#on top of whatever distance you already dove
b3tweenworlds · 4 months
(ocean and wave thing, so pay no mind)
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darlingdarkly · 3 months
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Fates Worse Than Death
A Deimos x f!reader Series
Chapter 1
Word count: 5k
Part: 2
OG A/N: Hey, hi! So, tomorrow is my birthday. And for my birthday I decided to write a hugely self indulgent smutty fic for myself and instead of writing one for cod like I’ve been doing and contributing to an already super saturated fandom I have decided to write it for my r6s fandom, which admittedly keeps looking deader and deader, but I know that if I’m scouring the tags for fics then maybe someone else is too and so I’m gonna share my gift to myself in hopes that someone else who’s desperate for content will find it and be glad it’s there.
Second A/N: Hey! So I decided to make this a series actually. This will stand as chapter 1 💕
Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Listen to me 👁️👁️ I need you to heed the tags. I am going to tag the hell out of this thing and if you don’t read the tags then you’re throwing yourself into a mixed bag of whatever the hell and that’s on you. The tags are there for your benefit. Not mine. You have been warned.
CW: non con elements, dub con elements, interrogation, belt spanking, bondage, unprotected climactic p in v intercourse, oral (f!receiving), abduction, hair pulling, fingering, death, blood, mild game spoilers 🤷‍♀️
This is the point of no return, you click this button and you consent to the content on the other side.
This takes place after Deimos has killed Harry but before Rainbow has captured him, if you give a shit about canon events and timeline. Enjoy 💕
The chilly night wind whipped through the leaves, rattling them noisily and aiding in concealing your stealthy movements. You and three other operatives cut through the wooded terrain like silent wraiths as you sought out the hidden compound due north, said to be home to his lair. The mission was simple, get in, extract Deimos and exfil.
You moved quickly and quietly bringing up the rear of the squad. Rifle locked and loaded, the muzzle pointed out ahead of you, strafing for contact. You heard your squad leader over the comms, gruff and clear as he spoke to your contact back on base.
“Rainbow, this is O1, we are two clicks due south of the compound. ETA 15 for contact, are we a go?”
After a moment of measured silence he got a response. “Rainbow to O1, you’re green lit. Standby for evac.”
O1 came back moments later. “Copy that. Over.” There was an audible cut through the radio before O1 addressed your squad. “Alright, squad. You heard the man. On your toes.” Each of you responded in turn. “O2 copy.” A pause. “O3 copy.” You depressed the button on your headset and responded. “O4 copy.”
Soon after, the four of you crested a hill and fanned out over the top of it, laying eyes upon the brilliant glow cutting through the velvet of night like a knife. O1 came through your ear piece and gave curt instruction. “O2, follow me to the east. O3 and O4 you take west. Stick close to the perimeter, plant the charge and fall back. We detonate on my count and breach simultaneously. Do you understand?”
The three of you responded in unison. “Sir, yes sir.” You saw him motion forward and your group began to move, splitting into your assigned pairs and descending upon the compound. You lost sight of your squad mates in the thick of the trees but kept close to O3 as you neared the far west walls of the hidden base. Just as you made the bottom of the hill there was a panicked cry over the comms from O2. “What the fuck is that? O1 we have a disturbance.” There’s a break in his speech, a long drawn out eerie quiet that unnerves you.
“Sir, we’re not alone! I repeat, not alone.” There was a faint scuffle in the distance and a single gunshot before O1 came over the comms, frantic. “O1 to Rainbow, we’re made! Requesting evac. It’s him.”
You and O3 stopped and turned towards the commotion, unsure of how to proceed. There was a heart stopping, pained scream in the distance and you heard Rainbow call to the pair of you over the comms. “O3, O4, this is Rainbow. Get out of there, you’re compromised. Get to evac. I repeat, Get to evac!”
The pair of you took off in the woods, abandoning mission and headed west towards the evac point. You could feel your heartbeat in your chest and had to focus to calm your breathing. At this point it was about survival as you followed close behind O3 and cut through the woodlands for the helo just eight clicks west.
There’s a flutter in the air, a woosh of displaced air as something whizzes by and you hear O3 ahead of you begin to panic. “Christ it’s him! Run for it, now!” O3 bolts forward and you’re sprinting to catch up but soon he’s lost in the copse of pines and all you have left of him is his panicked yells and heavy breathing over the radio. “O3, where are you? O3!?!” You hear the deafening discharge of a heavy caliber ring out in the still night and it’s too close for comfort.
You veer away from it and towards the evac. Splitting off on your own as the blood of your last remaining squad member drains from the brand new vent hole in his head and begins to quickly cool in the night air. You can hardly hear yourself crash through the woods, boots scaling over rocks and fallen logs as your breath quickens and terror begins to set in.
You miss the whirring of the foreign object the second time around but there’s no mistaking the calm, collected voice in your ear as he hacks through your comms and makes himself known. “There you are. There’s no hiding. Not for you. Not for me.”
Rainbow comes in low and static-y though the comms and you struggle to make him out clearly. “O4 do you… in O4… Get out! I rep-… Deimos is tra-…. On your posit-….” And then everything cuts. Your comms go dark and you’re officially alone, the last of a nearly dead and shattered squad in the dead of night in the thick of the sticks.
Determined not to die in the midst of these pines you beeline for the green blip on your gps. If you could just make it to the helo you’d survive but as you took a final glance at your position a second blip pinged. A dark red skull just twenty meters back. His deathMARK. You felt a lump in your throat as you realized you’d been made and triple timed it, arms pumping at your sides as you tore through the woods in fear. Pure terror coursed through your veins and nipped at your heels, promising death if caught. There was no capture, Deimos wasn’t known for taking prisoners.
You mounted a hill and pushed out between two huge oaks as you practically slid down the other side. You made huge strides, legs driving you towards salvation as you pushed them to the limit in hopes of escape. You were only four clicks out when you tripped, stumbling over something hard and unseen as you crashed ungracefully to the ground and tumbled in the leaf litter. You scrambled to regain your footing, clawing at the earth and struggling to your feet.
You had just made it up when he hit you like a freight train, violently tackling you and knocking you on your back. The pair of you rolled in the foliage, tumbling over one another in the night and sprawling apart as you came to a jolting stop.
This was it, it was fight or die so you grabbed for the push daggers secured to the straps of your tac vest and faced your adversary. He came up ready to fight, charging forward and lunging for you. You drove forward with a fist, spearheaded leathily by the edge of the knife and swung out to bite at his throat. He pulled back and you sliced through air instead, he followed through with an arm on your elbow and brought your arm down over one thick thigh, breaking your hold and successfully disarming you.
With one knife left you pushed back at his chest and swung forward to attack, hoping to aggressively close the distance and quickly end him but he grabbed your arm with his strong gloved hands and twisted it around until your back was socketed into his chest. He pulled on your limb and brought it down hard over his knee, breaking your hold for a second time and disarming you completely.
You struggled out of his grip and tried to make a break for it, a last ditch effort to stay alive and bolt but he caught a grip on your ankle and you once more went sprawling to the ground, ass over teapot. When you turned around to face death you caught sight of his ballistic mask towering over you, he held the magnum in a tight grip in his right hand and you knew it was over. At least you’d die with your squad, knowing you’d done your best and been outplayed.
But instead of staring down the unblinking black eye that was the bore of his barrel you felt the butt of the .44 Vendetta crash down on your temple before the night stole over you and blocked out all thought.
It wasn’t til much later that you awoke, sluggish, confused and in tremendous pain. The room was bright but cold and when you tried to alleviate the pain in your head by bringing your hand up to soothe it you realized you were bound and secured to some kind of padded platform. Your arms were stretched out and down in front of you, bound together by something strong and without give. Your legs were similarly bound but tucked up beneath you on the padded bench. It was then you realized you were also naked from the waist down. Your chest was covered but had been stripped of your tac gear and uniform and replaced with a stark white tee, your bra was also missing.
You weren’t blindfolded or gagged but when you tried to whip your head around you found it hard to maneuver, only about five degrees of field of view to see on either side and all you could see of that was dingy white tile from floor to ceiling. You struggled in your bonds but stopped as you heard the slow, methodical blows of his boots on the concrete steadily drawing nearer. You stiffened and tried not to think about the view he no doubt was privy to from this angle. He broke the silence first.
“Well she’s finally awake. Don’t struggle, the knots won’t give, I tied them myself.” He sounds smug and confident as he strides up behind you, voice low and clear, not quite deep but thoroughly resolute, the draw of a southern twang peeking out subtly but sophisticated. The venom in you begins to well up in your throat, your teeth grit and body tensing as your anger builds and your hate gestates.
You let loose on him, anger burning a hole in your chest as you feel robbed of your rightful death, you shouldn’t be here still breathing, you should be dead in the woods with your squad, not tied up and captured like some kind of prized war spoil. “Fuck you! Kill me, you bastard!” He let himself come into view, circling around you with his arms clasped behind his back. He was still fully clad in his black tac gear and ballistic helmet, the dark, obsidian lenses of his eyes gleamed deviously in the fluorescent light.
“Can’t get information out of you if you’re dead, now can we?” You ground your teeth in your skull, body trembling in half fear, half seething rage. “You won’t get a damn word out of me, motherfucker! You’ll have to kill me, I won’t talk!”
His head tilted slightly as he tisked, chiding you calmly. “Such a nasty mouth.” He disappeared from view, the dark drape of his cape flowing out behind him, returning to his position behind you as you heard a rustle and the soft tink of metal on metal as he lifted something off of a table. “My godfather was a stern but loving man. He taught me at an early age about duty and responsibility. About discipline and respect. I loved and respected him dearly but as all boys are, I had a tendency to be rowdy and disrespectful at times. He taught me these values with a firm and unyielding hand. Something I think you could use a good helping of.”
You heard the crack of the belt as he brought the two looped ends taut in his hands and immediately stiffened, the hairs on the back of your neck standing straight up. “You’re going to tell me everything I want to know, including the details of your mission, the intel you received and who you received it from along with the coordinates of the Rainbow base.” He stopped and waited for your response, you sat still and silent, mentally preparing yourself for the coming onslaught.
“Nothing to share?” You shifted in place but spat out at him, tongue in cheek. “Fuck you.” Shortly after you felt the first lick of the belt as it cut through the air and cracked across your bare ass, making you jump and yelp. It may have been a far cry from conventional interrogation methods but it was still painful and humiliating. You heard the leather slide in his fist before you felt the second blow, just parallel to the first, aimed and executed with precision to land just beside it on the same cheek. “Fuck!”
He hummed contently. “Tell me what your mission objective was.” He languidly paced behind you as he waited for your answer, when none came he brought the belt down on the other cheek twice in rapid succession, giving you no time to recover. You tried shifting away from the blows but had about a half an inch of clearance for wiggle room, there was no evading it.
He kept it up, pausing and then attacking ruthlessly, periodically stopping before doling it out again, fat, opaque lines began to criss cross on the smooth surface, marking his progress. He questioned you again and you held silent, preferring to suffer through the consequences rather than give in and endanger an entire base of your colleagues for the quicker respite of death. He’d kill you in time either way, it was better to hold out and die honorably than relent for a swifter end.
“You’re resilient, tough little spit fire, I’ll give you that. But you should know your silence has consequences.”
You sneered at him where he couldn’t see. “I don’t give a fuck about me. Beat me, torture me, cut my toes off one by one, I don’t care. You’ll kill me when you figure out I’ve got nothing to say to you and I will die honorably.”
He laughs and it makes a sliver of uncertainty worm through you. “I’m not going to kill you, sweetheart.” The pet name makes you queasy but his response only confuses you. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“When our little talk ends, the door closes. If you don’t tell me what I wanna know by the time we’re through here your life as you know it ceases to exist.”
“I already told you to just go ahead and kill me. I’ll die before I tell you anything that would put Rainbow at risk.” Instead of punching you in the ribs or breaking a finger he just leaned in til you could feel the warmth of his chest settle over the top of your bare ass and it felt much more sinister than any strike or blow.
“Oh sweetheart, there are fates much worse than death.” You still don’t quite understand and he senses you struggling to grasp the full scope of the threat so he takes a break from the spanking and explains it to you in full detail.
You hear him set the belt down on something before you feel his gloved hands caressing your ass, running the covered fingertips over his handiwork and down the swell of your cheeks before dipping lower and skimming the slit of your sex. His fingers come away slick and he smirks behind the mask where you can’t see.
“If you don’t tell me what I want to hear then I’m going to take these-“ You hear a jingle from behind you and know they’re your dog tags, probably scalped from your neck as he undressed you no doubt. “-and I’m going to throw them out in the woods with your dead squad mates. They’ll think one of two things. Either you died out there like a good soldier and some animal, pack of coyotes perhaps, carted your body away or, I finally caught up with you, gave you an ultimatum, and you sold them out from under the rug. Either way they’ll come to the conclusion that you’re beyond saving and they’ll bury you in an empty casket and move on.”
You felt it all coming to a head and the audacity of it came to be too much. “You’re wrong! They’ll never stop looking for me! You think they’ll give up so easily! They won’t stop until they find me! Ohhhh and they will find me! You are so fucked! You are sooo-“
The crack of the belt against your ass cut off your angry rant, the words dying in a pained yelp as he brought the leather down on your ass in an angry torrent. SMACK. SMACK. SMACKSMACKSMACK.
You clenched against the pain, trying to curl up on yourself but of course it was no use, you could only sit and take it. When the onslaught ended he continued.
“You didn’t let me finish. Either way… no one is going to come looking for you. And I think I’m starting to like you so instead of killing you, like you’re dying to have me do-“ You feel the return of his fingers, the cool leather of his glove soothing against the heated stinging welts already swelling on your cheeks. Then they glided down and you felt his fingers spread your lips and when he spoke this time he sounded different somehow, louder and clearer.
“-I’m going to keep you all to myself. I’ll house you, clean you, feed you. During the day I’ll keep you tied up in here, my own sweet little stress relief, make the walls of this room echo with screams of a different caliber for a change.”
It wasn’t until you felt the flat of his tongue glide up the length of your sex that you realized why he sounded so much clearer, he’d taken his mask off and now he was casually eating your pussy, tongue dipping in between his fingers spreading you apart so gently, a stark contrast from the harsh belt treatment he’d been afflicting upon you moments before.
He hummed into your pussy and you squirmed against the heat of him, simultaneously freaking out yet undeniably turned on as his tongue probed you and his hands caressed the cheeks of your ass. He pulled away and you weren’t sure if it was a sigh of relief or a whine of protest that built a home in your throat, kept at bay only by the last mustering of your will.
“So sweet. When I was a boy growing up in Birmingham, I used to play in the sugar cane fields for hours. Me and my friends would cut away stalks from the edges of the field for a taste. You taste just like that, fresh cut sugar cane.” You shuddered in his hold and told yourself it was all psychological warfare, it changed nothing. When he had the information he seeked he would cut you down just like he did all the rest.
You felt him step away from behind you and come up to your side, his hands trailing like fire along the length of your body as he did so. He reached under the platform you were tied to and suddenly your arms pulled forward in front of you, forcing your chest to pull forward and press against the bench. Your ass raised up high and unshielded as you felt the collective wetness of his saliva and your slick coating your lips, chilly exposed like this, but it doesn’t take long before he’s resumed the position and you feel his hot breath fanning against it, rewarming his meal.
“We’re gonna have a lot fun, sugar cane.”
“So.” Lick. “Much.” Lick. “Fun.” Lick.
You couldn’t help the moan that escaped, at this new angle he had access to the fulty of you and his tongue dipped down and swiped at your clit on the last lick making you momentarily lose yourself in the white hot pleasure of it. “Fuck!”
“I intend to.” You don’t grasp until much later the meaning of that, lost to the way he eats you so slow and sensual. He chuckles behind you and you know now, without a shadow of a doubt, that he intends to keep true to his word because he’s stopped questioning you, stopped beating you, just content to sample his new toy. Your life is over, because you won’t give up Rainbow and you won’t tell him a goddamn thing and your stubborn honor has damned you in a way that was worse than death and now you’ll spend the rest of your days keeping his cock warm until you’ve gone insane from it.
Taking his time and savoring the taste of you on his tongue, you feel the first press of his padded fingers prodding your entrance. Gently pushing forward til he was in just up to the first knuckle, sawing them in and out slowly and twisting them in your heat as his tongue stayed latched to your clit, suckling it.
“Deimos!” He rewarded you with an open mouthed kiss to your clit as he pushed his gloved fingers further into your depths, exploring them as your back arched nice and pretty for him as far as your binds would allow.
He pulled his tongue away to your dismay but kept his fingers buried in you, stilling their movement but curling them inside you to press teasingly against your sweet spot. “Got some new insights for me, sugar cane?”
Your lips were sealed shut as far as that was concerned but your resolve was waning, you recognized the point of no return you were quickly approaching and despite the horrible implications of your future, there were just too many good men and women with their lives on the line for you to justify the alternative.
So you shifted shamelessly to push back on his fingers, eyes squeezing shut as you tried to focus on the pleasure and not the humiliating position you were quickly failing to resist against. He recognized the move as you made it and gave you what was to be his last warning.
“Let me put it in no uncertain terms for you. When I come right in here-“ He flexed his fingers inside you to demonstrate his point, eliciting a high whine from you. “-your time is up. You can sing all you want but past that point you’re no longer your own woman. You’re mine, do you understand?”
You didn’t even consider your freedom for the briefest of seconds, just nodded solemnly as you accepted his terms, though little they mattered. Although he’d seen your nod it mustn’t have been good enough as you felt the all too familiar crack of the leather, jolting you from your thoughts and bringing you back to the present. You clenched down on his fingers, eyes rolling in their sockets at the euphoric sensation.
“I need a verbal answer.” Your grit your teeth for not the first and certainly not the last time dealing with him. “Screw you!”
He laughed, it was easy and carefree. “All in good time, sweetheart. I’m gonna enjoy my meal first.” With that he seemed to be done speaking, leaving you to stew over a decision you’d already made and ruminate in the consequences of it. He dove eagerly back into the heat of your sex, plunging his fingers enthusiastically in and out of your pussy while his tongue lapped at the juices that seeped out around them.
He watched as your toes curled in on themselves, mouth dropping open where he couldn’t see and expelling breath in a silent moan. He proved to be skillful in a manner of ways and this seemed to be no exception to the rule, making light work of bringing your pleasure to a head and threatening to throw you over the edge quicker than you’d like to admit.
You fought for control of your body but it was a battle you were unavoidably losing as he pulled his fingers free and replaced them with his tongue, pushing it deep into you and occupying his hands by rubbing circles over your clit with his thumb. It was a devastating sensation that pulled your muscles taut, your head raised up off the padding and tipped back as far as your restraints would allow as you suddenly came violently.
He spurred it on, lapping at your sopping wet slit and never ceasing the movements of his thumb, making you shake and really test the strength of your ties. He drove you through your orgasm, not even slowing as you began to plead with him to stop, it was too much. When you thought you’d tumble head first into a second one he finally relented, leaving you gasping and panting as you vaguely heard him shucking his pants behind you.
You felt something hard and blunt at your entrance as he slid his cock up to you and rifled it up and down your slit, wetting the tip and enjoying the light springy jump that coursed through you every time his head hit your clit.
“Last chance, sweetheart. As much as I’d hate to lose your company, you’re running out of chances to secure your freedom.” You could hardly focus on his words, still caught between struggling to catch up from your first mind blowing orgasm and steeling yourself against the promise of a second one if the way your pussy was trying and failing to catch his tip and suck it in was any indicator.
He lined himself up and pushed forward, causing you both to moan out together as he stretched you open on his girth. “Fuck me, you are sweet.” He slid home, hips pushing flush with yours as you adjusted to the way he seemed to fill you out perfectly. Your head dipped as he began a steady, unrushed rhythm, slapping his hips to yours every time he drove it home.
You had stopped breathing since he’d entered you and suddenly took one huge sucking breath in, filling your lungs just to immediately expel it as a broken but pleasured moan. He growled behind you and you could feel it vibrate through you in a whole new sensation, overloading your senses, coursing white and blinding in its intensity.
“Please!” You had no idea what you were begging for but it just felt so right, losing your sense of self, reduced to nothing more than nerve endings. He reached forward and grabbed a fistful of your hair, pulling back and taking out the slack as your back arched to accommodate his hold.
“Oh god!” You could hardly imagine how you must look, head cocked back and slack-jawed as he split you open from behind. Each thrust was precise and calculated, wringing you for every last drop of pleasure until your mind went blank and your whole being submitted to the fucking.
He leaned forward, breath hot and heavy right behind your ear as he spoke and he must’ve known you were a goner because instead of trying to extract information he just spoke of the future. All the ways he’d bend you to his will, how he’d break you and build you back better in his image.
“It’s truly a shame we met under these circumstances. Under a different light I’d have enjoyed training you, honing your skills instead of wasting all this potential such as it is. Under me you’d have made an unstoppable operator. Now you’ll never see combat again.”
For some reason this truth had only now dawned on you, some deep part of your brain had held out hope of escape or retaliation or vengeance but cock drunk beneath him you knew it was hopeless, he was absolutely right and you were ultimately fucked.
As if he’d been holding back he renewed his vigor and began to pound into you from behind with abandon. Your mouth was dry and your knees were screeching at you from below, despite the padding, but all you could focus on was the pool of pleasure building heavy in your gut. There was no turning back from this, your mind screamed for you to do something but any other thoughts were beyond you and so you expelled them with the rest and took your fate as it sealed, securing a chokehold around your throat and brought you to heel.
You came around his cock, the second world shattering orgasm of the evening and much more all encompassing in its magnitude. You were certain you felt your heart stop, lungs burning for air as you clenched down around him. Seconds later he followed, coming with a half moan, half growl as you squeezed him for all he was worth. White hot spend filled you from the inside out and it was as blissful as it was damning.
The game was up, you were his. You stayed like that, riding the bliss and eyeing up the defeat that swelled up to take its place as it faded. He pulled out of you slowly and you felt his seed drip from you, slide down your thighs and puddle on the bench below you. You hardly heard him as he cleaned himself up and redressed. There was a click as the door to the room opened for the first time you were aware to hear it and two men stepped into the room.
There was a moment of nothing before you felt two firm hands wrap themselves around your arms and loosen your binds. They held you up til the tips of your feet hardly grazed the cool concrete floor and stationed on either side of you, held you up for inspection. You lifted your head to see him standing before you, dog tags dangling from one fist and the belt folded over on itself held tight in the other.
“I can’t say I’m disappointed in you, soldier. You stood your ground and that commands immense bravery. But you knew the rules and now you’ll reap what you’ve sown. You mustered up enough strength to gather saliva in between your lips and spit at his face. It didn’t quite make it and landed at his feet but you could hear a smile in his voice as he commanded the men at your side to carry you up to his quarters. He’d be seeing you again very soon.
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sakura-chan-25 · 5 months
Can I request a baby little kawaii/cutecore autistic reader x cg lucifer please
Can you make it where Lucifer is working while reader is playing in their play pin in his office but they start getting sensory overload
Absolutely, I can! The kawaii/cutecore stuff might not come out as much and I'm not quite sure how much of autistic is in there too when looking back at it, but the sensory overload is definitely there. Hope you enjoy! ^^ (Btw I'm glad you're back, I missed you even though we don't write with each other)
Word Count: ~720
Warning(s): sensory overload, crying, Lucifer sighing quite a lot, little gear (pacifier, play mat, blanket, sensory cube or whatever you call it), pet names (darling, little dove), I don’t like the ending :’)
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It was quiet in the office. Well, quiet apart from the occasional jingle of MC’s soft cube as they played. Lucifer was working at his desk, like always. He made sure to keep an eye on them though, looking up from those annoying papers every once in a while to watch them playing on their mat with a small smile before focusing back on those papers. They looked too cute, sucking on their pacifier and playing on the mat, to keep focusing on his work as he chuckled under his breath and stood up.
Just as he made his way towards them on the floor a loud scream echoed outside on the hallway as the thumping sounds of running followed. Lucifer sighed. Levi and Mammon again. Although his annoyance was replaced with worry once he kneeled down in front of MC and saw their scared wide eyes.
“Hey. Darling?”, the demon softly asked in a worried tone as he saw the tears forming in the human’s eyes. He quickly opened his arms, ready to pull them into a hug if they wanted it.
Unfortunately, that seemed to backfire. Instead of crawling to him, MC crawled away while the tears started falling down. That made the Avatar of Pride panic slightly, but he tried to not let it show.
“Shh, shh, my little dove. Everything is alright. It was just Mammon and Levi with their usual shenanigans. It’s fine now. You’re okay.” Those words didn’t help MC to calm down though. They were too overwhelmed now, Levi and Mammon’s usual troublemakings seemingly having been the last straw.
The Avatar of Pride sighed again as he got up. He started gathering the pink headphones and MC’s fluffy comfort blanket with cute little bunnies on it as the poor human cried. Their pacifier had long fallen out of their mouth, so their cries were even more painful to the demon caring for them.
He slowly kneeled back down opposite them, making sure to keep distance, so he wouldn’t make them cry even more. He still achieved that. Obviously on accident.
The demon only tried to wrap their blankie around their shoulders, he didn’t know that was too much right now! Lucifer continued to hush them quietly with a worried expression as he put the blanket in front of them, letting them choose to just take it themselves if they wanted it. He did the same with the headphones and their cute pacifier, lying them on top of the blanket.
MC whimpered quietly as they tried to stop themselves from sobbing out loud. But it was hard in their regressed state! Lucifer sighed again in worry as he tried to remind them that crying was nothing to be ashamed about and it was good to let it out. The regressed sorcerer only nodded briefly as they wiped their eyes with their sleeves while the red-eyed demon was turning their headphones on, connecting them to his D.D.D.
After that he slowly offered the human their headphones — letting them reach for the headphones themselves rather than just putting them on their head. MC sniffled quietly as they clumsily reached out and tried to put their headphones on, but they only cried more when that didn’t work. Lucifer helped them slowly adjust the headphones, not wanting to startle them and make them cry even harder as they already did.
While the demon was working on the headphones, MC grabbed their pacifier from the blanket and put it in their mouth once more, quietly sucking on it as they sniffled here and there.
Only when their favourite music started playing and successfully drowned out the rest, did MC calm down. They were quietly fumbling with their blanket in front of them as Lucifer sighed in relief. He decided to disregard his work for now and kept close to them, just in case they needed something, while he was also making sure not to touch them.
However, he gladly took them into his arms when they crawled towards him. He let the human seek his comfort as he slowly rocked them back and forth and wrapped them up in their soft blanket, kissing their forehead gently. Lucifer kept MC in his arms and rocked them until eventually they fell asleep in his lap and put them to bed.
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TW: Smut. Language. 
SUMMARY: JJ’s obsessions calls for a quell only you can supply…
Anonymous asked:
Can you do JJ being obsessed with readers boobs? 🙏🏽
He adored every single part of you and left nothing untouched. But there was something particular on this day that you were well aware had an effect on him as his eyes hadn’t budged since you removed his shirt from your chest earlier that morning. 
“JJ!” John B exclaimed as he was too fixated on the way your breasts spilled from either side of your bikini to pay any mind to the fish he had on his line. Because of this, your mutual friend would lunge to apprehend the pole before it was forced into the water, doing so a moment too late. 
“Seriously?! Whatever was on the other end of that probably could have paid for dinner-can you stop being negligent for just one second?” John B was enraged, speaking cruel words as your eyes narrowed to him. 
You understood the worry as you shared it as the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle would be nice if any of you were able to be consistent enough for even that. Because of this and the fact it was your fault as you had intentionally seduced JJ, you dove into the water in seconds, returning with the pole in hand as it was released almost immediately after it was taken. 
And for this reason and the fact the droplets of water dried only accentuated the soft skin he was desperate for that much further, any attempt made to hide his focus was obliterated as his eyes magnetized between yours and your chest, shamelessly. 
“Can you come help me-”
“Yep!” JJ was quick to leap off of the boat, leaving Pope and John B to round up the HMS Pogue as you led the way into The Chateau. 
“Needy a bit today, JJ-”
“What the hell am I supposed to do when you have them staring me in the face all damn day?!” He spoke at your chest as you saw the strain behind his face of how this had affected him. And so you decided to grant him a reward. Teasing the straps to your bikini top, you would set them to a descent as his eyes widened. 
“You’ve wanted them all day, haven’t you?”
“Oh my God…” He groaned upon You moved closer, pulling the top over his eyes before allowing it to cover him. He was quick to shove it away as you moved even closer, the distance between you as you led his cheeks between your hands just before he would have been able to make contact with the naked skin beneath him. 
“You’ve been suffering?” You teased a pout as he nodded, willing to sell his soul at this point if it meant just being able to touch you. Even for a second. 
“Then I want to be good to you, JJ.” His brows perked as he slowly nodded, swallowing hard as you straddled him. You brought his hands to your breasts, allowing him full reign to use them as he pleased. For a while, he would simply hold them in admiration, supporting their weight and massaging you as he basked in the addition of your moans caused by his touch. 
“That feel good, sweetheart?”
“Mmm…Making me so wet, JJ.”
“Shit…” He groaned against the nipple now taken behind his smirk, proud of how he was able to affect you as you had to him. A mixture of pulls and sucks to your nipple would have you grinding against him as he nodded. 
“It’s a miracle my cock didn’t rip through my shorts today-”
“Then maybe we should get you out of them-” Before he could fight it, you were on your knees, guiding him to stand to slip off his shorts, before making him sit once again. His eyes wouldn’t leave you for a second as you took his thick erection in your grasp and began to stroke him, finding beads of precum already at the tip. A teasing lick from your tongue would send his body trembling beneath you. 
“I’m not gonna last in your mouth, princess…It’s been aching all day.”
“Who said I’m gonna blow you, JJ?” His eyes widened, somehow those words were more seductive and enticing than the idea of him coating your throat in him. 
“You’re gonna come on my chest…unless you-”
“I fucking love you…” 
You chuckled. “I love you to, J…Now show me how much by letting me make you come with your favorite part of me.” His eyes rolled as you stationed him between your breasts, drooling over his tip as his mouth widened in disbelief. 
“You’re so fucking perfect…Oh my god-” You forced your breasts together, allowing the pressure and warmth before providing the friction. 
“Eyes to me, princess. It’s so good-”
“Yeah JJ? That feels good?”
“Oh my God, I’m gonna come. I can’t fucking wait-” 
“Yeah?” You worsened it by moaning, taking his fingers to your mouth and sucking on them, before quickening your motions to bring him closer to the edge. 
“I can’t hold it-”
“Then don’t-”
“I’m gonna come, I gotta-”
“Right here baby…” You slipped your hand across your chest. “Anywhere as long as its on my chest-”
“Fuck, baby, I’m-FUCK!” The warm ribbons of cum coated your chest as he watched you pull him to your lips, moaning to his taste. 
“Get the fuck up here.” He groaned as he positioned you on his stomach before you were taken even higher. 
“You let me come on your chest, now I'm gonna make you drip on mine. Ride my face until you come baby…” Your eyes widened to him. 
“It wasn’t a request.”
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @camilynn @bethoconnor @pankhoeforlife @pankowperfection
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spoiledleaff · 1 year
ghost of the sun.
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Ghost (Band) | Mountain Ghoul + Dewdrop Ghoul | 11.2K Words | spoiledleaff on ao3
Explicit | TW: Dead Dove, Do Not Eat (Please Consider Tags Seriously) | T4T FTM Mountain Ghoul + Dewdrop Ghoul | Gender-fluid Ghoul Anatomy | Genital Shapeshifting | Mentions of Self-Harm | Toxic Mindset During Sex | Dubious Consent | Miscommunication | Hatefuck | Angst with Comfort | Happy Ending! | They Sort Their Shit Out, Don’t Worry! | Water Ghoul Dewdrop | Water Ghoul Rivalry | Top Mountain | Bottom Dewdrop | Written For @forlorn-crows Ghost Group Project!
“I’m not fucking done.” Mountain sneers, his still-masked face suddenly so close to Dewdrop’s own. The grip he has on Dewdrop’s throat ensures that those enraged emerald eyes can take in every minuscule detail of Dewdrop’s naked face. “You distance yourself from the pack, you practically offered yourself on a suicidal platter for a ritual that reconstructs the very fabric of your existence, you allow yourself to be scarred and hurt by fucking humans, you’re a rude, mean little shit — and not the cute kind, or whatever level your usual chaotic self is — and here I fucking find you, after you skipped lunch and dinner and missed a rehearsal.”
Dewdrop weakly shook his head as Mountain’s heavy grip laced ever so slightly. Please don’t say it. Dewdrop tried to plead with his eyes, but they were already so glassy and pathetic to begin with. When did they get wet? When did he get so weak?
Please don’t make what I’ve already done a reality—
“You cut your hair, Dewdrop.”
read the rest of this angst with a happy ending (I promise!) over on AO3!
♬♪♬ “Ghost of the Sun” — Katatonia ♬♪♬
( this work is beta’d by the lovely @everybodyshusband !! so, if you see any mistakes, go hunt his handsome ass down. thank you for reading. ♡ )
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allypacino · 2 years
The last gasp of twilight sears the horizon red. This time of the year, sunlight retreats fast and unforgiving — the ground hardens up, and spits out the dead. Stray snakes or burrowing mice; belly turned pale under moonlight. By the end of the week, he began putting them back into the earth before the morning, when truck tires and dripping diesel would claim their land. The beat of the action calmed him. Sleep did not come anymore.
Now he’s arrived. This far out in the middle of nowhere, no fluorescence to gape at the night sky, the Milky Way streaks across his vision like a wound.
He heaves himself up on the hood of his car and closes his eyes. Beneath, the engine hums a listless tune.
There was a myth Dean had heard muttered on the road, of a cowherd and a weaver of the gods. It was from the mouth of a woman sitting on the front steps of a takeaway, a cigarette dangling from her yellowing fingertips.
“Lovers,” she had said. “Who cannot see each other, banished by the heavens. But they moved the gods and can meet once a year, on a bridge of birds.”
“Magpies, right?” Sam asked. “It’s a popular story in many parts of Asia.”
“Beautiful,” Dean said. “Can’t see how that’ll come in use, though.”
“Now I didn’t say useful, Winchester,” she blew out a cloud of smoke. “But I see things you don’t. All I’m saying is, there will be a time you need patience, to get something you want.”
“You hear that?” Dean said, exasperated. “Quit your moaning. Dad will get back in touch.”
The woman looked at them. By then the cigarette had burned all the way down to the filter.
“Tell me where he is,” he asked like a litany.
Under the blare of phosphorescent lights, Dean was floating. Apartment to apartment, angel to angel; growing wet with blood. In feverish pulses, he dug into their wind-tossed limbs — and soaked in the hemorrhage of their prayers. Here stood a devil. He dove back under. Here begot an executioner, birthing naked and fluorescent in these dying vessels.
“I am your parasite,” he growled, a knife teasing the bends of their elbow. “And I will be your plague. Tell me where he is.”
“I— ” he gasped. “Don’t—
A scream lit up the flat.
Electricity licked back into the fridge light.
“Fine,” Chuck breathed. “You have my attention. What do you want?”
A crow careens itself into the side of his car. The gravel catches its body. He watches the sheen black feathers sway in the cool air, lit aflame with the glow of sunset.
In human terms, your molecules simply do not exist on the same dimension anymore. Do you understand what that means? You are matter. He is anti-matter. I brought them all back, and I can bring him back, but it takes a great deal of power to hold onto this reality. For him. And you can save your speech. You forget I wrote this story. I had to watch as my soldier laid his allegiance at your crooked human coil. How do you think I felt? I saw his grace stitch itself to your soul, I saw the hum of those atoms to your song. I saw every confession bleed its way out of you into anger. What a wretched thing your soul is, carved a thousand ways by your daddy’s knives. I loved you once, too, the way you love a dying star. I understand it less and less. But I grant you this. Only because, it seems, I cannot stop you.
In the distance, by the side of the road, the elm tree breaks off clean in half. The air sweeps around the barren trunk, and all around Dean, grows heavy.
“It is useful!” She shouted.
“What?” He turned around, hand already around the handlebar of the car door.
“The story,” she said. “The story’s useful because we celebrate it. Because we get to make time for love once a year. That’s enough to make it useful.”
He laughed, surprised. “Sure, Woodstock!”
She grinned back at him, and the sun hung golden in the sky.
A trail of dirt rushes forward towards the elm tree, and he sees it now — what split the tree had sucked in the top half, along with whatever else is close to it. Was it like this last time too? Undoubtedly. But he was a man mottled with grief and uncertainty, and did not trust his vision until the very end. But this time he could not look away, could not ignore how it sucked all the oxygen out of the night. Wind wraps around his torso and tightens. He cannot breathe. He does not want to.
Time trickles to a stop.
He hears the soft beat of his footsteps.
Then — all at once — he comes home to him.
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apricusnights · 2 years
Balance of Power..
Location: Ciar Tower
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Glancing up as the lights flicker on and off. He’d press a button on his desk and activate the intercom. “Andrasta? I know you’ve locked down the labs, are you causing..” The intercom came back as only static.
His aShine begin to display a message. “Warning, tower security compromised. Evacuation in progress.”
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“Impossible..” Switching to the emergency channel on his aShine. “Stefanie? Jaqueline? Who’s..” Pausing when he heard the sound of combat.
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“Mr. Ciar! The security systems are down! Stefanie is evacuating the building! Jaqueline and I are trying to hold them off! One of them is heading to the elevator!”
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“Esmeray...make sure everyone gets out of the building..get Jaqueline and get out..” Flipping out a briefcase and removing both of his Xiphos. If something was powerful enough to shut down his tower’s security system and presumably overpower his top employees...
Trying in vain a few times to contact anyone outside of the tower only to be met with static. Andrasta was likely safe, nobody could access the labs during a lockdown..however the rest of the tower was a different story.
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He noticed the elevator about to ding and flipped his desk up, using it as a shield just as the elevator opened and a burst of flame shot out of it.
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“Ya know, for the most secure building in the city..it sure was a joke to get in here. Guess it helps when you can access whatever system you want. And you all were dumb enough to let it happen. Send the ADN on a wild goose chase putting drives into places to unlock a map...” Rolling his eyes “In reality I just needed them to put the drives in the right places so my friends could snoop around the system..”
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“All you’re doing is saving me the time of hunting you down.” Standing up and making his way over, dodging the sporadic bursts of flame Hades sent his way. Eventually managing to get within striking distance only to have his blades get stopped by something resembling a black cloud that originated from Hades’ sleeves. “Nanobots..” Flipping back as the cloud seemed to strike out at him.
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“Comes in real handy. Pretty good for stitching people back together again as well.” Pulling out a pair of pistols from their holsters and beginning to fire shots at the councilman.
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The shots were easy enough to avoid but every time he tried to get close that damn nanobot swarm either blocked him or tried to grab him. Not to mention the occasional burst of flame..he assumed Hades was using a wrist-mounted flame thrower..something he’d seen before. 
Still..this wasn’t a no win scenario..he had to figure out a way to disable the swarm..or at least get it to move one way and be quick enough to attack from the other. He had no access to the security system..guess it was time for the old fashioned way...
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Rushing forward again but moving as sporadic as he could, trying to throw off the nanobots into thinking he was going to make a specific move. He dove forward getting the swarm to head at him but shifted to the side, rolling on the floor and ending up right in front of Hades, thrusting one of his blades forward...
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Only to have it be stopped by what looked like a vine...
The other elevator doors were suddenly pried open by a similar set of vines. He barely caught a glimpse before he felt himself knocked backwards with enough force to be thrown out the window behind his desk.
He acted quick enough to plunge his other blade into the side of the building, holding on to it for a moment, long enough for him to press a button on his aShine. Luckily he still had access to a few of the drones that had been outside the building, managing to grab hold of one he brought over to him. It wasn’t going to be a pleasant landing but at least it was slowed. Holding on as the drone quickly was pulled down, landing on the ground in the plaza with a thud.
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“Mr. Ciar!” Running over “Are you ok?” She waved some medical personnel over.
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“No..but I will be..” He could feel his augmentations already working, his “Aurora” project was healing the damage he sustained as quickly as it could. “We need to get away from the tower..and I need to talk to the council..”
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Looking out of the broken window. “Huh, he managed to survive...good for him.” He’d turn the desk back up and sit down in the chair behind it, putting his feet on the desk. “One down, you may as well go and take yours now..”
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“It’s already done...”
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
SC: Pro Heroes' S/o's Pet Not Liking Them
Characters: Keigo Takami (Hawks), Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko), Taishiro Toyamitsu (Fatgum)
A/n: this fic is brought to you by my rabbit who has unrivaled hate for any man except my dad. He would literally cuddle with my dad but the moment my friend comes who let me tell you ADORES my bunny, he would COMPLETELY ignore him and sometimes even bite him, not like nibbling like bunnies do when they're happy. No, full-on bites like incredibly hard, anyways hope you guys enjoy it. (Also, this was longer than I planned)
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Keigo Takami (Hawks)
You would think Hawks would have a good relationship with birds right? Wrong.
Hawks in the eyes of birds was a bird of prey, which only means one thing, he's dangerous. This unspoken rule amongst birds who are usually weaker doesn't exclude your own pigeon.
It all started when Rumi (Mirko) decided that the group's movie night would be at your house for the first time ever. Obviously, you were rather excited, of all the times you had these movie nights they were never in your home. Another exciting reason was you couldn't wait to introduce Keigo, your lovey lover, to your budgie.
"Hey, birdie." Once you opened the door to your apartment Hawks was leaning there in front of you with a small bouquet of flowers, wearing some casual clothing. Giving a quick to your forehead, you led Hawks into your humble abode.
Your budgie, as always, flew towards you to greet the guest, like he would usually. But instead of landing on your shoulder, he instead flew around Keigo and dove to bite his ears and the exposed skin everywhere.
"So this is the friendly bird you've been telling me about???" Keigo slightly confused and panicked tried to lightly shoo away the flying menace.
You at this point didn't know whether to panic or to laugh at the situation. Your budgie was incredibly kind to everyone, even strangers you just met, and yet here he was, squawking at Keigo trying to bite him.
After a few minutes, you were able to calm your bird down, letting him rest on the crook of your neck and reassure Keigo that he was usually really kind to guests, which Keigo doesn't believe at this point. It wasn't until Rumi came knocking that you stood up to greet her.
Keigo, watched from a distance, excited to see Rumi get attacked by your menace of a bird. "What?!" He exclaimed pointing a judgemental finger at your bird who was now on Rumi's shoulder nuzzling her cheek.
"Scared of a birdie smaller than you Keigo?" Rumi's laughter mocked Keigo, and you couldn't help but let out a few giggles yourself.
"Awww love don't be like that!" You walked over to Keigo and enveloped him in a reassuring hug, still slightly giggling, "I swear I don't know why he doesn't like you."
When the movie started, you and Keigo were cuddling as usual with Rumi slightly third-wheeling, not that she really cared. Weirdly enough you felt a weird tension around you, when you looked over at Keigo, you saw he was staring at your budgie who was on Rumi's shoulder.
Both looking at each other with so much menace it made you burst into laughter. "Is there some kind of bird rivalry?????" Rumi now realizing what was happening laughed extremely loud. "Are you jealous of Y/n's BIRD???"
She teased Keigo, who in retaliation threw a pillow at her. He groaned and pulled you closer. "Whatever, but we're never having movie nights in your house again." You laughed a little before snuggling more into him, "Sure you big baby."
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Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)
"I'm telling you, that little piece of long-looking mouse stole my stuff!" Rumi yelled at you pointing an accusing finger at your ferret who was simply staring up at you her head slightly tilted as if confused about the whole ordeal.
This all started when Rumi decided to come to your apartment straight after patrol, something she's never done. She looked exhausted and in need of some comfort, so you let her in and gave her some clothes to change after showering,
When she walked in, she noticed your ferret staring at her. A weird sense of foreboding crept up onto her. She always had a slight suspicion that the creature didn't like her very much. Whether it was because she was taking up most of your play times with it, or something else, she couldn't care any less.
It was in the ferret's eyes, how they stared at her with intent and a glint of mischievousness. Though when she brought it up with you, you'd brush it off since ferrets are incredibly mischievous and smart.
But the icing on the cake was when she placed her clothes on top of a dresser, including her gloves, to take a shower. Only to come back with both of her gloves missing from the pile. The ferret looking up at her, as if challenging her.
"Rumi, love, why would she even know to hide BOTH gloves. She'd probably steal only one!!" Rumi's mouth fell agape at your statement. You were defending the THIEF???
"You said so yourself didn't you?!! Ferrets are SMART, SHE MUST'VE KNOWN." At this point it was borderline hilarious, so between your next words, you laughed and giggled.
"You probably just misplaced it, come on I'll help you search it. I'm sure we'll find it soon."
You both did not find it soon, it had actually been 30 minutes of nonstop searching. Searching your entire apartment close to twice already, you and Rumi both flopped on the couch, exhausted.
"Ok, maybe I should check her toys." Her being your ferret, you finally caved in and searched around her toys.
Low and behold.
"I TOLD YOU!!!" You found both Rumi's gloves tucked away in the long rubbery-plastic tunnel you made for your ferret.
Rumi crashed on the floor in a fit of laughter, with you holding the dirty gloves looking at your ferret rather disappointed at her. Your ferret looked up with its adorable eyes as if it had done nothing wrong.
"Your ferret's a demon I'm telling you!" Rumi wiped a tear from laughing too much.
"I'm sorry for not believing you." You said followed by an exasperated sigh. Rumi walked over to you and enveloped you in a bone-crushing hug, "It's fine, this was actually more fun than just watching random movies like we planned."
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Taishiro Toyamitsu
Taishiro loves animals and animals love him. Both skinny and fat form, he's just a lovable person for every single living being. Animals, humans, plants, all of them thrive when being cared for by him. Including you, but excluding your cat.
Taishiro knew the moment you said you had a cat that he would have to work a little bit harder to get her to like him. What he didn't expect was for your cat to completely ignore him no matter what he did.
"Trying to woo her again?" You smirked a little bit when you saw him in his skinny form holding a small bag of catnip smiling rather sheepishly.
"No cat can resist catnip." He paused shortly, "Right?"
You giggled at his adorable antics, reaching up to slightly ruffle his soft hair. Inviting him you watched from afar as Taishiro approached your cat who was sunbathing near a window and, as usual, ignoring him.
He slowly approached her, his big hands slowly opening the bag. When he did, her head immediately darted at him, you stood up straighter at this. Really curious at the first time your cat acknowledged his existence.
Taishiro couldn't feel more excited at the moment and slowly got closer to her, shaking the bag slightly. Your cat's irises expanded, showing that she might be rather happy.
But just as Taishiro was about to pet her, she stretched from her position and walked calmly away from him. Ignoring him once again.
You stifled a laugh at his dejected form, shoulders slumping down and a dark aura surrounding him.
You draped your body over his back, a small attempt in hugging him, "Hey you'll get more chances, I'm sure she'll warm up to you eventually."
Taishiro looked up at you with watery eyes and a small pout, making your heart melt at the sight. "How about this? You'll get even more chances if you live with me."
Your eyebrows wiggled at him, and his slumped figure immediately brightened up. Crushing you in a tight bear hug and shaking you around. "I'll make sure your cat loves me."
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viltrumitesuperboy · 3 years
Souvenir (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Gender neutral. My dumbass changed the request so they aren’t already together I am sorry but they needed to meet first
EDIT/DISCLAIMER: I hadn’t watched the films in LITERALLY FOREVER i got some parts wrong but for the record the fantastic beasts book does not say what mooncalves eat and i had to go as creative as possible (... grass)
Requested by: NOT anon but i forgot who requested i’m so sorry Maybe Newt introducing his partner to all of his creatures and one of the creates (possibly another bowtruckle but up to you) getting really attached Flying together on Frank the thunderbird (he's a thunderbird right?) Oh fluffy adorable feeding the baby mooncalves (Can you tell I like cute things and all of his animals?)
Word Count: 1593
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You first met Newt when you were out on a late night stroll.
People always said it was dangerous to walk outside late at night, but you had magic, and that would at least protect you from no-majs with ill intent. You would never expect to run into a wizard the way you did.
There was, after all, an Erumpent with a man in a bright blue coat making the strangest movements and sounds. It was certainly interesting. Another man stood off to the side, holding a bottle that was unmistakably one that was used for potions. Once the bottle spilled, you ran closer, hoping that you could counter the effects of the potion before it caused any damage. Instead, the Erumpent turned to him and charged. There was a lot of screaming.
You followed them over the hills of Central Park and a frozen river that you absolutely did not trust to hold the weight of a grown man, much less an Erumpent. You threw a quick spell to solidify it completely, and the three of you had managed to get the Erumpent into a very small case.
"Well, it looks like we've made a new friend!" the skinnier man in the blue coat said. "Thanks for helping."
"I really didn't do anything," you replied.
"Nonsense, you froze the river, didn't you? Wonderful spellwork, by the way," he complimented.
You warily looked at the no-maj, currently trying his best to brush off whatever he had spilled on himself. You knew how dangerous it was for them to know about magic.
"Oh, I'm Newt. This is Jacob. We've been gathering all the magical creatures that... are around the city," Newt explained.
"I'm (Y/N)," you said.
You held your hand out in greeting, and he took it with a mild shake. Jacob's was only slightly firmer.
"You know, I'm good with magical creatures. They were my favourites to look for in the forest of the school I went to. If you want, I can help," you offered.
Newt smiled brightly, and motioned back to the city that surrounded you.
"Well, we've finished with this, and we've got more to do. How about we find the rest of them?"
Newt opened his case on the floor, nodding to it with a smile.
"Go on. I promise it's safe," he assured you.
You gave him a stern look and climbed down the ladder into a small, wooden workshop.
"Is this an expanding charm?" you called up as he started to make his own way down. "Amazing work. It's rarely ever neat when I expand anything."
"Well, it helps that I've got other magic to keep everything where it is," he grinned. "Shall we?"
He gestured to the door. You pushed it open, your mouth open in shock as you took in the desert-like area around you.
"Newt!" you exclaimed. "Do you know how much work it takes to do this? You either have very powerful magic or a lot of time on your hands."
"Well I wouldn't say I'm very powerful," he humbly responded. "I've had this case for years, and I only started with a few of these areas. Now it's a lot more, but that's not the point."
He gestured to move on, and you followed wordlessly. The disturbance in the background made it clear that it was a piece of cloth rather than the actual background, and he pushed it aside to reveal the Erumpent you had helped him retrieve.
"I found her a while ago, and I'll be returning her home once she's ready. I'd bring you closer but after recent events, I think it would be better not to cause unnecessary damage to all of New York City."
You both laughed. He led you through another curtain to where the Niffler dove into a hole, and the bowtruckles were all on a tree together.
"I'm sure you already know the bowtruckles aren't as friendly as the others in this case, but Pickett likes to hang around me sometimes," Newt said.
He put his hand out for one of the bowtruckles, who climbed onto his hand and scampered up his arm, clinging to his bowtie for a few seconds. Newt had to pull Pickett off and back into his hand, and raised him up between the two of you. You were both met each other's eyes. He looked nervous for a split second, then brought up Pickett between your line of view.
"Say hello, Pickett! This is (Y/N)."
"Hi there," you smiled.
You waved your hand to the little green creature. He jumped from Newt's hand to your shirt, and found his way to the top of your head.
"Pickett! You know you need to ask before you climb someone like that," Newt scolded.
He had his hands on his hips and glared at the bowtruckle sternly. Pickett made a noise that sounded suspiciously like blowing a raspberry and rested himself in your hair.
"I think he likes me," you laughed. "Isn't it rare for bowtruckles to be this friendly?"
"Yes, but I think-"
Newt suddenly cut himself off as a blush grew on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows at him.
"You think what?" you asked.
"Um, I talk to the creatures about you sometimes? I think he remembered your name."
You hadn't known each other too long, but you figured it was enough to be good friends.
"Oh, that's nice. It's great to meet them," you said.
He gestured for you to follow him. He turned quickly as you walked, probably to hide his red face. By the time you reached a large nest, it was completely gone and replaced with a wide smile.
"This is an Occamy! They are usually very protective of their young, but I've earned her trust just enough. I'll be releasing her and her babies once they're a little more grown," Newt said.
The blue serpent-like creature inspected you as you approached the nest. A peer over the edge gave you a glimpse of a smaller Occamy, playing with its siblings. There were chirps coming from the nest. Newt brought you along to a different environment, one that looked more like a desert.
"And that's Frank," he said.
You both looked up to see a Thunderbird flying on his own in the sky. He began to drop down and land as he spotted you.
"Frank, this is my friend! Be nice," Newt said. "You can hold your hand out to him."
You hesitantly put your hand up, around where the bird's beak would be if he was in front of you. Frank shuffled his wings, then got closer until the feathers just under his eye were tickling your hand. You carefully stroked the feathers there, and he closed his eyes in content.
"I'm in America for a lot of reasons, and all of them are to bring these creatures back home," Newt said. "Tina and Queenie have been nice enough to let me stay with them while I'm still here."
"You're welcome to stay with me as well," you smiled.
You continued onto the next area, a quieter and darker one lit by a full moon on one of the curtains. The creatures were like a strange mix of a sheep and a cow with the largest eyes that didn't look like they would fit in their heads.
"Mooncalves!" you said, taking a few steps closer.
"Wait, come back. I'll have you feed them, since it's already time."
They were still a distance away. Despite their shy nature, they were still intrigued by the new addition to their temporary home. They started to get closer. After a few minutes of preparing the bowls with Newt, two of them had already gotten very close to you. They nudged your legs, knowing that you had something they wanted. When Newt walked with his bowl closer to the rest of the mooncalves, they all flocked to him. You followed behind, and some went to you.
"Throw a bit of this onto the ground right here."
He picked up a handful of what looked like rice grains and threw them across the ground. You did the same until the soil was mostly covered. Newt pulled out his wand and mumbled a spell, which caused the soil to cover the little grains and grass to spring up from where they dropped instead. The mooncalves rushed over to the grass and began to graze.
"Grass seeds! It's much more convenient than carrying grass or taking them outside when there's a full moon," Newt explained.
"That's amazing," you complimented, which he bashfully brushed off.
He took your bowl and put it away. A bowtruckle returned to his tree and a niffler nearly grabbing your pen lined with shiny metal later, you both returned to your small room. It was as if you'd entered another world or a dream and were now being pulled back into reality. You stood face to face with Newt, a grin present on his.
"If you're not staying in New York too long, I think maybe you'd need a souvenir before you go," you whispered.
"What's that?"
You took a step closer to him and slowly pressed your lips to his. He brought you closer, a hand on your back to keep the both of you steady. When you pulled away, he kept his hand there.
"That might be one of the best souvenirs I'll ever receive, but I think I can find one better."
"Can you really?"
He laughed breathlessly, and pulled you closer once more.
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diaco1968 · 3 years
Hello <3
I have an emergency request, I just came out and told my family that I was raped when I was six, and so I'm having to go into a police station and explain in detail of what happened to me. And it's just playing on the front of my mind of what happened. I was wondering if you could write about the MHA boys comforting their S/O when they get flashbacks about it? I totally get it if its a touchy topic, I just really like your work and all, and though it might be nice to read it.
Hello darling, I'm sorry you had to go through that and I hope you leave these days behind you and never have to deal with them again. It IS a touchy subject and you are very brave to have scratched the surface to start the healing. Be strong <3
Note: I did the boys I feel more comfortable doing since it is an emergency request and you didn't specify who, I hope you like these 5 and enjoy reading >_< @borkbork2024
He knew that distant wide eyed look on your face; the way you stared into the distance and clutched whatever was in your hands at the time.
And he hated it. He wanted nothing more to take that look and what was causing it away. But he couldn't do it. At least not without you.
Your knuckles turned white around the mug you were holding and that was his cue. He did his best to sound reassuring and warm. His hands moved towards yours, stopping inches away, hovering patiently.
"(Y/n)... look at me."
Your eyes snapped onto him, still wide and filled with discomfort; hurt; fear. He wished he could take it away.
"I'm going to hold your hands, is that okay?"
It took you a moment before you finally nodded in agreement and he didn't miss a beat, his hands taking the mug away from you and engulfing both your hands into the heat of his much larger hands, stretching your shaky fingers gently and rubbing them to warm them up, looking you straight in the eyes. Seriously but kindly. You could've sworn you could see your hurt reflected into his eyes too. Despite that his voice was soothing as he rubbed tiny slow circles on the back of your hands, making sure you were listening to him as he tried to reassure you.
"It"s over now. You're safe and I'm here with you. I will never let anyone hurt you, ever again. Okay baby?"
He chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, but winced from the pain radiating in his arm, standing corrected that he still felt his arm after the injury.
He got distracted from your worried expression by trying to asses his injuries only momentarily and only to try to relieve you of your worries without having lied to you. And that one moment was enough for your worry to turn into anxiety and stress and that sent you spiraling down a pit of dark flashbacks. Shaky hands turning into tight fists by your sides, jaws locking shut as you closed your eyes tightly, every muscle in your demand clenching subconsciously.
He finally looked up in what felt like hours but was actually seconds and there you were standing, in your typical defense mechanism, and he hadn't felt this dumb in a while as he rushed to you.
"Oh shit, sweetie, are you alright? I'm so stupid, I'm sorry, come here."
He didn't give you time to protest or react as he wrapped his arms around you in what was surprisingly a comfortable hug despite his injured arm and your tight muscles. His hands moved down your arms, squeezing the tense muscles gently to relax them and he grabbed your hands, unclenching them slowly and gently as he smoothed your fingers open, rubbing the palm of your hands where your nails had dug deep in your palms.
"There is nothing to worry about, sweetheart. You know I'll always come back to you. And I will always protect you. Not that you need my protection, you're the strongest person I know, I was just-"
You were talking so that was a good sign and he was glad you interrupted his babbling. Even better was that you now hugged him back and buried your face in his chest
"Yes, sweetie?"
"Be quiet..."
"Okay, sweetie."
He smiled as he hugged you tighter kissing the top of your head.
Shoto was exceptionally busy today. He had been running errands all day and when he finally did come home he had loads of paper work on his hands. So you waited patiently all throughout the evening. But no matter how long you waited he didn't finish. You needed him right now though,
He had watched you in silence as you grabbed a chair from the opposite side of his desk and pulled it all the way over to take a seat next to him behind the desk. He had placed his hand on your knee as he leaned in to look at you.
"Is everything alright, little lady?"
He had asked and you had nod your head deciding you couldn't trust your voice enough to explain so you just told him you missed him.
He didn't look like he bought it but you weren't someone to be prodded for a conversation you didn't want to have, so he gave you time as he stroked your knee before turning and going back to work. You brought your knees up to your chest and hugged them once he wasn't looking anymore. At first it was fine being in the room with him. His presence seemed to have driven away your thoughts. But now after a few minutes the thoughts came rushing back.
Fat tears started rolling down your cheeks and heavily dropping on your pants. You couldn't stop the tears and there was no way you could leave the room without giving him a scare, so you just sat there, chest heaving in silent sobs.
But Shoto was already worried, and he turned around to ask you again what had happened. A few seconds of silence as he stared at your face, his rapidly widening eyes chasing a tear down your cheek before he realised and he put everything away. Getting out of his chair he knelt in front of yours on the ground, his hand reaching out, stroking your cheek as he caught a tear on his fingers and wiped it off, trying to catch your eyes, his other hand holding yours on your lap. He wasn't much for words, but for you he'd try.
"Everything is fine, love. You can let it out. I'm here for you. We'll get through this together, alright? I love you."
"I said I don't fucking care, get it through your thick skull."
Well he should have cared. You were furious. You didn't even remember how the fight started and what it was about. But that nonchalant 'I don't care about anything' persona he tried to put up was so out of date already. In a fit of blind rage you raised your hand and slapped him across the face. And boy did he not like that. A sound between a shocked gasp and an enraged growl came from him, terrifying you, before he was in your face, roughly grabbing your hands and restraining any further movement you could've made. Your chest tightened as anxiety clawed it's way up your gut.
"What the fuck did you just do?!"
You were trying to pull your arms free but was frozen on the spot by the way he yelled at you. Your whole body went numb, cold chills running up and down your spine as you stared up at him with wide eyes that glossed over immediately.
He knew what was wrong. He knew the way you froze and went numb. It wasn't like your usual fiery self. And he knew that he triggered it. He had never winced harder in his life as he let go of your hands and pulled you into his arms. He pressed you to his chest and rubbed his hands up and down your back to calm you down, internally cursing his recklessness as he buried his nose in your hair.
"...fuck I'm sorry... it's okay, doll. You're okay. No one is hurting you. No one will ever dare hurt you. I'll make sure of that."
"Are you okay? What happened?"
The second he heard the glass shattering, he was in the kitchen with you but he wished he had never left to begin with. You were in the kitchen, right there in the middle. There were glass shards and food splatters all around you as you just stood there with your back to the door.
No reply. As he started to carefully make his way towards you, he saw your arms raise slowly and wrap around yourself and you started heaving loudly. Breathing heavily as if you just ran a marathon, little whimpers and dry sobs spilling out of your lips and soon turning into tiny but persistent hiccups. And he knew all about this. This defense mechanism your mind subconsciously hid behind.
He closed the distance between you, placing his hands on your arms, rubbing them up and down as he tried to catch your eyes, calling your name over and over until you finally looked at him. He pulled you closer, his wings extending as they wrapped around the two of you, shutting off the rest of the world.
Yours and his so called wings' safety circle.
It was a thing he came up with to calm you down and make you feel better and it did work. In his arms and in between his wings, which created a warm little space for you where even the noise from the rest of the world was muffled and cut out, you felt safe. Your breathing slowly went back to normal as you watched the feathers rustle slowly, with your cheek on his chest, feeling his calming heartbeat and syncing with it.
"I've got you, dove. No one can touch you here. It's just you and me and I've got you, (y/n)."
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strawberrysoup · 4 years
Pocketful of Posies || Chapter 5
You’d been hiding for years and years now; from your family, from society, from alphas and packs. Suppressants were dangerous but effective and necessary for an omega who refused to be owned—but no suppressants were strong enough to fool the nose of a super soldier, who together with his pack would stop at nothing to bind you to them forever.
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pairings: dark!Avengers x reader
word length: 4.7k
chapters: 5/?
warnings: A/B/O dynamics, power imbalances, noncon and dubcon sexual situations, loss of autonomy, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat — this is a dark!fic, read at your own risk. more detailed content warnings are included at the end of the chapter to avoid spoilers, click through the read more, CTRL + F “content warnings”. 
Rationality within Carol’s pack was often treated like a talking stick; only one person could have and use it at a time, and stealing it required either brute force or a clever trick—which was why she and Loki fumbled it back and forth so often. Sam seemed to have snatched it for a moment, until their omega’s sharp tongue made him fumble. She was cutting and brutal, as wild as she’d looked the first time Carol saw her: covered in mud and blood, half soaked from the bath and thrashing violently while Thor and Peter tried to gently get her in the tub.
The blonde figured it was time to regain the upper hand over their omega and came to stand at the top of the stairs, eyes locking on Sam from behind. He was turning the corner from patience to frustration, their little omega’s demeaning comments making the muscle in his jaw clench. It was impressive though; any of the other alpha’s in the house (plus herself and maybe minus Peter) would’ve had her nose in the corner by now, bent over to hold her own ankles and struggling for balance so that her forehead didn’t press against the wall lest she earn herself a spanking for being sulky.
“Alright Sammy, tag out,” Carol made sure that there was an undertone of mirth in her voice, hoping to bring the other alpha out of his anger. “You should probably go check on dinner and—Bruce, test results?”
“Oh, you’re right,” the beta nodded, immediately headed for the stairs. “Her hormone analysis should be ready at the least.”
The moment her eyes landed on the little omega on the bed, Carol felt her heart melt just a bit. Despite the vitriol she’d been spitting just moments before, the precious thing looked like an angel sprawled out in their den. All she wore was one of Thor’s t-shirts, the hem brushing the tops of her thighs and perfuming her scentless skin with his musk—she couldn’t wait until the suppressants were out of their omega’s system, Carol desperately wanted to know what she smelled like.
“Sammy?” The blonde prompted when the male alpha didn’t move, leading him to sigh.
“Yeah babe,” he leaned over and pressed a kiss against the omega’s forehead, ignoring how she shrunk back into the pillows behind her. “I’m out. Take care of her, beautiful.”
Sam stopped to press a kiss against Carol’s cheek on his way down the stairs, gesturing for Tony to follow. The genius rolled his eyes and huffed but followed nonetheless, only after tossing a wink at the scowling omega huddled in what would hopefully soon be a nest. Carol waited until they were both down before returning her attention to the younger woman, stomach filling with butterflies.
Carol had wanted an omega since she presented as an alpha at twelve. 90% of the people she interacted with thought she was such a waste—a female alpha? Objectively, a useless combination. Female alphas were weak and passive, certainly not strong enough to lead a pack or produce strong alpha babies. If only she’d been a delta or a beta, she could’ve at least carried children. She’d always been fully aware that society’s perspective was incredibly flawed; she was as dominant as any male, just as potent and just as strong. Stronger even—more recently by unimaginable levels.
But omegas rarely looked negatively upon female alphas. Omegas preened and clamored for the attention female alphas provided, they saw it as more tender and careful. Carol didn’t know if she exactly agreed with that either, but at least an omega would never look at her and consider her a very pretty waste.
Or so the blonde had thought, right up until making eye contact with the sweet-faced omega her pack had managed to stumble upon. She certainly didn’t look pleased, her glare verging on incendiary.
“You sure are feisty,” she felt her lips quirking at the corners, especially when the omega seemed to puff up like an angry kitten. “What you said to Sam wasn’t very nice. You gonna hiss at me too?”
The answer was a resounding yes, the cute, clicking cub growl she made only reinforcing Carol’s gut instinct that the little omega was perfect. She liked that fire, it wasn’t disrespectful—it demanded respect and the blonde could certainly understand that sort of attitude. Considering her omega’s evident disdain for modern presentation centered care, it could even be considered mild.
“Claws away, baby,” she ordered, tone amused and the smile still curling her lips as she toed her shoes off at the edge of the bed. “Be a good girl for me now.”
Carol pressed the omega flat to the bed before she could fight, plastering herself against the half-naked woman and burying her face in the crook of her neck. Scenting deeply made the blonde’s eyes roll back in her head—the faint scent of panicking omega wafted off her skin, only noticeable at such a distance. Thank God the Hulk picked it up, the alpha’s senses so incredibly strong that even while masked by Bruce’s beta he had picked up the faint whiff of omega; if Bruce hadn’t prompted Steve to scent carefully they might not’ve found her. Carol hadn’t been the only one in the pack desperate for an omega.
Thor had been… devastated to learn of the lack of omegas on Earth. With the destruction of Asgard and the remaining population’s relocation, it had been another gut punch to the alpha prime who’s people had already endured so much. He’d spoken at length about how omega Aesir were different than humans’ and the tone of longing and sadness in the prime had radiated through their entire pack.
The deltas, Bucky, Tony and Loki had all realized years ago how sorely their dynamic suffered without an omega. A delta’s overwhelming physiological drive was to provide support and comfort to pack members, their intuition let them see their packmates in a way the other presentation’s couldn’t replicate. Their pack’s deltas were all incredibly intuitive, beyond the norm, and without an omega to properly direct them they got manipulative. It was rarely antagonistic or cruel and if there had only been one delta in the pack, it would’ve slid by without notice—but deltas perceived the deception where others didn’t and it usually led to dissent amongst the three.
And while Steve had never said a word, Carol knew that as a sickly little beta he’d dreamt of being ‘strong enough to deserve an omega’. Bucky had mentioned it briefly—as had Tony, who’d heard it from his father at least biweekly. Steve loved omegas; he loved that they balanced an incredible strength with equal fragility. The very nature of them spoke to his inner artist, ‘his inner romantic,’ Bucky had teased. Now that he was a big ass alpha prime? He could deserve an omega now, he was strong enough now.
Their omega was practically a miracle, considering how few of them there were—so few adults, especially. Some claimed the overall population of omegas was going up despite the overwhelming evidence of the opposite and besides, the number of omegas born every year didn’t matter when you had packmates approaching their mid-forties. Tony, Bruce, and Clint were getting up there, as everyone liked to tease. Finding a reasonably aged omega that was also unclaimed? They’d never even considered the possibility, it was unfathomable.
Carol had consoled herself with the knowledge that her pack loved her deeply, found no fault in her gender or presentation. She knew it would take time, but soon her omega would realize the same. There was nothing wrong with her, she didn’t need to hide or put on a façade; not in their pack, not under their protection. Whatever the omega had gone through in her life must’ve been traumatizing, the blonde could only assume some sort of abuse, and it would be tough to instill confidence in her. They’d need to build her back up from scratch.
“You know, if you’d let Wanda search your mind, we’d have a much easier time understanding what’s going on,” the blonde murmured into the omega’s neck, nose brushing back and forth over her left scent gland. “Will you tell me why you’re so scared? Are you afraid of alphas or of packs? Or deltas?”
“I’m afraid of being trapped forever by a bunch of fucking rapists and kidnappers!” She spat furiously in response, struggling futilely under Carol’s careful grasp. “Get your fucking face out of my neck!”
“Packs it is then,” Carol sighed, lifting her head but keeping the woman pinned beneath her.
“You’re so shifty ‘mega, calm down. There are some horrible people out there, we know that better than anyone, and I’m sorry that you were hurt. I’m sorry you had to go through whatever it was.”
The omega froze, muscles pulling so tightly that she started to shiver. Her lips pursed, jaw clenching and her eyes got dim, lashes fluttering as she looked into the distance over Carol’s shoulder. It was a dead-eyed stare, one the blonde had seen before. Her baby was half trapped in a memory, tightly clenched hands clawing at Carol’s shirt and trying to force her body away.
“I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry, come back—” Carol cooed into the omega’s ear, holding her tighter as she struggled. “You’re with me baby, you’re safe. Breathe with me, come back to me.”
“Would you fucking get off!” The omega choked, sounding both parts desolate and frustrated. “Why don’t you people fucking listen? Am I speaking gibberish?”
“I’m sorry you’re so angry omega,” the blonde’s eyebrows furrowed, sadness permeating her expression as she lowered her head to rest her forehead against the omega’s. “I’m sorry, I can’t get off—you need the pheromones, the alpha contact chemicals. Even if you’re traumatized, once the suppressants you’re on start to wear off you’re going to have to submit. We need to start practicing now so you can get comfortable with it, before it’s critical for your health.”
“Stop saying you’re sorry, you’re not sorry! If you were, you would’ve let me go. You wouldn’t be holding me here! I don’t need or want your help, I don’t want to be in a pack!”
“I hear you, baby, I promise I understand what you’re saying,” Carol carefully pinned one of the flailing omega’s arms down with her knee, reaching up to stroke the woman’s face. “You don’t want to be here, you don’t want to have a pack, I’m sure you don’t want to be bonded to us. But you’re on so many suppressants baby, there are so many mind-altering chemicals in the shit you were taking—”
“If you force me to stop taking them I’ll only be under the ‘mind-altering’ chemicals produced by the other presentations and—and this stupid collar forcing my body to produce addictive chemicals at a rapid rate,” she argued, “you want to argue that I’m out of my mind like I can’t be trusted with my own safety! I’m fully conscious, I’m not stupid, I’m an adult for fuck’s sake. The only thing that’s going to fuck up my personal agency is you!”
“We’ll know for sure when Bruce gets your test results back,” Carol sighed realizing how unlikely it would be for her to get through to the omega. “Tony’s having some equipment dropped by in the morning so he and Bruce can run some more. If your hormone levels aren’t entirely trashed, we’ll revisit this conversation.”
“You have to let me take my suppressants tonight then,” the omega pushed against the blonde again, grunting with effort and irritation when she didn’t move at all. “Otherwise the test results from today won’t match the ones tomorrow, missing a dose will entirely trash my hormone levels! The tests won’t provide an accurate reading!”
Carol was shaking her head before she’d even finished the explanation. “No way, there’s a reason those are illegal, baby. They’re so dangerous—”
“I’ve been taking them for fifteen years and I’m completely fine, come on—”
She watched the omega’s face fall when she sighed, “it’s not gonna happen baby. This one isn’t up for debate.”
“This one?” The omega scoffed bitterly, lips twisting as angry tears collected in her eyes. “Nothing is ‘up for debate’. I’m here, aren’t I? Obviously against my will. I’m not even wearing my own clothes, you won’t let me move! You’re acting like this is the one bit of agency you’re planning to strip from me but you’re either too stupid to realize that or you’re too caught up in the idea of having a house bitch to care!”
“Hey, don’t say that,” Carol frowned, thumb smoothing over the crease between her brows. “We’re not looking to ruin your life, baby. The last thing we want is to make you meek or take away your ability to make your own choices, but we have to take care of you.”
“Y-you don’t though,” she hissed, breath hitching as she fought not to cry in front of the alpha. “I’ve been taking care of-of myself for years. I’ve never had a problem I’ve—I’ve never been attacked or assaulted or—”
Carol shifted until the omega was cradled in her lap, easily blocking the omega’s attempts to escape her grasp, “If that’s true baby girl, I don’t think you understand how rare it is—or how it would mean you were poisoning yourself so thoroughly that no alpha could scent you. There’s too many people out there would hurt you just for being you; the only way for you to be safe is with us, where you don’t have to keep taking the pill equivalent of drinking gasoline and bleach.”
“I should have the choice!”
“The choice to slowly kill yourself?” The blonde looked down into the omega’s face in disbelief. “No one in their right mind would allow another person to suffer like that.”
Their attention was suddenly and brutally drawn to the stairwell, both of their hindbrains reacting to the scent of overwhelmingly aroused alphas accompanied by raised voices and shouting. The omega in her lap went completely and utterly still, instincts locking down all movement as if it could prevent her from being seen. Carol sighed quietly through her nose, nudging her forehead gently against the charming little creature hiding against her chest. She couldn’t really tell what they were yelling about but she figured it had something to do with whatever Bruce found.
“Someone has to—!”
“That doesn’t mean—!”
“It should be—!”
The blonde cracked her neck, arms slipping around the waist of her omega and locking in place like iron bands. The cowering made it easier for Carol to snuggle her tightly against her chest, wiggling them carefully as several pairs of feet began stomping up the stairs, until the omega was entirely engulfed by the alpha from behind. Steve and Thor made it up first, shoulder to shoulder and passive-aggressively nudging each other in the ribs. Sam was next, along with Bucky—both of whom were being decidedly antagonistic to poor Peter who followed behind.
“Would you guys shut the hell up? What’s going on?”
Before anyone else could respond Bruce forced his way between the group of more dominant males, eyes flashing green even as he attempted to shake it off, “the amount of alpha pheromone in her blood is so low it’s amazing she isn’t in shock.”
“What?!” The omega snapped furiously, eyes darting between the people standing around the room nervously. “There’s nothing wrong with me—!”
“Carol, hold her,” Steve ordered, as if the blonde hadn’t locked the omega down the second they heard them coming. “Thor, how are we gonna do this?”
Both primes looked almost pained, their faces painted with grimaces as they exchanged glances. Their struggle was easy to identify; neither wanted to cause any strife between them, damage to their partnership would damage the pack but they wanted to be first. Their hindbrains could barely function beyond the desire to fuck their omega, their pretty, sweet little omega who desperately needed alpha semen because her body would stop functioning without it. Primes always got first take on omegas, but when there were two primes in a pack things got dicey.
“Have one of us do it,” Carol chimed, carefully maintaining an expression that relayed she wasn’t trying to step on toes. “Both of you are massive, you could do damage without proper prep and if it’s that serious we can’t wait on that.”
“I’ll do it!” Peter was quick to step forward. “You all know I’ll the gentlest and she’s already upset—”
“Shut it Spiderboy,” Sam quickly interjected, giving the younger alpha a stern look, “she needs careful handling, not some teenager fumbling with his knot.”
“I’m not a teenager anymore you asshole—!”
“Carol’s cock is the smallest,” Tony stated nonchalantly as he kicked off his shoes in the closet that faced the den, “no offense babe, just logistics.”  
“None taken,” the blonde snorted slightly in amusement before turning her attention to the two primes, “I can get her started, at least get her hormones on the right track.”
“Let go of me you psycho!” The omega howled, voice constricted by her collar. “Get away from me, let me go!”
A low, bone-deep rumble suddenly washed over everyone in the attic, the growl emanating from both Steve and Thor. A keening moan escaped the omega, her breath hitching and eyes rolling as viscous slick gushed from her pussy. The scent of it made waves through the rest of the pack, a cacophony of moans and growls echoing off the high ceiling as the responding scent of hot and bothered emanated through the den.
“Thor?” Steve questioned the other prime imploringly, knowing that they needed an immediate answer and follow through.
The taller man grit his teeth, nose flaring for several moments before he let out another low growl that made their omega cry with arousal. “You first—leave my shirt on her, please.”
“Oh God, oh God,” the whimpering omega shifted in Carol’s arms, likely about to try to make a break for it when Steve swept her up into his arms. “Please, wait—!”
“Your pussy is dripping for your primes, isn’t it precious?” The alpha male hummed quietly as he swiftly lowered them both to the bed, hands grasping the backs of her thighs and pressing her knees towards her shoulders. “So much slick for such a little thing.”
The whine that came from Peter sounded wrecked, only minutely more embarrassing than the groans and panting coming from the rest of the pack as they watched. The omega looked to be approaching frantic and Carol sighed, shifting farther away from the prime on the bed—there was no reason to test Steve’s incredible patience. Well, that had been Carol’s opinion anyway.
Evidently Loki believed otherwise, but then again the delta was habitually prone to testing Steve’s last goddamn nerve. The brunet had appeared with a shimmering green light, lying on the bed so close to the omega that the scent from his ridiculously expensive Fendi sweater was transferring to her arm and shoulder. The prime had barely flinched, certainly hadn’t reacted in a manner more noticeable than a slight dilation in his pupil. Thor made a reprimanding noise but didn’t move forward to remove the delta, much to Bucky and Tony’s immediate disdain.
“Why the fuck does he get to—!”
“You better rethink that, Ice Man!”
The combined snarls from both primes quickly brought all three deltas to heel and while Loki didn’t retreat, he did keep his hands to himself. One hand propped up his head, the other tightly fisted and rested on the bed between himself and the omega’s borrowed shirt while eyes burned into him from all sides. The omega’s wide eyes were locked on the man, some flicker of recognition fleetingly passing over her face. Loki was good at surprise entrances and even better at taking advantage of his brother’s status in the pack—not that he necessarily got away with things the others wouldn’t, but none of the others particularly wanted to find out what the prime’s breaking point was either.
“I just want to keep her calm, is that so horrible?” The tone the God used was smooth and Carol remembered the talking stick analogy again. “You can smell the poor thing’s terror, is it really necessary?”
Steve looked conflicted for maybe two seconds when a light went off behind his eyes. “Keep her calm so I don’t have to purr and you can stay.”
The delta’s hand immediately slipped up the front of her shirt, cupping the curve of her rib cage just under her breast. His nose pressed into her neck in the following moments, a small golden glow flowing over the little omega’s skin where he touched her. The odor of fear was quick to recede once the windows were open, replaced with the tangy-sweet scent of her pussy. Carol inhaled sharply and whined, drawing Steve’s attention to her wide, sad eyes.
The prime huffed, running one big hand through his hair while Loki held the omega’s thigh in place. “Hands to yourself, Carol.”
The blonde immediately tucked her nose into the other side of the omega’s neck, hands clenched into fists and tucked tightly against her stomach. She could hear the rest of the pack shuffling around, vying for space and views on the bed. Steve seemed entirely unbothered, his gaze once again locked on the pretty omega’s.
“Is your cunt working your slick hard enough precious?” He murmured directly into her ear, lips brushing the skin gently. “If those muscles aren’t strong enough we might have to put in a bit more effort to stretch you out. Squeeze around my fingers baby.”
Carol’s eyes rolled back when a breathy whine escaped the omega, the only perceivable reaction that might’ve betrayed her fear—otherwise, whatever magic Loki had used made her eyes shine with bliss. Steve had two fingers knuckle deep in her cunt, still pressing forward while his slick coated thumb swept up through her folds to pass over her clit. She shook under the grasp of his packmates, hips shifting without her consent to follow the movement of his hand.
“Come on sweetheart, please?” Steve implored quietly, looking at the loosely pinned omega with soft eyes. “Clench your pussy for me, let me take care of you. Please, I—oh, there you go, that’s a good girl.”
He hummed, working his fingers deeper into her cunt and scissoring them carefully. A smile lit the prime’s face when the cutest hiccupping moan escaped the omega, her legs pressing futilely against his hold. Muscle memory tried to guide her legs closed but Carol easily slipped a hand around her knee, keeping her spread wide while Steve continued to stretch her pussy. Another bass toned growl from Thor reverberated off the walls and she wailed, slick dripping over Steve’s fingers while her pussy contracted in waves as commanded by the prime’s guttural growl.
“I’m gonna take care of you precious,” her low whine prompted a moan from Steve as he added a third finger, carefully pressing the pads of his fingers up against her g-spot. “You’ll feel so much better once we fuck you, I promise.”
Carol watched with heavily lidded eyes as the omega’s attention was sparked by Steve’s use of the collective we. Likely it was only Loki’s magic that kept her from lashing out as viciously as they knew she was capable of. In spite of it, her little teeth showed, sharp incisors flashing in a botched hiss. The prime poised himself over her carefully with a small grin, fingers still fucking into her with vigor while he rested his weight on his elbow next to her head.
“It’s gonna be okay omega, it’s gonna be okay,” he cooed quietly against her ear, removing his hand only to pull his cock from his pants. “Take deep breaths, baby.”
“Don’t—” She didn’t sound distressed, the omega sounded aroused and desperate, “I—”
“Shhhh,” the prime’s lips skimmed over her cheeks, down her nose while his hand guided his dick up and down her slick folds until he was dripping with her arousal. “I’m gonna take care of you, precious. We’re gonna take care of you.”
The sound that escaped the omega’s lips as he slipped into her was goosebump inducing in the best way. She whined as the head popped in, breath hitching with every millimetre that came thereafter—and there were a lot of them. The omega was squirming, her heels scrambling against the blankets and both Loki and Carol found themselves having to focus much harder than expected on keeping her still while Steve bottomed out.
“You’re doing so well, darling,” Loki cooed, his nose brushing the line of her jaw. “I know it’s a lot but you’re taking it beautifully. Stay still love, just relax we’ll hold you.”
“That’s right ‘mega,” Steve groaned as he withdrew, the squelch of her cunt making his teeth clench. “We’ll do all the work precious, you just have to be a good girl and take my cock.”
It was easier said than done and everyone in the room save Thor was fully aware of that. The omega’s sweet little whines and cries were causing a massive feedback loop of arousal in the pack’s consciousness and Carol was pretty sure she could hear the sounds of several people going at it but she couldn’t pull her gaze away from where Steve’s cock was drilling into that pretty cunt. Evidently said feedback loop was also affecting Steve, who very suddenly growled possessively.
“Carol, Loki, off,” The prime snapped barely hesitating before dropping his elbows into the pillows on either side of the omega’s head, narrowly avoiding giving his pack mates concussions. “Now.”
Both the alpha and the delta were yanked off the bed by their ankles—well, Carol was yanked off the bed. Loki was yanked off the bed and then promptly thrown into the wall by said ankles. The reinforced exterior wall meant there was only a small dent where the god had landed, but the ensuing ruckus had a strong potential of causing even more damage. Thor immediately turned to deal with the problem, along with several other packmates.
Several things occurred in the next few seconds and the pack would probably fight about what really happened for the next twenty years, but somehow Bucky was thrown through the window and Tony’s right ring finger was broken.
And Wanda—poor Wanda, Thor pushed her out of the way before Bucky could accidentally take her through the window with him. The beta was sent flying, sailing across the bed until she hit the unyielding form of Steve. He startled in shock, immediately drawing back to assess her condition—only for a heel to slam directly into his nose. The prime’s head snapped back from the force, big body falling backwards while his hands scrambled for purchase on his face.
The omega probably would’ve even gotten down the stairs if Natasha hadn’t been ascending the stairs at that moment, having heard the commotion from where she and Clint had been putting away groceries. The redhead smelled her before seeing her, a somewhat sinister grin pulling Nat’s lips when the omega ran directly into her while attempting escape #2.
“Now where are you going, kitten? With that mess dripping down your thighs,” the beta cooed, head tilting as she scented the air. “Why can I smell Steve on you, but not his cum?”
There was a horrible, long pause while the omega seemed to consider her options before landing on Go For Broke. She attempted to dodge past Natasha but the beta’s strong arm immediately lashed around her waist, her superior strength making it easy to force her up the stairs even as she refused to hold her own weight.
Steve met them just two steps from the top, dick out and covered in blood. The prime’s expression wasn’t so much angry as it was disappointed and Natasha hummed in false sympathy.
“Someone’s been naughty, huh kitten?”
content warnings: nonconsensual sex, voyeurism 
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juminly · 3 years
First Sight (Arthur Conan Doyle x Reader)
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Summary: Going through a rough patch in your life, your friend thought of the perfect solution to help you through it. And that's how you found yourself spending a night with one of the most reputable men of Yoshiwara.
Tags: Yoshiwara/Courtesan AU, Fluff, Bittersweet Fluff, Some Mutual Pining, Obvious Canon Divergence, Some Historical Inaccuracy.  –♥–  Had she not convinced you to come with her to take a look around the infamous red-light district of Yoshiwara, you would have never witnessed something as mesmerizing as you had on that evening. It was the walk of the Yoshiwara courtesans, where the different courtesan establishments would flaunt the highly demanded and regarded men and women of the district, both genders falling in awe and captivated by their beauty as they walked the streets around Sunset, before the nights of unholy pleasure began. Looking at your friend, her eyes practically bulging out of their sockets as she waited to see the courtesan that she had been frequenting for a while, Dazai. Spending heaps of money on the dark haired fellow with golden eyes, you could definitely see why she had become too obsessed with spending countless nights with him, even as it dried her pockets. Shaking your head, you sighed and rubbed your temples, still wondering why you were even there and why she brought you with her. Yes, you were going through a major slump in your life but the trust that you had in her methods to cheer you up was not at its highest point then. You watched a silver-haired man followed next, kind crimson eyes looking at everyone that watched the parade but at no one in particular, an obscure sense of poise surrounding him as the softest of smiles painted his lips. He was certainly beautiful but... you had yet to see and witness more. Feeling the air seeping from your lungs, your eyes were met with the most mesmerizing jewels you've ever seen, gleaming sapphires outlined by long dark lashes, strands of wavy midnight blue hair boldly acting as unruly curtains that swiped over them with each strut of the man's body. Pale skin brightened under the blush light of the sunset, pink lips stretched into a sure smile, a smile that did not reflect in his eyes. His collar attracting your eyes to the long slit created by his kimono, loosely hanging over his broad shoulders, the belt pulling the fabric together only accentuating the musculature of his lean physique. A loud scream startled you, one of the girls standing next to you practically hyperventilating as he had winked at her, all the while, he kept his head high and turning to keep his gaze forward, his posture picture perfect as he slowly faded away in the distance, yet his presence still remained.
As your friend bumbled on about how she didn't want to spend the night alone in the courtesan house, forcibly strung along in her whims, you found yourself standing before a counter where bills of cash were laid flat on the wooden surface, your eyes widening as you realized that she had booked you a room with one of the courtesans. "I-... I didn't ask for this! I could've just waited for you in the lobby! You b-" Pressing an index against your lips, she grinned widely. "My treat. Believe me, with this one, you'll definitely thank me later. I have a good feeling you will."
Clicking your tongue and practically fuming at her insolence, you felt your blood boil but what was the point? You weren't sure who you were going to meet, unfamiliar with their names, having only your eyes laid on them as they gracefully walked before you. You didn't have anything to lose... So you'd just go wherever the wind took you. It wasn't like you had anything better to do for the rest of the evening anyways. Making your way to your appointed room, the loud thumping of your heart grew louder in your ear. This was not something you have done before nor were you familiar with, but sliding the door open, you were meet with the bare back of a man who had been in the middle of dressing himself back in his kimono. You stuttered a low 'sorry', still hesitantly standing by the door when you heard a tuneful chuckle. "Don't worry about it, love. I am not a shy one." Turning his head around, the flickering light of the candles surrounding the room illuminating his striking features, a surprised gasp escaping you when you realized who it was. The blue-eyed courtesan with the beauty mark right by his playfully quirked lips."You are more than welcome to come in. After all, I am at your beck and call tonight." Swiftly standing up, inching closer to you, he reached over you, shutting the sliding door, the colourful smell of wood and spices filling your senses in the most intoxicating of ways. Smiling down at you, the confidence in him was not arrogant, yet playful and teasing, the trepidation in you decreasing as you realized, this is no different than meeting a man you’re interested in for the very first time. Other than the fact that you were meeting in a bedroom and just... Shaking your head, you tried not to dwell too much on your thoughts, focusing on the beauty that was towering over you. “What a lovely dove you are...” You felt the top of your cheeks heat up, with every word that he left his lips. It was his job to flatter his clients, of that you were already sure, but that did nothing to deter your weak heart from being struck by his sweet nothings. “Hello there, first timer. It will be my utmost pleasure to serve you on this beautiful evening, love. Make yourself comfortable, dearie.” With a shaky smile, you stepped further inside, noticing that there was no other place for you to sit but on the bed, not even a chair, nothing. You didn’t have many expectations yet considering how favorable he seemed to the public, it would be only natural to witness more extravagance than there already was. Finding a spot on the edge of the bed, you sat and looked up at the courtesan, a nervous giggle escaping you. “This is my first time and I wasn’t planning on even coming here. My friend booked this room for me and I’m just... here now.” Walking across the room with barely audible footsteps, he glided to your side, light a feather, bearing a small cup in one hand with another intricately ornate bottle. “It is kind of you to say that you had a 'room' booked for you and not a 'courtesan'... 'myself' booked for you.” He teased, pouring a clear magenta liquid into the cup, filling it close to the brim and offering it to you. “Raspberry sake for your nerves, dear.” Whipping your head to the side, the corner of his eyes crinkled lightly as he grinned at you, your heart completely melting as he flashed his pearly smile at you. How was he even doing this to you? Just by the sound of his voice, he had you feeling like your entire body melted. Still keeping your fingers linked together, as if they were still stuck in each other's hold, the blue eyed courtesan placed the bottle on the nearby nightstand, still keeping the hand offering you the liquid filled cup to you. "I promise on whatever ounce of dignity that I may possess, the sake is for your own comfort. It is my rule within my profession not to force advances upon clients. Fear not, pretty dove. For tonight, I am yours, as no one could ever be mine." Finally taking the cup from him, your fingers brushing against his long slim digits, a faint shiver coursing through, your heart crumbling at the seams at the dauntingly sinister words of the courtesan, masked by his cheerful tone Taking a long sip, throwing your head back lightly as you emptied the liquid, a light scorching trail paving it's way down your throat before you finally found a bit of courage, hoping the pink sake had given you some. You were usually much more confident that this. What was happening to you? "Would it be okay if you told me your name? Since we are spending the night together, I think I should at least know what to call you." You inquired, an attempt to make the best out of your night somehow. His name was probably a good way to start. For a split-second, the courtesan was completely caught off guard, not only were you a first-timer, you didn't even know his name and by the looks of it, you had absolutely no plans in taking advantage of the money that your friend had spent on 'him' keeping you company through the late hours of the night. Crossing his legs, he chuckled at the way your eyes took in the sight of his exposed legs, the length of his pale and soft skin on display for you, the slit of his kimono heeding any client's quest to assess the goods they were paying for. As your eyes skirted away, locking with his mesmerizing sapphires, Arthur took the liberty to lay back on the bed, angling his body to the side towards you, hoping that with time, you would also do the same. "There is no need for formalities with me, dearie. Call me Arthur. That is my name. Yet, all my clients are also free to call me whatever they wish, as well." In that moment, you were certain that Arthur couldn't hear how wistful his words rang, how every time he spoke, his voice was laced with a palpable sadness, your very being feeling an inexorable need to reach deep inside him and fill it with... You were not even sure. You didn't know him, so why would you assume all these things about him? After going through your small round of introduction, it only took a few minutes to find yourself laying on the opposite side of him, mere inches separating your bodies, the close distance oddly intimate yet comforting while you quietly filled the room with the sound of your voices and light laughter, drowning out the distant thumping and the unmistakable din of pleasure that erupted within the establishment. Strange emotions rose within him, sensations that he had never sought or found with other clients before yet had coincidentally stumbled upon as you recounted the current events in your life that were plaguing your mind and eroding the happiness in your heart. The malaise ringing in your voice mirrored his own, which he had buried in the depth of his heart. Asking you questions, stirring you away from the darkness that shrouded you, Arthur lead you away from what encumbered your soul, the light in your eyes almost brightening in the course of your exchange, implicitly guiding you through your qualms, coming to your own realizations about where you were headed, where you wanted to be in your life. He aided in tending to matters of the heart... and not of the flesh. Neither of you could have anticipated to undergo such an enlightening experience, by simply opening your heart to a stranger. A beautiful stranger who teased you with his words, refraining from giving you even the lightest of touches, yet still playfully able to make you squirm, blush and laugh as the night went on. It seemed like you were both taking turns, unveiling the secrets hidden behind your smile, the seemingly iridescent aura surrounding Arthur still present yet changing in colour, in texture... almost sensing the presence of someone other than the courtesan that you had seen being ceremoniously paraded before the eyes of the willing, the impassioned and the greedy. "I can spend an entire lifetime recounting my simple aspirations in life, love. Yet, for a man such as myself, the price is much too steep, proving to be..." He paused for a moment, looking at both your hands that were placed between your bodies, a tingling rising on the tip of his fingers. Could he just brush them against your hand softly, just to feel the kindness through your warmth... help him through his words? Was it too much to ask, to find an intimacy that did not involve being used? You didn't urge him to reveal more, already sensing the way he bared himself to you in the same manner you did with him, yet still... the both of you remained in the same position you had been from the moment you entered the room. While everything surrounding you emanated of sensuality and unadulterated passion, here you were... hearts connecting in the most unexpected of places. "May I touch your hand?" He murmured softly, his voice cracking lightly at the last word, the corner of his lips turning up in a sheepishly gentle manner. Now it was your turn to giggle, your hand finding purchase in his large one, linking your fingers with his as you brushed the tips lightly on his palm. Silly man... after everything that you shared, he still thought that holding your hand would be asking for too much. In your case, it absolutely wasn't... especially when it gifted you with the sweet sight of pink tinting the top of Arthur's cheeks. “I think I’d like us to stay like this for the rest of the night, Arthur.” You reassured him, lifting your hands to rest between your hearts, neither of you realizing how they beat in time. Together. “That would certainly make me happy, darling.” His melodic voice rang soft and low, as if throwing a blanket that warmed your body, heart and soul. For the first time in forever, Arthur had found a grain of happiness, with you... seeding an innocent and fervent hope that it would blossom into something... into much more. –♥–  A/N: this is legit so all over the place but I couldn’t resist writing a little courtesan AU with Arthur. Also, this one is for you, waifu @theweebrises​ 💜  Tagging: @nafeary @kisara-16 @delicateikemenmemes  if anyone wants to be tagged or untagged, let me know <3 Please feel free to leave some love in the comments or some feedback!💜 You can also check out my Masterlist !
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pockyxx · 3 years
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“ my forever ”
oikawa x reader
genre: fluff.
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ever since middle school, everyone thought you were crazy for going after him. a player, a ladies man, whatever name could be used, was used on oikawa toru.
yet with every conversation you had with him, the closer the two of you got. up until he stole your first kiss under the blossoming cherry trees on the first day of your third year of middle school.
you’d seen him go through his ups and his downs, lending him a hand to rise from where he’d fallen. you made sure he didn’t overwork himself. you loved him and he loved you back in return.
the first day of third year of highschool, he kissed you under the same cherry blossoms, swiping away a stray stand of hair from your face.
“i’ll always take care of you.” he promised, pressing a kiss on the forehead. you remembered smiling because you knew toru always kept his word.
you could remember how insane everyone thought your were when you told them you wanted to go abroad with your boyfriend. to go together to argentina.
nonetheless, you packed your life into a suitcase, taking nothing else but a passport and toru’s hand before boarding that plane.
all those events, planned by the fates themselves would lead to this evening after years and years of dating.
toru had told you to dress nicely but had never disclosed the location of your date. it seemed as if he’d been swamped with practice, the olympics meer months away.
together, you walked hand and hand along the beach of san juan, the sun setting slowly in the distance. while in his free hand, your boyfriend held a picnic basket and a blanket. he’d packed wine, and fancy cheeses, all in hopes of impressing you.
“i think here’s a good spot.” he smiled proudly, laying out a blanket for both of you and as you sat you couldn’t help but admire the man standing there basking in the remaining sunlight.
over the years, he’d gone through many changes; his skin a deeper, more carefree tan lingered with a small collection of freckles. along with all the muscles he’d gained from all the extra training. in argentina, his eyes sparkled in ways that they never could in japan.
oikawa took out two wine glasses, the fanciest ones you kept at your shared apartment and handed one over to you with his usual cheeky grin.
“you didn’t have to go all out.” you laugh as he pours the drink into your glass with his tongue poking out in concentration. he didn’t respond, only putting himself some wine as well.
“of course i did.” he replied in between sips, “why wouldn’t i go all out for you?”
he rested his head on top of yours as you rested your own head onto his shoulder. both of you quiet for a moment, letting sound of waves splashing onto the sandy shore fill the silence.
oikawa tapped your shoulder, gesturing you to lift off him for just a second. you did so, but with pout on your face.
“y/n, i don’t know where i’d be without you.” he admitted, gulping down what seemed to be his nerves. he took your hand into his, “you left everything behind for me... for us.”
you nod along with his little speech and wouldn’t have had it any other way. you could see toru biting his lip, trying to perfectly fabricate his next sentence in his mind.
“you’ve always been there when i needed you most and i can’t even picture a future where i don’t see you every night before bed.”
“well that’s good because i don’t plan on going anywhere.” you answered with a smile, drinking a bit more wine. oikawa laughed at your comment, nodding and looking over into the horizon.
“i love you so much, i don’t think i’ll ever stop loving you.” he shifted, getting onto his feet, offering you his hand to help stand. you took it.
with his arm around your shoulder and your arm around his waist you walked closer to the shore line until the waves almost touched your toes.
toru turned to face you, looking deeply into your eyes, moving your hair out of your face like he did all those years ago.
he dropped his hands, fidgeting with a small box in his pocket, he’d spent hours on video call with his best friend discussing the contents inside it.
you looked at him with curiosity, wondering what was happening inside his head. he took a deep breath and slowly let himself down onto one knee.
you knew what he was doing and could already feel the tears whelming in your eyes. he finally pulled out the box he’d been holding onto for weeks and revealed the engagement ring, the diamond sparking in the light.
“i promised i’d take care of you, that no matter what i’d be by your side. so, y/n will you stay by my side... forever?”
oikawa toru was always bold, daring and craved the applause of the crowd, but now during the most intimate moment he was hidden away, devoting himself to only you. you nodded.
“of course, toru.” you laughed with a shaky tone, thinking you where stuck in a dream. although you knew it was real life as the cool ring slipped onto you finger.
with a burst of excitement, he wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up and spinning you. he dove in, kissing you lips the minute he planted you back onto the ground.
he pulled back for a quick second to mumble onto your lip, “i’ll love you forever.” you cupped his face, feeling his clean shave, pushing your lips back onto his.
your fiancé held you close that night, never wanting to let go. looking into his eyes, this was a different type of sparkle, one that only you could expose.
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Kokkuri-san (Loki Oneshot)
Summary: You are on your way back to the Tower when you sense a strange energy emanating from it. Loki is there to help.
Pairing: Loki x F!Reader (established relationship)
Word Count: 1,718
Warnings/Disclaimers: Opens with description of being unable to breathe.
A/N: I tried to provide enough information for this to be a stand alone, but it does still act like a follow-up to Sorceress. And if you would like more information on the game Kokkuri-san, I highly recommend checking out the podcasts Kowabana and Toshiden both created by Tara A. Devlin at Kowabana.net. Just a heads up, this is NOT sponsored by anyone. I just enjoy listening to scary stories, and this became one of my favorites.
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Molasses had seeped past your skull, compressing your brain uncomfortably. Or at least that’s what it felt like. A wavering darkness flowed around you as if you were underwater. Your lungs were sluggish to take in air, and it was getting worse. The longer you were forced to endure this pressure, the harder it was for you to focus, to breathe.
A voice muddled through the inky blackness.
Wa- up...
It sounded so familiar...
Wake up...
Nat, maybe? Were you asleep?
Your eyes shot open, unwillingly taking in the light of the Quinjet. The air you sucked in felt like gravel in your throat. Nat’s steely grip on your shoulders were beginning to ground you in reality.
“Wha- What happened?” Your throat burned as you spoke.
“Some kind of dream.” Her concerned eyes bored into you as you tried to blink yourself to full consciousness. “You were breathing heavily before you just stopped altogether. You okay?”
“Y-yeah,” you half lied. You didn’t feel nearly as bad in the dream but it still felt like sludge was creeping across your mind. Whatever energy you were getting close to was some kind of nasty. “How far are we from the Tower?”
Nat released you from her hold. “About an hour out.”
The pressure on your head was only growing worse the closer you all got.
“Okay...” you sucked in a deep breath.
Sitting in the seat across from you, Nat eyed you wearily. “You sure you’re good?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, pulling out your phone. “Just going to break one of Fury’s rules. Something is going on at the Tower.”
An eyebrow shot up her forehead. “One of those sixth sense things, again?”
“You could say that...”
You pulled up Loki in the messenger app. You could astral project yourself to talk with him, but that could be more dangerous with whatever energy was infecting the Tower.
You: Hey. We’re almost back. What’s going on there?
Loki: Good evening to you as well, Darling. You can feel the energy from where you are?
You: Yes, it’s very... Palpable. ☹️
Loki: Well, we could use the extra help. It seems that the Ant-Man’s daughter played some spirit summoning game before joining him here for the summer.
You: And it followed her... Great... Is she at least okay?
Loki: She is unharmed. More spooked than anything.
You: Good, good. Did she mention any specifics? Like which game?
Loki: She did, yes. Although, she is unsure if she remembers it correctly. I believe she said it was Kakariko.
You: That can’t be right... That’s a village from a video game series.
Loki: So I learned recently with the Spiderling’s assistance.
You: Did she mention anything else?
Loki: She spoke of strange symbols as well as numbers being written in rows on a piece of paper. A coin was used as a conduit to pick each symbol.
You huffed and smacked your head in realization.
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Similar to a Ouija board in nature, missing or mucking up a step could be dangerous. Summoning spirits really should not be a game, something you concluded after cleaning up several messes on campus caused by the students who believed themselves master magicians despite their lack of experience. You couldn’t blame them too much for wanting to try since you had played a variety of those games in traveling with your family as a child. In Japan, Kokkuri-san was all the rage in schools.
Bumping your head on the back of the seat impatiently, you checked the time on your phone for the millionth time. You were about twenty minutes away now. Estimating the physical distance, you debated on just teleporting to the Tower instead of waiting in agony during the small amount of time.
Your phone pinged with a new message.
Loki: How are you faring?
You: Better than before. Energy barrier helps. How’re things there?
Loki: I have Lang and Cassie in her room with protection. The spirit cannot reach her there. However, it is lurking about. Stark is none too pleased.
You: He’s not blaming you, is he?
Loki: He tried. It did not last long.
You: Good. We should be there shortly.
Loki: I’ll be waiting, Dove.
Placing the phone in your pocket, you huffed.
“You know,” Nat chimed in, “We should be pretty close now. Just go already.”
Contemplating a moment, you answered, “I don’t know... I’ve only practiced long distance teleportation a few times.”
“And you were successful. Count this as extra practice. Now get out of here.” The harsh sound of her words was mitigated by an encouraging smile.
With a nod, you took a deep breath and teleported to the landing pad. You were about a foot away from the floor when you reappeared. Loki was already there to catch you. The god knew you too well.
“I dare say you might be getting the hang of this.” He held you close like he was making up for lost time.
You reached up and cupped his face to pull him in for a kiss. “Only because I have a very patient teacher.”
“I have missed this,” he breathed, his lips brushing against yours. “But I believe there is a young girl waiting for our help.”
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Aside from Stark’s ranting about how ghosts weren’t real, setting up the library went off without a fuss. Between the salt, candles, charms, your spells and Loki’s seiðr, there was no way this could go wrong.
After confirming with Cassie that she had indeed played Kokkuri-san with a new friend who had recently moved to the States from Japan, you had coaxed the whole story out of Cassie. At their slumber party, they had started to play and were spooked by a sudden power outage and strange noises, causing them to let go of the coin used to slide over each symbol. With their connection to the conduit broken before properly closing the game, the kami/spirit latched onto Cassie and followed her here. The best bet was to re-summon the kami in a more secure environment and properly close the game. Luckily for all of you, she had kept the 10 yen coin her friend accidentally left behind, something you needed for all this to work.
You were quadruple checking the last set of charms when Loki snuck up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling your hair. “Everything ready, my little sorceress?”
“As ready as it will ever be,” you huffed before turning on your heel to face him. “This always makes me a bit nervous.”
He pulled back to look at you while he spoke. “Everything will go according to plan. Besides, you have me here. Nothing could possibly go wrong,” he chuckled, a teasing grin painted his face.
“What an ego,” you exclaimed and lightly smacked his chest. You couldn’t help your own smile. “Just go get Scott and Cassie so we can get this over with.”
“As you wish,” he relented, teleporting away after stealing a kiss to leave you flustered. It was certainly one way to lighten the mood.
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The summoning had gone well enough. Both you and Loki knew for sure just by the feel of the energy the right kami had come. It was getting it to leave that was the problem.
“Kokkuri-san, please return.”
The coin slid to いいえ/iie no matter how many times you all reset it to the middle of the board.
While you and Loki both grew in frustration, Scott was busy keeping Cassie calm. As level headed and clever this girl could be, the repetition was getting to her. Loki decided another tactic was in order. A few unintelligible words under his breath that you barely heard and the kami was visible on the table.
A tall kitsune clad in white and red robes hissed and glared at Loki, but made no move to attack. It knew it had no chance with all the preparations you two had done. Its four tails flicked in annoyance and its white, almost silvery ears pressed back. You held back a sigh of relief. This kitsune was not as strong as it could be, having not lived long enough to acquire its maximum nine tails and its full power.
“What is it you desire, Spirit?” Loki spoke loud and unwavering.
“Same as Mischief God. Fun,” it growled through its broken English. Despite the ability to hear it now, none of you dared remove your fingers from the coin.
“Well, you certainly have had your fill. Now begone! Return to your realm,” he challenged.
The kitsune’s tails waved wildly as it contemplated its next move. Its eyes flitted to Cassie, softening almost apologetically as it gazed upon her. Similar to its Western Fae counterparts, it did not fully understand that its version of fun was not the same as it was for mortals.
“分かりました。/Wakarimashita,” it huffed, bowing as it turned its attention back to you and Loki.
You felt the coin move again. This time it was to the top left of the paper to hover over はい/hai. Yes.
It then promptly glided to the torii gates drawn in the top center. The kitsune vanished from the table, the energy it left behind dissipating rather quickly. You all said, “Thank you,” in unison before pulling away from the coin.
“So... Is that it?” Scott asked with a mixture of confusion and the need to ensure his daughter was safe.
“Not quite,” you mused while picking up the paper.
“What do we do?” Cassie chirped.
Your raven-haired god looked to you curiously. You didn’t tell him about the next part.
“You don’t have to do anything,” you grinned, “The next two parts are easy.”
Picking up the paper, you began tearing it. You counted as you went until you hit forty-eight.
You held up the coin for all to see. “Now. Part two is going to be more interesting.”
“Do tell,” Loki purred.
“We have to spend this within three days.” Your grin slipped into a more mischievous smirk.
Cassie’s eyes sparkled with hope. “So does that mean...”
“Uh-huh. It’s time for a vacation. Who wants to go to Japan?”
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citadelspires · 3 years
Amphibia Oneshot Thing(I Never Claimed To Be Good At Titles)
I had an idea for a fun little story thing while I was at work over the weekend, and decided to take the time to write it up into this. In all honesty this is ridiculously self indulgent, and I wrote it late at night with no editing, beta reading, or even just looking back over it once I finished. Essentially I wrote this entirely for myself and just threw it on here in the hopes maybe a few other people might enjoy it like I do. That’s all I gotta say up front so just, here you go. (this is a long one so most of the story will be under a cut).
Anne found herself wandering around a lot of parks these days. After all her time inAmphibia sitting around in her house only made her anxious, and the city was just dull. So she would sit in the areas with the most foliage, where it always felt the most comfortable. Like one of her old adventures could come find her any second. Like she could pretend her friends were just around the corner and surely if she waited just one more second Marcy would come tumbling out of those bushes, launching right away into a rambling speech about a new plant she'd found, the perfect mix of adorable passion and somewhat interesting information that would always make Anne smile.
She knew that wasn't going to happen. She'd known and tried to force herself to get used to the idea, but even as her miserable daydream was interrupted by the rustling of the very bushes she'd imagined, she hoped for a second maybe she'd imagined it all. She hadn't of course, and the boy who pushed his way out of the bushes was anything but her Marcy. Even so, he must have noticed her solemn expression, because he immediately walked over to where she sat with a look of concern on his face.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Anne was surprised by the question for a moment, then again, she realized, she probably did look pretty miserable, moping around in the dirt in a random park. She was tempted to give an offhanded reply of dismissal, she was fine and his concern was almost certainly just a polite formality. But she was never good at following through with all that smile and say Im fine stuff.
"I've been better," she sighed.
The boy in front of her frowned, and took a seat beside her.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Anne blinked in surprise, not expecting that reaction. She took a second glance at the kid, wondering what his deal was. He looked a few years younger than her, probably about Sprig's age, dressed for wandering around the woods. He looked like a kid who liked an adventure, maybe that's why Anne felt like she might be able to talk to him. She couldn't say everything of course, god knows she'd need a full time therapist for all her turmoil, but maybe she could simplify it a little bit, dance around the truth slightly. Besides, the more she thought about it the more the idea of talking to a regular kid sounded nice.
"Well," she began, searching for each word and phrase carefully, "a while ago, me and my friends found this weird place. It was scary at first, and I was nervous for a bit, but after a while I grew to love it a lot. I think- I know my friends felt the same. It was a really magical place, but it, uh, well its not around anymore. And I feel like I left a part of myself with it." Anne suddenly became overwhelmingly aware that she had just poured her heart out to a random stranger, and probably sounded insane on top of it, "Ugggh I sound stupid, nevermind kid just ignore me, thanks for trying though."
She started to get up and walk away but the boy jumped up at the same time.
"Wait, hold on. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but from the sound of it, I think I kind of get it. I've got a pretty magical place of my own, I can't imagine loosing it. I know it's not the same but, I could take you there, if that would help?"
Anne turned back to look, not sure why this kid was so eager to help, until she saw the look on his face. He just looked like a kid who wanted to help, just for the sake of being nice. In that moment he reminded her of Sprig again, and she couldn't help it, she laughed.
"Seriously? You don't even know me. You sure?"
The boy shrugged and smiled. "There's lots of cool people I don't know yet. And you seem nice. So," he reached out his hand, "my name's Craig, nice to meet you."
As weird as this was, Anne had seen weirder, so sure, why not. She took the boy's hand.
"Call me Anne."
As they walked Anne started to wonder where this weird kid was taking her. Sure “magical place” in her situation was fairly literal, but she didn’t think she was exactly in the most common position for a kid. Or really for anyone for that matter. Still, the boy seemed pretty excited about it, so she figured she’d give it a shot. Better than moping around in some random bushes all day. Who knows, maybe she could even get her hopes up a little bit there would at least be something cool out there.
‘Something cool’ turned out to be a tree stump. Anne wasn’t sure if the kid was serious or not when they first got to the clearing, but based on the way he jumped up on the tree base and spread his arms wide.
“Welcome to the stump!”
Anne stared at him for a few seconds, not sure how to respond. Before bursting into laughter. She just couldn’t help it. There had been so much buildup, all for, apparently a regular tree stump. Craig crossed his arms and spoke up.
“Hey, I know it doesn’t look like much, but you haven’t seen anything yet, watch this!”
Whatever he was about to do, though, was cut off by a battle cry and a flash of orange hair flying at Anne from the trees. It was pure instinct, really, when Anne dove behind cover of the stump screaming,
“It’s an ambush!”
She realized her mistake a few short seconds later. Ivy Sundew literally could not be here. So, with no small amount of hesitation, she peeked over the edge of the stump to see a small girl pointing a homemade sword at her while trying to cover up a pouting expression. Anne could vaguely make out the girl muttering under her breath about how “noble warriors don’t ‘ambush.’“
“So, uh, are you gonna put the sword down orrr...”
Anne trailed off as the girl gave her a weary glance and muttered something about ‘intruders.’ It was at this point that Craig, who seemed to have tripped and fallen off the stump in the chaos, also poked his head back up and called out,
“Kelsey, wait! She’s with me!”
The short girl’s demeanor changed immediately.
“Oh, cool! Hi Craig, hi new girl, sorry I attacked you, I thought you were a devilish intruder.”
“Don’t worry about it, I get randomly attacked a lot, it happens.”
The girl, Kelsey, apparently, looked over Anne again, a thoughtful expression on her face.
“You do? Do you need a heroic guardian to protect you?”
Well, Anne noted, maybe this girl wasn’t so similar to Ivy after all. Though she still got the feeling the two of them would get along exceptionally well. She gave Kelsey a grateful smile, but shrugged off the offer.
“Nah, I’m good.”
Kelsey nodded, seeming to finally relax, though she did pause for a moment and stare off into the distance, though to Anne it seemed more like she was probably just gazing into the depths of a random tree. She gave Craig a curious look, but he only waved it off, apparently this was just how things worked with Kelsey. Noted. When she came back down to earth Craig was waiting with a question,
“Where’s J.P.?”
“Oh he found a butterfly and then chased it into a mud puddle. It was close though so I went on ahead.” Her tone of voice suddenly changed into a much more dramatic one. “He and I both had our own battles to fight.” Before immediately going back to her normal one. “But he should be right behind me.”
Sure enough it was at  that moment another boy crawled out from the foliage outlining the clearing. This one already in a considerably messier state than either of the kids Anne had met so far. He wandered over to the stump, repeating the tale Kelsey had just told them, this time with a much higher focus on the mud puddle. He didn’t seem to notice Anne at all until she cleared her throat and waved hello. The boy, J.P. she assumed, immediately jumped with an exclamation of surprise.
“Relax J.P. she’s cool.”
Anne was a little pleased to notice this reassurance came from Kelsey this time, and didn’t miss the way Craig nodded in agreement.
“She was off by herself so I thought we could give her a tour of the creek.”
That last bit caught Anne off guard, just a bit. Up till this point she had just been assuming Craig had took her here to see the stump and his friends. She wasn’t sure how much more exciting one creek could be, but after all her time in Amphibia she wasn’t one for making too many assumptions about that kind of thing. Turning her focus back to J.P. she noticed how he looked her up and down with squinted eyes, before seeming to focus on the leaves and sticks that had (again?! seriously?!) gotten tangled in her hair, and nodding sagely.
“Good call Craig! I like her style.”
As J.P. immediately began to inspect the ground for his own leaf, which he immediately deposited snugly in his, much shorter, hair, Craig waved Anne over to the stump, where he’d rolled out a large piece of paper.
“This,” he announced proudly, “is my map of the creek!”
Anne wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but a fully detailed expansive rendition of what must have been a really large area of land, complete with notations of inhabitants, activities, landmarks, and literally anything else one could find to write down, had not been it. She gave a low whistle of appreciation. Man Marcy would’ve loved this.
Craig beamed at her show of awe, allowing himself a pleased, “drew the whole thing myself” before asking, “So, where do you wanna see first?”
After that, Anne was pulled around the creek to all sorts of locations, each one more intricate than the last. There was an entire colony of kids in these woods, a civilization even. Even on Amphibia she had never seen anything quite like it. It was wild, and, kinda cool? The more she saw the more she started to get what Craig meant. The whole place had its own feeling to it that didn’t quite mesh with any of the surrounding area. After a while, she was even able to push (most of) the weight that had been on her shoulders for so long to the back of her mind.
Which wasn’t to say that her time in Amphibia left her completely. In all likelihood it was more inclined to have already made her a primary target for whispers and gossip to all the kids there. Though she never would’ve expected it before she’d gotten flown away from earth so long ago, she was kinda an expert at being in the woods now. Though she did slip up once or twice. For one dangerous moment there she was mortified that everyone would think she was insane when, upon being shown to the trading tree she had casually remarked,
“I don’t see why you need a whole place to trade for snacks when there are so many perfectly good bugs to eat out here.”
In her defense, she also preferred a good bag of chips over tiny dirt critters, but what could she say, she’d gotten used to a lot of weird things. While her immediate first reaction upon the words escaping her mouth had been to play it off as a lame joke(especially considering the way all the kids stared at her, some in horror, some in awe, at least one clearly wondering to themselves why they didn’t think of that first, the clearing totally silent save one kid who apparently didn’t get the memo and loudly exclaimed something Anne thought sounded like “my candy!”) her backup plan ended up being totally unnecessary as J.P. just started laughing, confidently proclaiming,
“I told y’all, she fits right in here”
And sure, maybe that made Anne smile just a little bit.
After that they had a few more people to meet, including a few girls prancing around a big open field, one of whom blushed slightly as she informed J.P. that she liked his leaf, to which J.P. gave a cheerful giggle and a thanks. (Anne considered it one of her foremost signs of character development that she didn’t break out any magazines as soon as they got back to the stump). But eventually things started to wind down, and the trio of friends, along with their new straggler, made it back to the little home base.
Anne took a few minutes to discuss the finer points of exploring woods with Craig, who had been eager to talk about it since they’d gone out earlier, while out of the corner of her eye Anne watched Kelsey do mock battle with an imagined enemy.
“You know, my little brother is much better at this stuff than I am, maybe you’d like to meet him sometime?” Though she’d posed the question to Craig, she didn’t bother to wait for an answer, as she saw Kelsey perform another made up sword move, and something occurred to her. “Hold that thought.”
Walking over to Kelsey, Anne continued to watch her form, confident enough based on where she was swinging and where her eyes were trained on that she had a pretty good idea of what the fake enemy the other girl was fighting might look like. Eventually she offered,
“You’re pretty good, but if you’re fighting something that much bigger than you, you’re gonna want to switch up your strategy a little bit.”
Without waiting for Kelsey’s reaction Anne grabbed a stick off the ground and performed a demonstration of a few moves she’d picked up in Amphibia. Though sword fighting was never something she had expected to be proficient at, she couldn’t deny that at this point she’d picked up a decent amount of skill. Once she’d finished her quick combo demonstration she turned to where Kelsey was standing, a little surprised to see a look of pure awe on the younger girl’s face, before she shouted,
Anne grinned sheepishly at her excitement. “Uhhh, yeah, a little bit I guess?”
She’d barely gotten the words out before Kesley was on her, begging her to show more moves or better yet, spar with her. Anne waited for the tirade of excitement to slow down before smiling and offering,
“Sure I guess I could, but honestly my little sis knows way more about this fighting stuff than I do. If you want someone to practice with she’s your best bet. I could bring her out here some time, if you’d like.”
Kelsey’s excited nodding was interrupted by an instrument Anne couldn’t quite place, and suddenly the smaller girl’s shoulders fell in disappointment, before immediately perking back up again.
“That’s dinner, but you can bring her tomorrow! I’ll see you then!”
She waved goodbye as she rushed off, as did J.P. though with considerably less rushing, leaving just Anne and Craig, who seemed to also be on his way out. Anne figured that was just one more of the natural ways of the creek. As he left, though, Craig paused for a moment.
“I’m not sure where your special place was, but this is a pretty good one for a lot of kids here. I hope you had fun, I know we did. See you around Anne?”
Anne could tell the last bit was phrased as a question, and she paused to think, if only for a moment. Sure this was no Amphibia, and sure a lot of the stuff that had happened since Craig had tumbled out of those bushes was pretty weird. And maybe she did feel a little guilty that she was off playing around while her friends in Amphibia were, well... But still, for the first time since her birthday, Anne had gone one day where she actually felt like the 13 year old kid she was. Sooner or later she could blow their minds with magic powers and frog siblings, but for now, she was just Anne, she was just a kid. She gave a grateful smile.
“See you around, Craig of the Creek.”
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Ao3 Link
Phagophobia Pt. 7
Summary: Isaac considers his options in Denver.
Words: 1,943
Warnings: Trigger of traumatic memory
Just under two hours until dawn, they drove within range of Denver’s grid signal. Isaac breathed easier when no red violation rectangles popped up in the windshield display—he wouldn’t have put it past Kinslayer to have dumped a stolen car on them as a final jab. New anxieties rushed in to fill the vacuum, piling one on top of another the closer to the city they got. Towering buildings glowed with countless pinpricks of light, like the stars had come down to roost on sills and ledges, but Isaac didn’t find comfort in the sight. Steel and solar-glass promised no safety. Instead, it harbored a creature out for his blood. Hundreds of thousands of humans could unknowingly provide Renato Faria Dimas with camouflage—or worse, pawns. At least on the vast stretches between settlements out in the territories there’d been a higher chance of spotting danger as it crept in.
On the other hand, Isaac had been cooped up in a car long enough for death to become an acceptable risk for a hot shower and a bed to stretch out on. He kept his head on a swivel each time Yi braked at a stop light or sign, but his mind had already started compiling a list of supplies he could order later. Of the handful of people up and about before the Saturday sunrise most were joggers, the rest dogwalkers, and one who qualified as both. A few freighters glided whisper-quiet alongside them on magrails, bound for municipal distribution centers, until they entered the heart of downtown.
Their new accommodations sat in the commercial and social hub, empty for the moment. Craning his neck back to take in all fifteen or so stories of the hotel before they dove into its underground parking, Isaac could already tell it would win the distinction of the cushiest place he’d ever stayed.
They had no bags to lug with them as they took an elevator up to the main floor. The lobby they stepped into had Isaac feeling more scrungy than ever. His still damp sneakers squeaked with each step on the marble tiles. He refused to look at himself in either of the mirrored walls running parallel down the length of the room and stretching all the way to the cathedral-height ceiling. Confirming how flyaway his hair had gotten, or seeing the exhaustion stained beneath his eyes wouldn’t do him any favors. Instead, he focused on Curry’s back as he led them across the cavernous lobby to a wide, open doorway. Isaac spotted small tables and tall chairs beyond. Relaxed when he caught a whiff of fresh coffee and baking bread. At a spot in the far corner, watching the steadily lightening street through the immense windows, sat the man they’d come to meet. He heard their footsteps before they’d crossed half the distance, turning. A smile broke out across his face, stretching the thin ritual scars zigzagging the deep, cool brown of his cheeks.
“Knew it’d take more than weather and weirdness to stop you three. Go grab a bite or some coffee. It’s on the company’s dollar anyway.”
“You two want anything?” asked Curry. “I’ll punch your orders in.”
Yi shrugged. “Something without a whole lot of sugar or grease. And whatever coffee they have that isn’t decaf or full of whip cream.”
“I’m good,” Isaac said.
While the sergeant ambled away, the captain swept a look over them. “Been having a hell of a road trip so far, I hear.”
“Who’re you telling?” Likely sick of sitting after eight hours of it, Yi perched on the edge of a tall chair, one leg partially dangling. “It’s been one thing after another since we left the coast.”
Isaac copied her posture as he studied the bits of metal, glass, and stone peeking out of Watt’s locs. Given they draped over his boulder shoulders all the way down to his waist, he had quite a collection. Beads, rings, woven wire, pendants. Decoration? Magical talismans? Both? Isaac suddenly wished he’d specialized in magic. If nothing else, he could’ve looked as cool as Yi and her captain.
“Khang mentioned something about us digging our heels in here,” he said to get his mind back on track.
Watt’s smile wilted at the edges. “Not much of a choice. You taken a look at the forecasts for the Midlands lately? Mama Nature’s taking no prisoners this year. Wouldn’t be surprised if we’re stuck with rations come October from floods drowning too many bunker farms.”
Maybe if the Central States lent more support instead of interfering in the territories’ management of everyone’s food supply they wouldn’t have to worry. But it wasn’t the time to have Opinions. Instead, Isaac frowned and picked at the edges of the slate tile mosaic making up the tabletop.
“This bloodborn knew every move we made so far. How are we supposed to trap him if he can see us coming?”
“We don’t give him anything to see over our networks until we figure out how he’s operating. Nothing honest anyway. Everything we plan for real is word of mouth only. We’ll catch on to his tricks and cut him off eventually, or he’ll swallow the bait we dangle online. Either way, he’s ours.”
Under the table, Isaac bunched two fistfuls of his jacket in cold fingers. “Am I going to be the bait?”
Watts blinked, then rocked back in his chair, laughing. “Tina, what’ve you and Curry been telling this guy? He’s out here thinking we about to stick an apple in his mouth and ring the dinner bell.”
“Haven’t been able to tell him much of anything,” Yi replied, saving Isaac from snapping something he’d regret. “The only objective Khang gave us was making it here. And, well…” She spread her arms in a ta-da pose.
“Not much of a plan to share yet, tell you the truth. I’ve got people talking to a local researcher, working on getting some leads for places a bloodborn might bed down in around town. As for that message our mysterious friend sent about meeting up, you better believe I’ll have eyes on that hotel and the perimeter. I doubt he’ll put in an appearance, but that’ll at least confirm he’s got an ear on company chatter. And if he does have the guts to show…makes our job easier, right?”
Isaac sat up straighter. “There’s a researcher stationed here?”
“Oh, sure. Fresh out of the packaging, though. Only been with us, what, a couple years? Still worth checking in with them, though.”
“What’s their contact code? I’d like to ask them a few things myself.”
Watts leaned forward to drop a hand onto Isaac’s forearm. Though the touch and pressure had been nothing but gentle, it earned a jump.
“Relax, Soto. We got you covered. Let us worry about the details. Shit. Think of this as a kind of vacation, at least during the day, if you want. You just focus on keeping your head down and your guard up. We’ll take care of the rest.”
The emotional slurry that had built up in Isaac’s gut combusted. Verbal shrapnel ricocheted in a dozen mental directions only to lodge in a stinging jumble in his throat. Did these enforcers really think patting his head and telling him not to worry would work on him? That he’d wag his tail and stare at the door until they returned? Information was his best weapon. His only one, at the moment. How could they expect him to sit meekly and let his fate be decided by others?
“Order up. Coffee and croissant.”
A mug plonked down by Isaac’s elbow. He pulled his arm away, sucking in a breath and adding rude to his complaints against enforcers.
The aroma rising from the coffee hit him like a knife slipped through the ribs. Syrupy sweetness of piloncillo. A dusting of earthy cinnamon. Just how his dad used to make it, especially on camping trips. Mama Lucia had liked to add orange peel and anise too, but his dad had insisted those masked the flavor of the coffee too much. Isaac had stayed a neutral party in the debate until ten years ago. Now whenever he drank the stuff he made sure to drown it in creamer so it’d coat and wash away the phantom taste of pennies in his mouth.
Isaac crash landed back in the present with a hypnogogic jerk. Three sets of stares aimed at him finished what being dragged down memory lane had started. His thin skin sprung a leak, letting all the fight sputter out of him. Looking at Watt’s hand still resting on his forearm, he deflated in his chair.
“Sorry. Just feel like a zombie.” Watch one of those things crawl through his window for opening his big mouth.
Watt’s gaze measured him for several seconds more. Though the worst he’d done was indulge in some pissy thoughts, Isaac struggled not to flex his shoulder blades or scratch the tingling scars there.
“The hotel has parcel lockers down on this floor.” The low-key scrutiny lifted along with the hand. “Order yourself whatever you need—again, it’s on the company’s tab. Toothbrush, clothes, all that good stuff. Then, get some rest. Yi’s suite’s connected to yours. Curry’s on your other side. My team and I are right across the hall. Nothing’s getting through us.”
“I…Thanks.” No real sense of security settled over Isaac, but the thought did count. He just wished he’d had some say in shaping it.
After getting the room number from Watts, he checked in at the data console out in the lobby. Sure enough, he found a reservation waiting to be activated. Identity code confirmed, Isaac took the elevator to the fifth floor. A door a quarter way down the hall unlocked at the touch of his thumbprint on the handle’s reader.
He checked the windows first. When he didn’t find a balcony, Isaac breathed a little easier. The view showed him the layout of the entertainment complex across the street. The diamonds of red, white, and gray paving stones of its main promenade wound through it like the back of a giant rattlesnake. A clocktower loomed at one end. Swaths of green suggested a park spread out at the other. No tall buildings came close enough to the hotel to allow jumping from roof to roof. He left the curtains open to the morning sun while he went to order some essentials on the grid interface. Messages and reports could wait.
Within twenty minutes, Isaac made a trip back to the lobby and retrieved three paper- and twine-wrapped packages from one of the delivery lockers. After lingering under the spray of a hot shower, letting the physical and emotional grime wash down the drain, Isaac allowed a cautious optimism to peek out of its mental burrow. He’d made it this far. Maybe Watts had a point. Maybe it was best if he stayed out of the way and let the enforcers handle the hunt. Let them do their jobs, one might say. He could find plenty of ways to occupy his time in Denver that had nothing to do with bloodborn, killing, or danger. When was the last time he’d gone somewhere for something other than an assignment? So long it’d taken nearly being eaten alive to slow him down, apparently. It wouldn’t be the worst thing to suck in his ego and let somebody else take care of the problem. Just this once.
By the time Isaac crawled into the suite’s queen-sized bed, clean, with new clothes, and in one piece, he dared to consider himself lucky.
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