#your honor they did not deserve any of that shit
antirepurp · 2 years
sometimes it hits me that all the jojo protags are teens and basically children and my heart starts to hurt
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despairforme · 3 months
hi toby! ive been a fan of your writing for a long time and the threads you had with your now deactivated partner, lexie, and i was wondering on why does nnoitra keep constantly thinking about grimmjow when nnoitra, himself, cheated on him and thinks that hes that deserving of having any form of relationship when he's a bad person. isn't he supposed to be this masculine guy that doesn't let stupid stuff get to him? wouldn't he just move on when grimmjow wants nothing to do with him? curious.
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Ah, FUCK. He sure as shit didn't want to talk ( or think ) about this.
Isn't he supposed to be this masculine guy that doesn't let stupid stuff get to him?
Damn, he sure as hell wished things were that easy. If he could choose to NOT let stuff bother him, he'd have the best life ever. Unfortunately, he wasn't like that. He wasn't sure whether or not that had anything to do with his masculinity though. It wasn't like he was whining about his old relationship. He did think about Grimmjow quite a lot though, that was true. Was he not allowed to even think about him? His relationship with Grimmjow hadn't been some fling. It had been a deep, committed relationship. A connection that had lasted for many years. And Nnoitra had never loved ANYONE like he'd loved ( and, in a way, still loved ) Grimmjow.
First things first - the cheating.
Yeah, he'd cheated on Grimmjow, but that was not the full story. People usually said there was no excuse for cheating, and Nnoitra would agree. However, there was an explanation.
His relationship with Grimmjow had been falling apart. Not through arguments, but through a growing distance. Grimmjow had simply stopped giving him attention. Going without sex had been one thing ( Nnoitra had a huge sex drive, he needed to get laid ), but going without affection had been worse. Living with a person who didn't give him any attention what-so-ever. Feeling Grimmjow's love for him dwindle. Fade away. Nnoitra had ALWAYS feared that deep down, Grimmjow couldn't forgive him for what he'd done, and that that would eventually lead him to fall out of love with him. Having this fear unfold before him had been the worst. Nnoitra had never felt more unlovable than during those months. Yet, he'd held on. Hoping. That maybe Grimmjow would come back to him. Would look at him again. Touch him. Tell him: Sorry, I was going through something, but it's not your fault, I still love you. Of course, that didn't happen. It was just a fucking fantasy. OF COURSE Grimmjow would fall out of love with him. If he ever even loved him in the first place. Maybe their whole relationship was just built on Grimmjow trying to somehow cope with the trauma Nnoitra had caused him. Like a fucked up sort of Stockholm syndrome.
When Nnoitra had gotten a text from his ex, Kyota, asking to meet up, Nnoitra had hesitated. Even meeting up with Kyota while he was dating Grimmjow had felt wrong, but - in the end, he'd just NEEDED to see a friendly face. When he'd met up with Kyota at the bar, he hadn't had any plans of going to bed with him. Cheating on Grimmjow with Kyota hadn't been the plan.
But, when faced with Kyota's kindness, and the straight-forward invitation for a good fuck? Nnoitra hadn't resisted. He'd known he was throwing everything he had with Grimmjow away, and he'd chosen that. Just to feel close to someone. Just to feel good, for the first time in months.
He'd never told Grimmjow about the cheating, but maybe the other had figured it out somehow. In any case, one night Nnoitra had come home from work - Grimmjow had been gone. No goodbye. Nothing.
Why did his relationships always end with people leaving him without a word? Nnoitra had asked himself that many times. He wondered if the answer was that his partners were afraid of him. Maybe they were afraid he'd hurt them. Grimmjow had every reason to believe that, so Nnoitra couldn't blame him. Kyota too had left him like that. Without a word, even though Nnoitra had never hurt him. Perhaps he'd been able to see it anyway. See what kind of person Nnoitra was.
That was the story of how he'd cheated on Grimmjow. It wasn't like he'd excuse his behavior. However, he knew that if his relationship with Grimmjow had been good, he never would've done it.
Then, next - it was the matter of him thinking he was DESERVING of a relationship. This was simply not true. Nnoitra DIDN'T think he deserved to be loved. He knew he was a bad person. The worst kind of person, and there was no way he could ever hide that from anyone ( not that he even tried ). If someone managed to fall in love with him ( it could happen, since it had happened before ), they'd fall out of love with him when they saw his true self. There was only so long someone could lie to themselves about what Nnoitra was.
He didn't understand why this stranger thought he thought that he deserved a relationship. He WANTED one, sure. But that didn't mean he thought it was what he deserved. People usually didn't get what they deserved. They just got whatever random shit the universe decided for them. He'd pay for his sins when he died and ended up in hell. In the meantime... He sure would like to at least feel loved again. If only for a little bit.
Why was he so HUNG UP on Grimmjow? Why didn't he "just move on"? That sounded like some shit advice from someone who didn't understand. It was a cliche to say that, he supposed. He just didn't think that how things had turned out with Grimmjow could be classified as "stupid stuff". Stupid stuff was... When you dropped your phone, or someone gave you the wrong drink, or the bus didn't drop you off at your stop.
Having your fear of not being lovable confirmed by the person you loved the most in the entire world - that was not "stupid stuff". Moving past it wasn't that easy. ESPECIALLY when he hadn't gotten ANY sort of closure. It would've been easier if Grimmjow had broken up with him. Had told him everything straight out. Nnoitra would've preferred to hear him say: I DON'T LOVE YOU. Somehow, being left without a word was an even worse type of rejection.
It was unfair to say that he wasn't moving on at all, because - he was. He WAS looking ( though halfheartedly ) for a new partner. Be it a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Sure, he thought about Grimmjow from time to time, but not nearly as much as he had done a year ago. What was he supposed to do? Forget all about him? That wasn't happening. He'd known him since they were fifteen. How do you forget a person like that? He didn't even WANT to forget. He did want to move on though - or, to keep moving on. It was a process. It wasn't like stubbing your toe and "deciding to walk it off".
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For dating game: Donna Noble for a non Mash option from something I'm pretty sure I've seen you reblog stuff from, BJ, and Klinger
I can't believe I got 2 Donnas for this game and neither were the MASH one haha. And yes I AM a Doctor Who fan but like with Twin Peaks I'm only a shallow fake one because I only feel really passionate about RTD era :( sowwy again. I'm 0 for 2 today. But at least I didn't skip MASH s1-3 AND I didn't skip the 9th Doctor AND I read Laura's diary + Dale Cooper's tapes. So now everyone has to give me a little headpat and forgive me and say they're not mad at me thank you <3
Donna Noble
I couldn’t handle Donna QwQ I couldn’t match her energy it’s very sad :( I feel like I would do the exact opposite of what the Doctor did for her in terms of bringing out her most amazing qualities. And I do really try to highlight and praise the qualities of people in my life!! I just don’t know if I could help her reach her full potential. Which sounds like one of those weird therapy-talk approaches to relationships but unfortunately sometimes when you really admire someone you actually do start thinking about things like “am I supporting her journey effectively” and all that. But this is just a date right so it can just be a casual thing. I feel like Donna is someone with whom I could straight up be like Hey so I was never socialized properly and your last relationship ended comically terribly so do you want to like try practicing dating with each other? I think it could be fun! And then eventually she could move on to find happiness with Mr. Temple :)  
Wait actually sorry quick tangent if Donna doesn’t remember the Doctor what does she think happened to her fiance from way back when. Does she. Does she remember the giant alien spider or. Hang on--
BJ Hunnicutt
BJ Hunnicutt is the human equivalent of Disneyland. Everybody in the entire nation is absolutely obsessively feral over it it’s sooo beautiful it’s sooo fun you just HAVE to experience it it’s a quintessential expression of the American dream blah blah blah. But I will never attend this overpriced (constantly borrowing money) and overcrowded (too much competition from the rest of Mashblr) theme park. I do not care for its fastpass system (willingness to cheat on his partner) or its uninspiring coaster design (anger issues), and I am further offended to hear of the constant introduction of cost-cutting measures that harm visitor experience (growth of mustache). Not even the prospect of purchasing a fully functioning Cogsworth clock (chance to join the Punnihawk polycule) is enough to tempt me. It’s not happening. I am going to Dollywood (Maxwell Klinger).
Maxie my beautiful girl Maxie whomst is so very adored by me
My wife my kitten my sweet snuggly wuggly good time gal. My Dollywood. Know that I love and adore Maxwell for eternity <3
BUT. I must love her from afar because I couldn’t in good conscience waste her time when I figure there must be a more compatible match out there, ya know? Like, I know hardly anything about baseball and I wear the same clothes every day and I don’t eat red meat so I can’t even share those beloved hotdogs. Max deserves the Best as I’m sure we all agree, and we know he wants a serious long term partnership. I want the same thing, so I know that such a lifelong, committed relationship should be with someone who finds themself more easily compatible with Max’s tastes and interests.  
On an unrelated note, Charles sure seemed to get super into baseball in War For All Seasons, huh? :) And we know he cares a lot about his clothes, as we see him hiring a personal tailor at least once! :) And he was surprisingly eager to get to share in Max’s hotdog delivery in The Grim Reaper, too! :) So many random fun facts in this world \^w^/
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quack-quack-snacks · 4 months
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Drowning Without You By My Side
My Navigation and Masterlist
My Sweet Home Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
Pairing(s): Cha Hyun-su x Fem!Reader Summary: Ever since losing everything, you felt like you were drowning. Trying to end it all wasn't successful when an unknown and unnatural force was hell-bent on stopping you, but when a near-death experience - unintended this time - causes you to tempt Death's grasp, you finally meet the force keeping you bound to the world. Warnings: Season 2 spoilers (slightly)! Slight panic attack, drowning, explicit detail of attempted suicide on the reader's part (The National Suicide and Crisis Hotline is 988. There are so many people who care about you and would love to help you. You are not alone), cutting and bleeding (during the roll calls), Ah-yi being too cute for her own good, and Hyun-su being a fond little cinnamon roll and a great big brother (even if it's only for a scene), no use of (y/n). Word Count: 6,163
Pt 2: Floating Above Those Dark Skies :)
You woke up with a start, sweat slickening your skin and causing the slightly ripped t-shirt to stick to your back. It was designed with a band of which you'd never heard the likes of before the apocalypse started. Your breathing was quickened intensely and you wiped your hands over your face, pushing your palms into your eye sockets as you fruitlessly tried to calm your heart rate. It took several minutes of doing every method you knew to stop a panic attack before you were finally able to take a deep breath without it stuttering in your lungs. You swung your legs over the edge of the hammock you had designated as your bed since you first arrived at the stadium all those months ago. To know that you hadn’t seen the boy you once called home in over half a year was a hard pill to swallow. You hated yourself for letting him go.
Hated that you didn’t try harder to follow after him.
Hated that you let the group force you onto the truck with them and head to the safety camp.
It was a never-ending cycle of self-loathing since you’d arrived at the stadium. When you’d found the secret exit leading out of the stuffy concrete walls you were trapped in, you found yourself leaving whenever possible. You couldn't handle the pitiful stares of your fellow Green Home survivors and the eyes of the citizens in the stadium who disliked the woman that protected the “murderer” of the chief’s husband. Although Eun-yoo and you did not really have any sort of relationship in terms of friendship, you had an unspoken agreement to protect and stand up for each other. If not each other, you had no one. The people you each had viewed as the closest to you of anyone had gone missing or even passed on to the next life. You both refused to admit that last thought out loud, though. 
Every morning, you would wake up and attend the morning roll call before getting dressed and leaving for the day until you returned just in time for the evening roll call.
Today would be no different.
You dropped your bare feet onto the frigid concrete floor and walked towards the bathroom, suppressing a shiver. The entrance to the bathroom had been taken off after an incident inside of the stadium. It involved none other than yourself and the elder brother of one of the boys who bullied Yeong-su when the two of you got into a fight. You can remember the exact words he had spoken to you after you talked to him about the boy’s behavior.
“The little shit deserves it. Being the little brother of a murderer and the devil’s advocate,” he’d said, referring to Eun-yu and yourself. “I hope he ends up becoming a monster. I even hope I’ll be the one to have the honor of killing him.”
You remember punching him square in the nose as soon as the words left his mouth. He’d flown backward and slammed into the bathroom door, successfully knocking it off the hinges and breaking the flimsy wood in half. You were positively seething at the absolute audacity the man had. Not being satisfied with how he’d fallen, you jumped on top of him and started pounding your fist into his face. You hit him over and over again, undeterred by the few hits he managed to get in, until you were pulled off of him. You started thrashing around violently when you felt hands wrapping around you to pull you off of him until you realized it was Park Chan-young, the young soldier who had been an alibi and friend to you and the rest of the Green Home survivors since you’d first gotten on that truck. A small crowd had gathered around after hearing the commotion and yells coming from the two of you before they all parted to allow Chief Ji in. When she saw you, her confused stare deepened to a glare but she ignored you in favor of transporting the brother you had just fought to the medical room. That was a hell of a day.
The inside of the bathroom was a regular locker room. Not surprising considering it was originally used for the players of the baseball team. The only difference was one of the walls was poorly rebuilt with rocks and bricks by Chief Ji and some of the stadium's residents after it was impacted by the missiles. 
Before you had started heading over to the bathroom, you had grabbed your small compact bag of hygiene supplies and brought it with you. Although toothpaste was hard to come by and you had to share the rations the soldiers found with your neighbors, you were able to find some on one of your days out. You brushed your teeth dry, not wanting to use any of the limited water on something like brushing your teeth. This had become something you were used to. 
Finally returning to your sleeping space, you didn’t bother changing out of the clothes you slept in and just decided to continue wearing them. The outfit was comfortable yet simple: a pair of oversized off-white sweatpants you had to manually make a drawstring for using a shoestring, and a short-sleeved dark blue shirt. Your shoes were the same ones you wore the first day this monsterization started. They were originally a pristine white you had tried your hardest not to taint, but now they were stained beyond repair from your adventures. You consider yourself lucky you had only bought them a week before the outbreak. They held up well throughout the year you’d spent with them as your sole pair of shoes. 
The morning announcement calling for roll call sounded through the silent air of the little enclosed unit you were lucky enough to be given.
Although luck may not have been the true cause. So many people were reluctant to be near you when they slept and complained enough times to the chief that she eventually just set you apart from the rest. Although it was lonely at times, you were thankful for the shred of privacy you had been granted. 
Once your shoes had been put on along with your sweater, you calmly walked down the hall toward the place where your assigned group met for roll calls. You arrived just in time to see Yeong-su slap away Jin-ok’s hand when she tried to pull him back from a soldier who was grinning meanly at him. You could see the built-up tears in the boy’s eyes that he desperately was trying to push away and rushed forward. Seeing the reasoning behind his tears, despite the consequences that you knew would ensue, you roughly pushed against the soldier’s back which sent him tumbling forward and his face met the ground floor with a sickening sound. You risked a glance to look back at Yeong-su and Jin-ok. Yeong-su’s arm was bleeding rapidly, seeming obvious that the soldier who cut him too deeply hit an artery. Hopefully, it wasn't a major one. The boy’s lip was quivering as he held back his tears. You could see all the emotions in his eyes: anger, frustration, helplessness, but mainly relief. Relief from you coming in to defend him. You quickly sent a look to Jin-ok and she immediately knew what you meant. She gently took Yeong-su’s hand and this time he didn’t resist as she led them both away from the scene and to their living quarters. 
You barely had time to let out a relieved smile before a fist was sent flying into your left cheek, sending your head snapping to the right and you falling back, only barely and painfully catching yourself with your elbows. You looked up at your assailant to see the officer who was tormenting Yeong-su standing above you. His nose was bleeding heavily and if you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought he was beginning the transition period to a monster. He wiped at his nose to no avail and sent you a heavy glare. He leaned down and roughly grabbed your arm, hauling you to your feet and pulling out his knife. You held eye contact even when the blade roughly slashed across your forearm, right over an already existing cut. You praised yourself internally on how you kept your face entirely neutral and how the soldier looked angry and disappointed at your lack of reaction.
You gave him a slight smirk as you held up your bleeding arm for his view, the blood gushing down and covering your bruised elbow. “Happy?” You questioned tauntingly and your smirk grew as you saw the man seething. Despite his intimidating height, you couldn’t help but think he looked like a cartoon character with the way you were sure steam would be bursting out of his ears at any second. When he made no further move to continue the fight, you swiftly turned around and walked out of the room, smiling when you heard him yell in frustration and throw something to the floor. The knife, you presumed. 
You didn’t bother visiting the doctor to help you treat your wounds as you wrapped a strap of clothing around it and called it a day. Any respect you had for him instantly flew down the drain when you caught him drinking the rubbing alcohol meant for treating wounds and acting immaturely all the time. You walked in the direction of the exit, making sure to not be spotted by any soldiers as you did. When you finally got there and pushed the door open, you let out a breath of relief. The moment you stepped out the door and into the clean air of the outdoors, you felt yourself relax a little more than before. You found it odd how you felt more relaxed outside of the safe haven the stadium provided but you couldn’t help yourself. In the outdoors, you felt free. You could think without hindrance and allow yourself to feel an emotion that wasn't complete and utter despair.
The ground crunched below your feet as you walked across the gravel towards the green grass fields. You had no objective or destination in mind for today, you just wanted to escape the oppressive hands of your 'superiors.'
Walking on light feet, still making sure to keep your head focused on the area around you in case a monster appeared, you found yourself standing in front of a building. There was nothing special about this building. Half of it wasn't even attached as it lay broken in shambles around the structure. The ladder leading to the roof was rusted and had some of the metal bars sticking out awkwardly. The building in total was relatively normal and in good shape compared to those around it.
The only special thing about this building was the memories that it spurred within your head. 
You climbed up the ladder, tears blocking your vision as they collected on your waterline despite your deepest efforts. You lost everyone. You lost Hyun-su; the boy you called home; the boy you called your soulmate; the boy you loved more than anyone or anything else. You lost Ji-su, the girl you decided you could call your best friend after spending so much time with her on the first floor of Green Home for those days at the beginning of this mess. You even lost Su-yeong, the little girl you’d grown so protective over… gone without a second thought. You never truly had Eun-yu so it wouldn’t hurt as much whether or not she had died. The only person you truly felt you had left was Yeong-su. You hated yourself for doing this to him but only having him wasn’t enough to stay anymore. 
You felt like you were drowning. You were unable to handle the constant feeling of your emotions overpowering you. You’d heard so many times that it got easier as time went on but you never thought you would be able to overcome this. Although it might have been fitting to end your life by drowning, you just wanted a quick and painless death.
Falling solved that for you. 
When you finally climbed the ladder to the roof of the building, you couldn’t help the sobs that wracked your body. You hopped up onto the edge of the building and looked up. The sky seemed to perfectly oppose how you were feeling. Soft, puffy white clouds were fluttering through the atmosphere and forming different shapes you could just barely make out. The tears slipped down the side of your face as you tried to gain some sort of peace before you followed through with your decision. 
The wind was a gentle, cool breeze across your damp cheeks as you stood and glanced across the beautiful terrain below you. The grass had just barely begun to grow out of its perfect and well-maintained state, but it was still a wonderful sight to see. There were flower gardens surrounding the tall building, some crushed brutally by the falling of the walls but most were left perfectly untouched and thriving in the new world. The sight made your body calm down, the tears cascading waterfalls of sorrow down your cheeks slowly coming to a stop. You’ve heard of the acceptance of death people have when they know they’re about to die. You’d never thought you would have to face that kind of acceptance, never really thought the way you’d die would be because the world had been cruel and gave you too much pain for you to handle. You never thought that yet there you were.
There you were, standing on the edge of the tallest building you could find, one foot raised and hovering over the edge and you giving one last smile to the world before having your other foot join it. 
The wind screamed in your ears and you swear you could hear voices within it. Voices calling your name. Voices that sounded too similar to one you’d lost. You let your eyes fall shut as memories flashed through your mind. Memories of reading to Su-yeong and Yeong-su; memories of playing the guitar and singing with Ji-su, laughter interrupting each word because you couldn’t take yourselves seriously; memories of Hyun-su. 
Memories of shaking his hand when you first met him after he moved in across the hall from you in Green Home. 
Memories of him coming to you crying for the first time and confessing how he couldn’t stand being alive anymore.
Memories of losing yourself in his eyes when he smiled at you.
Memories of his touch against your cheeks when he leaned in to leave a kiss against your forehead.
Memories of him.
A single tear drop fell from your eye and you smiled at the thought of meeting him again, whether that be in your next life or the one that comes after death. There was no doubt in your mind that he was gone, and that thought alone was more than half of your reasons for wanting to end it all. 
Just as you were sure you were about to hit the bottom, a strong yet lean arm wrapped around your body and gently set you down on the ground before retreating just as quickly as it had appeared. You shot your eyes open only to be left with the blue sky above you and the intense wind that breezed over your body as whatever it was that saved you disappeared. For a few moments, you couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t move, couldn’t blink, couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything except stare in perplexment at the sky. As you sat up, you still couldn’t think straight and allowed your body to work on autopilot as it walked you home. 
It took a full week until you were finally able to come to terms with the fact that either you had imagined the whole thing or something - someone - had saved you.
A month after your first attempt, you tried again. You couldn’t handle the stares of disdain and hatred towards you after you had defended Eun-yu as others criticized her about her apparent murder of Chief Ji’s husband. Yet, just like the last time, you were saved miraculously last minute by that same strange force. 
You tried a dozen more times, all ending with the same result. It was so frustrating and you could barely handle the pain knowing you couldn’t even control your death, let alone your life.
The tears streamed down your face violently as you knelt and smacked your fists angrily against the wet, coarse dirt of where you were, once again, gently placed down after another failed attempt to end your life. The shredded noose hung limp around your neck and you ripped it off aggressively. You let out an agonizing scream from the deepest part of your lungs and it ended with more sobs as you let yourself fall onto your side with your knees pulled into your chest. Your loud sobs slowly quieted down but the tears never stopped falling. You stood up from the wet ground, your hair and clothes both stained by the mud below. Water rained down from the heavens, soaking your shirt and making it cling to your chest. Your tears blurred with the raindrops that splashed against you and slowly made their way down your face, disappearing down your neck and into the collar of your shirt. 
“Why are you doing this?” You yelled into the open air, receiving no answer. “Why? Why do you keep doing this? Why won’t you just let me die?” You choked on a sob at that last question and yet you still received no answer. Defeated, you decided to retreat back to the stadium and get cleaned up. When you returned, Jin-ok was the first to notice the bruising around your neck and your tired, puffy eyes. When she asked, you played dumb but you could tell she saw right through you. Luckily, she left it alone. 
You ended up curled up in your hammock for hours as you sobbed your heart out. 
Although the stadium might have been a better place to follow through with your plan, you refused to put your few remaining friends - if you could even really call them that - through that. Put them through the pain of seeing your dead body and knowing they might have been able to stop it. Even though you would be dead by then, you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself. The only way you would allow yourself to follow through was outside of the stadium.
But a certain someone, or something, wouldn’t allow that to happen. 
That was the last time you tried to end your life.
You’d had many dangerous encounters since then but every time they would be cleared out by your guardian angel before you could even really call them a threat. It got to the point where you felt more safe outside the stadium compared to within its concrete walls.
Sighing, you averted your eyes from the building and walked around it, focusing instead on the plants that were just starting to bloom in the early spring. The breeze was a welcome chill that rose goosebumps along your arms. As you continued to walk, your mind blank and your feet destinationless as you wandered, you came across a large pool of water.
And a girl.
She was young, and couldn’t have been more than 5 years old. It was such a shock to see her there, especially all by herself, that you didn’t realize she was sinking until it was almost too late. Without a second of hesitation, you jumped right into the lake and swam as fast as you could towards her. Grabbing a hold of her hand, you pulled her along as you swam back up to the surface. You dragged her towards the edge of the earth where the stable ground met the water and laid her down. Lowering your head to her mouth, you tried to listen to her breathing but instead, you got a headbutt to the ear. She shot up and started coughing up water. You ignored how your ear stung at that moment and instead rubbed along her back while she breathed heavily. 
“Are you okay?” You asked her and she suddenly snapped her head towards you, like she didn’t recognize your presence until you spoke.
Slowly, she nodded. “Yes,” she hesitated before quietly asking, “Did you save me?”
You smiled at her shy mannerisms as she played with the hem of her wet and dirtied dress. “Yeah, I did.”
She looked up at you, almost surprised with your confession, and gave you a shy smile back. “Thank you,” she whispered before averting her eyes again.
You couldn’t stop the smile growing even brighter on your face at her adorableness. You looked around, seeing nobody else in sight. Your eyebrows furrowed as you began to worry about who she was and why nobody was taking care of her. “Are you alo-”
Just as you started to speak, a wet and slimy tentacle-like appendage wrapped itself around your torso and yanked you back into the lake. You thrashed around but couldn’t unravel yourself from the monster’s grip. You saw your knife float away and sink further down the dark abyss that was the bottom of the lake. With it, the last of your newfound hope to live followed. Just as you lost the last of the reserved air in your lungs, a sudden figure dove into the water and wrapped its arm around you. Just before your eyes fluttered shut, you swore you saw the blurry face of the same boy who haunted your dreams. The boy who haunted your nightmares.
The same boy who haunted your mind as you stuttered between the line separating life and death after surrendering to the lack of oxygen. 
You screamed as you saw the military take him away. You lay helplessly against the side of the crumbling Green Home building as the pain of moving around too much from your wounds caused you to be dead-weight in your spot. 
He let out a scream of agony that ended with your name and you felt your heart shatter. He was surrounded by multiple people; doctors, scientists, and soldiers alike. Each person’s face was surrounded by a strange darkness. The only thing you could make out of their faces were their evil, wide smiles, and their eyes tainted a demonic red. The sight made you feel even more helpless and despair-ridden than before.
You could do nothing but watch as the love of your life was taken from you without a second thought. 
Hyun-su gathered you in his human-form arm while the other, extended in his monstrous form, swung back and forth through the water to slice at the monstrous being that dared to harm you. He didn’t waste much more time under the water to fight the beast as he noticed your eyes had slipped shut and you weren’t releasing any more air bubbles. He surged upwards, his wing doing most of the work as he darted through the surface of the water and onto the solid ground near the same little girl you had saved before.
Lying you down on the ground gently, he lowered his head to your mouth to hear if you were breathing, cursing quietly when he realized you weren’t. It was at times like these that he thanked whatever deity existed that he allowed himself to be persuaded by his parents to be a lifeguard for a summer. That way, he learned and was certified in CPR. 
Plugging your nose, he administered two breaths into your mouth before pressing his - now both fully human - hands to your chest. Just as he prepared for the first chest compression, you suddenly started coughing and turned onto your side as you continued to cough up the water from your lungs. He was so thankful there wasn’t enough water in your lungs that he would’ve had to break your ribs giving you CPR. 
But he would choose broken ribs over a body that wasn’t breathing any day.
After coughing your lungs dry, you fell onto your back with your eyes closed as you took many deep breaths. Suddenly, you remembered the face you clearly remember saving you and shot up into a sitting position, your eyes wide and surprised. Your gaze immediately fell upon him.
You held your breath as your eyes met and you stared at each other for a few moments. Your hand hesitantly raised to reach out for him. His gaze didn’t stray from your own as you brought your hand to his face, a mix between a sigh and a sob leaving your throat as you felt the soft skin of his cheek touch your fingertips. He was wet and cold, but he was alive. A smile grew onto your face but it dropped just as Hyun-su’s began to form. You yanked your hand away as if his skin suddenly burned you, and it might as well have. You could see the hurt expression taking over his face but the feeling of the anger, betrayal, and grief flooding through your veins overpowered any feelings of remorse you might have felt. Taking a quick moment to look around for the child you saved, you let out a small sigh of relief when you saw her innocently watching the interaction between you and Hyun-su, breathing normally and sitting safe and sound on the grass.
“Take care of her for me, will you?” You asked him coldly, not waiting for an answer as you stood up and started speed walking in the opposite direction. 
“No, wa- wait!” He scrambled to stand up, calling after you as you ignored his advances. “Stop!” He finally caught up to you and wrapped his hand around your bicep gently, turning you around to face him. 
“What? What the fuck is so important that you finally feel the need to talk to me?” You let out a sob of a laugh as you ripped your arm away from him. You could slowly see the realization of why you were acting so angry and upset dawn on his face as guilt settled into his eyes. “You’ve gone this entire time being just fine as you save my life just to leave me there, alone, time and time again. So please - please - explain to me what is now so important you feel the need to reveal yourself to me.”
You looked at him expectantly as his mouth opened and closed, looking for an answer. He seemed to find it as he finally said, “I just… I really thought you died this time. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You looked at him, frustrated, for a moment before harshly scrubbing your palms over your eyes which were tearing up against your will. “So… what, after all the times you saved me, now you want to check on my safety?” Taking a deep breath, you forced your face to look calm, masking your anger for his sake so you could get out of this situation with as little hindrance as possible. You dropped your hands to your sides, your tears smeared across your face leaving it in a shiny glow. “Well thank you, Hyun-su, for your consideration,” you spoke the last word with bitterness lacing your tone that you could tell he caught as he winced softly. “But I am fine.”
You turned around, fully intent on heading back to the stadium when his hand wrapped around your bicep again. “What?” You asked angrily and turned around only to be pulled into a tight hug. You didn’t waste time in fighting his grip but he was relentless. “Let me go!” You screamed at him, although it was muffled by his shirt. “You’re such an asshole! I fucking mourned for you! I built a fucking memorial and brought a flower every single week without fail and yet you were never fucking dead! Why did you keep letting me think you were dead?” You were now pounding your fists into his chest, no longer resisting his embrace but expressing the built-up anger, sadness, grief, and self-loathing you felt every single day. It all stemmed solely from the way you hated yourself for not trying harder to save him. Not trying harder to resist Eun-hyuk when he told you and Eun-yu he would bring him back. “Was it you? Was it you every time I was stopped? Every time I was in danger, it was you who saved me, wasn’t it? What gave you the fucking right?” The crying started again. In turn, your hits became less and less powerful with each strike along with your screams gradually quieting. “Why did you have to leave me?” You sobbed out and let your head fall onto his chest as he buried his face in your hair. Your hands clutched onto his t-shirt as if trying to anchor him to you, scared that if you let him go, he would disappear again. Your knees gave out, exhausted by the emotional turmoil washing over you from the last five minutes. And so soon after death caressed you on the cheek too. Hyun-su caught you and slowly lowered the two of you to the ground, never once breaking the embrace. 
You sat in silence, only broken by the sound of your sobs as they slowly subsided. When you settled down, you spoke once more. 
“Did you know I was in love with you?” You didn’t feel any physical reaction from him that would express what he was feeling in that moment so you continued. “I never stopped. Loving you, I mean. I don’t think I ever will, but god, I hate you so much right now.”
There were a few silent beats where the only sound you could hear was the sound of his heartbeat against your ear until he spoke. 
“I didn’t think I would be able to handle seeing you again and find you with this exact reaction. By the time I left the military’s grasp, I tried to find you but then I saw you on that ledge.”
It surprised you and calmed your nerves all the same. 
“I knew I was just being a coward but I thought too much time had passed for me to just show up. Today was just a bit different.” He leaned back a bit to look at you and you did the same. He gave a small smile when he saw you again, with your wet eyes and glistening cheeks you looked wonderful. Even after sobbing your heart out, you were still the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. “My love, I’ve loved you since the first moment I saw you, and I never stopped either,” he leaned in slowly so your foreheads rested against each other and your noses brushed. “And if you need time to stop hating me, I’ll wait as long as it takes.”
You looked into his radiating brown eyes as the last tear slipped from your own before bringing a hand up to cup his cheek once again. You let out a small laugh which he returned with an adoring smile. Leaning in, you pressed your lips against his in a soft, unhurried kiss. He slid a hand up from where it was pulling you into his embrace to rest against the back of your neck as he held you against him. When the both of you were smiling too much to continue the kiss, you leaned back just enough to stare into each other’s eyes. The adoration and love you had for each other would be clear for anyone to see from the way you gazed at each other.
You suddenly pushed forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close and hugging him once more. He sat still for a moment as he processed what you did only to wrap his arms around your waist. He hugged you just as tight and with just as much desperation as you did.
“God, I missed you so much,” you whispered into his ear and he sighed shakily into the spot where his face was buried in your neck. 
“I missed you too, so much. I’m so sorry for not coming back sooner.”
“Well, you’re here now, and that’s all that matters to me,” you reassured him and he physically relaxed, his shoulders untensing and him falling further into your embrace. 
The sound of the soft pattering of footsteps interrupted the moment you two were sharing. However, it was entirely welcome when you saw the little girl you had saved before standing beside you. You pulled away from Hyun-su, but not too far as he grabbed onto one of your hands. You smiled at him slightly, he was obviously just as starved of your touch as you were his.
“Hi there,” you told her gently when you turned back to her, not wanting to scare her in any way. “What’s your name?”
She looked down shyly, not answering until Hyun-su reached out to her with his hand. “It’s okay, she’s a good one,” he reassured her as he brushed some stray wet strands of her pin-straight black hair out of her face when her small hands were unable to. He took her hand and gently pulled her closer to the two of you. It made you smile as you saw them interact. The caring and soft way Hyun-su acted with her reminded you so much of a father interacting with his daughter.
It just made you love him even more.
He gave her one more nod of reassurance before she timidly introduced herself.
“M-my name is Ah-yi,” she stuttered out and you silently cooed at her adorable little shy smile. “Thank you for saving me, Miss.”
“Of course, Ah-yi, you are very welcome,” you gave her your own smile and some of her shyness seemed to fade away. You then gave her your name and she visibly brightened up. 
“You’re the princess!” You gave her a confused smile with a small laugh as she then began to explain. “Oppa’s told me stories about you! How you’re the princess of the big green castle and how he was a knight in shining armor who was saved by you, the warrior princess!” She talked animatedly with her hands swinging around wildly and her chest puffing out at the end to make her seem stronger. Your lips formed a big smile as you looked over at Hyun-su to see him lightly glaring at Ah-yi with a big blush coating his cheeks. 
“Ah, so you’ve told stories about me, have you?” You teased him and he looked at you before rolling his eyes. 
“Shut up,” he mumbled and you yelped as he yanked on your hand, sending you falling onto his chest with a loud laugh. 
You talked a bit more with Ah-yi, somehow ending with her laying her head in your lap as you leaned against Hyun-su with your back to his chest. The three of you watched the clouds, pointing out any shapes you could find and making up stories that Ah-yi seemed to love. Every time you looked over at Hyun-su, you could see all of his attention focused on you and how you interacted with the small child. 
Time seemed to fly as eventually, the sun started to fade into the distance, only leaving splotches of light shining through the leaves of the tall trees surrounding you. All three of you stood up and you glanced in the direction of the stadium with sad eyes. You couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Hyun-su yet. Even the thought of leaving the small girl you had grown strongly attached to in the past few hours broke your heart. Hyun-su seemed to sense your hesitation as he grabbed your hand. 
You looked back at him and he looked at you so fondly you felt like your heart might burst. With his thumb gently caressing your knuckles, he looked you in the eyes and said, “Stay. Stay with me. With us. You don’t have to go yet.”
He seemed just as desperate to make up for lost time with you as you were with him. His eyes widened and that smile you loved so dearly formed on his face when you nodded with little thought put into the decision. Pulling you closer with his arm circling your shoulders and one of yours circling his waist while the other hand reached out for Ah-yi to grab. She practically leaped at the opportunity.
“You ready, princess?” Hyun-su asked you in a soft teasing voice and you looked up at him with the same passionate smile gracing your lips. 
“Lead the way, my shining knight.”
Pt 2: Floating Above Those Dark Skies :)
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privitivium · 3 months
some kinda yan gamer, streamer "catboy/eboy/femboy" guy who posts stuff with lewd undertones. liek... i just love dudes being all pathetic and desperately trying to get yr attention but all u do is look at them in mild disgust........................ obsessed with that rn. ;;
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like the dude uses :3 consistently. emoticon user, in a negative way. horny freak. he'd say you're best friends; slowly making your way towards a friends with benefits type deal, so desperately wanting to be those friends who r super touchy with each other, borderline fucking, but he doesnt wanna cross any boundaries by suddenly sitting on ur lap or cuddling into you, hugging you out of no where... you, on the other hand, would say you're friends, but that's a little bit of a stretch. its generous, is what it is. you find him weird and hard to be around, but he's a bit of a loner around campus ( surprisingly ) and you have a soft spot for the quiet type, thinking you should be the one to give him a chance. he gives you this weird vibe, like hes trying way too hard... like a little kid trying to impress. a bit cringe.. no?
ㅡyeah, it was. very much so.. trying to hype him up when he posts videos on his socials. trying so hard not to cringe at the thirst comments as he posts himself in a skirt, thigh highs, oversized hoodie, cat ears, and a black face mask.. congratulating him and telling him that he deserves it because he is quite pretty; words without love, you mean them with stony-platonic affection.
obviously he takes this the wrong way.. you first notice his affection for you ( it was quite obvious. ) after he continuously mentions this "friend" in his streams and posts, speaking so fondly. to say that it didn't make your heart flutter, would be a lie. you felt a bit honored, disgusted with yourself for feeling such a way - he was a suffocating person - smothering you in his popularity and trying to make you jealous, but how could you be if you were his friend he "spoke fondly" ofㅡ? you wouldnt know how to deal with that if he was your lover. embarrassingly enough, the thought does come up multiple times throughout your mind..
you can't help it. those thoughts, they intrude on your normal train of thought like a disgusting plague... you were one of his top supporters, not donor, as he did stream playing dating sims and the like... he'd gloat, definitely meaning to, telling you about all the weird shit they'd say about / to himㅡand he was totally imagining it was you telling him all that stuff.. wondering just how lewd you are, fingering himself to the thought of you watching in a dark corner of his room.,, weirdo. ( <- spoekn with love...... )
you try to open yourself up, making more friends to hangout with after noticing that he took up all of your time. when did that happen? what happened to all your other friends before him? you wonder, but not wanting to relight those candles... it would be awkward, having left them for one guy without even knowing it yourself..
"did i do something wrong?" he'd corner you at your apartment, pouting, eyes glazed over with tears of anguish - his face scrunched as if he were about to break out into sobs. "why are you.. avoiding me?" his voice pinched, and you feel a wave of,,, what, repulsion? he's making you uncomfortable, just a tad more than usual.. "i'm not avoiding you." you'd reply bluntly, lackadaisical, a front. "yes.. yesㅡyou are, i can feel it. i know you are!" a whiny voice that morphs into a low hiss.. "no... i just made new friends so i'm not spending that much time with you as i used to." you speak slowly, as if he were an idiot - his face darkening with an embarrassed flush; heart palpitating faster as he promptly closes his mouth from continuing. why did you sound so... hot? argh, you always sound hot, but... whatever, he already knew that he was crushing hard on you - he has the preserved cumrags, bottles with a printed picture of you inside to prove it...
after that, he would take the time off posting so much, a hiatus, and would begin focusing on his one-sided relationship with you... trying to lure you away from your new friends, quite easily and you have no idea how he does it - a manipulative bastard in a way as he begins to get a little too comfortable with touching on you without your consent, he doesnt listen anyway - pulling the "cute guy who can't get punched" card;; asking you questions if he wasn't enough for you. it wouldn't work out, as you would often ignore his stupid queries. it was draining.. but.. you realize, that maybe you were just jealous? your cute friend posting himself for everyone else to ogle at, even if they didn't know what his face looked like. you weren't the disgusting one here, he was. they were only thoughts - nothing you were going to act on. rather, he would act on them for you.
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harrywavycurly · 21 days
What You Deserve Part 3: Start Small
Masterlist: Here
CW: Tiniest mention of your toxic ex
Tag List: @littlered0000 @saramelaniemoon @ali-r3n @sapphire4082 @sweetmoonlove0214 @eddies-girl-22 @darknesseddiem @peaches-roses-sins @blckburd @comeonatmebruh @daisy-munson @cultish-corner @mrsjellymunson @aol19 @micheledawn1975 @2000babies
A/N: You might be nervous but don’t worry Eddie’s got you also it’s a long one so I split it up into sections and it’ll make sense as you read, enjoy🫠✨
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“Good Morning.” “Good Morning…uh you didn’t have to knock on my door you could’ve just honked or-” “honked?…sweetheart I’m not sixteen and running late to school….I’m here to pick you up so that means I knock on the door or ring the bell…whatever you prefer and walk you to my car.” “Oh…Steven just honks…it’s not that big of deal really if it’s easier than getting all the way out-” “it’s not your job to make things easier on anyone…especially Harrington.” “Sorry…I’ll uhm work..on that.” “You don’t have to apologize…so shall we exit the porch now or did you want to stand here for a bit longer?” “Oh yeah yeah we can go…holy shit is that your car?” “One of them yeah…do you not like it? I went with the one that has the smoothest ride…since I know feeling comfortable while inside a car is important to you.” “It’s so…nice I don’t want to like…get it dirty or anything.” “Sweetheart…it’s car…it’s gonna get dirty and that’s fine I’ll just wash it…trust me…there’s nothing you could do that I can’t fix…so please…get in the car.”
“Okay…” “Your coffee is right there…and feel free to change the radio to whatever you want.” “Thank you…oh you don’t care if I touch this stuff?” “Well you’re going to have to touch it if you want to change the station…” “I’m uh not used to being able to mess with the buttons in the car if I’m not driving.” “Please tell me Harrington-” “No no Steven lets me but him and I listen to the same stuff so it was fine…it was uh…my last uhm boyfriend he..didn’t let me control anything in the car.” “Well let’s get this out of the way now okay?…I’m Eddie…or to you I’m sure you’d prefer to call me Edward but either way…I’m not your ex…so whatever he was like and by the sounds of it he wasn’t a very…nice guy…so just know I’m not like him…so feel free to touch all the buttons and change the station..hell roll your window down if you want I don’t care…what’s mine is yours okay?” “Really?” “Yes..that’s a big part of this…type of relationship…whatever I have you also have…and if there’s something you want then just tell me and I’ll do my best to get it for you.” “Oh wow…okay…uh so when you say relationship what uhm…what would I call you?” “What do you mean?” “Like…when you drop me off today and someone asks oh who was that? Is that your boyfriend? What…what should I say? I can’t just be like oh that’s just my…sugar daddy Eddie.” “Yeah that’s sort of a mouthful isn’t it?” “I mean that’s uh just assuming you….you want to be my daddy…sugar daddy…sorry I’m just nervous and you’re…a uhm little intimidating in person but not in a bad way it’s…it’s like in the same way I’d feel around Tony Soprano or someone like that.” “Did you just compare me to a mob boss? That’s the vibes I give off?….if so then me and my stylist need to have a conversation about my wardrobe.” “You have a stylist?” “She does my shopping for me once every two months or so because I hate shopping for clothes….but Tony Soprano…really?” “I mean…you just look like you could easily have someone whacked with the snap of a finger and…yet you also look like you give really good hugs which is important because sometimes a good hug can just fix everything and…and you just…I feel…safe? Even though I don’t really know you…I’d trust you with my drink at a party.” “I’m honored that you’d leave your drink with me at a party and I’m glad you feel safe with me…but you make me sound like I’m some super badass dude…when I’m just a business owner who doesn’t have any mafia connections at all so no matter how many times I snap my fingers no one is getting whacked…” “damn..I was going to give you a list.” “But I have been told I give good hugs.” “That’s good…that’s really good to know….so uhm…how do we actually do this? Do I sign something? Do you want a trial run to see if I annoy you or not?” “I don’t need a trial run…also this isn’t fifty shades of grey I don’t need you to sign anything.” “You’ve seen those movies?” “No I read the books.” “Oh…you…you like to uhm…read? That’s…great.” “So why don’t we start small for now?” “Okay…what does that mean exactly?” “You let me take you to and from work this week and we can get to know each other more and…you let me buy you dinner Friday night?” “Okay that…sounds fine.” “And Friday over dinner we can discus what we both want out of this? Does that sound doable?” “Yes…that’s doable.” “Perfect.”
“Harrington isn’t even here yet and the store opens in five minutes?” “Yeah but that’s fine I have a key and can open the store up.” “By yourself?” “Yeah? I do it all the time.” “That’s…not safe…Steve should know better than that.” “It really is okay…oh are you going to see Dave today?” “I am…I’m actually going to work on him myself.” “Really?” “Yeah I figured he deserved to be worked on by someone that knows his life story…I’m gonna do what I can for him don’t worry.” “Easier said than done…” “I know…oh look who decided to actually show up to work.” “He’s not late so that’s actually good timing for him…so uhm I’ll see you later?” “Yeah I’ll be here when your shift is over.” “So uh have a good day Eddie…” “thanks sweetheart…tell Harrington to call me.” “Uh oh he’s in trouble isn’t he?” “No…not at all…” “what are you-” “you didn’t think I’d let you open your own door did you?” “Oh…uhm well thank you.” “Have a good day…oh and please don’t wait for me outside when you’re done working okay? I’ll come inside and get you.” “Okay…I’ll see you later then…” “Yes…now I gotta go but I’ll tell Dave hello for you.” “Thanks…for uhm…everything.” “You’re welcome.”
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shawtuzi · 2 years
“She say I’m obsessed with thick women and I agree”
cw include: chubby reader, black coded reader but you can picture her however you’d like <3, slight talk of body image, size kink, drug and alcohol use, basketball player eren bc that deserves a warning, oral both receiving, unprotected sex, choking n a little manhandling, pussydrunk eren, squirting, lots of dirty talk and praise, mating press, sex standing up, backshots, creampie, eren has an abnormally huge dick...i think that's about it///wc: 4.3k
Eren Jaeger was known as a legend on campus. Not only on the basketball court but with the ladies as well. If you had a girlfriend it was common knowledge to keep her away from him because lord knows once a girl catches sight of him all morals are thrown out the window. Fortunately he did have a type; short and little on the chubbier side. Of course Eren thought all women were gifts from god in their own way but something about manhandling a chubby short girl into any position he wanted until she was crying made his dick jump every time he thought about it.
That’s where you come in.
It was a Friday night after a game and per usual there was a party in Eren’s honor seeing as though he carried the entire team through their last game of the season. Eren was sitting on the couch nursing a red solo cup filled slightly with Hennessy taking small sips every now and again (eren is a dark liquor type of man i wont be elaborating). In the other hand he had a blunt pearled and ready and to be lit until he laid eyes on you. “Holy shit…” he whispered, taking your physique in.
Short was one way to put it, everyone in the room was basically towering over you. The tight black dress you were wearing hugged your curves in the best way possible, the skimpy material barely covering your ass. “Hey Con” Eren grunted slapping Connie in the chest but not once taking his eyes off of you, “who the fuck is that.” Connie looked in your direction and smirked, “that Y/N but don’t even waste your time she just got out of a breakup with Jean he dumped her” he chuckled making Eren roll his eyes.
Jean was the schools quarterback as well as the frat president of the house he was currently partying in. Eren had now noticed you were following Jean around like a lost puppy trying to get his attention but he ignored you pretending you weren’t even there. Poor baby he thought to himself his heart wrenching when he saw tears brim your eyes. You were about to just call it quits and leave but Eren was quick hopping off the couch and right in front of you. “U-um excuse me” you mumbled, bringing your eyes up to the gorgeous emerald ones above you.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you I just saw how upset you were looking and was wondering if you wanted to share this?” he smiled holding the blunt in front of your face. You bit your lip contemplating if you wanted to take the risk of being seen with Eren. The girls here were very protective and cutthroat when it came to him plus Jean was not too far away and- what were you thinking??
“Yeah sure” you gave Eren a small smile and he beamed, grabbing your much smaller hand and bringing you to his previous spot on the couch. “I don’t think there’s enough ro- oh!” you gasped when Eren pulled you onto his lap, his arm finding purchase wrapped around your back. Normally you would’ve gotten right back up and just found literally anywhere else to sit but it felt oddly comforting being in Eren’s strong arms. “So what’s wrong you looked like you were about to cry back there” Eren chuckled lighting the blunt as if he already didn’t have a good idea.
“Well…my boyfriend broke up with me and I thought if I got all dressed up he would- I don’t know it’s stupid. He’s stupid” you pouted and it took everything in Eren not to kiss the adorable pout off your face. “Well for what it’s worth I think you look beautiful” Eren smiled passing the blunt to you, “if I was Jean I wouldn’t let you go for anything in this world.” You were absolutely speechless. Was the Eren Jaeger coming onto you? There’s no way.
Instead of responding you took a couple drags of the blunt trying to ignore Eren’s intense stare. His words kept on replaying in your mind like a broken record until you decided to speak up. “You really think I look beautiful? To tell you the truth I wasn’t so sure about this dress” you giggled starting to feel the effects of the drug. Your body image was never really a problem for you until you met Jean, it’s not like he ever straight up told you but the little microaggressions he would make here and there made you a tad self conscious.
Eren smirked, tightening his hold on you, “of course I mean it Y/N I don’t know if anyones ever told you but I prefer my women on the thicker side. A little tummy on a woman never hurt nobody” he laughed downing the rest of the Henny that was in his cup. By now Eren was the kind of fucked up to where he’d say whatever was on his mind and by the looks of it you were hanging on to his every word. “To be truly honest with you it’s probably a good thing the two of you broke up, Jean wouldn’t have any fucking idea what to do with all this” he whispered the last part in your ear making you whimper quietly.
“Can’t believe I’ve never seen you before, why were you hiding from me?” he chuckled, pulling you impossibly close until your faces were inches away from each other. “J-Jean didn’t want me going to your games, but I did go tonight which is probably why he’s not talking to me” you laughed breathlessly, “you did really good tonight I never actually realized how tall you were until I saw you next to all the other players.” You couldn’t help but trail your eyes to his abnormally large hand rest on your thigh squeezing it every so often.
“Well I am six-seven so yeah I’m pretty tall, I’m assuming you’re about four-eleven? Five foot?” he smiled, giving your thigh another squeeze. In the corner of his eye he saw Jean standing in the kitchen, smoke practically coming out of his ears at the sight of his ex-girlfriend in Eren’s lap. Before you had the chance to answer his question Eren lifted you off of his lap with ease urging you to stand up.
“Let’s get a drink yeah?”
Eren enveloped your small hand in his bringing you to the kitchen, completely ignoring Jean. He grabbed an empty solo cup pouring a shot of Henny into it, “drink up!” he smirked holding the cup in front of your face. You shakily took the cup out of his hand and he could tell you were hesitant so Eren being the sweetheart he was decided to help you out. He leant against the counter and pulled your back into his chest. It took all his willpower not to pick you up and fuck you on the counter with everything he had but he managed. “I’ll take this” he mumbled, grabbing the cup from you and wrapped his other hand around your throat making you squeak in surprise. “Now tilt your head back, open your mouth, and swallow” he grunted and you complied making a smile grace his face once more. He poured the foul tasting liquid down your throat until there was nothing left, “good girl” he whispered in your ear squeezing your neck softly before letting go.
You turned around and looked up at him lust swimming in your bloodshot eyes,”Eren” you whimpered clutching onto his hoodie. “C’mon follow me” he growled, grabbing your hand once more and dragged you upstairs but not before shooting Jean a wink, a quick way of saying ‘I just took your girl and there’s nothing you can do about it’.
Eren went into the first room he could find that was unlocked and pulled you in pushing you roughly against the door once it was shut. “You want me?” he asked tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “because I sure fucking want you.” You couldn’t speak too horny to even function. It was embarrassing. “Haven’t even touched you yet and you’ve already gone dumb how cute. Just nod your pretty little head and I’ll take care of you Y/N.” You were nodding before he even finished talking, feeling your wetness begin to trickle down your thighs.
Eren pushed his hand under your dress cupping your sensitive pussy, the both of you moaning at the contact. “Shit you’re fucking soaked. Good thing too I’m gonna need to prep you before you take me” he growled rubbing your clit over your panties. You brushed your hand against the bulge in his pants gasping at how thick he was, “I’m not even fully hard yet either I’ll let your imagination run wild with that while I eat your sweet little pussy ‘kay?” Before you could reply Eren was on his knees hoisting your thighs over his broad shoulders. Being the good girl you were, you bunched your dress up to your waist giving him better access to your soaked center.
“That’s my girl” he whispered, pressing multiple kisses to your thick thighs sucking on the soft skin every now and again. “Don’t worry about me dropping you either, you weigh as light as a feather to me” he smiled, making your heart flutter. He could sense the hesitation on your face the second he picked you up and had to let it be known now and so on your weight would never ever be a problem in his eyes for as long as you would let him indulge you. “Eren you’re too- oh my gosh!” you squealed when you felt him lick, kiss, and suck at your pussy over your panties, the mixture of your wetness and his saliva soaking the material further.
You pulled your panties to the side to give him better access and his eyes nearly popped out of his head at the sight of your dripping, bare pussy in front of him. “Oh Y/N…” he whispered, making your heartbeat quicken negative thoughts beginning to swarm in your head. “I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to leave you alone after this, you’ve got the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen…never wanna let you go” he spoke more to himself than you. He licked a fat stripe up your pussy then wrapped his lips around your clit, his eyes rolling back at the taste of you. Sweeter than he imagined.
His shoulder length hair that was usually in a bun was down tonight and although he did look beautiful with his hair down from this angle it was slightly affecting his performance. “Baby” he grunted looking up at you through his eyelashes, “would you tie my hair up please it’s getting in my way” he chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your clit. “Mhm” you whimpered, taking the hair tie from him with shaking hands. “You’re a doll” was all that was said before he dove back in, bringing your body closer to his face. Tying his hair up felt like mission impossible every time you bunch up his hair enough to tie back he would suck hard on your clit faltering your grip, almost like he was doing it on purpose.
“E-eren you’re making it- ah really hard to do this” you whined almost giving up until you felt a slap on your thigh. “Put my hair up or you aren’t cumming” he smirked spitting on your pussy before lapping at it once more. You moaned pathetically letting your head fall against the door and just when you thought it couldn’t get worse you felt something push against your entrance. “Ease up for me baby it’s just one finger” he chuckled, pushing his finger in slightly groaning at how tight you felt around him. “Just o-one?!” you gasped gripping at his soft locs. “Yeah and I actually think you’re ready for two now yeah?” he sent you a wicked smile before shoving a second finger in without warning.
The obscene squelching of your pussy made your cheeks heat up in embarrassment but Eren didn’t seem to care curling his fingers in a way that had you dripping on his palm down to his wrist. You bit your lip impossibly hard and tied Eren’s hair up sloppily strands of hair falling out of the bun by the minute. “There it’s tied up can I cum? I need to Eren” you whimpered feeling your thighs begin to shake. “Of course you can baby be a good girl and cum on my tongue” he growled bringing his mouth back to your pussy. Within minutes you were cumming high pitched moans and whines escaping your lips, “E-Eren” you huffed out attempting to push his head away.
With one last kiss to your clit Eren pulled away setting your legs down gently, standing at his height once more he brought his fingers to your lips a single to open your mouth. You sucked on his fingers greedily gagging slightly at how big they were. He pulled them out of your mouth with a string of saliva connecting to your lips, “you know I haven’t even kissed you yet and here you are sucking your cum off my fingers…cute” he smiled squishing your cheeks together. “You want me to kiss you Y/N?” he whispered resting his forehead against yours and you nodded tears brimming in your eyes at how bad you actually wanted him.
Eren licked his lips taking in how adorable you looked before pressing his lips against your shoving his tongue in your mouth. One hand was wrapped around your throat squeezing ever so softly while the other was possessively gripping your waist. Eren was relentless, barely letting you pull away for air then shoving his tongue down your throat. A smile graced his face when he felt your small hands pawing at his cock through his pants, “you want it?” he asked breathlessly, making you nod quickly. “Get on your knees.”
You obeyed, getting on your knees with quickness eager to please him. Eren slowly undid his belt then pulled his pants along with his briefs an accidental laugh escaping when he saw your reaction to his dick. It was a well known rumor on campus that Eren had a massive dick but this was nothing compared to what you thought. “Ten inches the most people can take is about half, but I think you can take all of it because you’re my good girl now right baby?” he smiled answering your question before you even had the chance, he stroked your cheek with his thumb looking at you with pure adoration. “Yeah m’your good girl” you whispered, taking him in your hand. He was so thick your hand could barely fit around and he was heavy, balls full and ready to fill you with every drop he could. You started off slow, taking only the tip in your mouth but as time passed Eren grew impatient insisting you needed a hand so being the sadist he was he grabbed your hair roughly shoving more of his cock into your mouth.
“Yeah that’s it fucking take it” Eren growled the tightness of your throat making him want to cum already. His dick was more than halfway in your mouth which made him adore you even more. He knew his good girl could take his cock with ease. “Just a little bit more c’mon baby you do it- fuck yeah there you go good fucking girl” he praised once his dick was fully sheathed in your mouth. You looked completely wrecked. The eyelashes you had glued on were coming undone and your makeup was streaked due to the tears that were streaming down your face. The glittery lipgloss you were wearing was no longer there, the remnants coated on Eren’s cock along with your saliva. His balls slapped against your chin roughly and you made sure to run your tongue over them adding to his pleasure.  
“So fucking good” he brought his free hand to your throat feeling the bulge of his dick and that’s what finally did it. In seconds ribbons of cum were shooting down your throat and of course Eren made sure you swallowed every drop. “Fuck I don’t think I’ve ever cum that fast c’mere” he grunted bringing you to your feet for another sloppy kiss. You brought both your hands to Eren’s softening cock jerking it until you felt him start to harden up. “Mm Y/N” he moaned softly against your lips bucking into you every time you stroked his sensitive tip.
“Lay down…wanna fuck you now” he whispered and you complied taking off your dress before you did so, Eren following your lead and taking off his hoodie giving you a full view of his body. All those years of working out and playing basketball paid off wonderfully. You couldn’t help but drool at his physique. A tanned toned chest, swole arms, and deliciously thick thighs. He was every woman's dream but he was yours tonight.
“Look at you” he spoke softly, settling himself between your open legs “so so beautiful.” He pushed his cock slowly between your folds, coating his dick in your essence. “Look how far I’d be if I put my dick in all the way baby I’d be in your stomach” he chuckled, slapping his cock against your soft tummy, “you gonna let me put it all in you? Want my dick in your tummy?” he grinned at your quiet pleas finally giving into you. Eren gripped your plush thighs pushing them back until they were practically touching your ears before slowly pushing his cock in the both of you moaning in unison. “Eren I-” “I know baby I know so fucking tight” he growled halting his movement to let you adjust.
He was about halfway in and he wanted nothing more than to fill you up, to see the bulge in your tummy every time he fucked into you all he needed was the green light to do so. “You good? Gonna let me put the rest in?” he whispered, bringing his thumb to your swollen clit rubbing slow circles. “Y-yes please Eren” you whined squeezing around him. “F-fuck okay baby tell me if it hurts too much” he groaned pushing the rest of him cock in your already stuffed pussy. Eren rested his forehead against yours, his eyes fluttering shut. You were gripping him like a vice already making him want to cum but he held back using every ounce of strength he had.
After taking a moment to gather himself Eren began fucking into you at a brutal pace the loud claps of his pelvis against your ass echoing throughout the room. “Ohhh shit” you cried, digging your acrylics into Eren’s flexing biceps. Eren brought one leg onto the bed and you knew he was about to put in some serious work. His pace went from fast and shallow to slow and deep, his swollen tip bumping against your cervix every time he fucked into you. “That feel good?” he grunted removing one hand from your thigh instead finding its place on your throat. “Yes Eren s’good” you sighed dreamily bringing both your hands to his face caressing the smooth skin of his cheeks. The moment was so raw, so intimate it honestly made you want to cry. “Feel so good-fuck you’re so beautiful should’ve been with me not him” he growled tightening his grip on your neck. “M’all yours Eren you can have me please please take me” he whined the lack of oxygen making your head fuzzy.
“P-put your arms around my n-neck” he panted planning to show you right now why he absolutely loves shorter women. You complied wrapping your arms around his thick neck, but what you weren’t expecting was for him to lift you up keeping you securely in his strong arms. His dick still remained inside you, the new angle sending shivers down your spine. “Don’t worry baby I’m not gonna drop you just pay attention to me and me only” he pressed a sweet kiss to your swollen lips before bringing both hands to your ass and proceeding to fuck you.
“Yes yes fuck Eren right there” you squealed burying your face into his cologne scented neck. You kissed and sucked at his neck and normally he wouldn’t be into that with his usual hookups but you were different. He wanted you to mark him up in fact he’d show the scratches and bruises proudly around campus letting everyone know he had the honor of fucking you.
Eren roughly pressed your body against the door fucking into you like his life depended on it. Before you knew it you were cumming covering Eren’s lower abdomen and thighs. Your thighs were shaking violently, tears of pleasure beginning to fall from your eyes. “Holy shit did you just squirt?” Eren laughed gripping bringing one hand up to grip your cheeks smushing them together. “Mhmm” you whimpered trying to recover as best as you could from your earth shattering orgasm, “never done that before” you mumbled feeling your cheeks begin to burn. “Want you to do that again… this time in my mouth.”
“Wha-?” before you could muster out anything else Eren was on his knees for you once more, your thick thighs caging his head. He took it upon himself to shove three fingers in your sopping pussy, his lips wrapping around your puffy clit. His fingers were consistently brushing against that spot that drove you crazy and he knew in no time you’d be cumming once again. The pleasure was so overwhelming you hadn’t even realized you were pushing Eren’s head impossibly close against your pussy giving him little to no room to breathe, but he didn’t care too drunk on the smell and taste of you to come up for air. In no time you were cumming once again soaking the entire bottom half of Eren’s face and his chest. “So fucking sweet I should really punsih you for keeping this pussy away from me too long but we’ll save that for next time yeah?” he grinned up at you, his heart rate quickening at your impending answer.
“Yeah…next time” you smiled back down at him, the thought of there being a next time making your heart flutter. Eren picked you up once more, bringing you back over to the bed and he could tell you were getting tired but he couldn’t stop, not until he's filled you up with his cum. “C’mon princess, arch your back for me” he huffed, wiping the excess cum off his face with the back of his hand. You being the good girl for him that you were arched your back giving him a mouth watering view of your swollen pussy. Eren wasted no time slipping himself back inside of your comforting heat feeling his orgasm quickly approach.
He grabbed both your arms pulling you against his chest putting you in a chokehold with his strong bicep (OMFGGGG IMAGINE okay anyways). “I’m so fucking close Y/N can I cum in you? Please lemme cum in you” he moaned pathetically, feeling his balls tighten. “Y-yes Eren please cum in me” you cried your eyes crossing from the lack of oxygen and immense pleasure you were receiving. “Ah fuck!” Eren growled pushing your face in the mattress pounding into you like a madman. With one final thrust he was filling your pussy with his cum so much it began to dribble out of your cunt trailing down your thighs. Eren’s legs gave out making him collapse on top of you, his eyes fluttering shut.
“Um Eren?” your voice was muffled due to your face being smushed into the bed, “you’re kinda crushing me” you giggled. “Oh shit my bad” he grunted rolling onto his back, he pulled you into his side stroking your back softly. The perfect moment was ruined though when the two of you heard the doorknob rattle and then hard knocks at the door, “who the fuck is in my room?!” the voice cried and your heart froze when you recognized it. Jean fucking Kirstien. “We’ll be out in a minute, asshole!” Eren snapped slightly annoyed at the fact that Jean has ruined this soft moment with you.
Eren stood up on shaky legs beginning to put his clothes back on, “get dressed m’gonna take you to my dorm so I can give you some proper aftercare” he smiled tossing you your dress. He sensed the skepticism on your face and looked back at the door trying not to show his annoyance, afraid you would think it was towards you. “I won’t let him say shit to you okay? You don’t need to worry about him anymore plus…I’ll give you a piggyback ride” he chuckled, giving you a cheeky smile that you returned. “Okay okay fine” you giggled putting your dress back on but something was missing. “What about my-” “Oh these?” he smirked holding up your damp panties between his fingers, “I think I’ll hold onto them for a bit.”
Once you looked semi presentable Eren finally unlocked the door revealing a gaping Jean too stuck to say anything. “Great party Jean and we’d love to stay but Y/N needs a little bit of tending to if you couldn’t hear” he smirked wrapping his arm possessively around your shoulders. After leaving the party Eren kept his promise and carried you all the way to his dorm making sure to kiss every mark he left on you along with multiple praises about how gorgeous you were and how lucky he was you gave him a chance. It turns out that Eren was right after all, Jean would never know what to do with all you had to offer…not like Eren does.
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buckttommy · 2 months
Why do you like Shannon so much?
because i look at her as a whole. she wasn't just eddie's wife. she wasn't just christopher's mom. she was a woman in her own right. and she was... she had a whole life in front of her, you know? not even at the point when she died (but that too), i mean she had her whole life in front of her at the point where she got pregnant. and we know how that was for eddie, you know? we can see, at least in some ways, the effects of christopher's birth and existence on him and how those things shaped who he was and who he became but shannon, in some way, only exists to further his story. and that's fine because, like, he's the main character. but what we do know about her is just so tragic.
think about every teenager you know. every teenager you ever knew. how many of them are ready to be mothers? how many of them are ready to be mothers to disabled children? how many of them are ready to be single mothers to disabled children? how many of them are ready to be single mothers to disabled children while their own mothers are dying of cancer, while their mother in laws are not offering support, and while they're constantly living with the fear that this is forever? because that was her reality. if eddie died overseas, that little glimpse of her life without him would have been her Entire existence for the rest of her life. and i don't know about you, but even as 20-something, that entire existence seems so daunting and overwhelming.
i don't support her for leaving christopher. she fucked that boy up, as we can see now (and have seen over the years) and she shouldn't have abandoned her son, period. have whatever feelings you want to have about your husband but don't bring your kids into that shit. you know? but when i step outside of just that aspect and look at the entirety of who she is? someone just as young and confused and scared as eddie was without receiving any of the grace and understanding that he did inherent, at least, to the fact that he was a soldier at war? i just. man. it reminds me of that poem. you know? they fuck you up, your mum and dad / they may not mean to, but they do / they fill you with the faults they had / and add some extra just for you. and it's just, like, how many choices led them to where they all were/are? all of them.
how many choices from how many people led shannon to getting pregnant by her loser boyfriend? where was her dad? texas dads don't typically let their daughters go get knocked up in high school, btw, so where was he? was he dead? was that, too, something she had to shoulder on her own/with her mom, or did she just never know him? how many choices led her to saying "enough is enough" and walking out? how many sleepless nights? how many tears? how many doctors appointments and arguments and mean words thrown back and forth led to it all just becoming too much? when did she decide she didn't want to be the bigger person anymore? because she didn't decide it the moment she left, that was when she just finally put those feelings into action. she decided it long ago. just, like, how many different choices for how many different people led to all these different versions of all these characters that we know so well?
we'll never know. at least not where shannon is involved. but we can see it in the main characters, so exploring the tragedy of shannon diaz as a viewer, and as a woman, and as a former teenage girl is just. so interesting and so compelling and so sad on so many different levels, like. she deserved better. not just her character, but she, as a woman, deserved so much better. she deserved so many more chances to be the woman/person she thought she wanted to be. when she was a little girl growing up in religious texas, i highly doubt her vision for her life included being lonely, angry, sad, and divorced. and i think the writers (and eddie) do a great job of honoring her as a human being and as a mother. she was not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, but that's what makes her so good and so sad and i just. i just love to probe deeply into who she is even if we'll never get confirmation in canon because i think, if nothing else, the character deserves that much
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happeehippie · 3 months
instagram j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his girlfriend evie as they go through his football career.
*face claim is Yasmin Quintana*
part one. part two. part three.
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liked by joeyb_9, lahjay10_, bengals and 34,034 others
breezyevie: shout out to the sweet lady who sent us these cookies to start the new season! we are so excited to have j with us this year! #uno
view all 1,238 comments…
user: let’s go UNO
joeyb_9: put some respect on him
> breezyevie: they’re about to find out.
user: chosen 1
user: uno finna go crazy!
> breezyevie: i see no lies.
lahjay10_: let’s work
> breezyevie: work work work work work work
user: why is no one talking about the cookies?
> breezyevie: they were so good.
user: get ready to be destroyed this season.
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liked by breezyevie, bengals, and 117,505 others
joey_9: “If you die without any scars then you never did anything worth fighting for.”
view all 2,009 comments…
user: marry me
> breezyevie: @joeyb_9 me first. 🥺
user: tiger king
breezyevie: it’s joe time baby!
user: ain’t that the truth
user: this your year joey b!
lahjay10_: no pain no gain
> breezyevie: wise words yoda
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liked by joeyb_9, taylorswift, bengals and 43,298 others
breezyevie: in honor of the new season starting this sundey! it’s who dey forever.
view all 1,727 comments…
user: this our queen!
user: drop the link
> breezyevie: on my story!
user: long hair joe need to make a comeback pending your approval
> breezyevie: i approve!
user: ev over everyone!
user: time for joe to get injured
> breezyevie: time for you to be a decent human being.
joeyb_9: you’re the best
> breezyevie: my heart. 🤍
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liked by joeyb_9, bengals, taylorswift and 289,528 others
breezyevie: Let’s do this shit. #whodey
view all 2,783 comments…
user: i feel like your personality is too dominant for clean boy joe
> breezyevie: i feel like you don’t know us
user: i am so excited for game day content! i love you!
> breezyevie: it’s coming!!
user: sis donate the jacket!
> breezyevie: but.. i love it.
user: sorry sis he’s cheating on you
> breezyevie: in your dreams?
> millyg: can’t you be more original? it’s always the cheating trope.
user: that’s her MAN!
> breezyevie: FOR LIFE
user: delete this, lmao.
> breezyevie: awe, this bothers you huh?
user: can you fight?
> breezyevie: i’m prepared. 💪🏼
user: i’m confused.. are you his gf? your page looks like a fan page.
> breezyevie: people can’t fan girl their own boyfriends? yikes, this is embarrassing for me.
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liked by breezyevie, bengals, lahjay10_ and 413,108 others
joeyb_9: Andddddddddd I’m back
view all 3,909 comments
lahjay10_: back like you never left
> breezyevie: cant wait to watch y’all run it back
user: in joe we trust
> breezyevie: always and forever.
user: you’re girlfriend is so average, you could do better.
> breezyevie: ouch. my fragile ego. 💔
user: ur the mvp
user: i love how ev is always in joes comments replying to everyone. she’s my favorite person ever.
> breezyevie: stop it, you’re my favorite person ever!
user: overrated af
> breezyevie: i think you mean hot af. because dayum. 🥵
breezyevie: the goat reporting for duty?
> joeyb_9: dork 🤣
bengals: He’s back!
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liked by millyg, lahjay10_, joeyb_9 and 780,826 others
breezyevie: i love you.. and that’s the beginning and end of everything.
view all 7,283 comments…
user: omg! i just seen joes post!
user: i’m so happy i could cry!
millyg: my best friend.. you deserve this love.
user: not joe posting you for this after not posting you for like 4 years
joeyb_9: life with you is my favorite.
> breezyevie: please never change.
user: get that ring!
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liked by breezyevie, millyg, sam_hubbard_ and 871,038 others
joeyb_9: vibes are pretty.
view all 8,372 comments…
user: joe please i can’t handle this i have exams to study for
user: there is no fucking way he just dropped this bomb
user: the most basic caption ever
> user: yall cant ever just be satisfied. obviously its not a problem for them, let them enjoy this.
user: respectfully, this ruined my day.
user: ev finally becoming that NFL wifey!
breezyevie: i will be smiling and giggling uncontrollably for the foreseeable future. i love you jb. 4ever.
216 notes · View notes
neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were roommates (part 11)
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A/N: I hope this works because my internet is KILLING ME.
Warning: 18+ content SHIT IS STARTING TO GET REAL.
The next day, you and Simon had driven to the house. It felt like two parents visiting a house to move in with their kids. It made you laugh. The house was enormous. 4 bedrooms, three bathrooms, a spacious kitchen, a big living room with a tv big enough to feel like at the cinema.  A very modern house painted in dark tones. All that you liked. You had looked at Kate and General Hopkins as he spoke.
"You deserve some comfort. You've been such a great asset-"  
"You're trying to give me a luxurious house because I almost got killed." 
The silence set for a minute, Ghost grabbing the back of your pants as he stood behind you. 
"Yes… pretty much" the general admitted. 
You rolled your eyes. Kate shook her head. 
"You also deserve it. Plus you need a bigger space since you are having even more roommates." She smiled. 
You sighed. Ghost ran his thumb on your lower back, soothing you. It sent a shiver down your spine. He loved to do this. You had noticed it. These little touches, hidden from others. It grounded you to him. If you felt anxious, nervous or tense. You loved it. He couldn't stop touching you. 
The week after, you had moved in. Gaz and Soap were sharing a room, Konig had his own room and Ghost and you too. You had wanted to share Ghost's room but to keep things slow you had both preferred to stay like that. You'd share each other's beds in any way. Soap and Gaz were thrilled, Konig was too but in his own quiet way. Ghost seemed tense already. 
"Hey… you alright?" You asked when the boys were a bit further away in the house. 
"Starting to regret living with these idiots already." 
"Konig's quiet." 
"Wait until they play board games." 
You had laughed. 
You had settled in your room nicely. The space felt much bigger than your old apartment. However it felt less empty. Even from your room you could hear the boys laughing, or the TV playing. You smiled to yourself. Things had changed so much in a few months. You didn't regret it at all. 
You were putting away your clothes in your new walk in closet. You were at peace, finally. Walking back into your room, you yelped when you noticed someone sitting on top of your bed. 
"What the-" 
You squinted your eyes. You knew it was him. You would have recognized him even in the dark. But… him, sitting there, without his mask on, made your heart beat as if it wanted to leave your chest. 
"Fuck… even your face is hot." You let out. 
You immediately blushed when you realized that once more your mouth had been faster than your brain. 
You tried to hide your blushing face in your hands as you heard him laugh. 
"Come here bunny." 
You dropped your hands, biting your lip and walking to him. You stood in between his legs. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you…" 
You smiled, finally holding his face in your hands as his arms wrapped around your waist. 
"I was happily surprised." You whispered. 
He closed his eyes letting his face rest in between your chest, earning a chuckle from you. God he did look handsome. 
"I just… thought it was time to show you my face." He said, voice muffled by your own body. 
"I am honored. You don't have to if you feel uncomfortable." You assured him. 
"I feel safe with you. I don't mind at all." 
It made your heart jump in your chest. He felt safe with you. You wrapped your arms around his head, leaning your own on top of his. 
You remained like this for a little while until a knock was heard. 
"Hey guys!" Soap called. 
Simon groaned against you. You laughed. 
"Someone's here to see you!" 
You frowned. 
"We'll be downstairs in a minute Soap." You called back. 
You tried to separate the embrace but he held onto you. 
"Come on Simon. Let's go see who's there." You smiled at him. 
He stared at you for a long minute. 
"You're so pretty when you smile…"
You blushed heavily at the compliment. 
"Thank you…" you dropped a soft kiss on his lips. 
He sighed against your lips before you finally separated. He grabbed his mask that was thrown on top of the bed, only noticing it now, before dropping it over his head. 
You threw a last smile at him before you headed for the door. 
You walked down the stairs with him, meeting the rest of the house and Price in the living room. 
You turned your head to finally see your guests. Mellissa and Amy. 
"Oh Sparrow! Are you alright?" She was worried. 
"Y/N! Ghowsty!" Amy cheered. 
You could have laughed at the shocked expressions on the rest of the team. You finally reached them, taking Amy into your arms as she was impatiently extending hers towards you. 
"hey! How are you monkey?" you kissed her cheek making her giggle. 
As Simon came to a stop next to you she extended her arms to him. You had been beaten at this game. He was her favorite. You looked at him, his eyes not leaving you and the little girl in your arms. You saw something unfamiliar in his eyes before he extended his own arms to pick up the little girl.  
"gowsty!" she smiled at him. 
"hey little baby princess." he cooed. 
Yes. he did. And it made you melt on the spot. Melissa grinned and the rest of the room were absolutely shocked. It took one glance from ghost for them to look away. You rolled your eyes. You invited Melissa to come sit on the couch with everyone as ghost and Amy followed. She decided to sit on his lap and not move from there, playing with his skeleton gloves. 
"Boys, this is Melissa gallegos. She's my friend and the mother of this sweetheart, Amy." You cooed as well, softly brushing a strand of hair out of her face, making her giggle. Simon looked like he wanted to devour you for a split second. 
"this is Soap" you introduced. 
The little went into a giggle of laughter, making everyone melt in the room. 
"soap!" she repeated. 
The man in question blushed a bit, waving at her. 
"why you'calld soap?" she asked. 
The room temperature suddenly changed but Ghost was quick to move. 
"because he loves washing his hair." he lied. 
The truth was not something for her little ears. Soap looked a bit hurt but the rest laughed. 
"this, is Gas. because... because that's his name." Ghost said, taking the lead. 
For a second you were worried about her reaction towards Konig. He stood in the room a bit further away. He was trying to hide his big frame, probably not to scare the child but was failing. 
"this is Konig. He's... a friend." Ghost tried. It was clumsy. He was trying to find a way to make her accept the big guy. 
"Why he sow bwig?" she asked. 
"Amy..." Melissa started. 
"Because he's half giant." Ghost said, making everyone chuckle and Konig rubbed the back of his head. 
"he has supew powers?" she asked, not letting Konig out of her sight. 
"yes." he asked. 
"wat?" she asked.
"he gives the best hugs! and when you're in his arms you're super tall!" Soap said. 
She giggled. 
"thas not a supew power!" 
"ah! you should try!" he winked at her. 
She thought for a minute before extending her arms towards him, leaving you in a bit of shock. This little girl would never cease to amaze you. Konig had frozen on the spot. 
"Konig. Come here." Ghost ordered. 
You were going to protest, telling him not to force him if he was uncomfortable, but Konig moved forwards very slowly. Finally in front of Ghost and Amy, he picked her up very slowly as if she was made of glass. The little girl didn't say anything while looking around. 
"im tawler than everwyone!" she claimed happily, making everyone laugh. 
Konig looked relieved, until she looked into his eyes through the mask. She touched it a bit. 
"ah ah Amy. We talked about this." Melissa warned. 
"imno gonna take it off!" she said, looking offended.
It made you smile. As she turned back to the man. 
"you eyes awe pwetty. They blue" she said, making the monster of a man melt on the spot. 
She hugged him before asking to go back to ghost's lap. Konig was very flustered but walked back next to soap to sit on another couch. 
"This is Captain price. Or as Y/N calls him, dad." 
You gasped, looking at Ghost horrified. Everyone laughed. Amy was deep in thoughts. Before jumping from Ghost lap and running to price 
Now Melissa looked horrified. It clicked so fast in your mind. How Melissa called you her sister and Amy's aunt. The very clever girl added 1+1 and decided that if you were her aunt and Price was your dad, obviously he was her grandfather. 
Price had looked taken aback but gladly held her in his arms. 
Ghost sulked a bit, suddenly not being the center of attention of the little girl. You left the boys being completely amazed by the little girl as you turned to melissa. 
"How are you? Laswell told me what happened. I was in the room when she was talking to Hopkins." she looked worriedly at you. 
"I'm fine, don't worry. Not my first rodeo, we both know that." you said, grabbing her hand in yours. 
"I was so damn worried. I couldn't handle it, and Amy surely wouldn't." she said. 
"Hey, I'm fine. Don't worry alright? I have a whole team of bodyguards constantly watching over me now" you said in a joking tone looking at the boys behind you. 
Amy was standing on top of the table, the men on their knees or crouching around it. 
"though your daughter seems to be their master. She has a talent of bringing these terrifying men to their knees.'' You laughed with melissa. 
You both watched as Amy took turns, touching soap's mohawk, price's hat, gas's hat, Ghost mask and konig's too. 
"Stay for dinner, the boys will be thrilled." You said. 
And they were. They were absolutely thrilled. You had made dinner with Melissa while they had played with Amy's legos that Ghost had bought for her the last time. Now you all sat at table dining, talking happily. Amy was so fascinated by the way Konig ate underneath his mask that she'd forget to eat what was in her mouth. Konig had felt very embarrassed under her scrutiny and had avoided eye contact. 
You had stopped for a second, looking at the table you sat at. You felt grateful. For all of these people. 
Once dinner was over, the boys had cleaned up the table, except ghost who was trapped by a little girl in his arms. She was starting to get sleepy. Ghost had glanced at you as you sent a wink his way, making him shake his head. 
"what's happening between you and the liteutenant?" 
Melissa's voice made you slightly jump. 
"hum... well... we're... together." you spoke. 
You tried not to blush but she gasped, a smirk on her face afterwards. 
"you go girl! daaaamnn." she said. 
You rolled your eyes. 
"so it's serious huh?" she asked
"yeah... I think it is... he trusts me enough to show me his face." 
She looked touched, holding you in her arms. 
"I'm so happy for you. Really. You deserve it." 
You smiled, tears gathering at the corner of your eyes. You blinked them away. 
"Thank you Melissa. I'm so happy you're in my life too." 
She smiled at you before turning back to ghost. The little girl had fallen asleep in his arms as he kept pacing around to rock her softly. You noticed that the boys had lowered the volume of their voices too, as Ghost eyed them like a hawk at every decibel too high for his taste. 
"He'd be a great dad." Melissa teased. 
"We're far from that. Please don't start." You begged. 
You walked towards him. 
"Thank you lieutenant. She really adores you." she said to him. 
"No problem." he nodded. 
"I think we should go home." she said, glancing at you and then at the sleeping girl. 
"Alright, we'll walk you to the car." you offered, Ghost clearly not wanting to wake up the little girl, agreed. 
Everyone bid their goodbyes in a hushed tone under Ghost's gaze. You walked Melissa to the car, ghost had dropped the little girl, her car seat buckling her up. 
"Thank you lieutenant." she smiled. 
You stood next to him as Melissa looked at you both. 
"Thank you for taking care of her lieutenant". she said. 
You blushed heavily, looking down to hide your face. 
"The best mission I've chosen." he answered back. 
You bit your lip looking up at him as he glanced down back at you. Melissa got into her car and left,  leaving you both at the entrance of the house.
"You're gonna catch a cold. let's go back inside." he said, his hand meeting your lower back.
"Simon." you called. 
He looked at you, waiting. 
"Thank you. for taking care of me." 
"No. Thank you. For holding on to me. To my... fucked up mind and scarred body." 
Your eyes faltered, his words hurting you in a way you didn't think was possible. You grabbed his face in between your hands, his masked face dropping to touch your forehead with his. 
"You're everything Simon. you. Ghost. the lieutenant. all of you." you comforted him. 
He hugged you tighter. 
"fuck.." he cursed under his breath. 
A breeze passed by, soothing the incredible heat in your body. 
"come on... let's head back." 
You nodded, stepping inside with him. 
One thing had been absolutely sure. The boys loved playing games. When they weren't training or at the base and they were bored at home, they'd always want to play a board game or a game of cards. And right now. The game of cards was improvised. The evening had rolled in, you had been working in your room, and the boys were bored. It had begun as a simple game, Soap had ordered pizzas, and you sat around the large table in the living room. But as time passed, those menaces had decided to add some dares to the game. If you'd lose, you'd have to do something. Price had been skeptical, Ghost too, especially because he was worried about what the boys could make you do just to taunt him.
After the first round, where, much to Soap's dismay, he had lost, he was forced to play with handcuffs for the next 5 rounds. Watching him struggle during round 2 made Price laugh way too much, so he remained for the game. Obviously he very quickly regretted his choice.
Gaz had brought some Rhum, and even if it remained very calm, alcohol loosened minds and… tongues. You were all a bit tipsy. And the dares were beginning to be slightly hotter than they should be. Konig was shirtless… the poor man was extremely embarrassed. Gaz and Soap made out, a little predicament created by you. Unfortunately that had horribly backfired. You had to call Laswell and ask her if Price could legally adopt you. She was extremely confused but had said yes. Price added that he'd keep it in mind. 
To counter that you had prepared a little cocktail for the next looser, Soap. You made sure it was incredibly spicy. He had died, his soul leaving his body for a minute. Ghost seemed to be a very good player, managing to lose twice. He had to draw two little blush points on his mask with lipstick. He looked extremely cute. The second time he had to let the boys draw something on his arms with a sharpie. He had rolled his eyes.  After that he had escaped all shenanigans except one, he also had to take off his shirt. For some reason these men loved seeing each other half naked. 
Price had tapped out, opting for going home before he lost all credibility as a captain. Konig had also begged to be let go, you had obviously let the poor man leave, remembering him he didn't need permission, and shouldn't listen to the boys. Now, as the four of you remained. The dares become completely ridiculous. Now Gaz was handcuffed to Soap. They had a wife and husband written on their foreheads with a sharpie. You had cringed, you knew he'd be hard to clean up. 
The tapping point was you having to… lick your way from Ghost's clothed mouth to the aim of his pants, under the careful gaze of the two men. You were blushing hard. Ghost's eyes were fixated on you, his breath had quickened. His hand had reached your hair, tightening there when you passed over his abs. 
You had tried your best to hide your blush when you stood up. You could feel Simon's eyes following your every movement. When soap had tried to comment something along the lines of 'I'm jealous I want a bunny too', he had received a smack behind the head as a warning. The last round had hit, everyone was tired as 3 am was slowly approaching. To everyone's surprise, Ghost lost. Soap and Gaz had run to you, and you were now trying to find the perfect dare to conclude the game. 
Soap finally jumped. 
"I know! You have to wear a dog collar and a leash all day for Y/N!" 
You had gasped and blinked slowly, trying to process what he had said. You looked at Ghost, he seemed to think about it. 
"Simon…" you called. 
Did he… agree?! You were unsure if it was the alcohol or something else. 
"Nice!" Gas said. 
You were extremely confused… and slightly excited. The sight might be something worth seeing. 
You had called it a night, kissing Simon goodnight and hopping into bed. The liquor and the tiredness made your head buzz as you closed your eyes. 
The next morning you had woken up rather begrudgingly. You needed a coffee. Or tea. You had thrown one of Simon's hoodies on and some leggings before heading down stairs. The house was noisier than usual for this hour. You had walked into the living room, greeting everyone. Soap and gas had a grin on their face. Ghost had walked to you, lifting up his mask to kiss you deeply. 
This was the best way to wake up. Truly. 
"Good morning" you mumbled in a sleepy voice. 
"Good morning bunny." He growled. 
You were taken aback from his tone. What was going on this morning? 
"Breakfast is ready, come on!" Soap called. 
You had sat at the table and eaten breakfast with everyone until Price had walked in, a bag in hand.
"Good morning everyone!" He greeted. 
The boys were quick to their feet as ghost sighed, getting up as well. He extended his hand to you, making you get up and step to him. He dropped your hand to reach his neck with both hands, taking his dog tags and transferring them to your neck. You stumbled on your words looking at him. You felt incredibly honored and thrilled and… owned.
"S-simon… I…." 
"Fuck. You're gonna have to let me take a picture of you like that." He talked in a hushed tone to you. 
He didn't leave any room for an answer as he grabbed your head and made you walk with him to the others. 
"I have no idea why you asked me to pick this up, but I have a feeling it has something to do with last night's game." Price said as he dropped the bag on one of the couches and grabbed the objects inside. 
Your eyes widened when you saw him take out a dog collar and a leash, both black. 
"Oh my god…" you let out. 
"Yes!! Captain you are the best!" Soap almost yelled. 
Gas was just as excited as him. 
"Alright, so who has to wear this?" He asked, turning to soap and then gas. 
When they both turned towards ghost, who stood next to you, arms crossed, Price froze for a second. 
"Really?" He asked with his signature smile. 
You were unable to process what was happening as Soap took the object and ran to the man next to you. He stopped when he saw the dark gaze of his lieutenant. 
"Sergeant, if you try to put it around my neck I will break your hands." He warned. 
Soap smirked but nodded before handing you the collar and leash. 
"Wait, WHAT." You cried out.
You looked at the black leather collar. It had a silver tag shaped like a skull. You turned it to see Riley written behind. They had made it engraved. The leash was a mix of black leather and chain. It was pretty basic. You were taken out of your thoughts as you saw Simon bend down next to you, now eye to eye level. 
"Simon, really?" You asked. 
"I am a man of my word." He said. 
You shook your head. This… was ridiculous. The rest of the team looked at you expectedly. You sighed, unbuckling the damn thing before very slowly approaching it to his neck. The eye contact was intense as you secured it around his neck, and the tension was breakable as you hooked the leash on it. 
"Bloody hell. You're all insane." Price let out, finally breaking the tension. 
He straightened up as you still held the leash in your hand. 
"There! Now you have scary dog privileges!" Soap joked. 
"This is a sight LT." Gas added. 
"When did this happen?" Konig asked, poor man confused. 
You couldn't believe this. 
Ok. Alright. It was a matter of 24h. It might be fun after all. 
You had continued about your day, unleashing Ghost. Soap and gas had forced you to keep the leash on you so you could put it back whenever needed. They were having way too much fun with this. You had your laptop on your lap as you worked through some things on the couch, Simon not too far. You had heard some commotions behind you in the kitchen. 
"Y/N! Get your dog!" 
You smirked.
"It don't bite." You said matter of factly. 
"Yes IT DO!" Soap threw back. 
You had continued to work without paying attention to them. During the day you had found yourself often playing with the tags around your neck, letting your fingers trace the letters on it. Mindlessly bringing it to your lips when you were lost in thoughts. You had only noticed it when soap had thrown a comment about it. 
"You don't have to kiss that, the real thing is right here." 
You had blinked looking at him and then at Ghost. You felt a rush of adrenaline as you saw him, hunched over the kitchen counter both hands on it, gazing at you through his lashes like he wanted to pounce on you. 
Soap had immediately excused himself and you had let the tags fall back to your chest. 
"S-sorry…" you apologized. 
He had suddenly realized his posture as you spoke, straightening himself and cleared his throat. 
"No problem." 
He had quickly walked out, the tag on his collar clicking, leaving you confused. 
The interaction had remained in your mind. He had seemed a bit distant afterwards. You had gone out for a drink, soap and gas reminding you that you had to keep him on a leash. You had been horrified at the thought but Ghost had grabbed the end of the leash and hooked it in his collar. 
It had been funny to see all the soldiers at the bar avoiding all eye contact towards your table. The sheer fear the man next to you created in them was astounding. And yet he was next to you, as your hand held onto the leather leash connected to his dog collar. He had made sure to reach to your neck and take out the dog tags so everyone could see it. 
"Damn he possessive." Gas had joked, being completely ignored by his lieutenant.
And he was. You had gotten up to order another drink at the bar. 
"What can I get you ?" The bartender asked smiling at you. 
"Hum can I get a mojito, with strawberry syrup?" You asked tentatively. 
"Oh! Sure, Nice!" He agreed with a wink. 
When you had walked back to the table with your drink, Simon had wrapped his arms around your waist and not let go for the rest of the night. 
You felt a bit uneasy because you could clearly see his mood had changed. You had gotten home around midnight and everyone had gone to bed. The boys had finally let Ghost alone with the collar, though he was still wearing it. You had brought him into your bedroom to try and talk it out. 
"Y/N, I'm fine, come one hop into bed." He had tried. 
You were still holding the leash and you straightened it, applying only a bit of pressure. 
His gaze had darkened. 
"Tell me." 
"Your time is up bunny. The leash is off now." He warned.
You furrowed your brows in challenge, applying even more pressure in the leash. He growled. 
"Bunny. Let. Go." He warned again. 
"Then tell me." You confronted again. 
He reached your hand, bringing you to his chest. You yelped. His hand was holding your jaw softly. 
"You had fun having me on a leash all day?" 
His special dark tone was back. The one that sent shivers down your spine and made you feel like he was a predator hunting his prey. 
"Well, everyone knew who you belonged to." You teased. 
He chuckled darkly. 
"Yeah. Same with my tags around your pretty neck." He made you spin around, now making you look into the mirror on the wall. His hand traveled from your stomach to your chest where the tags dangled. Your breath hitched as his hand hovered over your breast. 
"Look at you. Mine. So fucking pretty." He growled in your ear. 
"You know what. You're such a pretty sight to see. Let's immortalize this pretty sight." 
You frowned. 
"W-what?" You asked. 
He took his phone out with his other hand, turning it on and opening his camera. 
"Grab the leash." He ordered.
You obeyed, holding the leash over your shoulder. He placed his hand over your throat, not squeezing but holding you in place. He aimed the lense towards the mirror, taking both of you into view. 
"Good girl…" he praised, making you close your eyes and tilt your head back. 
He had taken a picture at that exact moment.  
"So pretty fuck. I wanted to punch that guy at the bar you know." 
You finally understood. 
"Simon… his wink was just playful… it-" 
"No… not his wink. The way he eyed your ass when you walked away from him. That. That made me want to rip his head off." 
Oh. You hadn't noticed that. He was jealous. God that man was possessive. 
He closed his eyes for a little second. 
"Simon. I'm yours." You reminded him. 
He opened his eyes, planting them into yours in the mirror. He visibly relaxed. 
"My bunny." 
"My wolf." You teased. 
He laughed a bit, relieved. 
"That's new." 
You turned around hugging him. He took off his mask, letting it drop to bed behind you. He dropped a kiss on top of your head. 
"I'm sorry… "
"Why?" You questioned.
"I… sometimes lose myself. You have to tell me if I scare you an-" 
You looked at him as he frowned. 
"I'm not scared Simon. Please don't think that. You never hurt me. And I trust you." 
He took a moment before nodding. 
"Come on, bed time." 
You whined. 
"Sleep with me tonight." You asked. 
"Bunny… not tonight. I got to wake up early tomorrow, the team has to go to base." 
"A mission ?" 
"Something like that. I'll tell you more after I get info." 
You nodded. 
You had slipped into pj's in your bathroom before slipping into bed. He had stayed just to be able to tuck you into bed. He turned around heading to leave before you stopped him. 
"Yes baby?"
"Can you send me that picture…" you blushed. 
"Of course bunny." 
Once he was out you smiled to yourself. He was really possessive over you. You knew there was a part of him that felt scared that thought you might regret this relationship. That he was not good for you. You wanted to prove him wrong. Your phone buzzed. 
You picked it up to see the notification. Simon had sent the picture. Fuck was it good. You made sure to keep it for yourself. He had added a little treat as a second notification rang. He was shirtless, the collar still on as he held the leash in one hand. The camera was tilted upwards as the looked straight into it. Fuck. You didn't take him for the kind of man to send thirst traps to his girl. But you were glad he was. 
You bit your lip, thinking about your next move. You were slightly embarrassed but also somehow excited. You undressed yourself before laying back down in bed. You made sure to position the dog tags in between your breasts with his name visible. You bit your lip. You held the phone up, making sure the flash was on and you took the picture making sure to push your breast together. You edited the photo making sure to add little skulls over your nipples.
You made sure to check the picture before sending it as fast as possible with a small good night. 
You bit your lip. You wondered if you were going to get an answer. Two minutes passed so you thought he wouldn't. But then a notification came on. 
Tumblr media
You smiled to yourself. Finally drifting off to sleep. The next morning you woke up to an empty house. It felt oddly quiet. You took your time eating breakfast and resting. Around lunch time you were still alone. You knew the team had to go to the base for something related to a mission. You wondered when they would come back. Time passed by and you got lost for a little moment in your work. 
When late afternoon rolled in, you decided that perhaps a warm bath would be perfect. You could read a book or something. You stood from the couch when suddenly you heard the front door open and a lot of voices half yelling at each other. You frowned, watching the team stumble over each other. 
"hey hey hey... guys, what's going on?" 
"hey Y/N!" soap called in a very soft voice making you expect the worst. 
"so hum... we got something here, can you take a look?" gas asked. 
"It's a bit urgent, sweetheart." price added in a serious tone. 
You walked over to the table where the boys gathered, putting down a laptop on the table. you sat down in front of anxious looks. 
"Will any of you tell me what's going on? By the way, where's Ghost?" you frowned, opening the laptop and turning it on as you looked around. 
"Hmm..." Konig tried. 
"well..." Soap continued. 
You immediately turned to Price at their hesitation. 
"Please tell me what's going on." 
He sighed before sitting next to you.
"Darkends is dead. We are very close to catching the drug lord. We've been put on this mission and we were called to brief everyone and check some seized gear. one of the cases was... trapped." 
You felt your heartbeat quicken. no... wait. 
"Simon?" you asked.
"he was the one who opened it." 
You closed your eyes letting out a shaky breath. 
"Hey, he's fine, he's fine. He was in contact with a powder, a drug. He's going to be alright" 
You sighed with relief. 
"He's gone upstairs to his room, but we need to know what kind of drug it is. It was quite a dose and we need to know the effects. Can you do that? " 
"Absolutely. I'm on it." 
You turned to the screen, you absolutely needed to find what it was. 
For over an hour, after you managed to decrypt the computer, you finally had found something interesting. The boys were pacing around and kept watching you. 
Finally you found something interesting, a video about the effects of the drug. 
"guys i got it!" you called. 
They rushed to your side and finally you opened the video. 
The silence was loud. But nothing louder than the sounds coming from the laptop. You blushed heavily as Soap laughed and Gas cursed. The noise kept repeating itself, making it obvious as to what the drug was. 
"ah! fuck me!" 
It was a sex drug. 
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heartfullofleeches · 10 months
yes please dear god smile reader is baby
[Very baby. Here's how Yan Scientist and their slime formally met]
"Subject 43? Payment for yesterday's efforts."
"An apple....but you said I could go home."
Feeding day - as if their headache couldn't get any worse. Like common livestock, their possessions squealed and whined about the most senseless things. Pleading for testing to cease; begging to be returned to their families when it was their love ones who sold them to begin with. The scientist would sooner snip out their tongues if it meant a moment of peace, but they were not a tyrant - plus verbal records of their subjects experiences was easier to stomach at night than written. The audio logs had lulled them to sleep better than any pill or liquid could.
"I said it was a possibility - if you did what I asked properly. You may have killed your cellmate, but you did not bring me their eyes. A shame really. I took the time out of my day to prepare your meal by hand. Ah - well, there's someone who will appreciate my efforts more. Tell me, tuna or ham?"
A wet gurgle sounds from the scientist's pocket."
"Both? You greedy devil. I suppose you do deserve something special for putting up with the same pains that I do."
The scientist picks up two sandwiches and smushes them together as the mass in their pocket becomes denser; gooey tendrils slithering up the length of their coat and crawling onto their shoulder as they lift their hand. The blob sucks up the sandwiches into its gelatinous body, wiggling with delight as they're broken down and absorbed into its structure. The scientist pats the gel with one finger causing it to vibrate more violently resulting in a breathy laugh from its owner.
"Alright, we have more subjects to feed. Come on, You - you too."
The scientist snaps their fingers at the Henchman wheeling the cart who closes the cell door as they both exit. The slime creeps down their shirt and through their sleeve as they walk, resting in the scientist's palm. A marvel their little companion was. They wished they had the honor of creating it, but it's origins were a mystery even to them. The scientist found the creature munching away on the undissolved bones of a past test subject. From numerous experiments, the scientist discovered their new lab partner could not only breakdown organic compounds, but most non living object too and had a choice on what it consumed. It made for the perfect little helper to get rid of all the dead bodies and those who oppose them. The best part about the slime was that it had no mouth and therefore the most tolerable member of the team.
The scientist's smile melts as they enter the next cell. The stress that had fled them by the usage of their slime as a stress toy skyrocketed seeing the act of utter betrayal pointed at them. A lackey, standing over a motionless subject - gun raised at their employer. The scientist sighs.
"Please remove your mask."
The Henchman does as told. Figures - there was only one other person the scientist trusted with the codes. They supposed trying to make this a family business was a poor decision.
"Emery - this has got to stop."
A chuckle. "Does it really?"
"You won, just let him go. I know you didn't have the best upbringing, but he still your -"
Emery grits their teeth, squirming the slime so hard it slithers out of their grip. "You don't know shit. If it makes you feel any better, I haven't actually done anything to him - yet. Just locked him down here, with all the others nobody would care to miss. There is no persuading me on this. If you have nothing else to say - do it."
Their Henchman reaches for his gun, Emery rests their hand over his. Through clouded view and reasoning, the figure steadies their gun. They look away, unable to look as they pull the trigger on the once innocent child they knew. Emery doesn't flinch as it fires - a teal web covering the entirety of their chest and dissolving the bullet as soon as it hits. Their attacker looks on in horror, but before they can do anything Emery takes their henchman's gun as their own and fires back, bullet piercing their heart. Emery's head falls, expressionless eyes gazing out at the person left alive - mouthing two words.
"Your fault."
Emery exhales, placing a hand over their chest and gathering the slime into one ball. "One thing after another. Now I have to fire a new head. Eat your meal and return to me when you're done."
They lower the slime to the ground who plops out on the smooth surface - spitting an apple out that rolls at the scientist feet. They pick it up as they walk off, wiping away tears.
A picture frame shatters.
"Why would you choose him and not me. Why!?"
The picture holds a smiling, bucktooth child in the arms of their butler as they show off their award for the camera and all to see. The person who taught them everything, the only one there when they had no one. Emery throws an empty bottle at the image, sinking down at the foot of their bed - cradling their arms to their chest.
The sound of wet suction weaves into their cries as the slime wrigglies itself beneath the crack in their bedroom door. It inches towards them, shaking violently before spitting up as locket on the floor. Emery goes to grab it, but as they do the smile shoots up their arm and spreads out, and puffs up over their shoulder like a makeshift pillow. Emery cards their fingers their hair, climbing to their feet and pocketing the trinket.
"I guess I do need some rest. Thank you, You. You seem to be the only one I can't trust."
More gurgles.
"I guess I should give you an actual name eventually." They sight - broken body collapsible on their bed and crawling under their blankets with the help of their aid. The slime hops up on their pillow as they raise their head - solidifying as they rest. "Goodnight, You."
That night - Emery had the worse night's rest they ever had in their twenty-seven years of living.
"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray~"
Is someone ... singing?
"You'll never know, dear. How much I love you-"
The voice sounds so familiar....no... There's more than one. It's hard to remember something so sweet - when all those voices ever did was beg you to stop.
"Please don't take - my sunshine away."
Emery shoots up like a lightning bolt. Their hands search the bed for their glasses which had fallen - finding a squishy, but very real feeling hand beneath their grasp. Emery locates their glasses as the body's see through eyelids peel back.
"Goodnight, You!"
Emery screams - rolling out of the bed in a tanglement of their blankets and obscenities. The interior in the bed sits up, puzzled; bubbles floating through their translucent body as their anxiety peaks.
"Emery.....this you?" The figure points, noting the odd number of fingers on its hand as it looks at theirs. "Mmm wrong...."
Emery's eyes widen as the slime's sixth finger merges into the fifth. "Y-you?...."
The slime chirps. "Emery!"
Emery looks strength in their knees. "What? How?..."
"Ahhh.... You - eat meal... gr...ow better at shape. Too much at one time - hard to understand. Able to single out things Emery say - Emery is... the only one I can trust."
Emery clutches their head. "Ngh..."
"Help?" The slime lunges foward, reverting to its natural state as it crashes into the floor and forming back into its humanoid shell as it catches them before they stumble. It was hard to notice with half of them hanging off the bed, but the slime was massive - size their size if they had to estimate. They bury their face into their hands. "This can't be happy.
The smlie's droppy smile falters. "Wrong? Wanted to make you happy. I..will go back if it makes you happy. Sad Emery...makes me sad too."
Emery looks up at the slime. They raise out their hand, stroking the slime's cold cheek. It hums with a full body shutter - leaning into their palm until their fingers poke through the membrane. Emery retracts their hand, sliding it into their now empty pocket.
"It's fine. I guess we really need to pick a name for you now."
"Mm I pick?"
"Do you have something in mind?"
"Where'd you pick up that one?"
The slime points to their head. "Memories. I... like it the most out of them."
"I see... Y/n, it's cute. Alright, Y/n - let's go get some breakfast."
The slime spits a small bag from its stomach contents onto its hand, giving the trail mix too them. That's much more alarming when it's coming out a real mouth and tongue.
Emery takes it with two fingers, holding the dripping bag away from their face. "Thank you, Y/n......at least I have you by my side."
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steddieas-shegoes · 11 months
Request: ok so listen; so Steve Harrington who didn't tell anyone he gets into a medical school (Indiana University School of medicine) but he travels to school during the week and Mike finds the graduation letter in Steve's apartment. He graduated as a premed student with a full scholarship to Harvard Medical school for the trauma surgeon program. The party realizes that their constant jokes making fun of Steve's intelligence caused him to not tell them about this. I want a mixture of angst with a full proper apology & a few years later him graduating from Harvard with the party cheering him.
MY LOOOOOOVE!!!! Nothing gets me going quite like a secret super smart Steve Harrington. Is it OOC? Maybe. But writing Steve as a fucking Harvard Med School graduate!!! A whole trauma surgeon!!!! YES!!!!! I obviously had to put some Steddie in there, mostly because Eddie deserves a happy ending, too and any chance I have to give him one, I will. - Mickala ❤️
Steve was late. He’d been late a lot recently.
Mike started driving a few weeks ago, got his hands on Nancy’s car since she was busy traveling the world now, and he’d been quick to pick up the slack.
But he was growing impatient.
When they asked Steve why he was late, he shrugged it off, said he forgot. Everyone just went with it because obviously Steve’s kind of scatterbrained and a few fries short of a happy meal, especially after the head trauma.
But Mike was suspicious.
Steve let it go a little too easily.
And Eddie hadn’t stuck up for him like he usually did when they were teasing his intelligence.
Mike was letting himself into Steve’s apartment, using the key that he kept under the mat so the kids always had a place to go if they needed it.
He wasn’t home yet, but Mike had just been to Family Video and he wasn’t there either. Apparently, hadn’t been in at all today. Keith said something about ‘taking the day off for exams.’
Steve wasn’t in school though, so that meant he was lying and Mike wanted to know what he was lying about.
He looked at the counter, saw a large stack of mail, and decided that was probably a good place to start his search.
Most of it seemed like junk, a few bills, a letter from Robin, and an envelope that was torn open already from Indiana University.
If it was already open, it was fair game. That was his motto, at least.
He pulled out a thick stack of papers.
The seal in the corner of the first page said School of Medicine.
Was Steve sick? Had he started seeing the university doctors because of some weird problem with his head? Maybe that’s why he’d also been so forgetful lately.
Maybe they put him on a new medication trial or something and it was a side effect.
But he kept reading and felt his chest cave in.
Dear Mr. Steven J. Harrington,
It is a great honor to announce your successful completion of the pre-med degree program at Indiana University. Your incredible tenacity has proved that you’re prepared to work through any medical school program in the country.
Graduation is currently set for May 18, 1989. Please contact your advisor to reserve tickets by April 28, 1989.
Thank you for trusting Indiana University with your education. We look forward to seeing your accomplishments in the future!
“Holy shit.”
“Why are you reading my mail?”
Mike jumped at Steve’s voice. He’d been so busy reading the letter, he hadn’t heard the front door to the apartment open.
“You’re going to med school?”
“Hopefully, yeah.”
“What the fuck?”
Steve rolled his eyes and made his way to the fridge, grabbing a can of soda for himself.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, like. You’re. You’re you. How are you going to med school?”
Steve’s brows furrowed as he leaned against the counter and sipped at his drink.
“I graduated from pre-med as valedictorian. I’m not sure what you’re asking.”
“You? Valedictorian? You barely got through high school!”
Steve rolled his eyes.
“I hated high school. I was going through a lot of shit. It wasn’t because I’m stupid.”
Mike’s mouth was gaping like a fish, confused at literally everything that was happening.
“I also just got into Harvard on a full scholarship if we’re gonna put it all out there. I was gonna tell everyone this weekend at El’s birthday party but I’m sure you’re about to run to tell them all.”
Well, how could he not? Steve had been hiding going to college for years! He was about to move to Harvard!
“Wait! Is Eddie going with you?”
“Yeah. We found an apartment over a record store and the owner hired him to run the store while he transitions into retirement.”
Mike felt like he was in an alternate universe. There was no way Steve Harrington was going to be a doctor. There was no way Eddie and Steve were moving to Boston.
There was no way he was leaving all of them.
“But. But what about us?”
“You guys are all practically adults. You barely even hang out with me anymore unless it’s to get a ride or get snacks for Hellfire. You didn’t even notice I was driving to and from campus for years. I think I’ve given enough of myself to people who don’t seem to want it,” Steve shrugged, looking down at the floor.
Mike wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, but he also kind of just wanted to hug Steve and tell him that wasn’t true.
But it kind of was, wasn’t it?
They’d all taken advantage of Steve’s kindness for years. He’d been the best damn babysitter they could have, saved their lives multiple times, gave them money for the arcade and dates and pizza for pool parties when he lived in his old house.
They grew to just expect it.
He didn’t even know the last time he’d heard anyone say thank you. He certainly hadn’t said it in a long time.
“But, Dustin will be devastated.”
“He’ll be okay. He’s gonna go to MIT when he graduates and he’ll be right around the corner or something. I dunno. He hasn’t even called me just to talk in months. I don’t think he’ll miss me that much.”
Which just. It wasn’t true. Mike knew for a fact that Dustin would be heartbroken about Steve leaving.
“It’s fine. Eddie’s gonna be home soon so if you wanna wait for him that’s fine. I’m gonna go shower and get an early night. Been up since three this morning.”
“Did you really have exams?”
“I checked to see if you worked today and Keith said you had exams,” Mike said shakily, feeling entirely off balance.
“Oh. I just had to do an entrance exam for Harvard. They let me take it on IU’s campus since I can’t move until two weeks before classes start.”
Mike nodded once.
This was really happening. Steve was leaving.
Steve was going to Harvard.
He was taking Eddie with him.
And not a single one of them had bothered to notice any of it happening.
“I told you I don’t know! I’m giving you everything I have!” Mike yelled at Dustin, who was pacing and clearly trying not to cry.
“It just doesn’t make sense! He always acted like he didn’t understand half of what we were saying when we talked science stuff!” Dustin yelled as he walked back and forth across the floor, wearing a pattern into the carpet.
“Maybe it’s because we’ve always just assumed he’s dumb. I mean, none of us really treated him like he could keep up, so maybe he just. Didn’t,” Lucas shrugged.
“He could’ve told us!”
“Or maybe he didn’t want to since we all thought he’d be lying,” Max added from her chair in the corner.
“He could’ve proved it!”
“Maybe he didn’t want to have to,” Eddie said as he walked in the room.
Hellfire was at Dustin’s tonight, and Eddie had been late.
His sudden appearance made them all cower where they sat or stood.
“No Hellfire tonight. I was gonna call, but had to drive by here anyway. Steve’s having a bad night and I’m pretty certain it’s your fault, so I’m gonna go try to get him through it.”
It was a bit harsh, but not undeserved.
“Why didn’t you tell us, Eddie?” Dustin asked quietly.
“It wasn’t for me to tell. He was going to when he got accepted into IU, and then you guys spent most of that night telling him he wouldn’t understand what you were talking about with your group science project so he kept it to himself. Then he just decided it wouldn’t be worth trying to explain anything since you wouldn’t believe him anyway. He asked me not to say anything until he announced his graduation and Harvard this weekend, so I didn’t.”
“But we would have been proud of him! He could have shown us his acceptance letter or something.”
“That’s not how you made him feel,” Eddie shrugged before turning back towards the door. “We’ll see you at El’s party.”
When Eddie left, the room was silent.
Everyone was deep in thought, trying to unpack everything.
With Hellfire canceled, they didn’t have much of a reason to stick around, but none of them felt like being alone.
Not when they started to realize that Steve was kind of the glue that held them all together and without him, they may not ever be whole again.
El’s party was simple, just the usual guests and some cake and balloons. She didn’t like a big thing, usually preferred to have a sleepover with Max and just do their nails and listen to music.
Joyce insisted on having a little get together though, said it would be nice to celebrate something since they hadn’t really since Will’s birthday.
Steve was there, holding Eddie’s hand in the corner, talking with Hopper while Eddie talked with Joyce.
Steve told them everything when they got there since the kids knew, and while he knew Joyce and Hopper were happy for him, for both of them, they could send their shock.
All of the kids had hesitantly hugged Steve when they got there, barely saying anything to him, unsure where they stood.
Steve felt like he was closing the book on his life in Hawkins, and he hated that it felt like no one would join him in the next one except for Eddie.
Throughout the day, the kids would find their way up to him to just be close, soak in Steve’s energy, try to appreciate him now because they clearly hadn’t been before.
He let them. He could have told them to go away, or tried to talk them into apologies, but it wouldn’t do any good right now, and he didn’t want to ruin El’s birthday party.
Eddie could tell he wasn’t himself, though. He saw the way Steve’s eyes dropped down to his lap every time one of the kids would walk away from his side, how his leg started bouncing when things were quiet for more than a few seconds.
“You wanna head out?”
“Steve? Can we talk to you for a minute?” Lucas asked, the rest of the party behind him watching with wide eyes.
“Oh. Sure.”
Eddie patted his knee and stood up, but Lucas gestured for him to sit back down.
“You, too. We owe you both explanations and apologies.”
So, Eddie sat. He would support Steve through whatever this conversation entailed, and maybe get something else out of it too.
“We all want to take turns saying stuff, but I wanna start,” Lucas said, playing with his hands nervously.
Steve nodded, always more patient than the kids deserved.
“I always saw you as the jock, ya know? Like, I respected you because you were a great basketball player and you had a lot of friends. I just kind of thought that was who you were, even after high school. You always made time to help me over the summer, even when you’d just worked an opening shift or had to go in for a closing shift. I didn’t really consider you an adult, even though you were. You were just there. You protected me, all of us, from some of the scariest shit any of us will ever have to deal with without even taking a second to consider your own safety. You just did it. And I don’t really think any of us thanked you. None of us would be here without you.”
Lucas was biting his lip, trying not to cry as he wrapped up his speech, but didn’t get a chance to start before Will started talking.
“I haven’t spent as much time with you as the rest of these guys have. But I know that you’re always there. You give me a ride when my mom can’t and you always slip me an extra $1 or 2 when we go to the arcade because you know I don’t have much. You hung up my art on your apartment wall even though it sucks and isn’t your style because you wanted me to know that someone supports me. You’ve been one of the only constants in our crazy lives, and we haven’t done nearly enough to show that we appreciate you,” Will wiped his eyes quickly as he turned away to let someone else speak.
“Billy was an asshole to all of us, but especially to you. You could’ve walked away that night, left Lucas and me to defend ourselves or die trying, but you didn’t. You knew he was a racist piece of shit and you got another concussion just so he wouldn’t lay a hand on us. That was the first time I ever had someone stick up for me like that. And after everything with Vecna, you were the one who always checked in, made sure I had rides to appointments, had food I could easily make when my mom wasn’t around, brought me to the skate park as soon as I was cleared by my doctor. I’ve never had someone who cared so much like you do and I’m sorry I didn’t know how to show you that it meant so much to me,” Max said seriously.
Steve was sniffling, and Eddie knew if he tried to comfort him too much right now, it would just make it worse. He squeezed his hand and wiped the tear falling down his cheek as the kids continued.
“I hated you for the longest time. I thought it was your fault Nancy changed, and then I thought it was your fault when Nancy and Jonathan got together, and then I just hated everyone and everything for a while. But I think it was just easy to use you to blame everything on because you let me. You just let me treat you like shit. You let me complain about your driving while you drove me anywhere I wanted to go. You let me blame you for Nancy being upset about the break up when she was the one who hurt you most. You let me think you were stupid when you’re brilliant enough to go to Harvard on a full scholarship. You let all of us take advantage of you and I don’t know why, but I wish I could turn back time and not let you do that. You didn’t deserve to be used by any of us, but especially me,” Mike said surprisingly sincerely.
In fact, Eddie watched Mike take a few deep breaths like he was holding back a sob.
“I am sorry for how we all treated you, Steve. I did not know that we hurt you. Dad said sometimes the people who hurt the most are the people who accept hurt as the way they are supposed to be treated, but that is not true. You should be loved so much, like Eddie loves you, by everyone. We should have done better,” El said as she held Max’s hand.
Dustin had been incredibly quiet, hiding in the back, not even looking up from the ground. Eddie could tell he wanted to say something, but probably didn’t know how to start.
It was no secret that Dustin was Steve’s favorite kid. It was also no secret that Dustin loved Steve like a brother, maybe even more, and that if Steve was upset, Dustin would want to make it right.
“I never had someone to look up to until you came around,” Dustin started, still not looking up from the ground. “My mom always felt bad that she didn’t give me a good role model or a brother or sister to look up to. But when you started watching over me, she felt like it was better this way. ‘That Harrington boy is special.’ That’s what she says all the time. And I guess I got used to her saying it and just didn’t think anything of it anymore. Like, yeah, you’re great. You do all kinds of stuff for me and for all of us, but it just felt like you wanted to so what made it so special? When Mike told us everything, it hit me that even if you wanted to do all that stuff, you still deserved a thank you. You went out of your way to make us safe and happy, and our only way to repay you was to constantly put you down and bully you. We spent years calling you out for what an asshole you were in high school while we ended up being assholes to you. You’re my brother and I haven’t been good to you. I’m sorry.”
Eddie was watching as Steve finally let out a sob he’d been holding in for too long. He pulled him into his chest, watching as the kids all wiped tears of their own away.
He knew the kids were genuinely sorry, he could tell that when faced with the reality of the way they treated Steve for years now, they felt terrible. But he also knew that Steve let it go on too long without saying something, and that it would take a while for him to really figure out a good balance of being there for the kids he loved and setting boundaries he needed to set long ago.
“Can you give him a minute guys? I’m sure he wants to talk to you all, but I think he just needs to calm down.”
The kids all nodded and scurried away.
They weren’t kids anymore, was the thing. They would always be kids to Steve, though. That’s why this was hurting so much. They were his nuggets, and they’d been unintentionally hurting him for years.
Steve had been so excited to tell them about getting into a pre-med program at IU, and when he couldn’t tell them, he changed. He was withdrawn in ways Eddie had never seen or expected. He was focused on school, and their relationship, but nothing else. He would go through the motions of driving the kids where he could when he could, throwing the occasional pool party, keeping up appearances.
He’d been exhausted for two years now. Running on fumes for miles, no end in sight. Until he got his acceptance into Harvard.
Eddie had never seen him so happy or proud of himself.
But the happiness faded quickly when he realized what telling the kids would mean, what going to Harvard would mean.
It meant moving, it meant leaving the kids, it meant spending the next 6-8 years so focused on school and residency that he probably wouldn’t have time to visit much outside of major holidays. It meant hoping that Eddie would come with him, support him, and love him regardless of the limited time he had to spend outside of school.
But Eddie would be there for every moment. He’d worked so hard, and Eddie wanted to be there for him every step of the way.
The kids would understand. They were almost graduated at this point, probably heading off to college themselves, and had their own lives to start.
“I wish I’d just told them about IU.”
“I know, sweetheart. But we can’t change the past. You’ve got such an amazing future ahead of you. Everyone is gonna be so proud of Dr. Steve Harrington.”
Steve smiled at that as Eddie dried his tears away.
When he’d calmed down completely, he walked over to where the kids were sitting on the porch.
He stood in front of them with his hands on his hips, a small smile on his face.
“If I forgive you all, will you stop looking like I just stole your ice creams and kicked your puppies?”
Dustin was the first to jump up and run into Steve, sobbing when Steve’s arms wrapped around him.
“It’s alright, bud. I love you, even when you’re a shithead, okay?”
All of the kids piled into Steve’s arms and around his back, all of them crying as Steve started telling them all about his program.
“I’m going to be a trauma surgeon. I was always pretty good at patching everyone up after Upside Down shit, so I figured why not make it a career? And I placed so high on the entrance testing, they suggested I go for pre-med instead of the EMT program. One of my professors my first semester suggested being a surgeon, so that’s the track I took.”
The kids looked at him in awe, like they were seeing him in a new light.
Eddie thought maybe they were finally seeing the Steve he’d seen all along.
May 11, 1997
“Steven Joseph Harrington, MD, summa cum laude.”
The cheers from his group were so loud, but they all ignored the dirty looks from the surrounding family and friends.
Steve Harrington was a Harvard graduate, a graduate with the highest honors, a trauma surgeon who already accepted his first position in a nearby hospital.
Everyone was so proud of him.
Wayne and Eddie had arranged for everyone to either ride in a rental car with Wayne or fly in to surprise Steve for his graduation.
He could see Steve look up into the crowd when he heard the screams, could see the grin spreading across his face as he realized his whole family was here to support him, just as they had been for the last eight years.
Everything Steve wanted and worked for was coming together, and everyone who believed in him was here cheering him on.
He was the best damn babysitter those kids had, and now he’d be the best damn trauma surgeon Boston Children’s Hospital would ever have.
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yaut-jaknowit · 5 months
So. Uihoy x Male Yautja (bottom) reader… 
(Okay maybe it’s like a bit Mr. Preg… AAHH..)
Just the reader and him not both getting mates bc it’s that time of the year, but they both hate each other so they try to make fun of one another (one of them actually secretly likes the other and you can choose who), even get into a small fight which later turns into them getting too touchy bc of the heat. Shit gets crazy, rough sex, Like absolutely DOG pounding, breeding, size difference. I’m begging.
Hate Until You're Knotted
Pairing: Uihoy (Male Yautja) x M!Yautja!Reader
Word Count: 3259
Summary: You loathe Uihoy. He's top of the chain. He can get any female he wants. You, a lowly new blooded, have to scavenge and fight for just the taste or smell of a female. What does Uihoy do with this honor? Wastes it. He comes to you, out of his way, to find you.
Author Note: Don’t worry, I also want to get railed by Uihoy too. This is before Vic and Uie met since they were in a relationship before meeting reader. Gonna be honest, I unusually don't write Yautja x Yautja stuff but fuck, I loved writing this.
Heavy, thick pheromones ran rampant through the village. Clouding everyone’s judgement, turning hunt brothers against each other. All in the name of breeding, continuing the bloodline. Only the strongest survive in a world designed to maul and slaughter the weak.
Like many of your sex, you were unsuccessful of gaining the favor of a female. A young, less scared male compared to those that have bested you in spars to near death. Anything to prove their worth for a chance to breed. Here you were, nursing your wounds, away from the dense population. There were a few others, scattered about like you, licking their wounds. You had chosen a high tree to pull yourself to the near top. From here, you could keep an eye on the crowd in the main square of the village.
Neon green blood dripped from wounds gained in battle against fierce opponents. As much as you hated to admit it, they were better, deserved whoever choose them after defeating you. Yes, there’s always next year for the season but only Cetanu could only tell if you would make it. Life was life. Death was death. You don’t know if you’ll be there to greet the next season.
Through it all, you caught a whiff of a scent that caused your blood to boil. Uihoy. The older Yautja was… arrogant in his own ways. Rude in others. Downright irritating if you must say. The male wasn’t one to mess with often. He did stick out like a sore thumb. His sexuality something that wasn’t popular among the Yautja kind. It did not produce offspring.
It is not frowned upon but discouraged. Yautjas were strong, mighty, and hunters. If males or females copulated with their own sex, the birth rate would decrease. Death was already high, especially for those that are young, learning.
Not that you had anything against mating with the same sex. No. But Uihoy was an icon for the village and he wasted his talents, his seed on something that wouldn’t produce anything. You scowled. How does a male like him not take pride in breeding with the females who are willing? You have to fight for your right while many females request him by name.
The tree shook from added weight. Your claws dug into the bark from the slight disturbance. Your head whipped down to find the face you wanted to cave in so badly closing in. Your jaw dropped behind closed mandibles at the sight. What the pauk is he doing? He knows I’m up here. This was purposeful.
Uihoy stopped to perch on a branch a foot above you, on the other side of the thick tree. A look of passiveness barely readable on his face. Not cocky. He knew his limits, where he stood on the chain of power within the village. Intelligent but respectful. He was about a hundred years from being deemed an elder. A title you believed he wouldn’t take. Not with the way he moves with ease.
Blazing eyes flicked between the cuts that marred your skin. You saw the way his chest rise with a deep breath. “Don’t speak,” you snapped at him and began to close up a cut along your thigh. The deepest, longest of any others. It required to be burned closed. You held your tongue when pain stung as the laser worked.
The purple Yautja snorted airily. “And why should I listen to you?” he asked, tilting his head to look at you over a mandible while exposing his neck. Your eyes twitched at the sight before narrowing on form. The laser was forgotten about and drove off course. You snarled and turned off the damned thing. Your jaw and lower mandibles jerked at the unneeded pain. Yet, in the moment, you steel your facial expressions the best possible. Uihoy didn’t need to see you weak, weaker than he saw you as younger male.
A scoffed then light scratching from nails digging into bark filled your ears. Before you had a chance to take notice was happening, Uihoy hopped over onto your branch and knelt next to you. Uihoy snatched the laser from your hands. “Youngling, you must pay attention or else you risk injuring yourself more,” he scolded and began to work on the rest of the wound.
If you didn’t want the laser to stray from its path, you willed yourself not to jerk away from him. His touch was prominently warm on your thigh. The hand not holding the welder was resting right above the wound, close to the apex of your legs.
Instantly, you blamed the scents that filled the air for the feeling growing in your stomach, for the way your cock roused in its sheath. It was the pheromones that clouded your judgment. Your jaw was locked, throat closed to stop any sounds from escaping.
Then, his hand shifted higher. You had enough.
You shoved the bigger Yautja away from you then your feet were underneath you. A glare settled on Uihoy, ready pounce if it came to it.
Uihoy nearly slipped off of the branch he was perched on but easily corrected the unbalance. He stood a fair distance away from you with a large grin on his face, tongue flickering out to smell the air. C’jit. His head lowered just enough he stared from underneath his brows. C’jit.
A drop of freezing water dripped down the length of your spine, then Uihoy sprung. The older Yautja could move. Fast. Faster than you were expecting. His body slammed into yours. Claws dug into your shoulders as his weight throw you backwards. Off the edge of branch and heading towards the ground closing in quickly.
To save yourself from pain of a mild fall, you twisted your body and latched onto the nearest branch. Your shoulder jarred, nearly pulling out of the socket at the weight of not only you but Uihoy gripping onto you as well. You release a snarl and kicked out a knee at Uihoy. The male grunted yet took the hit. His talons dug into the flesh of your shoulders, deeper and drawing rivets of blood. You growled and attempted to throw him off. Your one handed grip was weakening.
Your other hand latched onto thick bark as you held on. The purple Yautja snickered and lifted himself up enough to hold onto the same branch. This was your opportunity to kick him, using his body as a spring board and land on another branch further down. The leaves rattled at your landing. You lowered yourself into a ready position as Uihoy lifted himself and crouched as well.
Cocky but not, Uihoy held an aura of confidence around him. His body was lax enough to let his guard down. He did have the high ground and left you at a disadvantage. You didn’t let him take any opportunities to attack though.
The trunk of the tree was used as a foothold to launched yourself high up, above Uihoy. His eyes watched your actions, body moving into a position to take anything you served.
The first punch of the day was thrown, right at Uihoy’s beautiful face; ready to send him flying off of the tree. But the male ducked and counterstruck with a fist straight to your stomach. It almost sent you careening off the edge once more. Your claws dug in to steady yourself once more.
He eyed you up and down, scanning for points of weaknesses. The same thing you returned for the shy moment given to the two of you before the giants clashed again. He came at you this time with claws. The skimmed acrossed your chest, drawing trickles of blood down your sweaty skin. You couldn’t help the keen before returning the same fire at him.
Unlike the purple Yautja, you weren’t as lucky to draw blood. Uihoy was pushing hard, fast, throwing things you hadn’t even trained about at you. At points, it was dizzying. Now, you were just trying not to fall off or perish to him. He had every right to do so. It wasn’t against the code.
Your foot takes a step back but the way the branch dips means this was the end. Anymore and you could meet the ground harshly. When Uihoy takes a swing at your face, you lower yourself down to a crouch. The fist flies milliseconds later over your head. You spring and pushed with all of your force backwards.
Midair, you arch your back and force all of your weight over yourself. Then, your feet touch down on a branch on a different tree. It wavers at the sudden, new weight added to it but held strong enough for you to back up away from the oncoming purple Yautja.
From one branch to other trees, the two of you dance for what felt like hours. Possibly could’ve been. You only come to release the overwhelming scent from the mating grounds is faint when Uihoy pins you to the trunk of a tree. A grunt surpasses your throat, eyes clued onto his burning ones. Filled with fire. A fire you didn’t know what sourced from.
A firm hand had found its way to your throat, encasing it and keeping you to the trunk. Instantly, your body went lax. Uihoy could snap your neck before you had a chance to even raise a hand.
It was a stern, mighty gasp that held you. Yet, you didn’t fear it. Anger filled your veins at the fact this pauk-de was taunting, teasing you like prey. You had little chance to win against. It was idiotic to challenge him in the first place. It won’t cost you your life. Not while that fire blazed in his orange eyes.
The male leaned in and let his breath fan over your features, eyes blinking slowly. Your scales prickled. His tongue flickered out and tasted upon your skin. His hand tightened. The other palmed along your hip, nails creating divots in the flesh there. “There has been something about that has intrigued me since I first laid eyes upon you,” Uihoy chitters lowly next to your ear. You shivered, throat bobbing from a heavy swallow.
That’s when you smelt it. Heavy, thick in the air yet sweet to draw you in. N’dui’se. You felt the blood in your body screeching to a halt and immediately rushing towards your core. Unsure, uncontrolled, your own musk entered the air. It swirled, combed with Uihoy’s as the Yautja grunt and pressed harder on your hip.
All of your muscles strained into action to pin the male down. Uihoy locked his own down and kept you there. The claws attacked to the hand around a vital part of your being dug into flesh. He released a chest rumbling bellow of a warning. He had you. You could only watch as the male leaned back enough to find your eyes.
The other limb skimmed down just a couple of inches then grabbed a fistful of cloth. Your waistband was promptly ripped off in one go and absentmindedly tossed to the side. Before you could even squeak something pathetic, warm flesh palmed at the wetting slit close to the apex of your thighs. Your head was thrown back, exposing your neck to the male before you. An action that could cost you your life if it was anyone else. Uihoy attacked.
Sharp, lethal teeth latched onto the flesh of your throat. Just enough pressure to warn you who had the cards in hand. Uihoy purred pleased and let his upper hand fall away rest on your hip. The other kept working away, causing more slick to build up.
His touch was driving you wild. He knew it. He was doing it on purpose. Your mandibles gritted together at the bubbling rage at him. Like a volcano with molten rock rising to the surface, ready to blow when the time was right. And you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of coaxing your cock out.
Gathering all of your energy, you shoved at Uihoy with everything you had. For once, you believed to caught the male off guard as he stumbled back, adding a fair amount of distance.
How wrong you were.
He was back on you in a split-second. Hands. Claws. Teeth. All seared across your scales until you were forced onto your front on the branch. Uihoy’s heavy weight draped over your back like shadows swallowing you whole. It was enough to keep you underneath him. A roaring bellow sounded from the Yautja as he made his claim vocal. “Ze-rei.” Fire. “You have fire that I want to consume.”
Despite Uihoy pinning you to the branch, you still wiggled and struggled. It wasn’t enough to throw the male off though.
All movements stopped at the feel of something blazing and wet resting against the tight ring of muscles behind your sack. Your eyes jerked wide open, head yanked up at the feeling. The head of your cock speared through your slit but didn’t move an inch more.
The body on top of you sat up. Hands grabbed at globes of your cheeks and spread them as far as possible. You squirmed this time uncomfortably at the fact he was putting you on display for him. Your claws dug into the bark underneath. “This is my new favorite sight,” Uihoy mumbled lowly to himself, a wide grin marking his face.
Then, the tip speared into you. Pain rocketed inside of you, eyes rolling back into their sockets at the feeling. Your mandibles flared open in a silent cry. But… you pushed back on Uihoy. More of his shaft disappeared inside of you, even if it was only an inch. Uihoy took the signal and thrusted his hips flush with your thighs.
Uihoy’s weight nearly collapsed on top of you as he struggled to stay upright. Something you never thought to see from the older Yautja. He tensed his muscles, talons prickling the skin along your cheeks and lower back. “I lied… this, this is my new favorite sight,” he growled before drawing his hips back.
The drag of each ridge and bump on the sides of his thick cock had you seeing stars already. All the way until just the tip was snug inside. Without warning, he forced his length back into you. The strength behind the thrust had you scrapping forward.
A low groan vibrated along Uihoy’s spine. “You’re so tight,” he stated like it was a fact. It was to be honest. You’ve never ventured outside to learn more about yourself. But after just the tiny taste, the littlest of drop from this, you’ll never be satisfied. “You’re going keep squeezing me out.” Uihoy bent at the waist. “Relax.” A hand placed next to your head while the other kept an even pressure on your shoulder blade. “I don’t know if you can even take my knot.”
Bark groaned as claws raked across the layer. You fantasized the thought of knotting another but never being knotted yourself. That ignited a hunger you never knew existed inside of you.
Fingers and claws ghosted down the length of your spine then diverted where your hip meets your thigh. Uihoy started a beginning pace to warm you up, to loosen up the muscles locked. Heat flared at the base of your spine as his touch palmed at the space below your slit. Your cock still barely peaking out. You weren’t going to give in easily. He had to take what he wanted.
The limb next to your head prevented you from slipping away from him, trapped under his thick body. His movements increased with speed but more importantly: harshness. Like any other male in the season, he was losing himself. His control slipping right of his fingers. There wasn’t a single thing he could do to stop it.
Thick finger grasped at what peaked out from between your legs. You gasped and rutted into the hand before a dark snarl had you stopping. The digits moved down where two rested apart from each other. They were in the space between your sack and slit, on either side of where your straining cock resided still inside of you. Uncomfortably. Very uncomfortably.
A single roll of his fingertips had you seeing stars. The rest of your length shot out like a plasma shot that it hurt at out fast it unsheathed. You choked out a harsh gasp and jerked back into the male controlling you. His hips went flush with yours while your muscles locked tight around his shaft. Uihoy roared. A hand flying to your hip while his claws dug into your flesh.
“Pauk!” he snarled into the tense air.
Something shifted in the air. You didn’t know what but could feel something change.
Uihoy reared his hips back just until the tip just sat inside. Without remorse, he bullied it back into you. This new pace was harsh, rough, uncaring. He was dominating you; taking what he wants and not caring about anything else. The only thing keeping you from sliding off the branch was the limb next to your head and his claws piercing your skin.
Your own talons dug into the bark, clawing away at the trees barrier for purchase. His thrusts are a driving force to reckon with. The ridges along his cock adding to the friction that winds you up. Pleasure growing at a rate you couldn’t fight, couldn’t stop if you wanted it.
His thick waist started to stutter, pace growing wary. The claws tearing into your flesh, drawing blood were pulled out. The pain in their wake was brushed off.
Between your trembling legs, your cock was painfully hard, weeping from the tip. As desperately as you wanted to reach underneath and touch yourself, Uihoy beat you to the punch.
A firm grip wrapped around your shaft. The pressure sent your eyes rolling into the back of your head, hips faltering on either to drive back or forward. Drool hung from your jaw. You were an utter mess of pre-cum, drool, and blood.
The grasp slipped down to your growing knot and squeezed. A vice grip. Stars exploded in your vision. You shattered like glass. Your cocked twitching wildly at each new pump of sperm staining the tree. His hand never relenting the pressure even as the overstimulation began to hurt.
He switched his other arm to wrap firmly around your torso and kept you flush to him. Snarls, growls, bellows poured from the male’s throat before he keened a high pitch. His hips slapped to yours. A pleasurable pain sprouted to life as you felt his knot inflate inside of you. The feeling completely foreign to you. You grunted and squirmed.
Uihoy snarled at you in warning. In reaction, you growled back at him.
Sharp teeth punctured the muscle that corded your shoulder. You choked on a gasped and went ridged underneath him. He had made his point and untangled his fangs from you. The Yautja leaned up, all he could do while tied to you.
“Look at that. You were able to take my knot,” he snarked down at you. You huffed. The energy once in your body was depleted for the moment. Yet, you could already feel your core filling the same need as before.
Pleasure shot through you like a plasma shot when his hand tugged at your sensitive cock. You bucked back at Uihoy to stop but the grip tightened. C’jit. And you were at his mercy.
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gaybananabread · 6 months
Hi!!! 💖 If 21 isn’t filled yet for tickletober, do you think you could do ler Asmodeus and lee Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss? The new episode has me craving for some tickle content for them they’re so cute!! Hope you’re well and take all the time you need. 💖
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TickleTober Day 21 - New Discovery
Writing this one made me happy. I dunno what it was, but writing the scrunkles just boosted my happy brain chems. I know I’ve been squeaking these in at like 11:50 something at night, but I actually paced myself this week and loved getting this out! Hopefully you like reading this as much as I did writing it. Enjoy!
Lee: Fizzarolli
Ler: Asmodeus
Summary: After a shitty day, Fizz is more than ready for some love from his partner. Ozzie is happy to help, though he does it in his own silly way. After all, what's love without some laughter?
Warnings: swearing (obviously), implied murder (don't worry, they deserve it)! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Hell's worst kept secret…
Not wrong, but the title still pissed the pair off. Ever since the kidnapping incident, they had been a bit more open with their relationship. They obviously weren't announcing it; all of Hell didn't need to know that Ozzie and an Imp were together. But around the factory and his quarters, the fruits were showing more PDA and less shitty excuses when they were caught. 
The workers knew better than to say anything.
Still, the occasional whisper or snide comment outside of Asmodeus's safe zone got the jester's blood boiling. Especially when they were about his man.
"Did you hear about Asmodeus and that little imp? Man, what a way to fall. Never thought the embodiment of Lust would do that to himself." The second demon nodded, smirking. "Oh, Fizzer-something? Yeah, a big rooster and a clown. Sounds like the plot of a shitty porno." "Heh, they kinda are!"
Oho, Fizz wanted to rip their throats out and shove them so far up their-
Whooo-kay. Deep breaths, deep breaths. He promised Asmodeus that he wouldn't let small-minded loudmouths get to him, especially sinners. But they so deserved it, and he was just a few feet away…
They just had to keep talking, though. "And hey, he didn't even pick a working one! The thing's defective! Robotic limbs and shit. Dude really needs higher standards."
That was it. The jester turned, running at them with nothing but rage and hate in his eyes. The dumb fuckheads barely had time to begin a plea before Fizz went to town.
When his Fizzie got home, Ozzie immediately knew something was wrong. His partner’s colorful clothes were coated with black blood. The sin hurried over to him, surveying the imp for injuries before scooping him up into his arms. “Fizzie, babe, what happened?”
Asmodeus’s voice radiated concern, comfort and love for the jester. Fizzarolli couldn’t have gotten any luckier when him and the demon connected for the first time. Or the second. Or the many, many times after that. Eh, who needs labels?
“Some…assholes, spewing shit about you and me. I tried, but…they needed a lesson on how to shut up.” One of the robotic arms was damaged in his fit of rage. Apparently the loudmouthed sinners had a bit of fight in them. Fizz still disposed of the garbage; he just got a bit messy.
Ozzie sighed, nuzzling his feathery head against Fizz’s smooth skin. “Froggie, I love that you wanna defend me, but it’s not worth you getting hurt. I’d take all the shit-talk Hell has to offer if it meant you’d be okay.”
So mushy… The imp rolled his eyes, secretly melting inside at the sweet words. “Alright, alright, I get it. No more fighting over your honor. Tell Hallmark the message worked.”
Then he did Fizzarolli’s most favorite thing ever. He laughed, a deep snort kicking off the rumbling chuckles. Fizz laid his head on Ozzie’s chest, feeling the vibrations and listening to the short burst of amusement. The sin stood, sighing out a final huff before carrying his partner to their bed. It was the only one big enough for Asmodeus, let alone Fizz, to fit. 
Following their pattern, Ozzie removed his elaborate suit, slipping on his robe instead. He then helped the jester peel away the blood-stained outfit, quickly drawing a bath for him. They were at the point where it was just second nature; one of them has a bad day, they get a warm bath, cuddles and shitty RomComs until they fall asleep. That day was Fizz’s day to be pampered.
After some calming back rubs in a nice bath, all blood was clean and the imp was feeling a bit better. Ozzie got him a new arm, making sure to give him little forehead kisses as he worked. Finally, they were ready to lay down.
Surprising no one, Ozzie was the big spoon. He hugged Fizz close under the covers, rubbing his back soothingly. The Lust ring’s RomCom channel played distantly on the TV.  It was barely a minute before the jester was dozing off. The sin’s touch softened, absentmindedly wandering across Fizzarolli’s bare skin. 
His feathery fingers eventually made their way to the imp’s sides. Fizz was drawn from his sleepy stupor by an unexpected buzzing along his side. A feeling he hadn’t felt in quite some time. He squirmed a bit, feeling the fingers go back to his back. The moment he settled back down, however, they returned. 
A quick glance at Ozzie’s dreamy expression told him that the sin wasn’t doing it on purpose. The rooster just thought he was giving him soft affections. Sighing, Fizz squirmed again, adjusting himself so the tracing was closer to his lower back. That was apparently a big mistake.
The moment one of the feathery fingers brushed his back, he squeaked, flinching away from the touch. Asmodeus immediately went into Mother Hen mode, lightning his touch and looking for injuries. “Fizzarolli, why didn’t you tell me you hurt yourself? Back injuries are serious!”
Ugh, why did he have to care so much? “I-I didn’t…” The lighter touch was somehow worse, sending a flurry of butterflies to attack his stomach. Fizz’s tail twitched, trying to wag; he made sure to force it still. Unfortunately for him, that also meant he took a small amount of focus off his verbal reactions. The smallest, teensiest little giggle slipped past his lips. Ozzie immediately stilled his fingers; as a sin, he easily heard the noise. Then something clicked.
“Froggie…are you ticklish?” Shit…Fizz tried to run, a burst of adrenaline pulling him from the sleepy peace. Ozzie was on him before he could move an inch. The little imp didn’t stand a chance.
“W-wait! Ozz, don’t you fucking dare!” His robotic arms wrapped around the sin’s body, trying to push him off. That was nearly impossible, as Asmodeus was over four times his size and much stronger than the prosthetics. Still, he could only try. 
The rooster smirked, his demeanor doing a complete 180. Ozzie went from concerned and soft to playful and smug in seconds; it was almost scary how fast he could switch like that. “Oooh, babe, I definitely fucking do~”
Before he could get another protest out, ten feathered fingers attacked his torso. Five running along his back, five snaking around to his stomach. In seconds, small giggles slipped past his lips, a blush tinting his scarred cheeks. “N-nohoho! Ohohozzie you dihihick!”
“I know it’s one of your favorite features, but let’s leave my dick out of this.” Stupid, cheesy words; it was unfair how blushy they made him. Fizz tried to wiggle away, but even with his insane flexibility, Ozzie’s strong arms kept him trapped.
He twisted and kicked, his limbs swinging and flailing as he tried to escape. He didn’t fully mind the tickling, but Fizz had an image to protect. The amazing, alluring, ass-kicking Fizzarolli couldn’t be seen getting reduced to a giggly puddle; even if nobody was watching but his boyfriend.
“Tickle tickle tickle, Fizzie~” He just had to tease… If there was one thing that killed Fizz, it was Ozzie’s silly teases. Normally, they were just flustering. Those teases, though; they drove him nuts. “Shuhut the fuhuhuck uhuhup!”
Ozzie loved the sight of his squirmy boyfriend. The genuine laughter, happy smile, vibrant blushes and adorable noises warmed his loving heart. He genuinely couldn’t be happier than when he was with his Fizzie Frog; especially when the imp was all giggly like that. “Awww, babe, I’m just tryna cheer you up! Are you not feelin’ just a teeny bit better?”
Okay, that wasn’t fair. He was definitely feeling better than when he arrived, but that wasn’t totally because of the tickling. Being around Asmodeus, as evil as he was, immediately boosted his mood. “Thihis- ihit’s nohot fahahair! Youhuhu suhuhuck!”
“Only for you, Fizz~” Just to be evil, Asmodeus fluttered his fingers on the jester’s hips. FIzz squealed, his arms swinging to try and grab Ozzie’s hands. Oh, that asshole! “SH-SHIHIHIT! AHASMODEHEHEUS! NAHAT THEHERE!” 
Ozzie chuckled, loving the high-pitched cackles from his partner. “But right there is my favorite! C’mon babe, you gotta admit that this is pretty cute.” Fizz groaned through his laughter, thrashing under the sin’s tickly assault. His robotic appendages were no help, merely bouncing off the sin’s feathered skin instead of actually deterring him. 
“NOHO IHIHI”M NAHAT! OHOZZIEHEHEEEE!” Fizz could feel his tail wagging, the tip making a gentle thump against the sheets. At least the rooster wasn’t teasing him about that. “Ooh, Fizzie, your tail’s wagging. Are you enjoying yourself?” Spoke too soon…
Seeing that he was working his partner up a bit too much, he moved away from the imp’s hips, deciding to focus on Fizz’s neck instead. “Alright, alright. I won’t kill you, Fizzie babe.”
“F-fuhuckin’ feehels like ihihit!” Fizz whined, his laughter dying down to squeaky giggles. He turned his head, burying his face in the pillowy mattress. The muffled giggles only made him cuter, in Ozzie’s opinion. He leaned his head down, peppering the jester’s face with light kisses. Fizz scrunched up his shoulders, both loving and hating how the ticklish kisses made him melt. “Bahahahaaaabe!”
Ozzie chuckled, basking in the way his boyfriend reacted to the silly affections. The faces in his hair were smiling wide, portraying his obvious adoration and love. So fucking cute…
It was almost comical, the way the large sin cuddled up to the smaller imp. The love they shared was like no other; based on good communication, mutual respect and pure affection, it was about as healthy as you could get. Sure, they weren’t officially public, but nobody else needed to know about them for it to be wonderful. Especially in the cutesy moments like those.
As much as Fizzarolli loved the attention, he was wearing out. Dealing with the dicks from that morning, combined with the goofy fun, had him pretty drained. “Ohozziehehe! Plehease, noho mohohore!” 
And just like that, it was over. Asmodeus respected boundaries more than any other creature in hell; the moment Fizz wanted him to stop, he would, no questions asked. He did, however, pull the imp against his chest, rubbing small circles into his back to help calm him down. The sin’s voice was soft once again, save for a teasing edge. “Easy, babe. You okay? I didn’t go too far, did I?”
Fizz took a few deep breaths, getting out the last few giggles as he snuggled against his man. “Uhum…no, you’re good. But *damn*, did you have to go for my hips?” Ozzie snorted, nuzzling his head against the imp’s. “You know I did. It’s adorable, how can I not?”
He held Fizz tight, flipping them over so the jester was laying on his chest. It was their favorite way to sleep; Fizz could feel the warmth of his boyfriend, and Ozzie could sleep peacefully, knowing his partner was safe while he was with him. Fizzie grumbled, but didn’t protest the movement. He was tired, and he couldn’t deny that the sin’s chest was rather comfortable.
The covers were pulled over the pair, concealing almost all of Fizz’s body. His concealing hat was removed, placed on its holder for the night. It was nice, affectionate and calm; just the way the pair liked it. They drifted off, the small yet happy smile never leaving the imp’s face.
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seichira · 1 year
even when i’m hard to love.
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you can argue that one of the most painful kinds of love there is, is the kind that refuses to be received. loving sanzu haruchiyo has taught you what it is like to adore someone who doesn’t think he deserves the good things in the world.
pairing : haruchiyo sanzu x reader
content : angst with comfort. mutual pining. the usual gang shenanigans. mentions of violence. inappropriate language.
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growing up, you were so sure that your life would go according to plan. you will go to school and study hard, get in a prestigious university, graduate with latin honors, get a stable career, meet someone whom you will settle down with, and probably have a family if the tides ever say it’s right.
in hindsight, it was a good plan. it was commendable, and it was understandable how strict they were considering how young you were back when you mapped them all out. it really was a good plan, and you couldn’t have known that not everything would go your way.
sure, things went well for the first few steps. you got good grades and outstanding extracurriculars enough that got you into a university, albeit not your first choice (c’mon, life isn’t that kind). so far, you are still in the running for honors and the connections and experience you have accumulated basically quite assures that you’d have a decent job once you graduate.
but your luck stops there, because you fell in love with sanzu haruchiyo who can’t seem to accept it.
he does to you all the things that a lover would do for their loved one, but he never admits it. he would tip his feet to test the waters but never fully dive in.
you know deep down that he feels the same way, but years into this frenzied relation with him, you’re not so sure anymore. more often than not, you spend your nights soaking your pillows with your tears of unrequited love only to dry them off the next morning. loving haruchiyo has pushed you to do the unimaginable, to modify your plans into something where he would fit—but that is much too difficult.
he is uncontainable. the man you are so ready to give your heart and soul to is so near, but so damn unreachable. you can’t grasp him, you can’t keep him all to yourself because he is running like sand away from your tightened fingers.
you have had to scratch off your dreams of settling down and building a family because the man you’re in love with is… a blur. haruchiyo is a blur.
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“what have you been doing, haru?” you ask as you approach the front steps of your dorm’s building, where sanzu was sitting on one of the steps with his head hung low, only looking up at the sound of your familiar footsteps and your voice.
“what do you mean?”
“i mean…” worriedly, you walk nearer and kneel down to level with his face and expect the cuts on it.
your face contorts into your usual expression of worry, and he hates it. he wants to flip a table and break anything on sight just for you to stop doing that expression on him.
“quit it, y/n.” he turns his face away, but you grip his chin gently and he wasn’t necessarily protesting so it was easy to keep him in place for more inspection.
“where did you get these wounds and bruises from, huh? i thought you were at home. did you get yourself into trouble again? do they hurt, haru?”
he glares at you, defensive now that you pointed out his face. he thinks he was stupid to hope that you won’t notice them or make a big deal out of them.
“just got into some stupid fight with frat boys who think they’re the shit. they’re not. you should see how they look. all black-eyed, passed out and shit.”
“them having it worse than you doesn’t make it any better.” you shake your head in disapproval, but you know better than to tell him off for doing what makes him feel alive. for now, you focus on patching him up.
he grins unseriously, “it makes it better.”
you choose to zip your mouth and no longer try to contest him to lessen the risk of having him run away again. “alright, then. i ran out of cotton swabs and antiseptics so i have to bring you to the clinic.”
the way he shoves your hand away from him does not even hurt you physically. the pain shot straight all the way to your chest where you felt it all. the pain of the rejection from him, and him alone.
“h-haru, i…” your voice trembles but you try to keep it all together. “i have to bring you there. i don’t want to leave your wounds overnight without doing anything. you need stitches. p-please. it’ll be quick. if i have to, if the nurse would let me, i would do it myself.”
he hates his scars and that is something you never fail to remember. as much as possible, you treat him fast to alleviate any pain and also… to prevent more scars that would haunt him. but if it’s just your opinion that matters, the scars he has are beautiful and you want to bury them with enough kisses to make him forget how he got them.
“let’s go, please. h-haru.”
meanwhile, you don’t notice the way sanzu shuts his eyes tightly in pure guilt at how you struggle to simply get him on board for his own sake.
“fuckin’ let it go.”
there he goes again, doing what he is best at. pushing you away and asking you not to care when it is obviously too late for that. acting like he’s too good for the love you gladly offer him.
you scoff at his attitude and stand up, leaving him sitting alone on the steps. “how could i let it go? you’re sitting in front of my building all hurt and bruised up and you think i won’t fuss over it?”
all you want to do it touch him. trace your fingertips over the red and purple marks on his face in hopes that the love you have all over you would ease the pain he carries around. hide him in your pockets so no one could ever dare lay a hand on him again.
it’s all so simple. you only wish for so little. is that all too much to ask for? to love him properly?
he looks up to shoot a sharp glare at you. “yeah! exactly! ‘cuz i only wanted some company who doesn’t act my goddamn mother!”
you don’t know it, and even he doesn’t know it, but he was lying. he went here because seeing you is his only comfort, but he doesn’t know that so he has no way of saying it. he went here because he knew exactly how you would react and he’s addicted to how it feels being cared for by you. but again, he doesn’t realize that. he acts on autopilot.
“your mother? really?” you almost spit in offense. even if he either meant it literally or in a sense that cages him, it’s both hurtful. his mother left him the way you never did, and you never meant to smother him to the point of suffocation.
“i don’t even know what you mean by that. i don’t think i want to know. but let me say this to you—if you hate it so much being taken care of, then maybe my company isn’t what you need. i will always worry about you and you want someone who doesn’t. it’s not me who you’re looking for. you don’t want me.“
he does.
god, he does.
but you don’t know it.
and he won’t say it.
he stands up to finally settle in front of you, and the way he towers over you still didn’t fail to dismantle the demons in your stomach despite the situation.
���why’d you care so much for me, hm?” he challenges you smugly, hiding the disdain he has for himself for always putting you in these situations. “come on, pretty girl. tell me why you do all this shit for me.”
a tear escapes your eye and it shakes him to the core. he is taken aback he almost forgot his lines, and for a moment when his mind went blank, he really did.
“why would you cry for someone like me?”
you stupidly and courageously meet his eye.
“don’t act like you don’t know. i have told you so many times before. i tell you all the time.”
of course, he knows that. he just wants to hear you say it again just in case he dies in his sleep tonight.
“i love you, haru. i am in love with you. that’s why. you don’t remember because you don’t want to accept it. tomorrow, you will forget that i love you. tomorrow, when you wake up, you will not know that i worry for you, night and day.”
“you’re fucking stupid,” he says. he means it. you’re stupid for daring to love someone like him. you’re stupid for setting yourself up for a huge heartbreak.
the agreement that follows doesn’t shock him.
“i know.”
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sanzu haruchiyo knows about your plans. he knows all about your dreams. he knows about your dream of getting married at the beach right before the sun sets. he knows of your openness to the possibility of having children, or if not, raising corgis with your life partner. he knows, and he wants it to be with him.
but it is exactly because he knows about how passionate you are about those dreams that he cannot dare take them away from you.
he’s a criminal, a gang member, and most definitely not a husband material you could exchange vows with nor raise children with. he would make a terrible husband and a much more horrible father.
he loves you so much that he can’t risk having you compromise your plans just to fit into the shape that he is. he can’t do that to you. if he could, he would be the one to adjust but he doesn’t know how.
so, he pushes you away.
he doesn’t deserve you. his family never loved him enough, how could he ever think he could love somebody right? your love is too good, too pure, too unadulterated for his soul who has seen all the horrors of life that he could already die.
in haru’smind, you deserve to be someone who either has a phd, a jd, or an md. whatever else would work, as long as that someone has a reputable job and could provide you the life you always planned for, not someone who doesn’t even know what he would do the next day. you deserve to be with someone who knows how to raise kids or how to care for dogs, not someone who would scare any delicate being with his scars. you should be with someone that is not him—but you’re not making it any easier.
everytime you would whisper “i love you, haru” in his ears where only he could hear, snippets of a future flashes in his head. whenever you confess “i am in love with you, so much” so simply, futures of him standing on the sands of the beach, delivering his vows to you. receiving those three words from you makes him believe that he could live the life you want, because in truth, that is also what he want.
say i love you, and he will want to cross out all boxes in your bucket list with you. he wants to be a part of your plans. he wants to have your ring on his finger, your child in his arms, or your dogs on his lap. whatever the fuck you want, he wants it.
he just doesn’t think he should want it. he doesn’t think he has the right to be that selfish.
it was torturous, each step he made the night he walked away from you after you told him once again that you loved him, but he thought it was for the better because you would finally get over him.
as much as that would kill him, he would be comforted by the fact that you would be okay
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on your graduation day, you complete another part of your plan, but it doesn’t feel as fulfilling you thought it would be. you think spending four grueling years in university and finishing with honors would somehow send you off in a high, but that is not the case.
you are surrounded by all the people who love you, but your eyes search for the only one who doesn’t.
your friends and family don’t understand why you love him as much as you do, but that is only because they don’t know what only you and sanzu know.
nobody else knows the midnights you stay awake due to your really bad craps and sanzu sneaking past the dormitory guard to bring you supplies.
they don’t understand because they weren’t there when sanzu ran barefoot in his panic to the alley you nervously called him to when you thought you were being followed by a sketchy guy.
no one else but sanzu was around when you got sick during finals week and couldn’t hold up on your own so he cooked your meals as best as he can, changed the wet towel on your forehead every thirty minutes, helped you dress up, reminded you of the things you tried hard to study, and dragged you to class.
your love cannot be understood by someone who didn’t see how sanzu held you when you cried over the death of the dog you grew up with and the little funeral he set up with only the two of you.
they cannot possibly make sense of the amount of affection you have for the man if they weren’t in the room where sanzu first mumbled some unclear words that sounded so closely to i love you with your name attached to it in his sleep.
you stop trying to make them understand why you want to get out of your graduation party to run to the person who wasn’t there.
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as you stride towards the street where sanzu’s apartment is to come and see him on this special day, you see him as soon as you turned the corner. you were quick to spot him, but he saw you first.
with a good six meters between you, you stand staring at each other in the middle of the busy street. you look at the other’s eyes like there’s no one else around. the feeling of longing and the familiar fucking sensation of being in love with him for too long burns your throat, like flowers are growing out of your lungs but you find yourself addicted to them.
your haru also stands still to stare at you, who is all covered in a huge coat that buries your body, and the intention in your eyes gives away that you are there for him. he disappears for months and on your graduation day that he is so painfully aware of, you go to him? how stupid can you be?
why are you here? he left you so you could move on.
damn woman. you can’t move on like this. i can’t forget you like this. i can no longer let you go like this. i will want to keep you all to myself like this.
how many times does he have to push you away for you to give up on him? he has lost count already, and surely you had too. you are always on the receiving end of his rejections and yet you willingly find him wherever he is, to the ends of the earth?
he thinks he has never loved you as much as he loved you in that moment. and he thinks he will love you even more if you close the distance.
because you know he never will, you do it yourself. you take the first step to swallow the distance he so carefully placed at the expense of his own heart just to protect your future. you take the remaining steps that would make it impossible for the both of you to move on from the intensity of this love affair.
sanzu haruchiyo wants to kneel on the concrete and raise his hands in both worship and blame at the god who created you to love him as much as this.
when you stop in front of him, he is still frozen but his eyes are warm. he is slowly seeping in the warmth you have always been trying to share with him.
“what are you doing here?” he asks, but not coldly. he asks because he wants to make sure you’re real.
“i didn’t want this day to end without you. it doesn’t feel right, haru. i want you there. more than anyone.”
a pause. you can already predict what he’d ask next.
you never get tired of answering that question.
no matter how many times he rejects you, you still believe he deserves to hear them. you always go back to him because you know he deserves the love you are trying to give him. you always seek him because you know him too much to give up.
“because i’m in love with you.”
he doesn’t laugh this time, he doesn’t roll his eyes, he doesn’t tell you you’re wrong, he doesn’t tell you that you’re stupid. he only closes his eyes and accepts your hands that cup his cheeks, bringing his hands on top of them along the process.
“you cannot say or do anything that could change it. you can curse me, push me away, and hide from me, or even not see me ever again… but i will always do.”
he sheds a tear at your words.
the next time he speaks, his voice breaks. probably at the weight of the words and of the confession he cradled in secret for years.
“i love you, y/n. so fucking much i can’t wrap my head around it. my heart… feels like it only beats for you to the point where it feels like a fuckin’ sin.”
he doesn’t let you interrupt.
“it’s so easy loving you. but you love me. that’s where it gets complicated, baby. it’s so hard, y/n. it’s hard loving me. my family told me so. my friends tell me so. everyone i meet tell me it’s so… damn… difficult to love someone like me.”
you shake your head and will him to open his eyes, and he does. you look straight into them, making sure he would see the truth you have always held for him in your pupils that could only see him.
“it’s not. it’s not hard, haru. i love you, i love you as natural as i breathe. i love you like how my heart beats and how my blood runs in my veins. it’s not hard. i do it all the time. i love you all the time.”
it is his turn to shake his head. you love him too much to even mind how complicated he really is.
you only make it look easy even when he is hard to love, but he’ll take it. in all his greed and selfishness, he’ll accept it this time.
he will spend the rest of his life filling your life with love, happiness, and adoration to atone for it.
for now, he’ll cherish the softness of your lips and etch into his memory how perfectly they fit with his at the very first time they touch.
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gotham-daydreams · 7 months
Honestly, if I was reader I would weaponize the fact they literally know next to nothing about me. Hear me out
Bruce and fam show up and are like: it's so irresponsible for you to just disappear and not tell anyone, did you drop out of school just to get away
Me, knowing they never paid attention anyways: no one wanted to talk that night so I left a note. And no I didn't drop out, I graduated with honors. I went to/am going to college for___ degree. I took my diplomas with me because it's MY accomplishment
Bruce letting his high tech medical machine do a series of tests because he's lost it and wants to know every detail down to your white cell count: you've had a significant damage to your pelvis in recent months
Me : oh yeah, My husband is going through a phase
Bruce : you're married???
Me : was it my ring or extraordinarily good sex life that gave it away??
Like seriously, I'd not pull any punches when it comes to hurting them back for what they did to me. Such as mentioning lasting injuries or traumatic events that happened while they were pretending I didn't exist. If anything I'd bring it up just to hammer in the fact that I.don't.need.them. And let them all have mental breakdowns. It gives me joy. And the best part is, they really wouldn't know what's fact or fiction. Let them go hunting for a husband that doesn't exist. Send them on wild goose chases for anything and everything they don't know.
Again, I love all of these spite posts and y'all are a RIOT and I love y'all for that, oh my god.
Icing on the cake? Of course the reader has gotten hurt in the past. They've overworked each and every last atom in their bodies just to have an inch of a connect with the Batfam, but still got nothing for their efforts. Which may or may not be mentioned in part 3 when stuff starts tumbling down even more.
Honestly, why not just make shit like that worse? How are they going to know?
You broke your wrist? Say it was your arm.
An ankle? Say it was both your legs and you were maybe even bedridden for a while. Or just on crutches (which may or may not be canon).
Hell, with the whole husband thing — why not lowkey turn it into a whole ass drama for the hell of it? You've had pervious partners in the past, and honestly some of them were kind of shit but there was this one person who you're actually kind of chill with. Maybe you still have a drink with them every now and again. You're married but have already been through your first divorce and have maybe been thinking of having children, or maybe you already do! (Which, of course, they can be pets but how is the Batfam going to know that right away?)
Basically, go off. They honestly deserve it, and especially because after years they still don't know the smallest thing about the reader. Well- besides that they're into music, and even then that's only about half of them? I believe?
The only one that would see through your bs is Alfred but he isn't going to say anything. Not without being sassy himself and heavily sarcastic. Even if he'll only play along for so long, your the favorite so it's okay. Besides it wouldn't be the first mind games he's played.
It may take everyone a little longer, but you can guess why. Hell, maybe some lies they'll never even find out about, since some of the best lies are told with a little bit of truth to them.
Regardless, it all spunds very fun ♡♡
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