#wishing for sebek to come home for those rolling for him
twstchaos · 3 months
Day 585 of my daily visitor post with special bonus content, ehehe!!!
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Now for the special bonus content!!!
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gaymershigh · 3 years
Hello! I hope you’re having a great day! May I request a scenario of Malleus grieving over his s/o’s departure from Twisted Wonderland, then fast forward years later they accidentally stumble back into the Valley of Thorns? Please and thanks!
Angst with a happy ending...yes...something that I always crave in my entire life...this is gonna be g/n reader by the way because..why not? ╮(╯▽╰)╭ also please forgive me Crowley stans for demonizing him for most of my fanfics- I'm sure he's sweet at some point but uhm, not really for most of the time, lol.
Note: Myn lynkyng means "the one I delight in, the one who gives me pleasure" but it's nothing sexual in this context.
Triggers: None
I can't handle being here without you | Malleus x g/n reader
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I finally found a way back for you to go home, isn't that wonderful?" You wish you could feel the joy as Crowley is feeling now but that's not just possible. Why would you want to go to a place where you barely even have any memories of than stay at a place filled with your best friends and a place where you met your forever lover, Malleus? It's been only a year that you guys are together, sure but your love for eachother is like if you were married for 80 years already. Throwing all that away like it was nothing but just a dream feels like something a villain would do, like betraying Malleus after all this time you've been together. But what can you do? You didn't really think it through and underestimated Crowley far too long for you to even remember that he actually does research your way home but he just takes a painfully long time and you doubt that he'll easily accept the fact that you now don't want to go home.
"ah...is that so?" You couldn't sound less enthusiastic, you were so disappointed that even the principal realized. "What's wrong? You don't sound excited." His expression changes to a more serious look as he peered at you with concern. "it's just that..I don't really know. I don't even remember how my life is back then except where I live. Here however..I know everyone here and I have people to assist me." You sighed in frustration, does your parents even remember you? How many years could have passed by? "I'm pretty sure they're missing posters and news of you everywhere! No matter how long it has passed. If someone found you, they'll definitely lend you to the professionals and they could guide you back to your home place!" his utterance went back to a cheerful matter. Jeez. He really doesn't want to deal with you anymore, does he? Oh well, that just sums it up that your protests won't do anything. You sighed in irritation and gave in, which made him smile even more. "But what about Grim? How should I tell Ace, Deuce and the others about this?"
"No worries, prefect! I shall take care of him. Ace and Deuce? Ah, your friends. Unfortunately, the only way for you to go without making them hurt is to just keep it a secret or else, they will try to stop you." It felt cruel to leave them behind without a single goodbye but he was right. Knowing them, they will be in tears trying to stop you from getting near that mirror and you can't bear that side. You guiltily nodded, before looking down in sadness. What about Malleus? you thought. How is he going to handle this news? You know that you wouldn't live with him for the rest of his life but you're going to separate faster than that and this made you torn to just run up to him and hug him to either say your goodbyes or secretly stay with him forever. Though, you feel like the latter is impossible so you'll woefully take your current path.
After your unforseen departure, news will start to spread. From Grim he will tell the news to your closest friends and they will spread it to other peers you have interacted to and later that will definitely spread to other than Malleus. "I'm hesitant to say that, (Y/N) when back to their world and I'm unsure if they will ever come back." When Lilia let those words roll out of his tongue, the fae was dead silent. The only thing that he spoke was a small 'oh' and nothing else but it was incredibly obvious he was devastated. Malleus got up from his chair and told the others he's going to his room which Lilia nodded, knowing exactly as to why. He really wanted to respect your choices but..he just couldn't. After everything, why did you go? Without even a single trace either other than the Ramshackle dorm to visit but that's not enough. Maybe adopting Grim could suffice but not now. He laid on his bed and sighed in sorrow. You're the only human- no, person who he has trusted and fully poured his feelings onto. Yes, he has Lilia and his two trusted bodyguards but it just doesn't feel the same. Your love is something that he knows that he won't physically receive forever as your time in the world is very limited but he knows that your love will be something that he could receive secretly while you're looking at him from above but knowing that you're still alive and you might never see each other ever again makes him anxious at the fact that you might find someone else.
Every single second you spend your time with him feels like heaven and is something he treasures deeply. From the first time you met to now, he remembered everything vividly. When you disappear out of the blue, his heart shattered to pieces like glass. Not only that, your friends have been in a dark, gloomy place and Sebek having mixed feelings about you. Even if your actions are selfish and wounded the young master, you're still the person who made him find his identity rather than just a servant. But Malleus cannot stay grieving forever, he is a prince who will soon be responsible at taking care of the Valley of Thorns and you're gonna go someday anyways, so it's not like he's going to be isolating himself all over again, right?
No, absolutely not. It's been a year since you're gone and he still just couldn't get you out of his mind. The only person that he gave all of his fondness and tenderness is gone and he can no longer feel that warmth of yours that you possess. No one, not even Lilia can rise up his mood every time he fortuitously passes by the Ramshackle dorm or stares at your closest friends just going about their day. He gets envious looking at other couples passing by every time there's an event where visitors are allowed. He wished he could learn about phones so maybe he could have kept in touch with you digitally? But it doesn't seem like you're communicating with your friends due to some problems occurring, Sebek saying your number is not available or something like that. He doesn't know what that means fully but just knowing that there's no way he can communicate with you at all breaks him even more. All of his cloud of thought is filled with you and the memories you two have created together. From just the regular chats to the first time you two shared that magical kiss. He really doesn't want to sound selfish but he prays that you don't forget about him as he will never forget about you. Even more so moving on and finding someone new.
Even if you're trying to forget about everything, it's impossible. You still have thoughts and dreams about your dreams and the memories you have created there. Mostly, was about Malleus. No matter if the dream is good or bad, you'll always wake up with tears streaming down your face. It has been a year but dreams about your Tsunotaro makes it feel like it's just yesterday. Sure, you found your parents/guardians and have had an ordinary but still a good life but..it just feels empty. Like there's a void in your heart that nothing can fill the gaps other than the horned boy. Everyone that tries to hit on you no matter how attractive, never intrigues you. The only thing that pops up in your mind 24/7 is Malleus. Malleus this, Malleus that. It feels empty but no matter what, you just couldn't stop thinking about him. What's he doing now? What's he thinking after your leave? Has he moved on and has a new lover? Hopefully not. You couldn't witness that but you're never gonna meet again so what's the point of hoping. Oh well, let's just wish that a sudden miracle will come out of nowhere and maybe you could meet again? But that's just impossible. Or is it?
It's been 4 years since you left. You weren't as torn as you were before but you still have dreams of Malleus and get quite sad about them yet happy as this is the only way to remember them. It was a casual day, you went to the store to get something to eat, accidentally stumbling across some of your new or old friends by accident as you were on your way home. You did the usual, make some food to eat, wash the dishes, yadda yadda. It was getting rather late, one in the morning to be exact. You closed your phone and went to your room but when you close the door, something started to glow up. The mirror in your room was glowing. Seemed familiar, no? You approached it, thinking that maybe it could be a way back to Twisted Wonderland perhaps? You doubt it but it's still a possibility. If it wasn't and just a different world then whatever, you could probably embark a new journey but you're hoping it's Twisted Wonderland. You took the risk and hop in the mirror, relieved that you weren't just hallucinating and didn't bump into your mirror like an idiot.
You fell face plant onto the floor, the fall was gentle and wasn't high up so it didn't hurt or anything. You got up, looking around, the place didn't seem familiar but the atmosphere of the place is very familiar. Nevertheless, the place is very intimidating and it didn't help that the mirror disappears into this air, meaning that it will take you a long time to get out of here like what happened in Twisted Wonderland or just no escape in general. There were spiky thorns everywhere, the whole area as you walked around feels like some sort of dungeon in an rpg game and you felt like an outcast by the way you dress. You felt like you're screwed, walk anymore further than where you fell and you could die any second. Everyone is eyeing you either because of how you dress or how you look like you're going to burst out crying like a baby koala any moment from now, probably both. You thought all hope is lost and you're gonna have to dig your own grave until..
Malleus Draconia is there. Right in front of you, his back facing you with some bodyguards which you just assume are other former Diasomnia students each at his side. You were hesitant and looked down to your feet, you really want to run into his arms and tell him how sorry you were for leaving without saying anything but will he forgive you for putting into the torment you possibly put him to? Did he met anyone new? Does he hate you for doing this to his heart? Will his bodyguards approve your appearance. Does he even want to see you anymore? These negative kept lingering your mind when you try to take a step closer. You felt like tears started to ran down your cheeks.
"Child of man?"
You looked up from the floor to see the three of them looking at you, Malleus with shock written on his face. "Tsunotaro.." You faintly mutter out your nickname for him. You were too timid to even move and thankfully he approached you. "We will be retreating back to the palace, I want to have a word with this human." The escorts nodded and you followed them back to where you assumed to be Malleus' home. You knew that Malleus is a prince but you didn't expect the castle he lives in to be that big. You presume this is his homeland, Valley of Thorns and my god can this place be even more medieval. You followed him to where you believe, is his bedroom. As soon as he locked the door, silence was deafening the room. It was never awkward when with Malleus until now. You decided to break the silence with an apology.
"Tsunotaro, I'm really sorry for leaving you! The headmaster found a way for me to go back home and I didn't have an alternative! He told me to not tell anyone and..and-" your sobs kept cutting your words and you tried all your best to wipe your tears away. He caught you off guard by wrapping his arms around your figure, rubbing his hand behind your back. "myn lynkyng, all of those sorrow that you made me went through aches my heart but all that is swept away when we finally able to reunite and see your beautiful face once again." he stroked your hair with pale long fingers and gave you one of his lovable sweet smile. "After all this time, I still love you with all my heart. No matter how many years have passed by, your face and everything we have done together still linger in my mind. Now that you're here, you don't mind that if you.. stay here for a little longer?" his smile turned into a rather cheesy grin. "Oh, Tsunotaro. I'll stay here forever if you want." You leaned and kissed his beautiful lips, which he did back immediately. He gently set you to his bed, lovingly caressing your cheek. "That's wonderful to hear."
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I really need to work on my angst ╮(╯▽╰)╭
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fu-aki · 4 years
So this is going to be my attempt to summarize the newest episodes of the ghost marriage event (episode 14 to 24) of twisted wonderland. Part 1
Again, spoiler alert since I’m about to write out everything that happened, and I apologize for my grammar in advance.
 You asked Ruggie if he would help -> he refused since Leona can just come back himself and he refuse to work for nothing -> you asked Jamil -> He refused, and he don’t allow Kalim to go either, if something happened to Kalim his whole family would be in danger -> you asked Silver -> He can’t go since he have to guard Malleus -> in the end, the ones volunteered to help are Rook, Epel, and Riddle -> Riddle helped because rule number 703 “the 2nd place in croquet has to make tea for the queen in the next day” -> Cater was the 2nd place from yesterday’s game -> so Riddle has to rescue him before today ends -> after a few “it’s fine we don’t need a useless coward” from Riddle, Ace decided to help too -> to perfect the plan, they went to Sam’s shop and got suits and bouquet -> both are enchanted by magic to help them
3 hours left till wedding -> Epel was late -> he showed up while riding a white horse so he looks more prince like -> the ghost ask them to say their proposal to show their seriousness -> Epel is up first
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Epel: I will… definitely make the bride happy.
Epel: because I am the prince charming who will always rescue my beloved, no matter where they are! I will never give up no matter what kind of difficulties I face along the way. I will protect you from all harms. I shall be, the prince that matches the princess! Please, marry me!
-> next up is Ace
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Ace: if you married me, everyday will be a happy day.
Ace: since we will be together forever, arguments might be unavoidable… but I will always be the person to apologize first. I will be with you for the worse or poorer times, and always put a smile on your face.
Ace: I will the prince that matches the princess, so…
Ace: don’t look the other way. Marry me please!
->next up is Riddle
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Riddle: I will swear my loyalty, I promise for a future where I never harm or doubt you for any seconds.
Riddle: if it is for my beloved, I will do anything this body can do.
Riddle: so please… won’t you pick me as your spouse?
->next up is Rook
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Rook: ---- beautiful you. Please make me your slave of love forever.
Rook: to think you are trapped in loneliness for hundreds of years, I want to give a poem to you.
Rook: ah! the princess of tragedy! I want to warm your cold cheek.
For how long have you drown in tears.
Those eyes, are blinded by it and weren’t even able to see happiness.
I will gentle cover it with my palm. Now you should be able to see it, yes, this is true love.
I shall light the lantern of hope, inside those lapis colored eyes.
->Ace commented how he felt embarrassed just by listen to it -> Riddle realized that connect the first word of every line you will get “I love you” (in original Japanese text) -> Grim commented how everyone in Pomefiore are pretty weird -> Epel “d,don’t lump me together with that!”
Rook is about to start another poem but the ghost said it’s enough -> but then he commented how they are still kind of short ->
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Riddle got really upset, he used his unique magic and then burned the ghost up ->but it attracted other ghosts’ attention and they started to attack them -> Epel let the horse back so it won’t get injured -> so they decided to just run into the wedding hall instead -> in hallway, they were attacked by many ghosts, so Riddle decided to stay behind to stall the ghosts
 In wedding hall -> Idia “ ‘Idia used fled’ ‘it’s not effective since he’s stunned’ …some healer please help! I do not have debuff clear skill!” -> a ghost runs in and said some people are trying to forcibly enter -> Jack “in the end they used brute force after all!” -> Azul “who said the plan was to steal the bride’s heart in the beginning again?” -> Cater “I bet 1 bread, that Riddle is the one that got upset first.” -> Floyd “aha, I can see that—then I’ll bet 2 bread on the same side~” -> Jade “that won’t be a bet anymore.” -> Cater “that’s true~!” -> everyone “hahahahaha.” -> Idia “my life is on the line and you can still laugh and talk?!” -> the ghost swear they won’t let intruders to ruin the wedding after princess wished for it for so long.
 On stairway -> more ghosts showed up, and Rook decided to stay behind this time -> Ace is worried -> Epel told him to look at Rook’s expression ->
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Rook “I’ve always been wondering how you can hunt ghosts! They don’t seem to have a body, so maybe I can freeze them with magic? Or are they more like fog? Can I put them in a bottle? Ah my hunter blood is boiling for those unknown preys…!” -> ghosts “s… stay away from me!” -> Ace “…he looks like he’s having fun.” ->
 In wedding ceremony -> the ghosts started the wedding vow, but they are so touched that they started crying -> Deuce “we need to stop this somehow!” -> Sebek “but we still can’t move our body!” -> Floyd “I’m tired.” -> Floyd “we can go home if she kissed firefly squid senpai right? Hurry up and do it~~” -> Lilia “he’s right, my back hurts after stand in same position for so long. Just hurry up and give her a smooch.” -> Sebek “Lilia sama has said it! Hurry up and give her the ‘smooch’!” -> Idia “smooch! …If I did that I will die! Are you all demons? Do you not have a human heart? Is this an exhibition for ruthlessness??!?!??”
 Outside -> many ghosts showed in front of Ace Epel again -> Epel stepped up -> but the ghosts aren’t attacking him -> ghost “you are the neighboring country’s princess right? Are you here to attend the wedding?” -> ghost “oh princess, please stay away from that violent intruder! Hurry up and come here…” -> Epel “who…”
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Epel “WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PRINCESS--------!!!!!” -> Epel stayed behind to fight the ghosts
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 In wedding ceremony -> everyone “kiss! Ki--------ss!!” -> Idia “STOP THE CALLING!!!” -> Lilia “we can’t move anything but our mouth, can’t really do anything and we are bored.” -> Eliza(the ghost princess) “ah, it’s almost midnight… the time for the kiss! After that, I will be forever with Idia in the land of the dead. I, could finally be happy…!” -> “WAIT A SECOND----------!!!!” -> it was Ace -> many ghosts started to attack him and ask the princess to kiss Idia now to finish the wedding -> Idia refuse -> Ace “look at Idia. He hated it so much and is moving every muscle on his face to avoid it. You guys all know your princess made a mistake right!” ->
ghosts “…it was all for the princess. She was so kind and bright, every citizen wishes her the best future, but… suddenly the neighboring country attacked, and everything is gone in one night. We weren’t able to protect her, but the princess never blamed us and she’s always smiling and saying ‘it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. It’s fine. I’m sure someday…’, but there’s no way that she’s fine! Waiting for a prince for 500 years, I can’t imagine how many times have she despaired. We just want to grant 1 single wish of our favorite princess. Our… most important, poor, princess.” -> (player choice: “but you are only increasing the number of poor people.” / “but it’s not good to bother other people.”) -> Ace “haha! MC is right. Besides, there’s no way princess’s ‘perfect prince’ exist. All of you ghosts are just feeding her false hope and made her look for someone that don’t exist for 500 years. I feel like I’ve seen this situation before but… if you feel so bad for her and treat her like glass, that is not consideration at all! You are just having fun while avoid to facing her!” -> Trey “that kind of hurts…” -> Cater “ahaha-…” -> Ace “teach the princess properly! Most important thing about the groom isn’t the look.” -> Eliza “then… how am I supposed to pick the prince beside the look?” -> Ace “I told you, don’t think ‘prince’ as a must. The perfect spouse should be…”
Ace “The person you want to cry and laugh together, the person you want to be together no matter the hard time … someone like that. Don’t make me say something so embarrassing!”
Ace “no one around teaches her something as simple as that? even though you have been with her for 500 years… you basically did nothing for her!” -> Riddle, Rook, and Epel finally showed up. -> Deuce “dorm leader, you are here to save us right! Thank you so…” -> Riddle “Cater! What time is it!?” -> Cater “eh? Emm… the clock said it’s 23:35.” -> Riddle “there’s no time… we have to defeat the ghosts now!” -> Cater “what? What was that?” -> the ghosts are hesitating -> Rook “there’s still time to change now, you don’t want your most important madame angel to become a bad ghost that killed someone right?” -> Eliza “bad ghost? …is he talking about me? I didn’t want to become a bad ghost… I just…!” -> Chubby (one of the ghost) “there’s no need to listen. Princess. You did nothing wrong.” -> Eliza “Chubby…” -> Epel “do you still not understand your own mistakes!?” -> Chubby “mistakes, whatever, I don’t mind. I just want to make the princess happy no matter what. That is my regret… and my wish!” -> Chubby started gained more power -> Rook “this is bad, everyone, get to somewhere safe!” -> Vil “didn’t I told you that we can’t move.” -> Rook “ah that’s right, then… Epel! MC! Roll everyone away like a log!” -> Epel “understood!” -> rolling time -> fighting time
 Chubby is defeated, and everyone is planning to put the ring of extinction on Eliza -> Ace “now, what’s your last word? You can say farewell to your beloved Idia…” ->
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the princess runs to Chubby -> Eliza “Chubby… to think you would protect me from bad guys, and become injured like this…” -> Ace “bad guys? …is she talking about us!?” -> Chubby “princess, there’s no need to be sad. It’s my happiness to see your smile…” -> Chubby starts to disappear -> Eliza “no… no, please don’t go! I was able to chase my dreams because of your kind encouragement. I need you! Ah… that’s right. I finally understand it now. My real prince is… Chubby, you!” -> Chubby “Princess… Eliza. Me too, I’ve always adored you ever since I was alive.” -> Eliza “Chubby… I love you.” -> she gives him a kiss -> all of his injures are healed -> Eliza “it’s definitely the power of love!” -> Ace “eh…? What…? What is this? Am I the only one that’s not following this at all?” -> Riddle “no matter how you look we are the bad guy now…” -> Eliza apologized to Idia and announced she’s going to marry her real true love, Chubby -> Idia “why do I feel like I’m dumped even though I was never even confessed!?” -> everyone can move now -> Riddle and Cater runs back to dorm to make tea -> Ace “well, isn’t this great. We don’t need to force you to the other world.” -> Eliza “Yes, after this we are going to our honeymoon.” -> Ortho “it will finally be peaceful in here.” -> Idia “ah—this is too much. Honestly too much, I think I’m going to have ghostphobia.” -> Eliza “next year we will be back with a cute baby, I can’t wait!” -> everyone “don’t come back again--------!!!!”
 The ghosts all disappeared
Crowley: today really was a tough day. But at least, the trouble is solve…
Rook: wait a second, headmaster.
Rook: isn’t here something else that is much more fitting for this story?
Crowley: that is true, ahem…
Crowley: the two lived happily ever after.
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Honestly though this event is real fun, nice fan service in the middle with the proposal, and the interaction of everyone who got slapped and Idia is just way too funny. The little twist is also fun with princess and Chubby... honestly is his name actually chubby? I couldn’t believe it at first but that’s the only word I could think of that sounds like チャビー
Tbh I tried to change around Rook’s poem so it works in English but then I realized that I would have to start sentences with letters like v,e,u so small brain me decided to just translate it literally instead
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Helloo! Can I ask a headcanon of Leona, Azul and Malleus with a S/O that died when someone's overblog by protecting them and they reborn a week before of that remembering everything? Sorry if it was misunderstanding, english isn't my mother tongue.
Hello, hello!
No worries, I understand your English just fine!
Fufu, I’m going to take this chance to write some delicious angst...! I do hope that is alright with you. At the very least, these were not imagines. Imagine the heartbreak that would happen in those scenarios...
***Warning: spoilers for chapter 2, 3, and 4 of the main story campaign.***
***Content warning: frequent mentions of blood, death, and gruesome ways to pass. Please see below the cut if you are okay with viewing this type of content.***
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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They say that history repeats itself.
Leona Kingscholar...
...was targeted by Overblot Azul’s powerful tentacles.
You threw yourself in front of him, becoming a sacrificial lamb for the slaughter. He heard the snap of your windpipe, saw the light leaving your eyes.
Leona went into a frenzied rage, unleashing King’s Roar and taking out Azul in the process. Leona scrambled to hoist you onto his back and get you the emergency medical treatment you needed--but it was too late.
Lost so much sleep when you passed away in the night. He cursed the Fates, yelled at the skies--where you, no doubt, now resided among the great kings of the past.
Got angry at everyone around him for the slightest of things, roaring at even Ruggie for quietly suggesting that Leona needs to “get himself together”.
One week later, you reappear with all your memories intact.
Leona thinks he is dreaming. He blinks several times, tries rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and pinches himself.
He is not dreaming.
This big cat’s so happy to have his herbivore back--is this a miracle, or what? He embraces you in a soul-crushing hug and swears he will never again let you go.
Lots of cuddles, and is more clingy than ever--he never takes your presence for granted again.
He’s not afraid to laugh and be more vulnerable around you--after all, he literally saw you die right before his eyes. How can you get more vulnerable than that?
Winter break rolls around; Leona has to go home to the Afterglow Savannah to visit his family.
He makes you promise to watch yourself before he departs with a smirk.
Returns from break to find your dehydrated corpse in Scarabia, beaten and bruised by the harsh desert.
Azul Ashengrotto...
...was almost beaten bloody by Overblot Jamil’s magic.
You offered yourself up to keep Azul alive, despite his loud protests.
Jamil, eager to hurt that sneaky octopus trickster, happily accepts your life in place of Azul’s; he has the brainwashed Scarabia students restrain Azul and make sure he gets a good front row seat as he buries you alive in sand.
Deuce and Ace arrive just in time to help the twins subdue Jamil--but Azul is left a tearful mess.
He tries to use every healing incantation he knows to bring you back, but it is too late--your life has been extinguished.
Azul can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t do any work at all. The Mostro Lounge shuts down, and he stops offering his services. His clothes and his bed sheets are always stained with traces of his inky tears.
Even Jade and Floyd cannot seem to bring him out of his foul mood. They try to get Azul to see a therapist, but he outright refuses.
You return one week later, right as rain, much to his shock.
He doesn’t care how or why you have come back--perhaps some higher being has taken pity on his poor, unfortunate soul?
Your reunion sends Azul into another fit of tears as he hugs you tight, staining your clothes with his ink.
Azul dotes on you, even moreso than usual. Spends a lot of time on romantic dinners and more intimate dates, like taking long strolls on the beach at night. He loves these moments, when it is just the two of you and he can enjoy all of the adorable expressions you make, just for him.
He is powerless to stop Overblot Malleus from burning you to a crisp, your face contorting in terror as your flesh and bones melt.
Your ashes scatter to the wind, to a place where Azul can no longer reach you.
Malleus Draconia...
...was the one that tore you in half.
He didn’t mean to--but in his Overblot form, he cannot think clearly, he cannot control his desire to rampage, even if it hurts the one he loves the most.
When his claws dug through you, he realized his grave error and returned to his senses. Malleus cried and held you in his arms as you bled out, unable to reverse the damage he had done.
He sent you off to your eternal sleep with tears in his eyes and a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“May we meet again in another time and place, my beloved.”
Malleus mopes after your passing, blaming himself and refusing to go out--even when Lilia and the others try to invite him to impromptu tea parties to raise his spirits. Sebek beats himself up for not being able to do more to help the Young Master.
It is, perhaps, some kind of fairy magic that restores you a week later. Malleus thanks the universe for bringing you back into his arms.
His tears are silent, and his embrace is gentle, but firm. He hugs you and hugs you, whispering that he has missed you, his special flower.
Will take this opportunity to change the course of destiny. He will do everything he can to protect you and avoid putting your life in danger again.
He is afraid you will get hurt again, so he does his very best to remain calm and controlled.
Brings you out less, out of fear for your safety. More private dates in the comfort of your place or his, be it cooking together, watching a movie, or just cuddling while sharing a blanket.
History repeats itself, despite Malleus’s wishes.
His temper spikes, and his magic surges.
You try to placate him, but to no avail.
Lilia, tears in his eyes, shouts at you to get out of the way. There is no other ending to this story, he tells you. Malleus is out of control, and he needs to be put down before he endangers the lives of everyone in Twisted Wonderland. Even Sebek agrees.
You refuse to budge--you know that deep down, the kind, gentle fae you love is still there. You stand between them and Malleus to protect him.
Silver sends a sword through you. Blood erupts from your mouth.
“Sorry,” he says as your vision blurs. You are tossed aside and forgotten; the battle rages on.
This time, you do not return.
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
Time of Realisation
Happy New Year, everyone! May 2021 be everything you ever wanted. Since I just finished writing for part 8 of this series, I wanted to post this one a bit earlier than the usual Fridays as a New Year’s Treat. So here we go! Part 7 of the ‘Successors of the Future’ is here. 
(My Premium Grammarly account disappeared all of the sudden so please excuse any stupid grammatical or spelling errors you might find. I’ve edited this chapter thrice now and it should be ok??) 
Before we start, we must do our ritual and give thanks to the ever amazing @tri3tri for letting us all expand on her Draconia Family series. Hope you’ll have a great year as well, Tri-senpai! 
“To be honest with you Ren, I don’t remember much about Sebek. Just his voice. I still remember how loud his shouts were.” 
“Eh, don’t sweat it too much. Take it as a blessing.” 
Renata and Sherrie are in her room. The underwater aesthetic of Octavinelle is so beautiful to take in from the inside. It almost makes Renata wish that she’s a mermaid. Or a killer whale type of mermaid. Now that is a badass merfolk. 
Just like Renata, Sherrie was given a room all to herself instead of sharing it with a dorm member due to her gender. 
And her little sister did not waste time transforming her room just like her old one back at their home. Already her gaming computer has been set up on her study table, cosmetic sets of well-known brands - Nyx, My Pretty Zombie, and Fenty Beauty - are organised neatly on her shelves beside the standard textbooks and stationeries. One of the open drawers beside her cupboard full of her school uniforms as well as her Pastel Goth clothes display tins of green teas and stacks of instant foods. 
Clearly, Sherrie has made herself right at home in Octavinelle. And less than a week too! 
Actually, how much luggage did Sherrie brought from their home? 
After the Entrance Ceremony, Renata waited two days for Sherrie to acclimate herself to Night Raven College, letting her talk to some of her dorm members, get a feel on the teachers before slipping into her bedroom to catch up. It was a mild surprise to see the state of her room after her little sister told her to plant her ass on the bed while she prepared a pot of hot green tea for them. 
While she’s busy with the kettle, Renata wasted no time to explain what Ace told her during Winter’s Break when she inquired about Sebek. It was good to know that due to the dense magic in the Country of Thorns, technology is almost non-existent in the land due to magical interference. It also helps that despite being in the First-Year Forever group chat, Sebek barely checks his phone at all. Over time, Ace and the rest of their group forgot that Sebek is even in the group chat! 
“Still, it’s good to know that Mama’s friends drifted away from Sebek over the years. That’ll help us a lot in the long run.” Sherrie commented after Renata wraps up her report. She handed a cup of tea to Renata and lean against her study table, facing the bed where her older sister is cooling her hot tea by channeling ice magic onto her fingertips. “What about the student body here? What are they like?” 
“Everyone walks around as if they got a twelve-inch dick.” Renata’s sarcasm is as thick as the kelp forest outside of Sherrie’s bedroom window. 
Sherrie couldn’t help but laugh at her deadpan tone; she had to put her cup of tea on the table before it spilled everywhere. “That bad, huh?” She giggles helplessly, wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes. 
Renata was about to roll her eyes but stop herself and ponders. Despite their flaws, Hoyle and Rex are good friends. Hell, even Bakari vibes with her. Not quite friendly, but he hasn’t yet turned her away when she scurries over to intrude herself in whatever he’s currently doing. That, and she secretly enjoys finding little treats and snacks in her backpack after hanging out with him. “Ok, some of them aren’t so bad once you can get past their ego. Remind me to introduce Hoyle and Rex to you soon.” 
Sherrie raises an eyebrow. “And what about that one guy who keeps giving you food?”  
“You’ll see him around.” 
“...Right.” Sherrie eyed her older sister with a knowing look when Renata nonchalantly shrugs. She’ll get back to that little topic later. “Have you prepare the little surprise for Mama?” 
“Yup.” Renata affirmed and took a sip of her tea. She lets out a happy, little sigh when warmth travels across her body. “We’ll do it this weekend. That’s the only time that they’re free.” 
The two talk a little more until Renata had to leave when curfew looms. The passing Octavinelle students gave her a side-eye for a few seconds but otherwise, no one batted an eye at seeing a Diasomnia student walking about their dorms. The whole school is aware that Renata and Sherrie are siblings by now. Renata wonders if her sister will receive the same cold politeness because of their horns. 
Meanwhile, as Renata made her way to her own dorm, Sherrie is scrutinising the lock on her door with a frown. The previous used cups and teapot are all washed up and the lights are dim slightly since she’s planning to hit the bed right after she figures out how to secure her room thoroughly. There are just too many sensitive and important information about their family and plans against their father kept here. She straightens her back and tosses a glance at the computer and tablet lying on the table beside it. Sherrie had made sure to cultivate a habit of not storing the complete set of important materials in a single device - one can never be too careful after all. Especially when there’s a dorm here dedicate to Technomages. Hmm... perhaps she should befriend one of the students of Ignihyde to help her with the security of her electronic devices? 
Though there’s still an issue with the simple lock of her door. Anyone can just force it open with a pick. Sherrie made a mental note to consult with her sister for some sort of spell that can solve this problem. 
And with that, she quickly changes into a simple loose shirt and a pair of shorts before slipping under the duvet and turns in for the night. 
Life as a halfling and an Octavinelle student quickly proves to be unlike anything Sherrie has ever experience. 
Renata offhandedly advises her to shrug it off when her dorm members stare at her horns a little too long; they’ll get used to her soon enough. Sherrie cursed under her breath when her sister left and wondered if she could attend her classes virtually instead, but when she brought that up to her Dorm Leader, the shark merman raised an eyebrow and simply asked her if she’s an Octavinelle student or Ignihyde’s. Needless to say, Sherrie set on digging any dirt she can find on her Dorm Leader ASAP. 
Other than the uncomfortable stares and shady Dorm Leader - Sherrie quite enjoys the scarf that comes with her uniform - as well as her dorm leader, tend to keep it to themselves. Underneath the polite offers of tutelage in classes and tours around Mostro Lounge, Sherrie can blatantly pick up the insinuation underneath those favours. 
A favour for a favour - that’s how life in Octavinelle works. Information is worth more than Madols and dealings under the table is practically the norm. 
Sherrie adapts in Night Raven College faster than Renata ever could. 
Speaking of Madols, Sherrie needed to do something about their financial situations in Twisted Wonderland. Currency exchange is not a thing here so their dollars are practically worthless. Fortunately, Octavinelle expects its dorm members to pull their weights in Mostro Lounge. By the second week she’s in Night Raven College, her Dorm Leader already distributed the First Year’s schedule of their shifts around the café. The pay might not be much but it’s a good start. 
There’s got to be a Twisted Wonderland equivalent of Youtube. She made mad revenue as a Youtuber and game streamer back home. 
Today, Sherrie is working at Mostro Lounge with several other First Year students from other dorms. Customers flooded in during lunchtime and kept her busy manning behind the bar, preparing drinks and desserts. 
“Presentation my ass...” Sherrie mumbled under her breath as she struggles to beautify the ice-cream sundae. She had to redo the whole thing when one of the staff - her Third Year senior - saw how plain her work was and taught her to make an art out of the dessert. 
She was in the midst of deciding how many cherries would be enough to make the sundae look prettier when a rich, baritone voice broke her concentration. “Has the ice-cream offend you in some way, MC/S-san?” 
Sherrie moves her face away from the towering glass to see a fellow dorm member smiling at her. How curious, his eyes are like hot, molten gold. 
“No. I was just adding some finishing touches.” Sherrie reply, her voice remained neutral. She hasn’t seen this one around before. 
Her dorm member continues to smile. It comes across as calculative instead of genuine. Renata would’ve spat fire at him already. “My, it looks wonderful. I’ll be sure to inform the customer that his sundae is prepared by your meticulous hand. I’m sure he’ll forgive you for the time he had to wait.” 
Sherrie promptly turns around to store back the cherries into the fridge to hide her smirk. This nobody came forward trying to pick a fight with her? This could be fun. “I’m more than happy to receive our customer if he has any complaint with his sundae.” 
“I’ll be sure to inform him.” He nods once and place the sundae on a tray and left the bar. Sherrie made sure to keep an eye on him after that. 
He’s tall, taller than her, and play the perfect part of a waiter with ease. As if he grew up in this sort of environment. The way how he balances two heavy laden trays of food and drinks on his palms while weaving in between tables, greeting the customers with an impeccable smile is telling. This guy mastered the art of customer service for sure. 
“Who’s the hotshot?” Sherrie asked her partner as she carefully wipes the clean glasses. Her shift partner - a Second Year manta ray merman, who was kind enough to introduce herself to her without any subtle jeer - glances at Sherrie’s line of sight, and his mouth made a small ‘o’. 
“That’s Amber Leech. He’s one of the promising First Year students we got, according to the Vice Dorm Leader. You’re more of a wild card, though. Dorm Leader still doesn’t know what to think of you.” 
Sherrie ignores that titbit about herself; she just hums. Didn’t Mama mention that she knows a Leech? “He’s good at handling the customers, I’ll give him that.” Sherrie admits, stacking the last dry glass onto the rack before her attention is capture by a server with a list of orders. Sherrie was too preoccupied with her job to scrutinised Amber any further after that.  
Later when a Scarabia student relieved her of her shift with a quick exchange of pleasantries, instead of leaving, Sherrie decided to stick around and enjoy some free food in the kitchen. As long as she stayed out of the way, no one really minded her presence. 
“Good job today, Leech-san. You can join MC/S-san in the kitchen if you’re hungry.” 
“Thank you very much. I’ll be taking up on your kind offer then.”
Sherrie paused, tilting her head up from her small tub of ice-cream to see none other but Amber Leech step into the kitchen. Their eyes met and his calculative smile greeted her. 
“Is this seat taken?” He politely asks her, gesturing to the vacant chair opposite her. The round table at the back of the kitchen is a bit small, barely enough to fit more than three people but it was far enough away from the kitchen staff so that they won’t be a bother. 
“Knock yourself out.” 
“Very well then.” 
By the time he took out a red bento from the fridge, heat it up and takes a seat near the table, Sherrie has already polished the tub of ice-cream. When Amber noticed the empty tub, he frowns. It was so sudden that Sherrie couldn’t help but defensively blurted out, “What?” 
“Is that all you having for lunch?” There’s a disapproving tone in his voice and Sherrie doesn’t know what to make of it. 
“That? It was a snack. I had my lunch before my shift.” 
For some reason, her dorm mate nodded, strangely pleased at her answer before he tucks into his lunch. By the looks of it, his bento is artfully made with a variety of colourful foods. 
The two said nothing, simply enjoying the clatter of cooking utensils, sizzling fire on the stoves and the cooks hum under their breath. Here in the back of the kitchen, the chatter of customers outside is almost muted. 
It was peaceful. So peaceful in fact, Amber Leech feels like it’s his sworn duty to shatter it. 
“I suggest consulting either Aeacus Shroud or the other students in Ignihyde’s Basic Magical Technology group as your solution. Shroud-san is the only First Year student in that group but I heard he’s the most approachable of the lot.” 
Sherrie’s heart froze. “What?”
Amber took his time to put away his now empty bento, dab the corner of his lip with a folded napkin that was on the table before replying, “For security of course.” 
His answer is vague. Purposely so as he levels a stare at Sherrie. 
“...How do you know that?” Sherrie all but demanded under her faux, indifferent voice. 
Amber dared to smile and point his eyes, no word escape his lips. 
A Unique Magic then. It has to be. Are his similar to Renata’s? 
Sherrie’s mind races, for once, trying to decipher this strange student beside her. 
And suddenly, Sherrie realises who this boy really is. The eyes were a give away.  
“Amber Leech. Jade Leech’s son, I presume?” 
“Mama, I’m home!”
“Welcome back, sweetie. How was cheer practice today?”
“It went really well, Mama. We nailed down the new routine without anyone falling off.” Lucien shuts the door close with his feet. He’s sweaty and still in his cheerleading uniform with a duffel bag sling over his shoulder. Seeing that his Mama is nowhere in the living room, Lucien padded into the kitchen. 
The house is, unfortunately, a lot quieter now that his sisters are off at Night Raven College. Before Sherrie left, she and he talk about how their Mama would feel lonely now. Even more so when it’s his turn. 
Lucien assured her that he’ll keep an eye on their Mama closely. 
His friends would playfully tease him that he’s such a Mama’s boy; constantly texting her of his whereabouts, what she and his sisters want from the convenience stores and Mama always make his favourite desserts more often compare to Renata’s apple pies and Sherrie’s matcha cupcakes. 
And Lucien has no shame in being spoiled by their Mama. 
However, when he steps into the kitchen to witness their Mama re-arranging the dishes in the cupboard for the second time this week, it’s time for Mama to be spoiled in return. 
Lucien can’t wait to see her reaction when they spring the surprise tonight. 
“Mama? Do you need some help with the plates?” Lucien asked instead of pointing out the fact that Mama has been restless lately. Without waiting for a reply, Lucien has already dropped his duffel bag to walk around the island counter towards her. 
“It’s alright, Lucy. I’m nearly done here anyway.” MC wave Lucien’s waiting hands away as she pushes the last stack of plates into the lower cabinet and got up. She shot him a smile but it’s wobbly. “Are you hungry, sweetheart? We still have some leftover dinner from last night that I can heat up real quick. Hang on, just give Mama a second to take it out - ”
“Mama, it’s alright. I know. It doesn’t feel the same without Ren and Cherry.” 
MC froze before she got up and smile sadly. The sight made Lucien’s heart clench painfully. “The three of you have always been close to me ever since you were born. Your Father was... many things,” MC grimace but she soldiers on. “But he would never separate your sisters away from me. I’m not sure what to do with myself now that Ren and Cherry are away...” 
Sherrie’s voice suddenly pops in Lucien’s head like how Renata enjoys busting through his door without knocking: “Mama needs a distraction. ASAP! Go, go, go!” 
Renata interjects after her: “Psst! Try something calming yet engaging. That’ll do.” 
Distraction. Right. Lucien can do that for Mama. At least until the surprise tonight. 
“Would Mama help me with my origami? I could use some help with filling up my new empty glass jar.” Lucien suggests. 
MC blink; didn’t expect Lucien to suddenly ask for an extra pair of hands with his hobby, but she took it in stride. “Uh, sure thing, honey.” 
Lucien beams like a blooming sunflower. “I’ll go shower first then. Be right back, Mama!” 
“Don’t run in the house, Lucy!” MC reminded him but lets him went upstairs with a small smile. She needs to get out of this funk. While Lucien is freshening up, might as well finish up her chores for the day. 
By the time Lucien came back down carrying an empty glass jar and a stack of colourful scented papers and they didn’t waste time to clear the dining table of the bowl of fruits and their cups so they could get to it. 
Lucien is remarkably patient. More so than MC or his older sisters - he made sure to slowly show how to fold the paper into stars to his Mama and when she’s confused, he would show her some videos online to help her. As the mother and son gradually fill up the glass jar, Lucien talks about anything and everything under the sun. How everyone in his team at school is helping him ease to the role as the captain of the cheerleading squad, how he’s getting a hang on the new subject material taught in Math class and who’s dating who in his circle of friends. 
MC hums and would give an appropriate reply in-between Lucien’s story. Typical teenage shenanigans, albeit, a lot tamer than what she went through but she’ll never get tired of listening to her children’s school life. Yes, even when Renata and Sherrie tried their best to hide whatever blunder they did at times. 
It was when Lucien threw a purple star origami into the jar that he suddenly changes the subject. “Oh yeah! By the way Mama, Ren and Cherry said that she has a surprise for you tonight!” 
“Oooh, a surprise? I wonder what your sisters are planning.” MC murmurs a bit absentmindedly, too focus on folding the papers. Her eyebrows scrunch in concentration and she would beam proudly when one star came out perfect before tossing it into the jar with a happy hum. 
Lucien is relieved. Looks like the distraction works. 
They had a simple dinner once the glass jar is filled and once the dishes are done, Lucien hurriedly ushers his Mama into the living room. On the sofa, MC watches Lucien draws the rune on the mirror, bemused at the grin on his face. 
When the rune vanishes, MC opens her mouth to greet her daughters. Her open mouth gapes and she could feel the corner of her eyes are suddenly wet when she saw the people on the other side of the mirror. 
“Ow! Deuce, you idiot! I told you not to shove me with your elbow!” 
“Who are you calling an idiot!? And quit hogging the mirror already!”
“I’m not hogging the mirror! You’re the one who keeps pushing me!” 
MC couldn’t help it. She laughs, tears now freely running down her cheeks. Lucien quietly excuses himself to fetch a box of tissue for her. 
Her laugh shuts both Ace and Deuce up. “Oh geez, what are you crying for, hah? It’s just us.” Ace said, supporting a bittersweet smile. At that moment, seeing his best friend releases the tension festering inside of him all these years. 
“We miss you, Prefect!” Deuce shouted with a sniffle, his eyes are teary as well. He hurries to wipe off the tears with his knuckle. “Miss you so, so much! I’m so glad you’re OK!” 
“Are you really though?” Ace interject, he doesn’t even bother to conceal his blatant check on MC’s body. Looking for any sign of injuries or illness. 
MC guessed that one of her daughters have told them what happened to her... 
But she refused to let thoughts regarding Malleus damper her happy mood. Not when she could finally see her best friends again. 
“I’m ok now. We’re... we’re ok.” MC honestly reply with a lightened heart. 
The three of them have grown; each of them has their own children now, at this moment, it feels as if they have been transported back to their teenage years all those years ago. 
MC realises that she’s truly no longer alone now. 
And we’ve reached the end of this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it!! MC finally meet Adeuce once more, even if it’s just through a mirror. With the three of them together again, there’s nothing they can’t do. 
Here are some titbits about Amber Leech’s background:
1. His Unique Magic is called ‘Witness of the Past’
2. His Mum is a beautiful mer Sea Lamprey (if you don’t know what a Sea Lamprey looks like, uh, prepare yourself before you google search them.) 
Speaking of Unique Magic, I’ve compiled a list of all the kids with their UMs already. Haven’t decided yet when I’ll post it, but I’m thinking of posting the names as a sort of teaser? Meh, we’ll see how that goes. 
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seimeinotaka · 3 years
Sword training (Vil x MC)
Set Post-Pomefiore.
Vil learns that Ann has somehow started training with a sword, of all things. He also finds himself getting somehow a knight of sorts.
Thanks to polyphenols@AO3 for beta-reading this!
"Hi yah!"
The yell reached Vil's ears as he was doing his daily walk.  Instinctively, he turned his head to where the sound came from, easily recognizing the person's voice.
Ann swung her blunt sword in an upward arch, possibly the new movement she had been taught. It was too amateurish, inelegant and charmless, Vil thought to himself. It was exactly like her, though unexpectedly so, as he wouldn't have imagined she was interested in sword fighting in the first place.
She swung again.
At least she was passionate about it, though her passion alone wouldn't get her very far.
Ann paused her swings, turning suddenly around, startled when she realized his presence, though this didn't stop her from waving at him and jogging to where he was standing.
"Vil-senpai!" she said in between breaths. "I felt someone watching me but I didn't think it was you."
"Your swing is inelegant."
As well as her appearance: her hair was in a messy ponytail, bangs disheveled all over her flushed face.
"Well, Shishou just taught me this yesterday."
"Yes, Shishou. Silver-senpai. He's teaching me the sword in his free time."
That was surprising to say the least, Silver was from Diasomnia and one of Malleus's guards, everyone knew how they would flock behind him. Weren't they overzealous about Malleus's protection?
"I find it hard to imagine, he is always in Diasomnia doing his duties."
"It's okay! Kanchou said so!" she replied with a smile, as he frowned.
"Kanchou? Do you enjoy not making any sense?"
She rolled her eyes, that infuriating smile not fading in the slightest, and it was so tempting to smack her. "Kanchou is Lilia-senpai. Since Lilia-senpai is Silver-senpai's senpai, that would make him the big boss, so Kanchou."
He arched an eyebrow at her incomprehensible logic. Just like her.
"You make no sense."
"I don't? Huh, that's rude. You always call us potatoes, why can't I give you nicknames? There's Shishou and Kanchou, there's also Tsunotaro though that's his own fault. Trey-senpai is Aniki, Azul-senpai is Boss..." She looked at him with a sly smirk, "Wouldn't you like to know yours, Vil-senpai?"
But he was not going to admit it.
"Too bad, it's a secret!"
"Then why offer something you're not even going to reveal?" He huffed, mildly annoyed to be entertaining her and going on her own tempo. He was the one who should be setting it, not her.
"Maybe I wanted to see if you were interested?"
"Why would I be interested?"
"Just a wild thought," she dared to say with a smirk. "I enjoy talking to you too."
Sometimes their paths crossed, almost like strangers fated to meet. He didn’t like leaving things to something intangible as fate, the same as how wishes worked. Like wishes, fate undermined hard work. There was no value to becoming the fated hero…or villain, cursed to a forgone conclusion especially if fate deemed you unworthy, no matter what. However, he wasn’t so sure he liked the only other logical explanation to these meetings, how he seemed to come across her during his walks, almost yearning for her.
Just as she was now standing in front of him, having interrupted her sword practice just to talk to him. And he was somehow entertaining her.
"If you were in my situation, like you were thrown into a foreign world, wouldn't you try things you normally wouldn't be able to do in your home world? We don't fight with swords, and the only remaining sword fighting styles are sports. Actually, one would suit Pomefiore, it's kind of elegant now that I think of it... But anyway, swords in my world are only good for sports, collection bragging rights, and to make money in gacha games, so you can't exactly train to wield one. "
He folded his arms over his chest, not fully convinced. “That’s quite a leap in logic, potato. Surely the first thing you would consider trying isn’t something involving fighting. I would understand if you were trying magic, but to want to engage in this kind of combat? You certainly don’t look the type.”
“How rude!” She huffed. “You should know better than to judge someone for their looks! Maybe I just wanted to try something really extra? This school has the gothic and medieval style that it begs to try something knights do.”
“That logic is too obtuse, even for you. I knew you were an otaku like Idia, but I didn’t take you as the delusional type.”
Something was off. She was unreasonable, but even this was a big stretch for her.
“Perhaps I could protect someone...!”
For a second, he thought something flashed in her eyes, but it was too brief to make sense of it.
"Must be nice to be able to take things like a game."
"Does it look like that way to you? I wish it was.”
Her soft expression was unreadable and somehow, it was disconcerting. It was the first time he had seen it in her eyes.
She didn’t seem to mind his silence, as she pondered for a brief moment, before breaking the tension. “Hmm, I guess if it were a game, I could say this…”
Ann knelt down in front of Vil, one knee on the ground, hand on her chest above her heart. Bowing her head down, she said with a regal tone, "I vow by this sword I wield, that I will protect you with all my might, my Queen."
Vil immediately froze up, heart stammering inside his chest, when she had just said before... was she even being serious? Was she playing, and like this? But the tone of her voice was so clear, playful but oddly sincere, making blood rush to his cheeks, heart racing so much it ached.
"How can you say such things without even the slightest hint of embarrassment?" he reproached, controlling the emotion within. It was unbecoming of a queen to show this inner and violently increasing turmoil that this…prank had stirred.
Ann stood up, laughing softly with a flushed face he wanted to smack.
"It's not like I'm not embarrassed but..." The expression in her eyes changed faintly, a mix of softness and...despair. "You don't know if you can say those words tomorrow so it's best to say them when you can."
She was most likely fooling around, she could stop doing that with him, as his heart was still recovering from the shock.
"So, you're one of those people, living your fullest every day," he replied, trying to sound unamused and unaffected by her.
"...I guess." Her gaze was fixed in the horizon, not looking at the orange colored sky but somewhere else, somewhere distant and foreign. That faint odd feeling from before heightened, it was briefly in her eyes. Perhaps she was just homesick, and this was her way of dealing with it. It could be something else too.
But he wouldn't pry, and he had the feeling she wouldn't say it either. Even someone as open as her had things sealed deep inside.
Because she was so open about everything, it was why she could hide something.
“Just so you know,” Ann began, as she casually stretched, suddenly tagging Vil on his walk because she knew no limits and he was feeling charitable that day. “Paladins are supposed to protect the King and Queen.”
“I am aware of it, thank you for the useless information,” he replied dryly. “Also, Paladins are supposed to be master equestrians. How is your progress in the Horse Riding club?”
She flinched at his words, a large grimace replacing her teasing expression seconds before. “It’s a work in progress…” she mumbled. Though he was already aware that her progress was nil, it was bold of her to speak such words.
“Do your best to improve then, potato.”
“I don’t only need the horse, alright!” she huffed quickly. “It’s important to know you’re protecting someone! After seeing Shishou and Kanchou, even the annoying Sebek, protect Tsunotaro earnestly, I realized… I guess those speeches you hear in shonen anime do make sense, you do get a stronger purpose if you’re protecting someone.”
"I don't need you to protect me."
"Who said I was going to protect you?"
He could feel the flare up his cheeks, his mind already thinking of thousands of rebuttals because how dare she. He was the Queen, it was natural to imagine her proposal.
Did he need her help?
Absolutely not, he was more than capable of defending himself. The bodies of many who tried to fight him and lost were proof of that.
Did he want her to...
He stopped that trail of thought.
And most importantly…
“Didn’t you make that silly vow before?” he snarled, feeling the heat in his cheeks.
“Ah, so you remembered!” She gave him a big, bright, cheeky and infuriating smile. “It was just a test, but I can tell you do want me to stick around.”
“You’re really…”
She still had that smile of hers as she waved him goodbye. Softer and odder this time, but a smile nonetheless and he wanted so much to wipe it from her face. When he reached his dorm, he avoided Rook’s piercing gaze as the hunter complimented his newest blush.
But once his racing heart had slowed down, there was still that odd feeling he couldn’t shake off.
"Don't you want to go back?"
This time, he had reached out to her, catching her off guard as she had finished her sword practice. She was startled, both at being reached out to and him asking her that question. She probably never expected him to do either, but there was something he had to figure out.
"To your world. Crowley is looking for a way to send you back, isn't he?"
"Well, looking is a stretch, he conveniently forgets it every time except when he wants me to do something. Then he excuses himself by saying that it is so hard that he can't do anything."
"You're avoiding the question."
She covered her mouth, but he could see hints of a gleeful smile. "Could it be you don't want me to go back? Hehe, that's actually sweet of yo-ack! Why did you smack me!?"
"You always think so highly of yourself, potato. Wouldn't you want me to beg you to not go back? Of course you would."
'So you keep deflecting the question,' he thought to himself. And it was then when he noticed, the smile she had held had softly, almost imperceptibly transformed. It was painful to watch, a mirthless expression behind that mask.
“There was something bothering me for a while, about you specifically. I finally realized it now. Your smile doesn’t always reach your eyes. I can tell you aren’t lying to me, but your true feelings are another thing entirely.”
She froze immediately, all pretenses and forced expressions vanished, replaced with a fearful expression of being caught.
“…You must be mistaken, Vil-senpai,” she replied softly, her hand gripping her arm awkwardly, as she couldn’t hold eye contact anymore. The attempt of a smile was so stiff that he didn’t need to say anything, as she realized it was futile. “I’m….”
She couldn’t finish that sentence and their meeting didn’t last much longer. Her distraught silence was more than enough proof for him that he was right, but she didn’t say anything else. He had caught her off guard, so used to hiding something in plain sight that, she didn’t know how to react when she met someone who knew where exactly to find it out.
Even though Vil didn’t know what it was.
As her figure disappeared in the horizon, he thought of his own Overblot. The feelings he had carried for so long, as they weighed him down, no matter how hard he tried to go on. Choking him gently, until he found it hard to breathe, to think.
Ann wasn’t capable of magic, that was certain, but…
That didn’t mean she couldn’t break.
Ann enoys giving people nicknames as you can tell. Hers for Vil is actually S-paisen, on the logic that he looked like an DoS but then he wasn’t (as she dealt with him during their stay at Ramshackle) and THEN NVM he is a DoS during his speech about making people kneel. Paisen, because she is affectionate towards him. She also has uhhh some issues but she’s not really the kind to say them out loud. Yet,
Thank you for reading!
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twstchaos · 1 year
Day 223 of my daily visitor post with special bonus content, ehehe!!!
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Hihihihi, I missed you~
Welcome back again for the fifteenth time to Ramshackle, Idia~
Now for the special bonus content!!!
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Dang, you’re the first birthday boy I pulled for a whole year ago.
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twstchaos · 1 year
Day 182 of my daily visitor post with special bonus content, ehehe!!!
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Welcome back again for the ninth time to Ramshackle, Sebek~
Now for the special bonus content!!!
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Now to save up on tenfold keys.
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twstchaos · 1 year
Day 148 of my daily visitor post with special bonus content, ehehe!!!
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Heeeeey, croco-boi!!!
Welcome back again for the seventh time to Ramshackle, Sebek~
Now for the special bonus content!!!
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Thank you for the generous key set that will go towards my gambling addiction and Kalim.
And now that it is the new year for everyone but myself ‘cause stupid time zones exist, it is time to kick off Sam’s New Year Sale!!!!
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Time to read today’s fortune!!!
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Ooooooooh, I just so happen to be wearing red, nice!!!
Now time to pull for New Year’s Attire Kalim!!!
And with all ten of my collected 10pulls, Kalim is the second person to make me fill the gauge. The first being Mr. Fancy Pants Lion.
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In the words of Kalim,
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