#Accidents Attorney Online
nkonson · 10 months
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What are the pros and cons of being a lawyer? - Attorney
Pros and cons of being a lawyer - A career in law has long been revered for its prestige, intellectual challenges, and potential for significant financial.......
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injurylawyerqueensny · 11 months
How Does A Personal Injury Attorney Queens, NY Help Others?
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Accidents can be life-altering, but you're not alone. Fight for your right with the highly skilled personal injury attorney Queens, NY. Their expert legal team is dedicated to helping you navigate through the complexities of personal injury laws. Don't let an accident define your life. Reach out now at injury lawyer Queens NY and let them fight for the justice you deserve. 
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heathersdesk · 10 months
The F Word
I'm an elder millennial and I've been in LDS/Mormon online spaces since I was a teenager. Since 2007. Sixteen years. That's almost as long as some of you have been alive. And there's something I've never talked about before that I want to explain to those of you who need to hear it. And you need to stick around for THE WHOLE THING not to misunderstand what I'm going to say.
The vast majority of you end up okay. You'll make it. You'll figure out your happiness and embrace it fully, and it'll all work out. You'll be okay. I care about you all tremendously, but I've seen your stories play out enough times that I know how it ends. If we can keep you from yeeting off the mortal coil prematurely, you'll be just fine.
There is one group this isn't true for. They're the ones I worry about the most every time I see them: the trad wife cohort. The women who have already decided that their only plan for their future is to get married, have an undetermined number of children, and leave everything after that as a giant question mark, to be decided for them by other people's choices.
I'm the only LDS person in my family. I come from a family with three generations of divorced/separated women. To be financially independent enough to take care of myself was instilled in me from birth. Protect yourself and your financial freedom from abusive men, from men who do not have your best interest anywhere near their thoughts.
That's what I learned from watching my mother work herself to the bone to pay for my father's attorney from the constant legal trouble that alcoholism, drugs, and nonsense behavior from untreated mental illness brought upon us. There were times we didn't have food, but there was always a case of beer in the refrigerator. That's what I learned from my grandmother, who divorced her husband at a time when that was unheard of because he abused her. That was what I learned from not one, but two great-grandmothers who, as southern women with all of the cultural baggage it entailed, left their husbands and lived on their own rather than putting up with disrespectful behavior from the men they married. Women who believed that it is better to be alone than with any man who doesn't respect you.
This is my backstory, my lore, if you will. And I swore I would honor it by never putting myself anywhere near situations that looked like these. To be financially dependent on any man, no matter how kind and generous, was something I never wanted for myself. I wanted my own job, my own money, the ability to travel, to do as I pleased. I wanted financial freedom, the security of knowing I would always be able to take care of myself AND him AND our children if it ever came down to that.
That's not the life I have. In all but name only, I'm a trad wife. Chronic illness and disabilities have made it so I cannot work. I am fully financially dependent on my husband, and every effort I have made to change my situation has come at great financial expense, as well as compromising my physical and mental health. I've had to let go of the life I wanted for myself because I've never found any employer who was willing to give me the accommodations I need to accomplish even a fraction of my goals. And even if they did, it's impossible for me to work enough hours for me to ever achieve them.
I'm a trad wife, not by choice, but out of necessity. And it scares me every day.
If my husband dies in an accident, or a mass shooting? If he becomes disabled? If he ever becomes as sick as I am, or worse? What will we do? We have plans for this. We have multiple retirement accounts, including one in my own name, that he puts money into. He sees my situation, understands it, and prioritizes it in how he manages our finances. But if it were to happen today, tomorrow, any time before we both can retire, we're screwed. Shit Creek, no paddle.
If he leaves me? If I ever have to leave him? How will I support myself? Honestly, I don't know. I don't have an answer to that question. It scares me more than I can articulate. I hope I never have to find out because I'm too disabled to take care of myself. That's the only thing I know.
There are too many women who are far too eager to put themselves into this place of financial insecurity and precarity. They don't even realize how dangerous that path is, for them and for their children, to have nothing that truly belongs to you. Not really. Not if the money that paid for it wasn't yours. Not when everything you treasure and recognize as the life you want has his name on it.
Being a trad wife is built on an agreement of mutual exploitation. In exchange for providing unpaid, undocumented labor, your spouse has agreed to pay all of your expenses indefinitely into the future. If this were a job, you would never agree to those terms. Trad wives don't understand that when it comes to marriage, however, they're jumping into that exact situation head first.
All of this to say: I'm not morally or ideologically opposed to anyone being a house wife or SAHM. I understand EXACTLY what happens to women to make that a necessity. I don't judge anyone who ends up in that position, either by choice or by force. But I'm not going to let anyone go into or remain in that situation blindly, having never once thought about how to finance the life they're dreaming about. I'm not going to let anyone walk through life somehow thinking that everything is supposed to magically work out for them like some sort of fairy tale. That's not how the world works. That not how life works. And I hate the thought that the first time all of this occurs to someone is when their life comes crashing down around them.
If "feminism" is the dirtiest word you know, you're not in any kind of position to advocate for yourself. If you don't see yourself as your husband's equal (which is what feminism, by definition, HAS to mean), how could you even begin to negotiate for yourself in a divorce, a job interview after being out of the workplace for 10+ years, or to family who you'll be reliant upon to get you back on your feet? If you don't even have the courage to say you deserve to be treated like an equal in society when everything is going to plan, how would you do it from the floor with the wind knocked out of you?
Not as long as "feminism" is the dirtiest word they know.
I'm not here to argue about the superiority of trad wives OR working wives. I'm not here to fight for anything but UBI so we can all exist in a more secure financial state, independent of individual circumstances. And I'm definitely not here to scare you.
I'm simply here as the person you will inevitably be turning to in that moment of crisis, where faith and devotion fall short of giving you everything you wanted in life. I'll be the one with the bottle of water and saying "You are brilliant and strong. You can figure this out." I'll also be the one nodding in agreement that your husband took for granted all the love and labor you gave to him, purely because he was socialized to think he has a right to do that to you. No, I don't think you're crazy. No, I don't think you're asking too much. YES, YOU NEED A LAWYER FOR YOUR CHILD SUPPORT CASE. I'll be there for all of it, to say all of the things to you that you can't imagine ever needing when you say "all I want is to be a trad wife."
How do I know? Because I've been doing it for sixteen years now with people who sounded just like you do now. In person and online. In public and in private. With friends and strangers. I've never had the luxury of being anything but a feminist, an advocate for women they don't even realize they need, that they don't (and won't!) have the vocabulary to ask for.
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spohkh · 8 months
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GODDDDDD THIS EPISODE WAS SO FUCKING GOOD GIRL LOOK AT THIS FACEEEEEE.... hes absolutely living for this knowledge that dong soo can be so vengeful. like he was intrigued/amused by dong soo before but now hes like oh there is DEFINITELY something fucked up about that little dude and i am INTO IT... do young can see sooo clearly all of the twisted up gnarled rage inside of hds that he tries so hard to hide.. "his revengeful spirit" uggghhhhhhhh yes do young is going to hit at hds' fault lines until he bursts right open!!!! the fucking little smile on hds' face when sdy showed him the picture of moon in the car accident MA'AM? LET THAT REVENGEFUL SPIRIT RIPPPP!!!! ONLINE GAMBLING KINGPIN!!! FAST TRACK ON THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL!!!
do young is like dong soo. you freaky little attorney. take my unlovable hand in yours. lets go full no children in this bitch.
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coochiequeens · 4 months
I love cats so I couldn't get through the whole article. I just posted it because this is another example of violence by a TIM
By Shay Woulahan February 20, 2024
A trans-identified male in Oxford is currently on trial after being charged with the murder of another man. Scarlet Blake, who was initially reported as being a “woman” by UK media outlets, is said to have murdered Spanish national, Jorge Martin Carreno, and tortured animals.
The jury has heard disturbing audio of Blake sadistically killing his neighbor’s cat and was shown evidence of his sick obsession with violence, pedophiles, and female serial killers. Blake is also said to have fantasized about killing his own parents for refusing to accept his transgender identity, and told a former partner, “I need blood, this is bad.”
The murder of Carreno took place during the early hours of July 25, 2021. Carreno, who worked for BMW and was on a night out with colleagues, suffered blows to his head, was strangled and then drowned in the River Cherwell. A murder investigation was not initially launched after his body was found on July 26 by dog walkers.
Police investigating the discovery did not rule out the possibility of an accident or suicide. However, they recovered CCTV video of Carreno with an unidentified person who police believe he didn’t know before that night. CCTV shows the unidentified suspect searching the streets alone before meeting Carreno, appearing to be on the hunt for a victim.
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Scarlet Blake was not arrested for the murder until over two years later in August 2023 following a complex investigation by Thames Valley Police.
Following his arrest, the media began comparing the case to the Netflix documentary series “DON’T F*CK WITH CATS.”
The documentary focuses on the case of transvestite prostitute, Luka Magnotta, who began torturing cats and posting the videos online before escalating to murder. Magnotta drew inspiration for a horrific murder carried out during sexual intercourse from the film Basic Instinct, and reportedly had a fixation with the actress Sharon Stone — going so far as to paint the screwdriver he used as a murder weapon silver in order to resemble the pick axe used in the movie. Online, Magnotta had used the name “Catherine” as a reference to the character Stone portrayed.
The “porn star killer” Magnotta was tracked down in Berlin in 2012 following an international manhunt. Leading up to his arrest, authorities had warned that Magnotta may have disguised himself as a woman, that he frequently wore makeup and dresses, and that he had dyed his hair blonde.
The association between Blake’s crimes and the true crime documentary was made after it was uncovered that only months to the murder, Blake had filmed himself putting a cat in a blender. He reportedly discussed the documentary during a livestream of the brutal animal abuse, and told friends that he desired to kill people in the manner in which he killed cats.
Blake has denied having involvement in the murder of Carreno. He has, however, admitted to stealing his neighbor’s cat, torturing and dissecting it, and putting the animal in a blender. Prosecuting attorneys told Oxford Crown Court that a vet had determined the animal had suffered for a full three minutes or more as its heart was cut out while still alive. The judge told members of the jury that they would not be required to view the video footage.
During one audio excerpt a Blake can be heard saying: “My hands are shaking…I fucking love it…look at that little bitch, I’m pretty sure he’s still alive.”
Blake’s murder trial was launched early this month. The court heard how following the murder, Blake traveled to America to meet his then long-distance girlfriend, Ashlynn Bell, in Colorado. The pair reportedly got into an argument and Blake returned to the UK. After he returned, Bell contacted police to say he had confessed to killing a man. She told police Blake had claimed to have strangled Carreno from behind with a homemade garotte while they leaned against a tree.
During court proceedings, the prosecution showed the jury messages between Blake and Bell where she said he wanted to kill his parents. “I would murder my mum for you…I also want to kill my dad one day…maybe when they are old I can just put a respirator with pure nitrogen on their faces while they sleep.” The messages read. When cross examined, he said the messages were a ‘metaphor’ for them not immediately accepting him as transgender.
Detective Sergeant James Macro from Thames Valley Police reviewed messages exchanged between Bell and Blake.
Blake stated, “Fuck I need blood, what if I’m bipolar,” and “Bitch I kill people because my lover said it would be hot… Last time I found someone this drunk they died.”
Blake denied involvement in the murder, claiming the messages exchanged with Bell were “fantasy for sexual gratification.”
“In short, it’s a fantasy dress-up of saying I’m hurt by the way I was brought up and I’m sad about it,” Blake told the court.
“When I was 12 years old I came out as transgender. That has made my father really unhappy and my mother as well and that caused a very large emotional riff between us… I have a lot of unmet parenthood needs. I feel very forsaken, I suppose,” he continued.
“I always wanted to be a girl. I wasn’t until that age [12] that I realized there were procedures that could be done that would change me from male to female.” He then admitted to beginning taking testosterone blockers at the age of 17 and argued that his physical strength was that of an “unfit female”.
The jury also heard testimony from expert pathologist Dr. Brett Lockyer, who testified that Carreno had suffered a ‘blunt force trauma’ to the back of the head. Lockyer said a vodka bottle ‘used as a weapon’ would have caused the type of injury beneath the skull that he found when carrying out a post-mortem examination.
Financial records show Blake bought a bottle of vodka online prior to the alleged murder. A red bottle top from a Smirnoff vodka bottle was found on the riverbank by Carreno’s body and contained traces of DNA identified as belonging to Blake.
The court also heard how Blake had a sick obsession with violence and female serial killers. Images of nine serial killers were found on his phone, including women who had killed or were accused of killing their own children. The prosecutor, Alison Morgan KC painted a grim picture of Blake while describing his fascination for violence and death, and said he received “sexual gratification” from the graphic content in his possession.
“[Carreno] died because he met a person who had a fixation with violence and with knowing what it would feel like to kill someone.”
“At a time when Mr. Carreno became separated from friends and perhaps lost and vulnerable, Mr. Carreno had the great misfortune of being approached by this defendant in the early hours on July 25 2021.”
“The defendant was out on the streets of Oxford that night looking for a victim. [He] targeted him and took him to Parsons Pleasure, where [he] killed him, leaving his body to be discovered by others over 24 hours later.”
KC Alison Morgan explained that during the police investigation detectives had constructed a profile of Blake’s background. “The prosecution alleges that this defendant had an extreme interest in death and in harm,” she told the jury.
KC Alison Morgan explained that during the police investigation detectives had constructed a profile of Blake’s background. “The prosecution alleges that this defendant had an extreme interest in death and in harm,” she told the jury.
“It was an interest that went beyond mere fantasy. [He] described [himself] to others as being someone who derived sexual gratification from the thought of violence and the thought of death.”
Other images presented to the jury included a photo of handmade garotte fashioned from two metal handles and piano wire. Several other photographs depicted people being strangled. One image titled “First Date” had pictures of duct tape, a knife, rope and a handgun.
Footage recovered from Blake’s device showed him “with one of [his] partners engaging in acts of strangulation, consensually, in a sexualized context.”
Members of the jury were told that Blake “spoke to others about what it would be like to kill someone.”
“[He] looked at imagery and saved it on her devices that showed an interest in ligatures being applied around the neck. [He] talked about harming [himself].”
The trial is set to continue this week.
I really can't comment because I couldn't deal reading about animals being killed. But a fried shared this recently
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skylarmoon71 · 1 year
Aaron Hotchner- Oneshot (Criminal Minds)
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"Hotch, you need to see this."
There was a part of him that thought he knew what he was walking into. They'd just rescued a victim from an unsub that took quite a while to track. So when they got there and the man was already subdued, unconscious on the ground, Hotch was relieved.
Through their survey of the woman's house, it became apparent that this wasn't a normal freelance photographer. The many papers and maps of the DC district caught him off guard. His eyes ran over the stickers placed expertly on all the locations of the previous murders. All leading up to your house.
"We need to get her back to quantico."
It's obvious now that there are a few things he needs answered.
When they seat you in the interrogation room. Your face remains neutral. You can't say you didn't see this coming.
"Aren't you going to ask for a phone call?"
"I think the first sign of guilt is rushing to get my attorney Agent Morgan." He smiled, turning his eyes to the glass behind him.
"Good call."
No one told you why you were brought here. You had an inkling feeling you knew why though. The actual killer was probably locked up. So that could only mean one thing.
"They found the maps."
You were so sure you had this under wraps. When someone else entered, your form straightened. He oozed authority. His gait, stature, eyes. Everything about him just emitted leadership.
"My name is Aaron Hotchner. I'm the Unit Chief of this department." He brushed his tie, taking a seat. He dropped the file case onto the table, opening the folder. You swallowed.
"Why am I here?" You need to keep your voice level.
"How did you know Mr. Keller would be at your house?"
You were right.
"I saw the news. Figured I was better safe than sorry."
"There was no way to know he'd come after you specifically."
"Life is unpredictable. I was prepared. "
"I noticed the other markings in your maps. You seem to have a strange hobby."
"What can I say, maps intrigue me."
"It says here that you live alone. No family or spouse."
"Is there a question in there somewhere Agent Hotchner."
Morgan observed the interaction carefully.
"You don't seem very concerned about your position." Hotch stated
"I'm innocent. What do I have to be concerned about? You came in here and intentionally stated your name and position. A tactic used to disarm and intimidate. Your agent here was being overly friendly, building a rapport with me in hopes that I would lower my guard and unintentionally spill some kind of information on the case. Except I'm not some crazed fan, or killer. So you can drop the act. "
Morgan couldn't hide his surprise. When you realized all that you said, you pulled your hands off the table. Hotch studied the action. Your hands were now laying in your lap defensively.
On the other side of the glass Reid, Prentiss and Rossi were conversing.
"Did you see that kid?" Reid nods.
"She profiled him." Reid mutters in awe. The buzzing of Reid's phone made him look away. He answered.
"Hey Garcia."
"Hi, so I did a deep dive on your little photographer. For the most part it's pretty normal. On social media there's shots of all the gigs she's done. Her work is pretty popular. Bank accounts are average. No strange transactions. Aside from her love for fantasy romance novels online, there's nothing that even significantly suggests serial killer. "
"Why do I feel like there's a but coming?"
"Ever the genius. But! Three years ago she was involved in a shooting. She was shot point blank in a bank heist. Reid, it says here that she saved a child. Eight year old Shelly Combs. The doctors called her recovery miraculous. From what I can tell, she's a hero. After that is where it gets a bit strange."
"Strange how."
"Well I'm reading some of her online activities. Before the accident there was very little information on any kind of brain teasers. But five months ago that increased. There's these mini tournaments they hold. You basically create names and compete. It helps you interact with people all around the world. The challenges range from historical events, to math, to psychology. Just about any kind of intellectual challenge. Reid, from what I'm seeing here-"
"She's a genius..." He muttered.
"Thank you Garcia."
Reid hung up the phone, and Rossi turned.
"Good news."
"I think I figured out why she had those maps." He didn't say much more, just headed for the door. Both Hotch and Morgan turned upon his entrance. The door closed and Reid approached.
"What day were you born? "
You narrowed your eyes.
"You have the files, why are you asking me?"
"I think you know."
Hotch caught the brief look of uncertainty cross your eyes.
"March 24th, 1982. 12:25pm. Saint Bonaventure Hospital. San Jose, California. "
"How many lakes are there in Texas?"
"Seven Thousand and Three. "
"How many are natural?"
"Only one has been recorded as a natural lake. Caddo. Located in East Texas. "
"How many bones are there in the body?"
"Two Hundred and Six. Four in the leg, twenty-seven in the hands, twenty six in the foot-" You stopped yourself, exhaling heavily. When you reached to press a hand to your temple, Reid concluded his study. They'd gotten it all wrong.
"Hotch, you can let her go. She's not an unsub."
They were a little confused when Reid walked in spouting random facts, but when you started answering, it all became clear.
"You were in a shooting, that's why you still get migraines. " You frowned. This was what you had been trying so hard to avoid.
"They were right about you. Spencer Reid. The youngest to join the FBI. A genius."
"I could say the same about you."
"I'm not a genius." The insinuation alone seemed to agitate you.
"A bullet went through my head. Straight into the frontal lobe. For most people that guarantees death, but I got dumb headaches and a brain that now needs constant information to stay active. You must be pretty proud of yourself."
They realized that the topic wasn't exactly one you wanted to have.
"You were tracking the unsub, trying to solve the case." When he saw your hand ball into a fist, he knew he'd hit the mark.
"I was too late. When I saw the first body I tried triangulating the others. I had an estimate for the other two women, but when I called the precinct I kept getting denied. They thought I was another person looking for fame. The last one is where I spotted the pattern. How ironic that it led right back to me. It felt justified. Why should I live when two innocent people who didn't stand a chance lost their lives. It wasn't fair."
There was regret and shame in your eyes. All of which they could all relate too. There was very little Hotch could say that would give you a piece of mind. So he decided right then, why not give you a reason, something to help you move on.
"If you were given the chance, would you help people?"
Your eyes darted up. There's a bit of hesitance, he can see that. But also hope.
"I..." You gulp.
"I'd like to try."
That was all he needed to hear.
"So you're just like our boy wonder." Garcia was currently probing you for information. While you kept adjusting your blazer.
"Not exactly. I don't have any qualifications to be an actual agent. So I'm consulting. I've applied to start my studies in Criminology."
"But you are smart."
The statement pauses your constant fidgeting.
"I'm not." Your eyes move to Reid. He's filling out a crossword. Your eyes mark each movement.
"He'll be done in five seconds." Garcia scoffs.
"There's no way you can know that he'll be-"
"Done." Reid states, placing the paper down. When Garcia gapes at Reid, he raises a brow.
"What." Reid asks.
"It's nothing." You head for the bathroom.
You feel a bit annoyed. It was wrong of you to get riled up over this. But everytime they compared you to Reid, it felt like an insult to him. He was special. You weren't. A part of you knows you really have no place in the BAU. But you wanted to help. Regardless of your insecurities. You never even made it to the bathroom. You were just standing at the side, staring at the images of respected agents. Ironic this is where you ended up.
"Are you regretting your decision?" Hotch's voice pulls you out of your little pity party.
"I don't regret it. I just feel like I'm in high school again trying to prove I belong. "
"You have nothing to prove. I asked you to come."
"I know."
"Then you know you're capable of a lot. I didn't ask you here so you can compare yourself to anyone. I want your insight. You'll be a part of this team."
He's right. All he expected was what he already knew you were capable of. But it doesn't stop you from worrying. That at some point you'll fall short, and that will cost someone their life. So you banish the thought from your mind. For now, maybe you just have to focus on what you can control.
"What's the case?"
He just sends you a smile, and you fight back one of your own as you head to the table with the rest of the team.
As the weeks fly by, you find yourself becoming more comfortable with the team. Your very first case was a bit gruesome.
The profile has led you to believe that whoever this is, he's not reliving some traumatic childhood memory. He enjoys this. The pain it causes not just his victims, but the family. That's why when they were about to confront the unsub, you weren't in the field. You didn't have the training to be out there with them. They'd told you to stay at the station while they went through the list Garcia compiled of possible suspects.
So you wait.
But sitting around in that building was making you anxious. They've been gone for a while, yet still no word. All you'd done was step out of the precinct for a few minutes to get some air clear your head.
"Sir, right now we're working to find the man responsible. There's nothing else we can do, please go home." From the exasperated tone of the officer, you know this man has probably visited multiple times. It's understandable.
The older man turns to you, and you mean to walk over and comfort, but something about his body language is off. You aren't sure why, but you mentally go over the profile in your head.
"He may be unsuspecting. There's a good chance he'll insert himself into the investigation. A concerned relative, even a reporter."
Swallowing, you do your best to school your features.
"Is there something I can help you with?" You hope your voice isn't too shaky.
"It's just my daughter, she was taken by that monster."
His sadness lacks the usual markers you spot from a person that grieves. You take a small step back. There's no way for you to run without him picking up on it. You're scared.
"Can you help me?" He takes a step forward.
"I-I'll talk to one of the officers. Just stay right there." You try to move back, but he pulls out a gun. Someone screams, and others scramble from in front of the station. You know cops will begin rushing out in the matter of seconds. If it comes down to it, he'd start shooting recklessly. His plan was to go down with as many people as he can. Without thinking you jump at him. He doesn't anticipate it, neither do you. Both your bodies tumble, and a shot goes off.
The bullet has struck your shoulder, but the gun is out of his reach.
The yell of many officers echo, and you keep your head pressed to the floor. Your attacker isn't as obedient. He jumps upright, charging at them, and a number of bullets resound in the area. You just stare as he falls like a tree right in front of you. He's merely a few inches away, and his face is directly in front of you, eyes wide, body unmoving. Your entire body is shaking. Whether from shock, or fear, you don't know. Even when an officer rushes to help you to your feet, you don't really move. Those eyes seem engraved in your mind. They carry you away, and all you can do is wait for the team.
"Thankfully the bullet went directly through. We're keeping her overnight for observation, but she'll be cleared to leave tomorrow. I'd suggest she take time off to get fully healed. "
"Thank you."
Hotch shakes the man's hand as he walks away. When Hotch turns back, they all seem to rise from their seats.
"They're going to keep her overnight, but she's fine. " Garcia exhales, and Morgan rubs her shoulder. Everyone looks more relaxed.
"You all should get some rest. We had a tough case. I'm going to see her."
For the most part they seem reluctant, but there's a subtle look of guilt in Hotch's eyes. He blames himself. Rossi gives his shoulder a squeeze.
"Get some rest yourself Aaron." He nods, and they disperse. Hotch watches them exit, turning back to head down the hallway. When he turns a corner, he knocks on the door before him as he enters.
Your head lifts, and you smile.
Your tone is loud and peppy. You press your fingers to your lips as he closes the door.
"Shhhhh! Don't be so loud."
He stifles a laugh. It's obvious that you were high on painkillers.
"What did they give you?" He asks to take a seat.
"Morrrrphineeeee." You grin.
"It seems you have a very low tolerance."
"Yep!! Runs in the family." You basically sing.
He leans back in the chair, and you look at him.
"Why so sad?"
You push out your lips, and he wishes he had a camera to record this behavior. Because when you came to, he was sure you wouldn't believe a word. His eyes run over your body. The bandages on your shoulder trigger his guilt.
"I'm the reason you got hurt. I brought you into this. I left you unprotected."
"It's not your fault Hotchy. You're a good boss. You gave me a job!! Now I fight crime like a hero. We're like Batman and Robin." You whisper the last part like it's a secret.
"Thank you for looking out for me Batman." Your head presses back into the pillow, and Hotch can't help but feel relieved that it all worked out. It appears you're drifting off to sleep. He just reaches over, gently taking your hand, and you squeeze it softly.
"Thanks Hotchy.." You murmur.
"You're welcome."
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voskhozhdeniye · 4 months
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“Courts usually aren’t allowed to hold someone in jail before evidence has been presented and they’ve had a chance to defend themselves,” explained Spokesman Marlon Kautz for the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, which operates out of Atlanta and pays bail for protesters. “But there’s a loophole: the court can demand a cash bail payment, and if the defendant can’t afford it they’re jailed indefinitely.” “Bail funds close this loophole in the cash bail system by leveling the playing field: they ensure that anyone—regardless of how poor or marginalized they are—can access the resources to make bail,” Kautz continued. “SB63 exposes that the loophole is not an accident, it’s the intended purpose of the bail system. Police, prosecutors, and politicians want a bail system which allows them to punish their political enemies, poor people, and people of color without trial.” The bill adds thirty additional charges that are ineligible for unsecured judicial releases, popularly known as signature bonds. The list includes charges commonly associated with protesting, like unlawful assembly and obstruction of a law enforcement officer, and street racing, like reckless stunt driving and promoting drag races. Additionally, the bill only allows elected and appointed judges to set bond in Georgia. Currently, unelected and unappointed judges may serve in vacant positions to help courts provide speedier bond hearings. The changes expanding cash bail were not unexpected based on previous iterations, but the last-minute addition to the final language of the bill significantly hindering the ability of individuals and organizations to pay bail on behalf of jailed people in the state came as a surprise. That addition to the bill did not appear in the state’s online legislation management system until sometime between late Wednesday evening and early Thursday morning.  “No more than three cash bonds maybe posted per year by any individual, corporation, organization, charity, nonprofit corporation, or group in any jurisdiction,” the bill now reads.  This change will severely impact the operational ability of bail funds in the state of Georgia like the Atlanta Solidarity Fund. To continue paying bail for arrested individuals, Georgia bail funds would need to register as professional bail bondsman with the respective sheriffs in each county they intend to operate, which requires fingerprinting and a full background check conducted by the respective sheriffs and the FBI. Registered bail bondsman organizations are still unable to pay more than three cash bonds per year, they must instead go to a third party company to attain a surety bond. Existing Georgia law also prohibits professional bondsmen from recommending defense attorneys to clients seeking bond. Pairing defendants with attorneys is another common function of the Atlanta Solidarity Fund. Violating this provision will constitute a misdemeanor in Georgia.
The use of bail funds gained new prominence in the wake of the 2020 George Floyd Protest, with new funds popping up in cities all around the country to help free the hundreds of protesters arrested that summer. In response, various state legislatures began introducing legislation aimed at curtailing the success of those organizations.  On Wednesday, Tennessee lawmakers introduced a bill outright prohibiting courts from accepting cash bails paid on behalf of defendants by charitable bail organizations. Kentucky legislators passed HB 5 in January, prohibiting charitable bail organizations from posting bonds of $5,000 or greater. Texas Governor Greg Abbot signed a law in November requiring charitable bail organizations to register with county clerks and provide monthly updates listing each defendant the fund paid bail for in the prior month. A 2022 law passed in Indiana requires charitable bail funds to pay a $300 certification fee every two years, and prohibits those organizations from posting bond for individuals accused of violent crimes or those facing felony charges with a previous violent crime conviction. The Bail Project sued the state of Indiana in federal court over its bail law, but lost the case in both the district and appeals court. “The purpose of these laws restricting and regulating community bail funds is clearly to suppress organizing and reject the expression of community solidarity,” said Pilar Weiss Director of Community Justice Exchange, which hosts the National Bail Fund Network. “These laws have nothing to do with safety or justice and are an open attack on mutual aid and community care. As criminalization of community solidarity increases, we’re seeing an increase in attacks like this whose aim is to block and reduce any routes to freedom.”
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astrophileous · 2 years
I see a lot of discussions about the second latest episode about Extraordinary Attorney Woo, mainly about that scene (yes, yes, that one) where Young Woo was having a meltdown after witnessing the accident. Not gonna lie, I inwardly cringed when I saw Jun Ho reached for Young Woo's hands and caged her in his arms. My first thought was, "That doesn't look comfortable at all???" But then Young Woo started telling him to hold her tighter, so that made me sigh in relief.
After that episode, I've been reading posts online from autistic people and their thoughts about the way Jun Ho tried calming her down. At first, I was still wary because I thought the scene might not have shown the proper way to handle such situation. But after reading those posts, I was reminded that autism is indeed a spectrum. In this instance, what Jun Ho did actually helped Young Woo overcame her sensory overload. There are no rights or wrongs, black and white, when it comes to interaction with autistic people, because autism is not a mathematical question that can be solved by a specific formula. In Young Woo's case, being held in Jun Ho's arms was exactly what she needed. That doesn't mean the same thing applies to others who also have autism.
I am not autistic myself, so I can't speak on behalf of those who are autistic, but I imagine that the above case is somewhat analogous to what I experience as someone with ADHD. Because of my ADHD, I require an extra stimulant to help me focus while doing my work. That's why, every time I'm doing homework or studying for a test, I usually have the Pride and Prejudice (2005) movie or any movie from the Twilight franchise playing in the background. This, I found, was the environment that made me the most productive. Yet the funny thing is, this strategy doesn't work at all with other movies. On the contrary, it usually makes me less focused on the task at hand.
I think it's important to remember, although (thankfully) being held by Jun Ho did help, that also doesn't mean it could've had it been someone else entirely. I've read several statements from autistic fans of the show who claim being held also helps them during meltdowns, but only if the other person is someone they trust, while some others say they prefer not to be touched at all during those situations. Just like how my other friend with ADHD, unlike me, can't perform well when a movie (or any kinds of distraction) is being played while they're working.
With that said, I wish that the show had explored more regarding this topic, or at least acknowledged that there is no definitive way to help an autistic person in the midst of a sensory overload or a meltdown. Still, I like how they implied that Jun Ho did his research surrounding autism prior to that incident. It's also one of the things I've seen people comment about, how Jun Ho (as someone who doesn't have autism and perhaps have limited experience in such situation) did attempt his best, with his knowledge, to help Young Woo in those moments. Some people even said that he was actually apologizing when he reached for Young Woo's hands, because he knew about her aversion to touch. In those moments, in midst of his own panic and the surrounding chaos, Jun Ho did his best to help Young Woo with what little information he actually had. Fortunately, it worked. And at the end, it was Young Woo who told him what to do, and what she needed from him right there and then.
This show might not be perfect, but I'm happy it's here. I'm happy for Young Woo and the countless autistic fans who are able to see pieces of themselves in her. I'm happy for Jun Ho who cares for Young Woo so gently that he continues to try and educate himself, even if it means sometimes stumbling along the way. I'm happy that this show can be a safe haven for those who need it. Lastly, I'm happy that that they show us an autistic character being human and living her life--going to work, making mistakes, hanging out with friends, and falling in love--instead of simply being a character reduced to their autism just like the portrayals in prior movies/series.
I'm happy for the show Extraordinary Attorney Woo, and I hope we get to see more similar pieces of media such as this in the future.
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jonezizen · 1 year
Spoiler Warning! Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
I finally finished this game. I took unnecesery few years pause before last trial. I don't remember what put me off. But it might be overloading of mystery games since back then I was really into Ace Attorney, Laytons and other mystery games. But anyway since heard there is extra content and you can only get online like previosly Layton games so I needed to hurry before 3DS net gets killed. But yeah the game itself is great gate to get introduction both of series for new fans and for veterans full of enjoyment to see these two teaming up. Putting them into this middle-age town full of magic and witches where people get burned alive if they are found guilty being witches. Since Layton lives somewhere around 1930's and Wright 2010's putting them in this kinda situation was great way to them meet so neither of them own worlds resuerces influence too much this current situtation. But in the end things really turned around once again. When Storyteller revealed this whole town is set by his company and funded by UK's goverment I really though. "Oh god this is getting now Danganronpa vibes. " And I was like "damn this guy is some rich ass hat who is making money out of this." But my option changed after I learned his real reasons. Espellas mental health was about to get shattered all because accident. And this poor father invented the whole magical world just to save her daughter. This hurt my heart so much, I don't remember have I cried this much over videogame since Mother 3's ending. I love how they were able to make such a perfect story combining Layton game's "all things have really weird reasons sometimes to be like that and Phoenix's games drama and sadness. I think neither of these series could pull this kinda story out of they own. But since everything was just set in the island now this game implies that these 4 characters actually share same world and that is not possible, but whatever it's not canon anyway. Even though it could be with some magic. Extra content is also great were characters talk about development of the game itself and how hard it was to get things right. Sending thank you message to the players of both series.
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nkonson · 10 months
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Why did you become an attorney?
The Path to Advocacy: Unveiling the Journey of Becoming an Attorney
Become an attorney - The legal profession stands as an integral pillar of society, upholding justice,- VISIT OUR SITE FOR MORE......
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esquirelawfirm · 11 months
How to Find the Best Phoenix Car Accident Lawyer for Your Case
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If you have been involved in a car accident in Phoenix, you may be facing medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. You may also be dealing with insurance companies, who may try to minimize your claim or deny it altogether. You need a phoenix car accident attorney who can protect your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve.
But how do you find the best phoenix car accident attorney for your case? You can use the following guidance to help with your search:
Understanding a Car Accident Attorney's Role
A lawyer with expertise in managing lawsuits involving motor vehicle incidents is known as a car accident attorney. They have the knowledge and experience to deal with the complex legal issues that arise from such accidents, such as liability, negligence, causation, damages, and insurance coverage.
You can get aid from a vehicle accident attorney by:
Examining your accident and accumulating proof to back up your claim
Negotiating with the insurance providers on your behalf
If required, filing a lawsuit and acting as your advocate in court
Seeking the maximum compensation for your injuries and losses
Your case's outcome may be significantly impacted by hiring a car accident attorney. According to a study by the Insurance Research Council, injured people who hired lawyers received 3.5 times more money than those who did not.
Researching and Identifying Potential Lawyers
The first step in finding the best phoenix car accident attorney for your case is to do some research and identify potential candidates. You can start by asking for referrals from your family, friends, or colleagues who have been in a similar situation. You can also use online resources such as lawyer directories, review sites, or social media platforms to find reputable lawyers in your area.
Some of the factors you should consider when researching potential lawyers are:
Their location and availability
Their practice areas and specialization
Their reputation and ratings
Their fees and payment options
You should aim to narrow down your list to at least three or four lawyers who meet your criteria and contact them for a consultation.
Checking Credentials and Qualifications
The next step in finding the best phoenix car accident attorney for your case is to check their credentials and qualifications. You should verify that they are licensed to practice law in Arizona and that they have no disciplinary actions or complaints against them. You can check this information on the Arizona State Bar website.
You should also ask them about their education, training, and experience in handling car accident cases. A good attorney to retain is one who:
A legal qualification from a reputable legal institution
A certification or recognition from a reputable organization such as Super Lawyers or Martindale-Hubbell
A track record of successful results in accident cases similar to yours
You should also ask them about their approach and strategy for your case, such as whether they prefer to settle or go to trial, how they communicate with their clients, and how they handle contingency fees.
Assessing Track Record and Success Rate
The third step in finding the best car accident lawyer for your case is to assess their track record and success rate. You should ask them to provide you with some examples of their previous cases and outcomes, such as:
The type and severity of the injuries and damages involved
The amount of compensation recovered
The percentage of cases that were settled or went to trial
The average duration of the cases
You should also ask them for references from their past clients who can attest to their skills, professionalism, and results. You can also read online reviews and testimonials from other sources such as Google, Yelp, or Avvo to get a sense of their reputation and client satisfaction.
Assessing Availability and Responsiveness
The final step in finding the best phoenix car accident attorney for your case is to assess their availability and responsiveness. In your search for a lawyer, look for:
Simple to contact via text, email, or phone
Prompt in returning your calls and messages
Ready to respond to your inquiries and handle your problems
Flexible in scheduling appointments and meetings
Committed to providing your case the time and attention it needs
You should also ask them about their caseload and how many cases they handle at a time. You should avoid lawyers who are too busy or overloaded with work, as they may not be able to devote enough time and resources to your case.
To sum up, finding the best phoenix car accident attorney for your case is a crucial step in securing your legal rights and obtaining the compensation you deserve. You should follow the tips outlined in this article to find a lawyer who is qualified, experienced, reputable, and reliable, and who can represent your best interests and fight for your rights. By hiring a good car accident lawyer, you can increase your chances of achieving a favourable outcome in your case and recovering from your injuries and losses.
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vague-humanoid · 1 year
A Tennessee woman allegedly paid to hire a hitman to kill the wife of a man she met on a dating site, according to a criminal complaint.
Melody Sasser was arrested May 18 and is being held in custody on probable cause that she allegedly attempted murder for hire. She is accused of transferring about $10,000 in bitcoin to a site named "Online Killers Market" in exchange for the murder of the wife of the man she met on the dating site, federal agents said in the complaint dated May 11.
Sasser and the man she met on Match.com had become hiking friends, according to the complaint. But when Sasser's match revealed he was moving out of state with the woman he planned to marry, Sasser allegedly turned to the dark web, the complaint said. Under the pseudonym "cattree," Sasser allegedly posted her hit order on the website, authorities said.
"It needs to seem random or [an] accident. Or plant drugs, do not want a long investigation," Sasser posted on Jan. 11, authorities alleged in the complaint.
Sasser's defense attorney, M. Jeffrey Whitt, declined ABC News' request for comment.
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anicarissi · 9 months
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If you missed the release of NOBODY KNOWS BUT YOU three years ago today, well, I have no idea what else you could been thinking about in fall 2020. 🙃
I loved writing this YA novel about an intense friendship formed over a single summer at camp—a summer cut short by murder. It’s a fast read and more of a “why done it” than a “who done it,” so if you like short books, psychological suspense, complicated friendships, and unusual formats, this thriller might be your jam. The story is told in unsent letters interspersed with news clips, text messages, a trial transcript, interview statements, and social media posts. You can find it in hardcover, paperback, ebook, and Dutch(!), but my favorite format is the audiobook, because the main narrator, Jesse Vilinsky, gives a killer performance as Kayla.
Here’s a peek at the opening page:
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September 3
Channel 5 News
“Tragic accident or deadly revenge?
“Sources from within the state prosecutor’s office say the D.A. is close to filing charges against a teenage suspect in the sensational case that has shocked and gripped viewers across the region since the fateful night three weeks ago that left one sixteen-year-old summer camper dead and another under suspicion of murder.
“Michael Desir, an attorney for the teen who is at the center of the ongoing police investigation, maintains his client’s innocence, even as prosecutor Marsha Davis is expected to bring charges within the week. Despite few official facts having been released in the case, rumors and speculation run rampant online, fueled by social media posts from other campers and their parents and counselors. Some have suggested that the delays in pressing charges could indicate major weaknesses in the state’s attempt to build a case proving the camper’s untimely death was a passion-fueled crime, not a tragic accident.
“The prosecutor’s office would not comment on whether the teenage suspect will be charged as a minor or—given the severity of the alleged crime—as an adult.”
Shoutout to illustrator Hokyoung Kim and designer Molly Fehr, who created the gorgeous cover 💙 And thanks to all who have read and shared it!
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aylinaliens · 2 years
[fic] loving you is hard (but i’m still going to do it anyways)—chapter four “ambergris”
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summary: Youngwoo could never figure out how Junho always smelt like the sea—the earthy hints from the sandalwood and the briny ocean spray. It was like he bottled up Jeju-do during their visits, forever reminding her of the best (and worst) times of their relationship. aka: youngwoo really likes the way her boyfriend smells
you can read the fic down below or on ao3 here:
Woo Youngwoo does not look up when her boyfriend enters Attorney Jung Myeongseok’s office, nor does she do anything besides let out a soft hum when he leans down to brush a kiss to her cheek. He was used to this by down, settling down in the seat next to her as he straightens the jumbled of police reports that Youngwoo discarded after thumbing through them, quietly watching as she worked.
She already memorized all the witness statements and accident reports that were gathered at the scene. There was not much else to be done besides go over them again and again. Dips in her memory did not occur but it was never a bad idea to see if there was another way to look at things.
The case was a perplexing one; no matter how many times her eyes scanned the documents and listened to the initial court proceedings, Youngwoo could not find any loopholes or solution to the issue. It would, like it always did, happen eventually. Revelations typically were triggered by the smallest words or items. Forcing them out by sheer will alone would not make it feel like the ocean breeze was slapping her in the face, hair flying as she envisioned the grandest sperm whale taking the biggest leaps out of the water. All it would do is intensify the throbbing pang behind her eyes as she squinted at the laptop that was laid on the conference table.
Youngwoo pushes the laptop away after a few minutes of scrolling through the deposition Suyeon sent a few hours ago and reaches for the eye drops that she always kept in close range on the table but before her fingers could make contact Junho grabs it, twisting off the lid. He gestures for her to lean her head back as he stands, intending to do it for her.
Youngwoo still had occasional bouts of puzzlement when it came to her relationship with Junho. The confusion stemmed less from the emotional or physical variety and more from not always seeing the appeal of doing these mundane things that required zero assistance. She was quite capable of titling her own head back and placing droplets of the solution into her eyes to ease the irritation and the double spots that made reading difficult, but Junho liked doing these things.
Simple and unremarkable they may be to anyone else, these small acts of service were what he had described as being apart of his “love language.” He liked taking care of Youngwoo even when he was well aware that her hands, feet, and body was more than capable. The quizzes that she took online always came back with different results each time she sat down to take them but she supposed that this—simply occupying the same space and air, not requiring words to be spoken but also not being opposed to when they are—was her love language.
He threads a hand through her hair and pushes her bangs back so that he could kiss her forehead; starting to sense that perhaps Junho was up to no good and was secretly trying to entice her into do something else, she holds her breath but nevertheless widens her eyes so that he two drops were placed in each eye. I can do this myself, Youngwoo remembers telling him when he had offered to do it a few months back so that she could make the most of her few minute break in working to speak to him about where they would go for their date this weekend. His reply was short and simple: I know. I still want to.
She was not one hundred percent positive but it was possible the reason he liked pressing a palm against her cheek to hold her steady was because he wanted to enact that moment in time when he slowly took the eyelash that was stuck against her cheek. Removing an eyelash was difficult but it did not require his hands to slide to her arms and push her back, stepping into her personal space as his fingers attempted to grab hold of the barely there piece of hair. Placing eye drops took an even shorter amount of time; precision was important but there was no excuse or reason for his thumb to move so softly against her forehead or lips to pucker in concentration.
He was teasing her.
Lee Junho was a tease. A “fox” as Geurami likes to say.
And she was in love with him. Youngwoo could not remember the exact moment Junho had invaded her mind, his smile and laugh and voice and hands and body her new favorite and spectacular thing to fall for rather than whales, but she was so glad for it. She was glad to love someone like Junho and that he loved her right back. He only reminded her of this every single day—sometimes verbally but mostly she felt his love radiate through his actions.
Youngwoo straightens her head once he’s finished, taking a moment to let her eyes readjust to new moisture, blinking as she uses her fingers to swipe away the artificial tears. Junho remains a blurry outline until but the image of his smiling face soon peaks out.
Junho sits back down in his rightful seat next to Youngwoo. He has one one arm propped up against the back of her chair, leaning close enough that she could smell the light mist of cologne he sprayed on this morning, and he’s still smiling. Youngwoo finds it impossible to not beam right back at him. She finds it even more impossible to not let her thoughts stray from work to Junho and Junho’s smell.
Youngwoo could never figure out how Junho always smelt like the sea—the earthy hints from the sandalwood and the briny ocean spray that was always shining through. It was like he bottled up Jeju-do during their visits, forever reminding her of the best (and worst) times of their relationship.
That comforting smell of one of her favorite places seamlessly blended in with the fresh linen of his washing detergent. On anyone else it would have been overpowering—sometimes just standing next to someone in the elevator who had overindulged on their cologne or perfume was enough to make her wince, but not when it comes to Junho.
Youngwoo believes she had a higher threshold when it comes to handling smells, still her nose was sensitive. Yet, she found Junho in all his Jeju-do and clean linen and…what was it called? Musk? His natural fragrance? Woo Youngwoo was an attorney, not a perfumer. She did not have this never ending list of descriptors to define his scent.
Junho just smells like Junho. Sometimes, when they were this close and she could inhale deeply, Youngwoo would think that if she were a perfumer she would not search for ambergris.
She would just find some kind of way to capture every unique and notable aroma that came from Junho. The lingering smell he leaves behind on her bed or on her desk chair was nice but it was not enough to satiate her desires.
Hm. Maybe she would just borrow another one of his jackets or shirts until she can look up the chemistry behind perfume making and press her cheek to the fabric because it doesn’t feel like tags and allow herself to fall asleep, dreaming that she was in his arms instead of her own bed.
There are no words that have to be exchanged. None at all. The two just sit in comfortable silence, Youngwoo: reinvigorated from the eyedrops and the warmth that came from Junho’s arm against the back of her chair. And Junho: content in watching the woman he was planning to marry give her undivided attention to something she was so passionate about.
He would wait until she had her big whale moment before stealing a kiss (and more) but for now this was okay, simply basking in each other’s presence.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Georgia's highest court on Wednesday overturned the murder and child cruelty convictions against a man whose toddler son died after he left him in a hot car for hours, saying the jury saw evidence that was "extremely and unfairly prejudicial."
Justin Ross Harris, 41, was convicted in November 2016 on eight counts, including malice murder, in the death of his 22-month-old son, Cooper. A judge sentenced him to life without parole, as well as 32 more years in prison for other crimes.
All of the Georgia Supreme Court justices agreed that there was sufficient evidence to support Harris' convictions, but the majority opinion written by Chief Justice David Nahmias says that much of the evidence having to do with Harris' sexual activities shouldn't have been admitted and may have improperly influence the jury. The ruling means that Harris is entitled to a new trial on the murder and child cruelty charges against him.
The high court upheld Harris' convictions on three sex crimes committed against a 16-year-old girl that Harris had not appealed.
The Cobb County District Attorney's office, which prosecuted the case, and a lawyer for Harris did not immediately respond to requests for comment Wednesday.
Prosecutors argued that Harris was unhappy in his marriage and intentionally killed his son to free himself. To support this theory, they presented extensive evidence of extramarital sexual activities that he engaged in, including exchanging sexually explicit messages and graphic photos with women and girls and meeting some of them for sex.
The 6-3 majority opinion says that the jury "heard and saw an extensive amount of improperly admitted evidence." It says that as prosecutors painted Harris as a man who "intentionally and maliciously" abandoned his child to die in the summer heat, they also "presented a substantial amount of evidence to lead the jury to answer a different and more legally problematic question: what kind of man is (Harris)?"
Harris, who moved from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to the Atlanta area for work in 2012, told police he forgot to drop his son off at day care on the morning of June 18, 2014, driving straight to his job as a web developer for Home Depot without remembering that Cooper was still in his car seat.
Cooper died after sitting for about seven hours in the back seat of the vehicle outside his father's office in suburban Atlanta, where temperatures that day reached at least into the high 80s.
Defense attorneys described him as a doting father and said the boy's death was a tragic accident.
Justice Charlie Bethel wrote a partial dissent that was joined by Justice Shawn LaGrua and Justice Verda Colvin. He said the state was "entitled to introduce, in detail, evidence of the nature, scope, and extent of the truly sinister motive it ascribed to Harris." For that reason, Bethel wrote, the trial court did not abuse its discretion in allowing the challenged evidence.
Jurors in the trial heard from a total of 70 witnesses, 52 of whom testified for the prosecution, reported CBS affiliate WGCL.
Harris' defense attorney argued in November that his client was "clueless" and forgetful. But a prosecutor called Harris a murderer with a "malignant heart," who killed his child to escape his family commitments as he sank deeper into a double life of sexual flirting and affairs with women he met online.
A jury in Glynn County, located on the Georgia coast about 60 miles south of Savannah, spent about a month listening to evidence in the case and deliberated for four days before finding Harris guilty of all eight counts against him. 
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@OP if social media existed during the days of our favorite conspirators, what platforms can you see them using?
oh lord,
like all politicians, I can see Stronghart having a twitter account at the very least, though I also think he'd be smart enough not to clown on it like most people do. am i using that term right I don't know if he'd be on anything else. Facebook? But not a regular user. One of those kinds of people who don't really like to create or socialize, but will keep up with the news and use their platform for important announcements and PR if necessary.
by that token, Jigoku also has a twitter! he tweets a lot of funny things on it and comments on pop culture! and then sometimes he will make a wildly inflammatory tweet which leads to endless arguing which no one ever holds against him because Ace Attorney-verse twitter has a five second memory if not real world twitter.
Sithe I see as someone who hates social media on principle... but Maria has a sewing/mortician/goth(?) youtube channel so she lurks around on youtube sometimes and likes all of her daughter's posts/videos.
Gregson is just...... grumpy old Facebook User man who trawls classic literature subreddits he stumbled on by accident.
Jezaille.... idk, she's young maybe she uses TikTok. I bet she uses TikTok. And Instagram. maybe she makes deliberately unsafe life hacks for clout
Wilson... Idk I don't think he'd use social media much. I'm sure there's some medical forums out there for professionals to talk on but he's not very good at tech. He has to have Membami show him how to work the edu portal on Yumei's website for class :C he misses the days of the common syllabus.
Klint would be on basically every social media site commonly in use because he has to maintain a public image and thinks socializing online is part of that. But he probably unwinds on youtube or tumblr idk. I do know that he doom-scrolls like crazy whatever site he's on.
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