#and then maybe. i can draw something when im too drunk to be embarrassed and ashamed. hopefully
skenpiel · 1 year
this is fine Ive drawn before so im not even scared or embarrassed
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dazeddoodles · 3 months
I am drunk and i come to you with a request, plz give me something alador x darius please i need it no ones written a fic in ages and im too lazy to finish my own just give me something you are my last hope 😭😭😭 /J
Unfortunately, I can't draw anything new right now but I have some headcanons.
I've seen people portray Darius as the flirty one but realistically I don't think as adults he would be attempting to flirt with Alador, unless maybe it's after they get together.
As teenagers, I can see Darius "jokingly" flirting with Alador or just unintentionally getting him flustered (Amity gets her tomato face from her dad after all). Since they were best friends back then Darius was more open about liking Alador, though (seemingly) platonically at the time.
As adults however Darius keeps up the act of not liking Alador. (If you notice in the show DARIUS is the one who keeps starting shit between them). Even after Belos's defeat, I think they'd have to start talking again to work together but Darius would still act hostile towards Alador to avoid showing he still cares about him. Now Darius would be the one constantly getting flustered over little things like we saw in the finale. Meanwhile, Alador remains oblivious.
Darius genuinely cares about Alador's well-being but tries to hide it. Saying stuff like how Alador needs to not overwork himself and take breaks and then follows it up with "You need to set a good example for your kids. If you can't even take care of yourself, how are you gonna take care of them?" as a cover-up. Although said cover-up actually does make Alador try to take care of himself.
Darius would also be constantly reminding him to eat. I've seen people point out it looks like Alador has a dad bod in the epilogue, he'd eating healthier which is what led to the weight gain.
At the start, Alador would keep reverting back to his old ways of overworking and not taking breaks before having to be reminded by Darius again. Although Alador initially listens to him just to set a good example for his kids, eventually he genuinely doesn't want to "disappoint" Darius.
I imagine an instance where when Darius asks him if he's eaten yet and the answer is no, Alador starts to get a bit embarrassed about it. Meanwhile, Darius is thinking "Is he... blushing??? I didn't know he could feel shame." lol.
Alador isn't good at expressing himself either, specifically, he's not very good with his words which often leads to him unintentionally offending Darius. He often shows affection through acts of service which can also lead him to overwork himself. Especially after being married to Odalia which made him think that working to prove your love was normal in a relationship.
I had an idea once that after they get together when Alador comes back from work with sore shoulders/back, Darius would offer to rub them for him. Alador's not used to having a partner that cares more about him than the work he can do for them.
I can go either way if they're together in the epilogue. I think it would take a while (years?) for them to get into a relationship after being on bad terms for years. But they COULD be together at that point and Darius was just embarrassed about freaking out like that. Alador had the mini Abomination in his pocket after all 🤔
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jinkicake · 1 year
BIG MOOD PATHETIC SCARAMOUCHE IS SO FUNNY HES RLY THE LITTLE MEOW MEOW😭 need him to be absolutely obsessed w me but he’s too embarrassed that he wants to hold my hand so he pretends to hate me and im like “ that’s mice sweetheart what di you want for dinner?” Saw someone make a dc where you ignore him for like 5 days and he’s on his knees begging like “PLEASE LOOK AT ME” like thats so real to me😭😭 bc once you’ve given him affection he’s gunna do everything to keep it within his grasp😔 ALSO HE DEF WOULD TIE YOU UP AND LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN💀 childe and singora are so casual about it😭 when he comes back they talk like you’re not even there “how long have they been here?” “I lost count after the fourth hour” “ they’re still conscious I’m impressed” like he’s such an asshole but he will do the 🥺🥺👉🏼👈🏼”can I have a hug” afterwards💀 love that for him. Keeps him in my pocket like a little purse dog, he’s my guard dog boyfriend bc he will kill first and ask questions later. “ I don’t like how he looked at you” “he’s the waiter” AND YOOOO DONT EVEN LET DOTTORE UGLY ASS COME CLOSE TO YOU ITS OVER FR-don’t like his new design he’s just a creep like I was the “clones” back the short haired funny scientist dude like I like them unhinged in a clown way!! He’s fuckable, the abusive leather daddy dom on the other hand😒 like he’s fun if he has a tired annoyed uncle personally like he lives to bully childe. But just going around threatening scaramouche and collei bc I forgot he did experiments on her too in the manga is musty like that mask is lame!! WHERE IS THE CLOWN KING😡- he would reflexively go for his throat like he opens his mouth and suddenly his throat is slit “ my bad I got anxious” SGDHSHS UNDERSTANDABLE😭😭😭 and the streets is saying he’s gunna have a claymore??? BE SERIOUS HES A SCIENTISTS TWINK WHOS HUNCHED IVER IN A LAB ALL DAY HE CANT CARY THAT SHIT?? Like he only experiments on KIDS bc he could never kidnap a whole adult like imagine he tries to get itto?? HIS ASS WOULD BE DEAD IN 10 SECONDS!! HE CANNOT FIGHT DELUSION OR NOT!! I would beat his ASS like if you don’t get your ass out my face looking like an X-ray 😒 like be bothering all them people bc he wants so ass he weights 70 pounds soaking wet so he needs to borrow childes body weight
no exACTLY. listen, i love mean!scaramouche as much as the next person but if he's not obsessed then i dont want him. pathetic!scaramouche is the best scaramouche
i saw this scaralumi fanart of him drunk at a bar and diluc calls lumine to calm scara down and when she answers hes like 'hey ugly' and she hangs up and he starts crying again and ugh it's too perfect like that artist captured his best side with that simple fanart heheh
HAHAH yeah scaramouche is the worst bc he would do something so mean to you like ignore you while working but the second he finds out youre mad at him he'll be begging for your attention like he didn't just starve you for two days.... hes a great yandere me thinks-
Scaramouche = purse dog is the best comparison ive ever read T T
okay hear me out... i can forgive all the heinous crimes dottore has committed but i draw the line at him being UGLY. Maybe if he were cuter I would also be obsessed w him but he's so..... eh- LOL i like the clones better than him! (rip to the clones :-(() but also.... him being ugly is kinda the appeal? am i right??? i can never make up my mind-
dottore is supposed to have a CLAYMORE?! WHAT THE HLLL,,,im very confused about his leaks bc i heard that the shit company can't let characters be playable if theyre evil and tbh i dont want him to be redeemed bc he literally cant be redeemed and hes fun as a psycho like??? idk idk idk im just focused on sexy yelan in 3.4 she will be mine!
also isn't dottore one of the top three strongest in the fatui??? right i think....? i seriously dont know how but tbh i dont care! i just focus on mr hottie soooooooooooo sexy capitano teehee
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hyuckssunchip · 3 years
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Pairings: Johnny x Reader, ft. nct 127
Words: 4.3K
Warnings: Language (there is almost always language in my writings), angst, some fluff
Request:  Angst 42 and 48 ➵ “You promised.” “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.” / @jungcherie​
(im so sorry i took so long.... i turned a drabble into a story... oops)​
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Johnny Suh had a reputation that was unmatched.
There was no other way to put it.
And a reputation like his left trails of tears.
A pool of tears that you were currently drowning in.
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It was obvious Johnny was dangerous, perhaps that’s why you were drawn to him. While every single one of your instincts had you fighting and rejecting him, you were desperate for him all the more.
It was March 13th that you lost your first will.
“Y/N, right?”
You turned around to find a familiar face towering over you.
It was that stupid smile that had you. 
“Hey, we have have Communications together. I was wondering if you wanted to do that project together?” He scratched the back of his neck like he was embarrassed. “I just know that you’re insanely smart so... Sorry, wait, that sounds like I’m just talking to you for your grades.”
You giggled nervously, a habit that you did when you were uncomfortable.
“Look, I just... do you? You know, wanna do the project together? I mean, I’m a pretty smooth talker so I can do the presentation. I get good grades too...”
Stupid smile.
“Alright. There’s actually a little party at my frat tonight, you maybe wanna come? Get to know each other before we drown in work?” 
Fucking stupid smile.
“Yeah. I’d like that.” You blushed at the idea, cursing at yourself for being so obvious. 
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Parties weren’t really your thing. 
But at the time Johnny Suh was.
Your ears were pounding because of the insanely loud level the music was at. You were actually shocked that no one had called the cops with a noise complaint, but the fact that they were on frat row made more sense.
“Y/N. You made it.” A arm was flung over your shoulder and, thankfully the lights were both dim and flashing enough that he couldn’t see the way that you blushed at the action.
“Yeah. Is it always this loud?” You asked, still not so comfortable with the atmosphere.
“What?” Johnny yelled, pointing at his ear, indicating that he couldn’t hear you. Of course he fucking couldn’t. Then he jerked his thumb to the right, nodding at the backyard, which was seemingly empty.
With his hand placed on your back, he guided you outside, your head already thanking him from the escape of noise pollution. It was far better outside of the house.
The two of you collapsed onto the swinging chair, sighing as you cleared your head.
“So parties aren’t really your thing?” Johnny leaned closer, noting the look of relief that you had donned the moment you exited.
“It’s not that I hate them... I’m just not a fan. I mean a bunch of sweaty, horny drunk people grinding on each other. I just like smaller things.” You explained, staring up at the dark sky, shivering slightly at the cool breeze.
“You didn’t have to come.” Johnny suddenly looked guilty, “I didn’t mean to force you into coming, I just... thought I’d invite you.”
You quickly backtracked, “No, you didn’t force me. If I didn’t want to come, I wouldn’t have.” You ignored the voice in the back of your head that begged to differ.
“Right.” He grinned, as if he could read your mind. “You’re not great at lying, but I’m gonna pretend that I believe you.”
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“Were you playing beer pong?” You asked suddenly, causing him to look at you in confusion.
“Yeah, how’d you know?”
You laughed, looking away from him, “You have quite the reputation Mr. Suh, even someone like me knows the extent of your skills.”
Johnny smirked, liking how easy you were making it for him. “Is that so? Is that the only skill of mine you’ve heard about?”
You raised your eyebrows, hating the turn that your mind took. “W-what kind of other skills did you have in mind?” You stuttered out.
Suddenly it felt like you were caged in, his arms tense around your frame, causing you to lean back against the back of the swing.
“Tell me what you’ve heard.” 
You averted your eyes, unable to take his heavy gaze. His eyes had turned dark, full of lust, and you tried desperately to forget the effect they were having on you.
As if sensing how uncomfortable you were getting, he backed off, dusting off some invisible dirt on his shoulder. He cocked his head to the side with a sly smile, happy with a new challenge. 
Things weren’t going to be as easy as he thought they were, but that’s what made it fun.
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“No that’s so stupid. Are you kidding me? Robin could absolutely never beat Batman. Is that even a question?” Your hands were waving animately, far too much for an argument about fictional superheroes.
“Sure. I’m just saying that Robin could totally catch him off guard, like out of the blue, you know.” Johnny slurped on his drink shrugging his shoulders like he didn’t care. 
“No. Absolutely not. First of all Robin doesn’t have the guts to do something like that and second of all Robin doesn’t have any powers. How on Earth would he beat him?”
“Umm... Batman doesn’t have powers either.” He made a duh face at you, which you chose to ignore.
“Yeah, well he’s got money, and that’s basically a super power.”
“Let’s be real, Batman isn’t even really a real superhero. He’s just a hero. Period.” 
You huffed, rolling your eyes at the argument. “That’s a whole different story.”
“I’m just saying.” He sang back teasingly.
“And I’m just saying that this is stupid. How did we even get here?” You laughed, trying to remember how this conversation came about.
“Uh, you made the bold choice of saying that the Batman vs. Superman movie was shit. Very controversial by the way.” He frowned at the memory.
You let your bag fall heavily on the library table, earning you a few glares as studying students dug into their books.
You sent an apologetic look before sliding into your seat. “Let’s just get this presentation done. Our presentation date is the 23rd and I don’t even have a clue of what to write it on.”
“Well the topic is influencers that change your life. Do you have anyone in mind?”He asked, flipping through his notebook, which didn’t really have anything but drawings in them.
“Not really, is there anyone for you? I mean influencer is kind of vague isn’t it? We could pick like an athlete too, or a musician. Those are technically influencers right?”
He nodded, resting his chin on his hand. “Yeah. Influencers don’t even have to be famous do they? Like they can just be someone in your life that made a huge impact on you. Like your parents or something.”
“Yeah, I guess. But that’s kind of hard when you’re working in groups. Like you’re not gonna want to talk about my grandma, you know. Like you don’t even know her. It’s probably just easier to use a famous icon.”
“Okay, so who?” He leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling like it would give him inspiration. 
“Hmmm... maybe we could do someone like Michael Jackson. Like he may not have affected us personally, but he affected the way that the music and performance was seen afterwards. That’s influential and life changing right?”
“I guess.” He cocked his head, “We could at least start with brainstorming ideas for him and then if we feel like it’s not working we can change it.”
“Cool. I guess we can start with that then.”
And you did. You spent every afternoon for the next week and half with each other in the library, and a little more outside of it.
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“That one’s the big dipper.” 
You grinned following his finger, but had more difficulty finding exactly what he saw. 
“How do you know it’s not the little dipper?” You teased, squinting in to the dark, the scattered stars really just looking like paint splatters to you.
“Because that’s the little dipper.” He laughed, moving his index finger slightly to the right.
Johnny leaned back into your space, smiling at you look of concentration quickly falling as you gave up.
“Where’s the North Star?” You asked turning to face him, but sucking in a harsh breath when you found your nose just centimeters from his. 
Johnny lowered his voice, whispering and pointing without even turning away, “Right there, it’s the tail of the little dipper.”
It took more effort than you thought to pull away, eyes searching for it.
He leaned back, resting his body weight on his hands. “See it? It’s the brightest one.”
“No,” You pouted scooting forward, as if that would help you see it. “Oh, wait! I see it!”
Johnny couldn’t stop himself from grinning as he saw your face light up.
“Wow.” Suddenly your tone turned more mellow, still in awe. “I’ve always wanted to find the North Star.”
Johnny’s chest rumbled with laughter. “Why?”
“Well you know. They say if you get lost, just follow the North Star home.” You turned to face him, eyes sparkling with excitement, but the sound of your voice had gone quiet, almost somber. The smile on your face faded into a sad smile as you all but whispered your next words. “Now I can go home.”
Johnny frowned next to you, not liking the sudden turn in mood. He sat up, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you against his chest.
“What makes you think that you’re not home right now?” He mumbled on the top of your head, staring straight out in the dark.
“I don’t know. I can just feel it, you know? Like I’m just constantly uneasy.” You sighed, digging your face into his jacket. “I think I’ll be able to tell when I get there.”
There was something in Johnny’s chest that suddenly ached, and he felt a sharp drop in his stomach at the thought.
“Maybe you’ll only ever know once you’ve left home.” He muttered, “Then you’ll know that this is actually what it feels like, and it’s so much worse when you leave.”
You stilled against him for a moment before relaxing, mulling over the thought. “That’s so sad though. Why do we only know we’re happy once we’re sad?”
Johnny shook his head slowly. “I don’t know. Why does God make us hurt to only to help us heal?”
The sound of the wind passing through trees was the only thing that comforted you at the thought.
“I don’t want to have to heal, I don’t want to hurt in the first place.” You whisper out, feeling the most vulnerable you had in a long time.
“I’ll never hurt you.” He rubbed at your arms soothingly, feeling a lump in the back of his throat, but he pushed it away not liking the unfamiliar feeling.
“Of course.”
You let your eyes fall, enjoying just the silence and comfort of each other’s arms and minds.
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You woke up wrapped in Johnny’s arms, although it was an unfamiliar feeling you welcomed it with open arms. 
Lost in your thoughts for the time being you were suddenly reminded of the conversation you had a couple nights ago. 
Was this home?
You had never felt so safe before and it scared you. But you weren’t one to run.
“Good morning.” Johnny mumbled out beside you, his morning voice raspy to the ear.
“Morning.” You whispered back, letting his arm flop over your waist.
“Do you like pancakes?” He asked, letting his eyes fall close again.
“Yeah. Taeyong makes some bomb ass pancakes.” 
You giggled, “Yeah, I like pancakes. Especially bomb ass pancakes.”
But he didn’t move and it was only after you tapped him questioningly did he speak up. “Do you think he’ll bring them up if I yell loud enough?”
You smacked his chest. “Stop it. We should go down.”
“In a bit.” He answered, nose buried deep in the crevice of your neck.
A few minutes later you heard the clinking of kitchen tools from downstairs and you stirred. “Johnny?”
“Johnny. Let’s go.”
“Five more minutes.” He mumbled, but he let you out of his grasp anyways.  
“Fine. I’ll meet you downstairs.” You paused as you passed by the mirror, eyes tracing over the marks on your neck that Johnny had left the night before. You blushed, realizing that you didn’t have anything to cover it up with, but quickly moved on, attempting to find your shorts that were discarded in the frenzy of last night.
“Check under the desk.” Johnny said, sitting up and watching you.
Sure enough that’s where they were, although you weren’t really sure how they managed to get there. 
You shrugged on the last of your clothes, turning to find Johnny doing the same. It took him less than three steps to get to you, landing a soft kiss on the top of your head. 
“Let’s go.”
Taeyong was undoubtedly the closest of Johnny’s frat brothers to you. He had this really calming and sweet aura about him that just made you want to be friends. 
“Good morning Y/N. Blueberry or chocolate?” He asked grinning as he took his eyes off the pan for a second. 
“Blueberry please.” You slid onto the bar across from him. “Do you need any help?”
Johnny rubbed your lower back comfortingly, “No, you don’t want to get in his way. That’s when he loses his temper.” He whispered the last bit to you, but Taeyong obviously heard it, sending a sharp glare at him.
“Only when there are incompetent people in my kitchen.” Taeyong muttered back.
Johnny ignored the comment, shaking his head at you, “I’ll have chocolate.”
“You’ll get what you get.” Taeyong piped at him, still not over Johnny’s teasing, who grinned in response. 
Both of them knew that Johnny was getting chocolate, Taeyong was really bad at being mean.
“Where’s the others?” Johnny asked, sipping on a cup of coffee.
“At school, as they should be because they are college students.” Taeyong answered, sliding a plate towards you. “Enjoy.”
You thanked him and bit into a piece, almost moaning at the taste. “Damn, Johnny told me they were good but I didn’t think it would be this good.”
Johnny swiped a piece from your plate. “What are you talking about? I told you he made bomb ass pancakes.” 
Taeyong slid a plate towards Johnny.
His grin widened. “Thank you. You’re my favorite Taeyong ever.”
“I’m the only Taeyong you know.” He put his hands on his hips. “I should be the favorite.”
Johnny sent a wink in his direction before stabbing a piece. 
“So I was thinking, that little bakery next to the park, do you wanna go? They just opened and I’ve been dying to try it.” Johnny asked around a mouthful of pancake.
“Yeah, sure. That sounds good.” You felt your stomach flutter, you were sure whether it was the pancakes or Johnny, but you had a pretty good guess. 
“Sweet, we can swing by your place first if you want to get a change of clothes or something.” 
You nodded, “Yeah, sounds good.”
“I’m glad that sounds good.” He teased you with a smile.
“Sorry, but it just sounds good. What else do you want me to say?” You pushed back, opting to add another piece into your mouth.
“I don’t know, maybe-”
“Okay, sorry to interrupt your little flirt fest, but can you start that after I leave?” Taeyong asked, making a few pancakes for himself.
“Sorry.” You giggled, sending him a genuine apologetic look.
“I’m not sorry.” Johnny said, shrugging.
You smacked him lightly.
“I’ll take away pancake privileges for a month.” Taeyong quipped, focusing on flipping the pancake.
“Sorry.” Johnny mumbled out under his breath, not one to admit defeat easily.
You laughed at the sight of a pouty Johnny, enjoying the view for the time being.
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Waiting for Johnny had become a routine, but honestly you didn’t really mind it. Hanging out on the couch, you had met and befriended quite a few of his frat brothers. 
Currently you were sprawled out on the couch with Jungwoo, who was retelling a very interesting story about his trip to the grocery store last week that involved a cereal box and a banana. Although it was a bit of a reach, you nodded and smiled at the right times, not really following the order of events, or really the importance of them.
“What does the fact that you were wearing- and I quote - ‘an incredibly sick pair of joggers’ have anything to do with your story?” You asked, tilting your head in teasing confusion.
“Oh, it doesn’t. I just thought you should know.” He replied matter-of-factly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Right. And I’m so better off now that I know.” You taunted him, voice dripping in sarcasm.
Jungwoo shot you an annoyed, and yet hurt look, before finishing his story. “And that’s how Johnny found out he was allergic to shellfish.”
“Okay. What the fuck? I’m literally so confused.” You cut him off before he could recount his story again. “I don’t really need to hear it again though. Thanks.”
He whined before laying his legs over yours, giving up.
For a few moments, things were quiet as you checked the time. It had already been thirty minutes, where was he?
You rolled your head to the side, finally focusing on the whiteboard that had what scribbles of writing over it. 
“What’s the tally for?” You asked, scrunching your nose at the whiteboard that was situated on the far wall of the room.
“Hmmm? The tally?” Jungwoo glanced around looking slightly nervous which had you even more curious. “It’s just a game.”
“Game? What game?” You laughed turning back to see the strikes adorning the board. “It looks like Johnny’s winning.”
“Uhh...” Again with the nervous glances.
You giggled, “You’re losing, aren’t you?” The spot under his name had the fewest tallies and you figured that’s why he was being so shy about it.
Jaehyun entered the room, seemingly in a very important conversation by the way that he was speaking animatedly.
“The game’s over on Friday and Johnny’s gonna win.” 
“That’s so stupid. He hasn’t bagged any since Y/N, how is he still gonna win?” Yuta complained all but scowling at the floor, neither of them had yet to notice your presence.
You frowned at the mention of your name, not liking the term ‘bagging’ to be in such close proximity with your name.
“Oh, Mark has a new strike, looks like he finally got Claire into bed.” Yuta continued snorting, “Took him long enough.”
“Wait, what the fuck? How the hell did Taeyong get two strikes?” Jaehyun, squinted at the board.
Yuta snorted, “He had a threesome last night. Can you believe it? This close to the end? It’s like he’s actually trying to compete now.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You muttered, effectively catching their attention.
“Y/N.” Jaehyun breathed out, eyes wide and darting between you and Jungwoo who was obviously trying to get them to stop talking. “Hey... what’s up? When did you get here?”
“Ummm.... no. What the fuck is going on?”
“What do you mean?” Jaehyun cocked his head, doing his best to pretend like he wasn’t panicking.
“No, I don’t want your bullshit. Just tell me what this game is.” You were using anger to hide your fear. You could feel the pounding of your heart in your head, a throbbing sensation that gave way to a sinking feeling of realization. 
At that moment, when his eyes finally met yours. Not Jaehyun’s, not Yuta’s, but Johnny’s as he walked in the room with that fucking stupid smile you felt your last will got out the window. It was at that moment that everything came crashing down. 
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“Y/N, please can’t we just talk?” Johnny chased after you, begging you to turn around.
“You promised.”
Johnny’s heart dropped at your words, and his chest started closing in in fear. The burning feeling in his throat had him choking, panicking in belated realization.
It wasn’t just the words that you said, it was the way that you said it. So defeated, so broken. So betrayed.
“You promised that you wouldn’t hurt me. Do you remember that? Did you even mean that?” You felt the tears brimming, and you fought the best you could to keep them down. But your wobbling voice let him know.
“Of course I meant it.” He answered breathlessly. “You know me, I don’t say things that I don’t mean.”
“Do I? Do I know you?” You huffed out. “Because I really thought you were someone different.”
“No, I- I’m still me. I’m still Johnny. I just...”
“You just what? You just lied about our entire relationship? If it was even that, because I was just another tally to you wasn’t I? Just another tally on a stupid whiteboard for a stupid game.” 
You choked back the tears that were burning in your throat, not bothering to wipe at the ones that managed to escape.
“You know what hurts the most? I actually thought you liked me. I actually thought that you meant all those things that you said to me.”
“I did mean it. I meant every single word, and I still do. Nothing was a lie, my feelings were real. Please just listen to me, I can explain.” He stepped closer, but you took a step back, keeping the distance.
“Explain what? I already heard everything for myself. What are you gonna say, that Jaehyun and Yuta were lying? Hmmm? That it wasn’t a game? That that’s not the reason that you approached me?”
“I...” He couldn’t find any words, because you were right. Every single word that you said was right. He struggled to catch his breath, panicking. “Please don’t leave me.”
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
“I love you. I need you. I can’t- I can’t imagine life without you.”
“That’s not enough.” You clenched your jaw, face going slack. It was as if you were losing the will to even be heartbroken over this.
“Please, I-I’ll do anything, what do you want me to do?” He begged, eye brows nearly touching as they furrowed.
“I don’t want anything from you, just stay away from me.” You mumbled out, avoiding his eyes.
“Baby, please.”
“Don’t fucking call me that, I’m not yours, I never was.” You snapped at him, backing away.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled under his breath and he wasn’t sure if it was meant for you or himself.
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“So I’m kinda going rogue here. I know you already hate me, but try not to hate me anymore than you already do.”
Johnny didn’t look anywhere except for you.
The professor seemed to humor him, allowing one of his favorite students to continue with an amused smile on his face.
You on the other hand did not. 
You stared at Johnny with a straight face, trying your best to not look flustered.
“The whole point of this assignment was to find someone that changed our lives. But my partner and I struggled to find someone. It’s not that we didn’t have great people around us, its not even that we don’t have people that we admired. It was because no one we came up with really seemed genuine to us. But I found someone. I finally found someone that I could trust, that I let in. But I did something really stupid and fucked it up- excuse my language.”
You watched him stand behind the podium, looking smaller than he ever did.
“You know, before I met you I didn’t think that my life needed changing. I thought I was doing just fine. But then I realized that I wasn’t. I was struggling to even feel normal, to feel like I was living for something. Y/N you helped me find home. Remember when I said that you only understand that you were already home until you lose it? Well I feel it now. And it feels like shit.”
You sucked in a sharp breath, a feeling in the back of your throat burning.
“Y/N. You’re the person who changed my life. And I don’t even deserve that. But I’m here, standing in front of you like a fool because I’m whining about losing the best thing that ever happened to me.” 
For a moment you thought he was done, because the silence was deafening.
“Even if you sill hate me after this, I want you to know that you mean more to me than anything else. You are the person that changed my life. You are my person, and I want so badly to be yours.”
There was a beat of silence as he ended abruptly, taking a seat on the other side of the room, eyes still locked on you.
Your professor stood up with a clap. “Well, thank you Johnny for that... interesting presentation.” A wide smile was still on his face despite his word choice. “I guess we should end on that then. Second batch of presentations is on Friday, please be prepared.”
The students of your class stood, shuffling out the exit, voices murmuring to each other. 
You sat on the bench outside your lecture hall, watching as Johnny made his way nervously to you.
“You’re an idiot.” You told him as he approached you, bottom lip wobbling against your will. Eventually you broke. “But you’re my idiot.”
Johnny felt a drop of relief in his stomach as he felt like his heart would burst.
“You’ve totally botched our presentation by the way. If we fail it it’s on you.” You shoved him away teasingly.
Johnny grinned, throwing his arm over your shoulder. 
“Yeah? Well, I think we did better than you think. I think that things are gonna turn out just fine.”
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(sorry, i was supposed to write a full angst, but i couldn’t help myself.)
© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
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fullbusterfantasmic · 3 years
Love Potion ♋️ Chapter 4.7
Rated M
It’s all NSFW (As it should be)
1,933 words
A/N: The first position mentioned is called the butterfly or some shit (maybe?) idfk but I like it, & the second is the reverse cowgirl. Formatting is wonky, I know please look past it.
🌬Gray’s POV
The shine her eyes had held has begun to rapidly be overtaken as the (e/c) darkens, while she beckons me closer.
Her mouth is right beside my ear as she says;
“Ravish me...lay your claim on me...let every touch from you send me reeling, and begging for more...show me everything you’ve imagined doing to me and lastly...share every feeling you’ve kept hidden from me”.
The intense requests she made ignites a fire somewhere within me. Flames are rapidly consuming the protective layers of ice I’d long ago placed over my heart. Barriers erected after Deliora’s first attack, reinforced following the death of Ur...gone in an instant. Her tongue runs along the outer shell of my ear, lips placing a kiss to my temple. Pulling away, she then collapses back onto the pillows behind her, now surveying me through darkened, heavily lidded eyes.
My teeth clench as the familiar darkness begins to surface and my internal struggle begins. She asked for it....so why not give it to her? I shouldn’t...I....I’m ready to...no I NEED to let her in that now open space within my heart, within my very barren soul.
You don’t know what you do to me...
✨Your Pov
Im nervous...
I may have asked too much, it was too soon for me to come on so strongly! He still has yet to look at me, and his long bangs obscure his eyes from view.
“Gray I-“
I began to try and retract my previous statement but he interupts me. “From the very first moment I laid eyes on you I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen....and the most dangerous...” he moves out from between my legs, motioning for me to lay on my side. “ I knew if I got close to you I’d end up falling for you and that would put you at risk...”. One of his legs now rest underneath mine and my other rests over the top of his.
“Try as I might, I couldn’t force myself to get or stay away from you; somehow we always end up spending time together” he pauses, pressing a kiss to my temple before continuing; “ -and now we’re here...”.
The room is growing colder once more, goosebumps cover my exposed flesh and I lightly begin to shiver. My entire body is shaking by the time his voice reaches my ear; “With all that being said...I’m done explaining myself, and I’m done talking”.
“Now I’m going to fuck you senseless, this entire town will know you’re mine by sunrise” The vow is whispered to me in such an intimate way, it has my internal walls fluttering, before clenching around nothing. That is soon remedied; A surprised turned pleasurable cry slips out from between my lips as Gray effortlessly slides into me.
This position is a first for me, and experiencing it with this god like man...Said position has quickly become a “10 out of 10, must do again”. He holds my body so closely against his, and somehow those skilled fingers are still roaming up and down my sides. Occasionally pausing their ministrations to ghost across my chest or rub tantalizing circles Into my clit. The angle in which he thrusts into me puts the head of his cock in the perfect position to hit my G-spot each and every time he bottoms out.
The whole “I’m finished talking now” line was absolute bullshit! As soon the smug Ice mage was balls deep inside me, did the sinful whispers begin. Dear God! That deep husky voice alternating between uttering the most endearing things, having my eyes growing wet with tears. Only to make a flawless transition into speaking the most obscene and sensual promises (or threats), have my face continuing to burn red.
I was an absolute wreck.
“You should see yourself right now...Completely fucked out of your mind, slobbering all over, and tear stains coating your cheeks...yet still so breathtaking”. My enthralled lover may no longer be whispering, but the chill of his breath on my neck is still ever present. I don’t speak, I knew my ability of coherent speech had vanished long ago.
Gray doesn’t need my words to go off of now, not when my breath hitches and my body jerks involuntarily. “This one will be....number four right?” He sounds so proud. That wasn’t really a question, and I wouldn’t of answered it even if I could have.
As much as I craved release, my pride urged me to deny it. A small voice inside my head is saying; “Ignore the relentless tingling of your clit, the tight wound knot in your stomach, the pressure from that magnificent cock sinking itself into your deepest depths...”.
Dammit ___________, get it together!
You are a proud Fairy Tail mage; A living embodiment of strength, determination, and destroyer of adversity! You’ve let this man turn you into putty within his hands, he thinks he owns you! Now it’s time for you to reclaim your pride and turn the tables on him!
Who am I kidding?
🌬Grays POV
“Holding back now are we?”
I can’t help but tease her when she’s trying so hard to hide the fact that I have her teetering on the edge of bliss. She lets out and annoyed huff and I poke one of her inflated cheeks, making sure my cock is buried inside of her as far as it can go.
“You take my cock so well baby, you’re already starting to shape to me on the inside...you’ll be my perfect little cock sleeve in no time” I murmured before giving her another nice dark love bite to match the one on the other side of her neck. “I know you want to drench my cock some more” my ice coated finger flicks against her clit before circling over it.
“Hah!” she shrieks at the frozen contact to her bundle of nerves, involuntarily jerking and in turn slamming her hips backwards, burying my dick inside her once more. The tip of my head just barely makes contact with her cervix, and then her walls suddenly contract, clamping down around me. I have to give every effort to not paint them white as not only her ecstatic wail reaches my ears, but I look down just in time to see her lightly spritz the hand id been using to play with her clit.
For a moment my brain begins to short circuit, and then it just shuts down completely.
✨ Your POV
That was....incredible.
Several minutes pass with my mind reeling from the intense orgasm I’d just experienced. It’s like I’m drunk, but not from the alcohol I’d consumed earlier. Drunk from the dopamine flooding my brain, and my heart swelling with overwhelming feelings of love. Love....love for the man currently sharing my bed.  Before I can turn to Gray and embarrass myself with a bunch of post orgasm love drunk rambling, I remember something....oh my god.
I sober up and am slammed back into reality almost instantly. My face begins to burn and I Stifle a cry of humiliation as I realize; I’d just squirted all over his hand! That’s never happened to me before! Gray hasn’t said one word...he’s been silent since it happened! He probably has a look of disgust on his face, I can’t bring myself to look and see.
I try to move,, intent on getting away to take refuge on the other side of the bed. His arms immediately constrict around me, “Oh no you don’t, you aren’t going anywhere!”.  Suddenly he’s flat on his back keeping a firm grip on my hips as I’m forced to straddle him. Glancing over my shoulder I see the proud smirk he’s wearing, then he speaks; “Never had a girl do that before...I like it” giving me a wink afterwards. “Sh-Shut u-up” I mumble as I return my gaze to the wall in front of me, breathing deeply in attempt to calm my palpitating heart.
“Y’know normally I’d give you a little break but... I can’t...not after seeing you do that” he pauses, and I can’t see his eyes roaming over my back side, but I feel his hands slide down from my hips. Then a sharp SMACK resounds around the room, followed by my startled gasp. “Ride me...now!” a fierce growl preludes another sharp smack to my other ass cheek.
I don’t even bother to stop the excited shake that over takes my body, the sudden change into this demanding demeanor is thrilling! Keeping my back to him, I’m quick to position myself over his length and begin to sink down on it. The soft mewl I emit is drowned out by a hiss as the tip of his dick slips between my lips. “That’s it...good girl” he praises as he begins to rub out the red marks on my ass.
Eager to please I get straight to work.
Albeit a bit awkward at first, but Im able to get a steady rhythm going in no time. “So much better than in my dreams...fuckin’ hell __________ your ass is perfect! Yeah that’s it babe, bounce it just like that” Gray mumbles appreciatively, completely enamored with the sight in front of him. “Dream about me often do you?” I tease, throwing him a smug glance over my shoulder. “More often than I’d ever care to admit, now turn around and face me would you?.
I do as he asked, rotating my body to face him. He gently pulls me down towards him and I stop short, my face now inches above his own. My stomach feels like it’s filled with butterflies at the sudden closeness. Unsure of what to do I quietly whisper an awkward sounding “Hi”. A wide grin appears on his face as he responds; “Hi” followed quickly by a chuckle at my sudden awkwardness.
Now we’re both smiling at each other like complete dorks, and I’m compelled to lean forward and kiss him. I resume my ride as his tongue curls around mine, quickly losing myself in the passion of this moment. Gray is quick to pick up the slack, thrusting his hips upward each time mine sink down. The atmosphere in the bedroom has changed, we both feel it. When I say his name again it comes out in a breathy whine.
His eyes reflect an emotion I’ve never seen in them before and his tone is gentle when he says “I know baby, hold on just a little longer for me”. Strong arms wind themselves tighter around me, drawing my body in as close as possible as he speeds up the pace of his thrusts. “I want to feel you gush all over my cock when I finally get to cum inside you” his lips are on mine again, kissing me passionately while bouncing me up and down on his cock.“That okay with you baby? Do you want me to fill up this tight little cunt?”
My confession comes out quick and shameless; “Yes! God there’s nothing I want more right now, I’ve wanted that for ages!”.
“Tell me, who do you belong to now snowflake?”
“YOU! I belong to you now Gray”
“Tell me you need me”
“I need you, I never want to be without you, so please just-“
“Tell me...” he pauses, placing a hand on my cheek and staring into my eyes.
“Tell me you love me”.
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cool-fallen-angel · 4 years
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Day 14: Fun & Games
Medium: Digital
So I thought I’d do a drawing for a fanfic I wrote for this one, where Dean and Cas wake up handcuffed to each other in bed after a night of drinking with no memory of what happpened ;) The drawing I made today, the fanfic was wrote quite a while ago
Also small warning for ns*w at the end of the fanfic
> Ao3 link <
Dean woke up to a killer headache and overly dry mouth, groaning a little as he rubbed a hand over his face. He stopped when he realized there was a weight on his chest, looking down to see Cas lying on him, curled up close. “Oh fuck.” He murmured, trying to remember how the hell that happened. They were all drinking last night, he knew that much, but the rest is too much of a haze. He couldn’t remember anything. Certainly not this.
After a moment of shocked contemplation Dean tried to sit up a bit while not disturbing the ex angel, starting to regret how much he had to drink with the size of this hangover. Despite his carefulness Castiel started to stir awake, making a sound of discontentment and pulling away from Dean a little. His own eyes went wide when they opened to see the shirtless hunter by his side in the bed.
“D-Dean? What are you—w-why are we—?” He stuttered, struggling with the fact that he was in Dean's room in Dean's bed and that they were both—wait. They were both naked. He'd been pressed up against Dean Winchester’s naked body. He flushed when he realized that, putting some proper distance between them as he sat up and pulled the sheets closer to his body.
“Dean, what happened last night?” He asked, not remembering anything either. All he knew right now was that he'd woken up with a huge hangover in his best friend’s bed, naked, with no recollection of how he got there. Dean gave no good answer either, replying, “I don’t know, man. I’m just as freaked as you are!”
The hunter took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. “Look, alright, lets just get dressed, go grab a coffee and some damn painkillers and try to figure this out together. And then maybe forget this ever happened and never speak of it again.” He proposed, running a hand through his hair before moving to swing his legs over the edge of the bed and get up. Before he could though, he realized there was a weight around his wrist, looking down to see fucking handcuffs chaining his right hand to Cas' left. “What the hell? Why—? What the hell!” He exclaimed, meeting Cas' confused expression with his now pissed off one.
“Well, that makes things harder.” Cas stated dryly, pissing Dean off more. “You think?” He replied in annoyance, giving his wrist a slight yank and groaning again. “lets get some pants on and find the damn keys.” He said, silently asking Cas to come his way with a head nod and waiting for him to scoot closer before he tried to stand again.
They had to take turns getting their underwear on, Dean picking out some sweats and Cas picking up the jeans he’d worn the night before. They both awkwardly gave each other a bit of privacy, looking away and trying not to let curiosity take hold of them as they each covered their modesty. They had to quite embarrassedly get cleaned up too, what with the dried come on their stomachs and chests making it very clear what they did with each other. Not that it wasn’t already pretty obvious. Either way they tried to ignore the facts and just get through the awkward encounter, searching around for the keys to the handcuffs. Once they were found Dean gladly took them off, rubbing his wrist a little before getting a shirt on. “Come on, lets head to the kitchen.” Dean grumbled once Cas got a shirt on too, leaving the room with him.
16 hours ago
“Alright! Beer run is complete and we have everything we need to get this party started!” Dean exclaimed as he walked down the stairs with bags in tow. Sam and Cas were sitting on the couch in front of the tv they’d set up a while back. Dean passed them each a beer, unpacking everything else he’d bought at the same time. “I also got us some vodka shots and other assorted drinks, and snacks of course.” He explained happily, plopping down beside Cas with a smile.
“So, this’ll be your first proper time getting hammered as a human. Excited?” Dean asked Cas, taking a swig of beer.
“I don’t plan on getting that drunk, but yes, I suppose so.” He replied, taking a small sip himself.
“Come on, man, it's game night! Get in the partying spirit!” Dean encouraged, nudging his arm playfully. Cas had been without his grace and wings for a few months now, slowly getting used to the trials of being human. With some help, of course. Dean especially had been more then happy to help the poor guy, there was a lot of stuff to get used to.
Sam chuckled a little, giving Cas a sympathetic smile. “Don't worry, it’ll be fun. I'll make sure he doesn’t go too crazy.” He said, looking at Dean pointedly. The elder hunter scoffed, taking another swig. “Whatever, grandma. It’s gonna be an awesome night.”
Dean and Cas walked into the kitchen with their heads down low, heading for the coffee machine first. Sam was already there reading a newspaper, smiling far too brightly when he saw the pair enter. “Hey guys, how'd you sleep?” He asked with a knowing expression, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Just peachy.” Dean grumbled, taking a couple painkillers with Cas.
“So, last night, huh? Pretty fun.” Sam remarked, earning an annoyed scowl from both Cas and Dean. “What’s up with you? How come you’re not hungover?” Dean asked, sitting down at the table with his friend.
“Oh, I didn’t drink nearly as much as you guys did. Wait, you do remember how last night went, don’t you?” Sam asked, smiling wider when the looks each of them gave showed the answer to that question. “Oh my god, you don’t remember!” He chuckled, before getting an annoyed punch on the arm.
“No, we don’t. Care to enlighten us?” Dean asked with a scowl, finally getting his younger brother to stop with the teasing.
“Alright, alright, I’ll tell you what happened. It’s pretty embarrassing though.” He smiled, taking a sip of coffee. Castiel was more worried then Dean, given how it was his first time drinking that much as a human. He wasn’t sure what kind of drunk he was, he hoped he didn’t do anything too embarrassing.
Dean just hoped his and Cas' friendship wouldn’t be ruined after whatever happened last night. He hoped he didn’t spill his feeling in his drunken state. The feelings he kept bottled up deep down for fear of rejection.
Whatever his thoughts, last night was about to be explained to them and they should hopefully start to remember.
Sam started with the vodka shots.
13 hours ago
Cas sat back after his turn taking the shots, giggling a little and smiling triumphantly. He was two beers and 10 shots in and was already wasted. Sam had been taking it slow and Dean was trying his hardest to catch up to Cas' level of drunkenness. He needed much more with his high tolerance, but he had started feeling it after a while. They'd played a few normal games and a few drinking games, and now they were at the point where they were nicely tipsy.
“Heyy, good job buddy!” Dean praised, patting Cas on the shoulder. It hasn’t taken long for them to start sitting closer and closer, taking everything opportunity for physically contact.
“Thank you, Dean. You--you've been a v'ry good teacher.” Cas slurred with a happy smile. “And might I say, you have v'ry pretty eyes too. V'ry beau'iful.” He added flirtatiously, staring at him for the tenth time that night. Dean blushed a little, smiling back. “Oh, thank you. You’re pretty too.” He replied, staring back with his flushed, beautifully freckled face.
Sam cleared his throat for the sixth time that night after a few seconds of silence, getting Dean's attention.
“Alright, new game! Truth or dare.” Exclaimed the elder hunter, taking another shot and pointing at Sam. “You pick first, Sammy.”
Sam snorted a little, humouring him for now. “Okay. Dean, truth or dare?”
“Alright, hotshot, I dare you to sing along to a song of my choosing.” He smirked, already getting his phone out to choose one.
“Pshh, easy. I have an amazing singing voice.” Dean replied confidently, waiting until he heard ‘Shake It Off' by Taylor Swift Start playing. He shrugged a little, owning it completely. It got some chuckles out of Sam and Cas, but he stuck with it until the end.
“Ha, nailed it. Cas, truth or dare?” Dean asked afterwards, taking another shot.
“Mhm, truth.”
“Since becoming human, have you jerked off yet?”
“Dude!” Sam objected, not really wanting the answer to that question.
“What? ‘M curious.” Dean defended, looking at Cas expectantly.
The ex-angel blushed, licking his lips a little before answering. “Yes. I have.”
“Dude, really? What about masturba’ing bein' a sin and all?”
Cas shrugged a little, still blushing. “’M human now. I wanted to ‘mbrace all aspects of it.”
“Well, good on you! ‘S fun, right?”
“Alright, that’s enough of that. Cas?” Sam interrupted, giving his friend a nod.
“O-Oh, okay. Sam, truth or dare?”
“Okay, umm, I dare you to...” He started, trying to think of something for a moment. “Take five shots?”
Sam smiled and nodded, pouring five out as Dean made a small sound of discontent. “Nice try, bud. Next time though, give ‘im somethin' harder.”
Sam downed the shots easily, looking at Cas this time. “Cas, true or dare?”
“Dare.” He replied this time, trying to look confident as Dean has been.
“Alright, I dare you to...kiss Dean.” He proposed playfully.
Cas blushed at that, feeling butterflies form in his stomach. “O-Oh, okay. I can...do that.” He replied, turning to the guy he’d been in love with the past six or so years to kiss him on the lips, something he'd fantasised about many times. Dean looked just as nervous as Cas felt, and yet just as eager. He was trying not to show it though, giving Sam a scowl before he looked back at Cas.
Cas made the first move since it was his dare, cautiously pressing his lips against Dean's. He intended to just make it last a second, just a quick peck so he didn’t overstep any boundaries, but when Dean didn’t pull away he kept going. He was amazed and delighted that the hunter seemed to actually be enjoying it, taking the opportunity to kiss him just a little harder. When he heard a tiny moan of surprise come from the hunter he felt all kinds of different emotions run though him. Giddiness, excitement, a tiny hint of arousal...
When they did eventually pull away it was only by a few inches, looking at each other with the same kind of conflicted, surprised and confused expressions. They both wanted to keep going, only hesitating a bit in their drunken states. They each had small, nagging worries in the back of their heads about the implications of crossing this line, but right now who cared? It felt so good. They each closed the distance between them, both much more eager this time. They found themselves sitting closer and cautiously touching more, feeling as though there were sparks of electricity passing between them. Dean cupped Cas' cheek gently and Cas slid a hand around Dean's waist, clutching at his shirt.
Sam had only watched for about 3.4 seconds before looking away awkwardly, not exactly surprised by this result but still feeling a bit uncomfortable. And even more like a third wheel then usual. “Alright guys, well, you have fun, I’m going to bed now.” He said loud enough to get their attention, grabbing another beer to take with him.
Dean pulled away with a flushed face, licking his lips as he carried on staring at Cas. “Okay...’night Sam...” He murmured distractedly, swallowing his nerves. He distantly heard his brother say goodnight to Cas as well before hastily heading to his bedroom, leaving them alone together.
Sam sipped his coffee once he finished with his explanation, still smiling as he looked at the pair. Dean and Cas both looked a bit uncomfortable, having started to recall how they’d acted. How much they’d flirted with each other throughout the evening. How it had felt to kiss. What happened after Sam had gone to bed.
“Remember now?” Sam asked with a smirk, taking another sip of coffee.
“Yes, and now you are going to never speak of it again.” Dean replied, scowling at his brother. Sam put his hands up in defence, even though he had every intention of teasing his brother about this in the future.
“I’m assuming you two have a lot to talk about so I’ll leave you to it now.” He said, taking his empty mug to the sink before leaving the pair to themselves once again. An awkward silence fell upon the kitchen, only interrupted a moment later by Dean clearing his throat.
“So, you remember last night now?” He asked, staring at his coffee.
“Yes. Do you?”
They fell silent again before Cas worked up the courage to continue. “Do you...regret it?” He asked hesitantly. Dean finally glanced at Cas, shaking his head a little.
“No. I don’t.”
Castiel let out a small sigh of relief. So Dean really did feel the same way. Does that mean they have a future together then?
“So, where do we go from here?” The ex-angel asked as he looked up at Dean.
Dean shrugged and scooted a little closer, taking a sip of his coffee. “We wing it, I guess. See where it goes.”
Cas snorted. “How romantic.”
Dean scowled a little, shoving his arm playfully. “What would you say?”
“We go on a date, perhaps? That’s what people do when they...have feelings for one another, right?”
Dean softened his gaze and smiled a little, hesitantly pressing a kiss to Cas' cheek. “That works for me.” He replied, smiling wider at the blush that started to colour Cas' cheeks.
“Good talk. Now, can we agree to forget the embarrassing parts and just remember the fun bits from last night?” Dean asked. Cas nodded in agreement, thinking about the end of the night with a deeper blush. “It's a shame we were so drunk for our first time doing...you know. That.” He added a little sadly.
Dean nodded a little sympathetically. It had been freaking great, but not exactly meaningful. It wasn’t loving, more rushed and heated. He had wanted Cas' first time to be more special.
“Well...next time'll be nicer. Slower. If you want that, that is?” Dean asked gently.
Cas smiled at the proposal. “I-I'd like that. Thank you.” Of course, he did hope for steamy nights as well as the slow love making. He wanted to experience everything with Dean. He didn’t realize how much he'd been missing all his life.
12 hours ago
“S-So, uh, that was—” Dean started, before Cas interrupted him with another eager kiss. He melted into it, moaning as he kissed him deeper. He found himself slipping a hand under Cas' shirt, feeling him shiver under his touches. “Alright, okay, we're doin' this. Come on, follow me.” Dean said eagerly once they pulled away to breathe, taking Cas' hand and dragging him towards his bedroom.
Castiel happily followed, heart pounding in excitement. It took a little longer then they would have liked given how drunk they were, but they eventually made it. Dean shut the door by pressing Cas up against it, eagerly kissing him again with a satisfied moan. Cas opened his mouth to Dean, moaning loudly at the feeling of his tongue entering it. He couldn’t get enough, couldn’t get Dean close enough. One thing he knew was that there were too many clothes in between them, so he hastily started taking off his shirt along with Dean's too.
“Fuck, I’ve wanted this for so long. I-I didn’t think you--you—” Cas interrupted him with another heated kiss.
“Stop talking. More kissing.” Castiel ordered, pressing his lips down Dean' throat as he explored his body with his hands.
“Geez, bossy much?” Dean chuckled, taking Cas' hand after a moment to drag him to the bed. They both fell down on the memory foam, grinding and writhing, kissing and touching, moaning and cursing. Everything was so hot and primal, it felt great.
“Hey, Cas, what if we add a lil' bit of spiciness to this?” Dean suggested after a moment, answering the ex-angel's frown of confusion by grabbing a pair of handcuffs out of his side table and dangling them in front of him.
“Oh, is this a BSD thing? I’ve heard about that.” Cas replied, making Dean chuckle a little.
“Wh--it's called BDSM, and yes. ‘S just for a bit more fun, right?”
Castiel considered it a moment before smiling and grabbing them off Dean. He clipped the cuffs around Dean’s wrist before attaching the other side to his own wrist and throwing the key across the room.
“Now what?” Cas asked, eager to continue. Dean just laughed, gently resting his forehead against Cas' shoulder.
“You idiot, you're s'pposed to clip it ‘round the bed frame, not attach us together. Well, whatever. We can work with this.” He murmured, kissing him again as he straddled his hips. He laced their fingers together next to Cas' head and rolled his hips down slow, earning a loud moan from the man beneath him.
He kept going like that for a while, relishing in the feeling of their cocks rubbing together. When he wanted more he moved his free hand down to stroke them together, feeling Cas' hand squeeze his shoulder as he sucked a dark mark on his neck. He didn’t keep a slow pace for long, too eager and aroused for that. No, he wanted it fast and messy, loving the unabashed moans of pleasure coming from Cas.
“Fuck, you’re so hot. ‘M so close already.” Dean moaned, crashing their lips together for another desperate kiss despite his breathlessness.
“M-Me too, I—what do I—”
“Just let go, come for me.” Dean said, giving their cocks a squeeze. Castiel gasped, needed no more encouragement to do just that. He threw his head back, shivering all over as he came between them, soon feeling Dean do the same.
The elder Winchester rolled over, lazily grabbing the blanket to cover them and cuddling up close to Cas as he enjoyed the afterglow of his orgasm. “Dean, that was...amazing. Sex is amazing.”
Dean hummed in agreement, smiling against Cas' neck. “Yeah, it is. ‘S awesome.” He replied quietly.
“Does this make us lovers?” Cas asked after a moment, nuzzling a little at his hair. Dean flushed at the question, not sure where they would go after this.
“I...don’t know.”
“I hope it does, ‘cause...olani hoath ol (I love you).” Cas finished the sentence in Enochian, blushing a little. Dean glanced up at the ex-angel, not sure what that meant but having a pretty good idea he knew.
“’M pretty sure I feel the same way.” He replied shyly, heart fluttering at the expression Cas gave him. He nuzzled back against his neck, pressing a little kiss there before closing his eyes. “Night, Cas.”
“Goodnight, Dean.”
2 days later
Sam walked up to their couch to see Dean and Cas dozing together at the end of a movie they’d been watching, cuddled up close. The younger Winchester smiled fondly, grabbing a blanket to put over them. Cas hummed a little, nuzzling his nose against Dean's neck.
Yeah, he could get used to this. They were finally together and happy. He just needed to get noise cancelling headphones now.
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
For my fellow Sweater Weather fans ❤️ @lumosinlove - thank you!
Kudos to @frombeauxbatons for helping me with Finnish.
@wxlfstxrx and @siriuslyqueer love youuu 💕
Sweater weather chats #10
The team goes to Vegas. Kris gets a new phone. Olli speaks Finnish. Remus and Sirius are in their honeymoon phase. The team dads ship it. Kasey gets cuddles. Logan gets lost. Leo is mad. Everyone bets on Sergei. Dumo is not a fan of Russian cheering during sex. Will we ever find out about Prague?
Wednesday 9.22 pm
Eliascookie: eyyy fucking love wifi in the air. 🤪
Dumodad: shhh someone is trying to nap and you guys are loud 🥴
Logantremblayzzz: sorry grandpa. Not all of us are old and cranky.
Sergei_81: careful I fight people for you
CarbO’Hara: and we love you dearly for that. But no denying you and dumo are old and cranky. You could literally both be Leo’s dads
Ollibear: he looks more like sunny and sergei’s baby than dumo’s
Blizzard: ohhh a love triangle 🙊😳
Sunnysideup: as much as I love sergei, I wouldn’t get between him and dumo. They’re the bromance of our gen :) also not my type
Kaneyoudigit: yeah. Where does that butt slap come from anyways? Even when one of them is out or injured they find time for that 👻
Bradygunz: I don’t think anyone understands it... where does it come from? Something about Prague - Allison was super cagey about it.
Dumodad: shhhh let us sleep. Night boys. Got another few hours and practice tomorrow is not optional. Sleep.
Nadotheman: VEGAS BABY
Krisvolley: practice and a game Nado.
RussianGod: DONT be boring krissy
Friday 12.33 pm
Remus created a group chat
Remus added Dumo, Sirius, Sergei, Sunny and Krissy
Remus named group chat HELP
Remus: okay boys. Sorry for this but I’m a little worried. We’re in Vegas and with a whole day of no games and only practice tomorrow once we touch down in LA, I can’t keep an eye on the entire team.
Dumo: haha dont worry go have a nice date with cap. God knows he’s cranky enough that you were away for that course for three days.
Sunny: don’t worry I sleep with ear plugs anyways 😜
Remus: hey we have separate rooms!
Krissy: wE hAvE sEpErAtE rOoMs....... it’s ok remmy 😉 cap plays better after you do whatever it is you do.
Sirius: alright stop. I wasn’t cranky. And leave Remus alone. You’re supposed to be the mature ones. Also Krissy?
Krissy: yes. I got a new iPhone and made the mistake of asking timmers and Olli to help me set it up on the plane. Now I can’t get it to change back. They set it to Finnish. Have no fucking clue and haven’t managed to get hold of Olli yet. 😳😳😳😳
Sergei: cap and re go enjoy honeymoon we take care of babies
Sunny: 😜😜😜😜😜 enjoy it while it lasts. Before you know it’s chores, babies and using alone time to catch up on sleep
Dumo: yeah. Don’t take your blissful kid free life for granted. 😈
Krissy: didn’t Logan and the other two walk in on your guys doing it in the kitchen last month?
Dumo: so?
Sergei: haha just kitchen? I’ve caught them worse. Is ok. You understand when you have babies. 😆
Krissy: I have a baby. I’m just single 😫😫😫
Sunny: want us to find a girl for you?🤓
Krissy: no thank you. Leave my sex life alone.
Sergei: u even have one?
Krissy left the group chat
Dumo added krissy to the group chat
Dumo: Sergei is sorry......... also he walked in on us maybe 5 times calm down. There’s nothing like Russian cheering to kill a mood....
Sunny: 5? That can’t be right. You were bunnies when she was pregnant last. I saw things I cannot unsee 🤯🤯🤯
Sirius left the group chat
Remus: you broke Sirius. Anyways I’ll leave the babysitting to you guys then.
Friday 2.54 pm
Logantremblayzzz: guys I’m lost. I’ve been walking towards that big pointy thing and the map from the hotel is crap and I got away from finn and he’s not picking up
*picture of map*
Blizzard: Logan.
Blizzard: how the fuck have you lived to see 23? 😆
Logantremblayzzz: oh. That makes more sense. 🙈🙈🙈
Newt-leo: what do you mean you lost Finn? Are you both lost somewhere in Vegas? Just use your phone and get back to the hotel...
Blizzard: Finn left his phone here in the room😂😂😂 better send out a search party
Logantremblayzzz: well I don’t know what happened. I can’t find him now. 😭
LeWilliam: There’s literally one strip of road in Vegas and you’ve gotten lost. 🐸
Dumodad: I swear to the fucking hockey gods we were never this stupid. Idiots. Get back here for 5, and we can go have a team dinner for those who want. Sergei is buying
Evanderbell: ohh @tylerthemighty and I are in!! Thanks @sergei_81!!!
Sunnysideup: he’s sleeping? Hahahah he’s gonna be unhappyyyy 😂
RussianGod: hehe thanks we’re play too...
Nadotheman: he means game. But yeah. Free dinner 😎
Prongstar: I think this one @logantremblayzzz has to go into the promo videos hahahahah 😂😂😂 I’m telling Marlene.... 😘
Ollibear: is anyone looking for Finn?
Newt-leo: yeah me and @krisvolley are going out now
Friday 3.44 pm
Logantremblayzzz: I was lost too! Not my fault you wander about
CarbO’Hara: I was talking to a puppy and when I got back up you were gone 😔 didn’t have my phone. Had to ask two Cher’s and an Elvis how to get back. 😫
Newt-leo: you’re back at the hotel now?
CarbO’Hara: yes. Forgot my phone.
Walkietalkie: uhhh someone is in the dog house 😂😂😂
Nadotheman: bad fish... no goalie love for youuu
Blizzard: I can cuddle ya Finn. No worries. 😘😫😘
Logantremblayzzz: you’re not cuddling Finn. Go cuddle Nado if you need to.
RussianGod: come on blizzard. We do goalie sandwich 🥪🥪🥪🥪
Blizzard: gimme five minutes boysss 😍
Krisvolley: we’re heading back now. You’re paying for our cab Finn. Leo is really mad 😉
Friday 3.52 pm
Timmyforrealz: awww 😍
*nado and Kuny cuddling blizzard in a goalie sandwich*
Ollibear: there’s a lot of bromance in my room right now. 😂
Walkietalkie: at least they’re fully clothed. 🤞🏻
Friday 6.33 pm
Dumodad: yes you are. It’s your turn. 😘
Sunnysideup: u know it. It’s the deal. Shouldn’t bet if you can’t pay up.
Sergei_81: is thanks I get for fighting for you all.
Sirius: you keep bringing that up. But you love fighting for us. We love you for it 😜
Dumodad: haha cap’s got a point my friend. And you’re a glorious fighter. Haha your punches are feared through the league. Even the linesmen try to avoid getting between you and your victim
Nadotheman: you know there’s a bet in the league? First rookie to take you down gets a Rolex from a draw? Everyone chips in at draft? 😜
RussianGod: is true hehehe I put money in on never so I want watch
KrisVolley: was that an option? 😳 how did I not think of this
RussianGod: I’m smart just not in English. English stupid. Russian best 🥳
Friday 9.33 pm
Ollibear: Mä oon niin ilonen mut mulla on ikävä kotiin. Mulla on ikävä muumeja.
Ollibear: Ja mun äitiä.
Ollibear: Tykkään myös tosi paljon pannukakuista.
Prongstar: Olli.exe stopped working…….
Sunnysideup: eh anyone’s got an eye on Olli? He’s defaulted to Finnish… 🙊🙊🙊
Dumodad: @timmyforrealzzz @nadotheman @russiangod
KrisVolley: hahahaha Olli just had some shots. The waitress was making googly eyes at him and I guess he couldn’t say no 😆
Timmyforrealz: I think we should get him back to the hotel 😁😁😁
Nadotheman: not it!!!!
RussianGod: I got him. He dont walk
“Kuny, he can’t even walk”
“I’m got him. He very drunk. Hehe not hold liquor well for Finn. Is embarrassing” Kuny snorted and hoisted his teammate more firmly over his shoulder.
“He owes me $100 for bribing the driver to take us”
“Sä oot hyvä venäläinen. Et ilkee venäläinen. Tunnen pahoja ja ilkeitä venäläisiä.”
“Any idea what he’s saying?”
“Not sure is even Finnish. Sound like just words”
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samwinchestersgf · 4 years
sam winchester - jealous
summary: based off “jealous” by labrinth.
warnings: angst. sad. horrible decisons. drunk!y/n. arguing. fluff. a little bit of smut if you squint.
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sam winchester’s point of view.
you’re soaked.
you’re soaked and you’re twirling around in the middle of the wet field. the heavy raindrops dance across your skin and drip down your face. they trace every crevice of your face. they brush against your cheeks. your clothes cling to you in the most inprobable places.
i’m jealous of the rain.
it’s closer than my hands have been. the only part of you i think i’ve ever touched is your hair. it was soft, and smelled good. as i sit here watching you, i wish i could trickle through your hair like the raindrops do.
i'm jealous of the rain
you rakes your hands through your hair with one hand, while using the other to run the blow dryer up and down your locks. your faced turns into one of mischief and determination within a split second, and you turn toward me. the dryer is pointed at me, blowing hot air in my face.
“put your hands up,” you giggle.
i snort, “you caught me.”
“that’s what you get for watching me, creep.” you joke.
i want to tell you that i just can’t help it. you’re so intoxicating. just the sight of you makes me feel high. you pull me toward you, like gravity pulls bricks down to the ground. even your small, mundane tasks make me estatic.
“you just look pretty.” i tell you.
i can tell by your face that you don’t believe me. you think i’m being nice. i’m not just being nice. you’re stunning. “yeah. okay.”
the frigid air blows at you so fiercely that i think you might float away. you thinks it’s funny. i think it’s adorable how you can laugh at the smallest things. you find joy in nature trying to, quite literally, ambush you. thats one of my favorite things about you. you can make light of even the worst situations.
i’m jealous of the wind.
it ripples through your clothes. it makes yoj laugh without fail every time a big gust of it comes hurdling toward you. you force your eyes shut when they start to sting from the pressure. i take the moment to take a real good glance at you and mentally capture the moment. the wind is pressing up against you, and it’s closer than your shadow.
oh, i'm jealous of the wind.
everytime we go out to random bars, i wish you the best of luck finding a man who’s worth your time. i really mean it. you deserve the best of all this world can give.
“i’m so sorry to bail on you. it’s just... he’s really cute.” you smile awkwardly. “please forgive me.”
“there's nothing to forgive.” i smile back, waving you off.
the next morning, you walk in and gently closes the door. your face is bright pink, and you’re smiling. i look up at you, pretending that i havent been watching the door all night in anticipation.
i know what i want you to say. i want you to be torn up over how sleezy and horrible and rude he was. i want this to make you realize that the only one who could treat you right is me.
“i’m not one to kiss and tell, but...” you bite your lip.
i sigh, and put on a fake smile. “oh, i see.”
“yeah. he was really nice.” you shrug.
“did you get his number?” i ask, internally cursing at myself for letting jealousy slip into my tone. it’s hard for me to admit, but i’m jealous of the way you’re happy without me.
“no.” you shake your head. “we both agreed for it to be a one night thing.”
my heart swells a little bit. “oh, okay.”
another day, another town, another case, another bar, and another empty backseat of the impala on our drive home. i lean my head against the window.
“sam, you really need to get laid or something.” dean teases.
i respond with a grunt.
he scoffs, “i’m serious! what’s stopping you?”
i have to lie. it’s not like i can just outright tell him that i’m too consumed by my own jealousy to do anything. especially if i’m jealous of that random man in the bar that y/n went home with. i only saw him for a second.
“nothing, i guess.”
i stare up at the ceiling while i lay in bed. i’m jealous of every night that i don’t spend with you. i let my mind wonder. where are you; what are you doing?
who are you laying next to?
you walk through the door, and like always, you’re in too good of a mood for me to assume that nothing happened. we make small talk, and you sit across from me as we research the case.
you shut your laptop and clear your throat. “sam?”
“yeah?” i look up, startled by your voice.
“what do you think about hunters dating each other?” you swallow.
i shrug. “hunters dating in general is... not always the smartest idea, i guess.”
“yeah, but, that doesn’t mean it couldn’t work.” you reach.
“i mean, i guess it could but, it’s never really been a good idea in the past, so there’s no reason to start now, you know?” i answer.
“yeah, right...” you go quiet.
another night, another bar, another- you know the drill. i’m starting to get bitter. being jealous is never fun, especially when it’s this intense, and goes on for this long.
another morning, you’re smiling. you dont talk as much, or maybe you do, i’m not sure. i’m distracted by your pretty smile.
at the bar that night, you drink a lot. you’re not normally a heavy drinker. you’ll have one or two, just for a small buzz, but i’ve never really seen you drunk. now, you’re getting there.
“hm?” i ask.
“i wanna go homeeeeee.” you draw out your words.
“wow, are you breaking your streak of never sleeping in the same bed twice in a row?” i tease. “or are you going home with someone else?”
“i’m drunk.” you admit.
“you are.” i nod.
“but i’m not drunk enough to lose all common sense.” you continue.
“okay, and?” i tilt my head.
“i know i don’t wanna go home with a stranger.” you tell me.
“okay then.” i nod.
you finish, “i wanna go home with you.”
i laugh, and tell myself you mean it literally. you literally want me to take you home, not sleep with you. “okay, let’s go.”
once we’re at the motel, you sit next to me on the bed. i raise my eyebrows, but brush it off. you’re drunk. you stare at me for a while, and i try to ignore it, but it eventually gets to me.
“y/n, are you okay? you look like you’re about to-“
your lips smash into mine. they taste like beer and cherries and i don’t think i’ll ever want to pull away. having you pressed up against me is more addicting than i ever couldn’t imagined.
“we shouldn’t be doing this.” i mutter when i pull away.
“sam, i’m in love with you.” you argue.
“you’re drunk out of your mind.” i respond. “this... this is wrong.”
your face turns red from embarrassment as you stand up. “you’re right. i should go.”
“y/n, no-“
you’re already up and out the door. i punch the bed. god, im so stupid. i should’ve made it more clear that i wanted to do it as much as you did. now you’re gone, and you think i hate you.
i call you. i call you 10 times and text you twice as much. you don’t answer. they all go straight to voicemail.
i can’t sleep. i can’t sleep because i’m worried about you. your location’s off on your phone. i, once again, don’t know where you are or who you’re with. it’s all my fault.
when the sun finally peeks about the horizon, my phone rings. i pick it up instantly. i doesn’t even finish ringing once.
“y/n, where are you?!” i ask frantically.
“it doesn’t matter. look, i’m sorry about last night.” you deflect.
“no, no. we need to talk about last night. i-“
“we really don’t. i get it, sam. i shouldn’t have tried to make a move on you. you said that hunters shouldn’t ever date because it’s stupid, and i should’ve listened.” you apologize.
“y/n, thats not what i meant.” i deny.
“seriously, you dont have to lie to spare my feelings. i understand.” you swallow. “i have to go.”
you hang up the phone. i run my hands through my hair. i have to fix this. this is going worse than i ever thought it could. sadly, i can’t do anything until you come back.
and, oh, you come back.
the door opens. you don’t look at me, and i respect your embarrassment. i watch you as you talk to dean about the case and ignore me. i know you know i’m looking at you.
dean leaves to get food. you beg to go with him, but he makes you stay. we sit on opposite sides of the room. you stare at your phone, but i know you’re not doing anything on it because there’s a window behind you, and i can see the reflection of your black screen.
“y/n, i know it’s embarrassing, but we need to talk.” i sigh.
“can you please stop?” you snap.
“i get it, you don’t like me. i’m not your type; i’m like your sister; hunters shouldn’t date. rubbing salt in the wound isn’t making it better, okay?” you raise your voice.
“y/n, i never said that.” i explain.
you don’t let me finish. “you know what, we should forget it. i was drunk and horny and i didn’t mean it.”
“what, so that meant nothing to you?” i feel the shame and anger rise inside me.
you hesitate, “no.”
“of course it didn’t.” i let slip.
“excuse me?” you raise your eyebrows.
“of course it didn’t matter to you, y/n! you’re out every night with a different guy, and i was just one of them, wasn’t i?” i yell.
“are you calling me a slut?!” you accuse.
“did i say that?” i groan.
“you’re insinuating it, sam. i’m not dumb. if you have suchna problem with me going out and having fun, then maybe you should say something about it instead of just letting me do it.” you argue.
“why should i? i don’t care.” i rebuttal.
“i know you don’t, that’s the problem. you don’t care about anybody but yourself.” she spits.
“that’s not true, and we both know it.” i shake my head.
“maybe it wasn’t, but now it is. everything’s all about mister sam winchester.” you declare.
“at least i don’t try to sleep with every guy who gives me an ounce of attention. i thought you were smarter than that, y/n.” i shout.
“i wouldn’t have to if my best friend pulled his head out of his ass and give a damn about anyone but himself.” you respond.
i narrow my eyes. “don’t blame me for your problems.”
“why shouldn’t i? you’re the reason i even started doing that.” your voice cracks the tiniest bit.
“i started sleeping with all those guys because you don’t like me, and i’m in love with you, and i needed something to get my mind off of you.” you get quieter.
“you’re in love with me?” i ask quietly.
your eyes tear up. “yeah. its a dumb decision, i know. thats why im leaving.”
“no, don’t-“
“i have to, okay? i cant just... be around you like this anymore. it’s killing me.” i can tell you’re not lying. its tearing you up instead.
i watch as you slip through my hands and try to keep it together. i don’t want to cry. i don’t know what to do. taking a leap of faith, i walk across the room and lay my hand on your shoulder. i turn you around and cup your face, pushing our faces together.
you lean up into the kiss and i’m tasked with keeping you up on your toes. that gets exhausting, so i direct you over to the bed and lay you down. things get more and more intense, and close is never close enough.
“stay.” i breathe against your skin.
“i will.” you respond quietly.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Anniversary (Javier x Reader) {MTMF} [smut]
Title: Anniversary Rating: Explicit  Length: 3300 Warnings: Smut (male & female receiving oral and sex)  Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set May 1999. Another two days without MTMF, but here I am. Back and smutty as ever.  Summary: Reader and Javier celebrate their anniversary. 
@grapemama​​​ @seawhisperer​​​ @huliabitch​​​ @beccaplaying​​​ @thewallpapergoesorido​​​ @twomoonstwosuns​​​ @gooddaykate​​​ @livasaurasrex​​​ @ham4arrow​​​ @plexflexico​​ @readsalot73​​​ @hdlynn​​​ @lokiaddicted​​​ @randomness501​​​ @fioccodineveautunnale​​​  @roxypeanut​​​ @snivellusim​​​ @lukesrighthand​​​ @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts​​​@ ​​​​​@awesomefandomsunited​​​​​​​​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​​​ @ah-callie​​​ @swhiskeys​​​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​​ @u-wakatoshii @space-floozy​​ @cable-kenobi​​​ @cool-ultra-nerd​ @himbopoes​​​ @findhimfives​​​ @pedrosdoll​​​ @frietiemeloen​​ @arrowswithwifi​​​ @random066​​​ @uncomicalhumour​​​ @heather-lynn​​ @domino-oh-damn​ @cyarikaaa​​​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​​​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​​ @yabby-girl​​ @xqueenofthecraziesx​​ @punkass-potato​​ @coredrive​​ @pascalesque​​ @theduchessofkirkcaldy​​ @queenquazar​​​ @sabinemorans​​​ @buckstaposition​​​ @holkaskrosnou​​​ @yespolkadotkitty​​​@seeking-a-great–perhaps @kochamcie​​​ @jaime1110​​​ @katlikeme​
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“I know this is the first year,” You started as you say your suitcase down on the luggage rack, “But I wonder if they’ll ever realize why we go away at the same time every year.”
Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth and shrugged a shoulder. “Maybe.” He remarked as he pulled open the closet door and hung up the hanging suitcase. “Or they’ll think we get away as soon as school’s out.”
“Fair point.” You agreed with a nod, kicking off your shoes and perching on the foot of the bed. “So, a year in… how is this marriage thing treating you?”
“I expected a review halfway through, you know.” Javier shot back, giving you a look before he ducked into the bathroom with his shaving kit. He returned, hands tucked into the back pockets of his jeans. “I haven’t noticed too much of a change, baby.” 
“Me neither.” You admitted with a soft laugh, fiddling with the ring on your left ring finger. Just for your little getaway, you had decided to wear his mother’s ring — the one Chucho had gifted you with. “I feel like nothing has really changed.”
Even at your worst, the two of you had always been solid. 
He hummed in agreement as he leaned down to inspect the mini fridge, “Baby, are we going for a classy anniversary dinner or should we pregame?”
You smirked at him, reclining back on the bed. “Have you ever known me to say ‘no’ to pregaming?” You tucked your arms beneath your head, before turning to look towards the open window looking out over the balcony. 
Instead of venturing across the country, the two of you had opted to stay in Miami — but at the DuPont Plaza, in the honeymoon suite that overlooked the water. A little taste of luxury and just down the road from your house seemed like the perfect way to ring in one year as a married couple. 
“They’ve got peppermint vodka.” He waved the mini in front of you and you popped up to snatch it from him. 
You unscrewed it and took a sip, finishing half of it off in one drink. “We need to get some of this for the liquor cabinet.” You remarked as he sat down beside you. 
“I don’t get the appeal,” Javier retorted as he popped the lid off the shot of tequila and knocked it back. 
“Looking to get drunk quick, babe?” You snorted, downing the last of the mini and tossing it aside on the bed. 
Javier replaced the lid on his empty bottle, “Maybe. We’ve just got to go downstairs to the restaurant.” 
“I think the last time you had tequila was Disney.” You gave him a pointed look. 
“Oh, I’ve had it since.” He scratched at the back of his neck. 
“What do you and Steve get up to when I’m not around?” You cocked your head to the side and smirked at him, “Inquiring minds would like to know.” 
“Karaoke.” He shot back as he picked up the empty minis and tossed them in the garbage can on the way back to the mini fridge. “Want another?”
“I think you should have another,” You stared at him, “Because I want song names.”
“Nope.” He let the word pop out of his mouth as he grabbed the two new minis and passed the vodka to you. “That’s a need-to-know.”
You held up your hand, pointing to the ring with the bottle. “I think I’m at the top of the need-to-know.”
Javier shrugged, “Never forget why we moved to Miami.” He unscrewed the lid and took a small swig of his tequila. 
You rolled your eyes, “Stephen Murphy. I’m aware.” You took a sip of your vodka, rolling the bottle between your fingers. “Come on, how about a hint?”
“Halfway there.” He remarked as he brought the bottle to his lips and finished the tequila off with a hiss. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You questioned, narrowing your eyes as you finished down your own mini. “There are so many potential songs… Was it Whitesnake?”
Javier gave you a scandalized look, “What? Is This Love?” He rubbed his thumb between his brows. “Fuck. No.”
“Better not have been our song.”
“Our song?”
You glared at him, “What did we dance to a year ago in California? At that bar?”
Javier arched a brow at you, “Uh…”
“I don’t remember who the cover was by,” Javier admitted as he leaned back on the bed beside you. “But it was an Elvis song.”
“It was Hall and Oates.” You reached over and squeezed his thigh. “So what did you two sing?”
He hummed, “Nice try.” Javier cocked his head to the side as he looked at you. 
“Just so you know,” You scooted closer to him, draping your arm over his shoulders. “The ‘to the grave’ sentiment only applies for you and me.” You cupped his cheek with your other hand, running your thumb along the curve of his jaw. 
Instead of answering you, Javier leaned in and kissed you, his mouth slanting over yours. You could taste the tequila on his lips and his tongue as you tongue met his. 
Your fingers slid from his shoulder into his hair, tugging at it as you pulled back to meet his eyes. “Nice distraction.” You bumped your nose against his before you stood up, leaving him sitting on the bed. 
“Where are you going?” Javier questioned, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek as he watched you with rapt attention. 
“Checking on the options,” You told him as you pulled open the minifridge to see what was inside. “Oh, M&Ms!” You grabbed the bag and another vodka mini. “Was it classic rock?”
You tore the top off the sleeve of candy, popping a couple pieces into your mouth. “Now I know when you come home shitfaced from a night out with Steve, I need to question your drunk ass about karaoke.”
“You say that like it happens all the time.” He huffed, dragging his teeth over his bottom lip as he stared at you. 
“At least once every three months.” You popped another M&M into your mouth. “Usually I’m more concerned with getting you undressed without you thinking I’m coming onto you.” You arched a brow at him. 
Javier held his hand out and you poured a couple candies into his palm. “What can I say? After a night out, all I’m thinking about is getting home to you.”
You scrunched up your nose and stuck out your tongue, “Such a sap.” You laughed, shaking your head as you sat back down on the bed, this time reclining back against the pillows. 
“It’s your fault that I’m a sap, baby.” He retorted as he scooted up the bed to join you, tucking an arm behind his head. “Tequila’s hitting.”
“Time to interrogate you.” You smirked, sitting the M&Ms and the mini on the nightstand. 
“Interrogate?” Javier arched a brow as he turned to look at you. 
“You heard me.” You shot back, rolling onto your side as you settled down beside him. You reached out and rested your hand on his chest, trailing your fingers over the patch of skin exposed where his shirt was unbuttoned. “The fact that you won’t tell me is a little disappointing.”
“Oh, come on baby.” He pursed his lips. “I tell you everything.”
“Was it a love ballad?” You questioned, running your finger down the length of his nose. “I’ll only be a little jealous if it was. But I know you and Steve have a special bond.”
“Oh, fuck off.” Javier snorted, shaking his head as he rolled onto his side so he could curl his arm around your waist. “I already gave you a hint.”
“You did?” You gave him a skeptical look.
He nodded, tapping his thumb against your side. “Told you that you were halfway there.”
Your brows furrowed together. “To guessing its?”
Javier laughed and you swatted his chest, “Ow.”
“Don’t laugh at me!” You said, as you laughed at his feigned injury. “Dammit Javier, just tell me.”
“No.” He pulled you closer to him, until his nose was brushing against yours. “Why do you want to know so badly, baby?”
“So I can taunt you with it for the rest of our lives.” You grinned at him, playing with the hair that fell across his forehead. “Less hints and more you telling me the actual name of the song.”
Javier’s brows drew together and he ran his hand up and down your back, “I can think of better things we could be doing.”
You snorted, “I’m just going to assume it was Never Gonna Give You Up.” 
“In what world would I sing that?”
“The one where you’re drunk on tequila.” You smirked, leaning in to steal a kiss. “Kinda wish I was there to witness it.”
“It was Livin’ On a Prayer,” Javier finally confessed, “Happy?”
You rubbed at his hair, “That’s not even embarrassing.” You shook your head, “I’m just going to pretend it was Time After Time or something like that.”
Javier cupped your jaw, “You asked… or more specifically you pestered.”
“Javier,” You started with a too-sweet voice, “I know everything about your sexual exploits prior to me, but you’re going to draw the line at get drunk and sing karaoke with your best friend?”
“I think best friend is pushing it.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “Don’t worry Javi, I promise I won’t ever tell him that you think he’s your best friend.”
“You are my best friend.”
That sobered your amusement quickly, “Really?” Which seemed like a stupid thing to be shocked by, all things considered. There had been so many times back in Colombia that you questioned whether Javier was really your friend — or if you were just easy to talk to. 
“Mhm.” He brushed his fingers over your cheek. “Steve’s alright, but you know me.”
You nodded, leaning in to press your forehead against his. “I know I’ve already told you this before, but I was depressed as hell when Steve and Connie left. And I remember thinking — if it were Javier leaving, I don’t think I would be able to cope. I had never had someone who just fit.”
His lips drew upwards into a gentle smile and he leaned in to kiss you, “Guess that’s why we’re still here… twelve years later.”
Javier slid his hand down your arm, until he could interlace his fingers with yours. He rubbed his finger over the ring you wore, his eyes never leaving your face. “I love you.”
“You do?” You teased lightly, biting down on your bottom lip as you searched your eyes. 
His brows knit together and he nodded slowly, “A lot, baby.”
“I love you too.” You ran your thumb over his lips, cupping his jaw as you leaned in to kiss him. The moment lingered, his lips brushing against yours as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. 
You let him roll you back onto the bed, a knee planted between your thighs as he hovered above you, one palm pressed into the mattress beside your head. 
Javier groaned against your mouth as you dragged your fingers through his hair, nails scraping against his scalp. You shifted, pressing the apex of your thighs directly against his leg, grinding against him. 
His grip tightened on your hand, pinning it back against the bed. All thoughts of drinking minis and eating M&Ms were quickly traded in for the heat burning between your thighs and desire in your veins. 
You sank back against the mattress, breaking from the kiss as you turned your attention to the buttons of his shirt which was a struggle with only one hand. 
Javier slid his knee forward, keeping it pressed right against your cunt as you rolled your hip against the pressure. It created the perfect amount of friction to make you moan out his name. 
He released his hold on your hand, keeping his eyes fixed on your face as he moved down the bed. 
“Javi.” You complained at the loss of friction. 
“I’ve got you baby,” He drawled out as he slid your skirt up around your hips. “Just trust me.” He promised as he stroked his fingers over your cunt through the fabric of your underwear.
You reached down and played your fingers through his hair as you watched him, “I trust you.” You told him, biting down on your bottom lip as he circled his thumb over your clit. 
Javier hooked his fingers in the waistband of your underwear, sliding them down your legs. “Look at you.” He whispered as he parted your sensitive folds, leaning in to flick his tongue over that little bundle of nerves that was already throbbing with anticipation. 
He ran his hands along your inner thighs, parting them wider as his tongue swept between your folds, teasing your slick center before returning to your clit. 
“Fuck.” You hissed out, your hips rocking up off the bed, angling yourself towards his mouth. His mustache tickled, making you squirm as he lapped at you. 
Javier grabbed at your hips, holding you steady as he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked lightly at the little bundle of throbbing nerves — you could feel every pulse of need, heat and pleasure burning in your lower belly. 
You swore your eyes rolled back in your head when he worked two fingers into you with little warning, curling them within you as dragging them over that sweet spot that had you seeing stars. 
It wasn’t fair. He knew your body too well and could play you like an instrument only he knew how to play like this. Even your own fingers failed to be this good at winding you up. 
Your fingers grabbed at the comforter beneath you, heels digging into the mattress as he coaxed you over the edge. He didn’t relent, his tongue replaced his fingers, greedily lapping up the arousal that dripped from you. 
By the time he pulled back, breathing heavily as he caught his breath, his mouth and mustache were glistening with you. And no part of that deterred you from tugging at his hair to guide him back up the bed so you could kiss him. 
As much as you wanted to wrap your legs around him and beg him to fuck you into the mattress — you had other plans. 
You pushed him off of you, sliding out from beneath him and readjusting the skirt of your dress. “Lay back.” You told him firmly, giving him a look that left no rumor for arguments. 
Javier sank back against the mattress in your place, his brows rising upwards as he met your gaze. “Love that look on you.”
“And what look is that?” You countered, reaching down to trace your finger over the outline of his cock in his jeans. 
“You’ve got this glassy-eyed ‘just fucked’ look.” Javier explained, his lips parting with a throaty sound of pleasure as you cupped him through his jeans. “Fuck.”
“That’s what I call — I’m a little buzzed and very horny.” You smirked, dragging the zipper down slowly, before unsnapping the button. You took your sweet time pulling his jeans open as you settled down between his thighs. “Did you enjoy getting me off?” You questioned as you circled your thumb over the wet spot at the head of his cock that had darkened the fabric of his boxers. 
“What do you think?” He quipped, dragging his teeth over his bottom lip as he stifled another groan as he watched you lean down to sweep your tongue over the same spot. 
“That wasn’t an answer.” You pointed out, reaching into his jeans to cup his balls, playing with them as you ran your tongue over his cock through his boxers. 
His hips twitched upwards and you smirked at the way his fingers grabbed at the comforter beneath him. You loved when he let go for you — both of you were shit at relinquishing control most of the time. 
You didn’t even bother pulling his boxers down, opting instead to undo the button and feed his erection through the gap in his underwear. 
“Look at you,” You parroted back what he had said before as you curled your fingers around the base of his cock, squeezing lightly as you leaned down and licked at the weeping head of his cock, tasting him. 
Javier grunted out something that sounded like your name, his hips bucking upwards. 
You pressed your palm against his stomach, “Easy there, Javi.” 
His tongue darted out to wet his lips and he nodded, exhaling shakily. “Don’t tease.” 
“Oh?” You questioned, running your thumb up the underside of his cock as you wrapped your lips around just the head of his cock. 
The sounds he made. 
You had always loved how unabashedly vocal he was during sex. Some men, you had found, had no interest in being loud — but Javier always let you know he was enjoying himself. 
Javier’s fingers sank into your hair, tugging sharply as you flicked your tongue over the slit teasingly. And he really lost his shit when you hollowed out your cheeks and sank down to take the length of him into your mouth until he hit the back of your throat. 
“Fuck.” He hissed out, brushing his fingers tenderly over the back of your neck. “That’s a good girl.”
You moaned around his cock at his praise, sliding your free hand down between your own thighs as you kept working your mouth over the length of his cock. 
“Baby, fuck—“ Javier grunted, “Are you touching yourself, baby?” He managed, tugging lightly at your hair. “That’s it.” 
You lifted your gaze to look up at him as you let his cock slide from your lips with a wet ‘pop’. You smirked, “Maybe I am.” 
His tongue trailed over his bottom lip as he held your gaze, “C’mere.” Javier breathed out, brushing his knuckles against your cheek. 
You rose up on your knees, straddling his thighs as you moved into position above him, hands planted on his chest as you stared down at him. “Is this what you wanted, baby?” You questioned, mimicking his tone. 
Javier slowly ran his hands up your legs, curling his hands around your hips as you lowered yourself onto him, the slick folds of your cunt sliding against his cock. “You know it is.” He countered, reaching between your bodies to guide his cock as you moved atop him. 
There was something about being half-dressed and fucking that would never wear out for you. The toughness of his jeans against the backs of your thighs, your arousal soaking into the fabric of his boxers as you rode him. 
“I’m gonna—“ Javier managed to get out, grabbing at your hips as he moved beneath you. “— gonna come, baby.”
You leaned forward to kiss him, ignoring the slight twinge in your thighs from the stretch. Javier groaned against your lips, kissing you desperately as he came apart beneath you. He tensed, cock throbbing as his released spilled. 
Your own orgasm was just out of reach and you didn’t even care, it was enough to bask in the moment with him — his breathing labored as you let yourself slump forward against him. 
There was absolutely no way either of you would be going out in the clothes you had on now. 
Javier ran his hand down the length of your back, giving your ass a playful swat. “Still got it.” He murmured as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck. 
“I should hope so.” You huffed, tugging at his hair with a soft laugh. 
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justsomefluff · 4 years
OMG I LOVED that reaction you did, and the scenario like thing was really good!! I loved it, thank you!! Can I request another reaction (mini-scenario)? Like ATEEZ confessing to their crush while they (ATEEZ) are drunk? (San said Yeo does aegyo/is cute when drunk I'd like to see this ^^)
This is so cute, I would pay good money to see them tipsy no lie lmao. also this is fluff and crack at the same time so...I hope you like it lmao
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(^ he’d do this during a drunk confession you cant change my mind ^)
Okay so when he’s drunk I feel like he sees himself as being really composed and cool
but in reality... not so much
and, even if he hadn’t been planning on confessing to you
oh boy, his body starts shaking a lil and you’re low-key like... 911?
like his body is telling him to ABORT MISSION but once his drunk brain has made the decision there's no going back
So, in his mind, this is what he’s saying out loud okay
“Y/n, I just wanted to let you know that I have some serious feelings for you. I know you may not feel the same way, but I just needed to tell you.”
Super awesome, everyone wishes to be that composed right?
Well here’s what he really said:
“Listen here, you cute mother-, no I shouldn’t swear at you, my bad. I’m totally in love with you right? Watchu think bout dat?”
and then he’s quiet, and smiling bc he’s proud of himself and you’re just like um????
like that’s not how you imagined this would go
But you also know that he’s gonna be super embarrassed about this in the morning so you just say
“Let’s talk tomorrow, Joongie?”
and he smiles at the nickname and nods and kinda puts his head down
You honestly cant wait to tell him you feel the same when he’s sober
and make fun of him for getting wasted
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so Seonghwa, unlike Joong, is actually pretty composed
like at first, he’s wildin’ and everything
but then he just calms down super fast
like so fast you get whiplash
and he just smiles at you and you’re like “...freak”
then he frowns and he’s like “I like to look at pretty things that make me smile”
“You make me smile too, Hwa” :)
then he just grabs you into a hug and starts swaying you guys side to side
like some awkward and forced middle school slow-dance 
“What are you doing?”
and he shushes you to preserve the moment but you're like “I want answers”
then he finally leans his head down and his lips are brushing the shell of your ear so softly you barely notice
“I think I love you”
he strikes me as the kind of person who wants to confess but also isn’t ever 100% sure he wants to confirm that he loves you so he throws that “I think” in there to cushion the blow if you reject him
but, luckily for him, you do feel the same
you just turn your head ever so slightly to the side and peck his temple
he smiles and rests his head on your shoulder and squeezes your hips before wrapping his arms around you completely
“I kinda need to hear you say it”
“I think I love you too, Hwa”
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okay this big ole baby right
I feel like he’s the kind of drunk who is crazy for a little bit but gets tired really fast
so after like an hour of insanity, his eyes are drooping and you’ve settled on a couch (or seat, wherever your location might be)
and he smooshes his cheek into your thigh and you’re totally aware that he’s gonna fall asleep on you
but you’re cool with that, I mean who wouldn’t be
and after a couple minutes of silence, you think he’s knocked out completely
he suddenly turns his head to look up at you
and you look down at him to ask if he’s okay, or if he needs anything
he just starts laughing and then this IDIOT
pokes your double chin (bc I mean why does he have to look at you from that angle) and goes “How is it that I like you so much, even your double chin is cute?”
part of you is like “omg he likes me” and the other part of you is like “...im gonna slap him. don't talk about my double chin”
so, given your inner turmoil, you're silent for a minute and he starts to pout
“you don’t like my double chin?” and he makes a double chin and grabs your hand to make you poke it
“say you like my double chin too, please”
“Yunho, I like you too... double chin and all” (you had decided that you are not going to slap him after all)
and thats kind of the end of the night bc after that crackhead confession he actually falls asleep
but you are lucky enough that he remembers it all the next morning and it becomes kind of a thing in your relationship to make double chins at each other then say “I love you” 
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drunk Yeosang and aegyo here we go
whiny baby voice and big eyes and pouting all the way
like he’s not so much into doing the cutesy actions like finger hearts and stuff
but refers to himself as “Sangie” and talks about himself in third person too
not necessarily cuddly, but always has to be holding your hand or else he’ll cry
calls you pet names like Jagi and my love and stuff
and at first you’re like aw he’s a cute drunk and tease him a little bit
but then he pouts even harder and murmurs “I'm serious”
you’re like O.O
“you mean it? you really like me, Sangie?”
nods his head furiously like you seriously think he’s gonna get a concussion for about .5 seconds
like okay I get it, you mean it, please stop doing that your head is not a maraca
“I like you too”
cue the biggest, goofiest, toothiest grin you’ve ever seen
makes big ole fishy lips at you, and points at them to ask for a kiss
so you just give him a quick peck, bc you don't really want either of you to be drunk for your first real kiss
but that satisfies him for the time being :)
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Sannie best boy, I cannot stress that enough
the sweetest lil drunk okay
tries to take care of you even though he’s the drunk one
thirsty? he’s gonna get up and get you a glass of whatever you want even if he spills half of it trying to give it to you
hungry? he’ll get you some if you agree to share
so halfway through a tub of ice cream he decides to lay some truth on you okay
“I like my ice cream like I like you”
and you, of course, having seen that meme, respond with “ugly?” and you cackle at your own joke
but he’s so offended
“apologize to yourself and this ice cream”
“wtf? why?”
“because ice cream is the second most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen after you. apologize”
literally holds the tub of ice cream up to your face, and will literally carve a sad face into the ice cream to make you apologize quicker
and when you apologize he eats the sad face and draws a smile
sentimental cheeseball is all he is in that moment okay
“you really think I’m pretty?”
he looks at you like “...duh”
“I think you’re pretty too, Sannie” and he smiles so big :’)
and both of you know that this would be the start of a really happy relationship aww
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I bet Mingi is the cutest drunk okay like if you thought he was a giant puppy before get ready you aint seen nothin yet
and you don't even get a warning before he confesses bc he says it so out of the blue
like his whole plan was to drink some liquid courage iykyk and then he was gonna confess
but he ended up getting a lil more tipsy than originally intended
and he just blurts it out and he’s stuttering and lisping and just struggling to get all the right words out
but you just think it’s super endearing
“Minnie, are you drunk?”
he starts blowing raspberries in the air and starts shaking his head “you think I’m drunk?” 
literally hiccuping after every word lmao
like yes, Mingi, I think you're drunk
still blowing incredulous raspberries all over the place
and you blow one on his cheek and he starts giggling like the baby he is
“why you do that”
“bc I like you too, Minnie! also you were starting to spit and I needed you to stop that”
he giggles and nods at you, just happy that you feel the same way
nuzzles his head into your shoulder and plays with your fingers for the rest of the time youre together
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okay he’s a crackhead already so I don't even think alcohol would be something he’s even offered most of the time lmao
but when he is all hell breaks loose
no subtlety about his confession at all
like he literally screams it at you
he had been paying extra attention to you all night, which you didn't even notice bc you liked him too and never imagined he felt the same
so you’re like he so friendly and clingy when he’s drunk
but five minutes later he’s like “DID YOU KNOW IM IN LOVE WITH YOU”
and you’re so taken aback because
1.) he just screamed in your face
2.) he just screamed that in your face
and then he’s quiet and just staring at you, waiting for a response
you’re so dumbfounded that all you say is “you too”
but thats enough for him
and thats basically the end of the conversation bc he gets easily distracted
you have to remind him the next day that that conversation had even happened actually
and he’s like “oh yeahhhhh”
then you’re able to actually talk about what you both feel and be almost normal for about ten minutes lmao
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since he’s on the quieter side compared to the rest of the group, I think this shows even more when he’s been drinking
but it’s almost concerning how quiet he is
like if you had never seen him drunk before you’d probably be really worried
and that’s exactly what happened
you went to check on him to see why he wasn't joining in the fun and he looks at you, a little teary from the alcohol
or maybe he’s just deep in his feels who knows
we’ve all been there amiright
and he’s like “just like you a lot you know that?’
you’re like “I was most certainly unaware of that, sir”
and he apologizes??? like why???
“I like you too, doofus, why are you sorry”
then he smiles and means it for the first time that whole night
he feels like he could crack all of the apples in the world he’s so happy
side-note: he probably could break all them apples fr
so basically you just made him the happiest apple murderer in the world
he’ll break all the apples for you baby
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mirclealignr · 4 years
Current WIP Requests!
Just showing y’all what’s to come!
And keeping myself organised so I don’t lose anything! Requests are still open! (And just so you know I accept more than just Remus and Sirius hahah)
Who I write for • Prompt List #1 • Prompt List #2 •
Remus x Reader requested by @emmaloo21 ~ REQUESTS ARE OPEN?!?!?! Oh my gosh, maybe a Remus Lupin x Reader, Marauders Era, where reader gets into a fight with a Slytherin or something gets severely injured due to a unfair attack? So he comes and visits her in the hospital wing?
Sirius x Reader requested by anon ~ Heyy could you please write a sirius x reader where Sirius lashes out and calls the reader unimportant and then the reader doesnt talk to him for a few weeks and sirius realises what he said and regrets it. Im sorry if this is too specific. I love your your work btw❤❤
Harry Potter
Harry x reader requested by @mischiefsemimanaged Hey, I’d love to be added to your tag list! Also have a request: a Harryxreader where y/n’s embarrassed about her surgery scars. I’m having another surgery Friday and I wish I had a Harry lol. No worries if you don’t have time, love your work! Thanks so much!!
Charlie x reader requested by @barry-blockman ~ can i request a Charlie Weasley x reader where they were best friends w mutual pining at hogwarts but did nothing about it but they reuinte at the quidditch world cup bc arthur invites the reader since they remain close w the weasleys?? and they get together after when the reader stays at the burrow or whatever you want really!!! thank you so much!!
Seveurs (golden era) x Order!reader requested by @purpledragonturtles ~ Could you write a adult! Severus x Order member!Reader one shot in which they argue with each other, both unaware that the other is flirting with them. I don't know why but I picture Snape as a teasing kind of flirter. Of course, please some fluff (and angst) at the end
Draco x reader (part 2) requested by @patton-fielder ~ Hey sweetie! Could I get a part 2 to that heart breaking Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader request I asked for? Using 2, 7, and 8 from the fluff section? (All of them said by Draco preferably as an apology) i love ya so much ♥ stay safe! - prompt list 1
James x Slytherin!reader requested by anon ~ Hey luv, just saw that your requests are open again YES! Maybe on with james where the reader is pureblood and Slytherin and they met at a gala or something, he invites her for a dance andddd i dont really know i trust your amazing talent eheh Sorry to bother thanks in advance xxx
Marauders x short!reader requested by @remibarnes22 ~ Hiya honey, can I request a short reader and marauders fic where they’re looking after her? Like against bullies and tall things. Good ol’ fluff ❤️❤️ thanks xxx
remus x reader requested by @screaming123 ~ Im a self indulgent slut so maybe a remus fic taking care of reader after a bad day? If requests are still open ofc Hope youre having a fantastic day/night/both! 💗
regulus x reader requested by anon ~ Fluff 6, misc 8 with regulus pls 👀 prompt list 1
draco x reader requested by @the--queen-of-hell ~ May I request 2 and 15 from the fluff prompts for draco x reader? Thanks in advance (if you need me to be more specific, I can send another ask!) 😊💖💕 prompt list 2
remus x reader requested by anon ~ remus x reader soulmate 4 (both emotional and physical with more emotional pain for reader)
weasley twin x reader requested by @dreamer821 ~ Soulmate 4 & 5 (or either really!) with one of the twins??? 🙈🧡 prompt list 2
charlie x reader requested by @barry-blockman ~ hey sweetie!! congrats on reaching your goal, its very well deserved!! can i please, if its not a problem, request fluff no. 7 w (you guessed it) charlie weasley?? thank you so much 🥰
fred x reader requested by anon ~ Can I request a Fred Weasley x reader where the reader is Angelina's twin sister and Fred and George flirt with them all the time? Thank you!
harry potter x reader requested by anon ~ Hello dear! Can I request a harry potter x reader where the reader is just like Lily Evans and everyone who knew her has a soft spot for her because she reminds them of Lily? Also the reader has been friends with Harry since first year and they are in love with each other and everyone low-key loves seeing them together because they remind them of James and Lily?this idea sounded cute in my mind. Have a good day/night 💕
james x reader requested by anon ~ Okay for the james one from prompt list 2 fluff 5 6 12 13 BEAUTIFUL CMON eheheh love you xx
george x reader requested by anon ~ can i request hufflepuff!reader secretly leaving a cookie/cupcake + a small note for the weasley twins and they love the gesture but fred/george especially adores it bc it reminds him of home then they try to find out who it is and date them 😉 thanks
sirius x reader requested by anon ~ Could you do a Sirius x Gryffindor girl. Mutual pining for years but both are too stubborn to admit it till their 6th year when James and Remus tease him into finally admitting it to her. He does something rlly big and public but soft to admit his feelings.
draco x hufflepuff!reader requested by @bforbroadway ~ Hey! Could I request a soulmate AU (the one where whatever you draw on yourself is in your soulmate) Draco x hufflepuff!reader, and Draco just constantly has little flowers and rainbows and cats and hearts, and just overall cuteness, all over his arms? Just really fluffy 💕 Only do it if you think it will be fun, and keep doing great!
neville x reader requested by anon ~ 2 things 1) ur epic 2) can i have a neville x reader where neville is the herbology professor and reader is the care of magical creatures professer? do what you would like, i just think that would be cool again, ur awseome Lena
Headcannon for remus x reader requested by anon ~ Hey girl 👋 can I ask for a headcanon ? Reader being in love with Remus Lupin but him falling in love with her twin (not identical ofcourse) and dating the twin . Thank you ! Sorry if you don’t like the ask, I’m a sucker for angst and hurt! fics
headcanon for marauders x reader requested by anon ~ heyy, are you taking hc requests? cause i think i'd be really nice a head canon of the marauders meeting reader's (who is a muggleborn) parents
headcanon for marauders x reader requested by anon ~ hey! can i get a headcanon of the marauders having a big fight w the reader (they are wrong, but they only realize later) and then apologizing, angst but fluff at the end?:))) thanks
moriarty x reader x mycroft requested by anon ~ Hiii!!! Can I please request a moriarty x reader x mycroft where reader is moriarty’s partner and she’s mad at moriarty for spending all of his time on his game with sherlock so she decides to play with mycroft to get moriarty’s attention?! Sorry if I couldn’t explain it properly english isn’t my first language! Thanksss!
Mycroft x reader requested by anon ~ What about Mycroft x reader misc. 13? prompt list 1
Steve x Avenger!reader requested by ~ @kitkatkl ~ Oooh, are your requests back open? If so, I'd like to request a Steve x avenger!reader where they like each other and the team orchestrates a game like truth or dare to make the reader admit it in some way (because I doubt steve would be down for t/d id he cant even get drunk. If you do do it, you can decide what's the truth/dare that makes them admit their feelings. 💙💙❤💙💙❤
loki x reader requested by anon ~ “Don’t go” as well as “We aren’t meant to be” and “It’s for your own good” with Loki? Maybe ending in fluff somehow? ~ prompt list 1
loki x reader requested by @mojofun ~ So can I ask a soulmate prompt for Loki? (The prompt about the mark)
Undecided Character
Good afternoon darling, May I request fluff 2, 5 and soulmates 1? I hope that's not too much 😅 For the character: your pick 😊 Thank you so much 💕💓 💗 (thehumanistsdiary)
What if, hear me out, “Why can’t I stop crying?” from the first prompt list, and “I let you hurt me because I thought you would hurt less” from the second? For either Draco or Severus? (anon)
requested by @thehumanistsdiary ~ Good afternoon darling, May I request fluff 2, 5 and soulmates 1? I hope that's not too much 😅 For the character: your pick 😊 Thank you so much 💕💓 💗 ~ prompt list 2
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Pulling Leaves Off Trees, Chapter 1: Been Through the Wringer a Couple Times (Multi) - Sportkuras
c’est bon: damnnn
c’est bon: wait. jan isnt your apartment near shea’s
human girl: @jansport spill
Jan could feel her stomach drop as she looked at the message.
“Oh, goddamn it.”
Or: The girls try to survive college, and everything else that comes with almost being an adult.
A/N: my first fic here on artificialqueens! i noticed that arent many college au’s and group chat fics of the s12 cast so i let myself be self-indulgent for once!! its unbeta’d so apologies lmao but you can talk to me here and you can find the ao3 link here! comment if you’d like!
Jan started her morning like almost every college student in their third year would: to be woken up by their alarm after a night of heavy drinking. She woke up with a start and groaned as Chromatica II started blaring from her phone, blindly reaching for it on her nightstand and peering at the time.
Damn. One in the afternoon, huh?
“Thank god I don’t have class today.” The blonde muttered as she checked her notifications: 7 from Twitter, 3 from Insta, and 1 from their group chat. She sat up from her bed and scrolled through the chat, trying to quell her pounding headache.
Bon Voy
Members: jaidaessencehall, heidininacloset, jansport, jackiecox, gigigoode, crystalmethyd, britafilter, dahliasin, nickydoll, aidenzhane, and widowvondu
lebron essence ball: okay so
lebron essence ball: me and shea are at the library rn and she’s complaining to me abt how she couldnt sleep right
lebron essence ball: and chile….it was bc someone was getting RAILED last night lmaooo
lebron essence ball: she said, and i quote, “the bitch had such a good time even I’M jealous”
c’est bon: damnnn
c’est bon:wait. jan isnt your apartment near shea’s
human girl: @jansport spill
human girl: also
human girl: feels weird that we didn’t start this day with a good morning announcement from jan
c’est bon: the vibes were off 😞
Jan could feel her stomach drop as she looked at the message, “Oh, goddamn it.” She’s now acutely aware of their apartment door opening and Rock’s footsteps padding from outside her room, most likely just coming home from her class. She suddenly remembered exactly what happened last night; most especially memories of what happened between her and her roommate . Memories of them being drunk as hell, coming back to their apartment from god knows how many bars, going to Jan’s room giggling like teenagers on a sleepover and well. You know.
Jan checked her phone again.
lebron essence ball: jannette….would you happen to know who was the lucky gal? 👀
backpack backpack: good morning to you too gigi 🙄
human girl: *Afternoon, actually
human girl: Now spill! I know you know almost everyone on that floor.
She pinched the bridge of her nose. How in the hell was she gonna say that her and Rock got drunk and hooked up as casually as possible? She could lie, but Jaida, Brita and Widow could smell bullshit coming from a mile away, and she’s a horrible liar. They’d know she was bluffing.
Might as well get it over it. She let out a sigh as she typed out a message, hoping that it was only Jaida, Nicky and Gigi who were online.
backpack backpack: haha yeah so um
backpack backpack: that was me & rock actually
Even though no one could see her, Jan hid her face behind her hands, bracing for the worst. Several dings!  had come from her phone as soon as she sent the message. Of course it wasn’t only Jaida, Nicky and Gigi who were online.
cox destroyers: Oh my god.
Jan’s eyes widened when she saw Jackie reply, although she’s not quite sure why she was panicking about Jackie knowing about her hook up with Rock in the first place. All she knows is that she’s gonna have to face Jackie (and everyone else, for that matter,) later.
sin city: ohhh bitch—
c’est bon: you and ROCK???
dom top: !!!
dom top: idk who Rock is but get it sister
backpack backpack: Thank you! Thank you, Heidi. It’s like you’re the only one who’s not acting weird right now.
c’est bon: lmao heidi
c’est bon: she’s jans roommate
human girl: Janice Elizabeth Sport.
von du for two: not this shit again i swear to god
tap water: Jan.
tap water: You know that I love you
Jan rolled her eyes at the messages, wanting the ‘news’ to be over as soon as possible. “And they say I’m the dramatic one.” She huffed as she quickly typed on her phone again.
backpack backpack: okay can y’all chill 🙄
backpack backpack: we just got drunk and slept together, that’s all.
backpack backpack: tell shea im sorry though xxxx @jaidaessencehall
lebron essence ball: bitch you know it ain’t about having a drunk hookup with someone
lebron essence ball: its about the fact that you banged your roommate AGAIN
backpack backpack: oh COME ON
backpack backpack: this was just the second time!!
backpack backpack: and lemon’s with priyanka now!!!
von du for two: girl you & lemon were fucking almost every week i can’t with u
von du for two: going at it like rabbits while we were outside your apartment getting ready to watch glee :/
tap water: and, frankly, i don’t want to come up to your apartment to run lines with you if i have to hear y’all fooling around. my good, christian ears have heard enough.
She felt her face heat up in embarrassment.
backpack backpack: oh my god can you guys please shut up!!!!
backpack backpack: it’s not gonna happen again bc it was a one time thing
backpack backpack: i promise
human girl: [dwayne the rock johnson voice] are you sure about that?
backpack backpack: yes georgina goode i am 100% sure
Jan bit her lip as she looked up at the door to her room. Okay, she’s not 100% sure, but not because she regretted it or anything. As much as her brain was allowing her to remember, last night was good. Great, even. But between auditions, college, and working in the café, her love life (or lack thereof) is on pause for now. Besides, it’s not like anyone has been actively pursuing her, or vice versa.
But it wouldn’t hurt to ask Rock, right?
Sighing in defeat, Jan quickly got up from her bed with her phone still in her hand (as much as her hangover allowed her), left her room and knocked on her roommates door, hoping that she wasn’t busy. She heard a faint “come in!” from the other side and opened the door softly.
“Hey, roomie.” She joked.
Rock looked up from her drawing tablet and slipped off the headphones from her ears. “Glad to see you’re finally awake, and here I thought you were a morning person.” Rock’s room was a mess of color and paraphernalia; while Jan’s was strictly purple, pop culture, and musical theater, hers was an array of figurines and albums on the shelves, kpop & anime posters tacked on the wall behind her bed reaching up to the ceiling, and a somewhat decent gaming setup in the corner of her room. Crystal and Nicky would be proud.
Jan rolled her eyes, “Yeah, well, last night was something,” She slightly cleared her throat at the mention of last night. “Also, about last night…”
Rock raised her brow, “Go on?”
“It was a one time thing, right?” Jan furrowed her brows in question, “I mean, last night was amazing , as much my brain is allowing me to remember. And you’re hot, so, I’m not complaining. Really dig the anime e-girl vibe, and I’m sure anyone would tap that ass! I mean, I did, but I’m just—”
“—Not looking for anything right now?” Rock cut her off, saving Jan from turning into a hungover, rambling mess.
She let out a sigh of relief, sitting on her roommates bed and putting her phone down, “Yeah, doll. Just been really busy right now, y’know? 3rd year isn’t a joke.”
The pink-haired girl let out a snort, “Oh, I know the feeling. And don’t worry, I wasn’t looking for anything either, and while last night was fun,” She looked at her pointedly, and Jan was calm enough to actually smirk at the incident between the two, “I’d much rather have you as my friend than as my fuck buddy, because you are loud , girl!”
Jan shrieked at that, “Oh my god, shut up!” She threw a pillow at Rock’s head while the girl let out a cackle, “My friends were on my ass about that too, some friends they are.”
“Wait, you told your friends about that? Aren’t you friends with Nicky?”
Jan huffed, “Mama, more like I was forced to tell them. Jaida’s friend, Shea—whose apartment is next to ours, by the way—was complaining to her about how she couldn’t sleep last night because of, um, my tendency to be vocal.”
“You’re welcome, by the way.”
“Rotted bitch!” Jan threw another pillow at Rock, this time missing because the girl was doubled over in laughter, “I can’t believe you! The disrespect, really. I shouldn’t be taking this from you, I still have a shift to do at 3.”
“But you took it from me real good last night, so,” this time Rock shielded her face as Jan threw pillow after pillow at her, trying to speak through her laughter, “Okay, okay! I give, I give! I’m sorry, mom!”
“Bitch! I can be a top if I want to!” Jan exclaimed in mock offense. As their laughter subsided, the blonde suddenly had an idea, “Oh! What if I invite you over for dinner?”
Rock smirked, “One: we’re roommates. It’s not really inviting me to dinner if we eat in the same room. And two: I thought you said you weren’t looking for anything?”
“I mean dinner with my friends, gorg. All 11 of us eat together at least once a week, this time we’re gonna crash at Heidi, Jaida and Brita’s. Maybe you wanna come and meet them? I know you and Nicky know each other somehow, so it wouldn’t be too awkward, right?”
“Introducing me to the family already? Ain’t that a bit too early for you, Ms. Sport?”
“More like introducing you to a bunch of kindergartners,” Jan muttered as she checked her phone for any new notifications, “But yeah, I want them to know you as my roommate and friend , not as my roommate who I slept with.”
Bon Voy
dom top: okay so jans sex life aside
dom top: y’all are still coming over tonight?
sin city: yes girl!! college sucks ass sm i need to eat my feelings
c’est bon: wouldn’t miss it for the world mon ami xoxo
cox destroyer: I’m gonna be a little late! I just have to return and borrow some stuff in the library.
human girl: can we please order pizza hut <3
lebron essence hall: no <3
von du for two: we are going to order dominoes like civilized people
human girl: ugh fine, all of you have 0 taste
human girl: crys said yes btw she just has class right now
tap water: aiden said she’s gonna come too, she just can’t message the chat bc she’s still in her shift
Jan grinned at Brita’s message, finally getting the chance to steer the conversation away from her.
backpack backpack: So if she can’t message the chat because of her shift, why’s she messaging you, miss brittany filter?? 👀
Jan can feel Brita’s eye roll from miles away.
tap water: She speaks!
tap water: And don’t act like this conversation isn’t over, Miss Janice Sport. You have a lot of explaining to do.
“So, are ya gonna introduce me as your forbidden, but passionate lover? Whose romance was short-lived, yet wild, fiery and unforgettable?”
Now it was Jan’s turn to let out a cackle as she left Rock’s room, “More like my chaotic mess of a roommate who farted herself awake!”
This time it was Rock’s turn to gasp in offense, “That was one time and you fucking know it! And my answer is yes, by the way!”
Jan sent a message to the chat before grabbing her towel and putting her phone away to take a shower.
backpack backpack: oh btw i’m inviting rock to hang out with us!!! I promise she’s super fun and that we’re just roommates and see y’all soon please dont kill me or make it awkward with rock xxxx
tap water: are you
tap water: kidding me.
von du for two: oh for the love of GOD
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 5
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.3k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: i hope you guys enjoy this. i hope no one loses interest in this story. im super scared that ill lose my readers. so if you read, comment, reblog, like or message me about this story, i fuckin’ love ya
Chapter 5 : His chapter
I was going to kiss her but she backed away. Or at least, that's what I liked to pretend to myself. I liked to think I wasn't shitting my pants and that I was courageous enough to do it, as stupid and useless as it definitely would have been. Did she back away because she knew I was going to kiss her and she didn't want me to? Or did she back away because she wanted it and it scared her?
Truthfully, I was scared, too, but with a few beers swallowed and the music of the bar only coming from afar as we stood in the hall of the washrooms, the moment seemed surreal, almost like a dream. She proposed to go back and my heart dropped in my chest but I didn't mention it. I just nodded and turned around but when I glanced back at her, I noticed she was typing something on her phone and I couldn't resist.
"Texting your boyfriend?" I just asked, licking my lips, trying not to show how hurt I was.
"Yea, i'm asking him if he wants to join us." she replied, making my whole body throb.
Was it stress that made my heart start beat quicker suddenly? She moved closer and we walked side by side back to the table but this time, I took a seat next to her and she looked up at me when my thigh brushed against hers. I wanted to tell her not to invite him but I didn't have any good reason to do so. She could invite whoever she wanted, do whatever she wanted, say whatever she wanted... we were barely friends anymore, I didn't have a say in her life.
I ended up drinking a bit too much and was pissed when her boyfriend arrived. I groaned low and tried to hide the grimace that his presence brought to my face but ended up just raising my nose up. She got up quickly and used my thigh to support herself, making me hold my breath. I watched her wrap her arms around his neck and the way he smiled at her made me realize immediately how much he loved her. I was sort of hoping to see that he didn't care about her, making me a more obvious option for her, but he truly and sincerely loved her and I felt my heart sink in my chest. I stared at them as they kissed, making me feel in a way I hadn't felt in a fucking long time. I let the jealousy invade me like a deadly poison without being able to stop it or take my gaze away from them. I remembered when I was the one who would kiss her, when I was the one who would make her happy.
"Hey, Dylan, nice to meet you." he let out after turning to me and extending his hand. "Heard a lot about you."
I breathed in and got up, shaking his hand firmly and sending him a small smile. I glanced at Liv who was staring at me and decided there was no way I was going to disappoint her, even if it hurt me. I had to get used to it anyway, she was about to marry that guy.
"Niall, nice to meet you too." I just replied.
They took place at the table and I could see Olivia hesitate to sit back next to me but Dylan sent her a smile and made a quick head movement, inciting her to take a seat and I felt relieved when she sat back where she was. Her knee brushed against mine and she glanced at me, sending me a small smile. It was horrible to realize that he was funny, smart and sweet, and that everyone already liked him. Of course, most of my friends had met him before but seeing with my own eyes how good they got along made me feel like utter shit. Did I even have a place in my own group of friends anymore?
They all started laughing at something he said and I just got up quickly, feeling  suddenly dizzy. Everyone turned to me and I saw Olivia frown and get up too, bending my way and tilting her head.
"Hey, Nee, are you okay?" she asked, her soft voice like music to my ears.
"Mmhm, yea." I replied, shaking my head slightly. "I think i'm gonna go home, perhaps I drank a bit too much."
"You can't drive, i'm not letting you drive." she quickly replied, making me smile.
"It's okay, i'll take a cab and pick up my car tomorrow."
She stared at me for a few seconds as I said goodbye to everyone and as I was about to leave, she grabbed my arm gently. I turned around and our eyes met and even if I was seeing a bit blurry, I could see her face perfectly. Or maybe it was just that It was engraved in my mind forever.
"I'll drive you home in your car, gimme your keys." she let out, extending her hand.
"And what? Sleep at my place?" I asked with a smirk, raising my eyebrows.
"Niall, your keys." she repeated firmly, shaking her hand more.
I sighed and searched through my pockets before placing gently my keys in the palm of her hand. Her lips curled and she licked them as I noticed her boyfriend getting up too.
"Dylan will follow us to bring me back home after." she explained.
It saddened me but at the same time, I was well aware that she wouldn't sleep in my bed like she used to do. Fuck, I missed it more than I thought. I missed waking up next to her every morning and it made me realize that I took it for granted. I took her for granted. I was a fucking idiot.
Everyone waved at us as we left but I noticed they were also getting up and ready to leave. We walked to my car and I took place on the passenger's seat quickly and in silence as she explained where I lived. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I couldn't hear what she was saying but my gaze followed her lips as they moved, and her tongue as it slipped on them from time to time. She always did that when she was nervous, shy or embarrassed and for some reason, I found it endearing. I even stopped blinking when an other mouth pressed against her and it made something stir in my stomach again. Perhaps, the fact that I felt the need to hurt myself by looking at her boyfriend kissing her was a way for me to punish myself for all the hurt I put her through. After all, I deserved it, didn't I?
I stared at her as she started the car and leaned my head on the bench. I did most of the driving when we were together but watching her in control made my head throb and turned me on slightly. She pushed her brown hair over her shoulder and I let my eyes roam on her neck as a bunch of nasty thoughts ran in my head. I was so fucking drunk I had to press my lips together to make sure I wouldn't let out something dirty but I couldn't stop my hand from reaching her thigh. She didn't tense like I expected, she just glanced down at my fingers drawing shapes on her thigh and licked her lips before focusing on the road.
I didn't know how long it took but when she parked, I made a huge effort to look away, noticing we were in my driveway.
"Hey, I never gave you my address, did I?"
I saw an emotion appear on her face but she pushed it away and shook her head a bit without answering me. She got out of my car and walked to my side, opening the door quickly and bending down to my level.
"Can you walk by yourself?"
Shamelessly, my eyes dropped to the collar of her shirt, smirking a bit when I saw part of her breasts and her bra.
"Fuck, is it my birthday?"
"Shut up, Niall." she said gently and low. "Come on."
Her boyfriend wasn't there yet, perhaps he took a longer road, and I let her help me get out of the car as I followed her to the door. I could walk by myself but feeling her arm wrapped around mine was nice and I decided not to say anything. We walked inside and she closed the door with one of her feet, bringing me to my room after I pointed it to her. She let me fall on the bed and I stared at her as she took my shoes off. The way she took care of me made a rush of affection spread through me and I licked my lips after she took my socks off.
"Need help for the rest?"
Without a word, I kept looking at her and nodded firmly, making her roll her eyes but I saw a small smile appear on her lips. She undid my pants and pulled on them hard to take them off. I didn't want to help her because I didn't want her to leave. The more time it took her, the longer she stayed. She brought her hand to the covers probably to pull them over me but I grabbed her hand, making her look up at me. I stared at her fingers as I played with them with both my hands and noticed she wasn't wearing any engagement ring but I didn't mention it.
"You're still my best friend." I let out, feeling my heart jump in my chest at my confession. "And I miss you Olivia, I fucking miss you."
"I'm right here, Nee." she pointed out softly. "We spent the evening together."
"Nuh-uh, no." I quickly disagreed, shaking my head, turning her hand around and brushing my fingertips on her palm. "We spent the night with a bunch of our friends, it's you I miss."
Silence. Nothing heavy or awkward. Just a long silence as we both remained motionless except for my fingers on her skin. It stayed like that until I looked up in her eyes and noticed she was staring at me. I wish I could read her mind.
"Mm, I need to tell you something Olivia, it's very very fucking important."
I felt her free hand press suddenly on my mouth and my eyes got bigger. She shook her head and took her hand back slowly, as if she knew exactly what I was going to tell her.
"No, not now, you're drunk."
"But Liv-"
"Please. Niall." she insisted, cutting me and talking slightly louder. "No."
I looked into her eyes and I could swear I saw pain and sadness. I just nodded at her request and I could read how relieved she was on her face. I loved her. I wanted to tell her that I loved her, that I never stopped, and that I always would. I wanted to tell her that I needed her, that I would give anything to be with her again, and that I couldn't live without her. I wanted to tell her she was beautiful, that no one compared to her, and that I was extremely in love with her. Instead, I stared at her as she looked down and breathed in and out deeply.
Without thinking much, I brought my hand to her leg and she jumped in surprise as it took her out of her thoughts.
"A penny for your thoughts." I smiled. "I know, with all the money I have, I could propose you more, but it's just a saying."
She chuckled and I hoped she remembered the time she actually told me that, but she didn't say anything.
"Bring your knee on the bed." I added as she frowned and I raised my eyebrows. "Please, petal."
Her traits softened, probably because of the nickname, and slowly, she did as I asked. I ran my fingers on her jeans, on the inside of her leg, my eyes following them up slowly.
"Remember that time you put me to bed when I was drunk?" I asked, licking my lips at the memory. "And then you rode me until I came.. and all my cum ended on my stomach. And I watched you lick me clean. Remember that, petal?"
I looked up in her eyes and tried to suppress a smile when I noticed her lip had parted. She was holding her breath and the sight of her at that exact moment made me swell in my boxers. I could say I wished I had the blankets of my bed over me to hide it but I was too drunk to care.
"You really need to stop talking, Nee." she pointed in in a very gentle tone, which surprised me. She grabbed my hand and brought it back on my stomach, leaving it there. "You're too drunk, you'll regret it tomorrow."
"The only thing I regret is hurting you." I admitted, swallowing hard. "And I also regret-"
The sound of her phone cut me and she moved away from the bed to grab her phone and answer. I watched her press her lips together but finally let my eyes roam on her body. She had changed slightly and I loved her curves. I wanted to run my fingers on her and feel every single one of them.
"No it's okay, I don't need help, i'll be there in a few minutes." she explained, taking me out of my thoughts, in which she was completely naked and riding me. "Yea, give me max fifteen."
She hung up and put her phone back in her pocket before looking at me and sighing. She moved closer and grabbed the blankets before tucking me in. Her face was so close to mine I had to grip the mattress with both hands to stop myself from touching her.
"Do you need anything else?"
Of course I needed something else. I needed her to get under the covers with me and let me cuddle her all night the way we used to. I needed to wake up with her in my arms tomorrow morning and all the other mornings of my life. I needed to hear her whisper to me how much she loved me before we both fell asleep.
"No, thanks Liv, i'm good."
She nodded and walked away and I kept looking at her as she turned around and turned off the lights. She closed the door and I remained motionless for a few minutes as I felt my whole body throb, It was the first time in a while that I lusted someone as much as I loved them, but I knew I would probably regret my words in the morning. I felt bad. I didn't know if i made her uncomfortable and it really was not my intention. She was normally not bothered by crude words or sex discussions but we were not dating anymore and she had a fiancé, maybe I went too far.
I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep but everything seemed to turn around behind my eyelids because of how dazed I was. I tried to focus on my breathing but I felt nauseous and it took me a while to calm my stomach. It's only when I was half-asleep that I heard the door open again. It was not completely closed but someone was pushing on it gently, making an annoying noise. I stayed still, too exhausted to move, and I recognized her scent immediately. Vanilla and honey. No one else smelled that. I thought she was gone... how long had it been since she left the room? Ten minutes? Twenty?
"Tu me manques aussi." she whispered as I felt her warm breath hit on my chin.
It took me by surprise when I felt her lips brush against mine and I decided to pretend I was asleep like she thought I was. She pressed her wet and warm lips softly on my mouth again and I felt my whole body throb at the feeling. My drunk ass wanted to kiss her back, though. I wanted to hold her close, lay her down and make love to her slowly and gently while telling her how much I loved her without caring that her boyfriend was waiting for her outside, in his car. I wanted to whisper to her what she meant to me and apologize over and over again until she'd start shaking beneath me as she'd cum. I wanted to run my mouth on her neck and hear her pant and whimper while i'd tell her how good she feels and how I never want to be away from her ever again.
Instead, I waited until she left again to open my eyes and it took me so long to fall back asleep that I didn't even remember when I did. All I could think about was her lips against mine and how bad I needed to kiss her again while fearing it may have been the very last time.
I woke up with a groan, seeing the sun peeking through the curtains over my eyelids, and turned around in bed, pressing my face on the other pillow, feeling the cold from the fabric. I had a headache that would probably turn into a migraine as soon as i'd open my eyes and I sighed, knowing I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again.
I opened my eyes slowly with a grimace and let out a curse words when an intense and painful throbbing appeared in my head. Defeated, I got up and rubbed my eyes as I walked to the kitchen, my feet brushing on the floor and realizing I didn't have socks on. I stopped dead in my track when I remembered the night before as it all played over in my head in the span of a few seconds.
She had kissed me. Olivia had kissed me. She thought I was asleep and she told me she missed me after kissing me. I swallowed hard, remembering all the sexual things I told her too and shut my eyes tight again before sighing loud. I could try and blame alcohol but it would be a sad and pathetic move and I decided to apologize as soon as I could. I shook my head slightly and walked to the fridge, frowning when I saw something on the counter. I smiled when I realized it was a note and read it quickly.
"For your headache. Pills and coffee. Just turn the machine on. Love you! xx"
She had signed her nickname but she didn’t have to, I could recognize her handwriting anywhere, and I pushed on the 'start' button of the coffee machine before taking the pills and walking back to my room. I grabbed clean clothes and ended up in the shower. I knew I smelled bad and it was well needed but as I washed my body, I kept thinking about the night before. I thought about the way I reminded her of one of our sex encounters and the thought made my heart skip a beat. As much as I wanted to feel bad for throwing that at her in a moment of weakness, the memory of her riding me was turning me on. I groaned low, thinking about the way her lips had parted when I told her about it. Even if I was drunk last night, I could remember clearly her facial expression and I felt my cock swell at that thought.
I put my hand on the wall of the shower to hold myself as the water fell in my hair and slipped down on my face. My other hand reached for my dick and I stroked it slowly until the tip, breathing through my teeth at how sensitive it was. I wrapped my hand more around it and squeezed it harder before jerking myself in slow motion, my eyes shut tight and my fingers curling on the wall. When was the last time I had sex again? A week ago with my girlfriend, perhaps? The truth was, I hadn't felt this horny and excited in a while and the fact that it all came from a facial expression, a memory and a chaste kiss on the lips from my ex girlfriend made it even more pathetic. I wanted Liv on her knees in front of me, her mouth wrapped around my cock and her eyes staring up at me. I really needed this release and It took me only a few minutes to feel the rush of an orgasm invade me. I whimpered her nickname low as I came, feeling my cum spurt in jerky squirts on my thumb and all over the shower wall. When was the last time I did exactly that thinking about exactly the same thing? It was right after tour, when I woke up with my hard cock pressed on Olivia's ass. Some things never change.
I sighed low and finished washing myself, cleaning the wall at the same time and getting out. I quickly dressed up and when I got back in the kitchen, I jumped slightly when I saw Heidi, leaning against the counter, sipping on a cup of fresh coffee.
"Are you okay?" she asked with a frown. "Thought I heard-"
"I'm good." I cut her, not wanting to have this discussion with her at all. "How are you?"
She stared at me for a few seconds and finally sighed, taking a step closer to me and grabbing something on the counter. My heart skipped a beat when I noticed what it was and I just licked my lips a bit nervously. Did I forget to mention that I had seen Olivia again?
"When were you gonna tell me?"
"Oh, I thought you knew." I lied with a shrug. "Yea I was drunk last night and Liv and her boyfriend drove me home."
Her traits softened when I mentioned Olivia's boyfriend and she sighed with a nod. I didn't like lying to her and I didn't like how messy it was becoming. I didn't want to hurt her but at the same time, I knew that what we had couldn't continue.
"Maybe we could invite them over for dinner? We could invite Liam, Louis, Harry and their girlfriends, too."
I raised my eyebrows, glad that she proposed it because I had thought about it too. I just hoped it would go well between all of us, especially between Heidi and Olivia, since they really didn't get along. There would be many other persons though, so they wouldn't have to interact too much.
"Yea, good idea, i'll text them." I just shrugged with a nod.
Heidi sent me a smile but my heart jumped in my chest when I saw her crumpling Liv's note in her hand before throwing it in the bin. I blinked a few times, trying to keep my emotions in, and cleared my throat.
"Tomorrow night?" I proposed.
"Yea, i'm free tomorrow."
I nodded and grabbed my phone in my pocket, quickly texting my ex girlfriend as Heidi moved past me, letting her hand slide on my upper arm.
"It's my turn, I need a shower."
I held my breath, hoping I cleaned the wall well and kept on typing.
'Thanks so much for the ride last night. We're having a friends' night at my place tomorrow, would you and your boyfriend like to join us?'
I hit send before texting Louis, Liam and Harry something similar but when I heard the shower, my head raised up and I glanced at the bin. I licked my lips, wondering if Heidi would notice anything but decided that I didn't care. I walked to it and took the paper back from the trash, folding it quickly and putting it in my pocket. I felt like a teenager for wanting to keep that kind of souvenir but it didn't matter. It was not my type to keep useless stuff but I couldn't resign myself to throw away a symbol of affection from her since I was not getting them anymore.
"You're an idiot." I whispered to myself as I poured coffee in a mug.
I only had time to take a sip before I heard my phone beep. and almost dropped it as I tried to check it.
'We'll be there! What time and what should we bring?'
I smiled, staring at the words she had typed, and felt relieved to see she was not pissed at me or felt uncomfortable. I could apologize in a text message but I really wanted to do it face to face so I just decided to wait, quickly typing her an answer. I felt a bit nervous, not knowing how it would go but at the same time, I couldn't wait to see her again.
I brought my fingertips on my lips, remembering hers against my mouth not even twelve hours before and I couldn't help but wonder when I'd feel them again. When I found out she was getting married, I thought it would never happen but the night before brought back more hope inside of me. I had to do something, I just didn't know what yet. All I knew was that I still was not ready to give up. I probably never would be.
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shyvioletcat · 5 years
From a diff list: “Is that my shirt?” Fireman au please :)
Such a classic. 
Monday night’s sleepover passed without much fuss, except for Aelin insisting that he change his alarm. Rowan did but somehow managed to turn it off so they were both running running late and were both rushing past each other in the morning and barely spoke.
Now Rowan was almost at his apartment, ready for a shower and to devise a game for not falling for his neighbour. Well, falling for her more than he already had.
Rowan dropped his things by his couch and went straight for the bathroom. They had had a few call out today and he’s worked up a sweat. He stripped off his work uniform and went to turn on the shower. As Rowan gripped the tap the whole thing fell off and he swore. It had been loose for a while and he kept forgetting to repair it. He tried to now but one of the parts had completely broken, practically disintegrated. Rowan groaned. He needed that shower.
There was another option, although it was definitely contradictory to his planning, but he was desperate. And smelled bad enough to be embarrassing.
Rowan pulled his uniform back on them went to his room and grabbed random pieces of clothing and walked down the hall.
Aelin say along to the music playing on her phone as she prepped dinner.
“Fingertips putting on a show,
Got me now and I can’t say no
Wanna be with you all alone
Take me home, take me home”
A knock at the door had her pausing the music but still bopping a little as she walked to answer it.
“Oh, hey,” Aelin said when she saw it was Rowan. “It’s a bit early for bed, don’t you think?”
“My showers broken. Can I use yours? We had a few call outs today and I still feel gross,” Rowan said rubbing at his neck.
“Of course, go ahead,” Aelin moved out of the doorway and headed back to the kitchen. “You can stay for dinner if you want. I’m making spaghetti, mostly from a jar so you should be safe.”
“Sounds good,” Rowan said. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” Aelin sang out. “I’m expecting singing though. As payment.”
Aelin smiled as Rowan laughed as he closed the bathroom door.
Rowan had stayed for dinner and then some. They watched a renovation show and laughed at the contestants, insisting they could do better. Aelin liked this new dynamics, she would probably go as far to say they were friends now.
As another episode wound up Aelin stretched out.
“I think I’ll shower then go to bed,” she announced.
“Okay, I might just go get my stuff then,” was all Rowan said before Aelin slipped into the bathroom.
Aelin couldn’t be bothered to wash her hair so she slipped in her shower cap before stepping into the shower. It was stepping out she ran into a problem.
Naked and dripping onto the mat Aelin realised that she didn’t have a towel or clean clothes to put on. Rowan had used her last towel and her other ones were in her room. Aelin didn’t know where Rowan was so wasn’t about to risk a streak through her house. She eyed her clothes on the floor, she’d have to put those on. Aelin let out a frustrated sound, those shorts and tshirt would be a pain not to only get on her wet body but off as well once they started soaking the moisture up. Then she saw something else. Aelin picked up and it was a large grey tshirt, maybe one of Rowan’s he’d accidentally left in her bathroom. If Aelin put this on it would fit more like a dress than anything else and much easier to get off once she reached her bedroom. Without another thought about it Aelin pulled off her shower cap and slipped the soft grey tshirt over her head.
Rowan needed to get out of that apartment while Aelin showered. It was a thread of thought that he refused to entertain, one knot of thought leading to another and another, each one more indecent than the last. Rowan definitely took his time in his own apartment getting his blanket and pillow. When he was sure it had been long enough and Aelin would be done Rowan headed back to the apartment.
Rowan walked through the door and stopped short at what he saw.
“Is that my shirt?”
Aelin had frozen too when she saw him step into the apartment, surprised as he was. And…
Gods. Holy rutting gods.
She wore his grey tshirt he left in the bathroom by accident when he’d grabbed more than one shirt in his frustration over his shower, oversized and loose but it barely brushed the top of her thighs. Aelin pulled the hem down in an effort to make it longer, drawing his attention to her long legs. The sight of Aelin in his shirt had his blood heating in a way completely different to silly nightgowns. It had Rowan adverting his eyes to the ceiling.
“Yeah, you used my last towel it seemed. Please excuse me,” Aelin said with a knowing smile and then she shut herself in her room.
Rowan picked up his pillow and used it to muffle his frustrated groan.
Only a few more days. He only had to survive a few more days. Then surely once he was out of these close quarters he’d be able to think clearer. Aelin was intoxicating and Rowan was close to taking that leap and becoming completly drunk on her. And that was definitely not part of his plan.
ohhhh the plans I have. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about the things
@tangledraysofsunshine // @nalgenewhore // @highqueenofelfhame // @galyxsy // @fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @http-itsrebecca // @highladyofthesith // @aelinfire-bringer // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @sleep-and-books // @3am-reading // @average-girl-at-best // @but-she-was-aelin-galathynius // @rowaelinforeverworld // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @tswaney17 // @mydarlingfireheart // @rowansfirebringer // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @vanilla28 // @fireheart-of-your-dreams // @enquires-state-building // @im-not-rare-im-rarr // @your-high-lady // @mariamuses // @ttakeitbacknoww // @queenofxhearts // @vi0let-femmes // @kindofawalkingpoem // @sleeping-and-books // @armixers-unite // @velarian-trash // @princess-galathynius // @heroesofterrasen // @ladyofstoriesandmusic // @unassumingsodalovesherbooks // @empire-of-wildfire // @brittneym15 // @camerooonchiu // @worldoffae // @mybbyfeyre // @crackedship //  @lowhangingtreebranches // @over300books // @yourwhisperingshadows //  @thesirenwashere // @pilesofriles // @chemicha // @keshavomit // @sarahbringsoutmygay13 //
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Reader x Jihyun Kim {MysMes} - Letters to Heal a Broken Heart
Title: Letters to Heal a Broken Heart Fandom: Mystic Messenger Character: Jihyun Kim Genre: bittersweet? romance Warnings: spoilers for his good ending!  Intended Gender Audience: Neutral Audience  Word Count: 2040 words POV: second person Other comments: no smut but im proud of this! please note that everything with the push back is a letter! i think its pretty clear, but i wanted to make sure it’s understood <3 Written by: @mythiica​ Req: 
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Dear –
I’ll admit, it feels a bit strange writing a letter for you, but my therapist recommended it. He told me to explain my emotions with words, saying it would help me become more confident. 
See, the reasoning behind it, at least from what I remember, is that there is no pressure to think quickly. Writing allows a flow, a sense of movement between the words before you pick which one you wish to use. Talking is different because it follows a completely contrasting rhythm. To keep a conversation going, you have to speak rather quickly so the person stays engaged in the topic. 
It’s all really interesting, and my therapist has given me a book over the fundamentals of other practices like this. I read half of it on the plane to Japan. 
To clarify, I’m writing this from my hotel room in Tokyo. I landed a few hours ago and the jet lag has yet to hit me, so I decided to take advantage of this time to write. 
I think you’d like it here – the sakura are in full bloom and I have three days dedicated to photographing the sea of pinks as they ripple in the wind. Until now, I’ve only seen pictures of the famous parks, and I never thought that I would be able to witness them in person. 
I didn’t think I’d
I never conside
Ah, I should mention, I’m not allowed to erase or cross out sentences I start. Another confidence booster? It’s a bit sillier, but it’s meant to force me to say what is on my mind, rather than letting it fester. I’ll try again: 
During my years under Mint Eye, my vision was narrowed, and I had only one duty. However, I am learning to broaden my horizons and expand my mind to encompass everything. The urge to explore bubbles in my chest, waiting for the moment to come out. There are so many chances to do anything, and I’ve got all the time to do all of it. 
I’ve also realized that I went over my word limit. I have to stick to 300 words or under. Confidence booster #3! Express yourself with less words. Take a guess of how many times I’ve opened the thesaurus, looking for better synonyms for words? At least seven times in the past five minutes. It’s crazy! 
For now, I’ll sign this off and try better next time. 
                                                           Jihyun Kim
PS, I’m practicing my Japanese! That says best wishes… I think. 
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Hello and greetings from India! I took a long nap on the plane, and forgot to write. Although I’m only passing through, I ate some delicious food (that I should really try to replicate for you). India is absolutely beautiful – from the sunrises to the bustling markets to the colorful fabrics hung at every corner. I’ll inhale the air and smell six things at once, albeit, not all of them are the best, but I embrace it nonetheless. 
More about what I’ve been doing: funnily enough, my phone died on the bus ride, but I made a new friend named Sunmi, and she was kind enough to lend me her charging cable. Instead of ending the interaction there, we spoke for a few hours at least. I learned she was traveling with her friends on a photography excursion. She gave me all the information, and I’d like to look into it when I have wifi again. 
You wouldn’t believe what they’ve seen! Last year they went to Antarctica through South America. She got to pet a penguin! Apparently the company also takes people to Greenland and New Zealand – some places I’ve been dreaming of visiting since I was a young boy. 
I’ll use my last 100 words to mention that… I’ve gotten a bit homesick. I miss the RFA – well, the people from the RFA minus… 
Don’t tell Jumin about the company though, he’ll insist on flying me around with his private jet. I want to experience for myself. Saeyoung is somehow messaging me when I don’t have service? I don’t… understand. Anyways, I also saw Zen landed a huge international role (someone had a magazine on the plane). Otherwise, I hope Jaehee and Yoosung are well. And Elizabeth the 3rd of course. Send them my wishes. 
I didn’t forget about you though! The keychain you gave me reminds me of home every day. It might have lost an eye, but I found a button and stitched it on. And I also wanted to ask you–
Ah, I’m over again. 
Next time. 
                                                           Jihyun Kim
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Iyi günler! I am in Turkey now and actually writing this on a boat. The sun is setting over the horizon, making the sky change colors with every passing minute. It’s breathtaking, but I wish you were here with me. The other passengers and I take turns standing at the front of the boat, and I sometimes linger, trying to take pictures. 
Good news! My vision is getting better. I’ve been taking some Greek herbal remedies, and the seem to be helping. Either that, or they have a wonderful placebo effect. Has that ever happened to you? To think something is working, but you’re just imagining things? 
I apologize, maybe that stirred bad memories for you. 
Back to Turkey: I stepped out of my comfort zone and spent a night camping. Honestly? I was terrified of doing so, but now I want to do it every night. It is the perfect temperature for hiking, even though I am a bit sunburned. 
So many people have been commenting on my hair. Good things mostly, and I started styling it with a bit of gel to keep it out of my eyes. It feels good to look people directly rather than through a curtain. 
What are you up to? Hosting anymore parties? I imagine that you are keeping busy, as always of course. My therapist said it would be best to wait messaging you until I return home. I nearly called you a week ago, but I didn’t want to break my vow. It’s like lying to myself, and I know better than that now. 
Still, it doesn’t stop me from dreaming. 
                                                           Sending love, 
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I’m genuinely angry, but writing to you always calms me. Someone stole my bag – I luckily didn’t have much in it, but your keychain… can you make me a new one please? Now that I don’t have it, it’s almost like I’ve lost a part of you. It hurts a lot, but then I wonder if I am being silly. It’s just a keychain. 
Otherwise, France is nice. I didn’t want to go to Paris, so instead I traveled through the countryside to visit a few wineries. 
Yes, I did… drink a bit, but I wasn’t impaired when my bag was stolen! 
You would laugh at me if I told you what happened, so I will save the story for another time. Before coming to France, I went through Germany and visited some of the most beautiful castles I’ve ever seen. They all looked like they could be straight from a fantasy movie set, and I was convinced one – Neuschwanstein Castle – actually was. 
I’ve barely written anything despite so much happening. 
I got a haircut (finally), because it was becoming a hassle to tie it back at night. 
One evening, I fed some stray cats and they followed me home. 
And a drunk (?) tried to play cards with me. But he didn’t have cards. He was dealing an imaginary deck. 
Other stories will have to wait until I see you again, and I feel better now. It’s okay to be upset, but it won’t hinder my trip any more. 
                                                           Je t'aime, 
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Alaska doesn’t have a night. 
That’s not exactly true, but it’s basically true. The hotel has special curtains that block the light, and it is only dark for a few hours. 
It has been many miles since I last wrote, but I was caught up in visiting show after event after party after exhibit through America. Their art has given me a new perspective on point of view and emotions, so I hope that the ten camera chips I’ve filled with photographs will be able to convey the same sense of awe. 
I’ve also been mistaken for an idol? Like – multiple times. Interesting to say the least, maybe I’ll say yes to the next person that asks. What should my stage name be? I’ll spare you the embarrassment and not share my ideas. They are all very silly and no one would believe me if I told them my name was Cam Ra. Do you get it? It’s bad, I know. 
I’ll be returning home soon, unless I get distracted or impulsive and go down to California and Hawaii before coming back. I want to – it doesn’t feel right to return just yet. But that doesn’t mean anything about you! 
Really, I think about you and everyone else each day. 
Have you met new people? We’ll exchange so many stories… 
                                                           See you soon, 
                                                                     J K 
You pace around, waiting for the last guest on the list to appear. The party started an hour ago, but he still has not arrived. Then again, it has been three months since anyone heard a whisper from V, and you start to lose hope. Swallowing hard, you remind yourself that V is having a wonderful time exploring the world and finding himself. 
          Taking a handful of your dress, you turn and head through the doors to the main room. Jumin tries to pull Saeyoung away from Longcat, Yoosung explains his most recent surgeries to a group of nurses from his work place, and Jaehee receives many compliments for her majestic cake. 
         Everyone is happy and has moved on. 
         You hope V has too. 
         Maybe all the wishing and praying finally paid off, because you hear his familiar voice calling out behind you. It’s a long shot, but you turn around nonetheless, thinking it is a different guest. 
         Instead, you see Jihyun, wearing the most dazzling smile you’ve ever seen, running towards you. He’s carrying a folder filled with papers, but that doesn’t stop him from embracing you. He smells rugged, like his voyage has transformed him, but you rather like it. 
         “Jihyun!” You melt against his hug. “You’re.. Here… you’re here!” 
         Your squealing draws everyone’s attention, but he focuses on you and only you. “Of course I’m here. I missed you more than I can verbalize.” 
         His stance is open, welcoming, and confident, much different from two years ago. He is a different person now, brave and proud. Jihyun offers you the folder. It is strange to gift something in the middle of a party, but you accept it anyways, happy he has returned. 
         Jihyun’s heart races as he explains. “I wrote you letters every time I went somewhere new. These are just a few of them, really I have so many. But each shows something I’ve learned.” He takes a breath and laces his fingers with yours. “This is sudden, and I’m sure you will need time to think about it, but I’m trying something new: asking without being afraid. Over the past two years, I’ve… longed for you. Art has shown me the power of friendship, joy, perseverance, and most importantly, dedication. I want to dedicate my art to you, if you’ll stand by my side.” 
         You can’t find the words to express yourself because you are so awestruck. He truly has changed, but he has embraced himself and his life. Tears start to roll down your cheeks from the overwhelming surge of emotions. Jihyun brushes them away and presses his forehead to yours. 
         “I still have much to learn, but I want to do it all with you.” 
         “I’d like that a lot, Jihyun,” you whisper, captivated by his intense gaze. 
         “And I can finally say this without fear–” 
         You tip your head up, and Jihyun kisses you the next moment. His lips are chapped and the warmth radiating from his skin envelops you. He doesn’t need words to communicate it, because you understand perfectly what he is trying to say. 
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succinct-assbutt · 5 years
Burn Me Into Smoke (Part 8)
previous parts: ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE , SIX,  SEVEN
pairing: loki x reader
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previous parts: ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE , SIX,  SEVEN
pairing: loki x reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of cheating (?), jealousy
Summary; the tension continues to build as Loki throws himself deeper into one night stands,forcing Y/N to acknowledge her own feelings
A/N: incase you haven’t noticed my upload schedule is garbage and im sorry
Different girls come and go—usually by morning, somewhere after the sun has risen while she’s pouring herself a cup of coffee and catches the tail of auburn hair rushing out the door. Sometimes in the middle of the night while she’s training, she’ll hear the creak of a door and the click of heels, and soon enough she grows accustomed to the secrecy Loki hides behind.
 She can deal with most of it, she tells herself. Most nights it’s the whisper of goodbye she catches in the hallways or the stray stiletto she finds tucked under the kitchen table, and she can look past that, she tells herself she has to look past that or else she’ll run mad, but she can only keep up for so long, and Friday is proof of that.
 Three am and the sky is dressed in a dense fog, most of New York city cut out from sight as Y/N peers out her bedroom window. Her muscles are tired, little flecks of sweat still dotting the trail of her spine, visible proof of her over-exertion. She won’t admit it anyone, but the truth is it’s never been about the training: she’s always running, she’s found. From her problems and her past. From herself. And working out is the healthiest of coping mechanisms at this point, a way to clear her head from the thoughts chasing her.
 The moon is her only company tonight.
 And she watches it, head resting on her arm, listening to Manhattan’s heartbeat. She’s been thinking of moving. Oregon, Mexico maybe. With everything that’s been going on running away seems like the best option; she could start a new life. She could leave behind this one that’s somehow become a burden, she thinks, dragging a finger down the cool pane of glass.
 So caught up in her thoughts, it isn’t until she hears the echo of a moan, a stretch of pleasure that finds her sitting at the edge of her bedroom, that she’s drawn back to reality.
 Y/N’s hand stops moving for a second.
 Then she freezes entirely, eyes growing wide. She ...it couldn’t have been…? Her face seems to flush as she waits, unmoving. Then the sound rings out again.
 Louder this time and more masculine than the last, and Y/N feels the blood drain from her face.
 The noise continues from then on: growing more haste and sloppy, a few cusses thrown into the mix to spice things up until she’s under the covers in her own bed, both pillows glued to either side of her head because this cannot be happening…
The next day, she can barely bring herself to so much as look at him.
 Not over breakfast, or the mission, or even the celebratory drinks back at the tower at the end of the day; especially not when he walks through the door with a leggy blonde strapped to his side, the same one, Y/N instantly recognizes, from the previous night.
 Her blood just about runs cold.
 In the kitchen with Bucky and Sam, she feels the shame rising in her throat and suffocating. She watches as Loki and his friend saunter across the room to where the rest of the company sits, Steve’s reports laid out before them as they try and formulate a plan for the next trip.
 “What are you doing?” Bucky asks, and her eyes flit to him skittishly.
 She quirks a brow, trying to play off her restlessness. “Huh?”
 “Are you drunk already?” He presses
 “N-no.” It’s hard focusing on what he’s saying with the thoughts racing through her mind, but Y/N manages to break out from her reverie long enough to answer, “No, I’m fine. I’m fine, really, just—that’s the girl from yesterday, right? The one we saw him with at the café?” Squinting, she looks to Sam.
 His eyes move to their target slung around Loki’s arm and laughing, then back. “I…think so?” He draws out uncertainly, “I don’t know, it wasn’t like I was paying attention.”
 “They were having a sale on red velvet, of course you weren’t.” Bucky adds.
 “I think it’s her. Yeah—yeah, it’s definitely her. She has the tattoo” As discreetly as possible, Y/N points to a mandala the size of a grapefruit peeping out of the sleeve of the girl’s dress. Bucky and Sam both squint and she turns to them, nodding vigorously. “She’s the one.”
 Bucky pulls back, his face screwed up in confusion. “Okay…”He draws out in a way that tells her he’s not sure why he should care—he shouldn’t, truthfully.  Neither should she, but it’s hard enough being in his presence without the bonus of one of his flings hovering in the room.
 Y/N doesn’t say any of this, though—more out of sheer embarrassment than anything. Her eyes move once more to the pair at the other end of the room. Loki says something to Thor that has his date throwing her head back. Silky brown tresses and an easy smile. There’s no question why he picked her, and with a sigh Y/N then takes to the balcony for some fresh air because it’s dangerous, her thoughts catching up with her like this.
 The wind greets her with a sharp smack as soon as she steps outside, sliding the door shut behind her. Muffled music follows her out, but the sound of speeding cars and New York at its finest drowns most of it out as she moves to the edge of the balcony. She spares a glance down at the shrunken streets.  Everything below is so tiny from up here. Everyone’s an ant in a hill, running through their routine for the day, scudding along the busy streets. Sometimes she can’t help but miss the simplicity.
She’s always figured that maybe it’s part of the job, the bitterness, but halfway down the road she realizes it’s always just been her—her and her stubbornness, her ego. No amount of exercise or alcohol can stop the onslaught of thoughts now, but Y/N figures at this point the only thing left to do is let them drown her.
 “Don’t tell me you’re thinking of jumping?” A voice suddenly says.
 Y/N throws a glance over her shoulder, more worried than startled—the last thing she expected was someone finding her out here; the last thing she wanted was for it to be him.
 And yet here he is, drink in hand and eyebrows pulled together.
 His gaze shifts from Y/N to the railing she’s only just realized she’s gripping onto tightly, before flicking back up to her face. “You’re the last person I’d expect to opt for an early way out.”
 “I’m not jumping.”
 “Admiring the view then?”
 Y/N isn’t sure what to say; her words feel jagged and sharp enough to cut the walls of her mouth, so she settles for silence as her hand slowly floats off the cool bar. She turns to face him fully, and for some reason Loki takes that as his invitation to join her, holding out the scotch in his hand.
 “Here.” He offers.
 She eyes skeptically, but takes it either way. “I thought you don’t drink…”
 “I thought you know me well enough to not trust my word.”
 “Everything okay?” Loki watches her drain the liquid right out the glass, observing the bob in her throat, the way the scotch runs down the column he can’t help but stare at. When she’s done, Y/N lets out a tired breath and meets his gaze.
 She bites the inside of her cheek then shrugs, “Everything’s fine.”
 “You know you’d be a half-decent liar if you didn’t have such an obvious tell…?” He offers with an arched brow, and it’s Y/N’s turn to play dumb.
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She insists.
 “That.” Loki does a half-assed shrug and twists his mouth in an almost humorous way, “You can’t trick a trickster.”
 “Don’t you have a girlfriend to get back to?” Her focus drifts over his shoulder and finds his date through the glass, watching her by the drinks with Natasha. Still just as gorgeous as when she left. He follows her gaze with a brief glance before turning back to Y/N, and she offers him a twisted smile. “Megan, right? She’s really pretty.”
 It’s petty—she’s petty, she knows, but Loki doesn’t seem one bit bothered as he shrugs.
 “She is,” He affirms. “Although she’s not my girlfriend. Just a girl.”
 “One of the many you keep bringing over…” Y/N says as she turns back to her view from before. Setting down the glass, she lets her hands find the railing once again and tries to disappear into herself, but it’s hard with him lingering still.
 Eventually, he joins her right at the edge, leaning onto his elbows. She spares a glance at him just for a second; wind tousling his hair, side-profile cast against the kaleidoscope of city lights.
 “Not like any of them count.” Loki says. Then he looks at her, and for a fraction of a second she forgets she’s supposed to be mad at him.
 Gazes locked, Y/N feels it, the hammering in her chest—the slow build that tells her to tear gaze away before it’s too late. Neither of them say anything for a while, enjoying the white noise swallowing them, the sky that slowly starts to dim. Somehow minutes fly by until finally
 “None of them mean anything, you know?”  It sounds crude and a bit harsh, but…I always tell them. Before anything happens. The last thing I want is to break some poor Midgardian’s heart.” His words die out towards the end of the statement and if you squint hard enough you can see the sadness in his voice, the way his eyes flicker to his hands for just a moment.
 It’s no secret he has regrets; they’ve all got enough baggage to open up their own shop, but the Asgardian’s, Y/N knows, is something else, something he hides from everyone but himself.
 Staring at him, she bites the inside of her cheek. She wants to ask why not her; why doesn’t he care enough to tread lightly around her heart instead of always bickering, but the moment passes as fast is came.
 Loki straightens out, taking in a deep breath. Glancing at Y/N, he lifts an eyebrow, “I think you’re the only person whom I’d never worry about hurting.”
 “Because of our deep rivalry?” She asks playfully.
 “Because it’s hard to hurt someone as strong as you—which I hate to admit, all things considered.”
 The shock shows in the way she pauses for a moment, weighing her words. Registering his. Y/N blinks and for a second thinks he’s going to disappear, that this is all just a drunken hallucination—somehow she wishes it was, because then she wouldn’t really have to deal with how intently Loki looks at her (or how strongly her stomach knots at the sight).
 “Am I supposed to say thank you?” The words stumble from her mouth.
 He shrugs. “Not if you don’t want to.” His eyes move back to the bright skyline. “I just felt I had to say it. Maybe it’s the alcohol, but…I don’t know…you get tired of keeping things bottled up sometimes…Sometimes you just want to say what’s on your mind.”  The wind ripples through his clothes as he looks at Y/N, a current so strong it looks like it might carry him away, carry her too because suddenly she feels light on her feet and easy and Y/N isn’t sure why, but the next thing she knows her hand is resting on his.
 Loki glances down at her fingers curled around his then back up, brow furrowing.
 She reminds herself to breathe. She has to breathe, or else she’ll die—he’ll kill her. The breeze kisses her cheeks and for a moment they’re hyperaware of the contrast in their skin, how gentle her touch feels against his, how easy it is for their fingers to slot together.
 Y/N licks her lips and hesitates, before sliding her hand away.
 It’s a flash of a second; neither of them say anything, because in moments like these there isn’t much to say. Jarring music finding them even this far out. A newfound edge to the air that she can’t help but feel guilty for birthing, because she always gets like this when she’s drunk, transparent enough to hint at what she’s feeling but not enough to give the whole act away.
 Loki takes in some air then looks away.
 The regret comes in waves, washing over Y/N as she straightens out and tries not to cringe. Too many mistakes made tonight; coming out here, for one, and even talking to him for more than five seconds. The only person she can blame is herself and she twiddles with her fingers idly, clearing her throat.
 “We should go back inside.” She says.
 “You can go.” The air slowly shifts back into gear as he continues, “I’m not in the mood for a celebration right now—and do me a favor, will you?” Loki looks at her sharply, and Y/N struggles to keep his gaze Send Megan out here, I need to talk to her.”
 “Sure.” She nods.
 He doesn’t say much else, turning his attention back to the skyline; something draws her focus down to his hand and she watches a glass of gin manifest itself between his fingers, lifted to his lips as he takes a sip. Back to brooding, and suddenly it feels like her fault. Part of her wants to apologize for damaging the peace of night; the other part knows for sure though that if she stays, somehow she’ll find a way of making things worse, so carefully she disappears back inside the house before her heart gets the best of her.
 As soon as she steps inside, the distinct change in environment slaps her in the face; here there’s music and people laughing. Clint’s playing some sort of drinking game with Romanoff and the others cheering them on, a sense of celebration that almost feels eerie.
 Y/N can’t help it right then: she glances over her shoulder at Loki, a monochromatic blur against the glinting city lights, then looks around for Megan. The contrast inside is evident, but she won’t let it shake her. Drops her glass of in the sink then moves around the floor, peeping her head into empty rooms until she gets to the training room, ignoring the warm lilt of the night that makes her feel even worse—if she’d just kept her mouth shut, then he wouldn’t be out there sulking. He’d be enjoying this. Enjoying his not-girlfriend for as long as the night would allow, and for once Y/N would turn a blind eye.
 She stops right then, right at the elevator with her hand risen, when she hears a sound.
 It’s a whisper almost—an iciness sneaking up her spine and drawing her hairs on end, and for once in her life, Y/N wishes she could just let it go, but her eyes shoot to the source of the sound right away.
 And without a doubt it’s her: Megan, tattooed shoulder, winding black hair, and snaking her hand along Steve’s leg.
 Y/N’s heart just about stops.
 She moves fast before they can see her; hidden behind the corner of the wall, she peers out from hiding, fists bawled with an anger suddenly coursing through her trembling hands. Megan’s smile is Cheshire and sweet and there’s no surprise she can win all the boys with a face like that—Y/N wants to be mad at her, but more than that her anger is focused on the Captain backed up against the counter. Brow drawn together, hands hovering just above her waist. And then she feels the relief wash over her when he pushes Megan away, face set in a scowl.
 They speak in murmurs mostly; Megan’s voice is heavy and lust-soaked and it only brings out the dryness in Steve’s as Y/N listens in. Then she peeks out from behind the wall and they’re still there. Captain’s more confused than angry, she can tell, until a lighthearted laugh fills the air and Y/N watches her from the shadow, grape-fruit-sized mandala and curtains of black hair that sway as she walks off.
 When Megan is gone, she immediately looks back. Steve doesn’t notice her until she steps out with a loud scoff. “What the actual fuck?”
 Her arms cross over her chest as she moves into the blinding light and the challenge is evident in the way she lifts her chin at him, “Explain yourself?”
 “You saw that?”
 “Explain yourself, Rogers.” She grits; truthfully she doesn’t know why she’s angry—it’s none of her business. Or at least that’s what she always told herself.
 Either way she listens as Steve explains everything, before both of them make their way back to the party.
 “Loki sure knows how to pick ‘em.” He says as they move.
 Y/N doesn’t say anything for a while; her eyes scan the parameter until she finds her target standing by his side, attentive and playing the role of the not-girlfriend so well you wouldn’t know her hand was practically down someone else’s trousers a few minutes ago.
 Not that it’s any of her business, anyway.
 “Maybe he has a type—pretty and problematic.” She says as the two of them move to the couch littered with pretzel crumbs and beer caps.
 “Wouldn’t you fit the criteria then?”
 “Are you really trying this right now?”
 Steve laughs, even if she doesn’t think it’s funny, and they try to iron the weirdness out of the night with food and conversation. Eventually, things are back to normal. As normal as they can be, anyway. Clint joins them and they discuss the mission. Y/N tells them about Mexico with hopes that they won’t try to change her mind, but even with the banter and drinks she finds herself glancing over at Loki and his friend from time to time.
 Her chest stutters for a moment, and she draws in a breath.
 (Maybe you can trick a trickster afterall…)
TAGS: @thegrandmasterschampion ,  @petalparker , @adaliamalfoy , @strangedarkling  , @bit-bot0711 , @malignentmac , @accentsintooblivion , @snailchick , @fandomwritingismylife , @thelovelysoulstealer , @tchilltchalla , @devilbat , @amor67figment-love , @lusty-loki , @missbosstown, @supreme-leader-armitage-hux, @bit-bot0711, @ourdreamsrealized, @jollyfish99, @flowerchild-572, , @smallgloryholes, @honestlyidek-someonehelp , @anonymouscastiel12 , @talinalani , @savkova , @regina-cordibus-vestris , @navybluenicole , @cait3dtl , @aintthatright , @lokisknives36 , @laxarnas​
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