#would you still love her if she kidnapped people and made pies out of them
01a057 · 29 days
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mai can cook anything
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iguana-eyanna · 2 years
Mend What's Broken
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Pairing: Druig x reader
Summary: Druig travels to Australia to relieve Gilgamesh from taking care of Thena. But what he didn't expect was to find you, their daughter.
Warnings: deviant attack, past hurt!reader, use of shotgun (self-defense)
Druig never liked the hot, dry weather. He was already missing the amazon jungle that was full of life.
He would have loved Australia more if Gilgamesh and Thena didn't live on the outskirts of the country.
But they had to, Thena still had mahd wy'ry. Gilgamesh had called upon Druig so he could take a few days off. Druig didn't mind of course, they were his family and he would do anything for them.
Now, he pulled into their house in a rental jeep.
'Not much has changed...' he thought since his last visit. There was the outside oven where a faint smell of blueberry pie hung in the air, there was the tree where Thena was mostly meditating or drawing, there was a girl that was hanging up wet clothes-
Why is there a young woman here?
Did his eyes deceive him?
He softly walks closer to the woman who had her back faced him. She was humming a soft tune as she bent down to a basket to finish hanging up the wet garments. Her voice alone made the mind controller feel powerless, making him feel weak on his knees. He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling a type of peace he hasn't felt for a long time.
Suddenly, the humming stops. Druig opens his eyes and he realizes the girl has caught him.
What made Druig even more delirious was the girl was pointing a shotgun directly towards his head.
"Dad!" she screamed, fury in her eyes.
"Dad?" Druig repeated, raising his hands up high to show he meant no harm.
In a rush, Gilgamesh runs out of the house, ready to fight. It wasn't until he saw Druig that he put his guard down.
"Don't worry, honey. It's just Druig, our friend." Gilgamesh said.
The girl lowered her gun, but didn't put her guard down to the stranger before her. Thena appeared out of the house and walked up to the young girl, murmuring something under her breath. The two women walked inside of the house and Thena shot a glance at Gilgamesh.
"I didn't mean for you to find out this way." Gilgamesh said, finishing the chores you were doing earlier.
Druig followed the mighty warrior, confused.
"Why didn't you tell me you two had a daughter?" Druig said.
Gilgamesh released a big sigh and put down the now-empty basket.
"A few years ago, Thena and I were on a walk. We suddenly heard a scream nearby and went to the source. It was a deviant, slaughtering a small camp area. Thena and I took it down, she almost had a relapse until we heard a small whimper. She turned around and saw that there was a little girl hiding in a bush. She looked no younger than 7, and the deviant scarred her on the left side of her face. Thena looked up to me and I knew that we wanted to take care of her as our own."
"So you just kidnapped a girl without researching any family she had left." Druig bit back.
Gilgamesh felt a fury in him and stepped in front of Druig.
"Don't you ever insist that, we did the right thing. My girl in there just saw her family torn to shreds. And if we took her to an orphanage or any family, no one would believe what she'd seen. And what would happen to her then?"
Druig fell silent, not realizing the casualties of people discovering more alien beings on the planet.
"I'm sorry." Druig apologized sincerely. Gilgamesh just patted on the mind reader's shoulder and walked towards the house.
"Come, eat dinner. I made meat pies."
Surprisingly, dinner was well.
It would have gone without a hitch if Gilgamesh didn't explain how he made the meed (which Druig had to politely decline a second filling.) Thena was silently eating but made a loving glance to Gilgamesh once in a while.
And then there was you.
He could tell you felt uneasy around him, as you chose not to speak in his company. He couldn't blame you one bit as he thought visitors weren't very common around here.
After dinner, you did the dishes as Gilgamesh was packing for a brief vacation. He wanted you to join him but you didn't like the idea of leaving mom behind. He respected your decision but Druig thought there might be something else you're not wanting to discuss.
It wasn't until night fell that your dad was about to leave.
Your mom and dad connected their heads together, knowing they'll be reunited again. You hugged your mom tightly as she combed her fingers in your hair.
"I'll be alright. Druig has done this many times." She assured you, speaking in a soft voice. She kisses your forehead before she lays on her bed.
Druig's eyes turned golden and Thena begun her coma state. Gilgamesh tucks her in a light blanket, taking a longing glance as it was hard to distance himself from someone he unconditionally loved.
Your dad then hugged you tightly as this was the first time he'd be leaving since you entered their lives.
"I promise to get you something." He says. You laugh as your dad always tried to spoil you. He also says for you to take care of Druig, even if he claims that he doesn't feel drained.
You said your farewells as Gilgamesh leaves with Druig's rental. You close the door to the house and turn to see Druig sitting solemnly in his chair, focusing.
"If you're wondering, I am aware of my surroundings even if I'm using my powers." He says, knowing you're staring at him.
You slowly take a seat next to him, curious yet cautious.
"Do you ever get tired? When you use your powers for a long time?" you ask.
He takes a second to reply, thinking back.
"Only when I control a mass of people," he says, remembering the times of bloody wars of man.
You don't say anything for a while, feeling sleep creep up to you.
"Go to sleep, I'll stay up tonight to make sure she'll stay asleep." He said. You get out of your seat to walk to your bedroom. You return in to where he sat and offered him a blanket.
"It gets cold sometimes, thought you'd want to keep yourself warm."
He softly smiles at you and takes the blanket.
"Good Night." Druig said.
"Night." You softly replied as you retired for the night.
The following days, you and Druig weren't at odds anymore. Sometimes, he would cook breakfast and offer you a plate. It almost kicks your dad's dishes out of the park but you'll never publicly admit it. You'd be maintaining the house as Druig starts talking to you about the olden days with your parents. You'll laugh as your dad already told the stories Druig have said.
Now, seven nights have passed and you both are having dinner by candlelight. You felt like you could finally let your guard down around the eternal and something inside of you was wanting to know him.
"How is the Amazon like?" you asked.
Druig smiles to himself, thinking of his home.
"Peaceful. I sometimes go the nearby lake to clear my thoughts and meditate on things. And I don't have to use my powers unless people want to seek harm on the innocent." He says.
Druig could see an eagerness within you, so he dares to ask you something.
"Haven't you wanted to see the world?" he politely asks.
You lower your head, avoiding eye contact with him.
"I like it here, I owe everything to my parents for taking me in and I understand what they had to do to protect me." You said.
"I think they rather see you happy and live your life." Druig stated plainly.
"I... I am happy." You said, raising your head at him.
"I wasn't talking about Gilgamesh and Thena." Druig bluntly uttered out.
You felt like the air sucked right out of you.
"I- um, need to step outside for a moment." You said, quickly going out to the back.
"Idiot." Druig mutters to himself and stops using his powers. He leans into Thena's room and sees how she is still in her slumber, thinking that she'll hopefully stay like that for a few more hours.
Druig follows where you left and is outside of the house. He sees a ladder that connects to the roof and climbs on it. He stares up to the sky and sees a bunch of constellations. He turns his head and sees you looking at the same sight.
You lock eyes with him and see how it returned to his normal eye color. "It's fine, I'll know when Thena wakes and I'll put her to sleep. I apologize for earlier, my mind isn't clear when I converse with others."
He says, taking a seat next to you.
"It's fine." you shortly replied, not really wanting his company.
He doesn't comply as he sits at an arm's length next to you.
"Why are you so afraid of leaving here?" Druig asks.
"This is the only place that makes me feel safe. I know Gilgamesh and Thena want me to be happy, but I'm scared what's out there."
Druig shrugs his shoulders. "It's not too bad." He says.
"Can you honestly say that? You and the rest of the Eternals have seen mankind destroy each other. You were even the first one to leave from the rest of your family." You said.
Druig could understand your frustration as he was once felt hopeless in this world.
"Yes, I left because I didn't agree with our mission to stand idly when we could help humans. But I had the choice to, I grew into a different person and did my best to only control what I can. The importance of moving forward is that you shouldn't feel fearless, but admit to the fear and carry on." He says.
Your eyes begin to gloss over.
"But how can I move on when I never had?" you said, beginning to cry.
Druig slowly crawled his way to you, hugging you as your face was in his chest. He was rarely an empathetic person, but he's grown attached to you. He never felt like that with anyone else.
Once you calm down, you dry your face and stare up at him.
"It's just I- I don't have a clear memory of my birth parents. The deviant destroyed everything where my family was at, so I can't even remember their names. I'm starting to forget their faces." You said as you hugged your knees to yourself.
"Do you wish to remember?" Druig asks.
You look at him, knowing what he's about to offer.
"You can't mend what's broken." You said, letting your body face him.
"Let me try." He says, only wanting to help you.
At that moment, your mind surrenders itself to him as his eyes glow a bright shade of gold. He dove into your mind, trying to search your memories.
It was as if he allowed you to see what was in your mind as you were brought back to your childhood. You felt so free, not having to be afraid of the beasts to come.
And then you saw them: your parents.
They looked like loving people. They were setting up camp in broad daylight, calling each other by their name across the space. You saw yourself running towards them, laughing loudly.
One of your parents lifts you in the air, making you feel like you could fly. Your smile widens as all you felt was joy. Your other parent comes to the middle and all three of you are laughing at your glee. And just like that, you return back to the roof with Druig who saw everything.
You tear up a bit, smiling at him.
"Thank you, for letting me remember."
He smiles and hugs you closer to him.
"I'd do anything for you." He whispers in the wind.
You hesitate from his words but you let go to stare at him.
"Can you show me the world?" you asked.
"Yes, and I'll even give you the world." He smiles, making your heart swell. You launch your lips onto his, kissing him.
You realize what you did and pull away. "I'm so sorry." You said, out of breath.
Druig lightly chuckles at you. "I actually quite enjoyed that." he says, giving you a devilish grin. You smile back at him and you two kissed under a thousand stars.
"I've been gone for seven days and this is what I see?" Gilgamesh says out loud.
You and Druig pull away from each other and see your dad and your mom (who is WIDE awake) staring at the two of you.
"Dad! Mom! Um, look I know this looks bad but I swear that-"
Thena raises her hand and you stop talking.
She walks up to Druig, a bit coldly and stares down at him.
"Do you promise to take care of her?" She asks him.
"I do." He says with such strength.
She gives him a small smile and looks at you.
"Whenever you wish to leave with Druig, we will prepare you for whatever you need." She says as you dad closes in.
You squeel in delight as you hug your parents, repeating thank you over and over again.
Gilgamesh walks up to Druig, under the impression that he'll give him a heartful talk or a pat on the back.
Instead, Gilgamesh hits him hard in the chest as Druig landed on his but.
"That's for kissing my daughter." Your dad says, then helping Druig up his feet.
You and your mom can't help but chuckle and soon all of you are in a fit of laughter.
You haven't felt such happiness in a long time and you thank Druig for walking into your life.
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officialleehadan · 3 years
Making a Queen
Hello darlings! Today's story was brought to you by Kat! Darling, thank you so much for all your support!
Prompt: Spider-Eating Elves
“What was I thinking?” Shimra asked Halva, a little frantic around the edges and not entirely sure how her life had gotten to this point. “I’m an innkeeper’s daughter. I can’t be queen.”
“You will do very nicely as queen,” Isera said, very matter-of-fact and clear. She had forgone her usual white today, and was striking instead in soft green with gold about the hems. She adjusted the pins in Shimra’s hair, and checked to make sure her veil was neatly in place. “Sweet girl, every bride is nervous on her wedding day, and your wedding day is rather larger than you expected.”
“The steward told me there are nearly a thousand nobles, eight kings with their consorts, four queens with theirs, and representatives form every race that peoples the continent,” Shimra said weakly. Her gown was gossamer-white spidersilk, sewn with crystals that were almost to tiny to see, overlaid over thicker white silk embroidered with glimmering thread. The embroidery was exactly the color of the cloth itself, but made incredible, whirling patterns that seemed to move when Shimra looked at them too long. There were diamonds in her hair, throat, ears, and wrists. “This is more than even the most fanciful of daydreams.”
“You are the queen this land needs,” Halva said. Like Isera, she had forgone her usual garb and wore deep green to show off Isera’s pale. She looked very fine, and had agreed to stand for Shimra, along with Isera herself. Noble company for a girl born in the slums, but maybe appropriate, given that that slums-girl was marrying a king. “Take it from one who knows most of those nobles a little too well. We need new blood, and new ideas. We need that good, stout common sense and the courage to speak up. More than that, Grathneeds someone he can trust, and that’s you.”
“And you need him as well,” Isera agreed. She made another invisible adjustment, this time to Shimra’s hem, which flowered out like petals built of layer upon layer of that nearly-invisible gossamer. “You might have been happy with a lad down in the slums, but the job of ruling is so well suited to your talents. You would have run a fine inn, but you will run a better kingdom.”
It was… not exactly comforting, to realize that Isera was probably right. Shimra had always had a little more ambition than was sensible for a girl from the slums. Maybe she would have taken over her father’s inn when the time came, and maybe she would have been happy doing it but this…
This was a chance to do so much good for the people these nobles, even Halva and Isera and Grath himself, never truly thought of. She could be their voice where they never formerly had one. As queen, she could not be shouted down by anyone but Grath. Not that he ever would. Grath was gentle to the bone and respected her in particular and women in general to shout her down, even if they disagreed.
“Shim-lass, they’re right, you know.”
That was her mother. Hild Innkeep was no court flower, even gowned as noble herself in silks and jewels gifted to her by a very insistent elf-king. She looked magnificent, and as regal as any queen.
“You got my clever,” Hild told her with a gentle kiss to each of her cheeks. Shimra did her best not to tear up, and took a handkerchief when Halva offered one. “And you got your papa’s strong. Them two, they would have given you what you need to run our inn an’ run it well. They’ll also give you what you need to be a queen proper.”
“You aren’t mad, me leaving?” Shimra asked tentatively. Yes, she had a younger brother, but he was a child still, and not big enough to be much help around the inn. Gold was good, and she had plenty of it now from the income Intevar gave her as a duchess, but gold wasn’t the same as family to help. “Won’t see you much, especially if we have to leave on Progress like the council says. Let the kingdom see me.”
“Me? Be mad my girl-child will be a queen?” Hild chuckled ruefully. “Nah, sweet girl. I’ll miss you. We all will. But you’re to be a queen an’ that’s a duty like the nobles maybe forget. I’m proud of you, an’ so is your papa.”
“It’s time.”
Intevar stepped through the door. He matched his sister, but unlike Isera, he wore a slim, emerald-set crown, and a larger emerald at his throat. Shimra’s father, looking very fine, a little nervous, and so proud he could burst, stood beside him. He was to walk Shimra to Grath’s side and give her hand to the man who would be her husband.
The nobles argued that it should be Intevar, as he was her liege, but both Intevar and Isera threw a very public tantrum about disrespecting the honors of family bonds. Nobody argued much after that.
“Last chance to run,” Harrow Innkeep told Shimra with a fond smile that promised he was joking. He liked Grath, had met the young king a dozen times since the first time Shimra brought Grath down to the slums, and approved of the man as much as he approved of the king. “We could go out the window. Use that veil as a rope.”
“It would hold,” Isera told them both with a straight face. Shimra couldn’t tell if she was joking, but rather suspected she wasn’t. “Spidersilk is very strong, although it might not be long enough.”
“I’m not fleeing my own wedding,” Shimra told them all, but she was smiling again, at the jokes and her family who came together to make sure she was ready to pledge her life and love to her soon-to-be husband. She took her father’s arm and straightened herself proudly. “Besides, there isn’t time to kidnap Grath on our way, and anyway, that would leave Marn on the throne.”
“Perish the thought,” Halva muttered, but she was grinning, one arm around her wife. “Come on, Innkeeper’s Daughter. It’s time to become a queen.”
And that's a wrap! Spider-Eating Elves is officially CLOSED! Keep your eyes out for the anthology, coming soon!
Spider-Eating Elves:
Elves are beautiful, icy, and untouchable. Unfortunately, they always thought the same of humans. Worse yet, they also live in a forest full of giant insects, think tiny spiders are a delicacy, and have a strong-willed princess who is nothing but trouble.
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Introductory Trouble
Lady of Grace
Lady of Stone, and her Girlfriend
Lady Retrieved
Monsters on the Wing
Spiderwebs and Cookies
Royal Match
Lines in the Sand
From One King to Another
Duchess of Pies
Twilight Silk
An Entrance to Make
Raise a Glass (Subscriber Only!)
The Oak and the Climbing Rose
Under the Willow Boughs  (Subscriber Only!)
The Brightest Flowers
Back Road to the Slums
Beneath the Sky (Subscriber Only!)
More Stories!
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magnumdays · 3 years
Magnum PI - 3.09 - The Big Payback (the real review)
Higgy in danger and her boys doing everything to save her - check
Magnum basically going “let her go and you can do whatever you want to me” - check
Miggy hug - check (OMG!!! It only took 49 episodes!!)
Rick getting a girlfriend - check
Angst-y Magnum about doing the right thing years ago because it got Higgy in trouble(!!!) - check
Juliet deciding to just squeeze in between Rick and Thomas even when there wasn’t really a place for here there...because of reasons - check
Adorable Miggy early days flash back - check
Gordon being all ’I might be a cop but I’m gonna be here for my BFFs’ - check
It’s like someone grabbed a bunch of my favorite tropes and just made a salad with them (or an ice cream sundae, because I hate salad). I legit just want to re-watch it ten times today (but I can’t because I have so much to do *grrr*.)
I mean we get this
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I’m not sure what to say because I just keep getting stuck watching the gifs for this over and over. Like come on, how can you be so adorable?
Still, I’m going to try to have some coherent thoughts.
So yes, obviously I enjoyed this episode. Even though it l def. lacked Miggy working together and bantering and being their normal adorable selves I can handle that when we get gems like Magnum just basically going ‘okay shoot me as long as she goes free’ and Miggy hug and Juliet being all “that night in the wind cellar was the moment I knew you were a good person who truly wanted to help people” at the end. 
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I’m not sure how I feel about the fact that Magnum and co. actually broke the guy out/ extracted him, though.
Like they did it with as little damage and blanks in their weapons but still....
Part of me LOVES that they were getting their Higgy back, come hell or high water but ramming police cars and using automatic weapons is kinda different from their normal rule breaking. Like maybe there should have been one more “are we really doing this?” from Rick or TC with Magnum being all. “I can’t lose her. I know it’s not right and I can’t ask you to-” “You don’t have to. We got you.”
Or more of an attempt to find Higgy? Like they go to the guy’s house and he has a camera, threatens Higgy and because the time is almost up they don’t do anything more about finding her. But what if they’d actually hedged their bets and told Gordon they’d manged to find a lead (but not how) and asked him to look into it more? IDK, I guess they were scared. 
Also during on of the phone calls I would really have liked a “I need to talk to her” proof of life sort of thing because at this point they’re just doing the whole thing and hoping Higgy is alive. The guy could have just killed her, planing to kill Magnum during the exchange, right? Right???
Also, why not just shoot both Higgy and Magnum at the exchange? That would have made sure neither one of them followed. I mean if I was the bad guy, that’s what I’d do. Or I’d shoot one of them in the stomach/leg to force the other to focus all their energy on saving them. It worked great in the premier so I really think if I was a bad guy, that’s the way I’d go! #evilgenius #missedmycalling 
I mean, I love that we got Magnum being all sacrificial, putting his gun down, and telling her “it’s gonna be alright” when they took him (I need gifs of that, pretty please! and her looking after him! My babies! )
But if we’re being honest, Higgy was right... not smart Thomas!
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Probably I if I was a bad guy (but not that bad) I’d just leave them both there alive with a broken down car. Like come on, Magnum had already told the Dad he knew he killed his ex-wife and thus the dad should not have wanted him along if he was worried he’d tell his son about it, right? 
So if they really wanted a hostage, keep Juliet. She’s smaller and not a Navy SEAL!  Even if she’s clearly resourceful (unsure how easy it would be to get info on her past as an MI6 agent, but not very I think, so they wouldn’t know just how good) she should seem like the better hostage of the two.
Whatever, it gave us Miggy hug so I don’t even care if it don’t fully make 100% from the bad guy’s POV! I just love it anyway!
Side note  - Juliet has her OWN horse????? I mean we knew she rode but...
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Do you all know freaking expensive horses are to keep? And like how little they bring to the table? Like seriously, Higgy, sell that gorgeous beast, be sad and stop having money problems. I’m telling you, horse vs. huge estate - horse is more expensive (okay no, it’s probably not I’m still kinda surprise there is a stable and an actual horse belonging to Robin’s Nest. I’m assuming the horse is Robin’s and like the cars she’s trying to keep everything without selling it but goodness, a horse? Rich people are so weird. It’s a very cute horse though...)
Next note.
I really like that we’re getting Suzy + Rick. Legit, it was on my season 3 wish list (for Rick to date a girl working at his bar!) I wonder if Higgy getting kidnapped was on there too? I should see if I can find it!
BUT...maybe they should have had one or two episodes more of them just being adorkable at the bar in the background before this. Mostly because I’m not sure this episode felt like the most fitting one. 
We got Rick going “I’m nervous to ask a girl out” while Magnum is all “My soulmate (who is currently dating a rich kinda- handsome doctor) has been kidnapped and will be killed unless we break a guy out of prison in 4 hours.” 
Stakes don’t quite match somehow. 
But it’s nice, getting another female character that might be semi-reoccurring! She and Rick (Zachary) are married in real life (?) hopefully she will be around a lot!
I also loved the whole: 
Suzy: “What are we celebrating?” 
Juliet (having been kidnapped and then watching Magnum get taken, legit happy no one is dead...except the bad guys):“How about being alive?” 
Suzy: “As good as any reason!” 
Over all I really don’t know what to say, other than this episode makes me question if I even need to keep writing fan fics. The show runners seem to be itching to steal my captain’s hat and sail my ship for me! And honestly, if we keep getting what we’ve been getting in season 3, I’ll be happy to let them!
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Also happy birthday to Jay today!
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
The Cage ~ PJM [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count 4.8k
↬↬↬Genre: Angst, drama, thriller?
↬↬↬Pairing: Jimin x Fem!Reader
↬↬↬WARNINGS: Mentions kidnapping, murder, being held captive for length periods.
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Your hands grazed over the fabric of your wedding dress the small lace detailing making you smile as you waited for your sister to come and get you. The sun was shining down above the church it was the perfect day for your wedding and yet something felt wrong about all of it. There was something wrong but you couldn't quite put your finger on what it was, you were ready and so was Jimin - he'd called you that morning to make sure you were okay with all of this. The marriage had come on sooner than either of you had thought but that was what it was all about with arranged marriages besides you'd had the last six years to think it over. The moment you turned 18 your adoptive parents told you that you were betrothed to one another whether you liked it or not was beside the point. Luckily for both of you, you and Jimin got along great from the moment you met one another and a natural relationship bloomed between you. 
"What's wrong? We're all ready," You spoke as your sister came out to the car, the car park was filled with cars while everyone waited inside for you to come out but your sister was holding you off. 
"Big grand entrance," She lied looking at her watch before nodding, 
"Dad will meet you inside." She meant your adoptive father, all of you were adopted from different homes around the country. The family consisted of 2 sisters - you and Sooyoung and 3 brothers - Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok all of you successful in different ways, Sooyoung ran her own magazine company, Seokjin was a doctor, Namjoon a teacher and Hoseok was a vet. You were still trying to figure out what you wanted to do but your adoptive parents gave you the freedom to discover it on the condition that you would still marry Jimin. 
"Inside? Why would he-" You stopped speaking when she shut the door on you again, you rolled your eyes. She was bitter that you were the one getting married to Jimin when she'd had a crush on him for years so you assumed she was just angry about it. 
"Fine then," You whispered letting yourself out of the car and making your way to the doors, your hand was hovering over the handle when a car came speeding into the parking lot, you turned to see what the big deal was. 
"Y/n?" You frowned at the man who had called out your name, you'd never seen him before in your entire life.
"May I help you? I'm a little busy right now..." You gestured towards the wedding gown and he smirked at you walking closer towards you. Your hand pushed down on the door handle to let yourself in but it was locked. 
"What the fuck!?" You pounded against the wood for someone to help you, about to scream when a bag was pulled over your head. 
"GET OFF ME YOU CREEP!" You screamed out hoping that somebody inside of the church would hear all of the commotion happening outside and come to help but no one could hear anything over the loud church organ that was playing. 
"Get off!" You kicked your legs back trying to knock whoever it was that hold ahold of you off but they bound your hands behind your back with cable ties and threw you into the back of their car. 
"She's with us, where do you want her to go?" His voice was deep and mysterious it was still no one you knew. Your hands struggled against the cable ties but you weren't going to get out of them anytime soon, the car jolted to a start and you almost rolled off the backseats as he began driving hastily out of the parking lot of the church.
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Your father was pacing along the back entrance of the church while your sister ran outside to ''check on you'' coming back with a piece of paper shaking her head. 
"She's gone." She whispered to her father, looking him in the eyes to make sure she was pulling this off right. She'd mastered lying to everyone perfectly all those years of acting school were paying off for something. 
"What do you mean?" He hissed snatching the note away from her and glancing through it,
I can't do it. I simply cannot man I do not love. Jimin is great but someone else holds my heart, don't come looking for me you won't find me anywhere. We've run away to be together, please don't be mad at me. I love you all xx
Jimin watched from the other side of the church was your father stared down at something, people were starting to turn to see what was taking so long. 
"She's just got a little nervous, Jimin! Come and help us," He nodded at your father jogging towards the bottom of the church and following him and your sister towards the changing rooms that were inside. 
"What's wrong with her? Is she okay?!" He panicked, you'd been the love of his life for years and now they're were saying you were nervous. You were only texting one another that morning assuring each other that you were ready for this and ready to start your lives together. They ushered him into the room and sat him down on one of the sofas, 
"She's gone. She left this," Your sister placed her hands on his shoulders comfortingly but it didn't fill him with comfort it felt off for her to be doing this. Throughout your time together your sister had never shown an interest in trying to get to know Jimin but now she was acting as though they'd known one another for years. He read through the note over and over again and it didn't settle right in his stomach though he couldn't be sure it was you he placed it into his pocket, 
"The wedding is cancelled until I find her-"
"No! We can't, our reputation is on the line here Jimin." Your father slammed his palms down onto the table in front of him annoyed that you had been this selfish as to run away on the day of your wedding. You could have gone to him before now but you were acting like a bratty child. 
"Well, I can't go out there and marry a ghost-"
"Sooyoung will do it," Sooyoung stared at the back of her fathers head, originally the plan had been for her to suggest it but now that her father had it made it a lot easier on her part. 
"But dad-"
"No buts! We have a reputation to protect and a marriage contract to uphold!" She pretended to act as though she wasn't as ecstatic about this as she was she stared down at her hands shaking her head. 
"No one goes against my word Sooyoung, go and change into her evening gown." Slowly raising herself from the sofa she went out of the changing room leaving her father and Jimin alone to talk, 
"You'll marry one of my daughters Jimin." He wasn't offering to sympathise with Jimin for he didn't care if true love was in the marriage or not, the contract stated he was to marry one of his daughters. 
"I'll go and tell the guests, sort yourself out and join me." He was referring to Jimin's tear-stained cheeks. As your father walked out of the room Namjoon and Jin walked inside to see what was wrong, 
"Here." The note was handed over to them and Jimin ran his hands through his hair, you were in love with someone else? It didn't make any sense, you and Jimin spent every waking moment together there were no other men in your life except for family and your personal trainer. 
"This isn't Y/n writing this, the handwriting is wrong and the wording is too..." Namjoon had lived with you for almost 24 years he knew your handwriting like he knew his own and he also knew you never wrote like that. Jin took the note next and read through it while shaking his head, 
"I'll hire somebody to look for her...I'm not letting this go." Jimin whispered taking the note back from them and placing it into his blazer pocket, there was still a wedding to get through even if he knew deep down that something was wrong. 
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"Mr and Mrs Park I found everything I could on short notice." It was the evening of the wedding, a PI that Jimin had hired was back with some research about you. 
"Sooyoung go and have a drink," Jimin grumbled looking at the PI who was holding an envelope in his hands looking nervous about something, he was nervous about being at a wedding of such a powerful family with information on their runaway daughter. 
"No. She's my sister Jimin, I want to know where she is." She actually only wanted to stay to see what the old guy had found out about you, she'd done well to cover her tracks and she wasn't about to let some PI undo all of it within a few hours. 
"We followed a paper trail, she bought plane tickets and used her passport so we know she's no longer in the country, I have another PI flying over there to see what we can find in London." London. You'd never expressed an interest in going to London to Jimin so why would you up and fly there now, 
"Her favourite City," Jimin frowned turning to look at Sooyoung who was looking at the folder. It was wrong. London wasn't your favourite city, you'd never once mentioned London to Jimin and you told one another everything. 
"Before she fled she took out a large sum of money and exchanged it to British currency. We'll keep searching but for now, that's all we have on her whereabouts." The file was placed into Sooyoung's hands and Jimin watched the PI leaving the hall, this was supposed to be a huge celebration but everyone except for Jimin seemed to be enjoying themselves.
"We should go and have our first dance," Sooyoung was doing her best to play the part of the innocent bystander in all of this. Wanting to present herself as the good little sister that was doing what her father wanted instead of the evil mastermind behind all of it. 
"Later. I need a drink." Jimin mumbled walking over to the open bar and ordering himself some scotch, he was going to need it if he was going to make it through the night. 
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It was freezing in the glass cage that they were keeping you inside of, you had no idea where you were being held. They'd kept the bag over your head until you got into the cage they were keeping you inside of, 
"Are you going to at least give me a blanket! I'm freezing!" You grumbled at the man who had taken you in the first place, he was sitting with his legs up on a desk in front of him while he flicked through a magazine. Your sister and Jimin were on the front of it, married. You'd been in the cage for two days been given scraps of food and told to sleep on the mattress that was in the corner. You didn't even want to talk about the bucket in the corner that was for you to go to the bathroom in. 
"Use your dress." He mumbled looking over at you, your eyes were on the magazine and he chuckled standing up and walking over to you while he read the article out loud.
"Controversy hit headlines today when Park Jimin and Kim Y/n were supposed to get married but Jimin ending up marry her sister Kim Sooyoung. Debates are circling about why Y/n had run away despite her claims of love for Jimin. A note was found explaining that she was in love with another and had no intentions of coming home to Jimin again...Private investigators tracked Y/n to London where it is believed she changed her name and is now living under a false identity." You stared at the man as he posted the magazine through the flap in the door, you scrambled over to it flicking through the magazine to see photos of Jimin and your sister looking happy together on the day of their wedding. 
"But- You're not holding me for ransom money?!" You panicked dropping the magazine and looking at him before you thought this would be easy. Your father would pay the fee and you would be home but now that there was a note explaining you'd run away there was no one that would come looking for you which meant they didn't want money. 
"Who do you work for?! Whatever they're paying I'll double it-" You stopped speaking when a metal door began to open, artificial light flooded the room and you squinted at the silhouette that was there and frowned.
"Money isn't his primary focus here Y/n."
"Sooyoung?" You stuttered watching as your sister dropped the front of the storage locker door behind her and handed a big bag over to the man that had been watching you for the last two days. 
"Some extra in there for your troubles," He kissed her cheek before leaving the way that she had come in, she squatted down in front of you and smirked. 
"You did this to me? Why?!" You yelled at her pounding your closed fist against the reinforced glass - you'd tried to throw the items in the glass cage at it but it was no use. The glass was far too thick for anything to get out or into it like that. 
"Why?! Because you've got everything you've ever wanted! You got the man, the house and no to mention you get to get away with everything. You don't work!"
"Because I'm trying to figure out what I need-" You screamed when she slammed her palm against the glass, you scrambled towards the back of the cage looking at her as her face turned a bright red colour. 
"Now I get everything, I get the guy of my dreams, I get the house I wanted and I get you out of my life." You whimpered as she stalked around towards the back of the cage, 
"A-Are you going to kill me?" You questioned watching her closely but she shook her head, 
"Killing you would be too easy, I'd rather let you watch me and the love of your life be happy while you stay inside of here." At least that was something you didn't have to worry about, 
"W-What if I just left? I'll run away to England like you've told them all-"
"Too easy for you to come back and ruin everything, this way I get to control the way you live...I get what I want." She was crazy. She had to be. She straightened herself back up and walked over to the door, 
"I brought you some clothes and a blanket to keep warm. I can't risk you getting sick." How quick her mood changed was given you whiplash, she walked over to the glass cage and unlocked the door pulling out a knife. 
"You make a move and I'll gut you like a fish." You swallowed the lump in your throat and stayed back not wanting to risk it, she threw the bag inside before slamming and locking the door. 
"I'll be back in a week, there's food and water in there to keep you alive...I'll send the boys round if I need you checked on but I'm always watching," She nodded over at a camera in the far corner of the cage it would capture everything you did inside of there.
"A week?! Where are you going?! What am I supposed to do while you're gone?!" You yelled at her but she slammed and locked the storage room door, at least now you had a general idea of where you were but you were still locked inside of the cage.
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                                                ~ 4 Months Later ~
Time had passed by but you'd been locked inside the cage for so long you had no idea how much, you'd lost all concept of time since there was no clock inside of there and any magazines that Sooyoung would bring you were outdated. 
"Go fish." You mumbled to Dave - the guy that had kidnapped you. He'd been looking after you whenever Sooyoung went away on business or had something to do with Jimin and she couldn't come to see you. For a while, you thought you were wearing him down and he would let you out but you were wrong. He just got easier to talk to, telling you things that were happening in the outside world but he would never tell you the date or if it was night or day. The only things that you were ever brought were magazines and books that Sooyoung would bring you to keep you entertained. You'd asked for a laptop but she'd shot that down right away, you could have gotten internet from anywhere around you and she wasn't about to let you send a strange email to Jimin, not when he was finally starting to fall in love with her.
"Do you think she'll ever let me out?" You questioned him when you took a card from the deck, he stared at you before glancing back down at his cards. 
"No." You nodded along slowly and told him to go fish before placing down a set of Queens and finishing the game. You were bored with Go Fish and poker they were the only games you'd play, though of course Poker was played with potato chips and cookies instead of real money.
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Jimin was sitting at his office desk staring at the photo of you and him together, he kept it locked in his middle drawer so that Sooyoung would never catch him looking at it. Twirling the ring around his finger he thought about you and why the PI had failed to find any leads of you in London, claiming it was thought you'd landed and vanished into thin air.
"Sir?" He looked up to see his assistant standing in the door with PI's behind her, 
"Come in," He placed your photo back down into the drawer and watched as they walked into the room and sat down in front of his desk. 
"We believe we might have found something sir, but it's not something you're going to like." Jimin didn't care if he did or did not like it. All he wanted to do was to make sure you were safe, even if you had run off with another man and he was slowly starting to fall in love with your sister. 
"Sooyoung made a purchase a couple of months before the wedding, a giant glass cage, a storage locker and some security equipment." Jimin frowned shaking his head, separately all of those could be explained away easily by saying she was making a panic room - the cage and security system. The storage locker could easily be explained as somewhere for her to store her things but the way they had worded it meant it was something suspicious.
"What does that mean exactly?" He questioned leaning his hands forward on the desk, 
"We think she might be involved in Y/n's ''running away''." He held up his hands to make quotation marks and Jimin thought about it more, it did make sense for your running away to have been faked, you'd never expressed a love for London and no one else had been in your life, the note also wasn't in your handwriting.
"Can you follow Sooyoung?"
"We have been, I've traced her to the storage locker and I'm going there tomorrow to see what's inside, I'll report back to you tomorrow if I find anything." Jimin nodded his head watching them get up and walk away without speaking to them, if Sooyoung was really behind this then she was going to have a lot of explaining to do.
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"Sooyoung, please! Please don't leave me here!" You screamed your voice barely coming out as you were losing it from all of the yelling that you'd been doing but she slammed the door behind her and you slammed your hands against the glass crying out for her to let you out. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you slumped down onto the floor crying into your hands as you thought about being stuck in there forever, there was no way out for you. You were either going to die in there or she was going to kill you for trying to escape,
"Please," You whimpered closing your eyes as you curled up into a ball on the floor. The door opened and your head shot up expecting to see her there but there was a short bald man standing there instead. 
"HELP!" You screamed slamming your hand on the glass to get his attention, he walked closer with a frown on his face as he looked at you inside. 
"Please! You have to get me out of here! S-she's insane! She looked me in here and I have no idea what...What day it is." He stared at you, you looked so weak and dishevelled, dressed in clothes filled with holes. 
"Y/n?" You nodded your head and he walked closer to the cage trying to figure out a way to get you out of there, 
"You have to get me out of here," You begged him watching as he nodded his head at you, 
"I need to call Jimin, tell him we found you okay?!" You nodded your head desperately, thankful that someone had finally found you but he struggled to get a signal inside of the storage room. 
"Wait here-"
"NO! DON'T LEAVE ME IN HERE PLEASE!" You screeched begging him with pleading eyes, he could tell by the tone of your voice you were terrified to be locked inside of there one more minute but he had to get Jimin to answer the phone. 
"Please!" But the door shut behind him and you whimpered looking at the door for when he would come back into the room, it all could have been some trick from Sooyoung but you weren't going to give out hope that he was a real man who was trying to help you. 
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"Move away from the door," Sooyoung ordered looking at you, you stared at her in the white shirt she was wearing. It was stained in blood and she had fresh blood on her cheeks. 
"What did you do?!" You whimpered looking at her and then over to the same man that had come to see you twenty minutes ago, he was on the floor weakly trying to cling onto his life. 
"I said, Move away from the door." She gritted her teeth and you backed away from the door as she unlocked it still clutching a knife in her hand as she watched you closely.
"Come here." Slowly you crawled over to her too scared she would hurt you like she had the man in the corner, 
"Move!" She shoved you onto the floor outside the cage and walked over to the man grunting as she dragged him towards the cage, she was struggling and clearly distracted as she put down the knife on the desk inside of the cage. You looked at the door slowly making your way over to it, 
"Don't do it Y/n. I'll kill you!" You lifted the door and ran down the hallways, blinding yourself as the sudden bright lights hit you but you didn't care. You pressed on rushing as fast as your legs would carry you even if you didn't know where to go, anywhere was better than being in that room with her.
"Y/n you have nowhere to do." You backed against a wall holding your hand over your mouth as you heard her stalking towards you, breathing heavily as she did so and dragging the knife along the storage doors. 
"I'll slit your throat and won't think anything about it Y.n." The lights flickered as she walked past the hallway you were down so you sprinted in the opposite direction following the exit signs on the floor. 
"Y/n!? Y/n?!" You heard a male voice this time but you knew it anywhere, Jimin, he was there?! You ran towards his voice colliding with his chest. His arms wrapped around you staring you in the eyes as you tried to push him to move, 
"She's got a knife! Move! Move Jimin!" You cried out pushing him towards the way he had come into the building, he clutched onto your hand pulling you in the direction of the exit.
Police had the place surrounded, he'd gotten the call from the private investigator and called the police instantly but then Sooyoung killed him, 
"Did she touch you?!" He questioned as you were sat down on the back of an ambulance, a paramedic rushing around you to check you over. 
"She didn't get me, I ran when she was trying to get...that guy into the cage." You swallowed the lump in your throat looking around, there were reporters and cameras everywhere everyone trying to get a good look at what was happening inside. 
"H-How long have I been in there?" You whispered looking at Jimin as he sat down beside you on the step of the ambulance. 
"Four months." It was pitch black outside and the only thing lighting up the area was the ambulance lights, police lights and the camera flashes. 
"Where am I?" You couldn't remember how long the car journey had been, you'd counted all that time ago but everything was a blur to you now. 
"About three hours outside of Seoul." Jimin brushed some hair out of your face and sighed as you looked at him, your eyes looked sunken and you didn't look like you'd slept in months. 
"How is she?" Jimin asked the doctor who stopped working on you, 
"She seems okay, we'll take her in for more test-"
"No! No! No, I- I don't want to go anywhere." You whimpered moving away from Jimin and the paramedic who was now staring at you, 
"Jimin don't make me do that! I don't want to go with them, I...I want to go home." You begged him looking him in the eyes as you pleaded with him, he was about to answer when you both heard yelling and turned to the exit. Sooyoung was being led out in handcuffs, screaming about how she was innocent as she kicked against them to let her go but she was loaded into the back of the police car so Jimin wrapped his hand in yours to comfort you. 
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Six long months later your sister was on trial for murder and kidnapping charges, your hand was linked with Jimin's as you waited for the jury to deliver their verdict, they'd been deciding for the last week.
"We the jury find the defendant guilty of first-degree murder." The court sighed in relief and you looked at Sooyoung who was staring at you from across the room, chained up as she glared at you. 
"The Charges against Kim Sooyoung on Kidnapping, we the jury find the defendant guilty of Kidnapping." Jimin cheered out bringing you into a tight hug as you began crying heavily in his arms, whimpering as you finally felt at peace.
"Please escort Miss Kim to her holding cell." The judge cleared the court but you stayed seated on the chair crying into Jimin's arms. 
"It's over, it's all over baby." He whispered rubbing your lower back as he comforted you, kissing your cheek as he promised you she was never going to be able to hurt you again. 
"It's okay, it's okay." He whispered kissing your cheek as you looked up at him, he cupped your face in his hands and smiled weakly at you. 
The divorce between him and Sooyoung had been finalised almost a month after you got out of the cage and moved into a hotel, you couldn't stand the thought of going back to the house she'd been living in so Jimin agreed to find somewhere else with you. Eventually, you did and you were living there now.
"It's all over, no more court days and no more prison visits." He promised you looking into your eyes and smiling trying to see if you were okay, you smiled back at him looking around you both. 
"The next time we're in cour, I want it to be us filing our marriage certificate." You whimpered wiping your eyes as you stood up from the chairs, he chuckled raising your hand up to his lips and kissing it softly. 
"I promise baby." He whispered taking your hand and walking with you out of the row of chairs and towards the exit. 
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @snowy-meowl​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @lyoongx​ @fan-ati--c​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @innersooya​ 
152 notes · View notes
literaryspinster · 3 years
Preview: STJTTT Ch. 13 (slightly nsfw)
I wasn’t planning on posting a preview for this latest chapter, but my reblog of ch. 12 confused some people and I felt kind of bad about it, so here are the first 800 words of Ch. 13: All Along The Watchtower By the time they both wake up, the sun hasn’t risen quite yet, and the heady scent of their passion has since wafted out through the cracked windows. After dressing and combing their sleep ruffled hair, they take advantage of the couple of free hours they have before Rachel and Gar return, sharing a joint between the two of them as his head rests in her lap. It’s one more activity to add to the list of things he never thought he’d do before this trip, like sleep with a stranger or take magic mushrooms. And it would be easy to say that he was corrupted in some way, but honestly, compared to the intensity of the fighting overseas, this feels safe and almost innocent. 
The sort of things that the establishment got wrong about being a good citizen dawn on him even further with every moment spent tasting her lips on the deftly rolled cigarette. The hippies were never the ones throwing bombs, after all.
“So, you had grass on you this whole time and didn’t say anything?” He asks her as she passes it down to him. He sucks in the smoke and lets it burn in his lungs for a bit before blowing it back out. It doesn’t make him cough as violently as other novices, since smoke inhalation had been part of the territory for a soldier.
“Nah, I got it off of the face painter the first day,” she explains.
“That sweet old lady who painted the daisies on Rachel?”
“Mm hmm. I wasn’t about to get caught with it on a cross country trip. But even if I did I probably wouldn’t have said anything. No offense but I thought you were a square.”
He shrugs, “I am a square.”
“And yet you’re here with me, what a world.”
He passes the joint back, and occupies his fingers with her curly hair instead, soft and spongy and almost wine dark in the dim light. It frames her face like a halo as she looks down at him and he stares back, absently aware of the stupid grin on his face.
“What?” she says with a chuckle.
“Nothing, it’s just the more I look at you the more I want to look at you.”
She smiles so warmly he’s reminded again of the few crazed hours from last night when he was thoroughly convinced that she was a giant star.
“You better stop it before I kidnap you back to San Francisco,” she says, humor in her voice, but not quite enough to totally pass for a joke. His smile fades and he considers her words.That feeling that overcame him right before he fell asleep, of not wanting to go back home, is still knocking around inside. He’d much rather let her kidnap him than go back to the way things were. But he isn’t high enough anymore to seriously consider something as crazy as that. 
The total break from reality made him see exactly what he wanted, and now in the relative clarity of the morning after, he’s reminded again of why he simply can’t have it, at least not yet. He still needs help that he can’t possibly ask of her. And running away with Kory would still be running away.  Instead, when he gets home, he’ll call Donna and let her know that everything is going to be okay. He’ll ship the urn first class back to Mrs. Todd along with a pretty card, and write a letter to Captain Wayne, thanking him for his guidance and support through some of the most hellish and tragic months of his life. He’ll sign up for the bar exam because working as a PI forever would be like eternally running in place. And finally, the most daunting of all, he’ll find someone who can make him understand why the nightmares won't stop, or why he kept punching that man at the protest long after the fight was over, or why he can be perfectly fine one moment and practically suicidal the next. 
Dick has always been a little suspicious of headshrinkers, but there are too many stories out there about shell-shocked veterans ruining their lives and their families over the bad feelings carried with them.  He needs to make himself better before he can love another person the way they need to be loved. 
“How about you kiss me instead?” he says before the silence can go on for too long. She bends at the waist and he catches her lips with his. 
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Don’t Breathe | 5.0
»Genre: hitman!au || stalker!au ||
»Warnings: kidnapping, stalking, obsession, themes of borderline Stockholm syndrome and Lima syndrome, brief mono-phobia, mature elements, manhandling, breakdowns, guns, yandere (? i think ), he thinks it’s cute when she cries, eventually they fall in love, Disclaimer: I do not condone nor suggest stalking/kidnapping or anything of that nature, this is pure fiction ok, kidnappers and stalkers DO NOT love you.
»Summary: He doesn’t get shaky hands, he never forgets his gloves and he never leaves a trail. He was paid to get rid of everyone who witnessed the exchange between a gang lord and a politician, they were picked off, one by one. He found out a month later, he missed one. A young writer who attended the event where the exchange took place. He has to kill her. Can he do it?
✤ pt.1 - pt.2 - pt.2.5 - pt.3 - pt. 3.5 - pt. 4.0 - pt. 4.5 - pt. 5.0 - pt.5.5 - pt.6.0
a/n: this is a heavy and wordy chapter so bare with me, we’re almost at the finale!  thank you for reading and i hope u enjoy!💖
taglist: @tangledsparkles @just-another-fangurl21 @impartoftoomanyfandoms​ @komorebi-unnie​ @tangledsparkles​ @yes-sol-not-soul (sorry :( tumblr won’t let me tag you) @sarzkh31​
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When you woke up this morning, you felt nauseous, sick to your stomach. Last night, while you were sleeping, he packed up some basic necessities and put them in his car. He said Yeosang would be by soon to officialese everything and that you could relax until then. But you can’t, you’re head hurts so bad, you want to throw up. 
 “I was in the other room but I didn’t hear you get up, I would’ve made you breakfast,” Taehyung leans against the bathroom door frame and watches you, you’re dressed and he’s wondering how he missed you waking up and showering. You’re busy brushing your teeth, still wanting to pass out from how bad your headache is, but you decide against it. 
“Did you sleep well?” You nod, spitting in the sink with the running water. He tilts his head, already picking up on your change in demeanor. Taking a step towards you, he lifts your chin to get you to look him in the eye, “Hey, I know that face, look at me,” Concern coats his expression and you will yourself to finally look at him, “what’s wrong?” 
“I’m just- I don’t know, I’m nervous about all of this,” You walk past him into the bedroom, the beautiful bedroom you’ll probably never get to share with him again, “what if things don’t work out? What if your friend can’t help us, then what?” You sit on the edge of the bed, hugging yourself at the thought, the terror you would endure if this all went south. “I’m scared, I have this bad feeling, it’s making me really uneasy...” 
“I know,” Taehyung can’t say he’s never had those thoughts, it plagues his mind too. The thought of no longer having the comfort of each other, the joy in your smiles and laughter being taken, it’s scary. Kneeling in front of you, he takes your hands into his with a light squeeze.
“I know it’s scary, and we’re taking a huge risk,” He tilts his head, puppy-dog eyes peering into your weary ones, “but I promise, I’m doing what’s best to keep us safe and together, alright baby?” He caresses the side of your face with the back of his hand, but the affection makes you pout rather than feel better. 
“Hey, and guess what? Once this is all over, we’ll be shopping at local markets to buy fresh produce for us to cook with,” He smiles, trying to lighten up your mood with the dreamy idea, “we can paint whatever we can get our hands on, with whatever paint you want, you can write stories and poems during picnics, we could do whatever your heart desires, we’ll have a new life together,” He thumbs at the backs of your hands, tugging at your heartstrings to get you to smile. “I’ll even get you a puppy if you want one, doesn’t that sound perfect?” 
You can’t help but form a little grin at the thought. “It does...” 
“That’s what’s waiting for us bunny, we just have to wait for a little while,” He sits up to cup the back of your neck and places a firm kiss on your lips, so soft and warm but short-lived when he pulls away, “so give me a little smile, please?” You oblige, smiling down at him and he pinches your chin with a giggle.
"There you go, that’s my sweet girl,” He stands up and takes you with him, arms wrapped just at your thighs to keep you above ground, “why don’t you go get a few paintings to take with you, while I pack up a few things, and you can wear my favorite bracelet for good luck,” 
”Pack?” You sigh, feet hitting the ground when he let’s you go. He slips off the black threaded bracelet and tightens it around your wrist with a smile. “Do you want me to help-” 
“You go, I got it,” He holds your head in his hands and kisses between your brows with an audible smooch which made you laugh, “go on.”
With a pat on your butt, you’re making your way out of the bedroom and down to the basement. When you get down there, you realize the number of paintings you have. There are about ten to fifteen finished paintings and the others are unfinished. The little story that’s being written is illustrated in this painting, wonder and lover is illustrated in these paintings. In your attempt to pick a few, you notice the little cushion he got for you months ago. Sometimes, it doesn’t even register to you that once you were stuck down here, fighting and dying to leave this place. Now you’re almost in tears at the thought of having to leave. 
But you’re new life is ahead of you, you should be happy.
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Leu is facing a political nightmare, there’s a chance he won’t recover from this. Scandals happen all the time, affairs, bribery, on rare occasions, perjury. But seldom is a man of his prowess busted for abetting in multiple murders. There’s no coming back from this. He’s been tracking the phone for a few weeks, and only recently did he realize it was active recently. He completely missed it. When he arrived at the police station, he gave one of the detectives the phone number to hopefully track. He’s been waiting in a room filled with computers and busy interns, just waiting for results. When he considers leaving the room for another bland coffee, he gets a phone call. Looking down at the screen, he sees who it is and decides to answer it.
Yoongi dismisses himself and steps into the hall, “Hello?”
“Jin told me you all found the person who hired the group that killed all those people and took Y/n, is that true?” She sounds hopeful.
“We found him. I can’t reveal too much but we’re hammering down on the search, trying to track the location of the cellphone.”
“I hope she’s okay,” Her voice falters a bit, “there are some sick people out there, I just pray she’s not with one of them.”
He has to cut the call short when one of the tech people waves aggressively to get his attention.
“We just got a location,” The woman beckons him back into the room, “it’s about an hour and a half away from here, in what looks like one of the upper-class neighborhoods on the east-side.”
Yoongi walks over to the computer, eyes skimming over the estimated location of the cellphone. “The phone was traced to that location?”
He’s surprised that your phone would be in such a nice area, but then again he knows what the Hwan Group has been rumored to do. They’ve sold they’re victims to high-paying old men and women who’re looking to fulfill their sick desires in innocent people. It’s repulsive. He can’t help the churn he feels in his stomach when the thought of a person being used like that crosses his mind. In his career in the FBI and even as a PI now, he’s seen some shit. And no matter how many times he’s walked in on dead bodies, shackled victims, bloodied crime scenes, seeing people mistreated makes him sick. But what keeps him doing this is the chance, the small but promising chance that the victim might be alive.
“How long was it on?”
“Not sure, but it was turned on about 2 hours ago and then shut off, must’ve died,” She types a string of letters and another tab pops up, “this is the address.” Promptly, the printer in the corner of the room spits out the paper with the address and she rolls her chair over to it.
“If she’s anywhere, here is your best bet.”
The room is filled with men in black gear, heavy leather boots, and guns on their hips. When Minho gives the word, they all pile into the van and Minho gets in the backseat of his car—he tells the driver to wait before pulling out. 
“Shit,” He lets out a deep sigh, dress-shirt feeling too tight on his neck. “he brought this on his self, he brought this on his damn self and he didn’t give me any other choice, right?”
Jimin sits beside him, nodding his head in agreement. “Absolutely, he can’t blame you for this, he knows the price of the job,” 
“Doesn’t make it any easier, out of everyone, he was the last person I thought would pull something like this, I still don’t fully believe it-”
“Well,” Jimin interjects, making a thoughtful expression, “maybe he did kill the target and he’s just being hush-hush about it, the girl could’ve put up a fight or- I don’t know, anything could have happened.”
“Maybe,” He takes out his phone, pressing a contact, “but I’m going to give him one more chance,” Waiting for a few seconds, deep down inside he hopes Taehyung will answer. Sadly, the call goes to voicemail and he sets the phone down and sighs, there’s nothing else he can do.
“He didn’t answer, he’s buying time,” Jimin confirms the inevitable, “he knows what he’s doing, it’s best we confront him now.”
Minho pats the back of the driver's chair. “Go ahead.”
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He was plundering through the drawers when he found your cellphone stacked on a small pile of books. Assuming he’d be able to wipe it, he tucked is into the little bag along with a few of the books he knew you liked to read. Packing up this stuff reminds him of the night he took you from your house, the night that changed his life. It had been after so much time watching you, learning our lifestyle. He knows now that if he had a chance to learn all of that about you in a different circumstance, like as friend that would slowly morph into something more, he’d take that chance.
The buzzing of his phone pulls him from his thoughts, thinking it was Minho again, he was about to ignore it, but he peeks at the screen to see that it’s Yeosang. Quickly, he answers the call and presses the phone to his ear. 
“Hey, I’ve got some good news and some bad news. Good news, the condo is in your name and ready to go. The bad news is, the flights have been delayed due to bad weather, it’s about a 2-hour delay, could be more.”
“Shit, that would happen,” Taehyung presses his temples, “how close are you?’
“About 45 minutes? Something like that. Do you want me to get her to the airport and you drive separately or do you want me to-”
“If you pick her up that’ll be fine but I was hoping for both of us to get out of here sooner than that,” He zips up the backpack and leaves the room with the flick of the light, “Minho tried to call me and I didn’t answer, he knows something,”
“I want to help you guys,” Yeosang stresses, “maybe you could drive all the way and take a flight from a city further down.”
“That might work if I leave right now,” Taehyung mentally flips through his options and the possibilities are starting to grow slimmer in his mind, “you know what, listen out for me, I need to get her ready. I’ll call you back when we’re in route.” 
Taking the little bag with him, he goes downstairs and searches for his computer, but he realizes it’s packed away. He was going to see if there were any loose strings that he might now have noticed. 
That’s when he hears a heavy knock on the door. He stands frozen, waiting for a second knock. There is a second knock and a booming voice from the other side.
“Kim! I know you’re in there.”
it’s too late, he’s here. Without a second to lose, he runs down to the basement where you’re peacefully admiring your first painting. 
All of a sudden, he hugs you and the painting falls from your grasp, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, he’s here,” He goes to turn off the light and you pick up the painting down to put it back, barely registering what he’s saying, “you need to hide while I buy us some time.”
“Wha- What? No, I want to stay with you,” Your hands are shaking and you feel like you’re getting that sick feeling again—this can’t be happening. “Tae, don’t leave me, what if something happens to you?-”
“Shh, it’ll be okay, I need you to hide under here,” He guides you over to the tiny space under the staircase, gesturing for you to kneel down. You do as he says and he kneels in front of you, every fiber in his body telling him to stay by your side, but he knows he can’t. He holds you in a warm embrace as if it was the last time, he always does it like it’s the last time. “It’s okay, just stay here.”
With that, you’re left in the pitch-black basement, curled up under the stairs, and wishing this was all just a bad dream. But the sound of the front door opening gives you the confirmation that this is your worst nightmare coming to life.
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He opened the door a few minutes ago, Minho and Jimin had pushed past him to get inside, about ten suited-up guys follow and the door slammed on there way in. With little struggle, they had Taehyung sit on the couch while Minho paced in front of him as his team tears the place apart.
“I didn’t want to do this to you.” That’s the first thing Minho says.
“I can see that,” Tae responds plainly.
“You brought this upon yourself you know,” Minho stands in front of him, hands in his pockets with a cold glare on his face, “whatever the hell you were trying to do, it’s over now.”
Taehyung stays quiet, pissing Minho off even more.
“Do you know what you’ve done to this organization? We’re on the radar because you took that woman. Now the cops are involved, they’re onto us and they won’t stop until they find her. Why choose to go rogue now? Your contract ends in a year and you decide to spend it ruining your reputation? Out of everyone in the company, you were the last person I thought I’d have to worry about, you were my absolute best, and now that’s all gone to hell,” He bites his bottom-lip, getting impatient with Taehyung’s unchanging demeanor, “do you even care?”
He just stares at him blankly.
“Nothing upstairs,” About three guys come from downstairs.
“Downstairs is clear,” The others emerge from the other parts of the house, also empty-handed, "no signs of a body or that anyone else was living here sir-”
“Check again!” Minho snaps, kicking the coffee table across the room with a loud curse, “Look outside, tear the damn place apart if you have to, she has to be somewhere.”
He goes on and on, going red in the face he’s so livid, Taehyung was his favorite. The fussing becomes a bit repetitive to Jimin, so he decides to go off and do his own search, that’s when Tae gets truly nervous for the first time, Jimin has a knack for finding the unsuspecting.
Footsteps can be heard throughout the entire house. You only flinch when you hear a loud thump, like a table being thrown or broken against the wall. You brace yourself, placing your hands on your ears until the footsteps cease. You breathe in and out shallowly, trying to listen for Taehyung. You haven’t heard him once, not one sound.
Your heart drops when you hear the high pitched squeak of the basement door opening. Light slips into the darkroom. Heavy footsteps on the stair-well reverberate against your ears.
He’s a painter? He would be, wouldn’t he? A man mumbles to himself. Peeking from behind the wooden beam that’s shielding you, you see a man with shiny black hair looking at your paintings. You close your eyes and cover your mouth, tears pricking at your eyes from the sheer suspense of it all. Your body is shaking, sweating and the need to gasp for more air becomes critical to your sanity. But you hold it in, you block out the rapid heartbeat pounding against your rib-cage.
“Where are you...” He speaks clearer now as if he knows you’re here as if he knows you’re trying to block him out. Eyes squeezed shut, your curl in on yourself, trying so hard not to make a sound. His footsteps become louder, his shadow appears on the wall opposite of you like a lurking monster, seeking to cause you nothing but terror. In contrast, he hums a little song softly.
If you close your eyes, he’ll go away, just close your eyes and he’ll go away. 
“There you are,” You look straight at him and your fight or flight kicks in. You try to make a run for it but he easily grabs you, “hey! Stop- Stop fighting, I’m not gonna hurt you! Calm down-”
You scream but he clamps a hand over your mouth. Squirming violently, you try to bite his hand but he removes it before you can. He fights to drag you upstairs as you cry out for help. “Let go of me!”
When Taehyung hears your cries, all that goes through his mind is that he has to be with you. He darts past Minho to get to you but one of the guys tackle him to the ground. He calls out to you anyway, “I’m here! Y/n, it’s okay,”
Minho’s thrown off by what he thinks is a loving tone, “Keep him down.” He orders the men as he waits for the squealing female to be brought to him.
“Here she is, found her hiding under the staircase,” Jimin emerges with a smile and a red scratch on his brow courtesy of you, “she is very much alive.” He drops you on the ground in front of Minho. On your hands and knees and you look up with weary eyes.
“Oh Taehyung, you’ve been hiding her this entire time, you lied to me,” He kneels in front of your trembling form, head tilted and a hand reaching out to cup your jaw, “she is a pretty little thing, I get it. But if you wanted to keep her, why didn't you just say so? That could have been arranged,” You jerk away, “I just never thought you were the type to want toys like this.”
“That’s not what this is, she’s not a sexual object,” The men pull Tae to his feet and he finally sees you, on the ground, paralyzed with uncertainty, “I’ve been protecting her from you.”
“When have you ever protected a target from me? You take the job, I never force you to take a fucking job, Kim. This is your fault because you missed her and then had to go back to the job, then you watched her for too long and got attached, the very thing I warned you about that when you first joined.” 
You look back at Taehyung, searching for some type of comfort in his eyes, but you’re stalled by the painful sting in your scalp, “Ow!-”
“This woman?” He fists your hair, pulling you to your feet. You grasp his wrist to try to loosen his grip but it only tightens, sending a burn down your back tears to your eyes. It’s deliberate torture for Taehyung to watch because he can’t do anything about it.
“This fucking woman should have been dead, and since you fucked everything up, I have to take care of her myself. But I don’t get it, you’ve killed dozens before, she shouldn’t have been a problem, but you got obsessed and she just had to be yours, didn’t she? That’s pathetic.” He shakes his head, disappointed.
“Do you not remember? You signed the contract for 7 years, you don’t get to experience real love in this job, and you know that better than anyone. How could anyone love you after what you’ve done? You’ve told me that countless times, what’s with the sudden change in heart?”
Taehyung looks away for the first time, it’s all true, when Tae signed the contract, he was sure he’d never have to worry about being attached to anyone. He didn’t love anyone, and no one loved him or ever could, so the job was perfect. No worried messages from a mother, disappointing looks from a father— if he has no one, there’s no one to disappoint, no one to secretly hate him. He ruled out the possibility that someone would ever want to love him, truly love him. Then came you and he loved, he was loved.
“She doesn’t deserve to this, she doesn’t deserve to die. She didn’t do anything wrong,” Taehyung looks into in your eyes, trying to communicate to you, trying to think of a way to get out of here, “I swear, if you touch her-”
“Don’t give me that shit, you’ve killed all kinds of people, good, bad and in between, what makes her any different?-”
His sentence is cut short when Taehyung suddenly jerks against the men holding him and he gets free. He gets a hold of the gun and points it at Minho. Your hair is released but the man now holds you with an arm anchored around your neck.
“Let her go,” Taehyung takes short strides towards you two as the barrel of the gun stays square to Minho’s forehead, “you know I’m a straight shot, I could kill you right now,” He cocks the gun, the action making you shutter, “get your hands off of her.”
“You won’t do it,” Minho is already holding it to your head, arm secured around your neck. “if you kill me, you kill her, that’s not what you want,” He shoves the barrel against your scalp and you bite your lip hard to stop from sobbing. “I will kill her if I have to, then this will all be over. But if you put that gun down, and do exactly what I say, she stays alive, I promise.”
“Tae- Taehyung,” You manage to choke out, clawing at Minho’s arms frantically, “please-” He tightens his grip on your poor neck and that’s when Taehyung raises his hands in surrender and he’s immediately brought to his knees.
“Alright! Just stop, stop! She can’t fucking breathe! Please,” As soon as they take the gun, Minho throws you on the hard floor and you gasp for air, coughing violently as you brace on your hands and knees, “do what you want with me, just don’t hurt her.”
“Huh,” He groans, clicking his teeth in contemplation, “since you are my favorite and you’ll probably never see her again, why don’t you give her some love before you go? I’ll give you that at least.”
Taehyung down looks at you then at Minho. “What?” 
“I’m giving you a chance to say goodbye,” Minho nudges you with his hand, making you flinch, “hurry up before I change my mind.”
The men are still holding him, his arms behind his back. He bites back tears as you sit frozen, mirroring his pained expression. “Y/n, it’s okay,” He calls for you, pulling against the retrains, “come here, baby,” You begin to crawl over to him, but you’re still hesitant to get near the people holding him, “let go! What the fuck do think I’m gonna do?!-”
“Let’m go, he won’t do anything stupid.”
Once he’s freed, he cocoons you in his arms, his body is warm and his energy is calm as he cradles you close. Minho stops to observe a version of Taehyung he has never witnessed before. He’s on his knees, holding you to his chest as you cling to him. Your knuckles must be white from how hard you’re gripping his shirt. Your eyes are squeezed shut, you’re shaking, petrified with the thought of never feeling this again. You can’t live like that, you could die without this. “T-Tae, don’t let them t- take me, don’t let them take me-...” You hiccup through your sobs, holding on to the little bit of affection that might be the last.
“Shh, I’ll fix this,” He whispers just low enough for you to hear, “I promise...”
You feel his hand go to your hair and he pulls your head back to bring your lips to his—you can’t live without this. He parts his lips, kissing you as if you two were the only ones in the room, as if you’re in bed, heart-to-heart, feeling loved. Shamelessly, you push against him for more and you can taste your tears, are those your tears and his tears?
“My God,” Minho tucks the gun back in its holster with a scoff, “from the looks of it, you’d think he actually loves her.” Minho makes a thoughtful expression, smirking down at Tae who’s resting his head on your shoulder as you hold him tight. He signals at Jimin who’s watching the scene with interest, “Okay, that’s enough.”
The embrace is broken when you’re ripped away and Taehyung is tackled to the ground with loud cursing. You let out heartwrenching sobs, eyes glazing over with sheer horror, “No! Please! I’ll do anything, I won’t say anything about this I swear! Just don’t do this, please!”
Minho dismisses you entirely, more interested in Tae’s reaction. “That’s all it takes?” Minho walks over to him, laughing when Jimin and another guy struggling to hold him back, “Years of training and killing, and it only takes her to break you?”
“Go to hell.”
Minho shakes his head with a sigh, pitying him. “Put her in the car.”
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Yoongi is in the car with two other officers ready to give the signal any time now. He knows something is going on but whatever happens, he’s determined to get you home safe. When he looks into the house from the car he sees a shadow pass the front window.
He holds the button on the com. “We’re moving in now.”
It was a blur when it all happened. You were crying and being dragged away from when the door burst open. Officers stormed the house. Guns go off and your ears ring painfully. They rush in and so many people are everywhere—your oasis, your little paradise is being made a battleground. You cry when the man holding you bumped into a vase and drops you near it. He flees out the back door, but you’re frozen, everything is in disarray but the one person you do see is Taehyung who’s being handcuffed along with so many others. He mouths something but you can’t make it out. He shakes his head, you don’t know what he’s saying, what is he trying to say? 
“I’ve got her, she’s here!” A man is yelling to the others, you didn’t register he was kneeling beside you. 
“Y/n, we’re here to help you, you’re safe now,” He moves to block your view from what’s happening behind him. You don’t verbally respond, but your eyes are teary, breathing rapid, lips trembling.
“She’s hurt! I’m taking her out.” 
You’re having derealization episode, or a panic attack, or both. You might be looking at him, but you’re acting like you don’t know where you are, you’re not even aware of the wound on your leg.
Who is this man?”
“Who are you?...” You speak for the first time, and you pear at him with wavering eye-contact, his eyes look kind.
“Yoongi. I’m going to pick you up, is that okay?” You nod after he wraps your leg tightly with his jacket, he lifts you into his arms and carries out of the house.
You can’t see Taehyung, you don’t know where they took him. Yoongi notices how you twist in his arms to look behind him, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone or something, he doesn’t know. All you see are a bunch of officers and Minho’s people being cuffed and shuffled into squad cars.
You’re taken past all of the squad cars and put you in the back seat of a black SUV and Yoongi disappears. A woman kneels down to tend to your leg, when did your leg start bleeding? You frown down at her when she cuts you pant-leg, tossing the denim to the ground, she notices instantly.
“My name is Chloe, sweetheart. I’m a paramedic, I just need to stop the bleeding until you can get stitches,” Her lips are moving, you know they are but you have no idea what she’s saying.
She mumbles to the man beside her, an EMT, give her the shock blanket. With a small nod, the man scurries off and returns with a silver tarp-like material and wraps it around you with gentle hands.
That man called Yoongi comes back and he’s talking on the phone with someone, he pushes back his middle-parted black hair and gets in the passenger's seat. Chloe finishes wrapping your leg and gently puts your legs in the vehicle, hooks you in your seat-belt, and promptly closing the door to seal you inside. This is too much, this wasn’t supposed to happen, this wasn’t supposed to happen. You start heaving, hand on your chest and body rocking back and forth to soothe yourself. They think they’re saving you, they’re not saving you.
They’re tearing everything apart.
“Wait one second,” Yoongi moves the phone from his ear and looks back at you, the color has left your face completely. Your hands are shaking and it feels like there’s a heater right in front of your face. 
Yoongi reaches his hand back to get you to calm down but you don’t even look at him, your stomach aches all too much for you to acknowledge him. “Y/n, breathe, okay? You have to take deep breaths and calm down, you’re safe-”
You kick the door open and you’re expelling any food you had left in your stomach on the curb.
He sighs, quickly unbuckling his seat-belt to, “I’ll call you back,” 
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“We brought her to the infirmary,” Yoongi paces outside of the room, “looks like the place was being ransacked when we got here, we don’t know who the culprit is but the most important thing is that she’s safe now. When the doctor thinks she can undergo questioning, I’ll head over.”
“Good. The other officers arrived not too long ago, a majority of them won’t talk but they’ll stay in holding until you get back,” Eunwoo pauses, “how’s she doing? Is she all there, are there any signs of abuse?”
Yoongi sighs, taking a seat on the bench. “Don’t know yet, she hasn’t talked much. I don’t know if we should do the questioning today but I’ll talk to her after the doctor talks to me,”
“Alright, let me know when you’re headed over.”
It smells so sterile, you want to throw up again but you settle for staring at the nurse who just finished bandaging the stitches. When she leaves, another woman comes in.
“Y/n, how are you feeling?” She adjusts her glasses, getting a little closer when you don’t respond. “Everything is happening so fast, yeah? I can’t say I know what you’ve been through, but I know you're probably overwhelmed.”
You nod. 
“I won’t bombard you with a bunch of questions, I’m just here to make sure you’re physically okay. Your vitals are good but is there anything going on with your body that you might be concerned about?”
You shake your head no, not maintaining eye-contact by any means—she notes that.
“Okay, do you mind if I check to make sure everything's okay? I’ll need your consent to do a full-body exam and I’ll have a chaperone with me, but if you’re not comfortable with that, I 100% understand.” Again, you nod with a small yes when she asks for verbal confirmation. She puts on some gloves before instructing you to sit on the edge of the bed and she goes to get a young woman in sky-blue scrubs.
He’s been waiting for about an hour and he stands to his feet when the woman comes out of the room with a clipboard. 
“How is she?”
She holds the clipboard to her chest with a sigh. “We finished the physical exam, and there are no signs of sexual abuse or physical abuse, she’s quite healthy considering. As far as her mental health goes, it’s hard to tell right now. She’s obviously really overwhelmed by everything, this is probably going to be a trauma that she lives with for a while, she’ll need a psychiatric evaluation. I know you’re apart of the investigation but if you want to question her, talk to her to see how she feels about it first.” She walks off to the nurse's station but turns to say one more thing. 
“You know, I heard about her in the newspaper, her news publisher has a whole story on her. Thank God she’s alive, not all stories end so fortunately.”
Yoongi walks past her and into the room quietly, you look up at him and then down at your hands.
“Do you feel a little better?” He walks to your bedside, eyes drifting down to your bandaged leg. 
“H-...How did you find me?...” 
“We’ve been looking for you nonstop. Today we were finally able to track your cellphone, we only hoped you’d be at that location. It’s been 8 months since the day you were reported missing, and for 8 months I’ve made finding you my main priority.”
You furrow your brows, looking at him as if he were speaking a foreign language. “It’s been 8 months?...”
“I know a lot is going on but we need some answers from you. I understand if you’re feeling up to it, but would you be able to come with me and answer some questions for us at the police station? If you don’t feel up to it then-”
“I’ll do it..” You answer too quickly. 
Just like that, you’re at the police station sitting across from Yoongi and the officer over the investigation, officer Cha Eunwoo. They gave you a glass of water and you’ve chugged it down. You’re so jittery, your mind is everywhere.
“Y/n, do you know why you were kidnapped?” Eunwoo comes back with another cup of water and you watch him sit back down.
“I was told it was because of a politician who had it arranged that I be killed...
Yoongi writes something down and you swallow, wondering what he’s writing down.
“The house you were rescued from, is that where you’ve been living?”
“Yes...But-” You bite your lip, tears welling up in your eyes, “...I’m not hurt, the person I was with kept me safe, the man I was with, he's not the bad guy...”
The two of them look at each other puzzled, then at you. They question whether they heard that correctly. 
“Who? Y/n,” Yoongi begins softly, “are you saying you were being protected?” You nod, pout ever so present on your lips. “Who was protecting you?”
You bite your lip, stopping yourself from saying his name, you shouldn’t say his name. They don’t know who he is yet, and maybe there’s a chance he’ll get out of this. As your mind reels, the two of them watch you, teary eyes laser-focused on the black bracelet on your wrist.
“Can you tell me who was with you in that house?” Yoongi asks again but you won’t look at him now. “Was it multiple people, or just that one person?”
You press your lips, nodding subtly. “It was multiple people?” You shake your head. “So it was just him,” He glances up from his notepad and you don’t indicate an answer, so he takes that as a yes, “did you ever leave the house?”
Eunwoo stands to his feet, stirring curiosity from you and Yoongi. “Min, can we have a word in private?” 
Albeit confused, Yoongi nods, following the officer out into the other side of the two-way mirror where the other officers are.
“The hell? She was just giving us some good information.”
“Let me take this over, we have about a dozen people and we need to identify and interrogate all of them. But right now, we need the man who did this to her, that’s all.”
“She might not respond well to that, she’s obviously troubled, the pressure isn’t going to help.” Yoongi glances at you from the corner of his eye. “I think she trusts me a little more, so I should finish this.”
“I’ve interrogated hundreds of victims before, I think I can handle this. You can step in if she gets irate.” Yoongi can already sense how there’s an obvious shift in your demeanor when you notice that Yoongi’s isn’t accompanying him.
“Y/n, what happened to you was not your fault, but the person who did it needs to be dealt with. You were kidnapped, held hostage against your will, and no matter what that person might have told you, there are people who care about you that have been looking for you. You’re a victim and the person who did this to you will not get away with it. The man who had you and multiple others killed is already in our custody, he stands trial tomorrow. Now, we just need to get the others. Can you help us do that?”
You look at the one-way mirror. “Where’s the other guy, Yoongi, why didn’t he come back?...”
He evades the question. “Did he ever tell you his name?” Eunwoo glances at the one-way mirror before softening his tone. “Y/n, do you know his name?”
You frown, looking down at the bracelet on your wrist. “Does my family know I’m here?...” 
“Y/n, we are going to let your family know but you have to realize what’s going on here. Senator Leu, who is standing trial today, hired someone to have you killed, but they didn’t kill you and we need to know why. Is he threatening you?... Is that why you won’t tell us anything?”
You swallow, throat feeling incredibly dry, face heating up. You chug down the second glass of water, it only cooled you down for just a moment.
Yoongi watches with a trained eye. You having to talk to Eunwoo alone was not a good idea. Gathering that this interrogation is going to end pretty soon, he decides to go ahead and contact your family.
“I don’t feel well,” You blink slowly, handing going to your stomach, “can I get some more water?...”
“Sure,” He can’t deny you water, but he knows when someone is avoiding questions, “but before I get that, I need you to tell me who did this to you.”
You look at him and like a rehearsed scene, you queue the tears. The discomfort on Minho’s face indicates the foolish decision he made to interrogate you alone.
“Y/n,” He looks you over and wonders why you keep messing with the black bracelet on your wrist, “that’s a nice bracelet, is it yours?”
Wiping your tears, you scramble for an answer, “Yes, it’s-...It’s mine.”
“So, if we ran a DNA test on it, the only prints on it would be yours?... Or, was this bracelet given to you by someone, maybe by the man who had you all this time?”
You lower your head onto the table and cover your face with your arms, Yoongi presses his temples—you’re not budging, but Eunwoo insists. In the meantime, he decides to step in the hall and make a few calls to your job, family, and friends.
“Why does it matter!?” You snap, eyes burning red. “It’s mine and if you want it, you’ll have to pry it off of my dead body, I won’t let you take it off for anything, it has nothing to do with this...”
“You’re making this harder than it has to be, you know that, don’t you?” He reaches into his pocket and holds a fist in front if you. 
“Remember this? Suzy said you wouldn’t be caught dead without it, but it was on the floor in your house. Is that bracelet just as special as this?” He opens his hand and there sits your favorite necklace, the one your parents gifted you years ago. As much as you love that necklace, this bracelet is just as special, it’s a piece of Taehyung.
You ball your fist, tears welling at your eyes, you don’t care. “Just leave me alone, I don’t wanna talk anymore...” 
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He sits on the uncomfortable steel bench, arms cuffed behind him. It’s dark, cold, and dreary, but the interior of this place is the least of his worries. He’s never been on this side of the bars, despite deserving it. The gate slides open suddenly, Taehyung can feel the guard's presence but he doesn’t bother looking up.
“Come with me.”
Without a word, he obliged, picking up his feet with heavy strides. The guard holds his arm tight, leading him through the halls to find interrogation room 12. 
“Is interrogation room 12 open?” The guard talks to the officer standing at one of the many rooms lining the hall. The two of them strike up a conversation but Taehyung is listening to the conversation down the hall.
“She’s alright, I called her job and her mother, and Jin,” Yoongi paces, peeking down the hall to see the third culprit brought in for questioning, “there will be a lot of happy people when they find out she’s okay.”
“That’s great, I’m glad, I know the last case you had didn’t go this well,” Jungkook flips through the phony contracts that his recent client was given to sign, “I’m about to leave the firm so I’ll have to call you tomorrow, but if you need me to help with the case just let me know.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Yoongi bids him farewell and slips the phone in his pocket. The lawyer had helped a lot in the last missing person case Yoongi was involved in, the victim was in rough shape. It was a young woman kidnapped by an ex, it wasn’t a pretty outcome. The shape they found her in will always be ingrained in his memory, it haunts him that he couldn’t get to her sooner.
Yoongi walks down the hall and Taehyung watches him. He tries to do it in a subtle way, but that’s the man that carried you out of his home while he was being cuffed and pushed into the back of a cop car. Anger bubbled in his chest, the inability to call out to you, to take you into his arms, it hurt him to his core.
Yoongi spares him a glance before going back into the one-way mirrors viewing room and the door closes, preventing him from seeing inside any further. You’re a wreck. It only takes a few seconds for Yoongi to see you balling your eyes out as Eunwoo paces around you to barge in there to put a stop to it.
“I know you’re scared but you need to stop covering for that Man. You’re safe, he can’t hurt you now-”
“Hey,” Yoongi looks at him as if he’s grown a second head, he whispers, “stop, she’s completely shutting down. She needs to be physiologically evaluated before we finish this, look at her,” He gestures to you who’s trembling, breathing hitched with our inability to stop crying, “we can’t do this right now.”
He sighs, pulling Yoongi to a corner, “I’m sorry, I just, I hate to know that somebody did this to her and she won’t say anything, her Stockholm syndrome is on another level.” 
“The owner of that house had to be the one who did it, just go to the research lab and they should be able to tell you. I’m taking her to the Melody’s Heart temporary safe house until her family can pick her up tomorrow.”
“Okay, I’m going to step out for a minute.” With that, Eunwoo leaves the room. it takes Yoongi talking you down for about 2 minutes to finally get you to stand up and walk with him. You sniffle, rubbing your eyes as Yoongi walks you out of the room and into the hall.
Taehyung is right there. 
Your eyes widen and your gait slows, he’s right in front of you. Yet, the only thing connecting you is your gaze, this can’t be all there is left of your love. Yoongi leads you down the hall and you pull against him slightly. He notices your staring and that when the pieces come together. That’s him.
“Open room 12, officer Cha wants to have him interrogated separately.” 
Taehyung watches you disappear, he can’t say anything and he can’t do anything. He gets pushed into the room and into a hard steel chair.
It’s sunset, they drove you about 20 minutes away somewhere, you weren't sure. A woman opened the front door to a huge house, and Yoongi opened your car door, helping you out with a hand. He walked by your side and went inside with you to sign some papers. The woman was kind, she had curly brown hair she was speaking to you with the softest tone. She kept saying you were strong, why was she saying that? With Yoongi lingering behind you, the woman that you know now as Melody takes you to a bedroom on the first level of the house. She said they prepared the room for you, there was even a change of clothes with toiletries on the bed.
“Can I get you anything, sweetheart? You’re our only resident tonight, so I’m all yours.” She’s nice but you don’t feel like company, you don’t feel like looking at any more new faces. You shake your head and she nods in understanding, 
“Alright, then I’ll be here if you need anything, Mr. Min, I’m sorry but officers are actually not allowed in the bedrooms of the residents-”
“I’m not an officer, I helped with the case,” He turns to her so you can’t see his face and speaks lowly, “I just need to talk to her for a few minutes, I won’t be long.”
“Alright, just let me know when you’re headed out.” She leaves from standing in the doorway and cracks the door and she heads to the surveillance room that doubles as a bedroom for her. 
“Do you want to bathe? I’ll leave if so and we can talk after.” You’ve kicked your shoes off, crawled to the edge of the queen size mattress and curled on your side facing the window. “So, I talked to your parents and they’ll be heading here tomorrow but Jin will probably be here first,”
”Jin?” You sit up, wondering why your ex-boyfriend has anything to do with this. “Why?...”
“He hired me to look for you, he’s the reason I got involved in your case.” Yoongi keeps a safe distance, the little camera hidden behind the plant reminds him of the high-security this place has. “Out of everyone, he called the most, almost every day to get updates about you.” 
For a moment, you wonder if he has the correct Kim SeokJin. Because the last encounter you two had was so brief, it was a run-in at the grocery and you two talked about your jobs. It was really adult-like of you, you picked out potatoes as you picked up small-talk with an old flame. But there was no romantic love left, that boat had sailed a long time ago and your brief love for wine replaced it. He’s always cared about you, but you never thought he would be waiting for you.
“I have to go but I’ll be back in the morning, do you need anything before I go?” You shake your head, not wanting to be around him or anyone else any longer. It’s too much, it’s too much for you to handle all at one time and you just want to go to sleep. Maybe you’ll wake up, and this will all be a bad dream, and you’ll be in his arms. He said he would fix this, how is he going fix this?...
Yeosang waited for hours, he called Taehyung at least five times and he has yet to get a response. Something went wrong. In efforts to figure this out, he drove all the way from the meet-up spot to Tae’s house. He could tell the place had been intruded on, Tae never leaves his car outside of the garage at night. He pulls into the driveway, right beside the smokey black Audi R8. This isn’t like him to have gotten caught. The passports were ready, the new house was waiting, everything would have gone fine had the flight been earlier. He has to admit, he was looking forward to giving his good friends a chance at a happy life. He only met you once, but the way Tae talks about you, you two are clearly in love. If he knows Taehyung at all, he’ll receive a call in at least a few hours about what happened. He has to come out of this, that’s what Yeosang chants in his mind.
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“So you own the house,” Eunwoo paces, coffee in flimsy Styrofoam cup as he takes a seat across from the culprit, “Kim Taehyung.”
Taehyung acknowledges him with a disinterested glance before staring down at the steel table separating them. He wonders if you’re still in the building, they were taking you away, but where were they taking you? After he was cuffed, he saw Minho’s men get cuffed but Minho and Jimin were gone. If he knows Minho at all, he’ll be back.
“Don’t you hear me talking to you?” Minho hits the table, causing Taehyung to finally looking at him. “Look, for some reason your record is clean. But if we find out that you were involved in any of these murders and this kidnapping, you’re looking at a hefty sentence. Just admit it, you saw a pretty, successful girl living all alone and you thought, why not take her? Are you threatening her, is that why she won’t reveal you?”
“There’s not a scratch on her, does it look like I threatened her?” Taehyung speaks for the first time, the very insinuation that the nature of this kidnapping was to harm you made him sick.
“So, you did it then?” He affirms.
Taehyung shrugs, expression too nonchalant for Eunwoo’s liking. “You know what, wipe that smug look off your face-”
“Cha,” Jaemin opens the door without warning.
“What?” He snaps. “Don’t you see I’m in the middle of something?”
“The chief wants to talk to you, he says it pertains to this case.” 
With a resent glare at Taehyung, Eunwoo leaves the room with urgency. Jaemin, however, stays in the doorway, eyes fixated on the acclaimed Hwan Group member that he’s heard so much about from Minho. Kim Taehyung, his record is so clean, he doesn’t have so much as a parking violation on him. If he didn’t know who he was, Taehyung would fly under the radar in his book, he’s that convincing.
“What do you want?” Tae scrutinizes the man, eyes scanning him up and down.
“So you’re Kim Taehyung,” Jaemin closes the door with a soft click, “you really fucked this one up, it’s a shame too, Minho said you were the best. You ruined your record all for that woman-”
“Where did they take her?”
“That doesn’t really matter, let’s just hope Minho can work something out for you, he’s pissed right now,” He shakes his head in and ‘tsk, tsk’ way, “had you just done your job, you and that poor woman wouldn’t be in this mess.”
“She was crying when I saw her, what did they do to her?” He shifts in his chair. “Fucking answer me.” 
“Look, stay quiet and you might get out of this alive, that’s all I can say,” And that’s all he says before quickly exiting the room, leaving Taehyung isolated in the cold room, head hung back against the chair. He’s tapping his foot, rhythmically, he’s jittery, anxious with thoughts about you. He promised he would fix this, how can he fix this when it’s so obvious that he’s got the least amount of control in this situation? Hold on Y/n, hold on.
Eunwoo rushes to the Chief's office and without a knock on the cracked door. he steps inside. He closes the door, “Chief, Jaemin said you wanted to see me?-...”
“Hello, Captain Cha.”
“Who are you? Where’s the Chief?“ 
“My name is Lee Minho, I’m sure you’ve heard my organization, the Hwan group. I know the chief and there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding here. The man you have in custody is a member and he’s only here because he made a mistake and my informant didn’t tell me who was on this case. You know of the Hwan group, the Chief has mentioned you and how you’ve dismissed some cases in compliance with the partnership we have.”
“This is really an HG case?” Minho nods. “The Chief never told me anything about dismissing this case. There were multiple murders and kidnapping, that’s not the typical HG favor.” 
“That’s because the man assigned to the job often does high-profile jobs but stays under the radar. Unfortunately, he didn’t follow the instructions of the job. It was a multiple person execution but he had to go back and get that woman because he missed her. He led me to believe that she was dead but I found out recently that he’s been hiding her from me. I went to his house to confront him and here we are.”
“But the pardons I’ve made have never been for HG jobs that involved things like this. He murdered innocent people-”
“My organization has helped get rid of a lot of bad people and my people have worked in situations where cops just aren’t trained in. They get the job done if they chose to take it, no questions asked. Anyone who’s willing to pay can seek my group for help. They’re pawns, and Taehyung was one of my best. He takes a job and he does it, no sentiments attached. But for this woman, I don’t know,” He shakes his head at the thought, “he just couldn’t do it and that messed up everything, his reputation is screwed. Now I’m here trying to clean up his mess, a little.  I’m sure you’ve spoken with our middleman, Na Jaemin, he was supposed to monitor this case to ensure things didn’t end up like this. But since it couldn’t be helped, I’m here to propose a deal.”
“Okay, what kind of deal? Because someone has to pay for this,” Eunwoo paces, “her disappearance has been televised and in the articles, she was a writer, people knew of her work from her publisher and they've been anticipating her return for months. We can’t just say she’s been found and then not give them any more than that. People will want to know where she’s been and who took her. Someone has to be held responsible other than Leu.”
“No, that’s not entirely true. We can arrange a cover story and Taehyung can be released to me.” He reasons. “And the girl stays free.”
“What about justice for her? She’s been-”
“Trust me, she’s not happy about this ��rescue,’ it’s not what you think, she loves him.” Minho recalls the act of affection you two shared and how you pleaded to stay by his side, “I’m sure there are some psychological factors but at the end of the day, they are romantically involved, that’s probably why she’s so apprehensive to say anything, she doesn't want to say anything that might ruin her chances of seeing him again.”
“Woah...wait, I don’t think this is a consensual relationship if it were, why wouldn’t she say anything about is?”
He shrugs, “Doesn’t really matter at this point, here’s what needs to happen; I’ll take Taehyung back because he’s still under contract for a full year after this year ends, he has a job to do. In exchange, I’ll set up the cover story and the two of them can never make contact again, how does that sound?”
“Hm,” He takes a moment to consider the possibility of something going wrong, “them not making contact would put him in the clear and isolate her from any association with the group. That sounds foolproof but what if they don’t agree? If they’re together like you say, who’s to say she won’t rat on the group or he won’t try to find her anyway? I don’t see how we can get her to go back to her regular life.”
“She’ll never go back to her regular life, not really. I’ve known Kim for years, he’s not a monster but that doesn't change the fact that she was kidnapped, isolated from society for months and all she had was him. We’ll have to tell her what’s going on of course, but I doubt she’ll squeal if it means putting him in prison. They’ve said their goodbyes, it’s not a love story to be salvaged anyway. He doesn’t have a family he has very few friends and he has a ton of money, a huge house in a nice part of town, he’s got everything.” 
“What if he refuses?”
Taehyung broke under the hand of a thing like you, the idea that he is emotionally impenetrable is long gone. Minho straightens the collar of his dress shirt and leaves the room to go deliver the news. “He doesn’t need her, his job doesn’t allow for distractions like her, and he knew that when he signed up; he’ll get over it.” 
The door creaks and he expected it to be one of those officers, but Minho emerges with a guard who quickly walks over to take off the cuffs. Aside from the guard who just scurried out, Minho isn’t accompanied by anyone and he doesn’t look like he’s seen two seconds in a pair of handcuffs. He knew his boss had connections in high places but he never imagines it was to this extent.
“I am upset with you, Taehyung,” Minho circles around the chair, hands on the back of it, “you don’t know the strings I’ve had to pull to keep this quiet. What were you thinking? You knew the job, but you deliberately put your self in harm's way when you decided to hide her from me.”
“Had I told you she was alive, would you not have tried to kill her?” His tone bites.
“Probably, but it doesn’t matter what I would have done, you were supposed to do it.” He stresses. “I didn’t take the job Taehyung, you did.”
Tae diminishes a bit, the guilt of it all coming to the forefront of his mind. At the end of the day, no matter how many people actually wanted to harm you, he’s the one that signed up to do it. And it hurts, it hurts because he loves you, you love him and he doesn’t deserve if, but he wants it more than anything.
“Where is she?”
“I think they took her to some safe home, she got hurt but she got medical attention for her injuries. Now that she’s taken care of, I’m getting you out of here. I arranged a deal with the chief and it gets you out of this mess scotch free.”
“Okay...What’s the catch?” He knows there’s a catch, there always is.
“Your contract isn’t up, you have a little over a year left with the organization and despite how frustrated I am with you, you’re good at your job. You have to finish your contract.”
“And if I choose not to?” He asks daringly.
“If you choose not to, any immunity you have from the law because of the organization goes away, that will most likely land you in prison. But if you finish, your record stays clean.”
Tae doesn’t have to weigh his options to make a decision, but Minho hasn’t mentioned you. “What about Y/n? Will she be safe under this deal?”
“Of course, a cover-up story is arranged and she gets to go back to her everyday life,” He grins, “everyone's happy.” 
A glimmer of hope comes to his eyes. “Then I can be with her, and no one will know about the kidnapping?”
“Oh, no. She’s staying here and you’re being transferred to the Europe division of the organization, you’ll reside in Bordeaux, France and travel throughout Europe for jobs. The deal is that you never see her again, it guarantees there can be no association between you two.”
“What? No, no...I can’t do that, I love her, she means everything to me. I won’t leave her, not without an explanation. We were gonna leave before you showed up, make a new life with all of this shit behind us,” His nose burns and he bites back a tear, “I-...I wanted to marry her one day, I can’t just leave her here.” 
“You don’t have a choice, your flight leaves in the morning if you’re lucky they’ll let her out and you might be able to say goodbye one last time. Come on, we need to get out of here, you have to pack up. Do yourself a favor and try to forget about her, she’ll eventually do the same.”
This can’t be it, this can’t the end everything he’s built with you. He promised he would fix this, how can he fix this if he’s on the other side of the world? The thought of going to get you and running came to mind, but he can’t make you live like that, on the run like outlaws, he loves you too much. He has to fix this but you’ll have to wait. His heart aches, he knows you’re probably alone and confused. This is all my fault, this is my fault.
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megsironthrone · 3 years
Meg's Game of Tales: Tale 9
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*Familiar characters are NOT mine! The original English version of the story "The Pied Piper" is traced back to Richard Verstegan and has also been adapted by many other authors, like The Brothers Grimm*
Warnings: Angst-ish. Violence Kidnapping????Of a sort I guess. "The Pied Piper" AU
Pairings: No pairings...no reader either, actually(And unintentionally), but I didn't think it was necessary for this.
Arya sat across from the village elder and his council. Breathing deeply, she crossed her legs and pretended to examine her nails as her gloves balanced on her lap. She was, for lack of a better word, bored. She'd been summoned to this little village and instead of getting right to the point, the council was skirting around the issue.
"Are you going to get to the point any time soon? There were a dozen other villages I passed on the way here that I'm certain would have problems that I can handle for them," Arya stated. She'd had enough of the small talk. The elder cleared his throat and nodded.
"Very well. We have a problem. Bandits come into our village every week. They steal whatever they can. Food, livestock, gold, jewelry. Anything even remotely of value. Our village is not the poorest in the kingdom, but we cannot continue accepting these loses. And those rats will probably come again tonight." Arya fought down a smile. Bandits she could handle. Bandits were fun.
"I can guarantee you that you will no longer have to suffer these bandits. After tonight, they will never come again." The council looked relieved, making Arya smirk as she continued, "For the price of 300 silver pieces, as agreed in our letters." A soft unanimous sound of disapproval echoed through the room. Clearly the elder hadn't informed his council of everything. Arya uncrossed her legs and sat forward a bit.
"This is no small task and it is dangerous. I will do what you ask, but I will be paid what I am owed. No matter what. But, as a show of good faith, I will rid you of your bandits first. I expect my payment tomorrow morning. 300 silver pieces." Arya stood, slipped her gloves back on, and left the room to find a place at the inn until nightfall. Did she feel bad? A little. But a girl's gotta eat and Arya traveled everywhere doing this sort of thing. Money didn't last long.
It didn't take long after nightfall for the sound of screams to reach Arya's ears. Grinning to herself, Arya grabbed up her weapons that included a long, thin blade (she'd named it Needle) gifted to her by her cousin and an ornate dagger that was a gift from her sister. She ran outside and was nearly run over by one of the villagers. She ushered them inside then came face-to-face with the expected group of bandits.
The first part was easy. Arya never had any problem getting men to underestimate her. She was a small young woman and didn't look like she'd be able to take on one grown man, let alone the six of them. She could, and did, easily get them to follow her outside the village to a nearby forest where a deep, thick swamp was. The next part was a little more difficult, but that was the part Arya loved best. Ridding the world of scum that took advantage of those weaker than them.
By the time the sun peaked over the horizon again, Arya was making her way back to the village. Her muscles ached and she was splattered with blood, but the job was done. No more bandits. When she reached the village, Arya made the decision to return to the inn and clean herself up and get some sleep before demanding her payment from the council.
Arya woke a couple of hours later and went to the council chambers. The members of the council all wore an expression of fear mixed with stubbornness. Arya didn't even bother sitting in the chair they had provided for her. Instead, she stood, hands clasped behind her back. "My payment?" The elder cleared his throat.
"You must understand…when we promised you that money, we didn't know what else to do. We had to stop the bandits. The bandits are gone and you can move on to a village that will be willing to pay you your hefty fee. We cannot and will not."
A dark cloud came over Arya's face. "Is that right?" The elder met her gaze and nodded, though she could still see the fear in his eyes. Arya's hand went into her pouch. The council instantly stiffened until Arya pulled out a small flute of sorts. It didn't look like much, but it seemed to give off an aura of pure evil. Arya sighed heavily.
"I hate doing this, but you've left me no choice. I told you that I would be paid what I am owed. Since you have you refused, you will still pay. Only you will not pay with money. No, you will pay with your village's children. Until I am paid what I am owed, I will return every year and take more children of the village with me. You will never know where they go or if they are even alive." Without another word, Arya left, the flute gripped in her fist.
Once outside, Arya put the flute to her lips and began playing a gentle tune. At first, people looked at her like she was mad. The council had followed her out and nearly began laughing at her. But then, as if under a magic spell, all the children came wandering away from their homes and parents. They crowded around the young woman before, much to the parents' dismay, the children followed Arya out of the village and into the nearby forest, never to be seen again.
The elder and the council didn't believe Arya's threat was genuine. They were certain that she would return the children by nightfall that evening. She didn't. Still, the village held up hope that the children would be returned. Year after year passed and they waited. Eventually, the villagers began to lose hope and pressured the council to pay the young woman. The council never listened.
Arya was never paid and, true to her word, every year, more children went missing. Year after year after year after year. The council died off. New council members were appointed from outside the village. They never paid Arya either. The same cycle continued on for nearly 20 years until one year, no children when missing.
Many people said Arya had disappeared. Some said she finally gave up. More people thought she'd died. No one knew what happened to her and no one asked. Her story became a legend. Then only a story. A fairytale the villagers told their children to get them to behave. Yet there are still some that believe the Bandit-Banishing Piper is still around and is simply biding her time.
(a/n: I am actually really pleased with this one, but let me know what you lovelies think! Also, we are half-way through our Game of Tales! Tag list for the celebration is still open!)
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looneyllama-archive · 3 years
Fixing Raggedy Ann and Andy: a Musical Adventure
I recently discovered this gem of a film, and I’ve fallen in love with these funky little rag dollies! Raggedy Ann and Andy: a Musical Adventure has stunning animation, incredible music, and charming characters. That said, I can certainly see the flaws in the story, characters, and musical structure of the film, so I’ve written up what I would change to make it stronger.
Under the cut, because this got looooong.
• Theme: this film is actually not far off from having a solid story, if you think of the film being about love and happiness, rather than about the literal adventure. Every character’s goal is to find happiness. The captain thinks that claiming Babette as his bride, as if she’s a pretty trophy to show off, will make him happy. The Greedy follows a similar line of thinking, as he believes finding a sweetheart to add to his collection of sweets will make him happy. Even though both are desiring people, they demonstrate the idea of finding joy in ownership, rather than in interaction. Babette and the Camel are both trying to get home, with the former wanting to go to Paris and the latter wanting to join a camel caravan. They place all of their hopes for happiness on finding a certain place, instead of trying to make the best of where they are. Sir Leonard Looney thinks that joy comes from playing pranks on others and laughing at them. Finally, Raggedy Ann and Andy know that happiness comes from being with your loved ones.
• Characters: to start, notice that I left King Koo Koo off the list of characters discussed in the theme section. This decision is due to the fact that his goal is confusing; he also tries to find joy in the misery of others, but that’s to serve another goal, making himself bigger (which just ends up being disturbing in the film). I say that this character should be scrapped entirely. In terms of theme, Sir Leonard makes him redundant, and in terms of plot, it’s not difficult to write him out (more on that later). The other major character that needs an overhaul is the Captain. I get what they were going for; he’s supposed to be desperately lonely inside his snowglobe—even though he seems to have an entire pirate crew—which is why he kidnaps Babette. At the end of the film, he’s supposed to be redeemed, but he still comes across as acting creepy toward Babette, and he never even apologizes! I would tweak this character. First of all, he should be entirely alone in the snowglobe save for Queasy; this doesn’t justify his actions, mind you, but it at least makes him a little more sympathetic. Most importantly, he needs to come to the realization on his own that what he did was wrong. Instead of having him complain to Queasy in the brig about losing his “prize,” have him admit that he messed up; he can’t cure his loneliness if he treats other people like trophies, rather than showing them respect. The Captain also needs actually apologize for his actions—it’s hardly fair to have Babette apologize for causing trouble, but then for the person who started the whole mess to get off scot-free! Additionally, to lessen the creep factor, I would also have him no longer be “in love” with Babette at the end of the film, but instead show him respecting her as a friend.
• Songs: I love most of the songs in this film, but there certainly are too many—there’s 19 songs on the soundtrack! The first fix is to eliminate all of the Twin Penny jingles. These mini-songs are unnecessary, always bringing the story to a screeching halt and interrupting the flow of dialogue. Also, the Twin Pennies get the first song of the film, which hardly makes sense! That brings us down to 16 songs. The second obvious fix is to get rid of any background songs, or any songs that aren’t actual musical numbers in the film. That scratches “A Miracle” and “the Abduction & Yo-Ho,” which are both played behind dialogue during the kidnapping scene; the latter song doesn’t even end properly! I would also include “Camel’s Mirage” among these songs, and change that to an instrumental version, since the lyrics don’t contribute much impact anyway. 13 songs now. If we apply the change I made under the characters section, the elimination of King Koo Koo, we can get rid of "Hail to Our Glorious King” and "It's Not Easy Being King,” bringing us down to 11 songs. The final fix would be to combine songs whenever there’s two back-to-back. The film already does this anyway, having the final song “Home” transition into a reprise of “Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers,” so it wouldn’t be difficult to do it for a few other songs. The first instance of this is “Rag Dolly” and “Poor Babette.” Since “Poor Babette” is a pretty weak tune anyway, let’s just make Babette’s lament into another verse of “Rag Dolly!” Just switch it to a more dismal sound and change the lyrics—I’m thinking something along these lines: “Oh, I’m just a poor dolly, stranded so far from Paris / such a miserable dolly, trapped in this strange nursery / I feel melancholy, knowing I can’t get away / so this French dolly, scared and alone, has no choice but to stay.” The other two songs I would combine would be “Hooray for Me” and “You’re My Friend.” This one is even easier, since both songs are already call-and-response; just rearrange “Hooray for Me” as follows: “Hooray for me! Hooray for she! / Babette of Paris! She’s captain, see! / What joy, what glee! What joy, what glee! / When our voyage ends / once we’ve crossed the deep blue sea / we’ll reach Paris! We’ll reach Paris!” That makes our final count 9 songs: “I Look, And What Do I See,” “I’m No Girl’s Toy,” “Rag Dolly,” "Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers,” “Blue,” “I Never Get Enough,” “I Love You,” “You’re My Friend,” and “Home/Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers reprise.”
• Setting: now, I love how surreal the settings are, but I’ll readily admit that it doesn’t make much sense. The film says that Ann and Andy just go into the woods, and yet they run into a Taffy Pit and a Looney Kingdom out there! To help with suspension of disbelief, I say that instead of going out the window to chase the Captain, they go into Marcella’s drawings.
• Plot: with all of these changes in place, let’s play out the story! The beginning goes the same until we get to the Captain’s escape. Ann still helps him get out, but instead of him already having a ship and a crew inside the snowglobe, he goes up to one of Marcella’s drawings, a pirate ship on the sea, and orders the crew to jump out and help him kidnap Babette. The pirates then escape into a drawing of a starry sky over a desert sticking out of Marcella’s backpack. Ann and Andy follow them in, and the meet the Camel. He was abandoned in the lost-and-found at the school and ended up climbing into the drawing to look for his caravan. He agrees to help Ann and Andy, but gets distracted by the camels in the sky; the three ride right off the edge of the page and into a different drawing, this one showing candies and sweets galore. The encounter with the Greedy plays out as in the original film, and the trio escapes into another drawing, this one showing a castle. They run into Sir Leonard Looney, who intends to keep them in Looneyland for his own entertainment, but they get him and the other Loonies distracted by throwing pies and escape into the sea drawing. Sir Leonard is the one who calls up Gazooks to pursue them, hoping to get the last laugh. The three use the H.M.S. Koo Koo to get onto the ship and find Babette has become Captain. Crucially, we see the Captain showing remorse for his actions while he’s in the brig. While Babette is tying up Ann, Andy, and the Camel, the Captain spots Gazooks sneaking up on the ship through a porthole; he breaks out of the brig and gets on deck to warn Babette. Babette realizes she’ll have to give up on reaching Paris to keep her new friends safe. She commands her crew to turn the ship around. Gazooks attacks, tickling all of the crew as well as Andy and the Camel. While they’re being shaken around, Andy and the Camel drop joy buzzers and gum balls that got caught up in their clothes/wrinkled knees in the Taffy Pit and the Looney Kingdom. Ann, Babette, and the Captain pick up these items, and use them to load up a cannon and fire at Gazooks. The explosion knocks the toys out of the drawing. The Captain lands on a shelf by his snowglobe, but the Camel goes out the window and lands on the ground. Ann, Andy, and Babette nearly fall as well, but manage to hang onto the curtain. Ann is terrified for Babette, who will shatter if she falls. Just as the three think Babette is going to drop, Marcella comes in. She grabs her silly dolls, scolds them for playing near an open window, and puts them back in their proper places before leaving again. (I’m writing this scene with the original stories in mind; the original Marcella always seemed fairly aware that her dolls were getting into trouble behind her back, and would just scold them and save them as necessary.) The dolls are relieved to be home, and we get the Captain’s apology, and show him respecting Babette as a friend, as well as quite an impressive pirate Captain herself! Meanwhile, the Camel is left outside. He sees the caravan once again, but unlike in the original film, it leads in the opposite direction of the house. He stares at them longingly, but forces himself to turn away, and goes for the playroom window instead. Of course, he’s welcomed into the family, and we get our happy ending at last.
If you made it this far, please let me know what you think of my fixes, and what you would change about the film!
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wordynerdygurl · 4 years
Skin Deep ~ Part 4
Author’s Note:  Hi everyone!  As @that-one-person​ reminded me, we were overdue the next chapter of Skin Deep!  I hope this has been worth the wait. As always, if you’d like to be added to my tag list, let me know!  Also, requests are open and I love when you re-blog and like my work!  Thanks for all your kindness!!
This is the 4th Part of our Story with links below to the previous chapters!  ENJOY!
Skin Deep Part 1
Skin Deep Part 2 Skin Deep Part 3
Pairing;  Loki x Reader, Steve x Reader, Bucky, Natasha, Nick Fury, Thor and Valkyrie round out of cast! Summary:  Picking up where Part 3 ended:  You’re on the run with Loki, who wants answers.  Steve comes clean to an old friend, Natasha and Fury make a plan. Warnings:  References to violence, smut, intergalactic travel, and some kissing!
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From his vantage point at Steve’s grill Bucky noticed the almost frantic vibration coming off his oldest friend from all the way across the lawn.  And Steve wasn't carrying any champagne.  In fact, he was whispering furiously to Natasha, shaking his head.
Looking to the skies, Bucky smelled the electricity in the air.  It made the hairs on his human arm rise, antenna to trouble, tuning into the wrecked wavelength his friend was putting out.  It was about you, of that Bucky was certain, and with your own strange behavior tonight, he knew trouble was en route. He had let you sneak away, sensing your breaking point, knowing your need for a minute alone.  It was the reason you were such great drinking buddies.  You let Bucky be himself and he returned the favor.   Besides, something in Steve was different these days, something Bucky didn't exactly like.  His friend, Captain America, hero to the weak, was pushy.  Aggressive.  Angry.
And when Steve looked at you, there was a gleam, a spark of possessiveness that gave Bucky pause.  Sure, you were amazing.  Funny, smart, undeniably sexy in a way all your own.  Bucky understood wanting you, he even got the need to have you, hold you, lock you down with a ring.   If only Steve could see how unhappy you were.   Each time Bucky saw you, the strain had pulled more of your joy away.  Sure, you baked pies, smiling the whole way, chirping platitudes and teasing Steve.  That happiness, though, it never reached your eyes.   Telling Steve that an engagement ring was too much, too soon, Bucky had tried in his very stoic way to prove that you weren't ready.  Never fully able to give his buddy his blessing, Bucky had opted instead to provide you a shoulder to lean on.  And lean you did. Slugging back vodka shots at all these parties, in the quiet and seldom used spaces of kitchens and dining rooms, you had talked easily with Bucky.  No topic was too wild or off limits, with the exception of Steve.  Anytime the name of your new love came up, the subject would change.  You'd deflect and Bucky let you. Maybe he should have pushed harder, he thought as Steve stomped his way.  Maybe Bucky should have forced you to talk about whatever issues you and Steve faced, tried his hand at advice, or offered excuses for his best friend’s erratic behavior.  If Bucky had done that, then perhaps the stifling stench of trouble wouldn't be pooling around the party, pulsing through all the high energy people gathered together.  “Buck… come here, would ya?”  Sure, Steve sounded like himself.  Jovial, a little concerned in that serious way he had, but not mad.  For some reason, it reminded Bucky of the way Steve’s father would talk, just before he’d beat the ever loving hell out of Sarah… or Steve.  It soured the stomach of battle tested Sergeant Barnes.  War was coming. “Sure thing, punk.”  Cocking his head, Steve couldn’t quite look his friend in the face, opting instead to focus on the open back door of his farm house.  Would you come strutting out of it, unaware and un-phased?  Steve prayed for that, even if his gut told him otherwise, “Bucky, you said my girl was in the ladies’ room?” Tucking his hands in his pockets, nodding solemnly, “Yea, Stevie.  Yea.  She had to piss.  It happens.”  Waiting for the battle was exhausting and Bucky just didn’t have the patience to stew in the slow burn of Steve’s anger. Clapping a broad hand along the neck of the Winter Soldier, Steve pulled his friend close.  To anyone looking, the embrace would seem brotherly, kind.  What they couldn’t see was the tight grip used to keep Bucky contained, or hear Steve’s heated harsh whisper, “Where the fuck is she, Buck?  I know you know.  So tell me.” Reacting instinctively, pulling against the restraining hook of Steve’s palm, “I don’t know what you’re talking about… she went to the bathroom, I came out here.” “Well she’s gone now and so is Loki-” Stepping back out of Steve’s reach, “Wait.  Loki was here?  I thought you said he left.  Opened the Bi-Frost or whatever.  Disappeared.” Almost growling, Steve ran desperate hands through his blonde hair, ignoring Bucky and turning to Natasha, “We need to let Fury know.  Set a perimeter.  Loki won’t be able to get off the planet, not without help anyway.” “Fury’s involved?  Steve, what is going on?” Jabbing a finger into the chest of his best friend, Steve spun, spitting, “You let Loki kidnap my fiance, that’s what’s going on!  And now I have to find her and rescue her before that greasy alien asshole does something else to the woman I love!” Rearing back, Bucky inhaled, lifting his shoulders.  If you have to fight a friend, fight fair, he thought.  Already Bucky could read violence in Steve’s muscle movement.  The graceful way Steve bounced on his toes to build momentum into his fierce throw was minute but effective.  Dropping his right arm, just a touch before stepping into his swing, Steve's eyes screamed murder and they were locked onto James Buchanan Barnes. A swish of air brushed at Buck's dark hair as the blow missed.  Bucky easily blocked the punch, grabbing his pal at the wrist and twisting until his chest was pressed into Steve’s back.  It was as fluid as the ballet you had forced them to attend a few months back, quick and clean movements, executed flawlessly. Bucky felt Steve spin in his grasp, planting his feet, preparing to toss the Winter Soldier on his ass.  His counter maneuver was a leg sweep, one Bucky was ready to use, when Steve went limp in his grip.  Natasha had sucker punched her mission partner in order to get his attention, “Steve.  You gotta relax.  Bucky didn’t know and you’re drawing attention.  Too many eyes around here, ya know?”   Natasha waved to Tony, a gesture that said, no worries, everything is ok over here.  It was enough to satisfy the playboy, who turned back to his cocktail and conversation with Rhodes. “I'm fine.  It's fine.  I’m just…” unable to find the right word, spiraling, Steve sagged towards the ground. Catching him at the waist Bucky steadied his woozy friend as Natasha brushed off help from the other guests.  Returning to the pair of soldiers out of time, The Black Widow, barely containing her disgust, “Bucky, get him inside.  Steve, I'm sending everyone home, then I’m going to make a call.”   True to her word, Natasha whispered something to Tony and Pepper, Bucky clocking their reaction of concern for both you and Steve.  It was very clear to the Sergeant that The Avengers were not in on this mission.  None of them were permitted to hang around the farm house with Nat going so far as to walk out with Clint and Rhodes.   Bustling Steve into the kitchen, Bucky kicked a chair free from the table, dropping his buddy on his ass.  Still a little amped up from the almost altercation outside, Bucky decided to put a bit of distance between him and his childhood friend, resting his hip against the counter, "What the hell was that, Steve?" "Stay out of it, Bucky." "It's too late for that, punk.  Either you start talking or we take this back outside." Side eyeing the super soldier with a metal arm, Steve tugged at the corner of a pretty place mat sullenly, "Fuck you." "Language!" "You think I give a shit about bad words?  Now?  No… things are too far gone." Waving his hand, begging for more, "Care to elaborate, Cap?" Steve had a second to consider his options.  He could let Bucky in, tell him what was going on, hear his opinions on the situation at hand.  Or… not.   "You don't need to be involved.  Once Nat gets back, it's best if you go." Thunking into the opposite seat, Bucky leveled his grey gaze on his pal, "And if I say no?" "Look, it's an off the record thing.  Tony, the rest of them?  They know nothing.  I don’t need you sticking your nose in-" That was all it took for the dam of Bucky’s own outrage to burst.  With a wood rattling slap to the custom built dining table, open palm connecting enough to make Steve jump, "Damn it, Rogers!  My nose is in this already.  Hell, you were ready to half kill me over this… over her, not fifteen minutes ago!" Sighing, hard and heavy, Captain America pressed back in the wooden chair.  He saw the questions in Bucky's look, the need to unravel this mystery, the desire to find a way out for his friends.  And Steve realized that to accept his buddy's help, Bucky would need the full story. The truth hurts and Buck's words stung Steve.  Bucky was right and in the end, he reasoned, they might need him to help bring down Loki.  After a second of consideration, a rough hand sliding through his blonde locks, "Fine.  FUCK!  Fine.  What do you know?" Crossing his arms over his chest, stern voiced but curious, Bucky started, "Just you and Nat reporting to Fury?  Small team." "Small mission.  At least, at first."  Trying not to give anything away, making Bucky work for it felt good, almost like a return to his life before Loki, before you.   Tapping his metallic finger on the table, Bucky resumed his questions, "So, how does Loki figure into this?" Leaning forward, Steve lowered his voice, “Weapons tech.  Power.  More than when he attacked New York.  He’s been off world gaining followers, an army, and a throne.” “So the plan was to keep Loki away, right?” Nodding, Steve’s inflection solemn, “By any means necessary.” Rocking his head back, as if slapped, Bucky’s eyes widened.  Just the implication of those words, by any means necessary, used by Nick Fury meant that this mission was crossing a line from mundane into murderous.   "And she was your way in."  It started to take shape, the whole sorted plan, Natasha’s involvement and Steve’s role in it all.  Bucky felt that prickly sensation again. Bowing his golden head, Steve shook it yes, "Only… I wasn't brought in… I… volunteered." "Ok, but why?"  Inching closer to the truth, waiting out the Captain, Bucky nodded for him to continue.  When Steve wasn't forthcoming, Bucky nudged his foot with a sharp kick, eager to accelerate the story. For a second that frantic, frenzied energy flashed through the room again, pulling on Bucky's sixth sense, "Because I wanted what Loki had… who Loki had.  I wanted her, so bad Bucky.  So bad."  “Steve… come on, man.  There are other girls out there-” Cutting his friend off with a shout, “Why should that asshole have her?  He doesn’t deserve her.  Before he left, she was always so sweet, so cute… then he… abandoned her!  Left her!  Man, that was… just so hard to see.” “Yea… I know.  I mean, I remember when she and Loki were together.  And I know his leaving was hard on her.” “Hard on her?  She… she stopped eating, stopped sleeping.  God, I could hear her crying all night.  Know how hard it was to keep away?  To know that Loki had forgotten her?”   Steve kept talking, about you, about loving you, and the lengths he went to in an effort to court you.  He followed up with all the ways you denied him, over and over, until Natasha intervened.  That all of it played into Fury’s plan was a convenient cross-point, coincidence, until things had gone wrong this afternoon. Bucky let him tell his story, knowing full well it was merely a version, a fairy tale wrapped around the rotten apple of truth. In Steve’s world he was the hero, wronged by fate, Fury and Loki Odinson.  His path had been paved with good intentions and pure hearted motives.  It was everyone else who misunderstood, miscalculated and mistook his actions.  Could Steve be blamed for that?   Of course, this edition of Steve’s tale didn't include beating up a cuffed prisoner.  It also omitted the fact that Steve had been pursuing you while actively lying about Loki's whereabouts.  Glossing over the details allowed Steve to paint a picture highlighting the best of him, but Bucky had known the little punk a long time.   During a long pause that found Steve with his head in his hands, Bucky took a deep breath and asked, “And how did you and Fury know what Loki was up to?” “He was sending mission reports weekly.  Loki had been tasked with helping promote peace across the Nine Realms.  That he gained so much was the tipping point.  Fury felt like a return to Earth would be 2012 all over again, only this time… total annihilation.” Something was still nagging at Bucky, “Had Loki made any threats?” A guilty look passed over the face of Captain America and his normally solid voice wavered, “Not that I was told about.” “So, Fury...?” “Fury needed… no, that’s not right.  He wanted to keep close tabs on Loki, monitor his return, his mood, his movements, if he ever came back.” “And since she was his lover, she was a potential point of contact… the entry point?” “A possible one.” “If you were dating her and Nat was posing as her friend, then you’d know if Loki reached out, spilling the details on his plans, and be able to head him off at the pass.” “Exactly!”  Oddly proud, Steve was almost happy that he no longer carried the burden by himself.  Sure, Natasha knew, had even engineered some of it, but having a friend on his side made Steve feel better. “But Loki didn’t do that?  He surprised you today?” Blowing out a frustrated snort, “Natasha went to meet him at the base.  Apparently, the high and mighty Prince expected to be greeted by Fury and his forgotten lover.” “That didn’t sit well with the God of Mischief?” “Nope.  Somehow he froze Nat.  Confined her, I don’t know�� Anyway, he came here and…”  Trailing off, Steve could still picture his lady’s body, your body bent under his own, your eyes pressed shut in ecstasy.  How you ground against what looked like his own sculpted skin, moaning through an orgasm that appeared amazing, and left you with shaky legs. Going silent, Bucky didn’t push, not this time, but he did feel the moment Steve surrendered fully.  His shoulders let go with a deep inhale, his voice sounding like that scrawny kid from Brooklyn after a bad scrape,  "She loves him, man.  And I fucked up.  Loki’s got my girl and I don't have any way to find her or fight him." Tears?  Sighs?  This wasn't Steve.  No, Captain America was an unstoppable, unflappable hero.  Spinning out was Bucky's move, not Steve’s.  Putting his fleshy hand on Steve’s shoulder, trying to console the broken man in front of him, "Come on, kid.  There's always a way to win.  It's what you and I have been doing for over a century." “Not this time, man.” "Why not?  Did you come clean?  That’s why she left, isn’t it?  You told her what was going on and she went after Loki."    Shame filled Steve’s heart, his cheeks burning, "I… I didn’t get the chance.  She left here, but not alone." "She'll be back."  Words, pathetic platitudes, were all Bucky could offer.  He had seen you tonight, skittish and jumpy.  He saw Steve’s reaction to your disappearance, angry and hurt.  Bucky thought that a snowball in hell stood a better chance than you're returning. "Not happening.  I lost it on her, Buck.  Smashed up mom's dresser, yelled… It was like being outside myself, watching myself do and say these terrible things.  And it wasn't her fault.  Not really.  I mean, yea, she fucked him but he was me, so-" "Whoa.  Stop.  Say that again?" Steeling himself to relieve this afternoon’s nightmare again, Steve swallowed hard, "Loki, you know how he can… shape shift?  Well, he came here as me and I walked in on myself screwing my girl!" Bucky's eyebrows lifted, his full lips curling into a cockeyed grin, "Wait.  You're telling me that you came home and saw yourself banging your future fiancé?" Pausing, catching Bucky barely holding back a smirk, "Yea… why?" And for some reason, after all the incredible things Steve had shared tonight, it was the idea of Steve catching himself balls deep in your naughty bits that made Bucky laugh.  Once he started, Bucky couldn't control the mad giggles from overtaking him, much to Steve’s astonishment.  But then Steve laughed, too, "I guess it is pretty funny, when you think about it." "I mean, your face must have been priceless!"  Clutching his stomach as the laughter grew stronger, Bucky had tears running down his cheeks at the image Steve described.  Sure, it was a horrible thing, but who could say that they watched themselves having sex like that without being in porno?   It took them both a minute to calm down, with Steve settling enough to counter, "Shit, Buck!  I was pissed!  I probably looked crazy." "That I do believe.  What did you say to her?  Them?" Now his face flushed scarlet, burning with embarrassment.  The lie was just easier to get out, "Um… I don't really remember.  I know I surprised Loki and well, my girl fainted from being used by him.  The shock of it not being me, ya know?" Bucky didn't buy it, but he let his friend sell the story anyway, "Must have been scary for her.  And that's when you secured Loki in the locked shed?  And set Nat as your watchdog?" "Yup."  Unable to meet his friend’s stormy stare, knowing that it would undo him completely, Steve focused on the edge of the table, running his fingers back and forth along the rough wood.  If this were an interrogation and Bucky were sitting across from a suspect and not his best friend, he’d have no problem beating the guilty man into submission.  But Steve was his strongest connection to this world, this time, and it was hard to walk away from family, even if they didn’t deserve the benefit of your doubt.  To that end, one thing still bothered Bucky, "Why not cancel the party, man?" "Because I still want to marry her."  Pulling the small black box from his front pocket, Steve toyed with the thing, his vision of a future with you still so close to realized. Whistling at the size of the sparkly rock enshrined in white gold, "Fancy.  What do you think your chances are?  Think she'll say yes?" "My chances went down to zero the second Loki dropped down to Earth.  As for her answer… Dunno.  I… I hope so, but now…", Steve faded off, knowing there was little hope for your romantic reunion if he didn’t have a clear idea of where you were at the moment. "Now Loki’s back." "Right." “And they’re gone, together.” “Right.” “And Fury’s on his way.”  Striding in on impossibly high heels, Natasha folded her arms over her chest, eyeing the two gossiping men in front of her.  It was going to be a long night. --- Somehow you had made it to the treeline undetected, using the orchard as a shield, ducking behind trunks as you and Loki scrambled toward the edge of the property.  You couldn't help looking over your shoulder, checking for pursuit, worrying that Steve or Natasha were going to find the pair of you.  There was no possible way they would let you get away, not after today, not with Loki. It was a bit treacherous, though.  There was only natural light to guide you through twisted branches and raised roots, so your progress was slower than you wanted, but Loki was with you.  Even beaten and bruised, he radiated calm, a soothing balm for your frayed nerves.  Something about that made this whole situation seem better, manageable.  You were no longer alone, Loki was here, holding your hand, not directing you but consulting.  "Pet… the roadway is up ahead.  Stay here, tucked out of sight." Pulling your long lost lover close, a small kiss passed between you, a passionate promise to sit still.  Stepping tentatively out onto the gravel filled shoulder, Loki surveyed the highway quickly.  When he was satisfied that the coast was clear, Loki waved at you, motioning you forward.   Striding confidently at your side, Loki stopped in the dead center of the yellow lines, his grounding arm around your waist.  A car, low, black, expensive, came racing round the bend, barreling towards you.  Tucking your chin to Loki's chest, you gripped him tight, readying for the car's impact.   A roar of wind swirled around you, grabbing at your skirt, whipping around your legs.  For a second you thought you'd been struck.  Breathless, your lungs emptied.    There was nothing solid under you, just the feeling of Loki and a current of warm air.  Next, you felt the impact of hard earth under your feet, vibrating through your shins, then Loki's grip loosening a touch, "Ok, darling?" Peeking from under his arm you saw lights everywhere.  A bar was to your left, filled with noisy drinkers, barely discernible from the traffic around you.  Honking horns made you jump, "Where the hell are we?" "Cleveland.  I can't yet take us off world.  I'm still a bit weak, I'm afraid… but at least we have a bit of a head start on Rogers and Fury." People pushed past you on their way to dinner, chirping happily, not seeing you in their tunnel vision.  Being anonymous was a nice change, welcome even, as your personal life had been lost to Steve's intergalactic presence.  On the busy streets of Ohio no one took notice of the two well dressed people standing on the damp sidewalk. "Um, you changed?", no longer sporting his battle gear, Loki was dapper in a black suit with an ebony tie.  Leaning closer you straightened it, not because it was crooked, but because you needed to feel it… him.  The whole look was just shy of too much, but that was the space Loki filled best and honestly, looking at him made your heart swell. Loki was back, and yours.  After more than two years, having him close again felt natural, easy.  In so many ways, the opposite of your life with Steve.  As if somehow sensing your tug into nostalgia, Loki knuckled your chin up, "Just keeping up with you, love." His nose brushed against your own, so weirdly intimate and innocent for a man who had slapped your ass red only hours ago.  Resting his forehead to yours, you inhaled that magical combination of burning sparklers, broken in leather with just a hint of honeyed citrus, "God, I forgot how great you smell." "Hmm… dove, there is nothing on Asgard that smells or tastes as wonderful as you.  Believe me.  I looked." "Careful Loki… people will say we're in love."  At your cheekiness, Loki claimed your lips, his hands sliding over the soft fabric of your dress.  Clinging to him, unwilling to let go now that he had returned, you puffed out a pouty sigh as Loki withdrew. “Norns.  You know how badly I want you again?  I can barely think straight for wanting you.” Oblivious to everything around you, lost in the sweeping pools of Loki’s desire filled expression, you toyed with his collar, “We have a lot of catching up to do, for sure.” “I’d love to get reacquainted-” here he paused to lick over his full lower lip, hunger for you dripping from every word, “-but we are on the run from the Earth’s mightiest heroes.”  Snickering, you rolled your eyes at the thought of the Avengers, hours away eating charcuterie in Steve’s backyard.  Stepping back, you sighed, “You’re right.  So, have you got a plan?” Hanging in the air, your sentence had just left your mouth, your tongue still savoring the syllables when a sizzling crack snapped next to your ear.  Swinging you away, forcing you to the sidewalk, Loki spun in a blaze of green.  Crouched over you, snarling, “Fury!  Always a pleasure to see you.” Stepping from the blazing golden circle supplied by Dr. Strange, Fury crossed onto the Cleveland sidewalk from your now empty garden party, weapon trained on Loki’s broad chest.  “Wish I could say the same, Loki.  You know it’s time to end this.  Let’s take our… deliberations back to the office.  Talk about this man to man.” A barking laugh left your lover, “Man to man?  I am a GOD!  And you… you are pathetic.  Your attempts to keep me off Earth, imprisoned, away from my woman have all failed.” “Where are you going to go?  You can’t get off the planet without help.  My help.  And it’s yours, Loki, if-” “If I come quietly?  Tail between my legs, submissive and compliant?”  As the words left his mouth, you watched, focused on the way Loki was shifting closer to you.  The long fingers of his right hand were visible, reaching back for you, a silent signal of his escape plan. Fed up and furious, Nick Fury’s voice was flat with frustration, “Loki.  Enough.  Let’s do this somewhere people aren’t.” “Oh, I don’t know, this seems as good a place as any!”  Circling Loki, edging nearer, Fury tried reasoning, “Endangering civilians isn’t going to make things easier.  You know that.” “You know, I’d love to talk about how you betrayed me.  How you stonewalled my lady… how you put Captain America in my place, as if he could ever be worthy of her.  But, I’m a little busy at the moment.”  Snapping his fingers, you jumped to your feet, grabbing for Loki’s outstretched hand.   The second your palm connected that feeling of floating overcame you once more.  This time you were ready for the roar of traveling through space by Loki’s magic, the push of meeting the ground, the curl of Loki’s body against yours.  Blinking, you opened your eyes on new scenery, the chill of a beautiful sea soaked morning breaking around you. Straightening the coat of his pristine suit, Loki smiled at you as his fingers wove between your own, “New Asgard.  My brother’s realm, now ruled by Valkyrie, by his abdication.  We need to find him.  He has a lot to answer for.” --- "Just what in the hell happened?  I thought I was very clear about avoiding this exact problem."   Pacing, hands firmly on his leather belted waist, Nick Fury growled at the bent head of Steve Rogers.  "Now Loki’s on the run, dragging your… Well, what is she exactly Captain?  Girlfriend?  Fiancé?  Mark? along for the ride." At those harsh words, Steve started, ready to focus his own anguish somewhere, anywhere.  Fury was as good a target as any, as far as Steve was concerned.  Pushing off the paving stones, he was stalled from rising by Natasha's firm hand and quiet words, "We have an idea-" "I don't want ideas.  Not from you two.  What I want are answers, Romanoff, and I want them now." Sitting on the emptied bench of the picnic table, still covered with your pretty tablecloth and jars of peonies, Natasha sighed, "I didn't have time to alert Steve.  Loki made it here first and… reconnected-" "Is that what we're calling it?"  Snapping, Nick glared from his good eye, his last name never more appropriate. Exhaling deeply, Natasha Romanoff squared her shoulders, "Sir, Loki… manipulated the circumstances." "Just what in the hell does that mean?" All three available eyes locked onto Steve, “What it means, Fury-” lifting his golden head with a jaw clenched tight, “- what it means, is that the son of a bitch showed up here and had his way with my woman. “After Loki… took advantage of her, I had him.  He was contained, here, in my shed.  It was modified with the restraints Tony provided with Thor’s direction.” “And still, he got away?”  Disbelief clouded every syllable from Fury.  That his two top agents had failed and so badly, had the normally stoic director steaming. Standing now, Steve was almost chest to chest with the man who’d been pulling the strings of this entire operation.  Natasha, watching closely, knowing that she would only be able to subdue one of them if it came to it, gently palmed the dagger concealed in her waist band.  Steve thrust forward, brushing past Fury before facing him once more, “Yea, Nick.  He did.  He got away.” “Do you know how?”  Fury’s fingers were curled around his pocket taser, just in case Captain America needed a jolt, reminding him of who was calling the shots here.  It wouldn’t do much except give Nick a head start, but with the Captain looking so rough and so raw, the SHIELD director would take any advantage available. “We believe that… he was set free.”  Natasha didn’t want to say the words.  You had let Loki go, that much she knew to be true, and she supposed that it made some sort of sense. Steve had been right all along.  You and Loki did have some cosmic connection that even time and distance couldn’t eliminate.  Intervening for the sake of Fury’s mission and Steve’s pining heart, Natasha had no qualms about why she’d guided you into a relationship, in fact, she still believed that he was a better man for you than Loki. But no.  No matter what Rogers did, you had never let go with him like you had with the younger son of Odin.  Not that you complained.  You had taken all of Natasha’s words of praise, her seemingly well intentioned advice, her flat out advocating for Steve in stride.   Sure, your friendship suffered for it.  Natasha, never having been one for close ties to anyone, had enjoyed the talking and gossiping.  It was nice to have a girl around the tower.  One who understood period cramps and cravings.  A person who would put on high heels and makeup for a night of dancing then suggest hoodies and shorts for watching Pride and Prejudice.  That was over now.  When she had been, well, frankly, overpowered by Loki and his new paralyzing weaponry, Natasha knew the plan for a peaceful capture of the prince was over.  Having seen the aftermath of your reunion with the space god, having seen Steve’s seething anger, the Black Widow felt her own ire spike. Didn’t you know how hard she had worked?  How tireless her efforts had been to keep you and Loki apart?  Just how invested she was in joining you and Steve together?  It was like you wanted to throw all of that away, squandering those bonding moments where you had become something more than a mission, those times when you were Natasha’s only real friend. Couldn’t you just go along with the plan, unknowing, quietly?  She knew you couldn’t, wouldn’t.  It wasn’t in your nature.  So, channeling that frustration into the cold facade that so many had seen just before they met their end, Natasha had to compartmentalize the “you” she cared about away from the “you” she was responsible for trailing.  Both had pissed her off. Now, hearing the gruff grumble of Director Fury bearing down on her, Natasha could only accept the berating tone of his hard words.  He wasn’t wrong.  She and Steve had fucked up royally, the whole mission was blown, and while Bucky had certainly aided in your escape, he was blameless collateral damage.  The consequences fell to you and the Captain.  Killing you was going to be hard for them both, but if it had to be done, so be it. Shrugging, Natasha started again, “Nick, we have a tracker on her.  We know that she and Loki made it to Cleveland, but he can’t get away from Earth without some aid.” “Well, that’s good to know, if only it was some new intelligence.  You’re tracking her?  Great!  Where is she now?  Don't know huh?  Well, she and Loki tele-ported from a city sidewalk, in front of me and hundreds of civilians, with no word on their next destination.  “And make no mistake.  Loki will find a way off of this planet and when that happens, there’ll be nothing else we can do.” “So what?  Let him go!  He’s won, Nick.  It’s over.”  Throwing himself down onto the bench, Steve’s dejected voice breaking, he slumped over his feet. “That’s not an option Cap.  Loki is more powerful now than he’s ever been.  You both read the reports.  He wasn’t just hanging around on Asgard.  No, Loki was negotiating peace between his native realm of Jotunheim and his adoptive home.  He was gifted with tools and technology that no human could hope to wield.  Earth ending stuff, Captain.” “Whatever plans you had of making peace are over now.  There’s no way Loki gives us any help… and why would he after all this?” “Rogers, I’ll do whatever I must to keep this planet and the creatures on it safe.  Loki is a threat to that, just by existing.  With his new powers, high placed connections and intergalactic royal title, he had the potential to be unstoppable.” Seething breath puffed out the chests of the two men standing toe to toe.  Machismo made Natasha want to vomit.  Men. “Look, I’ll go after them.  Steve, stay here, in case she reaches out.  I’ll take the quinjet and trace their path.”  Standing now herself, Natasha turned to the depressed super soldier, patting his arm, “Bucky’s still here.  I’ll let you know when I’ve found anything.” “No.  Nat, I can’t let you go alone.  It’s my fault, too.”  “You’re no good to me like this, Rogers.” “But, She’s-” Cutting him off, Natasha stepped closer to Nick, “I know, but you’re too involved.  If tough choices need to be made, can you?” Gulping hard, passing a rough hand over his face, Steve frowned, “I can do my duty, if that’s what you’re asking.” “Steve.”  Her tone said it all the words she wouldn't vocalize.  I don’t trust you, not now, not like this.  I don’t believe you will have my back at the cost of the woman you claim to love.  I don’t think you can do the job. Fury didn't allow her the chance to elaborate, jumping in with his definitive voice, “Natasha’s right, Rogers.  You’re staying right where you are, on the bench.  Romanoff and I are going to resolve this issue without any further problems.”  Half hearted, strength sapped, Steve raised his eyes to the leather clad figures before him, “Please.  Please, Nick… Nat.  Don’t hurt her.” “I promise, Steve.  I won’t.”  And in the second, all three knew she was lying.
--- Finding Thor’s shanty was easier than you expected.  A friendly fisherman was only too happy to point you in the right direction.  What you saw upon arrival was not entirely what you had expected when visiting Loki’s brother. It was a beat up looking cottage, surrounded by empty cases of cheap Midgardian beer, crumpled take out containers, and a collection of well fed seagulls situated near the edge of the village, “Ugh.  What a pig.” “Loki!  It’s… charming?”  Your admonishing whisper turned the statement into a question at the sight of Loki’s disgusted face.  For a second you just stood at Loki’s side, staring at the weather beaten front door, your hand clasped in his strong one. “It’s disgusting.” Agreeing with a small nod, “Um, yes.  Yes, it is.  But, this is your brother’s house and you said we needed to talk to him.  Step one is ringing his bell.” “No.  I won’t do it.” You had forgotten about this side of Loki.  Fastidious, precise and obstinate, Loki could cop an attitude that had the ability to drive someone crazy.  Someone like you. Over the last two years it had been easy to forget all the little things that made Loki prickly.  It was even easier to forgive him.  Since he’d left, you had looked at your life together through rose glasses, through a gentle fog of missing him, and those elements of your relationship that were less than perfect had been abandoned. Now, standing outside the hovel that Thor called a home, as a fresh day dawned over New Asgard, you were reminded of all those imperfect things that came with loving Loki.  A wave of need, love, and longing for him rolled over you.  All of those imperfections made you perfect for each other. Rising up on your toes you pressed a small kiss to Loki’s pout, taking the tall God by surprise, “What was that for?” Shyly grinning, you bit into your bottom lip, “I missed you… missed kissing you.” “Then perhaps you should come over here again?”  That was all the invitation you needed.  Stepping into Loki’s space, your chest resting against his own, you savored the nearness of him, as himself.  He wasn’t playing at being Steve.  Loki was here, he was with you, and if you weren’t mistaken his hands were drifting down your backside.  The rush of it, well, it was familiar and new at the same time.  How Loki seemed to inhale your breath, inhale you, as his mouth opened to accept your lips.  His gentle exhale, a moan, as his tongue licked over your own.  It was overwhelming.  It was wonderful. Stepping back, you started to pull away, only for Loki to wrap his arms around your waist, “Not so fast, darling.” Losing yourself, you focused solely on the firmness of his body, the weight of his hands on your hips, the intensity of Loki’s desire.  Intoxicating, heady, you leaned into those feelings.  Kissing Loki back, you tangled his hair in your hand, earning another one of those sultry sounds that made your legs weak.  How had you lived without the passion and pleasure he provided for so long? A smashing crash broke the quiet morning causing you to jump in Loki’s embrace, “What the hell was that?” Immediately on the defense, Loki pushed you behind him, crouching into a protective stance.  From over his broad shoulder you watched, worried about the new danger coming your way, unsure how to help your reactive lover.  Another rattle had Loki palming his dagger, anticipating an attack.  That’s when a raccoon, bigger than your childhood terrier, scuttled from under an overturned trash can carrying what looked like a half eaten slice of pizza in its mouth. “Appalling!  Mother would be modified!” Loki cursed as he offered you his hand, kicking away an empty glass bottle, "Why is he living like a dirty animal, surrounded by trash?  One would think they were back on Sakaar!"  “I don’t know what’s going on with Thor, but we came here for a reason.  Let’s get it over with, ok?” Loki shook his head, refusing to step any closer, “He’ll have to come out here.  I won’t go inside this… dilapidated shit box.” Sighing, “Fine.  Fine, I’ll do it.”   Stepping around a pile of broken electronics, you carefully picked your way to the front door, gracefully knocking on the splintering wood.  After an answerless few seconds, you tried again, rapping lightly with your knuckles before turning to flash Loki a small smile.  That’s when you noticed the striking woman striding towards you and your returned lover. “My, my… is that pretty Prince Loki I see?”  Even her voice was sexy, you thought, as the sarcastic words dripped from her full lips.  The swaggering stranger radiated cool, calm, sensual energy.  Otherworldly energy that made you feel mortal and boring.  You couldn’t help tugging your skirt straight and fluffing your hair as she got closer. “Ah… Valkyrie!  How are you?” Hugging her tightly when she opened her arms, Loki found that he was genuinely happy to see the fierce, battle tested warrior. Smirking at your man, she countered, “That’s King Valkyrie to you.  Your brother crowned me, or have you forgotten?” “On the contrary.  It seems like he finally realized what I’ve known all our lives.” “Which is what, exactly?” “He’s not fit to be the ruler of Asgard, obviously.” Drawing right up to Loki, hands on her hips, Valkyrie leveled her dark eyes at his, “What would you know about ruling, Mischief?” “Enough to know that you’re good at it.  Enough to know that I no longer want to be the King of Asgard.” “Is that so?  And what’s changed your mind?” At those skeptical words, Loki wound an arm around your waist, tugging you close, “I’ve got more… important concerns these days.” Looking you over with her shrewd, searching gaze, but speaking to Loki, “And she likes you?  Are you sure?” Laughing, the sound deep and rich, “As much as you like fighting and drinking.” “I hardly drink anymore.  As King I have mead only on important occasions, I have to keep my wits about me the rest of the time.” Sharing a laugh, the two shared another small hug before Valkyrie turned to you directly, “Alright.  Who’s this then?” Loki started to respond but you cut him off, extending a hard towards the newly crowned King of Asgard, “Uh, I can answer for myself, thank you, Loki.  Valkyrie is it?  Nice to meet you.  And, yes, I love Loki.” Making a face that was part disgust, part pride, Valkyrie smirked, “Love?  Oh no.  Hasn’t anyone told you yet?  Loving the Odinson boys is hard on a girl.” Pulling Loki in for a small kiss, taking him by surprise, “I’ll take my chances.” Shrugging nonchalantly, “Suit yourself.”  Focusing on Loki once more, Valkyrie shifted on her feet, “Listen, if you’re looking for Thor, he’s not here.” “Oh?  And where exactly is the lovable oaf?” Hitching a thumb over her shoulder, pointing up the hill, “At the palace… the new palace, that is.  You can come and, please, don’t forget your girlfriend.” Falling in line behind the King, Loki couldn’t help but add, “You know Val, I think I liked you better when you were drunk.” Snorting in response, “And I know I liked you better when I was drunk, weird right?” Bringing up the rear, your own sarcastic comment dying on your throat when the Palace of New Asgard came into view.  Banners of gold shimmered in the light of the rising sun, flapping in the breeze of the young morning, beckoning you closer.  You hugged Loki’s arm tighter, excited and exhilarated by the sight before you. “Home is a people, not a place.  Those were some of my father’s last words to Thor and I… and while I can never take you to the place where I grew up, this… this is the home of my people.” “Loki… it’s beautiful!” Valkyrie, stopping so you could both catch up, “It’s getting there.  Thor’s been a huge help.  Come on, let's show you around the palace and let your brother know you’re here.” ---To Be Continued!
My minxes:  @sammy-jo1977 @vodka-and-some-sass @just-random-obsessions @brokenthelovely @lots-of-loki  @thefallenbibliophilequote @iamverity @iluvsumbucky @unadulteratedwizardlove @wolfsmom1 @procrastinatinglikeabitch @mizfit2 @shxdowofdarkness @nonsensicalobsessions @ahintofkiwistrawberry @alexakeyloveloki @jessiejunebug @rorybutnotgilmore @crystalizedcaramel @lokislittlecorner @scrumptious-finicky-illusion @capcapcapsicle @jamielea81 @caffiend-queen @thenatalie @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @jenjen8675309 @that-one-person
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mountphoenixrp · 3 years
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We have a returning citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                                  Freya, the Goddess of Fertility,                     whose origins stem from Ancient Scandinavia.                          She is now the owner of Dagger & Roses.
FC NAME/GROUP: Im Jinah ( After School ) GOD NAME: Freya PANTHEON: Norse OCCUPATION: Owner of Dagger & Roses HEIGHT: 171 cm (5 ft 6 in) WEIGHT: 49 kg (108 lbs) DEFINING FEATURES: Warm Brown Puppy Eyes Turns Silver When Uses Her Charm. Beauty Spot Under Her Left Eye.
PERSONALITY: The fairest of them all, Freyja, the goddess who was devoted to a fault constantly wanting to make everyone in presence feel special and only wishes for small trinkets to show their love to her. Their most basic desire is to be loved and accepted. They may express this by being extremely attentive and attached to other people. Freya tend to suppress her own negative emotions, which, when done frequently, can lead to high levels of stress or unexpected outbursts. The goddess is altruist, and they take seriously their responsibility to help and to do the right thing. Despite her collection of her finer things, she does spend a lot of time volunteering for charity especial animal shelters. Overall, Freya values order, love, compassion and wishes for peaceful world for all. Encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all.
HISTORY: Once upon a time, they were two beautiful Vannir god twins Freyr & Freyja, she was the goddess of fertility, love & beauty who were believed to rule the Vanaheim the land of Vanir gods. The twins along with their father Njörðr were given to the gods of Asgard in exchange for a peace treaty. The goddess naive heart fell deeply for the god Odin who became her husband by charming him with her beauty & wits however he was mysterious man who only care for seeking knowledge leaving Freyja feel such loneliness so started to fill the void with companionship of others and material possessions. It all began where she would cry unique gold tears when she missed him greatly as he was off on his adventures and the time where she could not find him as she hunted him across the earth after her beloved but once again he couldn’t be found. Freyja became known as party girl of the Aesmir as she enjoyed the simple pleasures in life, creating friendships, sharing love & living in the moment. The goddess surrounded herself with many lovers & treasures to fill the hole which her husband left inside her yet despite everything her heart still stay true to him no matter whomever she slept with, her heart still belong to Odin no matter what.
There is lot more to Freyja other than being party girl, Freya is the archetype of the völva, a professional or semiprofessional practitioner of seidr, the most organised form of Norse magic. It was she who first brought this art to the gods, and, by extension, to humans as well. Given her expertise in controlling and manipulating the desires, health, and prosperity of others, she’s a being whose knowledge and power are almost without equal. Not only she is well versed in witchcraft, Freyja is warrior goddess and she shared Odin’s love of battle. She and Odin divided the chosen slain human heroes so that some of them would come to Valhalla to live with Odin and some would go to Sessrumnir “the field of the host” – the hall of Freya. Freya War Goddess was a master of the Battle Boar whose name was Hildisvini. Her boar became the symbol of war. Apart from the boar, people believed that Freya got itchy feet that she always wanted to travel in her chariot pulled by black or grey cats. She was also in possession of a falcon feather which she used to fly across. This falcon feather once appeared in the rescue of the kidnapped Idun the goddess guarding the apples of youth. It was clear that goddess could not stand by doing nothing, she always wish to be doing something never resting or pause to think about things.
After Ragnarok everything changed, Freyja found herself in once again in a beautiful woman body along with the curse of people seeming to do anything for her. The only difference is that’s some reason her features were Asian not Nordic which was fascinating to her. The goddess saw this as do-over start over maybe found some peace & love which her heart desperately craved trying contain her thirst for battle. Living as simple human in different lifetimes, adapting to the fast-pace world. Not really feeling she belonged anywhere, she sometimes live for mortal help raise their child for some time before disappearing into night as start ask questions on why she never ages. Freyja would give herself many names throughout her travels, from Eva meaning the giver of life which is Hebrew take on Gefn which she used before when travelling Earth when searching for Odin.
Eventually Freyja finally makes her arrival to the mysterious mount phoenix not even sure what to expect in a place like this. The goddess did becomes the new owner of the flower mill since she loves the scent of flowers & beautiful staff members. As her time pretending to be human she became fond of coffee as it was her life source to get through the day. Business is mere child play for Freya too since she is very good always getting what she wants through manipulation so running flower mill wouldn’t be problem either. Unfortunately Freya had to go away on some secret business to tend to, sadly letting go of the ownership of Flower Mill. Freyja decided to create own business from scratch since there is no store which sells weapons or antiques she decided to create her own collection even selling some of her treasures. Naming the store Dagger & Roses creating floral aesthetic store with beautiful ornate swords, daggers & bows in the glass cabinets. The most dangerous things tend to be most beautiful even Freyja offering lessons to people who wish to learn art of fighting and make perfect warrior out of the customer who would be welcomed to Sessrumnir.
Absolute Beauty: The power to be infinitely beautiful and use it to affect others. Freyja possesses the rarest type of beauty there is ( pure infinite beauty ), which is even higher up than supernatural beauty. No one, no matter how different their beauty standards may seem, cannot deny this person’s beauty as truly unfathomable as this person possesses infinite beauty. Because of this, she can use people to get what they so desire. Some people with this ability may even have magical abilities as a result of their beauty. She can literally charm anyone into doing her bidding with a simple smile or gaze, allowing them to gain a higher advantage. Plant Generation: The power can generate plants, including vines, moss, fungi, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers, whether by drawing them from already existing plants, or by manifesting them anywhere they want. The reason why flower mill always covered in such pretty floral due to this power and helps grows the freshest ingredients for her baked apple pies plus the constant supply of fresh coffee beans. Enhanced Combat: The ability to possess enhanced levels of hand-to-hand fighting skills and excel in various forms of combat. Freya fought alongside her husband Odin & Valkyries she loves good fight. Over the lifetimes she mastered various fighting styles but only to protect herself & others never fights only if she is forced too plus she trains to keep herself in shape. What do you expect from war goddess?? She’s more lover than fighter.
STRENGTHS: Freyja has level of grace, physical beauty, sense of style and social poise above that commonly found on earth. Not only she is beautiful outside, she is inside since she see her compassion & love as strength than weakness. War goddess knows how to defend herself against anything, she had to learn from previous instances of being kidnapped on how to escape through with the power of strength alone not charm or wits. She’s got silver tongue, somehow she can easily talk into doing something or her bidding if she wishes or talk her way out of it. She knows how to use her womanly charms to get what she wants and not afraid to use it. Optimistic world-view and upbeat attitude, she likes to see the world can be wonderful place despite the dark secrets and the constant war among the humans due to petty things like greed. Freyja believes in the good things and likes to share her positive opinion around. Building deep, personal connections, she likes to know what’s in people hearts to figure out whether they are good person or not. Freya doesn’t care on who you are to the society but who you are in general. She is very good at creating connections with other people cause of that curiosity. Being adaptable in stressful situations, she remains cool as cucumber as some would say. Freya knows how to handle difficult situations since she is used to being in them a lot. She spent eternity dealing Loki antics, nothing will surprise her anymore and willing to help others through the ordeal. Communicating clearly and effectively is one of main strength since she is very much social creature. Without this ability she wouldn’t been able to create the connections she has with others. Passion for serving others, she loves to please and seeing what joy it brings to others face. That what made Freyja such a good wife since she would have done anything for Odin without even thinking due to her devotion.
WEAKNESSES: Highly noticeable, can attract unwanted attention. Does not on-and-off her beauty to allow direct control or subversion of others’ wills. No control so she doesn’t know whether the person feelings are genuine or it’s her beauty curse. Most Gods are immune to her absolute beauty yet only affects them mildly but only wanting to be in her presence however it can cause humans or demi-gods to become obsessive about her. Which can be dangerous. Magpie syndrome, an irrational affinity for shiny objects. When a highly shiny object is seen by the sufferer it often may induce a compulsive need to claim it and several minutes of staring at said object in the sun. Tendency to be overly competitive or obsessive, she does like to win in without silly challenge even it simple game or something more grand. Freya already known for obsessive nature when comes to shiny things and beautiful objects even people so it is one of weaknesses for certain. Not acknowledging their own needs, she thinks about other needs before her own. Freyja is loyal to a fault and willing to go out of the way to help someone need not thinking about her needs or whether she is capable. She hates letting down other people and that’s her downfall. Taking criticism personally, words can simply cut like a sharp blade crushing Freyja instantly even though she may put on happy smile. The goddess is bleeding from the criticism even if it was over her cupcakes weren’t good enough. Criticizing themselves and others when under pressure, she is constantly questioned whether she is good enough in general and sometimes blame the others surrounding her too. It’s toxic trait she is trying her best to fix but sometimes wounds can’t be fixed so easily.
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just-incorrect-bnha · 4 years
BnHA Fic Recs (Part 1)
all of these are on ao3. please make sure you read the warnings and check the ratings before you read them. this list was made march 2020 so some of the word counts and dates might not be accurate for long
i broke this up into two parts because it’s kinda long, the second part can be found here
the light is fading (but i'm still here) by IceEckos12
Midoriya centric
Status: One shot/completed
Words: 8.4k
Izuku wakes up under the effects of a strange, dangerous quirk.
With no way to contact his allies or interact with the world around him, he is quickly plunged into a race against the clock to save his own life.
Sink to Swim by cinnabee
Bakugou centric, Midoriya centric, Bakudeku
Status: Completed
Words: 35k
“Kacchan, I think we’re supposed to--”
“Supposed to?” Katsuki whirled. “Supposed to? Will you fucking.. Listen to yourself? Shitty Deku, we just woke up in a dungeon and you want to play some villain’s game? Like it’s a goddamn puzzle we can just solve?”
As if there's any other choice.
mouth shut (eyes down) by carolinaa
Midoriya centric, Dadzawa
Status: One shot/completed
Words: 5.8k
Teachers and Izuku don't mesh well. If Izuku speaks up, he gets in trouble. If Izuku gets picked on, he gets in trouble. If Izuku lets his guard down for one second, he gets in trouble.
Izuku isn't stupid. He knows UA isn't going to be any different.
Useless Monster by MuteCrows (Deanassbutts)
Midoriya centric, Monster Midoriya, Quirk Midoriya, Dad Might, Dadzawa
Status: Updated 2020-03-02
Words: 79k+
Izuku had vague memories of how his family used to be. He could remember when he had a home, a warm bed, and steady diet. These memories were muddled, overshadowed by the burden of no longer having a place in society’s unseeing eyes. For where was a monster like himself supposed to fit into a judgmental space like that?
Child's Play by Le0na
Inspired by Useless Monster, Midoriya centric, Monster Midoriya
Status: Completed
Words: 8.9k
Animal control officers are trained to deal with all sorts of creatures, quirk or no quirk. These are the accounts of an officer who encountered something the weren't briefed for.
Izuku wanted to survive. He wanted to help people. That's all he ever wanted. Can't they just let him?
Canary by cloud_nine_and_three_quarters
Midoriya centric, Quirk Midoriya, Midoriya & Shinsou, Midoriya & Present Mic
Status: Completed
Words: 291k
Midoriya Izuku is Quirkless. Well, he thought was. That was until he opened his mouth to sing.
There is more power in Midoriya's singing than he could have ever dreamed of - a power truly worthy of a hero. But will he ever have the confidence to spread his wings and soar?
Follow Canary on his journey to find his voice and become the hero he was always meant to be.
To Bargain With Faust by cricketmilk
Fantasy AU, Midoriya centric, Tododeku, Monster Midoriya
Status: Completed
Words: 42k
Impulsive decisions are what brings them together. A prince, determined to enter forbidden lands to pursue a voice that accompanies the moon. A beast, too eager to fight for everything he wishes to protect. Actions have consequences, and the price of magic might just make everything worse. The Liar Princess and The Blind Prince AU.
Pied Piper by Blackhole_Called_Anime
Midoriya centric, Vigilante Midoriya
Status: Updated 2020-03-05
Words: 113k
If they wouldn’t give him a chance then the solution seemed simple, he’d give himself one. He’d force the world to see him, force them to recognize his hard work. He wasn’t missing a quirk, it was simply that everyone else had been given an advantage. He wasn’t broken, or useless, or incapable, and he’d prove it by outrunning all of them, he who was quirkless, he who had started in last.
release the dogs of war by IceEckos12
Alternate dimensions, Midoriya centric, Tododeku, Dad Might, Dadzawa
Status: First part completed, second part in progress
Words: 44k (first part)
Izuku is a dimension hopper who accidentally breaks his arm after a rough jump, leaving him helpless in this strange new world.
And then he finds out about the superpowers. Well if he wants to get specific, quirks.
If there's one place where a super-powered quasi-immortal technology stealing jerk would be hanging out…
A Dangerous Game by tsukithewolf
Midoriya & Bakugou, Villain Midoriya
Status: Part 1 completed, part 2 updated 2020-03-02
Words: 472k (part 1), 95k+ (part 2)
When Midoriya Izuku is 13 years old, he is kidnapped on his way home from school by a villain. One year later he is found and returned home with some scars, no memories of the events he went through, and a latent fire quirk.
Izuku has to live a double life if he and his loved ones are to survive, even if that means lying to everyone and committing deeds that he’s not sure the heroes would forgive him for. He just needs to come up with a plan to defeat one of the most powerful men in the world, maintain both of his covers in the presence of enemies and allies alike, and hopefully not forget the “real” him.
Bakugou Katsuki is certain that Izuku has been lying to everyone since the day he had been rescued. And he’s going to figure out his secret.
The Last Resort by coldandhotsoba
Shinsou centric, Dadzawa, Erasermic
Status: Updated 2019-11-09
Words: 163k+
“Mommy? Where are we going?” Shinsou asks as he was strapped into his car seat. He looked up quizzically at his mom as she gave him a backpack stuffed with clothes and his favorite plush cat.
“We are just going to a trip to see some of mommy’s friends okay?” She replied, giving him a small sad smile
Shinsou gets sold off to villains when hes a kid. They rent him his quirk out to other villains for a profit.
The Wards of UA by FeckedSpectrum
Shinsou centric, Dadzawa, Erasermic
Status: Updated 2020-03-01
Words: 312k+
27’s throat tightens, as if any words he could have thought to say are trapped there. If it weren’t for Memory’s nails digging into his wrist, he would probably have stood there all night, trying to understand what they wanted him to do.
Use his quirk on a child. A tiny, frightened child.
He kneels down, trying to get her to look him in the eye, to make some kind of connection. Anything to try and make her answer. “D-do you want to go away? Do you want to go somewhere safe?”
Her eyes open, slowly, and the sobbing slows enough that she isn’t shaking with it quite as much. Her hands are lowering from her mouth.
Her voice, so small and hoarse, is all he needs. He feels the quirk trap around her mind, and her eyes fade from red to white, hands dropping slack by her side.
This work is based off of The Last Resort, written by coldandhotsoba. In this AU, after Shinsou Hitoshi is sold to The Miasma, The Miasma sells him to Overhaul to fill the role of "The Mediator" for Eri. Even after the raid on the 8 Precepts, the wards are haunted by their pasts, but the ghosts in Shinsou's mind are anything but dead.
and i'm nothing like you by aloneintherain
Shinsou centric, Shinosu & Midoriya
Status: One shot/completed
Words: 9.3k
Of all the people to have been kidnapped alongside, it had to be this person, this hero, the one person who would never blame him for the things he was forced to do.
“Don’t cry,” Midoriya says.
“Fuck you,” Hitoshi chokes out.
(When Shinsou goes grocery shopping a few weeks after transferring to Class 2A, Midoriya tags along. Because he is, for some reason, determined to be Shinsou’s friend.
Shinsou remains cold and withdrawn in the face of Midoriya’s friendliness—until they’re kidnapped by a woman with a brainwashing quirk who believes Shinsou doesn’t belong in the hero course.)
Butterfly by aconstantstateofbladerunner
Midoriya centric, Dad Might, Horror
Status: Updated 2020-03-27
Words: 167k+
The first over-night trip off campus since the training camp was supposed to be a fun break from more intense work back home. But between a bleak introduction to chaos theory, a chilly reception from the locals, and the looming threat of a villain attack, Izuku has too much on his mind to properly enjoy the fresh air. But those worries are a light breeze compared to the hurricane that accompanies what he finds on the outskirts of town.
Or rather, what finds him.
a complete list of everything I've ever been afraid of by aloneintherain
Midoriya centric, Dadzawa, Horror
Status: Updated 2019-07-05
Words: 18.5k+
Midoriya is drugged by a villain during a raid, but old and new fears, along with the manufactured anxiety the drug produces, urges him to keep his condition hidden.
He's determined to keep this a secret in the long days ahead - even after the hallucinations start. Even after his worst nightmares are played out around campus, so vividly that he begins to lose track of what is and isn’t real.
when march brings rain by Crocodillia
Todoroki centric, Tododeku, AU, Bodyswap, Kiribaku
Status: Updated 2019-11-24
Words: 54.5k+
“I’m a person who wakes up in a new body every day - always my age, never too far away from the last, and I'm never the same person twice.”
“No - it’s not possible -”
“Remember when Katsuki kissed you on the beach? That was me.”
In which a boy falls in love with someone who switches bodies every day. (Every Day AU).
(may the bridges i have burned) light my way back home by Chrome
Midoriya centric, Bakudeku, Canon compliant
Status: Updated 2019-10-04
Words: 42.1k+
Since Bakugou Katsuki discovered the secret of One for All, he and Midoriya Izuku have been slowly repairing the friendship they once had. They still haven’t talked about it—but Izuku’s certain that it’s only a matter of time before they manage to lay the past to rest.
But when the League of Villains attack the Sports Festival and Bakugou takes a devastating blow meant for Izuku, the whole nation is suddenly paying attention to a relationship the two people involved barely understand. Izuku needs more than ever to figure out who he and Kacchan are to each other—preferably before the internet does.
“Fuck you,” Bakugou said. “I don’t need a whole face to kick your ass.”
in death, at the end of the world by theroyalsavage
Midoriya centric, Tododeku, Ghost hunters AU
Status: Completed
Words: 22.4k
Over the course of what was supposed to be a routine job, Paranormal Investigator Midoriya Izuku uncovers a long-forgotten curse, meets a shadow with the voice and eyes of a boy, and discovers a plot that has the potential to destroy the entire world.
Not necessarily in that order.
The Mystery of Student No.18 by cloud_nine_and_three_quarters
Midoriya centric, Ghost Midoriya
Status: Completed
Words: 85.2k
Getting crushed by falling building whilst shielding a little girl wasn't the worst way to die. Only, Midoriya's not quite dead yet.
He still has so much to prove - to do - to finish! All Might gave him his power, but now look at him... how is Midoriya meant to be the next symbol of peace if he's stuck in a coma?!
Meanwhile, his future classmates are left to wonder...
Who is student 18?
And where is he now?
Beast Among Men by cricketmilk
Todoroki centric, Tododeku, Fantasy AU, Dragon Todoroki
Status: Updated 2019-09-04
Words: 63.4k+
Unsure of specifics, he can’t quite puzzle together what he is; the only information that crowds his brain is that he is not what he’s supposed to be, and his strongest impulsive desire is not his own. And most importantly, the dark haired human he’s found is the key to answering most of his problems.
Todoroki joins the Deku Squad – with a twist. Medieval Fantasy AU.
A deadman's gun by NohaIjiachi
Midoriya centric, Vigilante Midoriya, Quirkless Midoriya, Stain & Midoriya
Status: Completed
Words: 65.1k
“I—“ Izuku hesitated, gaping wordlessly, before admitting softly. “I don’t know. I just don’t want to go home. There’s nothing for me, there.”
“So you filled this hole by playing detective— And how long is that going to last, I wonder?” Stain replied, still massaging his chin. “But you— You have potential.”
Izuku blinked at Stain’s chest, before looking up. “Excuse me?”
“What a waste would it be, to let you become a red splatter on the sidewalk.” Stain continued, almost contemplating. “No. No, kid, what you need is a new purpose. Your old one is gone? Well, time to get off your ass and find something else—“
A Study in Firsts by Oceanbreeze7
Class 1-A, Canon compliant, Dadzawa
Status: Updated 2020-03-13
Words: 68.5k+
There’s a first time for everything.
The first time everyone crammed in Momo’s room to study, a mess of limbs and books on her bed.
The first time Mina burned crepes so badly the smoke alarm went off.
The first time a jumpscare got Sero so badly, he flipped off the back of the couch.
The first time Uraraka fell asleep at the table and accidentally sent it floating.
The first time someone realized Todoroki walked far too quietly, and far too cautiously around the dorms to be normal.
The first time Midoriya broke his toe on a door frame and kept walking through it.
The first time Kirishima woke up screaming through the walls.
The first time Tsuyu blanched at the sight of a needle.
The first time Bakugo dropped, clutching the back of his neck with eyes scarily vacant and detonating everything around him until Aizawa had to intervene.
It wasn’t always pretty, but the dorms were filled with firsts.
once forgotten, twice removed by blueh
Dimension travel, Midoriya centric, Villain Midoirya (kinda)
Status: Completed
Words: 42.2k
“Yes,” All for One agreed. “This will be the final resting place of All Might.”
“You,” Midoriya Izuku said and paused, thinking over the words. He sounded taken aback. “You want me to help fight All Might.”
“Of course,” All for One nodded along. “I can offer you double of whatever my counterpart is paying you currently, along with anything your little heart could desire. Of course, you would get to help out drastically—"
“Did you happen to check what world you were pulling me out of when you did this?” Midoriya Izuku interrupted and it was said in such an incredulous tone that had the situation not been as critical as it was, All Might would have laughed.
Also known as: number one hero Deku has been through a lot of things, but being thrust into an alternate reality where he’s All for One’s Successor is a first. He has to navigate this world when his alternate self is a villain dead-set on killing him and all of this version of class 1-A. All the while, his friends search desperately for a way to get him back.
And I Burn by IiIia
Kaminari centric, Traitor Kaminari, Shinkami, Soulmates AU
Status: Completed
Words: 29.8k
He turns the sink handle until hot water spews from the faucet. The heat burns and stings, but he keeps rubbing his hands together trying to wash the blood off. He can’t. Never will.
His hands are stained red. His thigh stings under sharp fingernails, and there’s a small cut just above his jaw.
And he’s eleven the first time he wished he didn’t have a soulmate.
Lying Eyes by kixotical
Kaminari centric, Traitor kaminari
Status: Updated 2020-03-01
Words: 59.1k+
If you asked anyone in class 1-A what they thought of Denki Kaminari, it would most likely be around the same answers: very flirty and outgoing, not being afraid to show his excitement for something. Maybe he's not the brightest bulb in the box and has a bit of a mischievous side to him, but he's still able to make everyone laugh when he shows his brainless side after going over his wattage limit. No matter what, he's one of the closest members of class 1-A.
No one would have guessed that it was all a lie.
No one would have thought that it was all a con, a front to lower everyone's expectations so that he could carry out what he needed to do.
No one would have thought that Denki Kaminari, the loveable idiot from class 1-A, had been working to betray them all.
AU where Kaminari is the U.A. traitor as well as a psychopath.
A Dysfunctional Family but a Family Nonetheless by teaandtumblr
Aizawa centric, Dadzawa
Status: Completed
Words: 47.1k
Aizawa doesn't care about his students. He really, really doesn't.
Except for the part where he very much does.
Engraved in your Mind by Hejter
Bakugou centric, Kiribaku, Face blind Bakugou
Status: Updated 2020-03-20
Words: 234k+
Bakugou Katsuki lost his ability to recognize faces, so he didn’t know any of the people who stared at him, but he knew what dread looks like when he sees it, and as he looked around the crowd, every single person had exactly that written all over their face.
He looked down at the guy who was still on the ground, part of his uniform’s shirt burnt, his wounded face covered by his hands and his hair smoking slightly.
Katsuki glanced at his hands and finally realized something.
Kacchan is still a stubborn prick while suffering from face blindness. Also, quirk discrimination is a thing.
New quirk, who dis
Death Need Not Apply by Salt00
Midoriya centric, Quirk Midoriya, Horror, Crack
Status: Updated 2019-09-06
Words: 50.7k+
No one noticed when Midoriya Izuku manifested his quirk. However, it didn't take long for people to take notice of the effects. It was very hard to ignore, after all. The denizens of Mustafa adapted fast to this change in the laws of reality-- that's the way of quirk society, after all. Still, no one thought the plain-looking boy might be connected.
Izuku's quirk emits a massive no-kill zone around him.
248 notes · View notes
magnumdays · 3 years
4.01 ideas
So season 3 leaves a lot of different ways for season 4 to start.
I have to believe there was an actual reason for sending Juliet and Ethan off to Africa so hopefully it will be good. I don’t know what the producers are thinking/ planning for the next season but here are some possible plots I would LOVE (and in some cases NEED) to see.
Miggy reunion (hug) - so this would mean we start at the end of the six months (or some months into the Kenya adventure). This is the one plot/scene I absolutely would hate if we didn’t get. But I mean, come one, they have to give us our Miggy reunion! 
(Or like more than one. Maybe we can have both Higgy and Magnum have dream reunions. And then like somehow have one airport reunion and then a welcome home hug and just... actually I legit wouldn’t mind if the whole episode was just Miggy reunion feels...)
But really we need and will most likely get this no matter what’s going down in 4.01...
Juliet in trouble 
I think this is one of the most obvious ones. 
I wrote about this back when the whole “riding off into the sunset” thing was a thing, like how I didn’t think they’d actually have Juliet leave. But if they did they just HAD to do an episode with her getting into trouble over-seas and the boys coming to her rescue. Since I was wrong and they did have Juliet and  go with Ethan, this just means there is a chance for this plot to become real! 
It would go something like; Juliet gets herself into trouble in Kenya and Magnum fly across the world to save her, fighting bad guys and just being all around super cool. We get a dramatic almost dying for each other and Miggy reunion. 
But with Higgy having been kidnapped just a few episodes ago, I don’t know about the likelihood of this...
Ethan in trouble - Same deal, only here we have Ethan being the one in trouble. Kidnapped to preform a surgery on an weapons’ dealer or something like that. 
We would get high stakes, Magnum/Higgy working together to save E, angsty Magnum because he loves Higgy but he has to save her boyfriend and Juliet having trauma about possibly losing the man she loves. Then maybe have Magnum almost get shot saving Ethan and she’s even more shook about that and decides Magnum is where it’s at and bye-bye Ethan... 
All around I think this one would make for a great 4.01 (or 4.02.)
Spy related
Something to do with Higgy’s past as a spy comes back to haunt her in Kenya. This could lead to a Higgy/ Ethan break up without Magnum or the guys even having to show up. Because I don’t think Ethan is actually cool with dating a spy. As tough guy as he sometimes tried to act around the gang.
Plus spy gadgets are cool and MacGyver is over. Which brings us to...
MacGyver cross over
How amazing would this be... I mean MacGyver is over so it’s highly unlikely but it would be great if we could get Mac, Riley, Boozer making a quick appearance. Just saying, could be fun, and a great way to bring over some MacGyver fans to Magnum PI! (Come to the dark side, we have fancy cars, palm trees and slow-burn...)
Magnum/ Higgy long distance - So this is not something I’d love to see for anything but like one episode. Like starting off the episode with them skyping/facetiming while Magnum is on a case or something and then having it cut to her for some stuff going down with her or Ethan (or just her preferably.) Maybe to set up that possible 4.02 kidnapping of Ethan... These Kenya scenes could also show-case how Ethan and Juliet are basically on the cusp of breaking up...
Juliet / Ethan long distance - Perhaps we get this for part of the season? I hope not, but depending on how they do it, this could be interesting. Maybe like Magnum starts dating someone else? Juliet realizes she’s jelly and that’s not right and breaks up with Ethan but doesn’t tell Magnum and he still thinks they’re long distancing and is dating this new girl? For the drama? IDK. This is not a fave but they might be able to do it to some effect if they want...
Magnum visiting Juliet in Kenya - no one’s been kidnapped and Magnum is just there. Hanging out. Making Juliet miss home. They’re go on safari and picnics and romp in the fields. Ethan is no where to be found. It’s basically a fluffy pre-getting together romantic get away. Maybe they solve a case. A cute one. Maybe for some reason Hiapo is there. And the lads. And the Ferrari...
Looking up and she’s there
Like the first episode Magnum is solving a case, consulting with Higgy. Then sudden she isn’t picking up. He’s getting worried. Then at the end when the case is solved, he’s all “I’m going to call Ethan, to see she’s okay.” But Rick is like “No need bro.” And he nods behind them and Juliet is walking into La Mariana. He couldn’t reach her because she was on a flight to Hawaii for the past 14 hours!
They look at each other and you can just see how much they missed each other. And then it cuts to black before we get their sure to have been epic hug. And that’s how 4.01 ends...
(Maybe we open with that hug in 4.02, because I want the Reunion Hug badly.)
Ethan who? 
So how fun would it be if season 4 just totally ignores the season 3 finale and Higgy is just back. No one is like “welcome back! how’s Ethan?” It’s just like Ethan never existed and we never mention what happened, how they broke up or that he even was part of the show and that she went with him, ever again.
(Because honestly we’re all quite tired of him, even if he got great hair and abs, so him being missing would just be like ‘okay whatever’)
I know they won’t do this. Wouldn’t really want it when there are so many other great fun things (and it would make feel 3.16 feel totally hollow for any future re-watches) and would not let us have a Miggy reunion. But it would be kind of amusing too. Like... Ethan Who? Nope. Let’s just pretend he didn’t even exist.
Things I don’t want (early season 4)
Dead or hurt Ethan (come on! we got one dead fiancé, let’s not add another one)
Ethan breaking up with Higgy (they can mutually decide but he can’t be the one doing the relationship ending, unless it’s made super duper clear he’s doing it because he can totally tell she has more feelings for Magnum. Which would not make sense unless it was something like M getting shot to save E and J or something.)
An Ethan/ Higgy engagement lasting more than 2 minutes
Magnum and the lads still not getting along (come on, we need them to be friends!)
TC/ Rick bringing up feels. Like a little hinting is fine. But just a bit. Don’t be too obvious even if this is going to be the Miggy season (and if it’s not going to be that, don’t have feelings talk at all. My poor heart can’t handle it!)
More visa issues/ Juliet still owning Robin’s Nest and being smug about it/ money issues (Yes. I would like her to use these six months to re-apply for her employment visa and just give Robin back Robin’s Nest. Because the money needing thing was not that fun of a plot line)
Rick and Susie having started dated off screen. They’re so cute. I want to see them being cute and their relationship developing!
What Are We Most Likely To See?
I’m not sure they will actually do a major part of 4.01-2 anywhere but Hawaii. When they’ve had episodes taking place in other locations around the world, there have often been jungle / Hawaii like which makes me think it’s all still filmed in Hawaii right? (correct me if I’m wrong.)
There was however some reason they sent Juliet off with Ethan. I also think there was a reason they had Juliet tell Ethan about MI6. Somehow it will be relevant in season 4. 
Probably early season 4.
I say early since thy won’t drag out Ethan/Higgy’s relationship for long next season. He needs to be used to further the Miggy plot a little more, then keeping him around much longer will simply impact the show negatively too much.
Because if we’re being honest like majority of people watch this show for the Magnum/Higgy dynamic. And I think they know that. (Even if people don’t ship, they still want those two on screen, not Juliet and Ethan.) 
And with the new NCSI Hawaii show coming to film there...I don’t know it that bodes well for season 5 or not. I think they realize they have to move forward.  Treat season 4 as a possible series finale. And that starts with 4.01.
So I’m torn. 
What was the point of Africa if we don’t get an episode or some scenes from there? What’s the point of a separation between our main leads if we don’t get a great reunion? What’s the point of Ethan if not to bring Magnum and Higgy closer together? Magnum going ‘we are currently just friends’ if that’s not going to change or be an issue in the early parts of season 4?
But also, I kind of just want to get back to normal. Hawaii. Miggy banter. Crazy not quite making sense cases. No Ethan. The guys hanging. Kumu being her bad ass self. The Ferrari being red and shiny. Jin being wacky.
So perhaps just having the season start with Magnum being excited Higgy is coming home would be...fine? 
Picture this. 
He’s just hanging with the guys at La Mariana. 
It’s only been four months. 
They’re all like “so four months? Not six? Why she come home early?” and Magnum is all “I guess we’ll find out soon” and gets up to go to the airport to get her. We get a Miggy reunion hug. Some what’s the same, what’s different feeling out moments.
Anyways, they get a case, Magnum try to get her to talk about what happened with her coming home early and at the end of the episode she’s all “I realized he wasn’t the one.” They give each other heart eyes. And we’re just back to normal Magnum PI fun and games (and starting at your currently only friends business partner like s/he’s hung the moon and the stars...) for 4.02. 
I mean that would work... but it would also leave a little to be desired. Feel like some lost opportunities. You know? 
What are your thoughts on openings / season 4 starts? What possibilities do you see/ would like explored?
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Longitudinalwaveme Reviews Old Comics, Part 7
Today, I will be reviewing Flash #307.
The Flash #307 (1982): “Prey for the Piper”, was written by Carey Bates, drawn by the legendary Carmine Infantino, and inked by Bob Smith. 
The story stars the Barry Allen Flash as the protagonist and, as the title suggests, the Pied Piper as the main antagonist. This story is also historically important for the Piper-it’s the first issue to give him an origin story. That’s right. Despite having debuted in Flash #106 in 1959, the Piper wasn’t given a backstory (or a real name!) for 22 years! 
The story opens with two guys in a helicopter flying a giant gong across the city. Evidently, it’s going to be a new display at the Centrex Museum and...why in the world did they decide to transport the thing by helicopter? Couldn’t they have used a truck? That seems safer. 
Regardless, the Pied Piper, who is in a nearby skyscraper, uses his pipe to hypnotize the pilots and get them to fly the gong into a building that’s under construction. Barry Allen, who is nearby buying what I believe is a newspaper but could also be a magazine or, knowing Barry, a comic book, notices the collision that’s about to happen and springs into action as the Flash. 
The pilots release the giant gong and it cashes into the building, making a horrible noise but surprisingly not causing any structural damage. Barry stops the gong’s descent and goes to ask the helicopter pilots what’s happening. We then cut to Piper (who, as usual for this time period, looks like a demented elf), who notes that he only needs one more really loud sound to put “Operation Sound-Off” (I’m sure that sounded awesome in his head) into action and defeat the Flash. 
Meanwhile, Barry is puzzling over why the helicopter pilots suddenly dropped the gong into the building, as when questioned about what happened, they had no idea. He knows that someone must have hypnotized them, but isn’t sure who or why. Meanwhile, in the police department’s record room, a young officer named Morty, who has been giving a reporter information about some as yet unrevealed story, walks the reporter (who works for Picture News just like Iris did) to her car...only for him to be whacked over the head and her to be kidnapped! We also see that the files she was interested in involve the Pied Piper, who is operating under the alleged name of Henry Darrow.
Barry comes outside just as Morty comes to, and the younger man tells him about what happened. Barry thinks that someone kidnapped her because of the story she was working on, and, because it was about the Pied Piper, Barry assumes that it was the Piper who had her kidnapped. In speaking of the demented elf, he’s in a state park fifty miles outside Central City, known as Summit Canyon, creating an avalanche in order to gather the final decibels needed to enact his evil plan. He notes that, once it’s complete, he’ll “finally be able to rid myself of the two curses which have plagued my life with the most pain and misery: my arch-enemy the Flash-and my despicable family!” 
Meanwhile, in his apartment, Barry is trying to work out the details of the kidnapping (which he still thinks the Piper is responsible for), noting that the man’s past has always been a mystery. We then cut to “the posh Ridgeway Hills community easy of the city”, where one of the kidnappers wonder why someone so rich hired them. The other one basically tells him “who cares, we’re getting paid a ton of money and now we can go to Vegas!” 
Inside a mansion, the people who paid the kidnappers note that the reporter is waking up, addressing each other as “Osgood” (snicker) and “Rachel”. The reporter tells them that they won’t get away with this, to which they basically respond that they totally will, because they’ve got tons of money to bribe her with. We then see that she’s tied up at one end of a ridiculously long table. The reporter, whose name is Marcy Dunphy, exclaims that she’s seen the people who had her kidnapped in the society pages. The man then introduces himself and his wife as “Hazel and Osgood Rathaway”, which, as this is only two panels after the use of the “Rachel” name, may hold the record for the least amount of time passing before Cary Bates forgot a character’s name. The reporter identifies them as the heads of the Rathaway Publishing Empire and is completely bewildered as to why such wealthy people would have her kidnapped. Their response? She’s uncovered a very embarrassing family secret, and they want it to stay hidden. Which does raise the question of why they decided to have her kidnap before trying to bribe her. Wouldn’t she be more amenable to the idea if you hadn’t had her kidnapped? 
While the Flash races to stop the Pied Piper from robbing a museum, the Rathaways for some reason decide to tell Macy the whole story. Their son, Hartley Rathaway, was born deaf, so they spent a ton of money to ‘cure’ his deafness, and because this is comic books, they actually found a doctor who could do it. Hartley subsequently became obsessed with music. Mr. and Mrs. Rathaway had big plans for their son, but, as time went by, it became clear that Hartley wasn’t interested in excelling in anything or in “upholding the prestige of the Rathaway name”. Instead of addressing the problem (or, alternatively, not attempting to force their son to become famous), Osgood decided to start bribing the heck out of people. He bought Hartley’s way into the best colleges and then bribed them into giving him good grades he hadn’t earned. After Hartley graduated, Osgood paid his way into an executive position at a major firm and...seriously, just how rich are these people? 
Meanwhile, the Flash manages to get through the sonic barrier that the Piper set up around the museum, only to be attacked by the Piper and his “Sonic  Boomatron” which is in the shape of bagpipes because of reasons. The stupidly-named device hits Flash with the equivalent of 50,000 decibels, before we cut back to the Rathaways’ explanation of how awesome bribery is. They apparently gave Hartley a silver-plated flute for his sixteenth birthday (in case it wasn’t clear that they’re made of money yet, I guess), and they tell Macy that their son had always liked tinkering with musical instruments. Somehow, they completely missed that their son was a super genius who created hypnotic and weaponized music until he actually put on the costume and became the Pied Piper. HOW DID THEY NOT NOTICE THAT? It clearly started when he was still a teenager, as he used it to hypnotize his tutor into getting out of a test. 
Now with the power to hypnotize people, his life was even easier than it had been before, and Hartley was bored out of his mind. So bored, apparently, that he decided that white-collar crime was overrated and decided to go into the “robbing banks in costume” type of crime. I also find it amusing at how shocked the Rathaways were that Hartley became a criminal. What, do nonstop bribery and literal kidnapping not count? Because they were bribing people left, right, and center LONG before he became the Piper. 
Meanwhile, Piper’s weapon somehow turns the Flash into sound, because this is comics and comics don’t have to make sense. He proceeds to walk off with his loot, surrounded by a sonic barrier that protects him from police gunfire. 
So yes, the Pied Piper is Hartley Rathaway, his family is rich, and he became the Piper because, at least according to his parents, he was an “emotionally disturbed” child who got bored. Apparently the elder Rathaways have kept the secret through EVEN MORE BRIBERY, giving money to everyone from the local police chief to the FBI to keep things quiet. The FBI were the ones who created the identity of Henry Darrow. By the way, Mrs. Rathaway is back to being Rachel again. Rachel reiterates the fact that kidnapping and then bribing the reporter to also keep things quiet was the only logical solution to the problem...at which point the Piper himself shows up! 
Meanwhile, Barry uses his mental control over all his molecules to reassemble himself while the Piper tells his parents that he’s paid his debt to them. Apparently, he turns over most of his loot to his parents in order to pay “back every Rathaway dollar my parents spent on trying to mold me into something I could never be.” The elder Rathaways had to keep all of it because doing anything else would reveal the secret. Osgood tells his son that he and his wife only wanted what was best for Hartley, to which Hartley replies “Not quite, Pop. You wanted what was best for the Rathaway name! What I wanted never really matter much to either one of you.” According to Hartley, then, it seems that he became the Piper not so much because he was bored...but rather because he feels that his parents were more concerned with their reputations than with loving him. 
Then the Flash pops up, punches him out, and rescues Macy, who says that they should give the Rathaways a few minutes alone with their son. I guess that we can assume that the Rathaways never got arrested because they’re made of money. Or something. (Could that be why we also rarely saw the Piper in prison during the Silver and Bronze Age?) 
Well, it may have taken Piper 22 years to get an origin (and a name), but in this case, I think it was worth it. With the possible exception of the Golden Glider, the Pied Piper has what is by far the most interesting Silver/Bronze Age origin of any of the Rogues, and I’m glad it’s stuck around. Props to Carey Bates for giving the Piper an incredibly memorable origin story. 
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DAY 4: Pikachu protecting Misty (AU)
It was a warm day in the kingdom of Cerulean.
A princess with long orange hair and marine-blue eyes stared out of the window.
She was the princess of the kingdom. Her sisters Daisy was the queen and the one in charge while her other two sister, Violet and Lilith were married of to two other kingdoms. Her sister Daisy was married to Tracey, the new king of their kingdom.
The princess sighed as she looked down at the kingdom. Soon she would be married away too. It was custom, after all.
Misty groaned when she heard her name called by her sister.
She turned around to see the queen walking into the room. The queen, Daisy, smiled at her with a soft smile. Her blond locks fell perfectly around her face and her eyes shone brightly.
"You have been here all day. I know that it has been hard since you don't have many friends..."
"I have friends." Misty interrupted.
"Your Staryu doesn't count."
"He does!"
Daisy sighed. "Misty, please...go outside. It is a lovely day and it would be good for you."
"Good for me or the kingdom?"
"Good for you..." Daisy walked up to her and grabbed her hands. She looked at the 18 year old teen with pleading eyes. "Misty, please."
"Fine. Since you asked."
"Good...oh, and take protection with you!"
Misty slowly smirked at her. "Sorry, I don't think my body is ready yet..."
"Gross!" Daisy yelled and she gave her a small slap against her arm. "I meant a knight to protect you incase something happens!"
"It's necessary. Now, no complaints. Come, get out of here."
Misty walked down to the practice ground where the knights were at. She saw Ash, a knight, practicing his swordsman skills. He was fighting against Gary, another knight.
Misty was immediately recognized by Pikachu, the pokemon of Ash.
The small yellow rodent ran towards and leaped into her arms. Misty laughed and gave it a good hug.
"Pikachu!" The princess exclaimed loudly. She closed her eyes and buried her face into its yellow fur. "How is my favorite boy?"
"Pika!" Pikachu squealed happily.
"Princess Misty?"
Misty opened her eyes again and looked up into two brown eyes.
"Ah!" Misty looked at Ash with a blush. The young man with raven black hair and warm brown eyes was not just any knight. He had known Misty since they had been kids. Not only that, but Misty also had a big crush on him, which she managed to hide very well.
"Ash!" Misty put Pikachu down. She straightened her back again and smiled at him. "I was looking for you!"
"Princess, you were looking for me?"
"Yes! Look, my sister says that I should go outside more and I need to bring protection with me...so...do you want to accompany me?"
"Princess..." Ash moved closer with a grin. "I would love to."
"G-great!" Misty said. His face was really close to hers. She took a step back and stroke her blue dress. "T-then we should move!"
Ash and Pikachu both nodded.
And so they went into town.
Arendelle was a beautiful kingdom. Flowers were blooming everywhere, people and pokemon were walking among each other in happiness...there was no sadness anywhere...except in the princess' heart.
The two of them were sitting on a bench. They had just bought some ice cream.
"So, my sister wants me to be more outside and make more friends." Misty told Ash. She took a bite from her ice cream cone. "AffifIfanaffertefinfident..."
"Princess, don't speak with your mouth full." Ash said.
Misty swallowed the bite and said; "I can't after the incident."
Ash knew what she meant. Years ago, when she was 15, her parents were killed. It was on a cold night in a dark alleyway. Misty had seen the whole thing.
"I know that I should be making friends outside of my sister, her husband and Pikachu, but I can't trust anyone yet...."
"Then..." Ash raised his eyebrows. "What about me? Am I not your friend?"
Misty tilted her head a little. "Well...you're a bit too weird to be my friend."
"Say the woman who climbs up trees when she sees a bug type."
"They are creepy!"
"I think they're cute."
"Oh, shut it."
After bickering the two of them finished their ice creams and walked further down the town.
However, all of a sudden Ash grabbed her hand and pulled her into a small alleyway. There he released her and looked frantically around.
"A-Ash?" Misty whispered. "Is something wrong?"
Ash gently grabbed her shoulders and whispered; "Okay, don't freak out, but...we were followed."
Misty's face lost its colour. She clenched her fists.
"By whom?"
"I don't know him. But it was a man with brown hair. He was staring at us the entire time while we ate and when we walked around, I saw him the whole time behind us."
"Ash..." Misty breathed out. "I-I'm scared."
"Princess..." Ash looked down at Pikachu. "Pikapal, can you look after her for me?"
"Pikachu!" Pikachu yelled.
"Good..." Ash turned back at Misty. "Princess Misty, I'm going to confront them. Stay here. I'll be right back."
Ash turned his back towards her and was about to leave when Misty suddenly grabbed his hand.
"Ash, don't you dare to die on me, got it?"
Ash looked over his shoulder with a smile at her. "Your wish is my command..."
Misty released his hand and the knight disappeared from her sight. She sighed and leaned with her back against the dirty wall.
It felt just like the incident.
Back then she sneaked out to look for her parents when they were out late. She found them, just as they were killed by their assailant. It was a horrible sight and Misty had to get therapy to get better. But even after years of therapy, she was still nervous in small alleyways.
She wrapped her arms around herself and closed her eyes.
Misty opened her eyes again and saw Pikachu staring at her with worried eyes.
Misty crouched down and petted him on his head. "Pikachu, I'm fine...just remembering the incident."
"Really, I'm okay. I have you and my family...and Ash."
Misty nodded. "Yes...don't tell him, but I might like Ash a bit more than any usual friend."
"There you are?"
Misty and Pikachu turned their heads towards an unfamiliar voice.
A man with a rough beard and brown hair was standing there. He looked at Misty with a crazed look in his eyes.
"I never thought that I would find you, princess. Really, your knight is a bit too smart for my liking. But I managed to find another way to you."
Misty slowly stood up. "What do you want?"
"Easy. I am going to hurt you a bit, but not kill you. After that I'm going to kidnap you and sell ya to some bastard. Got it?"
Misty wanted to runaway, but stayed frozen on the spot.
The man saw the fear in her eyes and laughed.
"My, this is gonna be easier than I thought! With that knight gone and you full of fear, there isn't anything stopping me!"
Pikachu suddenly jumped in front of Misty. The little rodent sparked angrily with electricity. The man looked at it and chuckled.
"Such a small little hero. Stay out of this, buddy. Don't worry, I'm not one to hurt pokemon."
The man sighed and started to walk towards them. "Really, this getting annoying...I'm just gonna get the princess and...."
A powerful electric bolt flashed out of Pikachu's body.
The man was hit. Misty held her hands in front of her eyes as the electricity flashed in front of her eyes. The electricity sparked all around her, but didn't hit her.
After a few seconds the man fell down unconscious on the floor.
Misty lowered her hands. Pikachu was done and breathing heavily. A little bit of sparks still came from its body.
"Pikachu..." Misty whispered.
Pikachu shook the last bits of electricity away and turned around. It looked at Misty with a happy look on its face.
"You saved me..."
"Pikachu-pi pikachu pikachu pikachu pikachu!" Pikachu said.
Misty smiled. "I have no idea what that means, but thank you!"
"Princess Misty, Pikachu!"
Ash came running from the other side. He stopped in his tracks and looked down at the unconscious man on the ground.
"What the...did Pikachu..." He pointed towards his pokemon and Misty nodded.
"Yes." Misty said. "He saved me! You should have seen him, Ash! He was amazing..."
"Right...I'm so sorry!" Ash made a bow towards her. "I shouldn't have left you alone!"
Misty released Pikachu and put her hand on Ash's head. "Stop bowing. It's alright."
Ash straightened his back again. "It is?"
"Yes." Misty grabbed his hand and giggled. "Now, there is still a little bakery I want to visit!"
"Oh, you mean the one on Forestreet? I heard they have amazing croissants!"
"Then we need to go! Come on!"
Misty pulled Ash along and the two ran off. Pikachu followed as they left the alleyway behind them.
"I heard about the incident."
Daisy and Misty were in Misty's room. The young princess was getting ready for the day and had just put her new dress on when the queen walked in on her.
"I hear about it and..." Daisy fiddled with her thumbs. "I understand it if you're not ready to go out."
Misty shrugged. "No, I'm fine."
"I have a little friend who'll surely protect me."
"Hm? And who is that?" Daisy asked.
Misty giggled and looked out of the window. The sky was blue and the sun was shining bright.
"My best friend, Pikachu."
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
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me  since book 1 of legend of korra when  ever people try to claim mako was a womanizer, gary stu ( which requires a misunderstanding of what a gary stu is nad  makos character   people have thrown that term around to any character they dont like ) , or creators pet , manipulator    ,  when that was never the case     ( he never was  mako is a human being who makes mistakes the narrative always acknowledged his flaws as things that needed to be worked on the idea that if a character makes mistakes and isnt specifically punished for them and good things happen to him afterwards   its rewarding him for his flaws is nonsense    the claim that he needed to suffer or have good things taken from him is bs  korra was just as responsible for the love triangle as mako and claim that mako ending the show single was karma is nonsense he shouldnt be punished for not being perfect and making mistakes ( which is why korrasami only became popular due to the hate for mako and a desire for lgbt rep not due to any actual chemistry or because it would make sense ( korrasami was thrown in at the last minute as a retcon and publicity stunt/political statement optimistic view : bryke genuinely thought they would be doing good  and helping people  they compromised the story  narrative by throwing it in at last minute  cynical  publicity stunt either way they tried to cover their asses by casting aspersions on critics
the narrative they made led to the idea korra would end the show single with possibly a hint to makorra getting back together I cant help but rolly my eyes when I think how certain fans would react to that there would be claims of queerbaiting when they queerbaited themselves nothing hinted at korrasami the only way you could see evidence is if you were wearing shipping goggles or ending up unhappy to be frank I would change  ) (  and this was the case ever since I watched b1 ( I was part of the fndm since the first episode came out)
“Censorship explains why we couldn’t get a kiss and an “I love you” in the finale or blatant romantic scenes, not the utter lack of Korra-Asami interaction as a whole. They had six (to six and a half) minutes of interaction in the last season, spread out over six interactions/conversations. They’ve had nearly no on-screen interaction since “Long Live the Queen,” actually. They had the 5 second “I can come to the South Pole” convo in “Korra Alone” (which Korra refused), the single letter, their interactions in “Reunions,” and then the tea scene in “Remembrances.” After that, they don’t speak again until the last two minutes of the finale. The episode after “Remembrances” is the Korra-Mako field trip to the Spirit Wilds and Zaheer’s prison and the culmination of Korra’s recovery arc. Where was Asami? She had two lines in the whole episode, and they were both to Varrick.”
the aspersions Bryan cast on the fandom for not accepting what amounted to a last-minute retcon have been functioning (whether intentionally or not) to shield the creators from any criticism for their own fault in the poor execution of their endgame ship, allowing them to take all of the credit for being “subversive” and none of the blame for breaking their existing narrative to do it.
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/105933518980
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/112100564400                         
fantastic-nonsense . tumblr . com/post/105933518980
it often feels that 
I never liked prince wu and the only reason  some people liked him  was because he bothered mako  if I could change prince wu I would follow what ikkinthekitsune said to have mako happy 
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/147464055579/considering-you-understandably-have-some-issues
Biggest change to the initial setup?  No Prince Wu.  Instead of an obnoxious overgrown child of a Prince, our heir apparent is introverted, lacks the confidence to refuse just about anything, and is terrified of being in front of crowds.  He’s the (implied-to-be illegitimate) child of a distant relative of Hou-Ting and a Republic City citizen.  Oh, and he’s all of ten years old.  In other words, everything about him screams “Raiko chose this kid as a convenient puppet” (instead of offhandedly implying it once and forgetting about it as was done with Wu). All of the time Wu wastes on comic relief in After All These Years is used to explain the political situation: the prince is a figurehead meant to display the trappings of royalty and legitimize Raiko’s chosen advisors.  Kuvira’s supporters hate him not just because he’s royalty but also because they think he’s essentially giving the Earth Kingdom away to an imperialistic foreign power.  Mako’s there to protect him both because Raiko ordered him to and because he’s one of the few cops the prince is comfortable around; as such, Mako actually feels bad for the kid and wants to protect him. (This prince is legitimately terrified by the scary adults throwing pies at him and bursts into tears as soon as they’re out of harm’s way.  Mako comforts him and makes him feel a little better.) Korra Alone is close to perfect and stays pretty much as-is, albeit with Korra’s loss in the Earth Rumble ring being far less embarrassing – she gets some hits in, and the end makes it even clearer how distracted she was by Dark Avatar Korra. The Coronation follows up on the political changes.  Instead of being all excited about how awesome he thinks the ceremony is going to be, the prince is afraid – of being on stage (Mako assures him he’ll do fine), of being king (Raiko assures him that his advisers will do all the work), and of Kuvira (Raiko assures him that she’ll step down).  The prince thanks Kuvira and lets her speak the way Wu did in the show, except that it’s sort of implied that he’s looking for an excuse to not have to stay up at the podium for longer than necessary.  Kuvira, of course, uses the opportunity to take over… and specifically points to Raiko’s use of the prince to control the Earth Kingdom as a reason why she’s justified in doing so.  (The prince hides behind Mako when this happens.  =( )  Some of the time saved by not having Wu freak out about the loss of his throne is used to show us the meeting of the world leaders, where they talk about why they think Kuvira is dangerous (she’s very with-me-or-against-me) and what they can do to stop her (not much as long as she limits her ambitions to the Earth Kingdom).
The Republic City part of Reunion is way more tense because Team Avatar are looking for a terrified kidnapped child instead of an aggravating jerk.  (The prince still gets to ask Korra to go into the Avatar State because he wants to see her eyes glow, but it’s actually kind of endearing since he’s a little kid.)
and only people who wouldnt like it is mako haters who demonize him for being a human being who makes mistakes and twists him to be something he isnt  to point where they claim bs things like claiming he called asami a leech when no it was a figure of speech it was avatar equivalent to ripping off a bandaid.
or whining that he was a bit of a jerk at the start or not immediately nice ( when mako is someone who unlike bolin has an icy demeanor and is wary of bringing new people in to circle  but when you are in he will die for you he has been compared to zuko minus angst for a reason  he was a jerk with a heart of gold he isnt going to be immediately friendly with people  like bolin 
 ( I cant help but think of the people who would say zuko should have suffered at the end   )
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