#chuck beeman
pico-digital-studios · 2 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: MY Duty
In One More Hero, at the end of Chapter 6, OMT!Tails came back into the hideout with OMT!Mina and CR!Sonic, whilst Mini Sonic was tinkering with a Rubik's Cube as Mr. Needlemouse watched.
Mini Sonic: So, is this, er... a shade of purple?
Mr. NM: No.
Mini Sonic: Ah, blue, then!
(As a side-note, the confusion with the cube in this context isn't because of Mini Sonic coming from a world without colour; it's just those colour shades that don't exist back in his place.)
EX!Alice: Hey, guys.
OMT!Tails: Hey, Alice. How's your head after that incident?
EX!Alice: Well, I'm not as weighed down now, so that's something.
OMT!Tails: So, what's you guys' common goal here?
They got up.
Mini Sonic: Well, we're all tryin' to find our way back home.
Mr. Needlemouse: Of course, there's one itsy-bitsy problem. The only way back's through that huge hunk o' junk diet Beeman is wielding.
OMT!Tails: Er, Eggman Nega.
CR!Sonic: And, of course, one of us has to stay behind and destroy it.
CR!Sonic, OMT!Mina, Mini Sonic and EX!Alice together: I'll do it!
Mr. Needlemouse (pointing at Mini Sonic): You do it!
OMT!Tails: No no no. You don't get it.
Mini Sonic: Don't get what-?
Every alternate hero in the room aside from OMT!Mina glitched a bit, which was not a good sign, as Tails got in the middle of the space.
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OMT!Tails: None of you guys can stay here as it is. If you stay here after the energiser is blown up, there's a high chance you'll end up dying. I'm the kid who's gonna turn it off, and I'm gonna get all you guys back home before I do. I made a promise to my friends, and I have to keep it.
CR!Sonic: Yep, you heard him, guys! He's gonna be a fundamental part of saving the multiverse.
Mr. NM: You sure, kid?
OMT!Mina: Yeah, I've seen him in action. He's got potential, and I'm sure he can do it.
Mini Sonic: Alright, bud. So Nega's gonna be sending a lot of those goons at you. Like, all the tough guys. You able to fight 'em all off together?
OMT!Tails: Wanna challenge me for it? Let's rock!
Mini Sonic: Alright, then, kid. Surprise attack!
Mini Sonic went in for a shot, though was easily counterattacked.
OMT!Tails: Got ya!
EX!Alice: Can you rewire a mainframe whilst being shot at?
OMT!Tails: Well, Nine gave me the know-how to practice that.
OMT!Mina: Can you swing and flip with the grace of a trained dancer?
Mr. Needlemouse: Can you close out your sense of morality to keep the fears of your cartoonishly violent actions at bay? Oh! Can you also float through the air when you smell a delicious pie?
As he did just that, Tails sniggered in amusement.
OMT!Chuck: Can you help your uncle create an eco-friendly vehicle so he can get out of the house more often?
OMT!Tails: Hehe, Chuck!
CR!Sonic: Heh, okay, easy there, guys. We don't need to prove a point right now.
Mini Sonic: Ah, yeah, fair point.
OMT!Tails took a couple of deep breaths.
CR!Sonic: You okay, little dude?
OMT!Tails: Yeah, I... I guess I just need a little bit of time out. Maybe a walk to clear my head.
OMT!Chuck: I'll come with you, Tails. You're worried about Uma, Knuckles, Amy or Cream, right?
OMT!Tails: Y-Yeah. Could Aunt Rosie also ring up Sally to let her know how I'm doing?
OMT!Chuck: Of course. I'll let her know on the way out.
They headed toward the elevator as the Blur Gang re-gathered.
OMT!Mina: *sigh* Look, Sonic. You've gotta be more honest with yourself and not solely have blind faith in Tails. He's not truly ready, it's obvious.
Mini Sonic: There's no way. He's just a kid at the end of the day.
OMT!Mina: And if he can't do this, one of us is going to have to stay and do it for him.
OMT!Tails (from across the room): Y-You know I can hear you guys... r-right?
He turned away glumly as he and Chuck went back up to the surface.
EX!Alice: Hey now, hey now! Are we really going to leave Tails behind in this?!
CR!Sonic: Hey, that wasn't my plan.
EX!Alice: The only reason you four are opting for this in the end is because YOU (CR!Sonic) grew bitter of your own Tails and got all angsty, YOU (OMT!Mina) lost yours to a monster and became a loner, and YOU two (Mini Sonic and Mr. Needlemouse) might not even have a Tails as a sidekick.
Mini Sonic: *sigh* Sorry, Alice. There's just so much going on right now for us, and we're risking it all here.
EX!Alice: My point is...
As she continued speaking, we cut to OMT!Tails and OMT!Chuck headed for Uma's apartment close to the Chemical Plant.
EX!Alice: ...we've all got our own talents, but your ability to work together as a team is getting strained. I know I've got this vessel, but I'm still just a human. But when I had a plan, and I got help from a friend, we were able to achieve the impossible. Now, you're each the heroes of your worlds. Just imagine what could happen if YOU did that, along with Tails. You could save the universe.
They climbed in.
OMT!Chuck: I'll wait for you here, kid.
OMT!Tails: Okay, Chuck.
He headed inside to find Uma, though couldn't see her about. Suddenly, he heard metallic footsteps headed for the area, prompting him to hide in panic as the Shadow Emerl stepped inside. He tried to keep his breathing steady as the robot approached his hiding position, before the nearby phone rang, prompting Shadow Emerl to answer it.
Shadow Emerl: Hello, Mr. Nega. I've got the security tapes from the Plant tunnels. If the target's out there, I'll find him.
It took off its mask to reveal...
Shadow Emerl / Uma Arachnis: You know me, sir. I don't ever quit.
Tails gasped in horror at this revelation. He stepped back in fear before leaping out the window, prompting her to pursue him with the metal suit.
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He managed to evade the bot for now and get back outside, rushing straight to Chuck.
OMT!Tails: C-Chuck!
OMT!Chuck: What happened?
OMT!Tails (panicked): I-I know this is gonna sound crazy, but-.
OMT!Chuck: Hey. Deep breaths, alright, Tails?
He took some, before explaining what went down.
OMT!Tails: Uma, she... She's the Shadow Emerl!
OMT!Chuck: She-?! This is worrying. Let's hurry back!
He took Tails's hand as they ran back into the streets, though Shadow Emerl came down and watched them leave.
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maurastierney · 5 months
Are you here from Purimgifts?
Here are a few ideas for you!
Most of my prompts here are based around crossovers, so if you don't find any of these of inspiration feel free to scroll down and I'll give some more general likes and prompts:
Deep Impact (1998)/ER (TV 1994) -- I love the character played by Laura Innes in DI, and would love anything linking the two of them together as one character.
Felicity (TV)/The Diplomat (US TV 2023) -- what if Felicity became The Diplomat? How would she struggle to hold it together? Who does she end up marrying? Who from her University life could show back up?
The Diplomat (US TV 2023)/In The Loop (2009) & The Thick of It -- any scenario bringing these two fandoms together would be great.
For All Mankind (TV 2019)/The Americans (TV 2013) -- the opportunities for crossovers here are pretty cool and endless, one idea for me could be the Stan Beeman Big Mac Method for Killing a Man, what if Stan Defected to the KGB in the FAM timeline?
Titanic (1997)/The Gilded Age (TV 2022)/Downton Abbey -- Since Downton leans into the Titanic Tragedy so much, it would be good to see how this affects the Gilded Age characters, their families, or how the Tragedy or other transatlantic passages brings the two sides together.
ER (TV 1994)/The Good Wife (TV) -- there are endless opportunities here due to actor crossovers and everything taking place in Chicago -- I've already begun/had a go at a couple and I hope you find these as good inspo. Also feel free to use The Affair (TV) from the 3rd Request if you like.e
ER (TV 1994)/The Good Wife (TV)/In The Loop (2009) & The Thick of It -- I always thought "In the Loop" would be a good Chicago-themed version of The Thick of It - can we reimagine the characters from ER or TGW as the politicos we see in the Ianucciverse.
ER (TV 1994)/Felicity (TV) -- if you're very adept at spotting Donal Logue's character in Felicity, I'd love to see him explored as young Chuck.  
Ghosts (TV 2019)/Any other fandom -- how can the Ghosts characters be inserted into the other fandoms? Did they travel to the US on the Titanic? Do they stowaway on a plane? Or back in the UK, what does Julian think of the current idiots in charge? Who can see them?
General likes & Prompts:
Wlw, f/f, poly and multi ships, babyfic, found family, blended family, canon divergent AU, what-ifs, missing scenes, aging down/up (in line with canon timelines or in time-travel where this would fit canon); any rating (I love an E rating though); school & workplace romance dynamics; bisexual characters (both canon and non-canon); established relationships & Marriage (particularly "unconventional" marriage); first dates & dating; friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers; poly & kink negotiations
Smut likes:
Anal; anything with a woman on top; BDSM [clamps, bondage, dom/sub, shibari]; breastfeeding; clit torture; dirty talk [the word cunt is 100 emoji]; dovefucking; edging; exhibitionism; fingering; fisting; fuck machines; [reverse] gangbangs; gender/sexuality affirming sex; inexperienced with an experienced partner; lactation; moresomes; nipple play; oral; pain into pleasure; sex as education; sex as performance; sex toys [particularly dildos]; sharing of sexual fluids; shower sex; squirting & ejaculation; suspension; water play.
Favourite Characters & Ships:
Downton Abbey Mary/Henry, Mary/Matthew, Mary/Tom, Tom/Sybil, Mary/Gwen, Mary/Anna, Anna/John
ER (TV 1994) Abby/Kerry, Elizabeth/Mark, Susan/Mark, any other f/f ship
Felicity (TV) Felicity/Noel
For All Mankind (TV 2019) Aleida/Margo, Margo/Sergei, Ellen/Pam, Molly/Anyone
The Good Wife (TV) Alicia/Kalinda, Eli & Marissa Gold
Anyone played by the following actresses: Carrie Coon, Laura Innes, Keri Russell, Maura Tierney
Sex & relationships Omegaverse; m/m; non-con without any context i.e. a rape scene but not a wider story around why or how it happened.
Genres and tropes Neurodiversity/Mental Illness Headcanons without a strong link to canon; overly preachy undertones (in particular using christian imagery or symbolism); Gore/Torture porn; AUs that assume prior knowledge outside of the fandoms I have selected or that take place in a themed universe
Smut in the following fandoms:
Felicity, Ghosts, The Thick of It, In the Loop
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The Umbrella Academy as side characters from late 90s / early 00s childhood films: part one
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glue-thief · 4 years
I was looking through Beeman's Wiki page and I came across this???
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incorrecthargreeves · 5 years
Diego: Beeman, I think you should play the role of my father.
Chuck: I don't wanna be your father.
Diego: That's perfect. You already know your lines.
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umbureraakademi · 5 years
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Introductory Note About the AU & Other Chapters & Face Claims
-a/n start-
[Potential spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen or finished TUA Netflix series but seriously how could you stop yourself from watching such a captivating show.]
Word Count: 4274
SMUT CHAPTER. You have been warned.
-a/n end-
The Hargreeves Case
Chapter 12
The ride home was deadly quiet, with Diego just keeping his eyes fixed on the road as he drove, and Monica staring out the window in the passenger’s seat. Due to the deafening silence it felt like forever until they had reached Monica’s apartment, but eventually they did and Monica started unbuckling the seatbelt. 
“Thanks for everything.” Monica said quietly, breaking the silence but still not looking straight at Diego.
“Sure no problem.” Diego responded automatically, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. When he noticed Monica wasn’t getting out of the car yet he looked at her briefly before looking away again and saying, “Want me to uhh… walk you up?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure. That’d be great.” she responded with an awkward smile. Diego proceeded to park his car properly and switch it off before the two got out and they started walking into the apartment complex.
The apartment Monica shared with Jessica and Ben was on the third floor so they took the elevator, and the whole time they still weren’t saying a single word to each other. Also, despite getting so close during their dance together they were now putting distance between themselves so they wouldn’t touch, like they were allergic to each other.
Soon after the elevator rung its familiar ding to Monica and as it opened she stepped out of it first, followed closely by Diego as they walked through the halls. Eventually, Monica stopped at one of the doors and turned to Diego.
“This is me.” she said, pointing to the door. 
“Right. I guess… I’ll see you on Monday, then?” Diego responded.
“Yeah. See you.”
“Sorry for… making this awkward.” 
“I should apologize too.”
For a while the two looked at each other in silence, dreading what was to come on Monday when they saw each other again at work. Chuck is possibly going to notice the tension right away and start asking questions. And if they were really obvious, maybe even Captain Lee would start noticing, but he didn’t seem like the person to butt in on his detectives’ or his niece’s personal business.
“I’ll get going then.” Diego said softly, to which Monica simply nodded in response as she pulled out her keys, opened the door to her apartment and stepped inside. A heavy sigh escaped Diego as he shoved his hands in his jeans and turned to walk away, disappointed.
He took four steps before he felt someone grab him by his arm and pull him in a way that spun him around. The first thing he noticed was Monica’s apartment door wide open before he noticed Monica herself standing in front of him.
“Mon--” before he could even finish calling her out and asking what she was doing she placed her hands on the sides of his head like in the last dance they did and planted her lips on his. Surprised but relishing in her sweet taste Diego responded favorably, reciprocating by kissing her back and wrapping his arms around her frame.
One of Monica’s hands moved from the side of his face to the back of his head, her fingers going through his hair as she pressed her body closer to his, deepening the kiss. The other hand had moved to his nape.
When they broke off from the kiss their foreheads stayed pressed against one another as they both had to catch up on their breathing. Their arms stayed around each other and as Monica stared into Diego’s eyes she was the first to break their silence.
“I really like you.” she said.
“Think that kiss was evidence enough.” Diego responded with a smirk before adding, “You know leaving your door open like that is pretty dangerous.”
“Don’t you go all detective-y right now, Hargreeves.” Monica said as she giggled. “I’d be more than happy to shut it closed… if you get in with me.” 
“I don’t think your roommate likes me very much. Could’ve sworn she was glaring at me through the window when I was waiting for you outside.” Diego said as he loosened his hold on Monica, whose hands dropped to his shoulders.
“She doesn’t.” Monica admitted matter-of-factly. “But she and Ben are probably sleeping by now. They’re old souls. They like to sleep early.” she added. “We just have to be quiet, can you manage that… papi?” as she whispered this she fought back a laugh, placing a finger in front of her lips.
“Please don’t ruin this.” Diego pleaded, taking her finger away and kissing her again. This time he placed his hands on Monica’s ass which made Monica giggle but after a short while she yelped as Diego swiftly moved his hands to her thighs so he could lift her up. In response Monica had to wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist in order to prevent her from falling, though Diego made sure he had a firm grip on her ass.
“Could’ve warned me about that.” she said.
“Shh… we’re heading inside.” Diego whispered as he stepped into the apartment with Monica in his arms. He had to let her back down so she could lock the door properly but shortly after that she took his hand and led her to her room. As soon as the door was closed they were onto each other again a little more aggressively this time.
Diego pressed Monica against her bedroom door with a kiss that was filled with a lot more carnal hunger as their tongues started swirling against each other. They kicked off their own shoes as Monica started unbuttoning Diego’s shirt and soon she was able to peel it off, revealing a black wifebeater he was wearing as an undershirt. Through it she felt the way his skin bumped and grooved in the shape of his muscles.
Diego then started kissing her neck, occasionally sucking and gently nipping at her skin while one of his hands had untucked her shirt from her shorts and started roaming the bare skin underneath. Monica placed her arms around him again as she moaned when his hand started to gently massage one of her breasts. His other hand started working at the buttons of her own shirt but just before he reached the third button Monica’s eyes went wide at a sudden realization.
“Diego, wait.” she said, gently pushing him away. This confused him but he obeyed as he stopped his touching and nipping to look at her with a big question mark all over his face. 
“You don’t like the biting?” he asked.
“The biting is great but there’s one really important question I have to ask you.” she said. “Do you have a condom?”
It was then did the realization hit Diego like a brick on a window. Of course, he didn’t think about bringing one since he never thought it would end up like this. 
“Shit.” was all he said in response.
“Don’t worry. I have a solution. Just sit tight for a bit I’ll be real quick.” with that Monica slipped out of her bedroom door, leaving Diego alone and frustrated in the dark of her room. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for her to return, holding up the closed plastic wrap in her hand. “You can thank me later.” she said as she walked past Diego to place the condom on her nightstand. 
“Now, c’mon, Hargreeves. We have all night.” she said with a seductive smile as she started unbuttoning her own shirt. 
“Whoawhoawhoa, slow down, Lee.” Diego said in response as he sauntered towards her, stopping Monica before she could reach the last button on her shirt. “Taking your clothes off for you is one of the fun parts.” he said, using a finger to lift up her head by her chin so they were looking straight at each other. “Allow me…” as he said this he undid the last button on Monica’s shirt, and taking the sleeves off her shoulders and arms he watched as the shirt fell to the floor.
Using the finger that was on her chin he softly traced her jawline down to her neck, eventually reaching her shoulders. He hooked his finger on her bra strap and pulled it away as it fell loosely to the side of her shoulders.
“Either you’re teasing me or you don’t know how to take a bra off.” Monica said, trying to sound sarcastic but his soft tracing and pulling managed to get her panting and longing for him to touch her more.
All of the sudden Diego’s arms found its way around her body as he pulled her close in an abrupt motion, their bodies feeling each other’s heat and their faces inches apart. “You’re right, it ain’t good to tease.” he whispered, kissing her and lifting her up again so he could climb onto the bed and lay her down. 
He broke away from the kiss and straightened himself up to take off the wifebeater he was still wearing, and Monica basked in his perfectly toned figure. I wouldn’t mind seeing those abs everyday. She thought to herself, referring to how Ben would walk around their apartment shirtless to her disapproval. Discarding his wifebeater Diego got on top of Monica, going for her neck again as he resumed his kissing, sucking, and nipping to her delight as she placed her arms around him. 
She felt one of his hands try to insert itself between the mattress and her back and she arched her back a little to allow it to find its way to the hook of her bra, which he undid seamlessly. Momentarily taking her arms of Diego, he took her bra off in one swift motion and the entire top half of her body was exposed and just inviting him to start playing how he wanted. Diego wasted no time for one of his hands to start massaging one of her soft breasts, he pinched at her nipple which elicited a moan from Monica.
Soon the kisses on her neck started trailing its way down, reaching her collarbone, to the top of her other breast, until his mouth and tongue made contact with her nipple, licking and sucking at it. The warmth and dampness of his mouth on one nipple and his hand stimulating the other drove Monica crazy as she moaned out his name.
Then the hand that was massaging one of her breasts had stopped, and as Diego was working his mouth on the other, that hand made its way down to Monica’s shorts. He undid the button and unzipped the shorts, he had to take his mouth off Monica’s breast and as the cold air mixed with her now damp nipple she looked at Diego pleadingly. He merely responded by sticking his middle finger into his mouth so when he pulled it out it was slick with saliva. 
As he inched his face closer to Monica’s so did his hand slide lower down her body until it found its way into her panties, the loosened shorts making it easy to slip its way there. He rubbed his wet finger at her, feeling her as her thighs quivered and her toes curled up in anticipation.
“Diego, please.” Monica begged breathlessly.
“Please what?” Diego whispered softly in her ear.
“Stop being such a fucking tease.” she said.
“Oh no, you have to ask nicely.” as he responded he had stopped rubbing and his hand was slowly pulling out from her panties. Monica let out a soft sigh of frustration and could only think about grabbing the back of Diego’s head as she forced his lips on hers. Diego seemed to have liked her assertiveness as his finger slid back in her panties and into her. 
Monica moaned into their kiss as his finger thrust in and out, occasionally circling it inside of her which she most definitely enjoyed based on the way her moans sounded. When Diego withdrew from the kiss and withdrew his finger Monica whimpered at the lack of contact, though he made up for it by kissing her neck and trailing his kisses this time down her body. 
From her neck he went down to her chest, then her stomach, until he was right below her bellybutton did he stop to slip off Monica’s shorts, her panties removed along with them. Monica’s already flushed cheeks grew redder as she was now completely exposed in front of the man she wanted to strangle the first day they met.
“If you liked that you’ll love what I’m going to do next.” Diego said softly against one of her thighs as he kissed it. Lifting her legs on his shoulders Diego started kissing down her thigh until soon, his mouth was on ‘her’. 
“Shit, Diego.” Monica moaned, her fingers digging through the sides of the pillow under her head as she arched her back in pleasure. Diego did a number on her, kissing and delving his tongue into her. He didn’t know if she was the type of girl who liked her nub being played with so he tested the waters by gently licking over it and watching her reaction. Her legs which had gone limp on his shoulders stiffed as if jolted from the sensation before her heels started digging onto his back, pushing him and urging him to continue what he was doing.
When Diego flicked his tongue on that same spot Monica groaned in response before saying, “If you want to do something just fucking do it.” she rasped.
Diego laughed internally at her begging but responded favorably as he started sucking gently at her nub. Her breath hitched as her legs quivered and went limp again on his shoulders. While he sucked and licked at that sensitive spot he started fingering her again and Monica started getting lightheaded. 
One of her hands had let go of the pillow she was clutching and made its way to the top of Diego’s head as she ran her hand through his hair. With a gentle tug at a handful of his hair she lifted his head off of her and their eyes met, Diego looking at her questionably.
“C’mon, Hargreeves. I can’t be the only one having fun.” she purred as her legs slipped down from his shoulders. They were weak so she used her elbows to prop herself up, prompting Diego to pull his finger out of her as he too straightened up from laying down on his front when he was eating her out.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Just keep quiet and lay down.” she whispered in response as she got on her knees and took Diego’s hand, moving aside and pulling him towards her pillows so he was the one lying down this time. She straddled him and leaned in to kiss him again, this time hungrily sucking at his bottom lip. Monica stopped as she started reversing the roles, this time with her kissing and sucking at Diego’s neck and the latter groaning in response.
Monica took joy in kissing down his toned, muscular torso, and the way she could almost taste Diego’s body heat as she made her way lower. She got in between Diego’s legs and started unbuckling his belt, undoing the button of his pants and unzipping them. He seemed to be wearing boxers but at that point she didn’t really care, she was only after the growing bulge that was in them. 
However, this time it was her turn to tease Diego, so instead of slipping them off her hand started doing a painstakingly slow massage on his groin through the cloth of his unzipped pants and boxers. Diego’s breath hitched as he arched his hips into her touch.
“I know what you’re trying to do.” Diego breathed.
“Do you, now? Well lucky for you, I’m not that big of a tease.” Monica responded with a smirk. Taking her hand off she hooked her thumbs into Diego’s pants and boxers and started pulling them down, Diego lifting his legs up to help her in getting them off.
Monica fumbled a bit but had managed to throw them off the side of the bed, turning her attention back to Diego and his now-free erection. She had to take a moment to take it in.
“Like what you’re seeing?” Diego cooed smugly, biting at his lower lip. 
Monica blushed realizing she had probably been staring at it for a second but brushed it off by leaning closer to his shaft until her lips were only inches away. She savored the smell of his masculinity and Diego’s jaw tightened in anticipation as he felt her soft breath on him. 
“Why don’t I show you just how much I like it then?” she murmured, wetting her lips before she started with kissing and brushing her lips on Diego’s shaft. In response Diego let out a sigh as he closed his eyes and felt her hot and wet lips touching his member teasingly.
Monica then got her tongue out and started licking his rod, the warmth of her saliva mixing with the cool air in the room. While she sloppily licked at him she also sucked at the sides, until she decided to start playing with the head. Her tongue swirled around the head while she used her hand to do upward and downward strokes to his cock, which was wet with her saliva. 
Taking the head into her mouth she started sucking at it while still caressing the shaft, her tongue licking at his slit. 
“Jesus Christ, Monica.” Diego moaned, opening his eyes to look at her. She looked up at him, not taking her mouth and hand off his cock, and held his gaze for a moment. Then, hallowing her cheeks, her mouth started taking in more of Diego, her hand still on the length her mouth could no longer reach.
This time it was Diego’s turn to quiver and moan as he felt the warmth and wetness of her mouth engulf him. He moved his hands to her hair, pulling it back so he could have a good look at her face while she bobbed up and down on his cock. While she sucked on the upper half her hand continued its own up and down rhythmic strokes on the lower parts of his shaft, matching the pace of her bobbing as the saliva that escaped her lips trickled down to lubricate it. 
“Fuck.” Diego grunted as he let Monica continue for a little while longer before he tugged at her hair, signaling for her to stop lest he finish before they got to the main course. Monica got the signal and stopped, taking her mouth and hand off his cock and looking at him expectantly, her lips still slick with her saliva.
“Not yet.” he whispered as he took Monica by the arms and pulled her on top of him. He placed his arms around her as he flipped their positions so now he was on top of her, his damp erection throbbing between her thighs. Not taking his eyes off of hers he felt for and took the condom on her nightstand, only then did he sit up straight to tear off the plastic package and pull out the elastic. 
Slipping the condom onto his cock he got back on top of Monica as he positioned the tip right at her entrance. Monica wrapped her hands around his broad back and he used his other hand to keep himself propped up on top of her.
“You ready?” he cooed.
“Are you ready?” Monica responded, mocking his response back in the arcade before they started the Just Dance game that most likely started all of this. Diego chuckled as he pushed himself inside of her, eliciting moans from both sides as he felt her warmth surround him and Monica felt him fill her up.
“Oh God, Diego…” she moaned desperately into his ear as her grip on his back got tighter, her eyes hazy as she looked at him.
“I’m going to start moving.” he breathed and Monica could only nod in response. Slowly Diego started moving, gentle at first as he started setting a rhythm that would work for Monica. When she wrapped her legs around his waist and used the heels of her feet again to push at his lower back he took the hint and his thrusts started getting deeper, harder, and rougher. 
Monica felt as if she was seeing stars at the back of her closed eyelids every time she felt him thrust inwards. Her legs started losing their strength as she struggled to keep them on Diego’s waist so she could arch her hips to match his rhythm. 
“Fuck. Diego. Yes.” she wasn’t make sense of her words as she moaned out loud. 
Diego had buried his face into her neck as he was thrusting, lifting his head to whisper into her ear, “I thought we were supposed to keep quiet?”
“We can keep them up all night for all I fucking care.” Monica responded breathily.
Diego smiled as he proceeded to suck at Monica’s neck while keeping up his pace, ignoring the slight sting at feeling her nails digging into his back. He stopped sucking and watched as a purplish red bruise started to form. 
Their scents, sweat, moans, and body heat mixed into the air as Diego kept thrusting until he could feel it - the sensation that he was about to release.
“D-Diego…” Monica stuttered.
“I’m almost there.” he moaned in response.
“Me too…” 
A few more thrusts and Monica started noticing a change in his pace as it got hastier, losing his original rhythm while she started feeling her vision fading to black. Diego was moaning a slur of curse words under his breath as he reached closer and closer into his climax.
“Diego…!” Monica mewled, at her limit. Then with a final thrust Diego cried out her name in response as it felt like time had stopped and he released into the condom. 
The last of Monica’s leg strength drained, they fell to the side as Diego just momentarily stayed on top and inside of her to catch his breath. He looked at her, both of them panting and flushed red, when a drop of sweat from his forehead dripped into her eye.
“Ow, hey!” she exclaimed, slapping Diego playfully on his back as he laughed.
“Sorry about that.” he said, wiping the sweat off his forehead before his hand went down to hold onto the bottom of the condom as he pulled out. Sitting up he slipped the filled up condom off his softening cock and he held it up to Monica, who pointed at a trash can at the corner of her room in response and a box of tissues on her nightstand.
Reaching over and grabbing a couple he wrapped the used condom in them, careful not to spill any of its contents. He took the torn up wrapper and slipped off the bed to throw it into the trash can while Monica slipped under her blanket and enjoyed the view of his fine ass as he walked over there. 
Diego joined her under the blanket after taking care of the condom, Monica inching closer so she could lay her head on his chest as he placed his arm around her and buried his nose into her hair. They stayed like that in silence for a while, with Monica listening to his steady heartbeat.
“Wait, did you just give me a hickey?” she asked suddenly.
“I might have.” Diego responded casually, shortly having one of her pillows hit him in the face. “I got in the mood.” he said in his defence though he was fighting back a laugh.
“Thank you for officially starting Turtleneck Week.” Monica said, setting down the pillow she used to hit Diego and rolling her eyes.
“Please. You’ll look hot either way.” was Diego’s response as he cupped Monica’s face with one of his hands, caressing her cheek. She felt herself immediately melting into his touch as he pulled her closer, kissing her softly this time. Sweet and innocent… not like the sloppy, carnal mess earlier.
Monica lay her head back down on Diego’s chest, instantly calm. “Guess this means no attempts on Mexican for three months, huh?” she said.
Diego didn’t say anything at first as he played with her hair. “Still have that contract?” he asked.
“It’s in my phone. I’ll go get it.” Monica pried herself off of Diego as she walked over near her door where she dropped her purse, feeling his eyes look her up and down the way she did not too long ago. Once she fished her phone out of her purse she made her way back under the blankets with Diego. “And… here it is.” she said, tapping it open and presenting it to Diego.
Diego took her phone from her and stared at the screen for a moment before tapping on the trash can icon, deleting it. This surprised Monica for a short moment until a smile broke out on her face. Diego set her phone aside on the nightstand and noticed she was beaming.
“Just don’t overdo it, okay?” he said, gently pushing her back on his chest so he could play with her hair again. 
“You’re the best… papi.” Monica responded, succumbing to a fit of giggles and Diego just let out a sigh.
“Goodnight, Monica.” he said, kissing her on the top of her head, making her stop giggling though a smile was still plastered on her face.
“Goodnight… Diego…”
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ancientstone · 5 years
Chuck Beeman: *Is extra careful to make sure he can’t be seen giving Diego the key to escape*
Diego: *Instantly holds it up in full view*
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Chuck: Why is there blood everywhere?!
Diego: I might have aggressively poked someone with a knife.
Eudora: You stABBED SOMEONE?!?!
Keith: No, no. I aggressively poked them with a knife.
for all yall that dont know chuck is eudoras cop friend
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himbohargreeves · 5 years
river u should write s2 bc i can just FEEL the disrespect already
On the one hand I’m like tua writers stop pretending Diego isn’t Latino in s2 challenge but then on the other hand he’s like the only poc left who hasn’t died/been violently injured so maybe he can stay white for them actually hakjhsdkaj
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lovehurried · 4 years
TAG DROP  •  Eudora Patch (1/3)
EUDORA PATCH  •  what you do out there is a fantasy. EUDORA PATCH  :  face. EUDORA PATCH  :  voice. EUDORA PATCH  :  about. EUDORA PATCH  :  thoughts. EUDORA PATCH  :  likes. EUDORA PATCH  :  music. EUDORA PATCH  :  desires. EUDORA PATCH  :  wardrobe. EUDORA PATCH  :  aesthetic. EUDORA PATCH  &  jeremy patch. EUDORA PATCH  &  lauren patch. EUDORA PATCH  &  diego  ‘ the kraken ’  hargreeves.  ( seizingdays ) EUDORA PATCH  &  charles  ‘ chuck ’  beeman. EUDORA PATCH  &  grace hargreeves.  ( frequencyfound )
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tua-masked-author · 3 years
Entry - Inevitable End
Title: Inevitable End Ao3 URL: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/TUA_Masked_Author_GenJune21/works/31988806
Rating: M Characters: Chuck Beeman, Vanya Hargreeves, Eudora Patch, The Handler, Agnes Rofa Warnings: Major character death, Graphic depictions of violence Complete or WIP: Complete Chapters: 1/1 Wordcount: 2005 Description: Since the first time those kids showed up on TV, he’d been dreading the day it all went belly-up. It impressed a part of him, really, that it hadn’t all gone so wrong earlier. Unfortunately for the kids, their luck hadn’t lasted long enough.
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bad-ass-stapler · 5 years
Allison, mid-conversation with Eudora: So you’re saying, when you’re around Diego, that when your face turns red and your chest tightens, you think that means that you’re angry?
Eudora: Yeah.
Allison: Do you feel that way when you’re mad at me?
Eudora: ...No.
Allison: What about Chuck Beeman?
Eudora: No.
Allison: Dale Cheddar?
Eudora: No.
Allison: So, What you feel towards Diego isn’t anger, it’s probably... *waits for Eudora to understand*
Eudora: !!!
Eudora: Super anger!
Allison: Eudora no-
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krakentm · 5 years
rewatching episode 8 and I just caught a glimpse of the key up Beeman’s sleeve. first time we watched through @seancetm was convinced that Diego stole the key but I KNEW that Chuck was secretly a GOOD PERSON
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47burlm · 5 years
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Chuck Yeager: Hey, Ridley, ya got any Beeman's?
Jack Ridley: Yeah, I think I got me a stick.
Chuck Yeager: Loan me some, will ya? I'll pay ya back later.
Jack Ridley: Fair enough.
Chuck Yeager I think I see a plane over there with my name on it
Jack Ridley- Now your talking
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incorrecthargreeves · 5 years
Chuck: [about Diego] There’s something weird going on with that guy.
Patch: I knew it. Ugh! I can’t believe I’m gonna sleep with him.
Chuck: Well, you don’t have to.
Patch: No, I’m gonna.
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umbureraakademi · 5 years
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[Potential spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen or finished TUA Netflix series but seriously how could you stop yourself from watching such a captivating show.]
HELLO~ okay so before I start posting any chapters I thought I should make a separate post on the AU setting for this fic to hopefully get any “so what happened to...” questions out of the way. I may also use this as a menu for hyperlinking any new chapters I post. Situation: 
Alternate universe where Diego pushed through with the Police Academy and became a detective working with Chuck Beeman and Eudora Patch. The apocalypse is non-existent but they still have their abilities. Police cases are heavily based on another one of my favorite shows Brooklyn Nine Nine because seriously who has the time to do actual research on police work in America when you’re not even American.
Diego x Female OC
Face Claims
What happens to the other characters:
Luther & Allison: somewhere being weirdly incestuous together (sorry not really my faves so I’m not planning on involving them too much here)
Klaus: still on drugs and in and out of rehab
Five: after jumping into the future with no apocalypse he’s just simply stuck there with everyone grown up and him still a kid, still tries to act weirdly mature although he’s technically still younger than everyone
Ben: still dead and stuck to Klaus
Vanya: still unaware of her powers because shit she’s too motherfucking OP
Pogo & Grace: still alive and in the Umbrella Academy mansion, Grace is still slowly malfunctioning due to mechanically growing older as a robot
Reginald Hargreeves: still dead though instead of suicide he did have a heartattack and Grace malfunctioned at the time of his death.
Hazel, Cha-Cha, and the Handler biz: non-existent 
*There may also be cameos from some of my fave actors and I may or may not change their names depending on how lazy I am.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Stay tuned~
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