capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day: 30-36 11/25/20-12/01/20
Faariz: Happy Thanksgiving! Practiced on Duolingo. Did a 5 hour session for Calculus III and now am doing my take home test final exam. Did the two drawings above. Started to write affirmations on a daily basis. I analyzed and organized results for the analytical chemistry project. Did the biomolecule chromatography Lab Report.
What LaCora did:
Writing on fiction for English portfolio, report for biochemistry, 3 lab reports, 3 biochemistry homeworks, and analytical chemistry project, and some Duolingo. Did college applications.
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day 28-29 11/23-24/2020
LaCora: I finished my English portfolio, practiced Spanish, wrote a lab report, did 4 biochemistry homework assignments, and wrote a report.
Faariz: Drew A Logo for my sister that she didn’t really agree with, so I was like, nah I can’t do any more of that lel. I finished off a Biochemistry Lab Report, looked into several mods in Skyrim, tweaking things here and there. I also finished writing a summary and critical analysis for a short article for Biochemistry as well. Explored a bit on Opentoonz, seeing how it functions, mainly because animating using Adobe Sketchbook is a pain. I feel like I’m getting in the hang of it, but we’ll see. It’s been a few days since I started meditating, and I felt like it’s been a great addition to my daily routine. I did several Practices on Duolingo, namely German and a bit of Arabic. I started a bit on Some analytical Chemistry Homework, though I did stop halfway because it got too frustrating. 
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capnandfarito · 4 years
Day 26-27 11/21-22/20
LaCora: I did some writing and Spanish practice
Faariz: Finally finished that 40 page final english portfolio. Did Duolingo, with some Arabic, French and German Review, and did some Calculus III assignments. Took pictures of LaCora to start drawing on it, though I didn’t start drawing it. We went to Walmart to get some food for two weeks, and moved in microwaves, and refrigerators from one room to another, for the sake of convenience. 
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day: 25/100 11/20/2020
Faariz: I drew this picture above, since I did make LaCora frustrated today. Though I did finish an hour plus of Duolingo, practicing Arabic, French, and German. I finished a Petrarchan sonnet, and a blank verse poem, and continued to finish off my fictional story on the Drak Hollow Did several surveys in regards to classes. I did some edits to the presentation before I presented. I presented much better here than I did before. LaCora did finish some aspects of her English portfolio by writing a story, and some poetry. She meditated for 7 minutes today, a substantial improvement, and did methods to help give her a positive mindset.
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day 23-24 11/18-19/2020
LaCora: I practiced Spanish on Duolingo for about 20 minutes. Did a few biochemistry quizzes (I’d missed some), an analytical chemistry lab exam, and wrote an article summary. I looked into the Law of Attraction. I know it’s pseudoscience, but I just want something to believe in.
Faariz: Duolingo Practice on German. Did a biochemistry quiz, and the Analytical Chemistry Lab Finals. Added more mods to Skyrim. Did a free verse poem for English, and finished off the presentation portion for my Seminar Presentation tomorrow, which took forever to complete.. Oh, and I did the drawing above, Farito and LaCora doing Lacora things!
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day: 20-22 11/15-17/2020
Farito: Practiced on my Duolingo skills in German and Arabic. Drew this picture above, tried to get an insight on mechanical design. Worked on a one page dramatic monologue, and did two pages of fiction. Did two sets of calculus III homework, a biochemistry lecture quiz, and a biochemistry lab final, for which I had to collect introduction paragraphs from each experiment related protocol. Tried doing some surveys, nothing but a few cents. LaCora did do something productive, though I seem to have forgotten what she did.
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capnandfarito · 4 years
Day 19/100 11/14/2020
Faariz: Faritoooo!!!!!! Did a lot of work today. Dida biochemistry quiz, homework assignment, finished off the research project and started on a Lab Report. Practiced some German on Duolingo, and drew two rough sketches of LaCora while she was away. She went out with her family and did some shopping.
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day 16-18/100 11/11-13/20
Faariz: A very interesting set of days today. I crafted a pop out mini book and a chest to store the Captain’s present for her birthday. I helped the Captain with forming a titration curve. I spent a lot of time practicing on Duolingo, especially in German. We worked on our lab procedures for wednesday as well as made sure we had the notes necessary for our research methods exam. I drew this in addition to other drawings, had to say goodbye to LaCora since she needs to visit her family. LaCora prepared her presentations for Seminar in chemistry, as well as practice some duo lingo as well. She, like I said above, finished off her Excel exercise and then proceeded to work on her Seminar in Chemistry presentation which she presented on today. She packed presents for her siblings’ birthday as well.
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day 12-15/100 11/7-10/20
LaCora: I’ve been too unmotivated lately, but I’ve picked myself up lately. I joined a couple Discords dedicated to studying and productivity. Today I went through my article for a presentation, did a presentation, and did a biochemistry quiz.
Faariz: It’s been a long time since our last post. We were kind of busy on some days, while more so chill on the other days. I’ve drawn the picture above, The rivalry between Farito and the Captain. I’ve finished the Biochemistry Lab Quiz, as well as Assignment 11, which talked about sugar and pyruvate related pathways in biological systems. A research paper on ATG8 proteins, followed by a presentation were done as well. I’ve finished my analytical chemistry exam, and the excel portion of calculating a titration curve. Did several lessons on French and German on Duolingo. I’ve spared a little time to talk with my family back home. We’ve walked outside for quite a while yesterday.
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day 10-11/100 11/5-6/20
LaCora: Day 9: Practiced calligraphy, Spanish, and German. Day 10: Practiced German. Did a quiz for Analytical Chemistry. Did some goal planning.
Faariz: Did forget to post the last tumblr session. Worked on this drawing above, though I am going to switch it to digital art since pencils aren’t working well, did several German and French Duolingo lessons, vacuumed the floors of my room, refrigerator, and the bathroom, did an analytical chemistry problem, and restarted modding Skyrim: Special Edition.
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day 9/100 11/4/2020
LaCora: I did a pre-lab quiz and procedure for a lab I had today, practiced German and Spanish, studied and took a test for biochemistry, and practiced calligraphy. I’m working on summarizing a journal article now. I need to get it done before bed because my professor is supposed to help me understand it later today.
Faariz: Completed a pre lab assignment and the lab procedure before we went to the Analytical Chemistry Lab. Filled in that 8 page study guide for our 4th Biochemistry exam. Focused on German for today’s Duolingo assignment, and drew the first picture. The ALTSPACE BOT!
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day 8/100 11/3/2020
LaCora: I wrote a short story for my English class, did a lab quiz, practiced Spanish, and calculus 3 homework.
Faariz: Learnt new words and phrases on Duolingo for three languages: German, Arabic, and French, as well as some letters of hindi. Finished off a calculus III homework, and a 700 word short story. Wished I’d be able to study some biochem, but all I did was skim through a chapter or two for the exam tomorrow...
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day 7/100, 11/2/2020
LaCora: I practiced German and Spanish and did some studying for Analytical Chemistry.
Faariz: Did some more duolingo German basics, and finished off correcting my Analytical Chemistry Exam. Did the drawing above, pretty much a wierd band rising before us.
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day: 6/100 11/1/2020
LaCora: Not very much done today. I started learning German on Duolingo because Faariz and I are considering going to Germany for grad school. I practiced Spanish, as well. I practiced calligraphy. I really didn’t want to share but Faariz wanted me to.
Faariz: Well, I’ve started learning languages from duolingo. These include Arabic and German. I’ve also spent a lot of time drawing a strange creature: the skeleton Bkhak. We did watch a movie overnight :P
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day 5/100 10/31/2020
LaCora: Today was extremely unproductive. Spent most of the day bed with Faariz; however, I did practice Spanish and start summarizing a paper I’ll be presenting on in a few weeks.
Farito: Spent most of my time sleeping with LaCora. We took several photos so that I could measure out rough proportions of us for future drawings. I revised some of Chapter 12 of Biochemistry, and finished a rough outline for the Analytical Chemistry Presentation. I cleaned my messy desk and room before LaCora came in.
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day 4/10, 10/30/2020
LaCora: I didn’t do as much I wanted (what else is new), but I did practice calligraphy, practice Spanish, help Faariz edit an essay, did my Biochemistry and Analytical Chemistry homework, and wrote an essay for a scholarship.
Faariz: Was tutored by LaCora so that I would be able to submit a biography for two scholarships. Did several surveys, and finished off an analytical chemistry homework, which was fairly depressing. 
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capnandfarito · 4 years
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Day 3/100, 10/29/2020 
LaCora: Today, I really was not as productive as I could have been. I spent too much time on YouTube, and too much time napping. However, I did a Biochemistry quiz, practiced calligraphy while listening to Khan Academy videos on G protein coupled receptors and enzyme receptors, practiced Spanish, and as of now I’m halfway through my Calculus 3 exam that’s due tomorrow (at least I think I am, one question has a lot of parts). I don’t feel like I’ve done enough, so I’ll probably be up late. Tomorrow is Friday, anyway.
Faariz: I’ve finished off two quizzes and skimmed a bit through the Biochemistry text book to do the both of them, completed a Lab Report on DNA assays, and found a research article in regards to “construction of a nanofluidic sensor to detect carbon monoxide” to present in my seminar. Did my take home Calculus 3 exam while skimming through videos of lecture to get basic concepts. Did a mini comic strip above of today. Discussed some lab poster material on nutritional contents of processed and fruit juices. Now time for that scholarship biography essay... Did eat out at BensTripleBs with LaCora to fill our empty stomachs :)
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