#Allistair Grey
ninaemsaopaulo · 2 months
Pobres criaturas
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Um brinde aos desajustados, inadequados e esquisitos: pois agora chegou a nossa vez.
Em Pobres criaturas, Bella Baxter morreu Victoria — jovem, grávida e infeliz. Victoria se jogou de uma ponte e teve seu corpo resgatado pelo Dr. Godwin Baxter, um cientista maluco e professor universitário que, na Inglaterra da Era Vitoriana, se dispõe a fazer experimentos como animais híbridos e trazer de volta à vida uma mulher adulta com o cérebro de seu filho prematuro. “God”, literalmente.
Nossa Frankenstein, no início de sua jornada, mal sabe falar, tampouco ficar de pé. Ela é uma criança no corpo de uma mulher e toda vez que acorda amadurece mais. Dando rápidos saltos com sua inteligência moldada e percepção do que lhe cerca, Bella sonha em conhecer o mundo ou, no máximo, ir lá fora conhecer Londres, a cidade, tomar sorvete ao lado das crianças. Mas Godwin não pretende exibi-la. Contratou Max como assistente para observar sua evolução, mas sugere que ambos se casem e vivam confinados com ele. Mas, ao contatar Duncan, um advogado canastrão que deve realizar o contrato de casamento, Godwin perde Bella para um sedutor canalha que viaja com ela pelo mundo. Então, Pobres criaturas é dividido por capítulos que são as cidades que Bella visita: Lisboa, Paris, Alexandria e Londres novamente. Nessa ordem.
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Lanthimos gosta de fazer filmes que causam desconforto por meio da comédia, sendo essa sua marca registrada, como se tudo fosse um experimento social tendo o absurdo ou o impossível como instrumento. E esse estranhamento vai abraçar quem assiste, mas não é difícil que você se sinta transportado para o universo que contempla Bella. O deslumbre de Pobres criaturas, para além do roteiro de diálogos irresistíveis, está nos detalhes e no trabalho em equipe.
Para começar, a trilha sonora de Jerskin Fendrix é um acontecimento: em alguns momentos, parece feita para a geração TikTok, com músicas que podem ainda viralizar por lá. Se o filme começa com Bella maltratando um piano, a trilha trata o instrumento como brinquedo, sem desrespeitá-lo. Vozes infantis e quase assustadoras ilustram o renascimento de Bella. E a música que recebe o nome da protagonista, abrindo a trilha sonora, começa melancólica e termina esperançosa, cheia de alegria — igualzinha a ela (morrendo, renascendo, descobrindo, experimentando).
Holly Waddington, figurinista, trouxe para Bella inspirações vitorianas numa repaginada mais fluida em camisas de mangas bufantes e muito babado na parte superior do corpo, economizando na inferior. O motivo? Bella é uma criança no corpo de uma adulta, ela aprende ao longo do filme a diferença entre certo e errado. Para exemplificar isso, Holly escolheu o simples do shorts e o complicado e difícil de tirar das blusas e camisas mais típicas da Era Vitoriana. Na medida em que Bella amadurece, suas roupas também mudam. Quando chega em Paris e a neve cai, seu casaco lembra um preservativo masculino. Bella usa comprimento mini e transparências em roupas que vão do infantilizada ao s3.xu.4lizada, acompanhando a narrativa — trato disso mais adiante.
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Os cenários de Pobres criaturas estão repletos de detalhes oníricos: da sala de jantar de Godwin até a Lisboa retro-futurista, o céu do fim de tarde de Bella no navio tem as cores da aquarela de um comercial antigo da Faber-Castell. Quanto mais você olha, mais existe para ver, sendo o tipo de filme feito propositadamente para ser revisitado. O início em preto-e-branco vai mostrar o ponto de vista ou pelo menos a defesa de Godwin — interpretado por Willem Dafoe, que já não é um homem bonito, o trabalho de maquiagem feito em seu personagem reforça as consequências dos experimentos que sofreu na infância, quando refém de seu pai, também cientista. Aqui, assume a paternidade de Bella, escondendo dela sua origem e limitando seu crescimento. Trata Bella, no início, como puro experimento científico. Quando o filme ganha cores, porque cores são o símbolo da vida, Bella torna-se para Godwin a lembrança de uma filha que não está mais ao seu alcance, em seu controle.
Emma Stone também se distancia enquanto viaja o mundo sendo Bella. Se distancia da caricatura que sua personagem poderia ser. A ingenuidade da pouca experiência é atravessada pela sede de viver, ela quer desbravar o mundo, ser exploradora mesmo quando torna-se explorada. Essa personagem vai figurar como uma das mais perigosas em sua carreira e no cinema como um todo. É o exemplo mais recente da “born sexy yesterday”, só que num tempo em que estamos acostumados a perceber e nomear essas personagens criadas por homens e feitas para satisfazê-los. É aqui que a crítica feminista aparece e onde talvez Pobres criaturas cometa deslizes. Embora seja maravilhoso quando um diretor encontra sua musa e o casamento entre Emma Stone e Yorgos Lanthimos funcione há algum tempo, não deixam de ser polêmicas as cenas de s3.x0 em Pobres criaturas. Inspirado no livro de Allistair Grey (ainda sem tradução no Brasil), essa é a trajetória de uma mulher que descobre seu amor pela vida e nada é mais representativo disso do que s3.x0. Mas, repetindo: também é uma história toda contada por homens, sobre uma mulher sendo moldada e podada por homens. É impossível não discutir Emma Stone fazendo uma criança no corpo de uma adulta que descobre, em um dado momento da narrativa, que a prostituição é um caminho. Se Pobres criaturas tivesse sido dirigido por uma mulher, qual seria a abordagem? Seria melhor, seria mesmo?
Duncan, Max e Alfred são os outros homens da vida de Bella. Os que aparecem depois de Godwin. Minha amiga Rita Alves definiu muito bem Mark Ruffalo como Duncan quando disse que ele “é um homem de autoestima delirante”, como quase todos os homens. Duncan é o típico homem que gosta de tirar vantagens e contar suas vantagens. Apresenta-se para Bella como alguém desapegado que “pega geral”, para depois revelar-se apaixonado apenas por não saber contê-la. Quer Bella só para si, mas o ciúme é vaidade e só confirma sua personalidade patética e digna de pena. Max (Ramy Youssef), assistente de Godwin e observador-protetor de Bella, apaixona-se de fato, mas “permite” que Bella vá e veja o mundo, viva suas aventuras, sendo o mais progressista entre os homens que ela conhece. E Alfred (Christopher Abbott) é quem, um dia, tornou a vida de Bella pesada, insuportável. O verdadeiro algoz, Alfred surge já nos momentos finais do filme trazendo as respostas que Bella precisa enfrentar sobre sua vida anterior, seu passado como Victoria e o que a levou para aquela ponte. Aqui é onde o filme se estende para além do necessário, como um epílogo. Mas compreendo a necessidade de respostas.
Um dos pontos altos de Pobres criaturas está na dança entre Bella e Duncan em Lisboa: desordenada, caótica e de passos inéditos, em que Bella conduz enquanto Duncan ainda se comporta como esse homem “da sociedade polida”. Minha outra cena favorita também acontece em Lisboa. Só que, mais do que favorita, essa é a cena que vale o filme, que permanecerá em minha memória por muitos anos — quando Bella decide conhecer Lisboa sozinha, e encontra a cantora Carminho cantando o fado “O quarto”. Eu fico feliz com Carminho alcançando novos públicos, mas também com Bella criando suas memórias afetivas, um momento que é só dela.
Bella conhece regras, quebras de protocolo, s3.x0, paisagens, pastel de Belém, bebida alcóolica, a primeira ressaca, pobreza extrema, tristeza, trabalho, política, vontade de mudar o mundo, a maldade dos homens e até o amor com outra mulher para, enfim, decidir quem ela quer ser quando crescer e saber a hora de voltar. São mil vidas em uma, no debate das entrelinhas e do humorístico sobre a ausência de ética científica, até o agradecimento de Bella para Godwin, que lhe trouxe de volta à vida, na qual ela teve uma nova oportunidade de se gostar. Talvez seja essa a alegoria de Pobres criaturas: a ideia de se conhecer, se perdoar e se permitir.
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pissfizz · 1 year
what is all of us villains about allistair intrigues me....i need another allie for my collection....
OK SO. all of us villains is a YA duology by amanda foody and Christine Lynn Herman. It takes place in a fantasy world where magic is real, and is channeled through spellstones, which are rocks that go on rings usually. Magic is sorted into three types: common magic, high magic, and life magic. Life magic is what sustains peoples lives, and in the event they figure out how to channel it, is extremely powerful, but that’s pretty much a fairy tale. High magic is the most powerful of all, and caused thousands of wars. Until one day, hundreds of years ago, it suddenly disappears, and is presumed extinct. In reality, seven families who all want it’s power for themselves make a curse. This curse creates a tournament every 20 years, where each family will select a teenage champion to fight each other to the death. The last one standing’s family gains control of all high magic and are the only ones able to use it until the next tournament. The Lowe family is known for being extremely ruthless and claims themselves to be monsters. They win most of the tournaments. That’s Alistairs family. The book focuses on the most recent tournament, with champions Alistair Lowe, Gavin Grieve, Briony Thorburn, Isobel Macaslan, Finley Blair, Carbry Darrow, and Elionor Payne. Alistair, Gavin, Briony, and Isobel are the protagonists and it rotates their POVs. There’s also the added issue of this tournament has been kept secret since the beginning, until suddenly an anonymous author publishes a book detailing EVERYTHING about the tournament and garnering media attention, so now these seven kids are also in the worlds spotlight. All of them are extremely morally grey, even downright evil at times, which creates a truly fascinating story. It is SO good please read it
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askthedeos · 8 months
This blog is by @justamuppet , I have two other ask blogs that are open besides this one
So, to start, these are all mostly all use rp OCs that I haven’t put a proper story out for yet and so no content is out for them.
Please read everything before the dotted line, everything after that is just drawing challenges I’ve opened for my OCs.
You can send gory or nsfw things, just put warnings in the beginning of your ask please
Please be respectful of the people who interact
Respect my time and when I respond, please don’t spam.
I will use drawn responses most of the time but sometimes I simply don’t have the energy to draw and will respond with a text response. Please don’t get upset, I’ll usually draw it later if I feel like it. I'm just doing text for right now, sorry-
OCs: [I’ll make a group portrait later]
[If they’re not open for asks, I’ll have [CLOSED] by their name]
Grey Wisper, they/them/neopronouns
Purrple, any pronouns
Murick Garcia, she/him
Xander Dubois, he/him
Lancet Dubois, they/him
Thursday Reveiled, she/him/it
Allan Reveiled, neopronouns of any kind
Dizzy/Inmate 360, he/it
Vix, it/it’s
Vern, it/it’s
Allistair he/him
Drawing Challenges: [Not important but I’d love for you to send things]
Send one of the following symbols and one of my OC’s names and I’ll doodle:
[Use emoji or the prompt itself]
👀 OC in their typical underwear
💤 OC in their sleep attire [1]
🔞 OC in something sexy
🏄 OC in what they would wear to the beach/pool
👔 OC in what they would wear to a formal event (such as a wedding) ☠ OC in what they would wear to a funeral
👖 OC in what they would wear to a casual event (such as a birthday party)
👑 OC dressed as royalty
🚪 OC in what they wear when lounging around at home
💕 OC in what they would wear on a first date
❌ OC in something they would absolutely never wear
🎃 OC in a costume they’d wear for Halloween
🎄 OC in an ugly Christmas sweater
🚓 OC in a prison uniform
🚲 OC in athletic gear
🐰 OC in a kigurumi of their favourite animal
❄ OC in what they’d wear on a very cold day
🔥 OC in what they’d wear on a very hot day
👕 OC in a T-shirt with something stupid printed on it
🎭 OC in another OC’s typical attire
📦 OC wearing something that isn’t clothes (such as a fig leaf, a barrel, etc.)
👻 OC in a really bad disguise
📷 OC in a stereotypical tourist getup
🙎 OC in something embarrassing
👗 OC in something from the 50’s
💀 OC in goth/emo/scene attire
💃 OC in some radical 90’s clothes
🌁 OC in a hoodie
🌋 OC in camping or adventuring gear
♠️ OC in their armor (or in some sort of fantasy armor if not applicable to their story)
🎨 OC in a cartoon character’s outfit
🏨 OC in a maid outfit
🏥 OC in a nurse uniform
🐑 OC in farmer wear
👍 OC in a crop top
[Feel free to send a name and outfit not in this list!]
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alo-piss-trancy · 2 months
Okay so my playthrough clocked in at a little over 93 hours. Though probably a couple hours longer than that bc it took me 4 times to beat the Final Fight and there was also a couple of other optional boss encounters that kicked my ass lmao
So fun fact: I fucked my playthrough up at like the 87 hour mark 😭💔 I tried to be a decent person and not kill Loghain and let him go through with the Joining. Did not expect that Allistaire would throw a WHOLE-ASS TANTRUM and ditch us for good right before the final fight 🤬
Like bro I GET why you were hurt and angry but also??? This is literally a war to save a zillion lives we needed all the help we could get. Loghain was gonna die anyway. You bitched at me EVERY OTHER TIME I killed somebody (ok Connor was an accident. But he bitched me out over Brother Genetivi when he was gonna reveal the ashes and everything?!?). Bro goes on and on about honor and helping ppl and the Grey Wardens and then he literally just DIPS before the biggest fight ever. I thought he was gonna come back at the end and help when he came to his senses but NAH. WE'RE STRAIGHT UP DIVORCED FOREVER HE DIDN'T COME BACK OR COME TO MY CEREMONY AFTER. I NEVER SAW HIM AGAIN 😭💔💔💔💔 GLAD U LET UR HALF-SISTER DIE BITCH IM P SURE GOLDANNA'S HOUSE WAS RUBBLE IN BURNED-DOWN DENERIM. FUCK OFF YOU WHINY SELFISH PRICK I LOST SO MUCH RESPECT FOR YOU
Also Morrigan left that night too bc I wouldn't go with her fucked up demon baby plan lmao. Which I don't fault her for to be fair, I get she couldn't bear to see her only friend EVER die ☠️ I'm actually hype af for my future morally-awful playthru bc I will DEFINITELY be seeing that plan then lmao.
If I didn't have Leiliana and Meatball as my ride-or-dies my protag woulda been completely devastated for real like COME ON 😭💔 THANK GOD FOR HER BESTIE AND HER DOG THE REAL MVPS 😔🙏
Actually I was a little let down by the final fight. Like it was a cool concept and I enjoyed getting to play with the ballistas bc u keep seeing them in other parts of the game. But I basically had to play as Leiliana the whole time ajdkdjj. I built my character as a badass warrior with BUSTED strength and it was lowkey useless bc the final boss is out of range for 90% of the fight and I sold my crossbow to Sandal for more healing potions. Broooo 😭☠️💔
So yeah uh. SUPER awesome game I loved 90% of it (the combat on ps3 actually kills my hands bc of the constant L2 holding or tapping for radial menu and giving orders. SO PAINFUL please tell me they change this in the sequels it fucking HURTS). Fyi it actually was an interesting ending, I don't fault it and actually thematically it was cool to team up with Loghain for the last few hours, I'm just emotionally butthurt my whole imagined future with Allistaire went down the drain 😭💔 I love how many choices you get in this game tho and how they aren't always predictable. It's nice to not be able to 'game the system' for a 'perfect' ending as much as say, P5 or similar rpg/jrpgs lol. I like that you can fuck up REAL BAD with your companions lmao.
I have the other 2 games on ps3 waiting, fighting the urge to dive into 2 asap bc I want to digest Origins first but mmmm. I see why ppl went crazy for these. If I'd had these a decade ago I woulda replayed SO MANY times for real, this is what I wanted out of Skyrim story/companion-wise 🙏
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charred-angel-ribs · 4 months
The notes from Aimsey's stream
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Transcription one (1):
--- Part One 1 ---
Character name: Juno Roman Allistair (nickname: Roman)
Pronouns: any/its
Identity: fluid
Species: fallen angel, shapeshifting curse
--- Part Two (2) ---
Eyes: heterochromia/sectoral/grey, blue
Skin: translucent, ashy skin, veins visible
Blemishes: freckles on face, each arm
Hair colour: black hair, red streak, always permanent
Birth marks/scars: birth mark under eye, small. Stretch marks, cutie marks, marks from experience: ????
Hair texture: wavy fluff :D
Body type/build: "Slutty waist and slim muscle" - Atlas
--- Part Three (3) ---
Outfit: vampiresque-tudor-esque-time-esque
Jewellery: ring that represents Venus goddess of love
--- Part Four (4) ---
Personality: cold, reserved, doesn't care, sarcastic, "always has something to say", cocky, thinks they know everything (doesn't), "gets their own way" (doesn't). Doesn't have anything to proove, wise but too wise, cunning. "Needs to be humbled"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sexuality: on the aromantic spectrum, queer in general
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Transcription two (2):
--- Part One (1) ---
Added things: nose scrunch, science smart, space is their special interest, violinist, pianist hands, nimble hands (very important), thief
--- Part Two (2) ---
Why did they get kicked out?
Toying with forbidden magic
Identity theft -> unaware of the complications
Juno sought out identity theft for personal gain
Greed = fatal flaw
Spends their entire life begging with the gods for help
They can never go back to who they once were
Banished to Earth (?), a place unknown (?)
Fingers going black after the fall
Shapeshifting hurts. It's brutal. It's bloody. It hurts. It scars.
Terrified of their own reflection after the fall, something they used to love
They become sadistic
--- Part Three (3) ---
Who??? Who was the first (1st)???
Related to someone they actually love (/p)
Alec Nox - killed (any)
Helios Nox - "The Black Sun" "Protagonist" (any)
"A fallen angel that is stalked by the black sun"
"You did a better job at destroying yourself than I ever could"
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Transcription three (3):
--- Part One (1) ---
[Same as Part Three (3) of the previous notes image]
--- Part Two (2) ---
"A fallen angel that is stalked by the black sun" - Juno, pitifully
"You did a better job at destroying yourself than I ever could" - Helios
"Killing you would be a mercy" - Helios
"Wait you did it! You did it!!" - Alec, excitedly
"So how does it feel? Wearing the corpses of people you once knew? Do you even know what it was like to be alive? Do you even remember?" - ?????
"It hurts" - Alec's last words
"You've been chasing me all this time. You've got me. Finish the job." - Juno, blood pouring out of its mouth
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nerd-elf · 2 years
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Dragon Age Origins looks like a Scooby Doo episode lol
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Tarot Card for my Dragon age Origins character: Rhenawedd Cousland, Rhena for short, bittersweet member of the Grey Wardens, stern and just Queen of Ferelden, loving wife to her husband.
Also can someone explain to me why the GREY Wardens always wear blue ? Like, isn't it in the name ? So I made her grey, grey is such a nice colour :)
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So I've been playing Dragon Age Origins for the first time, and I'm curious what everyone's favorite companions are. My list from top to bottom would be
1. Morrigan
2. Leliana
3. Oghren
4. Allistair
5. Wynne
6. Zevran
7. Sten
Technically I like Leliana's character and story the best, but Morrigan is an absolute beast (literally) in combat. I also enjoy her dark sarcasm.
I like all the companions pretty well except for Sten. He has like 0 personality and he's a misogynist. Zevran's ok. I think I'm mostly just disappointed he's not Astarion. lol
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angelikastylesstuff · 6 years
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purplelupins · 2 years
The Man in the Window
Part V
(Using characters from the film Woman in the Window)
Allistair Russell x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of drinking (responsibly) swearing, smut (use of pet names (sir, good girl, pet), dom/sub components, choking, spanking, little bit of innocence kink) age gap
“She should be here by now…”
“Give her a minute.” Allistair grinned at her softly as her knee bounced nervously under the table.
They sat in a charming cafe in downtown Georgetown on a cold Saturday afternoon. Not a week ago, y/n’s mother, Krista, had surprised her with the news that she was coming to visit for a couple days. The young woman had paled visibly at the news, and Allistair had watched her composure drop. She hadn’t told her mother about the man who sat on the couch reading a book. But she figured it was time.
Y/n’s eyes now flicked to the doorway every five seconds, making Allistair roll his own eyes and place a hand on hers, “Calm down. I bite harder.” He said, which she laughed at lightly. It was true, literally and figuratively.
Then, y/n’s head snapped up and she stood. Allistair followed her line of sight, and was met with a woman, perhaps closer to his own age, standing in the door to the cafe. Y/n smiled and walked to her as the older woman smiled and squealed like a young girl.
“Hi mom!” Y/n threw her arms around the woman.
“There’s my Sugarplum! Let me look at you!” They pulled away and Krista did a once-over of her daughter, “What have you been doing? You look wonderful.”
Y/n smiled and took a deep breath. “Actually, I have someone I’d like you to meet.”
“Oh??” The older woman gasped excitedly . Y/n led them deeper into the cafe, and Krista’s eyes grew wide when they landed on the white-haired man sat looking out the window. He was in a simple grey, knit sweater that make his eyes look ethereal, and fitted black trousers. “Looks like you have some good choices here in Washington, hey? Look at that one.” Krista nodded to Allistair, and y/n had to suppress a laugh. To her mother’s horror, they came to the tabled where the man sat, and he looked up.
“Mom, this is Allistair. Allistair, this is my mother Krista.” Y/n smiled; the older man stood and extended his hand.
“Allistair Russell. Pleasure.”
Krista stood there with her mouth open as she shook the man’s hand, and looked back at her daughter who was staring at the man lovingly. She leaned over as casually to her daughter and whispered “I thought you said no sugardaddies.”
“He’s NOT my sugardaddy!” She hissed back as they sat.
Allistair watched the exchange with mirth in his eyes, and placed his arm on the back of y/n’s chair.
“I hope your flight was alright?” He asked pleasantly.
“It was. Thank you.” Krista said, just as pleasantly, unwrapping her scarf, “SO! How did…this-“ she gestured between the two of them, “- happen?”
Allistair and y/n looked at one another, and he gave her a little nod followed by his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of her neck.
“Well…we were neighbours. He just bought the house across the street-“
“The fancy one?” Her mother blurted out.
The man nodded, “That’s the one.”
Y/n had to resist from slapping her head on the table and groaning.
“Anyways…I asked him if he needed help with settling in…and over the past couple months we got to know one another.” Y/n didn’t really know what to say. He was an ass who had me wrapped around his finger and I eye-fucked him on the daily until he snapped?
“I couldn’t help but grow fond of her. Quite the harsh tongue she has too, I must say I’ve met my match.”
Her mother looked at her daughter proudly, his double meaning going right over her head.
“Yes. She gets that from me.” Krista settled back into the chair, and crossed her arms.
Y/n rolled her eyes and smiled while Allistair raised a brow at the older woman.
“I can tell.”
Y/n tossed her keys on the table by the front door, and laid the new suit she held on the kitchen table. The house was silent, which was not an uncommon occurrence, but that evening she had expected a little noise. It was the night of the Christmas party that Allistair had been dreading for weeks, and y/n had served as positive reinforcement for him.
“Allistair?” She called out, walking deeper into the house.
“Office.” Came a quiet shout.
Y/n grinned and walked up the stairs, and down the hall. She pushed on the door gently and watched the man sat at his desk, staring at his computer. The young woman was fairly certain she couldn’t get used to seeing him; he was truly one of the most handsome men she had seen in her life, and she loved to watch him so candidly.
“Come here, my love.”
She jumped a little when he spoke- she had lost herself in staring that she forgot he could see her. A light blush covered her cheeks as Y/n walked up to him, and leaned over to wrap her arms around his shoulders.
“Much longer?” She asked, nuzzling his neck.
“I do hope not.” He sighed, leaning his head to the side to give her better access.
“Okay…well you know where I’ll be.” She said and started to pull away.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked, catching her wrist.
Y/n looked down at him, and pitched her brows up. “To get dressed? I don’t want to bother you.” She murmured.
But Allistair just gazed up at her and grinned softly.
“Come here.” He pulled her arm, pushing away from the desk, and drew her to him. He tapped his lap. Allistair was not one for overt displays of affection, but his need to keep her close, and his deep devotion; his gentle kisses and hand on her in public were better than any trail of rose pedals or box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day, but 364 days of shallow emotions.
It was strange though, since they had confessed their admiration for one another, he didn’t seem to work as much while at home. At first she thought that he might have been putting things off because he wanted to spend more time with her, but now she wasn’t so sure.
“Sweetheart?” She asked timidly as she settled into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Mhm?” Came his low voice in her ear.
“Why don’t you work as much from home as you used to?” She asked as she laid her head on his shoulder. Y/n felt him chuckle a little as he clicked away on his computer.
“I wasn’t working.” He murmured.
She knit her brows together in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“I was looking at old useless documents and reading digital books so I could be near you, my dear. I can count on two hands the amount of times I actually had something to do.”
Y/n couldn’t help the laugh that erupted out of her. “I really tortured you didn’t I?”
“Truly.” He said.
They sat there for a while longer before Allistair sighed and shut his computer.
“Are you ready for tonight?” She asked gently.
“You are not to leave my side, do you understand?” He said firmly.
“Yes sir.” She grinned knowing what it did to him. He sighed and placed a kiss to her hair.
“I picked up your tux from the cleaners by the way. It’s downstairs.” Y/n pulled away and kissed his cheek. “Now come. Let’s get dressed, drink a couple glasses of wine, and make everyone feel inferior.”
Allistair breathed out a laugh, and kissed her hair. They parted in the hall, and Y/n bounced down the stairs to get his suit. Upon returning to the bedroom, she froze in the doorway. Allistair had unbuttoned his shirt, and was busy with unbuttoning his sleeves.
Her mouth went dry as she watched.
She studied him like he was art; the light tuft of hair on his chest, the soft belly he had, his strong forearms that showed under his shirt when he undid the buttons. After a moment, she snapped out of it, and she walked to the bed to lay out his suit.
“Thanks darling.” He murmured as he walked to her.
“No worries.” Y/n kissed his cheek.
She smiled and went to their closet to find the dress they had chosen for the specific night, though she had protested against him buying anything for her. It was a classy, light grey dress that reminded her of Allistair’s eyes; it had a boatneck that dipped down and showed off her back, and a length that was long enough to be considered proper and tasteful, while also highlighting her legs. Y/n was about to step into her dress, then she had a devious idea; she stripped off her bra and panties before slipping on the dress and brushing her hair into a French twist. The young woman stepped back out into the bedroom where the older man was fixing his cuff links, and she smiled.
“What do you think?” She asked, giving him a little twirl.
The older man watched her, a small smile on his lips.
“Marvellous.” He said, and walked to his nightstand; y/n watched him as he pulled out a black, flat box the size of his hand and returned to her. Y/n looked down at it, then back up to those grey eyes she loved. He was watching her.
“What’s this?” She asked.
Allistair didn’t smile or offer her any clue as to what was inside until he grasped the lip of the box and pulled it up. Inside was a stunning set of pearl earrings and a matching necklace. Y/n lost any smile on her face, and stared down at the beauty with awe. Then she remembered a week ago that he had been so secretive about his day, and had rushed up to his office immediately upon returning home. It must have been him trying to hide the masterpiece in front of her now. She hoped it wasn’t custom…though knowing him…
“A-Allistair…this is…you shouldn’t have-“
“Sue me.” He said simply, and placed the box down on the bed before taking the necklace out, “Turn.”
She did as he said and turned around; the feeling of the cold pearls startled her for a moment, then she relaxed as his warm hands fastened the necklace. It was far different than the jewelry she was used to, but as she caught herself in the mirror, she blushed.
Allistair gazed at her from over her shoulder, and turned her head to the side to press two kisses to her neck. She grinned and shivered, leaning back into his tall frame. The older man wrapped his arms around her waist, taking in a breath of her.
“We need to go now before we’re late.” He murmured, not moving in the slightest.
“Am I tempting you, Mr. Russell?” She murmured, smirking at him in the mirror.
He kissed her neck again.
“You are.”
There was a pause after he spoke. Like he wanted to add something at the end, but decided against it. They simply stared at one another in the reflection, not uttering a word. The older man pressed a kiss to her hair before they took a collective breath, and y/n helped Allistair with his jacket.
With him in a full tuxedo, y/n felt herself grow warm. She wondered idly how it was that she was able to have any self control around the man, if she was honest. Y/n was not one to fall over for any man in the world, quite the opposite, but something about Allistair Russell turned her into a giddy schoolgirl with a crush.
“You’re staring, my love.”
Y/n blinked, not noticing that he had taken her downstairs and was holding out her coat.
“Sorry. Got lost for a moment there.” She murmured, sliding her arms into the sleeves and walking out the door.
It was an oddly pleasant December night; one of the only ones that was not below freezing. Y/n sat beside Allistair as he drove them to the event across town, his hand resting on her thigh. As they drew closer, she noticed a mask slipping down over his face; his eyes grew colder, and he sat up even straighter. To the untrained eye, he simply looked irritated and unapproachable, but y/n had seen that mask enough times to know it was simply what he allowed the outside world to see. For her, he grinned and teased, keeping a hand on her somehow at all times, but for everyone else, his face was stoic and firm.
This would be the first time they were out together around people they -at least he- knew. Allistair had taken her to dinner that made her palms sweat from the prices, and y/n had convinced him to enjoy a snowy walk with her by the river at least once a week. But this was different.
They pulled into the reserved spots for the event, and the man let out a long sigh. Y/n tentatively placed a hand on his, and stroked it. She could feel him relax under her touch, and he raised her hand to his lips where he pressed a kiss.
With one last loving look at one another, they left the car and strode to the large doors. As they walked to the front foyer, they were greeted with a man not much older than y/n in a sharp suit. He plastered on a fake smile that reminded y/n of her own when she smelled of coffee for 8 hours a day.
“Good evening. Are you attending the Christmas party this evening?” He asked in a tone that made y/n grimace.
“Yes.” Allistair said plainly.
The man nodded.
“Your names please?” He asked.
“Alistair and y/n Russell.” He said. Y/n widened her eyes and glanced up at him, but he kept his eyes ahead.
The man checked the clipboard he held, scanning for the names then nodded. “Ah yes. Please enjoy yourselves.”
“Thank you.” Allistair guided her away with a hand on her back, but she stopped him just outside the doors to the hall. It wasn’t that she disliked how it sounded, but she wanted to know why.
“It was easier to fill out.” He said before she could ask. “Problem?”
Y/n stared up into his grey eyes, seeing past the steely nature. She grinned and shook her head. “No, it’s fine.” She murmured as they walked into the main hall that was filled to the brim with decorations and people alike. Some of the patrons were so lavishly dressed that it was difficult to differentiate them from decor.
She grew a little nervous, not used to something this posh.
However, the ever-present hand on her skin calmed y/n as they moved through the crowd. When Allistair had begun to take her out, properly, y/n noticed quickly that he always kept a hand on her somehow, and if he was truly incapacitated of such, he kept her in his line of sight. At first, she had shied away, but after asking him about it, his answer made her chest ache.
“I’ve already lost one family.” He had said. Y/n let those words play over in her mind every time they left the house; it was true, and he needed time to heal from that. Y/n told him on more than one occasion that she would be fine to live on her own, and to give him his space to close those wounds, but he was having none of it. She had cracked a couple jokes that he was only keeping her around to cook and enjoy, but she had only been met with a stern glare from the man.
Allistair Russell did not take things lightly, from careers to relationships. Y/n was his light in a dark time; someone he let himself smile around, and laugh - however quietly. He let himself touch her softly and gaze at her lovingly.
He cared for her.
And if he was honest, he loved her.
Y/n almost choked on her champagne at the call for her partner. She looked up to see who had so brashly said his name, and saw a man with brown eyes, brown hair and caramel skin striding up to them. She subconsciously took a fraction of a step closer to Allistair; a move that didn’t go unnoticed. Y/n did her best to put on a polite smile as the man shook hands with Allistair, noting that he didn’t look impressed by the greeting.
“Adam. Evening.” He said sharply.
Okay…we don’t like Adam. Y/n took inventory of their interaction. Adam seemed to think he was joking.
“You make me laugh. Ah, Come now you old dog, you’re not just going to skirt around this lovely thing on your arm.” The man said smoothly. Smooth enough to make y/n want to shrivel up into a ball and roll away. But instead, she took a breath and raised her glass in recognition.
“This lovely thing has ears sir. Y/n.” She said with a polite bite that made Allistair want to drag her away to a dark corner. He almost laughed.
Adam’s brows shot up and he smiled from Allistair to y/n.
“A feisty one. Adam Hardi, it’s a pleasure y/n.” He held his hand out, but y/n simply stared at it and tightened her smile.
“I wish I could say the same.” She said.
“My my, Allistair. How on earth did you get this one? Mind finding me one?” He laughed far too flamboyantly to be considered polite. Perhaps he had indulged in one too many glasses of brandy.
They stood there for a moment longer before Allistair pressed the small of her back light enough for her to know it was time to move.
“Do mind yourself Adam. Evening.” Allistair ground out. They walked away and met a few other men and woman alike who seemed to be in shock when they saw y/n so comfortably standing with the older man. A few more of them poked some ill jokes, and Allistair pretended to humour some, but they mostly stuck to themselves. Y/n had half hoped that she would come across someone she would like to talk to, but every time she said hello or smiled. She was met with one of three things:
1. A cold, pompous stare.
2. A penetrating, predatory stare the made her feel naked.
3. Nothing.
After forty five minutes, she was barely paying attention anymore, and Allistair felt it.
“Yes, have a good evening John, if you’ll excuse us.” He guided them away to a quieter spot and he leaned down to her ear. “Surviving?” He murmured. Y/n tried to ignore the shiver that ran down her spine.
“I am. Don’t worry about me. I think I’m getting the hang of this fake smile thing.” She offered him a very false smile that he couldn’t help but return softly.
“Tap on my arm three times if you want to leave. As VP I do have to…mingle for a while. But an emergency can come up if need be.” He said with a softness in his eyes.
Y/n smiled properly and stood up to whisper in his ear, “Sir, yes sir.”
Which earned her a not so gentle squeeze of her hip.
“Behave.” He growled out before walking back among the people.
“I didn’t know you worked with so many people.” She said after a while.
“I don’t. These are mostly the wealthier clients of ours and the higher-ups of the company. Enriching our reputation.” He said, scanning the room. Y/n leaned into his touch and sighed softly. Allistair saw the long glances directed at the lovely woman on his arm, and the wide eyes and rushed whispers. He knew they would be the talk of the company for at least a month.
The attention was something new to him, but he was thankful that she kept close, and clung to him as much as he did her.
By the end of the night, y/n was almost leaning into Allistair’s side for support. It took one look down at her to know that it was time to go. She had held off from tapping him, not wanting to tear him away from his commitments, but he could read her like a book, and grinned to himself when he saw her drooping eyes.
The older man wrapped and arm around her waist and drew her close, “Linda, it was good to see you. I do believe it is out time to leave for the night. Enjoy your evening.” He gave the woman and her husband a nod, before directing y/n away from them and towards the exit. A few people tried to stop them along the way, but a polite, pointed look from Allistair was enough to make them stop in their tracks.
The drive home was a quiet one. They both needed to recharge their social batteries, but they kept a hand on one another.
As they removed their coats and shoes, y/n couldn’t help but let out a groan of appreciation when she stepped out of her low heels. She retrieved a glass of water, drinking it at the sink, then she felt a warm chest press against her back and she sighed again, relaxing back into his embrace.
“Thank you.” He murmured into her hair.
“For what?” She asked, turning around to him.
“For keeping me sane tonight.” He cupped her cheeks.
She laughed softly and pressed a kiss to his lips. She had only meant for it to be gentle, but when she felt his hand slip into her hair, she couldn’t help the moan that slipped out. Allistair smirked and began walking away with her in tow down the hall and out of the kitchen. At the stairs, he drew away and stared down at the young woman, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs before picking her up and carrying her up to the bedroom.
“A-Allistair! What-“
“You thought you would get away with teasing me tonight, with no consequences?” He almost growled into her ear as he ascended the stairs.
“I-…I didn’t…” She stumbled over her words at he walked through the door and placed her onto the bed.
“Clothes off.” He rasped, pulling at the bow tie around his neck. Y/n felt her mouth go dry as she watched him, something that didn’t go unseen.
“What did I say?” He said, staring at her.
Y/n jolted out of her trance and stood to unzip her dress. She slipped it down and off her body quickly before taking out the earrings and unclipping the necklace; placing them neatly on the side table.
“Come here.”
The young woman turned back to him, and stared at the man greedily. He had only removed his tie, and undone a couple buttons on his shirt. Allistair was sat on the bed, and his hand was on his thigh, waiting for her. Y/n unlocked her legs and began walking to him. She stood toe to toe with him, enjoying that his eyes raked over her bare form, having abandoned her undergarments before leaving the house.
“You were nude under there all night?” He murmured, running a hand up her leg.
She nodded silently, bending her knee into his touch. Y/n knew very well what he was thinking.
“Do you know what happens to girls who are bad?” He whispered.
Y/n shook her head, feigning innocence.
“They-“ he snatched her into his lap, and she squealed, “-get punished.” Y/n tried and failed to hide her excitement, biting her lip hard to conceal the smile there. Allistair held her close and kissed up her neck to her ear, where he whispered, “Do you want this?”
She nodded, placing her hands on his shoulders.
Allistair removed her hands, and leaned back onto his elbows. “Prove it.”
Y/n reached for his belt, and unclasped it quickly before slipping it out of the loops and placing it on the mattress incase he wanted to use it later. She was well aware that the older man’s attention was solely on her, and she felt goose bumps spring up on her skin; doing her best to push her self consciousness away, she unzipped his black trousers, and looked up at him for permission.
Allistair nodded.
She pulled the front apart, and reached inside to stroke his hardening cock. Y/n sucked in a breath and rocked her hips subconsciously as she felt him in her hand. A low groan from the man beneath he brought her back to reality and she took his length out of his pants, grinning at the dripping tip. Y/n slid off of his lap and knelt between his legs, staring up at him obediently for his go-ahead. Allistair sat up a little more to watch the young woman as she smirked up at him.
With a single nod from the man, y/n licked from the base all the way to the tip of his cock, swirling her tongue just under the swollen tip, earning her a soft moan and a small buck of his hips.
After a moment of teasing him, y/n sucked the first two inches into her mouth, stroking it with her tongue. She loved watching him tilt his head back as he lost control; having a man like him become putty in her hands was addictive.
“Good girl…that’s it.” He rasped out as he closed his eyes.
Inch by inch, Y/n took him deeper inside her mouth until the tip hit the back of her throat. She hummed and relaxed, pushing his cock further and began to bob her head in an even tempo. After a few moments, she drew him out of her mouth, and lapped at the tip as she regained her breath, but Allistair was having none of that. His hands were on her waist before she could do anything and he hoisted her up onto his lap again. Y/n cried out in surprise but settled happily over his legs.
Then, he held her face to have her close pay attention.
“I’m going to fuck you. You’re going to behave. I’m going to speak, and you’re going to be a good girl, and listen.” Came his voice in her ear.
She nodded and took a deep breath ti steady herself, knowing that if she moved she wouldn’t come for an hour, if not more.
“That’s my girl.” He cooed to her. Allistair gripped his cock, and teased it through her slick folds, making her mewl and whine impatiently. He smirked and drove inside her in one fluid motion, making her cry out and dig her nails into his suit jacket.
He drove every inch he had into her, making her back arch in pleasure. Y/n couldn’t hold back her moans any longer, almost screaming out.
“P-please!” She cried. A resounding slap to her bottom made her breathing stutter. Allistair glared at her, holding her hair tightly.
“Did I say you could beg?”
She shook her head, eyes pleading.
“Then. Stay. Quiet.” He growled and bit her ear.
Allistair gripped her back and her neck, holding her steady as he fucked her; he sucked at the soft skin of her neck, darkening the marks that were already there.
She bucked her hips against him as he kissed down her neck, to her sternum, and suckled at her breast.
She couldn’t help but rock her hips more urgently as her climax grew near. The older man smirked and slipped his hands down to her hips, flipping them over so she was on her stomach and he moved to stand behind her. Y/n’s hands gripped the duvet, and the older man placed a hand on her back, forcing her back down and her hips up.
“That’s better…good girl.” He rasped.
He drew her hips back against his, and eased his cock back inside her. Allistair could hear her moaning into the plush bed as he began snapping his hips, revelling in how he drove her mad. Each thrust pushed her deeper into the mattress and she did her best to breathe, but it mostly came in gasps as he pounded into her.
Y/n felt a weight next to her knees, and upon looking back, she saw his foot up, and she immediately felt the change in position. He reached further inside her and his pace became punishing.
“Arms.” Was all he said. Y/n unlatched her fingers from the duvet, and stretched her arms back for him. Allistair gripped them like a vice, and pulled just enough for her back to arch as he drove into her.
The room was filled with her whimpers and moans. It was only when he began to feel her tighten around his cock that he dragged her up against him, with one hand on her throat and one on her hip. She fought for breath as his grip tightened and his hips thrust against her, but her mind was a cloud of pleasure.
“You like my hands on your throat? Hm?” He asked. She couldn’t answer, but when she released a pleased mewl and she bucked her hips back, he kept his hand there.
Allistair smirked to himself as her slick walls gripped him tighter and tighter by the second.
“Is there something you want to ask me, pet?” He murmured.
Y/n did her best to nod, and he relinquished his tight grip on her neck, but not letting go.
“Please- c- can I come, sir?” She gasped.
Allistair chuckled, though it was more of a hum. “Begging to come on my cock, are you? Do you deserve it?”
She nodded enthusiastically.
He pretended to think about it, almost driving her mad. “I suppose. You’re desperate enough. Come on my cock then. There’s my good girl.”
Y/n could barely register his words except for ‘come.’ She whimpered as every inch of her tensed and that heat inside her broke. Y/n rocked her hips against him, not caring when he smacked her lower cheeks. Her pussy pulsed as the waves of pleasure rolled over her, leaving her in ecstasy.
Allistair slowed his pace, and let her come down from her high before snapping his hips again. Y/n arched her back against him and cried out as he drove into her sensitive core. “You’re going to take every drop I fucking give you. Understand?” He growled into her ear, thrusts stuttering. She nodded quickly, meeting his hips to drive him over the edge.
“Thats it- fuck- that’s my good girl.”He rasped, closing his eyes. Y/n felt his cock twitch and swell inside her, then she felt the spray of his hot cum painting her insides. She moaned with him, and rocked her hips, making sure to get every drop until she felt small, wet trails drip down her thighs.
Allistair relaxed his grip on her and y/n couldn’t help but fall forward into the bed, turning over to look up at him as he panted and placed his hands by her hips on the mattress.
She was about to spring up and get a towel before the mess between her legs dripped everywhere, but she looked down and noticed a towel already there. Her brows knit together in shock and confusion. Allistair follower her eyes and breathed out a soft laugh as he fought to regain his breath.
“You really cannot seem to pay attention when I’m around, can you?” He said, pushing up off the bed to shrug his jacket off. Y/n smiled up at him lazily and nodded.
“Not my fault.”
Then she noticed the white and clear marks on his beautiful trousers, which sobered her.
“Allistair- your pants.” She said, inching closer to inspect them.
The older man shook his head and waved her off with an exhausted smirk.
“Nothing a dry cleaner can’t fix. Mind you, it’ll be fun to tell them what it is.” He said, undoing his shirt and slipping it off. Y/n grinned and helped him with his trousers, then took his hands to stand up into his embrace. They stood there for a few moments, and he kissed her forehead, and whispered sweet things into her ear.
“Let’s clean you up.” He said.
She nodded and followed behind him as they walked to the shower. Steam filled the air, and y/n relaxed against Allistair’s chest as they stood under the water. He held her, and washed her gently just as he always did; y/n smiled and watched his hands stroke her, and check her for any pain. His eyes would flick up to hers whenever he passed over a particular bruise or red spot, just to make sure she was alright.
Y/n watched him as he cared for her so tenderly, and that warm feeling inside her bubbled up. She blushed and smiled.
He wrapped her in a fresh, plush towel, and walked her back into the bedroom before leaving her to bring them two cups of tea.
Some people smoked after sex.
Some drank a couple fingers of liquor.
But they drank tea.
They laid in bed, curled around one another, as they settled in for sleep. Allistair stroked her hair, as his mind buzzed calmly.
Then, in the quiet, y/n felt something bubble up into her chest. A feeling. Something she had felt several times now, but she had been too nervous to utter.
But as they laid there, the young woman felt a push in her to say it.
“Allistair?” She asked timidly, playing with the hair on his chest.
“Hm?” He hummed.
Y/n took a breath and thought for a moment.
“I love you.” She whispered.
His movement stopped for a moment, and y/n regretted saying anything until his kissed her forehead and whispered, “I love you too.”
Dealing with a man who was not the greatest at emotions and displaying them, y/n knew this was one of the highest honours she could have had from him. She smiled, and sighed contently.
Who would have thought the the grouchy, cold man she was afraid of could have turned into the best thing that had happened to her.
She supposed she had had a feeling deep inside her about the man from the start, however buried it had been. And now as she laid there in his arms, she felt her worries slip away, and be replaced with a warmth.
A peaceful state.
It was more than a feeling.
It always had been.
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mandoalorian · 3 years
I Believe In Love [Maxwell Lord x F!Reader] — Four: Lies
Summary: When you find your calling to leave Themyscira, you venture out to the World of Man with intentions of helping and healing a very specific person's relationship with his son. You've heard his voice before, but only in dreams. You've felt his pain and anguish and you've never been able to relate to anything more. But things don't come easy for you, and they certainly don't come easy for him either. [This series contains spoilers for WW84 and is my interpretation of what happens after the movie ends].
Warnings: brief mention of blood, allusions to an abusive household/family, mention of child custody battle, 80s typical misogyny, cursing.
Word count: 5,200>
I Believe In Love Masterlist
Previous - Chapter Four - Next 
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He'd lied. You read the name over and over again, the crumpled letter shaking in your hands. Lorenzano. Lorenzano. Lorenzano. He wasn't Max Lord, he was Maxwell Lorenzano and you had no idea how he could lie to you - or better yet, why he would lie to you? There was a reason for everything. You might’ve been new to the world of man, and you might not yet understand their conditions and way of life, but it didn’t change the fact that this hurt. He was your first friend - your first real friend who wasn’t a child. He accepted you into his home, and he even believed you when you told him who you are. You had opened up about being a literal goddess from the secret haven Themyscira, and he hadn’t even told you his real name.
And then, your visions of him… memories and dreams… they hit you one by one. Now you could finally put a face to the voice that had been haunting you. He was the child you saw when you had fallen asleep in Black Gold Cooperative, the child who was getting bullied for the clothes he wore, and his shoes. You felt foolish not realising it sooner. The image of ‘Little Lorenzano’ getting tormented perfectly paralleled the way Alistair had gotten cornered in the park earlier today. Your heart ached for them both.
Max Lord was clearly putting on a brave face in front of you. But now that you knew who he really was, you knew that he was deeply hurting, and he needed your help. He might not realise it, but this is why you were here. You’d come to the world of man to fulfil your duty as the Goddess of Home and Hearth for a reason and Zeus had deliberately connected you with Alistair and Maxwell. This was your purpose. They were your purpose.
You smoothed out the letter to the best of your ability, deciding that if you were to help him, you should probably read it. You had hope that it would help you understand things and allow you to piece together the puzzle. You glanced back at the speckles of his blood in the sink, and the smashed vase on the floor. Whatever was in this letter had clearly angered him.
I, Theodore Thomas IV, share a bond with Miss Grey and recognise that she is a caring and devoted mother. We are in full belief that Alistair Lorenzano would be better off, in the care of his biological mother.
A bond. You were quickly able to identify that Julianna Grey was the mother of Alistiar, although the bond between she and Theodore Thomas IV had not yet become clear to you. Your heart would usually find warmth in the revelation that Julianna was, in fact a ‘caring and devoted’ mother, but instead it grew cold. As the goddess of home and hearth, you could sense the lie in his words. You wanted to believe that Julianna was a good mother, but your intuition said otherwise. These were your powers - and there was no way you were wrong about this. Despite the immediate concern you had for Allistair, you pushed the feeling to the back of your brain and forced yourself to continue reading the letter.
Mr Maxwell Lorenzano and Miss Julianna Grey divorced on the seventh month of 1980 after being married for two years. Miss Grey notes that their relationship was strained since the beginning, with Mr Lorenzano too preoccupied with his career to focus on his family.
Marriage - Max and Julianna were married. It was something you had read about back on Themyscira when you had spent time educating yourself on the ‘way of man’. Marriage was, supposedly, a sacred ritual that joined together the spirits of two people in the name of love. And love was the fundamental principle that would create a family. At the core of a family, was love, and that was the most important thing. Your eyes flicked back up the final sentence of the first paragraph; “We are in full belief that Alistair Lorenzano would be better off, in the care of his biological mother.” You couldn’t help but shake your head profusely. These people wanted to take Alistair away from Max? There was no way. Theodore may think that Julianna deserves Alisitair, but it was never going to be about ‘deserve’. It could only be about love. And you knew for certain that Maxwell loved Alistair with his whole heart.
I have known Miss Grey since 1980, after working on her and Mr Lorenzano’s divorce case. As not only her partner, but also a trusted lawyer of our capitol’s legal enforcement, I can whole-heartedly ensure that sole custody of Alistair Lorenzano must be granted to Miss Julianna Grey.
Divorce was something you weren’t so familiar with, and you figured it should be something you ask Maxwell about at a later date. It was at this moment you learned that Theodore was Julianna’s partner, lover, even. No wonder he thought so highly of her. There was no question about it. You knew you had to pay Julianna and Theodore a visit to see for yourself. You had to see the truth.
Please find us at the District Columbia Court, D.C., in one week from the date stated on the letter. If you make no effort to show and fight your case, you will be banished from seeing Alistair until he turns eighteen years of age.
Banishment? The thought of splitting up Max and Alistair filled you with the most excruciating pain. You couldn’t let this happen. You wouldn’t let this happen.
So Theodore was Ted and Maxwell was Max. If you had known that names in the world of man could fluctuate so much, maybe you wouldn’t have gotten mad so mad at Max for lying about his name. After catching the address on the envelope, you engrained it in your memory and carefully folded up the letter and placed it in the pocket of the Maxwell’s pinstripe shirt that he had given you to wear. Now you just had to figure out a way to get to the address on the letter.
You spent some time sweeping up the shattered glass on the floor, and cleaned up the sink before padding back into the living room and sliding your feet back into your gladiator sandals, buckling them up. You even picked up the lasso of truth and tied it around your waist so it acted like a makeshift belt on you. There was no way you were going to leave it behind. You took another look at the photo frame that was on the small table next to the couch and picked it up. You smiled as you felt the exact same love that Maxwell felt when he was in the photo, holding baby Alistair. Just looking at the family portrait filled you with so much joy. You knew that Max’s love for his son was genuine.
Turning the frame over, you opened it up and took the glossy polaroid out, placing it in the same pocket of your shirt. You loved the photo and you wanted to take it wherever you went. 
It was cold outside, and the sky was a deep shade of blue. There was definitely a draft, and you wondered if you should’ve changed back into your Amazonian warrior gear. The oversized shirt that Maxwell had given you, as well as the gladiator sandals, didn’t really provide you with the greatest amount of warmth. You weren’t even wearing anything on your legs.
A small old lady with a zimmer frame was walking down the street. “Oh wow!” she exclaimed, looking you up and down, presumably judging your outfit of choice. “You have very nice legs, but aren’t you cold?”
You looked down at your legs, noticing the goose pimples, and nodded in confirmation. “Yes, but I’ll be okay. Do you think you could help me with something?” you asked curiously, watching as she raised her eyebrows.
“Me? Help you? What could little old me-”
You took the letter out of your pocket and pointed to the address. “How do I get here?”
She adjusted her glasses and squinted. “Thomas Family Lawyers,” she read out loud, before turning back to you. “Honey, this law firm is on the other side of Georgetown. You best call a cabbie, especially this late in the evening.”
“A cabbie?” you asked, shivering in the cold. “I’m sorry… I’m not from round here.” you shrugged helplessly.
“Let me help you.” the old lady said, reaching into her purse and bringing out an enormous 1984 brick-like cell phone. The contraption shocked you, and you even wondered how she had fit it in her bag. She pulled out the antenna and began to dial a number. “Hi, could I get a pre-paid taxi to Thomas Family Law Firm, Georgetown? Thank you,” She put the phone back in her purse and offered you a smile. “A cab won’t be long. I’m Mrs Stagg, by the way. Might I enquire… why are you going to a family law firm when you’re not even from the area?”
“To help a friend.” you returned the smile.
“Does your friend live in this neighbourhood?” 
“He does. Um… his name is Max Lord?” you explained but the way it left your lips made it sound more like a question. Lord? Lorenzano? What difference did it make?
“Ah,” was the small sound that emitted from Mrs Stagg’s throat. “Max Lord, the oil guy. My son Simon is- was an investor for Maxwell’s company. From what I heard, the company is bust. A joke. Max Lord has been scamming the entire nation for years.”
“Scamming?” you asked, confused. “I don’t understand.”
“Black Gold Cooperative have shares in oil fields all around the world, only, the oil fields have completely dried up, you know - with the Cold War and all. But he kept going… kept making those silly infomercials and selling his dream. ‘Anything you want, you can have it.’ or something like that.” Mrs Stagg scoffed, shaking her head incredulously. You recognised the quote from when you had seen him all suited up on the television. 
“I don’t… I don’t understand. Why would he lie to the whole country?” you beckoned further, despite the conversation bringing you some uncomfort. Max had seemed like a genuinely good guy and a loving father up until this point. 
“For money, I suppose. That’s all it’s ever about with folk like him. Money. I chastise my son for it too. He’s the CEO of Stagg Industries and the only reason I could live in such a beautiful neighbourhood like this one. He bought my home here,” she beamed proudly. “But, I don’t know much about Max Lord. Don’t really see him around on the streets either. He must be cooped up in his office most of the time. Hey, you’re his friend. Maybe you should ask him why he’s nothing but a low-life conman.” 
Her words stung, and they weren’t even about you. You were completely lost for words, and surprised that she had so much hate in her heart for Max. Granted, if he was rivals with her son, it would make sense, but she did raise many questions that concerned you greatly. When the taxi pulled up, she paid the driver and helped you into the passenger seat. “I don’t know Max Lord,” she whispered from the other side of the car door. “But please darling, be careful.” She warned you before the cabbie whisked you away.
Your concept of time was slightly askew, but you figured the journey to the law firm lasted twice as long as the journey from Black Gold to Max’s home. You looked out the window taking in the stunning city at night. The buildings were all lit up and reflected against the windows, creating a glitter in your eye. There was nothing like this on Themyscira. No tall skyscrapers, no enormous shopping malls or company buildings. D.C. was booming, and it was beautiful. The journey allowed you to process Mrs Stagg’s words and think even more about Max. Clearly, both Julianna and Theodore had their reasons not to like Maxwell, and now, so did Mrs Stagg and her son Simon. You had to speak to Max and confront him. You knew there was more to him than what meets the eye.
Thomas Family Lawyer’s was a big building, not as big as Black Gold Cooperative, but it was still big. Just as you went through the revolving doors (which you had now grown accustomed to, due to your time spent and Max’s office) a group of girls began to file out. Whilst Raquel had been somewhat confused by your presence, these girls shot you the most evil of stares.
“Do you know what time it is? Office hours are closed. Why are you here?” One girl with sleek black hair spat coldly. You practically winced at the malice in her voice.
“Oh, I’m here to see Theodore Thomas?” you said slowly, nervously biting your lip.
“Who are you?” quizzed the same ebony haired girl.
“I’m a friend of Max Lord.” was the only thing you could come out with. Maxwell had warned you to refrain from identifying yourself as the ‘goddess of home and hearth’ in front of the public. He told you that people won’t believe him like he does, and that they’ll think you’re crazy. You had no choice but to believe him.
“Max Lord!” a red haired girl gasped, and a shorter blonde girl slapped her hand over the redhead’s mouth. “Sorry,” the redhead muffled as the blonde girl removed her hand. “He’s just so sexy.”
“But you know we’re not supposed to like him.” The blonde girl hissed.
“Huh?” you asked, knotting your eyebrows together. “Not supposed to?”
The ebony haired girl let out a longing groan. “Will the both of you just shut up?” she grimaced, glaring at the other two girls before looking back at you with that same mean stare. “Turn left, his office is the big one at the bottom of the corridor. You’re lucky he’s working late tonight.” 
“Yeah, on his girlfriend’s case.” The redhead said weakly.
“Can you not keep your mouth shut?” Snapped the black haired girl. “Why would you say that in front of this hobo stranger when she’s just said she’s Max Lord’s friend. She doesn’t need to know that Mr Thomas is working on the custody case! It’s a wonder he hasn’t fired you yet for being so stupid.”
You had zoned out of the pointless conversation about mid-way through anyway. Those girls were nothing but rude to each other anyway. You slipped past them and down the corridor until you reached two double doors, not hesitating for a second to open them up.
There, with his head buried down into a pile of papers, was a dark haired man in a tight fitted suit. He abruptly looked up when you had entered his office, his mustache wavering in bewilderment as he took in the appearance of a girl who was wearing nothing but an oversized button up shirt and brown strapped gladiator sandals. “C-can I help you?” he gulped, relishing the sight of his body like it was the sweetest view he’d ever come across. You crossed your bare legs together awkwardly, feeling slightly vulnerable by the way he was staring at you. 
“Are you Theodore Thomas IV?” you asked.
“I am.” the dark haired man confirmed, shuffling around in his leather seat.
You nodded, turning around to close the double doors behind you and walking over to his desk. You took out the crumpled up letter that had been addressed to Maxwell Lorenzano and slid it over the expensive oak wood. “What is this?” you questioned. Theodore took out his reading glasses before analysing it.
“Where did you get this letter?”
“Max Lord is my friend.” you gulped, folding your arms over your chest. “And this letter…”
“You mean Maxwell Lorenzano?” Theodore scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Listen, I’m not here to discuss that low-life loser, okay? I have more pressing matters to deal with.”
“So do I.” you persisted. “This letter…”
“Unless you’re his lawyer, and I doubt you are,” he snarled, looking at you up and down with the utmost disdain. “I will not be discussing the letter with you. Friend or not, it’s confidential.”
“I’m here to help him.” you gritted out, unable to believe the anger that dripped from your own tongue. It was true, you were angry. You were angry at the way everyone was so against Maxwell Lord, and you were angry at the fact the reason remained so unclear. Every new person you met didn’t like him, and you just wanted to know why.
Your words did pique the curiosity of Theodore, however. He raised an eyebrow and leaned over his desk, his gaze not breaking from you once. “Help him? You mean, you’ll be representing him in court?” You weren’t sure what that meant, but you nodded your head. If this was the only way you could get information out of Theodore Thomas IV, then so be it. “Do you even have any legal experience?”
“What? No. I told you, I’m just his friend.”
Theodore let out a boisterous laugh, the level of volume making you flinch. “Shit, he can’t even afford his own lawyer. I didn’t realise it was that bad,” he assumed. “Excuse me for one second.” he pointed a finger and dialled a number on the telephone.
Meanwhile, Maxwell was Julianna’s home. When Alistair heard his dad’s voice, he came running downstairs to greet him. “Daddy!” he called excitedly, running into his father’s arms. “You came back!” Maxwell picked up Alistair and spun him around, pressing a loving kiss to his son’s forehead.
“What do you want Maxwell?” Julianna sighed, tapping her foot impatiently against the marble floor of the lobby.
“To talk,” Max answered, placing Alistair back down on the floor. “Just us two. Uh- is Ted here?”
“Lucky for you he’s working late at the firm. Working on our damn case,” Julianna shook her head before turning to face her son. “Alistair, go to your room.” she commanded.
“But I want to see daddy!” Alistair cried, tears pricking his dark brown eyes.
“He can stay.” Maxwell negotiated but the comment was completely lost on Julianna.
“Go. To. Your. Room.” Julianna barked angrily, which sent a frightened Alistair running back to his bedroom.
“Shit Julianna, he’s just a kid. No need to talk to him like that.” Maxwell frowned, his ex-wife’s tone reminding him of his own father’s.
“Now Maxwell, I know you’re not giving me parenting advice, are you?” she asked sarcastically. Maxwell noted how bitter she had become, or perhaps, how bitter she always was. “I’m assuming you’re here to talk about the case. Try and change my mind. Well, you can’t.”
“Julianna, I know things have been rough between us since the divorce but I just want what’s best for Alistair. I love him so much.” Maxwell revealed.
“Bullshit!” Julianna scowled. “All you do, Max, is speak bullshit. You want what’s best for him? You’ll allow me and Ted to have full custody of Alistair. You’re a shit father and you know it.”
“I know- I know I’m messed up. I mean, I’ve messed up in the past but, something happened. Something inside me woke up and I’m ready to step up Julianna. I’ve changed, please just believe me. I love Ali-”
“You don’t deserve him,” Julianna growled. “You know what Maxwell? You’re nothing but a deadbeat. Just like your father was.”
Maxwell felt his face turn red with rage at his ex-wife's comment. He clenched his fists so hard his knuckles had even turned white. “I am nothing like my father!” Maxwell yelled defensively as the anger bubbled within him. He wanted to cry. Every time a memory of his own abusive father came up, it made Max want to curl up into a whole and cry. It broke him.
Before Julianna could reply, the phone on the wall began to ring. Julianna answered it.
“Hey, Julie?” Theodore was on the line, still laughing from his talk with you. “Baby, you won’t believe this.”
“What is it?” Julianna asked hesitantly, twirling the wire of the phone around her finger.
“Some girl- some half naked girl is here- in my office claiming to be a friend of Maxwell,” Theodore spluttered. You frowned at his tone of voice as he talked about you, right in front of you. Julianna turned to Maxwell in bewilderment, who was just standing there and had no idea what was going on. “She’s saying she’s going to represent him during the custody trial.”
“What?” Julianna spat. “Who the fuck is she?”
“I don’t know! Never seen her in my life. Pretty little thing though, I guessed maybe he’s fucking her? Not sure. She says she’s living with him.”
“Living-” Julianna couldn’t help but repeat her boyfriend’s words. “Teddy, Maxwell is here. Right now. Can you come home and… bring her with you? I want to have words with her.”
“Got it. See you soon sweetie.” Theodore finished before hanging up the phone.
Julianna turned to Max. “That was Theodore. He says some half naked girl has shown up to his office claiming to be a friend of yours.”
Maxwell’s eyes went comically wide as his greatest fears became realised. “What? No, no- there’s no way. That’s impossible. I told her to stay at home- how the hell did she get to Thomas Family Lawyer’s?”
“You’re asking me?” Julianna gasped in disbelief. “Who the hell is she, Max?”
Max was so confused and shocked, he couldn’t even find words. If you had found your way to Theodore’s office, that meant you had read the letter. It also meant that you knew his name. And finally, it meant that you had completely invaded your privacy. Part of Maxwell was mad, but an even bigger part of him was confused as to how you ended up on the other side of Georgetown in the office of his ex-wife’s current boyfriend. You weren’t even from round here, hell, you’d only gotten into a car for the first time today. Julianna and Theodore weren’t the only ones who had a thousand questions. Maxwell did too.
When you arrived at the Thomas family home, you looked at it with complete adoration, just like how you looked at Maxwell’s home. It was extensive in size, with beautiful pillars and adorned with flowers on every corner. Maxwell and Julianna were waiting for you and Ted in the dining room. Ted hung up his suit jacket on the coat peg in the lobby and you slowly followed him into the dining room. Unlike Maxwell’s home, which was covered with photographs of Alistair, you couldn’t spot a single picture of the bright eyed child in any of the rooms you passed. You wondered why.
When you entered the room, Julianna’s and Maxwell’s jaws both dropped in unison. “She’s wearing your shirt!” Julianna screeched, pointing her finger accusingly at you. 
“Yeah? So fucking what?” Maxwell shot back. “I didn’t realise you can police my wardrobe now!”
Your gaze flicked between Maxwell and Julianna who were already arguing with each other. "Can we settle down?" Theodore intervened, placing his briefcase down on the table.
Maxwell turned to you and took a deep breath. "Why- why didn't you put on some clothes before you left the house?" he sighed, closing his eyes as he tried to keep his composure.
"I- I didn't have any clothes and. I didn't know if it was normal to dress like this in the world of man." you admitted sheepishly, feeling embarrassed that you'd made a fool of yourself and seemingly Maxwell too.
"The world of what?" Julianna scrunched up her nose. "She has no clothes? Maxwell, where did you pick this whore up?"
You stiffened up at her harsh words and Maxwell's dark eyes snapped open. "Don't call her that," he warned. "She's… different. Look, I can't explain now but-"
Julianna turned to Theodore. "I want her out of my house. She's a fucking prostitute."
"She's not a prostitute," Maxwell sighed, running his fingers through his dark blonde hair as the stress engulfed him. "She's just a friend."
"I want her out." Julianna reiterated, her voice like venom.
"I- I can wait by the car," you told Maxwell timidly. He didn't reply, instead just putting his head in his hands. You turned to Julianna and Theodore. "I apologise for any intrusion I may have brought upon you both." you said before walking away.
Even before you got to the front door, you'd heard them start fighting again. Maxwell wasn't yelling, but Julianna was so loud and accusing. You couldn't help but feel like she brought around such a toxic environment.
As you leaned against Maxwell's car, you looked up at the upstairs window. It was illuminated, signifying that the light was on. It was so cold and you couldn't help but sigh as you waited for your friend to return and take you home— if he still liked you, that is. After everything that had gone on, you wouldn't be surprised if he just left you on a street corner to fend for yourself. 
You were delighted when you saw Alistair in the illuminated window. He poked his head around the curtains, smiling and waving immediately when he saw you. You grinned back, thankful to see the sweet boy and to know that he was okay. The smile on his face dropped and although you couldn't hear what was going on back in the house, you could tell by his expression that there was something wrong. Alistair disappeared from the curtains and you began to untie the lasso of Hestia from your waist. Swinging the rope around in the air, you attached it to Alistair's balcony and swung yourself up to the third storey of the Thomas family home. You quietly tapped on his window. After only a few seconds Alistair returned and let you in.
You clambered back into the house, finding yourself in the little boys bedroom. "Hey Alistair, how you doing?" you smiled, kneeling down and giving your friend a hug.
"I'm good, I'm so glad to see you again!" Alistair confessed with a toothy grin. "How did you get up here?" Alistair asked curiously, stepping out onto the balcony and looking at the long way down from where you had been standing by his father's car.
You gulped. "Can you keep a secret?" you whispered. Alistair nodded enthusiastically. "Okay." you showed Alistair your lasso, and he watched it with bright eyes as it glowed gold. If you could trust Max, you knew for a fact you could certainly trust Alistair. After all, they were your purpose. They were the reason you had found yourself in the world of man.
"Whoa, what is it?" Alistair asked, pointing his finger hesitantly, as if he wanted to touch it but not sure if it would hurt him.
"It's magical," you revealed. "My mother Hestia gave me it. It lets people see the truth, and speak the truth. It knows when you're lying."
"...And it helps you climb up really tall buildings? Like Spiderman?" Alistair asked with wide eyes.
You giggled. "Yes."
"Can I try?" Alistair beckoned further.
"Maybe one day," you promised him. "It can be difficult to learn, but I'd love to teach you." 
You and Alistair both gasped as you listened in on what was going downstairs. You heard footsteps, and it sounded like Max was leaving. You rose to your feet and approached the window again, unravelling your lasso. "Hey, I have to go now. Listen, you can't tell Julianna or Ted that I was up here, okay? I don't think they like me."
"Oh, they don't like anyone who's associated with daddy." Alistair frowned, but nodded understandingly. "Are you going home with daddy?"
"I hope so." you replied, because there was really no way of telling where you stood with Maxwell at this point in time.
"Good," Alistair beamed, and in that moment, you recognised his smile to be the spitting double of his father's. "Because I like it when you're around daddy. He's not as miserable."
You tilted your head but had no time to question Alistair because you heard the front door open. Swinging back on your lasso, you attached it to the branch of a tree and dropped back down to the front of the porch where Maxwell's car was parked. Wrapping your lasso back around your waist, you pretended like you hadn't moved from the car— like you had been waiting for him this entire time.
"Good night!" Maxwell called but earned no response, only the slam of the front door. He sighed deeply and slumped his shoulders in defeat before turning to face you. His lips were curled into a frown and he shook his head as he approached you, sliding past you and unlocking the car door. "Get in." he told you, to which you obliged and slipped into the passenger seat.
Maxwell dropped his head to the wheel of the car in frustration. He wanted to scream. Cry. Yell. Curse. He hated this. He hated having to fight for what was already his. He needed Alistair— his life would be empty without his son. There was no question about it. And unfortunately for Max, he was beginning to lose all hope.
"Are you okay?" You asked, feeling as though the question was a stupid one considering the disheveled look on Maxwell's face. You placed a hand on his back with full intention to be comforting. He didn't reply. After a few seconds of silence, you heard his sobs. You heard his whimpers and chokes. "Oh Max." you whispered quietly, rubbing his back.
"I can't— I can't fucking do this," Maxwell cried, tears dripping down his cheeks and falling onto the steering wheel. "They're right— what they say about me— they're all right. I'm a monster."
You winced, shaking your head at his comment. "You are not a monster." you assured him.
"You don't even know me," Maxwell huffed before glaring at you, the tears still falling. "You're just— you're just some random girl who came into my life at the wrong fucking time and— I don't even know why you're here. Why are you here?" He said your name like it was poison and the desperation in his voice was enough to make your heart ache.
You swallowed. "When I found out your name, your real name, I knew for certain… Zeus brought me to you and Alistair for a reason. Everything is so clear now. Max, I'm here to help you."
"I'm screwed— we’re screwed. It's pointless. There's nothing we can do. We can't go up against them. Julianna is a fucking psycho and Ted is one of the best family lawyers in the state—"
"And I'm the daughter of Zeus and Hestia. I'm the Goddess of Home and Hearth and I will not let them rip you away from Alistair." you promised with pure determination in your voice. The change of your tone was enough to make Maxwell stop crying and look up to you like you were his saviour. His angel. And despite everything that happened, despite the feeling of complete hopelessness, he believed you.
The war began now.
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waywardmaslow · 4 years
Just my thoughts on the items on this list:
20) “He’d be happier if he wasn’t a hunter.” Sam only resented the hunting life while he was growing up. His return to hunting after his time at Standford was not forced, but by choice. He’s always wanted to get out and live a normal life, we see that mentioned in the earlier seasons, and I believe a part of him will always want that, but in the later seasons of the show it’s become clear that Sam has accepted that’s a life he’ll never be able to have.
19) “He keeps getting resurrected.” That’s hardly a problem. If Sam was killed and never brought back, that’d be the end of the show. And since resurrections are never without a significant risk/price to pay–like Dean selling his soul to save Sam–the stakes are most definitely still real.
18) “The ‘Special Children’.” Azazel’s plan for his “special children” not making sense is more of a plot hole than a problem with Sam. As for “Lucifer never went through with that plan,” he never had the chance to, all the “special children” aside from Sam were dead long before he was released. Unless you’re saying that because you think Azazel was following orders from Lucifer when he rounded up the “special children” in that ghost town and pitted them against each other.
17) “When he didn’t sacrifice himself for Dean.” Sam didn’t know Dean was in Purgatory/somewhere he could be saved from. He thought Dean was dead, like actually dead, heaven or hell dead. And if that had been true, Dean wouldn’t have wanted Sam to try to bring him back. While Dean was “somewhat justifiably” upset that Sam didn’t look for him and try to bring him back, I must point out that he would’ve been upset with Sam no matter what he did. If Sam had looked for Dean and tried to save him, getting him back from Purgatory wouldn’t have been without a major risk, one Dean definitely would’ve been upset with him for taking.
16) “His relationship with Ruby.” Sam is smart, but he is also someone who knows the world isn’t all black and white. He sees the shades of grey and knows it’s not what you are, it’s what you do that matters. Not all “monsters” are evil. He believed he saw some good in Ruby, but of course that didn’t mean Sam trusted her right off the bat, he was just using her. He told Dean that in season 3. Then at the beginning of season 4, he told Ruby he wasn’t sure if he trusted her; he just knew he was doing good things with the powers she was showing him how to use, he was saving people. So I think it was more trusting those results, believing in the good he was doing, than trusting her. And then it was depending on her for the demon blood that he believed he needed to be strong enough to take down Lilith, but had become addicted to. Also, it’s worth mentioning, she didn’t really get her hooks in Sam till Dean was in hell, when Sam was at his lowest and far from sober.
15) “He ended Dean’s daughter.” Ok what is it with you and other fans trying to make Emma more significant than she really was, make Sam killing her a bigger deal than it was? I’d guess you’re Dean girls reaching for something to dislike Sam for, but I’ve even seen a(n alleged) Sam girl try to play up Emma’s importance. As if she was supposed to mean anything more to us than just another MOTW, as if Dean felt anything more for her than responsibility. She was an Amazonian woman who wanted to kill Dean. End of story. Even Dean himself, at the end of the episode, called her a crazy man-killing monster. She may have been Dean’s daughter biologically, but she wasn’t family. Remember “Family don’t end with blood, but it doesn’t start there either,” and “Just because you’re blood, doesn’t mean you’re family; you have to earn that.”
14) “Drinking demon blood.” Drinking demon blood wasn’t something Sam was comfortable with at first, but he eventually accepted it as a means to an end, to being strong enough to kill Lilith. Something he was hell bent on doing. Sam’s not dumb, he knew it was risky, that’s why he was trying his best to be careful and not take it too far. I think what pushed him over the edge into addiction was the amount of blood he felt he had to consume in order to save Dean from Allistair. Allistair was the same kind of demon as Lilith, with white eyes, and just as strong. In prepping to take him down, Sam would’ve drunk more blood than he had been before. Sam felt Dean’s life was in danger and we all know he’d do anything to save Dean from getting killed.
13) “His demonic powers.” I don’t really see that as a problem, aside from the resulting demon blood addiction, since he was using those powers to save people. Drinking demon blood didn’t give him those powers, it just made them stronger. Sam had the powers already due to the demon blood already in his system, no thanks to Azazel, he just had to be taught how to use them. And although his powers were significantly drained/weakened in killing Lilith, it’s likely they’re still there lying dormant beneath the surface. Sam has just chosen not to use them anymore because even though he liked the effectiveness of saving people that way, he no longer trusts that part of himself. To be fair, though, it’s also possible Sam himself believes his powers are gone, but he wouldn’t know for sure unless he tried to use them and he hasn’t.
11) “He started the apocalypse.” While you try to paint Sam as less smart than the show leads us to believe, allow me to remind you that he wasn’t the only one who believed killing Lilith would prevent the apocalypse, Dean and Bobby believed it too. So much so that they were all for finding a way to kill Lilith themselves so Sam wouldn’t have to do it with his powers. Dean did eventually find out the truth about the final seal, but that wasn’t until the last minute so that’s hardly relevant. Their intel on the matter may have come from a demon, but the logic behind it was sound(when you ignore the fact that Ruby wasn’t being totally honest about what the final seal was) and you know it. Hell, I still stand by the belief that killing Lilith would’ve prevented the apocalypse, they just had to get to her before the other seals were broken. That would explain why Ruby would disappear for periods of time and constantly tell Sam he wasn’t ready/strong enough to take on Lilith, even though after it was all said and done she told him he “never needed the feather to fly.” She was stalling.
8) “He’s the only Winchester who hasn’t made a deal with a demon.” So what? That’s actually a good thing, though he still ended up spending time in hell. He did try to make a deal though, to save Dean from hell, but no demon would deal.
7) “He was stronger than Lucifer.” Sam being able to overpower Lucifer and recover control of his body isn’t as implausible as it may seem. Especially given the demon blood in his veins, as well as the multiple gallons of demon blood that he drank just before letting Lucifer in and how strong/powerful that would’ve made him. That’s not to say he was actually stronger than Lucifer, just strong enough to get control back for long enough to open the cage and throw himself in.
5) “He recovered from the cage way too fast.” Sam may have recovered from worst of the PTSD(the hallucinations and resulting insomnia) within one season–because of Cas shifting the burden onto himself–but his memories of the cage do still bother him to this day. In fact, the memory of seeing Lucifer’s true face still keeps Sam up at night. His PTSD from the cage doesn’t get the attention it did in season 7, but it is still there.
4) “Soulless Sam.” Just because it hadn’t been a thing on the show before, doesn’t mean it could never be a thing on the show. Also, the concept of being soulless did get explored again; both in season 9(with Abbadon having souls harvested to create a demon army) and in season 11(with Amara consuming souls). Hell, we still have a soulless character on the show today: Donatello!
3) “He has no friends of his own.” Yeah, it’s true most of the brothers’ friends are closer with Dean, but they do care about Sam and have his back. It’s not as if he’d have no one to turn to if he left the hunting life/went off on his own.
2) “He likes 80s hair metal.” And that’s a problem? Sam’s allowed to have a different music taste than Dean. It’s not a bad thing.
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korcariapostate · 4 years
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      on this blog , i will be going under the assumption that the dark ritual in origins DID NOT happen , and though morrigan was annoyed , she did not abandon the warden after their refusal ( if they did refuse ) . in my iteration , morrigan simply DID NOT BY DEFAULT suggest using dark magicks to defeat the archdemon , either leaving the grey warden ( or allistair ) to their fate . it can be plotted that morrigan did suggest the dark ritual , but she will not react as negatively to the denial . in turn , DA : WITCH HUNT did not happen according to this blog’s canon .
morrigan DOES NOT pressure the warden into giving her a child
morrigan DID NOT abandon the party before the battle of denerim
morrigan IS NOT a mother by the time of inquisition
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lilacbombs · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel actual critique
this isn’t me talking about all the crap we already know about the show, I’m purely examining it based on what it does right/what it does wrong because, while I don’t enjoy it I can understand separating the artist from the art. I think some of the artist’s problems leak into the production but we’ll discuss that so. here we go
things it did right:
it had some good jokes. the bit about the text going by under the news screen turning into the cc guy just ranting about how he cheated on his wife was kinda funny. the second is most of the things angel dust says. if he had a better design, was more likable, was less of a weird homophobic stereotype I think he could be a genuinely ok character but alas. no,
the world design was ok. some of the signs on the buildings were funny.
yeah I hate musical song numbers but “in every demon there’s a rainbow” was pretty catchy.
the voice acting was good, everyone has an appropriate amount of energy and quality, and alistar’s (Allistair? Allister? the radio demon) weird radio stutter, as well as demeanor, is admittedly charming.
well-animated in terms of like... character motion. I’m not an animator so I won’t go into that too much but besides the occasional perspective mess-up/off-model character it all looks fine. Even with 5000 dollars I don’t know if their team(?) is well-equipped to fix all these issues, and it’s a pilot anyway.
things it did WRONG:
about all the homophobic stuff... The instances I think most people are thinking of is an exchange where a character calls angel dust “drag show” and Katie killjoy saying “I don’t touch the gays” to charlie. I understand what people are saying about this, that the characters are in hell and are supposed to be unlikeable, and it’s actively mocking the use of homophobia blabla, but my biggest problem with this is that IT DOESN’T FIT ANYWHERE. what is this in service of? is it to make angel dust sympathetic? because the show seems to make no effort in making him a likable person. is it to make charlie sympathetic? probably but like we literally spent the first minute listening to her sing about how much of a failure she is. WE GET IT
the pacing is all wrong, as is the world. nothing in this makes sense. I understood charlie’s motivation on a surface level but we have no set up for episode one as to why she feels this way, or why she’d even pursue this idea. It would’ve made more sense if we got more of a backstory to her feelings/family, THEN it would’ve made more sense. ntm why does she even believe in any of this redemption stuff? aside from vaggie, everyone in this world is depicted to be a major asshole.
and about the world, what the fuck is the system for this hell? like there seems to be a “cleanse” ever 365 days, but ad says at one point that he can’t be “double dead,” so, what is this cleanse? how come some people are reborn as weird twisted spider people and some (like vaggie and charlie) just look like girls in face paint? if charlie was born there, what’s the proportion between demons born there and not born? I’m not saying you need to give me 14 minutes of exposition, but it seems important enough to the conflict of the story that this shit be explained.
the character designs. Jesus christ everyone in this show looks the same. I understand wanting to have a “demonic” color palette, but it doesn’t... not like this. this video says everything a lot more concisely than me.
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yeah vaggie is a racist stereotype and no, it isn’t automatically race-neutral because she has grey skin. she is literally the only character who speaks Spanish and she actively refers to it in an exchange with angel dust. She’s an angry lesbian who’s hostile to men and described in her fucking character bio as being someone who tries to make charlie’s schemes a reality for... some reason? it all reeks of someone wanting to write for woke points but not actually doing any introspection on how their prejudices manifest, and just opting to keep a coded white person as your protag cause you gotta have a woobie amirite (and I don’t want this to come across as me, a white person somehow distancing myself from the people who perpetuated this trope, I just think it’d be in poor taste to not even refer to it when... it’s there.)
Look as I write this I can actively feel myself get more annoyed so I’m just going to stop. There’s so much more I could go on about. This show really is as bad as everyone says, but not in the ways you think. it’s almost worse than that because of the wasted potential. I only wish that vivziepop and some of the fans have the self-introspection to reflect and improve. 
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greyandangsty · 5 years
Bootlegs List (as of Oct 8 2019)
Feel free to message even if you don’t have my wants. Send your full list and we can work up a trade! 
Google Docs Version (more organized): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qbIHhg2E6OgWXiq9-TEbt-RUODFnH0hB2zbxZNQCdSY/edit?usp=sharing
Audios/Cast Recordings
Anything Goes Cast Recording 
Cast: 1989 OBC
Format: mp3
Beautiful: A Carole King Musical
Cast: OBC (Jessie Mueller’s Last Performance)
Format: mp3
Cast: Lea Salonga
Format: mp3
Cast: 2016 Broadway Revival
Date: October 1,2016
Format: mp3
Cast: 2016 Broadway Revival (Closing Night) 
Date: January 18, 2017
Format: mp3
Cast: OBC
Date: July 29, 2015
Format: mp3
Cast: West End Cast 
Date: June 27,2018
Format: mp3
Kinky Boots
Cast: Brendon Urie
Date: July 22, 2017
Format: mp3
Miscast Concert
Cast: Sierra Boggess, Nicole Parker, Cheyenne Jackson, Jeremy Jordan, LaChanze, Christian Borle, and more
Date: March 4,2013
Stephanie J. Block in Concert Album
Format: mp3
The King and I
Cast: Kelli O’ Hara, Ken Watanabe 
Date: April 17, 2016
Format: mp3
The Pirate Queen Cast Recording
Cast: OBC
Format: mp3
Cast: OBC (Allison Janney, Megan Hilty, Stephanie J Block)
Date: Sept. 6, 2009
Format: 5-part VOB (no smalls), mp4
73rd Tony Awards
Format: mkv
Addams Family Musical
Cast: Tour Across North America
Date: Oct 18,2011
Format: mp4
A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder
Cast: OBC
Format: mp4
Cast: 2015 OBC
Date: October 16,2015
Anything Goes
Cast: 2011 Broadway Revival (Sutton Foster)
Date: April 2011
Format: mp4, 5-part VOB (no smalls)
Cast: 2011 Broadway Revival 
Stephanie J. Block (Reno Sweeney), Joel Grey (Moonface Martin), Erin Mackey (Hope Harcourt), Colin Donell (Billy Crocker), Adam Godley (Evelyn Oakleigh), Kelly Bishop (Evangeline Harcourt)
Date: November 15, 2011
Format: 4-part VOB (no smalls)
Beautiful: A Carole King Musical
Cast: OBC (Jessie Mueller)
Date: April 19,2014
Format: 9-part VOB (no smalls)
Bring it On
Cast: OBC (i think) 
Format: mp4
Cast: Alan Cumming, Emma Stone
Date: Nov. 20, 2014
Format: mp4
Cast: Off Broadway, Muny Theater (Stephanie J. Block)
Format: 5 part mp4
Come From Away
Cast: OBC
Format: mp4
Disneyland Performances
Beauty and the Beast 1992
Cast: Stephanie J. Block as Belle 
Format: 2-part mp4
Dear Evan Hansen
Cast: OBC ( i think)
Format: mp4
Cast: OBC
Format: mp4
Cast: Mandy Patinkin, Stephen Bogardus, Chip Zien, Andrew Harrison, Barbara
Walsh, Heather MacRae, Maureen Moore
Date: Feb 1993
Format: VOB
Cast: 2016 Broadway Revival (Stephanie J. Block, Christian Borle, Andrew Rannels, Anthony Rosenthal) 
Format: mp4 (PBS Pro-Shot) 
Cast: OBC 
Format: mp4
Cast: 2008 Revival (Patti Lupone, Laura Benanti)
Date: March 25, 2008
Format: VOB (no smalls), mp4
Cast: OBC
Format: mp4
Cast: OBC (but not OBC JD)
Format: mp4
Cast: OBC (but not OBC JD & OBC Heather Chandler)
Date: May 15, 2014
Format: 7-part VOB
If/Then (Pre-Broadway, Washington)
Format: mp4
In the Heights
Cast: OBC
Date: February 14, 2008
Format: mp4
Jersey Boys
Cast: Andrew Rannels
Date: November 8 ,2008
Format: 5-part VOB
King and I 
Cast: I honestly don’t know
Format: mp4
Cast: Kelli O’ Hara, Ken Watanabe
Date: March 28,2015
Format: 5-part VOB
Legally Blonde 
Cast: OBC (MTV Broadcast)
Format: mp4
Cast: UK Tour 
Faye Brookes (Elle Woods), Iwan Lewis (Emmett Forrest), Dave Willetts (Professor Callahan), Neio Toon (Warner Huntington III), Clarie Sweeney (Paulette Buonafonte)
Date: 2011
Format: VOB 
Mean Girls
Cast: OBC
Format: mp4
Miss Saigon
Cast: Eva Noblezada, Allistair Brammer, Jon Jon Briones, Hugh Maynard, Kwang-Ho Hong, TamsinCarroll, Rachelle Ann Go
Date: January 2015
Format: VOB (no smalls)
My Fair Lady
Cast: Lauren Ambrose (Eliza), Harry-Hadden Patten (Higgins), Norbert Leo
Butz (Alfred), AllanCorduner (Pickering), Jordan Donica (Freddy), Linda
Mugleston (Mrs. Pearce), Manu Yarayan(Zoltan Karpathy), Diana Rigg (Mrs. Higgins)
Date: April 14, 2018
Format: mp4
Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Cast: OBC
Date: October 29,2016
Format: mp4
Pirate Queen
Cast: OBC
Date: April 13,2007
Format: mp4
Something Rotten
Cast: OBC (i think)
Format: mp4
South Pacific
Cast: I don’t know… SJB is here though (Cabrillo Music Theatre) 
Format: mpg
Stephanie J. Block in Concert (Pro-Shot)
Format: mp4
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Cast: OBC
Format: mp4
The Boy from Oz
Cast: OBC
Format: VOB (no smalls) 
The Cher Show 
Cast: OBC (Pre-Broadway, Chicago)
Date: July 13,2018
Format: 10-part VOB (no smalls), 2 part mkv
Cast: OBC (Broadway)
Date: January 2019
Format: 5-part VOB
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Cast: 2012 Revival Cast
Date: November 7, 2012
Format: mp4, 7-part VOB
Cast: OBC
Jessie Mueller, Keala Settle, Jeanna De Waal, Drew Gehling, Joe Tippett, Dakin Matthews, Eric Anderson, Jeremy Morse, Giana Ribeiro, Video
Date: September 2, 2015
Format: VOB
Cast: OBC
Format: mp3
Cast: Sara Bareilles
Format: mp4
Waitress (Concert with Sara Bareilles)
Format: mp4
War Paint (Pre-Broadway, Chicago) 
Cast: OBC (Patti Lupone, Christine Ebersole) 
Format: mp4
Cast: OBC 
Date: July 18, 2004
Format: VOB
Cast: Stephanie J. Block, Annaleigh Ashford
Date: October 9,2007
Format: mp4
Cast: Mandy Gonzalez, Andy Karl
Date: April 9, 2010
Format: 5 part VOB (no smalls) 
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hoodlegacy · 5 years
❝ This seat’s free. Come sit. ❞// from alistair!
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               ( @filostimi​ ┇ ice breakers ┇ accepting )
The Mad Hatter’s Haberdashery & Tea Shop remained as mad as the Hatter himself, but for some reason, it was more jam-packed than usual which made her a little disappointed she might never find a spot to sit and enjoy a nice cup of Wonderland tea. Something she actually was looking forward to after a long day of spinning straw into gold for Professor Rumplestilskin. Taking a second glance around the tea shop she saw no empty seats until she heard a familiar voice call out ❝ This seat’s free. Come sit. ❞ Quick as a whip slate grey eyes darted over to where Allistair was sitting and sure enough there was an open seat right next to him. Smiling to herself she made her way towards his table.
❝ Thanks. ❞
Occupying the seat across from Alistair she remained silent for a few minutes. Of course, it was nothing but her being a little nervous she might slip up in some way when it came to making sure she resisted giving into her wolf instincts. Because right now she was on high alert with so many people coming & going past them. Aside from that, she didn’t know Alistair as well as Maddie did. In fact, she hadn’t gotten the chance to talk with him one on one due to being swamped with all kinds of things during school. No matter she took a quick minute to adjust her hood so it didn’t have a chance of accidentally slipping off.  Shooting Alistair a quick glance she stopped almost immediately fiddling around with her hood. As she spoke slate grey eyes drifted to the side slightly embarrassed as she rested her hands on her lap.  
❝ It’s just a little chilly in here. ❞
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