the hostess realizes the thing never left sky so she murder-suicides them and everyone is saved. the doctor asking at the end what the hostess's name was and no one knows cause they never asked was a good touch
i think i must be spoiled from the last episodes or something cause everyone felt so goddamn annoying. no one was likable and i would have started throwing hands with that annoying ass couple like immediately. i do want to give a shoutout to colin morgan, who was cast in "merlin" bc of his performance in this episode, and the professor who was played by david troughton, son of patrick :) the episode was also directed by alice troughton but she has no relation
so yeah, kind of mid (-night) tbh. really curious about how i'll feel about the next one as i've never rewatched and didn't get all the hype last time
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tiniestjellifish · 2 years
Heartstopper (2022)| Season 1
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This isn’t a film but it gets an exception as a popular piece of media right now as the new Netflix Original. Also, I read the books pre release and so this is a follow up for me. I watched it April 24th, and put the spark notes version of a review on my spam account but I’ll elaborate on the points here.
They did a remarkable job adapting this show, when it had first released I was upset with things going on in my life and was scared to watch it because I just could not handle it being bad. but not long after I sat down for a binge watch and it was worth it.
They made the show 8 episodes total for this first season which covers primarily content from books/volumes 1 and 2 of Heartstopper. And that alone I felt to be a wild achievement. So many netflix originals or even just modern day dramas make all their episodes a minimum of 45 mins and averaging around an hour. So to have accurately portrayed and created a manifestation of the storyline in the books that only required 30 min increments to be told was mind-blowing. It also revealed to me a lot of the shows currently airing do nothing to maximize the time slot they have. For some of these other shows to be a full hour per episode and cover little to nothing is embarrassing. and before I would empathize and think “oh well they have a lot to cover”. so did Heartstopper and it did it in less. (think of Patrick Star saying “He can do it in 9!” in the spongebob movie. if you’ve not seen that, go look it up for reference). 
also, the show added new characters. I’m usually not a fan of new characters, but with Heartstopper this was 50/50. I didn’t care for Imogen. It felt like half of her being added to the show was for it to be messy but a lot of the allure of Heartstopper is there’s a lack of purely messy drama. but the other half helped add more meaning and nuance to Nick's journey of realizing his sexuality. I like Isaac even though he didn’t say much, but because he didn’t say much I’m wondering if there’s more in store for him in the future? or is he just a way for the cast and crew to plug their favorite books for a cameo in the scenes where he’s inevitably reading.
Tao Xu was incredibly annoying and such a toxic friend in the show. he was not like that in the books. he was equally as brash and protective of Charlie, but in the show he made it more about him that it was about being concerned Nick was straight. The books had Tao’s main motive being that he was honestly more concerned with being right, and while I don’t love that, I love his new motives even less. And he doesn’t just do it to Charlie, he’s so clingy and seems like he can’t allow his friends to have lives outside of himself. Which I dislike, so so much. It was stunting him horribly as an individual. To the point where MULTIPLE times, Elle tells him to be mindful of everyone else around him. And before he just seemed polarizing but in the show, I can’t imagine why on EARTH Elle would have a crush on him aside from proximity theory. 
Also, I kinda liked that in the books it was Tao who had a crush first instead of Elle. Which is fine, the switch around doesn’t matter too much. 
I like the subtle hints to both Charlie and Nick’s relationships with their families (some foreshadowing of mental health as well).  And speaking of, the casting for Tori was fine but it was so odd to me that they were SO harsh on age accurate casting when they first sent out the casting call and somehow ended up with Ms. Jenny Walser, who is 27. She seems lovely! just not a teen like everyone else is. it’s just a small hypocritical thing to me. because Tori is older but not that much, she’s meant to be like 17 and you could push it to 19 to be generous. 
The party scene was SO accurate to the scenery in the panels, absolutely gorgeous and I wish I could hop into the screen when it happens. 
I’m intrigued to see how the story continues and how this will connect to the rest of the alice oseman universe and if they’ll end up getting spinoffs.
but this, as far as I’m concerned, a job VERY well done. Rating: 9/10.
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flylikeanarend · 1 year
November 23
Patrick was just heading away from the food truck, when his replacement yelled, that there were no more green gummi bears. Patrick halted in his steps, he froze there for a moment, and was thinking, what… Jade was taken. The had never used that code before, he felt cold shivers through his whole body, his thoughts immediately went to Indra, she might be in danger. He answered fully automatically, I will go get some. He had to stay calm now, if Jade was taken, the robots and drones would be on high alert, and he started walking, desperately trying not to seem in a hurry, back to Indra. He just hoped she had some green gummy bears. It’s possible the food truck’s cover would be blown soon. He walked towards her place like in a dream, not noticing the people he passed, he just had one thought in his mind, he needed to keep her safe and they needed a plan to get Jade out, he was not ready to lose him, he did not want to see him or anybody hurt. He thought about the others, it was too dangerous to call and just ask, so Indra needed to know immediately what was going on. He walked in a steady pace and arrived at her place, he placed his hand on the touchscreen and he was already so relieved she answered the door, he saw her face and the cold that had taken a grip of his body was fading away a little. Indra opened the door and he just stormed in, and said, we need to go, Jade has been taken. Indra was like, what.. how is that possible?
P: I am not sure, have you notices anything, like picked up any vibes or something?
I: No, I was still recovering from the mind rap with Alice, and then I had this dream, about Wu and Dragon, and I saw a girl.. wait a minute, I remember her Name, Iris. You know Dragon right, Iris stared at Patrick..
P: Well, I heard about him, and I might have had a glimpse but not really that much.
Iris slapped Patrick on his shoulder, and laughed out, well, then you are in for an adventure. I: Do you want to go into the dream space with me, and check everyone out?
P: How does that work, and who is Iris?
I: Dragon must have looked at us while we were dreaming at the same time, so we kind of had our dreams and memories melted together.
P: So, I can actually be in someone else’s dream?
I: Yes, but dragon needs to help with that. Not sure if he did it on purpose or if he was just tired and forgot.
P: Dragon tired?
I: Yes, Alice is getting to him, he does not see well anymore, so he sometimes forgets to let’s say close the door when he observes what we dream.
P: So you mean we can enter the dream space and find Dragon and then ask him to let us in on the others?
I: basically yes, I will go in first and I will go find dragon and then I will come and get you in your sleep.
P: there is no way I can sleep now Indra, I am wide awake, and I am a cop, remember.
I: As you wish Patrick, I can go alone, and you can use a cop method to go figure out what happened to the others, good luck with that.
Patrick felt her anger, and he knew the stuff the Samurai and the others could do, but he sensed that it was still hard for him to rely on these methods, when someone was in real danger.
I: The dream space is real, Patrick, all of this stuff is real, you think I am just mind wrapping for fun..
P: No, Indra, sorry, it’s just, that I do not have these abilities, so I want to do something as well.
I: Fine, then get out, go do your thing, you want to use the tiny drone I suppose, you know what happens if they manage to track that thing back to you, that will be the end. Alice can not track the dream space, it’s the only real safe space.
P: Yes but are you sure there are no humans in that space, working for Alice, all humans have access, so you never know, I am not convinced it’s safe, and you mentioned Dragon is tired.
I: Oh my God, Patrick, you have no idea have you, it’s not like just one street, where everyone walks around, it’s much more detailed. I will explain this to you one day, but now we have no time, so you leave and go do your thing, and I will go back to sleep and try to get as much Information as I can, and I will try to find this Iris person. She reminded me of Wu, I have not heard from Wu either, by the way.
P: I have this bad feeling Indra.
I: Just go Patrick, make sure you are safe, do you have a way to disappear safely for a while and like not go missing right away.
P: I do, he said, I can keep Alice thinking that I am in my apartment when I am actually now, but once they find out, I can not easily return.
I: Well then, go pack, and plan for a trip, remember, there is this hotel you like so much, why not just meet there. We are taking a vacation, it’s unusual, but it’s not forbidden, Alice hates it when workers do not take care of themselves.
P: You are right there, so I will just go visit my friend first, and check somethings out with the tiny drone and then I will register for immediate holiday.
I: Great, and now that you say it Patrick, I think I will go right away, to the hotel, and I will sleep there, the robots could be here any minute and arrest me. I have more options at the hotel.    
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xxsycamore · 3 years
Mornings with Napoleon - A PLAYLIST
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Happy birthday, Napoleon! I decided to prepare this cute little playlist inspired by his infamous love for sleeping in late and being quite a bit clingy. 
♡    --- SPOTIFY LINK   ---   ♡
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Khai dreams - Sunkissed 
So slowly a sunlit dream pulls me out of sleep
Feel the morning through the blinds
I turn my head to meet your sunkissed face
In this quite place, I can give you all my time
— — — — — — — —[    ♡  ]— — — — — —  — —
Evann McIntosh - What Dreams Are Made Of 
I’m an addict to my mattress
Like Holy, Holy
In my dreams you are the actress
That holds me down
— — — — — — — —[    ♡  ]— — — — — —  — —
Lucian x Jade Alice - Minty Kisses
Minty kisses, in the morning
I am a cake and you're the frosting
We can stay here for a life long
Sleeping flowers, living love songs
— — — — — — — —[    ♡  ]— — — — — —  — —
Emily Burns ‒ Vanilla Sundae
Sunlight on the bed sheets
Your eyes looking heavy
Shit shows on the telly
We don't mind, we don't mind at all
— — — — — — — —[    ♡  ]— — — — — —  — —
Ralph Castelli - Morning Sex [ EXPLICIT LYRICS ]
Wake up in the mornin' and to your smell
There's somethin' that I know all too well
Now we on it
It's early in the mornin'
— — — — — — — —[    ♡  ]— — — — — —  — —
Dane Amar – Green Tea & Honey
Want you to be my
Green tea in the morning
Be my, my sugar honey
You're just so great
— — — — — — — —[    ♡  ]— — — — — —  — —
Patrick Watson - Morning Sheets
Just before you open up your eyes
Our legs are wrapped around our sides
My lips are gently walking
Don't you wish you were there?
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fenweak · 4 years
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As requested! This rec list features Kazer Kid Fics -- Jonny and Patrick both with kids and babies AND as kids and babies, with a small dash of de-aging and a spoonful of mpreg. 
⭐ for my personal faves
My Other Rec Lists 🍭 Rec me a fic? 🍭
The Ones Where They Have Kids
No Capes by sorrylatenew ⭐ - j/p as parents; implied mpreg
Husbands. Dads. Retired superheroes.
The Reeducation of Misters Kane and Toews + timestamp by jezziejay - single dad Patrick, teacher Jonny  ⭐
In which Kaner sort of has a kid, and Mr. Toews doesn't know which of them is the bigger brat.
AU featuring teacher!Jon and hockey-player!Kaner. With bonus 'Hawks characters, love notes, pasta jewelry, Be Better Pizzas, pirouettes, a sprinke of angst and guest appearance by Derek Jeter.
trust your intuition (it's just like goin' fishin') by poeelektra - 1988 as parents
They’re on the periphery of the Home Wares section of Target, heading with purposeful stride toward Sporting Goods, when Gabe declares that he wants a doll for his “Been Good” toy.
Every Little Thing He Does (is magic) by jezziejay - single dad Patrick
Jonny Toews is a bewitching man who moves into a mysterious mansion in a small town. Soon, he opens Bell, Book & Candle, a curiosity shop full of candles, lotions, etc., and is enthralling the children of local police chief (Patrick Kane), who believe he is a witch (but not a bad one.) But not everyone in town is appreciative of their quirky new neighbor, and it may take a little bit of magic for him to truly become part of the community.
Under Cover by heartstrings - 1988 as parents
"Just get in the fucking blanket fort, Kaner."
Feels Like Family To Me + prequels by exmanhater - 1988 as parents
Jonathan Toews and Patrick Kane plan, create, and obtain their family.
living next door to alice series by cinderlily - 1988 as parents
"It started with a phone call."Patrick and Jonny are suddenly given the opportunity to be parents. This is how they stumble through it.
some say love is a burning thing podfic by exmanhater - 1988 as parents
If anyone had told Johnny upon entering the NHL that thirteen years later he'd not only have a kid with Patrick Kane, but would be getting ready to go on a 'date night,’ he'd have said they must be smoking some pretty good shit.And then he'd have to wait a decade to eat his words.
In the Middle of the Night - 1988 as parents
Gone are the days when it took a cold, wet washcloth on his face to wake him up. Or: Five times Pat and Jonny's daughter wakes them up, plus one time they wake her up.
so show me family - single dad Patrick
Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard
Fill It Up With Love by Frosting50 - single dad Pat; implied mpreg
So Pat’s senior year doesn’t turn out exactly like he’d planned. He still gets his degree in accounting, but he also gets a little girl named Emma. She’s all fat pink cheeks, curly brown hair, and blue eyes. She might have Ryan’s chin, but she’s all Pat’s. And the first time she falls asleep on his chest, chubby hand curled around his thumb, skin so soft and sweet he damn-near feels bowled over with how much he loves her. He didn’t know he could love anyone so much; it makes his heart feel too big for his chest, and he knows that he’ll spend the rest of his life trying to give her the world.
peas & carrots by altri_uccelli - 1988 as parents
Unapologetic Halloween fluff, or: Jonny forgets what day it is, but Kaner's on it.
Can You Lyft Me Up? by Mullsandmutts - single dad Patrick
Even high profile athletes like Chicago Blackhawks Captain Jonathan Toews are forced to utilize paid transportation from time to time. An accidental "share my ride" selection on an app results in a life-altering ride with an mouthy Russian driver (Artemi), an unfairly attractive single father (Patrick Kane) and his adorable sassy (and color-matching-challenged) preschool daughter (introducing Molly Donna Patricia Amelia Kane aka Mo). Jonathan refuses to feel too sketch when he negotiates a plan with the driver to "accidentally" have more shared rides with his new friends. When Mo has a traumatic incident at day camp, Patrick's heart is broken and Jonny enlists the help of Temi and the ever-meddling Patrick Sharp to get smiles back on both Kane faces. Jonathan finds himself more and more drawn to Patrick but Patrick's fears of being a good enough parent for Mo and meeting all of her needs could keep them apart. Will Temi, the Sharp family and a trio of nosy aunts in Buffalo be enough to help Jonathan and Patrick realize what they could have together or will Patrick's stubbornness and Jonathan's fear of ruining their friendship keep them apart? Stay tuned to find out ....
Three by Linsky - i won’t spoil it 
Patrick doesn’t think he’s a pervert. But how would he know? Maybe a pervert is just a thing you are, and it doesn’t feel any different from being a normal person, until you do something perverted. Maybe that’s him.After all, he does have two names on his wrist.
All Your Memories by toewsandconfused - 1988 as parents; amnesiafic
Pat went to sleep a bachelor in the Trump Towers and woke up next to Jonny in the suburbs with three kids calling him Daddy. Struggling to figure out his new reality Patrick had ruled out dream, was banking on delusion because even though it meant he was losing his mind, it seemed safer than some kind of late-onset amnesia. He didn’t want to face that idea that this really was his life; that Jonny was his, that those beautiful kids were his, and he couldn’t remember any of it. The idea that the memories of their life together could be lost forever was too terrifying to deal with. Losing his mind was preferable to losing his memories.
Chelsea, Chelsea I Believe by empathapathique - single dad Pat ⭐
Patrick meets a girl his rookie year.
Don't Let Go by aohatsu - 1988 as adoptive parents
“So you were already with the boy you saved when the fire started?”Patrick pauses, but shakes his head. “No, there was an explosion—I don’t really know what it was, but then it was just me and Tigre, and it’s like, in a situation like that, you don’t really think? You just do. So I grabbed the kid and went through the fire escape. It’s not like I decided I wanted to save anybody, it was just the only option.”
Always Be My Baby by juliusschmidt - single dad Patrick
The thing is, you don’t just grow up once.
as careless as you are certain - single dad Patrick 
March through August, 2015.
the one with the baby yentas series by forochel
Tazer has a son and Kaner is his son's kindergarten teacher.
It's the Magic of Risking Everything by conformityissuicide - single dad Jonny
When Jonny is thirteen he meets a small kid from Buffalo at a hockey tournament.
Then he has a gay crisis, a baby girl, and gets drafted 3rd overall by an Original Six franchise.
When he meets Patrick Kane again at prospect camp he doesn’t feel anything but excitement.
And then it all goes to hell.
"of gifts and fireflies" by huntersandangels - single dad Jon
Patrick Kane hasn’t lived a charmed life despite money flowing through his veins. The journey he is currently on, though paved with good intentions, proves to be a harder challenge than he could ever be ready for. The people he meets along the way give him a much more valued gift than his grandfather could ever dream of giving him. 
I'm gonna love you til my lungs give out by arenadomatthews - 1988 as parents
“Papa, Dad, you guys are retiring today?” Bryan asks, looking up at his parents.“Yeah buddy, we are. Are you gonna behave while Dad and I are doing our press conference?” Patrick asks.
“Duh, Dad. I'm not a baby anymore,” he scoffs.
“He's right, Pat. He's our big boy now,” Jonny adds.
“Yeah, I'm going into 4th grade,” Bryan boasts pridefully.Patrick and Jonathan are finally announcing their retirement after 20 NHL seasons. However, their retirement ceremony will come with a twist: they'll be publicly coming out and revealing their family
Your Daddy's Aim Is True by thefourthvine; podfic by isweedan - cup wish baby! ⭐
patch it up by gasmsinc - 1988 as parents
Jonny stares at his daughter for a long moment. She stares back, eyes unwavering. She has Kaner’s baby blues, but at five she’s already mastered Jonny’s dead on the inside stare. Her kindergarten teacher claims she uses the unwavering look to bully other students into doing what she wants, and it’s something they should work on at home, but Jonny’s baby is a natural born leader, and he’s not going to get in her way of becoming the president, or, better yet, the supreme ruler of the universe.
Your patch,” says Jonny.
Baby, It's Hot Outside by toewsyourheart - single dad Pat 
 Jonny goes for a popsicle and gets a little bit more than he bargained for.
Take All That's Left - divorced single dad Pat
It’s been 6 years now, and he’s grown to enjoy the city since signing with the Rangers to follow Anna, who’d found a job in Brooklyn.
But Chicago; Chicago was Patrick’s first love, all his important firsts – it’s all been hers, and having to leave had been heartbreaking. Too many memories from Chicago were heartbreaking, and yet he always yearned for the city, always felt more comfortable walking her streets than any other place in the world. No other place quite felt like home the way Chicago did.
Isn’t She Lovely by windsthatwhisper + podfic by kanetcews (lavenderharry) - wish baby!
It's nine in the morning when Pat and Jonny stumble down the stairs, sluggish with sleep.
There’s a baby carrier on the kitchen island.
Jonny blinks, blinks again, then turns to get a cup of coffee.
Recreation, Entertainment, Art, or Sport by trademarkgiggle
of course jonathan toews can juggle
so show me family series by peeks, tazer - teacher Pat
“Just admit you like him.”
“Shut up, Sharpy,” Patrick says, before he rolls his eyes and tries to ignore the smirk widening on Sharpy’s lips. “Don’t you have your kids’ parents to bother?”
“No, my last kid left a couple minutes ago, so I’m totally here to watch you and Jonathan Toews make heart eyes at each other,” Sharpy laughs, waltzing into Patrick’s classroom. He immediately makes his way to see Sadie, who greets her dad with a hug.
(In which Patrick Kane is terrible at feelings but luckily, Patrick Sharp is a total bro.)
The Ones Where They’re With Kids
In My Blood and In My Bones + Nothing Sweet or Gentle by fourfreedoms ⭐
Patrick’s not really into dudes—he’s done that whole thing a couple of times—that’s rock-n-roll after all, but god, when Jonathan smiles, he looks really good.Johnny is a nanny. Patrick's a musician. They fall in love. Inspired by the movie What Maisie Knew.
the kids are alright
Patrick works at the sporting goods store Jonny takes his peewee team to for equipment.
given to us as free-flying souls by Mayhem10
Jonathan had never really considered himself particularly good with kids. He didn’t avoid them or anything and it’s not like they burst into tears when they saw his face, but he never was exactly sure what to do with them, these little people running around at waist height. It just wasn’t his area.So, of course, Patrick was basically the child whisperer.
(or five times Jonathan saw Patrick with kids and one time Patrick saw him)
Hide Your Face So The World Will Never Find You (Paper Faces On Parade) by huntersandangels
Jonathan Toews, farm owner and guardian of his nephew, is in desperate need of capable farm hands. Patrick Kane certainly does not fit the description but when a mutual friend confides in him that Patrick has lost everything he owned and is in serious need himself and offers Jonathan money to hire him, how can he say no?
Patrick Kane loves statistics and spending his money on thoroughly planned ‘adventures’ for his friends when he’s not partying away the rest of his fortune. If he wins the bet he can continue to plot freely but if he loses his extra curriculum activities have to stop. He agrees to go on an ‘adventure’ himself and settles in the Toews Farm posing as a farm hand. But as the time goes by, the less pretend it feels-and the more he enjoys Jonathan and Etienne’s company and the quite life in the farm; to the point where he’s not sure whether he wants to win the bet or lose...
Baby, You're the One by jezziejay ⭐
6k words of Jonathan Toews having feelings about babies. And feelings about Kaner. And feelings about putting a baby in Kaner.
The Ones Where They Are Kids
The Cat and the Fiddle series by james - childhood soulmates!
When Donna's son is four, he creates an imaginary friend.
i want to know what you know by sointimate - childhood sweethearts
Patrick is six years old and he's about to do the scariest thing he's ever done in his whole life.
Colorblind by july_v ⭐
Jon is five when he meets Patrick. It's also the time he begins to understand colors as more than an abstract concept.
How to become a man  series+ coda by liketheroad, mockturtletale
In which Kaner gets spontaneously de-aged into a six-year-old, and he and Tazer both have a lot of growing up to do.
Romper Room by james - de-aged 1988
Sharpie doesn't really think this should be part of his duty as alternate captain. Luckily, none of this is his fault. A.K.A., the one where Kaner and Johnny are five.
you ruined everything in the best way by thisissirius + podfic by exmanhater .⭐ - de-aged Saader
Kaner's looking down at the kid, though, frowning. He crouches down. "Hey, kid, where are your parents?
"The kid's bottom lip juts out and starts wobbling. Fuck, that means he's going to start crying, right?
"Oh shi—oot, kid, don't cry," Kaner says. "I mean, if you don't know where they are, we can find 'em?"
"Kaner," Sharpy presses. "That's Saad."
don't worry about your body - de-aged Jonny
No one said anything. Everyone stared at each other then down at the tiny human being that was standing where Jonny had been. Kaner felt his mouth go entirely dry, and his stomach drop out from underneath him.
What the fuck, man.
Can You Picture It? by RemyJane
In which Kaner turns into a baby and everyone besides Jonny seems to understand. Includes excessive cuddling, ridiculously adorable baby-Kaner, and feelings. Jonny eventually figures everything out.
Never Getting That Shirt Back by ice_hot_13 - de-aged Pat
Patrick is de-aged into a toddler, and when he's with Jonny, he isn't a holy terror.
Je T'aime by banks99 (Nodiggity15) - de-aged Jonny
“He won’t take a bath. He’s arguing with me. It’s like he didn’t even change at all.” Kaner’s not pouting, fuck you very much.
I Got a Love (That Keeps Me Waiting) by svmadelyn ⭐ -mpreg!pat
There's a lot of different ways this summary could go, like:Patrick Kane gets more than a gold medal in Sochi.
Or, the classic: It's too late to pull out now.Or: Patrick Kane continues to thrive in high pressure situations.Or: Patrick Kane gets knocked up, goes to White Castle, and finds love, not necessarily in that order.
But, ultimately, all that really matters is this: Patrick Kane is keeping his baby.
private passions and secret storms (all the secrets series) by CoffeeKristin, Frosting50  - mpreg!pat
Jonny’s life is good - great even. He loves Patrick and their kids, and even if they don’t always have time for each other, he wouldn’t trade it for anything. But when Jeff Carter comes into his life, Jonny’s world gets turned upside down. It’s going to take everything he’s got to convince Patrick to give him a second - maybe even a third - chance.
Patrick’s blindsided by Jonny’s betrayal and putting his family back together is a lot harder than he expected when their past comes back to haunt them.Can love conquer all?
Forever & Always, My Baby You'll Be by windsthatwhisper - mpreg!jonny
Jonny and Pat's life is a cycle of curse words, late night feedings, and five minute handjobs in the hallway closet.
Aka, I wanted some 1988 w/ a baby feels so I wrote this blurb of a thing in about seven minutes.
efficacy by thirteentorafters - mpreg!patrick
“You,” Patrick says, jabbing a finger angrily at Jonny. “Are gonna fucking help me, dickface.”
Opening his mouth to ask what the hell is going on; Jonny’s eyes drop to Patrick’s stomach. Jonny is acquainted with Patrick’s naked body and the last time they met, Patrick wasn’t fat. Or paunchy. Except that doesn’t look like usual fat. “Oh fuck.”
“Yeah, ‘oh fuck’,” Patrick says, imitating Jonny’s tone. “You knocked me up, asshole. What are you gonna do about it?”
Forever & Always, My Baby You'll Be by windsthatwhisper - mpreg!jonny
Jonny and Pat's life is a cycle of curse words, late night feedings, and five minute handjobs in the hallway closet.
Looked So Fine (I Just Had To Speak) by svmadelyn - !!!! ⭐
Patrick Kane’s talking penis maintains a ‘to do’ list. It is as follows:1. Jonathan Toews
Phone Tag by hawkeytime (jayyloo) - mpreg!Jonny
"Hi mom. Sorry I couldn’t catch you, so I guess I’ll just, uh.. leave a message. See, the thing is… my super-potent sperm may or may not have managed to knock Jonny up. Okay bye."
"Yes, hello, is this Hockey Canada? I just want it written on the record, today, June 31, 2015, that my incredibly improbable unborn child with Jonathan Toews will be playing for America. Yes, I’ll hold.
"Or: Pat accidentally knocks Jonny up. A saga told in a series of voicemails
A Royal Baby - mpreg!Pat
A cough from the doorway cuts Seabs off mid sentence. Duncs is standing watching them, a particularly somber expression on his face. "Jonny, I'm sorry to interrupt but you have a visitor that you'll want to go see right away.""Now really isn't a good time," Jonny tells him, not even putting down his fork."Trust me Your Highness," Duncs says, "This will be worth it."
[Patrick and Jonathan think their time brief time together at the Olympics is all they can ever have. Patrick's ensuing pregnancy proves otherwise.]
sun sweet berries of the earth series by gasmsinc - mpreg!Pat; a/b/o
There is a spirit living in Patrick State Park.“Listen,” says Jonny. “I didn’t mean to step on your crown.”The spirit’s bottom lip wobbles.
Tame the Roads That Can't Be Tamed by Linsky - mpreg!Pat; a/b/o
Patrick’s flown a million times. He’s never gotten airsick before. Even on last year’s epic flight to Denver, when they hit massive turbulence and half the team was groaning over barf bags, Patrick’s stomach was fine. And maybe he’s sick, sure—but why doesn’t he feel sick the rest of the time? Why is it only mornings and—
Oh, no.
Oh fucking no.
(Or: In which it is difficult to be a wolf in the NHL, especially when you're not that good at condoms.)
Carve His Name With Pride ⭐  - mpreg!Jonny
Jonny leaves behind a home, a house, and a hockey career the month after he learns that he’s pregnant.
Eyass - mpreg!Jonny
"I dunno," Kaner tells him. "Whatever you need, man. You’re having a baby! That’s a lot of work. I want to be here for you."
Somehow, in the dozens of conversations he’s had with teammates and friends and family in the past few days, no one has said those exact words to Jonny: “you’re having a baby”. He has to comb his fingers through his hair and take a deep, steadying breath to compose himself.
Kaner notices and smiles at him; a crooked, beautiful thing. “It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?”
Heartburn and Survival by dedougal  - mpreg!Jonny
They were in Canada when Jonny found out he was pregnant. Afterwards, Jonny used that as a point in his bulleted list of arguments about why Jack should represent Canada but, to be entirely truthful, finding out in Canada - finding out anywhere - was pretty disastrous.
Three Cups and a Pup by Miss_Psychotic, nommedeplume  - mpreg!Patrick
The Story of Alpha Jonny and Omega Kaner getting their shit together and learning how to be Adulting Adults (Finally)
Chips and Cribs by whatislife - mpreg!Jonny
“What do you mean there are no chips,” Jonny asks from where he is standing by the island, hand resting on his stomach. “Weren’t they on the list? Did you not buy them?”(Patrick just wants to sleep.)
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zolganif · 3 years
quarantinesurveys > suckitsurveys.
back to basics.
Do you take lessons for anything? No.
Has something really heavy ever fallen on you? No. 
If you wear makeup, what colors do you usually wear? Eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipstick. Sometime blush. 
Does your shower have curtains or a glass door/wall? A glass door. 
If you have more than one pet, do they ever get jealous of each other?
Is there a room in your house that you don’t like going in? The basement. I don’t like going down there by myself at night. 
Do you remember the last question you were asked? What did you answer? I guess this one. ha. 
Besides salt and butter, do you put anything on your popcorn? Sometimes I eat popcorn that has a cheesy flavor to it. 
Are you lonely? At times I am. 
What’s your favorite magazine to read?
Do you like pineapple? No. 
Have you ever seen fireflies? Yes. 
Have you ever trespassed? Yep. When I was younger. In a abandoned house with Colin. Found a rainbow scarf inside and decided to keep it. I still have it too. 
Do you tell your parents where you are going? Not always. 
Do you raise your hand or participate in class?
Do you like visiting the mall? Why or why not? Sometimes.
Have you ever purposely hurt an animal? Fuck no.
Would you ever see a therapist? Yes. I need to see one again in the future. 
Are you afraid of heights? No. 
Are you afraid of the dark? I’m afraid of what I don’t know that could be in the dark. 
Are you a jealous person? Nope. 
When is your birthday? May 10th.
What are you listening to right now? Siobhan Fahey 
Have you ever been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing? No. 
Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten? Yes, on Facebook. 
What is the most important thing to you? My loved ones, Moxxie, small things that make me happy, taking care of health, making sure I have things I need. 
Do you like whipped cream? Yes. 
Are you close to your mother? Very. 
Are you close to your father? Yes.
Do you walk around bare foot when you’re at home? Or do you wear socks? Either one. 
Do you like chocolate popsicles? I prefer fruit ones.
Would you ever be your school’s mascot who wears that costume? No.
Would you rather see the Great Wall of China or Big Ben? Great Wall of China. 
Have you ever written a poem? Yes. 
Would you ever be a tornado chaser? Not interested. 
What is your favorite thing to eat with bbq sauce, if you even like that stuff? Chicken. 
Your parents tell you that this summer, you get to pick the vacation. Where do you plan to go? Let’s go to Norway. 
What do you think is a good theme for a prom? Something that has to do with the stars or ocean. Or even a garden theme. 
Have you ever had to do a class in summer school? No. 
Do you get nervous when you go to the doctor? About what? Sometimes. 
Have you ever been to the rainforest? No. 
Have you ever created a website? No. 
Ever thought about writing a book? Yes.
Have you ever had a dream where you killed someone? *shrugs*
Do you ever make up stories in your head and wish they come true? Hell yeah. 
Which is worse: stuffy nose or runny nose? A runny nose. 
Which is worse: Sick to your stomach or sore throat? Ugh. Both are terrible. 
Do you think your last relationship was a disaster? It wasn’t exactly a disaster, we just weren’t meant for each other, didn’t have a lot in common and I didn’t feel a connection with him. 
Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube? Nope.
Who do you think is the easiest to talk to? Mom, Andrew, Colin. 
Would you consider yourself to be emo? Nope. Tbh, people who dress that way, I’ve never thought of them as ‘emo’. The term I would think is more correct is Scene. Pretty much the same thing and there’s really no difference between them. But eh, most people will never get that. 
Do you have a favourite metal band or do you not like metal? I have tons of favorite metal bands. 
What is your current desktop picture? A Ambreigns drawing <3 
Thick or thin blanket? Depends on the weather or how the temperature in the room is. 
Who are your favorite bands? *cracks knuckles* 
Lordi, Straylight Run, Avantasia, Simple Plan, Darkthrone, 45 Grave, Evanescence, Endless Rain, Mindless Self Indulgence, Cinderella, Delain, Nightwish, Six Hour Sundown, Sum 41, Meg & Dia, VersaEmerge, Superchick, Sonic Syndicate, Marilyn Manson, Sirenia, Motley Crue, Within Temptation, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, Dramarama, Lennon Murphy, Heart, Vixen, Lita Ford, Ozzy Osbourne, Alice Cooper, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and so much more. 
And that’s just including bands. Well, besides pop ones and I also included solo metal/rock singers in there. 
How do you mark through your word search puzzles? I don’t really do those.
Have you ever sewn something? Yes. Wasn’t great at it though. 
What did you eat for dinner last night? Some chicken burgers. 
Ever been grounded? Yeah.
Have you seen all of the Jaws movies? I think only the first one and second. 
When was the last time you played cards? (not on the computer) It’s been a long time. 
Have you ever drank Cherry Coke? Yep. 
Have you ever had a black eye? No. 
Have you ever eaten a bug? No.
Do you like pranking people? No. 
Did you ever take a cooking class in school? Had to a lot of that in Boces in 11th grade. Being there got in the way of other classes I had. Ugh. And honestly, the teacher was a bit of a bitch. Like I guess because I dressed in alternative clothing, like tripp pants and listened to metal music, she saw me as an ‘evil’ or violent person. 
Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? No. 
Do you use Skype? No. 
Have you ever participated in local magazine cover girl searches? No.
Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress? Yes. 
Is your ex sexually attractive to you still? No.
Describe the most romantic moment you’ve ever had. Lots of times with Andrew. 
Have you ever cheated on a test? No. 
Have you ever been to couple’s counseling? No.
How often does your employer ask you to work overtime? They don’t. 
Did you often read for fun when you were a kid? Yes. 
When was the last time you were scared? I don’t remember. 
What’s your favorite song by Rihanna? Unfaithful.  Can you speak binary? No. 
Would you rather live somewhere that had hurricanes or tornadoes? Neither, thanks.
Have you ever had a pet that you disliked? No.
When was the last time you saw hail? I don’t remember. 
What is on your mind right this second: Not much. 
Have you ever given a nickname to your pet(s)? Just some funny versions of their names. Like Fuzzball, I used to call her Fuzz or Fuzzy-Wuzzy ha. Moxxie, I call him Moxxie-Woxxy, and Sweetums ha. 
When was the last time you shaved your legs? A couple of weeks ago. 
Do you ever try free samples at the store? Yes. 
Do you like boys with long hair? Yes. <3 
Do you like root beer? No, but I like root beer floats. 
What is the best fast food place, in your opinion? Wendy’s. 
Do you have faith in yourself? Yes. 
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michiatsuko · 3 years
Tumblr media
cred. l-gallerie
⤓ task #002 - family
Alice Clarke-Heron, 55 (mother) & Patrick Heron, 60 (father)
Before Alice had her second daughter, she lived a strained, stressful life at her mom’s house in Las Vegas. Alice wanted desperately to leave the city, to make different choices and start over. She got pregnant with her first daughter, Ava, when she was nineteen and stopped chasing her dreams of professional dance soon after, instead giving all her time towards her new, very real responsibilities. She started working as a hostess at the fancier restaurants on the strip- whichever place was showcasing the most popular act that season. Alice would watch the resident performers week after week, wishing she was on stage instead of taking drink orders. One year, she met a young billionaire from South London who promised to build Alice her own dance studio if she married him- they rushed to the nearest drive-through chapel before she could fully think about it. Patrick flew back home a week later (he had only been in America for vacation) but promised to be back soon with keys to a house and to a building with her name on it. 
Almost nine months after the night they met though, on June 8th, 1997, Alice would gave birth to another baby girl: Wren. Her new husband could handle one child, but Patrick never agreed on having two- never mind that Wren was his own blood. Alice had just been living in deep denial that he would ever warm up to that kind of a domestic life. So she had to choose: Patrick or her daughters, her studio or motherhood. The marriage was always going to be her ticket out- her choice was already made the night she said yes to his proposal. It would be hard to leave Ava, harder to leave baby Wren. But Alice couldn’t turn down the very opportunity she had created to save herself and... start fresh. She used her last paycheck to book the cheapest seat available on the next flight going to England and went quietly one night as her family slept. That morning was the last time Wren and Ava had ever seen their mother.
Ava Clarke, 36 (older sister)
Because Wren was still an infant when her parents left, she only has one (faint) memory of Alice. She never met her father and was told very little about him. The girls’ grandmother raised them for the first few years in Alice’s absence, but Ava made it clear to Wren early that they were better off apart from their mom. “We can handle it on our own,” she would insist, and they always did. Ava started renting her own apartment as soon as she graduated high school. The two of them started living together after Wren’s sixth birthday. She decided that her little sister would be the center of her life from that point onwards. She worked multiple jobs around Vegas, but operated as a grifter on occasion to pay the bills. Ava would lift credit card info from customers at the restaurants she waitressed at, or pocket small valuables from the hotels she cleaned on weekends. She didn’t make a habit of it though: they didn’t really need it, it just helped with the occasional large expense. Sometimes that expense was rent or medicine or new phones; something practical. Most of the time it was to rent a car and drive out to Zion for a long weekend. Or take the week off and book a fancy suite to escape their one bedroom for a bit. This was Ava’s way of making up for Alice leaving them all, and doing for Wren what their mother could not.
Ava tried to hide the stealing from her sister, but Wren put it together soon enough as she got older. It became harder to believe that her sister’s bosses kept giving her bonuses or an extra cut of tips. Wren wasn’t dumb and she’d been paying attention for a while. (Ava wasn’t as smooth as she thought all the time anyways.) So of course she did the same thing- only Wren did it better. And took it a step further. She would skip school and spend her day in hotel lobbies, at tourist attractions, walking through any store she could find. She took ID cards, passports (if she found them), wallets, anything out of bags or pockets from tourists. She could con a few people out of their own cash on a good day- it was easy for her to read a person and give them a lie they wanted to believe. Plus, without Ava, Wren could pretend to be someone else, someone older and different. Any other vacationer who was only in Vegas temporarily. Wren eventually figured out how to forge basic documents, social security information... entire personas behind the credit cards and IDs she would steal for herself to use. She became great at deceiving people online and in person by the time she was a senior. Wren went after the wrong mark later that summer however, realizing a little too late that they were part of the local authorities and she could face real charges. So she had to choose: give up her freedom or save it. Face her actions or start running. 
It was simple for her to plant evidence on her computer that framed her older sister as the culprit, and herself as the oblivious one. The very real evidence of Ava’s theft at work only made Wren’s statement that much more convincing to investigators. Those words have stuck with Wren since she said them out loud. They never really leave her head. She left Nevada before the case went to court, not wanting to stick around to hear Ava’s defense. Wren cashed out her account and fled to Connecticut where she began to rebuild her life. She tells herself that Ava chose to protect her one last time, but... she hasn’t decided if she even deserved it in the first place. 
the Coltons (non-existent)
“Willow Colton” is an identity that Wren created and started using once she settled in New Haven. This is what Yale and the general public know about her: Willow’s parents are both consultants for a travel agency and were rarely home, so she never really knew them. She grew up with her grandma in Houston where the rest of her father’s family lived. She has no siblings, but she was close with a few of her cousins around her age. They were the ones who got her into music, encouraged her to sing and try writing. She is at Yale on a partial scholarship, and her parents send money every month to help her pay the remainder tuition. They’re too busy to talk much so this is really the extent of their relationship.
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mandelene · 4 years
Drabble Request: I really love your portrayal of the UK brothers and Ireland so maybe Francis meeting Arthur’s brothers for the first time? I would love to see Fran’s reaction to them and vice versa. Have a good weekend! 💕
This is actually going to be in the upcoming chapters of The Lessons We Learn, and I don’t want to spoil it! :) So, instead, I wrote a little snippet about the UK bros just hanging out with Francis, but it’s not their first time meeting, if that’s okay? Hope you enjoy it!
The Brothers
Word Count: 493
“Those trousers make yer arse look flat, and ye don’t have a flat arse,” Alistair says as Francis steps out of one of the fitting rooms in Selfridges.
Self-conscious, Francis turns around and frowns into the large mirror on the wall. He’s right. While he likes the gray checkered pattern, it isn’t flattering at all. Something more fitted rather than relaxed would suit him better. Who would’ve thought Alistair would have such a keen eye for fashion? He’s blunt, to say the least, but he’s truthful.
“I’d venture to say it’s not appropriate for you to be commenting on your brother-in-law’s arse. Arthur would not approve,” Patrick cuts in. He’s standing off to the side, out of Alistair and Dylan’s immediate vicinity—always the outcast of the group.
“Arthur doesn’t want his husband to be prancing around looking like he doesn’t have an arse. It’s very important. He likes a nice arse. It’s got to be plump,” Alistair retorts, giving Francis a teasing pat on the rear, and Francis tries not to seem too alarmed.
It’s bizarre…Maybe it’s because Francis doesn’t spend enough time with Arthur’s brothers to be completely comfortable with their banter, but it’s indescribably odd to be surrounded by three people who resemble Arthur physically but are simultaneously nothing like him. That said, Francis does enjoy the company of the brothers, as unusual and rowdy as they might be. He’s only seen them on three other occasions—the first time they were introduced to one another here in London, their wedding, and the one Christmas they spent together (which ended with Alistair having to go to A&E).
“I agree. It’s our job to make sure Arthur gets what he wants and that Francis impresses him,” Dylan joins in, a toothy grin on his face. “It’s what family is for. If Alice saw me with a flat arse, she’d never forgive me.”
“Can we stop saying arse now?” Patrick asks.
Alistair sticks his tongue out and replies in rapid succession, “Arse, arse, arse.”
Patrick covers his face with his right hand in embarrassment. “We’re in public!”
It’s a good thing Arthur decided to stay in the house with Alice (Dylan’s wife), Caroline (Patrick’s wife), and Rhys (Dylan’s son). Francis isn’t sure he would have survived this conversation if he were here. “Well, it looks like I’m not going to find anything here for Rhys’ baptism.”
“There’s a Brooks Brothers on Regent Street. It’s about a fifteen-minute walk. Perhaps you’ll have better luck there,” Patrick says, eager to get out of this department store as quickly as possible.
“Let’s go there, then,” Francis agrees.
Alistair, however, has other priorities. “Can we stop at Nando’s? I’m hungry.”
Another round of bickering takes place between the three brothers, and Francis merely sighs and allows himself a patient smile. Sometimes, he wishes he could have as many siblings as Arthur.
Clearly, he needs to be more careful about what he wishes for in the future.
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 & 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
hi! if you want to request for any of the fandoms i’m in, you don’t have to use these prompts! i’m just adding them in case you don’t know what to request. please follow the rules and have fun! also, the fandoms are not cut and dry. i will be adding more throughout time.
- i don’t write nsfw, sorry!
- please request one at a time for headcanons! ( this doesn’t apply to poly headcanons or fics )
- i won’t write anything that romanticizes triggering topics such as s*lf-h*rm, ab*se, r*pe, inc*st, or anything like that. please don’t ask for it, thank you.
- i reserve the right to deny a request. this is my account and it represents me as a writer. please respect that.
A Series of Unfortunate Events      Violet Baudelaire, Malina Weissman
Avatar the Last Airbender      Zuko, Mai
Disney      Maya Hart, Farkle Minkus, Sabrina Carpenter, Corey Fogelmanis, Rowan       Blanchard, Mal Bertha, Prince Ben, Jay Jafarson, Harry Hook, Dove      Cameron, Thomas Doherty, Booboo Stewart
Friends      Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani 
Fruits Basket      Kyo Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Tohru Honda
Game of Thrones      Daenerys Targaryen, Missandei, Arya Stark, Emilia Clarke
IT 2017      Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley      Uris, Sophia Lillis, Jaeden Martell, Finn Wolfhard, Jack Dylan Grazer,      Wyatt Oleff, Bill Skarsgard
Legacies      Hope Mikaelson, Josie Saltzman, Penelope Park, Danielle Rose Russell,      Kaylee Bryant, Lulu Antariksa
Ouran HighSchool Host Club      Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootori, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Mitsukini      Haninozuka (Honey), Takashi Morinozuka (Mori), Haruhi Fujioka           * I only write platonic for Honey, sorry!
Percy Jackson / Heroes of Olympus      Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Rachel Dare, Leo Valdez, Nico di      Angelo
Red Band Society      Emma Chota, Jordi Palacios
Sherlock      Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler
Stranger Things      Max Mayfield, Mike Wheeler, El “Eleven” Hopper
The Fault In Our Stars      Hazel Grace Lancaster, Augustus Waters, Ansel Elgort
The Hunger Games      Finnick Odair, Sam Claflin
The Originals      Klaus Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, “Kaleb” Mikaelson,      Hayley Marshall, Hope Mikaelson, Danielle Rose Russell
The Perks of Being A Wallflower      Charlie, Patrick, Sam, Ezra Miller
Twilight       Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, Rosalie Hale, Emmett Cullen, Alice Cullen,      Jasper Hale, Victoria
Victorious      Jade West, Beck Oliver
1. “please don’t cry”
2. “please stop lying to me”
3. “can you just shut up for once in your life?”
4. “i don’t care”
5. “and that makes it okay?”
6. “what makes you think i would ever want to be with you?”
7. “when did you fall out of love with me?”
8. “i shouldn’t love you, but i couldn’t help it.”
9. “i always knew that you were too damn selfish.”
10. “are you leaving me?”
11. “loving you is a fucking death sentence.”
12. “you’re gone. i watched your disappear.”
13. “am i going to die?”
14. “you’re the worst mistake i’ve ever fucking made!”
15. “i don’t know how to look you in the eye after the things i’ve done.”
16. “it’s only 2.a.m...”
17. “you are the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”
18. “please don’t hide from me.”
20. “i wish we met before they convinced your life is war.”
21. “have you ever loved me? you know what... don’t say anything. i already know the answer.”
22. “don’t take another step in my direction.”
23. “your enemy whispers so you have to scream.”
24. “don’t think i don’t see how they fall for all of your charms.”
25. “after all you’ve put me through, don’t say that you were not the monster that i knew.”
1. “why don’t you stay the night?”
2. “i’ll feel much better if you let me walk you home.”
3. “i wanted to say ‘i love you’ without stuttering. i failed.”
4. “i fucking love you.” “hang up, and tell me this when you’re sober.”
5. “i never thought there’d be someone like you who would want me, so i’ll give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go.”
6. “do you really need all that candy?”
7. “stop being so cute.”
8. “i can’t reach it!”
9. “there’s three of us; choose one.”
10. “just go back to sleep. everything’s all right.”
11. “can you please go sit in another room or something? i can’t concentrate with you around.”
12. “i get that you’re way taller than me, but do you really have to steal all the blankets? i’m fucking cold.” 
13. “call me as soon as you get home.”
14. “did you just -- did you just throw salt at me? i’m not possessed!”
15. “you said my name in your sleep.”
16. “could you help me out? i am very gay and i would like a few dollars.”
17. “i’ve connected the dots.” “you didn’t connect shit.” “i’ve connected them.”
18. “let’s watch sharkboy and lavagirl.” “okay.” “and make out during the scary parts.” “the scary parts.” “yeah.” “of sharkboy and lavagirl.”
19. “yeah, you watched ten seasons of keeping up with the kardashians.”
20. “now, me, i’m a bit of a romantic. i believe she eloped.”
21. “give me a heads-up if you start feeling murderous, i would appreciate that.”
22. “that’s not true! my wife is a bitch and i like her so much.”
23. “i have a girlfriend / boyfriend now myself, which is weird because i’m probably gay based on how i’ve talked and talked for 28 years.”
24. “do you want me to kill that guy for you? because it sounds like he sucks and i would totally kill that guy for you.
25. “what can i say? i’m charming and irresponsible.” “you mean irresistable?” “no.”
𝐅𝐀𝐐 (𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐀𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬)
Q: Did you die?
A: This is patronizing. It’s rude and I ask that you don’t ask me this question. I have a life outside of Tumblr.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Riverdale Season 5 Episode 9 Review – Chapter 85: Destroyer
The mundane mingles with the supernatural in a enjoyably goofy episode.
Riverdale Season 5 Episode 8
“It is better to know the truth and make peace with it.”
In a bit of selfless wisdom, Cheryl states the above words to Betty in tonight’s bonkers installment. The context being that Betty doesn’t want to tell her mother that it looks like Polly is a goner. So she goes to Cheryl basically to inquire whether she feels that her cousin’s life would have been better had she not known Jason’s true fate.
The from-the-heart response that Cheryl gives her is quickly ignored, and Betty hides the truth from Alice. Since this is an episode of Riverdale, Betty’s deception immediately backfires on her when her FBI superior Glen arrives at the Cooper household to reveal Polly’s probable fate and kick Betty off the case. (Somewhere in the night, Veronica does a breathy cover of The Thompson Twins’ “Lies”).
Anyway, let’s get back to that quote for a second: It is better to know the truth and be at peace with it. That’s going to be the mantra for this entire review, as there are fundamental truths I’ve touched upon in the past that demand to be recognized before the healing can be reached. They are:
1- Archie’s football storyline is a total snooze.
Riverdale may have leaped seven years into the future, but Archie remains as doltish as ever. Granted, K.J. Apa is killing it this season as a grizzled version of the character, but the problem of Archie’s messiah complex still drags on. There are a lot of fascinating things happening on this series right now, and all the Bulldogs stuff does is slow down the breakneck pace that those interesting storylines are moving in. Aliens are in Riverdale, nobody cares about high school football right now. C’mon.
All that said, Britta rules.
2 – Any time that this series isn’t focusing on Mothmen Aliens is wasted time.
The show is taking serious liberties by mashing up Mothman and alien abduction mythologies, which really upends my In Search Of-influenced ideology about how the world works. I’ll forgive this because putting “aliens” on Riverdale is a work of stupid genius but also because I love watching Cole Sprouse and his starter goatee running around looking totally frantic.
3 – Hiram Lodge should be eaten by Mothmen Aliens.
Am I alone in thinking this could actually happen? What a coup for the series that would be! We know that Hiram is involved in some shady business, and all his SoDale shenanigans are a cover for some big secret. Therefore the mystery of the Lonely Highway is directly traced back to Hiram. Is he working for the government? Did aliens cure his mystery illness of last year and in turn is he feeding them Riverdale’s castoffs? Nothing is off the table here. Hiram’s machinations have been the same since he first appeared, but what if he really was working for aliens THE WHOLE TIME? Wouldn’t that be insane/amazing? No other show could pull that kind of shit off.
What I’m saying here is that Riverdale has been dancing with insanity since day one and it’s time to consummate the relationship.
4 – Betty Cooper, Alien Hunter needs to happen.
She fights werewolves in the comics, so is this really that crazy?
The ultimate mystery of whatever is happening this season will likely have a logic-based answer. That’s disappointing, as the Archieverse can be shown to handle witches, so are extraterrestrials that far off? (I’m still burned by the conclusion of the Gargoyle King saga, so I’m not expecting much here). Imagine though, the writing staff wants you to think that everything will wrap up with a plausible explanation and then, boom, it gives you bona fide aliens! A dream is a wish the heart makes…
This episode did give us clarity on a few things. We learned that both Jughead’s and Betty’s investigations lead back to the Lonely Highway and the mysteries — either terrestrial or otherworldly — unfolding there. Additionally, we were reminded that even though he’s ostensibly the lead character of this series, Archie is straight-up boring when he isn’t being attacked by bears or escaping from prison. With only one more episode before an extended hiatus, I hope next week brings us some resolution even though deep down I know that it won’t.
Riverdale Rundown
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• Jughead’s student who writes the troubling story about Mothman abduction is Lerman Logan, a reference to The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Percy Jackson franchise star.
• Old Man Dreyfus’ name is clearly inspired by Close Encounters of the Third Kind star Richard Dreyfuss, which is fitting as the supernatural elements of this season are riffing on the sci-fi blockbusters of the 1970s and ’80s. Further proof of this can be seen by Drefyus telling Betty and Jughead about how Riverdale was a hotbed of Mothmen activity in the summers of 1977 and 1982, ones in which Star Wars and E.T. respectively ruled at the box office.
• Mr. Weatherbee threatens to fire Jughead if he doesn’t stay out of Lerman’s problems, apparently forgetting that Jughead isn’t really even a teacher and is only volunteering.
• Even objectively, Archie is a terrible coach. Can we please fold him into the Jughead/Betty storyline somehow? It’s great to see him and Veronica back together but damn do they need better plots to work with.
• One of the teams that defeats the Bulldogs is the Baxter High Ravens. In case you forgot already, Baxter High was one of the schools that Sabrina attended in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
• One has to wonder how the Vixens must feel about Cheryl, a woman in her twenties who graduated seven years ago, returning to her alma mater to steal the thunder of teenagers who live in Murdersville, U.S.A. and have no other outlet besides cheerleading by performing a self-aggrandizing Lady Gaga cover. Cheryl does a lot of messed up stuff on this show, but this act struck me as especially cruel.
• There’s no Toni and very little Tabitha Tate tonight. Boo.
• I still think they should sell the Pop Tate bobbleheads they keep showing.
• Kevin gets put through the emotional and physical ringer this episode. We learn that disparaging remarks from his mother impacted his self-image so much that he turned to cruising in Fox Forest. (The fate of Mrs. Keller is unknown, so it is possible that she will make an appearance in an upcoming episode). The assault that Kevin endured was brutal to watch, but the scene between Kevin and his father was powerful and cathartic. It will be interesting to see where the character of Kevin goes from here, because it is absurdly beyond time the writers give him a personality trait other than chronic thirst.
• Someone on the Riverdale production staff must really love Friday Night Lights.
• I don’t believe for a second that Polly is actually dead. There’s more of a chance of Hiram being eaten by Mothmen Aliens or Archie getting a compelling A-plot.
• I hate on the football storyline a lot in this review, but I do find all the talk about tainting the podunk town’s football league’s prestige to be weirdly funny.
• Pop’s sells take out cold cuts too? Helluva business, that Chok’lit Shoppe.
• “I’m saying that things happen, especially in Riverdale,” declares Jughead, in the most obvious statement in the episode.
• Please let them do a Mulder and Scully thing with Jughead and Betty.
• I think there’s more Mr. Weatherbee in tonight’s episode than there has been in the entire series to date. That’s a fantastic thing.
• So is Reggie done with Hiram for good now? He is such a key figure in the comics that it would be fantastic if the series figured out what the hell to do with him.
• Having reviewed this show from the first episode, I’ve learned a thing or two about how Riverdale storylines work. Therefore I’m calling it now: Glen is the Trash Bag Killer. You think so too, I know it.
• So far this season has drawn influence from everything from cryptozoological monsters to the real-life crimes of Patrick Kearney. Next week marks the mid-season finale, and the promise of everything from aliens to Pop’s possibly being blown up by Hiram? Whatever happens, cherish it, as the show then won’t return until July.
The post Riverdale Season 5 Episode 9 Review – Chapter 85: Destroyer appeared first on Den of Geek.
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Austrian nationals 2021
Austrian nationals is a small competition which means I enjoyed it a lot. 
Austria may not have a senior ice dance team but they have a junior one!
Corrina Huber / Patrick Huber - New York, New York / Juliet’s dream What’s impressive is that they also compete in junior singles! They were a bit cautious and not so quick but I liked their lift with Corinna standing on Patrick’s boot and also a little twirl at the end. I already saw their RD at Budapest Trophy but didn’t catch their FD before the videos got deleted from youtube. So I saw their FD for the first time and it was amazing, really in the spirit of the music. And I loved their choreographic twizzle move (sit twizzle ala Stepanova/Bukin!)
And one amazing pair! Miriam Ziegler / Severin Kiefer - All I want / Another love They skate with a lot of feeling and you can just really see it. In their SP I admired their dance lift into a pair lift. And especially their death spiral. I love low death spirals. Ahhhhh Their FP is totally different, it feels like “newer” for them too, but it will be great.
Emilie Grosch - People help the people / Alegria  I liked her step sequence in the short. The free went better overall, it was more energetic, her spin timed very well to the music was soo long! And a hydroblade in the end. 
Anita Kapferer - Ponds / Who wants to live forever Also here I felt more emotions and energy in the free. 
Olga Mikutina - Sing, sing, sing / Primaverea, Experience  That was a performance! I loved it. Such great spins, quick and fun skating (let’s ignore the random fall in the step sequence).  And she was so light in the free. Give me all the illusion spins, me likey. 
Sophia Schaller - Jazz man / Breath of life I loved the costume and the atmosphere she created with her skating. Jumps were a bit missbehaving, but the step sequence was amazing! Sadly the jumps didn’t make up their mind even in the free, but otherwise it was a very energetic performance, even getting better towards the end with a lovely step sequence.
Manuel Drechsler - Leave light on / Intwodiksiyou Oh, sleevless SP :p I liked his program and also the way he saved the spin! Manuel seems to have a very distinct musical taste.
Valentin Eisenbauer - Angel / Arrival to earth That was quite interesting. I sometimes don’t like too modern programs but this one actually worked! He managed to be agressive and soft at the same time. Well, the FP was literally an alien arriving to earth :D Complete with a very futuristic costume. I love over the top programs! The actual execution wasn’t what he wished for but what an interesting concept!
Albert Mück - Clubbed to death / Piano concerto This is quite interesting because Andras Csernoch also skated to Clubbed to death but Albert approached the interpretation in more of an elegant way. And he was so good. The spins, the step sequence, I liked it a lot.  Oh, and a cantilever in the free! We love!
Luc Meierhofer - Notte stellate / Atonement Veery elegant, soft, great interpretation of the song by my favourite group Il Volo. And such creative spins. And in the free a complete change. So much sharper, exactly as the program demands. And again amazing spins. 
Maurizio Zandron - Earth song / Alice in Wonderland Maurizio was the only skater to jump 3A in the short program as well as in the free. I’ve already seen both of this programs and love them. The short program song is really telling an important message. And then a complete change in the free. A charming, magical atmophere. And oh the spread eagles.
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poetlcs · 4 years
books I’ve read in 2020 (so far) + their ratings
crossing the line: australia’s secret history in the timor sea by kim mcgrath: important research into australia’s theft of oil in timor leste. didn’t rate
hood feminism: notes from the women that a movement forgot by mikki kendall: essay collection dissecting modern feminism, pointing out the exclusionary practices of mainstream feminism and offering new frameworks through which feminism should operate. really recommend. didn’t rate
the uninhabitable earth: life after warming by david wallace-wells: good introduction to environmentalism and the climate disaster. a little too introductory for me but good for those new to the topic. ★★★
homo deus: a brief history of tomorrow by yuval noah harari: it is simply not Sapiens nor as good as Sapiens. Looks at potentials for our future but, thought it was a little poorly researched. Some parts were still interesting though.  ★★★
SPQR: a history of ancient rome by mary beard: a little dense at times, but super interesting and detailed look at ancient rome. enjoyed it a lot. ★★★★
sister outsider by audre lorde: collection of audre lorde’s essays and speeches, about feminism, lesbianism, the queer community, being Black and a lesbian ect ect. outstanding, important collection anyone interested in intersectional feminism must read. ★★★★★
all boys aren’t blue by george m. johnson: memoir about johnson’s experiences growing up as a Black gay boy in a poor neighbourhood. Very poignant memoir, written in such accessible language which I liked. guarenteed to get you emotional, another one everyone should read. didn’t rate because it’s so highly personal that felt wrong but highly recommend. 
under a biliari tree i born by alice biari smith: memoir by an Aboriginal Australian detailing her life growing up learning traditional Aboriginal ways and how the lives of Indigenous Australian’s have been impacted through the years, specifically in Western Australia. Probably more aimed at school age people but still a 101 I think many Australian’s (and non Australian’s) can benefit from. didn’t rate 
maurice by e.m forster: gay man coming of age story in college + themes around class and sexuality. forster’s end note saying he thought it imperative to write a happy ending because we need that in fiction, i love him. ★★★★★
emma by jane austen: read before seeing the movie. loved emma as a character but thought this was okay compared to other Austen I’ve read. ★★★½
perfume by patrick suskind: a man with an incredible sense of smell starts murdering young women to try and bottle their scent for a perfume. weirdest shit I ever read still don’t know how to feel about it. ★★★
the color purple by alice walker: follows the life of Celie, an Black woman living in rural Georgia. deals with her relationship with her sister Nettie, her lover Shug Avery, and with God. this tore my heart to shreds absolutely everyone must read it, like even just for the beautiful writing ALONE. ★★★★
a study in scarlet by arthur conan doyle: its sherlock holmes #1 no further explanation required. not my fave sherlock story, was the weird morman subplot needed? ★★½
dracula by bram stoker: yeah vampires!! this was way easier to read and also way funnier than I expected. we STAN gothic aesthetics and Miss Mina Harker here. ★★★★
the diviners by libba bray: teens with magical powers/abilities solving mysteries in 1920′s new york. reread. ★★★★★
lair of dreams by libba bray: the diviners #2. reread. ★★★★½
before the devil breaks you by libba bray: the diviners #3. reread. best one in the series hands down.  ★★★★★
the king of crows by libba bray: waited so long for this series ender and it let me down lol. ★★★
clockwork princess by cassandra clare: the infernal devices #3. dont @ me this is my comfort reread series and I was travelling. ★★★★★
we unleash the merciless storm by tehlor kay mejia: we set the dark on fire #2. latinx inspired fantasy about overthrowing a corrupt government with an f/f romance. didn’t like as much as book one but still good, BEST girlfriends ever. ★★★½
wolfsong by t.j klune: basically feral gay werewolves and witches living in a town together. feels like a teen wolf episode but way more gayer. despite that hated the writing style and I don’t like age gap romances so yay the concept no the execution.  ★★
the fate of the tearling by erika johansan: the tearling #3. finally finished this series, dunno why everyone loathes the ending so much I thought it was cool. underrated fantasy because it’s very unique. ★★★★
girl, serpent, thorn by melissa bashardoust: persian inspired fantasy about a girl who is cursed by a div to kill anyone she touches. has an f/f romance. bashardoust writes the most aesthetically rich settings I love her. ★★★★
crier’s war by nina varela: reread. f/f enemies to lovers where the main character poses as a handmaiden in order to try and murder the princess whose father killed her family. PEAK gay content literally a modern classic. ★★★★★
we hunt the flame by hafsah faizal: I was so disinterested in this book I barely can describe the plot but basically it’s a prince and a hunter who are enemies but are forced to go looking for this magical artifact together anyway it was boring.  ★
ghosts of the shadow market by cassandra clare + others: short story collection set in the shadowhunter world. probably the strongest of her collections but they just don’t hit the same as her full length books. didn’t rate. 
a storm of swords: part two by george r.r martin: a song of ice and fire #3. I WILL finish reading these books eventually i swear !! probably the best one yet though. ★★★★
amarah by l.l mcneil: world of linaria #3. high fantasy with politics, dragons, warring races. tolkein/asoiaf vibes if they had more women with agency. didn’t rate because I haven’t decided my feelings on the end yet. 
science fiction
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone: f/f enemies to lovers between spies on rival sides of a time war. good book but writing style wasn’t for me (others love this so eh take my opinion with a grain os salt:  ★★★
not your sidekick by c.b lee: main character is from a superhero family but has no powers herself, so she takes an internship working with a superhero corp. has an f/f romance with a villain character. so much fun and super cute
speculative fiction:
the deep by rivers solomon: speculative fiction wherein pregnant African women thrown overboard by slave ships gave birth to babies that became mermaids. main character holds all the memories of her people’s past but runs away after being unable to deal with the burden. about self discovery, intergenerational trauma and the burden of remembering. a little short imo but still all round excellent book ★★★★
how long ‘til black future month? by n.k jemisin: short story collection, many with an afro-futurism focus. hard to explain because there is such a wide variety of stories but this is an AMAZING collection. didn’t rate because I don’t like rating short story collections but wish more people would read it. 
the family upstairs by lisa jewell: woman inherits an english house and starts to unravel the secrets of a mass cult suicide that happened there years ago. loved it because it was wild. ★★★★★
the hand on the wall by maureen johnson: truly devious #3. boarding school mystery where the main character has to solve a murder that happened in the 1920s at her school while another mystery is happening in present time. my least favourite of the series but satisfying conclusion nonetheless. ★★★½
contemporary fiction
maybe in another life by taylor jenkins reid: dual timeline book showing the two outcomes of a decision the main character makes. cool concept but ultimately boring book because I didn’t care about the main character at all.  didn’t rate because I didn’t finish it. 
girl, woman, other by bernadine evaristo: vignette stories of various women whose lives are vaguely interconnected. incredibly well written with such vivid characters. deserves the hype. ★★★★
tin heart by shivan plozza: australian YA, the recipient of a heart transplant wishes to connect with the family of her donor, after she discovers the identity of her donor. good story but didn’t like the writing style. ★★★
a little life by hanya yanigahara: follows the life of a group of friends living in life, especially that of jude, a closed off and damaged man with a troubling past. a little too torture-porny/Tragic Gays but I cannot deny the author has a beautiful writing style and I went through all the emotions. didn’t rate
a girl like that by tanaz bhathena: explores the events leading up to the main character dying in a car crash. set in Jeddah, saudi arabia and explores expectations on women, feminism and expressions of sexuality and relationships between women during teenage years. kinda no good characters but I loved it for it’s messy depiction of teen girls (whilst not condemning them for this). underrated. ★★★★
little fires everywhere by celeste ng: drama in white american suburbs when a new family moves in and the neighbours start investigating their past. eh, I heard a lot about this and thought it was just okay. ★★★
stay gold by tobly mcsmith: trans boy decides to go stealth at his new school and falls for a cheerleader, georgia. about navigating being trans and definitely felt like it was written to educate cis people. it was okay but ultimately not my thing and not really the story I was looking for, even though I respect it being written by a trans author and still would recommend to certain people. ★★½
everything leads to you by nina lacour: main character and her best friend have to unravel a hollywood mystery, all while the main character is trying to get over her ex-girlfriend and find work as a set designer. f/f romance and loved the focus on movie making and the power of stories. ★★★½
the falling in love montage by ciara smyth: a girl meets another girl at a party, but she’s not looking to date due to the amount of family issues she has going on. so her and the girl decide to spend the summer having fun, renacting scenes from rom-coms, but never dating. awesome family dynamics and the relationship between the two girls was sweet also set in ireland which is fun. 
normal people by sally rooney: explores the relationship between connell and marianne, who meet in school, date secretly, and then are inexplicably drawn to each other for the rest of their lives. explores power dynamics, relationships, love and trust, and what we owe to eachother. great book, great mini-series, love it to bits. ★★★★★
the glass hotel by emily st john mandel: impossible to explain this book, but there’s a mystery about grafitti, a ponzi scheme and a character falling to their death on a boat under suspicious circumstances. honestly idk what happened in this book but I liked it. ★★★½
historical fiction
half of a yellow sun by chimamanda ngozi adichie: historical fiction about the biafran war loosely based on adichie’s family experiences. incredibly well written with an ending that punches you in the gut. ★★★★
hamnet by maggie o’farrell: explores the shakespeare family after the death of their child, Hamnet, from the plague, and how this leads to Shakespeare writing Hamlet. cool as fuck concept and boring as fuck book with such tropey female characters. ★★
all the light we cannot see by anthony doerr: WW2 fiction, dual perspective between a blind girl living in france and a german boy forced into nazi youth. I cannot believe this book is award winning it’s so boring and predictable and i reget the time i wasted on it. ★
on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong: poetry memoir. vuong writes a letter to his illiterate mother, knowing she’ll never read it, exploring their relationship, his experiences growing up as second generation Vietnamese-American, and hers during the Vietnam War. My favorite book I’ve read so far this year, just too good to explain, genuinely just feel like everyone is better off for having read this. ★★★★★
currrently reading:
girls of storm and shadow by natasha ngan
meet me at the intersection: edited by rebecca lim & ambelin kwaymullina
stamped from the beginning: the definitive history of racist ideas in america by ibram x. kendi
get a life, chloe brown by talia hibbert
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aworldinpages · 4 years
Getting to Know Us Through Books
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How many books are too many books in a series?
C: Usually, any more than 7 becomes too many.
M: I would say 5 is too many. (Harry Potter is an exception)
How do you feel about cliffhangers?
C: Normally I like them.
M: Yes if they're well done.
Hardcover or Paperback?
C: Paperback
M: Paperback
Favourite Book(s)?
C: Of 2019: Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall and The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
M: Of 2019: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid and An Unwanted Guest by Shari Lapena
Least favourite book?
C: Of 2019: Wicked by Gregory Maguire
M: Of 2019: Bridge To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
Oldest book you own?
C: The Peter Pan Picture Book printed in 1941
M: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck in 1979
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A book you dislike that everyone else loves?
C: We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
M: The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkein
A book you can always reread?
C: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein or the first couple Harry Potters by J.K. Rowling
M: Dash and Lily’s Book of Death by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn
One book you read because of the cover?
C: Lost Boy by Christina Henry
M: Music and Malice in Hurricane Town by Alex Bell
What book do you wish an author would write a prequel for?
C: We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
M: Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
What is the thinnest/thickest book on your shelf?
C: Thinnest= Feminine Gospels by Carol Ann Duffy (64 pages)
Thickest= A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin (911)
M: Thinnest = The English Roses by Madonna (26 pages)
Thickest = Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (1232 pages)
What book do you wish never had a sequel?
C: Maze Runner by James Dashner
M: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
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What book do you wish had a sequel?
C: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
M: I See You by Clare Mackintosh
Series/book that you love but can’t reread?
C: One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus
M: You by Caroline Kepnes
Book(s) you’ve never been able to force yourself to finish?
C: Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson and We Were All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler
M: Lost Boy by Christina Henry
The author you’ve read the most books from?
C: Anthony Horowitz
M: Lemony Snicket
Which book was ruined by its movie adaptation?
C: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
M: The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Children’s picture book that you remember the most?
C: Katie Morag books especially The Two Grandmas by Mairi Hedderwick
M: Guess How Much I Love You - Sam McBratney
C: Probably read more fanfic than actual books.
M: Used to be obsessed with One Direction fanfiction on Wattpad but don’t read anything anymore.
Do you listen to anything whilst you read?
C: Music, I cannot read in silence.
M: Prefer to read in silence but not bothered when there is background noise.
Find a book for each of your initials.
C - Coraline by Neil Gaiman
L - Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs
R -  The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness
M - Matilda by Roald Dahl
A - Another Place by Matthew Crow
A - The Accident Season by Moira Fowley-Doyle 
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Count your age along your bookshelf. What book is it?
C: The Death Cure by James Dashner
M: The Famous Five (Five Have Lots Of Fun) by Enid Blyton
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wjmild · 4 years
A to Z Book Rec for Isolation
and the mountains echoed by khaled hosseini 
generational novel of a family in Afghanistan 
the birth of venus by sarah dunant
a young painter girl in florence during the fall of the medici’s and the religious revolution 
children of blood and bone by tomi adeyemi
magic was taken from the people and they want it back. heart-wrenching characters and fast paced story telling. 
darker shade of magic by v.e. schwab 
magicians can travel between alternate universes of London and absolutely no one is using this magic for the right reasons
everything, everything by nicola yoon
a girl who has a disease where if she left her home anything could make her sick. then she meets a boy
fruit of the drunken tree by ingrid rojas contreras 
two young girls in the 90s of Colombia on different sides of the capitalist world find an unlikely friendship
good omens by neil gaiman 
an angel and a demon try to stop the apocalypse but they lose the antichrist 
high mountains of portugal by yann martel 
a man finds a treasure map in Lisbon and goes on a long adventure to discover that maybe love was the real treasure after all.
illuminae files by amie kauffman and jay kristoff 
space adventure of found family and morally grey astronaut kids who try to stop their spaceships from blowing up or infecting everyone 
the map of salt and stars by zeyn Joukhadar
side-by-side of interconnecting stories that are 800 years apart between a young Syrian refugee and a mapmaking girl 
knife of never letting go by patrick ness
everyone can hear what men are thinking, but no one can hear the women... if there were women. too bad the men killed them all... haha UNLESS
last true poets of the sea by julia drake 
girl is sent to live with uncle after traumatic family incident. she hates it. then she loves it. wlw and ocean diving in one!
maggot moon by sally gardner
very interesting writing style about a boy who wants to stop the totalitarian regime who threatens his family and friends
the namesake by jhumpa lahiri
an indian boy grows up in america and has fundamental differences with his parents who wish he was more traditional
the oresteia by aeschylus 
revenge times 5? dad kills daughter, mom kills dad, son kills mom, country exiles son, a lot of other people die. its insane and a legal nightmare where everyone’s actions are grey
princess bride by william goldman
girl loves boy. boy dies. girl has to marry bad prince. true love prevails!
the conQueror’s saga by kiersten white
takes place during the ottoman regime and their surrounding neighbors. friends to lovers to enemies to lovers to friends? and sibling issues are also addressed
R (too many options)
raven cycle by maggie stiefvater
group of friends tries to find a dead welsh king and try not to get themselves killed as they mess with a lot of magic
rules of magic by alice hoffman
family of witches has to avoid love but they are not very good at it
red rising by pierce brown
color-coded space society that goes through a rebellion led by a lowest Red who turns TOP Gold
S (same as R)
starless sea by erin morgenstern 
underground library and stories that are not just stories and people who are and are not just people
song of achilles by madeline miller
gay iliad fanfiction 
six of crows by leigh bardugo
the ultimate heist / found family trope
travelling cat chronicles by hiro arikawa
cat follows owner to the ends of the earth only for things to end in tragedy. this book made me cry for five hours, you’ve been warned.
unmarriageable by soniah kamal
pride and prejudice but it takes place in Pakistan and its very feminist
villains duo by v.e. schwab 
two college idiots give themselves superpowers and they don’t necessarily use them for good
winternight trilogy by katherine arden 
all the russian myths are true and they are dying because christianity is making them obsolete. a young girl helps the king of winter to save them.
a very large eXpense of sea by taherah mafi 
a brown girl after 9/11 is racially profiled a lot and then she meets a white boy. better than it sounds
the young elites by marie lu
magical teenagers in a dark dark fantasy novel
the serpent king by jeff Zentner
a pastor’s son is hated by a lot after his family falls to scandal and he relies a lot on his two friends. this obviously ends badly
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