#words from the keeper
isjasz · 7 months
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[Day 136]
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camelspit · 3 months
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Note! Definition of a sexyman:
An often pathetic and/or evil man who is sexy (but perhaps not in the conventional sense) this is NOT your favorite character!!
Brant [REDACTED] by @tw-5
Grady Ruewen by @doodle-do-wop
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thelordhunkyhair · 6 months
Fitz: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous. 
Dex: What if it bites me and it dies!? 
Biana: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, Dex , learn to listen. 
Keefe: What if it bites itself and I die? 
Sophie: That’s voodoo. 
Tam: What if it bites me and someone else dies? 
Dex: That’s correlation, not causation. 
Keefe: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die? 
Sophie: That’s kinky. 
Fitz: Oh my God.
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☕️ wolfstar vs prongsfoot!! thoughts 🎤
omg thank you so much :D what a tasty topic to talk about!
(it got so long im putting it under the cut 😅)
[important note: this is how i feel about those ships, not a meta which ship is better/more canon]
i need to preface with saying that im a wolfstar shipper, first and foremost. I wasnt shipping prongsfoot from the beginning (I wasnt shipping any non-canonical couples while reading / right after finishing the books tbh. shortly after entering the fandom I encountered wolfstar and that might be a major reason why I still ship them). but I do see the appeal of prongsfoot, and I am a proud wolfstarbucks enjoyer. (also note that I imagine them by default in their 20s, so before Azkaban, but after Sirius runs away, but i will talk about book canon too). But enough personal lore. 
prongsfoot is an amazing ship and in a different universe it would be The Ship of The Marauders / MWPP fandom - have some things happened differently (if we got more actual James content earlier than the 5th book). They are joined at the hip, they invented the two-way mirrors to talk during detentions, Sirius runs away and the Potters take him in, Sirius is bored and James tries to lighten him up by bullying Snape, James trusts Sirius with his literal life. They are each other's favorite person, they would fight for each other, stand up for each other, give their life for the other. They are soulmates, two sides of the same coin, and they do love each other, there is no denying that. Also they are both attractive, capable and competent, so I 100% get the appeal of this ship. However most of the time (not always, just, usually) i see their love as unrequired, romantically speaking. (they love each other and sirius is in love with james - that is true, for me, in every universe - i.e. in canon and in wolfstar concepts/scenarios. however james being in love with sirius romantically is true in prongsfoot-aligned universes) 
Narratively (canonically) speaking, both ships are extremely tragic (and thats what makes both of them interesting*). James dies at 21 and Sirius blames himself for it for the rest of his life, gets locked up in torture prison, and cannot even make up for it by fulfilling his role as a godfather. // Sirius and Remus lose trust in each other during the war, believe the other is the traitor, and even after they miraculously reunite their time together is cut short with Sirius being on a run and then dying. 
But there's one thing that makes wolfstar so compelling to me - they get each other, on some level that nobody else gets access to. 
[note: we are entering headcanon and projection territory, from the pov of a r/s shipper]
I'm not saying James doesn't understand or support Sirius - of course he does. James would be on Sirius’s side no matter what - even if everyone else thinks Sirius is wrong, even if he knows he is wrong. They are ride or die. They also understand each other on a, lets say, intellectual level - they are both exceptionally intelligent, they always agree with each other and they do everything together (bullied Snape, made the map (yeah, remus and peter helped), became animagi (peter was there too i guess), joined the order at the same time etc). 
But there is some part of Sirius that I think James never truly grasps and Sirius never feels truly understood even though he knows james loves and supports him. And thats what makes wolfstar so special to me, bc I think that Remus does get Sirius. 
Wolfstar get each other in a way that they recognize some part - ugly, twisted, buried deeply and hidden from everyone - in the other. They are both deeply misunderstood, traumatized by their childhoods and oppressed by society - just in different ways - and there is no one else who truly gets them on this level. 
While Remus had a relatively happy childhood and caring parents, he was turned when he was five and then later learned it was partially his father’s fault, and was virtually isolated from his peers until he went to Hogwarts; he has a much lower social status than J & S, he is poor and can't find a job (especially after POA) and is generally having a bad time because of his lycanthropy. 
Sirius was emotionally and psychologically abused by his parents that expected him to be the perfect pureblood heir and then, after making his life so miserable he run away, cut him off; also if I remember correctly artemisia-black wrote a meta about Sirius being a victim of the society he was born to “rule”. At the same time, while he is a pureblood, when he runs away he loses the heir status and for a bit (a year? i think?) he has no money to his name. And obviously he is tortured during Azkaban, and then later he is an ex-con on a run with a bounty on his head. 
I also think they both carry some self-loathing in their hearts (just, again, different kinds). Sirius hates himself in a “I was born wrong and deep down I’m evil (and I have to work my whole life to make up for this” way (partially bc he was born in a bigoted abusive family. partially bc he is a scorpio i guess). Remus hates himself in a “I am unworthy of love and I don't deserve nice things” way. 
They are so different - probably couldn't be more different - their personalities and worldviews and even values don't match - and yet there is no one else now who understands the other better.
And then, after POA, turns out they are the only ones left – moreover, they did not only go through the same war, they went through the exact same loss. 
And I do think its evident in canon, to some extent. They reunite after Azkaban and immediately forgive each other – to me it speaks volumes about their relationship pre-Azkaban. How they almost seem like they are reading each others minds in the shack scene, the way they are so ready to murder Peter, and to do it together, how they fall back into a familiar rhythm. They forgive each other 12 years of heartbreak and loneliness and in Sirius’s case torture and knowing the other thought they were a traitor in one short conversation. Would Sirius ask for forgiveness for believing Remus was the traitor if he didnt care about him? Would he accept Remus’s own apology? 
It turned into a meta about wolfstar. Im. so sorry. 
I'm not saying wolfstar is more “canon” - bc it isn't, especially from the doylist perspective (jkr didnt intend for them to be read as a couple). But I did read the metas proving that wolfstar is canon written while the books where coming out and my heart breaks for those people who still had hope back then. It also doesnt really matter which is more canon (its prongsfoot) (but again, not from the doylist perspective). 
In conclusion, I like prongsfoot and I do think its a very good ship I ship them in a more passive way - i reblog metas and fanarts, I have one fic idea that technically starts with prongsfoot and sometimes I read fics, but i dont think about them enough to call myself a prongsfoot shipper per se. But I do think Sirius is in love with James, even while shipping him with Remus. I know I sound like a broken record, but Im once again bringing up wolfstarbucks - I do ship prongsfoot in the wolfstarbucks context, but not so much on their own, if that makes sense - and not bc I dont get the appeal, bc I do. But Im also delusional and Ive been shipping wolfstar for way too long to abandon this ship now, even if shipping them is very impractical (for various reasons). 
*also i think it interesting that i mostly engage with domestic fluff, hurt/Comfort, angst-with-a-happy-ending, fix-it type of fics. its not bc i wish things happened differently in canon (maybe besides sirius dying but thats a separate, not shipping, issue). wolfstar is tragic, in a way, but i very rarely engage in canon-compliant type of content. however I wouldnt be interested in wolfstar if it wasnt tragic. i know many people have different approaches to shipping, and it might be weird to see someone talk about how tragic wolfstar is and the turn around and talk about how happy they are in a seaside cottage or whatever. tragedy of wolfstar makes it interesting for me and a seaside cottage makes me happy bc i get sad when i think about canon. also did i mention im a delusional person. 
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dreamcrow · 8 days
While it's still Tuesday: what are your biggest influences for your Bellroc clothing designs?
(from this shop talk tuesday ask meme; thank you for the ask!)
well. uh. i accidentally 1400-some words about this, so:
what does a god wear when they're at home?
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doodle page feat Actually Bald skrael (and badly edited gollum game skrael), young merlin, and a peek at modern au (carseat conversations) bellroc 👀
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pineforphantompain · 8 months
Some Nathan fans are just insistent on not believing the things characters actually say about what they do or don’t want. (Which should not be a surprise considering). The obvious example being Elizabeth with so many people still agreeing with what Nathan decided she felt rather than what she clearly communicated. And holding onto that even after Nathan himself came to accept and believe she wasn’t in love with him season 8. (This still bothers me and I hate seeing this attitude come back full force now). They have also apparently decided to disregard everything Lucas has said about wanting home and family in order to claim he and Elizabeth want/need completely different things in life. I have yet to see any explanation as to why he willingly moved to a small town, has chosen to stay there for so long, and is lying about the kind of life he wants. Is he just in denial and afraid to admit his true feelings for The City? But seriously, if he wanted to live life on a bigger stage he could have just done that. I guess Aunt Agatha is a more reliable source than Lucas himself though.
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sinestrosmind · 2 months
Eshra to Chief:
“I want to know why you’re scared.”
“I WANT TO KNOW…” Prompts
The slider thrashes in his sleep, breathing labored. His brows were furrowed, lips a tight line, almost as if he were in pain. And if Chief were to wake and be honest, he was in pain. Very much so.
His markings were on fire- literally on fire. Chief could hardly see through the yellow flames that rose from his face stripes. His tormentor, a twisted, dark version of himself, markings ablaze like his own and eyes a blinding white inferno, just smirked. Sadistic. Cruel. Twisted.
"Just give yourself to me," the entity purrs, voice a sickening, twisted version of Chief's own that echoed in the void his mind had trapped him in. "It won't hurt anymore if you do, I promise."
Chief hisses, wild and angered and pained. He hated how his counterpart talked so sweetly like that, cooing promises with a tilt of its head while Chief burned alive. Defiant as always, the slider draws his blades despite the pain he's in, and the shadow sighs. "This little dance again, ̴͈̝̾͠ ̸̪̘͑͗ ̵̯̌͌̽ ̴̜̀̆̕ ̸̼̿͜͜ ̸̫̜̩̃ ̸̛͕̞͈͌̒ ̷̛̼͛̍ ̸̟̅̎̀ ̷̨̙̫̋͂̉ ̶̪̙̝͝ ?"
They both knew how this ended, but Chief still fought. Every time, he still fought. Because he was scared, and that entity knew it.
Chief's tormentor drew his own swords, blades forged from literal fire, the flames starting from its palms and extending outward until it again mirrored its counterpart again. And no sooner did the imposter get into a battle stance did Chief rush forward.
The two clashed, but Chief's tormentor was faster. It got more hits in, the fiery blades leaving burning cuts that glowed instead of bled. The shadow manages to knock one of Chief's swords away- his katana. Perseverance. Chief continues to fight despite the fact, but the entity makes quick work of his ō-wakizashi. Diligence.
Methodological. Symbolic. A message.
Chief will not persevere. He was not diligent. Once again, he will not win this battle.
The entity rushes in, a mirror of how Chief started the fight, and it pins the slider to the hard floor of the void. Panicked, terrified, a wild animal cornered, Chief bites and claws and kicks, hissing and clicking, trying to free himself. A futile last ditch effort to try to come out on top for once.
The entity raises one of its burning blades above its head, tip pointed directly at Chief's plastron, and despite the yellow fire lapping at his skin on his markings and his wounds, the slider's blood runs cold.
A hand raises in defense, and as the shadow drives the blade down, Chief screams.
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Chief wakes with a start, heart pounding in his chest and eyes wide in fear, watering in pain. He was shaking, terrified, eyes darting around his surroundings, confused as to why he wasn't in his own little makeshift home in some back alley of the Hidden City. Had he been kidnapped? Was he drugged? His mind whirled with possibilities of what could've happened, why he was here in this unfamiliar place.
Then he remembered.
He'd crashed, fallen asleep in a place he doesn't normally. Not safe. Not safe. That's why that.... thing appeared in his dreams again, isn't it? So aggressively and vividly Chief feels like his stripes are still burning. Still feels searing cuts left from those fiery blades. The burn of a blade made of fire piercing his plastron. It's because he was vulnerable, wasn't it? An easy tar-
A voice pulls Chief out of his frazzled mostly-awake-but-still-exhausted mind and he goes stiff. It sounded worried. Firm, but worried.
"I want to know why you're scared."
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Chief is many things, but scared? Scared is not one of them. It is. He is. He's terrified.
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"I'm fine." The slider lies easily, his tone sharp and rough, defensive, hiding his fear of his nightmare- of that monster that haunts his unconscious mind- behind his usual exhaustion. "I'm fine," he repeats, softer, attempting to reassure this time. "Don't worry about it."
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
There's not much I would want to change about kotlc, but I genuinely think it is such a missed opportunity that Stina isn't talentless.
It's been brought up again and again throughout the story that the treatment of the talentless is wrong and that they should be considered on the same level as everyone else, yet none of our main characters are talentless. The biggest connection we have to them is through Dex, which is an important aspect of his character, but he represents something different. He's someone who was assumed to be talentless so the switch where he's one of the most talented technopaths of their world is where the strength of his story comes from. He overcame the prejudice and judgement by having an important ability, which is important in it's own right
But there's been no truly recurring and influential talentless character, and I think Stina would've been such a perfect fit for that role. What do we gain with her being an empath? What does this do for us? We don't need another empath, at least I don't think so.
If she'd remained talentless, imagine the role she could've had in the story! The message that even the people who've been umpleasant and who we don't like still deserve to be treated fairly. To have the characters learn she's talentless and to have to acknowledge that it's not some kind of weapon to be used against her. That even though they've had a rough past her being talentless doesn't make her any less of a person. Because they don't/didn't like her! And it is so easy to take situations like this that happen to people we don't like and turn it into this "haha that's what you get!" thing. Yet one of the main messages of the story is about combating injustices and fighting for what's right, and this would give such an incredible challenge of the characters' belief in that message.
it would finally put talentless in the center the way we haven't had yet. We've had direct contact with pyrokinetics, with twins, with bad matches, but not with anyone talentless (aside from brief mentions of Kesler) despite it being one of the big issues in their world! Stina should still be part of the things she is, like Team Valiant and her reluctant cooperation with the rest of the group. Imagine her being the first talentless member of the nobility, how monumental that would be. Sophie and her friends don't have to want to work with her, but I think if it came down to a situation where Stina was being rejected just because of her talentless status it would provide a situation where the characters realize "i may not like her, but this isn't right and I have to do what's right" and they could come to her defense and argue for her. Not because they like her, but because it's what they believe in. Like!! The complexity and intrigue that would add to their relationships and story!
Just!! The impact her character could have as someone talentless. How you have to fight for the rights even of the people you don't like, the people you hate. That just because someone is awful doesn't mean it's right for them to be excepted from your sense of justice. That you can't pick and choose who to fight for when you're fighting for what's right
I don't think her being an empath adds much, especially not in comparison to all the missed meaning and nuance from her being talentless. How much more central the issue would become, how it's no longer just something that's happening in their world and instead something they can see.
Maybe it's just me, but I can't help but mourn the lost possibilities of who she could've been.
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blvrrykat · 8 months
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i dont think you were even aware of all the memories i kept of you.
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thelordhunkyhair · 7 months
Fitz: What do you mean! I'm like- the heart of this group!
Sophie: Dude ur like the appendix
Dex: no one knows what you're here for
Biana: you're prone to explosions
Keefe: and ur a pain to remove!
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r4bbitdragon · 1 year
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kaito daiki i am so fucking torn because on the one hand you assisting the revival of my favorite wolf bug skull monster man is just about the nicest thing you’ve ever done for me. on the other are you sure theres no one currently Taking A Long Nap in web special canon that’s a little more relevant to you you’d care to help 
by the way them using the odin deck to revive desast makes sense. To Me. one of desast’s 3 chimera books is ‘fenrir’, and fenrir is supposed to kill odin in Ragnarök.
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simonstamenovic · 1 year
i feel more violent but also calmer generally
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theimperialnuisance · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022 //ffxivwrite info//prompt list//character info//master post//
Prompt nineteen: Turn a Blind Eye | idiom: to intentionally not give someone or something attention | Word count: 1446 Characters: Kien Eilath and N’noah Wiloh Cw: None Notes: Little short one-shot of how Kien and N’noah met! This is around the early ARR timeline so Kien is about 18/19 here and N'noah is 18. Still actively writing this so please enjoy the first half and I’ll reblog it as soon as it’s finished :3
The Sapphire Avenue Exchange was busier than he thought it would be. When Blaise had told him about the market, he was expecting it to be similar to the Gridania markets–crowded but not overly so. This was much livelier than expected. The long avenue was aligned with stalls on both sides with merchants yelling out their goods above the chattering crowd while some others were off to the side with papers of their event or tavern, trying to win the attention of shoppers as they passed by. Kien kept close to Blaise and Tokki as they made their way through the crowd but the minute the Keeper spotted an empty bench to the side, he made a beeline for it, telling his two companions he needed a bit of breather.
As fascinating as it was to be a new place, Kien admittedly felt overwhelmed and was glad to be apart from the crowd, even if it wasn’t too far off. He let out a heavy sigh as he plopped back onto the bench, feeling physically drained. Just as he closed his eyes to catch a bit of a doze, his ears flickered on alert as an angry shout wormed its way through the crowd. “Oy! That infuriating girl! Where in the hell did she go!” 
Kien stood back up, his instincts kicking in as he scanned the crowd for the cause of commotion, instantly spotting two brute looking storm their way through the crowd. He watched wearily as they passed, noticing that he seemed to be the only one paying them any attention as the majority of people just parted the way and went about their business as if something like this occurred often. Once the two men disappeared out of sight, Kien sat back down again with a sigh, attempting to just focus on his own relaxation like everyone else. 
“Thank the Twelve, he didn’t see me.” 
Kien jolted at the voice. Hidden behind the potted plant to his left was a rather petite red-haired Miqo’te woman dressed in a blue Thavnairian Bustier. Had she been there the whole time? Kien hadn���t noticed her before so her sudden appearance caused his heart to leap to his throat. He tried to play it off but the Miqo’te’s violet eyes flickered over to him in curiosity and she grinned in amusement.
“Oh, my apologies,” she giggled. “Didn’t mean to startle you!” She stood up and dusted herself off, glancing around for any sign of the two men returning before clapping her hands together in satisfaction. “Well then, I’ll be off!” She threw a smile at Kien and dashed off in the opposite direction of where the Hyur men went, leaving Kien to ponder what he had just witnessed. His linkshell began to go off and he reached up to answer it in a bit of daze. 
“Tokki and I finished our shopping!” Blaise’s cheerful voice said. “If you’re feeling better, come to the Quicksand and we can grab some lunch before going back to the Waking Sands.” 
“Sure, I’ll be there soon,” Kien replied and cut the connection. He inhaled a breath in preparation to submerge himself in the crowd again but just as he made it to the first stall, the Miqo’te girl was running straight for him, desperation in her eyes. 
She reached out to grab his shoulders, giving herself leverage to swing herself behind his back. “Pray, ley me hide behind you!” She whispered. Unable to bring himself to say no, Kien nodded and squared his shoulders, carefully backing up against the brick wall so the woman could crouch down in the shadows. A moment later, a rather furious looking Roegadyn stormed through, stopping short to suspiciously scan the small crowd of onlookers, his eyes landing on Kien’s and he made for him.
“You, have you seen a miqo’te girl, about this tall?” 
“I’m fairly certain I saw her go by that way,” Kien replied, pointing toward the bustling market. “Might want to get going though, she was running by pretty quickly.” 
The Roegandyn scowled at him before turning on his heel and pushing his way through the crowd and deeper into the market place. The Miqo’te waited a few more seconds before glancing behind him, a sigh escaping him. I have no idea what I am getting myself into. Kien shrugged off his coat and handed it to the woman behind him. “Here, wear this. It might help you blend in a little better until you get yourself to a safe place.” 
“Wow,” the woman giggled as she straightened back up and slipped the coat on. “I sure picked the right guy to hide behind!” She emerged from her hiding spot, pulling the hood up to cover her ears and circled around to face Kien. “It’s not everyday you meet someone who won’t turn a blind eye to a potential criminal making their daring escape after stealing from the syndicate!” She playfully clasped her hands behind her back and grinned up at him.
Kien paled, his heart sinking a bit. He hadn’t thought about that. What if that is exactly what he had done? That wouldn’t look good next t his newly acquired reputation as the Warrior of Light–Gods, I’d never hear the end of it from Tokki! The woman’s sudden burst into laughter interrupted his thoughts and he looked up. 
“I jest, I jest!” She put her hands up in a small surrender as she continued to laugh. “Oh, you should see the look on your face!” After a few more minutes, she began to gather herself and reached up to wipe the tears from her eyes. “Apologies, I didn’t mean to laugh at you. I’m not a wanted criminal and I didn’t steal anything from the syndicate, so you can relax.” Kien let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and she sprung forward with her hand outstretched. “N’noah Wiloh! Nice to meet ya!”
“Kien Eilath,” the Keeper replied in a bit of a daze as he shook her hand. “Do I dare ask why those men were after you?” 
A sheepish grin crossed N’noah’s face as she rubbed the back of her neck. “Ah well, long story short, I was running away from that Roegadyn you saw earlier. I uh, sort of punched him, and stole something of his, figuratively speaking.” 
“So a lover’s quarrel?” Kien hadn’t realized he asked that aloud until N’noah let out a snort of laughter, shaking her head. “Ah, apologies for assuming.” Now it was Kien’s turn to rub his hand sheepishly on the back of his neck.
“Ah no, no,” N’noah waved her hands in front of her. “It’s…a bit more complicated than that but regardless, you potientially just saved me from some serious repercussions if I had been caught and now I can finally be free of that man and his crew.” She stretched her arms up to the sky in relish before smiling again at Kien. “Thank you for your help.” 
“My pleasure,” Kien smiled, curious as to what she meant by all she had just said but knew better to ask–it didn’t feel right to pry into her business when he just met her. “Will you be alright on your own? I’ve got to meet up with my friends at the Quicksand but you’re welcomed to tag along if you’d like.” 
N’noah smiled. “I appreciate the offer, but I think I’ll be alright on my own now. I’ve got a friend who said they could offer me shelter until this whole thing blows over.” She shrugged off the coat and handed it back to him but Kien shook his head.
“You can keep that just in case.” N’noah blinked at him and he smiled.” I’m sure our paths will cross again and you can return it to me then.”
“Alright, and as a thank you, I'll tell you the full story." She turned on her heel and headed toward the city gates, glancing back to wave. “Well then, Kien, see ya around!” 
Kien waved and watched her go before turning on his heel to head to the Quicksand to meet with his friends and soon after they all returned to the Waking Sands, Kien mildly surprised to see N'noah sitting at one of the tables with Arenvald and his friends. She looked up, her expression mirroring Kien's before a smile broke out. "So that's why I could trust you!"
"You two know each other?" Arenvald asked and they nodded. "We met by chance today! He helped me escape here actually." She gestured to the empty seats at the table. "If you've got the time, I owe you a story!"
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trickostars · 2 years
my favourite kind of villain is "maxed out charisma, mid level intelligence and zero wisdom"
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
these prompts y'all have given me, I'm convinced you love seeing these characters in pain:
Oralie swallowed. “Kenric…we both made our choices, Sophie. And even if I wish things didn’t happen the way they did…we made our choices.”    “You made them because of me!” she exploded, splaying her hands wide, chest heaving, tears falling freely.
dialogue prompt four here we go!
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