#( . appreciate your portrayal so much ok
🍸 Harry Crosby headcanons
18+ -helluva lot of nsfw under the cut but interspersed with a lotta fluff and domesticity…to me that’s the appeal of this man, cannot be separated one from the other: the unassuming sweater wearing vet at the block party is also a man of hidden depths.
Long promised and woefully incomplete, the word count was getting out of hand so I’m tossing it out, there’s more where this came from. Not edited so, apologies
Entirely co-written by myself and my comrogue @crazymadpassionatelove , enhanced and bedazzled by chats with @ab4eva including special additions from other guests who commented under my announcement post, credit is given at each specific point for their contributions
|screencap cred grabbed from: @hawkinsfuller
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First off let me say it’s been ages since I read A Wing and A Prayer. I remember loving it, loving him and I cannot stress how much I respect and admire the real Harry Crosby and his Jean, the Missus of our dreams.
This is purely for fun, a heavy mix of both Boyle’s portrayal and a tad of Crosby’s real life vibes as taken from his accounts by me. Sometimes you gotta take historical figures’ virtues in one area -say navigation and math- and translate it to the more suggestive aspects of life -say, how to find a clitori- *gunshot*
Because this man’s biography is the most oral-leaning, drink-your-respect-women-juice book ever. Ok, almost ever. For a wwii book at least. Uhem so -I am prejudiced, sue me.
See, sometimes it’s the quiet, stressed ones with a self consuming desire to please who have the cozy sweaters and the attentive appreciation for your interests and the stubby fat schlongs and the propensity to keep you in suburban comfort all your days
The compulsive drive to call you “button” and be on time for church and thank you for your scrambled eggs each morning with eager kitchen countertop oral before waking you children up with annoyingly soft catchphrases they’ll recite fondly at his funeral: “rise and shine” etc
Also back to the perfectly respectable schlong for just a moment -This is a Thing! Justice for the perfectly adequate plug stoppers, not everyone needs a rolling pin, who can resist giving head when the head is the same gorgeous color as his lips?!
Mr Crosby is skipping off to lecture college kids about literature post-war with a pep in his step that you put there without fail, you can’t help it, it’s as essential as the matching “his and hers” coffee mugs you bought during your honeymoon
Cookies slightly burned cuz you’re busy as bunnies in the bathroom while the kids ride bikes in the cul-de-sac is a Crosby staple
This is a man who as husband keeps you well supplied with mixers and microwaves and cute little nighties and also loves your brain -SCORE.
Loves to gift you with bath oil and fun stuff to smell good. He's into lavender. It benefits him in the end, loves to sit on the edge of the tub and just talk with you for ages
Croz’s go-to distresser is to have Jean sit on his face until his vision spots
She knows as soon as he walks in the door. Fixes him a Shirley Temple, takes him by the hand to the bedroom and …..boom.
As for the ptsd nightmares? He just barely starts to thrash in his sleep and Jean is rolling that man over and taking matters into her own hands
You’re Jean now, you do realize that don’t you? It was never ever going to be anyone but Jean
This man leaves love letters on your pillow, in your apron pocket, in the dash of your car anywhere at all that you’re likely to be. All of this even though he’s gonna be home by six that evening.
Also, hear me out: lots of evenings he just lays down next to you for ages, facing each other on your sides, absentmindedly mapping your body with his calloused palms and fingering you for ages while talking about Persuasion.
Actually gives a shit about your opinions too, and not in the way of wanting to argue them. When you make a good point his eyes get even droopier and he grabs your neck and…
“You're one smart cookie Mrs Crosby”
“My clever, wise, beloved…”
Honestly though, deep connections and the ability to go vulnerable, and if those moments are often concluded with little laughs to shake off the moment -it doesn’t diminish it
Can actually talk about dying to you, not in a morbidly preoccupied way, but he can face it and admit it and be vulnerable enough to acknowledge the likelihood
Then get on with what needs doing
He appreciates how well you grow to know him, and he in turn makes a lifelong study of you
Also, this man is so highly attuned to your well being.
Yes you have to put up with his stress but for you? He will man-up repeatedly and without thought. He doesn’t even think twice about just up and leaving whatever situation is tiring you. did you see him hop up to get the fuck outta that bar fight? Yeah so, you’re bored? Tired? Stressed? It’s not even machismo it’s just a homebody not giving a fuck with the subtext of “my wife and I would like to go home and read and cockwarm”
Often gives the shiftiest excuses to army buddies and coworkers just to go home and hang with you, swears he has to repair that squirrel feeder -or that an alligator is in his swimming pool, “sorry guys maybe drinks next week”
Don’t tell the guys but…HE PAINTS YOUR TOENAILS
Maybe some of your high school friends snickered about Harry Crosby way back when. Making googly eyes at you and barely getting out the most stammered greetings? Bookish and a little clumsy at times?
Ha, you won in the end
He comes home in one piece, that beautiful schlong still intact
you prayed for that ok?
“Lord keep my husband safe -- and his girthy manhood in tact as well” …for the babies you’re hoping for of course...just that… kneeling in silk pajamas each night, adding this addendum with a blush but was always faithful to keep it in your prayers
Sometimes you have that thought in church as well...so you has to take a couple deep breaths and calm yourself...it's because you want children...not because you’re already so sprung off this man's dick after only a couple weeks of married life.
weeks that feels like a lifetime ago now, by the way
Prim and lovely Jean Crosby staring off into stained glass worlds thinking of having her tight little hole tugged open and her guts rearranged, it’s even worse than her thoughts prior to the wedding, because she’s had the experience, then suddenly it was ripped away
And she’s empty and scared to death for him
She gets asked to sing at the funeral of a lieutenant who never even got off the ground during a training flight,
work and church and such are hopeless distractions
Wanders through the department store wondering if every other wife misses this way, does everyone feel the same primal ache?
Dear Jean Crosby terribly worried she’s a freak yet entirely unrepentant for it
But ya know what’s probably funny? Across the ocean Harry Crosby is sometimes so direly missing his wife in the carnal way that he just about spaces out too, and god knows there’s zero privacy anywhere and the showers are the showers but like???? it’s just a no-go most times and everyone gets very confused when he’s in this mood?? Not at all suspecting baser distractions are what’s at play. Somehow someone figured it out, maybe he actually snapped a little about having five seconds to himself while reading a letter and they’re like
And somehow there seems to suddenly be five minutes or so when NO ONE but Crosby is in the showers?!
It only takes him two minutes to get there but he needs to stand there catching his breath and clutching at his heart while he thinks of Jean sprawled beneath him
This is probably Douglass’ doing? Because he’s a good dude, he doesn’t underestimate Croz AND he’s a dirty little bastard himself
“Fellas, the man got himself a wife while half of you guys are virgins? Of course he has urges?”
In a quiet, rare moment, Gale bends his ear -Harry is so modest and low key...unlike some folks *looking at you Bucky*- “So, uh, where'd ya say you and the missus went off to before ya came here?“
Gale’s gotta casually open the door for this conversation “Lots of good sights to see? I, um, haven't done much traveling myself”
It takes Croz a few conversations until he realizes just what Gale means, until then there’s a lot bewildered eyebrows at the inquiry and bashful appreciation for the interest: “Major Cleven I-I already told you, sir, we had a little cabin in the Alleghenies for a week?“
He's been telling Jean about Major Gale Cleven, about how she'd really like him. Gale is a good fella. He tells her about all their "travel talk"
Until one day Jean writes back: “Oh honey, that Cleven of yours is a virgin”
Whether Harry divulges to Gale anything he learned about ladies in that little cabin in the mountains writhing before a fire on a bearskin rug, that first time Harry actually didn’t stop and ask if Jean was dying every time she made a noise but instead, kept going until her cried properly built and she screamed…
well, it was probably an abbreviated account that mostly consisted of “wives are just wonderful people, Major Cleven” with a far off look in his eyes
Gale leaves him to it after all- Harry was married for like 3 seconds before he left, It's literally either playback of the last horrific mission or thinking of the curve of her spine
He gets the dreamiest look on his face, eyes all shiny, mouth a little slack
Somehow these two can be so passionate and yet it’s so wholesome and good and angelic?!!! It’s the allure of them
Because it’s all in these gentle and safe and good boundaries? Like it isn’t complicated and yet it’s not simple and it’s neither settling nor is it turbulent. something to be said for “doing it right”
They genuinely thank God for each other, they’re so sure it was always intended to be just them
I have 1k of headcanons just for the homecoming ok? Y’all will have to request those separate
But once home:
The eye contact they make at social events?? It’s a whole language, the most loving and adorable thing ever
He may not be a real gem of a singer but he’s an excellent hummer. so much gentle humming around the house while he’s fixing the stove light or rocking a baby to sleep or-
You know what I mean don’t you? Some men can just humm and you’re instantly wet? No I don’t mean humming a Billie Holliday tune
I mean humming when you make a new reaction to his incessant fingering while he’s reading, makes him look away from the page and arch a brow, highly inquisitive puppy dog look on his face, reading glasses pulled down.
*a new spot? After all this time? Must investigate further*
This man, when in his element, is a goddamn tease, he’s impossible, he’s goofy, he makes sex the joyous sacrament its supposed to be every damn time and he ain’t shy to remain stark naked for ages
Praise kink for miles in that, once you’ve praised him, he will keep doing whatever earned it for the next two hours. Brace yourself
He can recite your favorite literature passages (he knows them and took pains to memorize them by your tenth anniversary) when he’s gently plowing you from the back with his hand on your neck and your ear lob in between his teeth
He’s a biter my friends -gotta keep quiet somehow, can’t scar the passel of children y’all made, after all
So many excuses given to kids about “mama and I need to talk about the mortgage” -very rarely is mortgage even thought of once the door is closed and locked
But that brings us back to the early days, it’s one thing to know someone so well after all those years but the early days?
Two Virgins named Jean and Harry went straight from the chapel to fucking like Bunnies before he went to war
Harry had done his research tho. All that reading…
Harry Crosby totally ate his wife out on their wedding night.
even though he’d never really seen a full vagina before
he’s a bit methodical, yeah? At first? with a hint of overly flustered and terribly delighted
So I’m just picturing him like hunkering down there, tentative but firm hands on your thighs: “to get my bearings, honey pie” as he takes in the lay of the land
because there’s a lot happening down there on a lady, ok? -there’s petals and more petals and slippery slopes and little buttons and a tiny hole that has to be for pee, no way he’s supposed to go in that one?! but, but she doesn’t have another? Well the backdoo- no can’t even think of that. Oh god ok, ok, vaginal opening, -I guess that’s a vaginal opening?! and due north, a little button that makes her squeak when I touch it. ok ok, might as well start there…
I can see him with a metaphorical pencil behind his ear, ready to jot down notes
Jeanie finally sighs and grips him by the ears and hauls him up for a kiss and just grinds against him and insists it’s lovely
“just kiss me, silly.” she says to him after awhile.
“Mmm, I do like kissing you, Jean” he grins back
he’s naturally kissing his way to her boobs and staying there a lovely long time but she starts pushing at his dark head, *hint hint* lower down her belly and lower, and lower and he’s so caught up he doesn’t even realize it until there’s a sweet little patch of curls under his chin and he looks up with the oddest expression of curiosity and doubt on his face only to be met with Jean’s expectant eyebrow
She wouldn’t want me to?—-*ah, she just face planted me in pussy, ok then*
Lapping at it with the biggest grin, there may or may not have been some noise complaints
the whole apartment complex just knows he’s a good husband, never would peg him as a stud if you met him in the hallway but, Jean sure takes forever to say goodbye to him in the mornings so he must do something right
All the neighbors just can't help but be happy for those two kids
They cook them food and leave the casserole dishes on the landing so they can savor each other for as long as possible before he leaves
Next Sunday they show up at church like dutiful little Americans and they’ve got hickies everywhere and his cheeks are a permanent pink, Her knees are red and raw under her church dress
I feel like maybe they get a little adventurous as their time together draws to a close? Maybe they break a dining room chair? She's too mortified to put it out on the curb
*saves it for 50 years*
Some of those wedding china ends up in pieces on the floor. Can't explain to her aunts why they don't have a full set all of a sudden
i really hope he never loses that occasional hair trigger premature ejaculation tendency.
Sometimes it even shocks him, “O-Oh...shoot”
The last day together is a dismal and precious night
The poor man probably laid there on her sweaty boobs after blowing his last load with the saddest *fml* face on as he processed it being, indeed, his last
and now the war is over they can set up house and make babies
A small breeding kink, after all, these men marched home from war and basically were told "get a job and let's repopulate for all the boys we lost!"
It’s so damn primal when you think about it but under the veneer of the starched and polished 50’s
Croz can't think straight in that tight little hole, let alone think of the ramifications of another baby
“Give it to me, give me another, come on Harry, we've got an empty space in the Christmas card anyway, think of it!! fill me up baby oh godddd Jesus bless your pretty dick-*
it’s the most mundane reasons and he still busts a nut like she’s some filthy vixen and not his sweet and slightly too optimistic wife
frantic love making with a sweater and socks still on, too
Jean is a writher because the longer they are married the longer he lasts and soon she’s come and he just keeps going and she cannot keep quiet then and he’s too big to ignore or calm down between, just thick enough to always be tugging just right and she fully sobs from it sometimes
Often she’s trying to cup herself?!? Fully spasming and shaking and curling in but his strong forearm is over her belly and his lips on her ear
This man is a god at spooning sex
she is so cock feral when she falls pregnant it almost alarms him
The books didn't say anything about this?! He's exhausted and dehydrated and his classes are suffering as a result
Wants to ask Egan if he encountered this phenomenon
His war buddies become a new father support group
"Hang in there pal, only three more months"
They’ll be in the kitchen just chatting before dinner, she wants to tease him. Scoops a little cherry pie filling onto her finger. He licks it and sucks it off -- bites the finger too, in the background dogs are barking and kids are running amuck
As the Crosbys you’re in for a life of very benign but nauseatingly idyllic Christmas parties.
Snow globes, y’all
Sweaters, spiked eggnog and very well thought out gifts
Harry is the sort to carry Jean's purse when they are out shopping and she is trying on clothes. He also has no problem going and buying her sanitary napkins at the drugstore when she's on her period, because it's completely normal and there's nothing for anyone to be embarrassed about. Basically, he is just stupidly in love with her. He's like a puppy who will always follow, but she doesn't take advantage of that fact (credit to:@noneedtoamputate)
He is Harry “Have You Met My Wife?” Crosby back home, too, it’s even worse when he gets tipsy and his confidence grows and good luck shutting him up about how beautiful she is
This is the sorta man whose kids only learn Daddy was a goddamn boss during the war when they’re outta college, a very casual “oh yeah, that was sort of a thing, pass the salt.”
It’s canon this man cut his own son’s hair all his little life, propped him up on a little stool in the back yard and got to trimming -some of the only times the boy ever heard of those devastating missions
Imagine? Same man who used to take you out on the porch into the night air and rock against his sweater when you were a baby and wouldn’t settle is the same man who bombed the hell outta Fortress Europe
He’s the kind of man whose kids are so enamored over how both sides of the coin could settle in the same man, they end up making a documentary about him
Now I also need you to think of this man at bath time in the early 50’s -Shirt sleeves rolled up, top two buttons on his pristine white button up shirt popped with a peak of chest hair showing through, his curls getting steamed by his kids bubble baths
He’s got the prettiest slightly hairy forearms, y’all -according to Jean at least
Gives himself a bubble beard to make his kids laugh, will stay on his knees watching them play for ages, fully participating
His white shirt gets fully transparent with all this splashing and Jean has to really keep her mind on what’s next when she can so easily see his hair and pretty little nipples pebbled in a chill under them. Stops her whining about water on the floor in seconds.
Harry’s already hushing her and mopping it up with a towel anyway
The Crosby kids will have memories of their idiotically in love and enthralled parents who loved being parents, wrapping their baby selves snuggly into towels and setting them on the counter and just cracking up over how cute they looked with their chubby and shiny widdle faces poking out of terry cloth
Jean and Harry spend a lotta time doing that, they just love their kids, ok?
Brushing their cute little Croz curls
Jean can’t say no to a single one with their sad puppy eyes their daddy gave them
Sometimes they sit the kids in front of the fireplace (they obviously needed a house with a fireplace after that honeymoon) and line them up. Talk about them as if they aren't sitting right there. "Honey, look at those gorgeous eyes -- and his smile! Oh my, who do these cuties belong to?"
But it’s not all placid domesticity. Picture this:
Crosby with a mega phone, organizes a neighborhood Easter egg hunt. He's in charge, his aviators on, taking this so seriously
There are maps, he’s planned this for weeks, some of those traits and skills he picked up during the war come back at the oddest times
this gets even more intense if any of the war buddies are there
Harry writes letters to them strategizing, they all come and bring their own kids
It makes the local paper for being one of the biggest Easter egg hunts the state has ever seen
Night falls, children fall asleep and there are still some eggs left. Armed with booze and flashlights, the boys go out to collect the rest
Harry and Jean don't collect any though, they end up in a bush necking somewhere
Bucky gets very adamant about finding them and Brady is just as adamantly begging him not to
But Major Egan cannot be stopped, he rallies his men, hopping on the kids’ bikes and scooters
Everyone heckling each other in the dark suburban neighborhood
"Ya lost your touch Buck, keep up will ya?"
They all end up in a schnapps induced heap in the Crosby's backyard, long limbs all folded up on too small equipment
Jean and Harry leisurely stroll back up the street under lamp glow to their house where everyone is feral and collapsed and calling loudly for their hosts
Sharing soft little smiles and picking twigs out of each others hair
They tuck these idiot men in on the couches and floor, blankets, sleeping bags and dogs
Hear me out: Jean is the only human able to talk a belligerent Bucky out of his thirtieth beer
She has that sweet way about her that makes every person wanna be a better man for her
When he finally gives in and throws his arm over her little shoulders and swears she’s a good woman, Harry is there with the pan and the aspirin and the blanket
She makes them all the most perfect hangover breakfast the next morning, gingham checked apron stretched over swollen belly
Harry nuzzles her belly when she stops at his plate to dish up the eggs
Everyone wants to gag over how perfectly content these two are but that would be a waste of the best breakfast in the USA
And if Jean happens to make the best baked goods on the block - Croz is making sure everyone knows just who’s muffins those are on the bake sale table. Or if she wants to pursue a career or education? Harry is her biggest cheerleader, doing anything and everything to support her and being sure that everyone knows how incredible she is at what she does. (Credit @blurredcolour)
They may be the sweater wearing, block party and Sunday school couple but don’t think anybody gets away with being snide to Mrs. Jean Crosby -there will be comeuppance, even if it’s just an exquisitely literate verbal evisceration.
There's even more often a roaming band of local kids who kick the shins of everyone who's mean to Mrs. Crosby, because she gives them sweets and feeds them when they're hungry and cleans up their scrapes when play gets too rough and -if Mr. Crosby hands out a comic or two to the boys that "accidentally" tripped some bloke who was harassing his wife, well. All is fair in love and war. (Credit to @promptedwordsmith)
When in the summer of 49 the Crosbies get a swimming pool dug? It might as well be considered public property.
not just the kids who are attached to the crosbies, though. your home is a constant revolving door of visitors - including a bunch of ex-servicemen. if it's not bucky lounging in the pool, or rosie painting the fence in his shirtsleeves because he wanted to be helpful, then douglass is smoking a cigarette in the yard while trying to make you laugh. ev is asking harry to show him how to read this goddamn map bc they're supposed to be taking a trip to the grand canyon in a month, and bubbles is over for dinner every other night. even brady sometimes shows his face, if only to carp at harry for getting them lost over france that one time while working the barbecue because you asked him to. when you and harry bought the house with an extra room you weren't sure you would ever use, you didn't expect it to be occupied as often as a popular hotel. if anyone ever had any bad intentions toward the crosbies, they're definitely rethinking it. those that don't...well. being in the air corps teaches one all sorts of creative ways of getting back at people. (Credit to @fidelias)
Imagine all the different skills the Crosby kids (_and their neighbor friends who never seem to leave_) learn from these guys?
“Oh yeah, Bucky Egan taught me how to swim while wearing his aviators…”
In other words:
Harry Crosby went home and built himself a little Norman Rockwell Camelot and then opened the doors of the kingdom to his buddies and -that’s as it should be.
And that’s not even mentioning how the Air Force and the CIA walked up to his front porch and interrupted a backyard ballgame to ask him for his help
It sucks to be super smart and needed when all ya wanna do is teach literature, go camping and help keep the church life going
But still
Jean sure looked good in Pakistan, the kids enjoyed a new culture and Harry likes to say he may have done some good
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fcthots · 9 months
ok so this is clearly self-indulgent but what Reader x canon stuff isn’t?? 😤 anyway I’m finally submitting a thing because your portrayal of him & all these ficlets have done wonders for the world—
Italian!Jason (and/or just Jason Who Speaks Italian) & you have used Italian as sort of a “comfort language” since you were growing up together as teens. Yeah, you speak English, but your nicknames for each other, the curses you tend to use, just a lot of specific words because English isn’t always properly descriptive…& there was always a sweet Italian old lady who made the best bolognese & arancini!
anyway, he dies & you’re obviously heartbroken. Skip to Jason finding you (he might be in costume or not) & revealing that he’s alive. He’s too tall, his eyes are too green, he’s too tired and sad-looking. Not that he’s not attractive, but—what if it’s not true? There’s clones, alternate dimensions, dreams…
Then he’s speaking your language. Just partly because you were never fluent. He’s slowly coaxing you into a hug. (Or maybe this is much less angsty & you went from suspicious to in love & ready for a sexy reunion in seconds, lol.)
anyway, have a great weekend!! ♥️ 👌🏽🇮🇹
Also I google translated everything bc despite my last name looking like an Italian masterpiece even I say it the English way.
He rotated through every nickname in the book. You were his "principessa", "Tesoro", "cara", "bella", "mia amata", "mostriciattola", etc (princess, sweetheart, dear, beautiful, my loves, and little monster). He called you every sweet name under the sun, all in the language he said "was more fit for your beauty. It sounds much better in Italian."
And one day he stopped calling you anything. One day you just stopped hearing his voice for what you thought would be forever. One day he's calling you "puttana" for stealing his food and then the next day he's dead, laying in a coffin six feet under. You put a red, green, and white rose by his grave because you think he would have found it funny. You don't go back.
You're not the same after, haven't even jokingly attempted to speak a lick of something other than English. You keep quiet, keep to yourself, and think about Jason's spiel about americanized food when you pass by a Dominos pizza.
This all changes, though, when you're walking home by yourself late at night. You have to pass through the bad part of town and maybe you should have been more careful, but it was too late for that now. There were two men and one had a gun; you stood nom chance of making it if you ran. You attempted to back up, just to put some space, but you backed into a trash can and it loudly knocked over. You assailants don’t seem to have appreciated that: one grabs your arm and the other levels the gun at your head. You're shaking and slightly crying, scared out of your mind.
That is until a tank of a man with a bright red helmet drops in. He takes out the man with the gun first and the other pulls a knife to put to your neck. The Red Hood freezes when he looks into your eyes. After the knife starts digging into your skin, he springs back into action. It all happens so fast, you're not even sure what really happened.
But the next thing you know, there's two unconscious bodies on the floor, and the Red Hood is kneeling before you, taking off his mask.
"Principessa?" (princess?)
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
WHAT is the deal with Mario’s mouth?!
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We’ve been talking about Mario’s wacky enemies and allies for over five whole years now! That’s a lot of years, and a lot of Mario franchise characters! For obvious reasons, we’ve never talked thaaat much about Mario himself, since he is by definition the most Conventional Mario Entity. But even our beloved marketable and relatable everyman has some... interesting design choices, to say the least! Case in point: his mouth, or the lack of one!
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Mario is a funny cartoon guy! As you may know, his most iconic features, including his mustache, were intentionally chosen in order for his design to be clear just from seeing a tiny sprite. A mouth would be hard to parse, but a mustache stands out, while simultaneously framing his trademark nose! You do not need me to tell you Mario’s Mighty Mustache is such a famous feature of the fellow. And even in official artwork, as if to pay tribute to the ‘stache that started it all, Mario is often depicted with no mouth at all! The intent seems to be that the mustache obscures the mouth, and I think the result is usually rather cute... but sometimes their insistence upon it gets to be a bit much.
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Take Mario’s Cement Factory for Game & Watch, for example! Game & Watch games were great at making their little monochrome characters pop with wacky and exaggerated expressions... unless they’re Mario, I guess! Are they really so scared to alter Mario’s squeaky-clean image that he can’t even express fear or anxiety? It’s ok to feel those things, Mario! Do they not want us to think Mario is at all like us?
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A mouth is often an integral part of a cartoon character’s design, allowing for more varied facial expressions, as well as a clear indicator of who is talking when, and which voice is coming out of each character! At least, you’d think so, right? Evidently, Nintendo did not think so, and had one strict rule about Mario’s portrayal: no mouths! DiC obliged, and Mario spoke, mouthlessly. It’s rather eerie, really. His mustache does flutter while he talks, so you can tell it’s him speaking, but why is it fluttering? What is causing it to move? Is there wind blowing out of a mouth that is not there? We need answers, Nintendo!!!
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For the most convincing possible performance, Captain Lou Albano was asked to remove his mouth before recording his lines. Respect!
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Sometimes, though, they go too far with the mouthlessness. Baby Mario doesn’t have a mustache to pretend the mouth is hiding behind. Shouldn’t he have a visible mouth??? Either there is more to it than this, or it is just a blunder that somehow made it past testing. Was Mario perhaps born with no mouth at all...?
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And in that case, why would his twin brother Luigi be born WITH a mouth? Baby Luigi has a mouth, Regular Luigi has a mouth, and I assume Old Luigi will have a mouth, too. Any geneticists want to weigh in? It would be highly appreciated!
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Don’t be sad, Mario! I don’t think less of you for your bizarre mouth situation. I don’t think anyone does! It’s fascinating and charming! I am intrigued, in the sense that I would like to dissect you, but I respect you too much to do that right now. What matters is that Mario does not have a mouth in any sense of the word, there is just nothing there, and that is okay.
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dejyn · 3 months
i hope you dont mind if i get emotional for a minute…
i just. really appreciate how you portray daddy jack.
i feel like a lot of people think hes flat-out horrible with relationships and treats his partner no differently from the baker’s dozen…
seeing you acknowledge his canon sociopathic traits and villainous ways while also being actually decent if someone catches his interest is really nice…
i mean. yes. i admit part of our relationship is me seeking out as much magic for him as i could. but i like to imagine he appreciates that im going about it on my own and that i stopped expecting payment in return very early on cuz of… how much i love him.
maybe its just me loving the concept of irredeemable monsters having a soft spot, combined with the fact i hate seeing stuff with my comfort characters treating self-inserts/ocs poorly… but yeah…
tl;dr i love your portrayal 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
Heheheh don’t worry I’m myself getting emotional bc of the dude all the time :’D mew
Well, I must say that I’m always trying(trrryyyyiiin) to stick to canon, but that doesn’t stop me from creating my many hcs based on my vision. And one of them is that Jack really has a soft spot, in fact I just feel so much softness in him no less than cruelty, that makes me think he’d give you such an interesting and various experience in relationships he-heh… It surely wouldn’t be the healthiest ones, but let’s leave them to reality lol I’m here to have fun with a fictional troublemaker <3
Tbh I think he can be caring and loving companion, he can be all nice and sweet to you but it’s better to keep in mind that he’s doing it mostly for his own profit/pleasure. I just cannot deny the main point of his character: he is a greedy egoist. A taker. You just have to accept it if you love him. That doesn’t exclude genuine care, though: I can easily imagine him emotionally attached to someone. But his sick obsession with magic stemming from his giant neurotic ego will prevail in the end. Sad but true. But hey, I think this is the point where we can learn how to value signs of affection from him more :> And enjoy by letting him just being himself bc we love him <3 as for the poor treatment I think you’re free to imagine what you prefer and follow your own vision, I don’t think it's such a necessary thing to experience pain of any kind from him. He’s not some maniac even with his sociopathy… He’s a troubled guy who needs help the most. I’m sure if not to irritate him or criticize or argue, he’d be ok, just love him, express your love as much as you can cuz love is about giving and enjoy^^(he’s such fluff material to me I swear lmao) I’m really really glad if my stuffs help you!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Thank you (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ (sorry if my english sucks)
(while I was thinking how to put my thoughts in short [MISSSION FAILED] I remembered this silly pic I drew some time ago, it shows my mixed and conflicting feelings abt this walking disaster, mb that's why he's so catchy to me i dunno...)
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 3 months
ok i just finished season 1 of daredevil and i will have articulate things to say about it at some point but for now here's the stream of consciousness notes i took while i was watching:
-I like Jack Murdock as a portrayal of a loving but flawed parent — like he clearly cares for Matt so much and he’s doing his best but there’s some parts of a “normal” childhood he just doesn’t really have the resources to provide. That being said being stupidly self-sacrificial clearly runs in the family. Just take the dive and collect your money my guy 
-“you shouldn’t be sneaking around at night you could get hurt”/ “we need to do this within the legal system” Matthew you fucking hypocrite (affectionate)
-weirdly fascinated by the way Fisk & co. translate for their sketchy group meeting that always seem to take place in abandoned parking garages, especially with how Wesley gives the general idea of what they’re saying instead of a direct translation — ok update i suspected this was because Fisk actually understood what everyone was saying and I was right!
-I like Foggy but I disagree with him about the purpose of a defense attorney — he wants to represent people who aren’t guilty/were justified in what they did but everyone deserves representation even if they 100% did the thing and were 100% wrong in doing so 
-Honestly probably worked out better for Matt that Stick was only around for a couple of years at the most. Also symbolic that he left before teaching Matt to use knives — Matt never fully goes down the road of lethal force (I mean some of the things he does definitely would kill people in real life but in real life he’d also be dead so it evens out) or fully cuts off the people he cares about. Also are they implying that the reason Matt doesn’t permanently have broken ribs and/or major blood loss that he meditates? I mean suspension of disbelief obviously but that is. very funny 
-Fisk is, on the one hand, very detail-oriented, but he’s also impulsive and emotionally reactive, so he has to come up with plans to cover for it. Also I feel like his and Wesley’s relationship is going to implode at some point. Or one of them (probably Wesley since Fisk is like. the main villain) is going to die
-are they sponsored by Dell 
-obviously I know why they do this for cinematic reasons but it’s very funny that in-universe Fisk gives his entire speech in 1x08 without actually saying his name until he dramatically announces at the end. Although maybe that’s just for dramatic effect and in-universe he's just repeating it? Also don’t throw your computer Matt you have no money 
-Matt’s smug little smile when Karen says the man in the mask looks badass flipping around :3 
-“the whole wounded, handsome duck thing” 
-i love how much they dwell on the actual implications of finding out your friend is secretly a vigilante/has had superpowers the entire time you’ve known each other, and that knowing they go out at night to beat people up, even if it’s for the “right” reasons, would still be alarming 
-actually not bad on the nighttime colour-grading front! I can see what’s happening which is better than most shows 
-I appreciate that there’s an actual plot about/explanation of how Matt gets his body armour 
-Wow who could have guessed leaving the gun in the middle of the table was a bad idea. I kind of liked Wesley but honestly what a dumbass way to die. Do admire the bluff though “you don’t really believe I’d put a loaded gun where you could reach it?” 
-love the approach to superhero realism here — not necessarily in the abilities or the way the plot is constructed (although that’s good, too) but in the characters’ reactions (Foggy finding out about Matt; Karen when she kills Wesley, Fisk when he finds out Wesley is dead) 
-“I thought your days of being relevant were past” ouch 
-reasons Wilson Fisk is evil: murder, drug dealing, doesn’t like cat videos 
-I do like that Fisk kind of gets the power of friendship thing though? But like it makes him worse 
-I’m very much not the most qualified to make this judgement and I’d want to check what people who actually *are* in a position to judge have to say about it, but I feel like this show has a bit of an… orientalism problem, I guess? But orientalism that also includes Russians, and also I know this is partly an extension of her being a very minor character but Doris (Ben Urich’s wife) is the only character who seems like she’s *only* there to like. encourage others through her wise words and doesn’t have much of an internal life of her own (besides the priest I guess but I feel like with priests that’s kind of their job) 
-Did Foggy not go to Ben’s funeral? 
-Fisk is also going to kill Leland. Maybe stop killing all your allies Fisk 
-I think it’s cute that Matt still holds onto Foggy’s arm when they’re walking even when it’s just the two of them and Foggy already knows that he doesn’t need to do it 
-Why does Marvel keep naming wise mentor figures who die Ben? Matt and Peter Parker should make a club (is Ben Urich in the comics? I haven't read the comics)
-“while actively being arrested” has got to win some sort of award for worst marriage proposal but I guess I admire that he just went for it? 
-Ominously large number of minutes left in this episode after the seeming resolution 
-Matt’s dumbass little horns <3
-Fisk: “You think one man in a silly little costume will make a difference?” bro *you* thought one man in a silly little costume would make a difference when you were the one man. Also I hope the silly little costume protects Matt from blunt force trauma 
-I’m honestly still not entirely sure how/if Nelson & Murdock actually made any money
-I feel like that bit near the beginning where Karen and Matt both have secrets and Foggy’s like “I wish I had a secret” describes their dynamic basically
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astudyincontrasts · 2 years
Hi I don’t have any questions but I just wanted to write to you and say that I love your portrayal of viktor because he’s not just a helpless weak meow meow he’s very assertive and sexyyyy and and oh boy I just love it!! You’re amazing <3333
Hey!! Thanks so much, I’m glad you appreciate my portrayal of Viktor. I could never see him as helpless or even weak. Viktor may have a disability that limits his movement and an illness that’s slowly killing him, but he’s never, ever shown as some meek, milquetoast, fragile thing.
From the first moment we meet him he’s sassing Jayce without restraint, issuing orders to FUCKING GRAYSON of all people, and from there he pitches headlong into potentially self destructive rebelliousness. We’re led to believe he dragged himself out of the undercity on his own and landed his position in the university based on pure chutzpah and perhaps a bit of devious lying.
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He has zero fear of authority figures. The first time he meets Mel, arguably the most clever and powerful person in Piltover, this mf’er straight up tries to pull a fast one on her. Lame, sure, but hilarious (‘oh this isn’t my room’ uh huh ok babe nice shot). But he never even breaks a sweat. Please note Jayce meanwhile in the background shitting an entire flock of chickens:
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The next time you see the pair of them in a room together he can barely keep his eyes from rolling out of his head at her obvious manipulation of Jayce AND THEN reads her the absolute riot act when it becomes clear she’s pushing for HexTech weapons. I mean if looks could kill:
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He’s constantly pushing the boundaries of their work further than Jayce seems to be, and honestly if he had a healthier fear or respect for the danger of the arcane they are messing with he might not be on the path he’s on now. Yet, he’s so determined and singleminded and stubbornly strong that he’s ready to use his own body as a guinea pig for genuinely terrifying experimentation.
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Tbh it feels like Viktor’s only two fears are public speaking (which, based ok) and his own impending mortality. This man may look like he’s made from glass and come across with the social finesse of an autistic tree sloth but he’s got a core of steel and a savvy read on situations that you forget at your peril.
You can say what you like about his attempted assimilation into Piltover society, it’s obvious at every turn that this man was forged in the fires of the undercity.
Also the artists at fortiche gifted this man a dong that could knock you out if he turned around fast enough the boy deserves to get to use it ok. I’m glad you like him nonny cause I’m gonna keep doin our boy justice thanks for coming to my TED talk
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hey sorry if this seems weird but I wanted to ask if it was ok to redraw your Paradoxical comic? Im pretty much invested with the storyline and your portrayal of the characters, and i wanted to show my appreciation of it. I wouldn't change the story or anything, itd pretty much be the same just in my artstyle. If you say no it's absolutely fine I just wanted to ask😅😅
As long as you credit then absolutely go for it! I love being able to inspire and support people, and if you do post it- I’ll absolutely reblog it to share<3
If you’re redrawing any parts that credit K2 then please credit them as well<3 K2 is the primary writer for the scripts- I basically give them an idea of what I want and they go and freshen them up. Her favourite sister is Cassandra so a lot of Cass lines are written by them (including RL Cass!)
They’re choosing to go by this alias and not for me to link any of their accounts, so just the mention will be fine<3 thank you for asking!
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donnydamakkk · 3 months
What are your unpopular opinions on any/all of the BAU women?
(i saw the word unpopular after so i jus gave general opinions shdgsdjdsdk sorry but some of it is prolly unpopular anyway)
jennifer jareau is the apple of my mothafuckin eye fr. the literal love of my life. i am so serious when i say every blonde woman that i have ever found attractive needs to bow down before her (n samantha stephens) n kiss the mothafuckin ring. she is so slept on n i feel like people don't really understand or appreciate the many layers of her. i feel like she's so widely misunderstood. tbh people's takes on her tend to make my eye twitch real bad. as beautiful as she is, i feel like "soft", beautiful looks contribute a lot to her massive mischaracterization. except rosie's; she understands jj, she gets it. but for the most part, i dont feel like people should b allowed to speak on her bcus they're prolly wrong. (also butch jj is the best hc ever, but we all know i feel that way)
i really love emily prentiss, i do. she's intelligent, soulful, goofy in a way that doesn't feel ridiculous or stupid (contrary to a lot of fanon portrayal) but i mostly feel like that about early seasons emily. the more she left n returned, the less it seemed like the writing for her character was true to her n it started to feel bland. i often ask myself in later seasons where her personality went bcus at a some point she jus feels kinda blank n like shes there for fan service. it isn't emily's fault tho; it's all the writers. i love emily tho. also i hc her as bisexual now bcus idk i feel like u would have to swing from multiple vines to participate in sin to win; i can see her being w women n men equally as far as sex goes but being more likely to fall in love w women but sometimes she'll fall in love w a man n b like, well shit... ok n rockin w it but yes, shes a bi babe. i have also concluded that homegirl has a type n jj would b the exception to her rule/type bcus emily is def robert deniro (iyyk). anyway....
no one is allowed to hate elle greenaway, alright? as much as i do love gideon, everything that went wrong elle is his n hotch's fault n i mean that wholeheartedly. anyway, she was a cool as a fan w ice in it, bruh. i b missing her so much. also, i was proud of her when she shot that serial rapist; he was never gon stop offending. she did the right thing.
jordan todd was such a sweet, sensitive baby but she was functional n driven n i like that. she's also flirty. i like that too. idk man. i loved her so much, and ya know, i really loved her for really highlighting all the work jj does and reminding them all to like really appreciate her. she was a great temp; i hope she's happy somewhere. also i will never not scream about this but HER AND EMILY PRENTISS GOT NASTY n i would like to see it (:
i didn't enjoy ashley seaver or her arc. contrary to popular belief, it isn't bcus she replaced jj. it's bcus shes the only team member they've ever had that was there without any actual professional merit. girl wasnt even finished w the academy, and i, for one, did not enjoy watching what was essentially an internship. also she was boring so.
i like penelope garcia a lot; she's fun n she's sweet. i would like to write for her more but i find it difficult bcus she doesn't feel like a real person to me. which is like not to say i haven't met people like her bcus i have but whenever i do, it's kinda jarring n i always feel like i jus hallucinated. also my view of emotions is... yeah. so, there are times where she's kinda paralyzed w emotions that grind me a bit bcus idk i kinda feel like if ur emotions aren't servicing u in that moment then u needa jus suck it up n deal w them later, u not getting nowhere if u crying to much to function n then u still have this problem; so suck it up n deal w the problem n cry later n she has to b reminded of that often which again grinds me a bit but thats a me thing. i dont hold that against PG but it's jus sumn that we are not compatible on n that's fine. also i love love love love love love her n her dynamic w morgan ofc but some of the nicknames she calls him makes me personally uncomfortable as a black person but i mean hey... also, evolution was a disgusting disservice to her character n she deserves to b happy n at peace w her life away from the bau; she coulda came back without getting sucked back into a job that was messing her up mentally. she deserves better
i don't really have an opinion of kate callahan. i don't like her. i don't dislike her. i simply did not connect to her at all; also s10 wasn't a strong season fr so that ain't even really her fault. i do like that scene w her n my jocks on the plane tho. i like jennifer love hewitt tho (maddie buckley is that bitch fr). she b cool in stuff.
alex blake, my beloved fr; she calms me. i love that. i really really really loved her on the team; i loved how that version of the team functioned so much. it's one of, if not my favorite version of the team. she is the best (later seasons) replacement character hands down. god, i loved everything about her. literally everything about her. i fr don't have any notes, 11/10 fr. i miss her terribly. i would also let her do unspeakable things to my body so long as she talks me thru it n i know she would. anyway, i hope she's happy teaching n living her life <3
okay don't jump me but like the v worst thing any show could do to me w any character is introduce them w terrible hair. it's shallow as fuck, i will admit that but if that's how i first meet them? baby! i will never get over it, i will never unsee it n it will impact my ability to consume that character moving forward. that to say n i do hate to say it but tara lewis is a character who has fallen victim to this. they shoulda never introduced her in that fuckass wig. it pisses me off jus thinkin about it n she was in it for a while so as shallow n terrible as it is, it affected my connection to her. but it is what it is, im not apologizing for it. also, she has the horrific misfortune of being introduced in the late late late seasons when for the most part they wasn't even trying in the writers room fr, which sucks. bcus im gonna b particularly honest here, i dont feel a thing for her or luke. i like matt bcus i watched beyond borders n bcus i mentally connect him to jj as her male tethered. i also, so sorry, don't care that she's queer; i don't like how that whole thing was written. it didn't do shit for me at all. really, in conclusion, tara lewis is a victim to criminal minds writing team n costume department. so justice for tara!! but no yea she not my homie or nothin like that; i don't hate her tho.
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triviareads · 6 months
Tastes Like shakkar sounds so good! What are your top 5 books with brown or desi characters?
I enjoyed Tastes Like Shakkar a lot more than I was expecting, and have relentlessly been shilling it ever since. It's such a solid romance, the sex was good, a lot of the desi family stuff (the concept of being a "family manager") really hit, but it never took away from the main romance. Also, it's always nice to feel "seen" in the books you read even though it's pretty rare for me, but since this was specifically about Indian-Americans in the NY-NJ area, I really felt that.
Here are books with desi rep apart from Tastes Like Shakkar that are in my top 5:
Wrong to Need You by Alisha Rai: I debated putting my other fave by Alisha, Serving Pleasure, on here but Wrong to Need You portrayed a less-troubled desi family dynamic than Serving Pleasure so I'm picking this. Sadia is a widowed single mom grappling with her attraction to her brother-in-law, Jackson who's just returned after a self-imposed exile related to a mysterious fire. The restrained tension between these two is so hot (ok maybe not entirely restrained; she doesn't recognize him when he first returns and nearly has sex with him lol). Also, Sadia, like Jiya below, subverts the passive Asian woman trope on multiple levels, and based on the dynamic between her and Jackson.
I also liked how Sadia's large, close-knit Pakistani-American family was portrayed; they may not see eye-to-eye all the time, but they love one another and are willing to learn and compromise.
Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert: Zafir Ansari is truly a prince among men; him and Dani go viral for his rescue of her, and they start fake dating so his football charity can get some positive attention and donations. I like how Zafir was the romantic one among the two of them (and is a Bollywood romance fan, predictably), and is also great in the sack so... a winner, basically.
Also, Talia wrote this lovely exploration of grief (Zafir lost his dad and brother) and this really sweet relationship between Zafir and his SIL, and his family as a whole which I appreciated.
Sink or Swim by Tessa Bailey: I know Tessa has gotten a lot of flak for her portrayal of Latinx characters (which, deserved imo), and she's otherwise by and large stuck to writing white characters, but I can't deny she did pretty damn good job of writing Jiya and her family, who are desi, in this book. Here are my full thoughts on this.
The Roommate Risk by Talia Hibbert: Friends to lovers AND probably one of the only unrequited love books I'll ever recommend only because I love Jasmine so much (even while she's STRUGGLING to figure out that yes, Rahul has had feelings for her ever since she deflowered him on the... I wanna say library floor), and Rahul Khan is adorable and a stern, stern man who can absolutely get it. Similar to Zafir above, Rahul's dad also dies during the book (there's a lot of flashbacks) and Talia portrayed Muslim funeral customs and just the general family dynamics thoughtfully and in such an emotional way.
Hard Way by Katie Porter: lol my problematic fave because there are a few things that are just so weird in terms of rep: For one, the author keeps putting Sunita, the heroine, in "indian inspired" clothes, for example, some kind vaguely described professional suit inspired by a saree? Like, this woman is an attorney who works for a United States congressman. She's probably wearing a regular-ass suit like the rest of the people in that office. Also, her nickname in law school was the "Ice Queen of Bangalore" which was meant to be microaggressive, but the nickname literally makes 0 sense to me since she was raised in AMERICA, and considering half the Indians I know can't make the connection between being Kannadiga and possibly being from Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka, what are the chances these white mfs can, right? And the weird thing is, she narratively sort of "reclaims" her nickname, but it was such a cringe one to begin with and I don't even know why the authors bothered to put it in in the first place.
BUT Sunita is the only Kannadiga heroine I've ever read (I am. kannadiga, to clarify), she's a martial artist, she's struggling to work out her marriage with her husband (I'm a sucker for that shit), she's good with being kidnapped and zip-tied straight from the grocery store by her husband because it's a mutual fantasy, and she attends yakshagana performances (also very personal to me and my family)! Do you know how rare it is to see any of these things as far as brown heroines go? Maybe I have a lower bar for South Asian rep because there are so few romances that have South Asians who don't hate themselves/the culture AND have good sex scenes, but hopefully that will change as time goes on.
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jennycalendar · 11 months
(also, jenny/giles/ethan, but i am currently quietly going feral about jenny/ethan as i try to work out my massive AU project that may never be finished, so. i want to hear your thoughts on both because these are my favorite rare ships in this fandom.)
SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS. most of them spill over into my own personal complicated emotions about/writing ideas for this notion. not sure if this qualifies as a "brutally honest opinion" or if it's just word vomit but Oh Well. Can't Help It. Jenny And Ethan Create Feelings.
ok so like. jenny and ethan are my two favorite guys. ethan, however, is much more.... how do i put this? fic remembers that he's a human person. there is a solid subsection of calendiles fic that really just treats jenny as a lipsticked paper doll that makes giles happy, but when ethan is in fic, there's almost always this detailed, thoughtful portrayal of what's going on in his head and how he as an individual relates to giles, despite jenny being in more episodes than him. (it's the misogyny. and i hate it.) so i don't spend a lot of time writing ethan because, like, ethan is fine! he does not need my help! and if i wanna read gorgeous fic about ethan i can find it without scrounging! finding fic for jenny that goes into that kind of thought and detail is a little tougher.
so that is an important backdrop re: my very complicated feelings every time i think about jenny and ethan at the same time! but another component is this: i fucking love jenny and ethan. both of them as individuals say so much about giles (i.e. that he likes women who can throw him around and men who he can throw around) and both of them are SO smart and terrifying!!! i do have Opinions re: jenny perceiving giles as a complete individual vs. ethan's fixation with Turning Giles Back Into Ripper, but 1) that's another thing entirely and 2) i think that a timeline where jenny/ethan could happen is a timeline where ethan is so much more emotionally mature. so i shall leave it as a footnote and move along.
ANYWAY. i didn't realize this until i started writing this all up, but part of the reason i've never written anything for jenny/ethan is because of that aforementioned misogyny in the way fandom reads ethan vs. jenny. i have always been a little nervous that exploring jenny/ethan means i am a hop, skip, & a jump away from that corner of fandom full of giles stans who violently despise jenny, and every time i entertain the notion my brain is like "but celia, then you're spending time thinking about ethan, and everyone has done that to death. the dearth of jenny fic that explores and appreciates her as an individual even within her relationship with giles is so much more pressing a concern to you!!" and then i put that box down and go back to another jenny fic, because that makes me less sad.
but i do love jenny/ethan as a concept!!! a lot!!! despite my reticence to explore it in fic! i think so much of it is just -- i have been worried about writing smth and having to deal with chilly reception + disinterest from people who like ethan and don't like jenny. the dislike of jenny has waned in recent years (iiiiiiii have suspicions about why this is but they sound HORRIBLY arrogant so i will try to keep my head normal sized) but i am still a lil squirrelly about it because.
third reason and most important reason.
jenny/ethan would FUCKING SLAP. and i want it too much to be objective about it.
like, first of all, jenny and ethan connecting in the wake of giles's death is smth i have thought about so many times and in so many different ways. usually i tend to have it skew platonic/ambiguous simply because i think i like the idea of them having this Unexplainable Tragedy Bond after being impacted by this man for such a strange short moment (and also because, in my head, i often just see ethan as gay, because i think that creates a lot of interesting tension in the Bisexuality Metaphor that is the normative vs. non-normative internal conflict within giles + ethan's insistence that the non-normative is the Only Real Answer) but the fact remains that the connection is there!
i have thought a lot about ethan teaching jenny about chaos magic as a brand of magic that's accessible to her/makes sense to her, and i do think that he'd be deeply fascinated by her interest in computers for, hilariously, the exact same reason giles hates them, which would piss her off to the extreme. (he LOVES the "soulless numbers-running automaton" aspect of it all because there are SO MANY WAYS TO MAKE EVERYTHING BREAK. and now he gets to figure out NEW WAYS TO BREAK THINGS. this is GREAT. he is NOT listening to jenny's furious tirades re: how computers aren't soulless. he's going to bring down the mainframe.)
i also think that ethan and jenny would verbally spar in a way that would actually terrify giles. like, both of them are often much quicker than him (it's why he likes them!) and so against EACH OTHER??? TERRIFYING. but jenny would win, because jenny absolutely always wins, and i think she would take it as a BIG win when she manages to actually trip up ethan and get him flustered. she is probably the only person in the world who could manage to do that. (except for nora but i'm not legally allowed to say anything about what may or may not happen in future installments of potential fics.)
i can truly never decide whether i like ethan + jenny as friends or ethan/jenny in a way that skews romantic, tho, bc like i said, i like the notion of ethan as not attracted to women! creates a lot of interesting messiness about his insistence that giles needs to return to him to be truly happy, his determination that giles is living a lie, etc, and i love the level of misunderstanding and limited perspective that that adds to giles/ethan's relationship. BUT i also love ethan in general and i think ethan/jenny could be so fun? and also so unexpectedly tender?? jenny is exactly the kind of unhinged academic that ethan is a sucker for, and i do really love the idea of these two people who make GILES look emotionally vulnerable finding a way to let their guard down around each other. both of them are little wet cats trying to make themselves look big, after all.
mostly i am just like. i want this in a way that goes beyond logic to the point where i never talk about it on main because it feels TOO self-indulgent to justify & Cite My Sources About, especially when i have these pre-existing headcanons for ethan that would conflict with jenny/ethan's existence! but at the same time it would be SO FUN, and also the level of charged tender romance that jenny and ethan could manufacture as two people with BIG hearts who are DESPERATELY trying to hide that level of love.... like, WHOA.
jenny/giles/ethan is obvs elite tier, in any configuration, whether or not it involves jenny/ethan. giles has two hands. i don't have much else to say about that one bc i think we all know it's the best thing in the world.
(and also please please please tell me more about your massive au project that involves jenny/ethan. i will definitely give you an insider scoop on some secret fic in exchange....)
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carphoegras · 1 year
I don’t ship most of these myself , but your rant/ramble posts on Les Mis ships are funny so I genuinely wanted your opinion on these 👁
1. Enjoltaire
2. Valvert
3. Enjonine
4. Marisette (or whatever Marius x Cosette was called)
5. Javonine (Javert and…Eponine 😭)
6. Marionine (A name a just guessed for Marius x Eponine because I wasn’t bothered to look it up)
7. and uhhh.. Granjonine (I think that was the name)
well hello darling! i live to entertain lol lets get into it i might have to put this under a cut because i think its obvious i have a rambling issue
Enjoltaire : a classic for good reason. they seemed really base level to me at first because i watched the movie first, but once i read the brick and really saw their dynamic i fell for them HARD. for me the beauty of this pairing is really rooted in the substance of their individual characters as opposed to like a romantic relationship. idk its so difficult for me to verbalize why i love them so much i think i just love the idea of finding common ground despite difficulties. enjolras and grantaire mirror each other in such a beautiful way that i feel the musical/movie couldn't really capture without demoting it to a puppy love grantaire/mean enjolras dynamic idk i have such an issue with some portrayals of them because i feel like they create a victim/abuser situation where there wasn't one but that's like a whole post within itself anyway i feel like im getting incoherent i love exr with every fiber of my fucking being just read the brick if you don't get it ok the movie and musical just dont do it justice and for the love of god avoid the fics written in 2012/2013 after the movie hype its all wRONGGGG (i love you george blagden but you created a twink grantaire movement) (they pull each others pigtails okay its a mutual obsession) (enjolras why don't you just ignore him baby? glutton for punishment my dear we all know if you hated him you wouldn't let him hang around) (anyway) i should make a seperate post about my exr feelings bc i could talk ab them for hours
2. Valvert: okay this is where i feel like i can be unpopular with the fandom. i fucking hate this ship. like physically, spiritually, all that. its one of those that i kinda lose respect for the person bc its literally a cop/prisoner thing. its not enemies to lovers. its not a hate love thing. javert's a fucking cop. valjean is his victim. the whole idea of people romanticizing this makes me feel so insanely icky and i think the point of the story has just gone RIGHT over some folks' heads please take a step back and think about it. neolib behavior sorry not sorry
3. Enjonine: enjolras is gay. just like, straight up in the brick enjolras is a gay man. this ship is spawned from straight girls who saw aaron tveit and use eponine as their not like other girls posterchild. just a whole bunch of hetero nonsense. same behavior as the joseph quinn enj x reader bs. honey thats a homosexual man and can we please stop reducing eponine to needing a boyfriend she needs a stable home and a goddamn therapist fucking hell
4. Marisette: okay. i LOVE THEM. i'm a cosette stan myself, and i'm a huge fan of a gooey love at first sight situation. they contrast my love for exr in the sense that they're a very easy love. their parts in the book literally make me SWOOOOOON i can put aside my beef with marius as a combeferre kin to appreciate how sweet they are
5. Javonine??: im sorry wh aht. did the snape x hermione shippers leak into the lm fandom or am i being fucking punked im not discussing this its obvious why this is wrong please tell me its obvious y'all are NASTY
6. Marionine: eh. eh. i mean, like i said with enjonine eponine's problems are not gonna be solved with a dude. i'm really not opposed to them, persay, its just that eponine's love for marius is so incredibly dependent and rooted more in her personal trauma than actual love, so i feel a little weird with them sometimes. sometimes it just gives anti cosette vibes (cough cough bc of the bullshit love triangle angle that the musical markets cough cough) so i tread very carefully with them
7. Granjonine: again what in the damn hell. i'm not dignifying this shit they could be besties but for the love of god george blagden did a number on the straight girls. STOP PROJECTING ONTO EPONINE IM GONNA LOSE MY FUCKING MIND LEAVE HER ALONE
thanks for the ask lovely, i do love rambling even though these ships are baffling lmaoooo
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fanby-fckry · 3 months
🍭🎀 for the ask game!♡
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
Thank you! <3
🍭 why did you start writing?
When it comes to writing in general, I’ve had a passion for story telling for about as long as I could write.
I remember there was an assignment in like 1st lr 2nd grade where my teacher had the class add “spider legs” to their stories, which were basically strips of paper that you could use to add more details to things without erasing. She used to call my spider legs “elephant legs” because I’d add line after line on every “leg.”
As for fanfiction specifically, I did it out of spite.
I saw someone say that RadioApple could never work because Lucifer likes to tempt people with sex (not canon but ok) and Alastor’s asexual. Plus the power difference would make it unhealth and wrong. :/
And in response, I wrote Tempting Entertainment: the precursor fic to UH3.
So uh, thanks random RadioApple anti from 2019. You changed my life forever, and now I have an ongoing series of RadioAppleSiren kinky queer platonic polycule fanfics that get an insane amount of interaction and comments from people telling me how much they liked my work/how wholesome the unholy 3 are/how my portrayal of Alastor’s aroace-ness.
Also, get fucked because UH3!Alastor sure isn’t.
🎀 give yourself a compliment about your own writing
I need to stop reblogging ask games that have this as a prompt, because beloved mutuals are insistent on sending it every time, and I’m going to run out of nice things to say about my work eventually.
Also, I sent one back to you as revenge but the nice kind. If I have to appreciate my work then so you!
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Hmmmmmm what do I actually say about this? And what haven’t I said already?
Oh! I think I’m pretty good at noticing the trends that happen when my characters start “writing themselves” and acting accordingly.
I accidentally wrote UH3!Alastor with a bunch of my own Cluster B traits in addition to the implied canon traits. And while I tried to minimize them for a while for fear of The Discourse™️, eventually I decided it was better to double down and write with my own perspective as a person with a personality disorder in mind.
Recently I came to the realization that UH3!Alastor may have a gender preference for women when it comes to platonic and sensual attraction, which I had kind of assumed wouldn’t happen in this AU, but he did it anyway. I’m gonna be keeping an eye on that, and might be updating his microlabels.
He doesn’t know his own microlabels, but it helps me keep my writing consistent. Previously I’d had him down as panaesthetic, pansensual, and panplatonic but I think he’s actually bisensual and biplatonic. His aesthetic attraction isn’t at all based on gender; meanwhile while he can experience sensual, platonic, and queer platonic attraction to any gender, he seems to have a noticeable difference between women and everybody else.
I blame his father for this. I also blame him for a good portion of the Cluster B symptoms. Wow, I really wanna write some backstory about Alastor’s relationship with his father, because it’s hinted at in UH3 in several places, but it doesn’t come up a lot and I have so many things to say.
Uhh, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, my writing! Complimenting it!
Sometimes my characters write themselves, and I think I do a pretty good job chasing after them and taking notes. :3
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starr-angelofnarnia · 10 months
OK OK I have to talk about Barbie!
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I went and saw the Barbie movie on Friday. I don't typically go to movies when they are in theaters because my adhd doesn't handle sitting quietly still for an extended period of time. But marketing for this movie was on point and I had to go see it.
In short, with no spoilers, I loved it. There were a few bits of the story that could have better, but overall, it was a wonderful movie. So I want to discuss it but I'm hiding the rest under the cut because there are spoilers.
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Also, I have to say that the criticism that the movie is inappropriate for children though it was marketed to young children is hilarious. It was not marketed to children; it was marketed to the millennial women who grew up with Barbie at its most controversial. Not once did I see a marketing campaign and think, "this is perfect for children!"
I digress...
Didn't Like: Ruth and Barbie's Conversation to the Last Joke
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Getting out of the way what I didn't like: basically the ending. I appreciate the point that was trying to be made, that ideas live on, that humans live on through what they put into the world. But I personally don't feel it was done effectively. The scene where Barbie talks with Ruth is weird and doesn't flow with the previous scene. And the gynecologist joke that closed the film took away from this message. Read somewhere that the end came to Gerwig in a dream, and it honestly looks like it (but not in a good way).
Liked: References to Discontinued Dolls
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All the jabs at discontinued Barbies (would have been cool if they would have had a scene of Midge giving birth like they had with growing up Skipper) were hilarious. I appreciate that Mattel didn't shy away from the cringier dolls in the collection. And I personally think that's a sign of strength, being able to learn from your mistakes. I did find an article about other dolls that could have been included, which I'll link below.
Liked: Sasha's Criticism of Barbie Being Anti-Feminist
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Sasha's speech about how Barbie has set women back because it's a valid argument that many people have made. I grew up with concerns that Barbie was giving girls body image issues, that she gave men unrealistic expectations for women, and that her portrayal isn't even biologically possible. And for a bit, I fell into this line of thinking. Though it was never Barbie giving me unrealistic expectations for my body, it was images of celebrities that did. But acknowledging this criticism makes the film far more powerful than if they'd ignored it completely.
Loved: Barbie Encourages Ken to Find an Identity Outside of Her
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One of the criticisms I've heard was how pathetic Ken is as a character. But I think that's the point. For one, this is how women are often portrayed in films centered around men. For once, the man was the damsel in distress. Second, after the Kendom falls, Barbie encourages Ken to create an identity for himself outside of being "with Barbie". The Barbies aren't trying to put the men down in restoring Barbie Land (a common criticism) but encourage the Kens to be more than Barbie's companion. (Side note: the word patriarchy was used too much; it became a cringey buzzword after a while.) Finally, Ken didn't get the girl so to speak. Women should be free to have men as friends without it becoming a romantic relationship. Barbie loves Ken platonically and that doesn't change.
Loved: Barbie's Emotional Confession and Gloria's Response
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I've seen tons of praise for Gloria's monologue about the complexities of being a girl. And this was definitely a highlight of the movie. But I haven't seen as much praise for the events that led to this: Barbie's grief about not being good enough. I cried during this part of the movie because it was so relatable. I constantly feel this way, that I'm not good enough. This was such an emotional scene and it really resonated with me.
Final Thoughts:
I hope that this shows men some of the struggles of women that they often overlook.
I love that Greta Gerwig was able to support trans people without taking away from what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman. (Part of what the gyno joke was)
The soundtrack is fire. The only thing that could have made it better is a song from queen Taylor Swift. Also don't know why Ken's cover of Push couldn't have been included
BTW, links where I got my information and pictures
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chococolte · 2 years
Hello! I really enjoy your work and I would like to ask, if it isn't inconvenient to you in any way, if you would like to share other authors on this platform that you enjoy? I'd be really interested if you read any yandere content on here, since I remember you saying that you dislike the portrayal of them a lot of times. 🤍
thank you!! i only read a few blogs tbh, and not just cus i dislike the portrayal of yanderes a lot of the time nvicnifng i don't really use tumblr to read anymore, esp since i have my blog-- i have this deep-seated fear that whatever i read i'll wind up accidentally copying or it'll influence my own writing in some way, which i don't want to happen i'd rather not get cancelled </3
but below the readmore are blogs i like!!!
i just need to talk about her writing for a moment. it's SO fucking good and i just??? she's one of my inspirations and i remember reading one of her posts before i started my new blog, and i remember thinking it was so good and amazing and it was part of the reason i decided to try tumblr again cus like!!!!! it was SO good and it was like the nerves in my brain were alighted I HAD to write something YK?? i need more people to appreciate her writing!!!!!
she only has 2 diluc pieces but i ravaged them like they were my last meal. i don't even like diluc like that but her characterization of him? perfect!!! i love it so much <3 and her descriptions?? her style and prose??? i'm just so lost, it's all so good and amazing <3
ok im done gushing and fangirling, i need to act sane XNIUXBDBF
i need a moment I NEED A MOMENT TO COMPOSE MYSELF... ok, their writing is literally just XNUIBNDBDUIBNXUBDIBFIBGBD
I CANT SPEAK ABOUT IT ENOUGH, their academy au is amazing THEIR HOUSEHUSBAND STUFF IS AMAZING i just i can't say it enough i need to keep saying it until u realize how good it is. their writing itself is impeccable, and the way they write the genshin men?? it's perfect, just my ideal <3
ok so i know everyone knows her, but like?? i STILL need to add her and gush about her writing. her writing is so pretty, i just love reading it and it inspires me immediately!!
this specific cyno piece sticks out to me in particular. sometimes i just think about it, the descriptions and prose, and it just makes me want to write!! the line about people surrounding the reader like bees to honey is just?? idk, it's simple but something about it... <333 i remember reading that line for the first time and just being kind of awe-struck by it, i just loved the thought of likening a crowd of people to bees; added with the thought that the reader is as sweet as honey, in this case. just so so nice!! definitely one of my inspirations <3
she is doing everything in her power to convert me to venti supremacy, and i have to say for the most part it's working. her stuff on him is so good and her characterization of him just<3 exactly as i like it<3
this venti piece is just?????? i just think about it sometimes... he's just so desperate and lovely and it's exactly how i imagine venti in the sagau!!!!! i never feel like its difficult to read or follow her writing, it's all clear and concise, but also still descriptive. i love it so much i just aaaaahhh!!!!!
now how could i not add choco to this list?? i would be doing the world a disservice
i read like everything she posts!! and i love her letters event, i never would of thought of it myself!! its just such a unique idea and i think she executes it so well. i love the idea of different characters taking the letter and opening it too, i'd be too scared to do something like that myself nxuibcbg
the letters are short and sweet, and i just ): i want more people to read her stuff!!!
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svblimes · 8 months
Super interested to know what your top three Ryan Gosling movies are and why!
i'm not much of a top three person since i'm really indecisive but i'll list the ones i'm most fond of! 3. blade runner 2049
i'd be lying if i said it wasn't mostly because of the cinematography... but i loved ryan's portrayal of K. his performance helped me easily empathize with him being a replicant looking to be something more than just a tool. the first movie, to me, was more about making the audience assume all replicants are evil. (this was probably intentional anyway but i like analyzing things). plus i think K is badass.
2. lars and the real girl
as someone who grew up with social anxieties and is somewhat quiet and not very touchy, i related to lars a bit. plus, i think it's rare for a movie like that to have an entire town come together to support a young man's delusions because they love him. i thought that was really wholesome and i wish there were more people like that in the world. it really makes you sit down and think for a while.
ryan's performance as lars was incredibly realistic and i appreciate his efforts so much when it came to that character.
the nice guys
i'm a sucker for comedies and i love seeing ryan in comedic roles so much! the movie itself flowed nicely and it kept me engaged throughout. it was a serious situation but lighthearted and fun, which i love. russell crowe is also a gem here, i love healy.
i love characters like holland march. pathetic, silly guys who have good intentions.... yeah. he's a clumsy doofus and i love him for that!!!! i also feel bad for him, i want to pat his head and tell him it's ok.
obvious mention: barbie
barbie is one of my favorite movies ever. i loved the cinematography, the messages, the characters, the sets, the HUMOR, everyyythiiiinggg!!! with ryan playing a himbo, it was so over for me. i love ken i love him i love him man GRAAH!! also, another silly little guy like holland. :]
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maingh0st · 5 days
Here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/YAlit/s/TfWnnPUzEI I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
ok hi anon I have finished Tithe and have read this thread! (for anyone confused—this anon recently informed me that there were older & newer versions of Tithe, and that changes had been made in the newer version, which I was reading).
I mean, yeah—these seem like very necessary changes, and I know 2002 was a different time, but it is bizarre to me that a Holly Black in her late 20s (early 30s?) would feel that some of those lines were okay to include.
I'm not Japanese (nor Asian in general), so it's not my place to speak on whether those cut lines about Kaye's race (& Roiben's appearance) were acceptable or not, but I found this interesting post interrogating the decision to make Kaye half-Japanese. if I have Asian followers who are familiar with this story, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the representation (or lack thereof?) in it.
I'm also not a gay man, so I can't speak much to Corny's portrayal, but oof. even in 2002, I think Black should've known to omit actual slurs. also, it's always important to remember that in writing, there's a difference between portrayal and endorsement—but like. Corny's supposed to be a sympathetic character, right? including a mass shooting fantasy from his POV is..... uh.
on a lighter note, I was unaware that some of the lines about the High Court/Elfhame were added, though that makes sense in hindsight, considering how far apart those books were published. I appreciate those additions for how they weave the stories together.
thanks for sharing! feel free to share your thoughts as well
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