#“because many people have already chosen a slow song to sing. of course that's great we want to show off their talent-
going to be singing in our school's talent showcase tomorrow!! i'm so so excited, i chose the best song to sing as my final tribute to the school
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For the Singer/Bodyguard AU, can I request that it is Gil’s first time hearing Thena sing in person, and he is just blown away by how good her voice sounds?
He could remember the first time he'd heard her live.
Gil was new to being private security--at least in the music industry. He was used to being part of a security team, but mostly for transportation or to guard museum pieces or money or something. He wasn't used to being the head - and in many cases only - security guard for someone.
But the singer who had hired him apparently wasn't the trusting type. She'd had guards in the past she didn't like and would end up slipping away from them, which only posed a risk to herself and to the label's brand as a result. So they finally let her pick her own security. And she had chosen him.
He didn't know what to expect, of course. He did a quick google search of her when he found out he'd be working for her. He had heard her songs on the radio or in malls before, and he had to admit that she certainly had a nice voice. Her music was a little more slow and maybe sombre for his taste, but it wasn't bad.
Then he met her.
Thena was so different from her public persona. She was beautiful, kind of solitary and reserved. Although she seemed less like the tortured artist type and more like...a woman who just wanted to be left alone.
The more he worked with her, the more he could see that Thena just wanted space. She liked things quiet, liked to take things at a comfortable pace when possible. She didn't like people being in her personal bubble, which was where he came in.
The more he was able to prove he could keep people off her back, the more trusting she became. The more she trusted him, the easier his job was.
The first live event he worked with her, he could tell she was nervous. He wasn't entirely sure why, either; he'd heard her in the studio, he knew she sounded amazing.
"There's always something that can go wrong," she confessed to him when he asked about it. "Sound can fail, my earpiece can short out, I can have a bad day--and then it just exists out there forever."
Thena decidedly did not participate in social media, mostly for the sake of her sanity. And also because she really didn't participate in anything social that wasn't mandatory.
"You'll be great," Gil refuted her pessimism, smiling at his client. Without the stage presence and the gowns and the tall heels, Thena was a lot smaller than she could appear.
She smiled at his encouragement, "I'm afraid I don't pay extra for being sweet."
Gil blushed.
But hearing her live...it was enthralling. He could watch from backstage, and of course there would be multiple angles for him to watch later. But the wind, and the lights, and the hair and makeup they did for her the performance.
He couldn't focus on any of it past her voice. Silken and soft, sometimes low and velvety and other times high and rounded at the edges. She was good, and the lack of studio polishing made it so personal--almost intimate.
He had heard her plenty of times. Not just in the studio for recording, but also just...in their daily lives. She might sing lightly to herself in the office, or hum along with a song while they were driving or being driven somewhere. He'd never told her he thought it sounded nice.
The crowd screamed their admiration, applauding long after she was backstage again. But Thena always looked like she couldn't even hear it. She had an entirely dissatisfied look on her face, snatching up the robe left backstage for her to wrap around her gauzy greek-goddess dress.
Gil came right over to her, creating a little bubble of space for them amidst the chaos of the next performer's preparation. He smiled at her as she started clawing her hair free from all the pins and clips in it. "Why the long face?"
Thena just shrugged, already eager to slip away from it all. "It went...fine."
"Fine?" Gil raised a brow. He had heard the vocalist had a perfectionism problem. Maybe it was part of what kept her wound so tight.
"I suppose I've done worse," she muttered, as if it were being dragged out of her. As if there weren't stands of people screaming her name - or a variation of it, rather - in adulation.
Thena paused in her rushing as Gil put a hand on her shoulder. She looked at him curiously. They had become friendlier as they worked together, certainly, but they hadn't really had any moments like this before.
But Gil made sure she was looking at him--absorbing what he was saying, "you were great, Thena."
It took a second, but it worked. He saw the words sink in. It wasn't hordes of praise from strangers, or words of obligation during interviews or award shows or press. It was just a simple, real compliment, from someone she knew.
Gil's face brightened as a light blush filled Thena's cheeks. She looked down at her hands, muttering out a 'thank you' so soft that if he weren't looking at her lips he wouldn't have known she said anything. He laid his blazer over her shoulders as well, chuckling as it was almost as long on her as the fluffy robe. "Come on, let's get you back into some real clothes."
He didn't mention anything else about the performance, because he knew Thena was eager to put it from her mind. She'd probably ask if they could go through a drivethru on their way home. She had a weakness for fast food after a stressful day.
But as they exited the backstage door, and he held his arm out in front of them to keep people away and keep cameras flashing in her face to a minimum, he couldn't help but smile.
Thena felt free to tuck herself against him, leaning into him with all the trust she had to give.
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years
Lightweight- Dean x Reader
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A/N: I got super carried away with this one, but as I working on my writing challenge last night, I heard this song, and thought Dean was perfect for it. Please listen to the song as you read this. I had this playing on repeat as I wrote it so I feel you need to listen as you read to get the full affect. (Click the word ‘lightweight’ for the song)
Lyrics are in italics.  Masterlist
Song: Lightweight by Demi Lovato 
Warnings: Dean being cute (that’s a whole warning itself) soft!Dean,  tons of fluff, mentions of sexual abuse (if you read carefully) anxiety, lack of sleep, missing someone, loneliness
Word Count: 3,472
The slightest words you said, have all gone to my head, I hear angels sing in your voice.
“Hey sweetheart, I was wondering if you, uh, maybe wanted to go somewhere with me?” Dean had asked you out of the blue.
It took you by surprise because you could never tell what was going on inside his head. He was a closed book, shut off to the world outside of Sam and, on a rare occasion, you. The two of you had been spending a lot of your free time together, a routine that had become normal for you. From the first moment he woke up, you were on his mind. He’d get out of bed, clean the sleep out of his eyes, quickly dress and freshen up, before heading out to the War Room of the Bunker. He would smile to himself when he saw how you were already nose in a book, aiding Sam on research for any upcoming cases. He left you two “nerds” to your findings until he decided you needed a break. He’d come to bother you, like a child wanting you to play with them, and he wouldn’t stop until you agreed to follow him. He would have you help him make breakfast, as music played through the kitchen, and you would dance around as he cooked. He would sing to you, blissfully unaware of the admiration his voice had brought out in you. After breakfast, he would ask you to join him in the Dean cave, for movies and reenactments of his favorite Western movies. Clint Eastwood, always on repeat, his hero, but to you, it was Dean who was the hero. The hours would pass and soon enough, it was time to end the day. This was the routine the two of you followed regularly until he decided to change things up.
“Of course, Dean, I’d go with you anywhere,” you answered him and his heart would swell right there.
He led you to the Impala, where you ventured out to your new “hangout” spot for the day. Dean had chosen a place very significant to him. This place, an area not easy to find by just anyone, was a short walk, through trees and behind rocks. In the opening, where you two would spend the day, a small but magnificent waterfall laid, adding a soothing sound of rushing water, to the already tranquil environment.
“Sometimes, when I need to get away from it all, I come here, to think, mostly.” The fact he brought you here, meant he must’ve trusted you, for no one even knew where this place was normally.
When you pull me close, feelings I've never known, they mean everything and leave me no choice.
Dean brought you out to this top-secret location because he had set up a picnic for you both. A blanket was laid out before you, plates, utensils, wine glasses, and a pizza box, sat on top. He gestured for you to sit next to him, as he grabbed a plate and placed two pizza slices down, handing the plate over to you. You thank him, taking a bite out of one of the slices, sighing happily at the sensation on your tastebuds. Smiling at you, Dean followed suit, gulping down his wine in the process. It was weird to you, you thought he didn’t drink wine, but he had drunk it anyway, a pleased smile never leaving his pink lips. When the food was near gone, he did something you wouldn’t expect him to do. Sitting with his legs bent at the knees, he grabbed your waist, pulling you right into him, between his legs. You smiled, not ever thinking he could be romantic, but here you were, sitting with him, watching the waterfall to the rocks below, fish and ducks swimming about. A feeling you never thought he would bring out in you; closeness. Dean Winchester wasn’t known to let anyone close to him, but he was being so different with you, it all made your head spin.
Light on my heart, light on my feet, light in your eyes, I can't even speak, do you even know how you make me weak?
An idea suddenly came into Dean’s head as he jumps up, you fall to the side at the loss of support.
“What are you doing?” You ask, looking to the known-killer, before you.
“Dance with me,” he said, bowing like a gentleman, and earning a laugh from you. You weren’t laughing at him, but you were laughing at how different he was being when it came to you. He knew you were more sensitive, so he had to protect you. It was only because he cared so much about your well-being, that he found himself behaving, unlike his usual self. He reached his hands out to you and pulled you to your feet, as he chose a song for you to dance to. And it wasn’t your average slow dance. No, this was a dance that you would see professionals do. He always held you close, leading you around the water’s edge. Something about dancing with him, brought light in his eyes, that you hadn’t seen from him before. You felt as though you were flying when he picked you up and spun with you. When he let you go and your dance came to an end, you had to sit; he had made you weak.
I'm a lightweight, better be careful what you say, with every word I'm blown away, you're in control of my heart.
“I had a great time today.” He said as you walked back to the car, hand-in-hand. You took note of the roughness of his palm and fingers, but that gave you a sense of protection.
When you sat in the passenger’s seat beside him, hand never leaving yours, you took that chance to look closer at his hand. You turned it over, palm up to you, and you traced the lines found there. Then your tracing went up the length of each finger, running over the callouses that had formed at the tips and on the middle part. He must’ve used those hands for some horrible things, things you couldn’t fathom, but when they were on you or holding yours, all of that faded away. There was an underlying softness that made its way to the surface when he was with you. Arriving back at the Bunker, he led you to the door of your room. It was cheesy, but he wanted to make this a real date like any other. He loved being around you and wanted to show you a good time tonight, something he didn’t do for himself too often. Unless the plethora of beer and random “chicks” could count as a good time, for anyone other than himself.
“I can’t tell you how long I wanted to do something like that with you, but I was too chicken-shit to do so,” he rubbed the back of his neck, classic Dean, you thought. “But I’m glad I took a chance and decided that you need to be treated like the queen you are,” he said, earning a blush on his cheeks.
I'm a lightweight, easy to fall, easy to break, with every move my whole world shakes, keep me from falling apart.
And after a few of these overly-romantic dates he would come up with, you felt yourself falling for him, and falling fast. In your past, similar to him, you had your heart broken so many times. You too didn’t let people in right away, but everything changed with Dean. He took the time to listen to you, to earn your trust, and wouldn’t push you into anything you weren’t comfortable with yet. But when you finally felt completely safe with him and he wanted to kiss you, you let it happen, and it was exactly what you imagined it would be like. It was soft and slow, all the longing and the built-up feelings you had accumulated for one another, was released in this one kiss. It wasn’t needy and it certainly didn’t make you think it would end with you in his bed, something you were afraid of. Because of the way you had been treated with men in the past when it came to sex, they were either too aggressive, too hard, and never listened when you told them to stop. All of these fears had clouded your head, but Dean reminded you that you were the one in control of this relationship. It was up to you when you would do anything remotely close to sex, and that mattered more to you than he probably would’ve guessed. He had become an anchor for you, and you to him, keeping one another from falling apart. With each other, anything this life would throw at you was now bearable.
Make a promise, please, you'll always be in reach, just in case I need, you there when I call.
Hunts were a different ball game now that you had crossed that line with Dean. No more, were you just the concerned friend, who usually stayed behind to call in aid when needed or to provide additional research. Now, you were the girlfriend to the eldest of the two brothers; a reason for him to come home safe. Goodbyes with him were longer and more intimate now. Laying beside him on his bed, nuzzled into his side, head on his chest and listening to the erratic rhythm of his heart, he ran his fingers along the length of your spine, cherishing this moment, before he absolutely had to leave you. Leaving you, was never easy in the beginning, but now, it was a battle for him mentally. He argued with himself to stay or go, but he ultimately knew he had a duty to himself, his father, his mother, and his younger brother, to get out there and protect what his family had built all those years ago. Without getting up, he twisted himself over to his side, so he could see your face, and he’d plant soft kisses along the crevasses of your eyes, trailing up to the top of your nose, up to your forehead, back down your nose and cheeks, until he landed back on your lips. It was moments like this, that he would hold close to him, until he got to come home, and could do this over again.
When it had grown late in the evening, and you had known they were going to be gone at least until the next day, worry had taken over your thought. Panic and the worse-case scenarios, playing out in your mind when you tried to sleep. Dean had left a sweatshirt behind, that smelled like him, for you to sleep with, but it refused to work for you. You fought over the reasons why you shouldn’t pick up the phone and call, not wanting to disturb his sleep or keep him from any research he may have been doing, but you knew, he wouldn’t mind. So, you sat up, wrapped in his hoodie, and selected his name in your contacts. Only one ring went through and soon, he was on the other end.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He asked, knowing full well why you were calling him at three in the morning.
“I haven’t been able to sleep and I just miss you,” you admit, feeling silly for being so attached to him.
“Do you have my sweater?” He asked and you nodded, although he couldn’t see it.
“I do but it’s not working. I just want you home,” you had begun to cry but quickly tried not to worry Dean.
“Baby, I can’t come home right now, it wouldn’t be safe, but I promise you, I am right here and I’ll keep my phone on and next to me, until you fall asleep again, okay?” He suggested and you agreed that might help.
“Now, I want you to listen to me. I want you to lay back down, grab my pillow from my room, and hold onto that,” and you did as he asked.
“Good, now I want you to lay the phone down close to you, and I want you to turn your video-chat option on. I need to see my girl,” he says, and you hit the camera button. Instantly, his face appeared on your phone, a smile awaiting you.
“There she is,” he said, looking to you. You noticed he was in bed too, the light from his phone illuminating his face in his darkened surroundings.
“I love you so much, baby. I promise I’ll be home soon. Hang in there for me, okay? I can’t wait to be right there next to you and attack you with kisses,” he added the last part, as a means to put you at ease, and it had.
“I love you, too,” you said, and laid the phone beside you. Soon enough, after staring at him on the opposite side of your phone, you had fallen asleep, listening to him breathe.
This is all so new, seems too good to be true, could this really be, a safe place to fall?
Your relationship with Dean was none like you had ever experienced before, this you already knew, but as time went on, and the more you fell in love with him, it seemed too good to be true. Most things had been in your life so why was this any different? How could you comfortably fall when, at any given time, he could leave you, just like the others? When you brought this to his attention, he was alarmed that you had doubted his true intentions with you. He had a rather less than perfect love-life himself, but he took the chance to let himself fall in love again, no matter how slow he had to take things, or how much he wanted to be in control. He had been hurt before too, several dozen times, but nothing like you had been.
“Sweetheart, I love you, and you know me, I don’t say those words to just anyone. I’m sorry you feel this might be too good to be true, or that I could leave you at any minute, but I want to assure you, that is the last thing I want to do. You have become my world now, my number one reason for doing anything now. It’s not just about me and Sammy anymore; you’re in this equation now. And if I think any decision isn’t the best for you too, I won’t do it. I consider you for everything I do. I’ve never been this into someone before, so this is new for me too, but I hope we can work together, and make this something really special,” he had told you and you believed, he was being sincere, something that Dean was very serious about. So, you had kissed him, harder and with more passion, that any of your previous kisses, because this one was significant, more-so than you were expecting from someone who had previously laughed at “chick-flicks.” He insisted that you would be living out a chick-flick movie because he knew how much they meant to you.
Drowned in your love, it's almost all too much, handle with care, say you'll be there.
With being this intimate with someone, some of the ugly sides of people, are bound to come out. There was one monster, you weren’t sure how Dean would handle it. But you knew it was going to rear its ugly head at some point, as all monsters do, so you figured to just be honest with him.
“Dean?” You ask, searching the Bunker for your boyfriend. The longer it took to find him, the harder this was going to be for you to admit.
“Hey, babe,” he says, popping up from the couch.
“Holy shit, don’t do that!” You fake scold him.
“Sorry baby, I was napping and heard you call, so when I guessed you were close enough, I just thought ‘why not surprise her?’ He asked, innocent in his intentions.
“Because she will kill you,” you say, only half kidding.
“Alright, m’sorry, will you forgive me?” He asked, attempting Sam’s puppy dog eyes, and failing.
“Yeah, only Sam can make good puppy dog eyes,” you joke.
“Ugh, I know! I don’t know how he does it!” Dean says, frustrated as to how his younger brother seemed to be able to get out of things with just a look.
“Okay Dean, focus,” you say, snapping your boyfriend back to you.
“Oh right, did you want to talk?” He asks, sitting down on the couch he had just woken up from and patting the empty cushion next to him.
“Um, yeah, there’s something you need to know,” you say, occupying the space next to him.
“What’s going on? Are you okay?” He begins to worry when he sees the unknown feeling in your eyes.
“Sort of, but not really. Look, I have to tell you something but I’m afraid of how you’re going to react, so please, just, handle with care, alright?” You ask, eyes searching his and he nods.
“Okay, well, I’ve recently been diagnosed with anxiety. Actually, it was before we ever started going out, but I wanted to tell you. I’ve been trying to hide it from you because I know it can be challenging and you might end up annoyed with me but I really don’t want that to happen and I feel like you should still know, because I really love you and…” you were suddenly interrupted, with a pair of lips sitting on yours. Surprised, you still kissed him, but you weren’t fully into it.
“What was that for?” You ask, looking into those emerald eyes of his.
“I’m glad you told me. I can’t imagine what that’s like for you, but you will never be annoying to me. You’re the best little thing that ever happened to me and I wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. And I say little, because you may feel taller than me, but you’ll always be smaller than me; my little girl, if you will,” you gasp, fake-hurt that your boyfriend would look at you as ‘small’ even though you were only a few inches shorter than he was.
“Look, we have to be completely honest with each other if we want this relationship to work. At least that’s what always seems to be the theme in those chick-flicks we watch all the time and don’t tell Sam I actually watch those now. I’ll never hear the end of it!” He was being super dramatic now.
“So, you aren’t mad?” You ask, bringing the subject back to your anxiety.
“Of course, I’m not mad. I’m disappointed you didn’t want to tell me at first, but I understand why you didn’t. I can be rather unpredictable and most of the time, too. Baby, I just want you to be happy and if that doesn’t always come easily to you, it’s okay. I want you to talk to me, to tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours. Even if it’s not pretty, that’s okay. I’ll be there for you, and no, I won’t sing that. Even when it feels like it’s all too much, you’re my girl; I’m in it for the good and the bad. It’s time for me to keep you from falling apart; forever, baby,” he says, going in for another kiss. Just as any other time, he managed to take your breath away, literally and figuratively. He was more than you ever expected from a hunter of the supernatural, but he was the kind of guy, who only showed this side of him, to you. And you treasured that. He wasn’t like this with anyone else and that was an honor for you. You laid with him, under the covers thrown across the bed, and you looked at him. His eyes were bright; they always seemed to be when they took in you. Small, lightly colored freckles, sprinkled across his cheeks and by his eyes, adding more personality to him. His eyes were starting to crinkle more prominent now, with his age only increasing, and you would tease him about seeing grey in his hair. Yes, Dean Winchester was starting to show the signs of all his battles on his beautiful face, but you loved that about him. He was perfectly imperfect and he was yours. And one day, when he isn’t here anymore, you will remember this look on his face, the look of love, love for you, and the things he said to you, and he would always be etched in your memories, for eternity.
  Tag List: @akshi8278 @deansmyapplepie @thinkinghardhardlythinking @fandom-princess-forevermore @tloveswriting @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @thwiso​ @marvelfansworld​ @to-my-beloved-fandoms-2​ @grace15ella​ @angeredcrow​
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years
So, I have seen reviews on albums done before and I wanted to get my thoughts out somewhere. This little thing came into being because of that!
First off, I would definitely recommend BE for those who are struggling. It is a good source of comfort, for sure, if you are going through a rough time and I can understand how others would love this album as I have already seen. I think the boys put in work for this one and it definitely shows! I’m especially proud of Kook for his directing skills in the MV. It was very well done and I am so glad he seemed to have had a good time doing that as he stated in the Global Press Conference yesterday!
BE is a very interesting album in terms of the styles of the songs with three of the eight being retro-themed (Dynamite, Telepathy and Dis-ease) with the other three being slower and more melancholy (Life Goes On, Blue and Grey and Fly To My Room). Personally, I liked 7 better than this one, but that is just my opinion! I have seen lots of other people on Tumblr commenting their favorite songs off BE amongst other loving praises that I’ve come across and I think that is wonderful.
For me, though, I will say that Life Goes On definitely caught me off guard as I wasn’t expecting that style of song at all. Despite that, the fact that my bias directed this MV was something very unique that I really enjoyed seeing. If words would embody this song, I would choose succor’s solace as the epitome of this track. It is relief rolled into audio and it is such a gift to have a song like this in the hard times that we have been attacked with. It is soft yet firm in its tone and both balance each other very well to coalesce into a very comforting song. 
 This is certainly a song that you’d listen to on the way home from work after a long day or while you’re in the midst of studying, doing schoolwork or even at home working on assignments or tasks for your job. It is also something you’d listen to when you feel like the problems and struggles you face are just too much and need to be reminded that, per the song’s title, life continues on and that we must push forward to enjoy the little things and the big. I liked this track the most, I think. I myself am facing some things in my life right now and the core message of this song resonated deeply with me. To that end, this track is every bit the comfort song they intended it to be and this song, along with Spring Day, sit at the same table for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Fly To My Room’s mellow beat is something that I think would be a great listen at night after the trials and woes of the day and it was interesting to see sope/vmin in the same track and how those two subunits meshed together to create something entirely new and unseen before.
Blue and Grey... this one sounded familiar to me and it took me all but two seconds to realize where I had heard it before. This is the same song that Taehyung teased in Bon Voyage when he was sitting in the canoe out on the lake. The song sounded so very different in this rendition and I was very surprised to see this song in the album when I had originally thought it would be in Tae’s mixtape! 
This is definitely a song you listen to in the rain and when the sun has been masked by the clouds in the sky. It is also a song you’d listen to once the sun has set and you walk outside just to have some fresh air and reminisce either about the past or to think on the stresses of your present. I think this track has the power to ease both and that is a powerful thing, indeed.
Telepathy I really liked! I think the upbeat form of this one definitely was a nice break from the slow beat of the first three songs on the album and, because this one is BTS’s love letter to ARMY, I think that is a very special thing that we as their fans should cherish in their thought towards us during the times that have befallen us and taken from us (and them) their ability to see us beyond a screen. I think the flow of the song is perfect and the flux of the voices of the members works very well for the positive energy they are trying to instill in it. From beginning of this song, when I heard it, I knew I was going to like it. It had a starry, celestial vibe to it and for some reason, when I hear it, I think of shooting stars that fly through the night sky. 
True to that image, this is a song you’d listen to when you’re with friends to recall the bonds you make with those closest to you (and those farthest from you) no matter where in the world they are. This is a song you’d also listen to to PARTY PARTY, YEAH! (I’m sorry, but ever since I heard that from Kook, it has been living in my mind rent free) In any case, this is a nice song to uplift you and would also be good to put on after a bad day so that you can look back on all the good things life despite the bad. That message is a very strong one, indeed, so that definitely makes this song a favorited one for me.
As an English major at my university, the title of Dis-ease was interesting as someone that often studies semantics and semiotics in language and literature. It was intriguing to see that they chose to deconstruct the word of disease and split it into its alternative form to convey an entirely new meaning from what one might assume the word means at first glance. While they could have chosen to name the song DISEASE, which is a word associated with sickness, illness or an ailing, afflicted health condition that most link with weakness and feebleness, BTS decided to utilize a play on words and use an older version of the word that now has two different meanings linked with it, I found it fascinating that they named the song what they did, for dis-ease was often used in the past to denote a lack of ease or absence of relief in an individual.
 It was only later that the word was changed once individuals started tagging health related conditions with actual infections or maladies when viruses and mental illnesses began to gain a name for themselves in the colonizing world. Ironically enough, the word dis-ease is now used by medical practitioners in healing environments for individuals that are on the road to eudemonia or betterment of themselves and the word is purposefully used to endow awareness of compromised health on a singular cause or root.
I don’t think I need to explain why that is significant in the scheme of the situation that our world has come to, but I shall say it anyway: this is meaningful in that BTS decides to fight back and combat the negativity that would threaten to swallow them (and those who listen and internalize the lyrics of the song for themselves and thusly feel the message they are trying to give to us) to instead grapple and wrestle with it by loudly bringing attention to it rather than allowing it to silently consume and germinate within them. This, for me, was very empowering to hear and is one of the many reasons why I appreciate this song in particular amongst the lyrics that target and attack the “diseases” that would try to take from us our wellbeing. The track is a battle cry to keep fighting and that, in it of itself, is a very powerful thing that strikes very deep within me. The bridge at the end with Kook and Jimin, by the way… literal EARGASM, MA’AM. Anyway, this is a song that you’d listen to in the morning to get yourself hype for the day. It is something you’d put on in the desire to boost your spirits if they are low and honestly could be listened to in any situation.
Lastly, we have Stay. This subunit of NamKookJin was certainly a pleasant surprise to me! Kook’s involvement in writing this track doesn’t go unnoticed in the emotion that is present in his voice (amongst Joon and Jin, of course), but there’s also something about this song that goes straight for the heartstrings in the pledge of continued loyalty that is subliminal in its subtlety. I adored this song and this track’s EDM style was a wonderful finale of the album in its summation that there are low points in life (as the first few tracks suggest) and that there are high points and life. I think that through this song, the three boys who sang in it were wonderful in their energy that was so vibrant.
 It was wonderful to hear the three of them meld together in a unit that also was unlike what we have heard before. I know the song must have meant a lot to the three of them because Joon is Kook’s role model as he has stated many times and to sing with one’s idol would certainly be a powerful thing, indeed. The fact that Jin was in it too much have had so much meaning for Kook since Jin is like a brother to him and took care of him (and honestly, he still does, let’s be real) when he was younger.
The song’s lyrics themselves reach out to the ARMY that Jungkook said the song was meant for in his, Joon’s and Jin’s efforts to remind us that, as their fans, they hope that we will always remain with them and that they know the times are going to change for the better. I enjoyed this song very much and it would definitely be a song you’d listen to be reminded of the love that BTS has for you and that despite everything, you will always have a place with them even if you feel lost in the world around you. I think a situation you’d put this on would be when you are need just that extra bit of confidence to get you through an anxiety inducing time whether it be a test for school or even a meeting for work.
With all of this in mind, my favorite songs are as follows: Dis-ease, Telepathy, Stay and Life Goes On. It is hard to pick a favorite among those four, but those were my most liked tracks for sure!
Overall, I think the album definitely is one meant to soothe the soul and the boys have succeeded in that without fail. It is clear that the boys worked hard on this and their efforts were not vain! This is an album that I think we all needed to close out a tough year and it took me some to get all my thoughts together, but now that I have listened to the whole album once again, I’m liking it more with each time I hear it. It is always amazing to me how BTS continues to do what no one else does: letting their genuine feelings shine through their music that inspires light in so many. I am proud of each and every one of them and they deserve some hard earned rest after their efforts!
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One Fall
Melizabeth Week Day One: Light/Darkness
He was a creature of darkness. His whole life had been determined by shadows, the dark depths of his home world, the cruel hand of his father, the seeds of death and destruction he had sown. Meliodas had learned to hold a sword and take another creature’s life from the moment he had been able to walk. And for the longest time he had refused to do as little as think about complaining. Changing his ways was an idea so farfetched it could make him laugh; his path was already carved out. Fight on behalf of the Demon King, kill on behalf of the Demon King, wage war on behalf of the Demon King.
A perfect servant of his father.
Meliodas only ascended from the darkness of his home world to bring destruction to those pitiful beings housing in the land of Britannia. He slayed dragons and humans and Goddesses alike, and led the elite of his father, the Ten Commandments, to kill many more. The blood on his hands could never be washed away, it stained his fingers when he dressed in the morning, when he trained with Zeldris in the afternoon, when he placed his head on his pillow for the night.
He was a creature of darkness.
And for a while he had been content with this life.
She was a being of light. Word spread to even the deepest shadows and the most steadfast Demons of the daughter of the Supreme Deity, who was said to be able to purge dragon and Vampire and Demon alike, until they would sing pretty songs of peace and forgiveness. But if she did fight an opponent with full force, she showed her true strength, and beware the poor creature that crossed her path. Bloodstained Ellie – that was how she was known in the Demon Realm.
When Zeldris had first mentioned her and the fear coursing through the ranks of the military, Meliodas had laughed a humorless laugh. What did a single Goddess have to show against the oppressive power of the Demon King? Those who had been lulled by her words had surely never tasted the wrath of the Demon King. Meliodas had. More than once. He remembered what it felt like to become a weak-willed puppet on the strings of his father, he remembered the taste of blood in his mouth when he had been pushed into the dirt after dropping his sword in his first lesson of armed combat.
Betraying the Demon King was the last thing Meliodas would dare. Or so he had thought.
She was a being of light. Since they fought on opposite sides of the great war human historians would later dub the Holy War, it had been only a matter of time until Meliodas crossed path with the woman who filled the hearts of his followers with dread or the illusion of peace – both equally poisonous.
The battle was fought, the skirmish won, and the small human town smoldered under the fires of hell. With nothing but numbness, Meliodas stared at the iron monument depicting a Goddess at the town center, the single reason for why the humans had been sentenced to death. The head of the statue, once proud and a symbol of worship, lay severed in the dust. If only the humans had chosen another icon to guard their town. Their undoing might have been delayed a few weeks. A year if the Demon King had been generous. But when had he ever been?
Meliodas had ordered Galand and Melascula to return to the Demon Realm and report the successful completion of their mission. And for himself, there was only one task to fulfill before he could crawl back into the darkness with more blood on his hands.
I do not tolerate survivors.
Those had been the last words Meliodas had been given by his father when he had been standing at the door of the throne room, ready to take his leave and hopeful to be spared this set of orders. An acerbic taste had climbed his throat then and filled his mouth now as he walked through the burning ruins in search for human survivors. It was a dirty business, but Meliodas always chose to carry out this task himself. He was quick when he snuffed out the life energies of those labelled his enemy. Some of the other Commandments were not.
A whimpering carried to his ears through the crackling of fire, and Meliodas cursed under his breath. The broadsword weighed heavier the closer he came to the source of the sound.
They were so easy to find. Shell-shocked or crying, the four humans cowered in the dirt beneath the remains of a roof, their pale faces devoid of hope as they gazed up to him. But before Meliodas could raise his sword, he was knocked into the dust by blinding light.
He jumped to his feet with a backflip and shook off the pesky agony of the Goddess magic. Compared to the hits of his father, this attack had been a gentle breeze. With a growl, Meliodas met the eyes of his next adversary.
Without having crossed paths with her, he knew in an instant who he was faced with, and the grip around the hilt of his sword tightened. Her eyes shone with determination and the symbol of the Goddess Clan amidst a pool of gold, and the last remains of a magic spell still danced around her fingertips. There was only one Goddess apart from the Archangels who could catch him off guard as she had.
But he wasn’t given a chance to inspect her further as the next orb of light swooshed past his ear, missing it by an inch. Meliodas dropped his defensive pose, angry with himself for allowing his adversary to strike twice unpunished, and charged at Bloodstained Ellie. Better now before she would be able to twist his head with those hopes and lies he had buried when he had been old enough to hold a sword. Darkness spread from his fingertips to envelop his sword, but instead of flesh, Meliodas struck light.
The accursed Goddess deflected his attack with a magic barrier and shifted out of the way to strike with her other hand. Meliodas squinted to avoid the brightness and manifested his wings. He kicked from the ground to gain the upper hand, but she was already above him, white-feathered wings beating against the smoke screens.
They pivoted into the sky in a strange, violent dance where one misstep equaled death. Meliodas dealt out blow for blow, but his adversary was always one step ahead of him, evaded his hits and retaliated with an attack twice as forceful. White and black, light and darkness crashed between them, and the longer she held her own – no, she was already prevailing – the more respect Meliodas begrudgingly held for this woman.
No one had even dared to test him like this.
His thoughts were captivated by the curves of her body for only a second, but that was enough. The brightness of Purge hit him square in the chest, burned the outer layers of his skin, stole the link to his magic powers, sent him tumbling to the ground miles below. A fall from this height meant death, no matter the resilience of his Demon body.
Meliodas couldn’t reach for the darkness to keep himself suspended in the air.
He kept falling.
The air rushed past him, pressed the life out of his lungs. And like an idiotic child who had seen the embodiment of beauty for the first time, he kept thinking about these perfect curves as he plummeted into his undoing.
The darkness didn’t answer his calls. But the light did.
Just as Meliodas thought he should feel the ground break his spine in a matter of seconds, a hand grabbed his and slowed his fall with a jolt that nearly dislocated his shoulder. Stupid and unable to comprehend, Meliodas stared at the soft features, hardened from exertion not spite, of the woman who tried to kill him a moment ago. Her slim fingers around his let something flow through his flesh and bones and muscles Meliodas failed to identify. A strange feeling, but pleasant in a way. Warm.
The way sunlight felt on his skin.
Meliodas hit the ash-covered ground unhurt but too stunned to mind his bruised ego or even scramble to his feet. His adversary, his savior, stood over him with endless grace, her wings flipping in the breeze that caught her long silver strands.
“Why?” Meliodas coughed up.
The question seemed to confuse her. “Didn’t you want to live? Or are Demons never taught what gratitude means?”
A verbal fighter on top. Meliodas grinned without real humor. “Who knows how many of your allies you condemned to death by saving me. All these people who will die by my hands in the next fight. And the next. All because you are to weak-willed to get your hands dirty.”
She ignored his insult. “You’re right. If you die, maybe the war will be over sooner, and more lives will be spared. But the price would be an unnecessary murder, another life added to the list of casualties. I think I can lower the price further than that.”
This had to be the naivest thing Meliodas had ever heard. Was this girl unable to realize that nothing in life came for free? That there were always necessary sacrifices? Those who refused to pay the price would only end up dead or in chains – but she was either too childish or too stubborn to understand. He should strike her down here and now. His father would have ordered him to lay his fingers around her slender neck and squeeze until he had proven her idealistic worldview wrong. Then why did his hands relax at his side when he stood up to meet her at eyelevel?
She was still taller, and her two large sets of wings only added to a stature that commanded respect. “Why do you fight, Meliodas?” she asked.
So she did know who he was, knew how many of her kind he had sent into the afterlife. Her question didn’t make sense in any case. Fighting was his life, he had been raised with a weapon in his hand, and part of him enjoyed the challenge of a good battle, the thrill of victory. Meliodas had been told to fight, so that was what he did – there was nothing else to it.
“Because fighting is the only thing I know,” he said. He hadn’t meant to be this honest, a snarky insult would have been more appropriate. Better fit for the leader of the Ten Commandments. “And because someone else will take my place if I don’t fight. If I play my role, I at least have some control over how the battle is fought.”
The smile she gave him was rich of sickly-sweet compassion – he couldn’t get enough of this poison. “Not the response many would expect from the son of the Demon Lord. I’m glad,” Bloodstained Ellie said. What exactly made her glad, she left unanswered. “You should know that these villagers stand under my protection. Their survival is what I fight for.”
“Don’t worry,” Meliodas said and picked his sword from the ground. The metal had never felt this cold in his hands, when every other fiber of his body burst with the strange sensation of warmth. “I for my part can’t see any villagers around. They must have fled before I got here.”
The villagers crawling out of their hiding spot in the relative calm after the fight proved his words wrong, but Bloodstained Ellie didn’t take notice of them. She studied Meliodas’ face with a fascination he found both endearing and uncomfortable.
“I bet we’ll meet again, Bloodstained Ellie,” Meliodas said and turned to take his leave while his thoughts still functioned somewhat properly.
“My name is Elizabeth,” she said, and the gleam he was met with when he looked over his shoulder filled him with more adoration than anything he had seen in this world. The sun peeking through the clouds had no chance to rival that expression.
“Elizabeth it is then. I hope I get to meet you under more pleasant circumstances the next time around.”
The muscles around Meliodas’ spine tickled as the link to his Demon powers reestablished itself, and he took off into the sky, Elizabeth’s face still on his mind.
She was a being of light.
He was a creature of darkness.
All the laws of nature branded them as mortal enemies, the world had drawn a line in the sand and placed them at different sides of the great war. Meliodas was supposed to despise every word coming out of her mouth, every action she took to defy the Demon King, every inch of her smooth skin. 
But his father be damned, he was already falling for her.
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putschki1969 · 5 years
Hikaru Tsumugu ~ Live Report
Notes: Got a 2-hour train ride ahead of me so I thought I’d use the opportunity to write up a little report. Please note that I was very exhausted during the live so I wasn’t able to pay as much attention as I usually would. Also, I didn’t know 7 out of the 17 performed songs so I had a hard time appreciating them properly. I didn’t cry which kinda surprised me. Maybe I was too tired. Hikaru did get a little teary eyed during the Kalafina section but aside from that, she was mostly happy and excited. Overall I think this live was much more powerful and cheerful in comparison to Hikaru’s birthday event from last year. Maybe that’s why it wasn’t as tearful. Then again, I know quite a lot of people who were sobbing like crazy. Anyways, let’s get this thing started:
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Goods: I didn’t buy much tbh. The pamphlet, the tapioca set, the pen and the badges. The other stuff looked a little cheap if I am being honest. A little disappointed with the quality of the pamphlet. Quite expensive but very thin and it’s made up of some sort of rough paper material. Some pages have ugly printing marks (;_;)
Stage production: Pretty simple I’d say. The musicians were lined up on either side of a small staircase. There were some walls in the back and curtains/fabrics on top. They played the PVs of Hikaru’s songs during each H-el-ical// performance, it was nice to have the lyrics on screen to sing along. and for the other songs they mostly used elaborate lighting.
Hikaru’s look: As you can see from the pictures, she had her hair down for most of the live. It was styled very nicely with big curls. She wore a bold red lipstick. The live started with her wearing the white gown/coat. Pretending to take a drink, she went to her little table and all of a sudden she started stripping XD (it was like the Blue Day “signal” performance). She quickly dropped the coat during her MC before “Fili” and revealed a sexy red dress which was very reminiscent of the old Kalafina days (laces, corset style). After the instrumental she returned with a long blue dress that kinda reminded me of Kalafina’s 9+ONE denim style outfits due to the colour scheme. For her anisong section she surprised us once again by dropping the dress and revealing the sexiest outfit ever!!! Black high waisted leather pants and a black leather bralette. *nosebleed* During the encore she wore a black denim skirt and a long sleeved H-el-ical// shirt. Her hair was up. I wish they would have sold that shirt too since it looked much nicer than the normal t-shirts she was selling. As for shoes, she wore shiny black pumps with white laces. Speaking of laces, laces were definitely the main theme of her outfits that night. The coat, the dresses, her leather outfit and even her pumps had laces everywhere. Guess it all boils down to Tsumugu = Spinning. In her pamphlet you can see all the threads spinning around so I guess she was trying to go for the same vibe regarding her fashion. So glad Hikaru was kind enough to provide pictures of everything!!
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Musicians: Everyone was in such a good mood!!! Gussy (Hikaru’s composer and one of the guitarists) was particularly hyped, he seemed to be really into it. Was a lot of fun to watch them perform.
Overall sound: I think for the most part, the live sounded great. Hikaru was in good shape and sang her songs well. If you don’t like the studio version though you won’t like the live version either. Hikaru pretty much used the same singing style which she used for the recording. The backing vocals were playing in the background to create a little more harmony. I think Hikaru was far more concerned about having fun rather than delivering a technically perfect performance! Hence, she ended up sounding a little off key or frail at times. Nothing that took away from the performance though. With someone as engaging as Hikaru I really don’t mind if the singing is less than flawless. Just seeing her having a blast was making up for any missed notes XD Wasn’t a particularly big fan of her anisong section because I didn’t know the songs and she got quite shouty there but I guess that was on purpose. Apart from some slightly screechy shouts she also did some very powerful shouts!
Random observations: The live was completely sold out! BANZAI!! The goods were also sold out (including the H-el-ical// CD). So happy for Hikaru’s “major debut“. I hope many people will watch the anime so she can have a lot of success as H-el-ical//. As has already been established, Keiko and LiSA were there to support Hikaru. They sat in the first row of the second floor (at the very left). Akihiro Tomita was also there. I think he might have taken up the role of producer. Masayuki Ohashi was also there. He was the one taking the picture of Keiko and LiSA. Then we have Takeshi Kato of course. I am expecting a SPICE live report very soon. When Hikaru did her infamous goods corner she also introduced her CD. Once again she mixed up Kalafina and H-el-ical// when she said that there were eight tracks by Kalafina included (during the SPICE broadcast she also mixed up the two if you can remember). It was super cute. Old habits die hard.
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Amanhecer: Great start for the live, I LOVE this song. She sat on top of the stairs and sang it beautifully. It almost seemed like she was sparkling in her white coat. Like an angel.
Splendore: The pace really picked up here. Hikaru was running around on stage, jumping up and down. It was amazing to see her so happy. You can tell she was born to be a solo performer (something that cannot be said about Wakana XD).
粉雪 (Cover: Remioromen): Didn’t know the song but it was quite beautiful. Hikaru did a great job. Definitely one of the more memorable performances of the night.
WINTER SONG (Cover: Dreams Come True): Another song I didn’t know, unfortunately I didn’t particularly like it. Can’t really remember any details.
Fili:The first unreleased song from the CD. I loved it. Hikaru said it made her think of the earth. Too bad I can’t listen to my CD while I am in Japan.
Avaricia: Probably my second favourite H-el-ical// song. Awesome performance. Her dress was perfect for the more mature and jazz-y vibe of the verses. But of course my favourite part of the song is the chorus!
yolcu: Hands down the best H-el-ical// performance of the night (and my favourite song so far). This is such a good song!! Can’t believe how much I loved it! The way she was pushing her arm in the air, I literally felt power surging through me. Also, damn, Hikaru was so sexy moving to the exotic rhythm in her red dress.
Instrumental: That was kinda all over the place, didn’t really like it. It started with some sort of extension of “yolcu” and then it became very slow with just Hirotaka Sakurada and the violinist. Then the pace suddenly picked up again and everyone was playing. No idea if it was a special song or them just playing random stuff. I didn’t recognise it.
ARIA & blaze & sprinter: The Kalafina section was super special as expected. Hikaru said that she consulted Yuki Kajiura on the matter, about whether or not it would be a good idea to sing Kalafina songs. Everyone agreed that she should sing them if she wanted to, after all, they made these songs together (as long as the songs aren’t released on DVD/BD I am guessing Hikaru is free to sinf as many Kalafina songs as she wants). Only fitting that she should sing them. Also, her live is called “Tsumugu” which means spinning. It’s about the future of H-el-ical// which she is spinning right now but also about everything that has been spun so far and of course that includes Kalafina. It was just Hikaru, Saku-chan and the violinist. They used the acoustic arrangements from past performances. “ARIA” sounded different from her Birthday Event performance though. It was even slower and more dramatic. I LOVED it. Every time I hear a new version of “ARIA” I fall a little more in love with the song and Hikaru. If you have seen that short snippet of “blaze” in the 10th Anniversary Film then you get an idea of what it sounded like. “sprinter” was super emotional. Not as tear-inducing as during the Arena Live or during Hi’s B-Day Event but still, incredibly powerful. I definitely teared up and so did Hikaru!! “ARIA and sprinter” were shortened considerably since Hikaru didn’t sing any Kajiura-go parts. For the most part she also didn’t sing the Wa/Kei lines. I think she sang“blaze” in its entirety though (except for the bridge).
History Maker & Paradise Lost & 青空のナミダ: I have a hard time saying anything about these songs. I knew “History Maker” from the Birthday Event but the other two songs were completely new to me. No idea how the originals sound like but Hikaru certainly knew how to make the songs her own. I just wish she would have chosen songs better suited for her voice. Occasionally her singing sounded quite off. Or maybe I am wrong and the original songs simply sound like that. Most popular anisongs sound quite noisy to my ears. Whenever I am in Akihabara I have to cringe due to the loud not very pleasant sounding music playing in the background (I feel like it’s always something by Ao Eir or LiSA...no idea)...Hikaru was sexy as hell with her leather outfit so I mostly focused on that. Thank God I brought my binoculars. She was really bad-ass during the anime secret so it was a joy to watch.
Existence: I don’t remember anything about this song tbh, except that it had a very rock-ish vibe. I actually thought it was another anisong at first but then I kinda recognised Gussy’s trademark style and concluded that it must be the other unreleased H-el-ical// song. I probably won‘t be relistening to this a lot.
pulsation: Nice powerful ending! Nothing else to say about it.
This is me: I had heard that song before but I couldn’t really place it. Either way, it was a very engaging performance! There are a lot of ooohhh parts in the song, Hikaru would sing one part and the audience would sing the other part. Everyone had a blast!! This was probably the most active song of the night in terms of audience interaction. Otherwise the audience was pretty tame I would say. Everyone remained seated during the entire live.
TSUMUGU: Not as emotional as I had expected, however, the lalala at the end killed me. We didn’t really sing along properly (neither were we asked to) but it was nice to have everyone waving. More teary eyes but no proper tears.
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alltimewhat · 4 years
Favorite Linnell Songs!!!
Hi!! I’m back this time with my favorite Linnell songs list. Once again I apologize in advance for the length of this submission bc same as the first, I had a very hard time narrowing these songs down. Categories are: top tier, bangers, kids (because I enjoy enough kids songs sung by Linnell that I think it deserves its own category fgdhfhgd), and misc. again for the songs I couldn’t quite place so they may fall into multiple categories. Note: the songs I’ve chosen are in no particular order and I don’t have commentary for every song.
Kiss Me, Son Of God - This track…..the vocals, the arrangement, the relevancy. *chef’s kiss* it’s perfect. (I also very much enjoy the alt. version from Miscellaneous T)
The Neck Rolls Aren’t Working - I’m very impressed with the vocals in this song bc this is 59-60 year old Linnell singing this. He’s still so good at belting out in songs. Talk about retaining great lungs.
Last Wave
A Self Called Nowhere 
Microphone - I am in absolute love with this song!!! Something about it pulls at my heartstrings, there’s just a quality to Linnell’s voice here that rly gets to me. I’m in love and it’s a beautiful, underrated song.
Now Is Strange - The Spine Surfs Alone doesn’t have many tracks, but the tracks it does have are strong, especially this one! I think some of Linnell’s best vocals come through here and I continue to be amazed with his lung capacity.
She’s An Angel - Really underappreciated, and I think it should be up there with Don’t Let’s Start in terms of popularity. Great slide guitar from Flans!!
Man It’s So Loud In Here - no thoughts head empty (seriously one of my favorites, if not my number one, from Mink Car. VERY good vibes)
Till My Head Falls Off
You Probably Get That A Lot (elegant too remix) - I was obsessed with the Join Us version of this song when I first heard it. I love when tmbg does electronic stuff so to discover there was a sick electronic remix of a song I already really loved was a blessing tbh!! I just wish there was an instrumental version.
Erase - Favorite line from this song has been and will always be “please don’t call it strangulation, that is such an ugly word.”
Am I Awake - I am so GRATEFUL that we have documented video of the Johns working on this song. It’s interesting to get a glimpse into their production process, and Linnell is rly fucking cute talking about the backwards marxophone.
Spiraling Shape
Metal Detector
Push Back The Hands - A funky banger and one of the first songs I heard from I Like Fun. I’m obsessed with the bass on this track. Favorite line bc it’s just rly catchy and confuses people who don’t actually listen to the words or don’t get that tmbg are like That; “squeeze your eyes shut and scream like a newborn”.
Meet The Elements
Sleepwalkers - Lowkey asmr from Linnell in this song and it gives me much comfort.
Apartment Four - The tiniest bit of falsetto is SO CUTE and I’m proud of him for not straining his entire fucking set of vocal cords for once to get there dfadfhdh. I wish it was longer.
[She Was A] Hotel Detective in the Future
It’s Not My Birthday 
I’ve Got A Match - One of my favorite tracks from Lincoln, I really like this song lyrically. My favorite and most relatable line is; “I’m gonna die if you touch me one more time. well I guess that I’m gonna die not matter what.”
Dead - Another song I really like lyrically. I find it funny that this song describes being reincarnated as a bag of groceries, but it definitely has some serious relatable lyrics; “Now it’s over I’m dead and I haven’t done anything that I want, or I’m still alive and there’s nothing I want to do.”
Hovering Sombrero
Okay I’m going to stop here because I can see this list getting p long and if I try to keep working on it I know I’ll end up going back and forth on my choices and rearranging WAY too much. Of course there are plenty of other songs that could tie with or replace these at any given time. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I’m looking forward to your response!!
-AHH yes just as before this is so excellent!! its funny but i think because linnells songs can be so different and so similar to each other i have more varying opinions on this list than the flans list!!! i will say i agree with most of this but i think my favorite linnell kids song is or so i have read, and i dont personally like dead that much! (its a lil 2 slow for me X(( ) but other than those tiny things i really think this is an excellent list . maybe ill make playlists of these!!!!
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obviouslyelementary · 4 years
It’s about family - chapter 2
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24198928/chapters/58289167
Ships: none, yet ;)
Warnings: none, I believe
Tags: @yuna-dan
Chapter 2 - Cheese and Wine NIght
After talking for some time with Roman, Patton left his class to go home and clean everything before Thomas arrived. At lunch time, he got a message from Thomas saying he really didn't mind Patton going to Logan's house to celebrate the beginning of the school year, and Patton once again thanked the heavens for having such a wonderful kid. He cleaned up the house, prepared everything for dinner, ate some quick sandwiches for lunch and then sat down and relaxed until it was time for Thomas to arrive.
He came home at the same time as the last year, at 5pm. He walked inside and put his bag on the hanger, before turning around and smiling when he saw Patton on the couch. He rushed to him, sitting down and wrapping his hands around his middle, waking up the man who had fallen asleep while watching some house decorating show.
"Oh-oh Thomas!" Patton said happily, pulling him closer and hugging him tight. "Hey kiddo! How was your first day of school?"
"Better than the rest will be I'm sure" Thomas giggled, pressing his face to Patton's chest and then pulling away. "I'm going to take a shower, at what time you're leaving?"
"Seven thirty, more or less. You know dad doesn't like being late for things" Patton said, ruffling his hair, and Thomas groaned before fixing it again.
"Alright, I'll go wash and will come back to fix everything up. Oh also I've already chosen the movies I will watch tonight after you're gone" he giggled, and jumped away, rushing to the stairs and waving. "Be right back dad!"
"I don't want you going to sleep late!" Patton cried out, but Thomas was already running upstairs. He sighed and smiled to himself, looking back at the TV show and watching it, now in a completely different show which he had fallen asleep to. Ugh, he really was getting old.
Thomas came back after half an hour, fixed the dinner table and then sat down next to Patton, putting his legs over the couch and checking on his phone while Patton watched TV, until it was time for dinner. They stayed mostly quiet, and when time for eating came, they let go of what they were doing and sat down to eat some deliciously cooked chicken.
"Daaaaaaaaad this looks so good!" Thomas said, whining softly as he served himself some chicken wings. "Oh my goodness!"
"Only the best for my high school boy! I'm so excited to hear what happened, how it was! Were the classes interesting? And what about your friends?"
"All the same good stuff dad" Thomas said, stuffing a bunch of potatoes in his mouth and humming happily. "All my friends were the same, the subjects barely even started, you know that day where we all pretend like we don't know anything about school and stuff. It was very fun!"
"Oh kiddo that's great!" Patton said, excited for him. "And how was it, having classes with Logan? Were your friends excited?"
"Well, I'm glad Logan didn't treat me any different" Thomas said, honestly, shrugging softly. "But it was nice! He is very enthusiastic, but he really doesn't like people interrupting him. Having classes with him for all three years will be very cool!"
"Yeah, Logan is the best" Patton agreed, nodding and putting a piece of chicken in his mouth. "I hope you always have a great relationship with him, because he will help you with everything you need. And everything your pops here doesn't know. Because I don't know anything about school anymore."
"Come on dad, you know stuff. You always helped me in English classes when I was younger" Thomas said, smiling and poking him gently with his finger. "You're the best dad!"
"No, you are the best, kiddo!" Patton said, before checking his clock and sighing. "I'm already running late. Do you mind if I rush a little?"
"What? No! I want you to have as much fun as you can" Thomas said, smiling and eating some more. "Lets stop talking so you can go and have fun with your friends! Also tell Virgil I'll probably need his help for an assignment at some point this semester."
"Will do kiddo. Now eat slow because you have no hurry, and remember not to go to sleep too late. You have school tomorrow" Patton said, firmly, knowing that if he slacked off Thomas would sleep at four am without realizing it. But Thomas smiled and nodded, and Patton knew he would be careful with his timing.
Patton ate a little bit faster and finished up before Thomas, heading into his bedroom to get ready. He changed into his casual look (polo, cardigan around the neck, high pants) and put on some perfume before grabbing his car keys and wallet and heading off. When he came back downstairs, Thomas was already singing along to Frozen's first song, and waved for Patton as he walked out of the house.
Thomas was such a good kid.
He got inside his car and took off, heading to Logan's, honestly excited to have a gather up with all his best friends. They hadn't done that in a few months, not all of them at least. Logan's house wasn't too far away from his own, only a twenty minute drive, so he went over with a song playing on the radio, something calm and sweet so he would relax and stop worrying so much. He didn't want to think about anything, so he enjoyed the town around him and hummed to the music, even wiggling a bit to pretend like he was dancing.
He eventually arrived at Logan's building, a little closer to the center, and parked his car at the street, heading over to the porch and seeing Virgil's motorbike and Roman's sport's car on the way. He rang the bell and the security guard let him in, as he was a constant visitor, and he made his was through the fancy corridors to the elevator, pressing the button to Logan's floor and waiting.
Once he got there, he headed out, and the door was opened. He could hear voices from inside, but from far away, so he guessed they were all in the kitchen. Before he entered, he felt something on his foot, and looked down to see Data looking up at him, meowing while his tail wiggled high in the air.
"Oh hi Data" Patton whispered, getting the cat in his arms and smiling wide when he started to meow and purr. "I missed you too. Is everyone inside already? Gosh I'm missing a party!"
Patton made his way inside, closing and locking the door behind himself, placing Data on the couch and then heading into the kitchen through the hallway, seeing the living room and dining room on his way. As he came closer, the voices got louder, and he popped his head into the room to see Virgil smirking, leaning against the fridge, while Roman and Logan discussed about something.
"Roman, I am telling you, I did a whole thirty day course on wine, I know which wine agrees with which cheese!"
"Well Logan apparently they didn't teach you anything right, because everyone knows that fondue mixes well with Sauternes and not Viognier!"
"I think it's time for everyone to wine down and pour some fun into this conversation, am I right?" Patton said, smiling, and the three men turned to face him, with Virgil being the only one that didn't groan at his pun.
"Heyo Pat" Virgil said, grabbing his own glass that was already almost empty and handing Patton another full one. "Here. You're gonna have to drink a lot to handle these two tonight."
"How rude Virgil, we are having a polite and honest discussion about wine and cheese, we aren't fighting" Roman said, drinking some from his glass, while Logan rolled his eyes and grabbed the cheese plate he had prepared earlier.
"Lets go to the living room?" he offered, and they all nodded, heading towards the other room to sit on the couches and drink some well deserved wine.
 The talk started slow and kind of awkward, since the four of them hadn't been together for a long time, but eventually they grew more and more comfortable around each other as they usually did, the wine and delicious cheeses also helping in their relaxation, the talk flowing smoothly and quite easily between them. Eventually they began talking about classes, as Logan usually did, and the subject fell over Thomas and his first day of classes.
"Oh he said everything was just fine! I couldn't be more glad. He said he is very excited to have classes with you Lo" Patton said, sipping on his wine, while Logan madethat convinced face of his and nodded.
"I too am excited to finally start to actually teach him new things" he said, and Virgil smirked.
"I'm glad his first day was fine. High school fucking sucks. You should give him a break Lo, give the boy some easy grades."
"You know I absolutely would never. It wouldn't be fair to the other students. I will never treat Thomas any differently" Logan assured, and Patton chuckled.
"Thanks Virg, but I'm sure Thomas will handle himself just fine. He is a very smart kid and he loves learning, so I'm not too worried. I am worried about his friends though. High school can be pretty scary" he said, and Virgil nodded.
"Yeah tell me about it."
"Oh please, Thomas is a kind and fun soul! He will find so many friends your house will be filled with children to play around in" Roman said, smiling widely and finishing his glass, serving himself some more wine. "High school isn't all that bad!"
"I agree. I enjoyed my time at high school and I participated in several activities and studied very hard" Logan said, and Patton sighed softly.
"Yes I know it isn't all bad but... my relationship with school was never easy" he said, and Virgil raised an eyebrow at him.
"Wow, that's some backstory we haven't heard of" he said, nudging Patton, who just chuckled and shrugged lightly.
"And you don't have to. After all, it's all in the past now" he assured, and before anyone said anything, Roman gasped loudly and then put his glass down.
"Oh my god how did I forget?! This night was being so marvelous that the terrible news almost didn't make themselves known!" Roman said, loudly, and both Virgil and Logan looked at him like he was way overexaggerating.
"What is up princey?" Virgil asked, and Roman huffed.
"Don't call me that! And ugh something horrible Virgil... you are going to hate it..." Roman said, covering his eyes dramatically and sighing. "My brother is moving to town!"
"Your... brother?" Logan asked, just as confused as Patton had been before. But the silence extended its welcome, and when Patton looked, Virgil had an expression of surprise and hate that he had never seem him wear before.
"WHAT?!" Virgil yelled, standing up, and Roman winced lightly at it. "Your brother is moving here and you didn't tell me anything?! When?! How?!"
"When is he coming or... when did I find out?" Roman asked, curled up, and Virgil gave him that look that could kill a man. "I found out last Friday and he arrives Thursday... He is throwing a party this Friday and I don't want to... go alone."
"Are you asking me to go with you?" Virgil asked, more than offended, and Roman sighed loudly, watching as the younger man began to pace around Logan's living room. Logan and Patton were at a complete loss. "I can't fucking believe it..."
"Come on Virgil, you know I can't go alone! He will eat me alive like a lion eats a baby deer!" Roman said, whining, and then looking around. "And I invited Patton and Logan too! They are going! Please don't abandon me in this battle!"
"I did not agree to any of this..." Logan tried, but Virgil sighed over his words and turned to Roman.
"It's not a battle Roman, it's fucking suicide! I'm not going! I'm not showing up, I don't want to be close to your brother, ever! You heard me? Ever!"
""Virgil please, let's talk about this!" Roman said, standing up and following Virgil as he headed into the kitchen probably to grab some water. Patton watched them leave and then looked at Logan, who was just frowning to himself.
"Are you attending to the party?" Logan asked, and Patton shrugged with a small nod.
"Yeah... I mean what don't I do for Roman?" he smiled, and the teacher rolled his eyes, even if Patton knew that was a sign that he had just mentally accepted to go too.
They stayed in silence until Roman and Virgil came back, announcing he would go to the party, with several conditions.
"And if he talks to me, I'm leaving. No matter how long we stay in, one 'hi' and I'm out" Virgil said, firmly, and Roman sighed contently.
"You guys are the best."
"Could you... explain to us why your brother is so horrible?" Patton asked, curious and a bit concerned by Virgil's reaction. Roman sighed but Virgil himself chuckled dryly, and turned to face the dad of the group.
"Well Patton, imagine the most disgusting, annoying, rude, inconvenient, bitchy person you have ever met. Then add a little bit of shit, a little bit of rotten corpses, and a pinch of creepiness, and there you go. Roman's brother." He said, so cold and angry that Patton didn't even believe that was Virgil for a second. Then Roman sighed and he turned to him.
"He is... the opposite of me. He is awful... Or at least he was... I haven't talked to him in years" he said, looking down at his hands. Patton furrowed his eyebrows and looked between his friends.
"Well, maybe he has changed? Maybe he is a different person now..."
"He hasn't" Virgil said, with more certainty than he had ever said anything. "A person like him can't and won't change."
"... well I guess it will be a mystery then, since none of you two want to provide Patton and I with a satisfactory explanation for Roman's brother's bad character" Logan said, shrugging and pouring more wine for himself. "Not as if I cared. More wine everyone?"
"Fill it in teach. My night just got a lot worst" Virgil said, grabbing his glass and drinking the wine as if it was juice.
Patton looked at him and then at Roman and hummed to himself, sipping on his wine and eating some more cheese. Well, he would have to wait until Friday to find out what was so wrong about Roman's brother.
He just hoped it wasn't something too bad.
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thewrittenpost · 4 years
Entries of the Past
In our search for information regarding the acts of the Great War, spanning throughout generations, a set of journals was discovered buried on a family farm, just inside our borders. Having received them as a generous donation from the family, our scholars set to work preserving the stories within so they could endure for the future.
Changes have been made, to account for spelling and translating the older language to one more accessible to readers. There were also, regrettably, pages lost due to the journals’ lost time.
~Amelie Louring, Headmistress of the Royal Academy of Ronea
I started writing my thoughts as a way to fill the countless, empty, pointless days. Just a mindless task to keep the dark thoughts from making their way in... as they had for so many ways.
In writing them, I sorted them. Rambling at the beginning -if you’ve read this far, you know that. How my thoughts would jump from my childhood to an old man to a random memory that doesn’t connect at all. But things felt... cleaner, putting them on paper.
And in writing, I found myself a new purpose. Not a grand one; I had no intention of sharing my stories to the masses. But it was my chance, my purpose, to put myself on the page. Not the person the world would see, but the person I truly was. The truth is, the majority of what the world knows about me -about the people I served with- is just... off. Not wrong, but also not true. Watered down, a pretty picture that just barely touches reality.
I am not a learned man. I do not have the words to correct those on the street who see heroes and monsters, and I don’t have the strength to do so anymore. I can’t make speeches, or sing a tale to portray what we went through. This is all I can do, and pray that whoever reads this -if anyone does- takes something away from it.
I have already spoken of my actions during the Great War. How much pain and horror we -all sides- caused in the name of “honor”, serving masters who only cared for their own power. I have made excuses in the past, my ignorance and surety that we were doing right... bringing justice and punishment where it belonged, that we would have prosperity in this unified world we imagined.
I was wrong. And I will not -can not- go into it again. Once was more than enough, and I can’t bear to remember all those who were lost again.
But I have never spoken of the end. The day it all changed. Not to my family, my poor sister and nephews who took me in and bear with an old man’s presence. Not to singers who want new tales to sing, not to any living soul. Not even on paper have I documented that day. I have done everything I could to forget... and I have failed. But I was-
[Pages lost; cause unknown]
-hero. Who could have believed him? He was no warrior no fighter. He fled from conflict, hid from battle and somehow expected respect from those who risked everything? He thought a war spanning generations would end because he claimed it was the goddess’ will?
Even now, it is hard to believe Korith would have chosen him. But that is the way of it, isn’t it? The goddess chooses those who are needed... and the world didn’t need another destroyer.
It needed someone of faith. Something with the strength to grow and rebuild, to break down the walls we built. The world needed him.
And it was kings who tore him down. Who had him torn apart, as an example to those who would leave to the hero’s side, to choose the goddess over their expectations.
I was not involved. I wasn’t. The only thing I saw was anger and blood, but those were not new sights to any of us. Our innocence had been lost long ago. We knew, of course we did, what would be done when the king’s loyal dogs, his famed torturers entered the tent.
But to this day, I will swear I never heard him break. Not a single scream, although it must have been horrible; other confessions exist that would admit the same thing.
I thought it made him a fool then. Why not give them what they want? You won’t be given your life, but at the very least it would give you release. End the horror, and find peace in a quick death instead of the slow.
Now I envy him. My faith, renewed by that day, has never been and never will be as strong. His will, unbroken to the end, is one to strive for... one I can never forget. He carried a belief that if he held on, the world could only be better, even if he weren’t there to see it.
And he had hope, something the rest of us had forgotten. Hope that he shared willingly to the world, and that lives on in every person that has come since. In every survivor, every birth, every change... parts of his vision for the world. If only-
[Words illegible due to water damage]
-a light so blinding, you couldn’t see the person standing next to you? A piercing light that reached the depths of your soul, exposing and burning the dark stains you never wanted anyone to see? To know that all your monsters were there for all to see, and to know all the demons those around you carried?
Would you understand the weight it puts on someone, to bring them all with you through a long life? To bear the weight off all the sins that were exposed in that light?
It scares me, how easily it seems to be ignored. How easy it would have been for me to push it aside, to never mention it. To pretend that memory had failed this old man, to dismiss it all as an old man grasping for some reason behind it all.
I was never a pious man before that day. But having seen the goddess, I know how true it all is. Perhaps not faith, like her hero and so many others have, but an undeniable knowledge of what lies beyond. In her light, I knew what waited for all of us in the dark. Maybe I’ll even welcome it, because there I can hide. Shadows welcome shadows, it is said, but the light... nothing has scared me more than that.
But now I must move on, before my courage fails me. I must speak of the goddess, before I run out of time.
I’m sure there is little I can say that hasn’t already been said. But nothing you’ve heard in the songs can compare... this won’t compare, but at least it will be my truth.
The light faded eventually, just enough for us to see she was there. Like every story we had ever been told, a living storm in the shape no different than a mortal woman... and although all was still like the dead, I could feel an uncontrollable force in the air. There was no doubt: to move was to be struck down. To escape the penetrating light, you had to be swallowed by infinite darkness.
And Korith did not care for our fates either way.
Disdain is too strong of a word. Indifference doesn’t quite fit. I don’t know the word that would match what her gaze felt like... anger over her hero’s fate, but also... nothing. She cared for us soldiers in the way that we cared for rates in our food, or the bugs under our feet.
She could destroy us, and then forget we ever existed. Maybe that’s the fate we deserved, a punishment the world could never pretend away.
Instead, she demanded peace. If we mortals could not be trusted to rule ourselves without destruction, then she would enforce this “truce”... one way or another.
And she would prove it.
I can’t tell you how many more died in those next moments. But protests died before they could finish being voiced; bolts of light turned them to ash before the first words came out. All around the field, regardless of home or rank, they were just... gone, in a blinding hot flash. And in the blowing ash, beasts from legend flew, crystal reflecting their queen’s attacks as a warning to the others. Every side of the war lost, humbled under power we had believed to be legend.
You’ve likely heard of the destruction, in stories or songs. It’s easier to handle that way, prettier and easier to accept. But what lives in my mind? I wish it were the way the songs tell it; perhaps the regrets would have died if it were.
But I remember the suffocating pressure in the air. I remember her terrible beauty, and the painful grace of her destruction... bolts of lightning dancing under her skin to explode in the skies. Not one song can accurately portray how the light we take for granted as good can be as monstrous and terrifying and cruel as the dark.
I would have welcomed the shadows then... as I will shortly. Yes, I can feel my time is coming, that soon I will rejoin my comrades in Thearial’s realm.
The priests say that all souls can be redeemed, if they truly wish it. And I wish I could believe that. How could we be worthy of the peace that would come with it? How could I be worthy of it?
See, when we saw our own sins -and the sins of the others- it became a curse. A curse that made it clear how small and broken and how unfixable she saw us. And a curse to make us see how dark and shattered the world was, not just by our own actions but of everyone else’s, and those of the past. We had been judged, and we were not worthy of peace... it was granted only for the sakes of those who had already been lost.
Many people could not bear it. For too long, in our ‘era of peace’, I heard word of deaths happening one after another. Of people who took their own lives, for their own reasons; I can’t claim to know the regrets and thoughts they carried. But for too long, I wondered if I would also join them. I considered it, but at the end of the day... something always stopped my hand. I would die eventually, but I could not find it in myself to take it into my own hands.
I don’t know why I felt the need to admit that, to admit that while I would welcome Death as a friend, I would never seek him out. Why setting the truth of all my thoughts on paper is so important. It just... was.
I am tired now; I grow tired quickly these days. So I will end this now, in a similar place to where I first started my writing.
I am an old man, heavy with fear and secrets and lies and regrets. I have been a son, a solder, a monster and a coward. In my early years, I followed the world into chaos and let it consume me; in later years, I tried to be a better man, to teach those who pick up our legacies to be better than all who came before.
But at the end of it all, I am merely a man who will accept the darkness coming at last. Who will welcome it with open arms and accept the judgement coming, no matter what.
But I hold a prayer, for you reading this and the world to come. A prayer that you can stand proudly in the light when your day comes, and with Korith’s enforced peace comes to an end... I hope you have learned from our cruelty to stand together, and live in harmony.
When I embark on my final journey, I wish you -the future- all the strength I have left to give.
Best wishes. And may all the blessings of the gods be with you.
[Final Note: The following scrawl was found, a scrap of paper inserted into the back of the final journal. Written in a language thought dead, we at first believed it to be a piece from another’s work. However, handwriting samples have proved it to be the author of the journals, and as such, it was included to keep as complete of a collection as possible.
From darkness to light and returning to shadows, against the terror of this world and the next... hold fast to all the good you will bring. Stand proud with others to banish the monsters and greatness will follow.
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rkkyungsoo · 5 years
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MGA5EP06: Interview Solo
He didn’t know whether it was the live audience, the fact he danced like there was no tomorrow or it was an actually warm night, but either way, Kyungsoo walked into the interview room still sweating. He flicked the fan out, the movement now fluid with practice. For the sake of politeness, he made sure to service the interviewer noonas first before turning the manually generated breeze in his own direction.
Ah, so refreshing.
“That,” he smiled, dark eyes glowing faintly as he gestured towards the door that he had just walked through, recalling the light, the stage and the excited squeals from the audience when they first emerged from the fog. “Was the time of my life.”
What did you think of the results last week?
Same question to start as usual but this time, Kyungsoo found it slightly harder to answer. He put his fan down, expression shifting until it was back to his neutral state. This was a serious topic and he wanted to treat it with an adequate amount of respect.
“Some incredibly talented people left the stage last week, including Jinyoung, who is a really great singer. What shocked me more was the fact Yugyeom left as well. As some of you may remember, Yugyeom was my first duo partner and he taught me every step of the choreo. I feel like the reason I can dance the way I did tonight is largely due to all of the people who helped me along the way. Yugyeom did that, so did Hyunggu and this week of course we have the coaches. I just want to say thank you very much to all of them.” He bowed.
How was it like working with your group?
“I struggled a lot this week.” There was no point in avoiding the topic and he wasn’t the type to run away from his problems. “As mentioned before, I am a naturally shy person and it takes a long time for me to warm up to people. When I was in duos or trios, it was fine but this time we had eight people in the same room. I actually ended up getting anxious and stopped talking for a while.” He paused, recalling that fateful first day in the practice room. “Suwoong is my cousin and while our closeness helped us, it also hurt us in that we are a lot more comfortable arguing. I did end up losing my temper at one point during the practice and I would like to apologize to everyone for that. I don’t have an excuse, it was a case of me not being able to hold back my emotions. I suppose I just wanted to improve and dancing doesn’t come to me as naturally as singing - it took a lot more effort to get to the same level as some of my teammates this week.”
“Once we worked out our differences, I think our group worked really well together. Heejin has a beautiful voice and was named the best singer for a reason. Eric is so young and already incredibly talented and versatile. Hyojin is also a great vocalist with a very kind heart. Suwoong feeds off of energy on the stage and can be magnetic.” He was more or less shamelessly bragging about his team but hey, they were all talented or they wouldn’t still be here. “As for me, I have a lot of...tenacity, I think, and will keep working on things until I get them right. I understand my outburst this week might have disappointed some of you. If my apology is not enough, please accept my promise that I will do better in the future.”
How was it like working with the coaches?
“They all had different personalities. Coach Cheri took care of our vocals while Ella was more dance focused. As debuted idols, they have a lot of experiences to share with us, and for that I am grateful. I spent more time with coach Ella during breaks and she helped me with my dance parts.” That Seolhyun was an attractive woman indeed. Perhaps Kyungsoo did pick the right bias after all, even without knowing anything. Fate’s guidance?
“Coach Won was really cute,” he said. “He was very gentle and full of kind words.” Kyungsoo raised his hand to his hair and gave it a light ruffle. It was a habit that he had and if one was to do a close comparison between his hair this week and last week, they’d realize his hair held more shine now than it did in the past. It was also bouncier. “I asked for the shampoo brand because for Shangri-La, hair was part of the performance. He actually went back home and took a picture of the label for me, it was sweet.”
How do you think you did?
“I think...it was my best performance to date.” The song just fit him in mood, vocal range and energy. “We could have chosen an easier choreo but we decided to challenge ourselves so our dancers would shine as well. With the coaches there to help us, I think we achieved what we wanted and put on a beautiful show for those watching. I think we did well to represent the Royal company image.” He looked down at his hands before adding more. “I hope Youths Over Flowers made So Jiseob proud. We really gave it our all. I really gave it my all.”
“Also, I had fun.” 7 days, countless hours of practice, all for less than four minutes of glory. Worth it.
What did you think of the other performances?
“They were all pretty good. I can see everyone tried hard to give it their all. It was also a good opportunity to learn about the companies and what kind of contestants they were looking for.” For one thing, Kyungsoo had put down TRC as his first choice company previously, but can see from the semi-finals that they were looking for dancers and rappers. Since the song Whiplash was approved by the coaches, it must mean it was a good representation of the company. The song, while catchy, was definitely not Kyungsoo’s style of music. He liked songs that had a good blend of rap and singing with dance choreo but it looked like TRC was not as invested in singers as most of the other companies, which meant he likely had no chance there.
Just...imagine Do Kyungsoo (known for his button down shirts and baby face) with some chains around his neck, jumping around challenging people to dance battles with street swagger. Weird image, right? He thought so too.
“The Whiplash team opened the song very interestingly with a dance battle and I found that very creative and eye catching. I was told that some of the rappers wrote their own lyrics and the choreo was also produced internally by the team. Yeji had one high note, which I thought was a nice touch.” He smiled a little, thinking back to the conversation they had briefly about their songs. “Minho did well too. I...quite like him, actually. He may not look like it but he’s sort of soft inside and treated me well last week.” Maybe it was because Minho used the same sort of cologne as...Kyungsoo’s dad, but he didn’t mind the other’s presence as much as other people. Which was probably why he allowed Minho to use him as exercise weight last week without feeling the urge to sucker punch the guy.
“Lion Heart and I Got a Boy group went for the safe approach, I think, by choosing songs done by the kt senior artists there’s no chance they will misrepresent their company.” He tried to remember the highlights of the performance so he could provide more feedback. “I am not sure I liked how the songs were remixed because...how do I explain it.” Kyungsoo wasn’t a producer and had no experience mixing together songs, so he could only offer his own impression. “It felt like we had multiple introduction parts. Usually the song starts slow and builds up and then ends. With the KT group’s performance, I feel like we had that slow part in the beginning of the song but there was another slow part near the middle of the song, after the dance break. There was a lot of posing, sexy walking and playing with hair during that part, which was very charming but made the performance seem divided.” The hype died, at least for Kyungsoo, died down during that second introduction and had to be built up again.
“The KT group had some of the best singers in this competition and I think if they stayed on Lion Heart longer, they would have had a better opportunity to show off their voices. Dancing wise, I don’t think Jieqiong got to shine on this stage.” She probably had to sacrifice to accommodate the others, it was part of working in a group. It was a shame, however, because after weeks of strong performance, this was the first time Kyungsoo thought Jieqiong faded into the background. “The girl that I noticed the most was Nakyung, she had a lot of energy.” And personality - that one was trouble but hey, this was the entertainment industry and having attitude was better than being bland. “Though Sia had the more technically challenging vocal parts near the end of the song, I actually really enjoyed hearing Yuri.”
“In comparison, the Run team really challenged themselves. I was watching their performance and thinking how hard it must be because that choreo required a lot of energy.” The contestants also had to sing and dance at the same time - there weren’t that many break moments where everyone stood perfectly still to catch their breaths. “That high note was crazy, amazing to see Jackson hitting it. He really is a star and I am glad they brought him back.“
“My trios teammates are both in that group, too.” Why Changbin got put into Nova, Kyungsoo would never know because last time he checked, the guy didn’t like dancing either. Good on him though, they were too young to stop challenging themselves. “Good to hear them rapping again, they both sound great as always. Kenta looked cute even though it’s strange to see him without a smile and he was the one I was watching for the flower petal tossing part.”
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siyeonrk · 5 years
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when she receives the email, she assumes it’s a politely-worded rejection letter ( albeit automated and thus, void of any actual sympathy ). it’s disguised a little like a positive note from the subject line, but siyeon’s received enough strongly worded emails from her parents about her behaviour at boarding school to know that’s how they reel you in — give you a false sense of serenity before hitting you with the hard stuff. so, she doesn’t rush to open it. she’s in the middle of her shift, hands ( and now phone ) covered in flour so she pushes it to the back of her mind and carries on through to the evening, the notification almost forgotten until she gets into the safety of her bedroom at home. 
a text from jeno lights up her screen but she barely reads the message. instead, her eyes are drawn to the box below it, the sender screaming at her loud and clear. mnet global auditions. yes, her rejection email, and so finally, she picks up her phone with little care, sighs as she clicks through to read it. 
congratulations. she thinks it strange to include the word on your final communication with someone, but the further she reads, the more it sinks in that this isn’t a rejection, far from it, actually. by some miracle, she’s through to the next round, one of far too many whittled down to a mere hundred— how had she sneaked her way in? endless wit and charm? potential for spinning a narrative down the line? she can barely believe it. 
so she reads it again, reloads and reloads as if closing the app or restarting her phone will prove to her that it’s just a figment of her imagination, that it isn’t real — that she hasn’t been contacted for a callback. if her phone hadn’t cost so much ( and hold so many memories ) she’d have dropped it straight to the hard floor. 
the next morning, when it’s all finally sunk in somewhat, she re-reads it again with a clear mind. two minutes, prepare a song, dance or rap for judges and the other ninety-nine contestants. for a moment, she feels a little nervous. she’s never sang for a group so large before, her biggest venue being her friend’s family-and-friends-only birthday party in late 2017 of about fifty people. or rather, forty-five that were actually awake by the time she took the microphone. god, who thought inviting their conservative extended family and all their grandparents to an 18th birthday party was a good idea? out of loyalty, she sang the full five songs she promised she would but after the second verse of the first, she was ready to call it a night. 
regardless, she has to do it. if not to be able to say she did, then to prove to herself that she can. her biggest problem is choosing a song. she already knows immediately that she’ll sing. what is the real question, though. for the auditions, she’d chosen something she felt would be entertaining and upbeat enough on a long day, but she doesn’t want to continue doing exactly the same thing. she’s not thinking too much about making herself memorable amongst so many likely far more talented contestants; in all honestly, the probably vital concept completely slips her mind. instead, she’s wondering how she can build upon what she auditioned with, how she can show something a little different without venturing so far out of her comfort zone that she risks it all. she wants to sing something familiar, something soft, without it being just another happy acoustic guitar and piano song. maybe something slow and sensual? an english ballad? 
in the end, spending hours scrolling through songs, she settles on something closer than she’d intended, but still distant enough that she feels that it gives off a different vibe. this time, she should have the chance to show off a little more colour to her voice. there’s a little tame belting, plenty of opportunities for her to adlib. it’s a great version of an otherwise very pop song, too, that she hopes most of the audience aren’t familiar with so it piques their interest when the backing track starts. 
only time will tell, and tell it will, as she spends the next few days practising it endlessly. her coworkers are fed up of her noise in the kitchen, her grandmother even grew tired of her singing wherever she is, whatever she’s doing, that she’d started going out on walks to the convenience store more, despite siyeon’s protests about her health. ( the doctor had said it’d be good for her to get out more, get fresh air and stretch her legs, but siyeon worries. she always worries. ) 
when the time comes, she nervously takes a seat, re-tucking her t-shirt into the waist of her jeans. the belt feels a little tight under all the lights and the pressure of so many eyes scanning by her as each contestant seems to be glancing at their competition. it’s hard not to run over the crowd growing when she knows there’ll be familiar faces amongst them, friends she’s not seen for a while because they’re all so busy with this and even a few ex-idols, too. her curiosity usually gets the better of her, after all. 
the hustle and bustle begins to die down as the next step of the auditioning process begins. now it feels like a tv show, with their elaborate stage and the lights dimming and cameramen whizzing around. she doesn’t know how much of today will make it into the first episode of the show, or how much of their previous round of auditions will either, but it’s a question long forgotten in the back of her mind when they announce the arrival of the judges. she expects it to be a group of known idols, seniors in the industry that are highly respected and regarded for their respective talents, like lc9 and myname members, or that phenomenal vocalist from she’z, but lo and behold, it’s another step up even from them as the ceos saunter in and suddenly siyeon thinks there’s no way I can do this and her palms begin to feel sweaty. 
this is so much pressure, she thinks, so much more than I expected. having to sing for a crowd so large already was enough to shake her a little bit, but she’d gotten over that with time. this, however, is an entirely different ball game— and she’d had no time to prepare for it. maybe if she’d known the ceos would be here, she’d have practised harder, brought something more extravagant to the game. they’ve seen countless talents in their lifetimes, what makes her think they’ll even bat an eyelash at her? 
but she’s here now and she’s worked so hard for it. she’s spent more hours than she has fingers and toes three times over readying herself for this moment — for being called down to sing and to show them what she’s capable of and hopefully, what she could be capable of in their experienced hands. she sucks in a deep breath. she has until she hears her name to centre herself and thankfully, with a hundred contestants, there’s plenty of time to get there. 
( and of course psych herself back out again, and then up again, then out, then up— and so forth. ) 
by the time she is called, she isn’t really sure what she’s feeling. it’s numb, surreal, and she thinks she’s probably going to trip on her way there just to ice that sweet, sweet carrot cake, but soon she’s standing before five of the most influential people in the industry and her palms are sweaty and her feet fidgeting and she’s bowing ninety degrees for a little too long. 
“I’m park siyeon and I’ll be singing fly by jiu.” she barely has time to shuffle her weight about to loosen herself up before the backing track is starting. 
it’s softer, already more subtle than the pop genre original, but siyeon honestly likes both reasonably equally. despite her usual affinity for acoustic tracks, she appreciates the harmonies and positive vibe of the first iteration of the song. after all, it’s a song about self love and that’s always best expressed through a happier beat, she thinks. but this version, the one she starts a few seconds in, comes from a different place. it might not entirely be something that’s overly important to her, to her own growth, but she knows confidence, spreading your wings, believing in yourself— they’re things so many people struggle with and if she can touch anyone with this deeper, more emotional rendition, then she’ll consider it a success. 
she does have to actually make it through the next two minutes first, though. 
invisible 안갯속에 나를 찾아야만 해 yeah 작은 불빛 그 희망은 상상만으로도 you’ll find
for the first verse and pre-chorus, her voice is much more gentle in tone. it’s akin to her audition, a little too breathy in places and a little too powerful in others as she moves into the chorus in due time. when she watches clips of these shows, so many contestants close their eyes, look as if they’re totally submerged in the moment but siyeon smiles, clicks along to the beat with a bit of bounce in her body. she wants to look relaxed, like she’s having fun ( and isn’t, instead, screaming for basically two minutes in her head not to forget the lyrics or mess up; no biggie ). of course, it means she probably looks like she’s trying too hard, but she’d rather appear nervous but trying than too dramatic, than emotionless or dry. delivery is just as important as actual talent, right? or maybe that’s just what she’s telling herself as she fails to see how else she might stand even a fraction of a chance against the other performers she’s seen thus far. 
높은 곳을 향해 손을 뻗어 볼 때 닿을 것만 같은 느낌 바라왔던 날들 가까워진 걸까 저 하늘에 그려져
just spread your wings 저 끝까지 가슴 뛰는 소릴 따라 두 눈을 감고 꿈을 펼쳐봐 you’re a hero, you can fly you can fly, oh, yeah, oh
the belted notes of the chorus are a contrast to what she’d handled in her audition. she doesn’t want to fall flat, so she always ends up putting a little too much gut into them, a little too much effort. on their own, they sound great. on their own, the softer verses sound great. together, her song is a little disjointed, her transitions between each unpolished but the potential is there. she lacks a little of the control they so likely desire, but it shows in her adlibs that she’s capable of it — if only she were to know what she was doing, if only she had someone to guide her along the way. 
though, again, maybe that’s just what she’s telling herself to plough through the worry that she’s already messing everything up. is there a world record for fastest mga audition to go wrong? at least she could stand a chance at that if all else fails. 
단 한 번도 보지 못한 세상이 펼쳐질 거야 구름 위로 날아올라 ‘cause your wings are made to fly
somehow, with the blink of an eye, she’s at the second verse and generously more than half way through her performance. she mellows back down to her quieter tone, though her bright smile doesn’t falter. she can’t let herself slip now; she’s made it this far and she’s determined to make it to the end. she’s no longer nervous about singing for the sheer number of people here, nor the ceos, instead a little elated despite other worries that she’d had the honour at all. after all, she can barely begin to imagine how many people auditioned and yet, here she is, one of the hundred the roster was whittled down to. that has to mean something, right? potential ( as a trainee or just as entertainment on the show, she doesn’t want to think too hard about ) shown, possibly, or even just to help buffer up their favourites for the show ( by comparison, she’s sure they’d look much more impressive ) but whatever it is, she’s here and she intends to savour every moment of it. 
due to the layering of the original, there’s a lot that’s missed in this subdued, single vocalist version. for that reason, she has to skip the first half of the opening line of the pre-chorus this time around, her voice projecting clearly with the run from the end of the verse. she’d practised it especially hard, recording herself to see how it sounded. she’d wanted them to think she’s professional, serious about this— isn’t fancy vocal tricks the way to do that? thankfully, she’s not able to overdo it, so it’s still quite tame as she executes a pretty adlib or two throughout. she wishes she could sing right through to the very last beat, show them how sweet her voice is in the slightly higher bridge, but her time is coming to an end. 
손을 뻗어 볼 때 닿을 것만 같은 느낌 바라왔던 날들 가까워진 걸까 저 하늘에 그려져
it’s not the most natural finish to a performance, but she does her best to fade out as the instrumental behind her does the same. the harsh cuts of her audition song had put her off, so she’d asked for help this time making sure she wouldn’t be remembered for making ninety-nine contestants and the five ceos jump out their seats at the sudden melody. 
when she’s done, satisfied, she bows once more and makes her way back to her seat. her heart’s thumping aggressively in her chest and the contestants sitting around her offer her encouraging smiles as she makes her way back over. her fingers shake against her thighs but she’s done and now it’s just a waiting game. a really horribly painful waiting game. 
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sgannaoui-blog · 5 years
The Odyssey- 2019 Film Adaptation
"'When your crew have taken you past these Sirens, I cannot give you coherent directions as to which of two courses you are to take; I will lay the two alternatives before you, and you must consider them for yourself. Homer’s great literary work, The Odyssey, is coming to the big screen in 2019. With background information on the film, we are interviewing Sound Designer Sophia Gannaoui. We have a list of songs featured in the film with descriptions of why they were chosen by Gannaoui herself.
*Note: This film is Rated R because of strong references to alcohol and the inclusion of mild curse words.
1. The Light Behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance
Book 1 in The Odyssey holds an introductory discussion about the fate of Odysseus- the king of Ithaca. The instrumental of this song at the beginning represents sadness and mystery which is reflected upon the whereabouts of Odysseus himself. When the song transitions into having lyrics, the lyrics contain a very resigned mood starting off by saying, “So long to all my friends, every one of them met tragic ends.” For Odysseus’ son, Telemachus, he has given up all hope of reuniting with his father by saying “‘My father is dead and gone,’" answered Telemachus, ‘and even if some rumour reaches me I put no more faith in it now. My mother does indeed sometimes send for a soothsayer and question him, but I give his prophecyings no heed.’” Odysseus is the friend of Telemachus and the possible death of Odysseus is the “tragic end” that is mentioned in the song.
2. Pachelbel's Canon in D Major
Love is in the air in Books 3 and 4 filled with great elegance. Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major is a classic song played at weddings and is enjoyed by many. It already emotes romanticism through its legato playing. The celebration of the marriages of the children of the King and Queen of Sparta was a grand event, “For his only son he had found a bride from Sparta, daughter of Alector. This son, Megapenthes, was born to him of a bondwoman, for heaven vouchsafed Helen no more children after she had borne Hermione, who was fair as golden Venus herself. So the neighbours and kinsmen of Menelaus were feasting and making merry in his house. There was a bard also to sing to them and play his lyre, while two tumblers went about performing in the midst of them when the man struck up with his tune.] “
Weddings bring people together in great unity and the ones in the story were what brought Odysseus closer to the royalty that took him in and discussed the Trojan War altogether.
3. Aaron Burr, Sir from Hamilton the Musical (Karaoke)
This song contains many breaks for dialogue to speak over which is needed for scenes in Book 7 because of the main conversation going on between Ulysses and Alcinous. The original song contained comedic lines of reasoning and logic about drinking and reaching an elite level of political control. When “Ulysses said: ‘Pray, Alcinous, do not take any such notion into your head. I have nothing of the immortal about me, neither in body nor mind, and most resemble those among you who are the most afflicted,’” we had our actors saying this in a teasing way for the idea of immortality to be such an absurdity to Ulysses.
4. Troy Song from Phineas and Ferb
In Book 8, “the muse inspired Demodocus to sing the feats of heroes, and more especially a matter that was then in the mouths of all men, to wit, the quarrel between Ulysses and Achilles, and the fierce words that they heaped on one another as they sat together at a banquet... Thus sang the bard, but Ulysses drew his purple mantle over his head and covered his face, for he was ashamed to let the Phaeacians see that he was weeping.” The Troy Song tells the story of the Trojan War in an upbeat matter. It is a positive song about defeat and victory which would give a reason for Odysseus to cover his face while crying. If the song was meant to be sad, Odysseus could freely express his sadness and memory of the war through tears but because it is a celebratory song, it gives him the purpose of hiding his true emotions.
5. I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by Sleeping at Last
When Odysseus reveals who he is in Book 9, he describes his experience in fighting throughout the time of the Trojan War. When telling of the victory his soldiers faced, Odysseus said, “‘Thence we sailed onward with sorrow in our hearts, but glad to have escaped death though we had lost our comrades, nor did we leave till we had thrice invoked each one of the poor fellows who had perished by the hands of the Cicons.’” This represents sadness and struggle after the war and I imagine each soldier to have had the mission and duty to work as hard as walking the “500 miles” somberly sung in the song. The song does represent the hope of reuniting with loved ones saying “when I wake up, yeah I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man that wakes up next to you.” Soldiers waking up each day in hopes of being a day closer to being at home with their family in comfort, a fantasy that could not be lived by other members of their party.
6. Sail by Awolnation
As the men accompanying Odysseus on the ship believe him to be hoarding gold and silver in Book 10, their distrust corrupted their minds “‘Thus they talked and evil counsels prevailed. They loosed the sack, whereupon the wind flew howling forth and raised a storm that carried us weeping out to sea and away from our own country.’” The “ooh’s” in the song represent the strong howling noise caused by the wind escaping from the sack that was irresponsibly opened. In addition, the fragmented beats of the song represent the quick jumping of conclusions that led Odysseus’ men to open the sack.
7. Coming Home by Diddy featuring Skylar Grey
In Book 12, Circe warns Odysseus, "'When your crew have taken you past these Sirens, I cannot give you coherent directions as to which of two courses you are to take; I will lay the two alternatives before you, and you must consider them for yourself.” This line marks the true life or death matter in the journey back to Ithaca. Circe gives the choices of safety or risk to Odysseus and the beginning of the song’s slow tempo and somber tone represents this sad moment of decision making and risk taking. When the song transitions into rap, this follows the build-up of anticipation and danger in what Odysseus would have to face on his journey back home.
8. Thrift Shop by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis Featuring Wanz
This song represents a complete wardrobe change based on a lower budget on clothing spending in thrift shops. Minerva transformed Odysseus into a man that looked older and dirtier than what he was in Book 13 and “As she spoke Minerva touched him with her wand and covered him with wrinkles, took away all his yellow hair, and withered the flesh over his whole body; she bleared his eyes, which were naturally very fine ones; she changed his clothes and threw an old rag of a wrap about him, and a tunic, tattered, filthy, and begrimed with smoke; she also gave him an undressed deer skin as an outer garment, and furnished him with a staff and a wallet all in holes, with a twisted thong for him to sling it over his shoulder.” The complete transformation of Odysseus’ looks is something new for him to experience and the increasing pace in the song is empowerment and motivation to make this change worth the sacrifice in order to take his kingdom back.
9. Jealous by Nick Jonas
In Book 18, Odysseus gets into a fight with a beggar named Arneaus (also called Irus). Irus challenges Odysseus in fighting for the hand in marriage of Penelope by saying, “I have a good mind to lay both hands about you, and knock your teeth out of your head like so many boar's tusks. Get ready, therefore, and let these people here stand by and look on. You will never be able to fight one who is so much younger than yourself." As the song says, “I turn my cheek, music up, and I’m puffing my chest, I’m getting ready to face you,” Odysseus is indeed getting mentally prepared to fight off Irus to become the suitor of his own wife Penelope. This is the moment where Odysseus goes into his mind for a moment to gain strength and realize his fight from the Trojan War is not over until he is reunited completely with his family.
10. Thousand Years by Christina Perri
In Book 19, Odysseus talks with Penelope, still in disguise, about how he will return to her soon. Penelope has waited for so long for him to come home but there would be civil unrest if she waited any longer to find a suitor. She comes up with a solution to the public that would delay time for her marriage in order for Odysseus to come home before then which “Ulysses answered, ‘Madam wife of Ulysses, you need not defer your tournament, for Ulysses will return ere ever they can string the bow, handle it how they will, and send their arrows through the iron.’” Thousand Years reflects the undying love Penelope has for Odysseus as she truly does not want to find a new partner. She has waited for a long time for Odysseus to come home which can hyperbolically be compared to waiting a thousand years.
11. Shut Up and Drive by Rihanna (Karaoke)
In Book 22, Eurymachus encourages Odysseus to fight every man fighting for Penelope by announcing, “‘My friends, this man will give us no quarter. He will stand where he is and shoot us down till he has killed every man among us. Let us then show fight; draw your swords, and hold up the tables to shield you from his arrows. Let us have at him with a rush, to drive him from the pavement and doorway: we can then get through into the town, and raise such an alarm as shall soon stay his shooting.’" The fighting montage that ensues after this proclamation has the karaoke track of Shut Up and Drive playing underneath it because it is as fast paced as the action taking place.
12. i love you by Billie Eilish
In Book 23, Penelope struggles with believing that the man who claims to be Odysseus really is him. Euryclea reasons "‘My dear child," answered Euryclea, "I am not mocking you. It is quite true as I tell you that Ulysses is come home again. He was the stranger whom they all kept on treating so badly in the cloister. Telemachus knew all the time that he was come back, but kept his father's secret that he might have his revenge on all these wicked people.’” The back and forth tempo increase and decrease in the song represent the fluctuating belief of Penelope that Odysseus is with her.
To listen to all of these songs incorporated within the storytelling of Odysseus’ journey home, watch The Odyssey in theaters- coming in the summer of 2019.
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shawnstilinski · 6 years
Fall For You - (S.M)
Word count: 1,544 (incl. lyrics)
Author: Cam
Inspired by this request: I don’t know if you’re still doing this but can you make one where this girl is singing in an empty auditorium because that’s her escape(like the one from Glee) and she is playing the piano and singing a sad song and Shawn is in one of the seats all the way in the back watching her and admiring her? Please thank you
A/N: College!Shawn, my boo (vaguely, but it’s a start)! Thank you for your request, I’m sorry I’ve been so inactive, but I appreciate the inspiration that came from this request! I’ve added a bit more of a backstory to the two. I hope you’ll enjoy!❤️
The song mentioned is Fall For You by Leela James, and I highly recommend listening to it whilst reading.
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She delicately placed her index finger on the key and pressed it, causing the note to fill the empty auditorium. She hummed a soft melody that sounded like something out of a fairy tale movie. Her eyes were closed shut, but her mind was fully awake, as she readied a breath, to introduce the first bit of lyrics.
Here we are, together
And everything between us is good
I’m right here in this cloud, baby
Ready to fly but before I take
Another step
Her voice echoed off the wall as she hit each note as if it hung in the air in front of her and all she needed to do was reach out and grasp it. With each word that passed her drying lips, her body followed suit to the lyrics, swaying and moving to the melody. Her right hand still rested on the piano, but as of that moment, the song was in her head and her body – her soul, and she let it unfold like a blooming flower.
Would you catch me if I fall for you?
‘Cause I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
He knew that he wasn’t privy to the secrets she was speaking to the empty seats in the rows between them, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave. So, he sat silently with his books and papers and amazement scattered across the floor and seats surrounding him.
He proudly considered his friend, seated on the little black stool, singing with a desperation and soulfulness that made him feel like they were the only two people on the planet – and he had to admit that he quite liked the feeling that flooded his body, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its wake.
She opened her eyes and pressed down on a key, breathing new life into the song. She left her left hand to remain resting on her jean-covered lab, and as she raised her shoulders tenderly, her hoodie bunched up her hair around her concentrated face for a brief moment before she let her body ease again.
I’m so used to standing
So used to being on my own
But this thing is new, baby
It feels like I’m losing control
I’ll take another step
He was absolutely consumed, and in spite of his mind telling him, ‘leave, Shawn,’ his lanky body stayed in the seat, mesmerised. He had spent the last few weeks in her regular company, and yet he’d never heard the faintest hint of singing escape from her mouth. Now, here he was, getting more than any music he had ever presented at that very stage if he should say so himself. He was getting what he considered music to be all about; honesty. Blank and bared accompanied only by the sound of a piano.
Just an hour ago he had sat across from her with a cup of coffee as she had rubbed the sleep from her eyes and told him firmly to not let her drink, ever again. After laughing kindly at her, he had told her that he had some studying to do, but when he asked her to join him, she had declined and told him quietly that she was going to take a walk and think a little. He had immediately teased her and suggested that she was surely just hung over, at which he had gained a punch in the arm (and a wince when her headache promptly returned, so he’d considered that battle won).
If you catch me when I fall for you
'Cause I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
Will you promise to be there?
Stay by my side always?
Whenever I need you
Don’t let me down, no, no
She smiled as the lyrics surfaced from her heart and Shawn could feel the huff of a joyous laugh at the tip of his tongue, but he shut himself up to stay hidden from her. Her singing breathed a life and feeling into the song that he didn’t think was possible. He did consider himself talented, but she was something else. She never fell short of reminding him of his talent, though, and had complimented him many times on his singing, the most recent time being last night, when he had picked her up from the party that she’d gone to.
That had been their deal since she picked Shawn up from a party a few days after they had started talking. They had gone to the same university and had shared a few classes since they had started there three semesters ago, but had never taken each other into much consideration until they had to do a project together two-months-time ago. He had called her in an attempt to reach someone else, but by her account, “I’m already awake and on my way to get McDonald’s, so I might as well come and get you. Yes, I was gonna get McDs in the middle of the night. On my own. Shut up. No. Stop laughing. Okay, you can walk home, ass hat. Idiot.”
She had picked him up, of course, and he’d stopped mocking her when she had gotten him an order of cheeseburger and fries too. He had been quite drunk, and with a soft tune playing on the radio, she had noted that the music-major had an angelic voice, as he had slowly lulled himself into a near-sleep. She knew he wasn’t fully asleep, when she had admired him at a red light, and he, with a cocky smile, had told her to keep her eyes on the road. She had chosen to roll them instead, and had told him, “I’m just wondering how it’s possible to get a guy of your size thisdrunk.”  He’d huffed out a laugh, and sighed something that sounded like “tequila.” Understandable, she had thought.
She had called him the following weekend at crap-o’clock and insisted that he owed her one, so on their way home, they decided to make it a thing to pick each other up after parties, if they weren’t both attending. Shawn had pointed out that they’d hardly ever go to the same parties. She had made an annoyed breathy sound and told him to join her at the next party she was invited to. He barely agreed, but she had said that that could be another ‘thing’ of theirs, and so he had given in (and whether he’d admit it or not, he had fun at the party).
When they rounded McDonald’s, they had decided that that should go on the ‘thing’ list as well.
They had been tossing jokes between them on the way home, and even though the laughter died out, the smiles on their faces became a semi-permanent instalment, when she had in a drunken daze wondered aloud about why she hadn’t spoken to him much earlier. If you were to ask Shawn, he would tell you with a strained nonchalance that the following sentence contained words such as ‘sweet, caring and hilarious as all hell. Totally Boyfriend Goals, as the kids would say.” If you were to ask her, she would most likely tell you that she doesn’t remember anything.
However, when she woke up to a glass of water and a couple of aspirins on her nightstand, she too had to start practising her nonchalant attitude.
If I give you my all, don’t let me fall
Would you do that for me, hold me?
Will you love, will you love me?
Her voice and heart decorated the heavy air in the dark hall like Christmas lights on a late December night, similar to the ones that had been adorning the campus for the past few weeks. The woman contained an unbelievable amount of emotions and never before had he heard nor seen them articulated as well as right in that moment.  
Last night, on the way home, she had found herself staring at him as the street lights flickered on his skin. He sang along to a slow song and looked like he had been plucked right out of a RomCom and had been placed in the driver seat of the car that she just so happened to also be in. He had been clad in a pair of sweats and a knitted jumper, and he was visibly tired, as he rubbed his eye and dragged a hand through the messy hair on top of his head.
She had found herself suddenly crying when she had realised that he had come to pick her up rather than sleep. He had naturally called her an idiot and a sap, but he didn’t hesitate to lay a hand on her leg and tell her, that he’d choose her rather than sleep any time. When her face had broken once more, he asked her why she always cries when she’s drunk, which made her cry even more and he’d only laughed as he caressed her leg. If she hadn’t been crying, he might not have missed the tinted red colour that rose on her cheeks at the action, but she cried and he laughed; and she was really drunk, which may have been why her blurry eyes didn’t catch the crimson that blossomed gingerly from his chest either.
My heart is ready
For love and to be loved
And I chose you, baby
That’s the one thing I’m sure of
So I will take this one last step
So catch me, I’m falling for you
I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! If you have any thoughts or feedback about this piece, please send me a message. I’m very unsure about the tense (regarding the grammar) so if you noticed anything that was off, please help a girl out!! Thank you again, and have a great day 💕  
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trcent · 6 years
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After the excitement from the first visit and then the backlash from the first feedback, guessing what would happen on their third reunion was a tough thing to do. The girls follow Yumi to same room they had their last meeting in and where Hayoon awaits them. There’s a pile of files equivalent to the number of girls still present on the project, as well as the television on the wall already prepared with the videos they were going to watch.
“Hello, girls.” The woman greets from her chair while each trainee sits on their own. While they’re settling themselves, Yumi walks around handing out the information about their next evaluation. Hayoon’s face is now hard to read and there’s no way to know what to expect. “Well, at least all of you made it this time, right? Yay.” Her final expression doesn’t show as much joy as expected from a word like ‘yay’, and she complements it sarcastically with a few slow claps.
Yumi returns to her place beside her boss once all files are gone from her hands. Afterward, Hayoon opens her own hands and speaks, “Hopefully what I just said didn’t raise your expectations too high. This is, most certainly, not how the final lineup will look like.” Her eyes stare at Sejeong, and then at Somi. “I have already made all the plans for the project, so I, personally, wanted to start getting rid of the weaker links. Unfortunately, others thought we should give some of you another chance. Be thankful for that, and perhaps spare some thoughts for your little guardian angels or else you can bet some of you would be busting your ass at the gym right now instead.”
“Let’s start by watching your group performances together. If you don’t catch your mistakes, don’t worry! I’ll make sure to point them out later on.” The woman wheels her chair to the left and then presses play on the first video. First, it’s the vocals, followed by dance and then it ends with the full cover. Both women stay in silence during the viewing process before Hayoon returns to her original spot.
She twirls her red pen expertly between her fingers. The list of names finds itself in front of her, and there are just as many annotations written on the list as there were last month. “Instead of talking about the sad and drastic ones, let’s bring the mood back up and say who did best this month, no?” Hayoon doesn’t look up but anyone in that room could tell who she was referring to. “Maybe some of you will be surprised. We were.”
“We believe that the one who showed the best case of development was…” Her pen starts at the top of the page and then moves down until she spots the name. “Kim Doyeon. We haven’t spent much time together so we couldn’t know the exact extent of your skills, but we could still tell you not only focused on the parts we asked you to, but also you understood your own limits. We gave you fewer lines for the full cover and that helped you improve on your live singing. Your solo song was also a very good choice; the dance wasn’t too hard so you got to show your singing better. Of course, we don’t expect you to keep at this same level. Continue working on your weak points and raise the level of difficulty. You went from tragic to a good, now it’s time to see some greats.”
Even if her speech carried lighter colors from before, Hayoon’s cold facial expression remains the same. “Someone else who fit well with this description I believe was Sejeong.” Her pen scratches the last name off and moves on to the next one. “Unlike Doyeon, you were to focus on dancing. Actually, I told you to focus on both of those skills now that I think about it. Your chosen song doesn’t have too tough of a choreography but it still takes some level of understanding and you did well at it. As for the vocals, it requires different colors to make it sound at least somewhat close to the original and you also made that work. You’ll get a bit more of a dance focus this week and I hope you won’t let us down. Of course, none of this means you’re confirmed for debut. Don’t get back to slacking.”
“Moving on to… Kim Yubin. Good solo choice, as well. It fit your voice well and your vocals are definitely on an acceptable level for this project. There’s, obviously, more work to do, but it shouldn’t be your focus. We’ve seen development on your dancing abilities, yet, we still think you could be a better dancer than you are right now. Keep working on that. There’s really nothing to comment on regarding your rap except that it came out as expected. You were in the original top two for a reason and you’re most certainly still there.”
“As for Sohee, the one we threw so much onto, well…” Hayoon fixes the position of her elbow on top of the table so it could be more comfortable for her hand to rest on her chin. “Singing-wise you did well. There’s no doubt that you’re talented, yet… your dancing really didn’t meet our standards. We gave you a great portion as a center for the dance evaluation and you do realize that’s not a small thing, right? You can’t just go out there and stand in the middle of the stage. You’d originally earned that part, only to spit on the opportunity. What I say in these evaluations isn’t something for you just to keep in mind. I’m literally the representative of all of your higher-ups and what they think, too. My words should be your mantra. They should be the new Bible. I wasn’t giving you a center part because I wanted to be cool, but because we wanted to check if you were actually good for the spot. You weren’t. It was extremely… subpar. You’ll have a small portion this time so make good use of it or just sit at home next time… Now, Somi.”
Her pen scratches Sohee’s name out of the way as if nothing had happened. “You were more stable this time around but that’s still something that could improve. On the other hand, being stable only to sound average seems like a bit of a waste of time. The fact we actually told you that you could take it easy should have felt like a blessing. Your song choice wasn’t even that hard, but you could have taken something much easier and then gotten a pass from us. If you want to be evaluated based on a harder song then that’s what we’re going to do with you. Your voice really isn’t that great. If you actually want a better vocalist position then let me just tell you right now that it’s not going to happen. If you just wanted to perform that song then at least work towards making it a good performance. This is not a fun project. We aren’t in Disney. This decides your future and this decides if you get to debut as an idol or not. You wanted us to treat you like a big girl, so here it is.”
“Jinsoul. It felt like you performed the same thing as last month, except the song was different. I know maybe that’s, like, your style, but it’s already starting to annoy me. And we’re in the second month of this, do you realize how sad that is? The coaches have logged in a lot of your dedication to singing and I’d honestly like to see you only singing for your next performance. Don’t make it too pop, either. Give us a reason to keep you in this group of which I already said two of our singers did well, and one of our dancers is starting to do well, too. What makes you better than them? Are you?”
“Let’s not delay this anymore and get to Siyeon already. You see… I don’t know if, like, you have selective hearing or something, but I did heavily criticize your dancing last month, right? That wasn’t just in my head? So you tell me what the hell you were thinking by showing us what you did. We gave you a happy, simple song, and you decided to crap on the stick. I couldn’t even care about your singing performance because I was immensely upset about this. Maybe I still am right now. Did you hear me saying a few minutes ago that my words should be your bible? It goes for you, too. I highly recommend you include some sort of dancing in your next solo performance for us to see if this really is a hopeless case or not. If you need some help, ask Sejeong. If she was able to do it then I’m sure you can — or at least I hope you can. We never know with you anymore.”
“Last but not least… again, it’s Sooyoung! You know… I think, in your case, you just listened too much to what I said. This is why I don’t like complimenting people, you know? They just get it all up in their head, thinking they’re the best, and then they can’t differentiate between screaming and hitting proper high notes. Again, there’s no point in being stable if you’re not going to sound good. You could have chosen any song out there and you went with one you honestly couldn’t handle. I still want you to sing but at least pick something that you can actually keep up. If I need to be tough with you for you to understand then that’s what I’m going to do. Hopefully, you’ll take the full cover of this month as a good example and feel more inspired. Don’t let us down, Sooyoung.”
The last name on the list is finally crossed off but Hayoon doesn’t close her file. “As for you all as a group… I was a bit surprised that some of you seemed to be struggling with harmonization. Especially when it came to you, Sooyoung, and our dear Yubin. You’re two of our oldest trainees here so that should have been something learned a long time ago. I know none of you have singing as your main skill, but this is the minimum that I’m asking of you. I’ve also heard there was a bit of conflict between some of you… and I really couldn’t care less. Get your shit together. If you end up in the final group all I need is for you to be good working with each other. Do some trust falls or, I don’t know, have some good adult conversation, as expected of adults to do.”
That’s the end of it, it seems. Hayoon takes a second to breathe and looks around before starting to stand up. “Do a good job this time, you hear me? Yumi will continue to have an eye on you so don’t make her see things that’ll make her upset.” After a few quick nods directed at each girl, Hayoon leaves the room.
OOC: This project evaluation will substitute for the general trainee monthly evaluation so TRC/G won’t take part in that unless otherwise specified. TRC/G are to practice together as a group, as well as show individual growth over time. Not every trainee will make the cut to the final group, so everyone should work hard to show off the best of their skills.
There will be a total of four different performances to be done at the end of the month, by November 30th. Three of those will be group performances, consisting of one vocal performance, one dance performance, and a full cover including both vocals and dance. The fourth performance will be a solo performance that the trainee will get to choose by themselves to showcase any performance skill they’d like. Following Hayoon’s suggestions and requests is not necessary but recommended. For this month’s evaluations, the chosen group songs are as seen below:
Vocals: Heaven by EXO (line distribution)
Dance: Finesse by Bruno Mars (center distribution)
Full: Catch Me If You Can by ChiChi (line distribution)
The eight girls (Kim Yubin, Park Sooyoung, Ahn Sohee, Lee Siyeon, Kim Sejeong, Jeon Somi, Jung Jinsoul and Kim Doyeon) will continue their special training to help them better their skills in order to increase their chances of debut.
Kim Yumi will appear unannounced from time to time to record the girls’ progress and then leave. On November 30th, Yumi will return by herself to record all evaluation performances. These will be taken for her superiors (including Hayoon and Tiger JK) who will then discuss the results in secrecy. Feedback and the new evaluation will be given on the following month.
Confidentiality is of extreme importance and sharing information with any other person IC may result in that girl’s exclusion from the project and/or complete contract termination with TRC. It would also leave her with a bad reputation which could make other companies think twice before signing her.
To earn +2 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH and +2 DEBUT POINTS, write a 250+ words solo or a four post thread with another TRC/G member about practicing for the evaluation. For +3 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +1WK RELEVANT ACHIEVEMENT and +2 DEBUT POINTS, write a 350+ words solo about your muse’s solo evaluation performance. Unlike regular trainee evaluations, not writing about the group project will give your muse a bad view IC, so please keep that in mind. Please tag all your posts as #trcg:noveval and them up by midnight EST at the end of November 30th.
TRC/G NOVEMBER EVALUATION (for the December 5th verification form)
[ link to thread or solo about preparations ] +2 ___ POINTS +2 DEBUT POINTS NEW DEBUT POINTS TOTAL:
[ link to solo performance solo ] +3 ___ POINTS +1WK ___ ACHIEVEMENT +2 DEBUT POINTS NEW DEBUT POINTS TOTAL:
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years
1st: I enjoyed the album. Top 3 are Stay, Dis-ease and Telepathy 💃🏽I'll be honest, I liked the MV for Life Goes On but there was something going on with the bass 🧐 plays fine on spotify tho. I know there's people out there that are really struggling during these times and the songs hit harder personally for them while other people weren't expecting the style Life Goes On brings. Its an album for the fans and not my 1st choice if I was trying recruit new people lol Hope I made sense XD💜
 You made sense! I totally feel this. I am a dedicated and very loyal fan myself as someone that has been following them since their debut in 2013, so I have supported them for a very long time and will continue to do so for the many years yet to come.
However, if I had someone I was trying to introduce BTS to, I think I would show them the previous work of BTS like Love Yourself: Tear or Wings, for example. Maybe after that, I would bring this album to their attention, but I would definitely recommend BE for those who are struggling. It is a good source of comfort, for sure, if you are going through a rough time and I can understand how others would love this album as I have already seen. I think the boys put in work for this one and it definitely shows! I’m especially proud of Kook for his directing skills in the MV. It was very well done and I am so glad he seemed to have had a good time doing that as he stated in the Global Press Conference yesterday!
BE is a very interesting album in terms of the styles of the songs with three of the eight being retro-themed (Dynamite, Telepathy and Dis-ease) with the other three being slower and more melancholy (Life Goes On, Blue and Grey and Fly To My Room). Personally, I liked 7 better than this one, but that is just my opinion! I have seen lots of other people on Tumblr commenting their favorite songs off BE amongst other loving praises that I’ve come across and I think that is wonderful. 
For me, though, I will say that Life Goes On definitely caught me off guard as I wasn’t expecting that style of song at all. Despite that, the fact that my bias directed this MV was something very unique that I really enjoyed seeing. If words would embody this song, I would choose succor’s solace as the epitome of this track. It is relief rolled into audio and it is such a gift to have a song like this in the hard times that we have been attacked with. This is certainly a song that you’d listen to on the way home from work after a long day or while you’re in the midst of studying, doing schoolwork or even at home working on assignments or tasks for your job. It is also something you’d listen to when you feel like the problems and struggles you face are just too much and need to be reminded that, per the song’s title, life continues on and that we must push forward to enjoy the little things and the big. I liked this track the most, I think. I myself am facing some things in my life right now and the core message of this song resonated deeply with me. To that end, this track is every bit the comfort song they intended it to be and this song, along with Spring Day, sit at the same table for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Fly To My Room’s mellow beat is something that I think would be a great listen at night after the trials and woes of the day and it was interesting to see sope/vmin in the same track and how those two subunits meshed together to create something entirely new and unseen before. 
Blue and Grey... this one sounded familiar to me and it took me all but two seconds to realize where I had heard it before. This is the same song that Taehyung teased in Bon Voyage when he was sitting in the canoe out on the lake. The song sounded so very different in this rendition and I was very surprised to see this song in the album when I had originally thought it would be in Tae’s mixtape! This is definitely a song you listen to in the rain and when the sun has been masked by the clouds in the sky. It is also a song you’d listen to once the sun has set and you walk outside just to have some fresh air and reminisce either about the past or to think on the stresses of your present. I think this track has the power to ease both and that is a powerful thing, indeed.
Telepathy I really liked! I think the upbeat form of this one definitely was a nice break from the slow beat of the first three songs on the album and, because this one is BTS’s love letter to ARMY, I think that is a very special thing that we as their fans should cherish in their thought towards us during the times that have befallen us and taken from us (and them) their ability to see us beyond a screen. I think the flow of the song is perfect and the flux of the voices of the members works very well for the positive energy they are trying to instill in it. From beginning of this song, when I heard it, I knew I was going to like it. It had a starry, celestial vibe to it and for some reason, when I hear it, I think of shooting stars that fly through the night sky. True to that image, this is a song you’d listen to when you’re with friends to recall the bonds you make with those closest to you (and those farthest from you) no matter where in the world they are. This is a song you’d also listen to to PARTY PARTY, YEAH! (I’m sorry, but ever since I heard that from Kook, it has been living in my mind rent free) In any case, this is a nice song to uplift you and would also be good to put on after a bad day so that you can look back on all the good things life despite the bad. That message is a very strong one, indeed, so that definitely makes this song a favorited one for me.
As an English major at my university, the title of Dis-ease was interesting as someone that often studies semantics and semiotics in language and literature. It was intriguing to see that they chose to deconstruct the word of disease and split it into its alternative form to convey an entirely new meaning from what one might assume the word means at first glance. While they could have chosen to name the song DISEASE, which is a word associated with sickness, illness or an ailing, afflicted health condition that most link with weakness and feebleness, BTS decided to utilize a play on words and use an older version of the word that now has two different meanings linked with it, I found it fascinating that they named the song what they did, for dis-ease was often used in the past to denote a lack of ease or absence of relief in an individual. It was only later that the word was changed once individuals started tagging health related conditions with actual infections or maladies when viruses and mental illnesses began to gain a name for themselves in the colonizing world. Ironically enough, the word dis-ease is now used by medical practitioners in healing environments for individuals that are on the road to eudemonia or betterment of themselves and the word is purposefully used to endow awareness of compromised health on a singular cause or root.
I don’t think I need to explain why that is significant in the scheme of the situation that our world has come to, but I shall say it anyway: this is meaningful in that BTS decides to fight back and combat the negativity that would threaten to swallow them (and those who listen and internalize the lyrics of the song for themselves and thusly feel the message they are trying to give to us) to instead grapple and wrestle with it by loudly bringing attention to it rather than allowing it to silently consume and germinate within them. This, for me, was very empowering to hear and is one of the many reasons why I appreciate this song in particular amongst the lyrics that target and attack the “diseases” that would try to take from us our wellbeing. The track is a battle cry to keep fighting and that, in it of itself, is a very powerful thing that strikes very deep within me. The bridge at the end with Kook and Jimin, by the way… literal EARGASM, MA’AM. Anyway, this is a song that you’d listen to in the morning to get yourself hype for the day. It is something you’d put on in the desire to boost your spirits if they are low and honestly could be listened to in any situation.
Lastly, we have Stay. This subunit of NamKookJin was certainly a pleasant surprise to me! Kook’s involvement in this track doesn’t go unnoticed in the emotion that is present in his voice (amongst Joon and Jin, of course), but there’s also something about this song that goes straight for the heartstrings in the pledge of continued loyalty that is subliminal in its subtlety. I adored this song and this track’s EDM style was a wonderful finale of the album in its summation that there are low points in life (as the first few tracks suggest) and that there are high points and life. I think that through this song, the three boys who sang in it were wonderful in their energy that was so vibrant. It was wonderful to hear the three of them meld together in a unit that also was unlike what we have heard before. I know the song must have meant a lot to the three of them because Joon is Kook’s role model as he has stated many times and to sing with one’s idol would certainly be a powerful thing, indeed. The fact that Jin was in it too much have had so much meaning for Kook since Jin is like a brother to him and took care of him (and honestly, he still does, let’s be real) when he was younger. 
The song’s lyrics themselves reach out to the ARMY that Jungkook said the song was meant for in his, Joon’s and Jin’s efforts to remind us that, as their fans, they hope that we will always remain with them and that they know the times are going to change for the better. I enjoyed this song very much and it would definitely be a song you’d listen to be reminded of the love that BTS has for you and that despite everything, you will always have a place with them even if you feel lost in the world around you. I think a situation you’d put this on would be when you are need just that extra bit of confidence to get you through an anxiety inducing time whether it be a test for school or even a meeting for work.
With all of this in mind, my favorite songs are as follows: Dis-ease, Telepathy, Stay and Life Goes On. It is hard to pick a favorite among those four, but those were my most liked tracks for sure!
Overall, I think the album definitely is one meant to soothe the soul and the boys have succeeded in that without fail. It is clear that the boys worked hard on this and their efforts were not vain! This is an album that I think we all needed to close out a tough year and it took me some to get all my thoughts together, but now that I have listened to the whole album once again, I’m liking it more with each time I hear it. It is always amazing to me how BTS continues to do what no one else does: letting their genuine feelings shine through their music that inspires light in so many. I am proud of each and every one of them and they deserve some hard earned rest after their efforts!
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fosterbradley28 · 4 years
Tips for Boating with a Baby
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Discovering that you have a new, little bundle of joy on the way should not be the end of your boating career. With a few adjustments to your normal boating style, your little angel can be an ideal second mate. From babies to toddlers, here are some tips to consider when bringing your little one out on the water with you.
Baby and Young Children Boating Safety
The first thing to consider is safety. This is often the reason people stop boating when they have babies. But family boating can be a great experience once you know the basics of boating safely with kids.
The official source for boating safety advice is the US Coast Guard (USCG). The USCG also provides a list of resources that can provide safety lessons, educational tools, and other helpful study material for boating families.  The bottom line?  If you love boating, your kids can, too!  
Here are some tips to get you started so you can ensure your baby remains happy and healthy while boating.
How to Choose a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) for Babies and Children
The USCG provides an easy-to-read brochure titled “How to Choose the Right Life Jacket,” which outlines great advice for choosing a life jacket or PFD for children and the whole family.
According to the USCG, your baby should weigh at least 18 pounds and be able to wear a PFD that is suitable for his or her weight and size. There are several types of PFDs that are made especially for children and generally fall under two categories:
Inflatable Hybrid that can inflate automatically but requires regular maintenance and is not intended for water sports
Life Jacket is designed for possible immersion and requires little maintenance.
Some of these PFDs can include features such as an inflatable cushion called “heads-up,” which is designed to keep your child’s head out of the water even if they are unconscious. However, remember that the “heads up” feature may not always work. Be sure that you take great care of your child’s life jacket (thoroughly dry it before stowing) and follow all of the care instructions that come with the PFD to ensure that it will work properly if an emergency occurs.
Layer, Layer, Layer!
The rule of thumb for babies and layers is that they should be wearing one more layer than you are. Because boats are wet areas, make sure you have enough clothing to keep your child dry and warm through rain, waves, or anything else you may face. Top things off with a water-resistant sun hat that ties underneath the chin, so it will not blow off in the wind. If your baby will wear sunglasses, they are a good idea as well. As a rule, the most important base layer should always be a good, baby-safe sunscreen.
Plan for Emergencies
If you run out of fuel or the wind just won’t get you back when you would like, you might do all right without eating a few extra hours; however, a baby will not do quite as well. It is a good idea to have two extra meals on board for your baby at all times. A lot of this food can be nonperishables like jars or tubes of baby food, an extra jar of formula, or toddler snacks. For fresher, more perishable items, a small cooler is an easy thing to bring along. Of course, this is not the only kind of emergency to plan for. Be ready with many extra diapers for a day of blowouts, surprise rain, heat, and wind. And always be sure to pack the first aid kit.
Make Sure to Have Fun
Once safety is addressed, you can focus on the real reason you go boating. There is no better way to get your child to love what you do than to share things with them and do so on their terms. Here are some good ways to make boating an age-appropriate kind of fun without sacrificing the kind of boating you have always loved yourself.
Plan Breaks Along the Way
If you are used to long periods of travel time to get to where you are going, you may want to start with shorter trips to begin with. Another option is taking some breaks to island-hop, take a dip in the water, or just slow to an idle to allow your little one some run/crawl time. Babies do best if they have some time to do their developmental thing and you will have a much happier travel companion if you plan fun breaks into your travel time.
Teaching Opportunities Abound
Babies are sponges, and the water is a great place to teach your baby a lot about the world. From using proper nautical terminology on the boat to pointing out the spinnaker colors on various sailboats around you to buying a bird guide and learning the different water birds, learning opportunities abound. If these are not topics that you find fascinating, then work with the things about boating you do love, even if you end up teaching your six-month-old all about proper engine maintenance. As they get older and develop their own interests, be willing to add those topics to the lessons as well.  
Design Adventures for Your Children
If your first mate just wants a day on the water and your toddler is hard to keep focused, then create the kind of trip your toddler will love. A day of cruising can easily become a search for pirate treasure, a voyage around the world, or a chance to read maps and find new destinations. Anything has the potential to be a part of the adventure: Find five sailboats­ – it will help us chart our course. Close your eyes and point on the chart – and this will be our destination. Find ten gulls – you will get the next clue to our location. Work with the interests of your toddler and plan enough themed activities to last the day. Not sure what to do?  Research parenting articles on the Internet. There are many great ideas to find and use.
Sea Shanties have been a part of many cultures for centuries.  They are also wonderful ways to engage a child, from infant to toddler to tween.   Though you can begin with baby songs if you want, any song that you are willing to sing will work.  If you can find songs that the whole family is willing to sing, the more, the better.  If you are part of a musical family already, then consider looking for songs that are about adventures, or the theme that you have chosen for the trip.
Know When to Quit
Babies, and people in general, vary as far as the amount of structure they need before the world becomes stressful for them. Aware parents know what the time limits for their child usually are, and they either work within that time frame, or figure out ways to make things more comforting for their child when it is not possible. If this is a new adventure for your baby, then watch for your child’s signs of stress. Common signs are unusually frequent tantrums and changes in eating and sleeping habits.
Continuing to Childhood and Beyond
Babies who boat can easily adapt to children who boat. They can be less likely to become seasick, more comfortable in a life jacket, and can walk with ease with the motion of the water. As they grow older, be sure to begin to give them their own jobs on the boat, from steering to knot tying, and allow them a chance to fully learn and be appreciated for their skills as a member of the family. Enjoy every moment, for it will feel like mere seconds before you are taking your grandchildren on the boat, and beginning all over again.
Boat Rental Service Clearwater FL offers a broad selection of boats for your pleasure and convenience but your security is their main aim. You will get life jackets which can help you in case of emergency.
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