#witch of breath
ithinkdogshouldvote · 16 days
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Guardian swap au for 4/13 ^ ^
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matzahstein · 8 months
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the reminder band is for uhh. i forgot actually,
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peachyclown · 7 months
Holy crap I am one and a half witches behind all bc of this dumbass
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His name is Callio Nitito and he’s my Witch of Breath
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giftofclasspects · 5 months
hello friends!! i'm back with more classpect playlists!! this time, i've made playlists for the breath aspect under the cut!
maid of breath
page of breath
mage of breath
knight of breath
rogue of breath
sylph of breath
seer of breath
thief of breath
heir of breath
bard of breath
prince of breath
witch of breath
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homestucksimplified · 10 months
The 12 Classes of Breath.
“Breath is the Aspect of freedom and flexibility, of the element of air, of going with the flow, movement. Breath Players tend to be more detached from reality, and most of them are in search for the liberty that they crave. They’re usually very positive-minded, or are just unaware of the stress they are holding. A character who reminds me of this Breath characteristic is Mr. Peanutbutter from Bojack Horseman. Breath Players’ main theme in their journey will be freedom, and often times they will be leaders or have to deal with leadership”.
“Breath has that “protagonist” vibe at the same time that it has the “ignored side character” one. John and Tavros holding that Aspect makes that even more true. It is a very unpredictable Aspect, and I believe the players are as well. The bad side of Breath might come from detachment from important things, from people and situations. The players might also be absent-minded, gullible, and sometimes avoidant”.
“Breath is the opposite Aspect to “Blood”, which shares its leadership characteristics but is about the opposite of freedom”.
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Sburb Players each have a combination of an Aspect and a Class. Aspects are understood to represent what a player’s goals and actions in life are caused by. A Class is within an Aspect and understood to represent the way they deal with their Aspect.
The Sburb Classes are Maid, Page, Mage, Knight, Rogue, Sylph, Seer, Thief, Heir, Bard, Prince, and Witch. (Lord and Muse*)
(*Classes Lord and Muse seem to only be possible in either Cherub society or in two-player sessions. They are very absolute and it’s rare for a human to identify with their descriptions. I will have to leave them out here and only write about the remaining twelve :)
Adding the Classes to the Aspect of Breath will result in twelve God Tiers. My analyses of them are as follows:
1st God Tier: Witch of Breath
Witch is the Active Class of manipulation. Witches are known to “control” their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Witch of Breath, specifically, would be realistic about most things, but mostly about their sense of freedom and independence. They would, of course, manipulate their and other people’s liberty and would lead with that power of manipulation. Witches are rebellious, and rebelling through Breath can be being controlling of their schedules, their plans, never having plan Bs and disliking routines AND lack of routine both, switching between the two chaotically and in a way nobody understands. I can see Witches of Breath being demanding bosses, leaders, wanting order but not being able to express it well. Others may look at them and think “Jesus, what an organized mess of a person”, but they thrive on their own messy ideas.
Witches of Breath will rebel against fluidity, relying on always being busy, not wanting to change. Their struggles might be, for a very specific example, moving houses and schools a lot as a kid, to the point where they can’t stand all of that movement anymore. The way a Breath Player is treated seems to affect most of their personality, since they are very malleable. Their relationship with people in their early lives might be the cause of their messy selves. That is neither a good not a bad thing, and a Witch will have to learn to control their need for control, in this case about freedom and flexibility.
2nd God Tier: Heir of Breath
Heir is the Passive Class of manipulation. Heirs are known to “influence” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. An Heir of Breath, specifically, would be extremely free from the reins of control, the opposite to a Witch of Breath. They would be flexible, detached, but somewhat terrible listeners. Heirs are known to “become” their own Aspect, and so would be the epitome of liberty and even air. You may look at an Heir of Breath and only see good, because they are usually unaware of their issues and don’t know how to concretely observe them. Actually, they are unaware of or struggling with the concreteness of most things. They are not used to being realistic, have their heads in the clouds, and might only notice the bad things when it is already too late. But Heirs of Breath are manipulators too, they just do it in a passive and pretty subtle way. Maybe they are good at convincing people not through words but through just acting the way they do. Instead of doing or demanding what they want like a Witch would do, they simply would be seen doing it and would influence people that way. This would make them good leaders, leaders by example, and it’s natural for them to just… inspire. Some of them might doubt that, though, but don’t care much about it.
An Heir of Breath has to be careful to not let themselves go too much. They can be easy to convince as well, being easygoing. And they must learn how their freedom works and what their struggles with it are, and what they can do to change. They will overall want to be independent people.
Heir of Breath is a canon Homestuck God Tier. John Egbert is the character that holds that title.
3rd God Tier: Mage of Breath
Mage is the Active Class of knowledge. Mages are known to “understand” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Mage of Breath, specifically, would simply understand just about how much liberty is safe and appropriate for them. They would be well-organized with their time and relationships, or at least will wing those things way better than most people would. Mages are doomed to know stuff about their Aspect. In Breath, that could be as literal as being good at breathing techniques. Mages of Breath wouldn’t have difficulty breathing when they are anxious, but they would be anxious. Breath is a pretty relaxed Aspect, but when you know relaxation and how it goes, everything gets a little less placid.
Mages will usually suffer from the information they know. I take that as being worried about their independence all the time, scared that they’ll have to fight for it, anticipating any loss of freedom. Mages of Breath have difficulty balancing their trust in relationships, they know people have the capacity of holding others down and they will focus a lot on that knowledge. I can see them even being scared of getting a pet if they never had one, afraid they might get stuck, submitting themselves to yet more rules in the world they consider so stiff.
But they would be stiff too. Stiff about freedom, that is. I can see them being indecisive, not able to stick to a routine at all and sometimes allowing themselves to be taken through life by just “winging it”. However, they would always be aware of what they were doing. Mages are always aware.
4th God Tier: Seer of Breath
Seer is the Passive Class of knowledge. Seers are known to “study” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Seer of Breath, specifically, would be overall interested in the idea of freedom for themselves, focused on their goals and subtly working toward them. They would love learning about other places, traveling far away, and would likely not worry about it as much as a Mage (Active Class) would. Studying Breath, it can mean even being a pulmonologist. Isn’t that cool? But it also represents learning the patterns of all that happens that they’re unhappy with, so that they can find a better way to live for their objectives.
Seer is not an Active Class, so its characteristics are sometimes abstract and confusing. But a Seer of Breath really wouldn’t be bothered by confusion. They would try to discover what that confusion means for them, always interested in their wandering minds. They’d be alert about wandering, too. And would thrive from liberty, from being able to do anything they want whenever they want. They’d teach themselves about the flight inside them.
5th God Tier: Thief of Breath
Thief is the Active Class of stealing. Thieves are known to “take” from their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Thief of Breath, specifically, would be hard to convince, realistic, but a bit entitled in general. They would have issues sharing, much more than the rest of Breath Players, since their title literally means “taking the freedom for yourself”. A Thief of Breath may be extremely stubborn, hard to deal with at first. But they would be really confident and dedicated to what they craved. They just don’t want to be held down. And they might seem uncaring for some but they just have a singular way of dealing with the world.
In more literal ways, I wonder if a Thief of Breath would have a history with choking or controlling their breathing. Maybe they grew up training how long they could stay underwater, maybe they accidentally drowned or choked someone as a kid (or non-accidentally???), something that has to do with stealing breath. Or maybe it is more abstract than that, and Thieves of Breath have a tendency to fill in the free time in other people’s lives, perhaps being clingy or dependent on someone, asking for a lot of favors and so. Maybe they’d pay others to do their job for them.
6th God Tier: Rogue of Breath
Rogue is the Passive Class of stealing. Rogues are known to “redistribute” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Rogue of Breath, specifically, would tend to be helpful. Sometimes they’d help without meaning to. Being the title of “getting freedom and giving it to others”, I can see them being skilled in soothing people, good at giving advice, or at least slightly better than all the other Classes of Breath. Being giving of their freedom, I can see them offering to do people’s jobs for them, the opposite of its Active counterpart “Thief of Breath”. A Rogue will usually doubt their potential a little, so maybe they’d do that as a way to be considered useful, as their own positive way of conquering positivity for themselves. A Rogue of Breath might fill themselves with chores and create a routine to follow meticulously. Not saying they’d be good at that. But they would doubt their capacity to be productive through a relaxed non-scheduled schedule. Sticking to rules and order just sounds to them like the right thing to do.
They’d still be very detached. Rogues of Breath would sometimes hurt others through their lack of paying attention. But that would happen to many Classes of Breath.
Rogue of Breath is a canon Homestuck God Tier. Rufioh Nitram is the character that holds that title.
7th God Tier: Knight of Breath
Knight is the Active Class of utilizing. Knights are known to “handle” their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Knight of Breath, specifically, would have trouble with others controlling them, but would get used to it. Being a Knight means fighting for, so they would fight for freedom nonetheless, the passive acceptance not being able to stop their active dispute.
Knights of Breath may have had a past with controlling guardians, or maybe too many rules at school and rules they didn’t agree with at all. They will become independent early and through their own action and desire. That will be what’s in their head: achieving freedom and not being kept under anyone’s wings. These Knights might be stubborn. But most Knights are. But they wouldn’t work under the guidances of a King, they would be the ones controlling themselves. Breath is about flying, after all. These guys would be ruthless about it.
In literal terms, I can see Kights of Breath protecting others. Their ways of protection might be aloof and unpredictable, but they work that way. They’d be good at motivating others to follow their dreams, to let go of whatever might be weighing them down.
8th God Tier: Page of Breath
Page is the Passive Class of utilizing. Pages are known to “rise” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Page of Breath, specifically, would have a complicated relationship with control. Like Knights, Pages of Breath will have had experiences with others weighing on them or trying to tell them what to do, but unlike Knights, they are passive in argument and not as skilled in fighting for themselves.
Pages usually have some self-worth issues relating to their Aspect, which makes them exaggerate in everything they think they are able to do. In Breath, that can be reminding all the time that they are free, that they are independent and under their own guidance. It can be doing their best to be positive, but often being caught in the spider’s web. Pages have a lot of potential, and a Page of Breath might become unstoppable if well-developed. I can see them becoming their happiest selves after working through their fears and past issues.
Page of Breath is a canon Homestuck God Tier. Tavros Nitram is the character that holds that title.
9th God Tier: Maid of Breath
Maid is the Active Class of construction. Maids are known to “create” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Maid of Breath, specifically, would be more dependent on others, at least before personal development. They would trust other people more than themselves, especially when it was about liberty and flows. They would obey a lot, and probably wouldn’t notice they’re taking their individuality away. I can see them being controlled, under a lot of rules, maybe dealing with some form of emotional attachment to certain people or things. But with time they learn to let go and that they need freedom, peace with no reins holding them back. They fickle with everything for a while, but later learn how to balance independence and bonds. They create Breath, so they create their sense of security through freedom. I can see them being a little hot-headed at times, tired of being mistreated.
If one Breath Class sounds like they’d have asthma, then it’s Maid. Using an inhaler is basically creating breath, isn’t it? I like it when God Tiers are literal, so I’d love to see an asthmatic who is a Maid of Breath.
10th God Tier: Sylph of Breath
Sylph is the Passive Class of construction. Sylphs are known to “build” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Sylph of Breath, specifically, would be really tempted to make time for themselves, to train themselves and their independence, to travel a lot or at least want to travel a lot. They wouldn’t really be fans of responsibility, and guiding themselves would be easier through freedom and lack of routine. Sylphs may take a while to build up their objectives, but they are extremely focused and good with progress. I can see Sylphs of Breath, specifically, being into Yoga, but as a student, not a teacher. Yoga is focused on breathing, so passive creation of breath is like… kind of an Yoga thing. But that is just one little part of the various characteristics these Breath Players would have. I can also see them subtly leaving situations, going home without anyone noticing, having good stealth skills. They’d be able to bond with some Void Players about that, especially also Sylphs!
Literal sylphs are also air creatures. So Sylphs of Breath are double times air creatures. This makes them extremely flexible, “flowy”, if that makes sense. Easy to deal with.
11th God Tier: Prince of Breath
Prince is the Active Class of destruction. Princes are known to “wreck” their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Prince of Breath, specifically, would be very aggressive about their search for freedom, burning down situations sometimes, before they could even come up with a plan B. They would try to deny a lot of responsibilities, believing they can do everything their own way, that they can follow their own rules and that they will work. Princes may try to deny and think they can control their Aspect, but Breath will always come back to them. They will always crave that freedom and flexibility, not being as skilled in planning and bonding as they wished they were. They may get into a lot of small fights with friends, since they cannot understand how they don’t feel attached as other people do, as they are “supposed to feel”. They can be negligent of others and things when trying to make up for what they dislike. They will accidentally worsen situations when they get destructive.
These Princes would be rebels. They would be used to anarchy in all kinds of ways. They are really likely to be into political anarchy, by the way.
12th God Tier: Bard of Breath
Bard is the Passive Class of destruction. Bards are known to “deconstruct” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Bard of Breath, specifically, would be avoidant of responsibilities, but also unaware to live a life of full freedom. They would have issues with positivity, probably be the least optimistic of Breath Players. And they would try to take themselves away from what their Aspect is about, so flexibility, inspiration, independence…
I can see Bards of Breath, instead of depending on someone, having someone depend on them. Maybe they’d thrive at that, believing that they are lucky for something like that, that they should take advantage of that tight bond that they are not otherwise used to. They would be really misguided in life, following things they believe are right but getting lost in the way, of course, avoiding and deconstructing freedom. Sometimes they wouldn’t do it on purpose, it is just the way their brain guides them.
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qwortywarrior · 1 year
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Holostuck ID: Ayunda Risu, Witch of Breath
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creative-classpect · 1 year
The Land of Wire and Fog
The world is cloaked in mist and shadow. Howling winds scream through the valleys. The mountain peaks, titanic crests that scrape the sky, tower over the world far below. Windswept tunnels and a myriad of wind chimes decorate the mountains, creating a strange melody deep beneath the fog layer. In the lowest portions of the fog, far below the mountain tops and deep into the gloomy river valleys, lies a web of wires and threads, a delicate, world-spanning design that gently pulls the wind chimes with each passing breeze.
Welcome to LOWAF! The Land of Wire and Fog!
The world above is an endless horizon of clear blue sky. The world below is a treacherous maze of wire. While the mountains of this land are breathtaking (often literally with their elevation) there is a growing crisis building, a growing rift between the mega mountains and the valleys that lie between them.
Up beyond the fog and clouds is a terrifying freedom, nothing but clear skies and endless horizon. At the price of terrifying wind storms so great that they can tear flesh from bone at their worst. While much of the sky is open, if a tad tumultuous at times, there is a perpetual storm surrounding the highest peak, a point that has become the center of myth and legend to the consorts.
Down below the mountain tops, covered in thick clouds and fogs, lies a dense world of river valleys and old growth forests. The air here is still and calm. But the earth, however, is not. The mountains themselves have begun to crumble. Earthquakes have begun to shake the shrouded land as avalanches throw stone and snow down into the darkened depths. In the shadows of the great mountains, entire consort villages are destroyed in an instant. The more daring (and desperate) consorts have been pushed to mountaineering, ascending to great heights to escape the looming disasters below. Many others have taken to hiding in the middling mist, above the great fog, but below the treacherous, windy skies. These consorts have all but disappeared into the mountain caves and have not been heard from in quite some time…
Now is a time of great change for LOWAF as the distance between the top of the world and the bottom seems to expand with each passing day. This burden of tension will ultimately fall upon a hero, one who can master the roaring winds and the secrets that the ultradense fog below holds. One who will master the skies and all which lies beneath them. Should they fail, LOWAF will surely be torn asunder.
The Witch of Breath must traverse the fearsome peaks and mysterious valleys, explore the lost tunnels of wires that scour the planet, and find the denizen that has caused the world to spiral into ruin!
Denizen: Oranos, primordial of the sky, and father to the Greek Titans.
The Pinnacle
While the towering heights of the land can easily outclass most mountains found on earth, even these mountains pale in comparison to the Pinnacle. The tallest mountain on LOWAF and in fact, the tallest non recursive point in any Sburb game.
The Pinnacle is a testament to the endless bounds and horizons of LOWAF, it is as if a continent has been uprooted from the world and pointed skyward. This mountain, scarred but uncompromising, holds with it a terrible weight. Its mere presence calls winds to swirl around it and create hurricane super storms across it. Its storms can even breach beyond the planet's atmosphere into the rest of the session.
This storm force is so great that it is the sole reason for the fog across the planet. Such a structure can not exist without consequence.
The Pit
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Beneath the behemoth that is the Pinnacle lies the Pit, a massive cavern system that runs across the interior of LOWAF. It is here where the wires originate and where much of their true nature is revealed.
The Pinnacle seeks to rise, to ascend beyond all else. To leave LOWAF behind. It is held in place by hooks and wires, binding it down to the surface. This tension and strain is the cause behind the planet's erosion and slow destruction.
Side quests
Song on the wind
Difficulty: 3/10
Mysterious winds on LOWAF is nothing new, not by a long shot. Strange songs and melodies carried from lands unknown to destinations obscure? That, however, is cause for curiosity. 
A number of mysterious wind chimes and bells can be found across the land, all inscribed with ominous scripture of the denizen and almost prophetic accounts of the session, both past and future. 
In isolation they hold singular notes and stories, but together they weave breathtaking songs and epics of what is and, more importantly, can be.
Resonant wind chimes: These small bells always chime with wind, regardless of actual weather conditions, and appear to be linked, allowing sound and wind to pass through each like a portal. Any items alchemized with a chime is permanently linked to any other item
(Ok creator's note, I really like the idea of a big bell as a wind grenade, that's just so cool to me)
Wind wire: Some of the threads found in the particularly windy tunnels have started to erode and fade, becoming ultra thin and light. These wires are near imperceptible to sight, sound, or feeling, as if they are made of thin air. They are deceptively durable.
Jet stream
Difficulty: 9/10
A mysterious surge of howling winds have begun scraping through the land, bringing with them a storm of destruction wherever they roam. This rogue jet stream waves and bends all across the world, reaching the highest points in the atmosphere before plummeting through the deepest valleys. This would be intimidating and a bit peculiar, but there is another factor taking this rogue wind and making it into a serious problem.
It has begun to roam the session. Rocketing across the Battlefield of Skaia, across the moons of Prospit and Derse, and crashing through the various lands of the session. This rogue wind has begun causing havoc and destruction *everywhere*
Where has this wind come from? Why is it so unlike the others? And how can it be stopped?
Aether: Known as the ‘pure upper air of the gods’, parts of the rogue wind can be siphoned off, processed, and transformed into a powerful new elemental state of matter. This element is extremely volatile to anyone lacking a Breath player’s unique connection to it. 
Shard of the heavens: In the very center of the jet stream, protected by the storm surrounding it, is a pure shard of the firmament. A glass-like crystal shard taken from the sky itself. It powers the jet stream as its heart. The shard is mysterious and near deified by the consorts of LOWAF and it is believed to have some sort of connection to Oranos himself.
Mini bosses
Storm Giant
A hulking giant made of raging storm clouds, the Storm Giant is a unique monster of incredible proportions. A behemoth of near unparalleled size and with nigh incomparable power, the Storm giant is the ever present guardian of the Pinnacle and protects the lair of the Denizen. It does so by blasting anything or anyone the denizen demands it to. The Storm Giant is a cruel tyrant over the skies and a loyal bodyguard to Oranos. 
But loyalty can only go so far. Orders are not the way of Breath. The Storm Giant has begun to travel away from the Pinnacle and has even been seen riding across the jet stream across the session.
Ranking: S
- Incredible size and physical power. A top tier tank and bruiser
- Devastating thunder and lightning magic. They know every spell in the book
- Short sighted and brash. To say they think things through is an overstatement at best
Loot drops
Storm shells: Various jars, urns, and other vessels can be found littered across LOWAF, hidden by the thickest layers of fog. These ancient damaged containers react strangely to the rogue wind and have a strange affinity for lightning and thunder magic. 
Crown of Cumulonimbus: This audacious crown gives its wearer the 2nd fastest flying speed, behind Oranos. Those unfamiliar with such speed and elevation can suffer extreme burns from wind resistance.
Viper of the valley
Hidden in the caves and tunnels, blending into the stone and disappearing into the thick fog, a serpentine monster lurks. A unique basilisk, the monster feasts on unsuspecting consorts foolish enough to seek refuge or attempt to ever leave the lowland river valleys. Its 
A basilisk that terrorizes those in the depths
Ranking: B
- Intelligence. The Viper is remarkably aware and has shown higher thinking and complex problem solving.
- Basilisk biology. The viper's bite and prolonged stare can turn flesh to bone.
- Cruelty. The Viper feeds on fear and traps its prey. This makes it predictable and resistant to adaptation
Loot drops
Basilisk scales- extremely sturdy, surprisingly lightweight, and deceptively quiet
Stone venom- a crystal blue liquid that causes a creature to slowly, and surely, lose all momentum. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. Any excess is released into the surrounding are
Denizen's lair
Hidden upon the precipice of LOWAF, towards the very peak of the Pinnacle, lies a castle obscured by the father of all storms. A place unseen for untold centuries, protected (or perhaps imprisoned), by the treacherous mountain below. These ruins, scarred and marred with erosion and age, cracked by thunder and scorched by lightning, are a testament to their prisoner. 
Sburb is a game of extremes, of ideology and power. The aspects, as raw and unfettered primordial concepts, could easily eat away at the very foundations of reality. Nowhere has this been more clear than with Oranos who strains against their purpose in this world. 
The ruins of this once great palace show a scene of antiquity, modeled after the greatness of Oranos. Monuments and sculptures that emanate incredible storm magic. Great statues of ancient heroes (underneath Oranos, of course) who stand as loyal centurions, throwing lightning and thunder to any intruders and any consort foolish enough to reach up towards the skies. Great basins of cold water, almost frozen by the chills of the upper atmosphere, whose winds sweep down and form the thick, obfuscating fog across the world.
This hollow place is dedicated to Oranos’s glory and is the seat of power in which Oranos would see himself rule over Skaia itself. Should the anchors keeping the denizen’s lair tied to LOWAF ever yield, Oranos will be free to do as they please.
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This post was commissioned by @panopticonsys ! If you want to commission me or support my content, you can find me @ https://ko-fi.com/kesscal or over at https://linktr.ee/Skywhale09 !
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homestuck-hell · 10 months
Pheren Erenst, Witch of Breath, Prospit
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A purrfect choice for those who want a clean hit
Loves to pick her poison
Can hide a surprising amount of bottles in her skirt
Land of Mire and Venom
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anubixi-arts · 1 year
Apolocheese Gamers, but I have been in a Homestuck Mood. So I drew my most prominent Blorbos in their classpects!
Click for better quality <3
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First Up: Quintus "Quin" Emeritus V (He's my Ghost/Papa OC) as a Seer of Time
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Secondly: Ryan "Rye" West, better known by his twitch handle "DawnAnubix" (self-indulgent streamer oc) as a Witch of Breath
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Third Up: Victor "Vic" Yamashita-Rousseau (y'all know already, my pokemon trainer oc) as a Page of Doom
I used @coffeecats900 's God Tier redesigns for this lil project! Please check them out, a bust-shot like these cannot possibly do them justice <3
(And this project is not done yet, I can assure you. Though this may strike dread through my friends)
Better Quality Images Under the Cut!
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tavtiers · 3 months
could you do an analysis of a Witch of Breath? :o
The Witch of Breath [symbols: witch hat, wind]
The Witch class has its basis in the classic witch trope. An example would be Morgan le Fay from Arthurian Legend.
The Breath aspect’s main theme is freedom. You can find its official description here.
A Witch of Breath is among those who explore paths, drive, and passion. This is the “classpect group” they belong to. Members include: the Mage, Seer, Heir, and Witch of Breath/Blood. These classes are all opposites or inverses of each other that explore the Breath/Blood dichotomy (paths, drive, and passion). A description of classpect groupings can be found here.
The Witch of Breath actively manipulates the Breath aspect. Active classes tell themselves what to do and do so for their own benefit. They are more likely to stand up for themselves, but more likely to be cruel. Witches and Heirs possess great power over their aspect and everything it symbolizes that has been granted to them from an outside source. Simplified, the Witch of Breath is motivated by themselves to manipulate freedom.
In personality, the Witch of Breath constantly wishes things were different and dislikes commitment. Personality descriptions can be found here.
Their archetype is the Harbinger Escapee, defined by fixing freedom. Archetypes are explained here.
Their opposite is the Heir of Blood, who passively manipulates connection.
Their inverse is the Seer of Blood, who passively knows connection.
A classpect or “god tier” is an individual’s best self. All classpects go through a journey from unrealized, to struggle, to realized. When a character is unrealized, they neutrally exist as their inverse. On their struggle, they will wildly flip back and forth between their inverse and true classpect. In their worst moments they will act as their inverse, in their best their true classpect. When realized, they will stabilize as their true classpect. They will still have room to grow, but will become happier, more successful people.
This means that the Witch of Breath begins life motivated by others to know connection. When their struggle arrives and they are at their worst, they will continue this behavior in negative extremes. However, when at their best, they will find purpose in instead manipulating freedom for themselves. When realized, they will stabilize and continue to manipulate the Breath aspect actively, in a positive way.
They share their archetype with the Maid of Time, the Escapee Harbinger.
The Witch of Breath would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Clarity [Witch] and Breath [Aspect]. An example would be the Land of Hail and Blizzards. An explanation of planet naming conventions can be found here.
Two possible gods, or denizens, to reign over their planet would be Zeus (God of Thunder) or Hermes (the Messenger God). Other Breath aspect denizens can be found here.
When the Witch of Breath completes their planet quests and dies on their quest bed, they would rise to ascension on the wings of fireflies (symbols of the fae). A list of soul animals can be found here.
The characters that I have currently classpected as Witches of Breath are: Fiona from Dragon Age, Storm from X-Men, and Elphaba from Wicked.
If any of the links not connected to my blog break, the content can be found on my Google Drive.
Official Aspect Descriptions
Personality Descriptions
Aspect Denizens
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goattrucksss · 1 year
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These are kinda old lol.If you have a classpect for any other tokyorev character please tell me!!!
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dailyspecs · 2 years
can i get a witch of breath please! thank you so much <333
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Daily 14 - Witch of Breath
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yourfaveisclasspected · 5 months
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Requested by @fallenasleepyetagain!
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giftofclasspects · 2 months
hiii can you do an analysis for a derse witch of breath please ?
a derse witch of breath! okay!
a witch is a rule breaker! they're going to defy the "rules" of their class and their aspect.
they change their aspect, they manipulate their aspect as they see fit. a witch of breath is going to see "the sky's the limit" as a challenge, and they're going to push past that.
the most fun to picture is the PHYSICAL manipulation of wind with this classpect. They can probably push and pull wind and air as if it were a physical object. They'll be able to QUITE LITERALLY knock the wind out of someone.
They'll also be able to manipulate and change freedom. That being said, a Witch of Breath villain could definitely be something to look at....?
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ocorvid · 1 year
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i wanna do ko-fi classpect requests againnn
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Hey, what do you think the differences between a Page of Breath and a Witch of Breath are? With how they interact with Breath as a whole.
they're different classes
hope that helps king
i don't spend my time researching pages because frankly they're not a class i like, but to my understanding they're like if maids sucked ass
they start out lacking their aspect so let's say, lacking freedom and creativity. and their journeys mission is to find that for themselves but most importantly ( because pages; team oriented ) give it to other people
tavros is a page of breath and you can use him as an example, lacking the ability to fly, which im using in place of freedom here, and later building a ghost army for the purpose of regaining freedom and releasing this damned sburb session from lord english's awful claws
I'm not sure why you'd ask for a difference between a page and a witch? but whatever
witches bend and twist the rules of their aspect to overcome obstacles, they manipulate their aspect. soo a witch of breath would probably change what it means to be free, maybe set some free and imprison others? perhaps have a taste in obscure art because creativity can mean whatever they want it to mean? it's really up to you to decide these things
๑so the difference between them, and between any witch vs page, would be that witches manipulate their aspect and pages find it for their friends. still not sure why you asked or if i answered correctly๑
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