#“we hate their pussy. except buddy that's my boy”
anyway i want to reiterate that i hope the rat grinders are tpk'd, revived and uncorrupted solely bc i want them to have to spend senior year together. 'redeemed' doesnt necessarily mean friendly with the bad kids and honestly? its so much funnier if they continue being bitchy to each other but without the trying to end the world stuff. they've built plenty of positive relationships w/ former villains now it's time for the next stage: uneasy alliance buzzing with the tension of both sides trying to hold back the urge to clown on each other
introducing, fantasy high senior year: the group project
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Big baby Ben (Ben 10)
Ben gulped nervously as he made his way over to Kevin's place. It was a few hours after he'd (once again) saved the world and as such it was time for his reward that his semi kinda maybe Boyfriend always gave him after doing so. of course Kevin was still Gwen's fuck buddy but his cousin didn't mind the two of them going out since as she put it "you get him him all worked up, and I reap the benefit!" and would just laugh and wink at Ben. (which of course ALWAYS made Ben worry that despite what Kevin promised, he was sooo tell Gwen what exactly it was they two of them did!) Kevin's place was a one story affair, with a front yard that had a swing and a slide in it and Ben started to squirm as he made it up to Kevin's front door step, and knocked on the door. Already his special undies that Kevin made him wear alll the time except for when they played were swelling with tinkles and he started to worry he was gonna leak as he waited, some kids going by the front of the house (it was only after 4:40) and giggling, again making Ben paranoid. after what seemed like hours (But had only been 12 seconds) the front door opened and there was Kevin in just a black beater and tight jean shorts that left nothing to the imagination. "There's my widdle hero!" Kevin said in a voice that was actually normal level, but to Ben sounded like he was shouting. "Kevvvvin!" Ben whined and squirmed even more. "heh, somebody must be a soaked little guy. you only get this whiny when your a widdle what Benny boy?" Kevin asked, blocking the entrance to his home and smirking. Cheeks turning red Ben pouted but whimpered out. "A little tinkle pants ..daddy." he said. "Hmm? I'm sorry, I didn't hear that, can you speak up?" Kevin asked, cleaning out a ear with his pinky. It was times like that that Ben hated and loved the fact he'd confessed what a little humiliation junkie he was to Kevin. "I'm a little tinkle pants daddy!" he said louder and his thumb found it's way into his mouth. "Exactly. " Kevin said and gave Benny's forehead a kiss, then let him in. they weren't five steps inside when Kevin turned around and undid Ben's jeans, tugging them down and getting a look at Ben's power ranger's pull up. "oh my! you reallly soaked this one little guy! why didn't you change before coming over?" Kevin asked, on a knee and eye level with the big babies soaked crotch. he also reached forward and cupped the squishy padding and gently squeezed it, making Ben gurgle and coo before he finally recovered enough to answer. "I..I did change daddy.. but den there was a scary dog in a yard and..uh.." "Awww poor widdle Benny. he can handle fighting off a alien invasion but that big mean pit bull makes him go pee pee!" getting up Kevin walked behind Ben who had popped his thumb back in his mouth now, with a trail of drool going down his chin. Ben knew what was coming next and as predicted, Kevin stuck a finger the back of the waist band of his pull up and tugged back, peering inside. "Oh my! you know, I didn't smell anything but sometimes you're not so stinky so I didn't wanna get my hopes up..But amazing Benny! you're not a widdle stinker today! At least, not yet." Kevin praised and let the pull up close as Ben whimpered. "Do you need daddies help stepping out of your silly big boy pants so we can go and get you in your big thick diapies?" Kevin asked,holding out his hands. Ben shut his eyes tight, this was what he'd picked. what he'd begged for when Kevin had told him he'd humor him. begging Kevin to help Ben stay a little virgin diaper boy for life. (of course at the time Ben had meant pussy free, But Kevin took it to the next level and the only hole of Ben's that had ever gotten Kevin's big thick cock was Ben's cute mouth) taking his thumb out of his mouth, with a drool trail following to a degree, Kevin took out a rag from his back pocket and cleaned up ben's drool. "and you thought I was silly for buying all of those drool rags. I know what a drooly little baby the so called biggg hero is." Kevin teased then put his foot on the crotch of the pants and took Ben's hands, helping the silly big baby step out of his jeans and then led him by the hand to the living room. the living room was set up in two half's, one half was for Kevin and his sports watching, beer drinking nights with his friends from work. and the other half was a toddlers paradise with Kevin just saying he had a kid with a ex that got dropped off every now and then. (and loved to tease Ben about the fact all his work buddies wants to meet 'his kid') leading Benny over to a changing mat Kevin helped him sit down and then tugged Ben's shirt off and smirked. "Somebodies been hitting the chili cheese fries a little too much." he said and playfully poked the bit of pudge on Ben's tummy. Ben couldn't help but giggle at the poke and then laid back on the changing mat, his thumb popping back into his mouth. (Kevin of course knew a pacifier would of been better but just watching Lil Benny struggle to play with blocks and deal with his need to suck on SOMETHING was just too fucking cute.) Ripping the sides of the pull up open, Kevin didn't even need to tell Ben to lift his hips up and he tugged the wet pull up out from under Ben then grinned. "Oh no! it looks like the power rangers have been defeated but the big baby monster!" he said and tickled Ben's tummy, making the big baby giggle and laugh and squirm. tossing the pull up into the diaper pail with well practiced ease Kevin pulled out a super thick white diaper with the words 'big baby' and 'loser' and 'virgin 4 life' stenciled all over it and held it up. "You know Benny, you did a SUPER good job today." Kevin said, and then using a wipe he took Ben's cute little hard-on between too fingers and gently stroked him. "Ah..ah..Dada.." Ben moaned, his thumb sliding out as he found himself thrusting his hips. it had been 3 months since his last good boy reward and Ben didn't think he was gonna last too long. (of course, Ben was diapered at east once a week, but him being allowed to cum, now THAT was rare) "How about a special treat Benny?" Kevin asked and pulled his hand away as Ben whimpered and let out a frustrated little grunt. "Daddy can put you in this super thick loser diaper and let you crawl around and look silly, till you poop yourself then you can hump daddies leg." Kevin offered and Ben cocked his head, listening. "OR you can finally get this daddy dick up your cute little boy pussy, but after you cum you have to go home AND no baby time next week." Kevin finished. Ben whimpered loudly, and squirmed on the mat, looking from Kevin's crotch to the diaper, then back to the crotch. "Come on Ben, don't you wanna be a big boy at least once and get your V card punched?" Kevin asked and chuckled, rubbing his crotch with one hand. "Or do you wanna be a poopie widdle baby?" he said and then pressed the front of the slick plastic to Ben's crotch. "Di..Di..Diapers daddy!" Ben coo'ed out and then put his hands over his mouth. he'd totally meant to say dick, but just the feeling had been too much and as he locked eyes with Kevin, Kevin smirked. "Thought as much. don't worry Benny, daddy won't make that offer again and get you all confused." Kevin chuckled as Ben whimpered. "guess if we're gonna make you a farty stinky poopie baby butt before I put the diaper on you we should have Mr. poopie booster help you." Kevin added. Ben blushed and whined, but being a good widdle sexless diaper boy loser, rolled onto his tummy and stuck his ass up. "yesh Daddy. you know best." "good boy." Kevin chuckled and got up.
Filling the enema bag up in his Kitchen, Kevin rubbed himself though his pants. there was no two ways about it, he was gonna have to call Gwen over after this and a small part of him was disappointed that Benny hadn't taken the offer to get off. of course Kevin would of still diapered him and let him shit himself on daddies lap but he figured if he told Ben that now, the little guy would of had a fit. he mad sure to add some soap shavings and castor oil to the hot water mix and shook the bag up nice and good, knowing that Ben loved having a painful tummy cramping before making daddy a present. It was just one of a dozen things Kevin didn't quite get about Ben's little fetish, but hey, he got a cute little pamper packer to play with so who was he to complain? The enema bag even had been labeled with a air brush that Kevin had borrowed from work and read 'Mr. poopie booster' on it.
Ben was whimpering, mentally yelling at himself for giving up a chance to get that dick buried balls deep in him, but even as he berated himself he knew that he'd made a smart choice. (well, as smart as the choice to poop yourself in a custom diaper can be) He wasn't a big boy and shouldn't be having sex and should be thankful Kevin put up with his smelly butt and tried to force himself to stop thinking about just how awesome Kevin dick would of felt in his bum. Kevin came back in with Mr poopie booster and Ben bit his lip, Hoping daddy had been super mean and made it so he'd be cramping like crazy. he set the back up on a little hook on the the wall by the mat and then lubed the nozzle up and with two fingers started to lube Ben's forever virgin backside up. with the two fingers greasing him and sliding jusssst in and out, Ben's dicklette was leaking and Ben was gasping and coo'ing, tears leaking out at his need and his rosebud all on it's own was trying to suck Kevin's fingers in deeper. "heh, somebodies all needy. Sorry Benny, you made your choice. no take backies." Kevin said and pulled his fingers out with a pop. "ah..ah..Sowwy daddy..Bum feels so good when you pway wiff it." Ben panted and drooled, a small puddle forming by his face. "it's OK buddy. if i thought you could control yourself you wouldn't be in diapers would you?" Kevin asked and then leaned down and kissed Ben's cheek as he slid the nozzle in. "Loser~"
Kevin smirked as Ben went cross eyed as the nozzle slid in and then started the mixture flowing. he made sure to rub Ben's back and watched him for any warning signs that he should stop the flow, having done this enough times to know the difference between the normal discomfort and something being very wrong. It was always a little fascinating to watch Ben's tummy bloat out as the bag of fluid flowed into him. If it was Kevin he'd of hated all of this but Ben was getting a glazed look in his eyes and a stupid grin on his face as he started to twitch and wiggle with what Kevin supposed was the cramps. "ah..ah..I'm a little loooser for daddy. I love my daddy! daddy's sexless stinky diaper loser wiff a tummy full of poopie waiting to come out!" This was the other half of the fun of filling Ben up with the enema. somehow having his guts filled fried baby Ben's brain and he'd say the cutest and silliest stuff. 'at least he's all tinkled out.' Kevin thought, since normally he'd have a balloon or something around baby Ben's pee pee to catch his piss. all that leaked out today however was baby milk as Ben's super swollen balls were loaded and the Nozzle was pressing right on Ben's g spot. "ah..ah..Daddddy! Call me a looooser!" Ben whined and Kevin was shaken out of his thoughts. "heh. of course your a little loser Ben. you could of had any girl or guy you wanted, even with your micro dick but instead you wanna be a sexless diaper shitting bitch. that makes you what?" Kevin asked and reached down, to ruffle Ben's hair. "A total loooser~" Ben gurgled as the bag finished up. "That'sssss right~" The next part was the tricky one and Kevin got the big custom diaper unfolded and placed under when Ben would be shortly, and then sprinkled and powdered him while he was on his knees. trying to put a plug in Ben after a enema was useless, the diapers were too tick to pull the plug out and not get his hand covered in shit. with his tummy bloated out like he was 6 months pregnant Ben was off in baby land and wasn't much help but that was OK, as the daddy some things just fell on him to figure out and if Ben could trust in him to do it, Kevin would get it done. In one practiced move Kevin got Ben flipped over and on the diaper, hand the front tugged mostly it, and then pulled the plug out and tapped the diaper up all in one swift series of movements. the effect of the plug no longer in Ben was instant though. "DADDY I'M POOPING!"
Ben's mind was in a haze. oh, sure the cramps were super owie but that's just want a diaper shitting loser like him deserved and he was soo lucky to have a daddy who knew exactly what he was and would make him the loser he was, but still treat him like a cute widdle guy. as his thick diaper was taped up and the enema came gushing out Ben's dick twitched wildly, the hot mush coming out and filling his diaper felt sooo good and of course daddy had picked a diapie with ZERO stink guard. as his tummy deflated and the cramps started to lessen the room was filled with Ben's stinky smell and laying on his back Ben sucked his thumb big time and sniffed eagerly, even as daddy made a wave and waved a hand. "whew, no more chili for you little man! stinkkkky!" Kevin said. Ben knew that Kevin actually liked the smell just as much as him, but he also liked to play it up so Ben could feel like a naughty little stinker. There was just one problem, and as Ben kept shitting his guts out he tried to get it out to daddy. "ah..D-D-Daddy! I..I's.I'm gonna.." Ben gasped, the poopies were rushing out so fast and the warm mush around his dicky felt soo good. ..but he was suppose to make his cummie humping daddies leg! Kevin seemed to know what was wrong and just smiled, picking Ben up and squishing his smelly rear. "it's ok buddy. you can make goo goo gaga." he said and then kissed Ben on the lips. the kiss pushed him over the edge and months of pent up baby milk joined Ben's poopies, the big babies eyes rolling back in his head as he came super hard. before he blacked out from the pure pleasure his little loser body was experiencing, Ben had one thought. 'Sex is over rated. this is the bestest way to cum!'
The end
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summary: you became fuck buddies with Rafael after your friend Rita played matchmaker. As a FBI agent, you’re helping SVU during the manhunt of Yates and Rudnick.
words: 3,141
warnings: smut, pegging, sub/dom, sexting, alcohol
i’m very insecure about writing smut... let me know if i’m doing to good job or if i should stop... also, sorry for the typos..
High hopes
Rafael Barba wished he had stayed in bed today. The day kept getting worse and worse. He was stuck in Rikers Island for hours, only to find out that Yates and Rudnick escaped. He growled and wished he could go back to last night, in bed with you.
You met Rafael through Rita Calhoun, or so to speak. You waited in front of the courthouse one day, to go to lunch with your friend, and she was walking down with a handsome dark-haired man. She gave you a quick sign, telling you to wait a minute, but you walked up to them instead. “What don’t you understand in this sign?” she asked, raising her forefinger, just like she did a minute ago.
“I understand this one better,” you showed your middle finger, with a big grin. You heard her friend laughing on your left.
“Very elegant, Y/N.” she answered. “Barba, we’ll go back to that later. Giving you time to come to your senses,”
“To put your hopes too high, Rita,”
“You must be ADA Barba,” you interrupted them and offered your hand to him.
“And you are?” he asked, taking his time to shake your hand.
“Agent Y/N Y/L/N, FBI. Rita’s cutest friend,”
“Cute, indeed,” Barba agreed, even if he would say beautiful, sexy and powerful.
“Dear god, I’m gonna throw up,” Rita spoke up. “You know what, Y/N, I’ll give you his number and you’ll contact him so I don’t have to watch this,”
And Rita did give you his number. You tentatively texted him a few days after, to which he openly responded. In a few days, you and Rafael had your first physical encounter. Rules are simple; just sex, no feelings. Rafael was fine with it, casual relationships have been his thing for many years but it always ends because the other caught feelings. Never him. On your side, you just never fell really in love. You had boyfriends, you had feelings, but never enough to make it work. You know this comes from your sad childhood but you never wanted to give a try to some therapy bullshit. You were fine with it.
Sex with Rafael was amazing. Actually, ‘amazing’ is a small word to what it actually was. The best you ever had. But no chance in hell, you let him know that. His ego’s already big enough, he doesn’t need to feel more cocky in bed. It was so good though, it became more and more regular. You couldn’t get enough of each other. And as you started to trust more one another, you began to try new things. Try, discover.
You and Rafael were so damn compatible sexually speaking. And you both managed to keep feelings out of it. Or so you thought.
That day became such a mess, FBI got brought in. When Rafael saw you walking into the precinct, he felt his body reacting immediately. “Not the time to get aroused, Rafael,” he warned himself. But how could he not? You had that powerful strut, like you owned the room. Rafael had never been into badass women before, he likes that in men. But you were a badass and god how it turns him on. He thought about the few times you got dominant on him. He needs more of that. He needs more of you.
He watched you introducing yourself to Olivia, and then to the rest of the squad. When you finally noticed him, you just gave him a nod before walking over to him. “Field Agent Y/L/N, me and my team are here to find your two escaped prisoners,” you had a smile plastered on your face. As if it was fun to you. “Don’t worry, I do that every day of the week,” you added, loud enough so the squad heard.
“This is bad, Y/N,” he said, barely above a whisper. You could feel he was extremely tense, he must go through a lot of pressure because of the situation.
After a briefing with everyone involved in the search, you quickly grabbed your phone and texted Rafael.
When this is all over, I’ll suck the pressure out of you.
You can read him. He hates it. But your text got him more aroused.
Rafael stayed at the precinct all night long, waiting for good news. You were around somewhere, chasing after Yates and Rudnick. He was exhausted. He couldn’t wait for this to be over.
Find them, babygirl. I don’t know how long I can wait. He texted you. Was it bad to think about you, your body, your most intimate parts, in a time like this? Probably. But it made this night go faster. He’s an ADA, there’s nothing he can do, except waiting. Many times he was told to go home. He could have. But he wanted you to take him home. He didn’t want to leave without you.
Maybe he was screwed already.
Still up, Sir, huh? Can’t go to sleep without a good fuck?
Y/N, do you really want to sext during a manhunting you’re leading?
Dodds driving. He thinks I’m exchanging with my team. To be fair, I am. You like when we sext, don’t you?
You know I do. But this is not an appropriate time to make me hard.
Cause sending me a pic of you masturbating while I’m out with my friends is appropriate, maybe?
Aw, still mad about that, babygirl? I thought you liked it.
I did. But you still haven’t paid for that.
Wasn’t I a good boy last night?
Hell, no and you know it. A good boy doesn’t come until he’s allowed to.
More punishment to come, Rafaelito. Just you wait.
Damn. Be fast, Y/N.
Everyone was out there looking for the two fugitives, so Rafael went to the restroom. He was getting really hard and he just wanted to stroke himself. But he couldn’t. The guilt gets the best of him. He can’t masturbate in SVU’s restroom in the middle of a manhunting. This is highly inappropriate. He couldn’t help but to look at nudes you sent him, though. After the first one you sent, you asked for his phone and made it secure. He had to enter a password to access the files where all your pictures were. There’s one he particularly loves and it’s not nude you sent. It’s a picture he took one night, while he had you handcuffed to his bed frame. He had just made you cum with his tongue and fingers, you had bites marks and hickeys on your body. You looked desperate in a good way. Your lips were swollen for all the kissing. He stood up on the bed, with his phone in hand. “Wh—what are you doing?” You asked, out of breath and confused.
“Immortalising my work of art,” he said and snapped the picture. “You’re so damn beautiful when you come down from your high, with all of these marks I made,”
What was he doing? Was he falling for you? No, he can’t. You have rules. He just fell for your fucking body. Your perfect body he can’t stop thinking about. He gave himself a few strokes while looking at the pictures but he got stopped by a text from Liv, saying they got Rudnick. He became self conscious about what he was doing. He zipped himself back in his pants, answered to Liv and waited until his erection was gone.
It took a few more hours before you found Yates too. He had been shot by you. Rafael didn’t know what to make of it. You never talk about your job or his, he doesn’t know how you’ll feel about killing someone. Maybe he won’t have sex for now. He had to go to his office anyway.
Putting an all nighter isn’t for him anymore. Poor man was exhausted, so he allowed himself a quick nap on his couch in the afternoon. He woke up, too his phone and saw he had a text from you.
Meet me tonight? My place?
Yes, please.
He showed up at your apartment around 7. He still didn’t know what to expect. He knocked and heard you saying it was open. He let himself in. He had come to your apartment three or four times only, you mostly met at his place. But he loves your apartment, it was minimalist but cozy, with a specific smell that was yours. He spotted you on your couch, a glass of wine in hand and another one of scotch waiting on the coffee table. He dropped his suitcase next to your kitchen counter and went to sit next to you.
“How are you?” He asked after a moment.
“Exhausted. I’m too old for sleepless nights,”
He laughed at that. You’re younger than him. “Don’t tell me about it,”
“Why did you stay? You could’ve gone back home. An ADA isn’t much help in a manhunt,”
“You ‘do that everyday of the week’, I thought it wouldn’t take you long to get them and that I could go home with you,”
“Teasing me, Rafael? Aren’t you in deep trouble already?”
“A little more, a little less. Who cares?”
“Finish your drink and get on your knees in front of me, Barba,”
He was in deep trouble every time you called him ‘Barba’. He did as told, he took the last sip of his scotch and got on his knees in front of you, waiting for your instructions. “Undress me,” you ordered. He undid your dark cargo pants, you lift your hips so he could take it off you. He then took off your blue blouse. You were in your underwear, matching dark purple lace. “Matching underwear, huh?” He smiled.
“Did I say you could talk?” You snapped.
“No ma’am. Sorry,” he swallowed. He was so hard already.
“Your case is getting worse, Barba. I want you to make me feel good, okay? You gonna take that silver tongue on yours and make me cum hard in your mouth,”
He nodded and softly traced his way on your thigh to your pussy with his mouth. He gave you a few kisses above the fabric of your panties and he put them aside. You were so wet and hot. He loved it but he didn’t say anything. He lapped a few times your clit, made small circles with his tongue before he gently hit it and sucked. He heard you moan and felt your nails on his scalp. He could cum by just eating you, but he had to control himself. He failed you two nights before, he can’t do it again. Rafael ate you like a starved man, until he felt your muscles tensing. You came on his face, chanting his name as you did. He felt proud. You were still coming down your high when you ordered him to go into the bedroom and wait for you, naked on your bed.
Rafael waited for what seemed to be hours. He had no idea what you were doing in the living room. He was naked on your bed and his erection was losing up. You finally joined him, with a glass of wine in one hand. You took sight of you as you drank. He felt like a prey and he loved every second of it. The look on your face as you looked at him was overwhelming. He felt like he was some kind of a sex god. “Getting tired, Barba?” You asked, finishing your drink.
“Never,” he answered, eagerly.
You put the glass on your desk and got on the bed. Your body was covering his and you kissed him deeply. You felt his cock getting hard against your abdomen. “Do you trust me?” You asked. For a moment, there was no game. No dominance. You just needed his trust and he gave it to you with a nod. You smiled, kissed him again and went to your closet.
You knew about Rafael’s bisexuality and you thought he was the one you could try the fantasy with. You came back and dropped a box next to the bed. He had no idea what was inside but he couldn’t wait to find out. But first, you wanted to go down on him. Your body over his, you gently kissed his neck and chest, biting here and there. “Hands above your head,” you said. “You don’t touch me, unless I allow you to,”
“Yes ma’am,” he answered, breathing hard from the teasing. He loves when you worship his body like this. It makes him feel good looking, sexy even.
“I’m gonna suck your big cock, Rafaelito. But if you come in my mouth, we won’t see each other for a long moment,” you warned him and he whined. “Show me what a good boy you are, or I’ll find someone else,”
Rafael tried to ignore the twinge in his heart when you said that. He doesn’t want you to find someone else. “I’ll be good, Y/N. I promise,” he breathed out. He was dying to touch you, kiss your body just like you’re kissing his. He was dying to fuck you senseless and ruin every other man for you.
The first lick you gave on his cock made him jump. “God,” he muttered. “Think about some boring law stuff,” he told himself. You took an enormous time licking and kissing his length before finally taking him in your mouth. You feel so warm, so good. You sucked him for a moment, you could feel his hips moving so his cock could hit the bottom of your throat. You watched him losing it. Rafael was fighting his urge to grab your hair and guide your mouth on him. You sucked his balls to give him a rest, but his cock was throbbing. He wanted to come, so bad. You went back to his long and heavy length, until you felt him grabbing your face and pulling you off. “I—I was about to—“ he was out of breath, “I’m sorry. Lo siento,” Rafael was all sweaty, his heart was racing so hard, he was sure you could hear it. “You’re so good—you—“ you shut him with a kiss and used your body to make him lay down again.
He took the opportunity to run his hands over your body. Since you didn’t say anything, he kept going and felt your skin under his fingers. He knew you were giving him time to recover, to gain control of his orgasm, but no matter what you had in mind next, he wasn’t going to last long. “Need a drink?” You gently offered.
“I—I’d like to, yes,”
He watched your ass sway as you left the room. You had grabbed your empty glass on the way, and came back with both glasses full. You sat to his side while you both drunk. He was staring. “Are you okay?” He asked.
You smiled. “Sure. Aren’t you?”
“On the edge,” he giggled.
You leaned in to kiss him. It wasn’t like the usual kisses. It was soft, tender, almost loving. “Your relief is coming, don’t worry,” you smiled against his mouth.
Once you both had finished your drinks, you finally showed him what was in the box. Among other things was a strap-on. You showed it to Rafael and saw his eyes darken. You needed his approval. “What do—?” You started to ask but he cut you off.
“Yes, yes! Yes, please,”
His reaction was better than you imagined. With a grin on your face, you jumped back on your bed and asked him to grab the lub from the nightstand. “To be honest, I’ve never done that before,” you giggled. Rafael could see you were a little tipsy - and maybe nervous? - but he trusted you anyway.
He cupped your cheek. “I trust you, Y/N. I’m all yours,” there was more means to this. He was yours in so many ways.
Before you started, he made one request. He wanted to be on his back while you fucked him with the strap-on. He wanted to see you, to look at you. He also wanted you to see him. Your looks make him feel so good.
After agreeing, you started to work on his butthole. You gently stroked with your saliva at first, and put some lube on your fingers before you slid one in him. He let out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding. You gently worked on opening him. You were watching him all along, looking for any sign of discomfort on his face, but all you could see was pleasure. “Fuck me with it, please, Y/N,” he begged. Rafael was so hard, so excited, he didn’t know how long he could control himself.
You lined the plastic cock with his open butthole. “You can do better than that, Rafael,”
“Give it to you, I’m begging you. I need you to fuck me good, mi amor,” neither you or him paid attention to the pet name.
You gently pushed the strap-on into Rafael. Still staring at his face to see if it was okay, but he kept begging for more. After it was all in, you started to thrust into him. Slow and deep at first, you watched the plastic thing disappearing inside his ass, and Rafael’s cock rocking hard. “I’m gonna—I need to come, Y/N, please,”
Poor thing was on the edge more than he ever been. “Come for me, Rafael,”
He grabbed his cock and gave himself a few strokes until he came hard, screaming your name in the middle of Spanish curses. You were already soaking wet but the sight of him coming as you were fucking him, could’ve made you come too. It was beautiful. He was beautiful.
As he was coming down from his orgasm, he saw you on the edge of the bed, fingering yourself. You needed the relief too. Rafael used his last strength to sit up and replace your fingers with his. He fingerfucked you and sucked on your nipples. You were holding him so close to your chest, he could barely breathe but he didn’t mind. He kept going until you came. He caught your moans with his mouth and watched you falling apart.
Screw the rules, he was in love.
Once you both came down, Rafael was scared you’d asked him to leave. No cuddling was also a rule. But tonight you didn’t care. You turned off the light and crawled into bed with him. “Does that mean I can stay?” He asked.
You tiredly giggled. “You’re asking now that I turned off the light?”
“Just wanted to make sure,” he said. “Can I hold you though?”
“Spoon or nothing,” you said.
Spooning you was perfect to Rafael.
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yuniv-bluetea · 3 years
Good Enough Pt.1 ( Topper x male reader)
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requested by @bxlynnx​ Topper Thornton and Sarah Cameron were dead news. The whole island guessed that already and got it finally confirmed when Sarah brought her new boyfriend to a party. John Booker Routledge. Or simply John (fucking) B(itch Bastard). His name alone made Topper’s blood boil. Being pissed off by only thinking about these two Topper put his weights aside and marched to the balcony of the room. What was Sarah even thinking when she replaced him with..this Pogue trash ? A fresh breeze tickles his bare chest as he closes his eyes breathing slowly in and out. There was no use in crying after Sarah. He could have everybody. Hell. Why does he even care ? .....Because he simply does. Topper truly did love Sarah and even if literally nobody would believe him....his heart shattered into million of pieces when he found out about her and John B. Wasn’t he a good enough for her ? Was he not a perfect boyfriend ? ...”Did she actually loved me ?”, he whispers to himself and looks at the beach. It was the place where they had their first date that turned into a nightmare..in a funny way. .... “ That’s it !” Topper knew that he would explode if he did not do anything to ease his mind. Revenge. Oh yeah..You better watch out John Bastard Routledge, ‘cause two can play this game ! Since Topper had no idea straightaway how to plot revenge against John B, he decided to just beat the shit out of him and then..maybe by then a better plan would occur to him. So he drove right away to his enemies’ house, plastered the helmet on his motorcyle and went for a direct attack. “Hey John B ~? Yeah right, you asshole..Get out !”, he screamed while pounding the door, knowing that Mr Routledge probably wasn’t at home which meant he could only find John B and his crew here..except- “We got it, big boy ! You’re pissed, jeez...Grow a pair,..you’re acting like a baby..”, scolded (y/n)  him as he opened the door rather unenthusiastic. (Y/N) was John B’s older brother...a guy you don’t fuck with. ‘Cause he decides with whom he fucks or not. So, in short : the bad boy of the Pogue. “ Johnny boi isn’t here ~” Topper knew just like everyone else that (y/n) was a total- “You don’t have to stare at me like that. I know that I’m a total snack ~” - douchebag who just kinda knows what the chicks want. Rolling his eyes at (y/n) comment, he just turns around walking back to his motorcycle. “ Hey, Thornton !”, confused Topper turns around “ I’m sorry that it did not work out for Sarah and you” What a bitch, making fun of him like that. “Sure..as if you would care about such stuff” Not waiting for a response, Topper just drives home. “You’ve definitly have to come to Jeff’s party today” “ Agreed...I mean, man....Come on ! Stop being a pussy...You’re no longer Sarah’s bitch. And the party is gonna be lit”. Knowing Rafe that meant drugs would come to play again. “Yeah, stop acting like you’re still Sarah’s bitch. It’s getting weird and Jeff’s party is tradition ”, adds Kelce to the conversation. Sometimes Topper wonders how these two dudes could become his best friends. “Alright,alright...Same time ?” There was no point in denying that Jeff’s party’s always were top-tier. Food of the highest quality, good music, high-proof alcohol and everyone had the time of their lives...well, almost everyone. Further away from the crowd of people in the villa and outside of it, one sad soul sat in a less crowded area staring into the flames of the bonfire close to him. It been hours ago since he saw his friends. Probably they were somewhere doing drugs or some other shit. Normaly he would have brought Sarah with him and the time would fly away... Again a sip of wodka ran through his throat, his mind slowly turning into jelly. Since it was really hot, Topper unbottened his shirt further and looked aimlessly around him. His eyes catched a familiar frame. Oh shit. What are they doing here ?! “..stupid Jeff !” Of course.. if you have a host whose girlfriend is a Pogue..the other odd creatures are feeling welcome too. Focused on ignoring his favourite..definitely drunk..couple, he didn’t notice that someone sat down next to him. “ Big Boy still pissed ?” “WOah..No..I mean..Why are you smelling like Ramen ?” “Like what ?” “....” “How many of these did you had already ?” Confused Topper looked at his cup. “  I dunno”, clueless he shrugs his shoulders “ like four-ish.” “Four-ish ?”, with his free hand (y/n)  grabbed something from the bottom and revealed two bottles of fancy stuff. “Up for the challenge ?” Neither one of them knew at this moment how these drinks would change the whole outcome of this night. “...So she cheated on Danny too ?”, a small giggle escaped (y/n)’s lips. “ Yeah..yeah...and then..then I became her next sucker for a time...” “Wow..that’s sucks” Both of them broke into a rage of laughter, even if there was nothing funny about it. (Y/N) leaned closer to Topper “ Where are your.. ‘buddies’..actually ?” “Somewhere..”, feeling a bit dizzy Topper placed his left hand on (y/n)’s thigh. “ I mean...I know what most people think of them..that they are jerks.. Weeell they kinda are..but..nahh so am I. ...We fit and have also good ..mo..moments...and shit like that. ... Even if I still kinda wish to have other friends sometimes..but..you know. What if end up being alone ?” “I don’t thi-” “I meaan..People want you to be real with them and then..When I’m talking about how shi..shitty I feel they are...OHHH stop it ! We don’t annoy you with our struggle either, so don’t being a selfish whiny biitch !” “ You are not a whi-” “Not that I have someone to talk to about”, plastered he tapped his chest “THAT...maybe my mum...but she hates me now..dunno why she started with that actually..just kinda happened..I mean I always been be suuuper shy and quiet boo..so you what could I have done... WrOng” “...” A sudden heat rose up Topper’s head. “S-Sorry I’m talking.. like talking..too much..Sorry” “Don’t be. ...You know I also don’t have someone to talk about my feelings. And I guess I’m okay..even though I reaally don’t feel like it..maybe ? Rat’s ass....Let’s talk about something else ! Topper could swear they kept on talking for months. But he was also super drunk, so maybe only a few hours past when some girl walked straight towards them. “Oh hey (y/n) ! It’s been a while since we last saw each other-” “Who are you ?” Suprised the girl stopped in her tracks. “It’s me...your ex..(r/n)..hehe...It’s been only two months since our break up...” Confused (y/n) looked at Topper. “Was I really stu-stupid enough to date ...that ?”, asked (y/n) Topper shocked and began laughing when (r/n) stormed angry away. The alcohol was getting the best of them. “Oh man..”, chuckled Topper as he looked away. “You’re really..really,really a dick !” Finding that statement somehow funny, (y/n) began laughing again. “ Is that so ?” “Mhm..”,nodded Topper as he took a sip. (Y/N) joined him and gave him a big smile. His cheeks were flushed. His soul at peace. His brain...not present. So it had to happen that (y/n) dropped that bomb on Topper. “..Well... Well,you know big boy, I guess there is some truth in the saying ‘You are what you eat’ after all..” Topper spitted out his drink and looked at (y/n) who drank from his drink again not realizing what he just had done. “..wHuT ???” Silence. “..Oh..upsi” Next thing Topper knew, he threw up big time.
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imlostinsantacarla · 4 years
@the-outsiders-blogg​ this is for you! if anyone’s wondering where the inspiration for this random ass imagine came from, there it is ➡ here. anyways i hope enjoy this! - admin kat 🌙❣
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Darry Interrogating Sodapop and Ponyboy Over Milk Being Put in the Cupboard Headcanons:
° So this all starts one sunny morning when Darry’s punk ass is looking for the milk in the fridge before work bc he finally wants some fucking cereal man. But he can’t find the milk. So he goes looking in the cupboard for a plate to put his toast on, bc Darry’s bland and likes that shit dry asff!
° Which leads him to find the milk in the cupboard and ma boii goes off!
° “Soda! Pony! Which one you idiots put the milk in the cupboard?” Darry hollers from the open cupboard in the kitchen. He’s dumbfounded, his kid brothers are fools!
° “What do you mean, Dar?” Soda inquires, damp wheat colored hair being combed into its usual hairstyle whilst he waltzes into the kitchen with a cocked brow.
° “Did you hear me stutter?” Darry deadpans, icy eyes glowering into Sodapop’s.
° “No, seriously! What are you talkin’ about, Dar?” Ponyboy asks before biting into the reddest apple you’ve ever seen. The kid looks honestly so baffled.
° “This isn’t funny! One of you guys did it, so fess up! The milks off now because of the heatwave. I swear if you admit it I won’t be mad.” Darry turns to face the boys, large hands articulating his speech.
° “You’re already mad, dammit!” Soda states, a smile creeping on his face because he honestly cannot believe that Darry’s bitching about milk right now.
° “Yeah, it wasn’t us.” Ponyboy mumbles with a mouthful of apple. Though to be fair, he’s kinda shitting it whilst looking at Sodapop because maybe… just maybe one of them did put the milk in the cupboard instead of the fridge? He has a distinct faint image in his head of the milk jug going into the cupboard, but was it him or Soda?
° Soda’s like ‘lol same’ mentally and just shares a look of uncertainty with Pony for a moment before turning to look at their eldest brother who looks totally done with their shit.
° “Listen, I can’t be wasting my damn money on milk when you two dumb fucks keep pullin’ stupid shit like this!” Oh, Darry’s mad!
° “Darry, honestly, we didn’t do shit! Why would we-” Soda’s kinda getting miffed at this point because like wtf? Man, maybe he did do it, but is he gonna admit this shit? Hell no! He’s questioning himself mentally, ‘Am I really that dumb? I mean, I know I dropped out and all…’
° “Don’t you get mouthy with me, you damn shit!” Darry’s red in the face, pointing a finger at Soda.
° “Listen, I’ll buy you some damn milk, Super Dope!” Steve interjects exasperated by how stupid this argument is.
° “What’d you just fucking call me?!” Darry slams his fist on the counter, getting ready to square tf up to Steve. Lmaoo Steve can’t help but laugh under his breath.
° “Darry, he’s right! It’s not a big deal, we can get some more milk.” Pony mumbles quietly, his eyes evading his eldest brother’s in fear he was gonna go off on a tangent again. Although Pony hated Steve, he really didn’t want to see the guy get his two front teeth knocked out over some damn milk.
° “Pony, I don’t wanna hear it! It was either you or Soda, and it’s about the principal of putting the damn milk away like a normal person! Use your damn head for once!” Darry snaps, this is clearly more than just some damn milk. I mean, Pony didn’t even think that cereal was even that good. Pony thought Darry should just stick to his tar-like coffee and get on going to his work by now.
° “Hey! How’re you so certain that is was me and Pony that did it, huh? Pony uses his damn head real swell, Dar and you know it!” Soda’s now pointing fingers at Darry now, it’s like an episode of Modern Family lmaoo.
° “I don’t have time for this and stop getting mouthy, kid!” Darry’s so exasperated that he walks out bc lol his ass is gonna be late for work now.
° The screen door just slams shut and Two-bit is sat on his backside with a beer by his side and a whole damn chocolate cake in his lap and the rest of the gang is like, “What?!”.
° “Man, I thought I put that in the fridge!” Two-bit grins widely.
° "And you didn't say anything?!" Pony and Soda cry in unison, staring at their beloved prankster of a friend with a look that could most certainly kill.
° “Two, how drunk are you right now on a scale of one to ten?” Steve quips with a scowl on his face. He almost got his teeth knocked out because of this idiot!
° “Pretty fucking drunk to pull a dumb fucking move like that, Steve. Why’re you even askin’ him that for?” Dallas pipes up from Darry’s armchair, his calloused fingers scraping against the stubble beginning to grow on his chin.
° Johnny's like 👀 bc the drama of it all!
° "I'm a fish,” Two-bit mutters under his breath, his attention now being stolen by none other than Mickey.
° "Jesus christ! Go get some milk you idiot!" Soda snaps bitterly as he walks out with Steve, Pony and Johnny in toe because they’re all gonna be late for work and school now.
° Lmaoo now it’s all quiet, except for the blaring audio coming from the television. 
° Dallas and Two-bit are left alone.
° "You being serious that you did that shit man?" Dally asks after ten solid minutes of silence.
° "I swear it was the fridge, Dal. I swear!" Two-bit looks at his buddy, a wise cracking grin plastered on his face.
° "Man, you're a lost cause." Dally chuckles before getting up to his feet to fetch himself a beer from the fridge. It’s not even 9am!
° Anyways, when Darry comes home that night there’s now five jugs of milk on the dining table bc everyone, - except for Two-bit bc he forgot -, bought some damn milk. I mean, even Dally stole some from the corner store.
° "Now there's too much milk! I ain't paying you all back. You better buckle up Popeye style because I'm not drinking it on my own." Darry snaps irritably as he looks at all the milk on the kitchen table, the entire gang is gathered around said table looking like a bunch of dumb butts.
° "Popeye loves spinach Darry not milk." Pony corrects Darry, bitch is mumbling under his breath but Darry whips his head up bc he fucking heard him!
° "I swear to god if you smart mouth me again I’ll-"
° "Darry! Stop okay? You bitched about having no milk, now you've got more. Eat your damn cereal you big BABY! And leave my kid brother alone!" The sass coming from Soda kinda makes everyone get a bit silent bc lmaoo not this shit again!
° "Man, can you guys quit arguin’? Two’s the one who fucking did that shit this morning! He admitted to all of us, I'm not a fucking snitch or nothin’ but fuck this is annoying." Dally would gripe as he takes a carton of milk, bursts it open and starts chugging it. Lmaoo it was the one he stole. He can’t listen to this shit any more, he’s gonna go insane. ‘What a bunch of pussies.’ He grumbles in his head.
° "Two, you fucking put my milk in the cabinet?!" Darry roars, his head whipping towards the living room where Two-bit’s sitting on his ass watching tv again.
° “Did I? I thought it was the fridge!" Lmaoo it’s so innocent the way he says it.
° Pony almost has a stroke.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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escapingreality1992 · 4 years
Satisfaction Needed
Loki X OC - Mina has always finished herself off after meeting up with her fuck buddy. Her secret is revealed to Natasha and Wanda while walking. To make matters worse, she is told she needs to bring a date to an Avengers party. With her options limited, she chooses to go with Loki. She meets up with Emmett, her fuck buddy, before the party and again he denies her another orgasm putting an end to their relationship. Left with no time to masturbate, she changes and goes down to the party horny as hell. Once she lands on Loki’s thigh wrong, it does nothing to help her arousal. Loki pulls her aside and helps her deal with the situation.
Warnings: use of the word ‘slut’. Thigh Riding. Explicit Sex.
           Wanda, Natasha and I were taking a walk around the block, talking about life. We were best friends, enjoying each other’s company whenever we could. Somehow the subject changed from details of a future girls’ night to our love life; a secret of my own coming to life.
           “I thought I heard you masturbating the other night, Mina. Is Mr. Irish Eyes not doing it for you?” Natasha said.
           “Wow. Cut to chase Natasha. Don’t ease into the subject,” I said, sarcasm dripping from my tone.
           “Oh, I’m sorry. I just thought I’d ask. I wanted make sure you’re being satisfied,” she countered. I rolled my eyes, avoiding the question.
           “Out with it. Does he keep you entertained? Or does he bore you?” Wanda demanded. I could always count on my friends to be bold with me. They didn’t care who was around or how private the subject might be. Both women nudged their elbows into my side, attempting to get me to talk.
           “Stop. Stop. Fine. If you must know, Emmett doesn’t exactly let me…you know,”
           “Hah! He has a name. He doesn’t let you what? Spill!” Natasha pressed.
           “Finish. He won’t finish me off. He gets off, sure. When it comes to my orgasm, though, he doesn’t care. Just pulls out, leaving me throbbing. By the way, he’s not Irish. He’s purely American like me. With emerald eyes,” I confessed. Heat flooded my cheeks, traveling down to my neck. Wanda and Natasha stopped walking and traded looks with each other. Shock was evident on their features and I almost regretted telling them. Almost.
           “I’m sorry. Did you say he won’t let you orgasm? Is this every time or on occasion?” Wanda asked. The heat intensified, only answering her question further. Another exchange of a look.
           “Why are you still with him? I mean, that’s downright awful. What kind of a man doesn’t let a woman finish? How can he call himself a great boyfriend?” Wanda continued.
           “Ah. Well, he’s not my boyfriend. Technically speaking. We’re only fuck buddies. I don’t mind, really. I manage to take care of my issue when I get back to the compound. Before anyone notices. Except for Natasha, apparently,” I replied. I linked my arms through theirs, pulling them along to finish our walk.
           “Don’t feel bad, Mina. Nothing tends to get past me anyway. You should remedy this problem. Get rid of Emmett and date a real man,” Natasha commented. I laughed, grateful to have her as friend. I truly admired her honesty.
           “No time. Hence the fuck buddy,” I commented.
           “You could always date one of the boys. I hear Steve and Bucky are single. So are Sam, Thor and Loki,” Wanda suggested.
           “Too complicated, I think,”
           “It’s not that complicated. We’re all in the same field of work and we all live together. I think it might be easier with one of them,” Wanda argued.
           “Unless we break up. Then it’s just awkward. And I wouldn’t dare be fuck buddies with one of them. Natasha would only spy on us,” I quipped. She burst out laughing, knowing I was right. “Seriously, though. I’m okay with it. I don’t need to be set up with anyone. I’m not ready right now,”
           “Not ready for what?” Tony asked as we entered the compound. He followed us to the kitchen while we got water, continuing the conversation.
           “A relationship. Not that it’s any of your business, Stark,” I said. I shot him a snarky grin, skirting past him to the fridge.
           “Okay, ouch, Mina. I only asked a simple question. I wasn’t trying to get all up in your business. Speaking of relationships or in this case a date, who are you bringing to the party next week?” he shot back. He feigned being injured in his chest, which set us off laughing again.
           “No one. I kind of wanted to go alone. No attachments,”
           “You might want to rethink your decision. Bringing a date is mandatory. We’re all supposed to be paired up with someone, regardless of being in a relationship with someone,” he informed me. I groaned in frustration, my nose scrunching up in disgust.
           “Why? I can bet you 10 dollars Strange isn’t bringing anyone. He never brings anyone anyway. Why do we have to?” I complained.
           “One, he’s too busy to meet anyone to bring a date and two, he’s not coming this time. He got called off to another universe, which interferes with the date of the party,” Tony stated.
           “I doubt it’s the real reason he’s not coming. He probably heard a date was mandatory and opted out of it because he can’t find one. I’d be willing to bet no one in their right mind wants to date a second-rate sorcerer like him,” a new person said, joining the conversation. We all turned our attention to the source of the voice; Loki, God of Mischief. He chose not to dress in his usual Asgardian garb. The leather suit with his signature green and gold were gone replaced by a black tailored shirt – two buttons opened to show off a portion of his chest – and black pants. His raven black hair curled around his shoulders, those green eyes sparkling with a sort of malice as he spoke.
           “Brother, I don’t know why you have an issue with the wizard, but you should be a little nicer when talking about him. Try to be a little more polite,” Thor’s booming voice chimed.
           “Do you ever wear a shirt? Or is that just for public outings and not in the compound?” Nat asked. She gestured to the half-dressed God of Thunder. He only beamed a smile of confidence, showing of his muscles more.
           “Enjoying the sight, Natasha?” he said. She rolled her eyes and I snickered at her.
           “What about Steve? Bucky? Sam? Are they bringing someone?” I asked, turning the conversation back to the original topic.
           “Steve is bringing Sharon Carter, I believe. Bucky is going with Natasha. Sam has a reporter friend he’s planning on bringing. You know Wanda is going with Vision,” Tony answered.
           “Sitting this one out,”
           “He’s bringing his wife. I’ve got Pepper before you ask. Which now leaves you, Thor and…Loki without a date,” he replied. Loki, without a date, I thought, weighing my options.
           “Mina, you could accompany me to the party. No one could ignore the God of Thunder and his beautiful siren,” Thor offered. He still beamed with confidence, but my mind was still caught on taking Loki to the party.
           “It’s probably too late to ask some civilian right?” I asked, drumming my nails on the counter, deciding whether or not to commit to my decision.
           “What about Emmett?” Wanda suggested. I waved it away with the flick of my wrist.
           “No, he doesn’t like events like these,”
           “Who’s Emmett?” Tony and I spoke at the same time.
           “Someone who I like to call around to fuck. He’s not important,” I answered his question. Silence filled the room as Tony, Thor, and Loki stared at me. Tony’s mouth had dropped open, his eyes had widened while processing the information. Loki arched an eyebrow, a smirk stretching his lips. Thor looked like a deer caught in headlights.
           “You have fuck buddy?”
           “I think I’ll go with Loki,” Again, Tony and I said at the same time.
           “One more time, Tony and we’ll have to play jinx,” I warned. He gulped, putting his hands up in surrender.
           “Did you say you’re taking Loki? Why on Earth would you do that?” Wanda asked. Thor’s smile had dropped once I had picked Loki. I think he would have preferred for me to take him.
           “He looks good in a suit. Plus, no one ever invites him to formal events, and I’d hate to allow him to sit alone in his room,” I replied, deliberately walking up to Loki. I let my hand rest against his chest, stroking his skin with my thumb.
           “Oh, this is going to be fun,” he commented, flashing a mischievous grin. I think it meant to intimidate me, but I flashed one of my own at him.
           “Looking forward to it,” I retorted. I winked, squeezing his bicep as I passed by. A mistake. I’d be eating those words at the party when I found myself in a sticky situation during the party itself.
  1 Week Later
           “Keep going. Yes. Just like that. Oh, god,” Emmett grunted, riding his orgasm high. He pulled out of me, rolling over to dispose of the condom. What was I thinking hooking back up with him? He called a few hours ago, begging to have a little fun.
           I said, ‘Why not?’ I still had a few hours before the Avengers’ party. We were celebrating another anniversary of the team. Part of the reason why we needed dates for the evening. The other part was it was more of a formal event and those who were visiting preferred us paired up with someone. Thor had managed to call Jane Foster, a former flame of his, and invited her to join him; no romance required. We were also the highlight of the party, which made it very important to have a date.
           Emmett and I picked a time, a little close to the time of the party for my liking. I thought maybe he’d be able to finish before I had to return to the compound to get ready. Emmett, however, had other plans. A longer foreplay, a little tying up to lead up to us fucking our brains out. More aptly put, it was up to me to fuck his brain out. Like always, he didn’t allow me to finish, my pussy throbbing for more.
           “Thanks, sweetheart. I needed that,” Emmett said. I sighed and checked my phone. 5:50 p.m. Shit. I bolted up and dressed quickly to head back home.
           “Hey, hey, hey. Where are you headed off to? I thought we could have dinner. Do this again,” he complained.
           “I can’t. I’ve got a party to go to. I’m going to be late. It starts at 6:30,” I explained, pulling on my boots.
           “Party? Need a date? We could fool around in your beloved compound if you like,”
           “You wouldn’t like it. Too formal. Besides, I already asked someone else. Uh, I don’t think we should do this anymore,���
           “Wait, what? Why not?” Emmett asked, sitting up.
           “For starters, you won’t let me orgasm. Ever. Not since we started this relationship, which isn’t really a relationship. I’m sorry but you’re not doing it for me anymore,” I replied.
           “Is this because of your date? Who is he, Mina? Are you interested in him?”
           “It’s not any of your business. We’re not friends and we’re certainly not dating. I don’t need to tell you everything that goes on in my life,”
           “It’s one of your Avengers friends isn’t it? Which one? Thor? Captain America? Everyone says they’re both dreamy. It must be one of them,”
           “No. Not one of them. It’s not as if you care. For your information, it happens to be Loki,”
           “I’d like to know who else you’re fucking. I didn’t know you were such a slut. Is he good in bed? Is he the real reason you’re ending this?” Emmett snapped. My blood was boiling during this argument.
           “Oh, for heaven’s sake, get over yourself. And your tiny cock. I’m not sleeping with him. To be honest, I’d rather fuck him than be with you anyway. Goodbye, Emmett,” I growled. I left, slamming the apartment door behind me.
              Arriving back at the compound, I rushed to get ready. I had no time to masturbate, knowing I’d be extremely horny while at the party. I wiped down, getting rid of the sweat covering my body and changed into the dress planned for this evening. The dress in question was a floor length, dark green one, which had straps that crossed over each other to show off my back. It had an intricate gold design on it and would catch anyone’s attention.
           I chose it specifically to please Loki, a nod to his signature choice of colors. I matched my makeup to the dress but kept it subtle so as to not hoard the gazes of the guests. I had just finished strapping on my heels when a knock sounded at my door.
           “It’s unlocked. Come in,” I called out, standing up. Loki walked in, wearing an all-black suit, his hair slicked back from his face. It still curled slightly around his shoulders but in a nicer way, increasing my attraction to him. My body responded and I mentally cursed myself for not being able to satisfy my cravings.
           “Ready to go?” he asked, offering me his arm. I nodded, taking it and he led us downstairs to the party.
              It was a mistake meeting Emmett for sex, I thought. I was struggling to keep it together, I had to admit. The throbbing had intensified, and I had to fight showing any sign of my sexual frustration on my face. It had grown to the point where I was now fidgeting with my hands. Anywhere. Talking to people, waiting in line for dinner. Everywhere.
           “Everything alright, Mina?” Loki asked me, as we waited for tonight’s dessert; Red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting and chocolate shavings.
           “I’m fine,” I lied, hoping he wouldn’t see through it.
           “Stop fidgeting. You’re making people nervous,” he whispered. His breath was cold against my skin and I shoved down the urge to push him down on the table and taking him in front of everyone. He placed a hand on the small of my back, I guess as a form of comfort. It did nothing for my arousal. Fuck, this is not good, I thought. It was now my turn to get a slice of cake and I quickly found a place to sit down, preferably away from him.
           I found a spot next to Natasha, focusing on eating the cake in front of me. I clenched my legs together to stop the throbbing between my thighs.
           “Something wrong?” Nat whispered in my ear. Damn, nothing ever gets by her, I thought. I leaned in as if to hug her.
           “I met up with Emmett. As usual, he didn’t let me finish. I didn’t have a chance to rub one out,” I told her, low enough for her ears only.
           “Ah. Please tell me you ended things with him,”
           “I did. I’m trying to make it through the party,” Natasha squeezed me, releasing my body to throw away her plate. I did the same, wanting another drink to distract myself. Tossing it back, I went to sit back down; Loki had already stolen my seat.
           “Why don’t you sit on my lap, darling?” he asked, flashing a smile. I hesitated, looking around to find a different spot. All the other seats were filled, leaving me no choice but to accept.
           “Relax. I promise I won’t do anything inappropriate,” he told me. His arms coiled around my waist, pulling me down onto his lap. Instead of landing on my ass, I landed on his thigh; It hit me right between my thighs and I really regretted not dealing with my arousal sooner. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t have been a big deal. This wasn’t normal circumstances.
           As I landed on his thigh, I had to bite back a moan as the friction jolted through me. I hid my face against his neck, my breath fanning on his skin.
           “Darling? Is something the matter?” Loki asked.
           “N-Nothing. Landed on your lap wrong, I think. That’s all,” I managed. I shifted to sit better on his lap; another mistake. My nails dug into his shoulder and a hushed ‘fuck’ escaped my lips.
           “Mina look at me,” Loki demanded. He lifted my chin with a finger, examining me. I knew what he might have seen. Pupils blown with lust, shallow breathing as if I was panting, flushed cheeks.
           “Will you excuse us? I believe Mina needs some air,” Loki addressed the group. They nodded and he helped me up, leading me to the third-floor balcony.
           “Tell me what’s wrong. Is it me? Do I get you all hot and bothered?” Loki asked. He shut the sliding glass door, shutting out any eavesdroppers.
           “It’s not you. Not really,” I responded.
           “Then, who? Oh. Don’t tell me. It’s the one you’re sleeping with isn’t it? Did you two not finish?”
           “He did. I didn’t have time to finish myself off,”
           “Finish yourself off? He left you unsatisfied. Is this the first time he didn’t get you off?” he asked. He pressed closer, pinning my body against the concrete wall. I laughed, pressing my legs tight together.
           “He never let me. I always took care of my own orgasm. In the privacy of my room,” I confessed. Thank god, I was already burning up. My face was already flushed from my arousal.
           “He…why did you continue meeting if he denied you orgasms? You should always be allowed to cum my dear. Unless you’ve been super naughty. Honestly, you should have come to me. I would’ve let you cum over and over again,”
           “I ended it today. I can’t stop the throbbing. It’s only gotten more intense as the night went on,” I said.
           “Allow me to help you,” Loki suggested. I nodded and he pressed his lips against mine. They were cool to the touch, yet soft. I kissed him back, wanting more of him. My hands clung to his waist and he nipped my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I let him slip past my barriers, his tongue dominating mine. I groaned, arching into his body, losing control. Never breaking our kiss, Loki bunched up my dress, draping it over his pants. He nudged my thighs apart with his knee, pulling me forward; his thigh brushed up against my folds and I moaned at the feel of it.
           “Ride it, sweetheart. Get yourself off on my thigh. I know you want to,” he ordered. He pressed down on my hips, the pressure eliciting another moan out of me.
           “But…your pants...will get soaked,” I panted.
           “Nothing magic can’t fix. Don’t worry about anyone seeing. No one ever comes up here,” he said. He rubbed against my aching core, coaxing me more. Caving, I ground against his thigh, creating enough friction to increase my pleasure. I gripped his shoulders to keep steady, moaning as I rode his thigh.
           “That’s it, my love. Keep going. I love the sound you’re making,” I rocked against him faster and faster until my orgasm rushed over me. I rested my head on his shoulder, breathing hard, my fluids soaking his pants.
           “Feel better?” he asked. I hummed my approval and he dropped his thigh, lifting my chin to devour my mouth with his own.
           “Let me show you how it’s really done,” he growled. He unbuckled his belt, unzipping his pants. He shoved them down along with his underwear, an item I had decided not to wear this evening. Loki lifted me up on his hips, slamming his cock into me. He held me against the wall, pounding into me. He would switch paces, making sure to pleasure me as long as possible. He worked me to my climax until it flooded over me. Loki kept thrusting, reaching his a few minutes later, while I reached my third orgasm of the night. We were both breathing hard, staying in place until we came down from our high. He put me down on the ground, redressing while I fixed the angle of my dress; he brought forth a new pair of pants to cover the evidence we did anything.
           “Anytime you feel the need to fuck, come find me,” Loki told me, kissing my lips again.
           “I might take you up on that,” I said, taking his arm to rejoin the party downstairs.
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taehyungsgrowl · 4 years
For the blurb promps could you do Valentine by 5sos for Michael or Jim? That's my absolute favorite song by 5sos at the moment.
This was one of my very first (if not my first) request I ever got! I started this, back when you sent it (back in January! because I remember wanting to get it out before Valentine’s Day.) I recently refound it and decided I would finish it so. 
Love you bunches and thank you for sharing your concepts w me binch!
A/N: here is some built up tension between reader and semi dark-jim.
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Jim made his way to the crowded kitchen where he knew his friends would be causing a riot. Another night; another party. As soon as he stepped inside he caught sight of her. He noticed the way the leather mini skirt clung to her curves and elongated her legs. His eyes lingered up her body, stopping at the low cut of the red top that boasted her chest. Y/N.
She was perched on the kitchen counter, legs parted slightly, drink in hand. Amusement spread across Jim’s face seeing her there. He noted how she had the room in a daze, clinging to her every word. The thing about Y/N was you either wanted to be her or be with her. She had a certain pull. Even Jim, couldn’t resist her lust clouded eyes and sinful pout. No matter how much he wanted to.
He strode his way to her side, casually barging his way into the conversation. He threw his arm lazily over her shoulder, smirking down at her, “Hey, princess.” he said, tongue between his teeth, “Surprised to see you hanging out with these cockheads,” he nodded at his friends. The comment was received by groans and middle fingers. Most of his buddies rolling their eyes in his direction. They knew Jim could pull any girl he wanted; he demonstrated that for them time and time again. Except for Y/N.
Not yet, at least.
Before all bullshit that shaped them into who they were. Jim and Y/N were… friendly. Both outcasts who hid under the bleachers before school and found console in each other. That was until Jim recruited himself into they Bay Boy crew. That left Y/N to reinvent herself; and reinvent herself she did. Long gone was the girl who blushed at the slightest attention and hid behind her hair.
It took those sudden changes for guys, including Jim, to see her in a different way.
Y/N rolled her eyes at Jim and removed his arm from her shoulder with a perfectly manicured hand. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep this little game up with Jim. She loved the permanent chase.
There was no denying the tension. Both Jim and Y/N knew it was only a matter of time before one of them broke.
“Don’t see how it’s any of your business who I decide to give my attention to,” she quipped, eyeing him up and down a bit. Her focus lingered on the way his Adam’s apple jumped slightly under his skin.
“Didn’t say it was,” he bit the corner of his lip to keep from smiling, “just surprised is all.” he ran a hand through his locks, hazy eyes dancing up her body.
Jim slipped his hand in his pocket to retrieve his joint, taking it in between his index and thumb, showing it to her, “Why don’t you join me outside? Like old times?” he leaned in close enough to smell the alcohol from her cup.
Y/N scrunched her nose at him, hopping off the counter. She patted her small hands against his chest. She wanted him to know who was winning this little charade. “I have better things to do than that. Step up your game, Jimmy,” she smirked before turning on her heels to leave the crowded kitchen.
Jim’s blood boiled in the best way. The harder she played to get, the more he wanted to wreck her. He wanted to have her at his mercy.
Y/N swayed her hips from side to side as she walked away without looking back, she knew his eyes were glued to her. She made her way to the hurdle of bodies bumping and grinding on each other - mixing in and just waiting for a firm pair of hands to find her hips.
“What’s the matter, Jim?” one of his friends snickered, nodding his head towards the makeshift dance floor..
Jim pushed past him and followed after Y/N
As the night continued, stolen glances and teasing touches were exchanged between her and Jim. She made sure to brush against him every time she refreshed her drink and he never missed the chance to place his hands on the small of her back.
She and him were fueling the fire that was bound to combust.
Jim noticed Y/N walk away from the makeshift dance floor and into the kitchen and followed behind her.
He reached for her pretty little hand and spun her around, cornering her against the wall. With one hand at her hip and the other against the wall, he looked down at her, devilish smirk on his face.
“Have a smoke with me,” he didn’t quite ask, nodding towards the door.
“You and I both know that’s not what you’re asking,” she wet her lips, feeling her heart rate increase at his proximity. Her senses were filled with his scent of faint sandalwood, and vanilla. 
Y/N shook her head in slight laughter. She had to admit this dance was getting old. Each time they saw each other they got closer and closer to giving into their little game. It was only a matter of time of who would cave first. 
She knew what she needed to do to get Jim riled up. She dressed the part, she toyed with his friends, she reacted quickly to his advances. 
Even if Jim wouldn’t admit, she knew she was winning. Y/N had him in the palm of her hand. 
“But I’ll bite,” she tried to get out of his trap, but Jim needed to take matters into his own hands. He grabbed her wrist and led her outside, ignoring all the glances he got from the other party goers. 
“Good.” he grinned at the double meaning of her words. He took her wrist and led her outside. He ignored all the glances they got from other party goers. 
They climbed into his Jeep and Jim turned on his music nice and low. His dashboard illuminated their faces softly. She turned to look at him, excitement bubbling in her tummy. Of course, she’d rather blame it on the alcohol rather than the look Jim was giving her. 
He was practically eating her with his eyes. 
“Don’t tell me you lured me out all the way for nothing, Mason.” she snapped him out of his sinful imagination. 
“Don’t worry, I always deliver, princess.” he took out his lighter and lit hit bud. 
“Since when did we start with this ‘princess’ shit?” she laughed taking the joint from his hand and inhaling deeply. 
“Since you started going around acting like a little brat,” he was quick to take back his blunt. 
Y/N rolled her eyes. She had to admit being called ‘princess’ by him did something to her. 
“A brat?” she feigned innocence. Y/N leaned over the console a bit, her hand brushing against his thigh. 
Jim grabbed her by the wrist, bringing his hand away from his crotch. “Don’t you think that’s enough?” his voice was low and stern. “I think we’re both getting tired of this little chase, no?”
“I don’t know wh-” she began. She felt herself getting wetter by the second. She shifted in his leather seat.
He cut her off. “Cut the bullshit. You know exactly what you’re doing.”
Jim slid his seat back, allowing her room to climb into his lap. “C’mere.” he patted his thigh. 
Y/N knew there was no point in hesitating anymore. She wanted this - wanted him so much - it was like a burning fire in her tummy. She hitched her leg over and straddled him. Jim took another hit of his joint before putting it out. He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her in. He exhaled the smoke into her mouth as the kissed. She didn’t know what was making her more lightheaded - the weed or his kiss. 
Jim almost allowed himself to get lost in her lips. He’s wanted her for so long - he almost caved in. He pulled away from her lips (enjoying the whimper that came out of her when he did) and placed his hand on her thigh, slowly rubbing up and down. Her leather miniskirt had hitched up higher during her transition into his lap. It gave him a clear view of her red lacy panties she wore underneath. 
She rocked her hips on his lap instinctively. The slight friction from his finger wasn’t enough. 
“Who made you this wet?” he ghosted his lips over hers.
“Stop teasing me,” she spoke against his mouth.
“Not so fun now, huh princess.” his hand smacked down on her ass. 
“Please, Jim.” she whined
“Up,” he commanded for her to raise her hips enough for him to get his cock out of his pants. 
All the while, Y/N brought her hands in between her thighs and moved her panties to the side for Jim to enter her. He grabbed her hips and pushed her down on his cock. They had been stuck in a game of foreplay for far too long. He needed to be inside her dripping cunt. 
His cock pushed past her lips and deep into her pussy. “Fuck,” he groaned, tightening his grip on her hips. 
Y/N let out a shaky breath as he adjusted to him being inside her. The head of his cock brushed against her G-spot with every breath she took. As soon as the stinging of his girth buzzed around her, she began to bounce down on him.
There was no other way to describe her movements other than needy and completely desperate for release. 
“My little whore,” he panted, “Keep going.” his hips bucked upwards. 
“Fuck yourself on my cock.” he continued to push her. 
“Did teasing me so much finally catch up to you, baby?” Jim gripped her ass in his massive hand before spanking her again. “Getting me all jealous in front of friends turned you on?” he half moaned, feeling his cock twitch. 
Y/N leaned forward and kissed him hard and sloppy, “Shut up,” she groaned against his kiss, her pussy pulsing for him. 
Jim grabbed her face and deepened the kiss. His hand wrapped around her throat loosely as he held her there. Y/N began to slow down the roll of her hips. “Didn’t say you could slow down,” he mumbled into her mouth.
He began to tighten the grip on her neck as she tried to pick up her pace. Jim alternated between quick firm presses to her neck and slow caresses that added pressure gradually. 
That only made Y/N’s concentration falter. The only thing on her mind was his cock and the chase of her orgasm. 
“Please.” she managed to get out in a breath. 
“Oh, she does have manners..” he chuckled releasing her neck. He spit on the tips of his fingers and placed them over her clit, rubbing hard, fast circles. 
“I’m gonnna cum, Jim.” she moaned, her eyes rolling back.
“Go on, baby.” 
On his word, she felt her legs shaking and her mind going white hot. She rode out her orgasm with slow grinds of her hips, milking out one for Jim.
“Fuck. Keep going baby.” his teeth were clenched, “I’m - fuck.” he couldn’t finish his sentence before he let himself explode inside her. 
They stayed like that for a minute as they caught their breaths. The inside of her thighs felt sticky, but she didn’t move an inch as Jim’s softening cock stayed inside her. 
“Worth the chase?” she asked with a sleepy smile, lifting herself off of him and adjusting her skirt. She was well aware of Jim’s gaze on her as she pushed her panties back over her pussy, trapping in his cum.
His eyes remained on her legs for a split second longer before finally looking back at her. It was rare to find Jim Mason speechless, but this was one of those times. He simply nodded and pulled her mouth back on his. 
“Ready to go back inside?” she giggled as she pulled away after their kiss. 
“Oh, I’m not done with you yet, princess.” he smirked. 
thank you again for being patient sweet friend and im sorry if this doesnt fit the request you wanted!!! 
mini tags: @rpwithjayn @wickedlangdon @langdonswhoreprobably @desertsunflower00 @rocketgirl2410 @dark-jim @leatherduncan @little-grunge-flowerz @lovelylangdonx @wroteclassicaly @lvngdvns @moonanonwriting @satcnas @hecohansen31
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
A timeline in cuteness (My hero academia)
It had been a normal day at the local mall. Teenagers where loitering and hanging out, people where going and buying things they needed (and something that they didn't need) and Mothers were watching their young kids play in the play area while sipping coffee and shooting the shit.It was then that something that would make the rounds on YouTube, and go down in legends of the mall happened.A young Blond man, red faced, a red haired guy, holding his hand and leading the way.. And the red head was carrying a large white diaper bag and the blond was dressed like a toddler.blue denim jean short all's with a light yellow t-shirt on under, though some mothers seeing it and noting the budge in the butt and crotch area assumed (and they would be right) that it was more of a onesie/diaper shirt deal going on. White socks that poked out of power ranger themed light up sneakers finished the look, save for a black and red pacifier that was clipped to the blond's shirt, the clip colored and decorated to look like a little shark.They were heading towards the new photo studio in the mall, Perfect Memories, Clearly going to get some 'baby pictures' done.The little adventure had started in a way 19 months earlier, when Katsuki Bakugo and Ejiro Kirishima had decided to spice up their relationship. Katsuki despite his brash and vulgar attuide was a natural submissive, while Ejiro was a natural dominant.They had been pushing limits and testing things out.Katsuki loved being spanked though Ejiro preferred it be saved for just punishments, and Ejiro wanted to baby Katsuki which the blond had shot down hard.They had both comprised to try a extended chastity play, and while Ejiro could end it at any given time, Katsuki had made a video agreement to wear the tight pink device for as long as master wanted him to. That was Katsuki's mistake, he had assumed it would just be for a month tops, but instead found himself on his knees and pleasuring daddy while leaking.At the 5 month mark Katsuki, despite saying he'd never whine or beg, had broken down pleading and begging for a release. Ejiro had just smirked and started to lay out the terms.If widdle Katsuki wanted a nice deep prostate massage, he'd have to start wearing dino themed training undies, 24/7, no exceptions. that could earn a hour a week with Mr.buzz in his boy pussy. If he wanted daddy to give him a good and proper fucking, but with the cage still on, he'd have to wear and use a diaper, and use it fully.And if he wanted the cage off all together, at least for a hour or so, well, he'd have to REALLY earn that, via letting daddy dress him like the oversized toddler Ejiro knew he was, and let daddy get some baby pictures at a professional studio.Naturally Katsuki had told him where to go and how to get there, and held out for anther month before surrendering every pair of his boxers and getting 12 pairs of training undies with thick padding in the front and back while looking like a pair of briefs, and could be washed. So once a week after that Katsuki would spend a hour in a stockade, in just his training undies and a vibe (Mr. Buzz) in nice and deep as the poor submissive made good use of the padding in his undies.he couldn't cum though, all he did was leak and drip into the undies, but it at least helped with his swollen balls. Katsuki swore though that was as far as he was willing to go with it, till he walked in one day at the 8 month mark, after work and found his boyfriend and daddy dom making out with Izuku."oh hey sweetie, you know remember Izuku right? I ran into him the other day at the market." Ejiro asked, smirking as Katsuki just stood there in shock."I..I..""oh Heyyy Katsuki~ your 'daddy' has been telling me alll about the fun games you two have been playing, and showed me your cute widdle undies." Izuku said, smirking and winking. "Izuku here actually went on and became a full on superhero after school, unlike you and me, and I've been listening to his stories about what a big strong man he is and well, I hope you don't mind sweetheart but I DO have needs.and since your cute widdle dicky couldn't even do it for me before being locked up..." Ejiro trailed off and shrugged.Izuku smirked and then cupped the redhead's chin, and pulled him in for a nice long kiss, looking at Katsuki the whole time.Breaking the kiss off, Izuku stood up from the couch and tugged Ejiro to his feet."Katsuki, would you be a good boy and start making something for supper? I have a feel your daddy is gonna be VERY hungry when I'm done with him. But you don't have to rush, it'll be at LEAST a hour." Izuku said, a smirk on his face."I..But..I..""Sweetie listen to Izuku please. there's a extra half hour of Mr. Buzz time in it for you." Ejiro said and blushed.he looked like a fucking school girl about to get fucked for the first time!"I...Yes daddy." Katsuki had said, then turned to go to the kitchen, face burning and leaking big time."Good boy~" Izuku said.After Izuku had supper with them (going as far as to cut up Katsuki's food for him) Katsuki was too horny to think strait. he wanted a ass fucking like he'd heard Ejiro getting and knew HOW to get it."I..uh..Daddy..""Look Katsuki, I know that caught you by surprise, and we hadn't talked about cucking really, it was a spur of the moment thing an-" Ejiro had started to said, rubbing the back of his head but then he was cut off by Katsuki."Where are the fucking diapers!? I need dick bad So I'll fucking load one up if you promise to fuck me like fucking Deku fucked you!" The blond whined."Heh..I see~ well first of all, Never call him Deku again. it's Izuku or Mr. Midoriya from now on. Secondly, I have them under the bed, so go and get one little guy." Ejiro said, then added. "But first, come give daddy a kiss on the cheek~"Katsuki nodded and had given his boyfriend the kiss, and it just felt so totally different from the hungry lip mashing that Izuku and Ejiro had done in front of him, it was more like a little boy kissing his parents goodnight.Sadly for Katsuki, after being taped in the thick puffy diaper, and waddling around in a t-shirt and the diaper so daddy could keep giving him bum checks, he hadn't been able to go uh-oh before bed.He'd just given daddy his good night blowjob, then crawled into bed and nuzzled him. Crinkling and squirming all night long and soaking the diaper over and over.It would take until the next morning, while Ejiro was getting dressed for his job for Katsuki to finally fill the seat of his diapers and he'd hated every second of it, but had been grinning and excited because it meant getting fucked.Only for daddy to tell him they didn't have time before he was due into work, and Katsuki would have to wait.Being told that he could get back into his dino undies, and being promised a nice and hard fucking after work, Ejiro had to rush out the door after kissing Katsuki's forehead, and telling him not to stay in his stinky diaper too long.10 seconds after their door closed, Katsuki had a cry baby fit that the whole block heard.Daddy had kept his word, even if he was less then impressed Katsuki hadn't taken the trash out after changing, and their apartment was semi filled with the boys stink. Katsuki saved himself a time out punishment when it turned out he had gone nose deaf to his own stink and blushed when daddy pointed it out.Sadly for the blond, even with the brutal prostate pounding he took from daddies cock, it still wasn't enough for a full on mind blowing orgasm and he was left whimpering and trying to beg for more as daddy pulled out."Sorry buddy, you know you have to earn them" Ejiro had said, and nodded to the pack of diapers. "Do you want daddy to diaper you again?""..Is..is Mr. Midoriya coming over today?" Katsuki asked, poking his fingers together, apparently not even realizing he hadn't even used Izuku's first name."Do you WANT him to come over?" Ejiro asked. "N-Not if I'm gonna be in a diapie.." again the well fucked boy was using terms and not even seeming to notice, and fuck if it didn't make Ejiro wanna just slid back in the boys destroyed hole."Well then no, he's not coming over. Lift your bum up for daddy~" Ejiro said, reaching for a new diaper.Katsuki naturally did as he was told.After that Diapers became a more and more regular thing around the house, though Katsuki made Ejiro promise NOT to tell Izuku about them and refused to wear when the bigger and stronger boy was over. Katsuki started learning how to cook all of Izuku's favorite meals for when he'd come over and was rewarded with getting to watch daddy and his boyfriend fuck.that was what Izuku started to called himself, Ejiro's boyfriend. Katsuki had gone to argue HE was daddies boyfriend and was met with chuckles and told he was too cute, and gotten a head pat. It was a year after first being locked in diapers, when Ejiro decided it was time for Katsuki to just wear his diapers full time around the house, though he could keep the dino undies for when he had to work. The blond had fought tooth and nail, trying to argue he didn't wanna wear all the time but.."Sweetie, lets be honest here, when's the last time you used the potty that Izuku wasn't over?" Ejiro asked."I..uh.." and Katsuki paused and thought about it, and as he did his cheeks turned crimson."Yeah, your basically wearing diapers ALL the time to get fucked anyways. I haven't even used Mr.buzz on you in a month." Ejiro pointed out. the realization that Katsuki had basically put himself in diapers if not 24/7, then 22/5 hit him like a ton of bricks and he started to tear up."Hey heyyy..It's OK sweetie. I think it's hella cute." Ejiro said and pulled the self trained diaper boy into his lap, kissing him on the cheek and cuddling him."I..But..If I wear all the time..Mr. Midoriya will-" Katsuki tried to argue, slipping into his baby tone of voice and fighting the urge to suck his thumb."oh Sweetheart.. You think he doesn't know you wear anyways? And before you have a fit, it's kinda hard to hit the poopie diaper smell from your bedroom."His bedroom. that was anther low point. With Izuku spending more and more nights over, Katsuki had been sleeping out on the couch till Ejiro and Izuku had surprised him by turning a storage room in the apartment into a mini bedroom. there was a bed, a waste basket, a night table and a lamp, and while cramped it worked."B-But if he knows.." Katsuki whined."then there's no reason for you NOT to wear. and uh..He's actually a little annoyed with me that I won't take pictures for him to see how cute you are in them. he's the one who got that current pack for you with the teddy bears." Ejiro said sheepishly, in truth the main reason he had been pushing for 24/7 wear was so Izuku would start fucking him hard again, instead of half assing it.He'd become a master of using his dick to get what he wanted."H-he did that?" Katsuki asked, feeling even more shame, though a small smile was on his face.the teddy bear diapers actually felt nicer and help up better then the drug store diapers they'd been using before, and while he still wasn't a fan of messing himself Katsuki liked how much more he could wet these, and rub the warm front against his cage."Yeah, said he wanted his darling little cuck to look adorable." Ejiro said and kissed the big babies cheek. "plus these hold up better for your naughty rub's." he added winking.Katsuki lost the battle not to suck on his thumb at that point, and Ejiro just kept giving him cuddles.When Izuku (or Mr.Midoriya as Katsuki addressed him as) came over that night, he was delighted when Katsuki opened the door, wearing a baby blue t-shirt that read 'Good boy in training ' and his teddy bear pampers."well now, don't YOU look cute~" Izuku said and patted Katsuki on the head with his free hand, having a shopping bag in the other."Yes sir Mr.Midoriya." Katsuki said, and despite the pouty tone, Izuku noticed the boy couldn't help but smile from the head pats.Katsuki stepped out of the way and Izuku walked in, seeing Ejiro at the kitchen table and working on some papers from work, te red head was a legal aid."I see your talk with our little guy went over well." he said, walking over and setting his bag on the table, and leaning down to kiss Ejiro."mmmhhmm~ Indeed. I just need five more minutes to finish this up though. you staying the night?""Of course. And something smells VERY good, what are you making us little guy?""Oh! I'm making your favorite Mr. Midoriya, Katsudon!" Katsuki beamed."oh my, somebodies spoiling me..and Katsuki buddy, I think we can drop the Mr. Midoriya thing. from now on just call me papa ok?" Izuku asked and smirked.Katsuki blushed badly, but meekly nodded. The blond waddled into the kitchen to check on supper and Izuku took a seat."He's really just too damn cute." Izuku said and took a seat next to his boyfriend."he really is. what's in the bag?" Ejiro asked, rushing to finish his paper work while also trying not to made a mistake."oh, that's a little something for after supper. I wanted to get a little something for both my boys." Izuku said and winked."..See now I wanna peek and see what it is." Ejiro said and smirked."Mmmhmm..and which one of you two is the toddler again?" After a big meal, the three were seated in the living room, Ejiro and Izuku on the couch and Katsuki on a blanket on the floor, though instead of facing the TV like normal he was turned towards them."so who wants their present first?" Izuku asked, and gave a semi warning look to Ejiro as the red head went to raise his hand. Smoothly the red head just kept his arm going and pout it around Izuku's shoulders."well I think after being such a good boy, Katsuki should go first." Ejiro said.Not even Katsuki was fooled and just giggled a little, though he covered his mouth."Very smooth." Izuku teased and then reached into the bag, pulling out a box wrapped in teddy bear wrapping paper. Here you go little guy, I hope this will help with your 'good boy training' though if you ask me, you're already one~"Katsuki grinned, reaching and taking the box and then like a little kid, eagerly ripped at the wrapping paper and opened the box.and froze and looked up, face going super red."Sooo what is it little guy?" Ejiro asked."I..I.." Katsuki whined and then held up a large cockfier. the mouth guard was a light baby blue, and the cock shaped nipple was a good 5 inches  and VERY thick and VERY life like."I heard about how much you've been on your thumb and well, Little boys have dirty hands. From now on when you wanna suck on something, you can suck on that." Izuku said with a chuckle.  "what do you think? It cost a pretty penny but I think your worth it~"Katsuki hadn't been able to say anything, and was just staring at the cockfier and while he looked horrible embarrassed, he was also licking his lips."Katsuki, Papa gave you a very nice present. what do we say?" Ejiro asked."it's ok, I know he's just a little touge tied. you can thank me latter buddy. go ahead and try it out."  Katsuki nodded, and started to raise the fat nipple to his lips, but then paused."uh... Thank you papa." he lisped out, having gone full baby tone again.then as daddy and papa watched, the big baby suckled on his cockfier and closed his eyes, rocking back and forth and his fingers wiggling."heh.. Guess I should give him his other present." Izuku said and reached in the bag again and pulled out a teddy bear that been custom made, and was wearing Izuku's hero costume.He leaned forward and handed it to the good boy in training and both daddies chuckled as Katsuki snatched it and hugged it to his chest.The big baby had honestly zoned out after that, and while he did open his eyes after a few, he more just turned and watched cartoon on the TV, having wet his diaper and gave himself naughty rubs with one hand, while hugging super teddy with the other.Between the sounds from the TV, and the sucking of his sucking, he could barely hear daddy and papa making out on the couch behind him, though he heard the unzipping of pants.He might a been willing to give up the riveting plot going on with paw patrol to watch that, but Papa told him to be a good boy and keep his back to them. Katsuki wasn't that shocked when a mere month later Izuku moved into the apartment, making it clear that his former sometimes nursery was now his permanent room.there was talk of getting a bigger apartment though, or maybe even renting a house since well, some of the neighbors were starting to complain about the smells coming from the apartment.it was a month or so after THAT that they had found a nice little house, it was only one story but it had enough rooms for Katsuki to have a proper nursery and, and this was the big selling point for Ejiro and Izuku: A yard for widdle Katsuki to go out and play.it was true that following his gift of a teddy bear, Katsuki had maybe started to collect some other toys, ranging from stuffies to action figures and even a few tub toys (he wasn't allowed to take a shower anymore, that was a adult privilege) But that didn't mean he liked the toy of being in the front yard in the double diapers he wore as a standard these days.It wasn't even for his humiliation or a decision that Izuku or Ejiro had made for kink reasons, it was more once Katsuki had given up on the possibly of using the potty his bowels and bladder had seemed to go into overdrive and even with his teddy bear diapies, he was leaking a lot more often.One small part of annoyance for poor widdle Katsuki in this adjustment was even though he was going poopie in his diapers like a champ, and wetting them, Daddy dialed back his butt fucking to just a mere 3 times a week.Though when he'd gone to have a fit over it papa had tugged him over his lap and well, given Katsuki something to cry about.Standing in the corner with a bar of soap in his mouth and his toasted buns on display while listening to daddy and papa make out, really hadn't helped the poor turned little when it came to the need he was experiencing.it had also shown him that despite his love of spankings, Papa could still make it a punishment.Come moving day Katsuki was a good little helper, wearing his good boy in training t-shirt and a pair of shorts over his diapers. they had even gone all out and gotten extra stuff unknown to the little guy, so when he carried the first box of his stuff he was greeted with the site of a crib and a changing table in his room, and turned around to see a smirking Daddy and papa."I..but..I wanted a big boy bed!" he squeaked out."And I wanna make sure you stay in bed in the morning till we're ready for you." Papa replied."Don't worry sweetie, we'll have a baby monitor on and we'll know if you need us." Daddy added."Now what do you say?" Papa asked."...Fank ku."Life in their new neighborhood wasn't exactly easy on little Katsuki.  For one it didn't take long for the other ids on the block to figure out he was the source of any stinky smells.aside from making use of his toys or swimming in the pool his daddies had set up in the backyard, Katsuki was mostly ignored by the older kids he wanted to play with, and in a weird way had started to look up to, being semi jealous of their boxers and being potty trained.that left the older and younger -ick- girls who loved to play house with him/tease him like crazy and of course play dates with the younger boys.He thought it was weird just how many little kids who were potty training came over to play with him, till he overheard one dad asking his son if he wanted to end up a oversized baby just like Katsuki.when Katsuki went to whine about this to Ejiro, it turned out that they were providing a service for a modest little fee to help scare kids into potty training."and since you got fired from your job after pooping your diapers and crying for daddy, we can use the income." Daddy added.more time flew by and it wasn't long before a wedding was in the works. Daddy and papa had fallen hard for each other and while it hurt that Ejiro had dumped him as a boyfriend, at this point Katsuki could hardly think of himself as a man.17 months in and his butt fucking's had dropped off to a once a month affair and Katsuki couldn't even tell when he was wet anymore. it was only the tell tale sign that let him know when he was poopie.Still with a wedding date set and coming up fast, it was Katsuki who struggled to think of a good wedding present for his daddies, though the nature of his current lifestyle meant he'd have to have one of them help him get the gift.Little Katsuki wasn't trusted with anymore then 10 dollars at a time, his weekly allowance, since he started to be really bad at losing his money while playing or older kids bullying him for it.Though the last time a 14 year old had tried that, he'd found himself facing the wrath of Izuku in full costume. Still as Katsuki laid on his tummy in the living room, sucking on a paci (his normal one, he out got the one that Papa had given him at bed time or during his monthly pounding) and using his crayons to fill in a coloring book, he thought long and hard about what to do.he was in Short or overall's with a diaper shirt most f the time now, just to help with the diaper sag and it helped keep some of the meaner kids from panting him when he came out to play, and he was kicking his sock covered feet.Daddy was on the couch, working on a laptop having managed to set up his job so he could work from home and gave him a look ever now and then, before finally closing the laptop."alright, I can smell the burning from here. what are you thinking about?" Daddy teased.Katsuki huffed at that, he had apparently gotten slightly dimmer and daddy and papa liked to tease when he thought too hard they could smell burning.He started to explain what he wanted to try and do, get a present for them but Ejiro just smirked and taped his own mouth.Katsuki was confused for a second, then realized he hadn't taken his paci out and blushed and tugged it free."Wanna try that again sweetie?" the red head asked."I wanna git you and papa something fer the wedding." Katsuki said, he always talked super babyishly for a few after taking out a paci or being bottle fed."Oh? Buddy we told you, just you being our ring boy is enough." "Nooo I hafa git you presents!" Katsuki whined."Heh, you make us LOTS of 'presents' so again yo-" Ejiro started."NOT THAT KIND! Look, I wanna do SOMETHING.. but I uh.. Need help." Katsuki said, and rubbed the back of his head."Setting it up, or paying for it?" Ejiro asked, realizing there wasn't gonna be any peace in the house till he agreed."Um.. Both. and uh.. Ok. this ISN'T just so i can go goo goo gaga..though that'll be nice.." Katsuki gulped a little, even as Daddy grinned.he knew what Katsuki was about to say."W-what if we got some professorial pictures done for you and papa? with um.. me in diapies?" Katsuki said, poking his fingers together."I think that would be VERY nice. and don't worry, you'll get to make lots of 'goo goo gaga's'" Daddy said and help out his arms.Katsuki giggled and crawled over (it was just faster) and snuggled into daddies arms.Finding a place willing to take the pictures had turned out to be trickier then expected, and it had taken the new studio opening up and being desperate for customers for it to work at all.But now, 18 months after first being locked up, Katsuki was ready to show what a good little guy he'd become.The staff were nice as they came in, and Daddy took care of most of the details while Katsuki talked with the young guy taking the pictures.He was interested in hearing about the family dynamic of the trio and gave LOTS of head pats to Katsuki so that when daddy was done and they were ready to start, he was totally relaxed.Maybe a bit TOO relaxed as before Katsuki could get into the first pose, he found himself popping a squat and starting to unload into the seat of his diapies.The photographer smirked, and took a few pictures while others were less then..pleased was the big baby fudged his huggies and a less then fresh smell filled the place."it's not so bad, I once shared a 1 bedroom apartment with four guys." the photographer commented."Oh yeah, we tried to avoid the cabbage baby food today just in case." Ejiro said."Smart."As the big baby finished destroying his diapers, he was blushing badly. he'd been planning on just being a widdle cutie, not having a mushy booty."Katsuki, whats wrong?" Ejiro called over, and nudged for the photographer to get ready to take a picture.Katsuki looked over his shoulder, holding his nose and pointed with a finger to his drooping diaper butt."I went boom boom!" he whined, as the picture was taken."you sure did. but it's OK. we all know your just a big baby. you're gonna look SO cute." Ejiro called over. "Why don't you do the other pose you were gonna do for the pictures buddy?""I..I uh.. guess." Katsuki said.making sure he was well balanced, he bent over and braced himself with his hands on the floor, but peeked though his legs to look at daddy and the nice picture man, and flashed them a smile as his picture was snapped."oh! hang on!" He called and then fumbled with his paci, getting it in his mouth and waited for a second flash of the camera."VERY cute little man~" Daddy called over and Katsuki giggled then rolled over, squishing his diaper and making the smell get worse."Um..Um..I'm sorry..but can you change him?" One young lady asked, her eyes watering and she looked like she was fighting the urge to run away.Ejiro chuckled and nodded, even as Katsuki, having missed her request had moved onto the next pose and was On his back, hold his legs up and looking up for the next picture.which of course was taken."Ok buddy, little time out for a diapie change.""what, already?" Katsuki asked, raising a eyebrow. normally he's sit in his own soft serve for like, at least a good 20 minutes."Yeah, your a bit much for the staff to handle buddy." Ejiro said and winked."Hehehe Fear my all powerful STINK BUTT!" Katsuki giggled and clapped, which of course, picture taken.The big baby got up so daddy could undo the button on his short all's and then before laying down, and with the crotch snap of his onesie undone he turned around before sitting down."h! oh! look! Papa got me a new onesie and it's got a skunk on it cuz I'm a widdle stinker!" he said proudly.and you guessed it, picture taken.getting the poopie boy on his back, Ejiro opened up the diapers the diapers and one staffer ran out of the shop."it's actually not that bad." Ejiro commented. "you should of seen him after chilli cheese dog night."the staffers who were braving the smell chuckled at that, and Katsuki sucked on his paci and played with super teddy, which had been brought along just for this.the little guy got some chuckles as his cock lock was seen but thought they were giggling at him playing with super teddy so he hammed it it, grinning big time.Sadly no picture was taken THAT time since the studio was license for porn. As the diaper change was wrapping up, Katsuki was turned on his tummy so that Ejiro could sprinkled baby powder on his butt to help with a rash Katsuki had been starting to get. "Ok buddy we're almost done he-" Ejiro started to say when Katsuki let out a squeaky fart that sent a cloud of baby powder up in the air, and well, since his fronts had been covered the photographer had been going for a picture and manged to catch the moment on camera.After getting his diaper changed and getting redressed, Katsuki was a good little helper and carried his poopie diaper to the trash for daddy and then posed for a few more pictures.they then went to the food court for a little snack while the pictures were developed, going to the McDonald's and of course Katsuki got a happy meal.He was playing with the toy race car he'd gotten as the came back into the studio."well I have to say, this was the most interesting and adorable photo shoot I've even done." the photographer said and chuckle, handing over the book with the pictures in it to Ejiro.or at least that was the plan. what happened instead was Katsuki took it and started to flip though it, having stuffed the car in the diaper bag and giggled lots."Oh yeah! dis is good! great job!" Katsuki praised.Ejiro just smirked and rolled his eyes, and paid for the pictures as Katsuki hugged the album to his chest."So, If I need anymore pictures taken, can I come back?" Katsuki asked.Half the staff paled at that thought but the photographer, who was also the owner just smirked."Of course little guy." He said and ruffled Katsuki's hair.As the pair waled (well waddled in Katsuki's case) out of the mall Katsuki kept hugging the album to his chest.He really was lucky. some would argued he was semi tricked or forced into life as a little diaper boy, but honestly with how easily it had all happened, Katsuki himself had to admit deep down he had always been a little.'I'm  a super lucky little guy to have two awesome daddies.' he mentally gushed and nuzzled into daddy.The end
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chesterdesade · 4 years
An Erotic Story
I didn't know how to tell them. I was so scared. Even though I was only 13, I knew I was gay. I kind of always knew. When I was 7, I'd watch the Jonas Brothers' TV show on the Disney channel and totally think that Nick was hot. I'd be lying on the floor on my stomach when I'd feel my dick get hard. I'd rub it against the carpet and imagine that Nick Jonas was naked and under me. I'd fantasize about being naked with all three brothers. I'd cum in my briefs, but of course no cum came out. Not at that age.
But now that I was going through puberty, it all became crystal clear. I liked guys and I was pretty much cool with it. But telling my dad and my big brother...that I was not so cool with. How would they react? Would they accept me or disown me? I was so nervous. My mom is no longer in the picture. It's a long boring story, but needless to say, I didn't have to worry about her. But Dad and my 15 year-old brother Esteban? That was a tricky one.
I called them into the living room one evening. I was going to tell them once and for all. "Dad. Esteban. I have something to tell you."
"What is it, Leo?" Dad asked.
"There's something very personal about myself I need to tell you. But I don't know how to say it." I was so nervous, I was shaking.
"Son. If you're trying to tell me you're gay, it's ok. We already know," Dad said, surprising me.
"You mean...you knew?" I said, shocked.
"Please," Esteban said. "You never talk about girls. And I see the way you look at boys. Whenever I take off my pants, you look like you need a drool rag!" he laughed.
"Oh my god, I'm so relieved!" I smiled wide. "I was so scared. I didn't know how to tell you. I was afraid you'd hate me."
"Oh mijo, I could never hate you. I love you," Dad said.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" I needed reassurance.
"Son, come here," Dad said. He took me in his strong burly arms and hugged me. "I want to make sure you know just how comfortable we are with your sexuality." At that, Dad pressed his lips to mine and kissed me tenderly on the mouth. His goatee tickled my smooth boyish face.
"Whoa, Dad! Whaa..."
"Shh. Don't say anything, son," Dad shushed me. "No son of mine is gonna grow up feeling insecure about himself. Especially in his own household." Dad kissed me passionately and placed his tongue in my mouth and wiggled it around. I was in shock and my heart was beating a mile a minute. What surprised me most of all was that my cock was sticking straight up in my short pants and struggling to get out.
"Mijo, here's a new house rule for you: If you like guys, I want you to explore your desires here in the safety of your own home. I don't want you running around messing with boys on the street. You don't know where they've been. At least here, I know what's going on and I could protect you," Dad explained. "If you're gonna play around, I'd rather you do it with me and your brother under my roof where at least I know you're safe."
I didn't say a word as Dad pulled off the white polo shirt of my Catholic school uniform over my head. He ran his big rough hands over my smooth tan hairless chest before sucking on my soft small nipples. Dad got on his knees, unbuckled my belt and unzipped my shorts and pulled them down. "What you got here, son?" Dad said, noticing my boner in my tighty-whiteys. He opened my briefs and out popped my hard dick. "You're getting to be a big boy." Dad opened his mouth and swallowed my dick whole. He sucked on it so hard, I almost fell back fainting. "You like that, mijo?" Dad asked.
"Y-yeah, Pop," I stammered, dazed.
"Wanna try Papi's dick now?"
"Sure, Dad!" Dad stood up and undid his denim shorts pulling out his big fat uncut cock.
"Go ahead, boy. Get on your knees and try it." I did as I was told and sank to my knees. I took my dad's dick in my mouth and sucked it. It was so big I could barely get it all in. So I concentrated on his fat bulb the most. "Oh yeah, mijito! You suck real good," Dad moaned.
My big brother Esteban had pulled his dick out of his basketball shorts and was openly jacking off as he watched us. "You ok with helping out your little brother, Esteban?" Dad asked my big brother.
"Hell yeah!" Esteban said. "I'm horny all the time, Dad! And I can't depend on my girlfriend to help me out. She's such a prude. Leo would be doing me a solid!"
"Good attitude, son!" Dad laughed.
Esteban walked over to me and Dad and stuck his dick in my mouth. I couldn't believe this was happening! My heart was racing. I took turns sucking off both Dad and my brother. "Just make sure you remember that I ain't gay," Esteban clarified. "But I don't got a problem if you are. This is just me showing you that I'm cool with you."
"I ain't gay either," Dad said. "But we are family and I love my boys. And this is just another way of expressing my love and that's all there is to it. It ain't anyone's business! Now let's get comfortable," Dad suggested. We all stripped down to just our socks and lied down on the carpeted living room floor. I sucked Esteban's cock while Esteban sucked Dad's cock while Dad sucked my cock in a daisy chain.
I started getting a really intense feeling in my dick from Dad sucking me and I started moaning and groaning a lot. I couldn't hold it anymore. I shot my load in Dad's mouth and he only increased his sucking and swallowed all of my cum. "Good job!" he said. "Son, I want to go all the way with you. I want your first time to be with me. I want to make sure it's special with someone I know you love," Dad said. "Is that ok with you?"
"Uh...uh...sure," was all I could say. I was so dizzy. Dad had me bring my knees up to my chest and he started eating my butt, getting it all wet. It felt crazy! I never did anything sexual at all before now except with myself. I didn't expect anything like this! His big tongue was really digging in up there. I was moaning like crazy.
Then he crouched up to me and pressed his fat cock head to my butthole and pushed. Oh my god, it hurt like a bitch, but as soon as he got it all the way in, it started to feel pretty good. I couldn't believe his giant cock fit all the way up my tight butt! It was such a trip. He started fucking me, sliding his cock in and out of my culo. I was really dizzy now. My big brother crawled over to me and shoved his hard dick in my mouth which kinda helped ease the pressure from being fucked by Dad. I sucked it like a baby.
I couldn't believe what we were doing. We were all naked together and playing! Well, almost naked. Me and Esteban had our black sport socks on and Dad still had on his long white cholo socks, so technically we weren't totally naked so it wasn't too gay, right. Haha! But it was so much fun!
Dad started grunting like a bear and yelled "I'm cumming! I'm cumming in my baby boy's ass! Ahhhh!" I could feel him shooting his load up my butt. My brother started moaning too and he shot his own load in my mouth. It tasted funny, but I didn't want to make a mess so I made sure I swallowed all of it. I was stroking my cock really hard and I too shot cum all over my chest. It was so hot!
"You see, son?" Dad said, catching his breath. "Your family is totally cool with you being gay. And you could get all the gay sex you want right here at home. Ain't that right, Esteban?"
"Hell yeah!" my brother said, still out of breath. "Uh, I mean...sure, why not. It's all good."
"Thanks, Dad!" I smiled. I felt so happy and warm.
"No problem, mijo. We love you," Dad said, giving me a huge hug. The cum on my smooth chest got stuck in his chest hair. I pointed it out, laughing. "No worries," he said, scooping some of it up with his fingers and licking it. Esteban leaned in and started licking my cum off of Dad's chest, too. I just had to do the same.
Before I knew it, me and my big bro were sucking Dad's big nipples and hard cock. It was on again! "Wow! You guys are hooking up?" my little brother Jesse said as he suddenly appeared in the entrance to the living room. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention him. I have an 8 year-old brother, Jesse. Or "The Accident" as me and Esteban call him. I wasn't gonna include him in my coming out announcement cause he's a lot younger. I just let him keep busy up in his room playing or doing his homework. But there he was, suddenly deciding to walk in on us, of all times.
"Jesse, go back to your room. I'll explain this when you're older," Dad said.
"Daddy, I know what sex is!" Jesse protested. "They teach us about it in school!"
"Really? Already?" Dad was surprised.
"Duh! I'm in the 3rd grade!" Jesse sassed.
"He's right, pops!" Esteban explained. "They're teaching Sex Ed younger and younger these days. I know my buddies' little brothers are already doin' it like pimps!"
"It's true, pop," Jesse said.
"Ay dios mio! Get in here, kiddo!" Esteban said, grabbing Jesse. He was such a horny bastard. Esteban practically ripped off Jesse's clothes and started sucking his little hairless dick.
"Take it easy on him, son!" Dad warned Esteban. "I'm only letting him participate for practice so he can do well in school. We ain't here to initiate him into gay sex, pendejo!"
"I can handle it, pop. I'm not a baby!" Jesse whined, tossing away his Iron Man undies. Whatever, Jesse! Esteban licked his fingers and started finger fucking our little brother.
Dad and I were left to be each other's sole fuck buddies now. But really, we were making love. Daddy topped me again as the two of us fucked on the floor right next to Esteban and Jesse. Esteban was pile-driving his 15 year-old cock deep into Jesse's tight 8 year-old boy pussy. Gotta admit, it was pretty hot. We all fucked like crazy on the living room floor till we shot our loads all over each other. Except for my punk ass little brother, Jesse, of course. His loads were still invisible if you know what I mean.
From that day on, my dad and my big brother went out of their way to make me feel comfortable at home. Esteban would come home from soccer practice and strip off his shorts and jersey in front of me. "Oh, sorry, li'l bro. I forgot this might turn you on."
"I ain't turned on, Mr. Conceited," I told him.
"You sure?" Esteban teased, dancing around the bedroom in his long soccer socks and sweaty jock strap. "No bitch can resist this!" My brother pulled off his jock and swung his cock around near my face.
"I ain't your bitch, you idiot," I said. I had to admit I was getting a little turned on. I could smell his musky balls. "Fuck it," I said and sucked Esteban's cock into my mouth. We ended up fucking on the bed.
Another time, my dad was sitting in his EZ chair in just his tighty-whiteys and socks. He liked to air out after work. I was watching some show on the Disney Channel; one of those teen shows that have a lot of cute boys in them. I started to get a little excited watching it. It was totally awkward.
"You like that boy, ha son," Dad just had to say something.
"Y-yeah I guess," I stuttered. "He's ok."
"Ok? You're burning a hole in your chonies!" he pointed out. I guess I was. "Come here." He called me over and I stood before him. Dad leaned forward and pulled my shorts down and sucked my cock. His cock grew and tented up his briefs.
"Look at those two!" my big brother Esteban said, suddenly appearing at the living room entrance; of all times. His buddy Rick was with him. They just got out of soccer practice and were all sweaty in just their shorts and footie gear, no shirts.
"Holy crap! Your dad goes down on your little brother?" Rick said, stunned.
"Yeah, just on him though," Esteban explained. "Leo's gay and my old man is hellbent on convincing him...and himself, I guess...that he's cool with it. Which means we all have to be cool with it."
"Wow! That is pretty cool of him, you have to admit!" the hunky teenager Rick said.
"We're allowed to help out too!" Esteban said. "But it ain't gay!" he made clear. "We just want to make him feel accepted and shit!"
"For reals? Oh hell yes!" Rick gasped. He walked over, got on his knees behind me and started eating out my ass. It felt so darn good! Soon after, Rick was fucking me in the ass. "As long as you all know I definitely ain't gay!" Rick said sternly. "I was always taught when you're at someone else's house, you gotta go by their rules. Just being polite, dudes!" he explained before shooting a load in my ass.
I must say, things at school were pretty cool. As part of my coming out process, I joined a club there called "The Gay/Straight Alliance Club" which was formed by gay students and their straight supporters. It might have been considered controversial a few years ago to have such a thing at an all-boys Catholic junior high school, but thanks to the support and endorsement of many of the priests and deacons in our diocese, that dream became a reality. A lot of cool students were members of the GSA club from student council members to jocks.
Many times, I would step into the school library where many of our meetings were held after school and the guys would be having a discussion about different subjects, one of them being homophobia. "I just want you guys to know, I think homophobia is for pussies," Bradley, the study straight football jock would declare, eloquent as always. The guys quietly applauded. "And just to prove I ain't..." Bradley grabbed Simon, the bespectacled openly gay science nerd, and started making out with him in front of us. It was hard not to react loudly in the library. We had a table set up in the back, but still.
Bradley would strip down to his mesh jersey, jock strap (pulled to the side) and tube socks and would fuck Simon, now dressed in just his long black dress socks and bow tie, right there on the table. The rest of us ditched our clothes and had a hot little student orgy right there in the library.
Father Gregory happened to stroll by, catching us. "Oh my. What have we here?" he said in his Irish accent. At first we thought we'd been busted but the only thing busting right there and then was Father Gregory's nuts! He stripped off his pants and joined the party. Funny that he immediately zeroed in on Christopher, our youngest member who skipped two grades for his advanced intelligence and was now in the 6th grade. I watched as the priest's big wet tongue glided all over Christopher's hairless little cock, balls and asshole. Christopher eventually found himself bouncing up and down on the grown man's cock, both of them in just their long black socks.
It was impossible to keep quiet and not break the rules of the library as we began cumming left and right. You should have seen Simon. His thick black-framed glasses were covered with cum.
There was a time, though, something at school had me bummed. My old man caught me moping about it after school. "Hey, you?" he asked. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," I sighed.
"Hey. I thought after everything we talked about, it was clear that you can talk to me about anything." I explained to my dad that there was a big Mother/Son Toga Dance Party next week at school and it was just bringing up issues I had with my mom leaving. Dad was so good at consoling me. "I'm gonna have a little chat with your principal," he smiled. I begged him not to as I didn't want any attention. I was already self-conscious as it was, but dad insisted he'd keep it on the DL. Before I knew it, I had special permission along with a couple of other students to bring my dad to the dance! I was so happy.
The night of the dance, I walked into the living room in my toga where dad was already waiting. "Look at you, boy!" Dad smiled proudly. "I'm definitely gonna have the most handsome date there." Dad's toga was a bit skimpy and not put together too well, poor guy. He was more used to changing the oil in the car than making costumes. It looked he just took a really long white pillow case, rather than a sheet, and cut out a hole at the closed end for his head and two holes on the sides for his arms and wore it like a mini dress, or a potato sack. He was clearly wearing tighty whiteys underneath cause the hem of the toga...the opened part of the pillow case...didn't even cover his crotch. I laughed my ass off. The sides of the pillow case were really slit almost from top to bottom exposing his chest and love handles. And to top it off, he wore long white socks with strappy 'dad sandals'. Oh man, he's so clueless. You gotta love him. And let's just say that my toga was very well put together, though it was not much less skimpy.
Dad and I had a great time at the dance and people were pretty cool with me bringing him. Whenever dad sat down at the dance, his whole crotch was exposed to the world. It was so embarrassing but my friends just thought it was real funny. And Dad was a real hit with all the moms. There was so much flirting going on, it was so awkward. I mean, most of the moms are married!
After the dance, Dad drove us home and we walked to the front porch. "Aren't you gonna give your date a goodnight kiss?" Dad said. I leaned in to kiss him and Dad grabbed my face and really laid into me giving me a big ole French kiss, tongue and all. It gave me a boner.
"But Dad, that kiss might've been enough in the olden days when you were a teenager. Kids today expect to go a lot further," I teased him.
"Oh excuse me for being from the Stone Age," he laughed. "You think your old man ain't hip? I'll show you, sonny!" Dad unlocked the door, scooped me up in his arms and carried me inside to the living room. "On this date, I'm putting out!" Dad announced. He lifted the skirt of my toga, pulled my dick from my drawers and started sucking me off. Soon, Dad had me on my back on the carpet, both of us with our togas still on but our underpants off, as he fucked me in the ass.
"What's going on here?" my brother Esteban said, coming down the stairs in his socks and underwear. "I thought I told you to have him home at a decent hour!" he jokingly scolded Dad. "And no sex on the first date!" Esteban paused. "Well...at least not without me!" My big brother took off his underwear and joined us on the living room floor.
In general, Esteban was getting a little carried away with honing in on my action. One day I brought a boy home from school that I kinda liked. We were just gonna do our homework together. Nothing nasty. We were on my bed with our books and papers spread about with the door wide open when all of a sudden Esteban comes walking by. He stops and sticks his nosey ass in my bedroom. "Oh! What's going on here?" he teased, all embarrassing.
"We're just studying," I quickly said.
"Who's this?" my brother asked grinning like a wolf on the prowl. I introduced him to my classmate Pedro who was 12. Pedro was really cute and I knew Esteban would be all over his shit. "Well don't let me stop you from working," Esteban said taking off his shirt. "Is it hot in here, or is it me?" He kept trying to help Pedro with his homework. He kept talking to him and laughing and being totally flirtatious. It was so obnoxious. Pedro was wearing a loose fitting tank top and Esteban kept "accidentally" putting his hands on him and was practically reaching into his tank top through the arm holes to touch Pedro's nipples. "Why don't you take your shoes off and get comfortable," Esteban said, pulling off Pedro's sneakers without even asking. He started massaging Pedro's feet.
All Pedro could do was laugh and smile all awkward. He kept looking at me like 'what the fuck?' "That feels good," he chuckled. My brother peeled off one of Pedro's socks and started licking his foot making him giggle. Then Esteban unbuckled the little dude's belt, unbuttoned his shorts and pulled down his zipper. "Oh my gosh, what's happening?" Pedro giggled like the cute awkward dork that he was. Esteban grinned and pulled off Pedro's shorts and briefs and his hard five inch cock snapped free. I was so excited to see it for the first time as I was crushing on him hard. But I was also really jealous that my own big brother was stealing my boy!
Esteban started sucking Pedro's dick practically sending Pedro into convulsions. Then he started eating out his ass while Pedro's legs hanged in the air with one sock on one foot, the other bare. Then Esteban stripped off his shorts and briefs and started to push his hard cock into Pedro's butt. I couldn't stand it anymore. I got up and went downstairs leaving them both on their own.
I walked towards the living room but stopped just outside the entrance cause my little brother Jesse was in there playing video games with his buddy Eric. Eric was a cute little kid. He was the same age as Jesse...maybe a little bit younger. "I won! I killed more zombies than you!" Jesse screamed. "You know what that means! You have to do it to me now!"
"I know, I know," Eric said defeated. My little brother stood up and pulled down his shorts and his little boner, already hard, sprang free. Little Eric went down on his knees and immediately, he started sucking Jesse's weenie. I watched to see what they'd do next. The two third graders ended up totally fucking on the living room floor.
"Oh man!" I said to myself. "Is everyone in this house getting action except me? I'm supposed to be the gay one!" I was so jealous. I went to go sulk in the kitchen.
Dad walked in from work. "What's up, Leo?" he asked, catching me in my frustration.
"Oh nothing. It's just that my brothers are getting all the action in the house and they're not even really gay!" I complained.
"What are they doing?" Dad asked.
"Esteban's upstairs banging my crush and Jesse's in the living room banging his little buddy Eric," I tattled. "Those two don't even have hair on their dicks! I feel all left out."
"Well we'll just see about that!" Dad said as he started unbuttoning his shirt. My cock got hard real quick and soon, Dad had me on the kitchen counter and was sucking my dick till I came in his mouth. "How was that?" Dad smiled.
"Great," I said, a little sullen.
"But?" Dad asked.
"It still doesn't change my interest in Pedro."
"Then why don't you march upstairs like a man and tell him how you feel," Dad encouraged. "Stand up to your pendejo brother and throw him outta there. Show him who's boss."
"You're right. I'm gonna do that!" I said. So I marched upstairs in my t-shirt and socks, forgetting I had no pants or underwear on, and went back to my room.
Esteban came out of my room all sweaty with a big grin on his face. He was naked except for his socks. "Sup, baby bro," he tried to high-five me but I dissed him, rushing right into my room.
Pedro was lying on the bed looking kind of dazed. He was naked with a load of cum on his chest. "Hey man. You ok?" I asked him.
"Yeah," he said softly.
"Have fun with my brother?"
"Yeah, but..." Pedro began.
"What?" I asked, sitting down next to him on the bed.
"It's just that...I really wanted to be with you." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Finally! I leaned in and kissed Pedro on the lips and the two of us started making out like crazy. Before you knew it, it was MY cock that was sliding in and out of Pedro's ass, not my big brother's! We made love till I shot my load up his butt and he shot his all over his chest and abs. I didn't even care that I could feel my big brother's cum slicking up my dick inside of Pedro's butthole. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time," Pedro sighed.
"Me too, little buddy. Me too."
The two of us put our shorts back on and went downstairs shirtless. We walked to the living room and found my big brother fucking Jesse's little friend Eric. Jesse was sitting cross-legged in just his socks with his chin resting in his palms, all pouty. Looks like Esteban stole his fuck buddy too! Esteban had the kid (who was just a few months shy of his 8th birthday) bouncing up and down on his lap on the living room floor. My brother's cock was up his ass and the boy was riding him like a bucking bronco.
"What's the matter, baby bro?" I asked him.
"What do you think?" he pouted.
"Come on," I laughed, grabbing him by the arm. Pedro and I were on him like sand on the beach, kissing him and feeling him up and making him feel wanted, right next to our big brother and his little fuck toy. Pedro and I took turns fucking Jesse in the ass till we both shot loads up it. I assume Jesse came too. That's what it seemed like, though no cum came out of his wiener.
"Boys, dinner's gonna be ready in a half hour...whoa!" Dad said, stepping into the living room and getting stunned. There his sons were, fucking up a storm with two extra boys. "Well...I guess I can let dinner simmer on the stove for a few minutes," he said taking off his shirt. Dad stripped down to his black socks and joined in on the fun. He got to fuck each and every one of our asses. But it was my ass he saved for last. So it was my ass he came in. That made me feel very special. "I love you, mijo," Dad said, French kissing me tenderly.
"I love you too, pop," I smiled. "Thank you. For everything."
I guess cumming out wasn't such a hard thing after all. I'm so lucky to have such an awesome family that loves me unconditionally.
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morenasangre · 4 years
Seven Words: 4
It was an unfamiliar sound, quiet, yet infinitely notable because it was as out of place as the light that streamed from the door down the hall.  He paused, beer in his hand forgotten as the puffs of breath hung on the hum of the air conditioner, muffled moans coloring them with the amorphous tint of sorrow. His son, his Samuel, was crying.
Setting the dark glass on the console table without regard for the abstract threat of ringing its surface, he moved toward the light, concern pulling the muscles in his neck taut, ears ringing a dull paean as the carpet pressed against bare feet.
He pitched his voice just above a whisper, soft and fatherly, but it boomed in his ears, bouncing around the corners of the bedroom with its baseball cap and pile of discarded clothes. A sprawl of bright-covered schoolbooks launched themselves across the desk, apparently caught in an attempted escape from the cartoon-character festooned backpack that occupied the chair beside them. The chaos comforted him, balancing out the neat arrangement of furniture, the empty surfaces that bespoke partial custody and amplified every tiny sound of sorrow with guilt. Beside the blue and gold bedspread, a lamp glowed with all the comfort of artificial daylight, a sliver of sun trapped in glass that hummed the security of man’s power over night, sodium glow tracing the hills and valleys of the small shape curled beneath the covers.
“Buddy, you okay?”
The sobs subsided in a hitching breath, sheets still shuddering with mute grief. With a breath, he crossed the space, kneeling in silent supplication to the unseen son beneath the sheet, “What is it?”
“I don’t –“ Tousled hair the color of black coffee emerged into the light, followed by a thin face streaked with moisture that spread itself across nose and cheeks, shining trails of sorrow interlaced into a mosaic of misery, “I don’t want to go to school there. I hate it.”
“Why?” The word hung in the air between them, kneeling father’s hand half clenched as he stopped himself from reaching, the boy accusing, staring angrily at the specter of refusal that he had summoned with a child’s certainty of adult denial.
“Because they don’t like me.” He sniffed, a wet, thick sound against the clean air, “The other boys. They’re mean. Why do I have to go to school there?”
“Because,” he stabilized himself with the familiar scents of the apartment, the certainty of the rent, “it’s the best prep school for kids your age. They have the best sports –“
“But I don’t WANT to play sports.” The small face creased in misery, wrinkles from future decades summoned into the present by timeless despair. “I like drawing things and designing things. Like dragons…and dresses. They –“ a small hiccup as shame overwhelmed speech, “they said that made me a pussy. And one of the boys, his name is Donovan, he pushed me and ripped my shirt.”
His hand hovered in the air, sorrow and sympathy locking shoulders to raise it like a shield, heroic archetype shimmering in the climate-controlled air as every father in memory slew the monsters devouring childhood with reality-stained teeth. Something in his chest urged him to gather the tiny shape into his arms, pulling genetic bonds into physicality, satisfying the primal need to protect and comfort, but he resisted. He couldn’t protect his child forever, and even if he tried, he could only protect him on alternate weekends. They all had to grow up. Scars toughened those vulnerable places where the world sank its claws. Pain was a part of life, and it was important to learn that.
Wasn’t it?
He drew in a deep breath, letting the weight of the filtered air, the heavy scent of the fabric softener push his arm back to his side. Being a father wasn’t about coddling the boy. Mothers were the emotional ones, the ones to comfort and console.  Fathers were the strong examples, the ones who taught their sons to be men. Sports would teach him to work through pain, physical and emotional. They would pave the way to professional camaraderie, help him find common ground in phantom future boardrooms. He would have to be tough there. The real world was a place full of slights and sorrows. It was his job to help the boy man up, not to protect him.  He swallowed, pushing down the soft words of comfort, clearing the way for the harsh truth. The words formed behind his eyes, filling the frame of fatherhood, “I’m sorry, but that’s how it is. You have to stand up to those boys, learn to man up…”
But the voice in his head wasn’t his, the room wasn’t this one. It was his father, face hardened stone, crags of brow and jaw monolithic in memory, crumpled comics in his granite grip. Manliness, the immutable archetype that had thickened his skin and set his feet on the loose gravel of the path of expectations. Lips akimbo, breath burning in his lungs, the words stuck in his throat, banked coals of long-forgotten humiliations glowing in the oxygen of the unspoken words, old scars flaring anew in their unbearable heat.  
“I’ll talk to your mom. Maybe we can change your classes or find a different school…”
Something moved on the air, the beat of wings, the shift of something three steps away from the glow of the lamp and the hum of the fan. He felt it, a half-seen shimmer in the air, a shadow in the corner of his eye, hovering at the desk, brushing the backpack, and without thinking, he turned, eyes following the unseen.
Seven Words.
Bold, neat printed letters spreading across a bright sheet of paper, wedged between fractions and fragmented sentences. The hair rose across his arms, tiny mountains of distress raising cuticle flags of warning, catching every shift in the air around him as if knowing that something was there, something moved in invisibility around him, would give him an advantage in a fight that had no tangible opponent.
Seven Words.
“Sam,” his voice trembled like a violin string sawed by a cosmic bow of terror as he lifted a hand, heavy as a broken heart, pointing at the paper on his son’s desk, “where did you get that?”
The small frame twisted beneath the blankets, narrow shoulders and pale hands emerging like a butterfly freeing itself from a cotton-polyester blend cocoon. The face that summoned pale memories of photographs from his mother’s attic, relegated to the trash after her funeral, relics of a childhood he had no need to remember, that face turned to the desk, hazel eyes – Rachel’s eyes – narrowing as they contemplated the paper.
“Guest speaker.” A pale hand smeared the remnants of tears and snot into a slick of sorrow as the blush lips pursed with certainty.  “She was nice. And pretty. She had a blue dress that looked like the summer sky. She gave it to me. Told me to bring it home to my dad, but I forgot. That was last weekend, so I didn’t get to –“
“Did she say anything else?”
The small face creased in concentration, lips wrinkling as thought pulled them tight, intangible drawstring sealing in words until certainty was ready to emerge. “No. Just to give it to you. It was like she thought you would know what to do with it. Like a permission slip or a report card.” Eyes like chips of amber caught in the sun of trust looked up at him, uncertainty flickering dark in their depths. “So I don’t have to go back there?”
“I can’t promise that.” Hard truth. Tough skin. Tough soul. “But I promise that I’ll try to make it easier. I can teach you a few things to help you deal with those assholes. And –“ flakes of rubble drifted across the space of his soul as his father’s features eroded, softening under the onslaught of the primitive, instinctual need to protect one’s young, “I might know someone who can give you art lessons. Would you like that, buddy?”
“Really?” Hope. Joy. The reflection of a hero who would never exist anywhere except in the mirror of unsolicited love. Something inside him that had hung empty and limp, forgotten in some dark closet of memory swelled with purpose, taking a shape that filled a hollow so long ignored that its ache had become a part of who he was. The small person on the bed, so small, so vulnerable, pajamas patterned with all his fears of failure and memories of his own parent’s mistakes emerged from the blankets like a butterfly shaking itself free of its past. Without pause, it wrapped thin arms around him, gratitude and love flowing through the touch, the reward of the worshiper kneeling at the altar of childhood, and for a moment, the universe around him aligned, outer and inner worlds resonating in a forgotten harmony. The world stopped, the aches that were simply life fell silent, and for the dark space between breath and heartbeat, he was whole.
Seven words.
Like he would know what to do with it, like a permission slip or report card.
Seven words.
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Armageddon Chapter 9 (Dean x Reader)
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Title: Armageddon Chapter 9
Summary:  Space. The Final Frontier. But for Dean Winchester, space was the last place he thought he would ever go. His family life isn’t perfect, his job isn’t ideal, but he has (Y/n), the woman he loves. Sam Winchester never thought his life would turn out the way it did. He is divorced, alone, and his brother most likely hates him. Working for NASA was not going to be easy. But, when a threat to the earth has him calling on his family for help, what can he do? can Sam and Dean push past his family issues to keep the Earth spinning another day? Based on the movie of the same name.
Pairings: Dean x Reader; Sam x Jessica
Warnings For this Chapter: Angst, smut, language
Song for this chapter is Open Arms by Journey
Sam was sitting at the same park (Y/n) had been at with Dean just the day prior. He was holding a manilla envelope in his hands with Dean’s name written on it. He was so focused on the ground, he didn’t hear the sound of his own car pulling up by him. (Y/n) got out of the car and walked towards him.
“Sam?” she called as she placed her hand gently on his shoulder. He looked up at her. His eyes looked lost.
“(Y/n)?” He asked. “How’d you find me?”
“I just drove around and I got lucky,” she sighed and sat next to him. “Want to tell me how you’re doing?”
“Thinking.” Sam said, bouncing his leg some. “Trying to figure out if this would make Dean hate me more or make him forgive me for everything that’s happened…”
“Sam, it’s not your fault. And he doesn’t hate you! Your dad… John just really tore him up.. a lot. He was upset about graduation, and I had sent John to get you but you guys never showed.” (Y/n) whispered, “It hurt Dean, he knew you might have been busy, but your dad… that’s a different story.”
“That...that was a bad night.” Sam whispered.
“Sam?” (Y/n) placed her hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes, “What happened?”
“N-nothing.” He sighed. “Here.” He handed the envelope to her. “Will you give that to Dean for me after the mission?”
“Sam, you can give it to him yourself, you are BOTH coming back,” (Y/n) placed the envelope back in his hands. “Come on,” (Y/n) dragged him up. “I’m taking you to go see your son. You need it.”
“(Y/n), they don’t want to see me.” Sam told her. She was pulling him up though.
“You are going and that’s final!” She said, “don’t argue with your future sister-in-law… well if Dean doesn’t take the ring back.” She took a deep breath, “so let’s go.”
“He’s not going to break up with you.” Sam said, following her to the car. “He’s been hung up on you since he knew that girls had different parts than boys.”
(Y/n) scoffed, “Yeah, right. He’s mad at me, I know it and… I... “ she took a deep breath and rubbed her abdomen without thinking. “I mean, I just… I can’t lose him Sam.”
“Oh my god.” Sam gasped, his eyes widening.
“What?” she looked around and looked around herself, “snake or spider?”
“Okay, I might not be good in social situations, but I can pick up on cues. And you (Y/n/n), are pregnant.” Sam said. He wrapped her up in a hug.
“Huh? What? Me? No… No,” (Y/n) tried her best at lying. “I’m not pregnant Sam, what gave you that Idea?”
“You keep touching your stomach, but not in a it hurts type way. You’re wearing some looser clothes, and you’re glowing.” Sam told her. “Admit it (Y/n) or I’m not going to see Ashton.”
“That’s...That’s….” (Y/n) groaned, “fine but you tell Dean and I cut your hair!”
“Hey, you leave my hair out of this!” Sam said. “Do you realize how long it took to grow back after Dean’s last prank on it?”
“Yeah, I was the one who helped,” she smirked. “So do we have a deal?”
“Deal.” Sam grumbled. “But man, I can’t wait to see Dean’s face when he finds out.”
“Not until after the mission,” (Y/n) breathed. “He can’t know until he comes back safe, ok? He comes back safe with you, and you can even record it!”
“Okay, okay.” Sam laughed. “We come back and I get to watch my brother cry tears of joy.”
“Or pain, he might dump me when he finds out,” she sighed as she made the drive to San Antonio.
“He won’t dump you.” Sam told her, looking out the window. He had the envelope laying in his lap.
“You didn’t see his face when he looked at me after you left,” she muttered. “He looked at me like I stabbed him in the heart.”
“I’ve been seeing that look a lot here recently.” He turned to look out the window.
(Y/n) and Sam drove three hours to get to San Antonio. She followed Sam’s directions to Jesse’s house and smiled when they got there.
“You ready Sam?” she gave his hand a squeeze.
“No, I’m not.” Sam said. “She’s probably with her boyfriend. She doesn’t want to see me (Y/n).”
“Well you are here to see Ashton more than anything Sam,” (Y/n) gave him a smile. They headed to the door and rang the doorbell. Jessica answered, Ashton by her legs.
“Daddy!” Ashton reached for him. Sam picked him up.
“Sam?” Jessica asked. “Why aren’t you at work?”
“I had some time off, wanted to come see Ashton...and you…” Sam smiled at her some.
(Y/n) waved, “Hi Jessica.” (Y/n) tucked a strand of stray hair behind her ear.
“Hi (Y/n).” Jessica looked back at Sam. “Do you guys want to come in?”
“Sure.” Sam smiled a little as he carried Ashton inside the house.
“So, Jess… How are you doing?” (Y/n) gave her a small smiled.
“Oh, okay I guess.” She sighed. “Tim and I broke up awhile ago and I’ve been having to juggle things around. I tried calling Sam, to see if you could take Ashton for a few days, but you must have been busy…”
“Oh…” Sam sighed. “We’ve had a bit of a situation going on and I’m sorry.”
“Not sure how much, we can divulge, I mean I’m sure you saw what happened on the east coast,” (Y/n) shook her head. “it’s …”
“It’s not good.” Sam said sadly. “But we’re going up to fix it. To keep everyone safe.”
(Y/n) walked over to Aston, “Hi sweetie, want to play so your mommy and daddy can talk?”
“Yes!” Ashton said. “I show you my toys!”
Ashton led (Y/n) to her room, leaving Sam and Jess alone in the living room.
“I’m not sure what the directors allowed to be leaked to the news….” Sam rubbed the back of his neck.
“I’ve seen some stuff.” Jessica said, playing with the hem of her shirt.
“I...I’m sorry about you and Tim.” Sam said. “You really seemed to like him.”
“Not as much as I loved you.” Jessica whispered. But it was loud enough Sam could hear her.
“Jess… I never stopped… I just thought… we were young and we… “ Sam was rocking on his heels. He wasn’t sure what to say. That’s when Jessica took the first move and kissed Sam. She pulled away after a moment.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t…”
Sam placed his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in for another kiss. Sam snaked his other arm around her waist as his tongue grazed her bottom lip. Jessica opened her mouth, allowing Sam’s tongue to explore her mouth. They both moaned as they brought their bodies closer together. Sam broke the kiss, and looked into Jessica’s eyes.
“I can send (Y/n) to take Ashton to get ice cream,” he muttered before kissing her again.
“God yes.” Jessica saisd, melting into his arms. “I’ll be in my bedroom.” She walked away from him.
Sam walked over to Ashton’s room and knocked softly, “Ashton? (Y/n)?”
“Hi daddy! We play cars!” Ashton smiled at Sam, showing him his newest car.
“What’s up Sam?” (Y/n) asked.
“Hey buddy, how would you like Aunty (Y/n) to take you to go get some Ice cream and the park maybe?” Sam gave (Y/n) a small blush.
“Oh? Oh. Oh!” (Y/n) said, realizing what he was talking about. “Yeah, we’ll go. I think we could spend an hour out there so you and Jess can talk.” She winked.
“Thanks… and don’t tell Dean...if he calls,” Sam rubbed the back of his neck.
“Why?” (Y/n) asked, a little confused. “He’d be happy for you.”
“Please?” Sam begged. “I’ll keep your secret if you keep mine.”
“Okay, okay.” She laughed. “Go have fun tiger.”
“Come on (Y/n/n), that’s not funny,” Sam sighed as he walked (Y/n) and Ashton to the door. “Be a good boy for auntie (Y/n) ok?”
“Otay!” He took (Y/n)’s hand and walked with her to head to the car. Sam went back to Jessica’s room, where she was sitting on her bed in her underwear.
“Sam.” She whispered.
Sam stripped off everything except his boxers and walked to the bed. He felt nervous as he caressed Jessica’s cheek. It had been a painful two and a half years since he’d been with her or anyone for that matter.
“I won’t break.” Jessica whispered. “Take me Sam.”
“I know, it’s just…” Sam kissed her not wanting to get the words out. Not wanting to feel like a loser.
Pushing her gently on to the bed he began to pepper her body with kisses. He reached behind her unhooking her bra releasing her breasts. Sam took each nipple in his mouth sucking on them making them erect. He continued his exploration of her body hooking his fingers on the waistband of her panties slowly taking them off her.  He spread her legs with his shoulder kissing her inner thigh. Slowly making his way closer, and closer to her awaiting heat. He stopped for just a moment to look at her, almost asking her if it was ok.
“Please.” Jessica whispered. “S-Sam please.”
Sam blushed as he proceeded to like stripe after stripe along her folds.Jessica shuddered at his touch. She missed the way his tongue felt against her flesh. Missed his tender touches and kisses. She regretted ever letting them separate, she regretted the divorce. She gasped when he began sucking on her clit, his index finger gently passing her folds and caressing her cunt. Sam curled his finger, gently massaging her as he pressed gently on her g-spot. Jess felt the familiar sensation as he pumped his finger in and out. Her pussy now slick with how wet she was. Sam had added a second finger making Jess buck her hips begging for more. Sam continued pumping his fingers in and out of her, he could feel her walls clenching around them before she moaned in ecstasy, he could feel her cum on his fingers. His tongue licking and sucking as she rode her high.
“Condoms?” Sam asked as he moved his way up her body, his erection showing through his boxers, a wet spot forming at how aroused fingering and eating her had made him.
“You don’t need it.” She told him. “I’m on birth control.”
“Are you sure? Jess....” Sam was still unsure. He looked at Jess, his heart pounding in his chest.
“It’s okay Sam. I need to feel you.” She leaned up and kissed him deeply. “I need you.”
Sam gently climbed back on top of Jess. He lined his cock up with her entrance. He slowly and gently pushed inside her. His body shivered at the feeling of her around him. He missed her touch, missed the way she felt. He slowly pushed his way in, her gasps and moans making his cock twitch as he fully sheathed himself inside her. He gave her a moment to adjust to him before beginning his thrusts, slow and deep.
“Jess, I missed you,” He breathed. Jessica moaned, holding on to him.
“I missed you too Sam.” The room was filled with her pants and moans as Sam gently made love to her.
Sam pulled her up gently as he took her mouth in hiss, kissing her deeply. Balancing on one arm he used the other to lift her leg around his hip. He continued to thrust into her, his mouth taking in her moans as he felt her cum around him. With a few more thrusts he followed after spilling into her. As Jess milked his cock Sam placed his forehead against hers briefly before laying down beside her taking her in his arms.  
“That was amazing.” She whispered, snuggling up next to him. “God, I forgot how good you felt.”
“I missed you Jess, I really have,” Sam held her close. “I worked too hard, when I should have been home with you more often.”
“Maybe...maybe you could come around more often?” She asked. “Try dinner tomorrow night?”
(Y/n) and Ashton had come back, their laughter could be heard from the living room.
“Jess… I’m on the mission that’s set to launch this week… I’m going up to space,” Sam told her sadly. Jessica set up, looking at him.
“You’re going to space?” She asked.
“Yeah, on of the guys got injured during a training simulation and I volunteered to go,” Sam got dressed slowly. “There’s going to be…”
“I can’t believe I fell for this.” She groaned, heading towards her bathroom. “I can’t believe I let you use me for a quick fuck!”
“Jess, that’s not what I did… I’m not lying!” Sam pleaded. “Jess… listen to me please.”
“No.” Jessica snapped. “I have known you for years Sam. And the entire time I’ve known you, they never once called you up for the space program. You’re a pencil pusher. And now you’ve gotten laid and suddenly you’re going to space?” She shook her head. “Get out of my house.”
Sam closed his eyes, he knew it was too good to be true. He nodded as he walked out of the bedroom door and looked at (Y/n).
“Hey, buddy,” Sam crouched down and hugged Ashton, “Daddy’s got to go, I love you.”
“Love you daddy!” Ashton hugged him tight.
“Sam?” (Y/n) asked. He didn’t say anything as he headed towards the car. (Y/n) saw Jessica come out and hug Ashton before looking up at Sam, shaking her head.
Forever Tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles Tags: @queenslandlover-93 @screechingartisancashbailiff @strab0 @maaryisafangirl @deathofmissjackson @hellabrothers @fandom-princess-forevermore @x-waywardaf-x @webcraft4eveh @deansgirl_1968 @2dead2function @horrorpxnk @luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @bella-ca @akshi8278
Supernatural Tags:  @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @flamencodiva @sams-serialkiller-fetish @theas-bedtime-stories @huntingfreewill @ocholove @princessofthefandomrealm
Armageddon Tags: @thefaithfulwriter
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awkward-bakugou · 5 years
Bnha characters as vines
- work it, work it, work it, fierce - "you don't need to wear makeup bskdhensn" I don't have to wipe my ass either but it is a preference of mine - I am a comet not a star - this bitch called me ugly I said bitch where she said under all that makeup BITCH WHERE - y'all ugly - oh girl let me give you a kiss - you look like a burnt garbanzo bean - you are ugly and I am not, I am the princess and you are the thot - I don't sing in the shower, I perform
- right in front of my salad - am I a womfn - I'm bringing awesome back - welcome to bath and body works - I'm a chicken nugget - I'm renata bliss and I'm your freestyle dance teacher - sitting on the toilet and I had to make a doody when the doody hit the water the water hit my booty do do do do
- Kermit singing usher
- no kevin, it's about nutmeg - look at this graph - I'm not really interested in being like the cool kids - that is not correct because according to the encyclopedia of spsjwlahdbrj - there's only one race, the human race WhAt AbOuT nAsCaR
- I just have these freezable fruit shapes - are they helium balloons
- defense against a guy in a chair
- catch me on cbs - that's not how you eat a banana - it's me, the cheese bandit - I can't tie my shoes but I can fuck your bitch - what the fuck is a chonce - vitamin c is spanish for vitamin yes - what's wrong with sticky nut juice - I'm just cooking pizza - dean stop you look like a nazi - haha hey, it's ya boi, uh, skinny penis - yes, she is a bitch, B-I-C-T-H - jokes on you, the jonas brothers can't break up they're bROTHERS - road work ahead? uh yeah, I sure hope it does - name a yellow fruit... orange - perhaps suck my ass can be our always - it's fuck yeah friday
- baloney fudge and mustard - attention shoppers, my dick is hard - siri what's my name - back at it again at krispy kreme
- is that a real dog
- I dropped my hot pocket - would anyone like some stew
- we can clearly see that somebody got me fucked up - she just favorited one of my tweets - courtney there's no candy in there
- screw you jake - put your middle fingers up if you don't give a fuck - I don't feel like driving anymore - sorry it's my mom I have to take this - say colorado I'M A GIRAFFE - ask me what kind of tree I have
- look, it's freaking bats, I love halloween - billy, your grandma's here
-everybody gets tired but specifically today I'm just tired of you - hey buddy, your grades are slipping, what's up with that - and just remember that no one can hate you more than you already hate yourself - release all of the sounds that are trapped in your mind - you're in time out, get on top of the fridge - we all die you either kill yourself or get killed - can I please get a waffle
- that one vine where the girl keeps getting pushed over cause no one fucking sees her - I think I know more about american girl dolls than you do genius
- like a good neighbor all state is there - I wanna fight kindergarteners - bitch gon step on my fucking toe bitch with the fucking cowgirl fucking boots bitch disgusting - kevin watch the light dude - you remember that one time I liked you - kitchen gun - fuck ya chicken strips - next time you fucking put your hands on me imma fucking rip your face off bitch - so no head? - yogurt is just fruit sperm and I'm not gay - bitch you better stop - give me yo fucking money
- have you ever had a dream so... that you, um... you'd... you... - excuse my potty mouth - you goof gary, you did it again - hey, I think you're really cool, I like you a lot, maybe we can hang out or something - some may call it stange, some may call it ugly, I don't really care cause I got a hat made of broccoli - there's a mushroom on your shirt
- today we're doing a product review on the new gameboy - guess what, the girls still want me - I'm allergic to my own goddamn dick - all these ghosts and I still can't find a boo - if I had a penny for every time I wasn't cool, I'd have no pennies - oh hi thanks for checking in I'm still a piece of garbage - on all levels except physical, I am a wolf - hey you, yes you, I want to fuck your ass - the world is burning, let's masturbate - my name's trevor, what's yours
- slow down, grab you bible, pray like you're tryna make a soul revival, praise the lord
- you're all going to hell, goodbye - when the barber accidentally gives you a bowl cut, what're you gonna do? I'm gonna kill the barber - i love you too you little betch - fuck off janet, I'm not going to your fucking baby shower - my main goal is to blow up and then act like i don't know nobody - rachel is so annoying - let's mcfreaking lose it - have you ever heard the sound of a rubber ball breaking a window - hey pal did you just roll in from stupid town
- hey, how you doing well I'm doing just fine I lied in dying inside - the stress relief cream vine - I don't need friends they disappoint me - hi, I'm attorney doug, have you or a loved one been injured in an accident? sucks to be you I guess - the nothing matters stuffed rabbit vine - I made a hat that's powered by sadness - is the wendy's alright
- well it's been a good day, can't wait for tomorrow - my name's derrik, let me guess, pizza
Present Mic
- bruno mars screaming voiceover vine - SKITTLESSSSSSS - good credit bad credit no credit no problem, if you dead fuck it ghost credit - this video is sponsored by vaprino anti diarrhea medicine, is your poopy too soupy? I think I swallowed a nickel... - michael with a b - it is wednesday my dudes
- today, we're watching the liberal propaganda film about an illegal gay muslim, it's called Aladdin - it's vinegar pussy - why don't we just relax and turn on the radio, would you like AM or FM - whoever threw that paper, your mom's a hoe - the best part of waking up is going back to sleep
All Might
- diet coke addiction - hi my name is failure and you're watching my life crumble to pieces
- oh my god sylvia it's gonna eat you
- I thought you were bae, turns out you were just fam - sabra gives you all your daily nutrients like zero grams of trans fat and OH MY GOD CHOLESTEROL - how do you not have a cell phone, it's 2015... Harry she's 5 -
- bitch I hope the fuck you do you'll be a dead son of a bitch I tell you that
- because you didn't use neosporin
- I don't like whiskey it burns my mouth - want penis enlargement pills
- this is how I enter my house - I don't need no degree to be a clothing hanger
I spent fucking days on this be proud
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moldypieceoflasagna · 6 years
36 questions that nobody asked me
(except @lollipoppedchainsaw )
(the 36 questions that lead to love or whatever) https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/11/fashion/no-37-big-wedding-or-small.html
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
I hate going out to dinner so much i probably wouldnt be able to enjoy it properly
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
It would be interesting to see what it’s like for a short period of time, but i’d never be able to keep it up; i’d probably have an identity crisis
3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
yes i have to mentally prepare myself 100% of the time
4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
hanging out with the people i love is enough to keep me happy for a good while tbh. sitting around doing nothing literally nothing with them is endlessly entertaining to me even though sometimes i might make that hard to believe 
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
i sing to myself a lot, not so much to others- although i AM a slut for karaoke
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
body because i feel thats probably what old people complain about most. plus like,, 90 years of life knowledge? sounds great to me
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
probably an accident that’s almost statistically impossible
8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
single rn (ladies) but i usually try to find friends with similar music tastes because scream-singing in the car is the most fun one can have
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
im most grateful for my dogs and for my friends! i love them and it means the world to me to have people that i can call family. also i would die without my dog juno, she is my rock (and my therapist)
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
Not rly how i was raised, but i wish i had a closer relationship with my older siblings. Three of them had moved out before i was rly old enough to not be an asshole child, so most of them still see me as an asshole child and they never take me seriously. im glad i have an alright relationship with them, but that’s kinda all it is and i know i could do better
11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
Lived in Texas my whole life yeehaw. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters; 2 of them dont like me, and my relationship with the other 2 is,, certainly not bad. Had a lot of physical and mental illness in the past, but 20gayteen is definitely my year, yeet
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
either speaking a different language or playing the piano. im very jealous of good piano players, and at some point i need to be able to speak a more useful language than french because so far in texas it’s proved absolutely useless (other than talking to my mom but that doesnt count)
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
I’d wanna know wtf im supposed to do with my life because sweaty i still have no idea. passion? dont know her please introduce me
14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
i wanna go skydiving bitch, no one wants to go with me! pussies!!! the lot of you
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
that one time i did an entire semester’s worth of work in the last three days of the school year
16. What do you value most in a friendship?
being able to put up with my huge fucking mouth. also honesty is super important, even if it’ll make me feel shitty
17. What is your most treasured memory?
when i went camping with a bunch of friends and they were bitter i got to be in the middle of the tent because they were all cold. either that or the time i was getting really bad sleep paralysis and @lonelywaterfall & @skity stayed over so my paranoia didnt render me completely useless,,, also the paramore concert lol ive never been more vulnerable in my life.
18. What is your most terrible memory?
coming out to my mom haha
19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
i’d go on a trip around the world to explore/to see a few people, and i’d put extra effort into my gender expression
20. What does friendship mean to you?
comfortable silence is my kink. also emotional vulnerability and SAD BOY HOURS we cant forget those
21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
I’m such a slut for physical affection yall have no idea please hug me as much as possible and play with my hair or my hands
22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
i guess ill do the same with previous partners so.. i think being funny is probably the #1 thing i appreciate in someone. when you make me laugh so hard i cry, just know that’s like. peak. also stubbornness is strangely attractive to me, plus like,,, uh having an unexpected soft side? an appreciation of art is super important, too. also SPOON VERSATILITY.
23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
it was probably happier than a lot of people’s but there wasnt much to it. plus being the youngest in my ENTIRE family really sucked during my childhood because everyone picked on me and i think that’s probably what started a lot of my issues lol
24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
better than it could be, but definitely not what i want it to be. we both love each other and i admire her work ethic, but she gave me a lot of anxiety problems (both genetically and not) and she isnt the most understanding person. i have hope though, people change
25. Make three true “we” statements each. For instance, “We are both in this room feeling …
I’m hungry and sitting alone in front of my computer feeling like OVERSHARING ON THIS BEAUTIFUL THURSDAY MORNING, BOYS
26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share …
many, MANY animals and a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere
27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
I’m REALLY insecure about my body xd
28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you’ve just met.
LOVE feeling safe. 
29. Share an embarrassing moment in your life.
probably every time that i’ve ever worn a dress, because i really,, really dont like wearing dresses and that’s it
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
last cried by myself this morning and last cried in front of another person at my friend’s birthday party
31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
no partner but if youre reading this im rly proud of ur attention span. gj buddy
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
i think most things can be joked about after a certain amount of time, but like,, it has to actually be funny and it has to come from someone i know isnt serious about it. if a joke is made just for the purpose of being offensive and edgy, it’s never funny no tea just truth. 
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
i’d regret not spending enough time with people that i love, not traveling as much as i should have, and also i’d regret not formally coming out of the closet to my family (they probably already been done knew but like. yknow). i came out to myself & the people closest to me a LONG ass time ago, but i’ve kinda seen what it did to my immediate family so im not too excited to do that to my extended family. if i’m not too much of a pussy, ill probably do it in the summer when i see them next, bc ive been meaning to for a while.
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
is it bad of me to say my computer? i feel like everyone else has a much more meaningful answer lol. it would probably either be that or the papers i keep on my bulletin board, bc most of them hold a lot of sentimental value (also my prescriptions  would be a pain to get copies of)
35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
either of my parents because i dont want them dying before i reach the point where i can expect them to be happy for me when i marry a girl
36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.
personal problems? what’re those lmfao dont have any srry try me again later
 i’m too much of a pussy to tag certain people so if you see this and I've had any sort of conversation with you, do it coward
(also @skity  @drawinintherain )
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argylemikewheeler · 6 years
omg, can i just first off say how much i love your account and writing???? it’s awesome my dude! prompt idea: steve protecting will and mike from bullies after they come out, and the kids and steve just having a lot of moments of love and cuteness
minor homophobic language. but major big brother!Steve. also ily anon
Somehow, Steve Harrington started driving Mike to school. He picked up the entire party, actually– except Will since his mother still insisted she see him off to school everyday. Steve switched seamlessly from driving Nancy to school to her brother and his two friends. Mike didn’t mind the excuse to avoid the bike ride in the cold weather. It was also nice to have a high schooler drop Mike off at middle school– he needed every perk he could get before hitting high school himself. Steve didn’t mind being seen with them and picking them up from AV club. Steve was a pretty alright big brother, if Mike had to put him to it.
Wednesday morning, Mrs. Byers was earlier than usual and Will was leaning up against the bike rack as Steve pulled up. Mike waved from the backseat, Lucas and Dustin behind him.
“Alright, last stop, gents. Everyone out!” Steve said, clapping his hands on the steering wheel. “I’ve got a hot date with first period history I cannot be late to again.”
“Thanks, Steve.” Dustin said, clapping his shoulder before sliding out the driver’s side, Lucas and Mike getting out on the passenger side.
Mike made a direct line from the car to Will, smiling and holding a hand out to take his, if only for a moment before going through the front doors; Lucas was already trying to find Max in the mass of moving students. It was only fair. Unfortunately, before Mike’s hand could even reach Will’s, a body intercepted his vision of Will, strong arms pushing him back and shouting down at him.
“Get that shit out of my school, fairy!” The boy looked familiar but Mike hadn’t learned his name yet. He knew the minute he learned it, he’d have the subconscious need to report him. He didn’t want to get involved. “You disgust me.”
“Thank you.” Mike grumbled, rolling onto his knees and pushing himself to his feet. Will stood against the bike rack, afraid to move any closer.
“Are you okay?” He asked quietly, eyeing the people staring at him. The boy was still loitering, looking at Will with terrifying focus. Mike nodded, grinning at Will to try and avoid the tense frown trying to form as he felt blood spread through the knees of his new corduroys. Hopefully the mud would  block some of the stain.
“What did I say?” The boy came back again, shouldering Mike back as he stepped up to Will. “Get that fag shit away from here, Wheeler. You have no place here!”
“Hey hey hey, what did you just say to him?” Mike whipped around to see Steve climbing out of his illegally parked car. His sleeves were rolled and Mike could see his forearm flex as he curled and uncurled his fingers into a tight, firm fist. Dustin and Lucas were walking back towards Mike and Will, noting the mud on his pants and the fearful stare on Will’s face.
“Oh, is your Mommy here, Wheeler?” The boy said, spitting a laugh at Steve.
“I asked you a question, dicknose.” Steve said, stopping by Mike and placing a hand on his shoulder. “What did you just say to Mike?”
“I called him a fag. Do you know what that word means?” He teased Steve, folding his arms and staring up at Steve like he was an eclipse, the shadow casting over his face but his eyes squinted in anger. “It’s what you call freaks that deserve it enough to be dead.”
“Wrong answer.” Steve laughed, grabbing the kid by the front of his shirt and lifting him off the ground. “Now, I know that your brain is far too puny to jostle around in your head, but I’m only going to say this once, understood? You leave Mike and Will alone. By themselves. Unbothered by you. Understand?”
“Oh, and you think I’m scared of you?” The boy’s words faltered but he acted like they were barbed enough to slice through Steve’s grip. It only made it stronger. “You’re just a pussy.”
“And you are one remark away to being a name on a gravestone, do you understand me?” Steve said, shaking the boy in his grasp. “They aren’t hurting you. And frankly, hating gay people isn’t cool, asshat. You shouldn’t be scared of them because they are different or whatever the fuck you think they’ll do to you. You should be scared because gay people can kick your ass just as much as any straight person.”
“Oh yeah?” The kid laughed, his feet kicking out towards Steve lamely.
Steve pulled the kid to his nose, staring into his eyes like he was trying to pierce his eyes with invisible pins. “Yeah. I’d know.” He dropped the boy, his knees buckling and collapsing at Steve’s feet. He scrambled back, sputtering and trying to snap back at Steve. Mike grabbed Will by the shoulder and pulled him out of the way of the boy’s clambering run. Steve put an arm on Mike’s shoulder, his hand resting on Will’s back.
“Why’d you say that?” Will asked, peering up at Steve. Steve was watching the boy scamper away with a stiff expression, not holding the expected prideful smirk. “You aren’t gay… Are you Steve?”
“No. But, I mean, why does he need to know that?” Steve shrugged. “I just bought you guys guaranteed fear for the next four years. As far as he’s concerned, you guys are going to become me. And I mean, come on, you should be so lucky.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works.” Mike muttered, squinting at Steve. “I don’t think he thinks that.”
“Well,  then it looks like I have to start walking you to your first period.” Steve said, clapping them both on the back. “I can scare a few thirteen-year-olds. No problem. I’ll teach you how.”
“I want to know how to pick them up by their shirts!” Will said, laughing and leaning against Mike’s side. He flexed his arms jokingly, pretending the shirt was ripping around his arms.
“You’re gonna need the space girl for that, noodle-arms.” Steve said, winking at Will. “But maybe I can get Mike to do the heavy lifting for you. You can do all the insults.”
“Good cop, bad cop!” Will agreed, folding his arms and mulling the idea over. He nodded at Steve and he clicked his tongue at him, winking again.
“I just saw Kevin go in running. Is everything okay?” Dustin asked, partially laughing at the scared bully. He watched from a distance but hadn’t heard the exchange, hadn’t heard Steve’s tactic.
“Perfect.” Steve said, shrugging as if it was a simple question. “Just some people pushing my buddies around. We’re all good. You? Have anyone I need to push around?”
“No. No, we’re okay.” Lucas shook his head, looking to his friends for agreement.
“Yeah, us too. Thanks, Steve.” Mike said. He adjusted his bag on his back and reached down for Will’s hand. He reached back with a strong grip, neither of them scared with their friends slowly circling around them. Mike had never felt that happy at school before; maybe the rest of eighth grade wouldn’t be a horrible experience. He’d always have his friends– and Steve. “We better get going… Shouldn’t you too Steve?”
“Yeah, don’t you have a quiz or something?” Will spoke to Steve although he was staring at his and Mike’s hands.
“Nah. I’d rather be a part of changing history than just listening to some old guy teach it.” He said, still standing tall beside them. He scanned the entrance, his eyes dragging over to students that loitered for too long. “You guys are more important than any goddamn quiz.”
“Ew, you sound like our parents.” Lucas laughed, shaking his head with a scrunched up face.
“Fine. Let me rephrase.” Steve cleared his throat and placed his hands on his hips looking at each boy directly. “You dipshits don’t deserve this garbage. Better?”
“Better.” Mike nodded. He and Will began walking towards the school, turning back to speak to Steve one last time. “See you at three?”
“I’ll be here.” Steve promised. “I’m always going to be here.”
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caspxrs · 6 years
Tumblr media
( freddie highmore, he/him, 23 ) — have you seen casper summers , the medicine student around oxford yet? i hear they can be cruel and amoral, but those who know them insist that they are intelligent and polite. rumour has it that he has covered up crimes by tampering with bodies in the morgue and other evidence. is it true? only time will tell.
AKA casper zachary summers - ur resident psychOH :) 
hi it s me hollie bringing u this problematic fave because y’all are getting too soft these days. we need to Spice Things Up
the,,,,stuff about him and stuff:
objective: casper is here to make ur mans look like a Pussy.
he is a bit small, a bit skinny, but BOI he will chop you down until you reach his height :) literally :) he knows how to use a medical saw :)
he does NOT have a soft spot. he is NOT loving to anyone. and no, he does NOT have a conscience
his mum, lily summers, was a nice woman. she was super religious and was an older sister to ollie and tavia’s mum. the two sisters were inseparable until they met and married their respective partners. lily never approved of her younger sister’s choice and always suspected there was something fishy going on. she wanted to stick around to protect her, but had to leave because her hot shot international relations legal business man husband was constantly moving around... so they moved to switzerland and all was good...until her baby sis contacted her and said ‘i need to get away from my abusive mob husband’!!!! so lily organised to meet up with her sis and help her escape with the kids but BAM the mob husband found out, killed her sister and convinced everyone that lily was crazy as shit because she kept accusing the “mob” of her sisters murder. after her sister’s death she went highkey crazy. she blamed herself for not protecting her youngest sister from the dangers of the Mob Life. she would often try to hunt down mob members and organise some kind of killing spree to get back at the aASSHOLE who killed her baby sis. she also wanted to find her niece and nephew!!!!who she knew and loved and cared about a lot- honestly she would be devastated to hear what happened to them. she would’ve felt like it was her fault she didn’t work hard enough to find them and save them from the dirty mob life (why am i developing his mum this much??? bECAUSE I CAN THATS WHY)
anyway so while that tom fuckEry was going on whats going on with my sweet summer sunshine not at all psycho baby casper??? well he was being neglected by his mumma. he never had a stable life or home because they were always moving around because of his dad’s job, but they were living it up rich as FUCK so it didn’t really matter. but anyway, being separated from his mother and isolated from his father meant he didnt really have a role model growing up??? he was also an incessantly evil child like really fucking evil for no reason (think the kevin from ‘we need to talk about kevin but he’s a bitch to the dad and not the mum). and his mum going crazy only made it worse tbh because he saw her and it just scarred him for life. his mother told him what happened and so is totally aware of the truth behind ollie and tavia’s mums death. aND he TOTALLY BLAMES OCTAVIA AND OLLIE AND THEIR MUM for his mother going crazy BECAUSE “my mother wasn’t crazy when she left Switzerland to save your hopeless asses and when she came back? she was a fucking nut case” (see: it’s all your fault rachel vine) 
he took his mumma’s last name because he is a muMMA’s BOY OK FUCK U NOT MY DAD (if u get the vine reference good job)
his papa was rich as FUCK though and was the executive of many flashy named big businesses and international relations and moved all around the world. he also worked in government for a stint of time. he is basically ur typical corrupt business man. think like,,,,,, don draper?????? rip me i lov mad men.
cas doesn’t really like his dad at all and barely knows him tbh but will be nice to him for appearances sake :)
they had to hide his mothers’ insanity and crazy actions from tabloids and what not and it got to a point where eventually she just faded into oblivion and they pretended she was dead but she was really just hidden away in an institution
anyway,,,, back to this bitch,,, he has an IMPECCABLE reputation - i’m talking clean as an underage church girl on christmas eve, and he doesn’t plan on having that change anytime soon :)))
yeah he totally uses lots of passive aggressive smiley faces and i love him for it
he has amazing manners please thank you, the works - he will open the damn door for u and hold her purse
he’s so smart too :) my baby a genius :) and so he got accelerated into med school so he could specialise in FORENSIC PATHOLOGY early - you hear that? my baby cuts dead people open :) (probably was there when jennie got cut open oOOPS my bad). he’s basically been morbid and dark all his life and often discusses more taboo subjects openly and without restraint. 
SECRET: he covers up a fuck tonne of crimes man, including crimes he’s committed but he’s so meticulous and careful you would never know. he has covered up his own crimes and the crimes of others (for a hefty fee, of course) because his degree gives him access to the morgue and also the forensic labs where they sort through any evidence from a crime scene. 
doesn’t smoke, drink or take drugs - but u best believe everyone thinks he does because he’s always at those parties schemin’
nobody’s friend but everyone sucks the fuck up to him because Please do not get on his Bad Side
people tend to trust him with everything including their secrets so he gets to totter around town with his bag of goodies and when someone pisses him off? BlackMail :))))))))))))))))
those nudes u sent ur ex? he has them. witness testimony of u cheating on an exam? he has it. those drugs u hid to smoke post-swimming practice? he knows where it is. that teacher you had an affair with? he filmed it. killed a man? he saw it. told a lie? he heard it. you havin’ an affair with a girl who’s dating the captain of the athletics team? he tasted you on that girl’s tongue. you crapped your pants at 5:04pm on Tuesday the 3rd of January? he smelt it in the air. 
but seriously - if u havent been blackmailed by casper r u even relevant???
does that fucking Wave where he articulates every finger one by one and u just know u bout to die.
if he hates u: messes up your name always, probably threatens you lowkey (so highkey), gets creepily close
if he likes u: he wi- SIKE u thought :)
but for reals, he does have sOME close friends who are his “ride or dies” but more like “ride then bye” because he is not loyal to anyone except himself and he doesn’t feel bad about it
probably has quite a few girls who are Charmed by him but is he interested??? no. is he interested in anyone??? no. probably has casual sex though for info lbr.
rip y’all :))))))
those wanted connections tho ;) :
fwb (the benefits being information about people he’s trying to take down (tm) ) , enemies, fake friends, rich kids club, that one sweet darling he ALMOST feels bad about leading on, partner in crime, that unholy trio, classmates and buddies, people he’s blackmailing, a roommate who’s really suspicious of him tbh 
im basically up for anything so like this if u wanna plot and i’ll hit u up!!
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kopfkinoes · 6 years
I’ve been a Naruto fan for like 13 years now but after the manga ended I pretty much left the fandom because I anticipated the vitriol that was going to follow after the ending. Every once in a while I stumbled upon a Naruto post that made me realize I had been right and I didn’t interact. But at the end of 2017 I came back and…nothing has changed. I honestly think this is one of the worst, most immature fandoms out there. I feel like so many of the people in the fandom are perpetual twelve year olds. And it kind of bothers me that Sasuke and Sakura, my absolute favourites since day one, are still disrespected as fuck. Now, mind you, I’m not talking about the ship, I’m talking about them as individual characters although I do ship them. I’ve multishipped for a long, long time but not anymore.
They are the first ones I shipped because I had a feeling stuff was bound to happen between them but then I discovered the wonders of the web and instantly moved to ship Naruto and Sasuke. I never once hated Sakura and Hinata though and even in the later years when “feminist” rhetoric moved into fandoms, I took the “these women are strong and powerful and I love them, they don’t need no man” thing to be good. But after the ending, and now seeing how many of the people who ship Naruto and Sasuke are downright anti-Sakura and insult and disrespect her in so many ways I realized “Wow! I had been an idiot all along. These people never gave a shit about Sakura, they were saying all of that stuff to get her out of the way.” I don’t see people talking about how Naruto and Sasuke’s bond diminishes their battle abilities, I see none of the shippers implying that their development would be flushed down the drain if they ended up in a relationship. Yet, that is apparently true for the women. Right.
Sasuke is a character with a lot of potential. But he was never able to evolve. And do you know why? Because of Naruto. Sasuke was created in order to be the opposite of Naruto and, for the most part, that is all remains to be. I’ve been staning Sasuke forever but this is the truth. He exists in order to be Naruto’s rival and in order to be pissed that he, a guy coming from a clan of prodigies, keeps falling behind the class clown and loser (who is anything but that when you think of it, Minato was anything but a weak guy and Kushina, while we don’t get a good look at her abilities, has loads of stamina and healing powers and her abilities were considered exceptional even among the Uzumaki, not to mention how easily Naruto masters everything new he tries). In the end, he is subdued by Naruto and the Will of Fire.
Even after all of this, he is still not allowed to be around his family. Why? Simply because he needs to be the opposite of Naruto. He needed to point a sword at his own daughter and it was Naruto who had to comfort and reassure her. Sasuke will never be an overly affectionate person, I don’t think he will ever realistically go back to his pre-massacre personality (he wasn’t exactly super bubbly as a child either, he was reserved around other people but very happy around his family) and frankly, he doesn’t need to. He wouldn’t ever be a husband who does grand romantic gestures or a super cuddly father but he’s loyal and devoted and these things shouldn’t be brushed away for some mission or for creating angst just to prove that Naruto is a better, more understanding person that he’ll ever be, even when it comes to Sarada. Like, for fuck’s sake, does everything Sasuke does need to happen right before Naruto waltzes in and puts him in his place by being a better person? Can Sasuke not be a person in his own right without the constant comparisons to Naruto?
What I also find interesting is how often I see Sasuke becoming completely OOC when paired with Naruto. Of course everybody says Sasuke is OOC when paired with Sakura but frankly I’ve rarely seen Sasuke presented as lovey dovey around Sakura, people usually want him to be proud of her but he stays his usual tepid self. Because that’s Sasuke’s personality, he’s not a conventionally affectionate person and there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s why it bothers me when I see Sasuke made to be a soft, sensitive, pastel boy aesthetic. He’s not that and he wouldn’t be that even if he were gay. I mean, I understand headcanons but don’t root them in the “seme and uke” dynamics, please.
Moving on, I have a particular kind of contempt for people suggesting Sasuke cheated on Sakura with Karin. It makes absolutely no sense character-wise and it just shits all over Sasuke by assuming he’s a disgusting fucker who would cheat. Are you telling me that the dude who didn’t even consider taking advantage of even a single one of the girls who were fawning over him would have a face-heel turn and cheat? Yeah, right. I don’t understand how you can call yourself a Sasuke fan and genuinely support cheating. Why would Sasuke wait to be with Sakura in order to have sex with Karin when he and Karin had so many opportunities to bang prior to this while they were travelling together as a team? Why would he have a child with Karin and just dump the child on Sakura’s head? I don’t even want to hear superiority arguments that go along the lines of “Karin is an Uzumaki so she has superior genes compared to Sakura who doesn’t come from a clan” because…arguments like these are disgusting. I don’t think it was ever even slightly implied that Sasuke (or the Uchiha for that matter) held beliefs like this. If anything, these guys didn’t like being othered and set apart from the rest of the village. I don’t think Sasuke ever implied that he believes some vaginas are not genetically pure enough for him to get into so please don’t put these shitty beliefs on him. Sasuke was described as “pure”. It’s simply the way he is. I really don’t care that you think he’s not a “True Hetero Guy” unless he cheats and/or has sex with loads of women.
I always see people saying fans who ship Sasuke and Sakura are “disgusted” by the thought of Sasuke having sex with someone else. But do you know how many people I’ve seen saying how grossed out Sasuke must be by being around pussy (specifically Sakura’s) and how he probably cries and is traumatized by the experience? I’ve yet to see people talking about how Sasuke must be super disgusted by dick.
Moving on to Sakura, pretty much 100% of the vitriol I’ve seen thrown at her comes from misogyny. People always like to say it’s not misogyny and yet it always is. It comes from Kishimoto himself and his ideas of women. He constantly described Sakura as “not cute” and “a hard woman”. And it’s true, Sakura’s not demure or submissive and doesn’t appear to be very suited for domesticity.  I don’t believe that just because she is loud and outspoken she would make a dreadful wife and mother. She was very shy as a child (mostly because she was insecure) but she grew into herself. About her not being cute, I’d say that’s debatable. Kishimoto said she’s not cute in the beginning and I see a lot of haters talking about “that ugly bitch Sakura” but let me tell you this, Naruto and Rock Lee had pretty intense crushes on her and Jiraiya compared her appearance to Tsunade’s (although the man’s trash when it comes to women but you get my point). What do people base their opinions on when they say she’s ugly? On her exaggerated anger expressions? Because Sakura is not drawn as prettier or uglier than any of the other female characters. Is it based on the fact that people love to bring up time and time again, that she doesn’t have big breasts? Yeah, she doesn’t have breasts as big as Tsunade’s or Hinata’s or even Ino’s but what does that have to do with anything? Nope, this is rooted in misogyny because, just like in real life, when you don’t like a woman you insult her based on her body and appearance because you believe that’s where all the worth of a woman is. Besides, don’t you think there something wrong with focusing so much on the body type of a girl aged 12 to 17? Because I think there is.
I always feel like laughing at people who call her stupid because Sakura is a nerd. This is why she was paired with the more battle prone Naruto and Sasuke because she was too much brains and not enough brawn. I know that it was Ino, Shino and Sasuke that graduated top of the class but, according to the Databooks, none of them beat Sakura in intelligence, she is equal to Shino and higher than Ino and Sasuke. People love to say that her being able to do the written part of the Chunin Exam all by herself doesn’t prove that she’s actually smart, buddy, it does. The fact that she’s smart doesn’t make the rest of the students who cheated idiots. That was the point of the test, the questions were too difficult for 12 year old genin to answer. The fact that Sakura could, however, isn’t bullshit. You wouldn’t call an exceptionally gifted kid who can answer really advanced academic questions “not that smart really, it doesn’t prove anything”. Freaking Sasuke commented on her analytical abilities, she’s an extremely skilled med-nin, she is able to put pieces of information she’s previously learnt together in order to form a present opinion, her hobbies are trivia games and memorizing medical ninjutsu material for God’s sake.
I definitely don’t think comparing her to Hinata achieves anything. Hinata does represent the ideas Kishimoto seems to have about women. She is soft-spoken, she is never confrontational, she never wants to offend anybody. Sure, Hinata also has her insecurities and doesn’t place much value on herself (we have her father to thank for that) but even after getting out of that shell and discovering she has some iron at her core, she is still mostly soft. That’s not a bad thing at all, it’s simply who she is as a person and it doesn’t make her better or worse than Sakura. I know that Sakura fans have always been bullied online, from forums to YouTube to tumblr to any other comment section of blogs and stuff, people have always thrown shit at Sakura, saying she’s useless, a whore, an idiot. The amount of times I’ve seen people wish violent, horrible deaths on Sakura (for the sole reason that she didn’t spread her legs for Naruto being the catalyst in pretty much 100% of the cases) is immense. The amount of times I’ve seen people wishing Hinata would kill Sakura “for what she did to Naruto” is huge. So based on this, I understand why Sakura fans feel the need to get defensive. I don’t agree with putting Hinata down but I understand why some people might do it. I’ll never put down someone’s fav (especially when the fav is as unproblematic as Hinata who honestly did nothing wrong) but I definitely understand why some people will do it.
Naruto is a shonen, battle manga. We will never get 100% healthy relationships in this because the manga is not focused on romance. It is why the relationships between Sasuke and Sakura and Naruto and Hinata were not greatly developed and why there was an overemphasis on Naruto and Sasuke’s bond which is basically “we’re forever competing to see who’s better”. Kishimoto based it on his relationship with his brother but I’m pretty sure he took it up to eleven in the manga. Because Naruto is a manga for whom the target audience is boys, female characters will never be 100% appreciated. Most of the boys watching identify with the downtrodden outcast, guys such as Lee or Naruto. It’s a thing, associated with the stereotype of the Western man who watches anime, a stereotype that is proved to be correct in most cases, sadly. How many of these guys think they’re gems, that they’re precious souls to have around and girls just don’t see them for what they are? Both Naruto and Lee are very loved among male fans and they are both rejected by Sakura. (I could also say something about the stereotypes Western anime watching men place on Japanese women, namely “the pliant, submissive wife, who would do house chores all day, would never say no to sex and worship them as the much better versions of Japanese men that they are” but I’m not going there.) Never cruelly though, she remains friendly with both of them. Her bond with Naruto is very strong and they’re actually a pretty rare example of a good male and female friendship (the violence that is played for laughs doesn’t really mean much to me).
However, for the male fans that is never enough. How many times did I see stuff like “She chose Sasuke although Naruto never left the village” or “Naruto did so many things for her yet she still chose Sasuke”. Dude, there was never a competition. Sakura loves Sasuke, plain and simple. You can disagree with that if you want, you can disagree with how she expresses her love for him but there was never competition. Sakura has always loved Sasuke, what she feels for him is true love. Many people don’t believe it exists but it is what it is. I find it funny (and by funny I mean idiotic to the heavens) that people always say her development was crushed because she didn’t give up on Sasuke but Naruto’s was improved by not giving up on Sasuke. This is bias and misogyny at its finest. Sasuke is not just a crush to Sakura. People always want to say Sakura was a fangirl to Sasuke and nothing more and that she simply needed to get over her obsessive crush. She wouldn’t have said all she wanted was for him to acknowledge her if he were just a crush, she wouldn’t have suffered so badly over him. Many of the village girls had a thing for Sasuke and I doubt all of them cried over Sasuke at night after he left. Only Sakura anticipated when he was going to leave. People always say that Sakura maturing would have meant her understanding that her and Sasuke are just not meant to be a thing. The thing is, she wasn’t holding on to the idea that her and Sasuke would be “a thing”. Kakashi made it pretty clear (to Sasuke and to all fans who just can’t get it in their heads) that Sakura only wanted to help him, not to get into his pants.
People are also super quick to judge the relationship between Sasuke and Sakura as abusive. Why though? All the times they were violent towards each other (and there weren’t even that many times) they weren’t dating, they were combatants on opposite sides of battle. There is nobody in this series that Sasuke is more violent towards than Naruto and yet I never see this relationship classified as abusive, instead it is considered romantic and heartfelt that he wanted to sever his bonds with Naruto in order to make a martyr out of himself and be consumed by darkness. Like, yeah, that’s super healthy. I see the same thing being said with Karin, that Sasuke impaled her simply because he wanted to cut all of his bonds, not because he actually wanted to kill her. Which is…stupid to say the least. Like, cool story, still murder. He knew that impaling her would result in killing her but damn, was he willing to make that sacrifice. The reasons why Sasuke wanted to murder the people in his life are not important. In truth, all the murder he wanted to commit was because people were getting in the way of killing Itachi and, after killing Itachi, people were getting in the way of his goal to be completely alone in order to destroy/reform Konoha. Sasuke is not a psychopath who murders for fun but that doesn’t mean he was in a good place.
I shipped Sasuke with Karin but I never saw their bond as overly emotional or true love. I’m not saying Karin doesn’t care about him but I do think her feelings for him are more in the realm of sexual than the romantic. She does care for his well-being, she wants him to be happy, she is impressed by him and wants to be around him but it’s not romantic. Does she suffer when she thinks he’s dead? Naturally. Because she cares about him and she does love him but, again, not romantically. Karin’s sexual feelings for Sasuke are not bad, they don’t make her a whore or whatever. But it’s quite silly in my opinion to mistake them for some sort of pure, true love. They’re not that and it’s fine that they’re not. We see Sakura wanting to be alone with Sasuke but she never thinks of how she’s so excited she can barely stand it and how she wants to “ravage Sasuke like crazy”. We don’t see Sakura’s reaction, upon seeing Sasuke arrive on the battlefield to be “I want to lick Sasuke all over right now”.
People always like to remind everyone that Sakura ended her friendship with Ino over Sasuke. However, we never see Sakura and Ino be hostile to each other. Compare their rivalry to the one between Sasuke and Naruto to understand what I’m saying. They had a mild dislike going on but we see them quickly overcome it in the Chunin Exams. Sakura and Ino never really gave up on their friendship, their rivalry was mostly played for laughs, I never took it seriously because I don’t think it was presented in a way that was saying “you need to take this seriously, this is the real deal”. Mostly because it dealt with who has prettier hair and who can get the seat next to Sasuke first. Nope, not serious.
Back to Hinata, this is the reason why so many of the fanboys prefer her. Look at the opinions Shikamaru, another character the fanboys adore, has about women. He is downright misogynistic but that gets overlooked in fandom time after time because of his 200 IQ. Instead, I see people saying it is Sasuke who hates women when there is no indication of that, except, you know, people who think he’s gay and because he’s gay he MUST hate all women and consider them absolutely gross (except for the, sometimes OC, self-insert in fanfiction). Just like his father, Shikamaru has this thing that women should be sweet, soft and tender not headstrong, demanding and even harsh (women like his mother, Yoshino, Ino, Temari, Tayuya). He hates receiving help from women, he is frustrated when he has to fight women. He sums up his views of women himself by saying “C'mon. You know what they’re like. You can never figure them out. You never know where you could stand with them. The smallest things could put you in their bad side. Always playing little mind games with you. Trying to make you do what they want. They’re just a big pain basically.”
For the most part, many fans linked Sakura to Kushina because of her fiery personality. Minato kinda sealed this comparison when saying Sakura reminded him of Kushina. So a lot of people, while calling Sakura an ugly bitch and a whore who needs to be raped and die, still wanted her for Naruto and believed she will ultimately change her mind and go for Naruto. Personally, I don’t care about that because so many characters in Naruto are carbon copies of people who came before them, enough similarities are enough. This idea that a guy should marry a woman just like his mother is weird for many reasons to me. It’s only men that have unhealthy relationships with their mothers that want a woman exactly like their mothers. Then the ending came so Hinata, being the embodiment of what a woman “should be” became more appropriate for Naruto in the eyes of so many fans. The fact that she fits these patterns doesn’t take away or add to Hinata’s character in any way. It just is. However, fanboys will use it in a sexist way. I definitely don’t agree with the criticism for Hinata that it’s wrong her motivation for becoming strong is Naruto. The motivation of pretty much all characters in becoming stronger is in order to protect others and there's nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself because you feel that would put you on more equal grounds with the one you love. This manga places great value on the power of unity and community and people who seek power for power’s sake, for revenge or for evil don’t do well. They are either defeated or they change their minds. Great emphasis is placed on the “you only become strong when you have someone you need to protect” mentality. And women are allowed to make connections in this life, they don’t have to live “lone wolf” lives in order to be “truly strong”. Loneliness is an enemy in and of itself in Naruto.
Kishimoto’s views on women are not necessarily progressive but they’re not exactly bad in my opinion. It all has to do with how fanboys twist his ideas and make them bad. Because I don’t think he ever blamed Sakura for not hooking up with Naruto. I know there are people who believe that he’s holding onto the belief that people (and women especially) must forever be with their first love. I think it just so happens that Naruto and Sasuke were Hinata’s and Sakura’s first loves but, more important, they are their true loves. Ino moved on and I see people saying she shouldn’t have. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t I guess. To sum up, I’ve yet to see dislike for Sakura that’s not misogynistic. I’m not even talking about people who think she’s weak. She is the only one who’s not from a clan and yet she managed to surpass Tsunade, a Sannin. She was impaled by Madara and shook it off immediately, she saved Naruto’s, Kankuro’s, Hinata’s and Karin’s lives, she saved Sasuke from an infinte desert, she saved Obito from a sea of acid, she punched an alien all-powerful goddess in the face.
People saying shipping Sakura and Hinata with the guys they’re canonically in love with proves their fans are selfish because they just want them to look cute next to Sasuke and Naruto amuse me. That if you really cared about them you’d ship them with guys who “actually” care about them like Lee or Kiba or whatever. Dude, people love who they love. And a woman has no obligation to be with a man who was friendly and nice to her, not even a man who has a crush on her if she’s not attracted to him or doesn’t love him.
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