tonotblr1968 · 7 years
What This Man Is Caught Doing Looks Absolutely Horrifying At First. But Check This Out... Unreal.
What This Man Is Caught Doing Looks Absolutely Horrifying At First. But Check This Out… Unreal.
For some people around the world, a flooded river is serious business. It’s not just what you talk about at the water cooler that day. Take the Sam Lang village in Vietnam, for example. When the local river was flooded, the nearby suspension bridge was rendered useless. Travel was impossible and the village’s children couldn’t get to school. But that’s when one heroic father stepped up and did…
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
Bill and Hillary’s ‘romantic’ tweets will make 2016 almost intolerable [photo]
Bill and Hillary’s ‘romantic’ tweets will make 2016 almost intolerable [photo]
Get used to the flood of wannabe lovey-dovey tweets and “romance is alive” photos as we head toward 2016.
Just askin: Does that pic of Bill and Hillary remind anyone else of the first few seconds of this old “MADtv” skit?
Worth noting: Hillary has yet to retweet the photo or…
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
This Bride Had The Sweetest Surprise In Store For Her New Husband At Their Wedding Keeping surprises for your better half under wraps during wedding preparations can be a daunting task, but this bride managed to pull off an incredibly sweet one for her new husband on their wedding day.
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
Police Officers Rescue The Unlikeliest Creature From A Dumpster. And Then Adopt Her! There are plenty of stories about fire fighters and police officers being called to rescue cats stuck in trees, but when officials in Fairfield Township, Ohio, got a call about a potbelly pig that was stuck in a dumpster, they were stunned.
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
If You’re Terrible At Carving Pumpkins, Try This Incredibly Useful Trick googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot('/37886402/VN_PG_DTBT_ATF', , 'VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_58155d1941bb9').addService(googletag.pubads()) googletag.pubads().setTargeting("NOVA_MB", "VN_"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("NOVA_SC", "VN_ORGN"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("NOVA_TS", "TS_D"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("NOVA_AT", "VN_ORGN_PG_D_REV_1.0_ASYNC_DEFAULT"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("NOVA_CC", "VN_ORGN_D_UNK_118306_A"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("NOVA_PG", "1"); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.display('VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_58155d1941bb9'); }); …
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
Robert Downey Jr. Is Basically Tony Stark - And The Best Person Ever.
Robert Downey Jr. Is Basically Tony Stark – And The Best Person Ever.
It’s getting more and more difficult to tell Robert Downey Jr. apart from his avenging superhero alter-ego Tony Stark. With his recent appearances in San Diego at Comic-Con, the lines between real life and fiction have all but disappeared. Where does the character end and the actor begin? Did the role bring out his latent Tony aspects, or is Robert hiding a secret glowing heart of his own?
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
These Bovines Act Like Lil’ Puppies After Meeting Their New Herd Integrating cows into the herd is usually a pretty straightforward task -- rather unexciting, even. The animals meet and get along instantly because cows love meeting new friends.
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
Finally! Miss Alabama weighs in on NSA controversy [updated with video]
Finally! Miss Alabama weighs in on NSA controversy [updated with video]
We don’t know what Brent Musberger’s position is on the issue of NSA snooping, but if he’s against it, this might be enough to change his mind.
As for the Miss USA competition itself, the results are in:
Of course, the NSA…
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
This Pelican That Couldn't Fly Showed Up. What These Guys Did Is Brilliantly Awesome.
This Pelican That Couldn’t Fly Showed Up. What These Guys Did Is Brilliantly Awesome.
After a bad storm, Bigbird the pelican was found on the shore, injured and separated from his parents. He desperately needed rescuing, so the staff at Greystoke Mahalehelped him out. Bigbired was accidentally separated from his flock, but thanks to his newfound friends he would be able to learn to live a normal life. They taught him to fly by running up and down the beach and flapping their…
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
It begins: Protesters already dressing as binders for some reason; video
It begins: Protesters already dressing as binders for some reason; video
No need to wait unti Halloween for an excuse to slip into a “slutty” binder costume — if you haven’t traded up from your vagina costume yet, you’re running way behind. And Big Bird? Please.
You can practically hear the excited cell phone calls from last night: “We should TOTALLY dress up as binders! Then those Republicans will finally take…
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
Rick Santorum’s nephew has passed away; Santorum delivers emotional speech
Rick Santorum’s nephew has passed away; Santorum delivers emotional speech
Santorum is scheduled to deliver his CPAC speech shortly.
Spoke w/ Santo. Very very low key today. Somber. Talking about his nephew, who just passed. I’m not expecting fireworks on stage.
— Robert Costa (@robertcostaNRO) March 15, 2013
Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.
Santorum opened up his emotional…
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
#HonorFlight: Grateful Americans welcome WWII veterans to DC [pics]
#HonorFlight: Grateful Americans welcome WWII veterans to DC [pics]
The film “Honor Flight” documents volunteers’ efforts to send members of the Greatest Generation to our nation’s capital to visit the memorial built in their honor:
Today, it’s clear that all the hard work was worth it:
#HonorFlight #Veterans heading to D.C. today! Incredible stories to be heard on @kvoa twitter.com/RcHaarer/statu…
— Ryan…
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
He Locked Himself Out Of His Car, And How He Got Back In Is Pure Genius You know what's the worst? Locking yourself out of your car. You remember to take your phone out with you, but your keys?
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
Tumblr media
If You’re Stuck In A Boring Meeting, Here’s How You Can Keep Yourself Entertained When it comes to tech accessories, there are some that warrant spending money, and some that don't.
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
They Heard Screeching Coming From A Well, But They Never Expected To Find This googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('VN_PG_DTBT_ATF'); }); Villagers in Maharashtra, India, suspected that something was wrong when they began hearing howling and crying coming from the town well.
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
This News Anchor Thought It Was Just Another Day At Work. Then He Met His Costar. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them behave! Working with animals can be an enjoyable experience, however, their unpredictability can sometimes leave us biting off more than we can chew.
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tonotblr1968 · 7 years
Vicious British MP George Galloway refuses to debate Israeli: ‘I don’t recognize Israel’
Vicious British MP George Galloway refuses to debate Israeli: ‘I don’t recognize Israel’
That is exactly what he did. During a debate at Christ Church College, Oxford, Galloway stormed out of the room upon learning that his would-be opponent was an Israeli citizen. His explanation? “I don’t recognize Israel and I don’t debate with Israel.”
Galloway, a noxious anti-Semite and member of the British Respect Party(yes, Respect…
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