#yandere bruce banner x reader
thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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He's a complex person so I wish you all the best for dealing with him here. He has the emotional range of a literal freaking OCEAN ngl....
He'd be obsessed with you after getting to know you since not many people would be that comfortable and chill while hanging around him. You could calm him down when he was in his angry Hulk form and that's what made you unique and special. You weren't scared of him like most people and he's grateful and thankful for that. He doesn't get enough love considering the fact that people view him as a monster of some sort. Although he might seem violent and aggressive, he the complete OPPOSITE when it comes to you
He'll treat you with the most gentlest of care like a delicate precious flower
He's also extremely smart and he can be quite good at manipulating people too. He can read you like a book no matter how much you try concealing things from him. He has Phds for a reason and man will NOT hesitate to put them to good use. He likes your innocent personality, you look so cute and adorable to him when you just look confused he just wants to drop whatever he's doing and hold you and cuddle you
If Tony tries flirting with you Bruce will just raise his eyebrows in a questioning manner at him and try telling him that he likes you and if he could please back TF off. Well they ARE good friends so he won't go all Hulk and try killing him. YET. If he continues to do so he'll be having a little 'talk' with him this time in his HULK form and you KNOW things won't end well when he transforms into Hulk
He will get easily flustered and become a blushing tomato when you compliment him on something. In conclusion, he really loves you and isn't afraid to show the world HOW much he loves you
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nastyavolk-cp · 2 years
Yandere requests are open!
Before requesting, please read this kind warning:
I want to make myself very clear that I DO NOT SUPPORT THOSE KIND OF RELATIONSHIP!!!! Please, don’t mistake what I write with supporting, because no, I do not. And if in real life you know someone or you are going through a toxic dangerous relationship, please call help and seek professional help. One more last thing, I will always try to put trigger warnings in my stories or headcanons. 
You can request Yandere Marvel characters! I do not write:
Extremely body mutilation
Incest (Including stepparent)
Hydra Trash Party
Minor x Adult
Smut / NSFW (It might change in the future but not yet)
Racist/Homophobic/Misogynistic representation
What I am ok to write:
Character x reader (Romantic)
Character & reader (Platonic)
Marvel character x OC
Character x character
What characters I write for (more characters to add soon):
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Natasha Romanova / Black Widow
Sam Wilson / Falcon and Captain America
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker / Spider Man 
Stephen Strange / Doctor Strange
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
You can request at maximum 3 characters or even ask for Avengers, feel free to ask any questions! :)
P.S: I might write imagines with my own characters 👀
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yanderemcu · 5 months
Yandere Bruce Banner Alphabet
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A=Affection (How do they show their love for you) 
Holding,hugging,kissing,hand on you,arm over shoulder, holding hands,stroking,caressing
B=Bound (How much do they share with you) 
Tells you everything
C=Cruel (How do they punish you) 
D-Desire (How long until they take you) 
1 month
E=Even (To what level are they dominant) 
Same level as you
F=Future(What are their future plans for the two of you) 
Get married
G=Gifts (What do they give you) 
Clothes,blankets,pillows,flowers,stuff animals
H=Hell (Worst experience with them) 
Hulk moments
I=Insane (How insane did they get because of you) 
J=Jealous(How easily do they get jealous) 
Hulk beats anyone up if they come near you
K=Killing (How do they handle killing) 
Hulk destroys them
L=Language (What is their love language) 
Quality time and words of affirmation
M=Manipulation(What could you do to get your way) 
If your sweet to him or show him a bit of affection
N=No (To what strength would they go for you) 
He'd do anything for you
O=Obsessed (How obsessed are they with you) 
He'd do anything for you
P=Pet names(What do they call you)  
Love,hunny,sweetheart,sweetie,princess, my love, darling,my sweet, my flower
Q=Quit (How would they act if you died) 
Shuts everything out
R=Runaway (What are your chances to get away) 
Youlel have Hulk chasing after you
S=Stalking (How good are they at stalking you) 
T=Type  (What type of yandere are they) 
Caring,Sweet,Clingy,Shy,Delusional, Possessive, Overprotective
U=Unique (Different from other yanderes) 
There's two of them Hulk and Bruce
V=Vine (How would they feel if you fought back) 
Tries to remain calm and leave you alone
W=Will (Would they do anything against their loves will) 
X=X-Ray (How much do they keep hidden from you) 
Y=Yearning (How much do they want you) 
Z=Zzz (How do you two fall asleep together) 
Holds you in his arms
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Bruce Banner with a female darling who gets hurt when he turns into Hulk
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Request(ed?): Yes! - what would Bruce do (in the 2012 Avengers movie) if he turned into the hulk and ended up hurting his darling? — Requested by 🍣 anon.
Warnings: yandere behavior, stockholm syndrome, slight violence and crying(?)
Author Note: This is taken in place in 2012!! (Aka: When the Avengers came out) Thank you for requesting love!! Feel free to do it again. Bruce is one of my favorite characters!!
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The moment Bruce turns back into ‘himself’ and he sees the long list of damage that was left, Bruce is immediately looking for you. Whether that’s when he found you groaning in pain, or he sees police surrounding the house of you two, finding the image of you going into an ambulance makes his heart drop.
Guilt and shame were the emotions that hit him like a bullet train. While it was horrific to see the image of Hulk damaging the city. But seeing you in pure fear while hurting you? It was utterly terrifying to even think about; all he wanted to do was cry and crawl into a small hole where no one could find him.
The moment you wake up in the hospital bed, he’s right beside you, taking both of your hands as he profusely apologizes to you; rocking back and forth as he kisses your hands, his voice barely able to come out other than a small whisper of continuous ‘sorry’s’ and ‘please forgive me.’
After that incident, he’s gonna be a bit distant for a while. He won’t come near you as much, won’t allow you to touch him as usual, and let you be in the same room with him; not until he knows he can control himself. Every day, his heart pounds with the image of you hurt, and sometimes, he even has nightmares about it.
Though, he will try to make it up to you: buying whatever you want. Whether that’s a whole new video-game console, buying a year’s worth of your favorite ice cream, or getting a pet leopard; he’s willing to get you anything if it means getting your trust again and showing that what he did, wasn't on purpose.
If you decide not to talk to Bruce, he would understand, as he is disappointed and self-critical to the point he might go back into a depressive episode.
Bruce, from now on, will be more careful around you. He would try to not touch you as much, waiting for you to give him the okay to touch you, even if it’s a high-five. If you two get into a rare fight, he will leave; even if it’s a fight that is important, he will get up and leave in fear he'll lose control again.
This also goes along the lines of him waking up from nightmares, in which, you will have to help him calm down from the uneven breathing and frantic talking about: ‘i’ll hurt you if you touch me, [Name]!’
The most you two can do is try to move on and communicate with each other. High chance, that you two will be in a rocky-like part of the relationship for a bit until, either one of you, communicates about the incident and whether the two of you need therapy or to help Bruce and yourself figure out what to do in the future to prevent this.
He feels extremely bad for what happened and is willing to do everything in his power to get your trust and affection back.
Bruce loves you, more than anything.
Masterlist | Requests open (9/20/2022)
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©yandere-kokeshi
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
Yandere Steve Rogers
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You opened your heavy eyes and looked around to see yourself in your room, well Steve's room.
He was your partner, kind of. He was also the leader of the Avengers, the most powerful people in the country. And the most terrifying.
The Avengers weren't exactly nice, driven by power. The team wasn't so bad, you thought that they were good people just messed up in the wrong business. That business being Steve, he was anything but kind.
The door opened and you looked up to see Steve entering, he must've just come back from a run.
"Morning doll. Did you sleep well?" He asked as you looked up at him, he must be in a good mood.
"I-I did thank you. Did you enjoy your run?" You asked in a small voice as he smiled and headed over to you.
"I did doll." He replied kissing your forehead softly.
"Get dressed and go have some breakfast, I'm just going to take a shower than I'll meet you down there." He said as you nodded and smiled, he headed for the shower as you got out of bed and began getting dressed.
You wore an oversized hoodie and some leggings and headed down to the main room.
When you made it down you saw the team sitting around having breakfast as you smiled a little.
"Hey everyone." You muttered heading down the stairs as they all looked up.
You weren't apart of the team, you were just apart of Steve. But the team still treated you like you were family.
"Hey Y/N, sleep well?" Tony asked as you nodded and headed to the pantry to get some cereal.
You sat at the table next to Clint and Tony. You were quiet and usually didn't talk, the team didn't mind that.
"I'm heading out to go shopping later, do you need anything?" Clint asked as you looked beside you at him.
"U-Um, I don't think so." You muttered as he smiled and nodded.
"Just message me if you think of anything while I'm gone." He said as you nodded back to him then returned to eating your cereal.
When you had finished Steve came down and you quickly jumped up and began making his coffee for him. He came over to you and smiled putting his hand around your waist.
"You were muttering in your sleep again doll. Did you have a nightmare?" He asked rubbing your hip softly as you nodded a little.
"Just the usual." You muttered handing him the cup of coffee as he nodded.
"Thanks darling, come sit down on the couch with me." He said as you nodded and followed him over to the couch where he sat down with his coffee and switched on the tv. You cuddled into his side as he wrapped an arm around you.
Steve never let you leave the tower, I suppose it made sense. He was a powerful man and everyone knew you were his, so that made you a target. But you missed the outside world, you missed shopping, picnics or even just going for a walk.
"What's on your mind?" Steve asked still looking at the tv. How did he always know when something was bothering you?
"J-Just thinking about outside. I just miss the little things like going shopping or going for walks." You whispered closing your eyes.
"I know doll, but it's too dangerous you know that. I can buy you anything you want online." He said as you nodded and opened your eyes to watch the tv.
"S-Sorry, I just get a bit cooped up in here." You replied as Steve softly played with your hair.
"I know, maybe we could have a picnic up on the roof together." He said making you smile a little.
"I would really like that." You replied as he returned your smile.
"Then that's what we'll do." He said as you heard a noise and looked up to see Bucky coming downstairs. He always wore a muzzle around his mouth and never spoke, he only ever took it off when he would eat alone in his room.
"Maybe I should do something for Bucky, he always seems so sad." You whispered looking up at Bucky before Steve made you turn your head around.
"You don't need to worry about him doll." Steve said as you nodded, you wanted to help Bucky as much as you could but you knew that Steve wouldn't like that.
"Maybe if i just make him some cookies." You muttered as Steve looked down at you.
"I said don't worry." Steve warned lowly as you looked up at him to see he was angry.
You cuddled into him trying to calm him down.
"I'm sorry, I won't bring it up again. Please forgive me." You whispered feeling him tighten his grip on you.
"That's better." He said as you smiled a little. Just glad he wasn't too angry.
"Can we still have a picnic up on the roof?" You asked looking back up at him as he smiled.
"Of course baby girl." He said leaning down to kiss you softly.
From a distance Bucky looked at you both, he craved what you and Steve had. If only he knew what was behind Steve's sweet facade. Well, Bucky did know, he knew first hand.
Time passed and Steve was finally done with work and met you up on the roof where you had set out a picnic blanket and food for you both. You smiled when you saw him come out of the elevator.
"This looks amazing." He said coming up to you and kissing your forehead.
"I'm glad you like it." You said with a smile on your face.
You both sat down together and you looked up at the sky.
"Do you ever think about giving all of this up, moving to a new country and starting a new life?" You asked softly as Steve looked at you in anger.
"I know you don't mean that." He growled as you looked at him and shrunk a little.
"S-Sorry, I just meant it might be nice one day for us to start a new life together." You said smiling a little.
"I give you everything here, and you want more?" He asked as you shook your head.
"N-No, no not at all. I-I just meant that..." You were cut off by Steve standing up and storming away leaving you alone.
It was so easy to make him angry.
"I didn't mean it." You whispered hugging your knees to your chest.
You sat on the roof on the nice picnic you had organised.
You heard the elevator ding and looked up hopefully.
"Steve?" You asked as the doors opened to see Bucky.
"O-Oh Bucky, hey. Sorry Steve and I were just having a picnic a-and I made him mad so he left. But it's okay, nice to have some time alone." You muttered out as he came closer to you.
"W-Would you like some food? It'll just go to waste otherwise." You said chuckling lightly as he looked around, he was probably making sure no one was around.
He sat down across from you and slowly took off his mask.
You'd never seen him without it.
"Steve would kill me." He whispered as you looked at him sadly.
"Hey, it's okay. It can be our little secret." You said offering him a soft smile. he cautiously reached towards some of the food and began eating as you did the same.
"Y-You ever think about leaving here?" You whispered looking beside you at Bucky as he looked up at you and chuckled softly.
"Everyday." He replied, maybe you two were more similar then you realised. Both trapped here.
"Living out in the country with some animals. Nice and quiet and just open fields." You said with a smile on your face.
"Just us and nature." He said smiling softly. You didn't bother ask him about what he meant by 'us.'
"What was life like before all of this?" You asked Bucky as he looked away.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to get so personal." You said as he smiled a little and looked back up at you.
"No, it's okay. I was in Hydra, then Steve rescued me. B-But now I'm just a weapon to him." Bucky muttered, you looked at him sadly.
"I-I understand how that feels. I'm sorry that you couldn't truly escape just being an object." You whispered holding onto his hand as he looked up at you.
"What do you mean you understand?" He asked as you faltered for a second.
"O-Oh I just, I understand what being an object to Steve is like." You muttered pulling your hand away and not looking at him.
"I thought you guys were happy. He treats you like an object?" He asked with worry as you chuckled a little.
"W-Well, yeah. But I should be thankful you know. H-He protects me and I have a place to live. So I should be thankful." You said making Bucky look at you sadly.
"Does he hurt you?" He asked softly as your smile faded and you nodded a little.
"Y-Yeah, but it's okay. I know he doesn't like doing it, he just needs to do it to make sure I'm s-safe you know." You stuttered out making Bucky even sadder.
"He shouldn't be treating you like that." He said as you looked up at him, suddenly the elevator made a noise again as your eyes widened and you looked up to see Steve.
He looked calm at first but then he saw you with Bucky.
"What the fuck?" He growled as you quickly stood up.
"We were just talking, just getting to know each other." You said before he came up to you and slapped you making you fall to the ground.
"Steve wait!" Bucky shouted standing up and standing in front of you.
"And I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from her and never speak." Steve growled as you looked up at him.
"S-Steve, please I'm sorry. We just wanted to talk." You said as he looked down at you in hatred.
"Shut it!" He screamed as you instantly shut your mouth.
Steve looked directly into Bucky's eyes, you could see how afraid Bucky was.
Steve started reciting some sort of words in a different language as you watched Bucky grab his head in pain.
"S-Steve? What are you doing?" You asked in fear before he finished and Bucky looked up and said something back in the language.
"Punish Y/N." He growled as Bucky nodded and looked down at you.
"S-Steve?" You whispered standing up and backing away as Bucky stalked towards you.
"You've been a very bad girl babydoll, I think it's time you learnt a lesson or two from your new friend." Steve said as you felt tears in your eyes, you knew Bucky wasn't in control. You could see it in his eyes.
"Steve, please don't do this." You whispered beginning to cry as Bucky grabbed you by the throat and threw you to the ground.
"Bucky please." You whispered in tears scurrying away from him.
"He can't hear you angel, he only follows what I say." You said looking up at Steve in hope.
"Please, I'll be good. I promise." You whispered as Steve smiled.
"Sorry doll, too late." He replied before Bucky kicked you in the chest making you fall onto your back before he stood on you with one foot.
You lay on the floor on your stomach crying your heart out as you felt your body breaking.
"Alright soldier, that's enough. Put your mask back on and stay in your room until I say otherwise." Steve ordered as you stayed on the ground shaking, Bucky nodded and grabbed his mask and left.
Steve came over to you and knelt down.
"Do you understand why you shouldn't disobey me now?" Steve whispered brushing a piece of hair out of your bloody face as you cried and nodded.
"Jarvis, get Bruce to the infirmary." Steve demanded as he picked you up.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You whispered in fear as your body shook.
"You're not forgiven." Steve growled as you closed your eyes and cried. He stepped into the elevator with you as you sobbed.
He brought you down to the infirmary and laid you on a bed.
"D-Don't leave." You whispered helplessly as he looked down at you before leaving.
You cried out and tried to get up but fell to the floor as you sobbed.
Bruce came rushing in seeing you on the floor as he helped you stand up and get back onto the bed.
"I'm sorry." You whispered as he looked down at you sadly.
"He's never hurt you this badly. What happened?" He asked grabbing his medical supplies as you cried.
"I-I was talking to Bucky and Steve saw. So he made Bucky go crazy and hurt me." You whispered out through your tears as Bruce began cleaning your wounds.
"I'm sorry." He whispered as you gripped onto the bed, you felt like if you didn't hold onto something you would fade away.
"Just rest Y/N." Bruce whispered slowly injecting something into your arm as you slowly fell unconscious.
"Good girl."
You woke up a few hours later alone in the dark infirmary.
You felt so dazed and confused.
"Y/N." You heard a voice whisper as you looked up to see Bucky.
"S-Steve can't see me here, but I wanted to say how sorry I am. I-I would never hurt you, Steve said those words and he could control me. I'm so sorry." He whispered as you looked up at him.
"It's okay Bucky." You whispered as he held your hand softly.
"I'm going to get you out of here one day." He whispered before you closed your eyes and opened them again seeing Bucky had disappeared.
"We'll get out."
You woke up the next day seeing light streaming into the infirmary. You looked beside you to see Steve sitting in a chair by your bed as you gasped and backed away.
"Shh angel it's okay." He whispered holding your face in his hand.
"My good girl." He whispered softly, you hated him, you hated that he hurt you, you hated everything about him. But when he was soft like this and would praise you, you couldn't help but feel like he really did love you. And maybe what he did was justified.
"I-I'm sorry." You whispered in return before he kissed your forehead.
"Shh darling, I forgive you. You were just angry at me because I left, so you acted out and tried to hurt me." He said in a soft voice as you felt tears in your eyes.
"You weren't good were you? You hurt me, so I had to hurt you back so you'd learn." He said as you nodded slowly.
"I knew you'd understand darling. I have some press conferences today darling, you stay here and get better for me okay?" He whispered as you nodded and looked up at him.
"You'll never disobey me again will you angel?" He asked gripping your face tighter as you looked up at him in fear.
"Never again." You whispered making him smile as he let go of you.
"That's my good girl, I'll see you tonight darling. I love you." He whispered kissing your lips softly.
"I love you too." You replied before he left.
"Jarvis, make sure only Bruce see's her while I'm gone." Steve said before closing the door leaving you alone.
After about an hour Bruce came in to see you.
"I-I want to leave." You whispered as Bruce looked at you sadly.
"You have to stay in bed to rest dear." He said as you shook your head.
"No, I want to leave this tower. I want to leave Steve, I hate him. Please I want to leave." You whispered beginning to cry as Bruce looked at you sadly.
"I wish you could sweetie. But you know you have to stay." He whispered attending to your wounds.
"No, I don't have to stay. He's evil, you know it just as much as I do. I'm going to kill him." You whispered with tears in your eyes as Bruce stopped and looked down at you.
"Darling you need to stop talking like that. You know if you keep going you'll end up worse than this." Bruce warned as you looked up at him.
"I'm sorry." You whispered as Bruce ran a finger over your cheek.
"I know Y/N." He replied gently wiping away your tears.
"Let's just focus on getting you better."
Bruce had let you go up to the main room, just as long as he stayed with you and made sure Bucky didn't come near you. You hugged your knees to your chest and watched tv as Bruce did work on his laptop.
You heard a noise and looked up to see Clint coming in.
"Jesus Y/N. What the fuck happened to your face?" He asked coming over to you as you looked away.
"I disobeyed." You whispered as he looked at you sadly.
"Where's Steve?" Clint asked sitting beside you.
"Him and Tony had a few conferences to go to." You replied as he nodded.
"Do you want me to make you some tea and pop tarts?" Clint questioned with a smile as you looked at him and nodded.
"Yes please." You replied softly as he nodded and smiled.
"Alright, stay here I'll go get it sorted." He said before walking away and you turned back to the tv.
Suddenly the program stopped and breaking news showed up.
"Two Avengers have been killed in a terrorist attack just outside of New York. There's no more information at this time, but we will keep updating. All we know is that Steve Rogers and Tony Stark are dead." The news caster said as your eyes widened and your face paled.
"W-What?" You whispered as Bruce looked up in shock.
"Did they just say what I think they said?" Clint asked in disbelief. You couldn't move.
"Steve and Tony are dead."
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armylily · 2 years
13. Mountaintop Battle
~(Y/N) POV~
Thor smirked and gently grabbed my hand, wanting to lead me somewhere. I let him as we passed a few rooms to see a new armor set. My eyes widen in awe as I thoroughly look at it. The metal shined beautifully from the light of the torches. I walk closer to barely skim the cold metal with my fingertips.
"Do you like it?", Thor asks behind me.
I turn around with a big closed-eyed smile. I hear him chuckle and shuffle around. I smile when I see Thor in front of me, holding my hands.
"I'm glad you like it. You can try it on after you get cleaned up."
My eyes widen slightly as I remember that I don't look presentable. I nod and Thor leads me out of the room holding the glory.
He stops in front of a door and opens it. It held a large tub of steaming water and four maids. They all smiled as we entered. Two maids pulled me and began to take off my hood, cape, and boots. I blush in surprise and look back at Thor.
"You'll find me in the armor room." He exits the room while closing the doors.
As the maids undress me, the other two both were blushing at me. I never noticed how toned my arms and legs were until I actually looked. I have a rather somewhat masculine shape. I sit down in the tub of warm water and groan at the relaxing feel. I'm not sure how long it's been but it felt forever since I relaxed.
The maid on my left grabbed a rag and began washing the dirt and grime off my face. I smile softly as the others started to scrub my legs and right arm.
"Oh, you don't have to do that, ladies. I can do-"
The maid by my right leg interrupts me, "No, Lady (Y/N). It is an honor for us to wash your body, to even touch you. We are doing this willingly."
She finished her sentence with a smile and I look at her with wide eyes and a blush rising to my cheeks. I nod while looking away and they continue.
~Time skip cuz it'll be awkwardly homosexual if I continue~
After I dried myself off, I began to put my undergarments on. My bra was slightly tight but that's a good thing. I would rather not have my breasts flipping around and hitting my face. I then throw on my tight, black, long-sleeved shirt, black pants, and socks.
After my hair is dried, I finally look in the mirror. My dull, (E/C) eyes are full of life, my skin is now a beautiful shade of (S/C), and my lips are soft and moisturized. I look so much better than when I was dying. I smile and get up to try on my new suit of armor.
It took me a few minutes to remember the way back but I found it none of the less. Thor looks at me and smiles.
"You look great." I show him a soft smile back.
"Are you saying I didn't look great before?" I ask in a fake sad tone, just wanting to tease the god of thunder a little. His eyes widen and he shakes his head 'no' quickly.
"No, no, no, you look great in general- no, beautiful I mean, I-"
"I'm just japing with you, Thor. But thank you for the compliment." I smile back at him while he blushes slightly.
"Oh, right." Thor nervously laughs and scratches his neck. He walks towards the door and says, "Come out when you're done and we'll be on our way to your first mission." He smiles and closes the door. I turn to the set of armor and smiled.
Time to suit up.
~Another time skip~ 
I look into the large mirror on the wall and see another person. Another woman. Another angel. Another warrior. But as I look longer, I saw me. A new me. I smiled brightly at my new identity.
It was a huge struggle getting my wings through but Thor thought about them beforehand so I'll give him credit. I walk out of the room to see Thor looking at me in awe. I smile bashfully and twirl around like a young girl that got her very first dress.
I hear Thor's deep laugh and he comments, "You look like a familiar warrior angel I know. Have you seen her anywhere, my lady?" I look at him and shake my head.
"Thank you. For everything, Thor. I don't know what I would do without you."
I walk up to Thor and hug him. I could tell he was surprised by my action but he hugged me back. He starts to rub my back, slightly trying to avoid my wings. I decide to move my wings to huddle over Thor, shadowing the both of us.
"They're beautiful. I'm surprised at how well groomed they are," Thor compliments me and I reply with thanks.
I pull my wings back and ask, "Would you happen to have a sword and dagger for me? My hand-to-hand skills can only go so far." Thor then gasps and hits his forehead with his palm.
"Pardon my forgetfulness, my lady. This way."
Thor then walks to a room about 2 hallways away from the armor room and hands me a sword. It's a single handheld with not too much weight to it so that's a positive note. He walks to a rectangular burgundy box on the side and brings me a beautiful dagger.
I pick up the dagger, amazed by the beauty of how it was designed. Thor says, "That dagger belonged to my mother but she claimed that she didn't want it anymore, of course, it was too beautiful to just throw away so I kept it. Now, I'm glad I can bestow it to my hero."
I look up from the dagger and smile. I set the sword in my belt and stuff my new dagger into my left boot.
"I'm ready," I say with confidence and adrenaline.
Thor smiles and walks out of the room with me following behind. He pauses and stretches his left hand out. I raise my eyebrow in confusion but realize what he's doing. I quickly fly up, barely getting hit by Mjolnir. He then looks up at me and nervously laughs.
"Guess I should've warned you. I apologize," He says to me and I shake my head with a smile.
I start flying towards the large golden doors with Thor on my right-hand side. As the doors open, we zoom through the rainbow bridge. I laugh, feeling the harsh wind against my face. It felt so refreshing.
We began to slow down as we got closer to the circular building. I just remember a certain something or someone.
"Thor, what about Isolde?" I set my hand on his left shoulder and he stops walking. 
"She's already in my stables, do not worry. She will be taken very good care of." I nod nervously and let go.
Thor looks away and looks at Heimdall with a nod. Heimdall also gives me a nod as we walk to the portal entrance. Thor walks in first and I follow after.
It took a few seconds for us to arrive but it was very dark. It must have been night here but as I begin to look around, I notice very tall trees all around me and I smile. They all look like the trees at the Valkyrie camp, large and green, even in the darkness. I walk up to one and touch the harsh brown bark, enjoying the feel of the covering. 
Thor speaks up from the silence, "Loki is close by. We must go."
He began moving his hammer in circles and he flies away. I spread my wings and follow after him, my sword in my dominant hand. I hear thunder and see lightning strike to my left side. I am now by Thor's side as he nods towards something flying with bright white lights in the clouds.
Thor flies to the top of the aircraft and I see a hatch opening. I walk fast to the gold and red figure and knock him back with my fist as Thor grabs Loki out of it and flies off with me. I look at the man with a red, white, and blue costume and the man looks at me with shock. I set my sword back into the holster, dive out of the aircraft and, fly away to Thor. He settles on a small mountain and throws Loki down. I fly to his side, my body in a fighting stance for anything suspicious of the god of mischief.
Loki groans from the impact and laughs. I look at him with a scowl while Thor asks, "Where's the Tesseract?"
"I missed you too," Loki replies with sarcasm definitely in his voice.
"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?!," Thor bellows out with frustration.
Loki then says, "You should thank me. With the Bifrost gone, did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you and your pet here to your "precious" earth?"
Thor reacts before me and stomps his way to his brother. He pulls him up with his large hand on his throat. I push down the blush when Loki looks at me with a smile and shoots me a wink. I see Thor's hand tighten its grip. 
"I thought you dead." I look at Thor with confusion. Loki was known to be dead??
Loki looks at his brother with a smug look. "Did you mourn?"
I frown at his words. If anyone random had passed, of course, there will be people that miss them. 
Thor replies with a shakey voice, "We all did. Our father-"
"Your father," Loki interrupts. He then pushes Thor's hand off of him and makes his way to me.
"He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?"
As Loki says that sentence, he circles me while looking up and down. I wrap my wings around my body, attempting to avoid his gaze but failing as he continues to look in fascination.
Thor looks at Loki with sadness on his face, "We were raised together. We played together. We fought together. Do you remember none of that?!"
I could tell that Thor truly does care about his brother, not caring that he was adopted. I wish I would have one sibling, regardless of gender identity.
Loki turns to look at Thor with a blank expression but I could tell he's very upset, "I remember a shadow. Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss. I, who was, and should be, king!!"
Thor argues back and walks up to his trouble-making sibling, "So you take the world I love as a recompense for your imagined slights? No. The Earth is under my protection, Loki."
He then chuckles darkly, "And you're doing a marvelous job with that. The humans slaughter each other in droves while you idly fret. I mean to rule them, as why should I not?"
Thor shakes his head in disappointment, "You think yourself above them?" 
Loki says in an obvious tone, "Well, yes." 
Thor replies, "Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother. A throne would suit you ill."
As he said that, Loki grabs Thor roughly and pushes him out of his way, walking towards the cliff. I walk and stand by Thor, my blade still intact as the tension between them grows. 
Loki yells, "I've seen worlds you've never known about! I have grown, Odinson, in my exile. I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it-"
Thor struts towards Loki and demands, "Who showed you this power?! Who controls the would-be king?"
Thor then grabs Loki by his shoulders and continues, "Not here! You give up the Tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream!"
I interject in a soft voice but it's loud enough for the men to hear, "You can come home."
They both look at me as I walk towards them but mostly Loki with soft eyes.
He scoffs and says, "I don't have it." Thor then lets go of Loki with a push.
Loki states, "You need the Cube to bring me home. But I have sent it off, I know not where."
I then hear something unusual. I turn around to see a blue light coming towards us fast. My eyes widen and I push Thor out of the way only to be met by a force pushing me away from the mountain and to the ground. As I try to balance standing, the red and gold figure stands 6 feet in front of me.
I growl, "Do not touch me."
The mask goes up to show the face of the man wearing the suit, "Then don't take my stuff, doll." I deepen my scowl at the name.
I reply, "You have no idea what you're dealing with."
The man mocks me by turning left and right and says, "Shakespeare in the park?"
I look at him in frustration and confusion. He continues, "Doth Mother know you wear-eth her drapes?" 
My anger grows, "This is beyond you, tin man. Loki will face Asgardian justice." I pull out my blade for any surprise attacks from the man.
He replies with, "He gives up the Cube, he's all yours, doll. Until then," His mask goes down to cover his face and his mechanical voice says, "stay out of the way....tourist."
I frown more and fly towards him, punching him and making him fly back through a few trees. I feel a presence beside me and look to see Thor with a scowl. 
I look up to where Loki was and he's just sitting there, watching. Creepy but at least he's not gone. I look back at the mortal, again in my fighting stance. Thor then starts to swing his hammer in circles and the man slowly rises and shoots a blast at me, knocking me back into a tree. I hear blasters then punches being thrown. I groan and look up to see the men fighting.
I push myself out of the tree while Thor gets kicked back through another tree on my right. I shake my wings off and fly towards the metal man. I then kick his legs out from under him and push him down with my hand. He groans in pain and shoots me with another blast. I go into the air but begin to fly to stop myself from falling. 
Thor then raises his hammer and gathers lightning from the dark sky. Mjolnir shows sparks on the sides as Thor aims it at the armored mortal. As the lightning shoots out at the man, he gets pushed back a few feet but is still standing. I watch from above, ready to strike when I hear a mechanical "How about that?". 
The man then uses his hands and chest beams at Thor and I dive down. I kick him down into the ground and pull him up, throwing a few punches and then throwing him in Thor's direction. Thor doesn't succeed as the other man flies towards him and takes him through the trees. I look up at Loki and he shows me a smirk.
I feel heat rise to my cheeks as I look away. Why does he have to be so attractive? I hear more trees being torn down as I look up to see both of the men hurdling downwards and into the ground. They weren't too far so I ran towards them. As I ran, Thor threw a punch and gripped the metal man's forearms. 
The man blasted him in the face and headbutted him. Thor was unphased and also did a headbutt, sending the man flying. I giggle at the scene but turned serious as I jumped up to punch the man in the back and onto the ground. He puts both of his hands on the ground and flies up, hitting my jaw and giving me a bad headache.
I move back and groan in pain, holding my jaw. I adjust it and look up to see Thor crouching. They both ran towards each other and began to have a fistfight. Thor had the upper hand because of his strength as he picks up the tin man and throws him back on the ground.
Mjolnir arrives in Thor's right hand as he readied himself to slam it on the other man but he flies out from under him and makes Thor trip. I ran towards Thor but see that the metal man was coming back so I block the punch and push him back. As the man, Thor, and I raise our fists, something hits the two men.
"Hey!", I hear a voice yell out.
I turn around to see the same blue, red, and white costumed man from the aircraft now holding a red, white, and blue shield.
"That's enough."
The man hops down from the broken tree with a huff. He looks at me with a soft look in his eyes than to my side, or Thor, with a frown.
He says with caution in his voice, "Now, I don't know what you two plan on doing here."
Thor replies, "We've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes."
The strange costumed man looks at me again then back to Thor, "Then prove it. Put the hammer down." 
The mechanical voice pitches in, "Uh yeah, no. Bad call. He loves his hammer-"
Thor interrupts his sentence with a hit of his weapon, sending the tin man flying backward. 
Thor then yells out, "You want me to put the hammer down?!"
He jumped up with Mjolnir raised, ready to strike the costumed man. I hastily fly in front of Thor with my sword in front of his hammer.
"THOR, NO!!"
A bright light erupted from the collision and it pushed all of us back, clearing out a yard of trees on the outside of the already damaged ones. I hit the ground hard and groan from the impact. Now my wings are starting to hurt, I must've hit a rock. I hiss in pain as I push myself up with my sword.
As I stood up and walked towards the men starting to stand up, I let out a deep breath and look at Thor, waiting for his next move. He looks at me and nods, signaling me to stand down.
I set my sword back into my belt and hear the strange costumed man say, "Are we done, here?"
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yan-batgirl · 6 months
~ Welcome to the Masterlist Manor ~
Main Account: @unicreamuwu
Disclaimer: This account does contain dark themes because it is a yandere tumblr account, so anyone who feels uncomfortable or has any sort of fear of any of the things that are contained in this story should not interact here.
This account will NOT contain any romance, so anything like "Any Batfam member x Batgirl Reader" will not be allowed. If I see a request that is related to any sort of romance, I will automatically delete it.
I will also post my own art on this account, and please do NOT steal my art. I work very hard on those drawings that I wanted to show you guys, so please do not steal and copy the art that I drew. If you see anyone doing this, please let me know!
Thank you ~ !
💟 ~ The Little Batgirl ~ 💟
Prologue (On my main account)
1 (On my main account)
2 (On my main account)
🩷 ~ Batgirl Reader ~ 🩷
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Banner by FoiocianoeuVii on Pinterest
Information about her! (Update!)
Random Batgirl Reader Art
Batgirl Reader sketches (on a yellow notepad)
Who is Matcha?
🩶 ~ Bruce Wayne (Batman) ~ 🩶
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Banner by @feiticeirascarlate
💙 ~ Richard "Dick" Grayson (Nightwing) ~ 💙
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Banner by @iconsgeek
❤️ ~ Jason Todd (Red Hood) ~ ❤️
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Banner by @wadewicons
🤎 ~ Timothy "Tim" Drake (Red Robin) ~ 🤎
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Banner by @elvenarcher
💚 ~ Damian Wayne (Robin) ~ 💚
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Banner by @iconsgeek
💛 ~ Duke Thomas (The Signal) ~ 💛
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Banner by unknown
🖤 ~ Cassandra Cain (Orphan) ~ 🖤
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Banner by unknown
🧡 ~ Barbara Gordon (Oracle) ~ 🧡
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Banner by @dickgraysno
💜 ~ Stephaine Brown (Spolier) ~ 💜
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Banner by unknown
Random Batgirl Reader Art
Batgirl Reader sketches (on a yellow notepad)
Reader wants to move out of the house
Reader being forced to cuddle with the batfamily
Other Things
Art Request Rules
Leaving so soon?
Don't go yet... please.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 3 months
🎀Kira’s Masterlist🎀
(An archive of everything chaotic I’ve unfortunately written except for the top gun stuff we do not speak of that time of my life)
I write what I want😜
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This page does consist of both fandom and cunty subculture content so if you don’t want versatile stuff on your timeline then do not follow me.
I love Yandere and toxic themes so if you are easily triggered or offended…please leave
please read before you request anything
Requests open 24/7 (Yandere Alphabet) (Yandere prompt list)
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Mafia Trilogy
Members Yandere types
Tommy Angelo
How many kids would he have?
Paulie Lombardo
¡Yandere! Paulie protects you
How many kids would he have?
Sam Trapani
¡Yandere!Sam getting rid of your admirer
Bonus pt.2^
Yandere alphabet-ABIJ
Yandere fluff
How many kids would he have?
John Donavon
Vito Scaletta
Time traveler reader
Time traveler pt.2
Yandere Alphabet
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Mortal Kombat 1, 11, and X
Yandere MK11 harem x reader
Kung Lao
General Yandere headcannons
Erron Black
He kidnaps you
Johnny Cage
Platonic yandere with a young star
Shang tsung
Yandere Raiden sleepwatches you
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The hunger games
Yandere mellark
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Scream 1
Stu macher
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Jason Todd
Harley Quinn
Clark Kent
Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne
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House of Ashes
Salim Othman
Jason Kolcheck
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Bruce Banner
Professor X
Tony Stank
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Mark Grayson
Dolan Grayson
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fluffyprettykitty · 10 months
Summer sleepover
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running from august 21st to august 23rd
We are celebrating life & anything good in it ☺️ and the reward is a drabble sleepover! Ilysm all and sending good and summery vibes of peace of love to you all year round!
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As I had promised in the past we will use the same format as the 1.8 wlw sleepover to help me write my drabbles! What will you do is mix and match a character or several with one or several of the following categories provided.
⋆ Polyamorous ships are always encouraged. No platonic or daughter! reader though.
⋆ Darker themes are welcomed to my discretion. Check my requests page for what I'm comfortable with.
⋆ Please only use a character from the ones already provided. The same goes for all the categories.
⋆ I will either turn them into blurbs or drabbles depending on my inspiration but you can suggest to me what it should be.
⋆ I will do female reader for smut prompts and gender-neutral for fluff prompts. All will be written vague and over 21.
⋆ You can request up to three times.
⋆ You have to be strictly 18+ to participate.
⋆ The time frame is reserved for requests, I will write them and publish them as I see fit aka I don't want to post too much.
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characters: Jack Russell, Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Thor Odinson, Gamora, Brock Rumlow, Layla El Faouly, Elektra Natchios, Bruce Banner, Marc Spector, Brunnhilde, Yelena Belova, Monica Rambeau, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Jane Foster, Kate Bishop.
aus: apocalypse, bakery, book store, brothel, celebrity, clone, detective, ghost, restaurant, porn star, tutor, maid, mechanic, mermaid, neighbor, stripper, yandere, werewolf, vampire.
kinks: latex, breath play, cockwarming, phone sex, gloves, choking, strip tease, uniform/suit, deep throating, titty fucking, squirting, dirty talk, sex toys, accidental stimulation, collaring, shower, sensory deprivation, somnophilia, lingerie, object insertion, lap dance, period sex, lactation, temperature play, edging, spanking, exhibitionism, handcuffs, clothes on, moresomes.
date ideas: day trip, road trip, library, museum, restaurant, camping, beach, drinks/bar, concert, walking, sightseeing, boat ride, dancing, spa, errands, mattress shopping, shopping spree, cinema, coffee, abandoned places, photoshoot.
domestic situations: trying new recipes, competitive games, painting nails, reading, cuddling, clothes shopping, packing for a trip, laundry, saying goodbye at the door, repairing things, changing bedsheets, exercising together, ordering takeout, bathing a pet, falling asleep, waking them up, complaining about family, movie nights, doing dishes.
☆ Just combine as many as you want however you see fit! And of course, when it comes to domestic situations and date ideas you can think of other things or be more specific on one situation! ☆
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No pressure tagging: @that-sarcastic-writer, @tarrenterror25, @stargirlfics, @bvckysmoon @aphrogeneias @inklore @alohastyles-x @moonlight-prose @sunflowersteves @flordeamatista @e-dubbc11 @saradika @tom-whore-dleston
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thefiery-phoenix · 3 months
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Bruce, Bucky and Peter would be really miserable and heart broken. They'll ask you in a broken voice if what they're doing isn't good enough for you. They just want your love and affection that's all, they're already giving you everything you could ever ask for. If you still continue to misbehave with them, I imagine them just being like 'Angel please behave, you're upsetting me'. They're the soft yanderes who will use punishment as a last resort and even then, their punishments would most probably be something like locking you in a room with nothing to do till you say sorry. They'll overpower you in an instant and give you cuddles and don't even THINK of throwing things at them, it won't work
Now as for Tony, Thor and Clint, as much as they love you, they're trying their best to control themselves and trying you up. They'll just grit their teeth and pin you to the wall and ask you why you're doing this. They really don't want to punish you either, so at the very least, for punishments I have a feeling they'll emotionally manipulate you and say how dangerous it is for you to go out there. And heck, they might give you a chance to escape, till you get caught by kidnappers or people trying to harm you to which you'll run right back into their loving arms as they shush you and tell you hw much they love you and how safe you are with them
And as for Steve, Natasha and Loki, and Scott, well they might do the 'physical stuff' to you like treating you like a doll or slapping you and things like that. They won't care at that point if you're comfortable with doing something or not, you'll most likely get spanked by them. As much as they love you you're testing their patience levels and they'll do whatever it takes to make you behave for them even if it means breaking you
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cryptidcasanova · 2 years
Pinot Noir
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Detective!Bucky x Reader (soft!dark Bucky)
Summary: Detective Barnes takes on a case involving a missing fiancé, and lucky for him, he knows right where to find her.
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Words: 6k
Warnings: Yandere, Obsession, Kidnapping, and Amnesia. Dubcon, Smut, and Party Drugs. Dark themes throughout.
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James was closing up for the night. His keys were in one hand and his hat in the other when he heard a frantic knocking on the office door. 
Maybe if he waited it out, whoever it was would go away. He had been working long hours all week. But the knock was persistent, and James could hear the plea on the other side of the door. Someone needed his help. 
It seemed like someone always needed his help.
He should have invested in getting his working hours engraved on the door, but with his line of work, there were no set hours. 
James Barnes Detective Agency
He set down his hat and unlocked the front door, and in an instant, a gentleman was storming into the office.
“Mr. Barnes, I need your help.” The man was panicked, pulling a hand anxiously through his hair. “It’s urgent. I have nowhere else to turn to. Please, Mr. Barnes. You got ‘ta help me.”  
With a curious quip of his brow, James led him over to his desk.
“Slow down, pal,” He let his accent drawl out against the quiet of the room. The man took a breath. “What happened?”
“It’s my girl. Well, my fiancé,” he explained. “She’s missing.”
The detective's eyes danced with a dark, wild light. Unfortunately for his little friend here, James already knew that.
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James was staking out a home on an odd job when he first spotted you. You were on your way to work. He knew you were a vision even from far away, far from where he was waiting and watching from his car lookout. You were relaxed, never rushed, and your light composure made it hard for him to turn away.
He watched until you drove off down the road, and it was only then that he realized that he missed crucial moments in his investigation. 
But it was worth it.
He continued his investigation, and it went that way for a few days, watching you from the safety of his car until he could no longer justify extending his stake out.
James never expected it to turn into more than innocent curiosity, but he couldn’t help but learn how you maneuvered around your schedule. You worked and visited friends and carried yourself leisurely, making his heart thump in his chest.
He couldn’t stay away for very long.
His hyper fixation had turned into something more as time drew on. James had bumped into you, met you, and passed by you half a dozen times, and you hardly noticed. A soft smile here, a ‘pardon’ me there. But it wasn't enough.
James learned your schedule. He knew how you liked your morning breakfast sandwiches and what you put in your coffee. He knew you had a soft spot for oldies music and caught you more than once dancing around your kitchen to the smooth, sultry tunes of the 1940s. He knew you prefer to sleep with a fan instead of cracking a window.
An ardent, fervent love brewed within him. He just needed for you to see it too.
There was only one looming problem; you were in a relationship.
James could have used a little more time to pick up on your boyfriend’s intentions, but by the time he realized the man had proposed, James needed to jump into action. Worst of all, you had said yes.  
But James was strategic. He would need to use it to his advantage.
He knew when you were going out to celebrate your engagement. He knew which friends you would be with, and he specifically knew they only drank white wine while you sipped on red - a woman after his own heart.
That’s all it would take. James had a friend across town in the medical field who knew the ins and outs of all street drugs and how to get his hands on them. After all their time working around each other, Bruce Banner wasn’t one to question his motives.
Doping up the wine was the easy part. Delivering it would be a little trickier.
You were dining out at a little Italian restaurant and were busing laughing the night away with your friends when the waiter interrupted the table. 
His eyes were wide with a secretive surprise. Whatever he had to say, he carried a certain excitement about it.
“Excuse me, ladies,” He cleared his throat. “One of our other patrons heard you were celebrating tonight. Here is a bottle of the finest Pinot Noir in Brooklyn. On the house.”
The table paused, your friends looking at you with bated breaths.
What a spectacle. You could hardly believe it.
“Oh no, I couldn’t. It's too nice,” You shook your head with a bashful grin. When the waiter insisted, you were stunned. “Are you sure? Who do I need to thank?”
The grin tugging on your lips had had an addictive quality to it, but the waiter shook his head. He wouldn’t break so easily.
“My lips are sealed,” He ensured. “But it’s from a very generous patron.” And then, without waiting, “May I pour you a glass?”
And you didn’t question it for a moment.
That was your first mistake.
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The night passed by in a blur, and you were beyond happy. 
You were engaged to be married, were with your closest friends, and you felt as light as a feather. You were on your second glass of wine, effectively drinking a good portion of the bottle before you started to sway on your feet.
Even better – your friends passed up on it. They weren’t too big of a fan of red wine and were happy to sip on their own drinks while you celebrated.
Overall, it was a perfect night.
After waiting for the buzz to pass, you insisted you were good to drive, promising you just needed some air. And that you would be right as rain. 
And your friends didn’t think twice about it.
That was your second mistake.
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It wasn’t until you were on the road and driving back home that the full effects of the doped wine kicked in. You could never have known, but you were blacking out at the wheel. It started slowly, then kicked in quickly and all at once. You were losing your grip on staying awake. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw headlights shining into the passenger side of your car. 
Briefly, you realized that they weren’t there a moment before.
And then your world had gone dark.
You didn’t feel the force of the impact, the crunch of metal against metal. The screeching of tires and broken glass were lost on you. Your head bashed against the window.
To get the record straight, James never wanted you to get hurt. 
But some things were necessary, and the accident would make things easier in the long run. He could admit that the impact was rough, but it was not meant to cause you any real damage.
He worked without hesitation, stepping out from behind the wheel of the hotwired car to your own. James was nimble in prying open the driver’s side door, and once he was close enough, his breath hitched in his chest.
This was the closest he had ever been.
You were completely unaware of how you had captivated him. His leather gloves were soft against your skin, and his breath was warm on your cheek. 
He was going to take care of you now.
And as James pulled you into his arms and carried you down the street, he gave you another once over. You were banged up from the wreck and looked so delicate in his arms, but even then, you were just as beautiful as he imagined. 
Except for one tiny detail: 
The ring. You were wearing the engagement ring.
That was your third mistake.
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It was like a dance to James. One-two step. One-two step. And you followed his lead perfectly.
He slid the ring off your finger and backtracked toward the battered car, tossing it into the glovebox with an icy stare. It was a simple engagement band, and the diamond was modest. You deserved much better than that. 
For you, James would move mountains and carve the finest gemstones. In fact, he already had a ring of his own picked out.
James was a meticulous planner. He had to be.
He was long gone when the police finally rolled up to your crashed car. There were no fingerprints left behind, no signs of forced entry, and the only thing left in the battered car was the engagement ring.
It was a gift, a way for James to tell everyone that you were gone. It was a way to tell your fiancé that you didn’t want him anymore.
The police had done their investigation and questioned your friends, but nothing seemed to be out of place. That’s how the police operated. They were slow and lazy and looked for an easy answer. It was predictable behavior from the NYPD.
Everyone thought you had run away and didn’t want to get married. The authorities were convinced that you high-tailed it out of town.
James almost gave your fiancé credit. He wasn’t as quick to let you go, and as the man paced around the office, the detective's eyes turned hard.
“You don’t think she ran away,” James started slowly, snapping back into the present. “Do you?” 
James was calm and composed, not giving away his charade.
Your fiancé was an angry mess, shaking his head wildly.
“She wouldn’t have just left me high and dry.” Your fiancé begged for understanding. "She's a cute dame, but she's not smart enough to run for it. No girl would leave me."
And suddenly, James wished he had been paying a little more attention to the man in front of him. He didn't deserve you.
Annoyance prickled in his veins. James would never talk about you that way. Didn't this pissant know you were intelligent, gentle, and one of a kind? 
Clearly not.
 “She was taken, Mr. Barnes. She must have been taken.” The man droned on. "No one leaves me. No one. We were happy."
James would have admired his spirit if it were about any other woman. But the man made a mistake. 
Were you happy? 
James knew that he could make you the happiest dame in Brooklyn. He hummed slowly, listening to the man recount his side of what happened. The room felt surprisingly small; if it were a game of cat and mouse, James was the cat. He was always the cat.
“I don’t know how much help I’ll be.” The detective offered with a simple shrug, and he watched as the man’s shoulders slumped. 
Defeat washed over him, making the corner of James’s lip twitch. 
“At least, not tonight.”
Your fiancé looked back to James, his eyes filled with a broken hope. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Mr. Barnes, I don’t know how to thank you-”
James waved at him to stop. He had heard enough.
“Call the office tomorrow morning, and we can discuss it then.”
The clock was trailing later into the night, and the detective offered the man a professional nod before standing, ushering them towards the front of the office. He put his hat back on and tipped the lid at your fiancé. 
The man was content, stunned into a hopeful silence as he was led to the door.
“Tomorrow, we’ll talk,” James confirmed, locking the door behind them. “I have my own wife to get home to tonight.”
Of course. The man understood. He needed to keep a tighter reign on his woman. The man nodded and thanked James again, shaking his hand before going separate ways.
James watched him walk away before turning back towards his car. A sly smirk spread across his face, and for the first time, his expression was dark. He looked murderous.
Everything was falling into place. 
Your fiancé, the brute of a man looking for you, wouldn’t be causing him trouble for much longer.
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It was late when James finally made it home, and he made sure to make auditory cues as domestic and casual as possible.
From taking off his jacket and putting it in the closet to set down his keys in the front bowl, he carefully made his way to the bedroom.
He crossed the room slowly to the bathroom, turning on the bedside light and glancing at the sleeping figure.
You were still fast asleep.
James would take his time and savor the moment a little bit longer. He took his time unbuttoning his day shirt and slipping off his wingtips. He let the water in the sink run for a moment before wetting his face and brushing his teeth.
It was nice, nice in a way James didn’t fully expect. It was domestic, but it was more than that. It felt like he wasn’t just at his brownstone house but like he had found his home.
Backtracking, the soft yellow light of the lamp illuminated the bedroom, catching the curves of your cheeks and the sleepy pout of your lips.
You were practically glowing.
It didn’t matter how late it was; James was buzzing with energy as he settled in, letting his body get comfortable next to yours.
And then the unexpected happened. You subconsciously curled into his side, searching for the warmth of his skin. For a moment, he froze. 
You were seeking him out, and even though you didn’t realize it, it had been everything James had been waiting for. He melted into your touch.
He let his eyes flutter closed.
“Baby, I’m home.” 
His words were whispered against your forehead. A slow hum pushed past your lips at the sound. James was being careful, breaching your subconscious like a dream. When you didn’t pull away, he placed a delicate kiss on the crown of your head.
In your sleepy haze, you pulled him closer, draping your hand across his stomach.
You were affectionate, so affectionate.
“I’m sorry it’s so late,” Bucky whispered again, his fingers cradling your cheek. “I missed you.”
“-missed you.” You repeated blindly, eyes fluttering behind closed eyelids.
Bucky couldn’t help his smile this time. The smell of his cologne from the day was faint, but it drifted past you, settling deep in your dreamy subconscious state.
This time Bucky shifted, pulling you into the crook of his neck and weaving one of his legs between your own. That was enough to stir you out of your sleepy stupor.
Your eyes were heavy, and you needed to blink several times before getting a hold of your surroundings.
Nothing was familiar. The room was large, bigger than what you were used to, and the bed was soft and cozy. It was like a dream. The flutter of your eyelashes against Bucky’s shoulder made him shift again.
“Sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
The soft, velvet voice should have soothed you. You should have felt comforted but immediately had the opposite effect. Confusion was like ice in your veins.
You tensed under his touch. You were afraid to move, afraid to speak.
You were in bed with someone.
“Honey?” The man asked again, confusion lacing his words. He moved his hand back. 
“Where am I?” You interrupted fitfully, but your voice was still thick with sleep. “Who are you?”
Your bones were heavy with fatigue. You felt like you had slept for a week straight.
The man next to you pulled back, looking at you with concern.
The sharp blue of his eyes cut into you, making you look away. Your gaze shifted from his jaw to the curve of his nose to the top of his hair until you couldn’t help but meet his bewildered stare. 
You stared at him, and he stared at you. It was an unspoken dance of wills.
“What do you mean? -” “Are you going to hurt me? -”
You both asked simultaneously, but the words dissolved into a tense silence. 
The man shook his head ardently. 
“No, baby, no.” He reassured gently. “I would never hurt you.”
The man looked scorched from the heat of your words, but it was too late to take them back. His tone turned flat, dejection floating through the open space.
“Maybe I should call the doctor.”
You froze, pulling back to look at him. You watched his jaw clench, finding a secretive look swimming in his eyes.
“The doctor?” You repeated soberly, not fully understanding him. “Why would I need a doctor?”
The man reached up to your temple, and you flinched back, but he wasn’t put off. He doubled down, his fingers dancing along with a uniquely sensitive patch of skin. He rubbed there gently, just past your hairline.
It hurt. It ached. You didn’t notice it before, but it throbbed with burning pain.
A wave of emotion came over you. You felt like crying. The man moved quickly, dropping his hand in a peace offering, but he stayed close by.
“Honey, it’s okay. It’s okay. You were in an accident.” He explained softly, his eyes filled with care. “It was a car accident. You hit your head.”
You hit your head? You didn't remember that and raised your hand, feeling the bump for yourself.
“An accident.” You mimicked in a whisper, concern settling behind your eyes and in the pit of your stomach.
The man nodded gently, his eyes shifting to yours to see your reaction. When you didn’t pull away from him, he spoke up again.
“I don’t want to overwhelm you.” He admitted slowly. “Each day, your memory should get better. But some days, it might get worse.” 
There was a heavy pause, the weight of the room growing until you could only hear your breaths grow heavy.
“What do you remember?” He tried again. He tested your memory patiently, keeping you close.
You didn’t know what to think. You couldn’t remember him. 
You couldn’t remember anything.
“What does that mean?” You broke the silence with a tremble. “Is it like,” You paused again, “It’s amnesia, isn’t it?” You half asked, half-realized. 
Your eyes went wide as soon as the words passed your lips. Your eyes danced over his face quickly, trying to remember. You knew him. You must have known him. Why else would you be there, in his bed, in his home? Your thoughts were spiraling, and it wasn’t helping. 
The man called out your name. 
“Honey, it’s going to be okay,” He reassured, giving your hand a slow squeeze before pulling away to get off the bed. “Let me call the doctor-”
In your urgency, you reached for his arm to pull him back. It must have shocked him because the man’s eyes were wide, flicking down to where you were holding him. 
“No,” You insisted again. “I can do this.”
Even though you couldn’t remember him, you couldn’t deny the affection in his eyes or the sweet way he said your name. This man was a gentleman. He knew you. 
You looked down, and in the lamplight, you saw a diamond twinkling on your left hand. It was a ring. It was a large diamond in a platinum setting, and a small band sat below it. It shocked you. No wonder why he was being so careful with you.
“I’m married?”
Your words were a whisper, floating past you like a daydream. Could it be true? 
You tried not to blush in embarrassment that you could have forgotten something so important.
The man didn’t say anything, but he let his left hand cover your own with a reassuring squeeze, and you saw a wedding band resting on his finger.
Your eyes shoot up to his own.
“We’re married.”
Your correction died on your tongue, looking up at him to see if it was true. The man let out a bated breath, a careful smile tugging at his lips.
He was so beautiful. He was moving slowly like you were a wounded animal, trying to get away. A part of you felt guilty.
“What else do you remember?” He coaxed, not trying to scare you away.
His eyes shimmered with hope, with a longing that was foreign to you. But the longer you looked at him, the less it made sense. You couldn’t focus. Something didn’t feel right.
If you were married, you tried to remember it, a ceremony or him whisking you away or him proposing. You hesitated. Maybe he did propose? The thought had slipped away from you the longer you thought about it, and you were getting frustrated.
“I don’t know.” You replied with a frown, shaking your head. You were getting frustrated.
“Hey, it’s okay.”
It was like he could read your mind.
This man, your husband, didn’t try to crowd into your space. He was patient, but you just wanted to be reassured. You wanted to be comforted, but you just couldn’t remember. You couldn’t remember anything.
Anguish crept into your veins. 
“I am so sorry.” You whispered, fighting back frustrated tears. You were trying to be reasonable. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair to you or to him. “I want to remember.”
A momentary smile danced on his lips before he nodded, slow and understanding. He must have been trying his best too.
Your heart broke.
“It’s okay, baby. Just give it time,” he paused, offering a moment of peace. "C'mere," He ushered you in, and you gave in, letting him pull yourself into his lap. Your legs were straddling his torso, and he sat up, settling his back against the headboard.
He began to rub a hypnotic pattern into your back with his free hand.
His whispers of sweet nothings and honeyed promises stole you away from the harsh reality of what was happening.
You were hurt, and he was taking care of you. It was hard not to fall against him, your head resting along his shoulder.
“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.” “I’ve got you.” “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
He didn’t stop until his ministrations were engraved in the dark crevices of your mind. He wasn’t going to let you go until you believed him.
You wanted to believe him.
He was lulling you back to him, never faltering. This stranger, this man, your husband, was ever diligent. But there was one question jumping to the forefront of your mind.
“What’s your name?” 
The man paused drawing patterns along your back.
He took a deep breath, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. You couldn’t see his face but could hear the steady breaths above you.
“I’m Bucky,” He answered softly, tightening his arms around you with a gentle squeeze. Your mind was racing. You couldn’t remember a Bucky. “Well, James,” he corrected, “but only if you’re mad at me.”
You couldn’t help the broken laugh pulled from your chest. Bucky was trying to help, trying to calm you down.
And it was working. The sound of your laugh made him pull back in wonder. 
He would do anything to hear it again.
You tested the sound on your lips and tried it again when he hummed in response.
Another moment passed, a heaviness settled over the room, and you sank into his embrace.
“I’m scared.” You admitted, but you weren’t completely afraid. 
You were scared of the unknown, of not being able to remember. But you weren’t afraid of the man in front of you. 
“Is this real? Was there really an accident?”
He didn’t let you go but urged you to look up until your foreheads could touch. This time you didn’t pull away.
His cerulean stare was grounding in a way. It was a tether to reality.
“I’m afraid so, doll.”
His admission made your heart sink for a moment, but the care in his eyes made you glad you made it home.
That’s what this was, right? You were home. You were safe.
“I’m scared too,” He admitted, his eyes flickering from your own down to your lips. A flash of heat spread through your cheeks. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. For a moment there, I thought I lost you.”
Where you thought you would find anguish and pain, you were met with a different expression from Bucky. An unspoken desire had seized him. You were home, and you were safe. You were safe in his arms.
Even though you were unsure of what to do, you liked how important you felt. How needed you were. 
If Bucky was being brave, you could be brave too.
“Then help me,” You asked suddenly, your voice a gentle plea. “Help me remember.”
There was a moment where you both hung in suspense, the weight of your words sinking in.
This man was yours. And you were his. 
And then he was on you, crushing you in his hold. Bucky kissed you, his lips sweet and sanguine against your own, and you could have sworn that he was kissing you like a starved man. 
It felt like your first kiss.
To you, it felt brand new. You couldn’t remember its intensity, the scorching heat of his mouth, and you needed to pull back after a moment. 
It was needy; it was tender. His touches were searing hot, and you were burning up.
Bucky’s hand was on the back of your neck, pulling you close. His nose danced along your jaw, peppering deft kisses against your skin.
He was in control, and you didn’t question it for a moment.
You were unraveling in front of him, a choked sound coming from you as he nipped the soft skin of your neck and let his hands wander higher. They danced against your skin under the hem of your shirt, and you groaned at his grip.
His touch was addictive. You urged yourself closer, sinking you both down onto the mattress.
He shifted, rolling you onto your back without breaking contact. He was so intense and involved that you couldn’t help your light chuckle.
It only spurred him on. Bucky was there, holding you with newfound vigor. And now that he had you, he would never let go.
You couldn’t have planned for the ferocity of his movements or how Bucky looked down at you like you were keeping him tethered to the Earth. His careful smile soothed the burn of his stubble against your skin. With your legs entangled and chests pressed together, you felt needed. Bucky made you feel protected.
He was kissing your jaw and shoulders and the curve of your neck, and you couldn’t stop the way you keened towards him. You were reacting beautifully between deep breaths and lofty sounds of pleasure. 
Bucky was playing you like you were made of strings.
And then he rocked, letting his hips snap forward once. His tented arousal brushed up the curve of your thigh, and you shuddered at the contact. 
A low grumble reverberated from his chest. He had been patient, so painfully patient.
“I couldn’t tell you how long I’ve waited for you.” The rasp in his voice was your undoing. He was sincere and vulnerable. Your heart ached. "To be here, to be home." He continued.
How long had you tortured him?
How long did he need you, but you weren’t there? How much time did the accident take away from you two? Slowly, confidence was building in the crevices in your heart. 
“Bucky, come here.” You gently exhaled, tugging him back up to you. 
One slow, firm stare secured the way you felt. The fear dissipated. You were his wife, and he was your anchor in the storm. You took the lead, kissing him with a reverence you’d never experienced. He followed your lead blindly, his expression in awe at every voluntary move you made toward him.
“Honey, I’m sorry I can’t remember,” You pleaded, but your whisper was lost as he ground his body into your own. He wanted to be close, as close as he had ever been.
“Oh baby, it’s okay," Bucky assured quickly, pulling you in for another sweeping kiss. "It’s not your fault.” 
You closed your eyes for the briefest of moments. He was doting on you. The least you could do was return the favor. With that spark of confidence, you smiled against his lips and snaked your hand down between you two. His hand slowly descended from his shoulder, down his chest, and at last, around the curve of his hip. 
His skin was hot and smooth and harrowing. How did you get so lucky?
You dared to explore further, cupping the crook of his body. It was lofty, over the fabric of his boxers, and the friction urged a breathless groan from Bucky. You teased him with a curiosity that excited you, tugging and groping him through the fabric until he was dizzy.
And then you finally pulled him free of his confines through the slit in the front of the boxers. You didn’t even bother to pull them down. With long, intentional strokes of your hand, you let him pull you into another hungry kiss.
Your hand was gentle but firm, and a smooth gleam of excitement slicked his slit. It was sensitive, and you slowly stoked there, only there, making him push you further into the mattress. He moaned into the pillow at the crook of your neck.
With a renewed vigor, you pulled your other hand down, pumping at his shaft and caressing him with care. Bucky was actually shaking, and before too long, he was thrusting up into your hands.
He was putty.
He couldn’t wait to have you. Bucky pulled up to his elbows, hovering over you with a heated gaze. His eyes were dark, and his skin was flushed, and he took one of his hands over yours, stopping your ministrations.
With a wordless command, you listened, letting your hands fall aside to his thighs. His hand danced along your skin, along the outline of your sleep shorts, before adventuring forward. Deft fingers moved on their own accord up and past the barrier of your panties. You were sticking to the cotton. You were more than ready for him.
The shorts were loose, and just as you had done, he teased your skin, his fingers grazing your weeping cunt and up to your sensitive clit. You didn’t know how long you had been holding your breath, but a sharp exhale was pulled from you when he slipped a finger, no, two, inside.
You were so tight and full of need, clenching down on him. Bucky’s stomach burned with desire. You did not doubt that he would break and put you back together again.
You rolled your hips this time, earning warm praise from Buck. His fingers persisted, his thumb drawing hasty circles around your clit.
“That’s it, baby.”
His eyes were locked on you. Your own eyes were dark and hooded, and your lips were bruised in the best way. You were all his.
The teasing didn’t last for very long.
Using his knee, he parted your legs further apart. Bucky made space to stay nested there, between your legs. And he only broke eye contact once, to take a moment to pull your shorts and panties down in a smooth movement.
He wanted to see you wet and glistening. It was all for him, and he drank it in.
He didn’t even bother to take off his boxers when he finally replaced his fingers with the tip of his cock. He needed you so badly.
And then, finally, with a slow drag, you watched each other with new eyes.
It was as if it were for the first time. You appreciated him. 
You needed him.
Bucky was treasuring you like he was meant to be there, and he didn’t stop. You were stretched around him, holding your breath at the burning stretch, taking every part of him an inch at a time. And when he finally bottomed out, you both let out a ferocious moan.
But the desire was a cruel beast. She needed more.
With slow, short thrusts, Bucky made his way back into you, and you had never felt so needy. Your hands pulled around his back, digging into the skin. You needed him close.
Bucky needed you close too. He needed to be careful. Otherwise, he would fall apart faster than he wanted to.
He tried to focus on your hot breaths against his own and the sweet noises you made, but the feeling of you was overwhelming. He had waited so long for this.
You hardly noticed the slow burning in your belly until his thrusts were longer, more drawn out. You were sopping; the lewd noises of skin slapping against the skin were almost too much. He gave you every inch, and you took him in so graciously. You wanted to cry. It felt so good.
Minutes melted together.
It was slow and lazy, and the heat in your stomach reached a peak when he lifted your legs, the angle making you succumb to your dark desires. You flushed a sharp moan into his shoulder before looking up at him. Bucky was a man bewitched.
“Oh baby, was that all for me?” He praised. “You’re so good to me.”
Bucky couldn’t take it, and his low and steady thrusts turned fast and needy. The chase was on.
He hooked your leg around him and kept you buried into the mattress until his release hit his peak, and at the last moment, he pulled out, letting him spill along your thighs up to your navel.
He had time. There would be time to fill you up another night. But for tonight, this was enough.
You cleaned up quickly with your discarded shorts before pulling him back down to you. You were content. Tomorrow was a new day; even if you couldn’t remember, you were home. You must have been home. You were exactly where you wanted to be.
But after a moment of admiration, a curious idea came to mind.
You turned with a whisper, eyes sweeping against his blue ones. His small hmm made you grin. 
“What if,” Your confidence was waning. “Oh, never mind. It’s not important.”
But he wasn’t going to be deterred so easily.
“What is it, doll?”
Embarrassment crawled up your skin. “What if we renewed our vows?” He sat up, looking down at you through heavy, darkened eyelashes.
“I mean,” you quickly continued. “I mean if I can’t remember it. If it doesn’t come back to me.”
You swore you had never seen such fervent love in all your life. He blossomed before you, his eyes shining with a fire you’d never seen. Because for Bucky, that would make it real. It would mean you were his. He didn’t deserve you.
“Of course, honey.” His words were firm, resolute. “We could go as soon as tomorrow.”
A light chuckle overtook you. You couldn’t have known you were mistaking Bucky's urgency for excitement. 
But for Bucky, he wouldn't let you slip through his fingers again.
"I'll cancel my plans," He grinned. "We'll go down to the courthouse. I'll buy you a bouquet. We can stay in bed all afternoon."
The affection in his gaze was alarming, and you sat up with a gentle expression. His eyes were dark, filled with longing and lust, and you bit your lip. His hand was trailing along your thigh with unspoken promises.
"Tomorrow, then." You agreed at last. “It’s a date.” 
When Bucky pulled you into a corrupting kiss, you knew you were too far gone to say no. He was going to help you remember. 
He was going to help you remember the life he wanted for you, the life he wanted with you, and this time nothing was going to get in his way.
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yanderemcu · 3 days
Yandere Bruce Banner headcanoes-Hulks Obsession
Bruce Banner yandere headcanoes by Yanderemcu
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*Bruce is submissive
*Bruce is an obsessive,clingy and protective yandere
*Bruce's love language is quality time
*Bruce is 70% yandere
*Bruce uses hunny,love and sweetheart as his pet names
*Very protective,loving and caring
*He tries to protect you from the Hulk
*Bruce is very cuddly and clingy
*Bruce gives you a blanket and whispers to you when you need comfort
*No kids
*You make the meals
*Bruce is bisexual
*Bruce waits a year before proposing
*Crazy small life
*Bruce likes the idea of a dinner as his dream date
*Bruce's favorite spot to kiss you is your hair
*Bruce uses isolation as his punishment
*Hulk handles the killing
Bruce Banner-'Your perfect my sweet hunny.'
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
— Yandere Bruce Banner Masterlist
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Female darling gets hurt when he turns into The Hulk — taken place in 2012
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Sloth's Kinktober 2.0 Masterlist
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Ah, the weather is finally getting cooler. The nights are longer. It's officially spooky season. And with it, my second attempt at kinktober! Thank you everyone who submitted a request! There were so many delicious and devious thots that I can't wait to share with you all!
These works have Adult Content. By clicking “Keep Reading” you have agreed that you are over the age of 18 and are willing to view such content. My work is not to be copied or translated onto any other platform. I have discontinued my taglist - follow @slothspaghettilibrary to be notified of when I post.
Food Play - Dark!Lee Bodecker x Fem!Reader
Pet Play - Bucky Barnes x Trans!Male!Puppy!Reader
Knife Play - Robert Pronge x Reader
Pegging - Sub!Loki Laufeyson x afab!Reader
Body Worship - Sub!Preserum!Steve Rogers x Reader
Size Kink - Frat boy!Chris Evans x SHORT!Fem!Reader
Shibari - Bruce Banner x Reader
CG/l - Tony Stark x Reader
Yandere - Ari Levinson x Reader
Cheating - Lee Bodecker x Reader
Impact Play (Spanking) - Daddy!Lee Bodecker x Babyboy
Primal Play - Alpha!Andy Barber x Alpha!Lloyd Hansen x Omega!Reader
Double Penetration - Andy Barber x August Walker x Fem!Reader
Biting - Werewolf!Lee Bodecker x Plus Size!Reader
Group Sex - Orgyverse Gang
Ovipositing - Venom x Eddie Brock x Reader
Somnophila - Dark!Andy Barber x Male!Reader
Threesome - Vampire!Bucky Barnes x Vampire!Steve Rogers x Succubus!Reader
Cum Play - Jake Jensen x Ghost!Reader
Overstimulation- Tentacle!Lee Bodecker x Reader
Blood Play - Vampire!Tony Stark x Reader
Praise Kink - Curtis Everett x Short!Reader
Knotting - Werewolf!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Sex Toys - Steve Rogers x Reader
Gagging - Orc!Lee Bodecker x Reader
Innocence Kink - Dark!Andy Barber x Reader
Chase Kink - Lee Bodecker x Reader
Fear Play - Andy Barber x Reader
Holding - Sugar Baby!Ransom Drysdale x Daddy!Reader
Daddy Kink - Gabe Kapler x Fem!Reader
Surprise fic for us all
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armylily · 2 years
Chapter 12: Mischief
~(Y/N) POV~
As I set my room key on the counter, I grab the bag of apples, pull my hood down and walk out with Thor.
I pulled out a red one and take a bite, the crisp, sweet tang of the insides making me sigh in happiness. 
I then remember my new companion. My heart drops as I realize I can't take her with me.
Thor seems to notice my downtrodden face and asks, "What is the matter, Ms. (L/N)?" 
I pick my head up slowly and look at Isolde, the beautiful appaloosa looking at me with a glint of confusion in her eyes. 
He follows my gaze and says, "You can bring your horse with you! It's not a problem at all!"
I look at him with joy in my eyes and show him a slightly wide smile. If only I noticed Thor's rosy cheeks and a racing heartbeat. I run up to Isolde and rub her long neck. 
I then whispered, "You can stay with me, Isolde! I don't have to leave you here!" 
I grab an apple from the bag and give it to Isolde. She eats it happily, making me smile wider.
I know it's been less than a day but I grow attached to animals very quickly. Reason why my gut is always right about people but I'm weak for animals.
I then hop onto my saddle and grip the reins. Thor looks up at me and smiles softly and walks down the dirt road. I clicked my tongue, signaling Isolde to walk. As we continue walking, I see a group of people, specifically one girl and three men. 
I look at Thor with uncertainty and he nods. I pull the reins to slow Isolde's strides.
"Everyone, this is our new teammate. Teammate, meet everyone." 
Thor does jazz hands in my direction and I smile softly at his silliness. Isolde shakes her mane and does a whinny. The rather large man walked up to Isolde, held his hand out, and scratched her muzzle.
"She's a beauty." He says, looking up at me with a toothy smile.
He looks warm and friendly.
I'm sure he can't see my eyes but he can see my lips so I smile.
"Thank you," I reply.
"I'm Volstagg, my lady."
He holds his hand out towards me and I set the reins in my left hand and shake his hand with my right.
"Call me (Y/N)." 
As I say that, I raise my head up slightly to show Volstagg my face with a mischievous smile. 
His eyes widen like the wet dough I made for bread at the bakery when I flattened them out. He seems to stumble over his words, unable to contain his excitement.
He then does something I have never, ever seen in my entire life.
He squeals.
It's high pitched and I wince slightly at the sound, as well as the others did. Volstagg hops around with a slightly feminine giggle.
I smile at his behavior, not expecting this kind of reaction but after Thor encountered me, Thor Odinson, the future king of Asgard, was a fan of mine, I may have gotten a teeny, tiny bit confident after...
"YOU'RE THE GUARDIAN ANGEL OF THE VAL-!!" Volstagg yells out and I move quickly to silence his voice. 
I look at the others with a nervous smile and they were in shock. The lady had her eyes wide and her lips parted, the blonde man had his jaw on the ground and the foreign man had slightly wide eyes.
Thor chuckles loudly as I look at my fanboy, signaling him to not scream. "Yes, this, my friends, is the well-known (Y/N) (L/N), the warrior angel, or the guardian angel of the Valkyrie." 
I move my hand away from the excited man and hop off Isolde. I held the reins in my left hand again and pull my hood down all the way.
May I remind the reader that you are still filthy, your face is covered in dirt, your hair is matted or in knots and you also have a few scars forming? Alright, enough reminding.
The foreign man winces slightly when I pulled my hood down as well as the blonde man. 
The lady just smirks and I felt butterflies in my stomach under her gaze.
Thor walks over to me and clasps his large hand on my left shoulder. "So, is the new teammate a yes or no?"
"Heck yeah!"
I smile at everyone's answers and wait for them to introduce themselves.
The lady says, "I'm Lady Sif, fair maiden." 
She grabs my right hand into hers and kisses the top while looking up at me with a quite flirtatious smile. 
My face immediately burst with red, not used to physical affection by someone else because Sif is a very attractive woman.
"Aw, come on, Sif! I was gonna do that!" says the blonde man. 
She lets go of my hand with a slight squeeze and steps back a few feet.
The blonde man walks up and says, "The name's Fandral, m'lady." 
I shake his hand while smiling. After I stop shaking his hand, he kept staring at my face and his thumb was slowly rubbing circles on the knuckle of my own thumb.
"Ow!" Fandral says, as he lets go of your hand to massage his head wound.
Volstagg looked away while whistling a tune. I giggled, knowing that he threw the tiny rock. Fandral huffs and walks to where Sif is. 
I look to see the foreign man with an expressionless face bowing towards me.
I show him a small smile and bow my head to him. If only I saw the smile on his face.
"I hope you don't mind me bringing Isolde along, I've grown too attached to her," I say with a slight blush of embarrassment.
Isolde then nudges her nose into my arm and huffs. I smile and pet her muzzle. Sif then walks towards me, nods, and starts to pet Isolde too. My blush grows at her close proximity. (that's right, you're a bottom.)
Thor bellows out, "Of course, you can! But before we leave for home, you must be on your horse so she can leave with us!" 
I nod in acknowledgment and hop on again. Volstagg sets his hand on Isolde's left shoulder, looks up at me, and smiles. I smile back. Thor calls out to the sky and everywhere around me glows a golden rainbow.
~Slight time skip~
I'm here. 
I'm finally here. 
I smile brightly, realizing the building is where the Bifrost is held but freeze in shock when the wielder of the Bifrost is in a fighting stance. Isolde whinnies in fear and Thor dashes in front of me and puts his hands up. 
"Whoa, whoa, calm down, Heimdal! She's not a threat! Well, to others yes but not to us!"
Heimdal continues to glare so I panic and pull my hood off and spread my wings.
My wings stretch farther from my body and they're as long as Isolde. yeah, I am badass. Heimdal's eyes widen and he drops the Bifrost slightly, looking at me in awe. I smile slightly under his gaze but as I begin to actually look at him, I noticed his eyes first.
How they shined a beautiful yellow and amber. His dark skin makes his irises pop. His large helmet covered most of his head but he looks rather handsome. It shows maturity and elegance.
"You're (Y/N)...The guardian angel of the Valkyrie...But were you not lost in battle?" Heimdal asks with genuine confusion. 
He lowers the Bifrost and stands up straighter. I pull my wings back and reply. 
"I was not lost in battle, although I nearly died... But that is not an important matter. Thor Odinson, if you'll excuse me, I have to see someone before we talk about my place on the team." I kick Isolde in the side to make her gallop and it works. 
As Isolde runs on the Bifrost Bridge and into Asgard, my (H/L) hair flows with the wind. I smile as I feel the cool and sweet air caress my face. I kick her to go faster as I steer us in the direction of my childhood home. As we venture home, I see children playing with other children by their houses, mothers talking with other mothers, and also watching their own kids. 
I smile softly at the children playing. I hope that someday, I will have my own. I look forward only to find the bakery, my home, gone. Just...gone. I pull the reins back as Isolde goes from a gallop to walking. I look around, now fearful that Father was gone, only to see the actual bakery still standing but looking improved.
I throw my hand to my head in annoyance and steer Isolde to walk to the right. I shake my head but as I raise my head, I couldn't help but smile widely and feel tears rise. I pull Isolde to a stop and hop off, bringing her to a post. I tie the reins and pat her shoulder. 
"This may be a while, pretty girl." She just whinnies and I pull my hood over and laugh.
As I walk through the doorway of my home, I tuck my wings into my cape. There were two men in front of me so I sadly wait, shaking with nervousness to see my guardian. It didn't take long as the two men walk out, hand in hand. I smile softly at the couple and walk to the counter. There he is. Being my cashier.
I try my absolute hardest not to jump over and tackle Father into a rib-crushing hug and it pays off. I then say our code words that we made up together when I was 2,790 years old or 9 in Earth years. "May I get a (favorite animal) with (favorite season) and a (favorite color) on the side?" I finish my sentence while still looking down with a smile on my face.
I could tell that Father froze when I said that. He says, "No one says that...except." Before he could finish his sentence, I look up from under my hood, look at him, and smiled. His jaw drops and he's frozen still. 
"Hello, Father," I say with a single tear rolling down my cheek. 
He then starts to groan like a drunk and he falls back. I gasped and jumped over the counter to see what was wrong.
"Father?! FATHER!!" I check his pulse after shaking him a few times. He's alive so he must have fainted. I let out a sigh of relief and shake my head while smiling.
I missed this weirdo.
I pick Father up at carry him to his room, of course, I already know where it is. It was slightly messy but I could walk. I gently set him on his bed and pulled his blanket onto his body. Now that he's asleep, I look at him fully.
He looks as if he hasn't aged at all but now, he must be 38,680 years. He has many eye lines, telling me that he hasn't slept much. 
I slightly frown at that, now making it my goal to let him sleep as much as possible. Talking can wait, I want him to be able to hold a conversation without sleeping. Hypocritical of me, yes but he deserves it.
I smile and kiss him on the forehead. I get up and turn all the torches off in the bakery portion of the building, signaling to people that it's closed. After doing so, I walk to my old room. 
As I open the door, I begin a coughing fit as my room was full of dust. Nothing was touched. It was left the way I had it when I left. I smile as I see my old doll sitting on my windowsill, also dusty but it held a stitched smile.
I walk over to my candles and light them, the yellow and orange lights illuminating my childhood room. I walk into the kitchen to grab a broom and dustpan, now ready to clean my room like I was younger.
~3 hour time skip~
Before I started, I took off my hood and cape but it felt so hot like I had them on while cleaning. I walked over to my small vanity to see my face only slightly dirty so I smile and wash my face with a clean rag. I then hear groaning in the room next to mine. Father must be awake! I set the rag down and walk towards the doorway. I see him rise up, rubbing his head with a groan. 
I lean in the doorway with a smile and my arms crossed. Father looks at me and groans out, "Ah, (Y/N), can you bring me a glass of water, please? I don't feel so we-" His eyes widen and he freezes.
He slowly looks at me, gets up fast, runs towards me, and tackles me into a hug. He surprised me because I fell back from his force. I laugh and hug Father tightly when I feel wet drops on my clothes. I look down to see tears streaming down his wrinkled and exhausted face.
I let a few run down my cheeks, overjoyed to see the man that raised me as his own. I pat his back a couple of times, trying to soothe him and also remind him that I'm really here and not a mirage. 
He takes a few deep breaths and sobs again. I laugh softly and keep patting his back. "I'm here, Father. I'm home."
He lets out a loud cry but with a smile on his face.
"I've missed you so much, (Y/N)." He has red eyes, a red nose, and some snot slightly running. I smile contentedly and use my cape to wipe his face.
"I-I would hear tales about you and how you're the guardian angel of the Valkyrie. They spoke about how you fought with bravery and selflessness, which sounds about right. They described how beautiful and graceful you looked but that did not do you any justice." 
I smile at his compliment and get up while helping Father stand up too. He then looks up at me, smiles, and raises his wrinkly yet strong hand, and lies it on my right cheek. "You've grown into a beautiful young lady, and I could not have been more proud of you." 
I set my left hand on his hand and say, "I'm like this because of you, Father. You made me into the strong woman I am now." I look down at him with a small tear falling to my chin.
"Come, come. You must tell of your adventures while away." Father says as he walks into the kitchen at the same table I studied wing anatomy on. I smile and sit down, ready to tell him everything.
~Time skip~
"YOU ALMOST WHAT??!"Father screams at me with concern written all over his face. I scratch the back of my neck with a nervous smile. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ALMOST DIED!!" 
I shake my head with a small smile and say, "Almost." 
He scoffs in annoyance but smiles after that. "Well, I'm glad you got back safe." I smile but then look down sadly.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Father asks me with concern in his voice. 
I look up, grab his hand gently and say, "I cannot stay home, Father. I am under Thor Odinson's team so I will leave for missions. He took me back here, back home. But I promise you, that I will visit you every day, either before or after my missions." 
He sighs and then smiles. "I'm just happy you're alive, dear."
I get up, lean down, and hug Father tightly. He hugs me back, sighing with contentment. "Be safe, dear. I'd rather see you be wed and have grandchildren." 
"Father!!" I say, embarrassed by his words. I am technically at the age when women bear children, so about 25 in Earth years. But still! Father laughs at my reaction and pats my back. 
"Go be a hero, (Y/N). I'll be here when you return." We exchange smiles and let go. "You better keep your promise, young lady!"
I walk towards the doors and laugh. I turn around and give a nod. Father smiles and I walk out to my trusty steed. "I'm sorry for taking forever, Isolde. I was speaking with Father after all of these years." I know she may not understand what I'm saying but I don't really care. But I do have a feeling she knows what I'm saying.
I hop on my saddle, pull my hood up, and head towards the castle gates. Of course, I am stopped by the guards and asked for my purpose. I pull my hood down with a smile and they too froze. One guard taps the door while the other shakes my hand. Both were silent when I walked through. I see Odin, Frigga, and Thor walk into the large room, talking about something probably important.
My hood is still off so Thor recognized me. He smiled widely and walked towards me. "Ah, (Y/N)!! Welcome to my home! Father, mother, this is my new friend, (Y/N) (L/N). She's the-" 
"Yes, yes, we know about (Y/N), Thor." Odin interrupts with a large smile. I hop off Isolde with the reins in one hand and kneel down but Odin pulls me up and shakes my free hand. 
I smile back and say, "It is the greatest honor to be in your presence, Odin."
"Nonsense! I should be honored to meet a warrior such as yourself!" Odin replies while pushing Frigga towards me to also shake my hand. 
I kneel down in front of her and say, "It is an honor to be in your presence as well, my lady Frigga." 
I hear her laugh softly and she pulls me up slowly. "I've heard many a tale about the guardian angel, (Y/N)."
I smile with a slight blush on my cheeks. Thor walks up to me and grabs my hand softly. "Now, since you are on my team, we can discuss and plan your very first mission!" I look up at him and smile a little wider.
I then look at Odin and his queen and say, "Please excuse me, your highnesses." They both nod with a smile and Thor guides me down a hall.
"Now, I must ask you a few questions if that is alright with you that is." I nod and he continues. "Do you know of my brother, Loki?" 
I reply, "Yes." 
He takes a deep breath in and out. "After my last mission, I lost my brother on a planet called Earth. I have been there before and I must retrieve him so he may be punished for his crimes." 
I then say, "Okay, do you know his exact location on Earth?" 
He replies, "Yes and we will be going together while the others sleep. If that is alright with you."
I think about it for a few seconds. Loki is known to be very, very mischievous and even more dangerous. I trust Thor knows what to do when we arrive. "That's alright with me. But I do require a few things." 
He shows me a small smile and says, "Oh, do tell. Anything at all."
I show him a smirk and say, "Well I would like a new set of armor, a sword, and a dagger."
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naquey · 5 months
I figured I might as well start a masterlist while I'm at it because I never really had one before, and don't exactly know how to write one. No better way to whack at it, am I right?
Hi! You an call me Naqe or N. I'm aspiring to be an author and have loved writing since I was in fifth grade. It has been my passion for as long as I've known. I write fanfiction as a hobby, and am in college! Surprisingly, I'm fairly new to tumblr despite writing fanfiction for a long time. I started out on Quotev and just recently moved to AO3 under the same name Naqe. I deeply enjoy the fandoms that I am in and the fandoms that I discover.
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Basic request and ask ethics:
minors DNI (if you see the above banner on anything nsfw that i've written and you still interact. I will block you)
dms are open to anyone 18+ (im 20 an DO NOT want to be talking to a child for any reason)
don't be an asshole: INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PROSHIPPING, BATCEST, OR INCEST (if i see you come to my page i will block your ass)
i will not write anything 18+ if asked {(only on my own accord) and even if I do, I use a place holder. No x readers}
no zenophobia, transphobia, homophobia
nothing pertaining to religions (think: religious themes) outside of black butler
i only write for male/gender neutral reader
nothing with yandere or mental illness (even if it isn't glorifying it)
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Avatar The Last Airbender Batman Black Butler Ever After High Five Nights At Freddy's Genshin Impact Gravity Falls Harry Potter Marvel Monster High My Hero Academia Twisted Wonderland Nanbaka
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-Sokka -Aang -Zukko -Toph -Katara -Uncle Iroh -Mai
-Bruce Wayne/Batman -Dick Grayson/Nightwing -Jason Todd/Red Hood -Tim Drake/Red Robin -Damian Wayne/Robin -Stephanie Brown/Spoiler -Cassandra Cain/Batgirl -Barbara Gordon/Oracle -Helena Wayne/Huntress -Ed Nygma/Riddler -Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin -Harley Quinn -Selena Kyle/Catwoman -Harvey Dent/ Two Face -Turner Haynes -Harper Row/Bluebird -Cullen Row -Duela Dent
[Black Butler]
-Sebastian Michaelis -Ciel Phantomhive -Grell Sutcliff -William T. Spears -Ronald Knox -Undertaker -Madame Red -Bardroy -Finny -Mey-Rin -Gregory Violet -Lawrence Bluer -Herman Greenhill -Edgar Redmond -Vincent Phantomhive -Blavat Sky -Joker -Dagger -Snake
[Ever After High]
-Raven Queen -Madeline Hatter -Lizzie Hearts -Cerise Hood -Darling Charming -Apple White -Daring Charming -Dexter Charming -Hopper Croakington -Hunter Huntsman -Ashlynn Ella -Briar Beauty -Chase Redmond -Sparrow Hood -Duchess Swan -Humphrey Dumpty
-Mike Schmidt -William Afton -Ness
[Genshin Impact]
-Raiden Shogun -Tighnari -Kuki Shinobu -Neuvillette -Kamisato Ayaka -Kamisato Ayato -Thoma -Kaveh -Kaeya -Alberich -Lisa -Amber -Lumine -Aether -Zhongli -Furina -Venti -Diluc -Rosaria -Keqing -Itto -Kaedhara Kazuha -Shikanoin Heizou -Layla
[Gravity Falls]
-Dipper Pines -Mabel Pines -Bill Cipher -Stanley Pines -Stanford Pines -Robbie Valentino -Thompkins -Soos Ramirez
[Harry Potter]
-Neville Longbottom -Harry Potter -Ron Weasley -Fred Weasley -George Weasley -Hermione Granger -Luna Lovegood -Remus -Lupin -Sirius Black -James Potter -Severus Snape -Regulus Black
-Spiderman -Doc Ock -Silver Surfer -Loki -Thor -Deadpool
[Monster High]
-Frankie Stein -Deuce Gorgon -Clawd Wolf -Cleo DeNile -Draculara -Clawdeen Wolf -Abbey Bominable -Twyla Boogeyman -Torelai Stripe -Ghoulia Yelps -Holt Hyde -Jackson Jekyll -Manny Taur -Venus McFlytrap -Rochell Goyle -Garrot DuRoque -Robecca Steam -Sparky -Hexiciah Steam
[My Hero Academia]
-Izuku Midoriya -Iida Tenya -Uraraka Ochaco -Bakugou Katsuki -Shinsou Hitoshi -Touya Todoroki -Twice -Mr. Compress -Toga Himiko -Magne -Shigaraki Tomura -Spinner -Overhaul -Hawks -Takeshita
[Twisted Wonderland]
-Cater Diamond -Riddle Rosenheart -Ace Trappola -Deuce Spade -Trey Clover -Idia Shroud -Malleus Draconia -Lilia Vanrouge
-Hajime Sugoroku -Samon Gokuu -Enki Gokuu -Kenshirou Yozakura -Mitsuru Hitokoe -Rorotto -Kiji Mitsuba -Damian -Nijimasu Nanairo -Yamada Orochi -Koisuke Kyuubi -Uno -Rock -Nico -Jyuugo -Honey -Trois -Aki -Haru -Musashi -Liang -Qi -Upa -Hakushaku -Tengu Murakami -Tsukumo -Fuji-san -Kusatsu -Ikkaku -Kojiro -Isou -Kujaku -Mei Yomidou -Ido Yomidou -Chimney -Hell -Tauro Twister -Taura Twister
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Eddie Baby (Rose Corvid/Ed Nygma)
Gotham Frights (Rose Corvid/Ed Nygma)
[Black Butler]
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
Sickness is Green (Kaveh x reader)
Business (Diluc/Li Jing)
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
Did You Hear About That Mother (Roan Goldfinch & Walburga Black)
The Eagle and Her Prey (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
One Last Night (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
One Kiss (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
A Thousand Years (Remus Lupin/Cassander Lyall)
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
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Crime Down 10 (Ed Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot x reader)
[Black Butler]
One Of A Kind (Ocs x reader)
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
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[Black Butler]
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
The Black Family (personal fanon)
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
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Entrusted To You [Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji]
Meet the Character [about ocs]
Star Wars; Purged [Star Wars]
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source: cafekitsune
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