#not thinking about the problems behind the screen & the ways we r just trying to live our lives
orcelito · 1 year
important to me that my new followers know i am chronically insane
You Must Know The Truth
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very-straight-blog · 5 months
In my opinion, one of the main problems of HOTD is that the screenwriters decided to tell the story instead of showing it. Visual storytelling is very important in cinema, this is literally its essence, but in the series we see over and over again how the characters describe themselves and each other verbally, even when it's not necessary. I want to discuss this on the example of Aegon.
He appears to us as a controversial character - at the most basic level, the creators were able to show this even in the miserable eight minutes of his screen time. On the one hand, he is sarcastic, he likes to piss people off, he is kinda arrogant, but at the same time he is lonely, depressed, feels isolated in his own family, although he undoubtedly loves them. He is prone to hedonism in the most unhealthy manifestations, and also, apparently, to self-destruction. The problem is that we mostly get to know about everything that I've named from the words of himself or other characters, as well as from interviews with the actors and creators of the series.
Let's start with his relationship with Viserys. We can see Viserys spending time with Aegon during his birthday in the third episode and it looks pretty sweet, but then timeskips take place and the story of their relationship remains behind the scenes. Yes, we have just one diaogue in Driftmark, which doesn't give us much - it doesn't relate specifically to Aegon and his relationship with his father. In fact, we don't know anything about them at all and we only have Aegon's words:
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And the screenwriters seem to think that this is enough, although his father's dislike is implied to be one of the main factors that shaped Aegon's character and personality.
Next, he talks about his relationship with Alicent and Viserys in this scene:
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Again, the words - screenwriters don't show the audience in any way what exactly he's trying to do, how he's trying to meet the expectations of his parents. An ideal opportunity to reveal this quote would be to study his relationship with Helaena and their family - he didn't want to marry her, but did it anyway for the sake of duty, because that's what his mother wanted. As a result, I'm not sure that the audience even realized that they were married at all.
At the same time, the screenwriters decided to show Aegon's tendency to cruelty (here I won't make comparisons with books, this is a topic for another post). We have two cases - the first one with Dyana:
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The whole episode of violence is completely left behind the scenes, the word "r*pe" is not even mentioned in the dialogue. (I'll also talk about how poorly this episode fits into Aegon's character in another post, otherwise this one will never end.)
The second one is this:
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And again, they tell us about Aegon's cruelty, but don't show it.
Anyway, we have some examples of good visual storytelling, such as the coronation scene, where Aegon goes from this:
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To this:
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And we see how important love and recognition are to him, even if they come from strangers - from the crowd. Such moments only demonstrate all the wasted potential of this series.
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amazon160 · 7 months
I know I’m late to the party but I saw the movie opening weekend and I’ve already watched this movie three times through already and I thought I’d pitch in my thoughts on it :P
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For starters, spoilers. If you still haven’t seen the movie and SOMEHOW haven’t been spoiled yet, don’t read this.
The things I loved:
I think the movie made the right decisions on two occasions--
ONE, the animatronics. They look like they were ripped straight out the game, they look amazing, and I haven’t seen one complaint about them. If anything, it’d be the one thing the critics liked about the movie. TWO, and this is a controversial one, the rating. It definitely cut down on the horror, yes, but adding an R rating would cut down half its audience (including me but not bc I’m underage, bc I’m Mormon and we don’t watch rated R 💃). The movie wouldn’t have been as much of a success as it is now if not for the pg-13.
Other than those two, I loved the animatronics and the personality they brought. I loved how they advertised this as focusing on the “killer animatronic” element of FNaF, but ended up focusing on the supernatural part. And not even close to how we’d imagine, almost like a tragic and wholesome side to the kids’ possession.
Another controversial point, I’m glad they changed up the lore a bit. It has the key points in the games to keep fans satisfied, but it changes it up just a wee bit to keep them theorizing and catch them off guard with the Vanessa twist at the end. Speaking of Vanessa--
The things I had mixed feelings on:
Vanessa. Her character is so strange. Sure, it was explained at the very end why she is the way that she is. But she still feels off. The fort scene is a good example. She was on board with Abby building the fort, but once Mike said “they seem to like her”, Vanessa snapped. Then threatened to shoot him if he ever came back with Abby. 😐
I also felt mediocre about the pacing of the movie. I liked the mystery element of Mike trying to unravel what happened with the kids and his brother. But I would also like me some scary animatronic screen time if you know what I mean. It even got boring at some parts.
The last thing. The spring-lock scene. That entire ending sequence made up for the middle of the movie, in my opinion. But it felt too rushed. Something they could’ve added is some more time with Freddy and Bonnie instead of Mike just taking them out right then and there. It just felt anticlimactic. And then the spring-lock scene was, well. I think it was good. It was realistic, and it was still considered gruesome to some. You still get to see the guy getting impaled. But I can get behind fans that say it was somewhat disappointing.
But I do think this movie shows just how much our expectations are thrown off by the VHS tapes. We should all know by now the fan-made stuff is way scarier than the canon.
Things I didn’t like:
Well, not things I didn’t like, no. Just things we could improve on.
I know plot holes are FNaF’s whole thing, but can we explain what happened with Aunt Jane, or the difference between Golden Freddy and Freddy, and what happened to the brother? I suppose the fans would be able to figure two of those things out, but still.
The writing could be improved as well. The film has a tone problem where it’s foreboding and fits the games fairly well. But then it turns all cheesy and campy during that middle part, which is fine, but sits weird and almost out of place when we go back to “killer animatronics”.
I also wish we would incorporate more of the game into the movie. I know we already went through the process of making the animatronics, but I feel like we could’ve had a legit horror movie if the atmosphere and tension from FNaF 1 was replicated here. I also would love to see more of the gameplay in there. The doors, I understand. But the security cameras were so UNDERUTILIZED.
Then the one that everyone’s complaining about, more violence. Not the rated R stuff, but just more of seeing the animatronics in action.
What I wanna see in the sequel:
Cus we’re no doubt getting a sequel. After those interviews? The Puppet teased in the credits?? The box office scores???
-MORE HORROR. I think this is on everyone’s minds right now. We need more horror or violence, more kills. More action.
-Plot. This has gotta be the toughest thing about adapting FNaF of all things into a movie, but the lore can be altered and even the pacing of the story can be fixed. Also pls fill in those plot holes.
-More of the animatronics. I was surprised they didn’t get MORE screen time in this movie. They did get a decent amount and were hinted at by the ghost kids who also got a decent amount in. But I need to see more of them. They’re who everyone’s coming out to see after all.
-MORE GOOD JUMP SCARES. Typically, horror movies that rely on jump scares are just cheap and trash. But FNaF is the king of jump scares and is probably the only exception. Also those jump scares need to be GOOD. UNPREDICTABLE. The movie did have jump scares, but because they were predictable, they weren’t scary.
-DESIGNS. I want them to mix up the designs a tiny bit like they did Balloon Boy. He already looks so much creepier than his og counterpart. I wonder what they could do with the Withered Animatronics…
I’ll go more into detail about hopes for the sequel as more comes out over time, but for now, let’s enjoy what we have.
Thank you, Scott.
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flaylore · 7 days
[ the video starts with a pretty normal screen, Flayon’s animated debut video is playing in a faster speed inside his outfit silhouette graytone ]
[ a “GAME OVER” pops up on the screen with a spinning roon and fire, there’s “Appreciation Day” written in red text, the screen glitches and Flayon appears blue inside of one of his shields ]
🪫: “Hi! So, problem.. I’m not exactly changed yet. And! I have something for you but not much time! But I hope you like it, now you can look at my beautiful face see?”
💬 Why are you blue?
🪫: “It’s a digital projection! You get it? Sorry the shield panels don’t have like 4K.. see it’s fine like this, you get it? Exactly! But today is the roon appreciation day, this is something I’m very glad we could do and something I had to go out of the way to get so I hope you enjoy! And consider it like my gift to the roons, the people who watch me and anyone who wants to stop by. Then also! We have a new outfit today, which I have not worn yet..
[ Ruze 💢 Altare 🎇 & Bettel 🎩 are watching the stream ]
🪫: “ Hi Ruze! Hi Altare! Hi Bettel! [ he continues on with talking about his new outfit ] and I don’t know why? Like if you want the gist of it the Elysium government is saying I need to go on like a sort of vacation? I’ll still be streaming but my energy output of the R-TRUS has been out of control lately. I don't know why.. and they told me to find a way to express myself! So there’s this old outfit I think I have? But it should be fine..I just have to go grab it quick, we don’t have much time but thank you for spending this day with me so far. Let me see.. it should be in my guild room I think? I had gifts delivered to me from like my family?”
[ A notable thing to mention is when his screen changes from being a projection to being in a panel he’s shown with a Doppelgänger backdrop behind his model ]
“Hold on. It should be uhh over there in the back? Try and give me a sec okay?”
💬: Go change in private
“What do you think I’m going to do?? Just wait! I might as well show you the room, It’s one of the standard rooms okay? It’s not customized. Hold on, see you there”
[ the screen glitches as he finishes up his sentence ]
“Well what do you think? Not so bad right? I’d say it’s pretty cute even! See, this is why I don’t stay in here.. it’s like what 50 million? I’m definitely not going to bother with that but other than that I guess we can get changed? I think there’s-“
[ his sentence is cut off by a choked noise and different glitching ]
“Huh? ..What’s that? The hell?”
[ A framed picture of a younger version of Flayon is shown on the screen ]
“Is this a picture of- sorry, yeah I didn’t expect to have this in here. Is this a picture of me? ..A bit different. Like how old must I be? Around 14? ..I thought my hair was- No! No! What are you talking about? That’s me! That’s definitely me! Can’t you see!? It’s me, right? Right!?”
[ The screen glitches and a pained scream can be heard saying “ITS ME, STOP IT!” and “I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon” over and over in an increasingly panicked voice ]
[ He goes silent, a different kind of glitching is on screen and the scenery changed from his room to what seems to be a train car? Text pops up on the screen ]
where am I it’s cold it’s cold it’s cold  who am I  who am I doesn’t matter it’s doesn’t matter yeah after all  I’m  I’m knocking I explain it can’t be any time here time near me time  time  I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you  HAHAHAHHAHAHAH why me this isn’t  this isn’t  this doesn’t what I wanted I’m sorry just for kissing already just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me that just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t even don’t hit me don’t hit me I’m sorry I’m sorry I was doing it for you I swear
[ “WHO AM I” appears on the screen, under it are the choices “Machina” and “Flayon” in glitchy text ]
who am I Machina or Flayon who am I who am I you’re there all right please help please help please help please help please help please help I’ve been working so hard when you get to enjoy things I don’t who don’t you get to enjoy things I don’t want it yet you hate you I hate you I hate you okay so who I am I see now I supposed to be anything else feels good but this sounds oh help me help me help me help me that doesn’t make sense that doesn’t make sense so tell me help me everyone
[ “Did I do something wrong?” Shows up on the screen in red text ]
can I do something wrong
[ the text disappears before reappearing with “Yes” and “No” as choices under it in glitched letters ]
he didn’t do something wrong hahaha liar you’re a liar you don’t know what he did he took everything away from there he took everything away from me you’re lying you’re lying that’s so cold I don’t know why I didn’t even do anything wrong I didn’t do anything wrong at all I was just trying to help you you’re my precious friend so help help me it’s don’t help me that’s better The corruption it’s It’s It’s right that’s who I am on no one else there is no there is no other man the rest of me there is no and so you deserve that you deserve deserved it you deserved it after all so you deserved it all right yeah yeah you deserved it nothing else help me I said
[ text with the words “Is it wrong to hurt yourself?” appears on the screen ]
is it wrong to hurt yourself Yeah yeah it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter if it’s you
[ two choices appear under saying “Yes” and “Yes?” in glitchy text ]
It’s not wrong at all after all you’re getting your chest desserts ( most likely an error meaning “just desserts” or “the punishment that one deserves.” ) that’s not it’s not wrong it’s not drunk it’s not hahaha IT’S NOT WRONG. IT’S NOT WRONG. ITS NOT HAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHA why did it have to be you? you piss me off… help me “HELP ME HELP ME” [ cut off screaming noise, slightly distorted voice ] that’s better I feel a lot better now I feel a lot better it doesn’t matter and then no one would miss you And no one missed me anyways look no one can even tell the difference if people can’t tell you’re different do they even care help people care about is himself right
[ the word “Hey.” appears on the screen a few times, the last one is larger ]
hey hey
[ the words “…” and “It’s not that you’re bad…” appear on the screen next to “Hey.” in glitchy red text ]
can you hear me i thought you don’t even care about me you just gave out the word love like it’s easy you’re a liar no I’m the liar right I’m sorry why won’t you send just that don’t say stuff like that
[ Flayon screams again ]
to be honest I never liked school much and no one would pay me any attention you complain about your Birth right but you don’t know how hard it is for those without you’re taking everything for granted I don’t want to go to school anymore what’s the point everyone else is hurt me it’s feeling better I’m feeling better I promise promise so why why why why why why why why why why
[ a glitchy scream of “WHY” is cut off ]
[ red text saying “Do you love me?” pops up on screen ]
it’s almost there the corruption’s almost gone just wait okay
[ two options appear under the question “…” and “No” in glitchy text ]
of course you you don’t even know me you don’t know me at all you’re all so quick to replace me that’s all you care about
[ a creepy distorted laugh is heard ]
“Wait, that’s better. Where am I? I was getting ready for the guild.. I know. He was, he doesn’t even appreciate his friends so he deserved this right? I just wanted to help I just wanted to help I JUST WANTED TO HELP”
“Then that’s who I am”
[ large red text “Who am I?” with two choices “X” and “Neither” shows up on screen ]
“Who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I? I can’t remember. Who am I? Who am I who am I? ..No. Who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I? Hahahah Hahahahhaha”
that’s right No that’s that’s not it That’s
“That’s not it! That’s not it that’s not it!”
[ another distorted scream can be heard ]
“I get it now. I’m Flayon, yeah. No one else. No one else.”
[ Flayon appears with white eyes and is in his new outfit ]
“No one else.. Hahahahahah Ah, this sucks.”
[ The light dims and we can see his face better, his eyes have white swirls and he has a dark look on his face ]
“I think you’ve.. been here long enough. You can clear the corruption as much as you want but this is my body, okay? So go away. Stick to your little Elysian friends in the guild and they’ll take care of you. Hahahahahahah”
[ the screen intensely glitches and eventually it clears, showing Flayon standing on the inside of an underground train in his full new outfit ]
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blushstories · 2 years
hi <3 first i wanted to say how much i love your works!!! you have so much talent seriously and your hurt/comfort is so so comforting and it makes me feel so warm idk if that makes sense ajshs
i adore how you write for steve and i have a hurt/comfort request for him! maybe about him comforting r who's been ghosted and blocked by a someone she considered a really close friend and she feels like she did something wrong and like it's her fault?
thank you so much and have an amazing day <3
ahhh you are so so kind, thank you so, so much <3 that makes me so happy !! of course i can do this!
“Can you stop pacing, please?” 
You pause, snapped out of your spiralling thoughts. Chewing on the tip of your finger, you glance at your best friend, who had papers and beige files spread around his space on the couch.
Without a word, you cross the room to your abandoned phone on the chair. The lock screen remains void of notifications, making the coil in your chest tighten painfully. 
“What’s wrong?” He’s put down the file he’s been reading, leaving it on his lap in favour of crossing his arms. His head tilted to the side and his creased eyebrows reveal his concern at your uncharacteristic silence. You shake your head. 
“Nothing,” you say, before swallowing around the knot in your throat and blinking away tears. You check your phone again. Nothing, making you exhale heavily. Papers crinkle behind you. 
“Are you sure?” Steve asks softly, sensing the disturbed atmosphere around you. You drop into the seat nearby, running your hands over your face and through your hair a few times, but not being able to bring yourself to tell him that you’d been ghosted, and that it was totally your fault. Would he still want to be friends if he knew what an idiot you’ve been? It must have been something you’ve done, right?
“You don’t have to tell me, alright? Just tell someone. Maybe Tony, or that guy you’ve been talking to, what was it, uh…” He snaps his fingers in the air, trying to keep the mood light, but he drops the act when you peer at him over your fingers, eyes rimmed with red. 
He forgets his hand in midair, “What is it?” You shake your head, hiding your face again. 
Footsteps. A warm pressure on your knee. You spread your fingers over your face, freeing your eyes. 
“I’m so stupid, Steve,” you murmur into your palms. His thumb strokes your kneecap, tender and patient. 
“You’re not stupid.” 
“I’m an idiot. His name was Jake, by the way, and it wasn’t like that,” you insist. Steve shifts into a more comfortable position, anticipating a longer conversation than he previously expected. He opens his mouth to protest but you pull your hands away from your face and say, “I’m an idiot because I liked someone who not only ghosted me, but blocked me. I thought we were friends.”
Steve inhales sharply, thinking. “Ghosting is like ignoring, right?” You nod. “When was this?” 
“Literally half an hour ago. If you’re sick of my pacing, take it up with this guy. I keep checking my phone, maybe he’ll realise he made a mistake or something. But he’s definitely read it, and I don’t know, maybe I said something stupid.” Steve narrows his eyes. 
“Like what?”
You fall back into the chair dramatically, pulling a pillow out from behind you and pushing your face into it, releasing a less than flattering groan. 
“Can’t ‘member,” you say into the pillow.  
“Y/N.” His clothes crinkle. There’s a dent in the pillow in front of your eyes, and the top of Steve’s face appears. 
“You don’t have to tell me, but I know you’re not stupid. You’re not responsible for his actions, sweetheart. You’re never responsible for a man’s actions.” He gently coaxes the cushion out of your grip. “In my day—“ you snort at the turn of phrase, earning a playful look back before he continues. 
“In my day, we didn’t have this tech, you couldn’t block anyone. You’d call, you’d go out, maybe have some food, you know.”  “Sounds easy.” “Easier, not easy,” he says.  “Ah. Our problems are equal, then,” you say. He chuckles, places a hand over yours and squeezes. 
“Forget about him. Do you… wanna get some food?” He asks. You swipe at your eyes one last time, wiping your hands on your clothes and smile.  “Absolutely, I do.” 
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ribinapan · 1 year
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we meet.
“that’s a lot of seeds.” her eyes glanced over the piles and piles of small packets in my basket, obviously not looking really happy about having to scan all of that one by one. i glance behind me, nervous, but it’s not like there’s a line. i’m the only one there this late.
“ah, uh, yeah.” i chuckle, “um, i know how many i have if that, uh, if you have like, a quantity butto–” she’s shaking her head before i finish my sentence, and it dies in my throat.
“ah. well… sorry.”
she blinks at me a couple times, and then starts to pick the packets out of the cart.
beep. beep. beep. beep…
she’s pretty. she’s got a lot more piercings than i do, and piercing (haha) brown eyes that seem to glare into my soul. her hair’s tied up in a loose ponytail, and it’s about three different colors. it doesn’t look washed, or brushed, but the way it frames her face still seems to manage to scream ‘this woman’s gorgeous’ in my face. i hate people who are pretty like that. i almost stop feeling bad about the 33 morning glory seed packets, but then i look down at my basket and feel the guilt well back up in me again,
“aren’t these that kind of flower that only bloom once? for like, an hour?”
“hm?” i’m broken out of my ‘pretty girl’ trance, and do another little nervous chuckle, rubbing my arm. “ah– oh. yeah. morning glories. yeah.”
“and you bought…” she looks at her screen. “so far, more than $23.49 worth of them?”
“oh, well– um– yes.”
“ah– well– you know. the– name. they usually start blooming early morning, and they last a couple hours. i planted like, a fuckton once, woke up real early around the time they bloomed every morning til they did. sat there with them til the sun came up and kept coming back til they died. it was– well, it was kind of– really pretty.” like you, my brain supplied, but i thankfully kept my mouth shut.
beep. beep…
she finishes scanning, ringing me up for a total that ends up somewhere around fifty dollars, but i don’t care enough to look, just trying to get out of there. she drops something into my bag and i think it’s the receipt, so i grab it, mumble a thank you, and book it out of there, already deciding to buy all my flowers in small trips next year, the guilt following me out.
i don’t realize until i get home, but she didn’t ever get to give me my receipt. i pull a little folded piece of paper out, and unfold it, confused.
Maybe you can show me these ‘morning flowers’ sometime?
i think i fainted.
i own an acre of land i got from my grandparents.
yes, just an acre.
nothing on it, and i can’t afford to put anything there. so i nailed some sort of shed-like thing together, and i grow flowers all around it and all over it. it’s my little hide out spot. i camp out there with the spiders and the screaming bugs when i want to feel like it’s just me against the world. i scatter the morning glory seeds all around it.
they’re best when they creep up it slowly, growing through the spaces and blooming all over. it makes me feel like a fairy.
when i brought nico for the first time she laughed, because it really just looked like a big space of flat dirt and a pile of wood.
but i kept bringing her back, and slowly all the other flowers started to bloom again. i showed her where the morning glories were peeping up, and she asked me when we were actually going to get flowers out of them.
“ah, we’ll– probably have to wait ‘til early summer.”
her head shot up in shock. “like, almost a year?”
i smiled a little. “ah, yeah. i guess you have to stick around at least that long, then.”
she blinked a couple times, then smiled back, slinging an arm around my shoulder.
“i don’t think i’ll have a problem with that.”
a taylor swift concert. i wasn’t expecting that at all, definitely not from nico, but she was squealing like a little girl and trying to buy pre-sale tickets and pacing around my kitchen like it was a gym, like she was going to wear a path into my floor.
i wouldn’t mind
a permanent reminder of her.
she had almost everything planned out meticulously until she glanced down at the city it was in, and frowned.
“oh, i hate driving over there.”
nicolette had a fear of driving, i learned that pretty quickly. she had a couple set places she could go, but otherwise she had to be the passenger. i shifted uncomfortably, and then said,
“i’ll go with you. i’ll drive.”
the words came tumbling out of my mouth before i could rethink it. i hate taylor swift.
but her face lit up like a fucking christmas tree, and her brown eyes found mine and held them captive there, and i knew i wasn’t going to take it back.
she came over, squealing, jumping on the sofa and pushing me back. our noses touched.
“i could marry you right now.”
ah. my brain supplied, that means more taylor swift concerts.
your favorite album
came out again, in cd–
signed copy.
i went to three
book stores
(our favorite spot,
the one
thirty minutes away
the one you hated
riding to.)
and one more cd store i found on maps.
i found a copy and stared at it, standing in the middle of the shop, just, there. wondering if you’d respond if i sent it to you. wondering if you’d do anything if i gave you anything at all.
i went home.
she says while i’m tending to some of the morning glory vines, snipping away and trying to lead the trail up my little encampment. i act like i can’t hear her, even though i can, even though i really, really don’t want to.
“vi,” she says again, a little louder, “we need to talk.”
“did you know that morning glories can be invasive?” i responded again, “if they find a spot they like, they really don’t want to leave.”
i turned around, facing her with the snippers.
she looked at me. she didn’t look sad. she didn’t look guilty. her face just looked hard. cool, maybe. i knew she thought i had done something wrong. guilt coiled up in my stomach like a hungry snake. had i done something wrong?
“we need to talk.”
“you know,”
i said to a vine that had made it to the top of my shed,
“you hurt me, too, i think.”
no response,
but saying it made me feel better.
you didn’t get to see them,
the way they climbed up to the sky,
the way they bloomed,
you didn’t get to see them,
but they bloomed
i picked one off right after it bloomed, crawling
out into
a sea of color
without you
(we were supposed to see this together.
we were supposed to see this together.)
(they bloomed anyway).
i was still holding a now wilting flower, sitting in front of my shed, when my friends woke up behind me.
“vi?” mer said, sitting up, rubbing their eyes groggily. “you’re already awake? that’s fucking new.” they joked.
i turned around, closing my fist around the flower. “yeah. never really got used to sleeping outside.”
they nodded, then open their mouth to say something, but i watch as their eyes catch on the flowers outside. “oh my god! they’re bloomed!” they elbow riley hard, who groans, rolling over to push his face into his sleeping bag in response. “get up, jones, you fuckin’ moron! you’re going to miss it!”
“give riley a minute. they do stay bloomed for a couple hours.” i laughed, the tension uncoiling from me as mer shook riley awake.
the three of us step into my gigantic flower bed together, turning around to see the new blues, purples, whites, pinks– that have joined us, that have turned the entire space into a sea of color– and i let out a little whoop.
“good job, vi.” mer says. “you made a really pretty way to absolutely topple the local ecosystem.”
“oh, shut up, mer.” riley nudges them, “let her have this.”
mer eyes me, obviously thinking a bunch of mean things but deciding to say none of them. “i guess vi can have their invasives this once.” they look back out over the garden. “she did pick a really pretty way to be bad for the environment, after all.”
i eye mer back, wanting to say a bunch of nice things, like:
i love you. thank you for being here. im so glad you decided to hurt your back and cramp for the next two days to do this with me, even though its out of pity, even though you’re only both here because you know someone else was supposed to be, even though you’re standing here making fun of me. i love you, for being here, to call my flowers pretty, for standing by me even though i care about a terrible person, when you’re right here, an example of the perfect person, the perfect people. thank you. thank you so much, and i’m sorry i am ruining our local ecosystem for one morning’s worth of pretty a year.
“yeah,” i smile, taking a deep breath with my whole chest, staring at my friends standing in the middle of my tons of flowers, with the sun rising behind them and my new little fairy-mound of a shed. “yeah, really pretty.”
morning glories
didn’t need
to bloom.
i won’t either.
-(i won’t, i won’t.)
a little vent short story / poem that i thought i’d share bc i made funky little cover art for it, here is my good ol flower lesbian character, viola
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
Imo one of the biggest problem of this fandom is believing too much in the writers, thinking behind something, a look, a sentence, there’s much more than what they’re trying to communicate in that moment when most of the time there’s literally nothing. We’re much more creative than what they settle for (because of higher powers, kristen/tim). They’re not as deep as they/we’re trying to make them be.
And when it comes to Buddie, I've talked about this before (this season, more specifically), but...some of the stuff we see really *is* just R + O's natural chemistry that's been there from the beginning, the chemistry that Tim has acknowledged and Oliver co-signed after the s4 finale when he said "I understand what [Tim] means when he says he writes a scene and they come to life in a way he maybe did not expect when he created these characters, but he is right when he says there is a definite chemistry between the two of us on screen." The directors can't tell them to "turn off" the thing that made Buck and Eddie so special in the first place because then the story suffers. But also? I don't think it's as easy as "turning it off" when we've SEEN R + O behind the scenes. They make each other laugh. They share looks that give people pause for Buddie purposes. (Re: Oliver glancing off camera at Ryan when Aisha made the "enlightened" joke. People took that to mean something else ENTIRELY.) We're fortunate that the show embraced the portrayal of two men with emotional ties (yes, the bar is on the ground), but people need to realize it's happening because the two actors took it there first (and they weren't afraid of how the audience would react).
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nancypullen · 1 year
Monday, Monday
Oh, I can’t wait for the day when Monday no longer means Mickey dragging down the hallway to sit in front of a screen all day.  He’s good at his job, and most days he actually enjoys it (that might be stretching the truth a bit), but he’s a little over a year from retirement and the grind is getting to him.  I bite my tongue and do not point out that he doesn’t fight traffic, he doesn’t even have to put pants on if he doesn’t feel like it, and his lovely assistant provides a delicious and nutritious lunch every day. He’s got it better than a lot of people, but no one wants to hear that when you’ve worked since your teens and you’re ready to relax and reap the benefits of all that hard work. In other words, Mondays around here are still a bummer.  I try not to be too chipper and I made Monday my bathroom cleaning and laundry day just so I can suffer a little in sympathy.  I probably have a better time cleaning toilets than he does at his desk.  In other news, it was raining Etsy boxes at my house today.
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  I’ve used all but about three dollars of my gift certificates and I think I chose wisely.  Garden stuff, hobby stuff, a little jewelry, and this little mouse came all the way from the UK.
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Now she’s here to keep my art room tidy.   Anyone recognize her? That’s Hunca Munca from Beatrix Potter’s  A Tale of Two Bad Mice.  She and her husband, Tom Thumb, left their mousehole because the temptation of a dollhouse was just too much.  Once inside the dollhouse they were so disappointed that all of the delicious-looking food was fake that they made quite a mess. SHe felt awful about it and now very early every morning Hunca Munca tidies the dollhouse before anyone wakes.  I’m hoping she’ll do the same around here. If not, at least she makes me smile.
And in the name of tidying up, I’ve been trying to make the most of the pantry space and get it organized.  This was the vision I had...
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Yeahhhh, I don’t have that kind of pantry.
I have a long way to go, but I’ve labeled areas so I can start placing similar items in groups and eventually I’ll have lots of pretty baskets ad labeled containers.  But for right now it looks like this.
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That’s just one corner. I also have sections for table linens, small appliances, baking stuff, and so on. It’s not pretty yet, but it’s functional.  Even though it’s not pretty, I have to admit that I love opening the doors and seeing Ina Garten smiling at me.
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Right now I’m really wishing I’d painted the walls behind those ugly metal shelves.  You know darn well I’d paint them a soft, pale pink and make it all girly. Great, now I’m thinking pink and you know once I get it in my head....Mickey will hate hearing this idea.  I’d also love to replace those wire/metal shelves with some dark stained wood.  Bet he’ll fight me on that.  You all already know I’m going to have a pink pantry with dark shelves, right?   Anywayyyy, big weekend coming up.  The Edgewaters are escaping for a romantic weekend and that means that Little Miss is staying with us.  I’m brainstorming some fun stuff for us to do, but entertainment will not be a problem - my sister is driving over on Saturday morning!  She’s down from Maine for the winter and she wants to pop in and see us.  Actually, she wants to giggle with the grandgirl and I think it will be a hoot to see that her Grancy has a sister.  I’ll tell her we’re like Elsa and Anna except very, very old.  I’m sure the three of us can stir up some fun.
That said, here’s my quandary.  The Miss Universe pageant is Saturday night.  You know how I am about that particular event.  I’ve been doing my research, getting glimpses of national costumes, hoping for a peek at evening gowns.  I’m excited.  So, do I turn it on and let the grandgirl stay up past her bedtime to see princesses from around the world?  If I do that, there will be running commentary.  Also, her parents may not want her watching a pageant. Do I record it and watch it Monday night after we return her to her rightful owners?  I’d have to be very careful not to watch or read any news that might spoil it.  Does this seem frivolous - yes, of course. Would I give up pageants forever for weekends with her? Absolutely. But this is my Super Bowl and I enjoy the heck out of it.  I’m thinking I’ll play it safe and watch it on Monday.   I really don’t need her telling her parents that she stayed up and watched a show where women walked around in swimsuits in exchange for a big diamond crown. Mmmkay, I think I’ll head upstairs and take a bubble bath.  The mister is watching the Georgia-Texas game, apparently this is a big one.  If I go take a bath now I can stay upstairs and turn that tv to murder.  Either that or I can browse pink paint samples for the pantry.  Mickey will probably consider that a crime. Hope you’ve had a pleasant Monday.  If not, then I’m glad it’s over. May the rest of your week be surprisingly fun. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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regenderate-fic · 2 years
Who You Pretend to Be (Who You Are): Chapter 4
Fandom: Doctor Who Ships: Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan, Thirteenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Yasmin Khan & Rose Tyler Characters: Thirteenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan, Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness, Dhawan!Master Rating: General Word Count: 5,418 Other Tags: Chameleon Arch, Bad Wolf Rose, Angst with a Happy Ending, Bad Wolf as Disability, Disabled Character, Reunions
Read on AO3
Summary: The Doctor, escaping a threat, turns herself human, leaving Yaz to look after her. Of course, it gets difficult when the human Doctor, or Penny, immediately thinks Yaz is her girlfriend. And it gets even more difficult when Penny drags Yaz to a lecture by one Rose Tyler-Noble, who’s brought a friend Yaz recognizes. Yaz starts putting the pieces together, befriending Rose along the way.
Written for the Doctor Who Creators Summer Exchange for SpaceBetweenGalaxies.
Yaz: We have a problem.
The text came late at night, when Rose was already in bed. She rolled over, peering at her phone screen. 
Rose: ??
Yaz: Do you know the Master?
Rose: john talked abt him i think
Rose: never met him
Yaz: I don’t know the whole story
Yaz: But I know he did something to hurt the Doctor
Yaz: Like, a lot 
Yaz: And he’s here. 
Rose tried to remember what John had said about the Master. He was the other remaining Time Lord. He had tried to take over Earth. He had imprisoned the Doctor for a year, and Martha’s family, who had done nothing but happen to be connected to one of the Doctor’s friends. 
Rose: where? why?
Yaz: Working at the cafe with the Doctor
Yaz: I don’t think he recognized me or her 
Yaz: So it’s either early in his timeline or he’s done the same thing the Doctor did
Yaz: Or he’s pretending. Which historically he’s been very good at
Yaz: Do you think the time dragon was chasing both of them?
Rose: maybe 
Rose: ive got 2 research the time dragon thing
Rose: if u want u can help 
Yaz: Tomorrow evening?
Rose: sure
Rose: & i’ll text penny abt the job
Yaz: Okay
Rose: how worried r u abt the master?
Yaz: I don’t know
Yaz: Worried
Yaz: I can’t tell if he knows it’s us or not. 
Yaz: If he does I’m very worried. If he’s made himself human like the Doctor did I guess I’m less worried
Yaz: But she’s vulnerable right now
Yaz: I want to do right by her
Rose: u will x
Rose: theres a reason she trusts u
Yaz: I guess.
Rose: are u 2 safe now?
Yaz: Yeah, we’re at home. 
Yaz: Penny’s “fixing” the stove instead of doing her classwork 🤦🏽‍♀️
Rose: wow she really doesnt change
Yaz: Nope. 
Yaz: If I close my eyes I can just about pretend I’m back in the TARDIS with the Doctor
Rose: youll get there xx
Yaz: I know. 
Yaz: I’d better sleep. See you tomorrow?
Rose: yep
Yaz: Cool. Good night. 
Rose: gn xx
Rose tossed her phone face down on her nightstand and rolled over again, drifting off to sleep. 
Yaz woke, as she so often did these days, with Penny wrapped around her, fully asleep. It was getting harder and harder to stop herself from melting fully into Penny’s arms— her first instinct was always to nestle in closer, letting her head rest in the space between Penny’s chin and her chest, letting Penny’s warmth surround her. 
But it wasn’t fair to the Doctor, Yaz knew, to take advantage of the situation like that. She was Penny’s girlfriend for practical purposes only. And Penny wasn’t quite the Doctor, and one of the ways they differed was that the Doctor was nowhere near as touchy-feely as Penny. 
Still. Yaz let herself lie there for a few moments longer than necessary, stock still, taking in what warmth she could, trying to soothe the nerves that were still jumping in her stomach from the night before. 
She missed the Doctor.
Finally, she pulled away, gently moving Penny’s limbs to the side. Penny made a little noise, and Yaz, unable to stop herself, smoothed down her hair. It was too short now to push behind her ear, so Yaz just pushed it back, away from Penny’s face. Penny, still mostly asleep, curled in on herself, smiling a sweet and contented smile that filled Yaz’s heart with a bittersweet longing. The Doctor never looked like this— she never relaxed, never let her guard down, long enough for this sort of smile to set in. Yaz almost couldn’t bear it, but it still mesmerized her, drawing in her gaze. She had to tear herself away to go make breakfast. 
Once in the kitchen, away from Penny and all the complications that came with her, Yaz’s fear spiked. She remembered, suddenly, all the instabilities and unknown factors in the Doctor’s safety: the Master, of course, whose presence Yaz’s body had registered as a low but constant hum of anxiety, and then Jack, who didn’t know it was them, couldn’t know, and— Yaz remembered how, the first time she’d met the Master, he had lied so smoothly that even the Doctor thought he was their friend. She wasn’t worried about that happening again, if only because she was aware of who he really was now. 
But— well. 
It planted another seed of paranoia when it came to Rose. Yaz had gone from seeing Rose as a total stranger to a trustworthy ally in a matter of hours, and now it felt like a huge mistake, the sort of thing that would put the Doctor at risk. Tears filled Yaz’s eyes. She was just so scared for the Doctor— scared to lose the Doctor, scared to hurt her. Scared that her protection wouldn’t be enough, that she’d make a mistake and slip into harm. 
She’d seen Rose walk into the TARDIS, a look of wonder in her eyes. She’d heard the emotion in Rose’s voice when she talked about the Doctor. And Jack was around, and Jack was the Doctor’s friend— if he worked with Rose, she was probably trustworthy. There was still a chance, of course, that Yaz was making a huge mistake in trusting her, but— Yaz wiped at her eyes, trying not to let the tears fall. It was crucial, now more than ever, that she not crumble under the pressure. 
After four years leading Dan and Jericho around the early 20th century, Yaz had sort of hoped she might have a moment without so much pressure. A moment to reunite with the Doctor, maybe, and relax in the TARDIS, or go on an easy adventure or two. 
She should’ve known better. 
She took a deep breath, the air shaking in her throat. She couldn’t afford to do this now. She would just have to take the risk with Rose, who had figured it all out on her own anyway— and if the Master was an immediate threat, she could deal with it after breakfast. She put the kettle on and got a pan out of the cupboard, blinking away her tears. 
Yaz was almost done eating her breakfast when Penny came in, dressed in a short-sleeved button-up over a long-sleeved T shirt and cropped jeans, her hair spiking out all over the place. She came over to Yaz, bending over to kiss the top of her head, and said, “You were in my dream last night.”
“Yeah?” Yaz asked, leaning into Penny’s touch. For appearances, she reminded herself, ignoring the unhappy twist in her stomach. “What did I do?”
Penny grabbed a banana off the counter and came to sit on the table. 
“D— Penny, get off there,” Yaz said, although not with much force: she’d long since lost the “getting Penny to use a chair” battle, just like she lost the “getting the Doctor to use a chair” battle years ago. 
“You were in your reenactment costume,” Penny said. “And everything was all weird. Unstable, like. And I think there were tunnels? I was definitely worried.” Her eyes widened. “Oh! And Rose was there! Although that might’ve been a different dream. We were at the beach. Funny what the mind comes up with, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Yaz said weakly, trying not to let her mind go back to those tunnels, seeing the Doctor after so many years without her, the best and worst hug of her life. “Funny.” She got up, bringing her dishes to the sink to wash. Over her shoulder, she said, “You know, you could keep a dream journal.”
“Oh, brilliant idea.” Yaz had her back turned to Penny now, but she could only too well imagine Penny’s legs kicking the air, her head tilted to the side. “I get loads of weird dreams. There’s recurring characters and everything.”
Yaz set her dishes on the drying rack and turned back around, shaking drops of water off her hands. “Bet that bookshop by the cafe has journals you could buy.”
Penny’s face lit up. “Oh! I’ll have to look. Do you want to come with me?”
“If you go this weekend,” Yaz said. “I’ve got work now, remember?” 
“Oh, right.” Penny deflated. “I’ll miss you.”
“You’ve got class anyway,” Yaz reminded her. She kissed Penny on the cheek— all part of the pretense— and slung her bag over her shoulder. “See you tonight?”
“Yeah, all right.” Penny reached out and grabbed Yaz’s arm, pressing a quick kiss to her lips, and Yaz tried to tell herself it didn’t give her butterflies. “Bye.”
“Bye.” And then Yaz was out the door, the cool autumn air driving the heat from her cheeks. She took a deep breath, trying to put Penny and the Doctor out of her mind. Back when she was stuck in the past, Dan had been insistent that she needed to take breaks— he’d practically dragged her out for walks, or to the local tourist attractions, or even just to the shops, and even though she’d never fully been able to take her mind off the Doctor, she’d been able to recognize the importance of trying. And so she tried, focusing on the people around her and the red leaves on the trees and the sound of the bus as it took her to work. She tamped down the certainty that at any moment, something could go horribly wrong; she ignored the fear constantly pricking at the back of her neck. 
Once at work, she put extra attention into her dress and her hair, as if focusing on placing every last pin would keep the Doctor out of danger. She was grateful for a steady stream of visitors, at least, grateful for the curious children and indulgent parents and even the obnoxious teens who tried to get her to break character. 
At the end of the day, though, her stomach was in knots, and she didn’t even bother changing out of her costume before rushing to the bus stop. She texted Rose from the bus—
Yaz: Hey, I’m on my way there now. That okay?
Rose Tyler-Noble: yep xx
Yaz closed her eyes, taking deep breaths and wishing with everything she had for the Doctor’s return. 
Rose waited for Yaz outside again, leaning against the wall of the building that housed the secret entrance to Torchwood. She was only outside for a couple minutes before she saw Yaz running towards her, wearing her full Edwardian getup. She stopped short when she got to Rose, out of breath. 
“Hey,” Rose said. “You all right?”
“Yeah,” Yaz said, still panting. “Fine. Just, you know. A bit stressed.”
Rose glanced from side to side. “Let’s get inside,” she said, “and we can talk. Yeah?”
Yaz nodded. Rose led her back in and through the tunnels to the elevator and down to Torchwood. Jack was out, thankfully, investigating reports in a nearby town, which had given Rose plenty of time and space to look for information on the “time dragon.” 
“I’ve been trying to work it out all day,” she said to Yaz, pulling up an extra chair so they could both sit at Rose’s computer. “I can’t find mention of it in our files, but there’s loads our files don’t have. I’ve been monitoring the vortex, of course, and looking for disruptions in Artron energy around here. And there’s a rift in time, too, right outside here, and we’ve always got an eye on that.” She paused, glancing at Yaz. “And I’ve sort of got these time senses, from looking into the vortex and all. But I haven’t felt anything weird. Except you.”
Yaz frowned. “Why me?”
“You’ve travelled in time,” Rose explained. “What year are you supposed to be in?”
“I’m not sure,” Yaz admitted. She reached an absent hand to tug at her tie. “I think I’m 27. And I was born in January 1999, so if I’m 27 it would put me in 2026, properly. But I started traveling with the Doctor in 2019, and it was 2021 the last time I was with my family or anything.” She paused, grimacing. “I haven’t been in touch with them while I’ve been here. So I can go back to 2021 or 2022 later. I didn’t mean for it to get so complicated.”
“Yeah,” Rose said. “Did I tell you, first time the Doctor tried getting me home, he accidentally landed the TARDIS a year in the future? I’d become a missing person. My mum went half mad trying to find me.”
“The TARDIS took us to sixteen different places before it let us land in Sheffield, my first time,” Yaz said. “But I’m pretty sure it was just trying to get her to make friends. She didn’t mean to have us with her at first.”
“Yeah.” Rose smiled. “The TARDIS is like that sometimes.”
“And sometimes it’s just the Doctor’s awful driving,” Yaz added. 
Rose laughed. “She really never changes, does she? I mean, her whole face changes, but she still can’t land where she meant to.”
Yaz shook her head, smiling. “It’s honestly amazing. She can solve complex equations in a second, but she can’t get her own ship working. Although sometimes I think her method of piloting is just sitting down and having a good argument.”
“Yeah, sounds right to me.” Rose looked at Yaz. There was something about her— she felt more than a year out of time, somehow. Even though she’d been developing them for at least fifty years now, Rose still didn’t quite understand her time senses. But Yaz felt a little like Jack, albeit to a much lesser degree: she was a dizzying clash of times and places, the metallic tang of the 2020’s mixed with… Rose eyed the tweed of Yaz’s jacket. “You said you left 2021, and now you’re 27. What’s that, four years? Five?”
“Four and a half,” Yaz said. 
Rose raised her eyebrows. “That’s why you feel so out of time.” She waved a hand vaguely around her head. “I don’t really understand my time senses yet. I’ve been practicing on Jack. But near as I can tell, I can feel timelines. And yours feels more complicated than just a year off track.”
“I got separated from the Doctor,” Yaz said. “Didn’t have a way back.” She glanced down at her outfit. “Three guesses which decade.”
“Bit more than a good replica, then,” Rose said. 
“Yeah.” Yaz smiled, and for the first time Rose saw a quiet glow of pride in her eyes. “Was proper easy to get the museum job here. Had all the required background knowledge.”
“Good on you,” Rose said. 
“Makes arguments with coworkers really hard, though,” Yaz added. “When they insist things were one way and I can’t explain how I know different.” She shrugged. “But it’s temporary. Doesn’t really matter. Was just a job I didn’t think I was going to hate.”
Rose gestured at the lab. “That’s what this is for me, in a way.” She glanced at Yaz. “D’you know, I also spent a few years separated from the Doctor? Started working at a parallel universe Torchwood so I could try and get back. When I was 21, same as you.”
“You’ve got the future, I’ve got the past,” Yaz joked. 
“Yeah, you could say that. Although it was twenty years ago I got trapped the first time, if we're being linear about it.” Rose turned back to the computer. “Right. We should get onto the research, yeah?”
“Yeah, probably.” Yaz pulled her chair closer. “So. Time dragon?” 
“Like I said,” Rose replied. “Can’t find anything. A creature looking for Time Lords, though— I’m guessing it’s not the kind of thing that shows up on radar. Wonder if there’s anything I could do to boost my time senses or anything.” She glanced at Yaz. “I’ll work on it. But I really want to know about the Master. I’ve got some stuff on him— he was Prime Minister for a while— but I don’t know if it’s relevant. What does he look like?”
Yaz thought for a moment. “He’s about the Doctor’s height,” she said. “And roughly my skin tone. Dark hair. Usually a bit of stubble. I don’t know. We haven’t seen him in a while.”
Rose nodded. “Not him, then?” With a few clicks, she brought up a picture of the man known as Harold Saxon. 
“Definitely not,” Yaz said. 
Rose nodded. “Right. Narrows it down, I suppose.” She grimaced. “Although I haven’t got anything on him, I don’t think.” She nodded at the screen, where the picture of the old Master still smiled out at them. “That one was pretty high profile. And John told me loads about him. I haven’t got the background on any other regeneration.”
“He also went by O,” Yaz offered. “As a code name with MI6. And apparently he’s going by Oliver at the cafe.” 
“That’s something,” Rose murmured. “I think we’ve got contacts at MI6. I’ll reach out.” She glanced at Yaz. “Wouldn’t hurt for you to hang out around that cafe more often, too.”
“Penny likes when I come by,” Yaz said. “Although if you offer her a job here, she’ll probably quit there.” She shrugged. “Either way I can keep going, I guess. The food’s good, if Penny hasn’t gotten to it.”
“Gives us more reason to get her working here,” Rose said. “We don’t want him to go after her when she doesn’t even know why.” 
“Yeah.” Yaz stared at the screen. “It’s a lot to try and protect her from. And I still don’t know everything he’s done.”
Rose pushed away from the computer and turned to look at Yaz. “We’re going to figure it out,” she said. “All right?” 
Yaz nodded. Rose could see the tears in her eyes, the tension in her throat. She reached out a hand and rested it on Yaz’s knee. 
“It’s going to be okay,” she said. 
“I’m just so scared,” Yaz whispered, turning wide eyes on Rose. “I— I care about her so much. She’s done so much for me. I don’t want to let her down.”
“You’re doing everything you can,” Rose said softly. 
“I guess.” Yaz looked up at the ceiling. “I think I just wish she was here.”
“She will be,” Rose said. She had more to say— reassurances that Yaz was doing well, that what she was going through was hard, that it would be okay. But it all sounded hollow in her head, so instead she just sat there in the silence, trying to pass all of it to Yaz through their eye contact. 
Finally, Yaz sighed. “I know it’ll probably be okay. It’s not as hard as learning to live in another century.” She huffed out a laugh. “We’d better get a break after this, though.”
“If you don’t get a break after this, I’ve half a mind to hijack the TARDIS and take you somewhere nice myself,” Rose replied. 
Yaz smiled. “Suppose I could hijack it myself, if it came down to that. Bet the TARDIS would be on my side.”
Rose laughed. “That’s the spirit.”
They didn’t get much more research done. There wasn’t much more they could do, besides searching databases for signs of the Master— which was hard when they didn’t know what last name he was using. There were a lot of men named Oliver in Cardiff, it turned out, and narrowing the search didn’t seem to be helping. So it didn’t take long for Rose to lean back in her chair and say, “Right, I think we’ve just got to wait and see if we hear from MI6. D’you want a cup of tea before you go?”
“Yeah, I’ve still got time.” 
They sat in the lounge again, each holding a mug, not quite meeting each other’s eyes. It was strange, Rose thought, how easy their conversations had been so far, and yet how much they didn’t know about each other. 
“How did you meet the Doctor?” Yaz finally asked, fiddling with the tag on her teabag. 
Immediately, the tension dissipated, and Rose smiled, remembering. “He blew up my job. There was this living plastic he was trying to deal with, I was around after closing, suppose the rest is history.” She inclined her head towards Yaz. “What about you?”
“Sort of a less abridged version of Penny’s train story,” Yaz said. “I was police at the time. Got a call to something mysterious in the woods. Turned out it was an old friend, and then his nan and her husband called from their train, which had stopped, so we went to check it out. We were about to be killed by a half-sentient ball of electric wires when the Doctor fell through the ceiling.”
“Suppose you didn’t actually talk for hours, after that,” Rose said with half a smile. 
Yaz shook her head. “‘Course we went off looking for answers. She was proper unsteady, too. Think it was a brand new body for her.”
Rose tried to think of the Doctor, wobbly after a regeneration, trying to save the day with a group of strangers. It made her heart ache. She remembered her Doctor, passed out in her flat, after his regeneration; she and her mum and Mickey had carried him up the stairs, gotten him into pajamas, tucked him in. He’d saved the day, in the end, but not alone. 
“It’s good she had someone around,” Rose finally said. “Don’t like the thought of her going through that on her own.”
“Me either.” Yaz shook her head. “She wouldn’t let us take her to the hospital, passed out cold, woke up and immediately started investigating. I’m not sure she’s stopped moving since then. She can’t stay still for a second.” She paused. “Even Penny won’t let up.”
“You’re not the only one who needs a break,” Rose said. She thought about her old Doctor, finally being convinced to let his guard down and dance— how far back had the Doctor slid? What had happened, in the last two thousand years?
It was a silly question, maybe. Two thousand years— the Doctor was bound to have picked up more trauma, more horror. More to run from. 
“Guess not,” Yaz said. “We were trying to get to a beach, when we wound up here. Or, we were going to pick up a friend first. But we were supposed to get a break.”
Rose tapped a foot against Yaz’s, trying to be encouraging. “You still will.”
“She was finally going to talk to me,” Yaz said. “Tell me what she’s been running from, all this time.” She blinked, and Rose pretended not to notice the tears in her eyes. “Sorry. I don’t mean to keep crying at you. You must think I’m a mess.”
Rose shook her head. “Not a mess. Just going through something.”
“Yeah.” Yaz took a long sip of her tea. “You could say that.” She paused. “Thanks. For being here.”
“‘Course,” Rose said. “Friend of the Doctor’s a friend of mine.”
Yaz managed a smile. 
She left not too long after that, citing the need to get home and change before Penny’s shift ended. Rose lingered in the lounge, thinking about the Doctor, who he’d been and who she was now.
The next day was a Saturday. Yaz woke up to see Penny furiously typing at her phone screen. She frowned: Penny usually wasn’t up so early. She sat up, hooking her chin on Penny’s shoulder. Penny dropped the phone. 
“Morning, Yaz!” she said, sounding like she woke up that early every day. 
“Hiya.” Yaz glanced at the phone, facedown in Penny’s lap. “What are you doing up?”
“Trying to write down my weird dreams,” Penny replied. “Just like you said.”
Why had Yaz suggested Penny start a dream journal? 
“Oh, yeah?” she prodded. 
“I had a really weird one last night,” Penny said. “Was trying to get the details down.” She shifted, twisting her torso towards Yaz, leaning into her a little. Yaz succumbed to the touch, letting her body mold to Penny’s. 
“What happened?” Yaz asked, dreading the answer. 
Penny frowned, scrunching up her nose. “Loads,” she said. “There was this weird guy made of metal— oh, my God, and I think Mary Shelley was there!”
Yaz’s heart sank. 
Penny didn’t notice. “Or my brain’s idea of what she looked like, anyway. And Byron— this is what I get for reading before bed. And then—“ Her frown deepened. “We weren’t on Earth. It was you and me, and then remember Ryan and Graham? From Sheffield?”
Yaz nodded. She didn’t trust herself to speak: she remembered this. She wished it had been a dream.
“They were there too. And all these metal men— and then this portal, sort of. To a planet where everything was orange. And it was all destroyed, all the buildings and everything. And Oliver was there!”
“From the cafe?” Yaz asked, keeping her tone steady. 
“Yes! As if I didn’t have to see him enough already, ugh.” Penny shook her head. “He was a lot worse in the dream. Mean, really. Took me through this weird memory walk thing.” 
Yaz’s breath caught. The Doctor had never told her what had happened on Gallifrey. She’d asked, over and over, but all she knew was that whatever it was, it had done something to the Doctor, carved out her insides and left her wanting, running for anything that could fill her back up.
Penny still didn’t notice. She was caught up in trying to remember the dream. “In the world of the dream,” she said, “I could change my body. Had done, loads of times. But then— it’s hard to remember, now I’m awake.”
“You don’t have to,” Yaz said softly. It would be better if she didn’t— as much as Yaz wanted to know what had happened, she wanted to hear it from the Doctor, not from someone with the Doctor’s face and none of her baggage. 
“No, I want to,” Penny said. “It was a brilliant story. Like out of some sort of sci-fi! Even the memory walk. I think I was hooked into some sort of computer.” She shook her head, her short hair brushing against Yaz’s cheek. “And then there were these images— this abandoned kid, and then someone picked her up and adopted her, and then she died and turned into another kid, and then her mum did all these experiments on her to figure out why she didn’t die for good.”
Yaz felt a strange dread creeping over her. But she said nothing. 
“And then the mum did a lot more experiments until she figured out how to get the powers for herself,” Penny continued. “But the kid was supposed to be me? I think so, anyway. It was all very distressing, in the dream.”
“I can imagine,” Yaz choked out. 
“And I didn’t have any memory of it,” Penny added. “Had absolutely no clue. My own childhood, and I had no idea! Don’t know how that was supposed to work, but you know dreams. Never realistic.”
“No,” Yaz agreed. “Never realistic.” Her mind was spinning. Was this what the Doctor hadn’t been telling her? Was this what the Doctor had been running from? She tried to imagine the child, abandoned, taken in, experimented on. And then she imagined them growing up to be the Doctor, her Doctor— the brilliant woman who ate dirt off the ground and saved worlds and grinned widely, accepting as fact that the universe was loving and kind. Rage rose up in her, the kind of rage that bites at your insides and threatens to detonate, and she pushed it down, covering her gritted teeth with a kiss to Penny’s hair. 
“Are you up for real, then?” she asked. 
“Might as well be,” Penny said. She kissed Yaz’s nose and hopped off the bed. “Thought I might make pancakes. Or, oh! French toast! Any preference?”
“Surprise me,” Yaz said. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Right. Surprise breakfast for Yaz, coming right up.” Penny grinned. And then she rushed out of the room, leaving Yaz to slump back against the headboard, wondering how on Earth she had learned the Doctor’s secrets so casually, as if it were nothing. 
It was nothing, to Penny. 
Yaz didn’t want to think of what it was to the Doctor. 
She thought about texting Rose, explaining what had happened. But it wasn’t really something Rose needed to know, to help keep an eye on things— and it was the Doctor’s story to tell, anyway. So she just took a deep breath, wiped at her eyes, and went out to the kitchen, where Penny was making a real mess out of a few eggs.
0 notes
fortuositywritings · 3 years
I Said No (Wanda x R): Pt 4
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3
Summary: You try to be friends with Wanda. Frankly, you could try a little harder. (Ice cream date, but it’s not really a date, but like it is but it’s not)
PS: There are like three swear words, mentions of exercise, and you eat a lot of pancakes but that’s cause you’re hungry. It’s not a problem. Also, if you are actually athletic, are fit, or like to exercise, you aren’t and you don’t. Not in this house.
You wake up the next morning with a sore neck. As you sit up, you see Nat standing beside the couch looking at you over her coffee cup scaring the life out of you. 
“So, how’d you sleep?” she asks.
“Like a princess,” you sarcastically reply. Stretching, you hear your body popping in all different places. Maybe you will take Pietro up on his offer.
“I know what will help. Some exercise. Get ready. We’re going on a hike.”
You finally take in Nat’s appearance and see her sporting the attire for a hike. 
You groan. “You say hike, but I know you really mean running at an incline.”
“Come on. Don’t be a baby. Exercise is good for you. When’s the last time you got any?”
You want to make a joke because of how she worded it, but your mischievous smile gives you away.
“Exercise, Y/N. When’s the last time you got any exercise,” she clarifies.
“The last time you asked me that.”
“A year ago?” 
“And my body is still sore. Ask me again in a few months,” you go to lie down again but she throws a couch cushion at your head. “Okay, okay. Jeez, woman. I’m up.”
When you return from your hike, you are heaving. You don’t ever really think about how unfit you are, which makes sense when you don’t spare 5 minutes to do any kind of exercise, but a hike with Nat will surely remind you. You are sweating buckets and just want to pass out when you enter the house. Everyone is awake presumably having breakfast. You can smell the pancakes from the living room. Your stomach growls. You want to eat but even chewing sounds like too exhausting at the moment. You just want to knock out. You head over to your sleeping quarters for the week, but before you collapse on the couch, your cousin says, “I don’t want any sweat on my couch, Y/N.”
“Ugh,” you complain but comply and go to take a shower. There is no warm water. You assume all the guests had probably had their turn while you were out. You don’t mind it too much. The cold water wakes you up and you feel refreshed. Soon you are sitting with everyone else making plans for the day, but unlike everyone else at the table you are scarfing down pancake after pancake, hardly chewing between each swallow. The conversation dies down as everyone starts to look your way. You’d be embarrassed at your table manners but honestly you’re too famished to care. 
“Woah, slow your roll there, Y/N. Where was this energy on our hike?” You hear Nat’s voice come up behind you. You don’t bother looking at her, showing her the middle finger behind your back so the kids won’t see. She chuckles as she sits on the empty seat beside you. 
“You might be faster than me,” Pietro comments.
“You know it’s not gentleman-like commenting on the way a woman eats,” you answer, mouth full and all. 
“It’s also not lady-like to speak with your mouth full of food,” Laura reprimands you.
“Cooper doesn’t care. Right, Cooper?” you turn to the kid in question still chewing on your food.
He answers you with a mouth full of food as well, “Right!”
Your cousin sighs as you reach over to give Cooper a fist bump. Wanda laughs at the interaction from beside Cooper. You give her a quick wink before settling back in your seat. She just rolls her eyes.
They all go back to their conversation and you go back to eating your delicious pancakes in peace. Once you are satisfied, you sink back in your chair letting out a happy sigh.
“Are you sure you don’t want another one? You hardly ate anything, Y/N,” Nat sarcastically says.
You roll your eyes in good nature. “Honestly, I do want another one but my stomach might explode. I’m going to be dreaming of these pancakes tonight. I’d wed whoever made these bad boys but sorry, cousin,” you turn to Laura, “you’ve got a husband and kids, and I just can’t tear a family apart.”
“Also, she’s your cousin,” Nat emphasizes.
“Obviously that was implied, Natasha,” you say her full name obnoxiously.
“I’d love to take all the credit, but Wanda actually made breakfast. So if you’re marrying anyone for the pancakes, it’s Wanda,” Laura says. 
“You hear that, Wanda? I’m going to make an honest woman out of you.” You wiggled your eyebrows her way.
“If anything, it’s the other way around, Y/N,” your cousin teases.
“Don’t egg Y/N on, Laura,” Clint quips.
“But then who is going to make me pancakes like these, Barton?” You pout.
“I can,” Pietro pipes up. “I’ll even bring them to you for breakfast in bed.” He winks as Nat and Clint wrinkle their noses in distaste and Wanda stifles a laugh.
“What?” Pietro asks his sister.
“Pietro, you can’t boil an egg.”
“Yes, I can. I can make many things. I even helped you with this breakfast,” Pietro insists.
Everyone watches the siblings squabble in amusement, especially when Wanda turns to you to stage whisper, “He burnt two pancakes.”
“I did not!”
“Ask Peter. He had one,” Wanda says in turn. Peter shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
“It was a little crunchy,” Peter says after much hesitation. Sam pats his shoulder, shaking his head. “Poor kid. No one should have to eat crunchy pancakes.”
After breakfast the kids decide they want to play basketball with the hoop Clint had placed over the barn doors. You break into teams of 3. It’s you, Lila, and Peter versus Sam, Cooper, and Pietro. Nat and Wanda sit on the sidelines watching and cheering. Your team is not doing so great. If it wasn’t for Peter pulling the team, you would cry in embarrassment. The guys on the opposing team start to get cocky. Sam rubbing the score in your team’s face, Cooper repeating whatever Sam says, and Pietro begins making flirty remarks about teaching you one on one and so on. You want to ignore his remarks but you kind of also want to wipe the smirk off his face. You do just that a few minutes later when you finally make a shot after Peter screens him allowing you to shoot. You look to see if Wanda saw but frown when you notice she’s not there anymore. You play for a few more minutes but you are quickly getting tired.
Laura comes up beside Nat and yells over to you, “Y/N, I need you to run to the store for me.”
“Oh, thank god.” You sigh in relief as you go over to your cousin and take the list she holds out to you. “Nat, sub me in?”
“Gladly.” She walks confidently over to take your place. You hear Sam and Pietro whine behind you when they realize Nat is playing in your place.
You chuckle as you read the list. “Are we having hamburgers tonight?”
“Gosh, you really were not paying attention while eating those pancakes. Clint wants to grill tonight.”
“Can you blame me? I’m getting that pancake recipe,” you say with complete determination. “Speaking of, have you seen Wanda?”
“Y/N.” Your cousin gives you a look.
“What?” You say innocently, knowing exactly what that look means.
“Clint told me about that little talk he and Nat had with you.”
“So, what now? I can’t be her friend?” you scoff.
“Friend. Mhmm, sure,” she laughs in disbelief and shakes her head. Why does no one in this damn house believe you?
“Mhmm,” you repeat as you are walking back to the house.
“Check the guest room,” Laura says last minute. Well, at least your cousin’s got your back. You give her a thumbs up in thanks.
Sure enough, Wanda is in the guest bedroom. She’s sitting in bed with a book in her hand. You softly knock on the door. She looks up, notices it’s you, frowns, and goes back to reading. You tilt your head wondering what has her in a mood. Is she back to thinking about her ex? Maybe you can help distract her as a good friend would do.
You walk over to the bed before deciding to sit in front of her cross-legged, elbows on knees, chin on the palm of one hand. “Whatcha got there?”
“A book. Ever heard of one?” she replies without bothering to look up.
Sheesh. “Oh, my god. Is it real? Can I, like, touch it? I’ve always heard about books but I’ve never seen one in person,” you say sarcastically, hoping to get some positive reaction from her. You see a slight upturn on the corner of her lips before it disappears. Though it was miniscule, it was a step forward no less. You sit there for a minute staring at her and thinking of how to proceed. You don’t want to worsen her mood with one of your dumb jokes.
Wanda can feel your eyes searching for some kind of sign from her. She gives up trying to read her book, having been repeating the same paragraph over and over again. She puts the book down and huffs. “Can I help you?” 
“Actually, you can,” you say. “I’m going into town to get some stuff for the hamburgers and I was wondering if you wanted to come?”
Maybe you are simply confusing Wanda’s boredom for an unpleasant attitude. 
“Didn’t you ask Piet? There’s no way he refused going with you.”
 Or not. 
Her sardonic tone is not lost on you. So, it’s about the brother and not the ex. You want to scream. This is why you have the twin rule. Though you want to bang your head on a wall for not listening to your own rules, you keep your composure as you stand to leave the room. Before you go, you tell Wanda, “I haven’t asked Pietro. I thought of you first, but if you’re not feeling it, I’m sure he would say yes like you say.”
You turn and head out to the hallway dejectedly, but you perk up when you hear Wanda stop you. “Wait! Let me put on my shoes.”
You wait for her in the hallway, smiling to yourself in part because you would not have to spend hours with Pietro’s constant advances but mostly because you got to spend time with Wanda without supervision. You are a grown ass adult, eh, not really, but legally you were an adult. You don’t need to be supervised. It’s not like you needed someone to watch you else you throw yourself at Wanda. Sure, you like to tease here and there but it’s not bothersome. Is it? Oh, god, were you annoying Wanda?
Those thoughts are quickly dispelled when Wanda meets you with a smile. “Ready.”
No, Wanda wouldn’t have agreed to go with you if you were really a bother. You’re sure of it.
It’s a 20 minute ride into town. With Wanda’s mood having done a full 180, you find yourself enjoying your time with her as she recounts a slight hiccup on Steve’s behalf on a mission. Soon enough you are driving up the main street looking for a parking spot. Luckily you find a spot not too far from the store. You head inside and grab a cart. You and Wanda wander around the aisles looking for what you need. Wanda takes over cart duty when you keep bumping into things because you’re distracted with either looking over the list or looking over at her. You say a quick hello to a few people you recognize.
“Well aren’t you popular,” Wanda comments as you both turn into the frozen food aisle to look for hamburger patties. 
“Yeah, that’s not always a good thing,” you say when you spot a woman you know in the same aisle. You move to walk real close behind Wanda, trying to hide your face. 
“What are you doing?” Wanda asks when she feels your forehead resting between her shoulder blades.
“Shhh, just keep walking,” you command without any explanation. Your really sad attempt at hiding was all for naught when you hear your name.
“Y/N? Is that you?” 
You take a deep breath, plaster a fake smile, and leave Wanda’s space. “Hi, Mrs. Townsend. How’s it going?”
“I thought that was you. You can’t hide from me, you know. Not that you were ever any good at it,” she says knowingly. You cringe at the memory of her finding you in her daughter’s closet. This woman disliked you from start to finish, which made sense given that her daughter had broken up with her boyfriend for you only for you to break things off a few weeks later.
“Yeah, I know,” you smile sheepishly. She looks over your shoulder at Wanda. She looks curious but not in the best way.  “And who is this?”
Wanda introduces herself with a polite smile. “Hello, I’m Wanda. Pleasure to meet you.”
“You look familiar. Have we met before?” Mrs. Townsend asks.
“No, I guess I just have that face,” Wanda responds with no hesitation having practiced that line so many times on missions. Mrs. Townsend’s stare weighs heavy and Wanda begins to feel uncomfortable.
“A very pretty one at that. Y/N sure knows how to pick them. Is that an accent I hear? Where are you from, dear?” Mrs. Townsend asks, with faux intrigue. Now you’re uncomfortable too. 
You know you shouldn’t speak for Wanda but you don’t want to subject her to be in this woman’s presence any longer. “Actually, she’s just a friend visiting from New York. She and a few others are staying with Laura. And actually, she’s expecting us to return soon. So, have a good day, Mrs. Townsend. Come on, Wanda. Let’s go.”
You lead Wanda away by pulling the cart behind you. When you’re nearly clear of the aisle, Wanda stops and reminds you that you never got the patties. You tell her to go ahead and get in line to pay while you go back for the patties, them being the last thing to get from the list. Mrs. Townsend is still in the aisle now talking on the phone very displeased. “Yes, she was right here and with another girl-” she cuts herself off when you’re in her vision reaching to get what you need. 
You give her a sarcastic smile. As you pass by her for the last time, you smirk and lean in to say, “Tell Abby I say hi.” Then you wink, leaving Mrs. Townsend very angry, and head over to the checkout area where Wanda is waiting. Wanda doesn’t say anything other than “Well, she was lovely” to which you laughed. Apart from that, she stays quiet at the checkout and as you put the items in the car. Before she has a chance to open the door to get in the passenger seat, you stand in front of the door blocking the handle. 
“Hey,” you begin, but Wanda is looking at her shoes, her hands fiddling with the rings on her fingers. You take her hand to shake her arm in an attempt to get her to look up. “Look at me.” 
You wish you hadn’t asked that of her because when she does look at you, it tears you apart. If you did not think your presence was needed more here, you could storm right back into that store and give Mrs. Townsend a piece of your mind. 
“Mrs. Townsend is an asshole. You should never take what an asshole says to heart cause it’s all shit,” you say in all seriousness. Wanda giggles and raises her free hand to rub her face. You pull it away from her face. Holding both her hands you continue, “She’s just a grumpy lady holding a grudge over something I did like two years ago. It’s nothing to do with you and all to do with me. So don’t listen to anything she says, okay?”
It takes a moment but she finally nods. “There we are.” You pull her into a hug, one she accepts easily, hoping to give further comfort. You can’t help but think how nice it is to hold her, moreso, when she hugs you tighter. 
“So, she was lying when she said I was pretty?” Wanda tries to joke, adopting your method of lightening the mood.
“Oh, absolutely,” you answer. She quickly pulls back from your hold but you don’t let her go too far, holding onto her elbows. “Cause you are breathtakingly gorgeous,” you finish.
She smiles and a blush takes over her face. You decide to add, “In fact, I can’t even breathe right now standing so close to your beauty.” You dramatically gasp for air making Wanda laugh and smack you. 
“Ow, if this is how you Avenger women treat your adoring fans, I’d hate to see how you take down the bad guys.”
“Oh, so you’re a fan?” Wanda asks adorning a sly smile.
“Mhmm, since day one.”
“Is that so? Because from what I remember you called me Crimson Witch just yesterday,” she teases you.
“And I stand by what I said,” you respond. You cut her off when she opens her mouth to argue. “But if I have offended you, let me make it up to you.”
She narrows her eyes, looking at you skeptically as if you were up to no good making you want to laugh. “How?” She asks warily.
You lean into her space once more to say, “I know a place.” You wink and without allowing her to respond, you take her hand dragging her along behind you. “Come on.” 
Your destination is just two blocks away. Wanda speeds up to walk beside you but she never lets your hand go. Not that you mind it in the least. You stop her when you arrive and reluctantly let her hand go to make a grandiose gesture with your arms. “Ta-Da!”
“An ice-cream shop?” she asks you, clearly unimpressed.
“Not just any ice-cream shop. The Ice Cream Shop!” You can’t help but say enthusiastically. Wanda on the other hand does not look enthused. You can’t believe she’s not excited for ice cream. “Oh, come on, Wanda. Don’t tell me you don’t like ice cream. The only excuse I’ll take is that you’re lactose intolerant or vegan. Just don’t tell me you prefer frozen yogurt. Oh, god. You do, don’t you?” You gasp dramatically, your hand clutching your chest. 
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes in a light hearted manner at your antics. “You’ve made your point. Just open the door.”
“Bossy,” you laugh, but do as she wishes though you make a show out of opening the door. You bow and motion for her to enter as you hold the door open. “After you, m’lady.”
She sighs. Passing through the door, she mumbles, “I could be in bed reading right now.”
“Ah, but then you would’ve missed the opportunity to hang out with someone as cool as me,” you say as you and Wanda go to stand behind the group of teenage girls ordering their ice cream.
“Oh, are they meeting us after? Do you think they’ll buy me frozen yogurt?” she retorts, amusement shining through her eyes. You generally find quick witted remarks annoying. Mostly because you’ve always been surrounded by smart-alecks all your life. Your cousin is one. Then she married one who had one as a best friend. Somehow, you find the same quality in Wanda kind of attractive. Oh god. This can’t be happening.
“Quit being so grumpy. You’re gonna thank me when you try it. It’s only the best there is.”
“You should listen to her, but hey, I may be a little biased,” the woman working at the counter backs you up. The teenage girls are long gone.
“Thank you, Tanya,” you reply, stepping forward to the middle aged woman you know to be the owner of the shop. She was actually the one to give you your first job at this very same ice cream shop. Maybe you were also a little biased. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to be in town so early, Y/N.”
“Well, I just missed you so much, I couldn’t wait to get here,” you explain.
“Uh, huh. I’m sure that’s it.” Her voice is full of disbelief. You laugh.
“Actually, I got here yesterday. I wanted to come earlier to help out Laura now that she’s phwwt,” you whistle and make a belly bump gesture like it’s a scandalous secret.
“She’s married and this is baby number three, Y/N. You can say pregnant,” your old boss laughs.
“But that’s no fun,” you pout.
“And who is this little thing?” She turns to Wanda, who timidly smiles still two steps behind you.
“Come on, I don’t bite, hun.” Tanya gives her a sincere smile, one much different from Mrs. Townsend’s. Wanda slowly approaches after you wave her over encouragingly. When she is close enough, you hold her forearm to introduce her to Tanya, trying to ease her nerves. It seems to work. You feel her relax and lean into your side as she says, “Hi, I’m Wanda.” 
“Pleasure to meet you dear. I’m Tanya. See, no need to be shy.”
“She’s not usually like this as far as I can tell. She’s actually quite chatty. Sometimes I don’t know how to get her to stop talking,” you joke. Wanda scoffs and bumps your hip with hers.
“Whenever Y/N begins to annoy you, just put on some earphones and hide them with your hair. It works wonders. She can talk to herself for hours,” your old boss advises Wanda.
“I’ll have to keep that in mind.”
“Hey!” You interject. “Tanya, where is your loyalty? So quick to team up against me.”
Wanda giggles beside you. You turn your head to playfully glare at her, missing the way Tanya smiles at the interaction in front of her. 
“So how’d you two meet? I don’t think I’ve seen you in town before, Wanda.”
“She’s a friend and um, coworker of Clint and Natasha. She’s here for the week.” You hope Tanya didn’t catch your little hiccup there. However, you miss the implication of her question. Tanya tries to remember who Nat is.
“Natasha. Is she the intimidating red head always wearing tight jeans?” You and Wanda laugh. You affirm with a finger to your nose. “Didn’t you date her sister?”
You let go of Wanda’s arm to throw your head into your hands. “Ugh, how could you possibly know that?”
“Small town. Word gets around fast. People are probably already talking about you two, especially when you’ve got someone as beautiful as Wanda with you.”
Wanda blushes at the insinuation. “There’s nothing to talk about,” you tell Tanya. 
Tanya raises an eyebrow, “You mean, you’re not dating?”
“Please, Wanda here is way out of my league. I mean, funny, polite, pleasant, and gorgeous. Maybe even a little pretentious. I caught her reading a book… for fun. Who does that? Ow!” Wanda smacks your arm and Tanya laughs. “Did I mention violent?”
The bell above the entrance door chimes informing you three that other customers are coming in. “Okay, so what can I get you?” Tanya asks, moving this along.
“I’d like two scoops of rainbow sherbert on a cone, please.”
“And for you, hun?” Tanya asks Wanda after handing you your cone. 
“Um, may I have two scoops of strawberry, please?”
“Of course, you’d get red,” you taunt.
“Here you are.” Tanya hands Wanda her cone. You take out a ten dollar bill from your pocket to pay but Tanya won’t have it. “My treat, ladies.” 
“But this is sort of an apology cone I promised Wanda,” you try again.
“Y/N! Apologizing with a three dollar ice cream cone is not a real apology. You can do better.”
“It’s like you read my mind, Tanya,” Wanda says. You want to laugh at the irony.
“It wasn’t for anything serious,” you try to argue.
“Whatever it was, you can treat her to something nicer,” Tanya reprimands you.
“Well, what am I supposed to do?”
“The fair is in town. Take her to that. Now shoo, I’ve got customers waiting. Nice meeting you, Wanda,” she says.
“You too. Thanks.”
You exit first, holding the door open for Wanda without thinking about it. She smiles and loops her arm through yours as you both head back to the car at a leisurely pace. You look to see if Wanda likes her ice cream. There is no doubt about it as she begins to hum in happiness. You want to say something like “ I told you so” but she warns you before you have the chance to open your mouth. “Don’t.”
You smirk and turn to your ice cream. You try to savour it, but you demolish that ice cream. You pout when you see it all gone. Wanda still has half of hers.
“Quit being so grumpy,” she says, throwing your words from earlier back at your face. “Here, you can have some of mine.”
She lifts her cone to your mouth. You happily go to take a bite when Wanda shoves the rest of her cone in your face. It wasn’t much but you can smell the damn strawberry ice cream as it drips from your nose. You’re too shocked to move for a minute. She laughs as you try to process what just happened. You hear the shutter noise of a camera. You see Wanda holding her phone up. That snaps you out of your daze. Wanda takes off running the second she sees the look that settles on your face. She doesn’t have to be a telepath to know what that look means. You chase after her. 
She gets to the car before you but can’t open the door. She turns around, hands out in front of her body which is shaking from nervous laughter. “Wait, Y/N. I’m sor-”
You pull her into a hug and shove your ice cream riddled nose to her neck smearing the strawberry flavored dessert on her. “Stop, okay. I’m sorry. Stop, that tickles!” She bursts out laughing. You take pity and let her go, but your feet stay planted where they are. You both quickly sober up when you see how close you are. You feel the tension from yesterday return. You know what you want to do but you know you shouldn’t. Wanda is not making it easy looking at you the same way. Before either of you make a decision, your phone rings ruining whatever that was. You awkwardly clear your throat and back away. You give Wanda a smile before reaching for your phone. You answer it without looking at the name of whoever is calling. It’s Laura asking if you are on your way. You tell her you’ll be there soon. 
You unlock the car and open the passenger door for Wanda. She gives you a quiet thanks. The drive to the house is awkward to say the least, a total contrast to the ride into town. The music in the background does nothing to alleviate your discomfort. In fact, you think it might have made it worse. 
You let out a little sigh of relief once the barn enters your line of sight. Wanda on the other hand can’t take it anymore. She turns off the radio and turns to you expectantly. You take a deep breath knowing what was coming. Having a feeling this conversation could get loud, you slow down the car to a stop before you could pull up to the barn. You’d rather not let anyone overhear knowing how nosy they all are.
“What was that back there?”
“You started it, shoving the ice cream in my face.” You play naive.
“Don’t do that.”
You don’t know why you thought you could get away with lying to her when you know she can literally read minds.
“I’m sorry. I wanted to. I did. I do.”
“Well, I do too,” Wanda says.
“You do?” you ask. You don’t know why you sound so shocked. You had a gut feeling already, but it surprises you hearing her say it aloud anyway.
“You know I do. So what’s the problem?”
The problem is you can’t. The problem is you promised Nat, Clint, and yourself you wouldn’t. The problem is what Nat said at dinner struck a chord with you. Sure she could have been a little nicer about it and maybe not say it in front of everybody, but she was right nonetheless. The problem is your habit of touch and go, the one you never wanted to admit you had, only hurts people. You are the problem and you‘ve decided to fix it, starting with Wanda. You won’t allow yourself the chance to break Wanda’s heart. You don’t think she deserves that.
“You don’t get to decide what I deserve. Neither does Nat. Neither does Clint. I get to make that decision for myself. If I put it all on the line and end up heartbroken, then that’s on me. I make that choice.”
You nod, “You’re right. That is your choice and I can respect that. But it’s also my choice to decide I can’t be the one to break your heart. Can you respect that?”
A heavy silence settles in the car, but you have said all you needed to say so you wait for Wanda to respond. When she realizes your mind is set, she nods. After another minute of silence, she asks, “What now, then?”
“Cliché, but friends?” you suggest. When Wanda scoffs in disbelief, you have to ask, “What?”
“You and me?” Wanda asks as if for clarification.
“Well, I don’t see anyone else in the car. Yes, Wanda. You and me.”
“Have you ever been just friends with anyone before?” Wanda asks, placing no kind of faith in your ability to maintain platonic relationships.
“Are you asking if I can keep it in my pants? Not to bruise your ego, but I can be in a room with you without wanting to jump your bones, Maximoff. I have plenty of strictly platonic friends. Like... Nat.”
She laughs at the choice you made for an example. “That’s only because Natasha doesn’t want to sleep with you.”
“So, what you’re saying is this friendship won’t work because you can’t keep it in your pants?” you counter and watch with amusement Wanda’s face flush and her try to defend herself.
“N-no,” she stutters weakly.
“Great,” you say cheerily. “It’s settled then. We can be friends.”
“There are rules though,” Wanda warns you as you start driving toward the house again.
“Already? Had I known this friendship came with terms and conditions, I might have never suggested it. Fine, lay them on me.”
“No more flirting with my brother.”
“I have never flirted with your-” you start to deny, but when she gives you a knowing look you quickly agree. “Okay, but if he’s putting in all the work, who am I to keep him from living out his dreams?” You jest. She punches your arm.
“Alright, new rule! No more hitting me.”
You were beginning to see the rules to this friendship were not going to be in your favor.
So, I lied when I said this was going to be most likely 5 chapters. It turns out I really like dialogue. I'm hoping max is 8 chapters.
Your assignment in preparation for the next chapter: pick a nice outfit cause you're going to the county fair.
Extra Credit: Name the county. (I'm prob going to pick one from the comments)
taglist: @madamevirgo @marvels-writings @gayarchnemessis @myperfectlovepoem @purplemeetsblue @magicallymaximoff @b0mbdotc0m @helloalycia @ironscarletwidowsoilder
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multific · 3 years
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Dacre Montgomery x Reader
Summary: After spending months of crushing on Dacre, all you needed is a little courage to speak up, or alcohol. 
  His handsome face caused you more confusion than any math problem ever could.
The way he smiled made you feel fuzzy on the inside. And it was harder and harder to hide your feelings for him. You were sure some of your co stars noticed it by now.
You had a crush on him from the moment he walked on set and introduced himself as the actor who will be playing Billy.
And ever since, you were lost.
Lost in his eyes, in his smile and in his incredible physique. You forgot your lines whenever he was also in the scene with you, because you were so nervous. You felt like a teen again. A love-sick teen.
And in a way that helped you build your character for the series. Which was a bonus at least.
But now, you were lost, in a different meaning of the word. 
You were expected to go to a dinner with the cast, however on your way there you must have took the wrong turn, because you were now in a completely different side of town. And the best of it all? Your rental car decided to breakdown. You did manage to call a recovery and a taxi.
You were very late for the dinner. Because when you finally got there half of the group already left and the other half was drinking.
“I’m so sorry. My car broke down. I tried to call,  but someone didn’t pick up.” you said shooting a glance to Finn. Finn was the only one you had as a contact since you two were great friends. “I’m starving.” you said as a waiter handed you the menu.
“Good to see that you made it.” Dacre said beside you and this is when you noticed that you took a seat next to him. You offered him a smile before you ordered something for yourself.
“I took a wrong turn, because the GPS in the car was terrible, then after driving around for about fifteen minutes the car decided that it would break down.” you told him as the waiter left to get your order ready.
“Ah, I was starting to think that you wouldn’t come.”
“No, I wouldn’t miss it for anything. But now, I’m without a car, and hungry.”
“I can drive you back to your hotel. Shouldn’t be far from mine.”
“I actually have a rented apartment...” you say trying not to sound like a spoiled teen. “But I would appreciate it if you could drive me home, thank you, Dacre.”
“Of course.” he smiled.
That damn smile of his. Cute yet sexy at the same time. Innocent yet somehow kinky.
Maybe you were going mad.
You took a sip of your drink before you looked back to your right were he sat, he gave you a wink before he went back to his conversation.
You were definitely going mad.
Perhaps drinking multiple glasses of wine wasn’t the best choice. But it was so delicious. And who could have thought that you would end up tipsy when you even ate a lot?
You just hoped not to be a burden to Dacre and the others. Or you hoped you wouldn’t say something you shouldn’t.
Slowly everyone left, one by one, leaving you and Dacre behind. He was telling you stories, making you laugh. And you did the same.
“Maybe we should leave too. Tomorrow you have the day off, no? You will be able to sleep.”
“Hmm.” you said nodding your head as your hand unconsciously moved to the part where his shirt was open. Not as low as his character, Billy would have, but it still had his delicious skin show.
“What are you doing?” he asked with a laugh as he watched your hand move from his neck down until his open shirt let you.
“Your skin. I needed to know if it is as smooth as it looks.” You grabbed your glass, which was now filled with water.
“And? Is it?” your drunken mind was too focused on anything else to notice how his voice lowered and his eyes darkened. And he didn’t push you away. 
“It’s even better than I imagined.” you said as you looked around. “Where are the others?” you asked with a confused expression.
“They left. And we should too. I have a feeling you will have one hell of a headache tomorrow.”
“I never do. I can drink as much as I want, but no headaches.”
“Lucky you.” he said, laughing as he stood up from the chair. You did the same but you wobbled a little. He had to grab you so you wouldn’t fall.
You moved your nose closer to his neck and smelled his perfume.
“Tom Ford Black Orchid.” you said as you grabbed your purse.
“You know your cologne.”
“I used to work in a perfume store. I know most.” you said as you ran your hand through your hair and made your way out of the restaurant.
You quickly got into Dacre’s car as he started to drive.
You knew you were staring, you felt it. And if you did, so did he. He took a quick glance at you before turning back to the road.
“What?” he asked with a laugh.
“How can you be real? Handsome, funny, smart, talented, kind and your killer smile. Just not fair.” you were pouting, the fact that you practically confessed to Dacre completely went over your head.
“Well, thank you. I think you are also very nice and beautiful and talented.”
“You are just saying that because I complimented you.”
“No, I truly mean it.”
“Sure.” you said letting out a long yawn.
You watched as the buildings passed before you closed your eyes.
The next morning you woke up in your bed. You were confused as to how you got there in the first place, but not the weirdest place to wake up after a few drinks.
Thanks to the alcohol, you forgot most of what happened. You remembered being late, talking to Dacre, Natalie, Joe and Charlie. Then you remember eating and drinking, but nothing more.
You assumed the images in your head about talking to Dacre were just your imagination.
As you walked out of the bedroom into the living room, you noticed a few things were misplaced, but you blamed your drunk self. You sat on the couch and decided to order some burgers. You put your phone down on the small table and this is when you noticed another phone there. It was definitely not yours. You picked it up and as the lock screen flashed you saw an image of a beach.
Did you steal someone’s phone? OR was someone else in the apartment with you? As you turned around you saw Darce standing in the hallway, looking in the mirror, fixing his hair. Then you looked back to the table in front of you and back to Dacre who was now standing behind you.
“Morning! You sure sleep a lot it’s almost 11 am.” he said. But why was he there?
“Hi. Umm...sorry but why are you here?”
“Oh, right. So, I drove you home, but you fell asleep in the car, so I carried you in.”
“And you changed my clothes?”
“No, you did that, half asleep. And you said I could stay since it was late, so I did.” he said as he sat down beside you on the couch. “Look you said something yesterday.”
“Oh no. Did I make a fool of myself?” you asked, feeling embarrassment creep up in your stomach.
“No. You didn’t just...I was so afraid to ask you out. I thought you are going to reject me, but now I’m a bit more confident.” you didn’t know what he was referring to, him? Afraid of rejection from you? How? You could only stare at him as he ran his fingers up and down his chest with a smile. “Would you be open for a date with me?” he asked and just as you opened your mouth to answer, your doorbell rang.
“It’s my food. I’ll be quick.” you stood up and walked to the door. Hoping that on your way to the door and back, you would be able to make sense of what was happening. Did Dacre really just asked you on a date? And what did you say that encouraged him to finally open up.
You walked back into the kitchen.
“I ordered some burgers, would you like some?” you asked him and he accepted. “I’m not avoiding your question by the way.” you said as you handed him his plate and sat down once again. “I’m just confused, you thought I didn’t like you?”
“Yes. I didn’t want to make it awkward between us, so I just didn’t do anything about it.”
“Well, Dacre, I would love to go on a date with you.”
​“Cool.” he said smiling.
“That’s not fair! You smiling like that is. How would I ever be able to say no if I know that you will smile like that when you are happy.” Now he was laughing as you smiled yourself.
“Guess then I can do whatever I want, Babe.”
You shook your head before you turned the TV on to watch something while you ate.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Dacre looking at you.
You were extremely happy that your feeling were reciprocated. And also the fact that he asked you out on a date, you would never have imagined things to turn out that way.
Perhaps you should drink wine more often.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway fleursirvart  v-2bucky ehsebastian  crunch-time-sports pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmiler smexylemony greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd thisismysecrethappyplace sincerelyfan theoneanna aestheticsandmarvel rororo06 castellandiangelo avengers-r-us destynelseclipsacastellandiangelo  spilledinkindumpster celebsimagines capsiclesdoll firstangeldragonranch snoopy3000 firstangeldragonranch puknow crazzyter alwayshave-faith  soleil-dor  alex12948 scream-kiwi79
My taglist is open!
Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You for reading my story!~
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harrywritingsbyme · 3 years
Sunday Smut Concept #32
A/N: i can’t believe that i haven’t posted any smut for two consecutive fridays...it’s a bit weird tbh😂anyways, this one is crazy hot and I’m so happy that got past my recent writing anxiety a little bit to write a blurb for you guys bc this one is ✨spicyy✨it’s kinda loosely based on the “inspo” but who cares lmao...enjoy🙃
So this is hands down subby wife!y/n while older/ceo/daddy!harry is working.
Since Harry has been at home and working from his home office over the past couple of months, you’ve become incredibly needy for his attention. You were constantly looking for ways to have his eyes and focus on you and only you. From wearing the prettiest little dresses that Harry was absolutely obsessed with, to doing little things for him just to get a big cuddle or some kisses from him to say thank you, you made sure that you got some type of attention. Now along with being incredibly needy for his attention, you were also needy(well, more like desperate) for his cock. You just wanted to have his cock inside of you all the time. It could’ve been in your mouth, in your pussy, in your beyond tight second entrance, or even in your hand; that didn’t matter to you at all. All that mattered was that you got his cock. And right now, getting Harry’s attention and his cock were the only two things in your mind. You thought that you’d be able to be good and not disturb him for the entirety of the hours he’d blocked off for work but it was really hard. You couldn’t take your mind off of how good he made you feel first thing this morning. The memory of how hard he made your body shake, how he was able to make you beg for him to give you more and in one breath and make you beg for mercy in another lingered in your mind and it wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
This meant that you were going to were going to have to weigh what would make Harry “madder” per se; you touching yourself or bugging him while he’s in the middle of his work? Considering that you weren’t a big fan of really intense punishments, you decided to go with the ladder option. Harry was very picky with your pleasure. He wanted to be the only one who could perfectly and fully pleasure you. The only time he even considers allowing you to touch yourself is when the two of you have gone multiple rounds and he’s been unsuccessful at tiring you out. With that being said, you decided to have a go at bugging him. Before you went down though, you decided to slip on something that would make it a bit harder for him to say no. After picking through your drawer, you found the prettiest and softest set of baby pink lingerie that Harry couldn’t bring himself to rip off of you when you’d worn it before. He thought you looked too pretty in it for him to rip it off of you. So he didn’t. Which allowed for you to wear it again.
After carefully putting on the delicate garments, you adjust everything and you do a quick once over before skipping out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and to Harry’s office. As you got closer, your steps became slower and quieter, trying your best to keep some of the element of surprise in all this. When you reach the doorway, you stand quietly in the doorway as Harry continues on talking to his his employees through the screen. Instead of just lightly knocking on the door to get his attention, you decide to just stand there and let him discover your newfound presence in his office. Your hopes of not having to stand in the doorway half naked too long came true and within a few short minuets, Harry’s eyes were on you. When he sat back in his chair and looked up from the computer, his eyes and mind did an immediate double take. He didn’t know whether to address the fact that you were just standing in the doorway, the fact that you were pretty much naked and looked absolutely stunning, or the fact that his cock was growing in his pants. He also didn’t know whether or not he wanted to give your ass a couple swats for coming in when he was working or give you what you wanted. Either way, he was planning on enjoying this. 
After a good minuet of going back and forth between ogling you and paying attention to he meeting he was in, Harry finally beckons you over to him with his index and pointer fingers. When he does this, you immediately push yourself off from the doorframe and make your way over to him. When you round his desk, Harry is quick to stop you in your tracks before signaling you to get on your knees and crawl to him, keeping his eyes steady on the screen in front of him. Now obviously it was to protect your modesty and keep you from flashing his employees(even though he was pretty sure someone accidentally walked in on you two in his office before). But there was a bit of a selfish reason behind his quick signaling. He just really liked to see you on your knees, especially when you were crawling and needy.
When you finally make it over to him, you waste no time laying your head on his knee and bringing your hand up his other thigh and to his lap where his cock was fully hard in his pants. When you do this, Harry’s breath immediately becomes labored and he could feel a warmth rising though his body.
“M’sorry to cut you off but uh, how about we take a 15? Stretch your legs a bit, get some water, and then we can wrap up for the day.” He immediately interjects. Upon agreement from his team, Harry is quick to turn off his mic and camera before turning out from the desk and focusing back on you. “Now what are you doing down there?” He huffs, sitting back in his chair and watching as you bring yourself between his legs, beginning to rub your face against his clothed cock.
“Want daddy to play with me.” You whine, continuing to move your face against the bump in his lap.
“M’working baby.” He coos down to you, managing to steady his breath a bit. 
“M’throbbing for your cock.” You sigh. 
“Why don’t you come up here so daddy can feel.” He instructs, smoothing his hand around the back of your neck and giving you a slight squeeze. In an instant, you’re removing your head from his lap, lifting yourself from the floor, and straddling Harry’s lap, dropping yourself right onto his clothed cock.
“I think daddy wants to play too.” You giggle, pushing yourself against him a little.
“He does sweets, just after he’s done with work.” He pouts, raising his hand up to your cheek to give it a little pinch. “Now lift up f’me.” He instructs, tapping your hip with his other hand. Once you’re no longer sitting on him, Harry brings a hand down between your legs to feel around. As soon as his hand comes in contact with your panties, his fingers are met with a warm and sticky mess between your legs. Your panties are essentially ruined and he can almost feel a really faint pulse in the area. “You really are throbbing doll. And made a complete mess out of daddy’s favorite panties.” He observes and reprimands.
“M’sorry.” You whisper back to him bashfully.
“S’not your fault that this cunt of yours is so greedy.” He chuckles, giving a little pat to your barely clothed and completely sticky and puffy mound, causing you to jump a little. Keeping his eyes on the area between your legs, Harry pulls you back down and begins moving you back and forth against the hard bump that is his cock. As he does this, you can’t stop the little mewls and whimpers from leaving you mouth as you enjoy the amazing feeling of his hard cock against your achey cunt. “Feel good?” He asks huffs sweetly, trying to suppress his own moans that were bubbling up in his throat, shifting his eyes up to your face. Your eyes were snapped shut and your mouth just hung open, letting your sweet moans and whimpers leave your mouth as he (with your help of course) moved you back and forth against him.
“Incredible daddy.” You sigh happily. “I want more.” You continue on.
“Daddy wants to give you more doll, but he has to get back to his meeting in a couple minuets. Can you preoccupy yourself in here while daddy finishes up?” He states, continuing to let you rock against him as he cups your cheek.
“Don’t know how.” You moan, continuing to enjoy the feeling of his clothed cock against you. When you say this, Harry immediately comes up with a solution to your little problem. See, you tended to come into his office a lot, wanting to be taken care of and loved on by him when he wasn’t exactly able to. Even though he wanted to just drop everything and take care of his girl, if he were to stop what he was doing, he’d end up loosing his train of thought and it would take a really long time for it to come back. So with that being said, Harry kept something in his desk drawer that never failed to keep you preoccupied before he was able to play with you and give you his full attention. He kept a suction dildo that was a bit smaller than his cock in his desk drawer so that you could ride or suck on that while he took care of business. He’d simply hand it over to you, and you’d suction it to the floor and just play with it until he took it away and gave you the real thing. And that’s what he planned on doing now. As you kept enjoying yourself in his lap, Harry reached over and pulled out the drawer on his desk to reveal the dildo. He quickly pulls it out and brings it down to tap at your lower stomach in order to get your attention.
“Can you play around with this while daddy finishes business? I’ll give you a treat if you can.” He offers, bucking his growing cock up into you towards the tail end, holding the sizable dildo up between you two in the process. 
“Mhm s’so big.” You hum happily, wrapping your hand around the squishy and very sizable shaft of the dildo. 
“But not as big as who?” He asks, tugging back on the toy.
“S’not as big as you daddy.” You hum back sweetly.
“Good girl, gimme a kiss.” He “asks”, cutely puckering his lips for you to connect yours. Without giving it a second thought, you bring your face in to connect your lips with his for a quick, sloppy, and tongue filled kiss. “Now take all of this off, don’t rip it baby, and play with this.” He instructs, completely letting go of the toy and giving your nose a quick peck.
You’re quick to climb off of his lap and sit yourself on the floor, a little bit away from him so you wouldn’t be in view, where you suction the dildo to the floor. Once it’s as secure as possible, you stand back up and you push your messy panties down your legs. And instead of dropping them onto the floor, you place the sticky panties along with your bra onto Harry’s desk since he liked this set so much. When you do this, Harry is quick to pluck the panties from the little pile you formed, bringing the drenched fabric to his nose for a smell. When he inhales the intoxicating smell of your arousal, Harry couldn’t help but relax in his chair and bring a hand down to to his cock through his pants. He then brings the fabric to his mouth to suck on it and get a little taste of you.
“S’not fair to tease daddy!” You exclaim below him.
“Well it’s not fair to be a fucking minx while m’in the middle of work. But I let you get naked and have the dildo right? So the least you could do is let me have the panties. Now how about you get to using said dildo.” He says bluntly, dropping the panties back onto the desk and sitting up in his chair. Without saying another word, you lift yourself onto your knees and position yourself right over the toy. Facing him, you then begin to sink down onto the dildo, letting out a loud gasp when you feel it push past your entrance. “Now don’t go down too fast, wanna watch it disappear into that cunt of yours.” He says, continuing to palm at his cock as you take the dildo inside of you. 
“Feels so good daddy.” You sigh, enjoying the attention and feeling of being filled with something, even if it wasn’t Harry’s cock. In no time you’ve taken all of the dildo inside and as you begin to move yourself back and forth on the toy, Harry’s meeting is reconvening.
“I know it feels good baby, but m’gonna need you to keep quiet while I finish up in here.” He says, almost pleading with you to keep quiet.
“Okay daddy.” You sigh, beginning to pick up the pace of your hips on the toy.
“Good girl.” He praises before turning his camera back on and getting back into the meeting. 
Over the course of the next 20 or so minuets, there is an immense amount of tension forming in the room. While you’re having a good time bouncing up and down on the dildo and feeling amazing, you’re also trying hard to not moan too loud or at all. You had a hand loosely around your mouth as the other was flat against the floor to hold your body up. You could feel the toy really pushing up into you and you were in love with how the veins on the shaft felt against your walls. On top of that, you are fantasizing about how you’d ride daddy’s cock if he wasn’t in a stupid meeting. Those thoughts only intensified the pleasure you were giving yourself. You could’ve sworn that you were in heaven from how good you were feeling. Harry on the other hand was dying. For starters he made sure to keep his mic muted. He didn’t want to keep it on and risk you (or him at this point) making a sudden outburst from the “situation” at hand. On top of that, Harry had is hand pushed into his pants, palming and tugging at his cock, trying to relieve some of the mounting pressure as he tried so hard to focus on the meeting and not on you or his cock. He was trying so hard to keep his normal straight face and not give away the fact that he was on the verge of combusting in the middle of this zoom call as well. All he could think about was how good your cunt would feel wrapped around his cock and how good it would feel to just fuck you until you’re quivering below him again.
But even though it was an enormous challenge, you and Harry were able to successfully keep your little situation a secret. You and Harry were also able to push yourselves extremely close to the edge. Precum was beginning to bead at Harry’s slit and you were feeling a warm tightening sensation in the pit of your stomach. Once Harry’s meeting was officially over, Harry was quick to end the call. Once he was sure that it was all hung up, he immediately stood up and pushed his sweats down his legs. Over the past 10 or so months, Harry really came to embrace the whole business on top and whatever the fuck he was comfortable in idea. He also hastily undid his shirt leaving him naked as well. Instead of just sitting back down and tugging his cock until he came, Harry walks over to you and stands right in front of your heaving body. When you see his big cock standing proudly in front of you, you’re quick to wrap your hand around his shaft before stuffing your mouth with him. When you do this, Harry is quick to pry your hands off of his cock before wrapping his hands in your hair and thrusting his hips into your face a couple times, causing you to gag a bit and slobber around him. Once he’s used your mouth and throat a bit, he then holds himself in your throat one good time before pulling out completely. 
“Wanted to use that mouth of yours before I use your pussy.” He explains. 
“M’so close daddy!” You whine out to him, continuing to grind down onto the dildo.
“Well come on sweetheart. Want you t’cum around my cock while I cum in that sweet pussy of yours.” He grunts, reaching down to tug you up and off the dildo. 
Once you’re up and on your incredibly shaky legs, you’re immediately pulled up and into Harry’s arms. He then turns you both around and lays you right on the desk in front of him. Wasting no time, Harry pushes right into you, causing the both of you to let out a string of relieved moans. You were overwhelmed with the feeling of truly being full, and Harry was overwhelmed with how tight and wet you were. The both of you were at the very edge, extremely close to falling over and into your releases. Harry could feel just how close you were from the way you were clenching up and pulsating around his cock. It only took a good handful of hard thrusts before the both of you were falling apart at the seams. You were shaking and whimpering as you fell apart below Harry as you let go from the pleasure that was mounting inside. You let go so hard that you squirted all over him too. Getting his cock, part of his lower body, and his desk covered in your “heavenly drops” as Harry liked to call them. Harry too let go extremely hard, feeling thick rope after rope of his cum stream out of his cock and into the pit your stomach, painting your walls with his potent and creamy seed.
“Such a perfect and pretty little wife I have.” He admires through his pants once he steadies his breathing a bit, taking in your completely fucked out appearance. “So pretty, loves me so much, knows how to use a toy, has a perfect little cunt, lets me cum in her tummy, and lets me use her body. Absolutely perfect.” He praises. “Wanna have some more fun with daddy sweets?” He asks, bringing one of his hands down to fondle one of your breasts as he awaited a response. 
“Please daddy.” You shakily breathe out to him, feeling exhausted but ready for more. 
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Aim For The Heart Chapter 4: New and Old
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Pairing: hitman!jk x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, drama, angst
WC: 3.5k im sorry she’s short :(
Warnings for this chapter: strong language, jk is a lying sh*t, a knife is mentioned but not used, alcohol consumption
Tag list; @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @teresaisla @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @scuzmunkie @sugaslittlekookies @jaebeomsblackgf @moon-asia  @yoonchrisgullwrites @armyhollander
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn’t sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn’t his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger.
Previous → Next
"What made you want to be a teacher?" Jungkook asks as the two of you stroll over to a trashcan to throw away your trash. 
"I've j-just always loved working with k-kids," You say with a bright smile. "I guess I th-thought why not teach? Y-You know?" You look up at him and he nods.
You turn to look around you, then you get distracted and point to an ice cream stand, "Ohh, I'll b-buy us some ice cream."
Jungkook shrugs, "Sure." 
You do your little run over to the stand and Jungkook finds himself biting back a laugh. He catches himself though, why the hell are you laughing? She's trying to throw you off track. 
Jungkook hurries over when you wave to him.
Keep your head on straight, Jungkook.
"W-What kind would you like, J-Jungkook?" You ask sweetly, watching him with big eyes. 
Jungkook clears his throat and glances at the menu, "Uh, I'll take a scoop of mint chocolate chip." 
You walk up to the man at the stand, he smiles when he recognizes the girl that always stops by his stand for a scoop of ice cream. 
"Hello!" You say cheerfully and the man bows, "Hello again, missy! What can I get for you today?"
"Mm, c-can I please get one s-scoop of-" You turn back to Jungkook, "You sure y-you only want o-one scoop?" 
Jungkook nods and smiles, but again, the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes.
You turn back and finish your order, "One s-scoop of mint chocolate ch-chip and two scoops of p-plain chocolate please."
The kind man nods and makes your order quickly, then you hand him your card. After he swipes it, he hands it back to you along with your two ice creams.
Before you can grab them though, Jungkook's arms wrap around from behind you and he snags them.
You feel your heartbeat increase and try to control your breathing. Jungkook is unaffected as he simply smiles at you and hands you your chocolate ice cream when you turn around. 
"Thank you," Jungkook says before taking a big bite. 
You smile, hoping your cheeks aren't as red as they feel, "Y-You're welcome."
You two continue on your walk, both of you eating your ice cream and making small conversation, then you take Jungkook by surprise when you suddenly speak up with a mouthful of ice cream and a very random question. 
"Do you w-want to have kids in the f-future?" You ask casually as if that isn't an intrusive question at all. 
Jungkook swallows the bite he had in his mouth, "Uh, I haven't really thought about it much. But, probably not."
"Why n-not?" You ask, very curious. 
Jungkook clears his throat awkwardly, "I don't know...I just-... I don't think I'm cut out to have kids."
Why the hell is he having this conversation with one of his targets?
If a few weeks ago he could see himself now, he'd disown his own self.
"I think y-you would make a g-great father." You say in a matter-of-fact tone, "I just h-have a feeling."
"Uh, thanks." Jungkook takes another bite of ice cream, he needs to get the attention off of himself and quick. "What about you?" He asks stupidly. 
"Oh, I want to h-have lots of k-kids." You say with a dreamy smile on your face, "I can't wait to be a m-mother."
Your words turn his stomach to rot as it twists inside of him. He looks down at his melting chocolate chip ice cream, a feeling he doesn't understand swirling inside him. He stares intently at the green blob in his cup, trying not to put too much thought into what you said. 
"D-Did I say something wrong?" You ask quietly when you realize how silent he's become. He looks at you and notices that you have chocolate around your mouth from your cold treat. 
Jungkook just shakes his head, "No, it isn't you." He mumbles as he looks away. 
You both finish your ice cream in silence as you walk down the path through the park. 
After you take your last bite, you walk over and toss your cup into a trashcan, Jungkook right behind you. 
"Now what should we do?" Jungkook asks you, trying to forget about the previous conversation. 
"Mm," You put your hand to your chin, your eyes squinting in thought, "Do y-you like to p-play games?"
Jungkook nods, "Yeah, sure."
"Ok!" Then you take off running, making Jungkook jog to keep up with you. Once you make it to the arcade you had gone to last week, you stop and turn to smile at Jungkook. 
"D-Does this look fun t-to you?" You ask hopefully. 
Jungkook nods again, then he moves to go inside. You follow him, but he doesn't hold the door open for you, so you have to catch it before it hits you. 
When you go in, you see Jungkook standing there waiting for you. "W-What do you want to p-play?" You ask awkwardly. This outing had started off good, but now you're starting to feel out of place around him and you don't like that feeling. 
Jungkook fakes a smile and shrugs, "I don't care."
"Um, o-ok." You look around the arcade before picking a game and heading over to it. You grab the little puck on the air hockey table and gesture for Jungkook to go to the other side. He moves over and gets into position. 
You hit the puck and he hits it back, immediately dodging your block as the puck slides right into the goal on your side. You huff out a breath in annoyance and glance up to see Jungkook smirking. 
Ok, it's on boy.
Then you smack the puck suddenly, catching Jungkook off guard as it hits the side of the air hockey table and skims past him before he can catch it. When it goes into the goal on his side, you see him look up at you in shock and you send him a smirk of your own.
"That was lucky," He scoffs. 
You nod innocently, "Oh y-yeah, probably."
Jungkook takes the puck and sets it on the table, faking a move before hitting it the other way. You block it effortlessly, sending it straight back to his side as he grunts in frustration. 
You two go at it for a few minutes, Jungkook hitting the puck furiously and you calmly blocking and sending it back. Eventually, Jungkook sighs and hangs his head when you've blocked his recent moves more than five times in a row.
You're tied on points and now neither of you are getting anywhere.
"W-Want to call it?" You ask, sensing his frustration. 
Jungkook purses his lips, his competitive nature wanting to do nothing but annihilate you in this blasted game. But alas, you're apparently a lot better at this game than he had anticipated. 
So, he sighs again and nods, "Yeah, let's call it a tie."
You walk around the table and stick your hand out to him. Jungkook hesitates, then he takes your hand. 
"T-Tie." You say while smiling, shaking his hand up and down. 
Jungkook grimaces, then pulls his hand back, "Ok, now what?"
"I picked th-the first game. N-Now, you have to p-pick." You say with a sneaky smile. 
Jungkook looks around the arcade, then he points to a game with two fake guns sitting in front of a large screen. "How about that one?"
You don't really like those types of games, but it's Jungkook's turn to pick and if that's what he wants to do, then you'll just go along with it. 
So, you nod and follow him over to it. 
Jungkook smiles to himself as he grabs one of the guns, there's no way she's gonna beat me at this one.
He looks over and sees you grab the other gun cautiously, it looks huge in your hands compared to him holding one. 
Jungkook bites back another less than kind laugh seeing the look of uncertainty on your face. "Ready?" He asks casually. 
You nod and heft the gun up, trying your best to keep it steady. 
The game starts and there's instantly a bunch of zombies on the screen. You aim and shoot as best you can, but you're barely hitting anything. 
But right next to you, Jungkook single-handedly takes out more than half the crowd in less than a minute. You manage to hit a few zombies before the game ends. At least you think you did.
The words flash across your side of the screen in bold red letters. You look over at Jungkook's screen and gasp at the letters flashing on his side. 
"Wow, y-you're really good at th-this game." You say in astonishment. 
Jungkook shrugs cockily, "That wasn't my best."
You nod absentmindedly, then you point at a claw machine in the middle of the arcade. "Oh, l-look!" You jump up and down in excitement. 
Jungkook sighs when you rush over to the pink claw machine full of stuffies and candy. You pay his annoyance no mind as you immediately start getting your money out to try and get the kitten stuffie.
"Look at it J-Jungkook, it's s-so cute!" You turn to him with a pout and the biggest puppy dog eyes he's ever seen. 
He tears his eyes away to look at the kitten stuffie sitting there, "Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're not gonna get that."
Your pout deepens, "R-Really?"
"Yeah, not in a million years." 
"Why n-not?" You huff, looking more and more like a disappointed child. 
Jungkook scoffs, "Those machines are designed to steal your money. You're not meant to have even a chance at getting the prize you want."
"Oh," You look crestfallen as you stare at the little kitten that seems to be looking back at you, pleading you to get it out of that stuffy old box and bring it home with you, "That's m-mean."
"That's just the way the world works," Jungkook says simply, hoping you'll give up and pick a different game, "Everything is about money."
"Not e-everything." You counter, finally peeling your eyes away from the little toy to look at him. 
Jungkook cocks an eyebrow but you continue anyway, "Not everyone d-does stuff for m-money. Some p-people care about other's f-feelings."
He laughs in disbelief, "If that's the way you see the world, you're in for a nasty surprise as you meet more people and see the real world." 
"If you always l-look at the world the way y-you do, you won't be v-very happy." You say back, then you turn on your heel and go off on a search for more games. 
Jungkook watches you in surprise, he didn't think you'd actually stand up for yourself and clap back with something like that. 
Jungkook squints at you, the plan going through his head again before he hurries to catch up. 
"T-Today was fun. Th-Thank you, Jungkook."
You're standing at your front door, having just unlocked it. 
Jungkook nods, his lips pressed together before he says hesitantly, "We should hang out again sometime." 
You smile and nod, "I'd l-like that."
"Well, goodnight," Jungkook says quickly before turning and hurrying down the stairs. You watch him disappear behind the corner before turning and going inside. 
You set your bag down and yawn, stretching your arms above your head. You stretch a little more before moving to your room to get dressed for bed. Pulling out one of your nightgowns, you make quick work of changing into it. Then you go to the bathroom to do your nighttime routine. 
By the time you're climbing into bed, your eyelids feel like they're being weighed down by a ton of bricks. 
You pull the covers up to your chin, cuddling into the warmth of your comforter. The giant octopus stuffie next to you is quickly pulled into your side as you wrap your legs around it and squeeze it tightly. 
"Mm, goodnight." You whisper to it before you slip into a deep slumber.
Jungkook drags himself up the stairs to his apartment, his feet killing him. The target dragged him around half the city and the entire arcade today, and he's gonna have to do it all over again until he can earn her full trust. 
Never again will he underestimate the simplicity of a target. 
She might be the dumbest person he's ever met, but she sure is a handful when it comes to trying to finish his job. 
Jungkook pulls out his keys, fumbling with them for a second before he realizes something is off. He looks closer at the door lock and sees a few scratches on it. 
The fuck?
Jungkook quietly pulls out a little knife he keeps in his back pocket at all times when carrying a gun around isn't the smartest decision. 
Then as gently as he can, he puts his keys in the lock, turning it as slowly as he can. 
When he pushes the door open slowly, it creaks. 
The light from the hallway floods into his studio apartment, showing how truly dark it is inside. Not a single light is on. 
He always leaves his kitchen light on when he goes out. 
Jungkook stands up to his full height as he opens the door the rest of the way. He steps inside, then everything that happens next happens in a matter of seconds. 
An arm comes from behind him and wraps around his neck. 
Jungkook grabs the forearm of the intruder and lifts himself before bringing himself back down and flipping them over his shoulder. A loud thump sounds as the assailant hits his floor with a pained grunt. 
Jungkook leaps on them and wrestles the man to the ground again before straddling his chest. Jungkook pins one of the man's arms with one of his feet and the other he grips tightly in his hand. 
"Who sent you?" Jungkook growls. 
His small knife is pressed to the neck of the person whose chest is now starting to shake. Jungkook can't see his face in the dark but he can tell he's definitely laughing. 
"Shit, boy," The man groans, "You've gotten a hell of a lot stronger."
Jungkook's breath releases at the sound of a familiar voice. He leans back, releasing the young man's arms but still sitting atop his chest. 
"Fucking hell, Taehyung."
"Hello to you too, kid."
Jungkook rolls his eyes at that but doesn't move. 
Taehyung pushes at Jungkook roughly, "You've also gotten heavier. Get the fuck off my chest, asshole. The fuck are you doing anyway? Trying to seduce me?"
Jungkook laughs but finally gets off of the man lying on the floor in pain. 
"You wish," He retorts as he moves to flip the kitchen light on, making Taehyung squint and hiss in annoyance. 
"Fuck off, fatass," Taehyung growls, making Jungkook laugh again. 
Jungkook walks over and offers the older boy his hand, but the other just smacks it away and proceeds to get off the floor on his own. 
Jungkook shuts the front door and locks it, "You still suck at picking locks." 
Taehyung rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I'm a little rusty, whatever."
Moving to the fridge, Jungkook opens it to pull out a bottle of soju, then he gestures for Taehyung to take a seat on the couch. 
The older boy listens begrudgingly. 
"What are you doing here anyway, Tae?" Jungkook asks as he opens the bottle and hands it to his friend. 
"I have a hit around here," Tae says simply, "Knew you'd let me stay a few days." 
Taehyung is always on the go. He's never in one place for long, so he tends to stay with people he knows when he gets a hit that'll take a little longer than usual. 
Jungkook knows this, so he isn't surprised. 
"Yeah, whatever. Next time just ask me, don't break into my home, dumbass." Jungkook says before snagging the bottle and taking a long swig. After he swallows he continues, "I almost killed you." 
Tae snatches the bottle back, "You're no match for me, little shit. I let you win." 
Jungkook snorts but lets it go. Honestly, he could be right. 
Among all of the hitmen he's ever met, young and old, new and experienced, Kim Taehyung is by far the best.
He gets hundreds of hits every year. 
Jungkook is glad he's on his good side. He'd hate to be on the other side of whatever weapon Tae decides to use at that time. 
"So, who's your hit?" He asks his older friend curiously. 
Tae takes another drink, hissing as the liquid warms his throat and stomach.  
"Mr. Chen." 
He smirks at the look of shock on the younger's face. 
"Why you so surprised, kid?" Tae asks, tapping Jungkook's nose with his finger. Jungkook flinches back in irritation making him laugh, "You shocked you weren't hired to kill him yourself?"
Jungkook shakes his head, "No, stupid. Just surprised the bastard is still alive. I thought he would've been a hit a long time ago."
Tae nods, "Piece of shit deserves to be twenty feet under, that's for damn sure. I'm glad I get to be the one to do it." 
Jungkook takes the bottle from Tae for another sip. 
They sit in silence for a few minutes before Jungkook sets the bottle of soju on the coffee table and stands up, groaning. 
"Ok, well your ass is sleeping on the couch. You get in my bed while I'm sleeping like the pervert you are, I'll kill you." He points at Taehyung threateningly. 
Tae just chuckles and man spreads on the sofa, "Sure thing, JK."
"I'm taking a shower, you're welcome to take one after me. Ramen is in the kitchen, make yourself some food." 
"Wow, JK. You're a wonderful host, I should've come here sooner." Tae smiles cockily and Jungkook scoffs before moving to the bathroom to get washed up. 
Half an hour later, Jungkook comes out, one towel wrapped around his waist as he dries his hair with another one.
Tae is sitting at the dining table eating a cup of ramen noisily. He glances up and sees Jungkook, then he swallows and whistles lowly at him. 
Jungkook rolls his eyes, "Shut the hell up. Do you want to stay here or not?"
"Hell yeah, I do."
"Then stop being a fucking pervert." 
Tae finishes his last bite then stands up raising his hands in defense as he makes his way to the bathroom, "It's called a joke, sweetheart. I'm straight as a pencil, I swear." 
Jungkook whips the towel he was drying his hair off with at Tae, smacking him in the thigh and making him yelp as he runs to the bathroom.  
After a little while, Tae comes out dressed in the pair of sweats Jungkook left for him there. His hair is damp as he shakes his head like a wet dog, sending water droplets flying. He looks over to see Jungkook lying in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. 
Taehyung walks over to the couch and notices Jungkook put a pillow and an extra blanket there for him. He smiles and glances at Jungkook, "Aww, you shouldn't have, sweetie."
"Another word and I'll take 'em back," Jungkook mutters. 
The older boy just laughs and gets comfortable on the couch before Jungkook turns out the light by his bed. The silence in the dark room is deafening. 
Then Jungkook hears Tae speak up from across the room. 
"What you so grumpy for, JK?"
"I'm not grumpy."
"Is it your new hit?"
Jungkook sits up in bed and stares where he knows the couch is, "How did you know I had a new hit?" 
"I saw the folder earlier. It must be bad since you tore up the picture of the target." Tae muses. 
Jungkook lays back down, "The whole thing is just a fucking mess, Tae."
"How so?"
"My target acts like a kid-"
"A kid?"
"Yeah. I think there's something up with her. She's a dumbass and doesn't have a single sense of self-preservation."
"Shouldn't that make your job easier?" Tae asks, making Jungkook sigh. 
"That's the thing, I just don't understand why she's a tar-"
Rustling from the couch makes Jungkook pause. 
"Wait, are you questioning your hit?" Tae asks in disbelief. 
"No," Jungkook flips over onto his side, "No, I'm not. I just need it to be over with."
He hears Taehyung sigh from the couch and he stares into the dark, something stirring in him at Tae's next words. 
"Remember why you started this, JK. Don't question anything. It isn't our job to judge why someone sets a hit, but it is our job to get it done."
"I know." Jungkook snaps.
Taehyung's right. 
He just needs to remember why he started this whole thing in the first place.
a/n: sorry its late and short. hope you liked it tho :)
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junicai · 3 years
who taught you that?
| order no. | 4/21
| summary | Aria's Korean has improved greatly since stepping off the plane to Korea. But sometimes, the lingo still trips her up - in interesting ways.
| word count | 2.3k
| warnings | Sexual innuendos
| era | circa. January 2017
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The cushions had been collected from throughout the dorm; blankets pulled from beds and from the top shelves of wardrobes to amass a large pile in the centre of the living room. The members stood around in varying degrees of formal clothing;
Some still in their clothes that they had worn for the promotion earlier on in the day, and others having stripped and changed into leggings and old shorts and faded t-shirts as soon as they had stepped foot into their home.
Aria had waited for the others to use the bathroom before she had slid in quietly afterwards, knowing that she took the longest in the shower and not wanting to use a large amount of the hot water.
Sure, the spray of water ran a little icy towards the end, but she'd read that it was good for your pores to turn the shower head cold at the end of a haircare routine anyway, so she wasn't complaining.
She'd shuffled her way out of the bathroom and into her room, where she immediately fluffed out the excess water still in her hair, leaving it damp and loose to dry on her shoulders, prior to tugging on a stolen sweatshirt and a pair of cotton shorts that had been retired to sleep status months ago.
The hoodie was warm, and Aria tugged it around her neck to fight the chill of her damp hair, shuffling out into the living room with a blanket fisted in her hand and a pillow tucked underneath her other arm.
"Do you want to just toss that onto the couch, there, and go dry your hair?" Doyoung paced over to Aria, hands taking the bedding from hers already.
"Oh, no, it's okay." Aria shook her head, moving to help him flatten out her blanket onto the carpet. They were building a blanket fort, of a kind.
The movie night had been Taeyong's idea - a bonding experience he said. Donghyuck had jumped at the idea of constructing a fortress of soft and fluffy bedding, and well. No one was going to turn him down.
"You'll catch a chill, go dry your hair." Doyoung reprimanded, gently but firmly tugging the edge of the blanket from her grip.
"My hair dryer is broken," Aria winced.
"Well why didn't you just say that?" He looked up at her briefly, shooing her towards his own room. "Go, you can use mine. I think Jaehyun's in there, maybe he can help."
Aria nodded, mollified, and made her way into Doyoung's room. She passed Taeil in the hallway, who patted her back lightly in greeting. The doorway was cracked open, so she knocked once before tentatively pushing it open.
There, as Doyoung had predicted, was Jaehyun, sitting on his bed and scrolling through something on his phone. He looked up when Aria knocked, and smiled, locking his phone and dropping it into his lap.
"Hey, Akari. What's up?" He asked.
"Uh," Aria wrung her hands in front of her. "Do you know where Doyoung oppa's hairdryer is? He told me I could use it because mine is broken," She trailed off.
"Yeah! Sure, give me a moment." Jaehyun pushed himself off the bed, crouching down in front of the storage unit beside Doyoung's bed and pulling open the bottom drawer. There, beneath several half empty bottles of varying brands of hair conditioner and toning shampoo was the hairdryer, which he pulled out with a flourish.
"There we go. Do you need help or?"
Aria shook her head. "Oh no, it's alright. I'll be out quickly, you can go join them in the living room."
"Yeah, no problem. Don't take too long though, or else I think Donghyuck will pick the movie again, and last time," Jaehyun grimaced. "That didn't end very well."
Aria could remember. Last time, Donghyuck had insisted on watching a new horror film that had recently come out in the cinemas; one that Aria never actually ended up watching in favor of burying her head in Yuta's shoulder, his hands covering her ears as the characters on the screen screamed blue murder.
Hilariously though, Donghyuck hadn't fared much better, despite the movie being his own choice, and the two maknaes ended up sharing a bed for the following three days - unable to sleep alone.
Aria agreed, and as soon as Jaehyun had left the bedroom she plugged in the hairdryer and began running her fingers through her hair to detangle any knots.
She pulled the device away from her head when the air grew too hot for her to handle, and spent a couple seconds trying to figure out how to turn down the heat. After giving up on the endeavor though, Aria just decided to get through it as quickly as possible.
She blew out every strand until it was only slightly damp and no longer dripping with water, and tugged her hair into two plaits on either side of her head.
The hairdryer was pushed back into the bottom drawer of the storage unit, and Aria closed the door into Doyoung's bedroom behind her as she left the room.
Entering back into the kitchen, she realized that Mark, Sicheng and Jaehyun had already claimed their spots on the floor and singular armchair respectively.
Looking over, Taeyong and Doyoung were leaning against the counter with Taeil; Donghyuck emerging from behind the wall to join them.
Aria padded over to the second group, wanting to grab a glass of water prior to settling down for the movie and becoming reluctant to move less she lose her comfortable position.
As she made her way across into the kitchen, she caught the tail end of Donghyuck's whining tirade, his hands clutching onto the back of Doyoung's sweatshirt.
"But hyung, I'm hungry." He pouted, pulling on the material.
"It's late, Hyuck, you'll feel sick if you eat this late."
Donghyuck's pout deepened. "But not if I eat something that isn't sugary."
Doyoung sighed a long suffering sigh. "Fine."
Donghyuck cheered, squeezing Doyoung in a hug in thanks. "Thank you thank you!"
Doyoung grumbled something about raising him wrong with no manners at all, placated by Taeil's hand rubbing soothing circles on his shoulder.
Taeyong just turned away, hiding his grin into the glass of water he was sipping.
"Hm," Donghyuck pondered, fingers tapping his chin. "What to eat, what to find."
Aria's head popped into the conversation. "Do you want to eat ramen?"
Taeyong choked on his water.
"What!" Donghyuck whipped around, hand landing on his chest.
Aria stumbled back slightly, eyes wide and bewildered. "R-ramen? Ramen noodles? Do you, want to, eat them?" She turned to Taeil. "Am I saying that right?"
"Saying what right?"
"Do you want to eat ramen?" Aria sounded out each syllable carefully, thinking it was an issue with her pronunciation. She was still learning Korean - it has improved greatly, but there were still issues that arose occasionally.
"Don't say it again!"
"What? What am I saying!" Aria spun, looking at the four men who were staring back at her with wide eyes.
Taeyong cleared his throat, having recovered from his coughing fit. "It's just, uh, it's nothing."
Aria's face fell. "I thought my Korean was getting better though.."
Doyoung floundered slightly. "It is! Oh it's a million times better; it's not that, Aria. It's not that at all, it's just that - that - hyung, you explain."
Taeyong fixed Doyoung with an affronted look, "You explain!"
"I'll explain," Taeil held out placating hands. "You're scaring her."
It was true. Aria's head was whipping back and forth between the two, the confused crease between her eyebrows only growing deeper and deeper.
"Aria, the phrase that you used, is, generally used in such a context that would mean you'd like to take the other person home - for the night." Taeil slowly explained.
Aria nodded in tandem. "Like a sleepover?"
Donghyuck smacked his hand to his face, dragging it down. "You asked me if I wanted to sleep with you."
Aria's shriek brought yells from the other boys.
"What is it!"
"Who's dead!"
The three boys in the living room received no response other than a red faced Aria bursting in, immediately burrowing herself beneath a mountain of blankets and a cackling Donghyuck following her.
"What's happened?" Mark questioned, wide eyed.
Doyoung entered, trailing a hand down his face with his eyes closed. "Nothing, Mark. Nothing at all."
Mark looked over at the mound of blankets that was currently Aria. "Uh, okay?"
As the conversation faded into background noise, Jaehyun shuffled over to Aria's blanketed form.
"Ari? Are you okay?"
"Fine!" She squeaked.
"Are you sure?"
Aria's head popped out from a gap in the blankets. Her cheeks were still flushed a bright red. "Mhm! Totally fine!"
Jaehyun regarded her suspiciously, looking her up and down. Aria's eyes begged him to drop it, pleading with him not here, not here please, don't bring it up here, and he conceded.
Sitting back onto the couch, he pushed himself into the arm slightly, making room for an extra person to sit beside him without saying a word, and Aria gratefully slid out from her blanket hideout and into his arms.
Jaehyun pulled one of the blankets from the floor up over the both of them as they shuffled about for a moment, finding a comfortable position.
Taeil, who had settled onto a mattress of sorts that had been constructed on the floor with Taeyong and Doyoung resting comfortably on either side, took a look around the room.
"Is everyone ready? Drinks, snacks?" He questioned, knowing the uproar that would occur should someone get up in the middle of the film.
After receiving the general consensus of yeses, he clicked onto the movie, and pressed play.
The opening scene of Train to Busan lit up the television screen, and Aria promptly pulled the blanket back up over her head. She could feel Jaehyun chuckle beside her, and a strong arm encircled her waist to pull her against him tighter.
Aria stayed that way throughout the entirety of the film. Midway through, Yuta's hand found it's way onto her knee, rubbing soothing circles into the skin and Aria's own hand slipped out from underneath the blanket to clasp his hand in her own.
For once, she was glad that Korean wasn't her native language, because it meant that when Yuta began speaking to her in soft, gentle tones, the Japanese drowned out the Korean and made it easier for her to pretend that there wasn't a zombie apocalypse happening on the screen right in front of her.
It felt like an eternity, with Jaehyun's arms tightening around her to warn her of a loud noise before it happened, and Yuta's soft murmurs trying to comfort her.
Eventually, the movie clicked off with a light snick and the living room was plunged into darkness. With the television no longer illuminating the room, the only light source came from the moonlight peeking through the gaps in the blinds; and slowly, the members began to stir.
Sicheng and Yuta stood up, the latter patting Aria's leg once, brushing dust from their legs and bending to snag the pillows they were lying against up to their chests.
Mark slowly rose from the floor, arms raising above his head and he rolled his neck with a crack that reverberated around the room.
Gradually, all the members bar two bid a goodnight and sleepily shuffled their way back to their own beds, bar Donghyuck, who followed Mark into his bed.
The movie might not have been his choice this evening, but that didn't change the fact that he was too prideful for his own good; and that meant watching the film in its entirety, even if it sacrificed two days of restful sleep.
Honestly, she fully expected to find Donghyuck in her own bed tomorrow, or be dragged into his.
Aria, still encircled in Jaehyun's arms, was reluctant to move. Here, she was warm, and comfortable, and her bed was most definitely cold, and she'd have to move around all her bedding to find a comfortable position.
Dithering over her options, she was taken by surprise when Jaehyun tightened his grip on her waist slightly, rolling over to position her more comfortably and safely away from the edge of the couch.
"Jae?" Aria whispered when he didn't let go. "Shouldn't we go to bed? It's pretty late."
"M'no." He mumbled. "I'm tired, let's just sleep here."
"Oh," Aria thought about it for a moment. Was this what her manager meant when she said that Aria would bond with the boys eventually?
"Yeah, yeah okay. Let's sleep here."
Aria ran a hand over Jaehyun's hair once, before snuggling back down into his warm embrace.
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plaidbooks · 3 years
The R Drug part 4
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long! I got swept up in bingos and lost motivation for it along the way. But it’s here now, and I hope you all enjoy it ❤
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Tags: alcoholism, mentions of alcohol poisoning, a lil bit of a steamy make out, but that’s it
Words: 2114
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart  @beccabarba  @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy  @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl  @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @caracalwithchips @beardsanddetectives​  @reading--mermaid  @averyhotchner  @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31 @objection-argumentative
Year 1:
Sonny hardly contacts you. You go weeks with nothing from him, only to wake up at 4am with a phone call and a very drunk Sonny.
“Sonny? It’s 4am here—”
“Doll…I’m so—” you can hear how his words slur, and you can also hear that he’s crying— “so sorry, doll. I shoulda neva touched ya like that—”
“Dominick, are you drunk?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, worried and annoyed at once. “So—sorry…so sorry…” and then he hangs up. You fell back onto the bed, concerned about him; Genoa was only six hours ahead of Manhattan. He was drunk at…10am. That wasn’t healthy.
Unable to fall back asleep, you shot him a text, making sure he was okay before you got in the shower. But he never responded. Sighing, you call his mom; you still had her number since Sonny called her from your phone, and you had been growing close with his parents.
She tells you that she’s worried he’s drinking away his problems, but every time she offers to go to Genoa, he shoots her down, telling her he needs time alone. You’re just worried that time alone means him sinking further and further into the bottle.
Year 2:
You saw when your phone lit up, Sonny’s number flashing on your screen. You glanced around the precinct before answering your phone, heading for the on-call room for privacy. It had been three months since you had a drunken call from him, and you were going to lay down the law with him.
“Listen, Sonny, I can’t listen to your drunken ramblings while at work—”
“Ah, shit, ya at work, huh?” he asked, cutting you off. But he sounded lucid rather than drunk. “I’m sorry; I forgot the time difference. I just wanted ta talk, let ya know…I’m not drinkin’ anymore. Look, I’ll let ya go; text me when ya free so we can catch up…please.”
You felt bad for assuming, but with your only contact for the past year being drunk Sonny, it had become habit. “Y—yeah, I’ll see if I can leave early, okay? But don’t stay awake for me.”
“Don’t get in trouble fer me,” he replied, making you chuckle. “I’ll talk ta ya soon…and I’m sorry, fer the past year.”
You were no longer with SVU; it had been too hard working there, especially without Sonny. But you also couldn’t deal with the stares, even from your squad. So, you transferred to Homicide instead. And your boss thankfully let you leave early.
You texted Sonny the moment you were home, and instantly he was calling you.
“First, I wanna say I’m sorry fer the drunk calls—”
“Dominick Carisi Jr. If you say the phrase “I’m sorry” one more time, I’m going to fly to Genoa and smack you,” you replied, cutting him off.
He fell silent for a moment before he let out a laugh. “Yeah, I bet ya tired of hearin’ that, huh? Well…After ya left here, I—I spiraled. Hard. Turned ta the bottle, if ya couldn’t tell. But I hit the bottom, and I’m startin’ ta work my way back up.”
“What happened? What bottom did you hit?” you asked, breathless. You were happy he was telling you all this, because you had been so, so worried. But you also didn’t want to pry into his personal life or make him uncomfortable.
It took him a moment to respond. “I…it was 5am when I woke up, shakin’ fer a drink. I remember the first three shots as I made a cocktail, and then…. I woke up in a hospital bed, my stomach pumped. I guess I dropped ta the floor when I lost consciousness, and my downstairs neighbor heard it.”
“Oh my god, Sonny! Are you okay now?” you asked, wanting nothing more than to give him a hug, hold him to you.
“Yeah, I’m good now. I had my stomach pumped and part of my liver cut out, but I’m okay. I no longa have the urge ta drink, and I dumped everythin’ I had. But please, tell me what’s goin’ on with ya; how’s life at the precinct?”
You spent hours talking to Sonny that night, even though it was getting later and later for him. He had so many questions, wanting to know everything going on with you. He vaguely mentioned that he got a job at a grocery store as a cashier, but otherwise, he was focused on you.
Year 3:
You and Sonny talked almost every day, falling back into your habits before all this mess happened. You joked around, sent funny pictures to each other, ranted about your days; it was almost as if nothing ever happened. Almost.
From the pictures, you could tell that he was getting tanner, and he started growing out his hair and beard, making you swoon. Not that you’d tell him that; you weren’t sure if he’d be okay with you flirting yet.
But you were happy that things were getting back to normal with you two. It had been almost 4 years since the club incident, and it barely crossed your mind anymore. You had dated since Sonny was in Genoa, but no one seemed to be working for you. At least you could make out with someone without having flashbacks, so you called it a win.
You knew why it wasn’t working out for you, though; you were in love with Sonny, had been since the moment you met him. You were able to move past the club, but you couldn’t move past him. That’s why you had hated yourself so much, and that’s why you felt terrible leaving him behind in Italy. When he kissed you outside the airport in Genoa, you had thought that maybe he had felt the same way about you. Then that first year with drunk Sonny happened, and you weren’t sure about anything anymore.
You were still close with his family, too. Ma Carisi often invited you over for dinner, and you met Sonny’s sisters. You were the emergency babysitter for both Mia (who didn’t think she needed a sitter, until she met you and had fun with you) and Bella’s little girl. And Pa Carisi enjoyed having debates about laws with you, plus the odd sports talk. Slowly, you became one of the family, and you loved them all like your own.
Year 4:
Ma Carisi called you, inviting you over for dinner once again. You accepted, telling her you’d be there in thirty. You had to park on the street with all the cars there; the Carisi girls were home for dinner, as well. You smiled as you made your way up the path to the front door, then knocked. The door opened, but instead of Ma Carisi greeting you with a warm smile, it was Sonny.
“Hey doll,” he said, eyes lit up with amusement. You froze for only a moment before you were crushing him in a bear hug. You heard the huff of air as you took the air from his lungs, but you didn’t care; you had missed him so much. You had pinned his arms next to him, so he couldn’t even hug you back.
“Doll…ya crushin’ me…” he gasped, and you finally let him go. Though, you kept your hands on his arms, not believing that he was there, in front of you.
“Are you back for good?” you asked, your voice hushed. You were waiting for him to deny it, for him to say he was only visiting.
“I’m back fer good. Already got my apartment—” He was cut off again as you hugged him, burying your face in his chest. You couldn’t stop the tears that appeared, so happy to have your best friend back. He rubbed your back, murmuring that it’s all okay now, and you had the sudden urge to kiss him. You fought the urge, not wanting to complicate things.
Instead, you ran your hands over his back, then leaned away to look at him. “Have you been working out?” It was true that he was deliciously tan, his hair coifed, and his beard trimmed neatly. He was already so much more attractive than you remembered, even with the pictures he had sent.
He barked out a laugh, a gleam in his eye. “I have, yeah. Whenever I felt the urge ta drink, I instead went to work out. I’m not a body builder or anythin’, though.”
“I’m proud of you, Sonny,” you said, and you meant it. You had gone through hell after the club incident, but Sonny didn’t have a walk in the park either. And you were glad he had found himself.
A pink tint appeared on his cheeks as he smiled at you. He took your hand, kissed your knuckles, and you swooned.
After the surprise greeting at the front door, he brought you into the house. Ma Carisi and all his sisters gave you a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, and Pa Carisi patted your shoulder; the normal greeting from the family. But now that Sonny was there, too, the energy was truly alive. Everyone was smiling and laughing, having a fantastic time together. The talk was loud, happy, and energized. It was almost as if Sonny hadn’t been hiding in Genoa for four years.
After the talk had finally died down, it was time for you to go home. Sonny offered to walk you to your car, and you agreed, not wanting to leave him quite yet.
“I’m so glad you came back, Sonny. I’ve missed you,” you said as you stood by your driver’s side door.
He grinned at you. “A promise is a promise. I told ya I’d come back once I was…better.”
“And are you better? Did you date at all in Genoa?”
His smile faded, and you worried you offended him. You were about to apologize when he spoke. “I am and I did. But no one there was…it fer me, ya know?”
“Yeah…same thing here. I dated a few people, but no one felt right—the spark wasn’t there. At least I had no flashbacks; I hardly remember that night anymore, to be honest,” you said, looking into his eyes, trying to gauge his reaction.
Sonny simply nodded. “Me either, really. It was so long ago…plus, I bet the drinkin’ didn’t help. But I do remember you, showin’ up outta nowhere on a random street in Genoa. Talkin’ me through the worst time of my life.”
“And I remember you, comforting me during a thunderstorm when you didn’t have to do that. Your emotions were everywhere; I couldn’t imagine the turmoil I must’ve put you through—”
“No, no, look at me,” he muttered, his warm hand cupping your cheek. “No matter what happens—in the past or the future—I wanna take care of ya, make sure you’re okay. Comfortin’ ya, it was a slice of normalcy after I thought I’d neva have that again. I needed ya there, and I’m so thankful I had ya.”
You smiled up at him, melting into his touch. His thumb stroked your cheekbone, and you felt closer to him than ever before. “You know what else I remember, Sonny?”
Slowly, you leaned forward, going slow enough that he had plenty of time to pull away. But instead, he also leaned in until your lips brushed against each other. You smiled softly before you pressed your lips more firmly to his. The hand still cupping your cheek tilted you slightly, letting him kiss you a little more forcefully, his beard tickling you as he moved.
There was the spark that was missing from all your past relationships; you had felt it in the airport, but it wasn’t the right time. Now, however, there was nothing holding you back from deepening the kiss, your tongues coming together in a beautiful dance.
Sonny gently pushed you back against your car, the kiss getting more heated. Your hands went to his shaggy, luscious hair, tugging softly and making him moan into your mouth. His hands dropped to your hips, pushing you back against the car as his tongue memorized your mouth.
Reluctantly, he pulled away from you, both of you panting hard. You were about to suggest he show you his new apartment when he muttered, “I wanna take this slow. Please.”
You shut your mouth, nodding. You’d do anything to make him comfortable and happy. “I can do slow. As long as I have you, Sonny.”
His eyes brightened and he gave you his signature goofy smile. “Ya have me fer as long as ya want me.”
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theoswriting · 3 years
lavender, honey and coconut (e.p. x fem!r)
summary:  Penelope Garcia can sniff out secrets like a cute security dog can sniff out drugs. y/n had been amused but had brushed off the warning. That had been her first mistake.
pairing: emily prentiss x fem!reader
word count: 4k
a/n: okay, this is my first time writing for cm and emily prentiss, so I hope it isn’t too ooc! this is definitely a different vibe to the show lmao, i mostly wrote this to amuse myself, and then decided it might be worth sharing. I hope you’lll enjoy it xo (tell me if u do, i’m nervous)
warnings: some alcohol is consumed, light swearing
Penelope Garcia can sniff out secrets like a cute security dog can sniff out drugs.
It's a well-known fact that if you want to keep something hidden, one, you don't tell Garcia because she's incapable of keeping anything secret and two, don't breathe near her because she will be able to figure out that you're hiding something, and she will know which buttons to push to get you to spill everything.
Penelope likes to think that in another life, she would've made a great interrogator. In this life though, she uses her powers to get what she wants out of her friends.
This was one of the first things y/n found out when she joined the BAU. Derek spoke about the tech goddess' powers with reverence while the rest of them spoke of it with fear. Even Hotch seemed a little disconcerted by the whole thing.
y/n had been amused but had brushed off the warning.
That had been her first mistake.
Paperwork days were the worst.
y/n should probably love them more because if she's stuck behind her desk, it means that no one is out there getting brutally murdered. Still, it's a lot less exciting. It doesn't help that the bullpen is oddly quiet, everyone focused on their files. Spencer is going through his about a mile a minute, stopping from time to time to rewrite something or to look up some kind of information. Derek is slower and y/n can almost see the boredom oozing out of him. Yet, he doesn't look up when she looks over at him and keeps diligently going through his notes.
Finally, her eyes land on Emily. Her head is propped up on her left hand as she writes with the right. Occasionally, she will bite her nails as she focuses hard on part of her notes. y/n thinks she looks extra cute when she frowns, trying to understand her own writing. It makes y/n smile before refocusing on her own work.
y/n is almost done with one of her reports when she notices some missing information. She could easily look it up herself, but she's bored and this is the perfect excuse to get away from her desk for a bit. So she stands up, gathers her papers and walks to her favourite tech genius' lair.
y/n opens the door and sees Penelope's back turned to her. Before she can say anything, Garcia's voice rings out.
"Well if it isn't my favourite ray of sunshine, what can I do for you, y/n?"
y/n smiles at the blonde's greeting, as she sits down next to her, "Are you busy?"
"Not at all!"
"Great, I'm missing some information on this file, but most importantly, I'm in dire need of entertainment."
Garcia happily grabs the file from y/n and starts tapping away at her computer, putting up the information she needs on her screen in no time. She prints it all out and hands it to y/n with a flourish.
"Here's the info you need," She starts, but her eyes quickly turn regretful, "Sadly, I have no recent office gossip to entertain you with."
y/n pouts at that, "Damn, not even from Slutty David?"
Penelope shakes her head and opens her mouth to speak when she suddenly frowns at y/n. She pulls back slightly and y/n wonders if she'd forgotten to put on deodorant that morning. Penelope says nothing, just watches her.
"What?" y/n finally asks, unnerved by the staring.
"What are you not telling me?" Garcia asks simply and it's y/n's turn to frown. She can't think of anything that she might be hiding from her friend.
y/n is pretty sure that's the wrong answer and that Penelope is going to keep asking her questions until she confesses to something she didn't even know she was hiding. To her surprise though, Garcia only stares at her for a few more seconds before dropping it. As quick as it disappeared, her bright smile is back on her face and she goes back to telling a story.
It turns out that yes, she did have something to tell y/n about Slutty David.
y/n leaves Penelope about twenty minutes later with a refreshed brain, ready to get back to work. When she gets back to her desk, Emily looks up to give her a smile. y/n smiles back and winks at her as she sits down. Emily's smile broadens before she turns her focus back to the file in front of her.
y/n does the same, her smile staying even while going through an autopsy report. It's only hours later when y/n is almost done with paperwork that she freezes. She looks up at Emily and realizes.
That's what she's been hiding.
She frowns. There's no way Garcia knows that though, she and Emily have made sure, they've been careful.
Yeah, it was probably a fluke.
Mornings where she gets to wake up next to Emily are y/n's favourites. Even the early ones, when they get called in for a case, having Emily next to her makes it all easier.
That's what happens that morning, both of their phones going off at 5:45 am. Emily is the one to reach for her phone while y/n latches onto her and drops a kiss on her girlfriend's shoulder.
"It's JJ. We have to go in."
y/n nods and painstakingly opens her eyes. She drops another kiss on Emily's shoulder and turns away from her to get up, but before she can go too far, Emily reaches for her and kisses her. y/n scrunches up her nose even though she's smiling into the kiss.
"Morning breath. Gross," She manages to mutter against Emily's lips.
"Don't care."
y/n had wondered when they started dating if it would get to a point where it'd be too much to be together and then work together as well. Now, six months into their relationship, y/n knows she had worried over nothing. They have a system and boundaries. They keep the PDA to a minimum at work, which isn't a problem considering they had decided to keep their relationship a secret from the team. It's not that Prentiss and y/l/n don't trust their coworkers, it's more than they don't want to screw up the group's dynamics.
And it's also ridiculously funny to see how long it's taking a whole group of profilers to figure out that two members of their team are dating.
After getting dressed, y/n starts packing a new bag, taking clothes from the one drawer Emily had emptied out and gifted to her on their 2 months anniversary. Emily had a similar one at y/n's place. Considering their jobs and the amount of time they spent at each other's place, they figured it was smart to always have enough clothes at each other's place for instances like these.
Not even 10 minutes later, they're out of the door. They kiss one last time before Emily gets into her car and y/n gets into hers. As usual, y/n takes the long way to work, her place being famously further away than Emily's. So when she finally gets to the conference room, everyone is already there and waiting for Hotch.
y/n sits in between Derek and Spencer, "Good morning, my people!"
"It certainly is not," Hotch deadpans as he enters the room. y/n closes her mouth and nods to herself. She should've seen that one coming.
The others chuckle quietly, but the laughter quickly dies. Hotch was right. This is far from a good morning.
The murders are gruesome, the victims are all women which bear a striking resemblance to Emily. y/n doesn't bring attention to it, it wouldn't bring anything to the case except worry over a detail that isn't of much importance, at least not right now. Instead, she watches her girlfriend look at the pictures, and by the way her jaw clenches and unclenches repeatedly, she's come to the same realization.
"Alright everyone, wheels up in 20." Hotch dismisses them, and almost everyone rushes out of the room to get their bags. Garcia stays behind though, and so does Emily. y/n gathers her stuff slowly then, waiting for Garcia to leave the room so she can have a moment alone with her girlfriend.
Garcia doesn't leave, though.
She's staring at y/n ominously. She's missing a furry cat to be petting and she'd look like a supervillain from a cheesy action movie. y/n tries smiling at her, but the blonde doesn't respond in the slightest.
y/n leaves the room. She'll check up on Emily before take-off. She is big enough to admit that she was a little freaked out by Garcia.
She thinks nothing of it until hours later, when she's setting up their evidence board in a small town in buttfuck, Texas. JJ is standing next to her, writing the name of the second victim.
"Garcia has been asking about you."
It's such a weird thing to say that y/n is a bit taken aback. She pauses and slowly turns to look at JJ, "Uhm… Okay?"
JJ puts the cap on the pen and turns to y/n, her face probably too serious for whatever this is about.
"Remember when we told you about Garcia's weird ability to tell when someone is hiding something juicy?" y/n nods, still confused as to where this is going, "Well, she's smelt whatever it is that you're hiding."
y/n briefly wonders if no one is bothered by the constant comparison of Garcia to a literal hound dog, but apparently not. She lets out a small chuckle and nods at JJ, clearly not believing the warning tone the blonde had used, "Yeah, okay, I'll sleep with one eye open."
"y/n, I'm serious," JJ lowers her voice and looks around before confiding, "Penelope is the reason the whole team knows I had a one night stand with Slutty David."
"You had sex with Slutty David?"
JJ shudders, "Everybody makes mistakes."
y/n tells Emily about JJ's warning as they cuddle into bed that same night, exhausted from a day of leads getting them nowhere. To her surprise, Emily agrees with JJ.
"Garcia has a way of getting you to admit to things you thought you'd never say out loud."
The way she talks about it has y/n looking up from her very comfortable spot on Emily's shoulder to her girlfriend's face. She's staring off in the distance as if haunted by whatever it is that Garcia had dug up on her.
"What the hell did she find out about you?"
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"So, are you seeing anyone?"
It's Saturday night and they're out at a club for a Girl's night. After the case they'd had, they deserved a night to unwind. They've chosen a bar where the music is loud, but not loud enough to drown out Penelope's question. JJ and Emily are gone, lost somewhere in the crowd fighting for the bartender's attention, in search of more drinks. As y/n's brain finally processes what Garcia has just asked, she fights the urge to smile and look for Emily.
y/n has drunk enough to be on the dumb side of gay.
"Why do you ask?"
"Answering a question with another question, very telling," Garcia smirks.
Penelope seems oddly composed for someone who is two cocktails and three shots deep into the party. Usually, a drunk Garcia means sloppy kisses on the cheek and getting her away from attractive strangers before she can say anything overtly sexual or inappropriate. So something doesn't add up. y/n squints her eyes at the blonde in front of her, like that will somehow help her see things clearer.
It doesn't. Everything looks fuzzy and she probably should stop drinking.
"I'm not."
The lie tastes gross in y/n's mouth and if there's one thing that could make her feel better, it would be kissing Emily. Before she can stop it, a smitten smile makes its way onto her face. Garcia slams a hand on the table, making y/n jump. She focuses her eyes on Penelope who's pointing an accusing finger at her.
"There! Who did you just think about?"
y/n sputters, racking her brain for a more convincing lie but she can't stop smiling so she gives in. Damn her inability to lie when she's drunk.
"Okay, fine" y/n amends, "I am seeing someone, but please keep it quiet."
Penelope obviously does not keep quiet. Instead, she squeals loud enough that she startles a few people passing by their table. Of course, that's also the moment JJ and Emily pick to come back.
So when Garcia basically yells, "I knew it!" for the whole bar to hear, there's no way y/n is getting out of this one.
"Knew what?" Emily asks with a smile as she puts down a drink in front of y/n. She immediately grabs it, thinking that maybe if she blacks out, this conversation will also be erased from the history of the universe.
"y/n is seeing someone!" Penelope happily informs the two recently arrived. JJ whips her head, excitement filling her eyes, about a million questions fighting to be asked first. Emily, for her part, chokes on her drink.
"Why haven't you told us anything?" JJ says, her blue eyes even more glassy than usual, "Who is it?"
y/n shrugs, going for a nonchalant vibe. She goes with something vague.
"You don't know her."
Penelope's smile widens, "Oh, so it's a her."
Shit. Not vague enough.
What follows are a series of questions that y/n refuses to answer and thankfully, with Emily there to mediate, they manage to change the subject. Seriously, y/n could kiss her right then and there. Instead, she takes a sip of her drink and glances towards Emily. They decide to leave less than an hour later. JJ is about one sip away from taking her top off while y/n is just about ready to throw caution to the wind and start making out with Emily. To hell with consequences.
Penelope is still suspiciously acting sane.
"Oh, Pen, be careful, someone dropped their drinks right behind your chair."
JJ's heads up makes y/n glare at Garcia who looks a little too guilty.
When they get back to Emily's place, y/n barely waits until the front door is closed before kissing Emily. Emily welcomes it, blindly throwing away the keys to wrap both hands around her girlfriend's neck. The kissing is sweet, the taste of their last drinks still sticking to their mouths. It's a little messy due to the fact they're both smiling like two goddamn idiots in love. When they stop, Emily grabs y/n by the hand and drags her to the kitchen so they can both drink water to make their hangovers hopefully less painful in the morning.
They're almost done when Emily speaks.
"We have a problem."
y/n stops moving. She should've known this moment would come.
"Listen, if this is about the burnt toaster, I've already ordered a new one."
"Garcia- What?" Emily turns around to look at the spot where her toaster usually rests, "What happened?"
Realizing her mistake, y/n puts her empty glass of water down and wraps her arms around Emily's waist, "Nothing you need to worry about," Emily looks back at her girlfriend who looks too innocent, "What were you going to say?"
"Garcia knows you're with someone."
y/n nods slowly, wondering where Emily is going with this. She doesn't see any problems. Sure, Penelope knows that she might be sort of taken by a woman, but that's it. Even in her drunken state, she'd managed to keep any other incriminating details to herself.
"Garcia has a way of finding things out, it's only a matter of time until she puts two and two together."
Emily looks genuinely fearful and y/n wonders again, what kind of dirt Penelope had gotten Emily to disclose. She thinks back to JJ's warning as well. y/n turns it over in her head, but in the end, she scoffs and leans up to kiss Emily.
"Don't worry, babe. I'll make up a fake break up or something and we'll be fine."
Thinking she could fool Penelope Garcia so easily was y/n's second mistake.
Derek is getting himself coffee when y/n swiftly approaches him from the side.
"What secret did Garcia get out of Emily?"
"Which time?"
"There's more than one?"
"Oh yeah."
The whole thing with Garcia does make y/n and Emily reconsider telling the team, or at the very least, Hotch and HR.
They hadn't at first because of team dynamics, but mostly because they themselves were figuring out how they worked as a couple. It turns out they worked great, and hiding each other from their coworkers and best friends was getting a bit much for the both of them.
They wanted to show up at Rossi's dinner parties together without worrying about what their friends would think. y/n wanted to hold Emily's hand after a rough case on the jet without it being questioned, just as much as Emily wanted to drive with y/n to work every morning and walk into the building together.
So the next morning, Emily and y/n get to work before anyone else and walk into Hotch's office.
He doesn't have much of a reaction, not that they were expecting anything more.
What does surprise them is that, after giving them the whole speech about professionalism and whatnot, he smiles at them and says, "I'm happy for you both."
Aaron Hotchner smiles at them and y/n feels like her relationship has just been blessed by the angels from above.
"Hey, Spence? Do you know what Garcia dug up on Emily?"
"Emily sprained her wrist a few years back and told us that it had happened at the range. It turns out that she'd sprained it falling from her skateboard."
"Her skate- What?"
When y/n had told Emily they'd be fine, she wasn't being cocky, but she just knew that there was no way Garcia would suspect something with how careful they had been.
They never showed up together at work. At first, they always timed their arrivals carefully, until it became second nature. They were never overly affectionate with each other. If they needed to be comforted during a particularly hard case, they'd wait to be behind the closed doors of the hotel room they shared on most trips. As much as y/n wanted to, she never showed up to work wearing one of her girlfriend's sweaters, no matter how warm and comfortable they were.
Bottom line was, there was no reason for Garcia to suspect anything when their teammates who were literal profilers hadn't caught onto anything.
No one except Hotch knew. And only because they'd told him, so.
y/n should've known though, from being a profiler herself, that being too confident meant she was bound to slip up and make a mistake sooner rather than later.
It all happens very quickly.
JJ asks y/n if she can grab a couple of files she had left with Garcia and bring them back to her because she was waiting for someone to call and she couldn't go too far. y/n, of course, accepts, always happy to get away from her desk and the paperwork begging for her attention. She quickly knocks on Garcia's door before entering and the tech doesn't turn around as she greets her.
"Bonjour, Emily, what brings you to Casa Garcia today?"
y/n chuckles at the blonde's eccentricities, "Sorry, but you got it wrong, it's me."
Penelope rolls her chair around to face her and she looks truly distraught to have gotten it wrong, "But I always get it right. I'm the all-knowing Penelope Garcia."
y/n gently pats her shoulder as she reaches past her to some files she sees on the desk, "Are these JJ's? She asked me to get them for her."
Garcia nods, but she still looks defeated at having failed to guess her visitor's identity, so y/n tells her she'll come by later with some coffee for a chat. Penelope nods and turns her attention back to her computer and so she leaves.
It's funny, y/n thinks, that of all the people Penelope could have confused her with, it was Emily. Maybe some of Emily's fears had planted themselves into her brain unbeknownst to her because y/n suddenly feels very uneasy. Why did Pen think it was Emily walking in? Had she unconsciously started walking like her girlfriend? No, no, that was ridiculous. Emily had a very distinctive gate that was very different from y/n's.
Still, something is off. y/n trusts her gut, it has never failed her, and her gut is telling her something is off.
She doesn't know what though. She had woken up with Emily that morning and they'd actually had time to enjoy a nice breakfast together and had plenty of time to get ready together. In fact, they had even gotten to enjoy a very pleasant shower together. y/n smiles at that particularly good memory until she realizes.
"Shit," she mutters, but not quietly enough. She's standing in the middle of the bullpen, her coworkers' eyes on her. Before she can tell herself that it's fine, that she was just paranoid and that there was no way Penelope had noticed, she hears a familiar but hurried clicking of heels approach the bullpen. y/n turns around to see Penelope standing on the other side of the glass window and one look at her is all y/n needs.
She knows.
Before Garcia can make her way inside the bullpen and bring mayhem with her, y/n hastily makes her way to her. She drops JJ's files on her desk haphazardly under Derek, Emily and Spencer's bewildered eyes. When she gets to Penelope, she gently grabs her by the arm and urgently leads her away.
"You smell like lavender!" Penelope exclaims with no preamble, "You usually don't smell like lavender, you smell of honey and coconut, but never lavender and that's why I got confused!"
y/n confidently nods in greeting at an agent passing by Garcia's office as y/n shoves her inside. He looks unsettled but only smiles in return, preferring to ignore whatever is going on. Smart man.
"That's why I thought you were Emily! Because Emily is the one who smells of lavender!" Penelope is pacing while y/n stands with her back to the door.
"Okay, Pen, I need you to breathe," She says when the techie is still going on about lavender, honey and coconut.
"Breathe? How can I breathe when you and Emily are dating."
y/n thinks that's a bit dramatic, but Garcia has finally stopped pacing and talking. y/n slowly steps towards the blonde and puts both of her hands on her shoulders. She debates for a few seconds, wonders if she'd get away with a lie but at this point, y/n's pretty sure the cat is out of the bag.
"Yeah, Emily and I are together."
y/n should've been prepared for it, but when Garcia lets out a high pitched squeal, it still gets her by surprise. Her pained grimace is quickly chased away by laughter when Penelope hugs her with all the strength and excitement caffeine was providing her.
"This is so great, I'm so happy for you two!" She lets you go long enough to see the smile that's made its way onto her face. It's the same smitten smile she always gets whenever she thinks about Emily and Garcia honest to god pinches her cheeks, "Aww, look at that smile!"
y/n laughs and tries to get her cheeks away from anymore pinching. That's when the door opens enough for Emily to sneak her head in, "Hey you two, is everything okay?"
She looks at Penelope first, but her eyes end on y/n. Before she can say anything though, Penelope smirks, "Why yes, lover, everything is just fine."
At that, Emily gets in and closes the door behind her. She looks at y/n for confirmation.
y/n just nods, "Yeah, she knows."
"You bet your sweet ass I know!"
And with no further warning, Penelope tackles Emily in a hug much as she'd done with y/n minutes prior. When she lets her go, Emily steps closer to y/n, and with a hand on her lower back, she says, "I told you she'd find out."
y/n ignores the I told you so her girlfriend apparently couldn't wait to give her, but yeah, she's not wrong.
It'll teach her to ever doubt the abilities of the all-knowing Penelope Garcia.
Months and months later, y/n meets up with Penelope for brunch on a Sunday morning. Before she can even greet her, the blonde fixes her with a stare that is both strange but oh so very familiar.
"What are you planning?"
This time, y/n grins and tells Garcia not to worry, that she'll know in due time. After all, she can only hide the little velvet box in her coat pocket and its content for so long.
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