#sam wilson dark fic
georgiapeach30513 · 9 months
Your Mark On Me, Part 2
Summary: you realize just how mean Steve can really be.
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, dark, stalking, non con/dub con elements, groping, dirty talk, chasing (chase kink), slapping, humiliation, audience, degradation, pussy worship, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), cameras without knowledge, multiple orgasms, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 6.9K
Series Masterlist
*tattoo edit created by @randomagnes0210
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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“What is she doing now?” Bucky takes a long drag of his cigarette, while you obliviously bounce into your bedroom in your panties and oversized shirt. Nothing else. Your nipples are pressing up against white shirt, and Bucky chuckles as you lay down on your belly. “You were looking at her body weren’t you?”
“How do you expect me not to look at her body, your highness?” Your legs bend at the knee as you open up a text book, but your eyes quickly drift over to the bottle of pills before sitting back up to grab one. “She’s got a good set of tits.”
“You’re enjoying this too much,” Steve growls at him. Bucky knew his place. He’d keep an eye on you, but would never touch. It was par for the course with Bucky. No doubt his friend would watch you take Steve’s cock like a good girl eventually. It was just what had to happen.
“What is she doing? She putting one of those pills in her pretty little mouth?”
“She is,” Bucky tilts his head to the side as you root around in a drawer for something. “She’s looking in a drawer beside her bed, Stevie.”
“I’ll be there shortly,” he hangs up his phone, and snaps his finger at his driver. He needs to get there quickly. Let Bucky remove his eyes from whatever you were setting yourself up to do.
Stupid girl. Once he has you where he wants you, he’s going to have to talk to you about leaving your blinds and curtains open for any disgusting man to watch you. He’ll hold off for now. The thought of you putting on a show just for him excites him too much to go ahead and let you know this isn’t acceptable.
Pulling into your apartment complex, Steve’s lip curls up in disgust as he walks over to Bucky. “This isn’t good enough. She’s not even on campus. Who is supposed to be watching her?” Bucky turns to look at Steve with a blank face.
“She doesn’t seem to mind,” Bucky gives Steve a wink, and turns his back to your window. “She found what she was looking for.”
“What is it?” Steve’s face heats up in anger as he thinks about anything inside of you, but himself.
Bucky rolls his eyes, peeking at his friend. Steve’s jaw is pulsing, waiting on Bucky’s answer that wasn’t coming fast enough. If it wasn’t for you laying a pillow down, and straddling it, Steve would have already been marching into your room. “What the fuck does she have stuffed down her panties?”
“Easy, killer,” Bucky’s voice is so animated that Steve shoots a hard look at him, and then goes back to watching you. Timid. You weren’t even sure what to touch on your body. It made him want you that much more. Sheltered, and probably taught that sex was bad. Steve rolls his eyes thinking about how he was going to have to work so much harder. He loved a challenge.
“It took me awhile to find it,” Steve gives Bucky a mere split second of his attention, because you start to grind down on the pillow, and he sighs. “Don’t get hard standing beside me. This thing is kinda cute, it’s called a Cute Little Fucker.”
Steve finally looks at the picture of your toy that Bucky was able to procure. “That doesn’t go inside of her?” Of course you would pick out this cute little bug looking thing. He was falling even more. Sweet girl needed cute sex toys.
“No. It vibrates, and she grinds over it. Is she grinding yet, buddy?” Steve has to bite his tongue as your body goes on autopilot, and you bite on your lip so your roommate can’t hear your pretty sounds. The roommate…another thing Steve was going to have to deal with.
“What did the other toys look like?” Steve switches from foot to foot. Bucky’s eyes are amazing and he knows that his right hand man saw everything in your treasure chest.. Steve’s cock twitches, becoming too uncomfortable. “Bucky!”
“She only had one other one, and no, it wasn’t a penetrating toy. So unless your pretty little Dovey fucks her fingers, that pussy is indeed ready to mold to your cock.”
Steve grimaces as you halt abruptly. Pulling that green vibe out of your panties and staring at it. It is hardly even wet. Steve knows you can do better than that, he’s made it happen, “She didn’t even allow herself to come. My my, am I going to have to teach her?” It wasn’t even that for you. It was the fact that the stupid toy didn’t feel as good as his leg, and you curse yourself for even thinking that.
Steve was someone you weren’t ever going to see again. You are bound and determined that next semester you don't need Adderall. You’ll make sure to start studying earlier, and not rely on outside sources. And now? When you should be studying you are left wanting more. Imagining those tattooed fingers pumping into you, while you stare down at them.
Steve was dangerous, and bad news. You just had to stay away from him. That’s all. Hearing a knock on the door, you roll your eyes. You had to lock the door because you knew what you were going to need before studying.
Jumping up you unlock the door, and give your roommate a smile, “What the fuck is that?” Steve says too loud as some boy leans against your door. “This is absolutely unacceptable. If he touches her,” he pops his neck, glowering at the man that you share an apartment with. He’ll punish you for this later, but this…it won’t happen.
“Roommate, Jack Benjamin. It’s his junior year at the university. He’s studying law, and keeps his GPA at 3.9. Comes from a rich family. Looks like he pays more than half of the rent and all utilities. Well, daddy pays. Guess that’s why he’s the roommate.”
“I really don’t give a shit. He’s in that apartment with my girl. Get rid of him. I’ll pay for everything,” Steve turns to leave, but Bucky clears his throat. “What?”
“Jackie boy is not interested in your little birdie. In fact, I’d say he’d be more interested in you. So you still want me to kill me, or nah?” He flips his phone around, flashing a picture on his social media of Jack on a date.
“Fine. He can live today. If he touches her…Bucky! I want her unscathed and safe. People saw her with me, saw her juices on my leg. I have enemies, and those enemies would use my Dove to get to me. Make sure that doesn’t happen. And if she fucks herself, I need a phone call. I need to know if she’s riding her pillow, using a toy or her fingers, and I need to know if she says my name. I need to hear when the first time she thinks of me and comes.”
Steve gives you one last look. Watching to see if that boy looks at you or touches you, he doesn’t. He’s safe for today. “Steve?” His eyes don't leave you, but he nods to Bucky, letting him know he heard him. “What are your plans for this sweet Dove?”
“I want to break her and own her. I want her to miss the thought of me not around her, craving me with every fiber of her being, and then I’ll make her my wife. She’s perfect. She just doesn’t realize it yet. Let me know if she wears another skirt again. How much fun it’s going to be with that sweet one, she’s got a bit of a spark to her. She told me no. Have a fun night. Keep me updated, and if she takes another pill, let me know. I won’t have someone addicted to pills. Keep her safe.”
He’s satisfied, for now, with the way Jack didn’t touch you. His eyes didn’t wander over what was his. But when Jack points out that deep red bruise on your neck, you slap your hand over it. It’s too late. You were his, and one day you would realize it.
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Why haven’t you left the building?
You glance up from your phone, looking all around you. There wasn’t a prickly feeling of being watching, and your friends had meandered out already. Leaving you to stare at your notes. Having to look back over them, just to see if you had gotten the answers correct on the test.
And now an unknown number was waiting on you. Looking through your planner, you didn’t have a scheduled lunch or anything. You rack your brain trying to think if there was someone that you promised coffee with or anything, but still nothing.
I am waiting, and I don’t like to wait.
Thinking it best to respond, you start typing up something when your phone alerts you of him typing more.
Dovey, if you don’t walk your pretty little ass out here I’m going to be angry.
Don’t defy me, little bird.
You roll your eyes, thinking you have seen the last of him. You didn’t need anymore pills. The last final had been taken, and now you had a bit of a break before next semester. He had to go. You had to tell him his services were no longer needed. But a scene at school is not what you need.
Gathering your things you walk towards the exit, and there he was. Legs spread out wide, his neck dripping in gold and diamonds. Each tattooed finger was enhanced by all the rings. Hearing everyone’s whispers, starts to make you lose a bit of self control, but all it was going to take was a quick talk. And everyone could quit their pointing.
Even though he had a beautiful face, he was dangerous. Sin and mischief seeped out of his pours. He had the air of Satan, and everyone on campus could feel it. They might not know exactly who he was, but they definitely had bought his product.
Standing in front of him, you look down at his eyes. Even standing you still feel small. Wanting to crawl up inside of yourself as your body was screaming out a warning of peril to come. “Steve, you can’t be here.”
“And why not, Dove? I see a few of my distributors here. They see you talking to the monster. Their filthy little eyes are casting up and down your body, and I don’t like it. I have to let them know that you are off limits. You get what you need directly from me. And I will gouge everyone’s eyes out that looks at you!” His voice gets a bit louder, and you put a hand on his shoulder, hopefully calming him.
“People look. It’s not that big of a deal. They,” your words catch in your throat as his eyes roam down the front of your body. Moving with the curves of you. Looking like he is trying to undress you in his mind. Tsking when he gets to your skirt. A big meaty hand slides up your thigh, and under your skirt, lifting it up. You quickly slap his hand away, knowing everybody can see what he’s doing.
“I’ll allow that one time,” my god why was he like this? What did he want, and why wouldn’t he leave you alone? “You make it a habit of wearing pleated skirts? It’s not so different from the first time I saw you.”
“Skirts and dresses are kind of my thing,” you shrug because it wasn’t a big deal, and he was making it one. He could only think of the easy access to you.
Steve’s eyes still roam over your form, itching to lift up your skirt because he needed to know, “What kind of panties do you have on?”
“What the fuck?” You screech, averting your eyes around you. They are still staring at you. Judging you for being around this man.
“Don’t talk with a filthy mouth out in public. Why do I make you so nervous?”
“You don’t,” you try to take a step back, but his hand goes back to your thigh, giving it a squeeze, and pulling you more in between his legs. The legs that you hadn’t stopped thinking about for the past five days.
Looking down at his thigh makes you want to shudder. Remembering euphoria coursing through your blood. Even the humiliation of Bucky watching kind of made it better. “Your pulse is rising. I bet if I cupped your pussy, it would be hot as hell.”
“Don’t you dare! There’s people around,” you press your thighs together, creating at least one barrier between Steve’s mitt sized hand, and your core.
“Didn’t stop you from making a mess on me less than a week ago. Had you whimpering, and leaking your pussy juice all over me. That whole club saw what a sloppy little cunt you had. I think even Bucky got a bit of a hard on. You made me so hard that I stroked my cock for an hour, pretending it was your pussy.”
“Steve,” you whisper, trying to pull his inky hand off you. Your thighs press closer together, and you swish them around. A slight bit of relief, but you are quaking. “I need to go.”
“No. You don’t. You’re finished for the semester. But I will allow you to go with me. Come on,” standing up, he pulls at your hand, and you look around at everyone staring at you. Fingers point, and you hear the whispers start. “Let’s go. Get in the car. I’m going to take you on a field trip.”
“But…what do you want with me?” Steve’s mouth turns up into an evil sneer, and one eyebrow sits high on his head. “I — I thought the payment for the pills was…you know.”
“Go on. Say it. I dare you. Tell me how you coming on my leg was not the best feeling in the world,” you stand in silence staring up at him. You are terrified, but you don’t want to react. He was playing games with you, and making a public scene in your space.
“Tell me how you ride your pillow every night, pretending it's my leg. Whispering my name as you refuse to allow yourself to come. I bet you got so much pent up tension in between your thighs, you can hardly sleep without waking up to your fingers playing with your clit.”
“Stop,” your voice cracks, and you can’t look at him anymore. The vein on your neck is visibly telling Steve just how fast your blood was pumping, but also how hard. What he wouldn’t give to just nibble on that vein. He knows he can make you kneel before him by biting down just a tiny bit. His mark from the weekend is already fading. He’s going to remedy that shortly.
“Dovey, didn’t your mama ever tell you not to get involved with a drug lord? You owe me,” he smiles, still dragging you along after him.
“But…I offered you money. You let me go.”
“You had finals. I couldn't keep you from them. And your money's no good with me.”
“Then what do you want?” He stops his movement, and turns to look at you. A faint glimmer of softness runs through his eyes as he steps right up to you. His hard chest pushes into yours.
The back of his knuckles brush over your cheek so sweetly. Relaxing you ever so slightly when your insides are ready to explode. Ready to burst right out in front of everyone. They are still staring, and you hate him for it. Moving his hand behind your head, his fingers tickle at the nape of your neck. Pulling you forward, and he takes a long, slow inhale before stopping right at the shell of your ear.
“I want you.”
“What?” Whimpering as you lean in closer to him. Your body craves him even though your foggy brain was crying for you to run away. Your body currently desperate for more attention than your brain was able to control.
“I only want you. Now, get in the car. We’re going on a field trip,” your body moves on its own accord as he gives your hand a little tug, leading you to his blacked out SUV, and you crawl into the back seat with him.
“Sam, take us to that playground on the edge of town. The one no one goes to. Tell Bucky to meet us there,” words didn’t make sense as you realize what you’re doing. In a fucking car with a fucking drug lord going to a fucking playground.
He said he wanted you. What did that even mean? He wanted to sacrifice a virgin? He wanted to take from you? Wait a minute…
“How did you know?”
“Hmm?” Steve looks up at you with a crooked grin, reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his phone, starting to look through it. You can’t tell if he’s ignoring you, or continuing to play his games.
“How did you know about the pillow?” He flips his phone around, showing you a video of you grinding on your pillow, and only one word on your lips. Steve. “You bastard!”
He turns up the volume without a response. Panting. Deep, labored moans, and you. Looking so frustrated as you grab out the toy, and toss it on the other side of the room, and then the softest moan of your name, followed by fuck. The camera tilts down enough to see Steve’s cream coat his thick fingers. Fucker was outside your window, masturbating, while you was fucking a pillow. And then had the audacity to show you his cum.
“What is wrong with you?” You don’t want to look at him, so you turn to look out the window. Fucking asshole. He lets out a guttural laugh, scooting over closer to you. You can’t escape him in this car. And every inch of him crowding you makes you feel like you're being squeezed by a boa constrictor.
“You didn’t like seeing what you did to me? Never mind the fact that you're denying yourself release. Seeing you hump that pillow every night was bound to make me hard. If you’re enjoying yourself, why can’t I?”
“Fuck your hand at home. Why are you…” Steve’s fingers dig into your cheeks, twisting your head to look back at him. Giving your cheeks a hard squeeze as his eyes narrow at you.
“I thought I told you not to talk with a filthy mouth.”
“You said in public,” you mumble. Your jaw burns as he squeezes even harder. The pressure drawing a line at being painful.
“What I really meant is do not use that filthy language, unless I’m inside of you.”
“You’ll never be inside me.”
“I won’t? Sam,” his driver reaches to the soundboard on the car, and the entire vehicle is filled with your whispered moans. And the repetition of you whispering his name. Over and over again. Asshole had found a way to get into your bedroom. Anger and embarrassment swirls inside of you. Realizing that he was watching everything you did in your alone time.
“Let’s face it, Dovey, you knew you fucked up by walking into that club. What you didn’t know was that I have a very specific taste, and your cherry is exactly what I want. You can’t even help yourself from envisioning me fucking you. And you better be glad. We’ve got a list. And if your roommate so much as kisses you, you’ll be gifted with his lips on your doorsteps. I don’t share. They can watch, but they’ll never get to touch you. Never even get to taste you unless they’re licking your juices off the floor.”
“What is wrong with you?” The alarms inside your body was ringing so loud, you couldn’t even think. They are begging and pleading for you to get out, but you’re immobile.
“Did your gut tell you not to come to see me?”
“Well, yeah, but….”
“And still you disregarded that voice, and showed up anyways. I’m an obsessive person, Dovey, and I always get what I want. And what I want right now is you,” you feel like teeth of a brutal animal trap has enclosed on you. Painful and scary. Trapped, and feeling like there was no way out.
“You just want to fuck me. Please, don’t…don’t touch me,” you finally feel fear as your body trembles. Flight or fight is a myth. You just quake with raw fear.
“I won’t be splitting your cunt open until you beg me to. Now get out of the fucking car,” struggling to move with how bad you are shaking, you scramble out of the car. Eyes twisting around and looking for a way out.
“Sam’s too fast, and Bucky is faster. You really want to run, Dovey, be my guest. I love going hunting for sweet little birds,” cocky son of a bitch stands there, crossing his arms over his chest, daring you to make a run for it. “I’m a reasonable man. But don’t test me.”
“I’m not begging.”
“You’re not. But I don’t have to stick my cock in your cunt to have some fun. Do go on. Run,” he cackles out a laugh when you sprint towards the woods. You may not get far, but you could hide. Hide long enough for him to leave.
Realizing just how stupid you are when Steve stomps into the woods. He doesn’t even run. While you're bolting, and hiding behind trees, he walks calmly. God, he’s going to kill you. He’s going to pull your panties down, and make you take him in front of Bucky and Sam. He promised he wouldn’t if you weren’t begging. Did he promise? You can’t even remember.
“Dovey, you’re breathing too hard,” his voice is too close. As long as his legs are in two strides he’d only be feet from him. Exhaling slowly, you stand up from your crouched position, and haul ass. Didn’t even care to look back. Just run.
Running through the thick woods and getting pelted in the face with branches is not how you want to spend your evening. You were supposed to go home, and crash on the bed. Finally resting after a week of hardly any sleep.
Twilight begins to turn to dark, and the woods get to where you can’t even see an inch in front of you. If you could you might not have tripped over a fucking limb. Trying to scramble up when a thick hand grabs your ankle. “And that’s about enough of that, little bird.”
Steve pulls you across the forest floor, and right to him. Leaning over you with a devil may care grin, “You can’t escape me. It’ll be in your best interest to remember that. It’ll help you out a lot.”
“What do you want?” You cry as Steve lifts you up, and carries you on his shoulder.
“I thought I made it clear, I want you.”
“I’m not begging, Steve. I’m not begging!” Tears invade your vision, knowing no matter how calm he is that he is pissed that you actually ran. “Steve, please, I’m not…”
“Please can be considered a form of begging. So if you could do my aching cock a favor and stop using it that would be great,” he grunts, readjusting his pants, and you cry harder. “Tears aren’t helping you either. I can’t wait to see your tears when you take my cock.”
“You sick fuck. Why are you — ow!” Screaming as heat radiates on your ass where Steve’s meaty hand slapped you. The sting races right to your core, and that only makes you want to cry more. What was he doing to you? And why did your body like it?
“Can you stop whining before I give you something to cry about?”
“That hurt!” A deep desire to start biting on whatever you could get of his backside comes over you, but that would be a terrible mistake.
“A second one will hurt more. Tell your cunt that’s throbbing on my shoulder how much it hurts. Dovey, I’m not the only sick fuck here. But if you say that word one more time, and my cock isn’t so deep inside of you that you feel it in your throat, you will have hell to pay. Have I made myself clear?”
He’s a sick asshole. Lighting your body on fire in ways that you didn’t think possible, and it thoroughly pisses you off. “Dove! Have I made myself clear?”
“Next time, say, ‘Yes, sir,’' he chuckles, and you hate him more. How did you hate him so much, and yet your body yearns for him? You are the one with the brain, and you tell your body that you will never beg for Steve Rogers.
“Stay there,” he says, sitting you on a set of low jungle gym bars. Your feet dangle to the ground, and you give your eyes a moment to look around. Adjusting to the incoming darkness as Sam and Bucky flank either side of you two. “I believe I asked you a question earlier, and not only did you not answer, you denied me a chance to see for myself.”
“And what is that?” Steve’s hand goes up to your face, giving it a little tap as you glare up at him. “What was that for, your majesty?”
“Don’t be cute. I don’t like the attitude. Just because I have added you to my favorites lists doesn’t mean you get to act like a brat. Brats get punished, and next time the slap won’t be that soft.”
“You gonna hit my face like you did my a…butt?” Your mouth is wanting to talk back faster than your brain can compute, and you know that pushing him beyond his limits will only get you in trouble.
“No, you need a good spanking, and that wasn’t even one. You fucking ran from me. Me. Steve Rogers. I have two men with me. Darling, we’re retired military, you can’t escape us. I’m going to ask you one more time, and you better provide a satisfactory answer, or there will be hell to pay.”
The two of you stare at each other, and Steve smirks. You are cute, naive, and just the right amount of stubbornness that he loves. Breaking you is going to be so much more rewarding.
“What kind of panties do you have on?” Your face has to be staring at him with the most disdain that you have ever felt. He is a psycho.
“Why is that your business?” Wrong answer. He gives you another slap to your cheek, but this time there is much more force.
“Dovey, you’re mine. You belong to me. And when you walk around with skirts on around all those boys, you better be wearing the right panties. What do you have on?” Don’t answer. You tilt your chin up to the sky, and Steve has had enough.
Holding onto your legs, he forces you backwards. Leaving you hanging upside down, with your ass out, and panties on full display. Your hands hold firmly onto the bar, in fear of him letting you fall to ground, but the way he was staring hard at your nether regions has your pussy pulsing so hard.
“See. Now this just pisses me off. Do you see this?” He asks, looking at Sam and Bucky. “Do you fucking see this? Your ass is hanging out. Is that what you want? Those little boys to get a glimpse of your ass, and your fucking pussy lips?” Don’t answer. Just hang there. This will all be over soon.
“But do you see that?” You can hear the grin on his lips. Bucky and Sam are too close to you, and all three gaze at your exposed self. “Dovey, you are a sick fuck. You have made a mess of these panties, and we can see your pulse. So tell me how you don’t like this. Clenching around nothing. You wanted attention with these panties, well we’re giving it to you, princess,” his voice gets louder. Or is he getting closer?
“Steve, don’t!” You screech as his finger hooks under the gusset of your panties. The two of you mewl when his finger touches your drenched folds. It was less than a second, but you can feel it throughout your whole body.
“Step…back,” he struggles to get out. Waiting long enough for his men to step aside before exposing your tight little hole. “My God, I believe I see heaven.”
“Steve, stop.”
“I can’t.”
“I’m not begging.”
“And I’m not touching,” you whimper as he bends down closer. His heated breath on your core sends chill bumps all over your body. He inhales deeply, moving over your center, moaning again. “It seriously is heaven. I bet the taste is divine.”
“No!” Your body finally reacts. He is distracted enough that you’re able to drop down, and you scoot back on the ground. “Stop. I wasn’t begging.”
“My tongue licking up your slit, and tasting that delicious honey was not me penetrating you,” you shake your head, unable to look at him anymore. “Fine. Take ‘em off.”
“Take the fucking panties off, and get in the goddamn car. I’ll take you home. But…I want a peek of that pussy. No fabric, just the puss.”
“Steve, can you not leave me alone?”
“No. I’m addicted. And you’re my drug. Take off the panties, and hand them to me. When we get in the car, I want to see your pussy that is crying for me. It’s what I deserve. She’s wet for me,” shivers drift through your body as you stare up at him. He was serious.
“And then you’ll leave me alone,” he shakes his head no, and you feel so defeated.
“Sweetheart, we were able to get cameras, and mics in your bedroom, do you not think I could just stare at your pussy while you sleep? Wouldn’t you rather be awake? It’s your fucking choice. But I still want the fucking panties,” he spins on his heels, walking to the car. Pitching a fit, while your brain and cunt are at war with one another.
“He’s meaner than you think,” Bucky warns, walking towards his bike. “I’d do as he says. Steve is more stubborn than you. And either way, he’s not going to stop.”
“He is giving you a choice,” Sam tilts his head towards the vehicle and taps at the gun on his hip. “I’ll give you a moment of privacy.”
Your chest heaves as you look at Sam and then the car. Steve was kind enough to leave the door open, but gave you no choice to retreat. A choice? A choice ot what? Give him your panties so he can gawk at your panties? Or a choice to be punished while he got harder at your paint? You didn’t understand what his game was, or what he even wanted. Besides you, and that would not happen.
“He doesn’t like to wait,” Sam groans at you, and you start to slowly walk to the blacked out SUV. Looking into the car at Steve who is fuming.
“Get in, and take your fucking panties off before I pull them off you myself,” don’t respond. Just do as he says. He doesn’t even look at you, until you close the door to the vehicle.
Lifting your ass off the seat, you slide your panties off, and put the soiled fabric in Steve’s hand and he smirks. His fingers rub over your slick that coats the fabric. Lifting off and strings of your arousal coats his fingers, before starting to pick up your skirt. “You know what else I want. Put your back on the door, and spread your legs. Give me a glimpse of that delectable pussy.”
“Steve, please…”
“Are you begging? You want me to take that cherry right here?” You shake your no. Feeling your lip start to tremble. “Put your back on the door, and lift your fucking skirt. I want to see what is mine.”
“It’s not yours.”
“But you are. She’s part of you, so she is my pussy,” you whisper no, but Steve scoots closer. Grabbing your knee with one hand, and spreading you further apart. His other hand goes under your skirt, and when he comes into contact with your weeping cunt, your eyes flutter. It is like fire on your skin as he roams through your slit.
“Yeah. You’re mine. And so is this,” his hand on your leg pulls you back enough for him to sink one finger down into your core, and your eyes roll in the back of your head. The sweetest little whimpers on your lips. “Oh…Dovey, she is a tight one. You really are a virgin, huh?”
“Y-y-yeah,” you sob. You couldn’t hide the pleasure you were getting from this, and he wasn’t doing much.
“I checked your drawer, I don’t want you to have toys that penetrate you. This hole right here, along with your ass, and your mouth belong to me,” he curls his finger, pumping into you a few times before you grab his wrist. Trying to pull him out from between your legs, but it was like tugging on a tree.
“Why are you denying yourself an orgasm? Even the other night you stopped before you fully came.”
“Steve, it’s too much. Stop stop stop,” pulling his hand out of your center, he brings it up to your lips. Painting your pout with your own juices like it was lipgloss before popping the finger into his mouth.
Moaning at your taste with a delighted grin, “Best thing I’ve put in my mouth. That is before I suck on your clit. Now, lean on the door, and let me see my pussy.”
“Why me?”
“Because I want you. Quit your fucking stalling before I make you ride the whole way to your apartment with three fingers in your cunt,” you couldn’t get out. Steve would assume to just take what he thought was his.
You take a deep calming breath as you spin to the side. Your ass squeaks on the leather from your arousal that had oozed onto the seat, but he doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t utter not one word until you situate your legs further apart. Lifting up your skirt and Steve just stares. Letting out a deep moan, and you yelp.
“Steve…you’re…” it’s the first time you have fully looked upon his manhood. You could see his heartbeat in his pants and his cock begs for something to fuck.
“Yeah, I’m fucking hard as a rock. These pants are uncomfortable. But how can I not get hard staring at that work of art? No, it truly is a slice of heaven. Let me taste you,” you shake your head no, trying to cover yourself back up, but Steve gives your legs a quick pull.
Your head goes back to the seat, and his face hovers right over your wide spread pussy. “Steve, she’s a damn virgin.”
“Oh my god,” you whine as Sam gets into the car.
“Better get used to it, sweetheart. Steve is a horny man, and when he wants you, or wants to just look at you, he will.”
“Shh, I’m staring at the face of God,” your eyes roll in the back of your head with his breath alone. He isn’t even touching you, and you are without a doubt a puddle. One that is dripping onto his expensive leather seats.
“It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She won’t let me taste it, Samual. Dovey, just let me have one lick. Just one swipe from the back of your pussy all the way to that cute little button. Oh my god, Dovey, she is throbbing and swollen. She wants me to nibble on her. Can I?”
“No,” you nod your head yes because that sounded amazing. That pesky brain is still trying to save your soul from the devil.
“I don’t really fucking care,” just as he promised his tongue swipes up your slit. Ending at your clit where he kitten licks it. Flicking his tongue up and down before his lips circle around it, and he gives it a gentle suck. When he hears you moan out his name, he sucks harder. Adding a bit of pressure with his teeth, and your body convulses.
Screaming out his name like a cursed prayer. Lifting off the seat. Your legs try to suffocate him, but Steve would gladly die between your thighs. Your fingers try to cling onto every surface to no avail. Seeing stars when he sucks so hard you black out. Your body limp for a few seconds before you sit up in the seat.
Staring down at Steve who was worried about one thing and one thing only, he wanted to kill you on orgasms. Digging his teeth in again, he lightly scrapes down the swollen nub, and you scream out again. Hitting on his back, but it didn’t matter, Steve would have you in whatever way he wanted.
You buck your hips, flailing around, but nothing mattered. Nothing helped. He just wants you to feel blinding pleasure. And you are. Pleasure so deep into your soul that you feel as if you’re floating. The audience of Sam only adds to your pleasure.
It doesn’t matter if you are wiggling in the seat, kicking, hitting or screaming, Steve doesn’t stop. You can’t even breathe, and Steve continues playing with your sensitive bean. And then…he sinks only finger into your cunt, and you start to speak in another language. Taken to another plane of sin.
“She is sensitive, buddy. I guess the last time she got off was your leg,” Sam’s deep brown eyes look into the mirror at his friend. “Steve, you're going to make her pass out. How many times does she need to come?”
His voice steadily gets louder trying to talk over your noises, but Steve can’t listen. He is drowning in your juices. His oasis. Slurping up your leaking pussy, “Steve! That is enough!”
He pulls off your clit with a pop, and wipes your essence off his beard. Staring down at your sprawled out self. Your clit engorged in pleasure, and you panting like a bitch in heat. “Try and tell me no again, Dovey. We’re here. Walk your sloppy little self up to your room. I’ll be waiting to make sure you get home okay.”
“You’re mean,” your voice is weak. Smoky and worn by the amount of times you had came.
“Yeah, and you got off, and enjoyed it. Don’t ignore my calls again. Have I made myself clear?”
“Yes…sir,” you straighten yourself out as much as you can, and you hobble into your apartment. Ready to strip out of your clothes, and pass out. Getting to your room, you’re ready to scream.
In the middle of your bed is a mound of new “suitable” panties. There are hundreds of them in all colors, and materials. Looking out your window, you spot him. Pants swollen, as he stands there with an evil grin beside Bucky.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket, and you don’t have to look to know it’s him. You had a shadow called Bucky who clearly is always around when you’re not with Steve.
I got you a present, Dovey. You’ll find the others are gone. You only get to be a slut with me. Now, I’ll let you put on a fashion show for me. Or let you grind on a pillow again. What do you say?
Walking over to your curtains, you close them. They could stand out there all night, but they weren’t going to watch you.
Good girl
You need a moment. There is anger and frustration drifting into every part of you. Grabbing up a wad of those stupid panties, you sling them to the floor. Over and over again, until your bed is finally clean, and another ping.
I thought you’d like my gift. That hurts you want to just throw them on the floor.
“Stop watching me!” You twist around your room violently trying to locate the cameras and mics.
Quit looking, Dovey. You won’t find them. And if you, I’ll just have them replaced. And I won’t stop. Now get your ass into bed. You’re gonna need the sleep. Now that I’ve tasted you, you’ll never get rid of me. Goodnight, Dovey.
Say it back or I come up there to you.
Goodnight, sir.
Steve smiles, nodding his head at Bucky. “She won’t be masturbating tonight. But, I’ll watch from my phone since she finally closed her curtains. Don’t lose sight of her. I’ve only just begun.”
“You’re so mean,” you whimper, covering your entire body with your blanket. You know you’ll never escape him. And if you do, he’ll just drag you right back to him. But that doesn’t mean you won’t try. And you will. You’ll continue to try, and just maybe this little bird will get out of the cage she put herself in.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @theinheriteddutchess @annaallicce @feyfantome @jesevans @tittittoee @bananapiedreams @onclouds999 @darkserenity24 @abbatoirablaze @ashychangeling 
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Everywhere You Go
Warnings: this fic includes implied noncon and coercion, mentions of crime and abuse, and explicit sexual content. Tags are not exhaustive and more may be added as the series progresses.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: The day your husband is released from prison is the day it all falls apart.
Characters: Mob!Tony Stark, Steve Rogers
Note: This is my entry for @the-slumberparty​ Week One Writer’s Activity. My prompts were Isolation + Mafia. I included all three items.
So I kinda tried something new... let me know what you think.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all like the boys love milkshakes. Take care. 💖
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The screen flicks to black. You stand with your arm outstretched, remote still aimed at the television. Your heart drums behind your ears as the banner sticks in your vision. ‘Stark released on mistrial’. 
The remote slips from your fingers as your arm drops to your side. It’s like you can see the air around you, feel it suffocating you as you breathe it in, as if you’re wading through muck. You turn and lean against the armrest of the sectional, hanging your head as you try to stop the spinning sensation.
You steady yourself and stand straight. You look down at the tremble in your hands. That you can’t stop. You go to the window and look out at the fading yellow grass and the peeling wood fence. This is supposed to be the end. It is supposed to be safe.
You tug the curtains shut and turn to lean against the wall. You hug yourself and stare at the rug’s edge, the slightly fraying fabric trims the worn wooden boards. You shudder and sink down to the floor, hiding your face in your hands.
“Girl like you deserves diamonds,” Tony’s fingers tickles your collar bone as he plays with the circle cut diamond, a weight reminder of his hold on you. “And every guy who looks at you, deserves to know who you belong to…”
Goosebumps rise as the shadow of his touch brushes over you with the breeze that slips in the open window. Your teeth chatter though it’s barely cold enough to be anything more than balmy. You drag your fingers down to your neck to make sure there’s nothing there. No necklace, no collar, no leash.
He’s gone. He doesn’t know where you are. You made sure of it. But that was when he was behind bars. 
You can never be safe so long as he’s free.
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A week passes without occurrence, assuring you that your paranoia got the best of you. The idea of Tony getting out is hardly comforting but you’re safe. You’re protected. You’re not alone.
You go about your usual routine. A breakfast of fruit and steel cut oats, a cup of espresso with a hint of cream. You watch the birds hop over the top of the fence and the bees buzzing around the dandelions.
You have walls, you have food, you aren’t in pain. You’re safe. You keep reciting that fact like a mantra. Safe. The word becomes gibberish the more you think it.
You retreat and rinse out the small cup and set it on the rack to drip dry. A simple existence. It’s all you ever longed for in that lonely house, adorned in gems, stuck in his trap. You never wanted any of that. Not even him.
You take the basket from beside the front door and pull it open, the warmth of the sunshine fading away as you stop short on the threshold. You look down at the long stems wrapped in a white bow. The peachy orange is the same shade as those you held on your wedding day. The basket blows out of your hand with the sudden gust that surrounds you.
You stare down between your feet at the dainty petals. It can’t be. Here? 
You look out over the meadows, sprawling, lush, and green. Nothing but the ripple of the wind as it blows over the tall blades. You step back, leaving the basket to roll away and the flowers where they met you. You shut the door and lean on it, a hand on the wood as your heart hammers.
You need to leave. Now.
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“Flowers,” Agent Rogers bends to scoop up the bouquet, “really?”
“It’s not a coincidence,” you insist, “I know I sound crazy but I also know Tony. Better than anyone. You know that too.”
“I can’t exactly tell the higher ups that you got some flowers. It’s not exactly grounds for relocation,” he turns the bunch in his hand and examines the white ribbon.
“Right,” you say, deflated, “but– you have everything. Go back in the evidence, check the wedding photos. Rosa Independence. A twisted joke, I know. He said he liked the colour.”
“The more I learn about the guy, the more I hate him,” he pushes his golden hair back and drops his hand, pulling back his sleeve to look at his watch, “gotta call it in. Probably won’t have a decision right away.”
You nod, uneasily shifting on your feet. You don’t know how long you have to get away. Maybe you’ll have to do it without him. Pack a bag and just go. Wherever you can.
“I’ll see if I can stay. Standard security procedure. No reason for us to take this too lightly,” he lays the flowers across the oak table that play centerpiece to the front room, “no one should know you’re up here. So, even if they’re not your husband’s attempt at reconciliation, they’re a very pointed statement.”
“Thank you, Agent Rogers,” you say breathily, “I’m sorry.”
“Doing my job, nothing to be sorry about,” he says as he pulls out his phone.
You give a half-hearted smile before he strides out. You sit inside as his low tones waft in but you can’t make out the words. You can’t focus enough to try as the curling orange petals mock you.
“I’ve been waitin’ all day for this, sweetheart,” Tony purrs into your neck as you feel the thorn stems catch on your dress. He leans you over the suede car seat as he nuzzles your throat and nips. Not even halfway to the reception and he’s got your veil askew, your skirt hiked up past your thighs. “I’m gonna fuck you just like this, every day for the rest of our lives.”
The door hits the frame and draws you back to the present. Agent Rogers tucks his phone into his jacket, “looks like I’m posting up here for the night.”
You nod, speechless as the memory lingers in the back of your head. You stand and cross the room, refusing to look at the table.
“Please, can you throw those away?” You eke out.
He’s quiet. You turn your head and watch from your peripheral as he nears the table and lifts the bouquet, the petals rustling softly. He looks at them and puts them to his nose.
“Sure,” he answers at last as he retreats with the long stems, “never understood why roses were seen as romantic. Too many thorns.”
“Kinda like marriage,” you scoff as you face him again, “thank you, Agent.”
“I’m gonna be here a while. Steve is just fine.”
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“Can’t be too careful,” Steve says as you stare at the side mirror, watching the sun fade behind you.
“Yeah,” you say mindlessly and shift in your seat, “I’m sor–”
“Stop it,” he admonishes as he adjusts the air conditioner, “you’re sorry cause what? I chose to be in WITSEC as much as they chose me. I knew what I was getting into.”
“I know but I–” you swallow and rub your throat as it bobs, “I guess I’m sorry for a lot of things. I lived a long time with a man who took without thinking. By proxy, I did the same. I… was too afraid to do anything but let him.”
“The mistrial wasn’t your fault, you know that, right?”
“Maybe,” you shrug.
“It’s not. It’s the f– the bought and paid for judge sitting on the bench. You know Stark, he’s got hands in everyone’s pockets.”
“I know, but… I shoulda known better.”
“You did what you had to. That’s all we can ever do,” Steve says, “why don’t you turn on some music, gonna be a long ride.”
You clamp your lips shut and reach forward to flick on the stereo. You flip through the curated stations until you find a retro pop channel. No chance of AC/DC. His favourite.
You sit back and lean your elbow on the door and cradle your forehead. The skyline blurs by as you try not to think. That never works. It’s impossible. He’s always there, looming in the back of your mind. Just like he had for all those years.
“Must be hard,” you sit up, “doing what you do and having a family. I can’t imagine…”
He’s quiet as his eyes focus through the windshield and he switches lanes. His grip loosens on the wheel as he smoothly evens out. “Easy, actually, I don’t got a family.”
“Oh, well…”
“Don’t you feel sorry for me. I know you don’t have anyone either. I mean, I got friends, at least.”
You sniff and fold your hands in your lap. It was only ever Tony. You weren’t allowed to have friends. Friends were dangerous. Friends talked. He wasn’t stupid. Everyone was just playing politics, trying to take his throne. Did he ever suspect his own wife would turn him in to the DEA?
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Steve says as Cher’s voice drones sonorously from the speakers, “I mean, I… I guess I don’t know what I meant. I see all the guys I work with, they got wives they leave at home, births they miss, family dinners they’re never home for. I just don’t want all that. I don’t want anyone to let down.”
“Fair,” you rub your upper arm as you glance at the rearview. For a moment, your eyes meet, placid but warm blue irises with a tint of green, “and I know you didn’t mean anything. I chose my path too. Tried to, in the end.”
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It’s late. You’re restless. Like any night since the day you saw your ex on the news walking out of the courthouse. More so since you came to this new safehouse.
Maybe it’s the unusualness of having company or maybe it’s the circumstance. You’re hiding, as good as running from your husband. You knew you always would but it just feels so futile. Like you can’t get far enough away. Like there’s nothing that can hold him back, not a cell or the justice system.
It was like he always said, Tony Stark always finds a way.
You flip on the lamp as you enter the living room. The small apartment is unremarkable. You suspect that’s deliberate. 
The blinds are always done and not much sunlight gets in. The place is a dour and grim contrast to your former abode. You miss the freedom of the fields and the optimism of the skies. Even if you had neither, the illusion was there.
You take the novel from beside the base of the lamp where you left it. You notice the spine is bent in a new place. You examine the curling corner of the cover, your bookmark exactly how you left it.
“Interesting story,” Steve says as he enters.
You pop your head up in surprise and rest the book against the edge of the table. Your coexistence grows easier by the day, the week, nearly a month now. His presence is comforting. If he left, you’re not sure you would stay. He kept your fear from getting the best of you.
“I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t wake you up,” you let go of the book and face him.
“I was awake,” he gives a slanted grin, “I was just sneaking out to… grab a book.”
“This one,” you push your fingertip to the cover. He nods guiltily.
You look over at the shelf against the wall. He follows your gaze and scoffs.
“Yeah, I know,” he says, “but none of those are holding my attention.”
You turn back to him. He’s in nothing but a pair of grey joggers, unabashed as the vee of his pelvis peeks out above the elastic and his muscular torso tempts your eyes. You focus on his face and grasp the book, sliding it off the table. You cross to him.
“All yours,” you hold it up to him, “I’m too tired to read.”
He gently brushes his hand over yours and takes the book. He’s close. Very close. You can smell his sweat beneath the dissolving layer of deodorant. You can even feel the heat radiating off of him.
“Night,” you catch a yawn in your palm and go to sidle past him.
“I could… read to you. I think I’m a bit behind but if you don’t mind a bit of backtracking–”
You look him in the eye, amused by the suggestion. He wants to read to you, like a child?
“You can close your eyes, listen,” he suggests, “might help you sleep.”
“You don’t have to do that, Steve, but I appreciate it.”
He nods and averts his eyes. His cheek ticks, “I… would you mind humouring me? I don’t know, this place, I can hear everything. I just need something to distract me.”
You smile, a small expression of commiseration. 
“Sure, I… I think I need that too.”
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You don’t know how it happened. The gasp that escapes you is as much from the realisation as the pleasure of the situation. Steve’s tongue glides up between your folds as you arch your backs, the sheets twisted around your body as you writhe. You bring your thighs up, clamping them on either side of his head as he coaxes to his whim.
Just like any other night, you sat beside him and listened to him read. Nothing very riveting, a novel about a man on the run. You slumped against his shoulder and his hand rested on your thigh before you succumbed to the tension. You didn’t think, you just did.
And there you are, puffing and whining as this man covets your body. As his hands explore your thighs and hips, gripping, groping, kneading, feeling everything with intense admiration. Your fingers twine into his golden hair, urging him deeper.
It’s been far too long since you felt affection. Well before your husband. The intimacy is nearly overwhelming, nestling along your eyelids and threatening to overflow as you bask in the fiery warmth. A man, this man, touches you like you are a true treasure. He doesn’t drag, and fling, and bend you like a toy.
You tug on his silky locks, moaning his name as he follows your desperate motion. His wet lips graze your stomach, smearing between your tits as he lifts himself over you. He hovers above you, his breath sweet with your flavour. You frame his face between your hands.
“Make love to me,” you beg, a ridiculous statement from a ridiculous dime store romance. But there’s no other way to say it. You want to be loved, not flaunted, not used, “please, Steve, I need–”
He crashes his lips into yours, humming as he swallows up your words. You feel his need, his desire, the same desperation coursing through him. You sling your arms around his neck and welcome him in. Even if it’s only convenient, you want to feel him. You want to feel everything he makes you feel.
For once, you get to choose what you want.
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“Steve,” you croak as he opens the car door, shoving you in as the streets like gleam in your eyes, “where–”
“Be quiet and get in,” he orders as he ushers you into the seat.
The door snaps before you can say anything else. He quickly moves around the hood and gets in the driver’s side. He turns the key and the engine rolls over. He says nothing as he backs out, his hand on your headrest as he cranes to squint behind him.
He veers out of the lot and onto the street. You buckle your belt just before you can slide forward into the dash. You brace the door as he slows and steers neatly into a lane. You wipe the sleep from your eyes.
He sighs and pushes his head back, “we stayed too long… we… we were stupid.”
“Steve,” you sniff, “I know but…”
“It was nice,” he admits, “it really was but– Fuck, I could lose my job.”
“I’m sorry, Steve, I never should’ve–”
“I made the first move,” he clucks, “please, it’s my own fault. I just wanted it to last forever.”
Your silent as your vision blurs and you look out onto the street, the tall lightpoles bleary as your tears obscure them, “me too.”
“North. There’s a safehouse. That’s where they’re sending us. You.”
“What? Are you… are you leaving?”
“I have to. Orders. Procedure. I have to hand you off to a new agent.”
“Oh,” your chest pits and you hug yourself, “so this is goodbye?”
He frowns as yellow light flashes through the windows and illuminates his features. He grips the wheel and exhales heavily. His cheek dimples as he nods.
“We have leave to stop at a motel north of Cherrywood. We’ll say goodbye there.”
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Steve takes the backroads. The trip is both slow and too fast. The end draws closer and closer with an inevitability that makes your heart ache. You don’t love Steve but you’ll miss his easy confidence and his warmth.
You don’t say much as the wheels roll on. You don’t know what to say. Your respite at the hotel only left you feeling worse. All you were losing was left back in that rented room. All that you’ll never know again. You know as well as Steve that this is a one way trip.
“Wilson’s a good guy,” he breaks the silence, “nice. Easy to talk to.”
He’s not you. The thought stays where it belongs as you lean your chin in your hand, “I’m sure.”
“You’ll be okay.”
“Mhmm,” you sit back and cross your arms, “where am I going?”
“Another safe house, I’d think. The less people know the better, right? That’s the order of things.”
“For how long?”
He shrugs. You scratch your neck as you stretch it. You’ve been in that damn car so long, every part of you feels compressed. You square your shoulders wide and push your legs out as far as they’ll go.
He falls back into his former lull, following the winding road between the dense crowd of evergreen. It’s oddly desolate. Even in daylight, the trunks are shrouded in blackness. You watch the passing of the great sentinels as they blur into each other, errant branches on the forest floor and twigs littered at the edge of the road.
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You’re drawn from your mournful rumination of what you’re leaving behind and the mounting dread of what comes next. You look up as the tires slow and you see a dark vehicle ahead, at the dip of the next valley. Steve eases onto the brake as he pulls up, a man against the hood of an SUV waits in a dark blue jacket and sunglasses.
You look over at Steve. He gives a nod then glances back through the windshield, “Wilson.”
He doesn’t wait for you as he climbs out. You follow only after a minute, trying to gather a semblance of calm. You’ve done it before. You did it for years on Tony’s arm. You can do it again. Everything is fine. You’re fine.
“Well, here she is,” Steve announces.
“‘Bout time. I’m pretty sure I saw a bear waiting on your ass,” the other man, Wilson, comments.
Steve looks back as you linger by the car and waves for you to come forward. Reluctantly you drag your feet across the cracked tarmac. The other man flips up his sunglasses and considers you from head to toe.
“All yours,” Steve says coolly. His indifference stings. He’s acting, he has to.
The other man pushes away from the front of his car and nears you. You wince in surprise as he reaches to your belt. Before you can react, he has your hand and hooks a leather cuff around your wrists. He tightens the buckle and you try to pull away from him.
He jars you with a mean yank and twists your arm behind you. As he fumbles to secure your other wrist, you whimper, “Steve.”
Steve raises his chin, the sunlight reflecting in his crystal blue eyes. He turns to you and smirks, “that’s Agent Rogers.”
“What’s going on?” You struggle as Wilson latches onto the link between the cuffs.
“Protective custody,” Steve declares as he comes closer. You frown as you bat your eyes, an icy dagger sinking into your chest with each step, “doll, it was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it?”
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The room is freezing. You don’t expect any different. It’s one of his warehouses. Wilson brought you there, left you on that metal chair, cuffs hooked around a bar along the back, one on each ankle, binding them to the legs. You shiver and drop your head, waiting.
You knew. You knew all along. From the day you walked into the police station. It could never work. You could never escape Tony Stark. He can buy anyone; you, Steve, Wilson…
A metal door rolls open loudly and clangs back into place. Footsteps echo across the concrete. As you raise your head, a shadow appears in the dim of the large door frame. A bulb above you hangs on wire, casting a sobering hue over you.
Tony steps into the umbrella of light and you sit back, raising your chin defiantly. It never does much to pout, to play nice. It’s too late for that now. You both know what you did.
He stops in front of you, pushing the bottom of his jacket back to rest his hand on his pistol. You watch the movement, thumb brushing along the butt. You take a breath, ready.
“Hi, Tony,” you look him in the eye.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he steps closer and brings his other hand up to cradle your jaw, pushing your head higher, “I missed ya.”
You laugh sharply, “missed you too.”
“You know, a man goes away for three years and finally gets free. He’s lookin’ forward to coming home to a warm bed, a warm woman,” his thumb caresses along your cheek, “then he finds his house as empty as his cell.”
“Let’s not do this,” you say, “get it over with.”
He tilts his head and his mouth slants. He sucks his teeth as his eyebrows rise in resignation. He sighs as he toys with your lower lip. You feel him tugging at his belt and brace yourself. You wait, expecting the kiss of the hard barrel against your temple.
A cold metal blade slides down the top of your shirt and slices through the fabric. Tony pulls back as he cuts to the hem, the fabric falling open. You cringe and turn your face away. He rescinds the knife and spins it in his hand.
“Honey, you’re home,” he says, “and we got some catching up to do.”
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anchoeritic · 2 years
「 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐞, 𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭. 」
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: stepdad!sam x fem!reader x stepdad’sbestfriend!bucky
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ only // minors dni // nsfw content, dark!fic, cnc kink (dubcon/non-con), step-cest, angry/possessive sam eek(he has reasoning shhh), daddy kink, spit kink, overstimulation, ddlg dynamics, slight bondage, oral (male receiving), deepthroating, choking kink, face slapping, manipulation, degradation kink, anal & vaginal fingering, ass play, dacryphilia(crying kink), hair pulling kink, the pet name ‘peach’, voyeurism kink, them basically fighting over you, squirting. if you are upset/easily triggered by any of these warnings, go ahead and click off.
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: "your body is mine to use, mine to control," pressing a soft kiss to your wet cheek "mine to share."
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this is a repost of one of my older dark fanfics, but do feel free to send in new ideas for future fics! reblogs and feedback are always appreciated, thank you. <3
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a breathy chuckle left from his lips as his gaze moved back to your trembling body. your legs were still shaking from the previous orgasm, wrists all scratched up from the many harsh attempts at trying to escape from him.
the light in your eyes no longer showing, replaced with the shade of lust; dark red. your pupils were wider than usual, it was like you were under some spell. his spell.
"little girl, you knew the consequences," placing a finger under your chin "yet you still tried to fuckin' play with me." he ended the sentence off angrily, jerking your face the other way.
you broke his rules again. it wasn't entirely your fault. you couldn't help but feel something whenever your stepfather's friend came by.
he was tall, had broad shoulders, patchy face with the littlest bit of fuzz around his rosy lips. the most intimidating eyes; if he looked long enough, you swore it would pierce through you.
his presence was enough to send chills down your spine. every time his truck drove up to your driveway, your thighs would rub together, the place between your legs starting to ache out of desperation. neediness.
it was wrong to feel something towards your stepfather's best friend. your daddy's pal from work. to imagine his face between your thighs, to wonder how your fingers would feel tangled up in his hair.
to feel your pussy throb whenever he called you 'sweetheart', imagining him balls deep inside your cunt, thrusting into you at an intimate pace.
to hear his praises, to listen to him call you his good girl after you creamed all over his cock.
to taste him.
if it was so wrong, then why did it feel so good?
"you can never keep your legs shut, can you?" he growled, laying a light smack against your cheek. "thought you were daddy's girl," cupping your jaw roughly, bringing your face right in front of his "seems like you're not daddy's at all after all, huh?"
"just a little slut who can't follow rules." you whimpered, starting to tear up at the increase in volume in his voice.
you had him angry. you got him furious this time.
"i-i'm sorry, daddy!" you babbled out. "didn't mean to, didn't mean to!"
he laughed, tilting his head back a little as an evil grin spread across his lips. it wasn't usual that you were a brat, especially towards your daddy. and he knew that, he knew his little girl. but today, you were in for a ride.
the grip on your jaw tightened. "didn't mean to? is that your excuse?" his foot tapped your pussy slowly, making your legs open up. a quiet cry fell from your throat as the tip of his leather shoe went on to assault your overstimulated clit.
"you think you can trick me, little girl?" he tested you, chuckling at the thought of you trying to lie to him.
you shook your head quickly in response, the tears in your eyes threatening to spill out at any given moment. "never-- never, daddy!"
sam smiled darkly, pulling your face impossibly closer, his warm breath fanning over your face.
"listen here, girl--" you whined, trying to get out of his grip. "stop fucking moving!" he spat. the hand around your jaw was no longer there, but slid down to your throat, choking you aggressively.
"you fucking listen to me right now, i'm not going along with your stupid attitude anymore." sam mumbled through his clenched teeth. "i make the rules here, i rule over you," practically spitting on you now "you are my puppet. you are for my use. you go under my rules, girl."
his foot tapped your bare cunt again, causing your body to jolt up out of sensitivity. "understand?"
you nodded your head, obeying him. "just daddy's silly little puppet." you repeated, blinking.
your glassy eyes broke into shards, the hot tears falling down the palettes of your cheeks. his puppet. he hummed in response, confirming.
"your body is mine to use, mine to control," pressing a soft kiss to your wet cheek "mine to share."
share? you thought, confused. not once had he brought up the conversation of another person in your relationship. the thought of someone else fucking your his pussy always got him worked up and angry. so what was he talking about?
who was he talking about?
the door swung open, a tall figure coming into your view. broad shoulders, tall, leather gloves, strong jaw structure.
"hello again, peach" the voice called out, walking closer towards you two. "don't tell me you already forgot about me."
it was your stepfather's best friend; bucky barnes.
bucky laughed in amusement, the sight of you all teary-eyed making him pity you. "had you crying for more a few days ago, peach"
"i'm sure you remember."
sam cackled, removing his hand from your throat, letting you fall forward. “oh, i’m sure she does” licking his lips “don’t you, peach?” he mocked, shaking his head at you.
“i-i—“ you stuttered, looking up at bucky with widened eyes.
“shall we take a trip down memory lane, sweetness?” bucky offered, swiping his thumb over your cupid’s bow gently. you hummed, biting the insides of your cheeks. “hm, good.”
his thumb fell down to the slit of your lips, the tip of the finger sliding between the pair. he leaned down beside you, lips beside your ear. “show him how you scream for me, peach”
“i know you want me. you crave me. show him how much you need me.”
a bright smile spread across your lips as you heard his words fall from within. you sure did want him, and you definitely craved him. but how much were you willing to risk for your stepdad’s work pal?
the zipper on his pants flew down in an instant, bucky being too impatient to wait for your confirmation. he wanted to be inside you already. whether it was down your throat or sunk in your tight cunt; he was just as desperate as you were for him.
your touch was different. you were on the gentler side, soft side really. you weren’t like the other older girls he usually slept around with. you were warm, you had something within you that made him want more. was it the risk? the thrill?
both? one may never know.
pumping himself in front of you, he moaned at the sight of you on your knees for him. it was a scene he couldn’t take off his mind. it was forever engraved inside his little box of thoughts. dirty thoughts.
bucky was fucking his best friend’s stepdaughter. how much more dirty can this be? your hands were tied up behind your back, you had tears streaming down your face, he walked in on you getting put in place by sam, how much dirtier can this be?
“open up, darlin’,” he instructed, tapping his tip against the heart of your lips. “promise it’ll fit, don’t you worry, peach.”
“mmm..” you opened your mouth, letting his cock fill your throat entirely.
bucky groaned, throwing his head back. “see, you’re doing so good” rocking his hips to meet your bobs “just like how i remember; so damn perfect.”
your pussy throbbed at the praise, he knew what his words did to you, what the pet name did. your panties dampened, the wetness between your legs increasing.
he placed his hands on the top of your head, pushing you down. your eyes stinging with tears as you took him deeper down your throat, the bulge of his cock starting to show. saliva dripped from the sides of your mouth, spilling everywhere on the floor.
“peach, you really are my cockslut, aren’t you? you love taking my cock down your throat, don’t you?”
sam scoffed from behind, looking away from the two of you. jealous? yes. but who’s fault was that? he was willing to share you and your body, he’s the only one to blame. guess "mine to share." wasn’t an honest statement after all, huh?
“fuck, i’m about to cum.” you began to bob your head faster, trying to quicken up his climax, only for him to pull his hips away from you.
the fingers that were tangled in your hair pulled you backwards unexpectedly, causing you to start coughing from the sudden wind of air shooting throughout your air ways.
“as much as i’d love to cum in your mouth,” cupping your cheeks “i’d rather cum in that pretty pussy of yours, peach.”
bucky smirked, leaning down to kiss you sloppily. “gotta get you ready for me first, okay, peach?”
you giggled, kissing him back. “mhm..”
he laid you on your back softly, spreading your legs open with his palms. sam walked closer to you, crouching down beside your sprawled out body.
sam started “isn’t it odd that you call her peach yet love to play with her pussy, barnes” slapping the inside of your thigh.
“shut it, sam.” he grumbled, swatting his hand away from you.
sam raised his eyebrow, placing his hand back on your thigh. “remember who’s she is, buck.”
he ignored him, running his metal hand down your sex. his fingers gathered all the wetness around your cunt, using it as easier access to your holes. bucky’s finger circled around your clit in figure 8’s, smiling evilly as he felt your body spasm.
your chest heaved up and down heavily, flashes of red coming into your view. “b-bucky, fuck, bucky…” you cried, hoisting your hips up.
he dipping his cold fingers into you, sinking them deep between your velvet walls. he pumped his fingers into you at a pleasurable pace, keeping the rhythm slow and deep.
“cry for me, peach. fuckin’ sob for me.” he whispered, curling his fingers inside of you, making your orgasm impossible to avoid.
he was really stretching you out this time. preparing you, as he calls it. making sure you’re tight enough, ready enough for him.
“‘m gonna cum, i-i’m gonna cum!” you chanted, rolling your eyes back.
“cum for me. cum all over my fingers.”
your orgasm goes by quicker than expected, the curl of his fingers tipping you over the edge. a wave of pleasure ran over you, sending violent chills all throughout your body.
a broken cry escaped from your lips, your eyes seeing starry skies. blanks of white and black, tiny sparkles taking over your sight.
he watched in satisfaction as your eyes rolled back in pleasure. your thighs trembled, attempting to close shut on his arm. fuck, you were a work of art.
the face of an innocent angel, body of the dirtiest sinner, you were practically made to take him. to take both of them. your beautiful lips wrapping around his cock perfectly, the pretty sound of your moans were like music to his ears.
the soft jiggle of your breasts when he would thrust his fingers into you, the way your lips parted when you were about to cum.
they were obsessed with you.
sam snickered, running his hand down your thigh, pushing them apart. “nuh-uh - we’re not done, little one.” smirking.
“open up again, baby.”
you obeyed, spreading your trembling legs apart slowly. if it wasn’t for the support of bucky’s hand on your ankle guiding you, your leg would’ve been down on the ground already.
“she has such a tight pussy, doesn’t she?” sam asked bucky, pressing a kiss to your knee.
bucky nodded, discreetly licking his lips. “the tightest.” making your cheeks heat up.
sam’s hand slid down the inside of your thigh, his fingers brushing over your used cunt. “tightest pussy, hm?”
“let’s see how tight that fuckin’ ass is then.”
your eyes widened, “but daddy, i can’t—“ his other hand came at your throat for the second time, rougher than it was before. squeezing the sides of your neck, he had you looking back up at him with glossy eyes.
“you can, and you will.” he growled. “remember who fucking owns this body, little one.”
gulping, you nodded your head once again, convincing him to drop his hand from your neck. “s-sorry, daddy.”
his fingers circled over your second - most forbidden hole yet, using your previous orgasm as lube, and spreading it around.
with a quivering lip, you moved your gaze back onto bucky, looking at him with scared eyes. he grinned softly back at you, placing his hand on your cheek, starting to caress it.
he was trying to comfort you. “shh… you’re going to love it, peach. i promise.” you understood, blinking your eyes. “you promise, buck?” whispering; voice coming out a little exhausted
“i promise, my peach.” his thumb smoothed over the top of your cheek sweetly.
it was now sam’s turn to pull down his zipper.his dress pants fell down to his ankles as he loosened the belt that held it together, pulling the end of the leather out from the metal loop. he folded his belt, holding onto it with one hand.
"peach, peach, peach, huh?" sam mocked again out of jealousy, shaking his head. "keep that shit to yourself, barnes. you're nothing compared to me."
his finger sunk into your tightest hole, stretching you out in the slowest way possible. the feeling was foreign to you, you had never experienced anything like this. getting fucked in the ass was always a dream of yours, but you were never brave enough to ask, let alone, try it at all.
he wiggled the tip of his finger, moving it in and out. "daddy," you gasped, raising your head up high to try to see the way his digit disappeared into your ass. "i-it feels so good..."
sam raised an eyebrow "who's making you feel this good, baby?"
"you, daddy." you breathlessly confessed.
bucky clenched his jaw, kissing his teeth. "don't you get it, barnes? i'm the one she runs back to every night." anger rose in both the men; the pace of sam's fingering starting to quicken up, bucky tightening his fist.
"you know the way to her heart, but you'll never know the way to her limit like i do."
"you got her to break my rules, but you'll never get her to obey you like she does with me. i started with her," your cries getting louder, the pain of the stretch turning into pure pleasure "and i will fuckin' end with her."
"shut the fuck up, sam." bucky snarled back, slipping his hand down to your pussy. the pad of his finger came in contact with the sensitive nub of your clit, brushing over it gently.
your body shook, legs trembling; struggling to stay up any longer. "i can't- too much!"
"or what?" sam challenged bucky, scoffing "she's my little girl."
bucky pinched your clit, "your little girl? you can barely keep your "little girl" under control around me" causing you to squeal "she can't help but always spread her damn legs, wilson."
another orgasm was building up inside you, your stomach bubbling. the pleasure was so hard to try to ignore. bucky playing with your clit, sam fucking you in your ass; it felt too good, you couldn't hold it any longer.
"daddy- bucky!" you called out, trying to shut your legs together, only for them to each push a thigh down with their free hands, pinning your knees beside your head.
"when did i say you can fuckin' talk, little one?" sam shot at you "the adults are talking, peach." bucky quickly backed him up.
"no but's. stay quiet." sam ordered, bucky smacking your cunt lightly causing your body to jolt.
the more he threw you around, the more they used you, the more you felt. the pain, the pleasure, the thrill, the bliss. you felt it all, it had your insides churning.
you were just a silly little puppet. their toy. they were fighting over you. your body. like you were the last one on the shelf.
letting out a loud wail, another orgasm crashed on you; the most powerful one yet. you were shaking violently, your thighs vibrating. you swore you felt your soul getting ripped right out of you.
"no more, no more!" sam and bucky's attention got back on you, the sight in front of them causing their pants to grow tighter, their cocks stirring in desperation.
you were cumming hard. squirting. you had tears streaming down your cheeks, fluid squirting from your pussy. you were a sight for sore eyes.
"daddy!" you whined once more, arching your back off the floor. "good, too good!"
bucky licked his lips, swatting your clit faster. he knew what he was doing to you. you knew what he was doing to you. he wanted more.
sam's eyes darkened, a smile spreading on his lips in amazement.
"c'mon, peach, i know you got a little more in you."
your eyes stung, "no, no!" only making him go faster. "one more for us, baby." sam spoke.
"i know you can do it, my sweet girl."
a broken sob fell from your lips, the last one of the night(or so you thought). you were cumming hard again, the immense amount of pleasure not being able to stop your body, only encouraging it to go harder.
you were out of breath, numb. you couldn't feel your throat anymore; your screams ruining your vocal cords. your thighs wouldn't stop shaking, it was like the pleasure wouldn't stop. it was like torture in the most pleasing way.
"there ya go, peach. so good for me." bucky praised.
you were all over their clothes, your fluids coating the entirety of bucky and sam's hand. "p-please no more." you hiccuped.
the two men sent each other a side-eye, the evil spark in their eyes causing them both to smirk down at you.
"who said we were done with you?"
"i-i just-" you started, interrupted by sam. "i make the rules here, sweetheart. don't get it twisted."
"my body, my pussy," he leaned down, coming face to face with you.
"my puppet to use."
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alohastyles-x · 3 months
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Hi! This is my new project! I'll be writing dark disney retellings ft various marvel characters! I am so excited for this as these stories all are what inspired me to write in the first place. I want to finish the stories completely before posting so I don't get stuck and leave you hanging. They will fall in 3 parts: Intro, Middle, and End to keep them short but intriguing for more!
I am currently writing these stories, but below are a list of characters you can look forward to seeing very soon!
Also, my ask box will be open for conversations, ideas, and requests for this!
Snow White // Winter Soldier
Brave // Druig
Little Mermaid // Sam
Rapunzel // ??
Cinderella // Steve
Alice in Wonderland // Wanda ??
Sleeping Beauty // ??
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harryspet · 2 years
raised by wolves | b.barnes & y.belova
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[Warnings] dark!alpha!bucky x reader, grey!yelena x reader, bucky x reader x yelena, bucky barnes x yelena belova, werewolf au, a/b/o dynamics, beta!reader, wilson!reader, stalking, forced mating/marking, noncon/dubcon, raunchy threesome ahead, polyamory, oral sex (female recieving), dominant/submissive, unprotected sex, hints at breeding, forced orgasms, kidnapping (pretty much), bucky is a dumb alpha, yelena is a good teacher 
A/N: My inspiration for this is basically seeking sister wife meets GoT dany/drogo lol
In which Bucky and Yelena find the mate of their dreams. 
word count: 8k 
taglist: @cherienymphe @marvelmaree @onsunnyside @autumnroses-blog @isysen @inlovewithhisblueeyes @reveise  @speechlessxx @lesbians4levinson2021 @darksideofthecocoamoon @darkndirtyndangerous @mayasreadingnook @yelenabelovadeservesbetter​ @queenoftheworldisdead @khaleesiaura​ @ tastycakee @honeydulcewrites​ @thecutestlittlebunbunfairy​​
(!!no one on my taglist interacts anymore so i’m adding some people who have recently interacted with my stories, let me know if you’d like to be removed!!)
“Sam, you really didn’t have to do this.”
You had rolled your eyes so hard when you saw him pull into the dirt road you called your driveway. He lugged brown paper bags full of groceries into your home despite the fact that you had already budgeted and created a list for what you were going to get on your next trip. Your vegetable plants were already sprouting and that was going to save you even more money. 
“Your idea of a full and satisfying meal is totally different from mine. Mama always made us three meals a day, and snacks, to keep us healthy, and your little vegetable diet is not going to keep you strong.”
“So you think I’m getting weaker?” You followed your older brother into your own kitchen and he began to pile all of the food into your mostly empty cabinets. Your kitchen was built into a small, half square shape with old oak cabinets and an even older, green refrigerator, “Sam, I will continue to run circles around you until we’re old and decrepit.” 
“Hey, I’ll admit you’ve beaten me a few times but you ain't never ran circles around me. Besides that, I know for a fact you couldn’t beat me right now. When is the last time you’ve even shifted? How much do you even exercise when you’re spending all your time reading, going to work, and playing in your little garden?”
Your lips parted in shock, “I shift every week … at least! And I do exercise! I’ve got miles and miles of forest surrounding me, plenty of room to exercise and you know what’s even better about that? I don’t have to wake up to your yapping and I don’t have to fall asleep anywhere near your smelly butt.”
Sam simply smiled and you realized he was getting a kick out of riling you up. You and Sam were always close and it was dumb of you to assume that the he’d be able to give you more space even after moving so far away. He’d traveled five hours just to come and see you. 
“And your sparring skills? You don’t have anyone to practice with.”
“Sam, I’m fine,” His face fell a little and you wondered where his usual light-hearted spirit had gone, “You came up here for a different reason, right?”
He went quiet, piling frozen meat into your small freezer, “Sam?” You pried again, approaching him with your arms crossed, “What’s up?” 
“Bucky escaped. When he got caught by those hunters, we thought they would kill him. Turns out, they’ve just been poking and prodding at him for years.”
“He . . .” The news jarred you and suddenly Sam’s visit made even more sense, “But he doesn’t have a pack.”
“You think Bucky Barnes needs a pack to be strong,” It was sarcastic and you knew Sam was only being blunt because he was serious. And probably scared too, “And we didn’t get news about his escape until this week. He’s been out for months. Plenty of time to form allegiances.”
“But he doesn’t … he doesn’t know where I-”
“Y/N,” He warned, a hint of his alpha tone threatening to escape his mouth, “Me coming here was a risk, I know that, but you staying is even more of a risk.”
Barnes killed his father for a title that was meant to be honorably passed down to him. When his own mother resisted his rule, he killed her too. He expected everyone to bow down to him but most of his pack sought refuge in places like our pack, The Red Wing Pack. 
“And bring chaos back to Red Wing?” You shook your head, “It’s not worth it.”
Sam sighed, and you sensed that he was expecting your answer. He wouldn’t have brought all these groceries if he’d expected you to leave with him.
“He killed every hunter and scientist in the building where they were keeping him. I got word from the Sokovian pack after they cleaned everything up, burned the whole place down. He’s bloodthirsty, little sister. He’s going to want land, he’s going to want power, and he’s going to want mates. Dad had no idea what Bucky would turn out to be when he promised you to him. He also didn’t know you’d present as a Beta.”
Everything about the pack system was archaic. That was the whole reason why you moved far away from your entire family. Bucky Barnes’s father saved your own father’s life years before you were even born. He saved your entire pack and he promised his first born daughter to the first born son of his new ally. The union would create one of the strongest pack allyships on the continent. 
“And no one would ever concede their power to him, let alone marry him!”
“Alpha Romanov has allied with him, she helped him kill Alpha Barton.”
You froze, “Clint is dead? That doesn’t make any sense. Why would Natasha have him killed?”
“She believes in Bucky. That he’s going to come out on top during all of this. That outweighed her loyalty. That’s why you’re just my first stop on my road trip. I’m meeting with lots of packs. We’re gonna need a strong force to combat this and we have to be prepared for anything-”
“Including war?” 
Sam nodded, “Including war.”
“Sam, you know I don’t want any part of that. It’s enough that Dad basically sold me like his most prized horse. I don’t want or need a pack. I want to be … normal.” 
Sam’s face was sullen, “You’ll call me every few days? It’s hard knowing you’re alone out here. And if I don’t hear from you, you know I’ll-”
“Send the whole pack for me? I know,” You sighed. You felt a bit suffocated by the news you’d received. Bucky Barnes was a real reason to panic but you’d already made yourself less of a target and Sam would never reveal where you lived. Besides that, you had no reason to believe that Bucky would come after you. You’d never met him, by the time you were born, he’d already established himself as the troubled son who’d run away from his pack, leading a group of rogues and causing catastrophe in his path. Your Dad passed away when you were still a toddler, and even if he was alive, he’d never allow Bucky near you, “Thank you for the groceries, Sam.”
Sam clapped his hands together, “You’re welcome. I guess that’s my cue to get out of your hair.”
“I’ll call whenever I can.”
Sam pulled you into a hug, leaving a comforting kiss on your forehead. 
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Three weeks passed and you’d spoken to Sam at least four times. Every conversation was similar with Sam updating you on his progress, how many packs he’d spoken to, and how many agreed to fight against Bucky if the time came. That if was slowly turning to when. With each pack, Sam was also learning more rumors about Bucky. He’d taken Yelena, Alpha Romanov’s sister as a mate, a symbol for his alliance with the Black Widow pack. He’d also gained alliances with at least two smaller packs by challenging the Alphas and winning their packs through killing them. 
The conversations were turning more gruesome and you began to call Sam less and less. It wasn’t that you weren’t about your big brother but you knew he could take care of himself. Besides that, the more you think about home, the more you were distracted during your new life. There was a small town twenty minutes from your cottage, there were only about ten shops in the downtown area, and you’d manage to get a job at Wagging Pet Grooming. Your boss noted your incredibly unique energy that seemed to calm down any scared dog. 
A blonde woman entered the shop and you greeted her with a smile, expecting a dog to be in tow. You could tell she was shorter from just standing on the other side of the counter from her. She didn’t even have a purse, you noted, her hands in the back pocket of her jeans, “Hi, can I help you with something?”
The fact that you didn’t recognize her as one of the usual customers set off a small alarm in your mind. 
“Hi,” There was a layer of sweat on her forehead and she sounded as if she was out of breath, “I’m sorry to bother you. I’m not from around here, I was just stopping in my car for a second, and it totally pooped out. You wouldn’t happen to be able to jump me, would you?”
Her accent alone was a good indication that she wasn’t from here. You rounded the front counter, “Where’s your car?”
“In front of the hardware store across the street,” She pointed out the glass window.
“Uhm, let me close up the store, and I’ll bring my car around front.”
“Oh, thank you so much …” Her eyes met with your nametag, “Kelly, you’re saving my life.”
It was easier and safer for you to have a new name as well as a completely made up background. 
You did as you said. Bringing your dinged up jeep to the other side of the street where she was waiting. You had your own jumper cables and learning how to use them was one of the first things you learned when you went out on your own. 
You attached the cables the way you remembered, “Okay, I’m gonna turn my car on and then you try to start yours.” Her car was quite nicer than yours, a practically brand new crossover. 
It only takes two tries for her car to turn on. 
When you moved to detach the cables, she got out the car to hug you, “Oh my god, Kelly, you’re amazing,” It catches you off guard and you mostly go stiff though her hugging abilities are quite impressive, “Sorry, I should buy you lunch. Can I buy you lunch?”
You instantly shook your head, “No but thank you. I packed mine. And uhm, you should get driving anyways. You wanna keep the car running for a while.” 
“Oh,” She smiled brightly at you, “Well, I won’t bother you any longer. It was nice to meet you, Kelly. Us single girls have to stick together, right?”
The way she spoke your fake name made your mouth twitch, ruining the facade of the kind look you were giving her. She was beautiful, no doubt, and that made you curious why she was traveling alone. You supposed you could say the same thing about yourself. You said a brief goodbye to her, watching as she pulled away in her car. Her gaze was so intense before that you could almost feel it lingering on you still. 
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Sam warned you against shifting as well as making sure you were never being followed when returning from work. In this part of the country, the population was so small that there was rarely any news of crimes being committed. The last controversy you heard while in town was about one deer hunter accidentally shooting another. And you didn’t have to worry about deer hunters either. It would be impossible for a human to catch a Beta werewolf, gun or no gun. 
You could shift anytime you needed but the full moon was nearing and your wolf was aching to escape. You’d stick close by the perimeter of your property and you’d make your way back as soon as your wolf was satisfied. 
You left your work clothes folded by a tree, letting the light of the moon peeking through the trees soak your naked skin for a brief moment. You imagined that if you were a human girl, being naked in the woods at night would be a grave nightmare. For you, this felt like the most normal you could possibly be. 
 When you were in wolf form, there were no to do lists to go over and little to no worries that ever crossed your mind. You only thought of the stretching of your limbs, the wind through your brown fur, the presence of the moon goddess, and the desire to hunt. Your wolf certainly wouldn’t survive on your usual diet for vegetables and you found yourself more hungry for meat than usual. You traveled farther than usual, using a trail that you’d mentally mapped out yourself. 
Hunting was much easier in groups and you knew this. You decided to hunt a much smaller prey, one that didn’t have hooves and antlers that could injure you. You were careful when you spotted a rabbit along the trail. You kept your distance, following it for a long while, until it perked up, realizing that you were there and it was in imminent damage. The rabbit was fast but you were much faster. You pounced on it, immobilizing it with your paws before quickly biting its throat. You bit at it excitedly, starting with the largest internal organs.
Your excitement was short lived, suddenly realizing that you’d just become someone else’s prey. You were distracted long enough for another wolf to enter your vicinity but you wasted no time, deciding to sprint away as fast as you could. By the smell, you could sense lots of wolves, but most importantly, you could sense an Alpha. 
You weren’t weak by any means, but you weren’t as strong as you could be. There wasn’t enough time to think about Sam being right but you were sure that thought would come to haunt you later. You couldn’t lead them back to your cottage but you knew you couldn’t out run them forever. You were weak, and wolves could chase their prey for days on end. 
Suddenly, your chance to panic and plan was interrupted. Whoever had found you, caught up to you much faster than you could even comprehend. You turned up, trying to trip them up or send them tumbling into the base of the tree. They kept their footing despite your attempt, and just like the rabbit, you were pounced on next. 
You rolled together with a mass of muscle and black fur, the only sound in your ears was the Alpha’s deafening growl. Red eyes stared down at you as your body was pinned. You fought back of course, landing some deep bites to his skin, but that only left you open for him to stick his fangs deep into your neck. An Alpha’s bite to the neck served two purposes, to kill or to mate. When the Alpha didn’t immediately rip out your throat, confusion clouded you rather than fear. You were waiting to die and you certainly preferred it to the alternative. 
He slowly removed his teeth, leaving you whimpering loud enough to wake the dead. You were a Beta, you deserved the respect of being courted, of your father’s permission being granted, and your own approval being considered. 
He’d bit into your scent gland, marking you like you were an Omega. Worse than that. He’d marked you like you were less than Omega. 
You didn’t recognize his scent. Only that he smelt similar to those you knew from the Winter Pack. As you put the pieces together, Sam’s voice echoed in your head. 
Blood dripped from his mouth as he admired his word, sniffing the wound, before pressing his snout into your forehead. He was taking in your scent which was rapidly changing into one that would match a mated female. Through the corners of your eyes, you saw several wolves were now surrounding the two of you. They’d keep their because of him but you wish greatly someone would drag your body away or at least finish the job. 
You couldn’t keep your eyes open for much longer with the pain becoming too much. The last thing you saw was a blonde she-wolf, one with shining blue eyes, and you were lulled to sleep as she licked your wounds.
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It all happened to be a nightmare. That’s why you awoke in the lavender sheets and polkadot comforter of your own bed. The sun was peeking through your curtains like they always did and you already had your usual craving of a cup of hot coffee. All was fine, except you realized you could barely move your own face. As you turned your head only a little bit, pain shot through your body. 
Tears slipped down your face, from the pain and from the realization that you’d been mated without your consent. You were clothed, at least,  plaid pajamas wrapped your legs and you could tell you were wearing a t-shirt with the name of a state college. You reached to touch your neck, feeling the texture of a gauze. It took all your strength to sit yourself up. 
You noted the way the other side of your bed looked slept in. You closed your eyes, taking a painful breath as you swung your legs over the side of the bed. In the mirror sitting on top of your dresser, you could see your own reflection. You felt like a bus had hit you, but other than the blood soaked gauze on your shoulder, your face was glowing. Your eyes were brighter, your eyelashes longer, and even your plump lips had more color. 
Your phone came to mind. Your instinct was to call him though you didn’t know how’d you be able to face him once he laid eyes on the mark on your neck. You wanted to cry more but you forced yourself to wipe away your tears. He’d invaded your home, violated your body, and you couldn’t let him have one more thing over you. 
Mate bonds could only be broken by death. It was him or you. When your bedroom door opened, a shirtless man appeared, his thick muscles on full display. Instead of burning red eyes, you were looking into blue ones. A sharp contrast from yesterday. His hair was long and dark with facial hair peppering his jaw. What you saw yesterday night was a man of nightmares and you almost felt … underwhelmed by the sight of him. The big, bad Alpha was actually handsome.
Go to him. You are his. 
As he stepped inside the room, you backed yourself into the corner of the room. You winced at your movements, your hand rising to touch your neck. In his hands was a glass plate and you noticed the mountain of scrambled eggs, sausage links and strips of bacon. He lifted the plate, emphasizing it, as if he was saying it was meant for you. 
“Don’t come closer!” You strained to yell, “Don’t.” He took a few steps before kneeling down to place the plate on the ground, sliding it closer to you. 
Alpha wants to feed you. Let Alpha take care of you. 
When did your wolf become so needy?
The only reaction he displayed was annoyance. There was a standoff of looks between you and you didn’t move any closer to the food like he was expecting. You slid down the wall, pulling your knees to your chest, your hand cradling your wound as it ached. You breathed heavily to keep yourself from crying.
Bucky took a seat in front of your bedroom door. If you jumped out the window, you imagined he’d chase you and there was no way you were getting past him inside. The two of you stared at each other for a solid thirty minutes before Bucky moved. He crawled over to grab the plate from the floor and you were forced to watch as he devoured all of the food. 
When he finished, he stood up from his spot and left the room, “Where are you going?” You stood too, speed walking to the door, only to stop at its entrance. You watched from the door frame as he walked into your kitchen and began to scrub the plate. 
You walked to your front door which was adjacent to the small living room. Through the screen door you could see your jeep still out front. Your phone was probably still inside. As soon as you opened the door, a hand reached above you to close it. His scent surrounded you, threatening to suffocate you, and deep down you felt an urge to touch his naked chest. You did but only to push him away from you. He stepped back, not because you had any effect on you, but because he seemed to be granting you the space you wanted. 
You watched as he reached into his shorts, pulling out your phone and you quickly snatched it from his hands. Has he been through all of your stuff? You stepped away from him, feeling his eyes on your back, as you easily found Sam’s contact number. 
“Sam, I-I..” You couldn’t stop your voice from choking up, “I’m okay, I’m alive, just a little hurt.”
“What does that mean?” Your older brother rushed out. 
“Sam, don’t say anything. He’s listening,” You could feel his heart dropping to his stomach, “Remember what we talked about the last time you were here. You don’t need to send anyone after me and I don’t want you to see me like this, either. You’re prepared for this. You know the smart thing to do.”
“I’ll kill him.”
Sam rushing into battle after you would only get him killed. You hoped he’d eventually calm down and think clearly about this. 
“I’m sorry,” You told him solemnly, “I love you. Goodbye.” 
When you turned to look at Bucky, his arms were crossed over his chest. Sadness was replaced by pure hatred in your eyes. You didn’t care that he was an Alpha or that he’d staked his claim on you. You could still hurt him.
With all the energy you could muster, you rushed towards him, pelting him with your fists. That same annoyed look crossed his face. He didn’t even bother shielding himself, he took every hit you threw at him, and when he had enough, he yanked you up by your waist. Kicking and screaming, he brought you back to the bedroom. You’re a Beta, you should be able to at least hurt him, but every effort was futile. 
Do not hurt Alpha. Alpha will take care of us. 
He pinned you on the bed with your hands above your head. He straddled your legs as he carefully removed your bandage. With analytical eyes, he looked over your wound, and he did the last thing you were expecting or ready for, “Wait-”
He licked your wound. 
Alpha is healing us. 
You expected a sharp stinging but unbelievable pleasure spread through your body. All the pain was fading as you writhed beneath him. He was careful, cleaning you, and fast forwarding the healing process. This is what being mated was supposed to feel like yet you couldn’t accept this. Couldn’t accept him. 
Your body betrayed you and just from the touch of his lips against your shoulder, you climaxed hard. You hadn’t known your body could even do that but Bucky didn’t seem to be phased by it as he looked down into your drunken daze. 
The pain was gone but that didn’t make you any less frightened. The most dangerous Alpha in the country had you pinned beneath you. And he wasn’t at all finished with you, “Get off!” You begged, feeling as though he was pushing your pride lower and lower. 
He moved his legs from around you and before you could try to wiggle away, he was pulling down your bottoms, “No, no, no–” He let your arms go but quickly grabbed ahold of your waist. He flipped your body over, straddling your legs again. He pushed down on your back, pressing your chest and face into the bed as he pressed himself against your ass. You could feel just how ready he was, and as he pushed your panties to the side, he’d be able to tell how much your body was ready. 
“Bucky, please!” It was a desperate attempt to use his name. He marked you like you were random trash on the street, why would he care how you felt. 
Bucky didn’t waste time teasing you. As soon as his member was free, he was sheathing it deep inside of you. You felt you might melt into your sheets. You were so full of him. He was so much a part of you. Destroying you. He didn’t need to hold you down, only pull your hips back against him, as he did what was natural to him. You gripped the sheets tightly, a gasp forced out your lips with each hard thrust. 
The sounds that left his mouth were animalistic as he grinded his hips into you. The deeper he went, the more it hurt in the best way possible. He tortured you when he pulled himself all the way out of you only to push himself back in. You were crying again, this time from all the hormones being released inside you. You found yourself climaxing again causing your body to shake and your hips to spasm against him. 
Even after he spilled into you, he groaned and thrust himself inside you a few final times. You felt you collapse if he hadn’t held onto you. He turned you on your side, keeping himself inside of you, as he collapsed behind you. 
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Bucky had his way with you that exact way four more times that day. It was the same way for the next week. He’d make you food and he’d enter you from behind any chance that he got. You were forced to eat eventually, the constant sex leaving you even weaker than before. You explained to him that you had to go to work or your boss might get suspicious of your absence but he seemed to already know this. How long had he been tailing you and how had you not noticed? 
He drove you to work and picked you up right as your shift ended. Your boss asked about the new, mysterious man and she could hardly believe you had any sort of romantic interest. She didn’t seem to care enough to ask you any further questions and you supposed that there wasn’t anything a human could do to help you anyways. 
He didn’t leave your side much when you weren’t at work and he still hadn’t spoken a word to you. He took care of you, like your wolf had promised, bathing you and cuddling you into the most peaceful sleeps of your life. 
Your wolf was growing comfortable which frightened you close to death. 
Sam would come eventually, whenever he formed a big enough army, and what would he think of what you were turning into. You were below an Alpha’s mate. He didn’t even look at you as he rutted into you. He was only satiating his primal desires. 
One night after your shift, he didn’t lead you back into the cottage. He urged you to follow him to the tree line and you watched, stumbling back, as he shifted into his wolf form. Human you stared back at the six foot tall werewolf, and his eyes were a normal blue, telling you that he was calm. Your heart raced, your mind bringing you back to the mark on your neck, and he clearly felt your hesitancy.
Shift, you finally heard his voice. The word traveled over your skin and you could feel your wolf pushing to the front of your consciousness. It was a painful process, the snapping of your bones, causing you to cry out as you fell to your knees. Don’t fight it, you heard him again. 
Bucky towered over your whimpering figure and he began to press his snout into your neck before licking your face. A sign of affection as well as a sign of dominance. Your wolf was much happier to be with him. She followed him closely as he led her, feeling comfortable enough to even try to play with him. He held his head high, his tail in the air, as you ran around him. 
You traveled only a handful of miles before you reached what you knew was a camp. You stuck by Bucky as you passed a few shifted wolves. They bowed their heads as Bucky passed and moved through the camp. Large tents were set up in a circle, the middle of the camp serving as a place for food to be made, an area to socialize, a market, and stations for tools and weapons to be made. Even those in their human forms, bowed to their Alpha as we passed. Before you reached the largest tent at the end of the camp, Bucky shifted back into his human form and you soon heard the first word he’d actually spoken to you. “Shift,” He commanded, and like before, your wolf was forced to cooperate. 
Instinctively, your hands moved to cover your chest as you rose from the ground. You looked around, sure you looked like a frightened puppy, as your eyes met with a few members of the pack. You weren’t exposed for long as Bucky took your wrists in his hand, dragging you into the tent. You couldn’t note any of the features inside as your eyes immediately connected with a familiar blonde. The woman who needed help with her car. 
She’d clearly mellowed out, no longer having to fake her niceness. She wore a long, black sundress, her blonde hair tied in a bun, and her collarbone showed a mating mark just like yours. She approached you as Bucky walked away from you. For a moment, you were wishing he was holding you again. How was it that you were more frightened of her at that moment?
You still covered your chest, and in the corner of your eyes, you saw Bucky dressing himself. She eyes your neck marking, “That’s gnarly,” She commented. Her mark was much neater than yours, a sign that she had accepted it willingly, “How bad did it hurt?”
“Why?” Yelena knew what you meant by that. Your anger was obvious as you spoke through gritted teeth. 
“Hey, it wasn’t my idea. I’d never voluntarily put suppressants in my system,” That explained why you never smelt her and that meant she knew exactly what you were the entire time she was trying to get close to you, “I still wanted to meet you though. You’re much prettier than we were both expecting. We were expecting a carbon copy of Sam Wilson but you’re quite special.”
Instinctively, you looked to Bucky who was stoic as usual. They both had been watching you. Taking multiple mates was a common practice in the old days. It was rare nowadays as our populations were growing and the negative attitudes toward female shifters had changed. 
Bucky added nothing to the conversation, leaving the tent a moment later, “I’m sure you’ve noticed he’s not much of a talker. It’s always the quiet ones …” Yelena’s voice trailed off, “Let me get you something to wear.”
The dress she chose was a cream color, a contrast to hers, but you were glad to not be so vulnerable in front of her. The tent’s bed was low to the ground, covered in various quilts, and it was quite large in size. There was a bear skin rug to decorate the ground and several wooden baskets made for storage. Other than a small table that sat two, there was a wooden basin you assumed was for bathing. 
“What’s his plan?” You asked, sitting a few inches from Yelena on the edge of his bed. You finally had someone to actually communicate with and you wouldn’t waste the opportunity, “For me, I mean.”
“His evil plan?” She smiled mischievously, “My guess is he’s going to force an alliance with your Alpha Sam. He’d probably do anything for you, right?”
“He wouldn’t give up everything he believes in for me,” You shook your head. 
“Then he’ll die, I suppose,” You scowled at her and she raised her hands in defense, “Sorry, that was harsh. I just mean that everyone will surrender in the end, whether there’s war or not. But, don’t tell him I said this, I have a suspicion that he wants you for much more than an alliance.”
Eyebrows raised, you asked, “What do you mean?”
“He speaks your name in his sleep. I’ve noticed a few times. That’s why I was so curious to meet you.”
That could mean nothing. You hoped it meant nothing. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you were surprised you hadn’t flinched at her touch. You didn’t meet her eyes as her small fingers traveled over your scars. Although you hadn’t sensed she was a wolf when you first met, her scent still felt familiar. You realized you’d seen her on the night you were bitter. The blonde wolf, “I could feel how scared you were,” She spoke absentmindedly, “I didn’t like seeing you like that, but if there’s anything I learned these past months, is that Bucky doesn’t cause pain without a purpose.”
“Why did you choose this? To be with him?”
Your eyes closed as you felt a soft kiss on your shoulder. It was unusual, not feeling the stubble of Bucky’s beard. 
“I think you’ll see soon. I can tell my soul is similar to his, like we’ve been tortured by the same things. Bucky’s not so bad, really,” Her warm breath was gentle against your skin and you wondered how someone who wasn’t your mate could have this effect on you, “And he promised me that if I let him take the lead with me, he’d let me take the lead with someone else. I know you’re fighting much of your nature, but you can let your guard down with me.’
She was a Beta like you, you weren’t meant to follow her, but she wasn’t trying to force the submission out of you. It felt like you had a choice with her, and selfishly, you wanted to feel more of that. When she leaned in to kiss you, you didn’t pull away from her, and with her hand on your cheek, you let her guide you. 
Bucky never kissed your lips like this and you found yourself wanting her so bad that you kissed her until your lips were aching. You leaned back into the bed as she climbed on top of you, parting your legs with her knees. She pressed her knee towards your center, leaving you grinding against her desperately for more friction, “He fucks you like an animal, doesn’t he?” She purred, “You poor thing.”
She moved her leg in the center to your other side before she grabbed your hands. You thought she might pin them above your head but she placed them on her own hips, “He loses control with you. He wants to own you,” She pulled the ribbon from her hair, freeing it before she ran her fingers through it. All the while she was grinding her hips against you, allowing you to fully look at her, how her nipples poked through her thin dress and feel the curves of body, “I’m sure a girl like you needs a rough fucking every now and then but you want someone to make love to you, hmm?”
She held your breast in her hands, massaging them, as she skillfully moved her hips against your crotch. As her fingers tightly squeezed the most sensitive parts of your nipple, you thought you might cum from that alone, “Look at me,” She directed, snapping you from your trance, “I’ll teach you to make love, printcessa.”
She moved your hands to her bottom, encouraging you to squeeze and feel as she leaned down to resume your kissing.
“Go as slow as you want, and you don’t have to bounce. Grinding feels the best. You can control the speed and how deep you want it.” The first time you had sex was a few days ago and yet you had no idea how versatile it could be, “And let him see you. Let him gaze at you, take in all of your beauty. You’re the girl of his dreams. Don’t let him forget you’re the treasure, why else would he work so hard to have you.” 
“I can’t-” You moaned as she kissed your neck.
“You can,” She whispered into her ear. She suddenly stopped her movements, leaving you high and dry, “You will.”
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The camp of rogues wasn’t at all what you expected it to be. You couldn’t imagine them as the ones causing death and carnage all around the country. The people were almost friendly. Almost friendly because you were still an outsider to them and someone who was a supporter of modern pack dynamics. They followed Bucky because of his promise to bring back traditional values. They believed in him enough to kill and murder for him. 
You supposed you had no right to judge their sins after you let your moment with Yelena get so heated. Now, you were stuck to her side as she showed you around, “This place is only temporary. We’ve only been here a few weeks. Bucky plans on traveling south soon.”
“And what about everything I have here?”
“You have me now. You have us,” Yelena said matter-of-factly, “Don’t tell me you dream of working your whole life.”
“I dream of having something that’s mine.”
“Hmm,” Yelena carefully connected freshly picked flowers together. The two of you sat together on a picnic bunch, a group of women having gracefully provided her with several baskets of flowers, “Well, maybe if you play house good enough with Bucky, he’ll want to stay. It seems like he was having fun with you.”
“This is fucked,” Yelena giggled at that.
“You’re telling me. Here, let me show you how to make a lei.”
You held up your hand, “I can make a leigh. We used to make them all the time for the mating ceremon–” You turned to her with wide eyes, “A mating ceremony? When?”
“Tonight,” She stated and she scooted closer as she felt you begin to panic, “All the firsts are almost done. This is the last step, I promise, and then you can find your new normal.”
With watering eyes you looked at her, “And what do I say to Sam?”
“That you’re doing your best, printcessa.”
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The full moon shone above all of you, a cool breeze caressing you while the large bonfire warmed you simultaneously. There was singing all around you, the lyrics of pagan songs about the moon goddess provided sweet sounds in your ear. It calmed you almost as much as all the red win in your system. 
There was a lot of dancing, even before the ceremony was to take place. Bucky sat alone on a tree stump watching as you and Yelena hopped together around the fire. Every now and again, she’d press her lips to yours, allowing you to taste the wine on her own lips. 
The song was about dancing, dancing around the fire, spirits dancing, the moon goddess dancing, all under the moonlight, “Come,” Yelena suddenly grabbed your hand, dragging you around the circle and you were laughing until suddenly you were chest to chest with him. He grabbed your arms to steady you and you almost saw the hint of a grin on the evil Alpha’s lips, “My beautiful lovers. I could cry just looking at you.”
She joined you and Bucky’s hands together. The singing continued, this time a softer ballad about how the Moon Goddess gave each one of her creatures a soulmate. A lei of red flowers was placed over your head and a lei of white flowers was placed over him. A transfer of innocence. In your case, it was forcefully taken.
Everyone began to surround the two of you, red candles in each of their hands. “Alpha, take Y/N as your lawfully wedded mate. Be faithful to her in times of strife, bring children lovingly from the Goddess’s arms, and honor her for the rest of her life,” It was perfectly recited by every member, and soon, in the eyes of the Moon Goddess, the two of you were wed. 
The celebrations began again and would most likely continue until the early hours of the morning. It was customary to cover the sounds of the bride and groom’s consummation. Bucky kept one of your hands in his and your other was quickly warmed again by Yelena’s as they led you back to the tent. 
Bucky’s face was warm with color and you now knew that this is what he looked like when he was happy. He didn’t waste any time with you, burying his face above your scent gland, as he pulled the sleeves of your dress down. The fabric piled at your feet, leaving you completely exposed, but you weren’t frightened of it like before. 
“Sit,” He told you and you slowly sat down on the bed, “Yelena.” The way he spoke her name was like dripping honey. 
He did the same to her, undressing her slowly, but she had the honor of undressing him next. You watched them kiss and you couldn’t help but imagine her lips on yours, how softly possessive they were. Her hands wandered lower to his manhood, palming the large member. He grunted and he must’ve felt overwhelmed because his hand wrapped around her throat, allowing him more control. 
When they finally pulled away, your legs were crossed over each other, your center beginning to ache. Bucky looked at you with so much hunger and you moved further back on the bed in an attempt to brace yourself. Yelena lingered beside the bed, taking her time to watch the two of you next.
As he crawled on top of you, you held out your hand, pressing against his chest to stop him, “Bucky, wait,” He was confused by your effort to touch him and only responded by pushing your hand away. He used all his strength to grab you by your hips and turn your body over. You gripped the sheets tightly and you could barely take in a deep breath before he was pushing into you. 
His first movements were slow but deep, and you winced at every single one. You tried to keep your balance as you held yourself on all fours even as he began to pound into you. A calming hand ran across the length of your back before it began to play in your hair, “Slow, rodnoy,” She spoke to him, using a pet name in her native tongue, “You’ll break her before she has a chance to pleasure me.”
Bucky was still taking you from behind, this time slower, as she placed a kiss on your shoulder and then leaned down to kiss your cheek. She maneuvered herself in front of you, sitting as she spread her legs before you, “Kiss me here,” She told you, her voice calm and nurturing, “Touch me how you’d like to be touched.”
You did as she said, kissing her thighs and then above her sensitive center. You felt her shudder when you placed a kiss on her sensitive spot. She guided you more, telling you to make long strokes with tongue. You moaned against her, unable to control yourself, but this seemed to amuse her. She encouraged you to tease her, to slowly build things up and you tried your best despite the fact that you were orgasming. When you were finally focusing on her bulb, her legs began to shake, “Right there, don’t stop,” You tried not to change your pressure or your movement, sensing that her climax was near. She cradled your head in her hand, pressing you more into her as she grinded out her orgasm, “Mmmm, good girl.”
As she recovered, she got on her knees, lifting your body and allowing you to lean on her. Your lips met with her, her sweet flavor swirling between you. Bucky increased his pace and you held onto Yelena for support.
“Darling, let her look upon your face,” Yelena said to him gently, “Trust me.”
You thought you might collapse when he pulled out of you but Yelena was there to hold onto you. Her eyes were loving when your eyes connected again. She’d seen you at your most vulnerable but that made her like you more. 
Bucky laid down on the bed, his hands caressing Yelena’s bottom but his eyes were on you. He’d be able to see all of you, truly, and that should’ve frightened you more than it did. You straddled Bucky and Yelena was the one to help guide you inside of him. It was much more intense when you were lowering yourself down at your own speed. 
Bucky’s hands moved to your waist while you held onto his chest. It was almost too much, your senses felt completely invaded, but you remembered how Yelena told you that you could control your own pace. 
You’re the girl of his dreams. 
Yelena looked at you like you were the girl in hers. You slowly let him move in and out of you, your bulb grinding against his pelvis. The way he was looking at you, admiring your movements as much as your face and body, gave you a surge in confidence. You saw him grit his teeth and that made you move faster. You imagined the amount of pleasure he must be in and then your mind wandered to Yelena. 
She noticed your worries, “Don’t worry about me. It’s your wedding night, he should be finishing inside of you,” As she said those words, Bucky suddenly grabbed her hips causing her to yelp. He forced her onto his face, grabbing ahold of her bottom and thighs as he took her into his mouth. Her yelp turned into a giggle and you found yourself smiling too. 
You and Yelena orgasmed together and soon Bucky was spilling into you. 
That night, the three of you were tucked in tightly to each other, Yelena laid against you and Bucky was big enough to hold you both. 
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One month later, you sat on top of the bathroom counter, watching curiously as Yelena brought scissors to Bucky’s hair. He was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, a pink towel wrapped around his neck that made him look silly. 
“How’s it looking to you?” Yelena asked. 
He looked very different but the haircut allowed for more of his face to show. In a way, it made him look less intimidating. 
“I think you could go shorter.”
“No,” Bucky was quick to say. With both you and Yelena around to talk his ear off, it was no wonder that the man was learning to speak more. 
“Hey, who’s the hair stylist here?” The grumpy wolf had no reaction, “I’m almost done, it won’t be too short. You have two beautiful women on your arm, you can’t look like caveman.”
A lot had changed in a month. Both Bucky and Yelena had gotten comfortable in the small cottage and Bucky’s plans to move south were delayed. Just as Sam was building his army, Bucky was doing the same. Unlike Sam, Bucky now had a real family which he was going to use to his advantage when trying to convince other packs to join him. 
There wasn’t anything you could do to remove the mark on your neck. Perhaps you should’ve fought harder or laid your life down on the line. You hadn’t expected to fall for Yelena, and in turn, let her coax you into loving an unlovable man. 
You worried what you would say to Sam. You didn’t want to hurt him but you didn’t want to hurt either. Things were easier when you accepted them. Hopefully he’d understand that.
“I like it,” You said to her, smiling wide. 
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steverogersistheguy · 7 months
Y'all, I take requests.
Things I ONLY write for: SMUT; NONCON/DUBCON; dark elements such as kidnapping; fluff; violence; Dom/Sub
CHARACTERS I only write for: CHRIS EVANS CHARACTERS: *Andy Barber *Steve Rogers *Ransom Drysdale *Pete Brenner *Lloyd Hansen SEBASTIAN STAN CHARACTERS: *Nick Fowler *Bucky Barnes *Lance Tucker *Lee Bodecker *Chris Beck CHRIS HEMSWORTH CHARACTERS: *Thor Odinson *Tyler Rake *Steve Abnesti TOM HIDDLESTON CHARACTERS: *Loki Laufeyson *Jonathan Pine *Dr. Robert Laining *Cpt. Nichols OTHER CHARACTERS: *Rafe Cameron *JJ Maybank *Tony Stark *Brock Rumlow
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
SamBucky Halloween Bingo 2022 Fill 1: Dark and Stormy Night
Hey, people! This is my first fill for @sambuckyhalloweenbingo2022 for the prompt "Dark and Stormy Night". This is also for my WinterFalcon Bingo Round Two Card by @winterfalconevents, for U3: "There Was Only One Bed". Please enjoy my soft little post-TWS fic! 🥰
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Before You Go
| Pairing: SamBucky | Rating: M | WC: 1.6K |
Summary: On a dark and stormy night while Sam's house sitting Sarah's place in Delacroix, he hears a knock at the door...
Sam knew he could hear Sam wandering down the stairs, quilt draped around Sam. Sam knew he could feel every movement of the wood flooring as Sam made his way through the foyer to the front door. Lightning crackled when Sam opened the door. As if for dramatic effect. As if to warn Sam. The scruffy, sheepish face of a man on the lam before him. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four Mississippi, five… Sam heard the boom of thunder. “That’s five blocks away, right?” asked Bucky over the roar of the rain, “You count the seconds for each block.” Bucky was drenched. Shivering like a wet, surprised cat. As if he thought being a super soldier would make him waterproof and recently went through a rude awakening. Sam snorted at the whole wet cat look of Bucky. Confused and a little annoyed by water he should have known fully well would soak him. “Five seconds means the lightning hit a mile away,” Sam said, amused. “Stop smiling at me,” grumbled Bucky halfheartedly. Sam grinned wider.
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our-destiny · 1 year
Hello! I just wanted to announce that I will be writing for Marvel now! I will also be accepting requests for Marvel. And I will also now be writing nsfw. Please check my pinned post for more info on that.
Characters I will write for:
Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker (Tom Hollands version only), the Winter Soldier, Thor, Loki
I feel most comfortable writing dark/yandere content or platonic content, familial or friendly.
I already have a dark! Bucky wip that I will be uploading soon.
Update: it's been posted :]
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 8 months
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boo! surprise bitches! i'm doing kinktober this year! finally doing it! bet you didn't see that one coming, did you hehe 🕸
there is a good mix of both short and long stories coming your way throughout this (and i will also still occasionally post other fics this month that aren't related to this). also, a handful of these fics are darker in nature, thought it was fitting for halloween, so remember to read the warnings, if there's something that's not for you then please, as always, be kind to yourself and don't read the story.
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day one | sore
stepbro!sirius black x cheerleader!reader + dubcon massage
day two | don't smile
steve rogers + throat fucking + size kink
day three | stuffed
devil!eddie munson & angel!steve harrington + tentecles + double penetration in one hole
day four | a little fashion show
best friend!stiles stilinski + lingerie
day five | stay still
peter parker + bondage
day six | hold up, let me record this
jj maybank + tittyfucking + sextape
day seven | the palace guards
guards!poly!marauders x princess!reader + secrets relationship
day eight | it’s practically like we’re down there with them
mob boss!bucky barnes + exhibitionism
day nine | keep that pretty mouth shut
tommy shelby + keep quiet quickie
day ten | I couldn’t find it in me to wake you
poe dameron + somno thigh fucking
day eleven | I just want you a little longer all to myself
matt murdock + secret office sex
day twelve | nothing more than a toy
rafe cameron + using you like a toy to masturbate with
day thirteen | I still got a few rounds left in me
boxer!steve rogers + bathtub sex
day fourteen | open your fucking mouth
dark!wild west cowboy!joel miller + gun kink
day fifteen | tiny
miguel o'hara x fairy!reader + extreme size difference
day sixteen | the wall between us
cult member!steve harrington + fem glory hole + breeding
day seventeen | be a rebel, be bad, stay here and cuddle with me
spencer reid + aftercare
day eighteen | pleasant pile of pillows
brother's best friend!james potter + pillow humping
day nineteen | ring ring
sam winchester x reader x bf!dean winchester + phone sex + cheating
day twenty | window
perv!neighbour!billy russo + voyeurism
day twenty-one | say yes
fiancé!bruce wayne + possessiveness
day twenty-two | i can think of something better than that
bucky barnes + anal
day twenty-three | double check
dark!professor!ben solo + power imbalance + manipulation
day twenty-four | maroon
vampire!remus lupin + biting + blood kink
day twenty-five | i want you
pirate captain!miguel o'hara + sex as payment
day twenty-six | teamwork
pro football team!avengers (bf!steve rogers, bucky barnes, pietro maximoff, clint barton, sam wilson, tony stark, thor odinson) + gangbang
day twenty-seven | my little flower
din djarin + fantasy au + cockwarming
day twenty-eight | hysteria
doctor!aleksander morozova x hysteria patient!reader + historical au + fuck machine
day twenty-nine | can't fight the moonlight
werewolf!bucky barnes x gf!reader + predator/prey + monsterfucking
day thirty | magical mimic
eddie munson x witch!reader + magical mutual masturbation
day thirty-one | you can’t put it in
stepbro!peter parker + halloween pussyjob
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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chxrryhansen · 4 months
౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ Cherry’s Cevans One Shot Rec List
here you will find all of my favourite chris evans + characters fanfiction recommendations, i have many more to add and will continue to update this list. Please don’t forget to reblog these amazing writers fics as they deserve so much love!💘💘
Walk On The Wild Side - @hansensgirl
you just wanted to go for a stroll down the road—but he wants you to take a walk on the wild side. (Dark!Chris Evans)
You Better Not Pout, Better Not Cry - @hansensgirl
they know if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. (Dark!Multi character) - i would add every single one of her fics to this list if i could💘
Sinful Devotion - @evansbby
Lloyd promises to let you go, but he demands a depraved repayment. (In other words, Lloyd pops your cherry)- my favourite writer in the whole universe💘
Smothered With Bliss - @whereireid
Is it hard being married to the most influential man in America? You most certainly think it is. — Steve Rogers: Captain America, the heart of his nation, the soul of his country. After returning home from a particularly bad day at work, Steve finally snaps, deciding you need re-educating on how to be the perfect housewife.
The Night - @misshoneybee
Working as the Barber family's nanny is a piece of cake, but what happens when the dad you've been tip-toeing around all year comes home late one night to find you asleep in his bed, wearing his favorite sweater?
Little Miss Red - @anika-ann
Ransom’s looking for a good time tonight, when you walk through the door, he knows he’ll get it. And you? Oh you’ll get it too. He's going to make sure of it.
Unholy Errand - @buckets-and-trees
You're caught in the crosshairs when a hit goes out for your boss. (Dark!Lloyd Hansen + Dark! God The Bounty Hunter + Ransom Drysdale)
What A Shirt Can Tell - @justalonelyslytherin
5+2 times Colin asked 'Is that my shirt?' plus the one time he got asked it. Aka a look through the journey of Colin and his girl, each in which his shirts play an important role.
Start Again - @wkemeup
A chemical spill, uncontrollable desires rushed to the surface, an unbridled need, and the consequences in the aftermath (Steve Rogers)
Daddy’s Little Pet - @sinner-as-saint
You and Steve are the epitome of ‘opposites attract’. He is the American hero, a super soldier who is known for his bravery, and righteousness and for being the one leading the Avengers. You, on the other hand, are a well-known fashion designer in the city. Creator and owner of your own brand, and elite boutique. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like you and Steve would be compatible. But you surprisingly are. And behind closed doors, in secrecy – you two are each other’s solace, each other’s definition of home. He’s your strong, loving and caring man. And you, his lovely, little pet whom he adores more than life itself.
Good Girls And Skype Calls - @youre-deadangel
chris gives you a treat for behaving.
Afternoon Delight - @christowhore
you're steve's live-in housekeeper and find your boss and his friends having a bbq on a heatwave stricken afternoon. they invite you to join them and show you all the pleasurable ways to cool down from the sun. (SoftDark!Steve Rogers + Sam Wilson + Bucky Barnes)
Got You - @hispeculiartreasure
The two of you had grown close over the last year; first as teammates, then as friends. You had been distant at the start, just as he had. Slowly, agonizingly - blood, sweat, and tears were definitely involved - walls were dismantled. A current of trust ran between you, one which caught Steve by surprise. As dense as he could be about matters of the heart, suspicions of his blossoming romantic feelings being mutual had proven true with a simple kiss. (Sex Pollen, Steve Rogers)
Golden Boy - @bucksfucks
you’ve always called steve the golden boy, but he snaps one night and decides to show you he’s anything but. (Roommate!Steve Rogers)
It Must Be That Old Evil Spirit - @vonalyn
There’s something unsettling about his demeanor but you can’t quite put your finger on it. As if there’s something hiding beneath the surface just waiting to pry its way out of the tight shirt across his broad frame and tear your throat out. Maybe it’s your general unease around others when you’re traveling alone, or maybe it’s just him.  (Jack-O-Lantern!Ari Levinson)
Stupid Kitty - @onsunnyside
Your father wrongfully entrusted Lloyd to care for you—it’s too bad he’ll never get you back. (Lloyd Hansen x Cat-Hybrid!Reader)
Manners- Or Lack Of Them - @rogerswifesblog
Ransom wants you, the sweet girl at the bar…but you’re not what he expected you to be. (Sub!Ransom Drysdale + Mommy!Reader)
Shadow Boxer - @mypoisonedvine
you’re stuck in the same destructive cycle with ransom, but maybe you don’t want to get out of it. (Angst + Smut, Ransom Drysdale)
It’s Not A Challenge - @gagmebucky
His jaw ticks. “It’s not a challenge, doll,” he bites out. “It’s a warning. If I tried to get inside you, I’d split you in half in the process.” His eyes flicker down, and your nipples are pebbles against the thin, easily-rippable fabric—you’re testing him, and he’s failing. “Goddamn it,” he hisses underneath his breath. “That - that shouldn’t turn you on.” Bristling, he drops his hand and pedals backward—he’s on his last thread, and it’s his sole chance to make a clear-headed decision. (Boxer!Steve Rogers)
Pretty Princess - @frostironfudge
Andy Barber gets jealous when he presumes you shared a room with one of his associates.
Over And Over - @frostironfudge
Ari Levinson is a possessive man, he'll punish you till you apologise.
Such A Good Boy - @lilacevans
You and Ari attend a business meeting, and at the beginning the other boss you're meeting with just assumes that Ari is the one in charge; however, that's not the case. While you look dainty, angelic, like you couldn't even hurt a fly, you're the one who runs the family and will not hesitate to fuck up anyone who stands in your way. (Puppy!Ari Levinson) - one of my favourite fics EVER.💘
Breathe - @buckyownsmylife
The one where the new co-star is obsessed with the idea of making Chris hers, but he makes sure to show her you’re the only one for him.
Justified - @dbnightingale24
Ransom has always been the center of your world you’ve always been the center of his. However, when he can’t change his ways and you’re tired of the heartbreak, is it really so bad if you think it’s best to walk away? Ransom thinks so. - one of the sweetest most talented writers i have ever met💘
My, My, My - @1800jjbarnes
Stevie couldn't help it. Every time he saw you, he felt himself grow heavy in his slacks. You were everything he needed. And he needed you now.
All The Time - @geminixevans-stan
He is one of the most powerful men on earth but there’s more worse than him (Dark!Lloyd Hansen + Dark!Nick Fowler)
Snack - @katherineswritingsblog
he just wants his snack- which is you.
Watchful Eyes - @espinosaurusrexex
When your best friend gets you a new job, cleaning the apartment of the most successful man in New York City, you don't hesitate to accept. The pay is more than good, and the man himself is better than any eye candy you have ever seen. Unbeknownst to you, you've caught his attention just as much. Steve can't keep his mind off you, so much so, that he drives everyone around him insane with his grumpiness when you aren't around. It seems like he has to take matters into his own hands when he realizes, you're too shy to take things further yourself. (CEO!Steve Rogers)
Cherry On Top - @dcllbows
you’ve found your favorite way to help your daddy with his grownup work. (Ddlg, Daddy!Andy Barber)
Voracious - @arilevinsons
The first time he set eyes on you; you were his sudden infatuation. (DarkProfessor!Ari Levinson)
Best Friend’s Dad - @imyourbratzdoll
you've been pining over your best friend's dad and decide to take your chance, knowing he's out and your best friend is asleep, you be a little bit naughty and touch yourself on his bed, not knowing he's coming home early.
The Breeding Ground - @fl0werfae
To others, Ari’s house was a breeding ground for him and his omega, but to him it was just fulfilling her purpose of carrying his pups. (Alpha!Ari Levinson)
My Sweet Pea - @mavsstar
Mr. Levinson lives right next door to you, the sweet, innocent college girl. Little do you know that you're Mr. Levinson's favorite neighbor. He's there every chance you need the slightest of help, maybe a little too much. (Trailer Park Au)
Like A Movie Scene In The Sweetest Dream - @worksby-d
Johnny’s always been on your “no” list, but you've finally agreed to work with him. (Pornstar!Johnny Storm)
Easy As Pie - @navybrat817
You bake pies for Andy, but you're still his favorite treat.
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
Hey, can you do something with where the reader is pregnant in mafia stucky and Bucky and Steve are super protective about her?
Our Little Bean // Mafia!Stucky x Fem!Reader
A/N: Thank you for your request, this has been requested quite a few times by many people so I hope you do enjoy!
Important note for readers: I'm currently working within maternity services within the UK so the pregnancy side of this is all based on a UK perspective but it's set in the US so apologies if anything is different over there. Also, the signs and symptoms are based on my bestie's pregnancy so thank you for letting me use these!
ALSO: I'm sorry if I don't do any more pregnancy/baby fics, I wanted to just do this one and return to the normal trio we had before.
Tags: 18+ readers only, unplanned pregnancy, fluff (LOTS!), comfort, soft steve/bucky, protectiveness, pregnancy kink, pet names, pregnancy symptoms discussed in detail, crying, family/domestic fluff, tooth-rotting goodness!
Words: 6.9k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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Your nausea never seemed to settle, barely being able to keep down dry toast or sips of water and then there was the immense exhaustion, finding yourself to be lucky if you were awake for an hour before falling asleep again. This, paired with the dizzy spells and dull aches in your temples, it was safe to say that you were done with feeling unwell and you definitely blamed Sam Wilson for this. He’d turned up to work last week feeling unwell, slightly different symptoms to yours as he had a head cold but ill nonetheless and now, here you were, collapsed onto the couch in the living room, under a mount of blankets.
It wasn’t all bad however as Bucky had stayed home to look after you and he was doing a good job of it too, but he and Steve were always extra attentive when you were unwell and had been taking it in turns to stay home, with Steve having stayed with you yesterday.
Bucky today had helped you wash, changed into fresh pyjamas and then carried downstairs, tucking you into your little fort before sitting on the floor and reading the book you were halfway through reading. You were too tired to read and didn’t want to keep your eyes open so Bucky offered, which was hilarious to hear him trying to read along and then asking questions as to the type of books you’ve been reading.
“So who is this Rhysand guy? Just some hotshot king or something?” he asked, lowering the book to look at your resting face. You smiled tiredly at his question, opening one eye to look into his confused expression, he was already invested in your book, even though he had started more than halfway through.
“Something like that”, you replied, voice croaking from needing water which he was quick to notice, lifting the glass with the straw to your mouth and you hummed your thanks, taking a sip and closing your eye once more.
You fell back to sleep again and woke to be carried, noticing that it was dark outside with another day passing as Steve carried you up the stairs, having returned home from work. Your arms were trapped into the blanket cocooned you were being carried in so you nuzzled your face into his neck to let him know you were awake.
Steve tilted his head, kissing the top of yours as he placed you into the centre of your shared bed, “think you’re up for eating some chicken noodle soup?”
“Did you make it?”, your voice was full of hope as you blinked open your eyes to look up at him but made no attempt to move just yet.
“Of course, only the best for you”. Steve left to retrieve your soup, giving you time for another quick snooze, before he was back and shaking your shoulders. With his help, you untangled yourself from the soft blankets and attempted to sit up but were hit with a wave of dizziness, having to stop and close your eyes to get your bearings straight before it subsided and you could sit up properly. Steve was looking at you with a knowing glance as he sat on the edge of the bed, a warm noodle soup bowl in his lap that he began to spoon-feed you - something he insisted on. “You know I’m going to call the doctor, right?”
You release a frustrated huff, you didn’t need the doctor, “It’s fine though, it’ll pass. Sam said it took him 4 days before he started to feel better and I’m only on day 3”.
“Baby, you’re on day 4 and you said this all yesterday and it’s only getting worse”, he stated everything matter-of-factly but you were still shocked that you’d somehow missed an entire day. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to see a doctor and there was no use arguing with Steve when it came to your health.
So after you’d finished half a bowl of the soup before feeling queasy, Steve excused himself to call his doctor who just so happened to be a close family friend. Of course, you had fallen asleep before the Doctor arrived and being rudely awakened made you feel even more groggy and unwell as Steve whispered, “Sorry honey, but Doctor Banner’s here to check you over”.
Steve excused himself so the Doctor could check you over properly without feeling pressured by the mafia boss in the room. Doctor Banner put you at ease though with his warming personality and you’d met him on a few occasions anyway when Steve or Bucky were more injured through an event with work, but you’d never had him look after you before.
The two of you ran through the general list, ‘When did you start feeling like this?’, ‘What are your symptoms?’, before he began doing your vital signs, temperature and blood pressure, all just normal procedures.
“Could you be pregnant?” he casually asked as he velcroed the blood pressure cuff from your arm.
Frowning you answered, “Um no…no, I’m on birth control, so I shouldn’t be”.
“Do you mind if we do a quick test just to tick it off of the list? All you need to do is pee in this cup and I’ll dip a test strip into it”.
You wobbled to the toilet on unsteady feet, realising this is probably the first time you’d properly walked in days because the boys insisted on carrying you everywhere. As you used the toilet, you didn’t think anything of the test, leaving the cup on the side for the doctor and returning back to bed, wondering if he’s going to give you some antibiotics or just see how you get on over the next few days.
After a few minutes, your eyes were closed but you could hear the Doctor returning so you asked, “So, do you think it’s just the flu like I said-”
“It’s not the flu, your test was positive”.
Your eyes snap open to look at him, sitting up and feeling dizzy but ignoring it, “what? What do you mean it’s positive?”
Doctor Bruce held up the little white strip that had two purple lines on it. You looked between the test and his face as he calmly smiled, “You’re pregnant”.
“What if the test is wrong? Can we do it again?” Thankfully he didn’t fight you on this and gave you the packet of tests, you grabbed two and stumbled back to the bathroom. Both strips gave the exact result and now it felt like your heart was coming out of your mouth it was pounding so hard and loudly in your ears.
“Take a deep breath for me”, Doctor Banner calmly instructed as he placed a steady hand on your back in case you needed extra support. You took a few deep breaths, not even realising that you had been holding your breath. Gripping onto the bathroom side, you began to feel dizzy again so he helped you back to bed waiting until you were settled before continuing.
“This explains your symptoms, I’d say you were in your early stages of pregnancy so we’ll book an appointment with the midwife tomorrow and sort out things like a scan. You may feel that your symptoms get worse over the next few weeks and if they do, you can always call me back but otherwise, stay rested and take it easy”.
You were only half listening. Midwife? Scans? Symptoms getting worse? There was so much for your brain to process. There was an actual baby inside of your body right now, a part of you and… who? Your anxiety was increasing with each second as you tried to let the words sink in as the Doctor packed his stuff away. Did you want to have a baby right now? You had always wanted kids but were you even ready at this stage of your life but then again… was anyone ready for a baby when they were accidentally knocked up?
Then the knocked-up by who question echoed through your thoughts. You obviously didn’t know if the baby was Steve's or Bucky’s, so would they be upset about this? If it was planned at least there could be some way you could arrange who to have sex with to know for sure but now… you were all in the dark about the paternity. You didn’t care if it was Steve or Bucky, you were always a trio in every sense of the word but now that this was your reality, would they be pissed off? And were they even ready for kids? The business took so much of their time and was still very dangerous but this was bound to happen eventually as you all wanted children.
Bucky and Steve had always been very open that they wanted kids, especially Bucky with his affection name for you being ‘mama’, he often would talk about his fantasy of seeing you barefoot and pregnant with his kid. So, at least you knew they were on the same page about wanting to have children but now it was the stress of is now the right time and who was the father of the baby?
You were vaguely aware of the Doctor bidding his farewells, “I’ll speak to you tomorrow and I’ll let you tell your partners the good news”. You offered a half-assed wave to him as he left, before staring at your hands in your lap, completely petrified for the next few minutes.
Steve and Bucky wandered in a few beats later, sitting on either side of you on the bed but you couldn’t look them in the eye, trying desperately to hold it together.
“Everything ok, Doll? The Doc didn’t tell us what was wrong, just said you would explain”, Bucky asked, stroking a finger down your arm to try and soothe you but it was enough to make you break.
You burst into tears, hiding your face in your hands.
“Honey? What is it? Talk to us”, Steve encouraged, attempting to pull your hands away from  your face but you held them there tightly so instead, he pulled your body into his lap, your legs over his thighs so that you could hide your face into his chest, the sobs building in intensity and everything was just so overwhelming. You were excited, scared, relieved but nervous, it was a lot to handle.
Steve and Bucky encouraged you to talk to them both, becoming more unsettled with your increasing hysterics. It took a few minutes to calm down, and it helped as Bucky held both your hands, rubbing circles into your skin and Steve wrapped his arms around your shoulders, holding you close to his body. You decided it was better to just tell them than keep it to yourself any longer.
With your face still pressed into Steve’s face, you whispered “I’m pregnant”, however, it was so muffled and quiet that neither man heard you.
“What was that sweetheart?”, Steve asked, trying to pull you away enough that both men could see your tear-stained face.
The words sounded strange coming from your mouth as you kept your head hanging lowly, mumbling, “I’m pregnant”.
You knew that they had heard this time by the way both completely froze, not even breathing as they processed the news. Bucky finally whispered, “What?”
You still couldn’t look at him, scared you’d see disappointment or anger in his eyes.
“Are you sure?” Steve asked in such a faint voice you were shocked it was even from him.
Nodding your head at his question you explained, “We checked a couple of times, he thinks I’m still in my early pregnancy but-ah!”
You jumped as Bucky all but tackled you and Steve, his lips kissing every part of your face that he could reach and when he pulled back enough to cup your cheeks, you took in the glowing grin on his face, his eyes twinkling with love as he shouted, “you’re pregnant! We’re having a baby!”
Steve then seemed to snap out of his initial shock and his arms tightened and lifted your body further up so he could kiss your face just as happily as Bucky before nuzzling into your neck, breathing you in, “I love you so much sweetheart, I can’t believe it! Wait, why were you crying, are you not excited?”
He relaxed his hold on you so that they could both see you properly and you had room to look at them both. “I... I am excited! I just wasn’t sure how you would both react as I don’t know which of you is the dad-”
Bucky leans across and kisses your lips quickly cutting off your sentence, the grin still broad across his face, “I don’t fucking care, if the baby has my genes or Steve’s, we’re all in this together, remember? That’s what we’ve agreed on”.
“So you aren’t upset?” you wanted to clarify.
“Fuck no hot mama… and you’re actually going to be a mama! This little bean is ours, all of ours!”
You were crying again with relief, “you really mean that?”
His eyes softened, kissing the corner of your mouth, “Of course I do”.
“We both mean it, I… I can’t believe it, I’ve always wanted to be a Dad”, Steve admitted, kissing your temple and as you looked up, you could see his eyes glistening with unshed tears which only made you smile and cry harder.
Steve made the move first, lowering his hand over your abdomen, resting over your stomach where there was no bump yet but knowing there was something growing inside you, he couldn’t help the relieved gasp. Bucky was quick to cover his hand and yours on the top so the three of you were feeling where the baby would be. “I can’t believe we’re going to be parents!”
The next few days were a whirlwind of excitement and unimaginable joy whilst also still feeling relatively unwell, especially feeling more exhausted as you wanted to buy every pregnancy book and read them all but soon fell asleep with it open in your lap.
Then there was Steve and Bucky who could not contain their excitement, going above and beyond for you, especially with you still feeling ill. They would cook and feed you, if you were too tired, refill your glasses of water, constantly ask if you were comfortable and more than happy to fetch another pillow if needed. Not only this, but their levels of affection had increased massively, whispering their love for you at any opportunity, holding your hands, and lots of kisses, it was so nice to feel this level of love when going through such a life-changing experience.
Both of them had been just as motivated to read about pregnancy, birth, babies, and the whole lot from A to Z, they researched everything that was possible and then gave you the rundown on what your bodily changes would be including what you couldn’t eat, vowing to not eat the same items until you could which you didn’t seem necessary but appreciated the gesture.
Then there was the excitement of going to the Midwife’s appointment and it all became so much more real again, especially being able to book the ultrasound scan. This was where you found out that you were 8 weeks and 3 days and the entire world seemed to pause around the three of you as you watched your baby's tiny heartbeat on the screen.
To say you all cried was an understatement, all of you not taking your eyes off of the scan picture that was provided, the little bean was so tiny, only just being able to tell the outline of its arms and legs. Now it felt official. You, Steve and Bucky were going to have a baby.
Many things changed including protection that increased tenfold. Security around your home doubled and you had not only Sam Wilson as your bodyguard but also Natasha. Not only this but if you attending the business or in public, Steve and Bucky would crowd around you, almost like a human shield, their overprotective instincts on overdrive, even from people who were just at the check-outs in stores. Sam and Natasha were confused by the sudden dynamic intensity and it was hard to keep it all a secret but you had all decided to wait just a little while longer and continue with your unknown illness excuse just until the baby had grown a little bit bigger.
This was something else that you had to get used to with adjusting to the many bodily changes you were going through to adapt to growing this baby. A few days following the scan, you’d come downstairs to Steve cooking you scrambled eggs which were your usual favourite breakfast but as soon as you smelt those cooking eggs, you were gagging and rushing to the toilet, throwing up violently.
Your eyes were watering as you finally stopped emptying your stomach but still gagging as you could smell the lingering eggs in the air. A warm hand rubbed circles over your back, Steve’s apologetic voice came from behind you, “Sorry, baby. No more eggs”.
This was the first instance of vomiting and it wasn’t just eggs, as every single day you would be throwing up and then feeling extremely tired afterwards that you weren’t able to do much throughout the day but be with your head in the toilet or lying in bed. The boys were almost glued to your side during this time, worried that you weren’t keeping enough food or drinks down and even had to call Doctor Banner back just to check you weren’t too dehydrated.
Thankfully you hadn’t needed to go into hospital as your vomiting subsided but the nausea remained for a while.
“You sure she’s ok? She’s looking a little peaky,” Sam commented to Steve one day as he came to help guard the house and was having his lunch with you all but he took one look at you and knew something wasn’t right, even as you forced the sandwich into your mouth, making sure to still eat for you and baby… not that Sam knew about the baby.
“Yeah, she’s fine Sam, thanks for checking though and we appreciate the extra hours you’re doing”, Steve responded with a thankful grip on his friend's shoulder.
“It’s no problem man, just worried for her that’s all, don’t really understand what’s going on with you all, especially with the extra security and whatnot and I feel like I’ve hardly spoken to her for a few weeks now. Just want you to know I’m always here if you ever need anything”.
You felt guilty when Steve later told you what Sam had said, feeling bad that you were keeping it secret but it was only for a few more weeks.
Luckily, you had found the special trick to help your nausea as suggested by a friend: lavender! After sitting with a bag of dried lavender for a couple of hours and not feeling nauseous, Steve and Bucky were quick to fill the entire house with lavender-scented items including candles and sprays, even having some in the car and it helped to settle your nausea massively.
But, as soon as one symptom passed, another would be replacing the uncomfortable feeling. The next was your breasts becoming incredibly painful and sore, even if you accidentally knocked them when putting on a bra or rolling over in your sleep, it was agony. Your boyfriends were even more careful with you during this phase, getting ice to hold against them during particularly painful moments and being careful to give you enough room when asleep.
A couple of weeks later was the first day you noticed the little bean kicking, at first it felt like maybe gas, almost like there were butterflies fluttering in your tummy but then you finally realised what it was. The feeling grew stronger with each day as well as the size of your growing stomach which was something Steve and Bucky were going absolutely feral for. They would take pictures each week to show your progression and would constantly be placing their hands on your stomach, even if the bump wasn’t that noticeable just yet.
The midwife recommended talking to the baby at one point so every night, you would sit with a shirt off and Steve and Bucky would lie on either side of you, taking it in turns to tell stories, sing their favourite songs and lay sweet kisses along the growing bump. One day, Bucky was telling the little bean about the time he and Steve snuck into a movie theatre when the skin under his cheek poked out as the baby kicked him in the face. Bucky sat up with excitement, it being the first time he had properly felt the baby move as he cooed, “there's our strong baby, good job little bean!”
“You hit the right dad as well”, Steve joked causing Bucky to smack him in the shoulder.
“Don’t listen to Dad, listen to Pops, I’m right here to make everything’s ok”, Bucky continued to speak sweetly to your stomach.
Your heart swelled at the difference in names that he had seemed to pick, “is that what you’d like to be called?” you asked them both, stroking a finger across each of their cheeks, feeling the stubble beneath.
“It’s perfect”, Steve beamed, kissing your stomach again.
Now it was your 20-week scan, Baby was so much bigger, you couldn’t believe the difference those weeks had made since the last scan. Now it was really starting to look like a baby with longer limbs and you were even able to find out the gender, however, you had wanted to wait to find out, liking the thought of it being announced at the birth.
With these beautiful new prints of the scans, you finally wanted to tell people, beginning with your closest friends.
It was a casual lunchtime meal at the office. You sat at the large table in between Steve and Bucky, with Sam and Natasha sitting opposite, all idly talking and eating the take-out that Steve had bought. However you had opted for a different meal: 4 packs of salt and vinegar chips and a tub of tomatoes - both were your latest cravings.
Sam eyed your food wearily, “Interesting mix you’ve got there, boss lady?”
Your only response was smiling with your cheeks full of tomatoes as Bucky placed his hand over your thigh. You knew he wanted to put his hand on your stomach but you hadn’t told either of the people across the table just yet and even though your bump was starting to become noticeable now, you were trying to hide it behind baggy shirts but even that was becoming difficult. You were in desperate need of some new trousers as well as the button was digging into your skin as you shifted uncomfortably, looking at each of your boys, feeling antsy with excitement as well.
“Can we tell them? I really need to take off my trousers, I’m feeling really claustrophobic”.
Sam frowned at your random sentence, confused by what you meant however it was Natasha’s reaction that sparked your interest as she smirked, leaning back in her chair with a tilt of the head. You looked at her with a gaped-open mouth, pointing your finger at her, “You already know! Who told her?” you asked, looking between Bucky and Steve.
“Wasn’t me”, they both responded at the same time, holding up their hands as you eyed them both suspiciously.
Natasha leaned forward in her chair, “did you really think that I wouldn’t notice? I’m offended Sugar, it’s in my job description to be observant. In fact, you should be asking if Sam is right to keep this job if he can’t notice something this obvious”, she teased the man sitting next to her who still looked just as confused as before.
You laugh at Sam’s reaction, looking to Steve who handed you the sealed cards. You happily took them, standing from your chair and feeling Bucky’s hand on your lower back to help and then walked around the table, giving them both a card each. It wasn’t anything special or elaborate, but it had a picture of the latest scan with the statement: “Update to your job title; bodyguard & uncle/auntie”.
You’d never heard the high-pitched tone from Sam ever before as he quickly stood, his chair squeaking across the floor as he shouted, “What?!” He turned to you, looking between you, the picture and Steve and Bucky, “Really?!”
You pulled the back of your shirt so the material was tight to your front, showing off your growing bump, grinning as he shouted “Congratulations!”, before pulling you into a huge hug, careful of your belly but rocking the two of you on the spot a few times and kissing your temple, “I can’t believe I’m going to be an uncle again!”
Sam was then pushed aside, giving room for Natasha, “Move it, Wilson, I want to meet my niece or nephew”, Sam didn’t mind being moved as he rushed around to embrace Steve and Bucky.
Natasha hugged you tightly, and you were able to ask, “How long have you known?”
“A couple of weeks, you aren’t as subtle as you think at hiding things. I mean, you’ve hardly been awake enough to have a conversation, this is the most lively I’ve seen you in nearly a month. And that's without the new obsessive protecting from Steve and Bucky, how they’re always touching you and the weird food you’re eating, it’s more noticeable than you think it is”. She pulls back to put her hands on your growing bump, “how many weeks are you?”
“20 weeks and 5 days, I can feel the little bean moving more with each day, I feel so big already and I’m not even showing that much considering I’m only halfway through my pregnancy”. Natasha grinned hearing this, looking at your little bump. “Now you both know, I can take off my pants without being judged”, you groaned as you undid your jeans button, utter relief when they were completely removed from your body and felt free, your shirt was long enough that it stopped mid-thigh so you weren’t too unmodest.
Bucky had snuck behind you, his arms wrapping around to rest on your stomach as he kissed your cheek. Natasha smiled watching the embrace as she remarked, “Guess you got what you wanted all along Barnes, now you can call her mama and she actually is one”.
“Mmm absolutely”, Bucky nuzzled into your neck, the sensation making you laugh as it tickled, turning to shy away from his attack but he only held you tighter until you melted into his arms.
Steve and Sam joined your little gathering and Sam jokingly asked, “So if the baby’s a boy, can we name him Sam?”
You were so thankful for the news being out, especially as this meant that you could go baby clothes shopping with Sam and Natasha, finding little outfits that you could surprise your boyfriends with. It was one of the only things you were able to do for them to show your appreciation as they did so much for you throughout your pregnancy.
Your cravings continued to become stronger with each day and often found yourself waking in the middle of the night to find something to quench the craving for something acidic and sour taste you needed so desperately it felt like your world was going to end if you didn’t eat it right then and there. On multiple occasions, Steve or Bucky would come downstairs in the early hours of the morning to find you sitting on the kitchen floor, your belly round and exposed, hating feeling material against your skin, and a scattering of different foods surrounding you, a happy smile on your face.
“You ok down there beautiful?” they would ask with grins that matched yours and with your heightened emotions you would be crying before long, reaching for them to come and sit with you which they would do eagerly, pulling your body in between there legs and kissing away your tears, “don’t cry pretty girl, I’ve got you”.
If you ever run out of your favourite cravings, they would drive to the store and you were buzzing to go along for the ride in the middle of the night, fully awake and ready for the night time adventure only to fall asleep before getting to the store.
Entering into the third trimester, your belly was round and heavy, things for sure were becoming more difficult for you as the little bean grew. There were small excitements still like attending antenatal classes with your boyfriends who were taking their role as dad and pops  very seriously, you’d never seen them concentrate so hard before.
“You’re doing the boss face again”, you whispered to Steve as he correctly wrapped the baby doll in a blanket. Steve's features softened immediately as he sheepishly looked at you from the corner of his eye.
“I’m just trying to concentrate”, he mumbled, eyes returning to looking at the doll, his fingers trembling slightly as he continued wrapping steadily.
Reaching across you grabbed his hands, keeping your voice low to keep the conversation between the two of you, “I’m scared too, but you’re going to be a great dad, Steve, you’ll be ok”.
This was a little pep talk you needed to have with both Bucky and Steve on numerous occasions as they began panicking that this was actually happening and whilst you reminded them there was nothing they could do to take back the growing baby in your belly, it was ok to have nerves, but everything would come to them with time, they needed to stay strong, especially as you were also sort of beginning to lose it.
Your body was really changing to accommodate the growing little bean. Your hands and feet were swollen until your shoes couldn’t fit anymore and god…the heartburn was excruciating, and nearly as painful as the kicks to the ribs. There was never a moment where you weren’t out of breath, even standing to pour cereal into a bowl took all of your energy and you’d be sighing in relief as you sat down. Your hips hurt, your back was in agony, and the pregnancy fun had well and truly finished.
This was where the boys really shined through as they would massage your hands and feet, they would be more then happy to cook or grab anything for you, picking things off of the ground, finding clothes that might fit and then there were their compliments which was one thing keeping you going.
Steve and Bucky could not get enough of seeing you pregnant, “you’re glowing honey, pregnancy suits you so much, my love”. You never felt like you were glowing and would describe yourself instead as a huge, hungry, tired monster but the way the boys looked at you, put those negative thoughts to the back of your mind.
From the moment you woke up to the second sleep would invade your consciousness, they would remind you of their love, needing you to fully comprehend how much they appreciated you growing their baby, you were doing so much for them, putting your body through it, for all of you, for the little bean.
Their words definitely helped when you began to feel needier in more than one way as your hormones caused your arousal to be one-minute non-existence and the next feeling nearly overwhelmed with how badly you needed to touch them and be touched. Thankfully with how obsessed they were with you during your pregnancy, they were more than happy to deliver. Hands would be all over, their lips leaving words of affirmation against your warm skin, being careful not to be to rough and more than happy if you wanted to take control and do whatever you wanted to them.
You had to be honest and say you never felt more loved up before. Even with the gang still in full operation, they were able to look after you as their number one priority, even through your emotional breakdowns, or weird pregnancy habits that had you thinking you were slightly insane but they never judged once.
For example, towards the end of your pregnancy, you had a completely immense craving to chew on your bath sponge every time you sat in the large bathtub. So when one day Steve walked in with a freshly warmed-up towel and caught you mid-chew with staring eyes, you expected his reaction to being anything but a soft smile, “You having fun in there, baby?”
Pulling the sponge out of your mouth slowly you nervously answered, “I uh… I don’t really know how to explain…”
Steve held up a hand, “You don’t have to explain anything, whatever makes you happy and I think I’ve read in a book that sometimes pregnant women can have cravings like this, whatever makes you happy”.
As your due date closened, you sat in the centre of the large bed, watching Bucky shuffle his way through your clothes, trying to find the right things to pack for your hospital bag. “What about this?” he asked, holding up a pair of your normal jeans.
“They haven’t fit me in four months, Bucky”, you laughed, shaking your head. “I need pyjamas or baggy shirts, things that can be easily taken on and off, maybe you should just leave Steve to do it”, you suggested whilst holding out your arms.
Bucky shrugged, dropping the jeans and jumping onto the bed, making you squeal with the bed moving up and down before he had his hands against your bump, kissing the tip of your nose. “Not long until we meet you little bean”, he was rewarded with a kick against his metal palm that had you wincing. “Hello baby, I love feeling you kick so much but be gentle to Mama she’s doing such a good job with keeping you safe”, he leaned down to kiss your belly as your fingers delved into his hair.
“It’s ready!”, Steve shouted from another room, catching both of your attention. Bucky jumped up first and then helped you to stand, keeping his hand on your lower back as you wobbled to the spare room that Steve and Bucky had been decorating as the nursery. It was something you had left them in charge of organising, not having the energy over the last nine months to even think about decorating and Steve and Bucky were more than excited to take on the job and so far had kept it secret from your prying eyes.
As you looked around the room, tears swelled in your eyes instantly, reaching to hold onto Steve and Bucky, praising, “It’s perfect!”. There was a beautiful baby cot, pictures of the three of you surrounding the ultrasound scan photograph on the wall, a painting you knew Steve had done, and a rocking chair in the corner that Bucky had claimed as his for the night feeds he’d volunteered himself for.
Now it was all just a waiting game.
“You’re doing it again”, Bucky commented from where he stood in the entryway to your home having returned from the office a few days later.
“No, I’m not, I’m just cleaning-”.
“Nesting… You’re nesting, Doll”, Bucky reminded you, taking away the cloth from your hands and throwing it to the side so he could hold your shoulders and kiss your temple. “Go and rest, you’ve only got a few days left!”
You roll your eyes as you leaned into his warmth, your bump touching him first as you hugged around his chest, “Bucky most babies aren’t born on their due dates you know, I just want to make sure everything is perfect around the house and ready”.
“Everything IS perfect, please just rest”. You relented to him, feeling tired already from the ten minutes of standing, moving to sit on the couch when a period cramp suddenly began in your lower abdomen, causing you to scrunch your face up in pain, especially as it was followed by a large kick to the ribs.
“Woah, are you ok?” Bucky asked, his hand cupping your cheek.
“Yeah, probably Braxton hicks or something, it’s fine”, you say, finally sitting down and putting your feet on the small table. Bucky didn’t seem convinced and continued to be a mother hen throughout the rest of the night, even though the pains subsided after you had a nice warm bath.
As your due date came and went, you were becoming restless, needing the baby out, feeling overwhelmed with how big you felt, wanting to meet the baby and hating waiting around. It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried everything either. Eating spicy foods, and going for walks, especially up and down the stairs which was incredibly uncomfortable with how low the little bean’s head was sitting in your pelvis. You’d even had sex a few times, Bucky was more than happy to hear that nipple stimulation could induce labour but still, nothing happened.
Those period cramps would come and go throughout these days as well, getting your hopes up before they disappeared and still, no signs that your labour was even happening. 
On the fourth day following your due date, you awoke suddenly in the middle of the night to another period cramp that started in your lower back and spread around to your front. Even though this felt different,  you didn’t want to wake the boys and get theirs or your hopes up as you tried to slide out of bed without waking them to use the bathroom for what felt like the tenth time that night.
“You ok, baby?” Steve asked, his eyes still closed but his hand reached for you in the darkness.
“Yeah I’m, ok, go back to sleep Steve”, you encouraged, touching the back of his hand before pushing yourself up and waddling to the toilet, using it and then realising just how wide awake you were and the dull ache of the pains still lingered so you decided to run a warm bath. During the time that it was filling up, you had another pain which took longer to subside but this was always how it started with the intensity increasing but after the bath, it usually stopped. 
However, even as you let the warm water settle over your body, easing your muscles but the pains continued but at least the little bean was lovely and happy as he or she gave you a powerful kick to your ribs. The next pain had you gritting your teeth, eyes clenching closed as you held onto the side of the tub, waiting for it to pass but this pain lasted for nearly a full minute, and you decided maybe it was time to take some pain relief.
Standing and awkwardly climbing out of the bath, you dried your body and picked up your night dress to pull over your head when another pain came and took your breath away, your stomach hardening and causing you to moan lowly, bending over to blow the pain away.
“Honey?” Steve shouted from the bathroom having heard your moan as he waited for you to come back to bed. You couldn’t answer him as the pain consumed you, and he was rushing to be by your side, Bucky following closely behind him. Steve rubbed your back slowly as your pain finally began to ease so that you could look up at them both.
“Wow, that one was strong”.
“You ok? Can we get you anything?” Bucky asked, stepping forward with worry etched on his face.
“I’m ok.... I think… I don’t want to get my hopes up that this isn’t contractions but fuck, it hurt like hell”, you muttered, bending over to pick up your dress from the floor and then a trickle of clear liquid dripped down the inside of your leg. All three of you noticed as you tentatively looked up, “Is it bad that I can’t tell if I’ve just wet myself or if that’s my waters…”.
Neither of your worried boyfriends had time to answer as another painful wave came and had you doubling over, leaning your head against the sink. Steve was quick to grab you and let you lean against his strong body, remembering what he had learned from the antenatal appointments to help you through the pains, “That’s it baby, breath in and out, nice and slow”. It helped to listen and ground yourself through the pain as Bucky’s cold metal hand rubbed against your lower back, helping to ease the intense pressure from the baby.
The pain lasted for the same amount of time as the previous one and the clear liquid, which was definitely not urine, had gushed out more, forming a small puddle onto the floor. “Ok, I think it’s time we call someone”, you decided.
Bucky kissed the back of your head as he ran to get the phone and Steve helped you to pull your shirt on, his thumb brushing your chin as he sensed your anxieties, “You’re going to do amazing my love, we’ll be with you every step of the way”.
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gffa · 2 months
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I haven't read any STEVE/BUCKY FIC in the last five years or so (Endgame really burned me hard), BUT I can at least offer what I read up to that point! Most of my recs are from around when Captain America: The Winter Soldier first came out (some from before, so there's a few speculation fics) and then I was ready semi-regularly up through Inifinity War, so these may be a bit dated but also the fandom had some ABSOLUTE BANGER fics from that era! I mostly read from about 2014 to 2019 and I can't say how well many of these held up, but I know my tastes haven't changed that much, so there should hopefully be something for anyone interested here! Anyway, I think I'm finally Not As Mad As I Once Was enough to read fic again/celebrate the 10th anniversary of TWS, but also let's be clear. I will forever hold a grudge about what Marvel did with Steve and Bucky post-TWS, that was bullshit from start to finish. ESPECIALLY the finish, oh my god okay so I'm still Actually That Mad and-- NO, OKAY, HAVE SOME FIC RECS BEFORE I MELT DOWN AGAIN.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: STEVE/BUCKY FIC RECS: ✦ Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Take Me In by victoria_p (musesfool), steve rogers/bucky barnes + natasha romanoff, reunion fic, 4.1k Bucky finds himself, and then he finds Steve. ✦ you got blood on your hands (and i know it’s mine) by nighimpossible, steve rogers/bucky barnes + natasha romanoff + brief mention of sam wilson/natasha romanoff, suicidal ideation, 2.9k Bucky refuses to see Steve after his deprogramming. ✦ take all you can carry by havisham, steve/bucky & cast, 2.4k    Bucky Barnes reassembles himself to a reasonable degree and makes romantic overtures to one Steve Rogers. It’s happened before and will happen again. ✦ I’d Know That Face Anywhere by Shay081793, steve/bucky, NSFW, divergent timeline, 2.7k The 107th never got captured. Instead, Bucky Barnes is in the audience when that clown "Captain America" performs to rally the troops, and holy shit, that clown is Steve Rogers. ✦ and we are finally home by springsoldier (ladydaredevil), sam & bucky + steve/bucky + implied sam/natasha + implied bucky/natasha, 7.3k The Winter Soldier shows up in Sam's kitchen, one morning. He deals with it. (Natasha helps. Steve would, if they let him.) ✦ Capture the Flag by Shiny_n_new, steve/bucky + sam, dark au, 9.4k wip Bucky has always been willing to do Captain America’s dirty work. This was no different. Sometimes, the day isn’t won by high ideals or bravery or compassion. Sometimes, it’s won by monsters. ✦ Memories are Made of This by eleveninches, steve/bucky & natasha & sam, 13.2k Nearly a year after turning himself into SHIELD and the Avengers, Bucky struggles to find himself in the 21st century. Unfortunately, no one told him about the aliens.
✦ but hey, you’re all right by beardsley, steve/bucky + other marvel characters, 5.5k Yes, this is the story where the Winter Soldier is a Russian mail-order bride. Everything goes about as well as you’d expect. ✦ I Left Myself in 1943 (Who the hell is Bucky?) by originalblue, steve/bucky + sam + natasha + other marvel characters, 21k You have a mission, but your mind is being split in two, and there's a man on the bridge, and you know him. You don't know why, but you know him. ✦ sam deserves better than these assholes by lazulisong, steve/bucky + sam + natasha + other marvel characters, 18k IM SORRY BUT SAM WILSON STARING IN BAFFLED WONDER AT STEVE AND BUCKY AND HOW WEIRD THEY ARE ABOUT EACH OTHER ✦ broken pieces (the rough edges remix) by legete, steve/bucky, 2.1k It’s wrong, he knows it’s wrong, but sometimes Bucky prefers the nightmares that actually happened. ✦ Talk Dirty to Me by PeetaPan, steve/bucky, NSFW, wall sex, 2.5k Steve spends months tracking Bucky down, and when he eventually find him, it’s in a nightclub in Europe. ✦ the body adrift by Febricant, steve/bucky + sam, mildy nsfw, 4.2k Steve has no drawings of Bucky from before. Those are all gone, destroyed in the war or by his own hand; it wouldn’t do for anyone to see how easily the details came from memory, how often Bucky was in his thoughts. ✦ Tony Stark and the Illegal Cross-Country Road Trip from Hell by ActionAddiction, steve/bucky + tony + sam + clint + natasha + fury, 21.8k wip A stir-crazy genius, a secretly sentimental assassin, two soldiers lost in time, and an undercover archer without an identity zigzag across the continental United States in Fury’s stolen van. Or: How Bucky Met Steve (Again)
✦ Didn’t know I was lonely till I saw your face by gunboots, steve/bucky + bucky/natasha + sam + bruce + tony + xavier, 2.9k There are words on paper, actors in movies, and a grand story that fills a whole corner of a museum defined by history. There are words, there are pictures, there are movies, but they’re limited, fragmented. They can’t do justice to the sniper that Captain America trusted, the man that grew into a boy in the streets of Brooklyn with his best friend at his side. The man that could be James Buchanan Barnes leaves a legacy that is barely defined. The man that Steve Rogers says he is. ✦ the inaccuracy of historical wartime dramas by Mici (noharlembeat), steve/bucky + sam + natasha, 3k (or: Steve has feelings, and shouldn’t ever watch television) ✦ The Shape I’m In by radialarch, steve/bucky, 2.6k [AU where Bucky never fell.] They win the war. Steve and Bucky come home and deal with their feelings. ✦ дорогой by smilebackwards, steve/bucky + other marvel characters, canon divergence, 1.8k “Are you goddamn kidding me?” Fury asks when Steve shows up to the rendezvous point in Fredericksberg with the Winter Soldier. ✦ have you ever thought just maybe by Desdemon, steve/bucky + tony/pepper + other marvel characters, humor, 4.4k “JARVIS,” Tony called thoughtfully. “Yes, sir?” “Those young people are in love,” he said. ✦ Use Your Damn Words by wilddragonflying, steve/bucky, NSFW, omegaverse, 4.2k There’s murmuring, indistinct voices, all around him; all he catches, at first, are the occasional words. “—mated.” “—no difference—“ “—make him forget—“ That’s when Bucky starts fighting. ✦ It’s an Adequate Life, Bucky Barnes by what_alchemy, steve/bucky, it’s a wonderful life fusion, 10.2k This is a world without Bucky Barnes.
✦ and it starts just where the light exists by caughtinanocean, steve/bucky, mildly nsfw, 3.4k In which Bucky can’t admit the things he needs, but Steve knows them anyway, and Steve and Bucky are definitely a couple, even if they don’t know it. ✦ tango till they’re sore by sciencemyfiction, steve/bucky, nsfw, 4k Four shorts about Steve and Bucky, and romance, and sex, and dominance, and grief, and forgiveness. ✦ Permission by derekstilinski, steve/bucky + other marvel characters, 2.5k After Bucky’s captured by SHIELD, they put him in a holding cell, and strip him of everything but his clothes. He’s dirty, damaged, and Steve can’t just watch him like that, protocol or not. ✦ Milkshakes & Penguin Suits by TheLocket, steve/bucky, fluff, 2.9k At the latest Stark party, Steve and Bucky share a milkshake — and spend the evening together. ✦ Practical Mathematics by Grey_Bard, steve/bucky + steve/peggy + steve/peggy/bucky + tony, 1.7k After a hard shift saving the world, Stark - in his infinite wisdom - has decided to bond with Steve by talking about his favorite subject. Well, third favorite, after building things and smart-mouthing people. Steve is pretty sure none of his experiences really count. Tony is starting to wonder what Steve’s definition of “is” is. ✦ how happy must be angels thus employed by lanyon , steve/bucky + clint/coulson, mildly nsfw, humor, 2k It begins entirely accidentally. Clint walks in on Bucky and Steve in a compromising position and then Bucky escalates by tapping a private line between Clint and Phil. Also known as The One With The Cock-Blocking Competition (and it’s all fun and games until Phil and Steve find out.) ✦ Fate by grumpyowls, steve/bucky + peggy, 2.1k Bucky finds a drawing and it turns out to mean something more than he thought.
✦ One More Time by DevBasaa, steve/bucky, pre-serum, ~1k Steve’s clueless and Bucky’s not yet ready to acknowledge these feelings. But that doesn’t stop him from having them. Set before Bucky ships out, but after Steve receives his A1. ✦ Bucky and Bear by fromgoodbones, steve/bucky, fluffy, ~1k Steve gets Bucky a cat. ✦ Size Isn’t A Problem by bondboy68, steve/bucky, NSFW, 1.8k It’s the first time Bucky has seen Steve naked in some seventy-odd years, and things have definitely changed.
✦ devil’s gonna follow me (wherever I go) by Lyaka, steve/bucky & natasha & cast, the winter soldier speculation, 63k The man who used to be Bucky Barnes lined up his shot. His finger twitched, only once, very precisely. Help me, the bullet sang. Ninety-eight floors below him, the bullet glanced off a vibranium shield with a musical ping. And Steve Rogers looked up. ✦ And it felt like a kiss by orphan_account, steve /bucky & natasha & sam, the winter soldier spoilers, ~1k We can’t stop feeling Winter Soldier feelings. And neither can Bucky or Steve. ✦ testament by paxlux, steve/bucky + other marvel characters, the winter soldier speculation fic, 10.6k His memory runs backwards in crooked bright flashes, hard as the noise flare of an assault rifle. ✦ persistence of memory by hollimichele, steve/bucky/natasha, NSFW, the winter soldier speculation, 11.5k It’s a nondescript sort of a Wednesday morning when the Winter Soldier walks into SHIELD headquarters, bold as brass, and announces his intention to surrender. ✦ To Be Modified As Necessary by ignipes, steve/bucky & bucky/natasha & clint/natasha & thor/jane & avengers, the winter soldier speculation, 5.9k They only need ten rules to ensure (relatively) peaceful cohabitation. ✦ lights at two dollars a strand by legete, steve/bucky + tony, the winter soldier speculation, 1.4k They don’t mean to decorate for Christmas. It just sorta…happens.
STEVE/BUCKY - POST-THE WINTER SOLDIER: ✦ Out of the Dead Land by orphan_account, steve/bucky + sam + natasha + nick fury + other marvel characters, nsfw in one scene at the end, 62.7k Someone is building machines that look and act like people. Meanwhile, the Winter Soldier tries to be Bucky Barnes. ✦ this is a back alley by saintsideways, steve/bucky & natasha & sam, the winter soldier spoilers, 14.2k Here is the only thing you know: the body remembers. ✦ your blue-eyed boys by Feather (lalaietha), steve/bucky & cast, 123.3k Steve has no plan. Not because he hadn't tried to make one. He'd tried to make lots of plans. Plan, adapt, plan again, tried to think of every contingency. [post-Winter Soldier recovery fic] ✦ The man on the bridge by boopboop, steve/bucky & tony/pepper & clint/natasha & cast, 107.5k Steve Rogers turning up at Tony's door with an amnesiac assassin - who may or may not have some of Tony's personally designed hardware attached where his arm should be - well that's just far too interesting to turn away, even if Tony is trying to avoid all things S.H.I.E.L.D these days. ✦ Soft Spot for the Hell Raisin’ Boy by ifeelbetter, sam & bucky + steve/bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, (some) humor, 1.9k The Winter Soldier takes an interest in Sam Wilson. Bucky Barnes wants to tell him how to be Steve Rogers’s best friend. ✦ Reconstruction Site by EmilianaDarling, steve/bucky + sam, the winter soldier spoilers, 7.6k He is the Winter Soldier. He is James Buchanan Barnes. He’s not one and he’s not the other, and he’s not sure if that makes him anything worth saving. In which the Winter Soldier leads Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson on a wild goose chase through Eastern Europe so that he can learn more about the man who actually thinks he can be saved.
✦ hold me tight by hollimichele, bucky/steve + sam + natasha, nsfw, the winter soldier spoilers, 11.1k In the old days, before the war, Steve got cold at night. That was all it was, at first. ✦ A Bullet in the Barrel (of your best guy’s gun) by lc2l, steve/bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, canon divergence (sort of), violence, 6k You return to the concrete hole in the ground where the mission is not dead and not in the sewers and is looking at you. “Bucky,” says Rogers, Steve (deceased). ✦ Sleeperhold by Argyle, steve/bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, 3.2k He’s hardwired to disappear. ✦ lost my fear of falling by ftmsteverogers, steve/bucky + natasha + sam, 1.8k “It’s been two weeks,” Natasha says, pressing a coffee cup into Steve’s hand. “How long are we going to do this?” Steve watches the steam curl into question marks above his cup. “I know he’s still in there,” he says, and that’s that. ✦ but the fires are coming by stitchingatthecircuitboard, steve/bucky + bucky & natasha, the winter soldier spoilers, 4k He does not remember, except that is better than being made to forget, again, and again, and again. He does not go to Brooklyn. ✦ we did not make ourselves by M_Leigh, steve/bucky + sam + natasha + tony, the winter soldier spoilers, 25.1k It is like steel, the determination inside of you that tells you you will achieve this, that you will find him. Nothing will stop you. You are two sides of the same coin, you and he: he cannot escape you forever. Bucky runs. Steve follows. ✦ measured my life in cooking lessons by FoxGlade, steve/bucky + clint + avengers, fluff, the winter soldier spoilers, 4k He knocks on Clint’s door, sharp and loud, and half a minute later Clint is standing there in boxers and a baggy Army Rangers shirt. “Morning,” Steve says shortly, before Clint can say anything. “You up to teaching me how to make those French toasts? I think I need to talk.” Clint yawns and stretches. Something in his back makes a loud cracking sound and Steve winces. “Yeah, I’m up,” he mumbles, then squints. “This is going to be a long cooking lesson, isn’t it?” “I found Bucky sitting outside the tower on the street when I went out for a jog and he remembered me but I’m pretty sure that’s all he remembers.” Clint just waves a hand and heads for the kitchen, Steve shuffling in his wake.
✦ and we are finally home by lastembers, sam & bucky + steve/bucky + sam/natasha, 7.3k The Winter Soldier shows up in Sam’s kitchen, one morning. He deals with it. (Natasha helps. Steve would, if they let him.) ✦ Circling Back by chaya, steve/bucky + sam + natasha + tony, the winter soldier spoilers, 59.6k Steve looks for Bucky, Bucky finds Steve, Steve tries desperately to put Bucky back together. Bucky tries desperately to let him. ✦ your favorite ghost by augustbird, steve/bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, 21k It’s harder than Steve ever expected to bring Bucky home. ✦ Green-Eyed Monster by storiesfortravellers, steve/bucky + steve & tony + steve & sam + bucky & natasha, humor, 1.9k The Winter Soldier has joined the team and is slowly recovering, but he goes into a jealous rage whenever he sees that Steve is close friends with Tony, Sam, or Natasha. Past Steve/Bucky. ✦ Castor and Pollux by StringTheori, howard stark & steve + steve/bucky, mild the winter soldier spoilers, 2.9k A fic where Howard is emotionally constipated, a terrible human being, catches someone doing something, and brushes off friendships because he can. ✦ Find My Way by Brenda, steve/bucky + oc pov, the winter soldier spoilers, 4.6k Well, someone had to write the post-Winter Soldier fic where Bucky gets a decent meal and some homemade apple pie, right?
✦ Parallel Constructions by freshbakedlady, steve/bucky + sam + natasha, the winter soldier spoilers, 13.6k In the absence of orders, the man wearing the face of Bucky Barnes must figure out who he will be. The answer, mostly, is “somebody Steve Rogers can love.” Nothing so easy should ever take this much work. ✦ five people bucky barnes never was. by rhllors, steve/bucky + bucky/natasha, the winter soldier spoilers, 1.9k Five lives that never came to pass. ✦ no heart to recall by KiaraSayre, steve/bucky & sam & natasha & tony, the winter soldier spoilers, 15.3k He’s been in Steve Rogers’s company for less than twenty-four hours and he’s already losing sight of his mission. ✦ Bring Us Back a Souvenir by newredshoes, steve/bucky & sam & bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, 1.5k Even with all his hair hacked off, he doesn’t look like a Bucky, Sam thinks. Maybe as some sort of stupid joke, like naming your most vicious dog Sweetpea. Steve’s told him the stories, and he’s seen the old newsreels; he knows what this Barnes guy used to be like. But it’s not like knowing what to look for is going to magically make some spark rise to the top. This isn’t an excavation. ✦ i will be your ground by misprinting, steve/bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, 4.7k A character study. The subject: Bucky’s hair. (Also, a Bucky comes in from the cold fic.) ✦ Debts by vestigialwords, steve/bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, ~1k Steve’s life is a collection of debts, and the balance does not work out in his favor. ✦ Five times Steve kissed Bucky by paragon, steve/bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, 16.5k (+ once, finally, it was the other way around) ✦ Run Until the Road Runs Out by ignipes, steve/bucky + sam & bucky + natasha, the winter soldier spoilers, 5.2k Sam’s along for this ride because he’s not about to let Steve Rogers go it alone, but Steve’s not the only one who needs a friend.
✦ And you that shall cross from shore to shore years hence, are more to me by ifeelbetter, steve/bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, 4.4k The Captain woke quickly and tested the chain before he saw the Soldier. All the tension in his body evaporated once he met the Soldier’s eyes and he slumped downward, back up against the wall. “Oh, thank god,” he said. He repeated it twice, quiet. Like a secret. ✦ Your Mind Rings by Amberly, steve/bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, 1.2k You aren’t Bucky. You’re not the Winter Soldier anymore, either, but you’re not Bucky ✦ tabula rasa by dance_at_bougival, steve/bucky + natasha + sam, the winter soldier spoilers, 10.3k Bucky Barnes screamed himself hoarse on that table and screamed falling off that train. He screamed when they programmed him and screamed and screamed until he isn’t Bucky Barnes anymore, not really. He is still screaming, a trapped rat running around a labyrinthine machine, clawing at the doors and running into dead ends. He has been screaming for seventy years. ✦ The Age’s Most Uncertain Hour by dewinter, steve/bucky + peggy, the winter soldier spoilers, 1.8k Five times the Winter Soldier remembered (and then forgot). ✦ The Steven G. Rogers Guide to What You Missed the Last Few Years by what_alchemy, steve/bucky, humor, 5.1k Steve’s got the hang of this 21st century thing. ✦ All the First Times by Vera (Vera_DragonMuse), steve/bucky + other marvel characters, the winter soldier spoilers, 9.6k Bucky starts over and finds new ways to survive. ✦ Me Against Your Memory (It’s a Two-Step Recovery Process) by thisiswhatthewatergaveme, steve/bucky + steve & natasha + steve & sam + natasha & sam, the winter soldier spoilers, 56.5k wip The Soldier needs answers. It’s the only mission he has left. And the mission is all he has.
✦ Make It Up as We Go Along by hannahrhen, steve/bucky + natasha + sam, mildly nsfw, the winter soldier spoilers, 1.6k Steve’s a terrible liar when he opens his mouth. ✦ What’s in a name by Ark, steve/bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, 3.4k Steve doesn’t resist. He is dipped back: a dance. “Bucky,” says Steve. The severely serene surface does not stir. “You will answer the questions I ask.” The Soldier’s voice is Bucky’s but the accent is all wrong. His face is Bucky’s, perfect, and all wrong. ✦ Drawn From Life by littlerhymes, steve/bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, 2.5k “I remember,” Bucky says, but that’s not entirely true. Set after The Winter Soldier.
STEVE/BUCKY - POST-INFINITY WAR: ✦ Coming Back by Emotionallyunstabl, entire cast (some steve/bucky), infinity war spoilers, 1.9k    Fixing Avengers: Infinity War. ✦ How ya been, Buck? by dvorahbee, steve/bucky, NSFW, infinity war spoilers, 2.3k    A fix-it for Bucky and Steve’s reunion because I wasn’t too happy with that half-assed reunion we had. ✦ hold some dirt with those hands by magdaliny, steve/bucky & cast, infinity war spoilers, 3k    It had sent him to his knees. ✦ To Never Have Loved At All by hitlikehammers, steve/bucky & cast, infinity war spoilers, 2.8k    Steve will say they had work to do, and a universe to put to rights. They had people to find and hearts to unbreak. They had a mission. There was no time for any of them to mourn. Steve, as it turns out, says a lot of things that are mostly bullshit.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: STEVE&BUCKY GEN FIC RECS: ✦ This, You Protect by owlet, steve & bucky & everyone else, humor, 64.3k The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect ✦ By Choice or By Habit by Sholio, steve & bucky & natasha & clint & tony, 6.4k He is useful. He holds onto that. He is useful and a useful tool will not be thrown away. (For illumynare’s request: How about something with Bucky realizing the Avengers actually think of him as a person? And off I went to the utterly shameless h/c place.) ✦ 5 (+1) Times Bucky Was Already a Supersoldier by chaya, steve & bucky, 1k Erskine made it plain for Steve - the serum makes you stronger, faster, harder to kill, and it amplifies your existing qualities. Barnes, though, didn’t get any such heads up. ✦ Thaw by danveresque, steve & bucky & sam & natasha, 7.5k The Winter Soldier tries to find Bucky Barnes. ✦ Brothers In Arms by copperbadge, steve & bucky & sam & sam & tony & pepper & clint + background tony/pepper, 11.4k Bucky Barnes gets a tune-up, a new pet, and a home. ✦ You Know How I Feel, aka, The Adventures of Bucky and Muffy the Dinosaur by ifeelbetter, bucky & avengers, fluff, 4.5k Bucky saved a tiny dinosaur and took her home to Avengers Tower and on the way remembered how to laugh and sleep in soft beds. ✦ Strawberries in Wintertime by Sholio, steve & bucky & sam & natasha & sharon, 3.2k Or, how Sam’s apartment turns into a hangout for superheroes, spies, and rogue assassins. ✦ This Lonely Hour Before Daybreak by cheesethesecond, steve & bucky + sam + natasha, 2.9k Steve knew there would be good days and bad days. That’s how this sort of thing worked. Except sometimes, the bad days go like this.
✦ Almond, Clavicle, Orchid by kvikindi, steve & bucky & sam & natasha, 4.5k You say, “I don’t know what I am.” “It’s okay not to know,” Steve tells you. His face is very careful. But you know. You know that it’s not okay. ✦ you can’t fly on dinosaurs, bucky by scorpionbythesea, steve & bucky & clint, humor, 1.2k Based off the tumblr post by embracingthemadness and the tag that followed: steve and bucky making up random stories from their past and convincing the other avengers that it actually happened (◡‿◡✿) #there’s no way you guys fought nazi dinosaurs ✦ Fly on the Wings of Love by Omnicat, steve & bucky & sam & natasha & tony & clint + some background pairings, domesticity, 13.2k The Wings: Bucky just wants to show his appreciation for everything Sam has done for Steve. Of course, Tony Stark’s middle name is ‘needlessly difficult’. The Love: Bucky tries to set Natasha up with Sam. He’s a bit late for that party, but he managed to find Steve’s shield and replace Sam’s wings: he’ll come up with something for her. ✦ Swap by sparkles_stars, steve & bucky + avengers, body swap, 1.2k Steve and Bucky switch bodies. Nothing of substance happens from that moment on. ✦ Escape by Sholio, steve & bucky, 2.4k Missing scene for Captain America: The First Avenger – freeing the prisoners was just the start of getting away. ✦ think of it as personality dialysis by KiaraSayre, bucky & darcy, humor, 1.4k “I strangled someone with a shoelace once,” Barnes says. “Does that count as expressing myself through clothes?” “Uh, no.”
✦ Name, Rank, and Serial Number by forthegreatergood, steve & bucky + other marvel characters, 1.5k A Nazi peeling off his skin and declaring himself beyond human doesn’t even get a rise out of him anymore, but Bucky doesn’t think he could stand it if Steve ripped off his face, too. ✦ The Dawn of That Last Great Day by ignipes, steve & bucky + avengers + minor pairing references, the winter soldier speculation fic, 13.8k The Winter Soldier has a mission: kill Captain America. ✦ All The Leaves Are Brown (And the sky is gray) by AvocadoLove, bucky & tony + some tony/pepper + very mildly implied steve/bucky, 17.4k The Winter Soldier's mission is nearly complete. Howard and Maria Stark are dead, leaving him to dispatch their four-year-old child. One quick twist of the neck is all it will take, but the Soldier finds he cannot do it. So instead of killing Tony Stark, the Winter Soldier takes him away to raise as his own.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: STEVE&BUCKY&CAST - POST-THE WINTER SOLDIER: ✦ so this is how it is by sciencemyfiction, steve & bucky & sam, the winter soldier spoilers, ptsd, 29.1k Following the events of the Winter Soldier film, Steve and Sam finally find Bucky, and work to get back to a good place. ✦ On Your Left by TravelingRoses, steve & bucky & natasha & sam & tony thor & fury peggy, the winter soldier spoilers, 12.9k Five times someone told Steve to give up looking for Bucky and two times someone didn’t. Alternately, five times someone smacked Steve on the head and said “Don’t do the thing” and he continued doing the thing and two times he listened so he could keep doing the thing. ✦ and i have fought (in flesh and blood) by ChristinasInferno, steve & bucky, the winter soldier spoilers, 1.1k “He is Bucky Barnes and his best friend is Steve Rogers, and Steve Rogers is Captain America.” Bucky, post-Winter Soldier. ✦ The Care and Feeding of Traumatized Ex-Assassins by Sholio, steve & bucky + natasha + sam, the winter soldier spoilers, 6.6k Steve starts to notice someone’s been in his apartment while he’s not there. Set after Winter Soldier; spoilers. ✦ Glass of Milk by Lauralot, bucky & avengers, the winter soldier spoilers, 6.6k In which in the Winter Soldier is in the care of the Avengers. He has yet to regain his memories, but he has developed a fondness for dairy products.
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!warning! these fics will include inter-species relations, size differences, innocent kink, age gaps and dark content.
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𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 - pairing: prince ransom drysdale x princess reader
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𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 - pairing: prince frank adler x mermaid reader
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𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒆'𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 - pairing: street rat lloyd hansen x princess reader
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𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓 - pairing: prince lance tucker x maid reader
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𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒔 - pairing: beast ari levinson, beast logan howlett, beast geralt of rivia x princess reader
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𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒆𝒏 - pairing: bossy clark kent, sleazy johnny storm, dirty curtis everett, brawny steve rogers, cranky bucky barnes, tipsy dean winchester, horny sam wilson x witch/princess reader
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𝒃𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒊 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒅 𝒅𝒐𝒆 - pairing: hunter lee bodecker x shifter reader
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𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 - pairing: mad hatter jefferson x dreamer reader 
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𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒚𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒓𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒉𝒐𝒆 - pairing: scarecrow jake wyler, tin-man rick grimes, cowardly lion jake jensen, oz andy barber x lost reader
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𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏’𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒅 𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 - pairing: hansel steve kemp, male gretel nick fowler x witch reader
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𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒅 - pairing: big bad wolf luke danes x little red riding hood reader
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𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒖𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 - pairing: tarzan tangerine x jane reader
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𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 - pairing: giant august walker x female jack reader
೫˚🕊️❀ *ૢ🍄೫˚🎀
𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒏’𝒕 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅 - pairing: captain hook negan, captain hook jack sparrow x tinkerbell reader
೫˚🕊️❀ *ૢ🍄೫˚🎀
𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒉𝒐𝒕, 𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒅, 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 - pairing: alpha bear ari levinson, alpha bear henry cavill, alpha bear lee bodecker x goldilocks reader
೫˚🕊️❀ *ૢ🍄೫˚🎀
𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒘𝒂𝒏 - pairing: prince steve rogers x princess/swan hybrid reader
೫˚🕊️❀ *ૢ🍄೫˚🎀
𝒐𝒉, 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒅𝒖𝒎𝒃 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔… 𝒅𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘, 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒅𝒔 - pairing: mermaid jennifer check, mermaid rosalie hale, mermaid jane smith x clueless reader
೫˚🕊️❀ *ૢ🍄೫˚🎀
𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒏’𝒕 𝒂𝒏 𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘 - pairing: mufasa ari levinson x scar sergei kravinoff (kraven the hunter) x lioness reader
೫˚🕊️❀ *ૢ🍄೫˚🎀
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writing-for-marvel · 7 months
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These are all the fics I've read in October. Please go show all these amazing writers some much deserved love! Also please remember to read the warnings for each individual fic
🔥 - smut | 💗 - fluff |💧 - angst | 😈 - dark
Dividers by @saradika
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Bucky Barnes
💧 Meant To Be (series) by @rosepetalsinwinter
🔥 Might Even Be by @slyyywriting
🔥 Lose Your Voice by @navybrat817
💗 Feelin’ Gourd by @jobean12-blog
💧💗🔥 Insatiable by @/jobean12-blog
💗 Rooted in Love by @/jobean12-blog
🔥 Cockwarming by @vellicore
💧💗 Clingy by @imtryingbuck
💗 A Written Notion by @sweetdreamsbuck
💧🔥 Wait For Hours by @notafunkiller
💧🔥 One Night With You Part 1 by @jtargaryen18
💗 What He Deserves by @hannibals-favourite-meal
💗 Personal Pillow by @mrsbarnesblog
💗 Hot Chocolate by @littleseasiren
💧💗 Who The Hell Is Daryl? By @lostgirlmuseum
💗 Firefighter Bucky taking you in after a fire at your apartment building by @espinosaurusrexex
💧💗 What If I Am Too Much? by @notafunkiller
😈🔥 Ace of Wands by @flordeamatista
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Steve Rogers
🔥 Love Bites by @lunarbuck
🔥 Eyes on Me by @1-800-jjbarnes
💗 Back Rubs by @sapphire-rogers
🔥 Car Sex by @stuckymonkey
🔥 Carnival Fun by @notyetneedcoffee
💗🔥 I’ve still got a few rounds left in me by @thyme-in-a-bubble
💗 Stars and Stripes by @intrepidacious
🔥💗 Breathe Me by @fushic0re
💧 Say It Back by @fandoms-writings
💗 The Second Date by @crazyunsexycool
🔥💗 Overstimulation by @myfictionaldreams
💧💗 Imagine Steve coming to be with you by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
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Wanda Maximoff
🔥 Somnophilia by @sytoran
🔥 Thigh Riding by @/sytoran
💗 The Purrfect Pair by @astrorogers
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Frank Castle
🔥😈 Sacrifice Yourself and Let Me Have What’s Left by @mrsmischief209
💧🔥 Complicated by @targaryenvampireslayer
💧💗 How To Say I Love You by @feelmyskinonyourskin
💗 Domestic Frank by @strawhbrrries
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Sam Wilson
🔥 Phone Sex by @/lunarbuck
💧💗 Love Me, Too by @onceuponastory
💗🔥 Sugar Daddy!Sam by @fluffyprettykitty
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Andy Barber
🔥 The Devil by @/flordeamatista
💗 CEO!Andy by @holacia3
💗 Your Age Is Showing by @worksby-d
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Lee Bodecker
😈🔥 Save Your Tears by @/flordeamatista
😈 Lights Out by @/vellicore
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Joel Miller
🔥 Thrills by @moonlight-prose
🔥 Can’t Keep My Hands to Myself by @/jobean12-blog
🔥💗 Joel is such a sap after sex by @inklore
💧💗 Roommate Joel Collection by @/holacia3
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Multiple Characters
💧😈 Surrender by @/mrsmischief209
🔥 Double Penetration by @/lunarbuck [Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers]
😈🔥 The Magician by @/flordeamatista [Lloyd Hansen & Nick Fowler]
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flordeamatista · 9 months
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༄ These are some of the most captivating stories from June, July, August.
༄ All blogs and daydreams listed below are 18+
༄ You are responsible for the media you consume
༄ Whenever you reblog a fic, you are sending flowers to the writer
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Bucky Barnes
The Dreadful Need In The Devotee @jamalflanagan
Fleece Navidad @the-omni-princess
Come Wind Me Up @/slyyywriting
On Bended Knees @^
Hat, Scarf and Mittens @/writing-for-marvel
He’s Hazardous To My Health [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] @^
You look cold.” + Can we just cuddle all day? @^
Breakable @/syntheticavenger
Midnight City - Mirror ^syntheticavenger
A Hopeful Tale @justagirlinafandomworld
Dirty Little Secret @vellicore
Promises @preciousbarnes
Dangerous @onceuponastory
Tension @sebstanwhore
Bucky Barnes and the Summer Soldier @ramp-it-up
Desperate @buckets-and-trees
Sunset [1] @/targaryenvampireslayer
Wrong Number @^targaryenvampireslayer
On My Mind @^
Waiting a Little Longer @navybrat817
When We First Met @^
Stalked ^
A New Beginning ^
Where We Left Off @^
Easy Target @jobean12-blog
Dark Desires @/jobean12-blog
Hide & Seek @angrythingstarlight
Hide & Seek Drabble @/angrythingstarlight
Bucky’s Goats @/angrythingstarlight
Need To Know @/angrythingstarlight
Enchanted @/angrythingstarlight
Mafia!Bucky (Bumblebee) [1,2,3,] @/angrythingstarlight
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Steve Rogers
Brave [1 , 2] @boxofbonesfic
Escape @golden-ariess
My Girl @jadedvibes
Painting Every Color For You @galatially
The Sweetest Thing @/wint3r-h3art
At Your Service [2] @/writing-for-marvel
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In Our Element @lunarbuck
Under Covers @sagechanoafterdark
Sam Wilson
Touch Me @galatially
Love Like A Wound [2] @targaryenvampireslayer
Dancing's When I Think Of You ^targaryenvampireslayer
Contentment @fluffyprettykitty
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Doctor Strange
More Than You Bargain For @/wint3r-h3art
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Miguel O'Hara
Apotheosis @wint3r-h3art
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Changed Places @geminixevans-stan
Due Diligence @/boxofbonesfic
The Land of Milk and Honey @^
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Mad at Me @/wint3r-h3art
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Ransom Drysdale
Graining @slyyywriting
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Ari Levinson
Biker!Ari drabble [1 2] @/angrythingstarlight
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Lloyd Hansen
Sub!Lloyd drabble @littlelioncub43
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Andy Barber
Ticking Clock [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9,10,11,12,13, ] @syntheticavenger
If I Can’t Have Everything, Then Let Me Just Have You /writing-for-marvel
Never Tear Us Apart ^
You know I don’t like to be teased ^
Good Stuff @avintagekiss24
Supernova /syntheticavenger
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Joel Miller
Kinktober Day 22: Thigh Riding @flightlessangelwings
His to Protect ^/jobean12-blog
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Tommy Miller
Of the Same Feather @shadeysprings
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Din Djarin
Mando M.C. @flightlessangelwings
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Aemond Targaryen
The Handmaid’s Dilemma @all-that-glitters-is-goldfish
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Santiago Garcia
Truth or Dare @holacia3
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286 notes · View notes
wwilsonbarness · 9 months
don't tell my boyfriend, it's not what he's made for
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pairings:  sam wilson x reader
summary: you try hide your bad days from Sam but he knows you too well. (Based on What Was I Made For by Billie Eilish.)
warnings: depression, mention of bad relationship with parents, angst, fluff, sam being the best boyfriend. I think that's it?
word count: 1559
a/n: my first Sam fic YAY! 
Feedback, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) 
I do not give permission for my work to be copied, reposted or translated on any other platform.
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It’s been 3 days since you last saw Sam, not because he was on a mission or fighting a giant purple-thumb looking alien but because you couldn’t bring yourself to let him see you the way you are right now. 
Things had been tough since you graduated college, you had your degree, you’d done everything your parents had asked of you, but you’d never really done anything that you wanted. Your parents didn’t seem to care what you did now, you’d gotten your degree, you’d moved to the city, you’d got away. They’d “done their job” they told you, but what were you meant to do now.
That’s what has been on your mind the last few months and all the stress has finally caught up with you. You weren’t leaving the house, you were hardly eating, you hadn’t seen your friends in weeks. Then there was Sam, you’d been pretending to be okay around him, and it was killing you. You couldn’t do it anymore so you’d been avoiding him, first not going to his apartment, then cancelling plans, and now avoiding his text messages. It only made you feel worse but you couldn’t let him see you this way. He’d probably break up with me. 
You had bags under your eyes from the 2 hours of sleep you were getting each night, your eyes were red and irritated by the countless tears that had fallen from them. You hadn’t showered since you last saw Sam and that was only because he surprised you with a picnic in the park. 
You’d tried to enjoy that day but all you wanted was to lay in bed and cry, to forget about everything else. But more than anything you wanted Sam, wanted him to hold you, to tell you everything would work out, but that couldn’t happen. You couldn’t have him realise what a mess you were, you couldn’t risk him leaving you. 
So that’s how you ended up here, curled up into a ball in the dark on your sofa, crying quietly into your blanket and ignoring the feeling of a slight buzz from your phone beside you. You didn’t know who it was and quite frankly at this point you didn’t care. It had been like this since you woke up, you have no idea how long it’s been, and you had no intention of finding out. That would make you feel worse, knowing you’d wasted another day. You had no intention of moving at all, and that didn’t change when you heard a knock at your door. Just leave it, they’ll go away soon. But they didn’t, they kept knocking and knocking, until Sam’s voice came through the hard wood. His warm and gentle voice being the only thing breaking your almost comatose state. 
“Y/N? I know you’re in there, please I just need to see that you are okay. Please?” You felt your heart break as his voice cracked with his last word.
You freeze at first, not knowing what to do. If you didn’t answer you were 90% sure he would kick your door down. So you did the only thing you could do and walked slowly towards the door, cracking it open slightly, not even removing the chain. 
His head fly’s up from the spot he was staring at on the ground when he hears your door creak open. 
“Hi Sam.” 
“Y/N,” He goes to push the door open only to be met with the resistance of the chain. “Can you open the door properly? Please?” 
You don’t really want to let him into your depressive bubble but at the same time you wanted him, his warmth against your skin, the smell of his cologne that always made you feel safe. So you nod slightly and remove the chain. 
He immediately steps in and pulls you towards him. Your head finds its usual spot against his chest and his warmth seeps into you which instantly makes you feel a little bit lighter. 
“Thank god.” Sam sighs in relief as he wraps his arms around you, bringing his left hand up to the back of your head to cup it slightly. “I thought something had happened to you when you didn’t answer your phone all day, I was so worried about you baby.” 
All day? You had no clue that much time had passed, and now you were angry at yourself for worrying Sam, he doesn’t deserve all this. He deserves someone better. 
You start to feel your eyes burning as more tears threaten their escape. “I’m sorry Sammy.” 
“Hey, none of that, okay? You wanna tell me what’s going on?” 
Sam had kind of guessed what was happening, sure he mostly had experience working with Vets with PTSD, but he definitely knew the tell tale signs of depression. So when you started to pull away, and started acting not quite like yourself he had made sure to clear his schedule as much as he could to be there for you.
“I.. I don’t really know.”
“That’s okay baby. Can I stay with you for a bit?” 
You shake your head against his chest and start to pull away from him as it hits you how you look, how your apartment looks. Panic starts to overtake every other emotion already running though you. “Oh my god. The mess and I haven’t even- I look so gross and I didn’t-“ 
Sam cuts you off before you can spiral more. “Hey, take a breath. It’s okay.” 
“It’s not okay, nothing is okay anymore.” He guides you to the sofa gently and sits beside you, slightly turning himself in your direction. 
“Try and breathe for me, okay? In and out. Copy me.” You try to listen and copy his breathing. “That’s it, good girl. You're doing such a good job baby.” 
“I don’t know what to do anymore.” 
“What do you mean?” He replies, with a hint of confusion. 
You shake your head before continuing. “No, I don’t want to burden you Sam. You can leave if you want to, I’d understand.” You were so sure he’d leave, there was no way he could want to stay with you now. Right? Deep down you knew your brain was lying to you but you didn’t have it in you to fight what it was so easily telling you. 
“Baby,” He looks at you with pure concern and love in his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, you can tell me what’s wrong, you can tell me anything.” 
You look down and start to play with your sleeves before you answer him. “It’s not what you’re made for, you don’t deserve to have to pick up all the pieces everytime I fall apart. You deserve someone who’s happy, and I…” You pause to try and figure out how to say what you are feeling. “I think I forgot how to be happy.” It comes out as an almost whisper, in fear of it chasing him away. 
Sam’s heart breaks hearing how you are feeling, he’s never felt this much love for someone or something before and wants nothing more than for you to be okay. He needs you to know how much you mean to him. 
“Y/N, look at me?” You shakily bring your eyes back up to him. “That’s exactly what I was made for, you’re everything to me and I want to help you in any way that I can. Who was there when I beat myself up for Karli’s death? You. Who picked me back up again when I worked myself too hard? You did. So please, let me help you. Let me in. I will be here to pick up every little piece of you for as long as you will have me.” 
The tears had managed to find an escape route now, and were freely rolling down your cheeks. You knew Sam loved you, he’d told you every chance he got and you hated that your brain could convince you otherwise.
“I love you Sam.” He brings his lips to your forehead and places a gentle kiss. 
“And I love you too, so much, and whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m here to listen, okay?” 
“Okay..” You weren’t ready to talk yet, you just wanted him. “Could you just hold me for now?” 
“Of course, anything you want.” 
He lays back on the sofa and brings you into his lap. Your head finds its place in his chest again, seeking his warmth. Things were silent for a few moments, each of you soaking up the feeling of being close with one another, until your stomach rumbling broke the silence. 
“Baby?” he asks gently but concerned. 
“Hmm?” You know where this is going but you try to play innocent. 
“Have you eaten anything today?” You shake your head in embarrassment that you hadn’t managed to do that.
“Want me to order something in?” You nod against him. “The usual?” 
“‘Mhmm. Can you get some of the-“ 
“Chocolate dumplings.” You say together which makes you both laugh, your first real laugh in a while and it feels nice. 
“How could I not?” Sam says as he playfully rolls his eyes. “But until there’s a knock at the door I’m not letting go of you.” He squeezes you extra tight to show you he’s not kidding. 
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