gallifreyanlovesongs · 11 years
The first time Remus ever skives off class— proper truancy, rather than having the excuse of illness or the moon— it is because of Sirius Black.
Not with Sirius Black. Because of Sirius Black.
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 11 years
When the children of Britain begin to go missing without a trace, it’s time to call in the country’s best and brightest.
Sherlock Holmes, the world’s only consulting detective, along with Dr. John Watson, are asked to take on the case. But there are elements involved that are outside the realm of even Sherlock’s understanding. When two strangers show up on the doorstep of 221B, calling themselves Aurors, Sherlock and John must quickly come to terms with the world of magic.
Harry Potter, head Auror, is more than willing to lend a hand to the consulting detective and his blogger. His partner, the cynical Draco Malfoy, is much less inclined to adapt to the Muggles, especially since it seems that the kidnappings have no ties to the magical world. When Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger join the team, will a balance be struck in time to save the children and catch the culprit?
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 11 years
TARDIS Ficathon: Jeopardy Friendly
Room: The Linen/Spare Bedding Room Pairing: Nine x Rose Rating: M Requested by: valueturtle (who is, quite frankly, the best of all possible Paiges) ~3000 words.
He feels pretty confident that the long rickety table in the linen room is not the best place for this.
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 11 years
It's a fic in progress! All current chapters are on Ao3. We're so glad you're enjoying it!
When the children of Britain begin to go missing without a trace, it’s time to call in the country’s best and brightest.
Sherlock Holmes, the world’s only consulting detective, along with Dr. John Watson, are asked to take on the case. But there are elements involved that are outside the realm of even Sherlock’s understanding. When two strangers show up on the doorstep of 221B, calling themselves Aurors, Sherlock and John must quickly come to terms with the world of magic.
Harry Potter, head Auror, is more than willing to lend a hand to the consulting detective and his blogger. His partner, the cynical Draco Malfoy, is much less inclined to adapt to the Muggles, especially since it seems that the kidnappings have no ties to the magical world. When Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger join the team, will a balance be struck in time to save the children and catch the culprit?
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 11 years
When the children of Britain begin to go missing without a trace, it's time to call in the country's best and brightest.
Sherlock Holmes, the world's only consulting detective, along with Dr. John Watson, are asked to take on the case. But there are elements involved that are outside the realm of even Sherlock's understanding. When two strangers show up on the doorstep of 221B, calling themselves Aurors, Sherlock and John must quickly come to terms with the world of magic.
Harry Potter, head Auror, is more than willing to lend a hand to the consulting detective and his blogger. His partner, the cynical Draco Malfoy, is much less inclined to adapt to the Muggles, especially since it seems that the kidnappings have no ties to the magical world. When Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger join the team, will a balance be struck in time to save the children and catch the culprit?
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 11 years
When the children of Britain begin to go missing without a trace, it's time to call in the country's best and brightest.
Sherlock Holmes, the world's only consulting detective, along with Dr. John Watson, are asked to take on the case. But there are elements involved that are outside the realm of even Sherlock's understanding. When two strangers show up on the doorstep of 221B, calling themselves Aurors, Sherlock and John must quickly come to terms with the world of magic.
Harry Potter, head Auror, is more than willing to lend a hand to the consulting detective and his blogger. His partner, the cynical Draco Malfoy, is much less inclined to adapt to the Muggles, especially since it seems that the kidnappings have no ties to the magical world. When Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger join the team, will a balance be struck in time to save the children and catch the culprit?
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 11 years
When the children of Britain begin to go missing without a trace, it’s time to call in the country’s best and brightest.
Sherlock Holmes, the world’s only consulting detective, along with Dr. John Watson, are asked to take on the case. But there are elements involved that are outside the realm of even Sherlock’s understanding. When two strangers show up on the doorstep of 221B, calling themselves Aurors, Sherlock and John must quickly come to terms with the world of magic.
Harry Potter, head Auror, is more than willing to lend a hand to the consulting detective and his blogger. His partner, the cynical Draco Malfoy, is much less inclined to adapt to the Muggles, especially since it seems that the kidnappings have no ties to the magical world. When Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger join the team, will a balance be struck in time to save the children and catch the culprit?
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 11 years
A Pink and Yellow Christmas
Title: A Pink and Yellow Christmas
Author: Kate
Fandom/Pairing: Doctor Who; Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Summary: For reprehensiblewombat and Cate's 2012 Fic Exchange! It didn't come out exactly as I wanted, but I did try to sneakily work in two of your three prompts. I hope you enjoy it! 
He’s never seen her in the TARDIS kitchen for anything other than a cuppa. Even then, the TARDIS is usually the one making it. So, when he finds her there one afternoon, up to her elbows in mixing bowls and ingredients, swearing fit to make a sailor blush, the Doctor is naturally curious.
“Erm, Rose?” he asks, his voice light and careful. “What’re you doing?”
She whirls around, producing a minor hurricane of powdered sugar in her wake, and the Doctor instinctively steps back. This is not a cute kitchen disaster, like the ones he’s seen in the rom-coms she sometimes makes him watch: no simple streak of flour across the face or chocolate on the nose. There is a marble-sized glob of butter drooping from her fringe. Her clothes are positively covered in sugar and flour, and there is an unreasonably large pool of milk slowly engulfing the counter space. The Doctor suspects that it is plotting its inevitable take-over of the floor as well.  
“All right?” he asks, though he knows the answer.
“Do I look all right?” she retorts. The butter slides out of her hair and hits the ground with an angry splat, but the Doctor tries not to take it personally.
Rose, on the other hand, lets out a noise that the Doctor can only classify as a growl, and returns to her work with a renewed rage.
“Mum,” she starts, explaining as she stirs with the force of a low-level typhoon, “always bakes this time of year, and we’re meant to see her this week as she’s all alone, and I wanted to bake some biscuits to surprise her with, only I’m crap at bakin’, and ‘m on my fourth batch and they’ve all turned out more crap than the last, and’ve destroyed the kitchen, an’ I’m sorry, but I just wanted to do something for my mum.”
The Doctor grins and cocks his head. “Brilliant! Love biscuits! Can I help?”
All it takes is one glance over her shoulder, and Rose can’t help but smile too. It doesn’t matter how angry she’s been getting for the past hour; doesn’t matter that she has been silently cursing him for the abnormal bout of turbulence that caused her to accidentally add three times the required amount of salt in Batch Number 2. Those things don’t matter in the same way that nothing else seems to matter except for her new life with him. That’s the thing about the Doctor, she’s come to learn—everything about him is contagious.
“You want to help me bake? Dunno, Doctor, that’s a bit domestic for you, innit?”
“Ah, I can do domestic,” he says proudly, standing up a little straighter. He adopts an exaggerated posh accent, adding, “Should the need arise!”
Rose’s smile deepens, her tongue peeking out over her teeth. She laughs outright when the Doctor reaches into a cupboard and withdraws a blue apron, cinching it neatly around his thin waist.
Never underestimate the Doctor, Rose reminds herself. It has become something of a personal mantra for her.
Somehow, it’s far better with two people—though it’s always better with the two of them. The fifth batch of dough actually tastes like cookie dough and Rose miraculously manages not to burn them to a crisp. In spite of an equally sudden and brief power outage, the Doctor manages to whip up a frosting that Rose declares she’d like to bathe in. (He hurries to hide his face in the icebox, staring at the cartons and containers until he can force the pink from his cheeks through sheer willpower.)
Together they frost golden Christmas trees and snowflakes; Santa hats and candy canes. Rose adds flourishes with some red and green sprinkles, and the Doctor eats more of the fluffy buttercream than he puts on the biscuits themselves. Another unexpected tremor sends both of them stumbling, and the force with which their heads knock together has Rose seeing stars. When she blinks them out of orbit, she finds the Doctor staring down at his suit, a completed snowflake pasted to his lapel by its frosting.
“Suits you,” says Rose, before her laughter escapes like air from a balloon.
“Suits my suit,” says the Doctor, eyes shining. “Used to wear a celery stalk there, actually, but I think I like this better.”
“You never did.” Rose tries to picture her Doctor wearing a stalk of celery like a boutonnière, and finds that she actually can imagine it quite easily. She doesn’t tell him this as she delicately pries the treat from his suit jacket. “But seriously, Doctor, why’ve we been getting knocked about so much? I’m used to this when you’re driving somewhere— and don’t go sulkin’ about that!” (The Doctor nonchalantly attempts to pretend he was doing no such thing.)
“But you’re back here with me,” she continues, brows furrowing. “So you must’ve parked it, or whatever it is you do… so what’s goin’ on?”
“Oh!” he says, as though he’s just remembered. “Bit of a surprise for you, actually. Want to see?”
Rose just raises an eyebrow and holds out her hand.
“Rose Tyler, welcome to Gidu,” he announces, leading her out onto the surface of Rose’s 114th planet. Their hands stay linked, warm within one another’s grasp. The wind kicks up tiny cyclones of pinkish dust at their feet, and Rose gazes at the lush vegetation all around them. She feels as though she is in a jungle—an alien jungle, full of adventure just for them.
“It’s beautiful,” she tells him, but he just smiles and points upward.
Above their heads, a mass of yellow clouds in a pink sky—or perhaps pink clouds in a yellow sky—Rose can’t quite tell, because it looks like the loveliest candy floss, all swirling together and colliding into whorled designs and patterns, and she knows exactly why he brought her here. A pink and yellow planet for his pink and yellow girl. And of course there’s no way to properly thank him for it—how do you thank someone for such a gift as what he’s given her?—so she simply wraps her arms around his waist and presses in close as they continue to watch the clouds.
A stronger wind comes through, nearly knocking them sideways. The Doctor pulls her back to the shelter of the TARDIS, looking sheepish.
“Known for its pink and yellow atmosphere, Gidu,” he says, rubbing the back of his head. “But also a bit known for its gale-force winds. Sometimes. Well. You know. Best to watch from here, maybe.”
So they lean together on the door frame, Rose’s yellow head tucked against his shoulder and his arm twined around her waist.
“Bit better than last Christmas?” he asks, tentatively. “No Sycorax, anyway.”
“Better,” she agrees, though what she really means is that everything is better with him. She leans up to kiss his cheek. “Happy Christmas, Doctor.”
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 12 years
A Wonderful and Improbable Fairytale
Once upon a time..
But happiness, like Time, is a horribly transient thing. When war broke out on his Wonderful and Improbable Planet, the Man (who wasn’t a Man) was forced to make a Terrible and Impossible decision. And in the blink of an eye, he was alone.
Being alone was a Terrible and Impossible sensation to adjust to. The Man (who wasn’t a Man) withdrew into himself. He thought of everyone he had known and loved—in his mind, he could see their Timelines ebbing, flowing and eventually fading into Dust. It was maddeningly slow and infuriatingly fast all at once. It made him feel things that he had thought himself immune to: sadness, fear, guilt…and something else. All of those people, the friends who had shared in his adventures—they had changed him; more than he had ever imagined. More than he had ever wanted them to. He felt contaminated by their humanity. Where once he had been grateful for the opportunity to take part in their lives, he now hardened his heart against the people of Earth. He vowed to himself to never allow another Human affect him in this way—to never allow their weaknesses to become his own.
In the days and months and years of solitude that followed, the Man (who wasn’t a Man) very nearly disappeared. He allowed the part of himself that had come to be known as the Oncoming Storm to reign absolute, for it was only then that he was able to ignore just how Human he had truly become. He regarded the race with a contempt usually reserved for the worst of his enemies—‘stupid apes’, he called them, and the derision was a whetstone on his mind and on his tongue. But try as he might, the Man (who wasn’t a Man) was still Terribly and Impossibly weak. He could not entirely close his hearts to the planet when it needed him. He kept a weather eye out for trouble on the Human horizon, and he was always there. And one night, so was She.
A Wonderful and Improbable Girl, who took his hand and ran with him when he asked. A pink and yellow Human Girl who ignored all his warnings and harsh words as she crashed head-on through the barriers he had worked so hard to create. It was Wonderful and Terrible, Improbable and Impossible, and there was not a thing he could do to stop it.
Many times, he hoped (and feared) that he had crossed some imperceptible line that would make her realize her mistake. He took her to see beginnings and endings alike, and she stayed with him through it all. And for the first time in his recent memory, the Man (who wasn’t a Man) was afraid. That fear stayed with him, a constant companion, boiling under his hard-hearted surface as a reminder the Oncoming Storm was never meant to have a happy ending.
He’d killed her. He had taken this lovely, nineteen-year old girl, made her trust him. Then the Dalek came—always the Daleks—and he’d had to make a decision that came at the ultimate cost of her life. And she had the nerve to apologize to him, right up until the end.
“Sorry I was a bit slow,” she said, and the sad smile in her voice made his hearts stop. Then she’d begged him to remember that it wasn’t his fault; that she wouldn’t have missed it for the world. When her voice cracked, so did his nerve. He ripped the headset from his ear and flung it behind him—anything to keep from hearing Rose Tyler’s final sounds. It was the Time War all over again. The human emotions he had buried all those years ago returned. He could have killed, could have wept, could have kept raging until he burned himself out like the twin suns of Gallifrey.
But suddenly—impossibly—she was alive. So very alive, so very brave, and even more beautiful than he had remembered.
“What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?”
This, from a Dalek—a taunt from his oldest of enemies—and he was undone. He loved her. He, an old man with two broken hearts and a past full of ghosts, loved her. When in Rassilon’s name had that happened? And if the Dalek, of all creatures, had been able to recognize it, why couldn’t he? He could think in six dimensions; could see the whole of space and time in his head on the slightest whim, yet he had missed this crucial point.
“You would make a good Dalek.”
And there was the crux of the matter. Somehow, when he wasn’t looking, he had shaped himself into the mirror image of those he abhorred. Shutting down emotions in order to protect himself had nearly cost him something impossibly precious. He watched Rose—his Rose—on the monitor in van Statten’s office, and he wondered how he could have made any other decision.
“I killed her once,” he said, striding over to the computer. “I can’t do it again.” And with a single keystroke, he willingly released destruction upon them all. 
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 12 years
When the children of Britain begin to go missing without a trace, it’s time to call in the country’s best and brightest.
Sherlock Holmes, the world’s only consulting detective, along with Dr. John Watson, are asked to take on the case. But there are elements involved that are outside the realm of even Sherlock’s understanding. When two strangers show up on the doorstep of 221B, calling themselves Aurors, Sherlock and John must quickly come to terms with the world of magic.
Harry Potter, head Auror, is more than willing to lend a hand to the consulting detective and his blogger. His partner, the cynical Draco Malfoy, is much less inclined to adapt to the Muggles, especially since it seems that the kidnappings have no ties to the magical world. When Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger join the team, will a balance be struck in time to save the children and catch the culprit?
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 12 years
When the children of Britain begin to go missing without a trace, it’s time to call in the country’s best and brightest.
Sherlock Holmes, the world’s only consulting detective, along with Dr. John Watson, are asked to take on the case. But there are elements involved that are outside the realm of even Sherlock’s understanding. When two strangers show up on the doorstep of 221B, calling themselves Aurors, Sherlock and John must quickly come to terms with the world of magic.
Harry Potter, head Auror, is more than willing to lend a hand to the consulting detective and his blogger. His partner, the cynical Draco Malfoy, is much less inclined to adapt to the Muggles, especially since it seems that the kidnappings have no ties to the magical world. When Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger join the team, will a balance be struck in time to save the children and catch the culprit?
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 12 years
Title: L’Exposition Universelle
Author: Kate
Fandom/Pairings/Characters: Doctor Who; Nine/Rose; Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Rating: PG/light Teen
Summary: “Late nineteenth century Paris,” he filled in. “And on a very special day, too.” Pointing in front of them, he indicated the large crowds of people gathered about. “Today is May 6, 1889. The opening of the 1889 L’exposition Universelle—the World Fair!”
Notes: Written for George during Cate’s DW Secret Santa Fic Exchange. The prompt I received was, “Nine and Rose’s first kiss (before Parting of the Ways). Set somewhere between The Long Game and The Empty Child.
Part of a Series?: No.
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 12 years
When the children of Britain begin to go missing without a trace, it’s time to call in the country’s best and brightest.
Sherlock Holmes, the world’s only consulting detective, along with Dr. John Watson, are asked to take on the case. But there are elements involved that are outside the realm of even Sherlock’s understanding. When two strangers show up on the doorstep of 221B, calling themselves Aurors, Sherlock and John must quickly come to terms with the world of magic.
Harry Potter, head Auror, is more than willing to lend a hand to the consulting detective and his blogger. His partner, the cynical Draco Malfoy, is much less inclined to adapt to the Muggles, especially since it seems that the kidnappings have no ties to the magical world. When Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger join the team, will a balance be struck in time to save the children and catch the culprit?
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 12 years
endlessmeg submitted:
The first nights John spent in Baker Street, he lay in bed staring out the window, squinting past the London light pollution, trying to count enough stars to put himself to sleep. Eventually, stars or no stars, John would pass out from exhaustion in the early hours of...
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 12 years
Title: Separation Sherlock Pairing: multi Fandom: BBC!Sherlock Rating: R Word Count: 3000 (500 each) Spoilers: None. Pre-Series One Warnings: Drug use. Non-linnear storytelling. Notes: inspired by the album “Separation Sunday” by The Hold Steady. Summary: When Sherlock was at University,...
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 12 years
Do you want me to tell it like it’s boy meets girl and the rest is history? Or do you want it like a murder mystery? I’m gonna tell it like a comeback story. When Sherlock was at University, he found something that made his mind focus, that let him ignore those around him, that made him feel more alive than he had ever felt. But he’s never been one for self preservation or knowing when things have gone too far…
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gallifreyanlovesongs · 12 years
Do you want me to tell it like it’s boy meets girl and the rest is history? Or do you want it like a murder mystery? I’m gonna tell it like a comeback story. When Sherlock was at University, he found something that made his mind focus, that let him ignore those around him, that made him feel more alive than he had ever felt. But he’s never been one for self preservation or knowing when things have gone too far…
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