thaliasthunder · 2 years
grecia reading the secret history by donna tartt 🖼
here u have me FINALLY being able to read this book after weeks of searching for it
prologue + chap 1-2:
they fucking killed someone 💀
oh our main boi is named richard papen okay okay nice to meet u young man
so, the greek class huh?
damn the dark academia vibez here are IMMACULATED 🗝🖼🎩
I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive. -> PEOPLE DIED
did this mf really say come to bed w me,,,,, IN LATIN ?????
henry is such a emotionless narcisistic dick................i love him
professor julian marrow i love u
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henry explaining how they'd take down hampden in extreme detail........ okay that's suspicious..... that's weird 👁
Francis maybe? He and she were fairly chummy, but Francis didn't look like the sort who would be too interested in girls. -> did i just read this rig- INSERTE MEME DE "LO SUPONIA 🏳️‍🌈"
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And the boy twin, he starts screaming at me. Like he really wants to kill me, you know? And that Henry just standing there, but to me he was scarier than the other one. -> why am i??? fascinated by this...........????
"See? Knew he'd come. Oh, hello. Boy am I glad to see" "Where's the check," said Henry, in a toneless and deadly voice. -> LMFAO
Once he was inside, Henry turned to me. 'I'm very sorry,' he said -> MY BABY BOY DONT APOLOGYZE ITS NOT UR FAULT
oh francis' has a house in the country and they all spent time in it this such a pleasant image 😭
Live forever.
(...) but for sedentary people they had an odd excess of bruises and small wounds -> okay thats suspicious.... thats weird
He smiled at her. There was a slight chip in one of his front teeth I'd never noticed before; it gave his smile a very engaging quality. 'You're light as a feather,' he said. -> SHUT UPPP 😭😭😭
bitch what the fuck is "Good girl. Look at you, you didn't even cry" and "she was brave" ???? U better stop before i fall in love w yall
i have no self control so i already made a playlist and may i tell u Sober II Melodrama by lorde and Heathens by 21pilots are the most tsh song i've heard u'r welcome
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vox-tv-demon · 3 months
*stares at you dead in the eyes as I eat the barrel of a blessed shotgun.*
are you alright?
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guardian-of-da-gay · 2 years
Daemon AU Pt 2: ‘First Day Jitters’ now up!
First Day Jitters
Denki saw Present Mic heading in their direction.  On his shoulder was his daemon, a citron-crested cockatoo.  She was doing that bouncing thing that birds do when they’re excited: “Lookin’ good kiddo!”  She shrieked.
Denki’s daemon puffed up in pleasure while Denki flushed ‘cause now Present Mic was looking at him with a knowing grin.  “Welcome to UA, Little Listener!”  He said in a super loud voice.  “Are you finding your way alright?!”
“Yes, sir!”  Why did he reply so loudly?  He didn’t need to be loud, that was Mic’s thing!
“Alright!  Have a good first day, kiddo!”
“Thank you, sir!” He was still being loud.  Denki ducked his head, partly to show his respect while he passed his teacher, but mostly to hide his red face.
“Good luck, little birdy!” Present Mic’s daemon squawked.
“Thanks, big birdy!” Denki’s daemon shrieked back.
Denki wished he could shape-shift into different animals.  Perhaps a turtle, so he could duck his head in and hide?  Or an opposum, so he could die on command.
OR: Denki is determined to have a cool high school debut, but his daemon is apparently determined to be embarrassing.
Author: ME! (sendatsu)
Word Count: 8648
Chapters: 1/1
Series Completed: No
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40773171
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green-torsos · 2 years
in regards to your tags on your recent reblog: every other animal i agree with not being able to own besides capybaras and opossums. capybaras are regularly farmed for meat and do alright in captivity (they need a ton of space, however, as well as access to large bodies of water for swimming), while opossums are an extremely common rescue animal as they are extremely common in general in the US. opossums are also a lot less prone to zoonotic diseases as well as a lot less feisty compared to raccoons and other wild mammals also local to the americas
While I can't speak so much about the Capybara farming, I'm still of the opinion that nondomestiated animals should not be kept as pets. Tame is not the same as domesticated. Neither animal is domestic, and a majority of exotic pets are obtained through illegal means by black market purchase or being taken from the wild. This also extends to more normalized pets such as parrots, which need far more space and care than is really applicable for the common petowner. If you encounter a lost baby opposum, take it to your local wildlife control, it will be taken care of much better than by an inexperienced guy who's just looking up "how to take care of opossums" on the internet. Obesity is also VERY common among those raised as pets, those pictures of them chubby and with big bug eyes is a symptom of that.
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sergeant102105 · 2 years
I'm alright thanks for asking.!
I have multiple pictures like that mainly raccoons and opposums.
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also the ferret 🥺🥺🥺🥺
thank u for the serotonin :3
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sock-ness-monster · 3 years
I cant stop thinking about what Beverly may have seen in her dreams when she saw how the rest of the Loser's Club die so have this
Bill: Driving home on the winding California coast after a long week of filming and the director yelling at him to write a better ending? An ending came to him alright, at the bottom of a ravine when he missed the turn
Stan: We already know :(
Mike: Was reaching for a book at the very top of the shelf for a little kid when it collapsed on him :/
Ben: Usually such a stickler for safety, (there's a voice in his head always pointing out danger, even though he knows its not quite his) is answering a journalist's questions for a magazine article when she convinces him to take his hard hat off for just a second to take a pic. Steel beam falls on him.
Eddie: They never figure out how it happened but his medications get switched up. Probably an error at the pharmacy. Luckily his wife finds new love soon after, a defense lawyer with a couple chronic illnesses
Richie: is fighting an incoming hangover by napping on a park bench outside of Purgatory, Miami when he wakes to very brave opposum trying to take his gas station sandwich out if his hand. He chases after it right into the middle of an already tense drug deal and is shot multiple times
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astralshipper · 4 years
 🌌 Moonshine Cybin from Not Another DnD Podcast?
😳😳😳 uhhh im sorry but i read the phrase “beautiful and semi-literate crick elf druid” and there was no possible way for me to NOT go heart eyes... she has an opposum companion/lawyer??? MAAM????  ALRIGHT that one would probably be either romantic or platonic with a crush!!!! oof anyone who ships with her, u r so valid and blessed and i support u
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(See? Told you so😏 Tho tbh now I'm not sure whether to celebrate my win, be a drowning opposum and give you a drowning opposum welcome paket and hug or to worry if you are alright and give you a opposum hug anyway in hopes of you feeling better than wanting to be a drowning opposum...🙈😅 And Ohhh, THAT WOULD be an awesome paradise!!😍😍)(There's no opposum (or koala) Emoji or I would really have sent you one😖) TtQ. True😂 (Yes...Just...The BROTP wasted in less than an episode😭😭)
(I think this qualifies as some kind of drowning opossum karma...? It would, wouldn't it...) (Well, there isn't any opossum kaomoji but here's a koala: ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ )
TtQ. (Another wasted thing on this godforsaken show... =_=)
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Death is close
Y’all, listen. It’s story time.
Okay so it was a normal day, everything was fine. 
Until Vygotsky was like, “Let’s go on an adventure.” 
Alright. So we head out. First stop, Cracker Barrel. She wanted to go get a gift from their for her little niece who’s birthday was coming up. She specifically said, “Van Gogh, we are NOT eating. Just gonna get the gift, and leave.” She checks the price of the toy horse. 
3 minutes later we are seated at a table and I’m ordering pancakes. Shit happens. 
So, next stop, Wal-Mart. We drive on down, and we are looking for like, snacks and shit. Typical college student stuff. Thing is, we can’t remember what the hell we came for. We decide on one family size box of mini wheats. We start heading back towards the checkout. Sitting upon a throne of beer, was this weird ass vegetable fruit butt plug looking ass thing. More so, not beer. 
It was green, orange and yellowish. It’s like, the length of my forearm, and heavy. We waddle up to this thing in our ‘It’s-10PM-Walmart” haze and looked at it. We had no clue what the fuck this thing was.
Me: Is it....like....a big ass mango????
Vygotsky: No, it’s like...a squash?????
Vygotsky: *checks sticker on the side of it, which only reads ‘Guatemala’ with a bar code.**In weirdest voice* It’s a Guatemala. 
Anyway, we head to check out, leaving our Squash Mango Guatemala thing over on it’s pile of beer. We go through the self checkout, with our one box of family sized mini wheats. While we are checking out, we are still trying to place the fruit vegetable thing. 
Vygotski: Bro, like, there is this fruit, I never remember the name if it. But I really wanna try one. It’s like, orange on the inside, like a cantaloupe, but it has black seeds. It’s the size of cantaloupe too. 
I’m over here trying to figure it out too like:??????????????????
Vygotsky: It’s in the Lion king, that shit they rub on Simba’s head. 
Me: Bro, I have no clue. 
Vygotsky: I’m googling it,
Me: Wouldn’t it be funny if it was what we were just looking at?
By this time, we are sitting in her car in the parking lot while she desperately googles it. As I’m placing my bag in the floor she starts screaming.By Odin’s dick it’s the damn fruit. Its a fuckin papaya. 
We sat there, looking at the google image of this papaya, we slowly turn and look at each other. 
Me: We’re gonna buy it aren’t we?
Vygotsky:.....*Opens car door and gets out* 
We go in, scoop up this piece of shit. Check out, AGAIN. IN FRONT OF THE SAME LADY. She has witnessed us come in, buy a box of mini wheats, leave, come in 2 minutes later, and purchase  FUCKIN PAPAYA FROM THE BEER SECTION. We are slap happy with our papaya, which we continue to call it a Guatemala, claiming it as our child and dubbing his name as “Fred.” This bitch was like, 10 bucks. Expensive ass Guatemala. 
We leave, we are stoked. We gonna eat the shit out of Fred. Out kid is gonna taste great. 
Long story short, our child was a fucking tragedy and let us the fuck down harder than my moms casket. (Yay, orphan jokes)  We put him in a container, because if we had to taste our shitty child, everyone else did. 
Time goes by. It’s like, 12:30 at night. I have taken the little neat ass glass bottles your syrup comes in from Cracker Barrel for an art project I was working on. I was trying to get the stuff I had in it to have this very florescence, glittery, look. Nothing was working. Vygotsky is sitting there and goes, “Know what we need? Glitter.” 
Me: We’re going to get glitter aren’t we?
She checks the price of it on her phone. our broke asses (Thanks Fred) are going to get some glitter. At like, 1AM. We scrounge up change and head back out. As we are driving, right past the vert clinic, something appears from our left. 
Fucking opposum. 
Well shit. Sure enough, we hit it. Vygotsky is just like, “OH GOD NOOOOOOOOO” And I’m already making stupid jokes. “Don’t worry, it’s trained it’s whole life to for this moment.” (Disclaimer: I love opossums. Felt sorry for the little dude, but, what are you gonna do?)  They’re still like, “NOOOooooOooO” And I’m cackling. 
We get to Walmart, again, at 1AM. Obtain the glitter. We have been in there maybe a total of less than 10 minutes. AS we head back, we desperately search for the committed actor. 
This bitch is no where. We circled back like, 2 times. THIS BITCH GONE. 
We came to the logical conclusion that this opossum (which we named Daryl, like from the Walking Dead, cause. Ya know. him and opossums are like, OTP) is an immortal. He is a opossum that is sick and tired of having to be the one to play dead. He targets humans, running them off the road and watching them burn. His slogan is: “It’s your turn to play dead.” He also stabs people with a pocket knife he stole from a victim. 
We pull in and park on campus. We watch out for Daryl. 
We find 2 people fucking in a jeep instead. #CollegeLife
Get to the intersection by our dorm. 
Random ass sandal in the road. (Daryl’s newest victim.) 
Conclusion: If you want glitter, it requires a sacrifice. 
The end. Side note: My project looked awesome. 
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safitheartist · 7 years
@kariachi SURPRISE!!! When he opened his eyes all he saw was stars, illuminating the night sky in all their glory. One moon, one he didn't recognize, was hanging in the sky. Then there was green, a pair of green eyes, curious and bright almost as if they were shining in the dark. "Ken? Is it save to come yet?" A voice echoed from somewhere, Agrit couldn't quiet pinpoint it. The person with green eyes took their eyes off of him. "No! You two stay up there!" They spoke. Argit felt a pulsing pain in his skull, his eyes were getting heavier and his concious was slipping away. Concerned green eyes where the last thing he saw. - "Come on." Ken told his sister as he lead her through the forest. "You will feel better after you apologized." Gwen glared at him. "I didn't do anything wrong!" She claimed, "He's just being a baby." Ken glared back, "That kind of talk is exactly what you have to apologize for!" He sighed, "Why can't you two just get along like you used to?" "Don't ask me! He's the problem!" She insisted for what felt the houndreds time this night. Ken shock his head, grabbing his sister's hand tightly, he was sure Ben went into this direction. He would never understand how his grandfather could just let a 10 year old wander the woods at night like this, but yet again, wasn't that the reason he went along in the first place? "Ken, are you alright? Isn't your leg tired?" His sister squeezed his hand in a caring manner and Ken smiled, "Nah, it's fine, I walked longer tracks with this badboy." He assured his sister, giving a solid pat to his right side where his trusty prosthetic leg aided him. "We will find Ben and then head back, I still have a bag of potato chips we can share." Gwen still looked like she would rather do anything else then look for Ben. Ken could already tell what she was thinking, they had this conversation before, "You know he does care Gwen." Gwen stared at him for a second and Ken could see the doubt in her eyes. He was about to talk about it more when suddenly a scream echoed through the woods, followed by a loud sound as if something fas and heavy made contact with the ground. Ken could feel his heart skip several beats, "Ben!" Gwen exclaimed as she dashed into the direction of the noice, Ken followed her as fast as he could, praying that everything was alright. There still was dust in the air as they reached the location the noice came from. "Ben!" Ken exclaimed as he spoted him on the ground, coughing, Ken and Gwen hurried over, "What happened?! Are you hurt?" Ken lost no time checking for injuries. It wasn't until his sister gasped in shock that Ken direct his attention twoards the giant crater infront of them. His jaw droped as he looked down on the black sphere lying inside of it, this couldn't be real life, could it? Ben coughing stopped and Ken directed his attention back to him, "Are you okay?" He asked again, Ben nodded, "Yeah, this thing just caught me off gruard." "What exactly is it?" Gwen asked and Ken couldn't help wondering the same, "No idea, it just charged at me from the sky." He explained, "The sky?!" Ken looked at the sphere, a uneasy feeling settleing inside his stomach. His head was starting to hurt. He had this odd suspicion again, like there was something vital he forgot. Suddenly the sphere started to move, Ken pulled Gwen and Ben close, why did he leave his old baseball bat at home?! The upperhalf of the sphere opened up and Ken squeezed his younger family members tightly, waiting for whatever was inside of it to show itself. "Is that....a opposum?!" Ken stared at the little creature inside of the, sphere, which he by now concluded to be a ship of some sorts, inside was a small animal like creature in a orange jacket, whatever Ken was expecting, this was not it. "We should check it out and take a closer look!" Ben exclaimed suddenly, Ken gave him a disapproving stare, "It might need our help!" He argued and Ken could see he meant it. "I think it's hurt...." Gwen threw in and Ken already knew they couldn't leave without at least taking a closer look at first. "Okay, here is the drill, I will go down there an check it out. If this thing turns out to be dangerous you two run back to the Rustbucket and tell Grandpa to drive. No coming back for me. Just driving to savety. Are we clear?" The two ten year olds exchanged concerned looks, but agreed with solid nods. Ken, satisfied with their answer, approached the crater. He carefully tried to slide down the dirt but it gave in under his weight, causing him to stumble down. "Ken!" Gwen and Ben exclaimed in worry. "I'm fine!" He replied, he felt his prosthetic up, checking for any major damages. It wasn't ment from what he could tell so he did his best to get upright and thankfully there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it. The 13 year old swallowed as he slowly approached the creature. Ken was met with foggy black eyes blinking up at him. He already could tell that night that nothing would be quiet the same anymore.
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