jonahark8 · 8 days
me too!! I don't have too much to work with, but....@unicornsandgenocide I appreciate anything <3 ALSO HII ILY!!
Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it
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jonahark8 · 8 days
I recently told my grandmother about her, and her death. if you don't know, she participated in the stonewall riots, and after so, in 1992, she died. her death was originally ruled as a suicide, but is recognized to day as a homicide.
here is a wonderful article about her, from the national women's history museum: https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/marsha-p-johnson
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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jonahark8 · 8 days
Raja is a director. We have been raising money to help her family get out of Palestine, and today she asked me to share one of her films with everyone.
If you have a second, please watch this beautiful piece of art by a Palestine director. This is the culture that Israel is trying to destroy.
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jonahark8 · 10 days
FANFIC!!! sorry!!
ok, so y'all I've made a decision since im being procrastinatey, and I think I'm going to finish up my "Your need Grows Teeth" hannibal series, and when I finish it up im gonna repost it as a one shot. (: sorry for the delay and the absence of update.
@wyked-ao3 @unicornsandgenocide
I've decided to make the fic im writing right now into a short series.
it's for Nbc Hannibal, the plot being hannibal presenting gift corpses to an unknowing Will, who is slowly realizing his feelings for mr hannibal the cannibal. im finished with the first chapter, and will put the link down below (: this will be my first short series!! another thing, it hasn't been beta read, so if there are any grammatical errors please inform me. (:<
TYSM!!!!! <33
@wyked-ao3. @unicornsandgenocide. @diedbydeath
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jonahark8 · 10 days
FANFIC!!! sorry!!
ok, so y'all I've made a decision since im being procrastinatey, and I think I'm going to finish up my "Your need Grows Teeth" hannibal series, and when I finish it up im gonna repost it as a one shot. (: sorry for the delay and the absence of update.
@wyked-ao3 @unicornsandgenocide
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jonahark8 · 11 days
honestly if there's a whole AI uprising like in I, Robot, then I'm just gonna take it as a sign from god that we really need to shut the fuck up already.
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jonahark8 · 12 days
Unhinged Tags I've Seen On Ao3 Lately:
cooking, but like, erotica
improper use of psychiatric studies
murder kink
teeth are a privilege
vomiting ( I just feel like he might)
Unhealthy coping Mechanisms and this gun I gave him
cocaine and autism don't mix well
Andrew tate mpreg reference
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jonahark8 · 12 days
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Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful.
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jonahark8 · 12 days
For real mate, they never expect this much wisdom on the highest levels of wisdom
doe anyone else just ever get an idea for a writing piece that is so absolutely horrid in a kinda fucked up full of pain way. a put this character in pain, not even for the plot as this is only a paragraph. but I think they need to suffer so I don't have to feel. take my pain and sin away from me, let me write it into your, into your being. im prepared to riddle you with regrets and memories like sticking your head on a pike somewhere and letting your body feel it.
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jonahark8 · 16 days
doe anyone else just ever get an idea for a writing piece that is so absolutely horrid in a kinda fucked up full of pain way. a put this character in pain, not even for the plot as this is only a paragraph. but I think they need to suffer so I don't have to feel. take my pain and sin away from me, let me write it into your, into your being. im prepared to riddle you with regrets and memories like sticking your head on a pike somewhere and letting your body feel it.
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jonahark8 · 16 days
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thinking about how my teachers and mother told me to yell "fire" instead of help.
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jonahark8 · 18 days
paranormal mouse boy? pop off, generator. damn.
from now on your tumblr nickname is whatever you get from this sexual identity generator  ☆
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jonahark8 · 18 days
does anyone else just ever get an idea for a writing piece that is so absolutely horrid in a kinda fucked up full of pain way. a put this character in pain, not even for the plot as this is only a paragraph. but I think they need to suffer so I don't have to feel. take my pain and sin away from me, let me write it into your, into your being. im prepared to riddle you with regrets and memories like sticking your head on a pike somewhere and letting your body feel it.
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jonahark8 · 19 days
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Please help Mohamed evacuate his family out of Gaza to safety! Share his gofundme and donate if you can!!
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jonahark8 · 19 days
I love quoting this on the daily
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jonahark8 · 25 days
Also this I think
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As an American I perceive America in a very specific way
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I think it looks like this
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jonahark8 · 25 days
As an American I perceive America in a very specific way
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I think it looks like this
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