#Bucky tickle headcanons
shadow-says-hello · 1 year
Tickle fight with Bucky Barnes?
I came up with these myself and tried to make them ‘realistic’
Getting into a tickle fight with Bucky (platonically) Headcanons
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Aww look how cute
-has to have teasing, I think he’d be really good at
-bucky has an interest in making you laugh till you cry
-he does it as revenge
-and probably because he likes hearing you laugh
-he pins both your arms above your head with his metal hand and it’s too hard to get your hands out of his vibranium grasp
-he’s going to remember all your spots
-him and Steve got into tickle fights a lot, usually buck was in the lead
-he blows absolute killer raspberries while rubbing his beard into your stomach which must tickle like hell
but if this is a tickle FIGHT, then what would happen if you fought back?
-bucky would not be a very easy target but if you manage to squeeze his sides or something he will laugh
-he might find it fun? Depends?
-he was tickled by Steve a lot as I mentioned above, hydra made him miss out on a lot of tickling
-he has really ticklish armpits, feel free to canon the metal one being ticklish
-teasing breaks him!
-also I think he’s a bit ruthless HEHEHhHE
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teddysterk · 11 months
Hello! Can you write a Bucky Barnes x ticklish reader headcanon on how he would tickle you and what teases he would say to make you blush and flustered?
Yes Ofcourse! Thank you so much for my first request! ❤️❤️❤️
(Also this is written as platonic I don’t feel comfortable writing romantic stuff ❤️)
Bucky Barnes X Y/N tickle headcannons
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Bucky is a ler-leaning switch! He always has been, considering he has little siblings and Steve around. ❤️
Because of this big brother energy, he can be terrifying when it comes to tickles. Be careful when pranking him!
When Y/N joined the team and moved into the compound, Bucky and Y/N quickly became friends! :)
One day Y/N was play-wrestling with Bucky, and he grabbed your side in a way that made them make a noise… but not a pained noise… a cute noise! 🫣
From that day on, it was AWFUL (amazing) being around Bucky…. He would take any chance he could to fluster or tickle you. He would be the type to take advantage of little stretches or when Y/N is busy/distracted doing something else.
Also, over half of the play fights turned into tickle fights! 🥰
If Y/N was bugging Bucky for attention or decided it was a good idea to mess with Bucky, there is a 98% chance it would end with tickles.
He seems like a very playful type! Expect teases like “What’s so funny?” And “Will you quit giggling? I’m trying to talk to you!” Also….. Bucky and wiggly fingers OMG, that man will do anything to make you also soft and giggly he would be in a play fight and pin you down and wiggle his fingers or smirk at you.
Even with Bucky being more playful, he knows when it’s too much, or you’re not in the mood.
Bucky is a big fan of cuddly tickles in softer moods! If Y/N and Bucky are relaxing after a mission or long day, he will give the best light tickles to keep a smile on your face while you two wind down.
(A cute little scenario that is very much Bucky tickle vibes)
Y/N looks at their phone and sees it’s already 11:30. Bucky hasn’t gotten out of bed yet because he was exhausted from a mission he got back from late last night, but still, this man needs to get his butt out of bed. Y/N goes to his room and sees the super soldier asleep in bed. They go over to him and started shaking him awake, but he wouldn’t budge, so they shook him harder. “Bucky, get up, you lazy old man!” Bucky still doesn’t budge. “Huh? Bucky?” Y/N says as they sit right next to Bucky on the bed. “Are you dea- ACK!!” Y/N gets cut off by Bucky rolling over on top of them. “WHAT THE HELL!? Bucky!!” Y/N says as they smack his arm. Bucky is trying so hard not to giggle and “stay asleep,” he still has a tight smile on his face though.
Suddenly, Y/N feels two arms start to scribble on their sides. “Heheeyy! BuhUHKY!” Y/N laughs out as the Bucky begins scribbling on their ribs too. “GEHHETT OHHFFF YOU JEHHERRKK!” Y/N screeches out as Bucky digs into their hips. Bucky giggles a little and starts fake snoring. With all the tickles, Y/N can’t do much besides laugh. But after a little while, they manage to squeal out a “BUCKY!!” before dissolving into giggles again. Bucky finally lets up, and rolls over with Y/N on top of him, and traps them in a bear hug. “Yohhoouu suhhuuck!” Y/N says, letting out the remaining giggles. “Hey, it’s not my fault you decided to disturb my beauty sleep,” Bucky says as he kissed Y/N’s head.
(Credit to the gif owner)
Also thank you so much @the-gingerbread-lee and @cantsaythetword for help with editing and confidence to post my first request ❤️
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Any ideas on all out tickle fight between Sam Steve and Bucky?
Oke so I'm gonna try something different here, head cannons. These ideas are free for anyone to use. If you will write with these ideas please tag me i would love to read them 😃
It would start of with occasionally a jab to the side, or spidering over the back of someone's neck.
Bucky and Sam would be having there discussion about stupid things like 'waffels are better then pancakes'.
Steve would be reading in the corner eventually having enough of there bickering.
He would sneak up on both of them and absolutely destroy them at the same time.
Unfortunately for Steve, bucky still hat great memory of how ticklish Steve was.
They would verbally tease him into oblivion while wrecking with his worst spots.
And that would go on and on through out the whole day.
I was planning on writing a way longer fic but my inspiration is really low right now and I'm really busy with my personal life.
I will be writing more when i have more time.
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wnterslder · 2 years
sometimes  ...  i  think  ...  all  he  needs  is  a  really  good  hug.  a  really  tight  one.  or  to  be  the  little  spoon  tbh.
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ohbuckysmetalarm · 9 months
Bucky Barnes SFW Headcanons
How I think Bucky would be in a relationship! 😊
Word Count: 560
Warnings: Just a bunch of FLUFF! Mentions of anxiety.
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- On Sundays he loves to cuddle, watch Disney movies, and eat ice cream all afternoon.
- He always has to be touching you (holding your hand, playing with your hair, or having his hand in your thigh.
- If he’s gone on a mission for more than a week he has to FaceTime you everyday.
- He always makes sure not to touch you with his metal arm because he’s afraid he’ll hurt you. So you repeatedly kiss his metal palm after a nightmare to show him that you trust him.
- If you get triggered or anxious during a meeting he holds your hand under the table.
- When you’re sick he gets you lots of water and soup. He cuddles with you all day. You tell him he shouldn’t because he’ll get sick and he just says he doesn’t care because he loves you and wants to take care of you.
- If you’ve had a bad day he takes a nap with you in his arms.
- He loves when you wanna be the big spoon because that’s when he feels the safest.
- When he sees you looking in the mirror for too long he wraps you in a big hug and reminds you of how perfect you are.
- When you’re at a party he has to be with you at all times because one time a man flirted with you and it made Bucky feel so jealous. He never wants to feel like that again.
- He loves when you run your fingers through his hair while you’re watching movies or the moments right before sleep.
- He secretly likes it when you braid his hair when it gets long.
- Once he wakes up, he whispers his favourite things about you (which is everything).
- He secretly really loves when you beg him to go out and get ice cream with you in the middle of the night.
- When you and him babysit Morgan, he lets her put magnets on his arm.
- He loves watching you do the simplest tasks (plan for the week, research for a mission, or cook).
- He really wants to propose to you, but he’s afraid you’ll reject him.
- Anytime you interact with children it just makes him think about the future with you.
- Every time he sees you cry his heart breaks for you. He holds you while kissing your head.
- He loves taking you on old-fashioned dates (fancy dinner, flowers, and dancing) because it reminds him of the 40s.
- If he sees you zoning out he asks if you’re okay and then does something engaging (board game or swimming) with you.
- He wants to make you laugh as often as possible because he’s in love with your laugh and your smile.
- Sometimes you call him “Bucket” just to mess with him. He ends up chasing you and tickling you until you apologise.
- When you wanna go out, but don’t know where to go, Bucky takes you to the roof and dances with you.
- On rainy days he loves to play 40s music on the record player he got a couple years ago for Christmas and begs you to read to him (he usually gets distracted when a good dancing song plays).
- He thinks it’s cute when you get frustrated with Sam.
- After you’ve had a nightmare he hums your favourite songs and holds you until you both fall asleep again.
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mrs-bucky-barnes106 · 6 months
b.b. headcanons (pt. 3) <3
part 1. part 2. part 4.
bucky barnes who needs to spend at least twenty minutes kissing your face and every part of your body when you come home from work. bucky barnes who still gets butterflies when you smile at him. bucky barnes who is proud of himself for winning tickle fights with you. bucky barnes who gives you his leather jacket when you're cold. bucky barnes who is a cat person but forces alpine to make friends with your dog when you move in. bucky barnes who spends his entire friday night intricately planning out your date for saturday. bucky barnes who holds your hand during scary movies. and romantic movies. bucky barnes who looks before crossing the street (and you know he has to be holding your hand). bucky barnes who talks to your friends to learn more about you because he just needs to know. bucky barnes who lies on top of you with his head resting on your chest, so he can be your human heated blanket when you feel anxious <3
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turtle-steverogers · 22 days
I don't think Steve really would ~this is crack headcanon~ but it tickles me to think that after coming out of the ice Steve would get hooked on heavy metal music. Like everyone is expecting this dorky, gee-golly, mystified man out of time but they really get an angry punk who sprints marathons and kills punching bags with metal blasting in his headphones 😂
no you say you don't think steve really would, but the thing is, i wholeheartedly and 100% can envision it. because i always imagine the inside of steve's head to be somewhat loud, despite his cool, collected exterior. the thinly veiled heat, simmering constantly. and music has always been a comfort to him in that way. taking some of that noise and dampening it.
but upon waking up in the 21st century and discovering a whole new world of music, he learns that there's genres out there that don't dampen the noise in his head, but match it. a thrumming bass, a loud, wailing, chuggy guitar. rough voices and raw lyrics that feel like everything he can't find words for except in the strokes of a paintbrush.
and i imagine it overlapping with his art. and bucky notices, too. knows its been a rough day when he can hear the raw metal flowing from beneath his studio door. knows that if he walked in there, he'd find steve with paint on his hands and the walls smeared with the gunk inside his head. reds and blacks and alarming yellows. pain that doesn't have a name, but has a form in this space. screams that steve would never let out with his own voice, but can feel in the way the drums and bass shake the room as he lets everything pour out onto a canvas or a wall or a piece of paper or what have you.
and bucky lets him be on those days. knows he needs space. just pops in every so often to leave a sandwich or some water so steve at least doesn't forget to take care of himself somewhere in the thick of his processing.
and i always pictured steve as the kind of guy that can really veer toward any genre of music-- has a deep appreciation for all its beauty-- but there's something particularly cathartic about the heavier stuff
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clevenhq · 5 days
Hiii!! I absolutely love your Emo Gale AU, do you have any headcanons for him?? How him and Bucky started dating? Does he have any little quirks?
omg i love this au soso much!!! ofc anon:)
they met at baseball tryouts, gale was only there to support his friend (benny was his ride home)
john on the other hand was actually trying out for a team, and couldn’t help himself in glancing over to the bleachers every so often
gale was never looking back at him, either reading a book or resting his eyes
they actually never spoke to each other until teams were decided and gale showed up to one of benny’s games
gale isn’t that into sports, but he made sure he was paying attention whenever benny was batting at least (and a few times when he saw a rather attractive guy on benny’s team in the pit)
john made sure that he kept conversation with benny all the way until he met up with gale outside of the locker rooms and such
he is dumb struck from the second that gale excitedly hugs benny and congratulates him on their win (gale hasn’t noticed him yet)
after a few seconds gale lets go and turns to john, who is still shock still and feeling sweaty for a whole other reason now
gale says hello, and all john can do is stare at him. (his straight cut black jeans with purposeful bleach stains, his tight shirt that barely reaches his hipbones, the black eyeliner the frames each eye, his dyed-black hair with blonde roots showing)
benny elbows him in the side, and he stutters out a greeting (he was very embarrassed and benny told everyone on the team about it)
after that, gale waves at him when passing in the halls at school, and john will cut off any conversation he’s having at the chance
gale finds it endearing and cute that john lights up so brightly when gale acknowledges him
they get set up on a “blind date” by benny and curt, after they’ve had enough with gale teasing john but still both pining very obviously (john could be a poets with how he speaks of gale in the ‘privacy’ of the boys’ locker room)
and then, a week later, john and gale start showing up to school together, and are spotted at parties together
john doesn’t like to party (he doesn’t want to screw up his health when he’s on such a good track for baseball) but he’ll indulge in a drink maybe once a week. only with gale.
and as for quirks…
gale laughs easily when he’s drunk, compared to him maybe letting out a light chuckle while sober
john loves to make gale smile, but finds out that he hates to be tickled after a failed attempt one night when they were both exhausted from school
they’ve had sex (they’re horny teenagers, come on) but aren’t going to go all the way until they’re both 18 (gale had proposed the rule, and john didn’t hesitate to agree)
they met as sophomores, but didn’t start dating until junior year
they spend most of their time in either of their rooms at their respective houses (gale’s father is never home, and john’s parents love gale to death)
and they love to go on drives just because (gale doesn’t have his license, he’s scared of driving)
i love this au sososo much dude…
drabbles: (x) (x)
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sashaisready · 11 months
Bucky as your boyfriend..
Been thinking about Soft!Bucky as your boyf and came up with a lil headcanon…(teeny bit of smut - 18+)
~ He’d wouldn’t always be super vocal with his feelings but he’d show his love with actions - like cooking you dinner or fixing something around the house he knew was bothering you.
~ He’d be almost aggressive in taking care of you - giving you a dirty look if you were working too hard or being cavalier about your health when you’re ill and refusing to call in sick to work - he’d sternly tell you to have a bath or a nap, and refuse to let you argue back, folding his arms and marching you to the bed/bathroom.
~ He’d be touch starved after he went so long without affection, so he’d always be touching you in some way - his hand on your waist as you walked down the street, absentmindedly stroking your ankle as you watched TV with your legs swung over his lap, his fingers tickling over your stomach as you laid in bed…
~ Speaking of bed, that’s another way his actions speak louder than words. Sometimes he likes to pound you into the mattress and speak filthy ministrations into your ear, but other times he makes love to you gently, his eyes locked on yours as he worships at the altar of your body.
~ He doesn’t like to talk about his past, but sometimes he holds you in silence when the nightmares are bad. He likes that you never push him to share anything he doesn’t want to, he feels safe with you because of it.
~ You think he’s bad at technology because of his age, but he’s actually better than he lets on - he’s a soldier after all and adapts quickly. But he likes the mischievous glint in your eye when you sweetly tease him about it, so sometimes he plays up not being able to use a smartphone and lays it on thick - he loves that it makes you laugh.
~ His favourite place is in bed with you, whether you be engaging in something filthy or just sleeping in each other’s arms. Since he met you he can finally sleep on a real bed again, not just the floor. He likes that you treat your sleeping area with importance - nice sheets, firm mattress - it’s taught him to rethink how he sleeps and how vital it is. His guilty pleasure is a whole day in bed with you, the hours lost - but certainly never wasted.
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buckymorelikefuckme · 10 months
headcanon: 3
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fic where reader is brought in for questioning after a heist where the thief stole something of very high value and the cop, bucky, shows cctv footage of reader making brief eye contact with the suspect in the museum, a tall, blond man with impressively wide shoulders.
“you’ve brought me here bc i just so happened to look at a man that you think committed a crime? is that what i’m gathering?” you ask incredulously after he shows you the video clip.
“no,” bucky says impatiently, “we wanted to question you on whether or not you know him. you were seen in the same areas of the museum at the same time, multiple times.”
reader huffs a disbelieving laugh. “it’s a museum! i’m sure i passed by several people repeatedly. why does that automatically mean i know him specifically?”
“bc he didn’t make eye contact with anyone else. he made a point to not look anyone in the eye. except you.”
bucky stares you down, eyes narrowed and accusing.
“i’m making an awful lot of eye contact with you right now. does that make you a potential accessory as well?” you ask sarcastically, condescendingly.
bucky releases a harsh, frustrated breath through his nose. “you don’t recognize him at all?” he questions instead of bothering to answer you.
you take a moment to reply, if only to piss him off even more. “no,” you finally say, simple yet concise.
“fine. you’re free to go.”
“have a good day, detective,” you say as you stand and walk passed him.
later, as you enter your home, you go through the motions of toeing off your shoes and settling your purse and keys on the side table by the door. you barely make it two steps into your kitchen when you’re grabbed from behind in a strong hold, an arm wrapped tightly around your waist, the other across your shoulders.
“be good and don’t scream.”
you tilt your head back so you can meet the bright blue eyes of your captor and smirk. “but you like it when i scream.”
steve’s grin spread slow. “that’s true,” he confesses.
you turn around in his embrace, smoothing your palms up his torso until you can wrap your arms around his neck, playing with the blond hairs tickling your fingers.
“i take it everything went well?” he wonders with an arched brow.
your smile turns smug. “of course it did.”
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shadow-says-hello · 1 year
"-sometimes him and Bucky will be teamed up to tickle you, as a team they’re really really ruthless"
That line gave me goosebumps. Can you write a headcanon about that line?
Lol ofc
-Bucky and Steve are very mischievous, and if you’re annoy them to the point you’d get a good wrecking, they will run after you to pin you down.
-Bucky would be like “you better run” and then you take off and 5 seconds later him and Steve are running at the speed of light to get you.
-Once Bucky or Steve has finally got you, one of them would probably trap you in a bear hug or they’d scoop you up bridal style until the other catches up
-When the other catches up, they would then pin you to the ground and hurry to get to all of your spots. Sometimes they’d experiment new spots (and make teases along the way)
-such as “Oh, you’re ticklish here too?” Or “here’s a sweet spot~”, teasing is going to be endless
-one of them would probably use the “I’m hungry for raspberries” tease, quickly lifting up your top and blowing multiple raspberries, making you extremely flustered by the noise and the sensation
-and then your face turns red from the teases and they’re just like “Aw look we made her blush” “Are you embarrassed by just a few tickles?”
-and then plot twist they use baby talk then they’re like “Hm? This tickles? You have a ticklish tummy? Yeah?” I feel like that’s something Steve would do idk
-and then when you’re crying of laughter and your laugh gets wheezy and you’re face is extremely red and you can’t breathe then they decide to let up
-until one of those goofy asses blows one last killer raspberry
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marvelflame2010 · 1 year
Marvel headcanons that I have
Pietro likes to watch professional wrestling, like AEW and WWE. Tony actually got him tickets to Wrestlemania once and Pietro had a BLAST
Bucky can cook because he had to take care of pre-serum Steve
Wanda likes to knit
Loki paints his nails. Thor will sometimes get Loki to paint his, and he loves it
Peter once bought the Avengers Tower Lego set and told Steve that he was too old to build it. Tony was a proud dad
Basically Wanda, Sam, Yelena, Bucky, and Clint can cook
Tony can only make Italian food and that's it
One time Vision got in the kitchen, and he almost burned it down
Pietro says "meep meep" when he runs
Natasha can fight in heels
Yelena is jealous of that ⏫
Kate is VERY ticklish and Yelena loves to tickle her
Tony and Peter built a robotic arm for Tony. Because Tony's arm had to be cut off.
Bucky and Tony get along ok and swap stories about Peter and Steve being stupid
Natasha and Yelena love watching Disney movies. But not the ones before 1960. They freak the sisters out
One time, someone put on Once upon a Time and Bucky freaked out when he watched the Mad Hatter episodes. Steve and him did LOADS of research about S. Stan
Yelena likes to write short stories and only shows them to Natasha
Alexei and Melina visited Natasha and Yelena, of course, Alexei challenged Steve to a match. Alexei actually won because he sweated so much, Steve slipped
Sam and Bucky have a "get along tee shirt". They hate it
Shuri made light sabers when she was 11 and brought them to the compound one time when visiting with T'Challa. She and Peter had a battle and T'Challa was like, "Sister, I told you not to bring them."
Bucky is a science nerd and LOVES sci-fi and Disney.
Steve and Bucky once asked Tony where the flying cars were.
Clint has fell from the vents 117 times. Natasha has kept track
The team has matching pjs of themselves and they wear them during movie nights
Peter has a swear jar and the people that have lost the most money are Tony and Natasha
Morgan once dressed up as Tony for Halloween.
America, Kate, Yelena, Peter, and Shuri once summoned a ghost and Kate was throwing salt everywhere and they had to go get Strange and Wanda to help
Bucky, Peter, and Steve have noise-cancelling headphones because they get over-simulated pretty easily
If Steve gets married, his wife would get him a ring made of vibranium
Loki once caught Thor and Bruce "doing it" and the image is scarred in his brain for life
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auroras-space25 · 2 months
Hello Tickle Community📸
☁︎︎Hi! I’m Aurora☁︎︎
I’m new to the tickle community so here are some things about my new blog🌏
My requests are open and I will write fics and headcanons ♡︎
I only write for 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 characters/people and from a 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 reader perspective ✧
I will write for 𝐋𝐞𝐞!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐋𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𑁍
I’m 18 years old so I’m not very into NSFW content ☽
My prompts are 100% open! Please feel free to put through any ideas ♧︎
I write for 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 and also 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 from my list of Fandoms below✬
Messages are open but please be kind and respectful, you are free to ask anything whether it’s about tickling or not, just please be respectful ✫彡
Fandoms I Write For:
𝐓𝐯 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐬:ꨄ
Supernatural 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Sam and Dean)
The Last Of Us
Gilmore Girls 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 (Dean, Jess and Logan)
Teen Wolf
Criminal Minds
Daredevil 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐋𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies
Brooklyn 99
The Summer I Turned Pretty
American Horror Story (Tate/James/Kit/Evan)
Stranger Things
Grey’s Anatomy
10 Things I Hate About You
The Outsiders
Scream 1-6
The Maze Runner
Pirates Of The Caribbean
The Dirt
MCU (Tony, Steve, Bucky, Peter Q, Peter P, Loki, Thor, Bruce, Clint, Deadpool, + The Actors)
Mötley Crüe 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐋𝐞𝐞)
Guns N Roses
Arctic Monkeys
One Direction
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our-destiny · 1 year
Headcanons about what Bucky would be like as a father (or at least a father figure)
There is honestly not enough content about platonic Bucky so I made my own <3 Could be read as you being his biological child or adoptive, readers gender is not mentioned, not sure when this is taking place, and as always this is not well written but whateva we ballin
Bucky as a father would be protective, playful, and very loving.
Bucky is so soft for you, he's very aware that he's dangerous and might scare you or hurt you, his time as the Winter Soldier plays heavy on his mind as we know, so he tries very hard to gentle and approachable.
His love languages with you would be physical touch, quality time and acts of service.
Bucky loves to cuddle with you, and because he can't sleep at night he's become fond of napping with you during the day. Just feeling you near him and hearing your breathing really calms him down, especially because he worries so much about you.
He would be hesitant about touching you, definitely having to build up to full on hugging and cuddling. At first he would refuse to touch you with his metal arm, hiding it behind his back because he was scared he was going to hurt you, or scare you with it.
But after you telling him countless times that you think his metal arm is cool, he eventually lets you have a look at it and starts touching you with it. Though he would more so just let you initiate it and touch it if you wanted to, not really going out of his way to show you affection with it. Though eventually Bucky becomes comfortable with putting his arm around you, especially if you needed comforting.
Bucky likes to spend time with you, too. He loves seeing you happy and hearing you laugh so he does everything in his power to make sure you have a good time. This is also where his playful aspect comes in. You've got him wrapped around your little finger and he will do anything you ask of him, including making a fool of himself. I feel like he would like to do quite active stuff with you, like playing tag or going exploring in a woods or something, but it's honestly up to you. Though he will be hesitant to do tickle fights or play wrestling, but you can definitely convince him.
Acts of service and his protective trait also go hand in hand, he feels like the one thing he's good at is hurting people and fighting, and if he can use that to do some good, he will. He remembers what he learned during his time with Hydra and uses that to protect you. Bucky gets a bit paranoid that Hydra will come for you so he takes your safety very seriously, always checking the locks on the windows and scanning the room when he's out in public with you. He also teaches you some self defense and how to use certain weapons so you can defend yourself if you have to.
It isn't only physically that he protects you, he also tries to keep you protected from all the dark and evil things of the world, especially surrounding Hydra and what they did to him. The most he'll tell you about his past is that he lost his arm in the war, but if you want anymore details you're gonna have to ask someone else. Chances are even if you do ask someone else they won't tell you either, probably because they don't want to make Bucky mad, or they don't want to scare you, or Bucky threatened told them not to tell you.
Bucky wants you to know that he will always take care of you, emotionally and physically. He tries to remember what it was like taking care of Steve back in the 40s, and how he comforted him after his mom died, so he can take care of you too. Of course comfort isn't really his strong suit but he tries, he promises that whenever you need him he will drop everything to make sure you're okay and that he'll never turn his back on you.
Going back to how he teaches you self defense, I feel like Bucky would really like to have someone that he could pass his knowledge onto. Like he would love to teach them different card games that he played back in the 40s or I always imagine him teaching his kid how to do his signature death glare. Just having someone that he can be a sort of mentor to, especially considering how old he is, I think he'd really like that. Or him having a kid that looks up to him and wants to be like him. At first he would be like, "trust me, you don't want to be like me, I'm terrible," but I think eventually, once the kid starts following him around and trying to be like him, he would warm up to the idea and take them under his wing.
I saw someone say that Bucky keeps 2 pairs of his dogs tags on him, one round his neck and one in his boot and I love the thought that Bucky gives you his extra pair of dog tags. He'd especially do this if you look up to him, or if you miss him a lot when he's on missions.
Talking about missions, what happens really depends on when in the timeline we're talking. Usually when he is going on missions he will get someone else to look after you, usually Steve or Sam if Steve's not available. But if this is happening during or after tfatws then I think Bucky might stop going on missions altogether and instead move somewhere out in the country and just live peacefully with you. I think that he would jump at the chance of getting some peace with you and dedicating his time to raising you instead of fighting.
I feel like Bucky and his kid are going to be very similar, so much so that even if he adopted you people with think that you're his biological child. Tony will definitely call you either 'Little Bucky' or 'Bucky Jr' just to tease the both of you.
The rest of the avengers have also become very protective of you as well, though Steve and Sam are definitely the ones that you're closest to and are around the most. It might even be that you see them as father figures, too, so now you have three dads.
Over all Bucky's very sweet and he will do anything for you, even if he is a bit hesitant at first.
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marinasmarvel · 2 months
Hi, and welcome to my blog!
My name is Julia and I’m 19 years old. I’m currently obsessed with station 19 and marvel. I do take requests for moodboards, fics, and headcanons, but before you send any, please view my guidelines below. I am over 18 and have smut on here, so minors and ageless blogs DNI. I do not do any reader inserts!
✨Marvel Guidelines✨
I’m relatively new to the Marvel fandom, but I still love it dearly. I only write for the characters I feel I know best, which I will list below.
Natasha romanoff
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Wanda Maximoff
Sam Wilson
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Clint Barton and his family
Bucky Barnes
James “Rhodey” Rhodes
Carol Danvers
Monica Rambeau
Maria Rambeau
Bruce Banner
Melina Vostokoff
Alexei Shostakov
MJ Jones
Ned Leeds
Pepper Potts
Maria Hill
Nick Fury
I have some ground rules for my fics, headcanons, and moodboards:
No smut. I don’t have any particular ship for marvel that I am comfortable writing smut, especially since I don’t read marvel smut fics, like ever.
No rape, incest, pedophilia, etc.
Open to writing tickle fics, but they won’t be super lengthy
My fics will all take place in a universe where everyone is alive and happy
Most fics will be platonic, but I will write romance depending on the ship.
Finally, please be patient with requests! I am a slow writer and I have other hobbies, so fics and any other requests will take time. Thank you!
✨Station 19 Guidelines✨
I write for all station 19 characters except for Theo, Sullivan, and Michael Dixon.
I take smut requests, but I can decline requests at my discretion if I don’t feel comfortable or confident in my abilities.
No rape, incest, pedophilia, etc.
My main romantic ships are marina and Vandy (Vic x Andy)
I write platonic fics for pairings such as Travic, Maya and Andy, Vic and Carina, etc etc.
I will not erase any sexuality. Travis will never be written with a woman romantically, and I will never refer to Maya and Carina as Lesbians, because they are canonically bisexual.
Open to tickle fics, but they won’t be very lengthy.
And Lastly, please be patient as I get through requests! Thank you!
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smertzimy · 4 months
💙(from here)
who curses more? Bucky absolutely, he got a quite bad potty mouth.
who is more patient? Zemo.
who does the driving? Zemo because no one in their right mind let Bucky drive and the guy don't even have a licence for a car.
who is louder? who is quieter? Zemo isn't particulary quiet, it's just next to Bucky he appears quiet because Bucky is loud given the motivation.
who is more physically affectionate? Bucky probably.
who is more likely to tease the other? I mean they both do it but Bucky probably. Zemo is better at it though.
who is better with time management? Zemo again.
who wins the arm wrestling matches? Bucky. No comment.
who controls the music in the car ride? Bucky unless he just fall asleep.
who covers dinner when they order in? Switches.
who is more outgoing? who is more shy? Zemo is probably the most outgoing one, Bucky is just outgong with people he know.
who has the more outlandish fashion sense? Zemo.
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them? Bucky start them and if you tickle him back he will end them to because how dare you?
who has the darker/more "edgy" sense of humor? Bucky cause what he find funny most people fin insanely alarming.
who is more competitive when it comes to games? Bucky is competative but Zemo is just better.
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth? Bigger appeetite and sweet tooth both are Bucky.
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public? Bucky without a doubt.
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them? Zemo, if Bucky organized it it wouldn't get done.
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other? Zemo. No debate, Bucky don't get to cook at this point.
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior? Both are prone to it but Bucky resort to it most.
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other? Zemo probably cause Bucky is less subtle when something is wrong.
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)? Zemo.
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support? Depends on the situation but Zemo probably. Bucky can't even emotionally suport himself.
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it? Bucky and no. No he do not get the last laugh.
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