#wouldnt even be a new muse
me: i dont need more muses
r.iot: hey we got a new ⭐️ guardian "season" 3 event teaser
me: (softly but with feeling) fuck
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moth-mart · 3 months
"I need them to die in eachothers arms and for it to mean something" then proceeded to make a terrible. horrible punch to the gut
#o.#ow?????????#its. coming off the future alt but sona's afflictions go from being chronic to terminal#and because of the mutations to his vampirism the only way to survive is to feed off of gods#which they find out the hard way when he gets *really* sick and nothing's helping so they panic and Stylus kills a god#as a last 'out of options' resort and he feeds off it and it *works*#and they come to that realization and Sona refuses to continue like that because he says hes not going to live off of other people's-#suffering anymore. and so he makes his choice and at some point they go to visit Will who's completely cut ties with them because she#blames god's death on them being cowards who didnt try hard enough to stop her#which she isnt happy to see that and doesnt take the news well at all and states that theyre just throwing god's sacrifice away by#letting him die which makes the situation even more conflicting for sona who muses on how even beyond the grave#god's putting him in shitty situations. of either living selfishly off of others' deaths or seemingly having let her die for nothing#and will storms off and Caraway [who she's living with now] tells them to stay the night so they do#but it doesnt even matter cause Sona gently wakes Stylus up in the middle of the night and tells him hes dying and so#they sit with eachother and just talk softly and reminisce about meeting the other and they both agree they wouldnt trade it for anything#then he dies very peacefully in Stylus' arms#and will wakes up the next morning and comes downstairs and Caraway gently informs her and she runs into the other room#and Stylus is still sitting there in the same spot just. holding whats left of him. unmoved for hours#AND THEN I HAD TO STOP BRUSHING MY TEETH. CAUSE WTF. MAN???#the emotional damage may entirely be dependent on the emotional attachment level to these guys#and nothing otherwise but. if youre me. yknow. [shatters like glass]#MHMMH#cool#character death#I GUESS#sonaverse#delete tag#lore dump#very much a noncanon thing but. mmgnmgmg [wiggly sheet of metal noise]
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xhatake · 1 year
thinking about how light ya.gami reflects the worst in us which makes me rabies
#ooc.#i am making the blog tho i take forever to make blogs / establish new muses#but thinking abt how even without the death note he is still a self-serving person with the ' its ok if i do it for the greater good' compl#because he would have become a detective for the same reason#as L#because he lieks to win#he likes to do what he defines as ' good ' & be good at it#regardless as the context so long as he's held in that light of supreriority#then these parts of him are just amplified tenfold when he's given access to a power that renders him untouchable as far as he is concerned#i will keep thinking about this#i cannot stop#something that is so important tho is that all of this is in reference to his overexaggerated impression of what he's capable of#he becomes so lost in his power that he thinks he's untouchable which is ultimately his downfall#he could of kept doing what he was doing if he didn't get cocky after l's death#it wouldnt have been easy& i have no doubt that near & mello would have taken him down regardless eventually but if he exercised#the same caution he did in his rise to power he could have at least kept the facade up for longer#i have so many thoughts#tomorrow i am gonna embark on refamiliarizing myself with the series i do not know death note as well as i know naruto i love it but#naruto i watch obsessively#the last time i watched the entirety of death note i was deep in a two day acid trip#& i kept rewatching the episode where l died & crying because it was beautiful aesthetically and just a really good climax for the series#in my humble opinion#i am also obsessed with l but i think i would rip my skull in half if i ever tried to write him#love him dont get me wrong & it would be sooo interesting#but his self importance is in a different perspective that is not as easy for me to dip into
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zeldasnotes · 3 months
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• People with Sun in the 8th house or aspecting Pluto might have been saved from situations because of their fathers name. For example might be threathened then the people find who your father is and apologizes.
• If you ask someone whats the worst thing someone ever said to them it will probably be something related to their Chiron placement. Because A when people touch our Chiron wound we remember it forever and B for some damn reason people seem to always touch where you have your Chiron wound bc its kinda obvious to others.
• If you have 10th house placements you have a trademark after your name, whatever you do you easily become known for it. People want to put a label on you and the themes of the planet you have there is the label thats most easily put. So when you have 10th house planets its extra important to think before you act.
• If you have Lilith conjunct North Node you need to learn to do your own thing. Ive seen people with this who didnt reach their potential until they refused to stop trying to fit in and be ”normal” . You are a class of your own. People will respond to you differently when you act like Lilith. Example: A rapper in my country have this placement in Virgo and was treated bad by other rappers bc of a beef he had on the streets and bla bla. Anyways he knew he wouldnt get collabs bc of this so he made it ”his” thing to never have a feature on his songs and to never do interviews and be on other rappers tracks. After this people started respecting him more. He used his inability to fit in to make himself look even better.
• Venus/Neptune involve their love interest in their art. A lot of rappers with this might want to have their partner on their albumcover, in their music video, paint their partner etc. Dating a man with this placement feels like being his muse.
• Be careful when you have Venus in Leo in the Solar Return Chart because this one can really make you want to SPLURGE. Especially clothes, bags and stuff that makes you look good. 💰🛒🛍️💸
• Talking to someone with a Mercury/Pluto or Mercury/Nessus placement can feel like being interrogated. Constant checking if you are lying, asking extra questions to see if you change your story, detailed questions to see if your story is true. Can be very exhausting to be around bc of this (sorry).
• Every Aquarius Rising Ive met looked better in person than on pictures. There is a striking quality that the camera have a hard time capturing. Same with Virgo and Pisces Rising.
• People with Jupiter conjunct personal planets are funnier when they are not trying than when they try to be funny.
• Nanisca the role played by Viola Davis in the movie ”Woman King” reminds me of Sun conjunct Lilith.
• People with Ceres(1) conjunct personal planets seem to not like adornment.
• Aura(1488) conjunct Mercury might come across as sneaky.
• Venus in the 8th house or Venus aspecting Pluto attracts people who would normally not want them which is why they need to be extra careful. They might be super tall and attract someone who usually only go for short people or vice versa. But because of the intense magnetism that having a plutonian venus gives everyone wants a taste of you no matter if they really WANT you or not. Be wary of who you share your energy with.
• Venus Square MC might feel like their looks and social skills doesnt match the career they want or how they want the public to see them.
• Juno(3) or Venus Square Mars are the kind of people to have a huge difference in taste when it comes to who they want to sleep with and who they see as relationship material.
• If you have Lilith in the 7th house or Lilith conjunct Venus your ex's new partners might become obsessed with you or you become obsessed with your partners ex's.
• Dejanira(157) conjunct Ascendant is probably the scariest synastry aspect Ive ever experienced. Experienced it 2 times and both times I was Ascendant and he was Dejanira. Very scary attacks. I can even look at pictures of these people.
• Mars conjunct MC can mean a lot of people are scared of you. A very intimidating placement. In a mans chart it makes other men look up to him. Women with this placement seem too struggle with this placement a lot tho since people are more likely to want to challenge a woman who comes across as intimidating.
• Scorpio Moons seem to be very fascinated with psychopaths.
• Sag Moons might have had extremely carefree parents. Thats why these people can be so good on their own, they raised themselves. But its also why they flee from issues because they were never forced to stay and solve stuff like in a normal family.
• Cancer Risings can be really intimidating, especially the eyes. Ive mistaken so many Cancer Risings for being Scorpio Risings.
• Populus(8647) conjunct Mercury might be more popular among younger people.
• Lilith in a womans chart seem to show what archetype she finds empowering and might even want to be and in a mans chart an archetype he finds fascinating. Ex. Lilith 2nd/8th: the golddigger femme fatale, black widow. Lilith 4th house: The family matriarch, Evil Stepmom. Lilith 10th house: The boss, the businesswoman, cold bitch. Lilith 7th house: The homewrecker, femme fatale, beauty queen, homecoming queen, Mr steal yo girl. (Not always ofc and mostly this goes for when you are underdeveloped)
©️ 2024 Zeldas Notes All Rights Reserved
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jyoongim · 2 months
Alastor x reader with Morningstar reader? Where Alastor is their lover (hates the term boyfriend) only in private and literally no one knows but husk.
It was rather difficult keeping your relationship with the hotelier a secret.
But Alastor insisted.
He didn’t want everyone in your business,’private affairs should stay before the two invloved’ is what he had told you.
So you respected your lover’s wishes.
It had been a rather busy week at the hotel. Your sister had burned your brain for new ideas to incorporate into the bonding exercises.
You plopped at the bar, tapping the wood for Husk to make you a drink.
You smiled in appreciation when he gave you a double shot, happily throwing it back with a sigh.
You wouldnt see Alastor til later on as he was busy with some business.
”Never thought Ill see you so worn for wear princess” the cat mused as you gave him puppy eyes for another shot.
You sighed “I’m exhausted. Charlie has all these ideas and she’s got me all frazzled. I-I just want a break and some time to just think” 
He hummed as he cleaned your empty glass
”Then just tell ‘er. Charlie has enough support that you can have some time to yourself. I think the both of you deserve some alone time.”
You groaned. Husker was the only person who knew you and Alastor were a couple. 
I mean when you catch a Princess of Hell making out with the Radio Demon what else could they be?
You mulled it over, it had been awhile since you and Alastor had some real alone time. The two of you had been working around the clock to help Charlie maintain the hotel.
And you really missed the red demon.
”I don’t know Husk” you fiddled with your hands
”He’s got so much on his plate and I don’t want to be a burden” you pouted.
Husk let out a low chuckle “Trust me Princess. He needs it as much as you do, Hell probably even more. He’s been more aggravating than usual”
You smiled at the cat. Maybe Husk was right.
Just as you went to say something, buzzing static reached your ears.
You smiled when you saw Alastor, happy to see him after a long week.
Alastor made his way to you and sighed in relief once he wrapped his arms around you.
You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, cupping it as you made him look at you “You look tired”
The red demon hummed “Nothing I can’t handle my dear I assure you”
Husk sucked his teeth, mumbling under his breath “yeah right”
Alastor threw him a glare that made you giggle.
You straightened his bow tie “Husk said you’ve been out of sorts and suggested we take a well deserve break. How bout we tell Charlie were gonna go recruiting for a few days? I think a little trip is needed” You scratched his undercut, making him melt.
”How can I say no to spending time with you darlin” he smiled, whisking you away to go find Charlie and put on a show.
Maybe you’ll keep your secret just a little while longer….
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
Hi! I absolutely loved your lucifer x punk reader and was wondering if you could do a gn punk reader but with Velvette please?
nonnie i hope u know that u absolutely made my year with this request i NEED more velvette reqs she is my guilty pleasure
🥀 Cw: fluff, slightly suggestive at the end
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Velvette is absolutely the type of person to LOVE having an alternative s/o
she def finds anyone with a unique style intriguing, and once she actually met you she fell hard
def inspired a clothing line or two after you before you both even became official
she would also ask you to model and would ask for your opinion on designs!!!!! ur def her muse in a way, and she LOVES dressing you up in spunky outfits and designing new outfits just for you
velvette just loves dressing you up, and loves going out together when you're both dressed to the MAX in full aesthetic outfits
shes so good at doing hair and makeup too, URGRHRH imagine her sitting on your lap and doing your eyeliner for you or putting liberty spikes in your hair...
if your super into DIY or patch vests, pants, etc Velvette LOVEESSSS helping you make clothes
she will make patches and pins for you to wear!
velvette def has you show her some of the DIY tricks you know, and she shows you some in return
all of hell starts to see even more alternative and punk influence in fashion once you both become OFFICIAL official
velvette also announces it on practically every social media platform possible that you both are together, she loves showing you off and she is NEVER the type to be ashamed of her partner
you both def make those alt couples goals videos, and if anyone ever hits on you velvette will conveniently post blurry photos of you both making out the next day on her sinstagram
she shows up to important meetings and work events with you both in your spunky matching fits
you both heavily believe in being fashionably late and def help eachother get ready (but it ends up taking longer bc she just can't help but kiss you over and over while you're trying to do eyeliner, and you are definitely no help when she's struggling to choose which accessory to wear)
she's already a huge advocate for change in the way hell is run, and you both bond over your anti-authoritarian ideals
velvette does what she wants and nobody can tell her otherwise, and teh same goes for you. she genuinely admires that you really don't care what others think about you and you're style, and was def attracted to that aspect of your personality before you both even dated
you both love bikini kill, hole, x ray spex, destroy boys, JOAN JETT, all of that genre
she probably knew about punk music before she met you, but you def introduced her to it more
velvette loves long car rides where you're BLASTING music and screaming it at the top of your lungs while chains and hair is flying everywhere as you tear down the road speed limit where
if you wear lots of chains she def tugs on them to pull you into kisses and pulls you in by the belt too... (i want to make a drabble about this soooo bad)
all in all, yall r a POWER COUPLE lmao
"babe, what about this?" Velvette twirled you around, adjusting some of the pins on your vest before turning you towards the large, illuminated mirror that covered one side of the messy dressing room. music played in the background, filling the room with guitar riffs and breathy solos. discarded fabrics and chains covered the floor, all remnants of Velvette's past designs.
"damn, this looks sick as fuck!" you exclaim, giving a little twirl to show off the distressed patterns and chunky shoes. Velvette nodded approvingly, stepping towards you with a smirk. she reached out, hooking her finger through your belt and pulling you into a kiss. her tongue slipped past your lips, exploring the cavern of your mouth as the kiss grew more steamy. "fuck you're so hot," she murmured against your lips, her lip stick was smearing across your skin as she pressed hasty kisses and nipped at your hawline. "i adore dressing you up," she whispered, pulling you in closer, "but i love undressing you even more..."
SHES SOOOOOOO RAHAWHAHGWGGGGGG i need more velvette contentttttttttt
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actualbird · 23 days
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in other news, while we were arguing about the boys' residence (more specifically, the lack of feng shui in artem's bedroom due to his bed being smack middle of the room.) i think i've mentioned this to you before, but chibi luke's residence is deceptively big and does not coincide with the canon background art, we've taken it upon ourselves by demolishing luke's walls overnight.... we felt he didn't deserve the space /affectionate :(
help this is KILLING ME. im in tears over the adjusted-for-ingame-reality version of luke's living space, it's SO CRAMPED. even the little exploration chibis wouldnt be able to walk around without knocking into something
i see you recently reblogged my musing on luke's cramped living quarters vs marius' Expansive Bedroom and im just. in awe. at how luke lives like this. he has 2 other floors in his building and he decides to cram so much into the itty bitty tiny 3rd floor, and then hes a messy ass dude on top of all that. luke. luke Please.
"we felt he didn't deserve the space /affectionate" KJBLAJSFBLASJFKLASJFABFASJFAKLFASFA
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stood-onthecliffside · 2 months
i have sat with this album for a day now and i do think ttpd is something that keeps getting better over the passage of time <3 that is not to say the album is NOT good but an album becomes ever-green when it keeps getting more and more beautiful when you have time with it. ttpd is fresh, weird, has inside jokes and the most vulnerable i have ever seen taylor be. this is a grown-up album! this is something new that taylor has done i reckon for the first time she has blurred the muses and experiences and not retained herself to a chronological order. it has got sex, drugs, things that might not be make sense to you yet... she has turned herself inside out for this. i dont think it is something that a younger audience would understand? which is okay because that means they can come back to it after a certain age which is such a interesting concept to me. if you dont get hoax you wouldnt get this album (which is okay and not a drag because i dont think taylor gets hoax to its full degree even now and she fucking wrote that song lmao) (but i do think that hoax is a foundation and worth a listen! before you start this album!)
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obey-me-disaster · 9 months
Runway Drama
A/N: This is another fanfic for Mammon's birthday ^-^
Besides some small Mammon x gn!MC, there are no ships. Mammon is the focus
Summary: A demon is trying to start drama with Mammon to get him in trouble
"None of you will guess what happened to me today!" Mammon said angrily as he took a seat next to MC.
"Judging by the sour expression on your face, I guess nothing good..." MC handed him the portion of food they had saved for him.
"Those jerks from my latest modeling gig just told me that I am no longer part of the subject." Playing with his food, Mammon continued. "No explanation, no nothing! When I got there, they just told me I was not needed anymore, and they basically kicked me out!"
"That's certainly weird..did you try to scam one of the demons in charge by chance?" Satan inquired.
"Since I've had this contract that paid well, I had no reason to think of a new scheme. Tho, with how these guys have treated me today, I should have done it!" Seemingly losing his appetite as he thought more about his situation, he pushed his plate aside. "Damn it, I really wasted a good opportunity to make money."
"Still, the fact you were basically kicked out of the project without as much of an explanation does raise some concerns..." Lucifer mused over what his younger brother had just said.
"I will just ask them for an explanation tomorrow, then! They can't just toss the Great Mammon aside like that!"
"I don't think you'll have to do this anymore. Look." Asmo handed his phone to Mammon before he could make any other comment.
"Seems like they replaced you with Zephar." Asmo said the demon's name in a huffy voice, clearly annoyed at having to think about that demon.
"You don't seem to like him that much.." Beel comments while stuffing his face with food again.
"Of course I wouldnt' like someone as unsightly as him! He is known to start drama with others in order to make himself look good, and not only that." Asmo snatches the phone away from Mammon, ignoring his brother's protests.
"He also stole some of my designs, claiming they were his!" Showing his brothers photos from one of Zephar's older modeling shows
"He is probably after Mammon now, trying to do something similar."
Yawning, Belphehor finally seems to be interested in the whole situation. "So what you're saying is that Zephar is trying to get Mammon to react in order to start drama?"
"He just has to ignore him, right? Sure, he lost this modeling gig, but by not reacting, he should get bored of Mammon and leave him alone." Levi suggested it without breaking his concentration from his game.
"If this guy went as far as to get the others to kick me out of this show, then I am sure he is not going to leave me alone." Mammon commented while playing with his fork, the food long forgotten, "It's not the first time I've worked with these kinds of demons, but they sure never get less annoying to deal with."
As the dinner went on, the demon brothers started to shit talk about Zephar, even after there was no more food for them to eat. It wasn't until the human chimed in that they shifted the topic of discussion.
"What if we plan something so he will leave Mammon alone for good? We might as well get some sort of revenge for Asmo too while we're at it." MC said after getting all of their attention. At the mention of getting back at Zephar, all of the demon brother's attention moved onto forming a plan for it.
After a week of planning and pulling some strings with the help of Diavolo and Lucifer their plan could finally start taking shape.
"Who would have thought we could make it in time with our plan so we could hold a runway show around the same time as Zephar?" Asmo said as he was taking Mammon's measurements.
"Still...we only have a few days to plan and make all the outfits, we will need to pull some serious all nighters" Levi added, rather nervously. He and Asmo were the only ones who really knew how to make outfits from scratch, while Mammon, MC and Belphegor could help only to a certain point.
"Just the fact that we've announced a runway show around the time of Zephar's show is enough to get that asshole all rilled up." Mammon assured his younger brother. "Especially with you as the star model and Asmo as the main designer... I am just worried he will try to start something," MC raised their concerns. Everyone was aware that by announcing a show in partnership with Majolish, they would garner a lot of attention, whether unwanted or not.
"Oh well, that'll be a bridge to cross when we get there. It's not like we didn't knew what we were getting into." Mammon commented, and with that everyone went back to doing their respective tasks.
"Everyone, I have some news related to Zephar." Satan hurriedly came into the room, getting everyone's attention. "An acquaintance told me that rumors about Mammon have started to spread around."
"What kind of rumors!?" Levi blurted out as he made his way to Satan along with the others.
"Apparently there is someone spreading rumors about how Mammon treated everyone badly at the last agency, and that's why he was kicked out. Some even said that he looked down on some of the other models. " The forth born seemed in deep thought as he explained everything. "While other demons don't really know where all of these rumors started from, I think we all know the source."
"Mammon may be a money hungry idiot that scams people, but he would not treat his coworkers badly!" Asmo started to rant loudly, putting any clothing material down so he wouldn't damage it during his angry rant.
"Geez, thanks for the compliment, if I can even call it that."
"Mammon, you look oddly calm for someone who is getting their reputation tarnished." Levi chimed in, seeing his older brother being unimpressed by the whole situation.
  "Well, it's not like I didn't expect that, especially after Zephar tried to confront me in person not too long ago." Mammon merely scratched his head while the others fell silent.
"He came at you in person? When? And why didn't you tell us sooner?" MC tried to make sense of whatever was going through Mammon's head.
"It was just some lame attempt at taunting me. He was most likely trying to anger me so he could use it against me later on but it didn't work, so he left quite upset."  Mammon continued recalling the whole thing like it was nothing. "It felt pretty good to see him getting all upset at his failed attempt."
"You really should have mentioned this earlier. Anyway, I already got in contact with some demons in order to keep these rumors as low as possible." Satan pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to not get even more angry at the whole situation.
"Aren't you worried that Zephar will act out even more now? If someone was coming at me that way, I would probably just dig a hole for me to die in!" Levi tried to argue, visibly shivering at the thought of being in a similar situation.
"Don't ya worry too much, it's not my first time dealing with such demons, I've got everything under control." Making his way back to continue working on the outfits, the second born turned towards the others. "We really should get back to finishing these if we want to put Zephar back in his place."
Everyone looked a bit shocked at how calm and serious Mammon was about the whole thing. Satan left the room while the others went back to making the outfits for the runway. Seeing Mammon be so sure of himself made the others have more faith in his plan.
° ° °
Designers, make-up and hair stylists, and their assistants were running back and forth, making sure all of the models were ready to go face the public.
The runway show was held in one of Majolish's biggest buildings, where multiple catwalks and stages were set up with some of the more elaborate set ups they had. Both longer runways and shorter ones were scattered symetrically around the building. Still, at the center of the room, there was the longest and most intricate of the stages, where the more eye catching clothing and accessories would be presented.
While a lot of models and designers of Majolish decided to take part in the show, Mammon and Asmo were still the most advertised out of all of them.
"Lord Asmodeus, I am surprised you're not one of the models participating in this event." One of the make-up artists that was making the final touches on Mammon's make-up said.
Well, you see, this is Mammon's show, and if I were to take part in it, I'm afraid everyone would pay attention to yours truly~" Asmo winked at the demon taking care of Mammon's makeup while ignoring the sour expression his older brother is giving him.
"He should really be more thankful to have such an amazing and generous younger brother such as me," Asmo explained, capturing the lesser demon's full attention and earning an eyeroll from Mammon.
Yeah, yeah, I'm so grateful for your help, oh dear younger brother of mine." While his voice was full of sarcasm, Asmo could tell that Mammon was genuinely grateful for all the help he had gotten from his brothers. The make-up artist didn't seem to catch the sarcasm in his voice and looked pleased with the second born's response.
In the midst of Mammon and Asmo's banter, the doors got thrown wide open, revealing a really paniked Levithan, who looked like he was on the verge of fainting.
"Asmo, Mammon, we have a problem!" Hurrying to sit next to them, he starts explaining what got him all panicked.
"A good part of the outfits are gone! To be more exact, the ones that Mammon was supposed to wear and Asmo created!"
While Asmo's eyes widened as some of Beel's plates, Mammon looked unbothered by the whole thing. "MC and Beel went to investigate the whole thing and try to catch any suspects, but we might not find everything by the time the runway starts." Levi finally finished explaining everything, looking just a little more relieved after telling his brothers about the situation.
While Leviathan was catching his breath, Mammon got up and made his way towards the door. "Mammon, wait! Where are you going? Now is not the time to run around during such a dire situation!" Asmo said annoyed at his older brother's seemingly uncaring demeanor.
"I've got something to check, so don't worry about me."
Neither of his younger brothers seemed convinced by his words, so he continued. "I've made a plan just for this situation. You two go start the show as planned, and when my turn comes, put on this video to play on one of the projectors." The greed demon throws a memory stick at Leviathan as he leaves the room.
Looking at one another, both Leviathan and Asmodeus still looked worried but decided to go ahead with the plan, after all, it was not every day they saw Mammon look so sure of himself and coolheaded.
The runway starts just as planned, with the models making their way first from the smaller stages first, and then gradually coming out to the bigger catwalks, drawing the crowd's attention towards the biggest catwalk, where Mammon was supposed to come from.
All of the lights pointed to where Mammon was supposed to come out from, but no one was there. The crowd seemed both surprised and annoyed at the lack of presence from the main star. Whispers started to spread around, some trying to make sense of the situation while others downright slandering the avatar of greed's name.
The whispering went on for a minute or so, and Levi was getting ready to set up the video he got from Mammon to be played until screams could be heard from the entrance. The doors flew open as a bunch of crows flew into the room, flying in all directions and scaring the guests.
As the crows started to sit in different parts of the room, the view cleared for all of the guests to see none other than Zephar, kneeling down in front of the main runway, trying to catch his breath. Both Beelzebub and MC were standing up on either side of him to make sure he would stay where he was.
"Everyone, I am sorry for the messy scene you had to witness." All eyes moved from Zephar to the main stage, where they could see Mammon walking down on it, in the outfit that Asmo created. "We had a situation with a clothing thief who tried to ruin our show." Mammon said as he was pointing towards the demon kneeling down on the floor.
"That's absurd! I was dragged by these damn birds and those brutes in the back!" Zephar shouted as he pointed towards Beelzebub and MC. "I would never lower my level so much to the point of stealing from another runway show!" He was visibly shaking with anger and wheezing for all the crowd to see. Guests started to talk among themselves as flashes of cameras were going off in the background.
"That's a bold claim you just made, especially considering that they're all just lies." Mammon's voice raised just a bit, not daring to let it slip just what kind of words he would like to tell Zephar. "Levi, play the video I gave you earlier."
Murmurs from the crowd could be heard, but once the video started to play everyone fell silent. The video not only showed Zephar clearly stealing the outfits and accessories but also all the attempts to get Mammon angry and even Zephar talking with some other demons about how he wants to ruin the show and put Mammon in a bad light. Everything, from the fake rumors to the nasty words and the plan to ruin the show, was caught on camera for everyone to see.
"What was the whole 'dragging you here by force around'? again" Asmo made his way next to Mammon, crouching down to look at Zephar. "What's with the look on your face? A model as popular as you shouldn't make such pathetic expressions."
Zephar tried to lash out at Asmo in a fit of anger, but before he could even reach the scene, Beelzebu dragged him down while MC put on some magic chains on him. He tried to free himself from them but that quickly stopped once they started to glow. MC got down to his level.
"If I were you, I would be careful; the more you move, the hotter they'll burn, and it would be such a shame to have burn marks on that body of yours. Unless the chains melt through your body before that." Standing up with a smug expression, they looked up at Mammon and winked at him as a sign for him to go on.
"As you can see, Zephar has been harassing me for quite a while, trying to ruin my reputation in the name of starting drama." Mammon spoke up to the public.
"Not only did he get me kicked out of my previous modeling gig but he also tried to ruin this whole show." Gesturing to his crows, he continued his explanation. "I used my crows to spy on him in order to get this whole thing on camera for all of you to see. I kind of hoped it wouldn't come to this, but it doesn't matter now."
Everyone looked at him in awe. The audience, because they just witnessed the whole thing, and his brothers, cause they didn't know Mammon could act so calm and collected, only MC had a smug smile on their face as they looked up at Mammon.
"We'll take it from here now." From the same doors that Zephar burst into the room, Satan , Belphehor and Lucifer make their way towards him.
"You've really got some guts, coming after my brothers like that." Lucifer looked down on him, smirking a little at the shameful state of the demon beneath him.
"We have also looked into some of your history, so the whole situation with Mammon that you've started isn't the whole thing you'll have to worry about." Satan explained as he motioned to Beelzebub to pick Zephar up.
"Man, can you get any more lame than you are already? I'm surprised you made it so far with how sloppy you were with hiding all of your stuff" Belphegor yawned while trying to mock him.
"Guess that's our cue to leave." Beel tightened his grip on Zephar. To everyone else, it looked like the sixth born was just having a more secure grip on the model, but in reality, he just did it in order to warn Zephar that he would eat him if he tried anything.
After Zephar was dragged away, Asmo got everyone's attention. "I am truly sorry for the delay of our runway. I hole you've enjoyed the show that we just put on but now is time to get back to the main show!"
Before making his way to the backstage area, Asmo turned towards Mammon with a big smile on his face. I can't believe we actually pulled that off, do you think the others are putting the fear of God into him right as we speak?"
Mammon, no longer being capable of hiding his grin replied. "I am sure they are doing so much worse than that"
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Hi! Do you want to rant about space dementia? I always like learning about new songs and their meanings :)
Bye <3
I DO.!!1! Okay so let’s strap in bc this might be a little long. Sorry!!!
First i’ll put the put the song for reference
Okay to understand this analysis, you have to understand what “space dementia” actually is. Space dementia is a type of (fake) sickness that some astronauts will get, that makes them feel lonely/depressed, and that they or anything else doesn’t matter anymore. Basically because they’re in a giant space of literal nothing, it makes them feel so insignificant and also feel like just another nothing floating along in it.
Now, there is 2 separate analyses for this which might make this really long so..sorry. One looks at it through the more direct lense of space dementia, while the other is how Space Dementia can parallel the feelings of a toxic relationship. You can skip one or the other if you want and i’ll label them.
Also throughout this I will be saying him when referring to the person singing due to the person singing Matt Bellamy and I can differentiate what I am talking about.
“H8 is the one for me
It gives me all I need
And helps me coexist
With the chill, ooh”
Although this part is one of the few confusing bits to me, h8 is often used as hate in chat, which could be saying “hate helps me coexist with the chill” such as being cold and hateful yourself helps you coexist with the chill of space that makes you feel worthless.
“You make me sick
Because I adore you so
I love all the dirty tricks
And twisted games you play on me, ooh”
Okay starting off “you make me sick” is fairly obvious; space dementia is making him sick. “Because I adore you so” is interesting and i love this lyric. Obviously if you didnt love space you wouldnt go and be an astronaut and go into space in the first place. Its saying it exactly as it means: i love you so much that I came to see you for myself, even if im getting sick because of you. “i love all the dirty tricks / and the twisted games you play on me” is basically again saying he doesn’t care what space will do to him, he will still love it as it is.
“Space dementia in my eyes and
Peace will arise
And tear us apart
And make us meaningless again”
“space dementia in my eyes” is literally about how its consuming him and is inside him and how much its affecting him. “peace will arise / and tear us apart / and make us meaningless again” grouping these all together as they basically say the same thing. Saying that everything will eventually stop existing (either the sun consuming earth, black holes consuming space) and make them all meaningless again because everyone, everything will be forgotten, even himself (especially if hes stuck in space).
“You make us wanna die
I'd cut your name in my heart
We'll destroy this world for you
I know you want me to feel your pain, ooh”
“you make us want to die” again, makes the guy want to die bc of how depressed and meaningless its making him feel. “Id cut your name in my heart” he would do anything for space because he loves it so much. Carving your name into my heart is often seen as a metaphorical act of love. “we’ll destory this world for you” not entirely sure on this, but could just be a reaffirmation of literally doing anything. “i know you want me to feel your pain” space is the one inflicting this sickness onto him, making him feel lonely and empty just like space is.
After that is just repeating lyrics but thats Part 1.
now, this is my favourite/most thought out interpretation, but there are so many different interpretations that follow a similar path of toxic relationship, so that’s what I will explain. If anyone else has thoughts please share though! <3
“H8 is the one for me
It gives me all I need
And helps me coexist
With the chill, ooh”
Hate is the one for me and the rest of this could be like how it helps him coexist in this world even though its not healthy. It could be like he is used to love being hateful possibly from trauma as a kid.
“You make me sick
Because I adore you so
I love all the dirty tricks
And twisted games you play on me, ooh”
Now starting on the actual toxic relationship, I will be talking about space as a person and referring to them as so, so don’t be confused (using she/her for space as well so it doesn’t get more confusing). “you make me sick / Because I adore you so” he loves her so much, so sticking around even though its making him feel horrible about himself. “I love all the dirty tricks / and twisted games you play on me” he loves them all because he loves her so much, even though they’re dirty and twisted. He can’t see past his love for her.
“Space dementia in my eyes and
Peace will arise
And tear us apart
And make us meaningless again”
“space dementia in my dementia” could be referring to how hes blinded by love, and how eventually everything will tear/fall apart and make everything that they had meaningless.
“You make us wanna die
I'd cut your name in my heart
We'll destroy this world for you
I know you want me to feel your pain, ooh”
“you make us want to die” space is making him want to kill himself becuase of her toxic behaviour. “id cut your name into my heart / we’ll destroy this world for you” he would do anything for her basically. “I know you want me to feel your pain” shes making him suffer, possibly disguising it as how shes suffering.
TLDR: or Basically, if that made no sense, this guy is stuck in a toxic relationship and he is too blinded by his lover for him to leave, and shes constantly hurting him, but he sees it as love. He would do anything for her, as he feels like nothing matters except her.
Now for side notes on why else I love the song beside the lyrics. I LOVE Matt Bellamy’s voice in this song specifically. The high notes he manages to pull off are just beautiful. Not only that but the instrumental at the end after the lyrics come to an end just ascends my body every time. It truly feels like you’re floating in space and that everything feels BIG around you, and yet empty. The song feels and sounds so sorrowful too and I think the emotions come through so well through both the vocals and backing track. Something that stuck with me that someone told me was “it sounds like a 70s art studio in the middle of the night” and GOD yeah it really does. Everything about the song is perfect and I hope I never get tired of it from playing it on repeat too much.
thank you for coming to my ted talk on Space Dementia. Sam try not to write a whole essay for every ask about a special interest challenge (IMPOSSIBLE). Im so glad to have this out of my system though and it probably made no sense whatsoever as all my thoughts are usually incoherent written down or said aloud. ^_^ Thanks for the ask and permission to rant and have a great day <3
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artinandwritin · 2 months
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I dont think i ever mentioned it but ever since i started applying to art colleges I've been keeping up an art wall and since i just added some new illustrations to it, i thought it would be fun to explain some things on my wall and revisit some of my old favourites!
Going from left to right, we start with some more recent illustrations (featuring, ofc, gussiri, Niv, and a recent illustration of Cato from @otwdfanfic 's fic that i liked sm i just had to print and put up somewhere). Next to Cato, I put a gift i got from my dear friend @lt-catbolt of our bois Niv and Melatron and i cant remember if this was for my birthday or for fun, all i know is that i nearly cried when she gave it to me (go follow her now btw she's awesome and shes gonna become one of the most expressive storytellers of our generation i just know it)
Underneath Cato and Niv/Mel, we've got a huge pencil drawing I did 2 years ago to get accepted into an art college. It took me so. So long. I even begged my teachers from high school to let me follow classes online so i could continue working (they said yes lmao) and my mom even had to help. Worse, it wasnt the only assignment that particular art school had given me, no, they had given me a total of 6 assignments I had to complete. They all took a lot of time and didnt all turn out great haha. I didnt get accepted into that school (it was a fine arts study so im pretty sure i wouldnt have been happy there anyways) but that just makes me all the more happy i did get accepted into the one im currently attending
Anyway ive been too lazy to take it down so now itll be there until i find the willpower to take it down
The butterfly above it is a painting i did towards autumn of 2021 for my portfolio. I'm not the best painter (decent enough but its just not for me) but im still really happy with how this turned out. It was pretty fun!
Underneath that is an inkt print made from a stencil once again featuring Cato (i have. No idea why hes on my wall twice lmao i guess hes just a great muse). People who have been with me for long enough probably still remember this cuz i was superproud of how it turned out and plastered it all over my account (and my house. My mom wanted a copy as well)
Underneath the inkt print is a poster i got while visiting the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe stage play when I was in London in autumn of 2022 (take me back London take me back take me back). The play was absolutely stunning and the way everything was staged left me (as a life long narnia enthusiast) ecstatic and super excited. One of the best plays ive ever seen even if i had one of the worst seats in the theatre <3
Next to the poster is another little gussiri drawing i printed lmao. The little goobers show up so much
Above the poster is more of gussiri!! And above that is another painting i made, this time of some mushrooms. I made this during a party i threw for my 18th birthday, we all did some painting together and i remember my lovely lovely friend @allilcat painting with watercolours so well. That memory is just etched into my brain <333
Above that is a painting i made of the night sky! I used it for my portfolio and it was really cool to paint since i, not knowing basic painting techniques, could only really throw my own imagination into it which gave a really cool result. Still really love it!
Lastly, we've got a Siri illustration made by a classmate of mine for a secret santa we did last christmas! I was so happy with it and ofc it deserved a really good spot on my wall <333
Thats been a bit about my wall, if youve made it this far thanks for listening to me rambling <333
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make-your-own-evil · 1 year
Okay hear me out. Dork squad with a tall (7ft) goth women, who sometimes dresses like morticia Addams when she's feeling yk hot. And a plus she's kinda got big tibbies. Tha is in advance ❤❤❤
okay major lady dimitrescu vibes 👀👀
also im going to do this for the animated series dork squad. i hope you dont mind!
edit: i forgot to mention the tibbies im so sorry 😭
BTAS! Dork Squad x Tall!Goth!Fem!S/O
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this man is flustered by the presence of cute girls, so with a very goth mommy-esque girlfriend he wont be able to FUNCTION
he is a fairly tall guy so the fact that he has to look up to her is a very foreign concept for him. could she perhaps be his bodyguard, too?
should he be intimidated? should he be horny? why not both??
he could probably get REALLY into seeing his girl all dressed in fishnets and the bodycon black dress.
its not like he hasnt been seen with girls in fishnets or anything 👀
this relationship would be the epitome of nerdy gamer boyfriend and thick goth girlfriend
he buys her new clothes for her to ahem...try on for him
also the relationship would be a giant ego boost for him (not like he needed one anyways)
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ohhh ho ho... yes
shes this mans new muse. and how you can have a muse for his kind of work is a mystery to everyone but them
hes also a tall guy so the way his heart skips when his taller goth gf looks down at him is very addicting
absolutely salivating and short circuiting when she gets dressed up in her tight black dresses.
also i want to point out that its canon that the scarecrow in "happy halloween scooby doo" is a huge elvira fan and i wouldnt be surprised if this one is too
she is his elvira, vampira, lily munster, morticia addams and bride of frankenstein! hes dating a freak just like him!
hes bending over backwards making her dresses out of burlap, getting her anything and everything she wants and desires
another nerdy bf and goth gf duo but theyre both spooky! 🖤
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Mad Hatter:
nothing to see here! just a tiny silly man and his tall hot goth girlfriend
who needs an alice when you can have a morticia?
its not totally dissimilar to roger and jessica rabbit. the only difference being that shes goth and hes a psychotic criminal
he is almost the perfect gomez addams. he may not be suave and goth himself, but he will dote on her until the end of time! anything she wants she gets
its a very cute but odd relationship. queue people turning and scratching their heads while they walk by.
4'11ft dorky dude dressed as the mad hatter staring lovingly up at his 7ft goth mommy girlfriend in a tight as hell black dress
on a general note, after the sting of rejection from the whole 'alice' thing i doubt that he thought he would ever find love. so this for him would be huge. and this is even bETTER
okay but wouldnt it be so cute for him to have the black lipstick kiss stains on his red blushing face aaaaaaa
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
Human Alastor slowly slithering into madness after his wife/muse has been killed, hunting down Vox's killers, chasing them with the fury of a unleashed god.
Would he keep Vox's corpse? I feel like he would. Like, he'd have it taxidermied, or put in a glass case and it vacuumed sealed and all that, have Vox well preserved.
Also, i think he'd definitely talk about his wife a HELL of a lot more on his radio show, even if they were never married. Like, Vox being the turning point to him falling and becoming the serial killer we all know he is--delicious.
I think even in hell, when/if they're reunited (cause if Vox was a starlet/or famous in a different way she/he could be a winner and in Heaven. Although I'm sure Vox would fall for Alastor.) I think Alastor would talk about his wife. Like constantly. Idk.
oh yeah al would DEF keep a reminder of vox. i think in the scenario i thought up, vox had her head crushed by a tv sooo embalming(im assuming thats what u meant by taxidermy lmao)/preserving the body would be difficult, so al would probably keep her ashes or maybe a piece of her favourite outfit in a locket. like those hair lockets they used to do in the victorian era!
certainly LOL. i think in general al isnt much of a romantic but i think in the case where her wife is murdered and shes still searching for the killers, a lot of her subsequent broadcasts would be centred around keeping her wifes memory alive bc by killing vox, her murderers meant to try to take away her fame in the tinseltown stardom scene
(also i cant imagine a world where vox doesnt go to hell. tbh. i feel like here, she'd indulge in a lot of vices and fuck over other people without even giving a second thought to it, and even though she'd inevitably have a pretty horrible past courtesy of being a female hollywood star, it wouldnt be enough to excuse her of the actions that got her to the top. but the idea of vox falling from heaven just to reunite with al..... hm. uve intrigued me nonny)
(loud correct buzzer noises) YEAAA al talks about her wife all the time once they're reunited in hell. sections of the radio broadcast is dedicated solely to vox and she plays a new song for her every time
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everythingsinred · 6 months
lil musing on natsume + manga
anyway im not mad at the world anymore. i choose peace! let's talk about natsume's manga for two seconds bc i realized just now that @crimoncitrus , @thesightofworms, and i discovered the reason why natsume reads yaoi while we were playing the ga karuta game and i never reported those findings!
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its just cuz rui and nobara like yaoi so theres a lot of that particular reading material in the da. natsume loves to read manga so. he makes do with whats around... i love that explanation SO MUCH bc it gives a new dimension to the da class dynamics. natsume hates those two people but is willing to swipe the books they bring to class lmao.
personally i think that explains why he reads so many random things, yaoi aside. he reads sanrio catalogs and books on jam and cooking. idk boy's a bookworm! he'll take anything as long as he can read. kinda like how as a child, if i was visiting my grandparents in serbia i'd end up looking through encyclopedias and shitty mystery novels i probably wouldnt rly consider otherwise bc its all that was available. natsume just reads anything, i guess.
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including mikan's anger at mochu here as further evidence that he was able to give a really good gift! in the tokyopop she even accuses mochu of cheating...
for natsume's bday, mochu got him "manga he really wanted to read" and natsume looked as visibly excited as natsume ever lets himself be, probably bc hes happy to be able to read smth he wants rather than whatevers laying around. i know our boy's a special star and probably has plenty of money to fund a manga collection, but he doesnt seem to enjoy going to central town any of the times we see him there and he's usually just eager to leave asap so i dont think he makes a habit of going out of his way to buy manga. plus, i imagine mochu's huge haul for him took time and care that natsume wasn't willing to put in for himself. but mochu cares abt natsume so was willing to painstakingly search for his friend's favorite titles.
i know he usually uses manga to cover his face in class, but that's because he's tired and sick and needs rest. the glimpses we have of his bedroom suggest he reads manga there...
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look at those books!
anyway rip to natsume bc his laziness wins over his desire to read something he actually enjoys everytime.
also for some reason despite the fact that i dont rly watch a lot of shounen, i wont be moved on my headcanon that natsume would. my reasoning is.... because.
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blood-injections · 8 months
Oh man more Dr Benzedrine's monster stuff bc this au has been rotating in my head all day he totaly knows what frankenstein is like read the book or something and he saw it and as a scientist couldnt hep but think what if.. especially woth modern science hmm.. and the suitehearts like heard him musing but thought he was joking about it but then benz fukin creates Ghoul and is like man this is a scientific breakthrough.. if only there were respectable scientists out there like me and not just goddamn better living. Because benz may be out of his mind but atleast he's a rebel 💀. Anyway he totally hides Ghoul at first even from the suitehearts and Ghoul like new to the fucking world doesn't even realize hes being hidden hes just like guess this lab is the whole world then? But he has like weird flashbacks bc like freaky kind of stuff like irl how people who've had certain organ transplants have said they like have memories or feelings that arent their own and nust be from the donor via cellular memory(look it up its a crazy cool thing to learn abt and its gonna play a decent part in this fic and ghouls like internal struggles) or like their personalities chage entirely after getting a heart transplant and Ghoul's made up of different peoples body parts and organs and someones brain that was zapped back to life and he experieces these memory things to the nth degree and eventually he even remembers like a childhood like a good chunk of memories from whoevers brain his was before him and he literally remembers growng up on the streets benz of coirse thinks its all just fascinating but thats how he like fogured oit hes being hidden because he has little flashes of the world passed on from everyone hes made up pictues of both the city and the desert and he grows impatient really fast especially since benz keeps bullshitting him and saying he wouldnt unerstand and that hes safe there in the lab and stuff and the doors stay locked theres no windows and he hates it and starts hating benz even though thats like his maker who is kind yes but also idk if its not safe out there i cant stay here forever type stuff. But one day when benz is out he manages to bust out just to emerge into a bigger like compound that turns out to be part of the underground rebellion of battery city and this specifically is the suitehearts bunker and he throws open the door just to come face to face with sandman and they just fucking stare at eachother.
Once they sort out just who each other are and why ghoul came out of benz lab and why he has no name or anything sandmans like holy shit the crazy motherfucker really did it and when benz gets back he gets a good long lecture of the ethics of building a fucking person. Not that it chages anything benz is too far gone in it all
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doxiedreg · 8 months
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So uh
I went unexpectedly hard as fuck on this So the story is that I was hanging out in my discord server with my friends and my friend who i will call bird man, talked how he should draw his dragon character asoma at some point but he doesnt have a design for him yet. I know bird man struggles with drawing and character design and I also just love (re)designing characters for my friends so I innocently asked what he would describe the character to look like, thinking I probably wouldnt be able to make him anything with my current state of mind and body. I get a vague description (which is no problem because it means more creative freedom) and get to work on sketching
This was my first draft that I shared:
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Colors were a lil rushed because i hadnt eaten anything and was waiting for groceries to be delivered so i set out to render it once i had my groceries and i had eaten a bit Then after eating and doing the dishes I refined the sketch to this
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I changed the head angle and added wings so there wouldnt be as much empty space Then i set out to do the lineart with a new brush, leading to some experimentation before i ended on this:
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Now it was time to redo the colors and i decided to change them up a bunch because the original palette didnt really look too nice and was kinda rushed and i knew i could do better. Now I dont have screenshots of my coloring process because I was in the zone and just kept working on it without more breaks until i ended up with the fully rendered version so uh yeah My muse just came out of nowhere, tackled me and then shook me like a rabid dog with a dog toy Can't say I will draw another piece as detailed as this one any time soon or even when i will make another drawing in general as im just feeling out when and what i want to draw or if i want to draw at all Anyway sorry for the long post Basically I wanted to make bird man a gift and my brain just took of running with the idea. Didn't make bird man anything for his birthday because i was very out of it back then so i guess thats why my brain went so hard on it haha I hope you guys enjoy!
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