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esther-dot · 4 months
Hi Esther, I hope you are free of your MCU marathon (but enjoyed time with your nephew).
One of the ideas I've been toying with this morning is that the reason Jonsa is Like That in the show is because it's free(r) of sexualisation. That ask from another anon about incest being morally reprehensible because it is the ostensible place girls and women should be free from the encroachment of sexual harassment/sexualisation made me wonder if the reason so many of us oscillated with Jonsa in the show because a) it was, genuinely, the only dynamic set up in any way that had emotional catharsis and relief without power dynamics until S7/S8 (even then Jon entrusts his power to Sansa); up until this point Sansa had nobody she could be honest with - this is conveyed by Sophie's acting alone, and b) the writers, the misogynists they are (the show is really a travesty for me but let's not go there), wrote Jonsa as a more loving and equal dynamic because they couldn't objectify her as a love interest. If I were to go into examples here, let's just focus on the reunion: it is completely and totally earnest and rewarded relief for both characters, and both perspectives are emphasised. We are usually shut out of the woman's in a male-driven romance.
Objectification is the problem in male-driven romance and really shows through with Jon/D/aenerys and I don't think it's just an issue of chemistry. There is something structurally deeper there that's wrong, and they failed to write it as a Gothic romance (which I think they sortttt of went for with Dragonstone and the tone of the relationship) and as an enemies-to-lovers dynamic (aka riffing off the 'hate to love' romcom expectations, less so any true tension as actual political enemies). The fans who enjoy JD in the show are really attracted to this element and it's no coincidence that this is the predominant archetype in romance genre fiction (and it's no coincidence JD attracted normies hgdjhgfi).
So I wondered if we picked up on the romantic elements in Jonsa... because it's not the misogynistic male view of romance. Which is kind of ironically counter to what that ask was trying to say - but I think this is actually argument for why women can be attracted to the motif in literature, the romance genre, fanfic, etc. because it is where there should be freedom from objectified sexualisation, and by virtue that is attractive, because the characters can meet each other with vulnerability and the female character can expect she should be safe with him (and the forbidden love is attractive lmao). This is only really possible with same-age/non-intergenerational incest and whilst I do think the incest motif in Victorian literature is not necessarily down to these elements, I do think there is a persisting reason on both sides (male writer side and female audience side, in this instance) that this dynamic might have attracted us? Obviously they're more aware of the incest motif in GOT, and probably teased parallels to other incestuous relationships for a reason, but is there the possibility they didn't even really know what they were doing?
This is with the hypothesis in mind that Jonsa either doesn't happen in the books or GRRM, for whatever reason, held that card to his chest, or they discarded the idea altogether.
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts, because whilst I do feel Jonsa is Romantic in the show, I think it's potentially more to my sensibilities. No way did I ever expect D&D to write a compassionate, mutual romance lol.
P.S. to address the refutation - 'Then why does Kit Harrington look at his sister like that' - I don't know what was going through that man's mind. I am not familiar enough with his oeuvre to say one way or another - in terms of comparing his romantic acting choices - but I would still potentially write that off as the reasons I've described here. Women's view of romance in fiction is often quite different to men's. (I am not prescribing gender here, just speaking generally, and speaking to specific traditions between men and women's spaces).
(related to this ask)
I’m fascinated by this message. Yours is the first, “they didn’t mean it to be romantic” take that I’ve heard and found believable.
it was, genuinely, the only dynamic set up in any way that had emotional catharsis and relief without power dynamics until S7/S8
Dude, even at the end of s8, other than the Lannisters, it was the relationship that escaped with any dignity. It still blows my mind that they didn't allow Jon and Arya any bonding time in s8, and that their last scene is Jon telling Arya to come visit, and her basically being like, "thanks but no thanks bro" with the audience getting the distinct impression, this is the last time they'll see each other which is actually what D&D wanted to convey based on the script. Mind boggling! I've said before, Jon and Sansa's dynamic and the themes of their relationship carried through the last three seasons in a more coherent, meaningful way than any other relationship. One could argue that's because the actors cared and carried that emotional journey through with their acting, but I think it's in the writing too.
the show is really a travesty for me but let's not go there
I'm a show fan, I still enjoy show verse fics/art/meta, but I understand! I haven't watched an episode since the finale, and I didn't/wont watch HOTD either.
wrote Jonsa as a more loving and equal dynamic because they couldn't objectify her as a love interest.
This has merit because apparently in the script of when Jon met Dany they describe Dany as "cute as a bug" or something, so to them, they did reduce Dany to her beauty, the dynamic to "hot people meet, hot people bang" without regard to the political reality that were meant to be working in (as in, a marriage alliance was something Dany mentioned before coming to Westeros, would have made sense in s7 to resolve their stalemate and was only discussed in s8 because people realized they were interested in each other, but at that point it wouldn't have been beneficial politically??? WTF?) and also without care for the ramifications of what they did to Jon "I will not father a bastard" Snow immediately trying to father a bastard with an invader who blithely talked about letting his family/people die and massacring everyone in KL. I too see genocidal conquerors who don't give a shit if my loved ones die a horrible death and Westeros as a whole is conquered by ice zombies as romantic prospects, but I expected better of Jon! The idea that that registers as "mother of my child" to him might even be considered a red flag as to his mental state.
Obviously they're more aware of the incest motif in GOT, and probably teased parallels to other incestuous relationships for a reason, but is there the possibility they didn't even really know what they were doing?
I think it were it were only the jaime x cersei and jonsa parallels, we could conclude they exist to tell us, "jonsa is the good/non incestuous sibling duo." Or, if it were only braime and jonsa parallels, we could conclude, well this is to show what mutual care and respect can do for people. Or if it were only nedcat and jonsa parallels we might conclude, these exist simply because it will help the North rally to them/to show them as the new heads of House Stark. But,what are they getting at with all three, all romantic pairings? What can possibly be gained from the sam x gilly and jonsa parallels? There's no connection there unless it's romantic, no? Or the robb x talisa and jonsa parallels, why shoot them the same way? Now that I think about it, the recreation of SamGilly scenes with Jonsa may be the most damning, because I can come up with explanations for the others (Robb is KitN, Jon is KitN, maybe they wanted to film them in the same way?), but the SamGilly stuff is just romance tropes they used once and then reused for a sibling duo. The fact that all these other pairings had sex is a little sus. At the very least, it wasn't only accidental actor chemistry. Some of those writing/framing choices show intent.
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts, because whilst I do feel Jonsa is Romantic in the show, I think it's potentially more to my sensibilities. No way did I ever expect D&D to write a compassionate, mutual romance lol.
I'm gonna say something outrageous here, I don't know that D&D are as dumb as most of the people in the fandom claim. A lot of fans blame them for things that I believe are a version of plot points Martin gave them. As in, they were holding him responsible for "destroying" Stannis the same way they hold them responsible for "destroying" Dany, and they were blamed for King Bran too, but all three of those things are gonna happen in the books. What else…they also hated Jaime dying with Cersei. That’s happening in the books too! SO, it's possible that a lot of the crimes we hold them responsible for, were them trying to pull together a story Martin is still expanding, and mow down developments that even in his hands, I'm simply not gonna care for. I mean, maybe we're getting the ideal Jonsa in the books, but it's possible that Jon has more parallels/contrasts to Rhaegar in store for him and that he was meant to agree to a political marriage to Dany although he's in love with a Stark girl (which would tie in with the Jace/Sara stuff), and D&D thought, show Jon simply isn't dark enough, they couldn't do that, so instead they discarded the acknowledged Jonsa romance and the Jonerys political marriage and tried the weird, enemies to lovers/forbidden love thing with Jonerys that made no fucking sense and was universally panned by critics. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I do not know the beats Martin wants to hit, so I bitch about D&D while also trying to give them room for feeling helpless when it came to delivering on what might potentially be, a pretty convoluted wrap up. That doesn't change the fact that they mischaracterized my favs and really fucked up the landing, but before and after s8, Martin has compared it to the adaptation of Gone with the Wind, and I've pointed out before, that's one of the best book to screen translations I've seen. I'm not sure that I've seen a movie that remained as tied to the source material, so that lurks in the back of my mind in a positive and a negative way. Negative, Jon may go through a lot more shit I don't want him to experience. The positive, they understood some significance to the Jon and Sansa relationship even if they never fully clarified the nature of what was happening there.
P.S. to address the refutation - 'Then why does Kit Harrington look at his sister like that' - I don't know what was going through that man's mind. I am not familiar enough with his oeuvre to say one way or another - in terms of comparing his romantic acting choices
I actually did watch several of Kit's movies and some appearances in TV shows after s8 purely for Jonsa reasons. 😂 I wanted to know if he was a very limited actor so he couldn't express different types of love or if his anger/intensity always comes off a little sexual etc. Jonsas have posted comparisons of some of this, I can't find all the gifs now but Kit acts the forehead kiss similarly to how he kisses a romantic lead, he hugged Sansa in the same way he hugs his character's romantic partners in The Eternals and Testament of Youth (his fingers splayed across their backs and dipping his face into their neck). I didn't think he was a great actor, but I also didn't think he was incapable of delivering on the expected emotion. Other fans have said that he had personal issues during filming of the last seasons which explain his acting struggles, but in s7-8, he did just fine in scenes with Sansa, Tormund, Gendry, Tyrion... The only time he was consistently not delivering were Dany scenes, so I don't fully buy that. In fact, the specific look he gives Dany when he declared her his queen is one he uses on the red carpet for pics, (it's def his version of Flynn's "the smolder" lmao) it isn’t one I saw him using in a movie to communicate sincere emotion, love or vulnerability, so I think it's more likely D&D knew Dark Dany/dead Dany was going to be so hated they opted not to pull the trigger on Jon's story. It makes sense to me that they screwed him over in the edit attempting to appease Targ fans and keep them around for HBO's spinoffs.
I'm totally fine with that not working as an explanation for others, it’s an unpopular opinion, but the other factor here is that Sansa was incredibly jealous in s8. Sansa looked at Jon with heart eyes and then walked away in a huff when Jon looked at Dany during the feast (8x04). After that, I did see people who hated Jonsa and even professional reviewers questioning the nature of Sansa's feelings, and yet, nothing came of it. Sophie was always great, her acting was never criticized so what to make of that other then, she was instructed to deliver that performance, I don't know. Makes me wonder what instructions D&D were giving Kit, cuz Cogman was out there after s8 defending them by saying they’re responsible for crafting every performance that we loved. 😐Sansa had clear reasons to dislike/distrust Dany, the jealousy issue was clearly personal and about Jon/his feelings, so, like some of the parallels, this speaks to D&D's intent, not to the actors being bad. Some said it was just another example of D&D's misogyny that Sansa and Dany couldn't get along, obviously, I disagree. Sansa wanted the North's freedom, of course she wasn't going to be fine with giving it up, but there was an entirely different thread through their interactions and in the Jon/Dany scenes which inevitably involved Sansa in s8, all of which was entirely unnecessary unless there was more, something unspoken, there.
If you accept that, there's an awful lot of stuff that suddenly makes sense. That's where I always end up because imo, D&D wanted to do Dark Sansa, they teased it, they didn't do justice to her perspective even when she was right, they were critical of her treatment of Tyrion making him out to be the good guy even though he married a little girl and murdered his gf, and they wrote in their finale script that Jon couldn't forgive Sansa. On their own, would they also write the hero coming to have great respect and trust for her? Would they write her coming to power unprompted? Would they write her having an inexplicable power over Jon? Would they write Jon killing the most popular character to protect her for lolz? I don't think so. I think they were caught between a rock and a hard place and tried to deliver on certain Martin ideas without alienating the entire fanbase. As a lover of characters, I think that was a huge mistake, but judging by the success of HOTD, clearly, their calculations were correct.
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t4tcecilos · 10 months
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tgis is JUST like camp here and there
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folatefangirl · 1 year
22, 23, 24, 25
monroesimons asked:
23, 24, 25 for the rings of power asks!
22. Do you create fan-content for the show? Any headcanons?
*points to incorrect quotes blog* very much so! and uhhh maybe fic. At some point. Not promising anything!
Cracky headcanon that has zero basis in reality and shouldn't be taken as meant to conflict with other people's headcanons: Adar is Maglor. Bc it would be angsty and a li'l fucked up.
Other headcanons (shared by many of my friends so I'm not the originator of all of them): Berek is the best of Elendil's sons, Isildur looks a bit like his mom, Valandil has two moms, Isildur is not a twink, Celeborn is stuck in a cave somewhere, Celeborn clearly must have very good seduction powers to have bagged Galadriel as a Sindarin princeling, Kemen and Eärien are doomed AF, etc etc
23. Your chance to show of a piece of fan content that you really like! (A favorite fanfiction and/or fanart)
@inkwingart's Valandur art, of course! It always deserves more love.
24. If you could ask any of the characters a question; what would that question, be?
25. Any predictions for the next season? Or anything you would like to happen?
Wouldn't say I want all of these to happen bc angst haaaaa
The War/Battle of Eregion, almost definitely.
On that note, Celebrimbor may die if it goes where I think it'll go, but I could see them keeping Charles around for like another season or so to make people more attached so the canonical death hurts more.
I'm betting the 2 episodes of cut content intended for episodes 9 and 10 involved Adar and Sauron so assuming some of that is rolled to S2... Adar is gonna bite it. Sorry, people. But he's a side villain who has jack to do with the rings so I don't see him surviving, you know?
The Southlanders are yet again in danger and BY GOD I hope the little Aronwyn found family isn't killed off. Give them their garden, dammit.
Berek rescues Isildur and I thiiiink he'll be dragged off to the new Southlands settlement with the other Numenoreans instead of to Eregion. But yeah more horse girl Isildur adventures!
Anxiety brain is telling me Isildur can't get out of Mordor without running into either Adar or Sauron and I am NOT looking forward to it tbh. Gah. Angst.
Poor Míriel is forced into marriage. For a double whammy, add Kemen and Eärien also getting married with the latter leaving the beliefs of the Faithful :(
Presumably someone has to rescue little Celeborn who fell down a well.
TROP Ask Meme
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cheddar-baby · 3 months
heres my advice to any followers i have who are young. Don't delete things when you think you've outgrown them or they're cringy. If you make youtube videos just private them don't delete them. Save your files, you can bury them in multiple sub-folders if you think they're cringe now but DON'T DELETE THEM! It doesn't feel like it now but years in the future you will look back fondly at who you were and wish you still had those things.
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canonkiller · 8 months
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but you can't keep holding on like this.
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areyouscaredyet · 1 month
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im not particularly religious but i think it’s very cute that Trans Day of Visibility and Easter are on the same day this year :)
its no question that something like this could be triggering or upsetting to a number of queer ppl given the current sociopolitical climate, so i want everyone to remember that u are loved! Regardless of what u or others believe, there are ppl who will love and support you always. Give yourself patience and treat yourself with care!!!
happy and peaceful TDOV everyone!! And Easter to those who celebrate :D
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pigeonphd · 7 months
btw guys, ublock and youtube have been in an arms race for the past few weeks so circulating filter lists is pretty useless since youtube gets wise to each one in a matter of days. what you should actually do is remove all your custom filters related to youtube and then force update your filter list whenever you see the anti-adblock pop up again
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animusrox · 22 days
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my photos of the total solar eclipse 4.08.24
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esther-dot · 1 year
BNF will dissect each interaction or thought regarding Sansan to look the underneath meaning behind them. Despite writer is much more clear about their role and show how much Hound abused Sansa. BNF has no problem in shipping Willas and Harry with Sansa. Even when Willas never appear in books or met Sansa. And Harry appear in only one chapter in TWOW still people are expecting him to be Lord of Vale. Yet thinking that Jon and Sansa could be potential couple they feel it's crackship or people shipping them are delusional. Sansa being home safe and queen is absurd to them.
It is very, very amusing which ships are considered canon or noncanon by the fandom, and how, to them, certain things like say, verbal abuse, threats of violence, attempted rape, aren't an issue for a potential romantic relationship, but cousin marriage (in a story in which cousin marriage is unremarkable) is forbidden.
I think perhaps the problem is, we have read the story so differently, we look at the relationships / potential relationships in incompatible ways. For Jonsas, we look at this quote:
Sansa stared hard at his ugly face, remembering how he had thrown down her father for Ser Ilyn to behead, wishing she could hurt him, wishing that some hero would throw him down and cut off his head. But a voice inside her whispered, There are no heroes, and she remembered what Lord Petyr had said to her, here in this very hall. "Life is not a song, sweetling," he'd told her. "You may learn that one day to your sorrow." In life, the monsters win, she told herself, and now it was the Hound's voice she heard, a cold rasp, metal on stone. "Save yourself some pain, girl, and give him what he wants." (AGOT, Sansa VI)
and we think Sansa's story isn't that she should listen to the men who abuse and molest her. We think, that despite the horrors she faces, her belief in knights and heroes is already being validated by Jon and Brienne, that it is only a matter of time before her despair, "no one will ever marry me for love" will be answered by someone who does love her.
That conclusion means that men who marry her to rise to power, men who molest her, insult her, attempt to rape her, men who want her to give in and give up, that they can't be the canon romantic pairing Martin has for her, because for one of them to be, is contrary to the story he is writing. The monsters will not win.
Some of us ship Jonsa for funzies and don’t think it was ever going to be canon (books or show), but for others of us, Jonsa is meant to happen to allow Martin to end the sentence he began in AGOT.
There are heroes, there are true knights, Sansa will be loved.
Jon beheaded Slynt, Brienne exists, we've have reason to be optimistic!
As for the rest of it, there are Sansa fans and Jonsas who don't think she will be queen, but calling people delusional for believing she will end up in Winterfell when we have a prophecy about her ending LF there...I don't see the point in denying it. Most of us would be thrilled with KitN Rickon, so you can’t even argue her being queen is wishful thinking on our part. It isn’t necessarily anyone’s dream ending, it’s just the ending some of us think Martin is heading towards. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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bloodanddiscoballs · 16 days
The thing about the r slur is that people who are using it again are indeed using it as a slur. This isn't a word that is being reclaimed. This is a word that is once again being used 100% as a slur. You're being a bigot if you're using it against others. Straight up. There isn't another argument to be made. Knock it tf off.
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folatefangirl · 1 year
TROP Ask meme 9 and 19?
9. What is your favorite scene?
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Obviously the one scene that made science nerd me and book nerd me flip my everloving shit! I'm still not over it! 10/10 use of CGI budget, I fucking approve!
19. Is there a dynamic or a story arc you would have liked to see explored in more detail? Any character you would have liked to get more screen time?
Aronwyn, always! I was very sad Episode 7 was the end of their content for the season. I wanted mooooore, I want them haaaaaappy! No one destroy the adorable blended family that slowburned its way prior to episode 1 or I will be desolate!
TROP Ask Meme
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hurristuff · 9 months
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For this Disability Pride Month, I saw a post that was shittybad and it made me angry. So have this
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exilley · 4 months
I do sort of wish western anime fans would analyze anime and manga from a framework of japanese historical and cultural context. Specifically a lot of works from the 90s being influenced by the general aimlessness and ennui that a lot of people were experiencing due to the burst in the bubble economy and the national trauma caused by the sarin terrorist attack. I think in interacting with media that’s not local to our sociocultural/sociopolitical sphere it’s easy to forget that it’s influenced and shaped by the same kinds of factors that influence media within our own cultural dome and there ends up being this baseline misalignment of perception between the causative elements of a narrative and viewer interpretation of those elements. It’s a form of death of the author that i think, in some measure, hinders our ability to fully understand/come to terms with creator intent and the full scope of a work’s merits
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eldritchsquared · 6 months
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thefirsthogokage · 11 months
If you're in an area that is suffering from wildfire polluted air, I just saw this on Twitter:
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Here's a site I found that can tell you how to make these:
Edit: There have been some extra pointers (about open sources of water in the home, and I believe some other things) in the reblogs, so I highly recommend taking a look at the notes of this post!
Also: Cloth masks are NOT sufficient. Use KN95s or N95s!
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