sodulynoted · 7 years
May was a crazy month with a capital “C”. It started out so strong and by month’s end had fizzled to a slow drip in income and my desire to even turn on the computer or open my Bullet Journal. Solopreneur burn-out hit hard!
Thank goodness for good friends, and big ideas. And yes, even my Bullet Journal. It has saved my neck, helping me keep my sanity and my drive from going completely south. 
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So, for today, I thought, since it’s such a popular topic on the net, I’d share my bullet journal. I don’t have the standard, well-dressed photos, but I’ve got scans LOL. And at last, you can see a bit of what’s going on between the covers. 
I love my bullet journal. It is the best system I’ve found to keep me functional, help me remember the things I need to do and to brainstorm new ideas – one of which I’ll be sharing with you later in the week! That’s where I’ve been.. working on a new project and getting it all set up for a July Soft Launch. ( a bit of a teaser there!)
So, how do I use my BuJo? 
I give each month an opening page and I try to make it artsy. I need inspiration and motivation to do a lot of things and if it’s just plain, I tend to not keep coming back to it. For me, having pages like this at the beginning of each month makes me stay motivated to keep using my Journal.  This is my June opening page. My birthday is this month so the cake is a fun design to make me feel better about getting older LOL.
My June focus page. I do one of these for every month too. It helps me stay focused on an area of my life that I really want to improve and build on. It’s different every month, but I always include some quotes that mean a lot to me, as well as the definition of my focus word for the month.
My June At A Glance spread. I really like the pink and black line art layout, and this spread works well for me. I was very disappointed with the bleed of the ink in the first banner though 😦 My fault. I got impatient and didn’t wait for the marker to dry. Lessons learned. (Personal information has been redacted.)
My Jne Gratitude and Habbit Tracker. I like this gratitude log and have used it for two months now and will probably keep it for a while. The habbit tracker is new for me. I tried it when I first started BuJo-ing and fell off the wagon, so I’m attempting it again.
My Sleep and Important Dates trackers. Not really anything fancy, just something to help me keep track.
I keep some regular collections in the front part of my journal and I migrate them every time I switch journals, though, I’ve only done that twice so far. The end of June will see me migrating again as I’ve run out of room! YIKES!
Here are some of the collections I’ll be migrating forward: 
My master grocery list. Not that I am fortunate enough to have all of those items on hand at the same time, but it gives me a good starting point!
My Future Log – I keep track of all the major and weird holidays throughout the year. Its sort of a hobby of mine – weirld holidays that is.
My birthday tracker! By the time I move it to the new journal, I’ll have a new Grandson’s birthdate to add 😀
My Social Media Cheat Sheet! I use this almost every day because I have a hard time remembering image sizes and though I can look it up online, I’d rather just be able to turn a page and find what I’m looking for.
This is my mood tracker. I tried it last month and though I fell off using it about midway, I’m going to try it again. If it doesn’t work for me this month then I’ll find a new way to track in the coming journal. I like the flower though as I have tried to draw a Mood Mandala and it looks more like a mood madhouse.
So, that’s my June Set-up, pretty much. My dailies are a very simple, two per page layout and I just use a very easy bullet system to track my tasks, events, and reminders.
The Daily Spread
I also use it to track the weather and the moon phases because those effect my health.
Here are some other images from my past set-ups. I’d love to see yours too! 
My May Opening Page
My May focus word
Be sure to come back Thursday to find out about my new venture! Want a hint?
Sorry, this is all the hint your getting for now!
A Peak Inside My BuJo (And where I’ve been lately) May was a crazy month with a capital "C". It started out so strong and by month's end had fizzled to a slow drip in income and my desire to even turn on the computer or open my Bullet Journal.
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sodulynoted · 7 years
My New Venture - Divine Inspiration
My New Venture – Divine Inspiration
Do you believe in divine inspiration? I do, and my new venture was inspired by that still, small voice inside of me that tells me I need to do this, even when it doesn’t fit my current model and mode of business. 
All last week, every time I closed my eyes or tried to write or do anything even remotely connected to work, I kept hearing this little voice in my head that said: “There’s something…
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sodulynoted · 7 years
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not”. Dr. Seuss
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sodulynoted · 7 years
Weekly Roundup May 19, 2017
Weekly Roundup May 19, 2017
The Weekly Roundup is our list of favorites in several categories including blog posts, Pinterest Boards, YouTube Channels, Productivity tools and more! Subscribe now and get our top five direct to your inbox every week.
This Week’s Top Five Blogs To Read: 
I read tons of blogs each week, and I find so many that are helpful in a number of ways. This is the roundup of my top five blog posts to…
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sodulynoted · 7 years
Online Marketing Stratagems That Are Essential in 2017
Online Marketing Stratagems That Are Essential in 2017
Online marketing has imposed a big impact on both larger and smaller organizations. In fact, it is actually wiping out the traditional marketing through its approach.
The Concept
The concept of online marketing is relative and varies from organization to organization depending on their amplitude, work culture & capital. With a lot of techniques that belong to different categories, online…
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sodulynoted · 7 years
I will never say the things that I want to say to you. I know the damage it would do. I love you more than I hate my loneliness and pain.
Henry Rollins, Solipsist (via thelovejournals)
Love me some #HenryRollins #RollinsBand #BlackFlag #Liar #FaveSongs 
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sodulynoted · 7 years
You've Got 10 Seconds
You’ve Got 10 Seconds
10 seconds doesn’t seem like a very long time. Truthfully, it isn’t. Blink and it’s gone. In the world of business, especially in today’s digital marketplace, 10 seconds is the amount of time you have to make a great first impression and draw your potential clients and customers in. 10 seconds. That’s it.
When the internet first started, everything was text – from…
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sodulynoted · 7 years
Free Printable - Tim Fargo Quote
Free Printable – Tim Fargo Quote
I am a self-confessed quote junkie. I get so much inspiration and motivation from the quotes I collect, whether they are on Pinterest, or in my Bullet Journal. This quote, by author and angel investor, Tim Fargo, really speaks volumes to me. So much so in fact, that I turned it into a 5 X 7 Print to hang in my office when we build our Tiny House. 
If you’d like to print this image and quote,…
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sodulynoted · 7 years
Tumblr media
8 Purple Toned Photo-realistic Embroidered Butterfly Clip Arts in my Etsy shop!
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sodulynoted · 7 years
A Bit of Digital Spring Cleaning
A Bit of Digital Spring Cleaning
Digital spring cleaning is a somewhat new concept only practiced since the advent of the personal computer. Spring cleaning is an age-old ritual performed in cultures the world around. Every year when the days grow longer and warmer, thousands of household break out the mops, brooms, and trash bags and set to work de-cluttering and refreshing their homes.  
This is how I do my own digital spring…
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sodulynoted · 7 years
My May 2017 Goals
My May 2017 Goals
Creating goals for my business was what kept me most occupied as I had another bad round of Lyme flares. I put my journals near the bed, plugged in the handy dandy laptop and set to work.
As a business owner, it is crucial that I set both long and short term goals, and develop the action steps I need to take every day, every week, etc, in order to reach those goals. 
These are my May 2017 Goals…
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sodulynoted · 7 years
The "Just Real Stuff" Post
The “Just Real Stuff” Post
No feature images. No “pin this please” images. No worries about readability or SEO. This is just a bare bones, for real post about something that’s been weighing so heavily on my mind for about 10 days. Are we killing our creativity for the sake of productivity? 
Are we killing our creativity for the sake of productivity? 
Last week, just as I was celebrating getting my 850th follower on Twitter…
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sodulynoted · 7 years
The Truth About Your Calling With Seth Godin & Marie Forleo - YouTube
The Truth About Your Calling With Seth Godin & Marie Forleo – YouTube
When I have days that I feel completely defeated and unproductive, I go back to the basics and seek out the advice of the influencers I most admire. Seth is the TOP of my “Top 10” for working advice. This video is amazing.
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sodulynoted · 7 years
What Is A Tribe and Why You Should Find Yours
What Is A Tribe and Why You Should Find Yours
Share to Pinterest? Let me know so I can follow your board!
“Find Your Tribe!” There are blog posts, articles, user groups and even courses devoted to “finding your tribe”. What is a “tribe”, and why is it important for you to find them? Are they lost? Are you lost?
Let’s clear a few things up:
TRIBE is not a new concept. It is, however, a new way of saying “Likeminded people”, “followers” and…
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sodulynoted · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhSb4h-PQtM)
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sodulynoted · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AGGF4P72tM) As someone who lives every day with Neurological Lyme, I am asking that you share this film and join us for May Lyme Awareness Month. We are all at risk.
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sodulynoted · 7 years
Top 5 Wordpress Plugins I Can't Live Without
Top 5 WordPress Plugins I Can’t Live Without
WordPress + Plugins = Blogging superpowers!
Growing from a nice blogging platform, WordPress, created by Automattic, is now the most powerful CMS (Content Management System) in the world. Not only is WordPress used by countless thousands of everyday bloggers, but the platform is also used by corporate giants such as The Chicago Sun-Times, The Dole Company, and Disney, to name a few.
I’ve been…
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