randompersoncalleduni · 6 months
Wassup, y'all
I'm back!
Im now 15, Im aromantic, demisexual, and omni, and I'm gender fluid!
Logans obvisouly still my favorite.
TW: D3ath mention, calling someone a d!ck, swearing
My girlfriend turned out to be a DICK. I'm not gonna go into it, but Jesus Christ, man. My cousins girlfriend died. And Im starting a new school in a very conservative town, in a very conservative state.
Also, what tf does "Gyatt" mean-
My life turned to shit, basically.
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Holy frick same-
I hate motivating myself, because the person motivating me is EXTREMELY easy to manipulate.
me: wow I need to get a task done
my brain: I’ll give you a cookie if you do it
me: what if you just give me the cookie NOW?
my brain: OMG best plan sure thing boss go ahead!!!
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Dont touch the star thingies..
Remus must know how much it upsets Roman when someone messes with his star thingies
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getting a misdiagnosis isn’t your fault either. it’s not your fault that a doctor or a psychiatrist or a specialist of some description made a mistake. it’s not your fault that they got it wrong. I hope you find the right answers soon, and that this process isn’t too difficult for you
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Source ~ FB Lived Experience Educator
Neurodiversity Affirming Practice:
What does it look like?
Red Flags and Green Flags
Red Flags:
🚩 withholds a desired object or activity to achieve compliance
🚩 relies on typical developmental milestones as well as neuronormative expectations
🚩 ignores sensory needs
🚩 only allows for spoken communication
🚩labels behaviours and actions without understanding the why
🚩 focuses on reducing symptoms
🚩 worth equals ability
🚩 sessions revolve around changing someone's behaviour
🚩 measures success by neuronormative, capitalist standards
🚩 encourages independence and self-regulation
🚩reinforces binary ways of thinking e.g. right/wrong, normal/abnormal
Green Flags:
💚 uses special interests to engage
💚 respects when the individual says no
💚 centers and respects the individual's goals, needs and interests on their own timelines
💚 considers and plans for sensory needs
💚 provides alternative methods for communication
💚 understands the reasons, thoughts and feelings behind behaviour/actions
💚 focuses on reducing distress and accomodating differences
💚 worth is always given
💚 allows individuals to define what is ideal functioning for them
💚 client defines what success means for them
💚 accepts co-regulation and interdependence as valid
💚 focuses on what is meaningful and quality of life for the individual
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im not a lady but horrible, thank you
How are we doing today ladies. Are we still losing it. Are we going completely insane
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Please share and repost this anywhere you want.
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Isn’t it fun when someone throws you a sentence fragment and assumes you have a clue what they mean? Tonight for example my SO came over, held out a half full bottle of water, and said, “My water. ”
I froze for a couple of seconds while I pondered this. The statement could have meant;
“Is this water in this bottle or something else?” As we have no history of putting anything else in water bottles in the refrigerator this seemed like the least likely meaning.
“This is my water. Keep your hands off”. This seemed unlikely, though not as improbable as the first one. We share everything and there were a bunch of bottles in the fridge so there really wasn’t anything special about this one. No reason to get possessive.
“Is this my water or yours?“. We both knew that I hadn’t opened one and we had been together all day, and there was no one else around to open one. Because of this, there was no reason for them to ask.
“Would you like some of my water?” This seemed to be the most likely possibility so I want with it.
After a long pause to sort through the various meanings and the probabilities of each, and once I selected the most likely one to formulate an appropriate response, I replied, “No thanks, I’m good.”
People wonder why I don’t respond quickly. “It’s a simple question, just answer,” is what i hear a lot. Well, it would have been if you had asked a question. But you didn’t. You dropped two random words while holding a bottle. I had to decode what you meant. You and other neurotypical people may pick up on these subtle meanings*, but I don’t. Just say what you mean.
Neurotypical people are so weird sometimes.
*(the bottle was tilted slightly toward me to indicate it was an offer, how could I miss that? /end sarcasm)
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I've discovered the best (personal) example of the difference between a neurotypical interest and an autistic special interest.
Was discussing the show Inside the Mind of a Cat at work. They are neurotypical and know I'm autistic.
I got very very excited when they mentioned they watched it, but they just shrugged and said:
"I found it boring. I like cats, so already knew all the information."
And that floored me. Because cats are a huge special interest of mine and I adored that show, even though I, too, learnt nothing new.
And that's when I realised: That's the major difference!
I liked it because my special interest is a constant want of interaction with the topic. I want to learn new things and rehash old things. I just want to interact with it! I am 1000% invested in this topic. It makes me happy.
They wanted something new, full stop. Rehashing old knowledge is boring because it wasn't catching their interest. There is no constant investment in the topic, so old info brings no joy.
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TW: Capitalization in one part, fire
Patton: Virgil a perfect cinnamon scone who’s never done anything wrong in his entire life! 
Logan: Never done anything wrong?! He set a city block on FIRE!
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TW: S3xua1 innuendo, swearing
Logan: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight. 
Roman: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther? 
Logan, already taking off his clothes: God, Roman, you’re so fucking stupid.
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TW: F00d mention
Remy: If you could guess, how many brain cells do you have? 
Remus: Dorito’s cool ranch. 
Remy: I'm just gonna assume zero for now. 
Remus: I love that song.
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Janus: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like... a lawyer to you. Ok? 
Patton: Okay. 
Virgil: Patton! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble. 
Janus, whispering: Deny everything. 
Patton, loudly: That isn't a chair.
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TW:F00d mention
Remus: If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple "thank you" is all I need. 
Remus: Not all this "how did you get into my house" business.
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Trans girls. Just be cause you're "boy-moding" or stealthing, that doesn't make you less of a girl.
Trans boys. Just because you're "girl-moding" or stealthing, that doesn't make you less of a boy.
Enby's. Just because you too are stealthing as your AGAB, doesn't make you less of who you are. You're non-binary.
It doesn't matter if you've got 5 o'clock shadow, no make-up, didn't bind, didn't pack, or couldn't for any other reason and walked out the door a mess. You're allowed to be fully you and just not put in all that extra effort. You're allowed to hit "screw it" every so often and still be 100% how you personally identify. Passing as cisgender may be your comfort goal, as it is surely mine, but it is NOT the metric of your worth.
Just because we have days we give up on the effort, where we can't bring ourselves to put the time in to look the way we want to, just because we have days we don't try to pass as true selves, does NOT make us less. Cisgender people have trash days too, we shouldn't be expected nor place the expectation on ourselves to be perfect all the time.
You're still you, and that's awesome and attractive.
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autism 👍
autusm 👍
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