#young edward nashton
v4mpb0t · 11 months
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Is there any chance for retribution?
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stickparrot · 5 months
These five little nerds has been hovering in my brain for a month so congrats
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What do you mean I dont have type (lie)
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skye707 · 1 year
I like to imagine when there's like playdates with the scarecrows and riddlers we've got them on leashes and they're socializing like dogs LMAO
Like I'm over here here and I've got Nolanverse and fear state with leashes Like "yeah man they don't bite, they're friendly" I am lying they do bite and they bite hard LMAO
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As I said, playdates are my forte.
When you sent me this, I was overjoyed.
Bless you for giving me this evil task 💙
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tedlebred · 8 months
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Apologies for continuing to riddler post on main
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fallingpapersnow · 1 year
Ever wanted to hear what some of the Riddlers sound like when they sing? You're in luck! I created a lil compilation of just that! Now, I didn't use all of the Riddlers, just the ones that are either the most notable or ones that I just personally like. Enjoy!
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vinegar-rights · 1 year
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hxney-lemcn · 6 months
First Date — Young Justice! Riddler x gn! reader
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summery: Eddie takes you out on a wonderful date! Arcade? Movie? Dinner? Who could ask for more?
tw: none
a/n: Based on this headcanon/fic by @finniestoncrane ! Go check it out if you haven't already!! Or their entire catalogue of riddler fics because they write him really well and they have an abundance of them. Also! Clematis means intelligence, red camellia's means passionate love, and baby's breath innocence/innocent love.
wc: 2.5k
Master List
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It would have been nerve wracking if I hadn’t been waiting for this day for who knows how long. I checked myself in the mirror one last time before I heard a knock on the front door. Nodding to myself in the mirror, knowing if I spent any more time nitpicking at my appearance we’d never get anywhere. Taking in a deep breath, I opened the door to reveal my date for the day. 
There stood Edward Nygma in all his glory. A sheepish grin rested on his face as he handed me a bouquet of flowers. It was a mix of clematis, red camellia’s, and baby’s breath. An odd combination, yet they also worked well together, and knowing Eddie, they held a deeper meaning that I’d have to look up later. 
“Thank you Eddie!” I smiled, inhaling the sweet scent before ushering him in. I didn’t exactly have any vases, but an old bottle I found would have to do the trick. When I came back into the living room, I placed the flowers on the coffee table, watching Eddie take in the place. “Where are we heading to first?” I asked, coming to stand beside him, making him jump. 
“O-oh! Right,” He nodded, rubbing his neck awkwardly. “I-it’s a…surprise?” Normally I’d tease, push a little to see if I could get the answer…but I know Eddie would bend right away and where’s the fun without a little surprise?
It wasn’t too long of a walk, and I was a bit surprised at the destination. Unsurprisingly, the arcade wasn’t too busy at 10:30 am. My smile couldn’t get any bigger when Eddie beat the high score of the pacman game, a triumphant grin revealing his cute little tooth gap.
“Oo! Let’s play this one!” I exclaimed, tugging Eddie over to a motorcycle race game. 
“Okay,” He replied, just happy to see that you were enjoying yourself. With him. That he was making you beam that sweet smile.
The race was afoot. Choosing the bike we wanted, I couldn’t stop the giddy smile from spreading across my face. I never felt so young again. The worries of daily life disappeared, and I could only focus on how sweet Eddie was. 
“Oh my God, Eddie!” I exclaimed, trying to stop the laughter that threatened to bubble out as he laid sprawled out across the floor. The game beeped as I hopped off, crouching over Eddie as he sat up, rubbing his neck sheepishly.
“I’m okay,” He laughed nervously, voice a little higher pitched than normal. “S-sorry, I always screw up…”
“Oh hush,” I batted his arm lightly. “Now c’mon, I think those kids wanna play next.”
He let out a squeak, face blushing bright red as we passed the two giggling children. It was fun to watch Eddie while he managed to get the jackpot every time, gaining an obscured amount of tickets. And when I tried my luck, he was only supportive when I never won it big. 
“Let’s get something to eat,” I offered, pointing over to the ordering station. 
“My treat!” He sputtered. “What do you want?”
“Are you sure?” I asked, feeling a bit guilty at how much he’s been paying already. 
“Th-this day is about you,” He exclaimed. “Anything you want, it's yours.” I felt my heart sputter. He was such a romantic, I wonder if he even realizes how attractive that makes him. 
“It’s about us,” I corrected, leaning over to plant a kiss on his cheek. His entire face blazed a bright red as he stuttered incomprehensibly. It was warming to know that I had such an effect on him, yet at the same time it was hard to show him affection if I didn’t want him to go brain dead at the simplest shows of affection. After he calmed down (barely), I told him what I wanted. He returned quickly, handing me what I asked for. Yet instead of us both getting a drink, he placed a slushie between us, two straws placed in it for good measure. I honestly didn’t think he had it in him, but I’ll give him kudos for the gesture. 
Once we finished our snack, he pulled me by the hand over to a stacker game. The prize being 1,000 tickets. He let me try first, cheering me on as I got higher and higher on the game. I felt adrenaline pulse through me as I neared the win line, and the platform got smaller. 
“Gah!” I groaned as I missed by a sliver. “I was so close!”
“You did really well!” Eddie cheered. “It only shows how your hand to eye coordination is better than the common man.”
Even though it read that I earned 500 tickets, I couldn’t be too angry at how Eddie always managed to praise me in his unusual ways. I stood to the side, taking a rewarding sip from our slushie as Eddie managed to absolutely crush the game. 
“That was awesome!” I cheered.
“W-well, I’ve practiced,” He replied sheepishly, watching as 1,000 tickets were placed onto his card balance. “But I think that was our last credit.”
“Damn,” I huffed. “I don’t want the date to end yet.”
“Heh heh,” Eddie laughed sheepishly, rubbing his neck as he couldn’t make eye contact, face flushed a light pink. “W-well I had a bit more planned…”
“Oh!” I said in surprise. The dates I’ve always been on were one thing. Just dinner, just a movie, so the fact that Eddie planned out the day made my smile lighten considerably. 
“B-but if you don’t want to continue that’s fine,” He stumbled, hands waving.
I rolled my eyes, squeezing his hand, “I just said I didn’t want the date to end silly.”
“Right,” He nodded. “Let’s see how many tickets we got.”
Nodding, we walked over to a machine that told us how many tickets we managed to get. I pouted when I saw I only got 2,000 tickets. Only for my jaw to go slack at the outrageous amount of tickets Eddie got. He got 20,000! That’s crazy!
“Holy sh-crap Eddie!” I corrected myself when I saw a little kid run past. Looking around, there wasn’t much I could get with my tickets. Whatever, I had fun nonetheless.
“What do you want?” Eddie asked, also looking around at the prizes he could choose. Sure, he couldn’t get the guitar that they had for some reason, but he still had a large variety. 
“You get something you want,” I pushed. “You won them with your hard work.”
“W-well I wanna get something you want then,” He pouted. And who could say no to that face. My face warmed as I looked at the more promising prizes to choose from. After he got me an actually cute plushie (and not those cheap small ones), I let him choose something with the limited amount of tickets I got. 
“So what’s next?” I asked as we began walking once more.
“Well I overheard you talking about that one movie you wanted to see…” He trailed off.
“Seriously?” I asked, eyes wide with excitement. 
Oh he was serious. He even got the best seats in the back and everything. As the lights in the theater dimmed, I scooted over a bit closer to Eddie. Not too close, as I didn’t want to get him all flustered, even if I find it adorable. I watched in anticipation as the movie started to play, only to hear Eddie yawn. I glanced at him for a second, only for my eyes to return to the screen. Yet when I felt his arm around my shoulder, I had to try my best not to jump. I blinked, face blank, trying my hardest not to snicker. He actually pulled the classic yawn and arm around the shoulder move huh? I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything else from the dork. 
I relaxed into his embrace, resting my head on his shoulder and rested my hand on his stomach. But even though he was the one to pull the first move I could feel him tense under my touch, which made me worry if I took it too far somehow.
“Is this okay?” I whispered, not wanting to bother others. 
“Y-yes,” He stuttered, and even in the dim lighting I could see the red that painted his face. I could only smile warmly, snuggling a bit further to get more comfortable. It was hard to focus on the movie when I was snuggled into a cutie. As the movie progressed, he got more comfortable, awkwardly holding my back. When the movie ended I couldn’t help but be in awe. It was so good! And I got to share it with someone I cared about! What more could I ask for?
“I can’t believe they actually finished it like that!” I exclaimed as I held Eddie’s arm. “That was awesome! Thank you for taking me to see it!”
Eddie chuckled, seeming to have gained more confidence over the experience, “I was surprised too! It was actually a good movie.” “Are you saying I have bad movie tastes?” I asked teasingly.
“N-no! Of c-course not!” He stuttered, waving his free hand in the air. “Th-they just didn’t have the best marketing!”
I laughed gently, nudging his side playfully, “I’m just teasing.”  I wasn’t really paying attention to where we were going, just enjoying my time with Eddie while also trying to silently struggle with the plushie I got. I’m glad I got it, but it was kind of an inconvenience while walking. I nearly stumbled when we stopped outside of a restaurant. Eddie opened the door for me, and I walked in. This was by far the best date I’ve ever been on. Fun at the arcade, restful at the movie, and now a dinner to top it all off? 
As we were seated, Eddie practically rushed to push my chair in for me. And people say chivalry is dead. Well I suppose calling a villain chivalrous is quite ironic, but I digress. We made some small talk while looking over the options. It wasn’t too many, but not too little either. I managed to find something I liked, and I was glad that we were getting something to eat because I was starting to get quite hungry. 
“Do you know what you want?” Eddie asked. “I’ll order it for you.”
I was about to protest, but the sweet look in his eyes had my arguments die in my throat. So instead, I told him what I wanted, and he seemed to concentrate hard to remember it perfectly. He was just too cute. I wonder how no one has scooped him up yet. I’m one lucky person for him to be interested in me. 
As the waiter came by to take our orders, Eddie managed to get them out without one stutter. I smiled at him proudly. The food came around quickly, thankfully.
“Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?” I asked mindlessly, before taking a bite out of my food.
Eddie hummed as he swallowed his bite, “Just finishing up my one plan. Hopefully I can execute it properly.” He slightly deflated at the thought.
Reaching over, I rested my hand over his, causing his gaze to linger on mine, “I’m sure you’ll do wonderfully. After all, you are the smartest man I’ve ever met.”
His cheeks dusted a light pink, either from the touch, or the praise, I wasn’t sure. Probably a mix from both. He pushed his glasses up, seeming to push down his self deprecation and nodded. I knew he wasn’t pushing it because he didn’t want to ruin the date, but I wanted to make sure he knew I wasn’t just lying to him.
“I wouldn’t go on a date with just anyone you know,” I smiled, gently rubbing my thumb over his knuckles before letting go to continue eating.
That seemed to have gotten to him a bit better as he seemed lost for words. He praised me all the time, so I knew that he couldn’t refute anything when it came to me. It was a nice thought, that he saw me so highly, I just wish he could see himself the way I saw him. 
Dinner went smoothly after that. And as we exited the restaurant, I realized we’ll have to walk all the way back to my place. Not that I didn’t want to spend more time with Eddie, it’s just that my body was starting to get sore with all the walking we’ve done today. Not to mention I had to carry the plushie at an awkward angle, making my arm sore. 
“Do you think we could catch a cab?” I asked Eddie sheepishly, messing with the ear of my plushie. 
“Ye-yeah!” Eddie nodded. The ride to my place was quick, and it was nice to rest my head on Eddie’s shoulder. He was less tense about it than earlier which was nice. When the familiar building appeared, I couldn’t help but feel myself relax. I had a wonderful day with Eddie, but a bath sounds plenty nice at the moment. 
Like the gentlemen Eddie is, he walked me to my door, the cab driving off. 
“I had a great night tonight,” I said with a smile towards Eddie. He wore his own, eyes gleaming under the streetlight. “Thank you Eddie.”
“Thank you,” He replied. “For allowing me the chance.”
“You always had a chance,” I teased. And then it was silent, except for the cars in the background. I watched as Eddie’s gaze dropped to my lips for a split second before looking away. I knew he wouldn’t make the first move, and if I learned anything from tonight, he was more open to affection than I thought. 
So, in a fit of bravery, I leaned in, placing my lips on his. He was frozen for a second, before gently kissing me back. I raised a hand to hold his cheek gently, taking in how soft he felt. His lips were warm, his skin was smooth, and even his hair on his sideburns was surprisingly soft to the touch. I was about to pull away, but was surprised when Eddie placed a hand on my neck, keeping me close to him. I gave him a few more seconds before pulling away, the burn in my lungs delicious. But the sounds he let out were even better. He was more intoxicating than he will ever realize because the urge to kiss him was strong, but I’ll save that for the second date.
“Good night Eddie,” I spoke, breaking him out of the little trance he seemed to be in. 
“G-good night!” Eddie replied as I gave him a kiss on the cheek for good measure. I waved at him as I entered my place. Licking my lips, I tasted the slight salt from his skin. He had been sweating after our kiss. I could only shake my head at the thought, only wondering what Eddie would surprise me with next time.
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evilaccountant · 4 months
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I swear I’ve drawn this exact doodle of Ed before but I can’t find it???
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
Since requests are open I would like to request the various riddlers doing snow angels and having a snowball fight with their S/O.
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A/N: aww this is super cute! Sorry if some of the headcanons get a wee repetitive. I-I was running out of steam hehe…sorry plus I’m slowly but surely coming back to writing after a wee break…but here ya go!
Snow Angels and Snowball Fights w/ The Riddlers:
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
- First of all, first of all…congrats on getting him outside. 
- Please make sure he’s wearing enough layers. 
- Yes, he’s gonna complain but for as hot blooded and hot headed as he gets, he’s useless against the cold. 
- However, good luck trying to get him to participate in other winter activities. 
- He may roll his eyes as you plop in the snow and wave your limbs like a child. 
- But don’t be surprised if a snowball fight occurs.
- Ed’s already got several riddlerbots on deck that can form snowballs at rapid speed. 
- A fight is a challenge, a challenge to win, and Edward Nygma doesn’t lose (unless it’s Batman…just don’t say that)
- Bonus: once y’all get back inside, be ready with a couple cups of hot chocolate. 
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler: 
- Winters at the orphanage left many children ill, and at the very worst dead. 
- It will take some time for you to open him up that the season can actually be fun. 
- He’ll be confused at first when you fall back into the snow, he frantically tries to catch you from the fall. 
- However when he notices you giggling and making a snow angel, it makes him laugh. 
- When he decides to join you in the snow, he finds himself being extremely giddy. 
- Later you were able to talk him into a snowball fight. At first he’s unsure cause he doesn’t want to hurt you
- One swift snowball to the shoulder from you, has him thinking otherwise.
- You’re not sure who won or lost when you’re both laughing breathlessly on the ground. 
- Edward knows one thing for sure, he’s grateful for you and he enjoys being able to actually feel like a kid. 
Gotham Riddler: 
- Um…what?
- Why…why did you fall to the snow? You’re going to get snow on your clothes?!
- Feel free to jump back up and just push him into the snow. 
- He’ll be frustrated that snow is on him, but he won’t be for long. 
- You do look rather cute when you’re proud of yourself. 
- However, be on your guard. 
- While he’s on the ground he’s slowly grabbing some snow to shape into a small snowball. 
- He leans up, you think he’s getting up, but he’s actually tossing a snowball into your gut and taking off. 
- It’s game on! Good luck!
BTAS Riddler: 
- Edward enjoys participating in activities you take pleasure in. 
- At least most of them, and if he’s not sure, he’s willing to try them once for you. 
- When you call out his name and slowly begin falling backwards
- He's quick to try and catch you but finds himself on top of you. 
- Eddie's shaking his head, but chuckling when he realizes you were just making snow angels. 
- He's quick to plop beside you and make one of his own.
- While his guard is down, this is the perfect chance to make an attack.
- However unbeknownst to you, Eddie was thinking the same. 
- You both end up putting snow in each other's faces.
- Better get up and reload quick and gather your defenses! 
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler: 
- Good luck trying to get this sensitive pansy ass out in the cold. 
- I don’t know why, but I can see this Eddie despising winter. 
- So it's going to be a lot just to get him outside. 
- You'll probably have to drag him outside. 
- Once he's outside, you can trip him to faceplant in the snow
- However, Eddie will probably respond better by proposing a snowball fight. 
- It's a way to stay active and warm against the plummeting weather. 
- Although that'll make him propose an alternative activity instead.
- Beat his ass with a cold, cold, snowy shower.
Twojar Riddler: 
- Same for this Riddler asdfgh when it comes to the cold.
- But he’s less of an asshole about it and will indulge you. 
- He will be amused seeing you enjoying yourself. 
- Making tiny snow people, making snow angels. 
- You are very adorable.
- While he's distracted, this is a perfect chance to surprise him with a sneak attack!
- He's surprised when he's wiping away snowy debris from his face. 
- Don't be surprised if a snowball twice the size of your head knocks you down. 
- Much like other Riddlers he plays for keeps
Gotham City Sirens Riddler: 
- He’s a tad reluctant to leave his cozy home/office to the freezing cold. 
- You may have to trick him or tell him it’ll only be for a little bit. 
- Ed rolls his eyes affectionately when he sees you on the ground already making snow angels. 
- You invite him to join, he refuses his head, something about enjoying watching you.
- Feel free to yank him down by his scarf, he’ll have no choice then. 
- Ed will also seem indifferent to a snowball battle.
- However, he’s actually looking for an opening.
- There’s this weird unspoken tension of who is going to throw the first snowball before you two get back home. 
- Whether it’s you or him, the battle goes on for awhile. The both of you too stubborn to lose to the other. 
- But you both go home feeling satisfied with an entertaining date out in the snow. 
Young Justice Riddler: 
- This poor boy wouldn’t mind the cold…
- If he just had the tiniest bit of muscle mass to retain his own body heat.
- So before you take him outside, please, PLEASE make sure he’s wearing plenty of layers. 
- He may fight you on it, but yes the two scarves, beanie and gloves are A MUST. 
- However, he's all here to get to spend quality time with you in the snow. 
- You giggle at your drastic different snow angels. 
- You can’t help but feel bad, when you throw a particular snowball that knocks him off his feet and faceplant into the snow. 
- It’s all fun and games, don’t worry, but just be sure to take care of him when you get back home. 
- How you take care of him, I’ll leave that up to y’all lmao (and by y’all I’m mostly looking at abby rip)
Telltale Riddler:
- You absolute fucking child. 
- He has no time for this childishness. 
- This Edward is particularly older. 
- While he’s in decent shape…the same can’t be said for his body temperature. 
- Playing in the snow doesn’t sound all the decent. 
- So the minute he steps foot outside to get something–
- You gotta nail him with a snowball. 
- He may be pissed, but he’s still petty enough to try and throw one back. 
- Congratulations, you’ve gotten him into a snowball fight!
-(spoiler alert; despite his age, you’ll probably lose because he wants to go back inside before he freezes)
Hush (DCAU) Riddler: 
- For no particular reason (other than to possibly change it up a little lol) I think this Ed enjoys the winter time. 
- He especially enjoys it, because he has you to spend the fun weather with. 
- Eddie enjoys being able to just be himself with you.
- Laughing, smiling, and having fun. 
- Making snow people, snow angels, catching snowflakes. 
- It's only traditional for you two to have a classic snowball fight. 
- The loser has to make hot chocolate for the winner!
- Although, it's hard to determine a winner when you both end up tackling each other in the snow.
- This Edward is on borrowed time, so to speak, so any chances to get to spend time with you is the greatest gift he could ever get for this season.
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word count: 1940
pairing: Brian Wilcox (Fast Food Nation)/Reader
summary: Brian thinks you're such a prude. Always flinching when he spits into the burgers. Not just a prude, you're a coward for not telling him to stop.
Reader has an obvious spit kink, and Brian's perspective is hard to work with.
Brian thinks you're a prude for flinching and looking away every time he spits in a burger. Not just a prude, a coward for also not telling him to stop. It's like you disapprove, but you don't have the guts to tell him to stop.
You continue to quietly work alongside him, looking away whenever he spits onto a burger and rubs the bun over the patty to get an even layer of spit all over it. He grins as he does so- it's his one point of pride against every stuck up asshole customer that raises their voice against the cashier. Whenever he looks at you and snaps, asking if you're judging him, you quickly look away and mumble an apology, and he continues to glare at you, before shoving the order out and letting the cashier on shift know that the order is ready.
Brian is inattentive, but he's not slow. He notices that you only flinch when he spits in the burgers. When he doesn't wash his hands while handling food, you barely bat an eyelid. When a frozen beef patty falls on the ground and he tosses it onto the grill, you continue working without giving it a second look. When he accidentally squirts mayonnaise on the counter and swipes it up with a finger to slather it under the bun (arguably a worse infraction than the spitting), you simply continue working. It confuses him at first. How come you only get nervous with the spitting?
Realizations do not dawn upon Brian. They do not come to him in slow puzzle pieces of recognition and a singular answer. They come like starfall and the hot oil from the deep fryer, and an all-encompassing roar in the jumble of his mind.
To his credit, it hits him when he spits in a burger, and you look away with a sharp inhale. He's about to ask you what the hell your problem is, when his glance lowers, and he sees your legs awkwardly crossed together, along with an uncomfortable look on your face. It leads to him realizing that this whole time, you were-
"What?" he snaps, though the question is addressed more to himself, as if in disbelief that he did not notice it sooner.
"Nothing- nothing! Go on!" you shakily say, and abandon your station, off to do another mundane task at breakneck speed.
Brian smirks to himself, an awful, wide smile that rarely shows on his face. He was rarely offered the upper hand, and now that he had it, he would abuse it until it was rubbed raw. It's ridiculous in hindsight, how he did not notice it sooner. What he perceived as your judgment wasn't actually judgment at all, you were staring in yearning. His disgusting little act, an act he saw as defiance, was one you perceived as dominance in a more carnal aspect.
The rest of the shift passes by normally, and you eventually drift back to his side, appearing to forget the earlier incident. You continue to slap meals together and push them out at a languid pace, and he keeps an eye on you.
You're not very good at hiding your skittish nature around him. You're nervous around Brian that would indicate that you thought he was going to kill you if you misstepped around him, or, well, had a crush on him. Brian always assumed it was the former, he knew how intimidating he could be, even in the silly yellows and reds of his shitty condiment-stained customer service outfit. He's still tall, imposing, with dry-from-dye black hair and an indifferent look on his face. But you try to be innocently affable around him, an attitude he normally dismissed as you being friendly. The spitting, however, hints at a more perverse side that you're hiding.
A side he does not mind coaxing out.
He spends the rest of the shift wondering if you're thinking about him. Are you hoping he spits on your cheek? On your face? Even in a burger? Brian allows himself to get lost in that fantasy. Making a burger just for you. Bun, lettuce, tomato, patty- ahh. He would make a disgusting noise at the back of his throat, and hock a large glob of spit, right onto the bland patty. A viscous seasoning of his own. His train of thought gets the better of him, and he imagines what other bodily fluids you'll happily eat on that burger, why doesn't he just drop his pants and add a healthy dose of-
"Brian?" a voice snaps him from his thoughts, and startled, he turns to his side, to see you. You look hesitant, as if you didn't want to interrupt what he was thinking about, and oh, it's a good thing you interrupted him, he didn't trust where his thoughts were about to lead him.
"End of the shift already?" he asks hoarsely, and you nod.
Brian shrugs off his uniform in the locker room with ease, an annoying second layer that presses over his dark clothes. The smell of the fryer clings to his casual clothes, and he scoffs to himself, and digs through his locker for some gum. The end of a shift always leaves the taste of the kitchen in his mouth, and gum helps him get rid of it.
You're the one with a bit more difficulty with the uniform. You're trying to get the strings on your apron to cooperate with you. You nearly ask Brian for help with the strings, but you keep your mouth shut, you don't want it to come off as a coy suggestion. So you struggle with the strings as Brian pops some gum in his mouth, chewing and watching you.
At last, you manage to squirm out of the uniform, and you shed it off to reveal your own clothes with a satisfied sigh. Your own clothes are a touch brighter than his, he notes, trying to not think about how your sigh sounded, what other sounds he could eke from your throat. He chews his own gum thoughtfully, before realizing he's staring at you.
"Gum?" he asks, deceptively casual. He holds up his box of gum, showing he has a few sticks of gum left. You turn to him with a noise of surprise, and nod with excitement.
"Open up." he says, a slight command to his tone, and he revels with the mindless obedience you display, opening your mouth and slightly sticking out your tongue with an 'aaaah'. There's a curl to the edge of your lips, a smile as you wait for him to unwrap a stick of gum and toss it into your mouth. Brian is inadvertently reminded of a dog waiting for a treat, with you in complete obedience, or a pornstar, in those magazines he keeps under his bed.
Brian smiles, while chewing his own gum. If he had any shred of decency, he would have asked for permission, he would have apologized for what he was about to do, hell, he wouldn't have done it at all.
But Brian Wilcox is not a boy with a shred of decency.
Brian takes a step closer to you, and you falter slightly, but keep your mouth open. Obedience keeps you rooted to the spot, keeps your mouth open. He doesn't have a shred of decency or obedience in him.
An annoyingly sentimental side of him wants to cup your cheek, to make this moment a little more special, but he risks you ruining the intimate moment and pulling away, and he's testing his boundaries as is by simply stepping closer to you. Whatever he's going to do, he has to do it fast.
So in one quick motion, Brian spits his chewed-gum into your mouth, along with a generous amount of spit. To anybody that came up behind him, it would have looked like a tender kiss shared between coworkers after a tense shift, but it is anything but.
You feel Brian's spit and gum hit your tongue, and immediately, you recoil, and your face flusters, going into a deep red.
You cry out as you look up at Brian, and it looks like you're about to scream, so Brian immediately reacts by slapping his palm over your mouth. He allows himself a moment of uncertainty, that maybe he misinterpreted the signs from earlier, that maybe you think he's a complete fucking freak, and that you're definitely going to report him for harassment and assault, and that he accidentally ruined what was a good mutual respect between you and him.
But he swallows that down, and lets a veneer of confidence wash over him- the same kind of confidence that lets him spit into each burger. He looks into your eyes, and starts to talk. He can't tell what you're feeling, your eyes are wide in surprise from his gesture, but your lashes are fluttering, and he's not sure if that's a flirtation, or if you're blinking in Morse code to tell him to go fuck himself.
"Hey, hey, ssh. Seen the way you look at me." he whispers, and he feels like one of those animal tamers, trying to soothe a wild animal.
"You're gonna be good for me and keep my gum in your mouth, right?" he continues, and uses his thumb to stroke the side of your cheek, a placating gesture. He's seen couples in school do this, so it's gotta work on you, right? And it does, like magic. Even under his greasy fingers, you seem to nearly go limp, your eyelids grow heavy, even with his palm over your mouth. You give a slow nod.
"Not gonna scream or do any of that shit?" he asks, and tries to negate any panic in his tone by asking it like an order. You shake your head, and it's sickening, how Brian feels this power over you. He's just spat in your mouth, and you let him. Your pupils are blown wide, looking at him, and some primal aspect of Brian recognizes it as lust, an emotion he's never had directed towards him.
He pats the side of your cheek in a condescending gesture, and lets go of his hand over your mouth. True to your word, you don't scream. Even better, your jaw slowly moves, chewing the gum he spat into your mouth. Brian finds that he likes it.
You're far- very far from the prude he initially imagined you as. If you were, you would have spat out his gum and the spitglob onto the floor the second he let go of your mouth, dainty hands splayed over your mouth and trying to get his taste out of your mouth. You make a small face, he recognizes your tongue swirling at the side of your cheek- and his eyes widen, realizing that you're actually chasing the taste of his spit over the flavored gum, swirling it around your mouth.
You make a small swallowing motion- Brian greedily imagines that it's his spit going down your throat. You continue to chew his gum, and look up at him in silence.
"Good job, doll." Brian mumbles, looking at you. He heard it once from a porno, with a macho buff guy complimenting a buxom girl after she'd performed a sexual act and swallowed something of his. Brian doesn't think he's a macho guy, but with the way you're looking at him, he feels like you see him as one. A heady rush comes over him, a much more intimate sense of power than the first time he spat in a burger as defiance.
"Good job."
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v4mpb0t · 1 year
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Blessed are those who uphold justice.
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skye707 · 10 months
I brought gifts for the diddle iddle Riddle boys
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They've hit the jackpot!
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weeklyriddler · 9 months
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Young Justice (2010)! The riddler!!
Hello guys I’m back!! I’ve taken time to get my life together and with school n all this weekly thing is going to be so much help for me, anyways remeber submissions are open!! (Riddler Oc(??)s Are accepted!!! Please show me your little sillys ☹️☹️☹️)
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
I am INLOVE with riddler. Can I get a riddlers reaction to hero! Reader accidentally confessing their feelings for them by saying "I'll kiss you to shut you up if I have to." Or some type of lime that's like that, and the thing is, both of em have been flirting since.. THEY MET??
Make 'em red
Riddlers X Flirtatious Hero Reader
I only did three Riddlers, I hope that's okay. Been going through personal stuff that impeded my writing. I hope I did your request justice!
H/N= Hero Name
Short is answer is that they will all short circuit. Long answer:
💚 Gotham
First of all, Commissioner Gordon wasn't having it. He feels fond of the newly emerged vigilante under the guise of a bat, but another masquerading vigilante is running around? Flirting with the Riddler? All the damn time? And look what it's done to you! Captured!
"I bet I can make you shut up."
"Oh really?" Edward scoffs in amusement, before turning away to shuffle around with his traps and control panels, before turning to the broadcast cameras.
"Hey Riddler, you're a theatre kid, right?" Edward hates that you're awfully bubbly after having been tied to a chair and at the process of being possibly tortured. And where the fuck did you get the impression that he is a theatre kid? Not that you were wrong, but how the fuck did you know?
He didn't say a word. He refused to entertain you. You're cute and all, but he shouldn't let someone away him away from the message he intends to spread across Gotham. God, why did it have to be a trend to create new caped crusaders and bother him?
"Riddler o Riddler! Where are you Riddler!"
"It's 'wherefore art thou'," he hisses. "Juliet was lamenting about why she had to fall for Romeo, who is a Montague, her family's sworn enemy." Your giggle caught him off-guard and he turns to you with an indignant scowl. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing, it's just you're so cute when you're so pressed."
"I am not—!"
"Pressed against the wall that is." You can see how blood flooded his features so fast and how you can practically hear his mental window computer booting up. There was no way you could do that, you were tied but god did it put some images in his head. "See how fast did I made you shut up? I thought I had to kiss you to make you shut up."
"I—! You—! Ugh!" He takes hold of you by the back of your chair and tilts you over to meet his gaze. "Stop that. You're making things difficult as it is."
"Then why won't you tape my mouth shut? Take a strip of adhesives or use a cloth. Or better yet, with your lips. Admit it, you love me too~"
💚Young Justice
Boy this is too easy. Stare at him for an extended seconds and he'd start imagining you getting back, hitting him with a 'honey I'm home!' and giving him a greeting kiss. Now imagine him when you're giving him attention. Better yet, flirting with him.
This makes it all the while difficult as he's tasked to get rid of you.
"Damn... Not even buying me coffee first?" Your voice shouts at the edge of the bridge, at the preparation of throwing you off it. "You didn't even hold back with the bondage—"
"It is not... Bondage." He tries to get through his sentence without cracking his voice, pausing to maintain his cool.
"It's some good knot-work, did you tie it?"
"Yes, I did." Admittedly, he's proud of his work if you're not able to wiggle your way out of it before you can even sink down.
"Damn, how long have you been practicing bondage then?"
"IT'S NOT BoNDAGE!" His voice cracks, hands against the bridge's ledge. However, he holds himself back to avoid pushing you back before he can eve properly secure the rope.
"Aw come on, baby, there's no shame in it. You do you. It's just that you're so fast, we didn't even have a first date yet."
Pull yourself together man.
You glance to see him holding himself together, his palms pressed against each other, holding in a breath. His eyes distant as if searching for a sliver of patience from afar.
"Oh gosh, did I got your tongue?"
"No, you didn't," He snaps.
"Can I?"
"OH, so you can subject me to bondage and I can't even kiss you with tongue! The audacity!"
... WHAT
"Earth to Eddie! Hellooo~?"
He didn't fulfill the mission, he lets you free and takes the blame. He knows that if he stays a little longer with you he'll combust.
"Hey Eddie?" He refuses to meet your gaze once you were out of your restraints, but he spares you the smallest glance and replied with a weak 'what'. But you didn't let that dampen your spirits and winked at him. "Love you~"
"If you love me, you wouldn't be torturing me like this." He turns away, hiding his face behind his gloved hands.
"Torturing you is my love language. See you at the café at 19th avenue this Saturday, seven am? Uniform off?"
"Uniform off! Like, not as H/N and Riddler. Unless, you want to take it seriously and we can make clothing optional—"
"Don't." You giggled at how he melted in a heap of embarrassment. "Seven o'clock?"
"Yeah. See you there~"
... God The Light was going to kill him.
💚 Batman the animated series
He admits, he finds the little bickering with you enjoyable in a way that Batman doesn't grant him. Not that he sees you as viable for Batman's replacement, but gosh do you make such a good debate rival or generally a conversation partner of sorts about how you can make him feel mundane as he watches you run around with your cape.while you avoid bullets and try your best to talk back to him.
"Oh. H/N. How dreadful to see you." Deadpans Edward when you've yet again broken through the window, taking out two of his goons. "May I please have just one peaceful evening to rob a bank? Honestly! I thought as your intellectual equal you'd understand me."
"Oh Eddie, I love you but you know I gotta do my job." You tease with a light-hearted tone.
Dodging the goon with the knife, you gripped his wrist and flipping him over, resulting him to fall over the approaching goons. Successfully disarming the knife from the goon, you opted to pocket it with a grin, before looking up to assume into combat... You expected Eddie to call for more reinforcement, but he's just standing there.
"... Me?" He points at himself, red taking over his face. "Do you... Mean it?"
"Hmm... I do." You approach, lightly tapping his nose. Taking advantage of his dazed reverie, you click his handcuffs in place, just in time for the police to arrive.
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me, furious: don’t you DARE call him a gap toothed freak Nightwing what is wrong with you
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