lianhuajing · 2 days
this college au isn't getting out of my head so here y'all go, some headcanons
despite being the first in the world at age 15 LXY still ended up with crippling self-worth issues and imposter syndrome.. makes me think he'd be a burnt out fgli (first-generation low-income) student at a rich school.. university au (this has nothing to do at all with my experiences as a fgli student at an ivy league school lmaoo)
of course FDB is a shoo in legacy student and at first LLH is is incredibly annoyed bc FDB is clearly a rich kid who got in with his parents money
the name i picked for FDB is 择信 ("zéxìn" or "to choose faith"). his dad's name is 则仕 ("zéshì" literally "officer" the author is laugh at us so that zé didn't work, i picked another one to better fit my intention. same sound though.)
he's still called duobing as a nickname bc he was a sickly child, but fang zexin is what appears on official documents and his student id. of course his mom and his aunt still call him "xiaobao" and later on so does LLH
FDB abuses his "xiaohua" priviledges and when he extra wants something he'll pull out "xiaohua'er"
just them warming up to each other to deal with school stress. think of all the shenanigans!! i feel like 3am on a school campus is when you feel like you can do anything super well, even make empanadas when you've never made empanadas before (did i do this freshman year? yes.)
bonus: LXY has a phd in bio-med and is a famous researcher, but he's getting a herbology? nursing? (still deciding tbh) degree as LLH and passing it off as his first undergrad. he made a small fortune from his first go around so he can afford it, but i feel like he donated most of it and/or gave it to QMS + QP + SGD
yes i made LXY a genius progidy med student who got into college at 15 and wrangled a phd + patent at age 18. he's literally every asian parent's golden child wet dream. no wonder he disappeared and changed his name and only resurfaced 10 years later.
FDB is of course an engineering and business student (dual degree, our xiaobao is a champ) and he buys all the school swag cuz he has the spirit
bonus bonus: fdb is a professional college fencer lmaoo. do they have professional college martial arts?
bonus bonus li'er is a part of the family staff but the fang/he family pays handsomely so she's kinda uppity. she doesn't understand why her young master is hanging out with someone 1) obviously older and 2) obviously poorer
FDB of course falls in love at first sight bc LLH happens to be the most drop dead gorgeous person he's ever seen and reminds him vaguely of the researcher that helped with the cure to his childhood illness. surely there's no connection right..
FDB is 20 when he starts college bc he took a two year break to do an internship at his mother's company. it looks great on his resume and conveniently works well so i can line up canon ages
FDB finds out LLH is living in a van and immediately tries to move him into his dorm (freshman year). of course that doesn't work out, but i think around sophmore year, once they've started dating, he would've whittled down LLH enough for him to agree to live together in a house off-campus. LLH tries several times to convince the 20yo that he can do better than some old man who's just starting his undergrad at age 28 (my man breathes lies). FDB is literally signing their lease as he speaks.
bonus bonus bonus (and my fave): LLH makes those terrible tiktok recipes that never work but he keeps trying and the first couple of times FDB actually tries pretending that LLH's cooking is fantastic
bonus x4: DFS went to trade school and owns a handyman service (he makes bank doing it) and the jinyuan alliance is his crew of fixers. FDB is convinced DFS is a mob boss because LLH is always calling him Di 老大 (lǎo dà) when he comes around to fix LLH's rundown van. DFS gives LLH the i'm in love with u family discount but he'll never admit to it. the two of them have known each other since grade school.
bonus x5: DFS and LXY both did the same martial arts extracircular and were known rivals (affectionate) in those circles. they were constantly swapping between placing 1st and 2nd in tournaments.
bonus x5 extra bonus just for me: at one point LXY did call DFS "gege" before he grew out of it / they drifted a part. obvs they reconcillated bc LLH needed a van guy and DFS under all those scowls does care for LXY a lot.
bonus x6: LLH and JLQ absolutely know they are cousins (just bc it's hilarious for me if they do). they don't talk about it but JLQ hates him for "stealing" DFS's attention since their naptime days. he's her cousin timmy. LLH doesn't even know that he's seduced the love of her life, he's just vibing. DFS tries to explain to her that he's gay and has never been interested in women, but she doesn't believe in homosexuals exactly like in canon lmaoo
bonus x7: SGD and LXY were both in an orphanage before they got adopted by qi mushan and qin po. SGD protected LXY like an older brother, but got more bitter and jealous as LXY clearly displayed genius level academic excellence and as a by product got more attention (more care into selecting schools, more time dedicated to LXY's extracirculars, more time spent driving LXY to conferences and stuff as his research gained more traction)
can you imagine the pressure little xiangyi would've been put under to excel, and to excel bc he got this chance when all the other kids at the orphanage didn't? qi mushan and qin po weren't exacty rich, i imagine he must've felt so stressed being bombarded with scholarships and whatnot while his brother steadily closed himself off from xiangyi
nothing just imposter syndrome going off the charts when rumors started going around that a mistake in LXY's research cost someone their life. that no one should've trusted a teenager to be that smart. that some orphan kid just wanted attention and should've never been given a chance. it breaks him.
unintential pressure from qi mushan, qin po and SGD. why was he protected / saved / chosen if not to make their lives easier and to make them proud with his achivements. he's carrying his made-up expectations of their expectations and SGD's expectations
something something my dad was drunk one night and came on campus and told me i was the hope of our entire family bc i was the first to get into a good school and i could make something of myself. i was 18 at the time, same age as when LXY during his famous battle, and i just. feel some type of way. like. the man was carrying the expectations of the entire jianghu on his back. how was he not gonna be overwhelmed and break down?
bc this is a modern au i can make LXY go to therapy :) it takes a few years for him to be convinced to go (he is asian after all LOL), but he does go eventually and it helps him get the will to start again. FDB knows and actively encourages and praises LLH for taking care of himself.
LLH still carries the same self-hatred he has for his younger self bc he thinks his arrogance caused a mistake in his research and ended up causing ppl to die. he's working on it, okay, it's gonna take time
i'll end this with some crack: FDB accidentally hears DFS call LLH "xiangyi" and proceeds to give him an entire speech abt deadnames and such. it's bc he's seen LLH react to being called "xiangyi" before (come on, this guy was a prodigy and he's back at uni, some of the professors are bound to recognize him) and it's never pretty. he ends by saying "it's not like lianhua is running away from the law, he's not doing anything wrong" yes he thinks LLH is trans lmaoo. the entire time, DFS is giving him an incredious look. LXY was in fact running away from the law (or at least the press lmaoo). LLH is just standing there with an amused look on his face like "my xiaobao is a little confused, but he's got the spirit"
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ganondoodle · 7 months
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did another rough concept for faron for my comic
design is based on both skyward swords and botws look since they are the same character in my AU, idk if this is the final one; she will show up in chapter 4
basic design, with robe, and one of her being noisy
(comic concept art)
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puppyeared · 1 month
i think the reason why im so drawn to spirit tracks and pkmn scarvi is that having the legendary/princess as a companion rather than a goal that marks the games completion makes me feel satisfied the way i would after helping a friend
my brother always teases me about how I still havent finished botw after almost 7 years bc "id rather be out picking flowers" which i wont say is untrue. and yes i know Zeldas been holding off ganon for 100 years, yes i can get some sort of idea what her relationship with link was like by recalling memories and going through her diary. ive always loved botw for its unique storytelling and setting which makes it stand out, because it lets you get to know who you're saving.
but because theyre memories, it only works if theres something for the player to investigate that already happened. its retroactive (but effective nonetheless)
on the other hand, spirit tracks does something similar but instead of having the player try to piece together memories and interpret them as a spectator, you actually have an opportunity to get to know zelda yourself by talking to her and working together. besides making it a gameplay mechanic, giving the player control over how they interact with zelda makes it so much more personable.
and I find that making the goal feel personal instead of an obligation gives me more of a reason to work towards it. I know what kind of person botw zelda was but as the player, shes still very much a stranger to me. but spirit tracks zelda? thats my friend!!!! she invited me to go to the beach after we get her body back!!! i dont want to whip her to make her move faster thats mean :(
you know how hostage negotiators are trained to introduce themselves and get to know the person theyre negotiating with because its harder to hurt someone when you know what their favorite food is? its kinda like that, because it feels like im helping a friend than being told or led to do smth
and although i havent played scarvi myself, i feel an attachment to koraidon and miraidon even just watching playthrough clips because its like!! thats my weird scaly dog!! it loves sandwiches and we're friends!!! you know!!!!!!
#i dont normally write long posts like this but i think ive been trying to put this into words for a long time and it finally happened#my cloth mother spirit tracks zelda and my wire mother lttp zelda#ACTUALLY ANOTHER THING when i was a kid i always felt guilty when i had to catch the legendary at the end of the game#because to me it was like 'i know none of this is real but if i capture you and have you under my thumb am i robbing the world of something#normal thoughts for a 10 year old to have#when i talked to my brother abt this he was like 'i mean yeah the point is to dunk on the NPCs what were you expecting' and i mean i think#i get that its supposed to feel rewarding because the legendary is THE reward. but it doesnt feel right and i dislike he feeling of pushing#others down to get ahead. i guess u can argue sun/moon does smth similar where you have nebby with lillie#but lillie still ends up handing nebby over to the player and i STILL feel bad because im like shit man you raised that little guy#and koraidon/miraidon feels less like a reward but more like overpowered motorcycle lizard that is just so oupydog. and i love him#and in spirit tracks i went out of my way doing some of the side quests bc zelda asked nicely and honestly that was enough for me#i think all of this boils down to.. i feel very protective abt things i care abt so stories that give me a reason to care hits harder#this can also go the other way bc i CRIED when i finished links awakening because i KNEW every person and im responsible for#literally the end of their world. like. there was a family with 5 kids. marin loved singing and cared about me. she was my FRIEND#i just. ugh. i have too many feelings rn. i kinda wanna draw more spirit tracks link and zelda i think that wld make me feel better#yapping#diary#loz#pokemon
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bruciemilf · 1 year
slides into ur inbox as a tim-liker not to start a fight but to genuinely ask if i could gently change ur mind👀👀 bc tim's not that bad if you'd give him a chance (he is very cringe tho
It's not that I don't like him!! But sometimes it just gets exhausting to see "he suffered so much to keep the big bad bat alive" takes like Alfred wasn't right there
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 month
Aang: Kyoshi, why can't you just have fun???? Kyoshi: Last time I "had fun" my entire life was upheaved and sent into a spiral. Which included losing a best friend and a father figure. Aang: No no, like just relax! Take a breather! Kyoshi: Last time I did that my brother died and my girlfriend was kidnapped. All while I was left paralyzed in the streets. Korra: Kyoshi we're going to a party, just enjoy it. Kyoshi: Last time I went to a party, I committed one of the biggest political fumbles in history, a bunch of people got held hostage, and a war almost broke out in the Fire Nation. Aang/Korra: What the hell??? You have like the worst luck. Kyoshi: Tell me about it, sometimes I think I've been cursed by the spirits! Like what did I ever do to them- *looks at Yangchen and Kuruk* Nvm I think I get it now.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 1 year
Mirror monster thoughts wha t do you have
Crawls on the cielinh so I can grab your head and shake out all the thought
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Randy you know better than to give me such freedom... I'm gonna be talking for a whole longass post now because I do have so many thoughts about the Mirror Monster.
The thing about the comic characters in this franchise is that they stick with you once you find out they exist. This is because they are so unique when compared to the rest that it's almost hard to believe they could even co-exist. Less so the Ferryman, with Mirror Monster being an in-between to his "normalcy" and North Wind's complete shattering of the unspoken rules that usually build a LN antagonist. Congrats to your babygirl for being a wildcard I suppose
The Mirror Man Lore Dump
As discussed previously, the canonicity of Mirror Man is up to debate: however, because of his presence as a jack-in-the-box in VLN, we'll assume he still exists (or has existed) in the universe.
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Considering all other rooms have some semblance of imagery leading back to the character residing in them, this one probably follows the same principle.
Taking into account what Mirror Man does, it becomes clear that the paper planes are meant to rappresent his victims. Frail and easy to maneuver, they easily fall into his trap. What's interesting to note is the fact that those who end up falling over on the other side are not crumpled or ruined: they seem to be stored somewhere. Intact, but still trapped on the other side.
It's also important to note that the net doesn't necessarely move or do anything to attract its preys: it stands still, awaiting, knowing that someone will eventually come and get stuck. There are a few exceptions, such as the planes that ended up flying in other directions, and even a piece of paper who, in spite of being stranded away from its place, is not folded as a paper plane. This may rappresent those people who come in contact with the Mirror Monster but have no interest in what he has to offer - such as the Humpback Girl.
(Funnily enough, this is not the first time people are rappresented as pieces of paper in the jack-in-the-boxes rooms. There would be another very enlightening room that follows the same principle --)
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(-- But I digress.)
With a Nome standing on the pile of paper, I believe it may not be a stretch to assume that Mirror Man, like many others, would primarily target children. They're easy prey for a reason. However, it's clear that he may not necessarely have limitations considering... the Lady ordeal... though she still doesn't seem to fit the (hypothetic) criteria to be considered part of his hunting grounds.
Going back to the room before moving onward: after combining my braincells to the ones of the peeps in the Box server, we figured out that the piece of machinery in the room could be an old boat engine.
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They do share some similarities, but we haven't been able to figure it out for certain... so we'll leave it at that.
However I will say that Mirror Man's fit here greatly resembles the one the man in this painting is wearing, along with the pose being the exact same.
This always struck me as odd because his design in the comic has a completely different colour palette, as you can see on the picture on the right, so I'm wondering if the comics got his coloring wrong somehow... or if they simply changed it overtime.
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Here's two pictures for comparison.
Moving on to his comic appearences, Mirror Man is implied to be regarded as some sort of an urban legend in the Humback Girl's hometown -- unlike the previous issue's antagonist, the North Wind, who is instead said to be more of a malevolent spirit. You could say the Mirror Man is... a boogie man of sorts. It is also worth mentioning that none of the children in the Humpback's girl group seem to know who the Mirror Man is before entering the building - only that the place itself is dangerous.
(Thinking about it now, this creates a very interesting parallel with Thin Man as he also operates in a near identical way. Mh. Moving on.)
As mentioned earlier, the Mirror Man waits for his prey to wander in. He doesn't make his presence known immediately, choosing to wait until his victims are instead relaxed and content with their new appearence. He's able to give them what they want and does so only to catch them by surprise afterwards. Cruel.
His powers are tied to the ability of changing people's outward appearences - be it in a way they like or dislike. This happens respectively to the friends of the Humpback Girl, and to the girl herself after she looks into the shattered mirror.
A plausible theory regarding his origin is that he was summoned by the arrival of Humpback Girl, and while I think that is a possibility, I don,'t necessarely think that's the case. I believe that, because her only wish was to leave - something that has nothing to do with what's in the Mirror Man's power capabilities - she was able to see him coming before the others. You can see him lurk behind her shoulder, preparing to attack -- but then he moves quickly behind a different mirror.
I do think her shift in appearence was his direct doing, because it only happens after she looks at the shards of the mirror.
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This is what has me believe that Mirror Man did not perish here and simply moved (forcibly?) to another mirror, with Humpback's girl transformation being his petty farewell.
(Diverting from the original point a second, I find it especially cruel how the entire Humpback Girl's situation was nearly a set up if you think about the story's progression. She starts off as being ridiculed and called a coward by her peers, she proves her bravery by fighting to save them only to have this backfire horribly as the others abandon her there. It's terribly upsetting.)
Canonical Mirror Man lore unfortunately ends here... and it genuinely saddens me that such an interesting concept for a character was never brought back again for something. He, the Ferryman and the North Wind were truly done a disservice. I want them back.
Now, when it comes to hypothesis... you know I am a huge enjoyer of the Mirror Man/Lady enemyship. I have many thoughts on the two of them, but because it's something purely hypothetical backed up by nearly nothing, I will not be expanding on it as of now.
Thank you a lot for the ask :]
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batcavescolony · 2 months
S2 E1 Supernatural
Now this is a good season return, this would have been devastating in 06. Dean almost died, the reaper saw him scared of her real form took another to make him feel safe and able to move on. This really shows that not all Supernatural is evil some are here for a job, like this reaper. Sam and John don't have Dean to mediate so they just fight. John sells his soul and the gun to the yellow eyed demon to save Dean, then before he goes he says bye to the boys and they don't know how to take it. He want him and Sam to not fight and he said sorry to Dean for making him grow up too fast. Oh and John saying that when Dean was a kid he'd comfort John and take care of Sam! 💔 guys ahhhhh. Just such a good episode.
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tallbluelady · 9 months
Who hogs the blankets?
Aoife. On the rare occasions that Emet-Selch actually sleep in the same bed as her for the night, Aoife will hog all the pillows and blankets on the bed. I'm laughing at the idea that he magically snaps her into a blanket burrito and it's the best night of sleep either of them get while in the relationship.
Thanks for the ask!
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sunstar121 · 2 years
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got invited to join a new dnd party the other day and I immediately had to sketch up my character :3!!!!!! meet calder fisker they're a thembo disaster being exploited by a fake kraken xoxoxo
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kthulu278 · 2 years
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also went a little bit insane with eclipse stuff. have a divinity form design + a pair of stupid outfits ft. her
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steampunk-raven · 1 month
oh fuck I just realized how hilariously plural coded one of my main dnd characters is
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not-souleaterpost · 2 months
Spirited away Spoilers
Level 99 media literacy is understanding that Chichiro knew that her parents werent among the pigs at the end, not because some memorisation or trick or whatever, but because her charachter development from whinny brat into self confident hardworking brat made her realise her parents were never "pigs" (in the prejorative sense)
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moonshinemarionette · 6 months
still not 100% set on gene being a earth spirit i mean i could revive elsie and have her be the earth spirit again and gene could. omg. pirate genevieve. PIRATE GENEVIEVE......
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gasstationclown · 1 year
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so i finished soj
[i have a lot of thoughts. i am sparing you right now]
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headpatslut · 2 years
Every season is a blessing Every year is but a curse Suffering is never-ending So is love and joy and hurt
A wreath of poppies is my crown Ever since in spring I fell Regrettably, I drenched my gown Fetching water at the well
My love admired my needlework Yet now she looks at it in pain Perplexed, I wipe her tears away
They keep on flowing, I'm concerned There were no white streaks in her hair This morning, when I left her there - Dee
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evilminji · 4 months
You know how in Percy Jackson? Athena just Vibes so hard with someone she makes a baby appear?
I think that would be hilarious.
"Hi, remember me? Yeah, we fought that World Ending Threat together. Shared Witty One Liners. You were hilarious and VERY Heroic, so was I, it was awesome. And, uhh... *awkward cough* It's a Concept?" *jazz hands*
"....I'm pregnant."
Like? Full on Lunch Box, gonna pop out of his body already a toddler, "I'm technically just carrying around a second core and the only physical sign it's happening is I am SUPER hungry and Hella tired", Super Heroics Weirdness Baby? A literal love child with Justice(tm).
But also one of the Bats.
Look, no one GAVE HIM the "you are a Protective Spirit, you gotta be careful who you Protect People With, lest you Vibe too hard and CREATE LIFE" talk! He didn't know that was A THING!
And he's not even mad? Inconvenienced? Yeah. Spooked. Absolutely. But, like? He already HAS a daughter? Dani. And he has literally his entire Rouge Gallery and all his Allies to help raise this lil menace. It's also not like it's gonna HURT. It's just... like someone handed him a chimpanzee and walked off. But worse because it's not a chimpanzee, its A CHILD.
He's kinda still buffering.
So... Now he's here to either set up a Co-parenting thing, threaten you for child support money, or too avenge himself upon you should this be some weird baby-trapping plot. Okay, now, does he or does he NOT... need to burn your house down?
Talk fast.
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @lolottes @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation
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