#i managed to come up with many movies i just forgot who people were. to tag. wuh oh
clannfearrunt · 8 months
7 movies 7 tags!!!
I got tagged by @toadstool32 hi tiny! When I first saw this I was thinking Wow i have Never seen a movie in my life but I've had several hours to marinate and I've dug up some memories
The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T (1953) - This is the most recent movie I watched, it does show its age in like. The casual racism in the supporting cast but otherwise it was very charming and very fun.
Super Mario Bros. (1993) - I unironically love this movie it's so fun I want to play in this space I want to explore this worlddddddd. Also they destroy the twin towers
Promare (2019) - That shit was SO HYPE and very stupid but it knows what it is and it is so fun as a result. Embrace it! Also fun fact for about a year before I actually watched it I somehow thought both Lio AND Galo were girls. I think he/him lesbians Lio and Galo would rule actually just make sure not to change anything else about them
Watership Down (1978) - I love bunny war. As far as animals fiction goes this is really up there it's top notch stuff. I actually did go back and read the book after watching it the first time and I love it a lot
The Thing (1982) - I watched it for Bakura reasons you have to understand the Bakura thought process yourself though. Also for Jed the Best Dog. I liked it! I'm glad to have watched it. I cannot watch it again.
Joshua and the Promised Land (2003) - So if you want to see a movie based on a biblical story. Don't watch this one. Genuine props to the guy for making this thing almost entirely on his own but idk maybe watch veggie tales or something
Fly Me to the Saitama (2019) - This thing is so fucking funny but I think the bulk of the humor is completely un-localizable idk the entire premise is a whole bunch of petty interprefecture drama played up for laughs. Also I didn't know it had yaoi when I watched it blind with my mom. SHE knew it was yaoi. Can you give me a heads up so I don't have to play the "IS MY PARENT COOL WITH THIS" roulette
I don't think the original intent of the tag game included "write a small review / personal fun fact for each movie" but here we are I'm gonna tag uhhh
@raptorcivilization , @xerxestexastoast , @seases , @skuitti , @enigmadoodles , @beanist , ahhh fuck all the sudden I don't know who anyone is I'm tagging *PBS Voice* Viewers Like You!
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Joel Miller x f!reader: Drunk
Summary: Your boyfriend is being a work obsessed dick so you send him out to get drunk with his brother. Warnings: Alcohol consumption, allusion to smut (i think?), soft!joel, drunk!joel, kind of asshole!joel at the beginning, Please let me know if there is anything that I've forgot to put a warning for. This has not been proof read so any mistakes are completely my fault. Enjoy and don't forget to reblog and like so that the algorithm can do its thing. Words: 1,3k
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Joel Miller was an asshole to most people. To his employees, to people he saw on the street, he came across as an asshole but that was simply the charm of him. In reality, he was a polite Texan gentleman who loved his girlfriend and family but just so happened to have a resting bitch face and a natural dickish tone. 
To you, Joel Miller was a teddy bear. You made each other breakfast and coffee on a morning, got ready for the day together and once you were both home from work, you relaxed together. But ever since Joel’s construction company had taken off, relaxing evenings turned into you begging Joel to stop looking a blueprints and just pay attention to the movie for once. Instead of both of you destressing, Joel never stopped and you got more worked up trying to get him to relax. 
Eventually, you had to bring in reinforcements in the form of Tommy Miller. Tommy had planned a night out for the boys from work and Joel had been invited but had not so politely turned it down with the excuse of not wanting his boys to have to spend their night with him. Contrary to what Joel believed, many of his boys wanted him there. His quick wit and dry humour made him popular amongst his employees as well as the fact that he didn’t take anyone’s shit. If you aren’t doing your job, you faced the consequences but if you did your job well, you would roll in the rewards. 
“I’m not going.” Joel grunted as he sat back down at the kitchen table, documents piling high and his reading glasses sat beside them. 
“Joel Miller I will drag you into your brother’s truck kicking and screaming if I have to.” You threatened and Joel, like a goddamn child, fucking pouted. 
“Why? I don’t want to spend my night with them and they don’t-.” 
“You’re going. You’re going to get some alcohol into your system, socialise with somebody who isn’t me and I hope to god you come back drunk and without this new workaholic asshole that has sprouted.” You yelled and Joel fell silent, flicking through the pages of his paperwork. “And if you pick up that pen once more, I’ll fucking jam it up your asshole.” 
Joel smirked and opened his mouth to come up with some snarky reply but you were quick to cut him off. “And it will be the only form of action you get for a helluva long time.” Your harsh words seemed to put his brain back into gear and he sighed. 
“What time’s Tommy getting here?” He asked and you grinned, mood doing a complete 360. 
“He’s on his way, you look great.” You smiled brightly, brushing a few of his stray locks back into place and pecking his lips. “Enjoy.” He walked to the door, scowl on his face and Tommy couldn’t hold back his laughter as he pulled up outside his brother’s home. 
“I owe your girl $30. Get in, we’re headed straight to the bar.” Tommy cheered as Joel pulled himself into the passenger seat with a low growl, not ready for the night ahead. 
Somehow, drunk Joel was so much worse than sober Joel. Instead of making quick remarks at everything anyone said to him, he stared wistfully at his phone screen, head resting on one hand as he stared at the photo of you from a few months ago, his favourite one of you to date. “C’mon big brother, lighten up a little. She’s set some kind of reverse curfew, doesn’t want you back any earlier than 11.” Joel hummed in agreement, now scrolling through his entire camera album dedicated to you. 
Once Tommy had managed to get a few more beers in him, he offered him a game of pool and Joel seemed to brighten up a little bit, missing the days when he and Tommy would go to their local bar every night and shoot pool for hours at a time. “I’m pretty sure I beat your ass last time.” Joel teased and Tommy rolled his eyes. 
“You got years on me old man.” Tommy snarked back and Joel barked a laugh, racking up the balls while Tommy chalked up the cues. 
After a few games with varying opponents and a concoction of different drinks, Joel was ready to go home, Tommy more than happy being the designated driver. “She’ll be proud, it’s almost 12.” He chuckled and Joel shrugged, ready to go home and see his girl. 
Climbing out of the truck, he stumbled to the front door, looking for his key before almost falling through the door when it opened. “Goddamn! There’s a fuckin’ angel in my house. Tommy there’s an angel in my house!” You nodded your thanks to Tommy before he drove off and then led your man into the kitchen. “Hi baby.” He drawled and you couldn’t help but smile. 
“Hey handsome. You have fun?” She asked and he shook his head. 
“Kicked all their asses.” He slurred, almost falling against the counter as you steadied him. 
“Oh yeah?” Joel nodded and you handed him a glass of water watching his face sour. 
“No more vodka. Have to go see my girlfriend.” You chuckled and pushed the pill into his hand and nodded. 
“Well your girlfriend said this pill is gonna make you feel better and you need to drink water before we go to bed.” Joel thought about it and you knew just what to say to convince him. 
“She even said you might get lucky tomorrow if you take the pill.” You hummed and he threw his head back, swallowing the pill and then downing the water, slamming the glass on the side for dramatic effect. “And now you need to brush your teeth because I’m not going to kiss you with the taste of whatever ‘Tommy special’ you’ve been drinking. 
“Thought you like my kisses?” He frowned, eyes wide and you smiled. 
“I do baby but I’ll probably get drunk from one kiss and we only need one drunk in this house.” You teased, taking his hand and dragging him towards the stairs, doing an awkward shuffle to drag and guide him up each step. Halfway to the bathroom Joel stopped moving and you looked at him with amusement sparkling in your eyes. “Everything ok?” 
“No.” Joel grabbed your wrist and stomped over to the bed, flopping on it and pulling you on top of him, quickly flipping your position and resting his head on your chest, looking up at you. “Missed you.” He hummed, reaching up to press a kiss to your chin, leaning up on his elbows and pressing a multitude of extremely delicate kisses across your face. “I like you.” 
You staved off a laugh and smiled. “I like you too. Can we go brush our teeth now?” He shook his head, his eyes holding some kind of childish innocence to them as he pecked each area of your face. 
“I love you.” He muttered against your nose and you giggled. 
“Joel, I can taste the vodka on your breath. Please can we go brush our teeth. We’ll come straight back to bed and we don’t have to leave until tomorrow afternoon.” You tried but he just shook his head. 
“Sorry for being an asshole. Shouldn’t be working so much.” He murmured and you smiled. 
“It’s been stressful for you but it’s ok. We’ll get through it. Thank you for apologising.” You whispered and he nodded, going back to pressing kissed along your hairline. 
“You didn’t say you love me.” He mumbled shyly and you chuckled. 
“I love you with every atom in my body, Joel Miller. I love your grumpy looking face and your scary voice and I can’t imagine my life with out you but for the love of us can we please go and brush your teeth. You smell like you brought the entire damn bar home.” 
“Fine but only because you love me.”
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oirawoiram · 1 year
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illicit affairs (feat. kim chaewon)
prologue (kim chaewon x idol!femreader)
summary: meeting the right person but at the wrong time. love vs career, which will prevail? bitter exes to lovers pipeline.
a/n: hiya, i'm maru. this is my first time writing. grammar and spelling mistakes are mine. lowercase intended. please don't repost. likes/reblogs appreciated :)
warnings: none, but will have swearing on later chapters. angst later on, may have suggestive scenes but nothing explicit.
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falling in love was never part of the plan. not once was it written in your carefully constructed agenda as an idol trainee. the dilemma started when your stupid heart started to stutter at the thought of her. the one who made your days bearable, even when things get tough. 
she was the sunshine to your rain, the one who could turn your frown upside down. feelings may be normal, but as an idol trainee, it might as well mean the end of your career, feelings were never meant to be part of the equation. 
but why is the stupid organ in your chest acting up? small smiles makes your stomach lurch, chest aflutter. you really shouldn't be feeling this way.
especially not for your best friend, kim chaewon.
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you really should have seen this coming, considering that she's everything someone could ever want. chaewon was one of those people who just had that exuberant and magnetic glow that has never failed to pull people in.
it certainly didn't help that she was just so damn charming, all smiles and giggles. she's always been popular, full of charisma, like she was born to be an idol, one of the many things that drew you in when you first met her. even as a trainee, she turned people's head. she was the perfect trainee, talented, humble and most of all drop dead gorgeous. how you managed to befriend her will always be a mystery.
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meeting her was like living through one of those coming of age movies, the two of you first meeting through an unfortunate event. more specifically, getting stuck in an elevator on your first day as a trainee. if you weren't nervous enough, this definitely made you panic, not only were you going to be late for your first day. you had no idea how to navigate through this whole ordeal.
in your state of panic, you completely forgot that there was someone else with you, until the girl curses and exhales in annoyance. 
you turn your eyes to the other girl, making eye contact and giving her a wry smile, which she returns.
she was pretty, and you didn't like the way felt a small flutter in your stomach, just from receiving that smile. the girl had long black hair, chocolate brown eyes, her form petite and outfit immaculate. if you hadn't known better, it would have been love at first sight.
'first time?' she says.
you look at her confused. 'excuse me?'
she laughs, head thrown back, while you're staring at her, utterly dumbfounded. 
'did i end up getting stuck with a weirdo?' you thought silently.
the girl calms down and speaks.
'is this your first time getting stuck on the elevator? it happens a lot." she explains.
you nod your head in acknowledgment. 
'i see, then i'm guessing this isn't your first time getting stuck?' you ask.
she smiles, eyes turning into small crescent moons. 
'yep, it's become part of my routine at this point. it's annoying most times, but it's not so bad because i have company today.' she says, and you're not sure why that had such an effect on you but you were silently cursing your beating heart. 
'now is not the time to be acting up.' you thought internally.
before you even had the chance to reply, the girl speaks again, this time introducing herself.
'i'm chaewon, kim chaewon, i'm a trainee here, it's my first time seeing you around.' she says with that everlasting smile.
you introduce yourself, extending your arm to shake her hand.
'i'm (name), nice to meet you chaewon, kim chaewon. i'm also a trainee here, it's supposed to be my first day today.' 
chaewon furrowed her eyebrows, amused. 
'any reason for saying my name twice?' she asks.
'not my fault you introduced yourself that way.' you retorted.
you hadn't thought it was possible but her smile widens and she shakes her head whilst giggling. 
'you know what (name), i think this is the beginning of a great friendship.' 
you should have known that from this point on, you were screwed. you had no chance again that damned smile which brought you to your current dilemma.
you were utterly and absolutely enamoured with your best friend.
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loveislandthegame · 1 month
thoughts on todays volume! in case you are unaware, android users got to play the volume very early, while ios users were given a late release. lmao. (i have both ios & android, but my phone is old & i didn’t want to add “slideshow frame rate” to a game that’s already glitchy af) somehow i managed to escape the horde of unmarked spoilers 🙏🏽
first off, felicity is stunning !!! i'm surprised she had an actual sprite rather than getting the zeph & cassius treatment . if she's not coming back that's such a waste of a really cool & pretty design
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friend is really generous, jin . i get OG LI is trying to be nice or whatever but be so fr 😭 the only thing that sienna has been is a boring antagonist, she’s not shown not one single ounce of personality besides being delulu and coming at MC sideways (and it’s mainly because FB now struggles with writing multi-faceted characters…which is why they have AI allegations in the first place…)
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speaking of delulu : theo , girl... how many times do i gotta tell you i'm all in on claudia unless they actually let us be poly at the end
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MC somehow came out unscathed in movie night, plot armor for the win ! the guys pull MC for a chat before the boy's choice recoupling. the pit in my stomach when i read that.
theo flirts again, but this time our responses are flirty, rude af, or "you should focus on claudia." i didn't want to pick any of these but i picked the flirty one because at first i thought it could be "jokingly" said. interestingly enough, he says something among the lines of how he didn't expect MC to be interested in him because she's with claudia . i didn't want that to bite me in the ass later so i just replayed and picked the rude option (so it seems that it's "canon" for theo & claud to simultaneously crush on MC? at least if she's bi/pan etc.)
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i saw this coming but still, this has to be a joke … 😭😭😭😭😭
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there’s like what, three volumes left ? unless FB decides to drag this out with a “season 8.5,” this should’ve been a players choice recoupling (hell, it technically could've still been boys choice, with MC getting first pick for winning the heart rate challenge, or because she was selected by the viewers, literally anything lol)
it'd be one thing if OG LI was like, "i chose you because i wanted to keep you safe . even if we're not meant to be, i still care for you, i want you have a chance with the one you want," blah blah blah, but FB never lets us be in a friendship couple, he's just gonna keep pining for MC ... moving on
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i forgot to screenshot the first part but it was basically claudia fantasizing about her and MC living in a huge house like the villa, MC was like "how are we gonna afford that"
my MC is a musician, so cuteee
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i...what ? 😬 genuinely , what . i read this like 5 times and i still don't understand. unfortunately he did couple up with me, that's why i'm forced to hang out with claudia in the damn shower instead of being out in the open with her . somebody get this grandma to bed
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i kinda love the cowgirl outfit. it's terrible, but i love it in a kitschy way . also i just kinda went with it because the mermaid outfit was clipping through MC's braids (as you can see the hat has some weird layering issue, but it's the lesser of two evils)
claudia's outfit wasn't paywalled, and i didn't get the gem option to give jin the viking outfit so he came out looking like this lmfaooooooo
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okayyyyyy cowboy carter!
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logan arrived way too late imo. again, unless FB plans on extending the season (or he's not romanceable ?) people who get with him are gonna get less time than oliver, angie, youcef romancers. you know how little time that is ???
as for the whole hazel and liam thing ... horrible. , she really deserves better, like me 💋 
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
My Sweetheart 💞 🎸
hi! i was wondering if i could request an eddie mumson x reader where eddies band gains like overnight popularity and it goes to his head because people like him and girls really like him ( no cheating bc Eddie wouldn’t do that) and he starts to ditch the reader and maybe even dustin/robin/steve because of it and its angsty but with a happy ending if possible thanks
Warnings; angst to fluff.
It had happened seemingly overnight but Corroded Coffin had made it big, a music executive was at their gig at The Hideout and saw raw talent in the band and decided to give them a record deal.
Eddie liked the attention Corroded Coffin was getting and all the girls screaming for him were awesome too.
Only one girl held his heart though and that was his princess.
Still, he never thought that he would get this kind of attention ever, he was always the freak, the outcast most of his life and holding so many people's attention, them liking him was insane to him.
So yeah, he was enjoying the fact that the band's star was rising and he could take his beautiful girl yn out for fancier dinners and spoil her.
She was so supportive and she was his rock.
Everything, since Corroded Coffin had gotten big, was happening so fast though and there were dozens of higher profile gigs and more and more fans wanting to know everything about them.
Girls threw themselves at all the boy's feet and it was nice, yeah but at the end of the day he had his dream girl in y/n and he didn't want anyone else.
That reminds him that he really needs to call his girl, it's the third time this week that hes had to cancel dinner with her, and movie night with her, Dustin, Steve, Robin and the gang.
He will make it up to her though. Right after this gig was done.
Then he never managed to as their manager invited them out for drinks, something always managed to crop up and then it had been weeks of broken promises and missed dates...
She was fuming, and Dustin was upset because it was the third time Eddie hadn't shown up for movie night.
He had also been missing their dates for weeks now maybe even longer and she was pissed off.
She was so happy that Corroded Coffin was making it big but she hoped that Eddie had remembered he had her, his uncle Wayne and his friends at home, who loved him before he was a star but obviously not.
How long would he want to be with her now anyway? He had girls falling at his feet and he could live a rockstar life.
The thought hits her like a ton of bricks and she feels her heart break, would that happen?
She believed Eddie loved her with his whole heart but the anxiety wouldn't leave her now she had thought about it.
Coupled with the fact that she was still mad and the minute Eddie walked through the door clearly just coming off a gig she was ready to blow.
"Hey, princess" he beams then his smile fades at her glare.
"Suddenly remember that your girl exists do you?". He swallows.
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry I've been missing dates, things just got so crazy and..." She cuts him off.
"I understand about Corroded Coffin taking off and I'm so proud of you Eddie but it's been weeks of broken promise, missed dates and I'm sick of it. I feel like I don't mean anything to you anymore".
His eyes widen.
"No, no sweetheart, you're everything to me, I love you so much". She feels tears pool in her eyes.
"It's just pretty words, Eddie, that's it. You tell me this all the time and nothing changes, you cancel dates to go to industry parties or some shit! You forgot Dustin's birthday until I reminded you! I'm just tired, Eddie"
His eyes widen with fear.
"I just don't feel important enough to you anymore and I'm sick of it". With that, she walks away from him.
Eddie feels like shit, hes been doing all the gigs, enjoying the fame and he kept treating his girl like shit, missing dates, cancelling to go to stupid parties, he was an idiot.
He was going to ask her to marry him tonight and thanks to his actions she thinks she isn't important and Eddie is so pissed at himself.
He loves her, she is the only woman for him, the love of his life and he needs to make sure she knows that.
To start off he cuts down on the parties he doesn't need to go to, the industry ones are important but the parties just for the sake of parties are cut right out.
He also makes sure to attend every date night and not to forget, he buys a calendar and marks it down In big bold letters so he remembers.
He also includes his friends, uncle Wayne and y/n in more of his gigs, taking them to the industry dinners and parties.
Especially his Uncle Wayne, Dustin and yn, the three people who have loved him through thick and thin.
He knew for a while he had to get his shit together with his girl and he's glad she called him out on his shit because it's the kick up the ass he really needed.
Yes, he loves Corroded Coffin being fully recognised but that shouldn't mean he forgets the people most important to him.
One other thing he does is makes sure that his fans know that he has a beautiful girl by his side, he has y/n and he's off limits. She's the only woman he ever wants.
He dedicates songs to her at their gigs and even wrote one for her, it was called my sweetheart, it was a far cry from everything that the band did but he sang it every night for y/n.
It was his special tribute to her and the first time she heard it she burst into happy tears and peppered little kisses over his face.
The most important thing he does though is apologise.
"I'm so sorry I was a dick to you, to everyone ditching plans, dates. It's all just been so overwhelming all of this princess and I got caught up in everything, I've found a new balance now and it makes everything so much easier, I just hope you're still not mad"
She softens.
"Not anymore, I'm sorry I went off on you like that Eddie I was frustrated and you needed to know how much you were hurting me, everyone else". He strokes her cheek and cuddles her close to him.
"You, uncle Wayne, my friends are so important to me and of course, the band is too, Jesus h Christ I never thought we would take off like this but shit, I never ever want you to feel unimportant to me again. Never".
The very next night after he performs My Sweetheart, he jumps off the stage and makes his way through the crowd in the front row and to y/n and dropped down on one knee.
Then he proposed and when she said yes it was the happiest fucking moment of his life. He was never going to mess up and risk losing his girl again.
He would make sure if that.
💞 🎸
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Rewatched The Avengers and took notes the entire time. Many of them having to do with Loki. Please enjoy.
"I am loki of asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose" it sounds like something that was put into his mind, repeated to him over and over.
the other says the words "who (thanos) gave you ancient knowledge and new PURPOSE."
his whole spiel that he goes on about freedom could've possibly also been said to him by whoever (the Other) got into his mind and tortured him. or it's the mind stone affecting him and it's the mind stone's message to loki or whoever holds/uses it (could definitely be wrong here. just a thought)
I think people are right when they say he purposefully lost
it's made even more obvious in the scene -with The Other- at the end of their interaction that Loki has been tortured and put through immense pain. I mean he was bending over in pain and was struggling and he also looks very sick when he first shows up. TORTURED.
when did thor learn loki was working with the chitauri?? I guess a scene they didnt share during their interaction
not a note on loki but on steve. it always bugged me the way he was about orders and shit when in his own movies he's the exact opposite. he was the rule breaker the one who stopped following orders. the only reason for him to be this way I think is maybe it's because he's just got out of the ice at this point this is new and he doesnt want to rock the boat too much. I'm not sure how well that applies tho
Tom Hiddleston's acting gets me every time he's fucking fabulous my god i love him sm
I want to make out with him aggressively (loki)
phil coulson I would die for you
back to the I believe the people that say loki wanted them to win. stark is talking about how loki made it personal (killing phil) he's saying it's to tear them apart but no. it's like what fury did with the cards. it brought them together. it's the reason they were even able to win. and it's easily disguised as what stark interprets it as by them and the people controlling Loki.
on that note again. "and you've managed to piss off every single one of them." and then loki, "that was the plan." YES IT WAS
Ik he got blown up right after but loki was so hot when he caught that arrow and then leaned back with that smirk on his face
more on the loki wanted them to win. erik was conscious enough when being controlled to create a safety feature when building the portal and everything
I don't get how people would blame the avengers for the destruction when all of it wouldve happened either way and most of them would be dead if the avengers werent there. ALSO it was a WAR maybe not a normal one but a war nonetheless. when has there EVER been a war without destruction? answer, NEVER EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER
cant see loki with that thing over his mouth without thinking if the scene in endgame when it's revealed it was be cause he wouldnt shut up. I think it's so funny he was literally waging war on earth after everything with thanos and then when he's had his ass handed to him he just goes back to his little annoying shenanigans 😭 like turning into cap and mocking him. he's such a funny little guy I love him
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midnight-scrivener · 5 months
Kids are wild, dude.
Couple days ago, me and Partner popped over to Disney Springs to a) buy some mead, and b) spend gift card money to go see the Boy and the Heron (10/10 so good).
I was chilling on a wall outside, waiting for Partner in the bathroom, and behind me, I hear a tiny, clear voice, filled with the plaintive ennui of someone who's been trapped in a time loop for aeons unknown, say, "just let me die."
*Freeze, slow turn*
Reader, allow me to paint you a picture.
There is a man, the daddest man perhaps ever to dad. He is wearing a visor. The visor says something like, "have a Disney day™️" on it in red swirly font. His hair is sticking straight up out of the top of the visor, like a mad scientist who forgot he was leaning on the Tesla coil when he told his Igor to throw the switch, henchman! This gives the distinct impression that this is not his visor, but rather was hastily thrust upon him, likely by a spouse who is also in the bathroom. It was cold out (for Florida anyway), so this man was wearing a heavy Patagonia fleece, and, in true Dadly fashion, little cargo shorts, pockets bulging, dragging the shape of the garment parabolically earthward, laden with the responsibilities inherent in being the Vacation Manager and Bearer of the Visor. His legs were covered in gooseflesh. But, reader, he bore it.
He had sunglasses, those iridescent mirrored kind that make you think of sport fishermen. But they dangled around his neck, so I could see his eyes, vacant, staring, lined with the patient resignation that can only come from loving someone who is A Lot To Be Around. His hand, large and calloused and properly Daddish, was clasped with another set of tiny digits.
Dangling from his arm with a comfortable drama that implied this was but one time of many, was a tiny girlchild, no more than maybe five years old, wearing a full length Rapunzel princess gown, light-up Sketchers, and pink, glittery mouse ears that had been knocked askew in the process of her collapse and gave her hair the air of waging a losing battle with a little bird.
This girl, with the face of a cherub and the serious manner of an elderly man of state, stared off into a slightly different middle distance than her father. Her sketchers trailed over the ground as she rocked slightly in his gentle-but-firm grip. She sighed, and reader, I felt that sigh. In my bones. No one who's never experienced the weight of deep debt looming over them should be able to sigh like that.
She opened her mouth and said again in that clear, innocent voice, "Please won't you let me die?"
Her father, aware that people had begun to take notice, shook his head. "We're just waiting for Mommy."
This did not satisfy the tot. Still without a shred of distress, just the solemnity of a gig worker with twelve different 10-99 forms to file come tax season, asked "Yeah, but why can't I just die now?"
Her father closed his eyes. He was silent for long enough that I knew on some level he was wondering the same thing about himself. People were Aware of the situation now. Eventually he took a deep breath and looked down at her, still hanging from his arm. "It's against the rules to die at Disney World," he said. "Even if you want to. But tell you what, if you wait until we get back home, you can die there instead. That way Mommy and I can both be there."
The girl's mood brightened immediately. She got her feet under her and straightened, beaming up at her dad. "Oh, okay," she said. "After Mommy comes can we go to Legos?"
There's not really a proper end to the story, Partner just came out of the bathroom and we went to the movie. But damb. I hope that little girl knows I'll think about her at least once a day for the rest of my life.
Don't die. There might be Legos in it if you stay.
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gobbluthbutagirl · 10 months
realizing i have a whole bunch of “hope you’re ok” type messages from the past 1.5 months….SORRY GUYS!!! literally nothing happened!!! i just decided to stop posting for a while because i had had those two posts both blow up within a week of each other which of course was an unfriendly reminder that if you go more than like 3 degrees of separation outside of your immediate circle on this website you start encountering people who are genuinely too stupid to be alive. and i went through that whole “what do i get out of posting on here? NOTHING!” conversation with myself which of course was the same conversation that infamously led me to quit my job and move out of my shithole apartment/temporarily across the country 6 months ago and obviously not posting on a website is a much easier decision to make than either of those So. and then i didn’t post on here that i was doing that because i had no idea how long it would stick and i didn’t want to have a Goodbye Forever(See You Tonight!) moment. and then a few days after deleting the app i was like wow…i have so many more hours in the day all of a sudden! so i did not come back even to say goodbye which of course made it look like i had disappeared without a trace. SAD!
anyway…i have an extremely temporary part-time “job” now helping my mom’s friend move out of her house which she has dubbed “grey gardens” for reasons i assume are self-explanatory. which is the main thing that has changed since i’ve been gone. AND she’s actually paying me more per hour than target did 😃 so Yeah. and here’s some other thoughts i’ve had in the past 1.5 months that could’ve been posts, in no particular order and as a wall of text with little to no punctuation for your inconvenience:
Search party “when you know you know you know you know” scene scene of all time Daily Dot article about tiktok about walmart customer who loudly asked where the douches were or some shit and someone commented “target customers would NEVER” literally YES they would what planet are you living on My mom asked me in the middle of hobby lobby why she’s seeing so much stuff online about folding chairs now My mom forgot who mitch mcconnell is AGAIN My brother’s friend alex sent my brother a snapchat from behind the wheel saying “fuck yeah nerve damage!!!” My brother’s manager at dunkin who they demoted him to bring over is already quitting I finally met my nephew’s father and he wore his cookout hat and an anime t-shirt to his son’s first birthday party and he was too scared to say a single word to me and later my sister said he said he wants me to bake his birthday cake and also asked if i smoke weed because i’m “so creative” and this man is almost 28 years old My dad finally got rid of the couch i had been telling him he should get rid of for 2 years because his mom was coming to visit and he didn’t want her to see it There was an arrested development reference in the barbie movie did anyone else notice. Also this was my birthday cake that i made:
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and here are some hounds:
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imgeekgirlfan · 10 months
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Pairings:  Amado Carrillo Fuentes x f!reader(Latina Reader) x Walt Breslin  [From Narcos: Mexico TV Series]
Content Rating : Mature 18+  Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warning (AT YOUR OWN RISK)
Synopsis:You find that what is even more challenging than your missions or dealing with the big drug dealer is having to cope with your feelings for Walt, which seem to grow stronger every day.
AN : This episode for those who love Walt, Lol. I believe many people are charmed by Walt, just like me. So, I would like to dedicate this episode to all the Walt fan club (of course, I haven't revealed who the Male Lead is yet, so let's all guess together whether it's Walt or Amado that will win the reader's heart).
Taglist: @juxt4p0siti0n​ (If you want to be added in this fic, just tell me in reply )
𝙍𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙙𝙖♱ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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[2]ᅳ 𝐄𝐥 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐛𝐨 ✟
Mexico City, Mexico
1300 (Military Time)
"So, tell me, how did you manage to survive Amado?" That was the question that everyone in the DEA office had been dying to know, but only You and Julio knew all the details.
You weren't surprised at all when you saw many faces peeking at you through their office desks with curiosity. As soon as you stepped out of your boss's office after reporting the progress of your undercover mission in Cuba, You felt all eyes on you. And the first person brave enough to ask you directly was Bill Carter, a DEA Agent who had a mischievous glint in his eye and was waiting for you in the office kitchen with a cup of hot coffee for you. He wasn't doing it out of kindness, but because he was nosy.
You took the coffee and two donuts from a large box left on the white table and started eating them hungrily. You almost forgot that you hadn't eaten anything substantial since coming back to Mexico.
These people wouldn't let you catch a break, but you found Bill's curiosity amusing, and you glanced at him while munching on a donut. He seemed eager to hear the story you were about to tell, and you felt like teasing him a little. "You want to know so badly, huh?"
"Sure, nobody else got as close as you did," Bill said, and although he had a bright smile on his face, You could sense the worry hidden behind it. "He didn't do anything to you, right?"
At least Bill's questions were more cautious than Julio's. You recalled the straightforward question from their honcho earlier: "You didn't sleep with him, did you?"
"At least almost" was what you replied to both Bill and Julio.
You wondered if there should be more to it. You had been thinking about it since you saw the fiery look in Amado's eyes. Of course, this man was like a supernova, surrounded by beautiful models waiting in bed for him with a snap of his fingers. So It surprised you that he didn't take you back with him that night, even though you knew he wanted to.
But no, he didn't. He didn't take you with him; he just asked to walk you back to your fake apartment, and it turned out to be quite an odd experience for you as a CIA agent. You had to hold hands and walk side by side with a drug dealer on a street late at night in Cuba, engaging in meaningless conversations completely unrelated to drugs and the missions you carried on your shoulders.
Amado was an excellent and fascinating conversationalist. He shared various stories about himself, none of which were mentioned in his official file. From his personal life (growing up in a large, impoverished family with more than ten siblings, getting married once and divorced), to his hobbies (passionate about flying planes to the extent of considering joining the Navy due to his love for Top Gun movies), and sometimes he would play quirky jokes that made you burst into laughter. Everything Amado did seemed natural, sincere, and charming, without any pretenses, which was different from how you were acting towards him.
It was only for a moment that you inadvertently thought of yourself as an ordinary woman, and the person beside you was just an ordinary man as well. But you would never be just an ordinary person, And Amado would too.
That was all that happened that night—almost. The strange and intense feelings lingered when you and he stood in front of the old wooden door, both sides stealing glances at each other in the midst of an awkward silence. While considering some thoughts in your head, you finally decided to lightly kiss his cheek before bidding a gentle farewell.
And he didn't touch you any more than that when you showed you didn't want it.
"I want to see you again next time," Amado said. But you secretly hoped you wouldn't meet him again, no matter where or when.
You sipped the hot black coffee, almost choking, when a fit of coughing sent the coffee splattering all over. Bill, flustered, quickly grabbed a tissue to hand over to you. "Hey, take it easy. Where do you need to hurry off to?"
"Sorry," you smiled sheepishly, wiping the coffee stains off your shirt and your mouth. "But that's it. Now we know for sure that Amado and the Cali Cartel are teaming up, which means there might be another major cocaine shipment coming into the U.S. The border will probably have some heavy work to do."
"A new Pablo is born," he sighed.
"Not really. Amado is different from Pablo. Pablo was reckless, but Amado is smart. He does things that neither Pablo nor Miguel would do."
Bill raised an eyebrow, considering your words and expression. He could tell that something was on your mind, but he didn't push any further. "I won't judge you for whether what you're doing is right or wrong, but I want you to know that you're playing with fire, literally. and make some people worry so much."
"What do you mean?" you asked casually, already knowing the answer.
"Walt is almost ready to fight Julio because that idiot thinks you might be in danger. And I don't blame him because I probably would have done the same if my partner did something foolish like getting involved with danger like that," he said, emphasizing the words ‘my partner’ His eyes glinted mischievously. You felt a surge of annoyance and wanted to push his face away.
"He's not my partner. The CIA doesn't have partners."
"But not for the DEA. Here, we work as a team. We all have each other's backs, whether you like it or not," Bill said, tossing the coffee cup accurately into the nearby trash bin before turning back to look at you. This time, his expression was more serious than before as he placed his hand gently on your shoulder.
"Remember that you're not alone," he said.
Bill's remark still lingered in your mind as you returned to your apartment. You opened the bathroom door and turned on the shower forcefully before letting the cold water flow through your dark brown hair and down your face. It felt like washing away the heavy burden that couldn't be seen, but you knew it was there, attached to you like a ghost.
"You're leading yourself into danger." That's what the CIA boss warned you about when you returned from Saudi Arabia, three years after his death. And suddenly, you felt a pang of remorse. toward Bill, Walt, and him.
Every mission you've ever done has always been a solo operation, and you've become accustomed to relying on yourself. You always built walls to keep everyone out For one reason only: you didn't want anyone else risking their lives for you, like something that happened to you in the past.
Raymond was right: "You're leading yourself into danger." At least you wanted to be sure that you were the only one who had to face the consequences.
You still closed your eyes, and in the darkness of your mind, you heard screams, explosions, and gunfire echoing from the depths of your soul. You didn't want the tragedy that happened in Saudi Arabia to repeat itself in Mexico.
A knocking sound grew louder as you had just finished taking a shower and dressing up. You tossed the hair towel on the hanger before walking to the white front door. Through the peephole, you saw Walt standing outside. You hesitated for a moment, thinking about what Bill had told you earlier about Walt almost fighting Julio because he was worried about you.
You weren't sure if Walt was still upset about it, and you weren't certain if you could handle arguments from him. But the truth was, you liked that Walt cared about you, and you couldn't deny the deep desire to see his face without any special reason.
Finally, you reached out and opened the door. There he was, dressed in a red plaid shirt and dark jeans, almost like his usual uniform. The only missing element was the black glasses that he had tucked away in his left chest pocket. Walt had one hand carrying multiple beers. bottles, and the other held a bag with the name of a popular restaurant in Mexico City. His face showed a hint of fatigue, but he managed a half-hearted smile as he greeted you.
"I guess you probably haven't had dinner yet; so I brought some taquitos for you," Walt said, breaking the ice. 
In the end, there was no arguing like you had anticipated. You both sat together on the blue leather sofa, enjoying tacos and beer as the television played a popular telenovela, creating background noise to keep things from getting too quiet. And certainly, no one was interested in watching silly soap operas at all. You absentmindedly fiddled with a beer bottle, trying to steal glances at Walt without him noticing.
But Walt always knew. He smiled slightly as your eyes met for a moment.
"You seem tired lately," Walt started to bring up the topic, "Maybe you should take a break, like two or three days off."
It was his intention for today to check on you and make sure you are alright after the risky mission you just went through.
You smiled back, knowing exactly what he was thinking. "I'll rest when you rest."
Walt's pros were his concern for others, but his cons were that he never included himself in that. If you worked hard, Walt worked just as hard. He was always the first one to arrive at the office every day and the last one to leave. Of course, he never took a break or leaving early
You and Walt are alike in this aspect. There was no way both of you would willingly stop and take a break.
Walt looked at you, chuckling softly at your answer that he had anticipated. "I could never defeat you, could I?"
"It's quite an honor for me to be able to outmatch a brave man like you, who even challenges every single person, including your boss."
His face under the mustache changes almost instantly, looking embarrassed like a child caught doing something wrong. Walt opened his mouth as if he was about to defend himself, but you raised your hand to stop him.
"I don't mean anything against you. Sometimes I just want to punch my coworkers too." You leaned back on the sofa and crossed your legs, making sure through your gaze that he wasn't feeling upset about the matter. You then reached out and lightly tapped his arm.
"But I don't want you to have problems at work," you added.
"It won't be a problem if you stick to the original plan," Walt argued, his voice more serious than before. "What you're doing outside of the orders is too dangerous. You could get killed."
"This is our work. We know well about the risk," you replied. 
The truth is hitting harder than ever. Even Walt couldn't argue against that. Mexico was a city of sin, where death was almost ordinary and could be found around every corner, whether it was for officers, criminals, or innocent bystanders. Every day as a DEA agent, he witnessed numerous losses, and sometimes he had to be the one to break the devastating news to the families or loved ones of his coworkers who were suddenly gone. and he couldn't help but wonder when it would be his turn.
"I know," Walt said softly, surprisingly vulnerable. "But I don't want you to die."
For a fleeting moment, it was you who couldn't argue anymore.
Silence filled the air as you gazed into his deep brown eyes, seeing the confusion, concern, and turmoil hidden within them. And sometimes, you felt like he could see the same in you.
At that moment, for a brief second, you thought you could just kiss him right then and there.
In the end, you chose to look away, deciding not to cross the line that could lead to regrettable consequences later on. You handled the remaining beer, letting its warmth flow down your throat, before exhaling a long breath while staring at the yellow wall in your room.
"Do you think we can do it?" You mumbled, unsure. "Can we catch him?"
Walt didn't answer immediately. He pondered in the silence for a while before finally sliding his hand to firmly grasp your hand.
"We can do it. Trust me," he said, his determination clear.
Even though you warned yourself not to look into his eyes again, the desire from the depths of your heart still won. In the end, you turned back to meet Walt's gaze once more.
Amidst the seemingly long silence that lasted only a few minutes, neither of you uttered a word. It was as if even a slight disturbance could destroy something that was quietly and delicately taking shape. You could feel the thumb from the large hand gently caressing the inside of your palm, warm and tender. Once again, you found yourself sinking into thoughts of wanting to pull him in for a kiss, but you weren't sure if he felt the same way.
Ironically, being a CIA agent taught you to read the thoughts of others as a profession, and you could do it with everyone. But now, you couldn't read the thoughts of the man right in front of you, not even the slightest bit.
"I think I should go now." 
Walt was the one who disrupted the quietness, clearing his throat before removing his hand from yours and standing up to his full height. Yet the warmth still lingered in your hand, and you felt disappointed with how it all ended. Nonetheless, you composed yourself gracefully, pausing briefly before walking him to the front door and bidding him a polite goodnight, as you should.
Whatever happened in Cuba has rewound in your mind again. It was just a change of characters, from Amado to Walt, but everything seemed almost the same. The strange sensation of standing by the door and looking into each other, lost in deep thoughts, hiding something within, until one person started saying farewell and the other walked away into the darkness
Although a part of you wanted to beg him to stay, in the end, you could only watch the back of Walt walking away until it vanished from your sight.
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 2 months
Here's the first chapter of my long fic!
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(Image taken from Pinterest)
@indignantlemur for all the good ideas and for helping me workshop this! (Some of their Andorian headcanons make an appearance, the girls who get it- get it)
Words: 1.3k
Summary: 25-year-old Hannah (OC) from 2007 San Francisco wakes up from cryo-sleep in Andoria- cue chaos
Rating: teen for language and cryo-sleep kidnapping stuff (she's ok just a popsicle)
(Aka, this is how Hemmer met his wife back in the 2240's. Not a single shred of canon in here)
Part One, Hannah: Super Secret Government Bullshit in Antarctica  
She didn’t expect to wake up in a tube. She’d woken up in plenty of weird places back in college; the quad, the library, McDonalds, and once inside Justice– the kids clothing store. 
The tube was new.  
Hannah shook it off. She must have gotten into some coked-up mess that was definitely her fault or her creation. Not the first time with that experience either. 
However, the tube opening with a hiss to a bunch of guys in lab coats sent her over the edge. She’d seen Saw and 28 Weeks Later. Dudes in crisp white lab coats did not mean good things. 
If there was anything Hannah was good at, it was bailing herself out. She had always been able to save her own skin- not like anyone else would come to save her anyway. 
So, she made the logical decision to run. 
Kicking and screaming, she flung herself out of the tube, shoving her way through the throng of people and out into the hallway. 
Door door door! Exit! Escape- 
She turned around to freeze. 
The alien was definitely new. 
She was tall, blue, and most certainly not what Hannah expected. Independence Day had ruined any hope of peaceful aliens for the eleven-year-old Hannah. That, and it had also ruined microwave corndogs, as she had almost hurled her snack up after finishing the movie. 
Spinning around, she decided she didn’t have time for aliens. 
She had to get out. 
A glance out the nearest window proved it to be winter and Hannah cursed loudly. She needed shoes and a coat to get anywhere, and she was in a dingy hospital robe. 
She turned back around. Maybe she did have time for aliens. 
Promptly, she fell to the floor. Pretending to play dead was a somewhat old trick, but she hoped it would work. 
It did.
The alien rushed over, jabbering something in a language that sounded foreign to her. Hannah had studied business to get a fashion career job- linguistics was not her thing. 
Neither was statistics, but she had managed to bluff her way through that class. 
Hannah swiftly grabbed the nearest pole-looking thing and held it to the woman's head. Threatening what looked like a nurse was not good for her image, but she’d live. She’d been the subject of many rumors and the unfortunate muse of many bad photos. 
I mean, who the fuck uses a Polaroid in 2007? 
The nurse froze and Hannah gestured to her shoes. Pointing at Hannah and her own feet, the nurse sighed and took off her slippers. 
Whether or not the nurse was just being indulgent to who she assumed to be a crazy patient, Hannah didn’t know. She didn’t much care either. 
As she pulled on the shoes, she spied a coat hanging on a nearby rack. 
Good enough. 
She grabbed it and threw it on as she descended a nearby stairwell. The walls had directions on them in English and some odd swirly language- but at least she knew where the lobby was. 
As she sprinted through the lobby, she found a guardpost at the entrance with a checkpoint. Barriers were a bitch to jump over, but she had done it a bunch of times on the subway when she forgot her train pass. 
So, she did the obvious solution. 
She made a break for it. 
The guards yelled and cursed in the odd language again, but she didn’t care. The only thing she needed was to get out of the crazy science experiment building. 
The aliens’ opinion of her was irrelevant. 
The door opened to the biggest blast of cold she had ever experienced. Her hometown was San Francisco. Snow was the herald of an apocalypse. 
The frigid blast definitely felt like the apocalypse. 
So, she knew she wasn’t home. She must have been in New York or something- 
She scoffed. 
Or Antarctica. 
Hannah continued on, running through the streets of the odd city. The buildings looked alien, everything looked alien. 
Ok. Secret society of aliens in Antarctica. Peachy. 
Then, a miracle. 
She stopped in the middle of the road she had been sprinting on. 
The…White House? 
The building in front of her was almost an exact replica; columns and Roman architecture and everything. The only thing missing was the American flag. 
If anyone can help- it’d probably be a human who’s not a nutjob in a lab coat. 
To be frank, Hannah didn’t like the government much. She’d seen the 2003 ‘Desert Storm Part 2’ in Iraq. She’d seen the effects of Vietnam, Kuwait, and Bagdad on the soldiers who came home, on her friends, on her family.  
She didn’t want to get buddy-buddy with any government guy, but if she was to get out of Secret Antarctica, she’d have to swallow more than a few comments. 
Not her forte, but she’d bite her tongue. 
So, she ran up the steps and inside. 
The door swung open to reveal…more aliens. Not a single human in attendance. Whatever they were doing- it wasn’t good. 
A group clothed in armor immediately put their hands on their weapons and started shouting at her in the odd language. The room descended into chaos. 
Hannah sighed heavily. If she was going to go, she was going to go out with a weapon in her hands. Damn God, damn the bureaucracy, and damn the aliens. 
Glancing around, she found a weird-looking saw on the wall. 
Perfect. A saw up against guns and bullets. Oh well, Valhalla it is. 
She lamented the irony of a war-hating bitch going up against a bunch of clearly trained soldiers, but hey c’est la vie. 
Or– in English– life is shit. 
She brandished the weapon, yelling at the soldiers to come closer.
“Fuck you! You wanna shoot me!?” She cried, desperately trying to control her tears, “Come on! Shoot me you fucks!” 
Her voice cracked on the last word. 
Damn it. Not representing the ‘bad bitch’ community very well, am I? 
A man yelled from the back of the crowd, pushing his way through. 
“Stop it! Put your weapons down! This is not the way!” He called forcefully, shoving the last guard aside. 
Hannah gasped a little, something deep within her mind clicking. It was almost like she’d seen him before- a million times even– despite knowing she’d never met him. 
He wasn’t like the blue guards. He wasn't like any of the aliens she’d seen so far. 
He was pale, tall, and dressed in what looked like traditional clothes of some remotely familiar Earth culture. Even more interesting, he was blind. 
His hands held no weapon, instead, they were raised in a calming gesture. 
“It’s ok.” He said softly, pushing his way in front of the guns, “You’re going to be ok.”
Her gut screamed in terror, but her mind was calm. Completely. Like she had just woken up from a nice nap or was drinking coffee at a cute cafe and certainly not in the range of sci-fi suped-up guns. 
He was pretty. His face reminded her of the stars or the moon. His eyes were fog on the ocean. Somehow, deep within her mind, she knew he was safe. 
Then, she surprised herself. 
She stepped forward and turned the weapon around, holding the blade to him. 
Handle first. 
The crowd gasped, each guard frantically looking between the tan Earth woman and the tall man. Despite the apparent alarm, she only stepped closer– within arms reach of the man– still offering the blade. 
His breath hitched. 
He only said one thing in response. 
She had no idea what the fuck that meant.
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unholy-screeching9 · 1 year
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King Dice x Reader ‘First Time’ Headcanons
King Dice x Reader ‘First Time’ Headcanons (GAME)
King Dice is a god in the bedroom, and he knows it. Before you came along, there were countless broads and bastards who offered him their souls for just one night in his room.
Even the Devil was very pleased with how Dice’s charm and control could bring so much business to his casino, so he would allow his lackey to do as he pleases as long as he gains a soul out of it.
But then, Dice started dating you. Suddenly, he was completely uninterested in showing others a good time in his quarters. He only wanted you, and made it very clear to other people that he was no longer available for “business.”
Sure, he broke countless hearts with this declaration, but he didn’t care. You were happy to be dating him, and he was happy with you. Nothing else matters to him.
Bring the gentleman he is, Dice took things very slow with you. Introductions led to sharing drinks at the casino’s bar, to going out for date nights on the town, and eventually…
Dice asks you if you’re interested in having sex with him. You agree. Both of you are eager, but there’s one thing you forgot to mention to your lover.
You’ve never done this before.
Sure, you know what sex is. You know there’s many different methods, and the possibilities are endless. That’s part of the problem. You don’t know where to start.
Dice kisses your cheek and lays down a game plan for your next date. You will meet him inside the casino once his shift ends. He’ll take you to a lovely dinner, and perhaps one of those new talkies that just came out. You both will head back to his quarters, and he’ll give you a wonderful night, guaranteed.
When that day comes, you start to fret about what could happen as you make your way into the casino’s main floor. Would he laugh at your inexperience? Would he point out every mistake?
Would he change his mind about you?
That last thought makes you sick with worry, and you almost call the whole thing off, but when you see the manager approach you with that inviting grin on his face, you know you can’t bring yourself to refuse.
Dice picks you up and spins you excitedly, gently bringing you down and planting a kiss to your lips.
“Are you ready for tonight, darlin’?”
“Yes, King.” You smile with uncertainty, kissing his cheek and accepting the arm he held out for you.
Dice takes you to the finest restaurant in the Isles, spoiling you with whatever you want from the menu. Once you both eat your fill, he brings you to a nearby theater, where you both watch the most interesting film available.
Eager to spice things up a bit, Dice has you sit in his lap. You can barely focus on the movie, your partner’s distracting hands running over your sides. He nuzzles his head against yours, humming lowly into your ear as his hands move to massage your back:
“You’re absolutely gorgeous tonight, toots. Did you wear all this getup on purpose? I can barely watch the picture show. You’re driving me crazy, here.”
You’re very thankful that it’s just the two of you in the room, mortified to think about the reactions of other people if they saw you coming undone in the King’s lap like this.
He simply chuckles and moves his hands to your hair, gently pulling to see your reaction.
You let out a surprised squeak, but he eventually coaxes out a moan from you, and you bury your face into his collarbone. Your private area starts to throb and you groan at the feeling, your hands gripping Dice’s waistcoat tightly.
Of course, the man doesn’t help your case. His hand trails down the back of your head and to your beautiful neck, his thumb rubbing over your larynx. He relishes in the little squeaks that emanate from your throat as he gently squeezes.
His hands trail down your chest, reaching your genital area. He smirks at you, kissing you as his hand massages the area.
Your pleasured sounds increase in volume until you’re practically screeching in the theater, going insane over the way Dice is touching you.
Maybe this would be enough to satisfy him, and you won’t have to admit your inexperience to him after all. Surely it’s enough for you, you’re falling apart right then and there.
You let out another pleasured shout before the King’s hand clamps over your mouth, and your eyes flicker over to him in confusion.
He’s grinning almost maliciously at you as he holds a finger to his lips with his free hand, chuckling bewitchingly. “Careful, sugar. We wouldn’t want someone to hear us. Pipe down, and I promise I will make it up to you in my chambers.”
You grit your teeth in an attempt to keep the noise down, finding it slightly unfair that he’s asking you to be quiet yet he’s completely undoing you without even sticking his cock inside of you.
You start to understand why everyone was so desperate to get into his pants. Dice is incredible. His voice, his hands, the way he knows exactly what makes you melt in his arms… he’s outstanding.
There’s no way you could even hold a candle to his abilities. You’d be lucky if you could even suck his dick properly.
If anyone asked either of you what the film you both watched was about, neither of you would be able to answer. You were focused on.. other things. The movie wasn’t at all entertaining compared to what you both were doing.
He hastily guides you out of the theater. You’re prepared for the long walk back to the casino, but Dice is too impatient.
A hand grabs your wrist as you move to take a step, and you look back at your lover, who approaches you with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“So quick to hoof it back, are we? Not to worry, my dear. I have a better idea. Grab on tight.”
Confused, you hug yourself tightly against him, about to ask what he was doing before the ground below you both suddenly crumbled to darkness.
With a shriek, you drop down the void, Dice laughing as he holds you protectively. You’re suddenly enveloped in pure darkness, the touch of his clothing and scent of his cologne the only things your senses cling to before light greets you again.
Your eyes dart around the area, and you realize you’re… in Dice’s room? How the hell did he do that?
Noticing your confusion, the King chuckles warmly and sets you down. “Portals, dear. They’re my preferred method of travel when I’m running errands for the boss, or when I’m… in a hurry.”
You shudder at his words, and then your face heats up in realization that you both were about to start lovemaking. You didn’t even have time to think.
Dice’s hands are on you in seconds, and he starts to strip you down. Your shoes are the first to go, then your top. Your bottoms soon after. He makes a tug at your underwear before you yelp suddenly and grip his waistcoat, shivering in anxiety.
He snaps out of his trance, looking down at you in surprise. That wasn’t a noise of arousal. That was something else. Wait.
You were scared?
“Goodness darlin’, are you alright? You’re shaking like a leaf.”
You gulp, avoiding eye contact. This is it. You’ll tell him you can’t give him a good time, and he’s going to leave. His standards are above your abilities. He’ll even call you a name or two before his exit.
“I’m fine, Dice. I just can’t give you as good a time as you think.”
“What do you mean? Of course you can, why wouldn’t you be able to- oh.” Realization hits Dice right in the head, and he looks at you with an unreadable expression.
Here it comes. You know it. You know he wouldn’t want anything to do with someone who didn’t know how to have sex. When he hugs you, you know it was a hug of departure. Wait.
He’s hugging you? Why?
What he says next shocks you twice as much.
“It’s alright if this is your first time, sweetness. In fact, I’m honored to be your first. I’ll show you just how this is supposed to feel, alright?” He smiles lovingly at you, cupping your face.
There isn’t an ounce of malice in his voice. No judgment. He’s nothing but kind to you at that moment.
You’ve never been so happy to be wrong in your entire life. You’re thrilled.
“We’ll take it nice and slow, right now. Be a dear and help me undress.” He requests lovingly, allowing you some control as he rests his hands on your sides.
You obey, removing his waistcoat and setting it off to the side with care. You slip off his bow tie, tossing it so it neatly lands near his coat. His vest is off next, and then his undershirt.
He removes his shoes for you, and helps you undo his slacks. You both are now in your undergarments as he leads you to the bed. His finger hooks onto the fabric and he gives an unsure tug, silently asking if it’s alright to remove the clothing.
You nod, adjusting your hips so he has an easier time slipping the garment off. He sets it to the side and helps you remove his own, his dick happily greeting you as his briefs fall to the floor.
Dice gently nips at your cheek, making his way down to your neck and collarbone, muttering between each bite and kiss:
“The stuff at the theater was merely preparation. Child’s play. This is where the real fun begins.”
He lays down on the bed, gently pulling you over top of him. You’re kneeling over top of him, hands resting on his chest. Don’t worry, you’ll be seated in a minute.
Dice runs his hands over your sides, and they make their way to your back, trailing down to your ass. He grips one cheek in each hand, squeezing hungrily.
You let out a high pitched squeal in response, desperate for more. You look down at him, begging for his next order.
“This next part is going to hurt, dolly. But I promise you, it’s only temporary. And when that pain subsides, you are going to be very pleased…”
The King gently lowers you onto his throbbing cock, and you screech slightly at the unexpected pain, tears pricking at your eyes. However, moments later your tears are from sheer bliss as you finally adjust to his size. Holy SHIT, that feels good.
“Now that you’re settled, I think you’re ready to move. Gently lift yourself up and down onto me. You control how fast you’d like to go. I’m all yours, sweetheart~”
You nod, gently lifting and lowering yourself onto his dick, moaning in pleasure. He feels amazing. He IS amazing. How in hell did you get so lucky?
You pray that this will be good payback for everything Dice has done for you as you start to pick up the pace, getting increasingly comfortable with the sensations.
Meanwhile, your lover is a murmuring and groaning puddle underneath you.
“Ohhhh my SATAN, are you sure this is your first time? Or were you just pulling my leg? FUCK-! You’re doing such a good job, baby. You’re incredible. Holy shit, I ADORE you!~”
The sweet praises he calls out only encourage you more, and you are completely riding him now, practically shoving yourself onto his length in search of sweet release.
Dice starts to help you out, moving his hips in time with your lifts, ramming into you each time you let yourself fall onto him. You both communicate strictly through moans and shouts, completely entranced with one another.
Your nails dig into Dice’s chest as you get closer and closer to your peak, scratching down and drawing blood. You would have felt HORRIBLE for hurting him like that, but his reaction let’s you know that it was the right call.
He screeches happily underneath you and wraps his arms around you, biting into your neck as you pound into each other.
“MMFH!! FUCK, DOLL! YOUR HANDS ARE MAGICAL!” Dice growls into your skin as he reaches his climax.
“DARLIN’, I’M CUMMING!~” Seconds after the words leave his mouth, you feel your insides getting filled up with his spent, and the sensation is enough to tip you over the edge as well.
You scream as you release, gripping onto him as you ride out your orgasm. You cling to each other and pant heavily, your juices leaking out of you and onto Dice’s stomach. He doesn’t mind in the slightest.
You lift yourself off of him and collapse next to him as he leans over to his nightstand, snatching several tissues from the box as he wipes you and himself down.
He’s smiling affectionately the entire time, admiring just how beautiful you look completely undone. You look more than satisfied with how the night turned out, but he also sees something in your eyes that makes him as thrilled as can be.
Your confidence.
“I made the right call, allowing you to be on top.” He muses as he finishes cleaning you up, his hand caressing your cheek. “You did incredible, my love. This was your first time, and you’ve given me more satisfaction than every other dame I’ve had in this room combined. I would love to experiment more with you and see where the possibilities take us.”
“Thank you for helping me, my King. I’m so happy I was able to do this with you. I can’t wait to do this again, and see what all we can come up with.” You grin at him, your hand reaching up and resting on the side of his head, thumb gently brushing over one of his pips.
He shudders in response, trying to hold back a moan as he grits his teeth, his eyes squeezing shut.
You suppose you won’t have to wait long after all.
King Dice x Reader ‘First Time’ Headcanons (SHOW)
Working for King Dice as his backstage organizer was already a dream come true. The day he asked you on your first date was a miracle. You’re still in shock over the fact that you both are together.
So, the first time Dice asks you if you’d like to have a little ‘fun’ at his home after his show, you are nothing but nerves.
Not only was this your first time with King Dice, but this was your first time period. You were terrified that your inexperience would turn him away, or worse, he would make fun of you.
Of course, you don’t want to tell him that, because this was the opportunity of a lifetime and you’d be damned if you gave it up.
You agree to his offer, and wait nervously as your partner smoothly talks one of his contestants into the mystery prize room.
Break is called, and Dice struts off the stage, taking you by the hand and stealing a quick kiss from you as he walks towards his dressing room to get spruced up.
You follow him, sitting on the nearby couch he kept for you. You stare as he snaps for his cards, the creatures quickly getting started on makeup. Your mind wanders to what the future holds for you, and you feel yourself get the jitters.
His voice snaps you awake from your thoughts, his sly tone purring to you from the seat: “Are you ready for tonight?~”
You gulp, your throat suddenly becoming dry as you ball your hands up into fists. You open your mouth to reply, but no words come out. So, you give up, and offer him a simple nod along with a rushed “Mhm!”
Dice doesn’t catch your nervousness, and hums seductively. “I know I am… you’re gonna look so beautiful, I certainly hope I can keep my thoughts together on that stage~”
Your face turns as red as a tomato, and you force yourself to turn away, unable to reply. You don’t even know how to fucking flirt with him, and you feel mortified.
Dice notices this time, and opens his eyes to look at you in concern as his cards iron his suit, ridding it of every wrinkle.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?”
Thankfully, your words return to you, and you nod quickly “I’m fine, baby! Just… just excited, that’s all.”
Dice is still wary, not completely believing your answer. He opens his mouth to question when his cue comes on, and he sighs gently, smiling lovingly and walking over to you.
He kisses the top of your head before rising, striding to the door and calling behind his shoulder: “I’ll see you in a bit then, my sweet. I promise to make it worth the wait.”
By the time his show ends, you are sweating bullets. Dice gracefully closes and thanks his audience for attending, joyously vocalizing as he makes his way off the stage.
The trumpets sounding from his band and the roars of the audience are muffled in your head as your lover approaches you, taking you in his arms.
Dice chuckles smoothly as he holds you to his chest, your ear clinging to the sound of his steady heartbeat as he saunters out the door with you and into the awaiting limo.
The ride to Dice’s loft is agonizingly long, both for you and him. So much so that the show host can’t help but engage in minor foreplay before the limo even reaches the building.
“My dear…” Dice calls lustfully, uncrossing his legs and gesturing with his finger for you to come towards him. “Come sit on my lap, won’t you?”
Alright, easy enough. You obey, graciously tossing your legs over his and pulling yourself onto him, sitting comfortably around his legs and wrapping your arms around his neck.
In response, Dice hugs you close, groaning slightly as he buries his face into your chest, kissing and sucking at the area.
Flinching a bit before relaxing into his touch, you feel yourself let out a soft moan in response, resting your head on his shoulder.
You just let him do the work for now, trying to formulate a solid plan when you feel something touch your leg. It feels hard, yet very similar to the fabric of Dice’s slacks—oh.
You let out a squeak as the realization hits you like a brick, clinging tighter onto the die. Dice recognizes your reaction and gives a low chuckle, amused.
“Sorry, sweetness. I suppose I’m just getting a little… excited.”
You shudder, whimpering eagerly as your fists clutch onto his tailcoat. He smiles and kisses you, gently biting your lip with his teeth as the limo pulls up to the address.
The way Dice treats you as he carries you to his loft makes you forget all about your nerves. The walk through the lobby consists of him murmuring sweet praises into your ear, and inside the elevator, his lips rarely leave your skin. You are in absolute bliss, groaning softly into his ear as you both leave the elevator.
However, the floating feeling is quickly replaced with anxiety as Dice kicks open the door and carries you inside. Your heartbeat rapidly increases as he sits you down on the bed, moving to unbutton your shirt.
You tense. Dice notices, and pauses immediately. He backs away, his hands held up in surrender as he looks at you in surprise.
Wait. Fuck.
“I… I’m sorry dear, did I move too fast? Did you change your mind?” Your heart breaks as he asks you these questions, loathing the feeling of making him guilty.
You quickly shake your head, blushing in embarrassment as you look up at him “No, no! It’s not you at all, Dice… I just…” I’m inexperienced, and this won’t be pleasurable for you. I’m not good enough to do this.
Dice analyzes your voice, your body language… and starts to laugh. A beautiful sound, on literally any other occasion. Your face crumples a little in shame, and you look away from him, not wanting him to see the tears well up in your eyes.
Seconds later, Dice is tilting your face to look at him, and he’s wiping away those tears with his gloved thumb. You hesitantly lock your eyes with his, but you don’t see any sign of disappointment. Not a hint of degradation.
You see… reassurance?
“Babydoll, it’s your first time doing this isn’t it?” He asks you, sitting down beside you and taking your hands.
You squeeze in response, sighing shakily and nodding. You wish you could disintegrate in your spot so you wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment.
“I’m sorry… I just… I wish I had more experience, so I could make this pleasurable for you. I don’t even know how to begin—”
“Hey..” Dice cuts you short, scooping you up and embracing you, holding you in his lap. He rubs your back as you melt into him, resting your head on his chest and lifting your arms to hug him back.
“Sugar, everyone has done this for the first time once. Everyone has gone into this with no experience. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, and it’s okay to be nervous.” The die is nothing but reassuring to you, gently running his fingers through your hair.
“I love you so much, and I want to prove it to you. But only if you feel comfortable. This is your call, baby. Would you like to continue? Or do you want to stop, and we can wait until you’re ready?”
He won’t tell you unless you asked, but Dice feels terrible. He should have ignored his cue for his show to talk to you. He should have started the conversation in the limo. He should have slowed down.
Meanwhile, you fall more in love with him with every word he says to you. Dice is so caring. He frankly couldn’t give a damn about how much experience you have, or how much you know. He loves you.
He just wants to share this special bond with you, and deep down, you know that you want nothing more than to share it with him as well. You want him.
“I want you, Dice.” You reply, lifting your head up and looking up at him with certainty. “I want to do this tonight. Please. I promise I’m ready, I’m just… clueless.”
Dice chuckles at your statement and kisses your forehead. “Alright honey, just follow my lead. And if you ever feel like you want to stop, just say the word.”
His hands, once hungry, move with care as he slowly strips both you and himself down to his undergarments. He guides your hands to his chest, allowing you to run them over his skin as his own move toward your pelvic area, tracing his finger along the edge of your underwear.
“Is it alright if I take these off, my love?”
“Yes, King.” You reply earnestly, hesitantly moving your hands towards his briefs. “Could I… do the same with you?”
The King laughs fondly and nods, whispering a gentle “follow my lead” as he slowly slips your underwear off, you doing the same with him. You can’t help but stare at his dick, almost gawking at the size. You were enthralled.
“Alright, now let me get you situated in bed.. I want you to be comfortable when we— ooOH!~” Dice tries to instruct before he yelps in pleasure and surprise.
You were reaching toward his length with your hand and grabbing the base. Your hand slowly moves up towards the tip, fingers exploring in excited curiosity.
“Well, that is one way to do this, my love~” Dice moans out, his hands resting on your shoulders. “Ohhh… W-Would you like to do it this way? Or do you want to go more traditional~?”
“Sorry, traditional… I just got curious, that’s all~” You reply back to him, letting go of his cock.
Dice misses the feeling greatly as he lays you down, crawling over top of you.
“A-alright doll, this part might hurt at first. But I promise you, the pain will subside. Do you want me to be inside of you?~” he asks above you, cupping your face with his hand.
You nod eagerly, your hand resting over his. “Please, Dice… please, make love to me…”
Dice leans down and kisses you, slowly pushing himself inside of you. You yelp loudly and cling to him, whining in slight pain at the sensation.
He is nothing but assuring, peppering your mouth with gentle kisses and muttering praises into your mouth as you get adjusted to him.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re doing so well… just stay right there, and the pain will go away, I promise you… I would never ever lie to you doll. I love you so so much…”
You moan softly into him as the pain is slowly replaced with bliss, and you kiss his neck, murmuring that you were ready for the next step.
“Okay, we’ll take this nice and slow for now… but please, say the word and I will pick up the pace.”
You shriek in pleasure as he slowly starts to move out of you, and then back inside. Your hands cling to his back, nails digging into his skin and accidentally scratching as you are overwhelmed with passion.
Dice grunts as he gently thrusts into you, leaning down and making out with you. You moan loudly into his mouth and after a while your hands find your way to his ass, giving it a squeeze. You earn a growl of pleasure from the man above you.
“Faster, baby…” You plead with him, desperate for more.
Dice is quick to comply. “Alright angel, but if you need me to stop, just let me know. I’m warning you, I’ll go fast.”
He wasn’t kidding. He slowly picks up his pace until he’s pounding into you, the bed moving slightly with him.
And you? You are screaming loudly in ecstasy. You lean your head forward and bury your teeth into Dice’s shoulder, trying to muffle your pleasured cries as he helps you chase your climax.
Dice groans and purrs into your ear: “That’s it, love. Moan for me. Scream for me. You’re doing such a good job~”
You moan as loud as you can against him, feeling something inside of you start to throb, begging for release.
“An orgasm, love-! It’s alright! Cum for me, doll!”
You scream in elation as the throbbing feeling is replaced with a tingling sensation in your genitals, quickly spreading throughout your entire body as your fluids explode between your legs.
Your climax is enough for Dice to reach his, and he lets out a blissful shout as he releases his seed inside of you, filling you up until his juices are leaking down your leg.
Both of you look at each other in adoration, panting heavily. You were ecstatic that your first time went well. It went more than ‘well’. That was the best thing you had ever experienced in your life, and you couldn’t wait to share more of these sessions with him.
Dice, on the other hand, was proud of you. He was so happy you shared your anxiety with him, and allowed him to help you have a good time despite your nerves. And man, did you do fantastic. He vocalized his pride to you as he slipped out of you and grabbed some tissues to clean up.
“My love, you did wonderful. Thank you for telling me about your nervousness, but I assure you, you were so good to me, I couldn’t even tell this was your first time.. you were excellent.”
You lean up and kiss him, thrilled that you were able to help make this experience pleasurable. And now, you finally got the hang of it. Next time, maybe you’d like to try the other way Dice had talked about…
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thefinalcinderella · 1 year
List of TW Characters Family Members (Part 2)
I made the first one (which is now pretty outdated) before Pomefiore chapter (2 years ago!!!) dropped and just completely forgot about it so...here's the second part!! A lot of this is from memory/the wiki but I’ll try my best to list all the information, although I’m sure I missed a lot
- Father, no mention of his mother
- His father’s name is Eric Venue (stage name), who’s a famous actor, he seems to be very supportive of Vil when he was being typecasted as a villain, taking him along with him on his film shoots (Episode 5-65)
- one of the twins’ dad’s favorite movies stars him (Vil Halloween personal story Chapter 1)
- Every Halloween, Vil’s dad would come home with a unique costume and makeup (Vil Halloween voice lines)
- His family is suspicious for sure
- He has five siblings, two older, three younger, but they rarely see each other because of scheduling conflicts, according to Rook they are a lively bunch when they get together (Episode 6-25)
- Apparently, one of his ancestors traveled all over the world and built villas in many countries with magic devices for easy transportation (Episode 6-25)
- What his family does is a secret (Episode 6-25)
- Parents, grandmother Marja, grandfather, aunt and uncle, baby cousin (honestly their whole village could be considered a big family)
- His family seems to run some kind of apple juice business (somewhere in Episode 5)
- They live in Harveston, a small mountain village in the Shaftlands
- His mom calls him when Vil promoted their apple juice (Episode 5-42)
- his parents aren’t magic users, but his great-grandmother and grandmother are (Cremonial Robes voicelines)
- we meet his grandmother Marja in the sled event, she’s very passionate about the sled race, she also looked like female Epel when she was younger lol
- Whenever his grandparents fight, they make up by baking an apple pie together (Ghost marriage card voice line)
- Epel gave his plushies to his cousin after he was born (sled event 3-9)
- Epel was very happy when his cousin was born bc there’s finally someone younger than him in the village, but it’s hard for them to connect bc of the age gap (sled event 4-9)
Idia & Ortho
- Parents
- It’s a shame their parents never showed up in the story since I want to know what they thought of everything that happened
- I don’t really feel like explaining the entire Shroud family history so I’ll just stick with their parents
- In Episode 6, Idia mentions that his parents left the whole “managing the overblotters” thing to him and that prioritizing results over their son’s feelings sounds like something they would do (6-43)
- I’m pretty sure his parents were meeting with Crowley and other government people during Episode 6 but I can’t find the chapter that confirms that, in any case in 6-85 Crowley says he and his parents came to an agreement that Idia would continue attending NRC
- Also somewhere in the Wish Upon a Star event it’s mentioned that Idia and Ortho’s parents would take away the power cord for their video game consoles or something??? I cannot find where Idia says this
- Idia mentions that both his grandmother and father were naturally pessimistic Episode 6-85)
- His grandmother’s name was Aidne, she was the head of STYX before retiring; now the current head is Idia’s father (6-17)
- grandmother (only blood relative), no mention of what happened to his parents
- His grandmother is the current ruler of Briar Valley, Lilia took care of him when he was younger
- Black is considered a noble color in the Draconia family (Malleus Birthday Boy personal story 1)
- Malleus’s grandmother always sent him a birthday card every year, along with rose seeds
- the biggest mystery in the cast
- he’s an orphan who was adopted by Lilia when he was a baby (Lilia found him in a forest and named him after his hair color) they lived in a house in the woods in Briar Valley and Silver thought Lilia was his birth father until he realized that they had different ears
- Malleus would visit sometimes when he sneaks out of the castle
- Sebek and Silver knew each other since they were little and were raised like brothers since Lilia taught them both the sword
- Mother, father, older sister and brother, grandfather
- His mom’s a fairy but his dad’s a human, so Sebek and his siblings are half fairy
- His dad is a dentist and can’t use magic, but he chose to live in Briar Valley anyways; he’s always amazed when Sebek and his siblings use magic
- His mother is a night fairy; she met his dad when she was at his clinic for an appointment and fell in love at first sight; she married him despite opposition from those around them; she currently works at his clinic as his assistant
- Silver (adopted son), but really Malleus and Sebek can be considered his sons too
- Honestly this guy is a complete mystery in regards to his past; we know he used to be a soldier and that he travels a lot and that he’s probably very old, but that’s about it
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five years ago || P.2
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(writing without any plans, just what U'm thinkung at the moment, so I hope that it will turn out ok lol)
//<;- Part one // Part three ->
Summary: What happens when you find your way back to a good friend from the past through a song he wrote five years ago?
A week later
It has been a week since I made that post , and ever since then I didn't return the note with his song back to the box, I put it right next to my computer.
I already memorized the note because of the number of times I have read it.
I didn't believe that he would see my post, like, what are the odds? But….I check my email every day, even though I'm trying to just forget about it.
Anyway, it has been five years, will he even remember it at all?
"Bestie, did you check your email?" Kat asked, "Yes, I did, nothing new, Katie, we should just forget about it, it's a bit ridiculous, I guess," she laughs. "Oh, come on, don't tell me that you don't want him to see your post, that you are not waiting to talk to him again, so he could write songs for you again."  I looked at her smiling—" not funny, didn't laugh “.
She got up and went over to the door of my room. "Come on, party pooper, let's go out , maybe an ice cream will cheer you up." I got up. "Who said that I'm upset?”.
The weather is getting hot, summer is around the corner.
"Kat, do you really want to go out of town now?" I asked my very lovely friend, who just loves doing stuff spontaneously. "YES, It’s going to be fun! " she said as she held my arm while we were walking towards the freaking train.
20 minutes later
"Ice cream, Katrina, ice cream," she looked at me, rolling her eyes, "I know, Y/N, I know! Sorry, Mcfly, but I know this good place, and they have amazing ice cream” She calls me Mcfly because of my favorite movie, "Back to the Future." 
"I really hope that this ice cream is worth it, Styles." guess why I call her like that.
Few minutes have passed, and there are a lot of people in the train station, obviously, people who are going to work, people who are going to meet their friends or family members, hang out, and there are people who are not going on the train, people that are trying to make money by singing or playing instruments in the train station here.
Our train finally came, since there were many people it was kinda hard to get into the train.
As the door opened we were getting pushed by the people around us, people that are trying to get into the train like we are.
As we tried to get in,I accidentally pushed someone, causing them to drop the drink they were holding.
Somehow I managed to bend down to the floor to pick up the drink, while all the people around me rushed to the train.
I just prayed that I wouldn't get pushed or something.
“ I’m so sorry sir, I didn’t mean to” he got up and I looked at him “ no no that’s fine- Y/n? “ Everything stopped, for a moment I forgot about the train and Kat, it felt like a weird dream, he was the last person I thought I'd see “ Eddie? “ it was hard to even hear what he was saying because of the loud noises in the background but I swear that he said my name. “ Y/N WE NEED TO GO “ Kat grabbed my arm and then he held my hand, I don’t know what he tried to do but everything was going so fast that I held his hand for a second and I was already on the train.
We didn’t find a place to sit in the train for obvious reasons, we were a bit squashed because of the amount of people that were in the train.
I looked at my hand trying not to drop what I'm holding—a ring, a ring that slipped off one of his fingers, a ring that really made me believe it was really him and not just someone who looked like him.
Back at home
It was a nice day, honestly , and it went by really fast.
After we got out the train I told Kat what happened before she grabbed my arm so I wouldn't miss the train. We were in the line for the ice cream, it did look like a very promising place if you ask me.
“ What the fuck Y/n, are you joking ? “ she said and her voice was getting high from what I told her “ I wish I was joking Kat, I’m really confused “ the line was getting shorter.
“ What are you going to do now? “ I looked at the ring and said “ no idea Katie, probably nothing you know “.
We were talking about what happened, Kat wanted me to have fun and not overthink so much ,so we went to the mall and we just enjoyed the day together until the evening.
And here I am now, sitting in front of my computer in the dark, thinking about what happened in the train station, until my thoughts were cut off when a notification sound came out of my computer.
I got a message from my Gmail, so I clicked on it,
It was from someone named
- @ Michelle86
would you like me to continue?
Btw, my favorite movie is back to the future lol
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quietbluejay · 1 month
Know No Fear 2
and we're back with my boy Thiel rip Thiel he tried to justify himself with his captain. it did not work. skjdfhlsdf he's been waiting for three hours and the MOMENT he goes to touch the fancy weapons collection is when someone else shows up, what a mood
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welp. Thiel figures he's in about as much trouble as it's possible to be in. in which case…time to practice swordfighting and looking cool with all the fancy weapons around here that he'll never be able to touch again i am reminded of why i love Thiel
Look, Ventanus, they call it a speeder, not a slower
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okay so, these two later get established as being married i'm going "huh??"
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this doesn't read like he knows her super well
okay i take it back he's definitely wife guy and they're definitely close
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thousand sons: am i a joke to you
it's the little bits of horror that get you
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lorgar is hilarious i love this guilliman: yeah we have a slight delay of scrapcode that came from outside lorgar: HDU ACCUSE US AFTER EVERYTHING WEVE BEEN THROUGH I AM SHOCKED AND HURT AT THIS HDU HUMILIATE MY WORD BEARERS they talk it out and lmaoooo
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just cackling here OHOHOHO IM SURE THEY WILL BE PUT TO REST i love dramatic irony a normal amount
we're back to Thiel who FELL ASLEEP and of course that's when Guilliman comes in the room
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Thiel is EXTREMELY relatable sdlkjfshdlf GUILLIMAN COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIEL and only came in here to think
incredible thiel: it's fine, i'm a minor detail guilliman: There is no such thing as a minor detail and then guilliman goes into thinking about Lorgar out loud Thiel: ???? ok
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the beginning of a beautiful friendship XD and then he just leaves thiel there and is like "ok i'll deal with you later"
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okay you know what fair's fair this is a good line good couple of lines abnett can sometimes write okay the logistics are bothering me again
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well for one ISSTVAN III WAS VIRUS BOMBED then fire bombed how many space marines were there even to harvest Isstvan V though, no objections on that front except WHAT is the timeline here the word bearers had chaos plot holes on their side to organize this whole thing
okay, creepy
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erebus, can you be normal about being a dark apostle of the ruinous powers for once in your life i am now 104 pages into a 414 page book and it still keeps drawing out the time before the attack it keeps ominously ending scenes without anything happening just people feeling ominous or the narration making ominous statements or a word bearer saying something ominous OKAY FINALLY
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also im finding it fun that the ship the word bearers took over to use as their attack vector is called the Campanile bell tower
current death toll: probably a hair less than a hundred thousand in 1s THE POWER OF THROWING A SHIP AT A BUNCH OF OTHER SHIPS okay this was good
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okay for all i complained about the slow pace earlier, i really do like how the whole initial explosion is structured, from a writing perspective it's very cinematic (positive) i say positive because it's not actually trying to be a movie, it's a book that unfolds in a cinematic manner another winner
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from what I've seen so far, Know No Fear might be Abnett's best book and I don't mean that as a backhanded compliment like Haley, he had a serious level up from writing Horus Rising though I think Horus Rising had better writing than Valedor tbh
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okay this is actually cooler on reread because the whole purpose of this is to basically use Calth's sun up and kill it in order to create the Ruinstorm oh of course the first one to initiate ship to ship combat is Kor Phaeron aw yeah the skitarii dude i remember him being cool also the scene with Hesst dying in Tawren's arms hits even harder knowing that they're married
also, guilliman managing the chaos and putting things together is very cool everyone's freaking out and he's just sitting there listening and reading all the data
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he does kind of hammer things in but I think it actually works here probably because there's a lot of different plot threads and POVs going on and yet it doesn't drag and they all feel equally important that's some writing chops it's because it's very much a story about a disaster and how people respond to it the disaster is in fact the main character
also it doesn't get too dark, either, despite all the horror and that in the end the bad guys win, kind of well, they achieve their objective but that doesn't mean that what all the characters do doesn't matter
WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT COOKED HUMAN FAT what is with chaos side and this can we not but also it's funny to me that this is used to summon Kor Phaeron
okay our death count is now in the millions rip the southern hemisphere
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at least there isn't any onscreen cannibalism
okay so Guilliman had this message on repeat beseeching Lorgar to talk and stop firing except now things are becoming clearer so, well
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veliseraptor · 1 year
Top 5 animated movies?
I see asks like this one for this meme and I'm like "lise what if you just wrote a short and simple response listing movies, then maybe you would actually end up answering all your meme asks" and then my brain goes "nope <3" and I end up with five paragraphs. I'm just not very good at shutting up.
1. The Last Unicorn. This is the "no-brainer" one for me because I always feel like this is just...such an important piece of media, and it's one of those things where when I show it to new people I feel very vulnerable about it and kind of go "please understand that in sharing this with you I am showing you my vulnerable underbelly and if you hate it don't tell me." I don't even know that I could articulate why exactly, but it occupies a very particular place in my heart that few other pieces of media can claim to have. I have watched it so many times and here I am going "maybe I should rewatch it today, actually. plug in my external cd drive and pull out the dvd and everything." It's like that.
2. Princess Mononoke. Another one that came to me immediately as I was coming up with this list. I'm pretty sure I watched it a little too young and the opening scene with the boar creature vs. Ashitaka kind of scarred me a little bit but...lord, what a movie. It's beautiful visually and as a story I also love it. I feel like chronologically Spirited Away was my first Studio Ghibli I remember, but this was the one I latched onto. ngl, the fact that there are wolves in it probably helped.
3. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. It started to get a little harder here, but then I remember how I felt when I saw a caption referencing a song from this movie's soundtrack (thanks for the bangers, Bryan Adams! unexpected but I'm grateful) and went "!!!!" like my brain was lighting up like a lightbulb. So yeah, I'm going to say this is an important one. You can take the horses away from the horsegirl but you can't take the horsegirl out of the girl. or something like that. And this was one of my horsegirl movies. I also just now remembered the paint by numbers extras that were on the dvd that I was weirdly obsessed with, so that's cool.
4. Watership Down. Actually this one should've been third and I don't know how I forgot it! I joke that the fact that the animated movies I rewatched most as a kid were this one and The Last Unicorn and that probably explains a lot of things, but honestly it might. This movie has a reputation that's in some ways bigger than it deserves (though the destruction of the warren segment is pretty much as awful as everybody says it is), but it is also just legit a really good story and well-adapted into a movie, in my opinion. I watched the remake and was profoundly disappointed mostly because I felt like the animation style was boring, and one thing this movie definitely had going for it was the style.
5. Atlantis: the Lost Empire. I almost went with The Lion King but then I remembered this movie, and, yeah. What a film. Truly everyone who has talked about the brief period where things were very weird and therefore very interesting at Disney were right. Also Helga probably turned me gay (and specifically gay for female villains), I just didn't notice until later.
Honorable mentions to The Lion King, The Rescuers Down Under, and Mulan. And probably several others I'm forgetting that I'll think of as soon as I hit post.
There are definitely the animated movies I want to see, most notably Song of the Sea, because I suspect I would really like them. I am just terminally bad at watching movies, you know.
shout out to The Secret of the Seal though, which was a movie where I sort of thought one of my sisters and I shared a collective hallucination until finally I managed to track it down with something like "seal macaroni penguin animated movie." not to be confused with the 1992 anime film Tottoi, mind you.
...though considering now that I'm looking again all I can find to prove its existence is a cover, I'm beginning to wonder again. The Rotten Tomatoes page I thought was going to take me to it returns a 404 not found.
IT WAS REAL she screamed as they dragged her away. I SWEAR IT WAS A REAL MOVIE
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drearybanana · 4 months
In order to make myself depressed I decided to write down all my longfic wips and categorize how many words they are and how finished they are.
When the Dust Settles- Danganronpa, multiple pairings - 80k words, 75% done.
drv3 kids are rescued before the filth murder and sent to Jabberwocky island to hide from Danganronpa. Not canon compliant because I forgot some of the details about how the third game ended when I started it, then decided I liked the misremembered ending better.
Baby, Don't Hurt Me - Sk8, Tadaai - 39k words, 20% done. maybe. my outline for this one is pretty loose.
Tadashi takes a bullet for Ainosuke, forcing them both to reconsider their relationship. Mostly a kind of Ainosuke rehabilitation fic about him loosing pretty much everything and having to rebuild his life from scratch. Honestly very attached to this one, but it's also sort of a 'Am I good enough to write this the way I want it' kind of thing...
The Snake, the Sun and the Blossoming Branch - sk8, matchasnakeblossom, 29k words, ?????% done.
Sequel to Recovery where Adam is dead and Tadashi is badly injured after their fall of the cliff. Tadashi doesn't know what to do with himself, but ends up with a job as the manager of Sia La Luce. This one is... complicated. I have a lot of ideas but no real plot, or maybe a lot of different ideas for plots that I'm not sure about. TBH I think I've probably written, like 60k words and shuffled them around, deleted and undeleted and I'm just stuck. A big problem is the Adam in Recovery is not really my actual impression of the character? Like, I started recovery very early in the show when Adam was still kind of Skateboard Hisoka so I just made him a pretty one-note villain, so it's hard to try and write all the Tadashi relationship stuff when the adam in that fic isn't really consistent with how I view adam... I still want to write it though. I like what i have and I like the character interactions.
Royal Pardon - hq!!, Sakuatsu, 37k words, 50% done
ABO royalty AU. Sakusa takes over Inarizaki, which was kind of a shithole. Atsumu and Osamu were planning a coup to dispose their father, and Atsumu convinces Sakusa to marry him in order to legitimize him to the people. Sakusa's a suspicious bastard and Atsumu's a tricky bastard. my first ABO fic and I was like 2k in before I realized I fucking forgot about Betas T.T. still, I have a solid outline for this one.
Star Crossed Rivals - p5, shuake, 18k words, 15% done
Up and coming actor Akechi accidentally falls in with Ren, who is working as a barista at LaBlanc. Ann is starring in a movie with Aketchi, and Shido is a retired actor who runs Akechi's talent agency that he joined to get close to Shido.
ok lol, so almost 200k words and five projects I should be working on. that's on top of an 'ideas' doc that's almost at 90k words and a handful of <5k word stories that I spun out into their own projects but haven't worked on much. that includes Plucked Strings, which I published the first chapter of and I have a lot of ideas for, or the full version of my vampire!Langa/hunter!Reki AU I wrote a short story about.
Honestly, now that I'm done wtih the Big Bang and Stolkholm is getting posted I need to decide what to work on. I always kind of want to pick dust settles since I'm so freaking close with it I just want to get it done and out there. I think I have the most momentum with Royal Pardon though...
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