studythisstudythat · 6 years
Sometimes midwifery is overwhelming to think about.
Before you, a whole new person, with 10 fingers and 10 toes, and a head of new hair and bright eyes and helpless cries.
And a whole new mother, glowing with pride at the result of her hard work, and a new father, gazing down at the impossible creation of their love.
And if you meet these new parents in 3 years time, they’ll have a toddler. In 5, a child at school. In 15, a teenager. In 30, they could be grandparents.
And sure, this new person could grow to be the person to cure cancer or solve world hunger or land on Mars. Maybe they will do all kinds of wonderful things. But maybe, just maybe, the miracle of it all is to catch a glimpse of a photo a year later, or to meet them in the street next summer, and see a family. To see the baby you saw first, the person you guided into the brightness of the world with gentle hands, and to see happiness. To see love.
Maybe that is the greatest reward after all.
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
“It is ironic that feminism has not more strongly aligned itself with midwifery, especially since reproductive self-determination is central to the feminist vision. Truly,what could be more feminist than the practice of midwifery?”
— Elizabeth Davis Heart & Hands
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
videos to watch if you need motivation
 here’s a vlogtober from 2016
a 15 hour study with me
a Christmas study with me
I’ll show you how valuable Elle Woods can be! Scene
how to stay motivated to revise for exams
university busy week vlog
another study with me!!!
watch this if you’ve been rejected by your dream school/job (particularly oxbridge, but applicable to anything really) -> you can skip the interview experience if you want
how to get organised and motivated
studying for the duration of a cup of tea
how to get stuff done
note-taking tips
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
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🌜day 2/100 of productivity🌛
Chemistry is such an interesting but, challenging subject. Here is just me copying up some neat notes from class today. It’s lowkey the bane of my life ngl but, I also love it #lovehate
I’m SO ready for the weekend though, I’ve got a wedding which is gonna be so beautiful 💞
Btw for anyone interested I do OCR A a-level chemistry
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
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🌜Days of productivity: 1/100 🌛
Second day of year 13 and Im already ready to drop out. If I hear another person mention personal statements, EPQs or IRPs I am gonna screammmmm.
So that’s how my life is going.... how’s everyone else? 💞
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
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Free Study Planning Printable Pages!
Here are several worksheets to help you better plan, prepare and complete your studies! The page of 10 pages includes daily, weekly and monthly study planners, pages to help track and monitor your studies, and sheets to evaluate how that studying is going. The download links are below:
Monday start set download link
Sunday start set download link
Here are examples and instructions on how to use each page.
You can see other free printables here :-) The ‘Priority Break Down’ sheet is inspired and explained here. 
I hope you enjoy using and customising these printables! If you upload a photo featuring it, I’d love to see. Please tag me on Tumblr with #emmastudies or on Instagram with @emmastudiess. You can see other people using my printables by visiting the #esprintables tag on my blog! Please remember, these printables are for personal use only and should not be redistributed as your own.
If you want to find more organisational printables and support me, please check out my Etsy shop with lots of downloads dedicated to students. You can use ‘student10′ to get 10% off any purchase! :-)
Other posts | Printables | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Etsy Shop | Ko-fi
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
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Another 50 ways to practice self care
Professional Zen garden for self care practicing: https://www.amazon.com/ICNBUYS-Japanese-Censers-Pushing-Diameter/dp/B01II9PHI4
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
7 Things to Quit
1. Getting your self esteem from others.
2. Constantly attacking and putting yourself down.
3. Thinking that others are better than you.
4. Expecting things to not turn out well.
5. Living in the past.
6. Fearing the future.
7. Being afraid of change.
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
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I’m having a bit of a freak out about what I want to do at uni and with my life so I just keep reading cute positive quotes and watching HTGAWM to stop me having a meltdown :)) Did get all my homework and some extra Spanish work done so not too shabby 🌞6/100 days of productivity🌞
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
how to be a better you in 2018
use a planner / bullet journal: it will make you more productive to write things down
have a journal: a five year journal, an art journal, a sappy write down all your feelings journal, a dream journal, really anything that you think will help you. reading through old journals is honestly one of the best things you can do
do yoga or meditation: i’m a generally stressed person, as i’m sure most juniors in high school are, and doing yoga makes me so relaxed. everyone should try it!
keep up with basic tasks: cleaning your room, brushing your teeth, showering, making your bed, drinking water, smiling. it sounds simple and easy, but when school and life gets stressful it’s import for your health to keep up with these basic tasks
read: books, graphic novels, poetry, fanfiction, self help books, read whatever makes you happy. reading 1) is good to destress, and 2) builds your vocabulary, improves your focus, your grammar, and has a bunch of other make you a good student benfits
save money: I feel like this is something that is undervalued for high school students. most people our age don’t need to worry about money, or really have a concept of it, but it is important to build a healthy relationship with money while you’re young. Set small goals like putting $20 in a savings account each month ($240 in a year!). Set larger goals like saving 50% of all the money you receive, whether that be from a paycheck, as gifts, allowance, or however else you get money. Set goals like putting X amount into a savings account this year (like 200,1000, whatever you think will be doable, but personally i like the monthly ones more) saving money now will help you be a slightly less broke college student/ young adult one day. also i highly highly suggest looking into getting a job- it was honestly the best thing i’ve done this year. (masterpost)
have at least one technology free day: everyone is so wrapped up in technology and it is important tot take a break, both for your physical health and mind.
sleeeeeeeep: everyone can use a little more sleep. i suggest trying to wake up and go to sleep around the same time everyday (with some exceptions like you can break the routine sometimes and it’s okay). it makes you feel good!!! and then you’ll be less tired in the morning
accept your failures: this sounds kind of a little harsh, but bear with me. No one is good at everything, everyone has been disappointed by a grade, everyone has failed/ been disappointed by something they have done. It’s important to accept it. acknowledge the outcome was not ideal, but don’t beat yourself up about it. it’s okay to fail. it’s okay to be disappointed. it’s okay, and if it doesn’t feel okay right now, it will feel okay soon. believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. 
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
Reblog if you’re a studyblr!
I used to follow like 1k blogs and now I’m only following 350 so PLEASE reblog this if you are a studyblr and I will check you out!
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
types of students: times of day
2am: neon lights, big dreams, phone notifications on, life plans in a journal, random burst of productivity, quiet unless with friends, poetry, working hard for something and achieving it
6am: studying with friends, pastel aesthetic, empty coffee shops, plant pots, expensive highlighters, bullet journaling, english class, finishing assignments on time, croissants
9am: motivational speeches, coffee supply that could last a year, full face of make-up, political science, perfectionism, trying your very best at everything, studying all days, hard work, ap classes
1pm: drinking tea, healthy snacks, study group, procrastination, scrolling studyblr, cute pajamas, easy a’s, philosophical conversations, getting distracted, lots of motivation, a bit lost, undecided major
3pm: after-school activities, one specific dream college, appreciating the aesthetic, reaching your goals, student council president, becoming friends with teachers, smiling in the hardest of times, studyspo pictures
7pm: messy handwriting, doodles on the paper, always looking your best, bold lipstick, scattered ideas, dark skies, tumblr in class, always the first to apologize after an argument, sweet voice, good heart
12pm: physical textbooks, libraries, campus marble walls, slow burn romance, reminiscing of what could have been, cries over bad grades, old soul, vintage
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
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Feels so good to get my notes completed on the first biology module🎉 now it’s time for a well deserved Netflix and ice cream session!!
If any of you were wondering I do the OCR A A-level biology specification and these are my module 2 notes
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
!!UK Studyblrs!!
Can UK studyblrs who are doing A-Levels and GCSE’s reblog this so I can follow youuuuu. Cheers!
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
If you’re a studyblr then reblog this and follow everyone else who reblogs this.
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studythisstudythat · 6 years
Helllooo and welcome to my brand spanking new studyblr!!!
Well this is exciting...
I’ve never done one of these before but I have an intense love for pens, timelapses and well learning I suppose so I thought why not?
My name is Alice, I’m the living stereotype of a British person I love tea biscuits and cats. I’m currently dying studying Biology, chemistry and Spanish at a-level and I’m an aspiring lawyer so any other aspiring lawyers hmu ;)
Only one last thing to say...
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