#Arrangement: TATOO
solarlotus · 1 year
Prompt: Obikin but make it a modern gay bathhouse encounter
Enjoyed this one. Very NSFW, under the cut
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Anakin had prepped, paid the entrance fee and was now arranging his towel in a private booth of the bath house. It was warm, steam billlowed from the steam room and jacuzzi area, he could hear the splash of water and the slap of flesh on flesh, the grunts of pleasure.
He was here for that, anonymous sex after a week of stress and deadlines. His business was successful, he was successful, but it came at a cost. There was no time for dating, for relationships, even friendships took a back seat. It was all about the business and his business partner, Obi Wan.
But tonight Anakin would forget the business, forget Obi Wan and his constant intrusion into Anakin's thoughts and dreams. Tonight Anakin was here to get fucked, to get dicked down hard and filled with as many loads of spunk as he could hold. He took the pen that hung by the whiteboard outside the booth and wrote the words 'fill me'. Simple and to the point, then he arranged himself on the soft towels, face down, ass up, hole lubed and fingered open.
His first visitor greeted him with a slap across the butt cheeks, squeezed and carressed him before lining up and filling him with a thick cock. Anakin groaned, his own prick hardening as he was fucked hard and fast, the man behind him was big, thick thighs, heavy balls and a hairy torso that pressed against Anakin's back as he came, filling Anakin with his first precious load of the night.
The next man was fair and leaner, his cock shorter, but thick enough to cause Anakin to cry out as it breached him. Anakin stole a glace as long blond hair tickled his back and tatooed arms gripped his hips, but he didn't care what they looked like, what he wanted was cock, lots of it in his greedy hole, until he was fucked beyond all reason.
There were 4 more before the last, Anakin came for the first time as the third man fucked him. By the time the last man came in he was dripping with come, wet all over with sweat, his hole a sloppy mess. Anakin buried his face in the towels, no longer capable of speech, just a moaning incoherent begging, asking for cock, more and more.
The hands that pulled his buttocks apart were firm yet gentle, tsked at the mess leaking from him and moved down to tug at his balls, earning a loud moan.
'Such a sensitive boy,' the man said. Anakin felt as if he was in a dream, it sounded like Obi Wan, the object of so many fantasies. He decided to keep his head buried in the towel, it was a nice illusion, to be fucked by Obi Wan, just once.
Fingers breached him next, probing, adding more lube to the tacky come that coated his entrace. 'So wet, so full of come,' the man said, still speaking in Obi Wan's posh English accent. 'You've been fucked by every cock here. Can you take another?'
Anakin moaned eagerly, beyond words, wiggling his ass in what he hoped was an inviting manner. He heard the man laugh, then his ass was slapped before he was filled again.
This one was the biggest, Anakin still felt the stretch despite being filled multiple times, he was careful too, still giving Anakin time to adjust before Anakin's mewling urged him to pick up the pace and fuck him hard.
Anakin couldn't hold himself up any longer, his knees went from under him, but the man caught his waist, eased him down and continued fucking him, lying over his back now, a beard tickling Anakin's neck and shoulders as he kissed him and whispered sweet nothings.
'You feel so perfect, so wet, you're just like him, just like my Ani. Fuck, you could be him, so beautiful, you even have a mole...' the man kissed the mole on the back of Anakin's neck and moaned. 'Anakin!'
Anakin came at that, his cock spurting onto the towel as the man fucked him through it. Anakin cried out as his oversensitive hole was fucked, just a few more ragged strokes as the man deposited his load noisily inside him.
'Fuck,' the man said, rolling off him. 'Are you ok? Here.' Anakin was being gently wiped off with a fresh towel, he felt the cool dampness of wet wipes between his legs and the crack of the seal on a drinks bottle being opened.
'Drink,' the man commanded, rolling him over. Then there was a gasp. 'Anakin!' Obi Wan cried.
'Obi,' Anakin mumbled. 'It was you.' His face broke into a grin, he was too fucked out to show restraint or hide his feelings. 'It was you,' Anakin smiled, dazed and fuzzy headed as Obi Wan took him in his arms.
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domaslut · 1 year
Pairings: Chester Davies x reader; Felix Rosier x reader
Warnings: angst, bits of fluff, use of alcohol, post Hogwarts, the characters are in their early twenties, some implications to sex towards the end (18+).
Plot: in which you give up on your relationship with Chester Davies to work for the Order of the Phoenix as a mole among the Death Eaters and convince Felix Rosier, your former crush, to redeem himself. Exhausted, you come to the conclusion that you have lost the only person you truly cared about. Once you come back home, however, someone is waiting for you on the couch.
You stumbled out of the Three Broomsticks, smudged lipstick, black lines of mascara drawing irregular patterns on your cheeks. You were definitely tipsy, barely standing straight and your vision was partially blurry. Right after you had agreed on joining a group of new young recruits of Death Eaters to assault Diagon Alley, you had realised that it was not the way you planned to help the Order of the Phoenix. You should have just turned down Mad-Eye Moody’s offer to become his eyes and ears. Not only you were risking your neck, but also torturing innocent people. How did you end up falling in the deep end?
Once your task was completed, you did not hesitate to apparate in Hogsmeade and wash away your sins in alchol. Butterbeer was a long forgotten drink. Fire Whiskey worked, though. You gulped down a shot after another, theoat on fire, tears peaking at the angles of your lashes.
Why did he have to be a Death Eater?
The chill running down your spine when your eyes met on the battlefield earlier, the way he suavely whispered your name under his breath as he brushed his thin lips on the back of your hand. He was the same, handsome as ever, malice gleaming into his eyes. Yet, he was not the old, good guy you had fallen in love with back at Hogwarts.
“Unscupulous, I see. You certainly became a real Slytherin, after all”, his voice rang in your head as you slumped down on a bench to rest. The moon shone bright above you and you knew it was probably past midnight. You should have just headed back home, instead of spending your money on cheap drinks in hope to forget about him.
“Screw you, alright?” you muttered, pinching the bridge of your nose. You could not just simply pretend you had not casted a Crucio with him on a fellow wizard in the middle of the steets. You could not shake the feeling of satisfaction dripping from his laughter, once you were done, or the way he pushed you against the nearest wall to invite you over for a drink. You could not read his true intentions, you did not know if he keened to truly have his way with you out of pure interest, or if he was just trying to hook up to celebrate his victory. All you knew was that your blood ran cold and you arranged to agree on a date on Sunday.
His breath fanned your jawline as he buried his nose onto the crook of your neck. You had dreamt to be this close to him for years, back in time. But he was not a monster in your dreams, he was a slytherin prince in a emerald green cape. A yelp fell from your lips, when his sharp teeth bit down on the tender flesh of your neck and chills ran down your spine as he reclutanly took a step back, to inspect the purple mark he had tatooed on your once flawless skin.
“Just in case you bump onto that uptight boyfriend of yours… Are you two still together, by the way? I should have not let him have his way with you back then”.
A teardrop left your eye but you quickly wiped it away with your fingertips. You were tired, exhausted even and your stomach twisted and turned, leaving you dizzy in the middle of a strangely desolate Hogsmeade. As if it was not enough, your mind dragged you in dark memories, forcing you to reminisce over things you should have not done, over facts that had made you realise how stupid and foolish you had been back then.
“It’s not you. It’s me. I am not good enough for you” you had murmured, a pouring rain cascading over you two and disguising your tears with its droplets running down your face.
He stared at you in defeat, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket “You are more than enough for me. Be honest: it’s not me, but it’s not you either, am I right? It’s him.”
You clenched your fists in frustration as his words cut deep into your heart. He was right. It was ‘him’, but how were you supposed to tell him that it was not just about your feelings for him? He was a good friend of yours, after all. Maybe your love for him was not as intense as you thought it was: you just wanted to make sure he was fine, that the Death Eaters had not knocked on his door trying to englobe him into their army. However, little did you know he was a Rosier and his family had always chosen to stand with the shadows.
“Chester, please… – you uttered, averting your eyes from him – It’s complicated. I don’t want to hurt you” you tried to defend yourself.
“Oh, thank you for your deliberate act of kindness then. – he sarcastically commented – What on the Earth do you think you’re doing right now, huh? Hypocrisy doesn’t suit you, Y/N” he countered back, jabbing his finger at you. His hands were shaking and you wondered if the water dripping down his glabrous face were tears, or just the rain.
“He was your friend too, Chester! I need to do this for him! There’s a chance he could be saved” you fired back, taking a step forward.
“A backstabber is no friend of mine. – he flatly declared, shrugging at you – And stop lying to my face. Don’t pretend you are doing this for him. We both know you are going to walk through hellfire for your benefits. That’s it, isn’t it? You desperately need to know that he is a good guy, when you already know the truth! There is no redemption for him. Don’t be so foolish to follow him into a grave, please” he ranted, before turning his back at you and running off to a place far from you.
You had done a terrible mistake. Weeks had passed from that fatal day, when Chester left your shared appartment, leaving no trace of his existence behind. You regretted everything. He was never wrong, he knew you would have literally fought the Dark Lord himself to make sure Felix was still the guy you had lost your mind for from the day you first met. Chester did not care about your feelings for him. He accepted the fact that a part of you would have always belonged to the Slytherin prefect. Why? Because he loved you. He was the one who picked up the pieces of your broken heart and put them together, when Felix dumped you at the Yule Ball.
“I should have known he was the only one worth to fight for…” you whispered, batting your eyes closed. Flashes of that night pestered your broken mind.
You were in the Great Hall in a lovely green dress, red painted lips and full of expectations for the Ball, when Felix Rosier told you he could not attend the event and that, furthermore, you were not the one for him. You fell on your knees, your eyes sparkling in tears as you heard the echoes of your friends’s laughters all around you. You should have kept your distance, you should have not allowed yourself to believe you two shared a deeper connection. You were just friends.
It was only when someone cleared his throat in your proximity that you finally saw Chester, a gentle look in the eyes and a baby-blue tissue in his hand. You were still too traumatized to say something, but it was not necessary. He bent down next to you, grabbing your chin delicately to turn your head towards him and then he did something you could never forget: he tapped the tears away from your face with the tissue, half-lidded coffee brown hues soaking in your features.
You had no idea of how long you sat there in silence, watching couples of students hiding in the shadows to make out, or have some privacy anyway. Eventually, though, he was the one who broke the awkward silence.
“What was his excuse?” he asked, staring to an indefinite point ahead of him.
“He had some business to attend to… – you trailed off – And, according to him, we are better off as friends”.
He scoffed, lulling his head back in search for the right words to say but it appeared to you that he was just trying to suffocate his rage. You had never seen the calm and collected Ravenclaw prefect acting so out of character. It was weird and oddly creepy, yet heartwarming. Why was he so upset? Did he care that much about you?
“Would you give me a chance?” he blurted out then, catching you off guard.
You parted your lips in disbelief, cocking your head to the side “What?”.
“Dance with me. Now. Outside. Would you give me a chance to make you smile?”.
You blushed, grasping his hand as he helped you to get back on your feet. He draped his jacket over your bare shoulders, as you slow-danced under the moonlight that night. Somehow, he had got your back. And it was not the last time he did it.
Where was he now though? He was gone, he was not coming back to you. Not now, not even in a lifetime. It was your fault, after all. You deserved it.
You took off your heels, standing up from the bench and cursing yourself for having been a blind idiot who only saw the good in people who lacked empathy. Felix never loved you, not even now. You were nothing more than a one-night stand for him. A toy, a doll to throw away once he was done with it, as one of the Death Eaters had said to him “She is a cute doll, isn’t she?”. But you were not a doll, you were a young woman in love.
You appareted away, back into your apartment. It was dark, except for the dim moonlight seeping through the courtains into the living room. Your flat only meant one thing to you now: solitude and sorrow, guiltiness and remorse. You were used to snuggle into Chester’s arms, whenever you got back home. Who was waiting for you now, though? No one, but an empty space.
You dragged your feet along the cold floor, droopy eyes and a quivering lower lip. You had no tears left to cry, yet your body stirred and trembled as if you were about to burst out into another break down again.
You had barely made it to bedroom, when your legs gave up and you collapsed. You expected to hit the floor with a dull thud, to have your knees bruised the morning after and maybe a concussion, but you did not expect to inhale a familiar scent, or to hold onto his forearms for dear life. Were you really that drunk that you were imagining things? Was it possible to feel a warm breath fanning your lips, if you were daydreaming, though?
“Just in time” Chester murmured, concerned.
You gawked, your eyes snapping open as your vision cleared out to reveal his face. You were not having episodes, he was there, holding you into his arms because, once again, you could not take care of yourself. How ironic was it that he always had your back, even though you were not together anymore? He was not supposed to be there, to watch you crumble down under the effect of drinks and the hurt Felix was causing you.
“You are back… You are here” you stammered, glassy eyes boring into his ones.
Chester did not reply. His hands simply travelled down your waist, then they settled on the back of your legs and swept you off of your feet. You let him pick you up, your hand clenching the fabric of his navy-blue shirt like a newborn baby. You depended on him, you had missed him like crazy. But why was he there? You had hurt him, he had all the rights in the world to hate you.
Still he loved you.
“Why are you here?” you murmured, as he laid you down on the bed.
It took a moment for him to answer. His eyes inspected your body, searching manically for some injuries, a proof that someone had hurt you, but all his eyes saw were a few bitemarks on your neck and the sorrow in your eyes. Your hand wrapped around his wrist, pulling him down towards you, as if you were begging him to stay. Had he not come back to stay, indeed?
“I was… I had forgotten some books and a box with some clothes” he vaguely said, sitting down beside you.
You frowned, lifting yourself up on your elbows “Don’t lie to me, Ches…” you said, earning a sigh from him.
Chester glanced at you briefly, his heart melting instantly. It felt surreal. You two were sitting in your once shared bedroom, tired, a familiar gleam in your eyes that displayed nothing but affection and concern. Merlin, he had truly missed you. How far had you gone this time?
“I was worried about you and your low sense of self-preservation” he admitted, as you sighed and wrapped your arms around your legs, bringing them to your chest. He knew that position. You once told him you felt protected and safe, if you curled yourself up in a ball. You were scared and loathed to see you like that.
“It sucks caring about a reckless idiot, I know... I am sorry” you agreed, propping your chin over your knees.
Chester arched a tick eyebrow, shifting his position to properly face you. What had Felix done to you? Did you finally understand he was a lost cause? Had you finally realised how much you valued?
“I would have come back anyway. Reckless, or rational” he softly said, tucking a strand of your hair behind your left ear. Your breath hitched, his forefinger brushing against your cheekbone in a feather-like touch. You had longed for that touch for days.
“Because I love you. – he paused, swallowing forcefully the limp in his throat – And there’s nothing bad you can do to change that. No matter how far you go, how much you venture into the darkness, or how you got that…” he trailed off, gesturing to the hickeys sprinkled down your neck. Your hand snapped up to cover your exposed flesh from his gaze. Shame and regrets dawning on you for the unpteenth time that night. You never wanted Felix to touch you. The only reason why you allowed him to do it was that you hoped to persuade him to be a better man, to turn his back at the Dark Lord.
“I have come back for you, Y/N, because I love you” he confessed then.
Tears spilled out uncontrollably from your already puffed eyes and you crawled towards him, hands cupping his face to bring him down to your level. Your lips met midway, moving in sync, dancing in a slow motion you had missed for five longs weeks of his absence. His calloused fingers tangled in your hair, pulling gently on some strands to angle your head in a better position. You belonged to him, his was the love that kept you warm in the endless, cold winter nights, his were the hugs you could not live without.
You moaned against his lips, his free hand travelling down your hip and squeezing it as a sign for you to climb on his legs. Another habit of yours, another way he had to show you his love language: physical, gentle touch.
He was not like Felix, he was not rough with you. Never. Most importantly, Chester Davies had never broken your fragile heart.
Your straddled his waist, arms loosely wrapped around his shoulders as his lips hovered over yours. You stayed like that for minutes, eyes closed, lips barely touching and the only sound audible in the dark room was your uneven breaths. “I know you care about him… It’s okay, I can deal with it, if it’s important to you. But promise me you’re going to be okay” he cooed, knitting his eyebrows together. He was pleading you, he did not want to lose you again. Not for Felix Rosier, at least. He had asked Mad-Eye Moody to send him as mole in the dark society too, but he had refused. It was better for lovers to work separately. Or so he had been told.
You kissed him, nodding at his statement “I’ll do my best, but don’t leave me again”.
Words were superfluous, at this point. You ripped his shirt open, the buttons went flying across the room landing on the floor, lost forever. The bedsheets were the only shield you used from the rest of the world that night and Sunday soon became a day you wished not to live.
AHHH, I have honestly enjoyed writing this one! Would you love to read a part 2? I am very tempted, but I would like to hear your opinion first! I know, I know, I am the queen of angst but the best love stories I have ever read are tragic❤️👀
Are you a simp for Chester or Felix? 🫣
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themculibrary · 10 months
Tattoos Masterlist 2
part one
And I Will Wend My Way With You (ao3) - mariana_oconnor bucky/clint E, 29k
Summary: After four long years, Bucky's mission is finally complete. All he needs to do is leave the Hydra Empire and make his way back to the Kingdom of Brooklyn with the information he has obtained. He definitely doesn't need the added complication of a slave, especially not one as angry and handsome as Clint Barton.
Apartment 409 (ao3) - 74days steve/bucky T, 4k
Summary: Steve Rogers meets the repairman for his building one day and now he's running out of things he can 'accidentally' break. Luckily, Bucky doesn't seem to mind the house calls.
A Tattoo of Parker Luck (ao3) - maroonweb harley/peter T, 5k
Summary: Guests started looking over at the commotion, when one of them walked over to get a better look.
Penny's eyes met Tony Stark's and she flushed when he looked over the mess they'd made. His disdainful gaze settled on her tattooed arm and he pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
She knew Tony would never be able to pick her out of a crowd, but to have him think of her so negatively upon their first meeting hurt more than she ever could have imagined.
AKA Penny Parker gets a tattoo that seems to embody Parker Luck.
Drawing gold from the dark (come inside) (ao3) - viverella clint/natasha T, 21k
Summary: “Hey,” he says. He puts his most winning smile on his face and says cheerfully, “You here to make a bad decision?”
The corner of her mouth curves upwards in a hint of a smile and she says in a soft voice that makes something jolt under Clint’s skin, “I was hoping to, yeah.”
OR: that AU in which Clint runs a tattoo shop that Natasha stumbles into one day and then keeps coming back to, and Clint gets maybe a little too invested and Kate teases him relentlessly.
His For All The World (ao3) - queerlyobscure (softestpunk) steve/tony E, 1k
Summary: As a drunken 21-year-old, Tony got a tattoo. As a sober 42-year-old, he's finally in a position to show it to the person it was in honour of.
Or, how Steve discovered that Tony has a tattoo of his shield on his butt, and what he did about it.
Ink (ao3) - Caiti (Caitriona_3) darcy/brock T, 1k
Summary: Darcy has zero intention of getting a tattoo . . . though the sexy artist might one day change her mind
Ink & Flowers (ao3) - Gottoomanyships steve/tony, bucky/sam, pepper/natasha N/R, 4k
Summary: Was Tony being absolutely ridiculous? Probably, but what else was new? He wasn't going to simply stand idly by while Rogers insulted him (even if he did look like a inked up version of Michelangelo's David). Sure, sending some passive-aggressive flower arrangements might have been a waste of his time and resources, but that wasn't going to stop him.
The Stony Tattoo-Flower Shop AU that no one asked for.
Ink Mark (ao3) - druswriting rhodey/tony G, 6k
Summary: Five times Tony got a tattoo for Rhodey, and one time Rhodey got a tattoo for Tony.
Invisible Ink (ao3) - ctimene matt/foggy E, 16k
Summary: The One Where Foggy Is A Tattoo Artist And Matt Is The Worst
Lucky Seven (ao3) - BetteNoire (WeAreWolves) steve/bucky, clint/natasha E, 94k
Summary: Captain America trashes his motorcycle a lot. Tony says he'll fix it, then never gets around to it and just buys him a new one. Steve, the Depression-era kid, can't stand the waste and goes looking for somewhere near him in Brooklyn where he can get his bike fixed. That's how he finds Red Star Bike Repair, and the hot Russian-immigrant bike racer who runs it: all long hair and muscles and tattoos. And for the first time since he woke from the ice, Steve feels a connection to someone; a comfort in the other man's silences and his space, an attraction in his sheer skill at racing. But James Barnes isn't exactly who he seems...
Mine (ao3) - lilsmartass steve/tony E, 1k
Summary: Tony has a very interesting tatoo.
much tattoo about nothing (ao3) - Deisderium steve/bucky E, 14k
Summary: Steve Rogers gets a lot of email requests, but never one like this: James Barnes wants to use his healing factor to practice tattoos.
Turns out tattoos give Steve boners.
Nice For What (ao3) - grimeysociety bucky/darcy E, 3k
Summary: “Well, maybe I want to hang out with Bucky for once. We’ll wear black and roam the streets looking for victims. And then we’ll eat candy by the pool.” “Sounds like a date,” Bucky said, not quite believing she meant what she said.
Signed, Sealed, Delivered (ao3) - NeverBeenSane steve/bucky M, 172k
Summary: Steve Rogers was content with his life. He loved his shop, loved creating works of art for people to display on their bodies, had a tight knit group of friends who cared about him, and had finally paid off his student loans and the loan he'd taken out to start his business. But it still feels like there's something, or someone, missing from his life.
Everything's going to change when he decides to take Natasha's advice and sign up for a military penpal program.
stuck on me like a tattoo (ao3) - letter2thepast maria/natasha T, 967
Summary: Maria Hill and Natasha Romanov are both tattoo fiends. Just in different ways.
The Arm (ao3) - singthebeginningofmoana steve/bucky G, 688
Summary: Before the war, he’d never thought about tattoos at all. But after seeing them be so commonplace in the twenty-first century, he realized that having some of his own might bring him a great deal of comfort.
Bucky gets tattoos. Steve sees them for the first time.
Tumbling Your Way Into My Heart (ao3) - jujukittychick clint/tony T, 1k
Summary: Tony Stark knew what he wanted and was willing to pay for it. So when he decided to get a tattoo, he did his research, asked around, found the best of the best. What he wasn’t expecting was a cute deaf klutz with a caffeine addiction worse than his own.
you're stuck in my head (stuck on my heart, stuck on my body) (ao3) - notcaycepollard sam/bucky T, 5k
Summary: "You don't gotta hold my hand," Bucky says after a minute or two. "It's not like it hurts."
"Sure it does, asshole," Sam tells him, but he knows it comes out almost fond, and his hand is warm, and Bucky apparently leaves it at that.
When the artist goes over the edges of scar tissue, Bucky tightens his grip, and Sam doesn't say anything at all.
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event1212 · 2 months
Exploring the Vibrant World of Colour Tattoos in Sydney
In the bustling metropolis of Sydney, Australia, the art of tattooing has flourished into a vibrant tapestry of creativity and expression. Among the myriad styles and techniques that adorn the skin of Sydneysiders, colour tattoos stand out as bold statements of individuality and artistry.
Colour tattoos offer a dynamic canvas for self-expression, injecting life and vibrancy into the skin. In Sydney's diverse tattoo scene, artists specialize in a multitude of styles, from traditional to neo-traditional, realism to illustrative, and everything in between. However, what truly sets apart Sydney's tattoo artists is their mastery of incorporating vivid hues into their designs.
For those seeking to adorn their bodies with colour tatoo sydney, the options are as limitless as the imagination. Whether it's a stunning watercolor landscape, a whimsical floral arrangement, or a striking portrait rendered in bold hues, Sydney's tattoo parlors boast artists capable of bringing any vision to life.
One of the most appealing aspects of colour tattoos in Sydney is the ability to customize designs to suit individual preferences. Many tattoo studios offer consultations where clients can collaborate with artists to create bespoke pieces that reflect their personalities, interests, and stories. This emphasis on custom design tattoos in Sydney ensures that each piece is as unique as the person wearing it.
Moreover, the thriving tattoo community in Sydney fosters an environment of innovation and collaboration. Tattoo conventions, workshops, and art exhibitions provide opportunities for artists to showcase their skills, learn from one another, and push the boundaries of the craft. This collective spirit not only elevates the quality of colour tattoos in Sydney but also fosters a sense of camaraderie among artists and enthusiasts alike.
In recent years, the demand for colour tattoos in Sydney has surged, with people from all walks of life embracing this form of self-expression. No longer confined to the fringes of society, tattoos have become mainstream, celebrated for their ability to tell stories, commemorate milestones, and celebrate identity.
Whether you're a seasoned tattoo enthusiast or considering getting inked for the first time, exploring the world of colour tattoos in Sydney is an exhilarating journey. With its diverse array of talented artists, welcoming community, and boundless creativity, Sydney stands as a beacon for those seeking to adorn their bodies with vibrant works of art. So why not embark on this colorful adventure and discover the beauty of custom design tattoos sydney for yourself?
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softtransbf · 8 months
florist and tattoo artist, arranged marriage and royal and guard AU for Kingston!! -@selfrinsert
ooh okay i think kingston runs the flower shop, and i'm the tatoo artist.
we met when i got a client who wanted a very realistic floral design, so i went across the street to do research. it started with mutual respect for each other's passion and skills, and soon i was buying flowers just for an excuse to see him.
he's the one who broke the holding pattern and asked me out.
obviously kingston's the royal guard and i'm the royal.
not unlike our actual getting together story, our Moment is when i get very nearly incredibly injured/maybe would have died. he does some Heroics and then is so soft and warm in making sure i'm okay, and i'm in love. he realizes just how important i am to him, how deep his affection for me runs.
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napoddwry · 2 years
STF - Mi Filosofia ft. Tatoo (Promo Video) - YouTube Found on YouTube: STF - Mi Filosofia ft. Tatoo (Promo Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTlk6cdrk_4 via Diigo https://www.youtube.com/watch/aTlk6cdrk_4 August 12, 2022 at 01:59PM
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who16be · 2 years
STF - Mi Filosofia ft. Tatoo (Promo Video) - YouTube Found on YouTube: STF - Mi Filosofia ft. Tatoo (Promo Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTlk6cdrk_4 via Diigo https://www.youtube.com/watch/aTlk6cdrk_4 August 12, 2022 at 02:07PM
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redfreesias03 · 4 years
Namida ga Mada Kanashimi Datta Koro (“When My Tears Were Still Sad”)
“That’s right, I was definitely in love with you—or rather, I’d made up my mind to love you. Because you were ‘an adult’. Now that I think of it, you never took me seriously.”
OR: The lingering toll that dating someone emotionally distant can take on self-esteem.
tashika ni sou watashi wa anata ni koi wo shiteta tte ka ne    koi wo shiteru tsumori datta no yo anata wa otona datta shi ima    kangaereba tekitou ni ashirawareteita wa
That’s right, I was definitely In love with you Or rather, I’d made up my mind To love you Because you were an adult Now that I think of it, you never Took me seriously
watashi ga KISU wo sematta koto mo atta ne nazeka atozusari sarete sore irai    jishin wo ushinatta no yo
I even pressed you for kisses, didn’t I? For some reason, you drew back from me It’s since then that I lost my self-confidence
namida ga mada kanashimi datta koro mune no oku ga shimetsukerarete kurushikatta sou iu toki dousureba ii no ka? gakkou ja nani mo oshiete kurenai butsu butsu ii nagara    kaerimichi no shoutengai zenryoku de hashiru shikanakatta
Back when my tears were still sad My heart tightened inside my chest and it hurt What are you supposed to do in moments like that? They don’t teach anything about it in school I had no choice but to let it all out mumbling under my breath As I ran as fast as I could past the shopping district on the way home
otona ni naru mae tte nandaka son wo shiteta datte ne    motto raku na ikikata ga atta ningen    oeba nigeru shi sou    nigereba oikakeru mono ichizu sugita mitai
I’ve lost something from the time Before I became an adult I mean, I had a simpler approach To life back then People run when they’re chased so Yes, the people who chase after them just the same End up seeming way too earnest
anata ga onna no hito to aruiteta bamen guuzen    mikakete shimatte machikado de kakokyuu ni nattakke
When I suddenly caught sight of you Walking with a girl I hyperventilated on the street corner and stuff
namida wo sugu nagaseba yokatta gaman shinakya ikenai mono datte omotteta sou egao no tsukurikata wasurete tomodachi ya oya ni atatte shimatta kokoro no achikochi ga aoi aza ni natta ano hi kizutsuku ni wa mada osanakatta
I should have just let the tears flow right away I always thought they were something you had to hold back Yeah, I’d forgotten how to smile And I wound up hurting both my family and friends My heart got green bruises all over it that day I was still too young to be hurt that way
youyaku ima    nakikata wo shitta atama no naka    karappo ni shite utsumukeba ii
I finally know how to cry— Just lower your head and clear your mind
namida wo sugu nagaseba yokatta gaman shinakya ikenai mono datte omotteta sou egao no tsukurikata wasurete tomodachi ya oya ni atatte shimatta kokoro no achikochi ga aoi aza ni natta ano hi kizutsuku ni wa mada osanakatta
I should have just let the tears flow right away I always thought they were something you had to hold back Yeah, I’d forgotten how to smile And I wound up hurting both my family and friends My heart got green bruises all over it that day I was still too young to be hurt that way
0 notes
wonderwomanfantasy · 3 years
tattoo crazy
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Hell yes I love some Honenuki fluff
Honenuki x Tattoo artist! Reader
warnings: swearing, tattooing, that's about it
word count: 1,200 (about)
summary: tattoo parlor and flower shop au
Honenuki didn’t mind the long hours that Posy Pushers asked of him. He liked arranging bouquets for weddings and parties. Honenuki genuinely enjoyed the light pastel uniform and watering the rose bushes out front. The only part he didn’t really enjoy about his flower shop job was the across-the-street neighbor. Maple Street was a nice place, dotted with yarn stores and candy shops frequented by old ladies and their grandchildren. Bur right across the street the was a black bricked tattoo parlor that just ruined the whole vibe.
He could hear the loud music pounding through the tinted glass, and the whole place smelled like cigarettes. Honenuki leaned against the counter. Peering through the glass and Jagged Ink as the door opened and strains of an angry punk song coming through to him as you walked out on a lunch break.
Honenuki’s heart throbbed, as he saw you, in a loose black tank top, ripped black shorts, and combat boots. His cheeks went pink as you turned and started heading across the street towards him. He didn’t much care for the store itself but the people who worked there were cool he supposed.
The door chimed as you came in. “H-Hi! Welcome in let me know if I can help you!” he chimed shooting upright. You gave him a soft smile.
“Just me kid relax,” you said teasingly. The blush on his cheeks darkened. You usually came in on your lunch break to sketch flowers and leaves and eating silently. You moved a pot off of a white iron stool and sat down in front of a hanging planter of ivy. Honenuki took a deep breath and calmed himself down peering over at your sketchbook in your hand.
“You ever think about getting a tattoo?” you asked, not looking up making him jump. You usually didn’t speak unless it was to ask about a certain arrangement.
“Not really, It’s not my style,” he said.
“I think some ink would look nice on you,” you said looking up at him your intense eyes hitting him with full force. He felt his knees go weak and he was glad that you couldn’t see the way his legs shook. He was such a sucker for you, you barely spoke and yet, just the hint that you think he’d be more attractive with a tattoo made his head spin.
“Would you do that for me? Tattoo me that is,” he breathed. You smiled at him.
“I’d love to, I’ve got some designs I think you’d like,” you said shifting and flipping through the book on your lap. You’d been thinking about him?
“It’s not a flower is it?” he asked walking around the counter to your side seeing your art.
“Oh please I wouldn’t be so cliche,” you scoffed landing on a page with multiple small designs. And pointed to one in a corner. “This one is for you.”
He peered down and saw it was a small snail with mushrooms growing out of the back of his shell.
“Wow,” he breathed.
“It’s cool as hell right?” you asked proudly.
“I love it,” he said. “But don’t tattoos hurt?” he asked meekly. You smirked at him.
“Ever pricked your finger on a thorn?” you asked.
“It’s no worse than that, I promise,” you said glancing down at your watch. “Shit I have to get going, but think about it, I can squeeze you in Thursday afternoon,” you said with a wink, whipping your hands off on your shorts and leaving him with a small wave. He watched as you left and put his hands in his head and groaned. He was so very whipped for you. Then he smiled to himself. You’d been thinking about him, you’d drawn up a tattoo for him.
Honenuki was shaking like a leaf as he waited in the lobby of Jagged Ink. he was still in his pastel work sweater. The woman who sat behind the counter eyed him sympathetically. Her hair was dyed a vibrant orange and she had more piercings on her face than he could count. She was very nice as she checked him in for his appointment but all he could think about was how this chick could totally kick his ass.
The other clients and artists inside didn’t help set his mind at ease either. But then you came up to the front and grinned at him “good to see you kid, come on back and we’ll get started,” he followed you meekly not making eye contact. One of the other artists whistled and called your name
“This the boyfriend?” he called
“Shut it Olly,” you said not looking back. His cheeks went bright red
“B-boyfriend?” he stammered you just rolled your eyes.
“Olly just likes teasing, he thinks I like you cus I always go over to your place for lunch,” you said casually, stopping at a chair. Your explanation didn’t calm him down. People thought you liked him? Why? Did you talk about him? Why did you have to call it his place, that made it sound like you were coming over to his house? Did you like him?
“Did you decide where you want it?” you asked. Honenuki sighed and tapped the back of his shoulder. You nodded “sounds good, go ahead and take your shirt off,” you said sitting down on a backless stool and setting up your gun and ink. This, he was prepared for, he’d practiced in the mirror you saying those words and then him actually doing it. He still had to take a few deep breaths before shrugging off his top. You glanced up then did a double-take.
“Damn kid you’re ripped as hell how did you get so buff?” you asked openly learning at his chest. He was so not ready for this, he had to fight the urge to cover himself.
“I work out, I mean I have a life out of the flower shop,” he mumbled before sitting down in the backwards-facing chair. You laughed.
“Alright alright fair enough, lets get started yeah?”
You were right the pain wasn’t that bad, it was kind of nice almost he could see why some people got addicted to getting tatoos, what was even better was the constant drone of conversation. He just liked talking to you.
“It looks gorgeous,” he said holding up a mirror and admired your finished work. You beamed.
“Let me know if you ever want something else I’ve got a couple other things I think you’d like,” you said. There you went again, making him blush like it was nothing. Honenuki couldn’t help but feel adrenaline build up in his chest. Fuck it right? He was already doing out of character things.
“If I asked you out on a date you stay yes?” he asked bluntly. It was finally your turn to look flustered.
“I-I uhm I mean yeah,” you stammered before looking down at your hands fidgeting with your fingers. “Do you want to go over the care again?” you asked falling back on what you knew. He smilled.
“I’m good, How about lunch tomorrow? Something casual,” he said, very much enjoying the power he seemed to have over you, it was nice to know that you liked him the same way he liked you.
“Cool,” you said nodding.
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johannesviii · 3 years
This is a long post about Shaman King I started to write ages ago and I don’t have a good title for it
Let me tell you about Shaman King for a few minutes, okay. Because the new anime adaptation is coming in like 3 months and I’m still not ready for it. Also I started to write this post 5 years ago just because I re-read the whole thing at the time and it’s been in my drafts since then. Oops
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But yeah Shaman King was the very first fandom I got into when I first had a real internet access, around 2003-2004. I was around fifteen. The manga was still going. And in retrospect, it was full of problems. Among other things:
Not enough female characters & questionable choices for most of the ones who actually have a part to play in the plot
A black character drawn with big lips (see above), and I REALLY HOPE this is gonna get fixed in the new anime ; I mean even the author stopped drawing him like that a few years ago when he did the “remix tracks” extra chapters so come on please
An imaginary native american tribe who, while pretty cool, is still imagined by a Japanese dude in 1999 soooo yeah there’s some rough corners here and there (edit: got some anon hate about that but I'm sorry, "ancient aliens" tropes always make me uncomfortable)
An art quality which gets worse and worse over time due to deadline pressures and an increasingly exhausted author
Was stopped before it could reach its natural conclusion (the author drew an actual ending years later and tbh it’s great so I’m putting this very low on the list)
So yeah. Manga from 1999. Problematic. Aged badly. It happens.
In retrospect, most of it is such a kick in the metaphorical butt of shonen manga as a whole I can’t believe it was competing against Naruto and One Piece at some point?? Like
It’s a shonen so it plays the "dramatic and sudden power jump” game, but it uses it to reach a surprising conclusion (in the “new” ending I mean)
Most of the characters are “shamans” which means they can see ghosts and spirits, and they use them to fight, to work, or to help other people. This is a manga in which you’re gonna see a Russian shaman channeling a Vodyanoy spirit into a drum to create a torrential flood. You don’t see that in every manga
It’s stated right away that no shaman can be truely, irredeemably bad, because only good-natured people can see ghosts and spirits.
So, no matter how bad a villain may be, they must have had a good nature once even if they look like a complete bastard at the moment.
How far is the author willing to go with that concept? Pretty far
Even without talking about the main villain and how the story ends because, duh, spoilers... Like
My favorite character, who gets a full redemption arc later, cuts someone open in his first chapter
He’s one of the good guys 10 volumes later
Speaking of which the amount of gore in this manga has to be seen to be believed, Jump would never let this happen nowadays
If you’re wondering why this is in the “positive” (......?) list it’s because I was 14/15 and all kids that age crave blood and angst
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The main character, Yoh, pictured above, is very laid-back, and I mean very. He listens to the in-world equivalent of Bob Marley and constantly wears big headphones. Also he wears sandals, and sometimes there’s a weed leaf drawn on his t-shirt
His parents arranged a mariage between him and a girl shaman even though they’re still teenagers, so this would have potential for High Drama - but surprisingly enough it turns out they like each other and after that he just goes around saying “this is my future wife” and she’s like “hello if you touch him I’m going to end you”
It sounds weird and it......... is, tbh, but it’s also refreshing among all the “ugh, girls, yuck” tropes that nearly all shonen mangas used to have at the time
Yoh’s main goal in life is to live with minimal effort
When his grandfather tells him he must train to participate in a shaman tournament which happens every 500 years, because the winner gets a wish granted by the Great Spirit, he decides his wish will be to make everybody’s life easy so that nobody will ever be forced to work or do shit they don’t want to do to survive anymore
Yoh Asakura is a Millenial icon don’t @ me
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Speaking of which
Almost everyone in this series is broke as f█ck
Yoh owns a big house but that’s only because the price was ridiculously low since it’s the most haunted place in Tokyo and nobody else wants to live there. The house is constantly full of other characters (including enemies) who have literally nowhere else to go
The only important character who isn’t broke has money because his family is super rich but he hates all of them because they’re all bastards so it’s super awkward
Another character bought a really cool motorbike but he’s going to be in debt for the next 40 years
Also he’s a hobo
And also bi
What I’m trying to say is: relatable
Also the tournament is held by an imaginary Native American tribe. They’re also broke. All of them. The two judges who are in charge of the main characters live in a cramped appartment and often try to sell souvenirs in the street to pay the rent
I know that’s hashtag problematic but I still love them I can’t help it
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Just like in most shonen mangas the hero seems to amass a big collection of Friends but since everyone is a weirdo in a way or another and comes from all over the world it looks even funnier
At some point during the tournament, the main characters have to form small groups of three in order to participate to the next part. Yoh’s team is one of the strongest teams among the ones we’ve met at this point, and is composed of 1) Yoh, a laid-back sleepy kid wearing toilet sandals 2) the aforementioned bi hobo who’s sad because his current crush is in a rival team, and 3) a thirty-something tatooed guy with no legs and an IV drip and who looks like he hasn’t slept since 1997
Oh and they all wear adds for a bath house
Because remember: everyone’s f█cking broke
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Spoilers for the mid-point of the manga but I need to talk about it because it encapsulates everything I used to love in it
You’ve been warned
At some point the main character, Yoh, is asked to choose between staying in the tournament or resurrect his rival
This is framed as some kind of very heavy, very huge dilemma. Like oh no what will he do. Will he give up his dreams and hopes. Will You Push The Button(tm)
So the choice is presented to him
In a very dramatic way
And he immediately goes “there’s a way to save him?? YES PLEASE”
He doesn’t hesitate a single second and drops the tournament in a heartbeat to save the guy
This scene greatly contributed to make me a better person I’m not even joking at all
I love Yoh
So anyway I don’t have a proper conclusion for this
Shaman King is very flawed and its flaws need to be acknowledged to fully appreciate all the good things in it, and the “old” fandom from more than 15 years ago was a very good formative experience for me because the forum I was on (which was nuked from the face of the internet by a hacker “looking for training grounds” (his words not mine, he posted it on our frontpage a full week before he did it) in 2005, rip) was full of people who were really into criticising every little aspect of the manga but still loved it dearly
And I think that’s a healthy way to enjoy things and I think we should bring this back
Shaman King extremely flawed but full of good things
I still can’t believe it’s back
Johannes out
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notsuchacleverboyq · 3 years
00Q AU
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Skyfall alternative universe.
Same story, same movie, but Q isn't the quartermaster we know and has taken Severine's place as Silva's pet.
- Would you mind if I asked you a business question? -
Bond turned on his right with a smirk, facing the person who had just asked that question. A boy, sitting on a chair right next to him, was inhaling from a cigarette, while sitting with all the confidence he had been able to call out.
- Depends on the question - Bond replied, keeping his friendly smirk.
The boy shrugged smartly, green eyes focused on the wooden counter for a moment .
- It has to do with death - he quickly muttered, sticking the cigarette between his thin lips in order to adjust his glasses.
- Subject in which you're well served - Bond replied.
A white cloud escaped the boy's lips as he took the cigarette in his fingers again.
- What makes you think that? - the boy sighed, his lips curving in a shallow smile.
The agent almost chuckled at that, leaning closer while holding his drink.
- Only certain types of young men can wear such a suit, go around with a Beretta 70 well hidden under the jacket, and still look that innocent - Bond whispered.
Another white cloud slipped out of those pinky lips, accompanying what sounded like an abortive chuckle, and the boy simply played a smile that looked too tight to be actually believable.
- One can never be too careful when handsome men in tuxedos carry Walthers - the boy quickly replied.
There was a sincere smile by both which, Bond noticed, lasted just a fraction of seconds on the younger's lips.
- Specially with such blue eyes - the boy muttered, inhaling from the cigarette right after.
Bond chuckled silently.
- What's the matter with such eyes? - he questioned.
- The eyes of a killer - the boy answered, not even taking time to put the cigarette out of his lips.
With an understanding hum, the agent leaned back against the chair and just stared at the boy as he quickly glanced at his own right with the corner of his eyes.
It had just been a moment, but not impossible to catch for Bond.
- You all have eyes like that - the boy mumbled, as if he didn't want to be heard.
- Does he have them too? - Bond asked, perfectly knowing the other was aware of who they were talking about.
The boy smiled bitterly and quickly nodded, his fingers playing with the cigarette in fast and sharp movements.
- Of course he does - he muttered, immediately looking at the agent again - But it takes you a while to actually notice - he added, now louder.
The boy took a deep breath and, in a few seconds, any trace of distress and discomfort were gone from his thin figure, leaving only a wide and sincere smile to show.
It had been a so quick and prompt change to almost make Bond jealous of it for a moment.
- Returning to the business question: shall I assume you took care of Patrice? - the young man questioned, looking like the most innocent creature on Earth as he kept smiling.
- Yes - Bond immediately answered.
The boy nodded.
- May I ask why? - he replied, with a sweet and warm voice.
- I want to meet that killer-eyed man you seem to know so well - the agent responded, any trace of tenderness gone from his voice.
As a consequence of those words, the cloud running out of the boy's mouth got shaky and uneven, his nervous sigh actually hearable this time. He took a deep breath and brought his arms closer to his chest, as if he wanted to hide his shivers.
- Be careful what you wish for - he giggled with a sharp smile.
Bond sighed in amusement.
- You're scared - he told him.
The boy's expression drastically changed again, the smile dropping as he hissed and then extinguished the cigarette.
- Thank you for the drink, Mr Bond - he quickly snapped as he got up.
However, the agent didn't let him take a step more, immediately grabbing him by the wrist.
The boy groaned quietly and all he did was turning his head to face Bond again, thin lips tight and eyes staring into the agent's with an incredible amount of anger.
- You put on a good show. But ever since we sat down you haven't stopped looking at your body guards. Three of them is a bit excessive. They're controlling you. They're not protecting you - Bond whispered, with enough harshness in his voice.
With a small twist, he turned the boy's wrist, showing a black mark the younger seemed to be determined to hide as his other hand flinched to cover the skin, but didn't dare to move.
- Tatoo on your wrist is Macau sex trade. You belong to one of the houses. What were you? Twelve? Thirteen? I'm guessing he was your way out. Perhaps you thought you were in love. But it was a long time ago - the agent continued.
The boy sighed heavily and Bond could see his eyes shining with bitter years, his bottom lip trembling as he tried to keep it still.
- You know nothing about it - the younger groaned, not loud enough to let anyone else hear it.
The agent simply looked at him, his fingers gently caressing the skin of the boy's wrist.
- I know when someone is scared and pretending not to be - he calmly replied.
The boy took a silent breath through his mouth and sat down again.
- What do you know about fear? - he asked.
- Anything that comes with it - Bond answered.
The boy shook his head and managed a small smile.
- Not like this. Not like him - he snapped.
As he leaned back on the chair, the boy's wrist escaped the agent's grip and the younger immediately rested his cheek against his own hand, in a way he was hiding his mouth from the bodyguards standing in the background.
- I guess you're not a man who's work limits to leave silent threatening messages every now and then - the boy said, looking down for a moment.
Bond smiled in response.
- Clever boy - he replied.
- Don't call me that - the boy groaned, eyes snapping on Bond again.
The agent frowned as the other visibly stiffed.
- Why not? - he questioned.
- Just don't - the younger replied.
Bond hummed in response.
- You're here to kill him - the boy continued.
There was silence for a moment, neither of them moving, until Bond nodded.
- Will you? - the boy asked.
- Someone usually dies - the agent answered.
The boy chuckled at that, sincerely this time, slightly curling up on himself.
- I'd really appreciate if you made it back in one piece, honestly - he replied.
Bond smiled.
- Have you grown fond of me? - he asked.
The other giggled again.
- You've got a charm of your own, it's undeniable. But the real reason is more of survival, because I can bet that I am a dead man walking as much as you are, by now - the boy explained.
Bond nodded.
- I can help you - he whispered.
- That's honestly what I've been hoping for the whole conversation - the other admitted.
Another few seconds of silence followed that response, filled only by a sigh from the boy.
- Once I leave, you're gonna have troubles with my bodyguards. If you make it out of here in one piece, which I do hope, I'll be on the Chimera, North harbour, path 7. I can arrange a meeting with that killer-eyed man - the younger whispered.
Bond smiled and nodded.
- You have an hour - the boy added.
- I'll better hurry up, then - Bond answered.
With a sharp smile, the boy moved his hand away from his cheek.
- It was nice to have a conversation with you, Mr Bond. Thank you - he said, before eventually getting up.
As he left, Bond turned to face the point in which the bodyguards had been standing the whole time, lifting up his drink as a salute.
I labeled Q just as "boy" because I didn't know whether I should have called him just "Q" or give him another name.
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smaller characters masterlist
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internet hottie (smut)
Call girl (smut)
morning stress relief (smut)
the Fatgum Family
“I’m outside with food”
Dabi and Fatgum with an artsy s/o
Aizawa and Fatgum courting (ABO)
Fatgum with a plus-sized Reader
-Gang Orca-
Love for Gang Orca
Gang Orca’s kid
Pack Animals
sun tan ocean blue (smut)
-Yamada Hizashi-
stuttering reader
scream for me (smut)
-koichi Haimawari-
Summer Snow
Koichi aquerium date
“Help me? please”
Stargazing was a good idea
-Juzo Honenuki-
kisses for Honenuki
Tatoo Crazy
-hound dog-
Hound dog smut
hound dog’s princess (smut)
Doggy Style (smut)
-Tenya Iida-
Study Buddy
Arranged love
shaved head
vulture reader
Inventor s/o
boyfriend pick me up
because I know
double engine car
sugar baby omega (smut)
-Tensei Iida-
-Kyoka Jirou-
vulture reader
-Mina Ashido-
Girls Girls Girls
seven minutes in heaven
body shots
NSFW Alphabet
vulture reader
Red and Pink (soul mate AU)
panty Pleaser (smut)
all eyes on me
sleepy reader
flustering the bakusquad
mina’s doll (smut)
-Mei Hatsumei-
More girls
Inventor s/o
“I know we just met but you’re gorgeous and I’d let you run me over with a semitruck”
-Night eye-
Alpha Nighteye (abo) part two (abo)(smut)
What princess needs (smut)
succubus quirk (smutty)
Late bloomer (smut)
“please don’t leave”
“You’re beautiful when you sleep”
My Dearest
Rutting Shigiraki (abo) (smut)
Shigiraki fluff 
“I want a baby”
“I know this is lame BUT--”
“Please don’t leave”
“Has anyone made you squirt before” (smut)
“How long are we going to do this?”
-Yo Shindo-
first times(smut)
to take an Alpha (abo)
“I’ll be good. If that’s what you really want”(smut)
I like you I swear!
-Mezo Shoji-
Alpha shoji
Firstdate headcannons
Suns out Dicks out (smut)
Pretty Boy (smut)
The only girl for TetsuTetsu (smut)
Metal on Metal (smut)
-Tokoyami Fumikage-
First date head cannons
lullaby for a ghost
Study date with Tokoyami
Gang Orca’s Kid
-Tsuyu Asui-
More girls
vulture reader
Alpha bunny (abo)(smut)
Stuffed bunny (smut)
A little Revenge (smut)
hot and cold (smut)
jealous? I’m not jealous!
Speak up (smut)
Even now, I still love you
-Ochako Uraraka-
Girls Girls Girls
vulture reader
-Momo Yaoyorozu-
Alpha! Momo
Girls Girls Girls
“you should steal my clothes more often”
-Ibara Shiozaki-
More Girls
- L.O.V. -
Mom of the LOV
Villains with a witch
LOV w/ an artsy crush
-Vlad King-
badly want you (smut)
puppy Love
fur baby
Work Wife
-class 1A boys-
1a boys dealing with a panic attack
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chaos-in-the-making · 3 years
Loving all your posts in the Sessrin tag ❤️ But does #3 Arrange Marriage and #4 Soulmate Tatoos exist yet? Because now I need after reading that! Also it’s a long shot, but that zombie app oy lose and always love me a good Persephone and Hades ❤️ Good evening for you ❤️
Someone is going to have to go diving into Ao3 and link me up
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ofstrikcrs · 4 years
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heyo what’s poppin ! it’s me, hannah !  i’m 20 n vibin in the est. my pronouns r we/them/boys but she/her work as well djskfsmd n i’m currently #unemployed BUT i am a full time student... majoring in dumb bitch theory n loving my gf n i’m at the top of my class baby...... :’) ANYWAY. i’m back again w a ( hopefully ) more condensed version of the infamous google doc(s) STRIKER KIM? MORE LIKE STRIKE ME IN THE HEART I LOVE U BITCH so that u dont all have to read the monstrosity that is my app ( but like, if u wanna... u can find it right HERE ) 
n without further ado... let’s kick it !
this is striker, he’s 28 ( soon to b 29 #ariesculture ) n he’s very complicated.. very complicated.... 
his mom cherry kim ( nee corallo ) is the daughter of lorenzo corallo, renowned filmmaker. daphne had a stint in acting in her youth as well but ending up withdrawing from the spotlight once she married his dad.
his dad is warren kim, business man
what kind of business you ask ? well..
let us rewind a little bit, shall we? now if you know anything about the ins and outs of organized crime in new york city, the name corallo might sound *eyes emoji* familiar to you. giovanni corallo was a boss of the lucchese crime family until his arrest and… you guessed it… that means our man lorenzo corallo is a man of the mafia !
lorenzo, however, wasn’t a first-born son which also meant he wasn’t an heir in any way shape or form and was free to do his thing you know BUT when it came time to arrange marriage for his one and only daughter, cherry, it was Expected of him to keep it in the family 
enter the kim family, who had been loyal to the lucchese family for as long as they’d been in america and had built up quite a reputation for themselves in the family, so it was just a natural choice to marry off cherry to their son, warren
they had two kids! their first-born son, dagger, and their second-son…. STRIKER !
and, as in all mafia stories, there is no better prize than the benefits reaped from die-hard loyalty, so in addition to getting to marry a corallo girl… a series of unfortunate events ( i.e. some deaths and arrests ) led to the promotion from right-hand man to acting boss of none other than our very own warren kim
now being the child of an acting mob boss is stressful, but being the second-son of an acting mob boss is… slightly less stressful. see, cherry stepping Out of the spotlight was a strategic move on her own part but was entirely her own decision which meant that striker was free to choose the exact opposite
with no real mafia-related responsibilities or expectations ( other than keeping his mouth SHUT ) on his shoulders, he was more or less… free to roam however he wanted and as he’s always had a taste for the finer things in life, there’s no real surprise that he chose to follow his mother’s side of the family and became nothing short of a socialite in new york city 
which.. despite what the press says abt our #mans striker kim ( i.e. being a billionaire playboy, irresponsible, reckless, wild, etc. ) he’s smart n his main motivation for heading straight for the spotlight is bc every person who falls in love w him is part of a complex and expansive insurance policy that makes it that much harder for the mafia to make him Disappear, u know ?
this is one of the reasons why striker and dagger never Really not along, though striker’s always had this theory that dagger was built for nothing but the mafia anyway bc he’s straight up one of the meanest, cruelest,  most RUTHLESS people that striker has ever met. but, like, with a name like dagger… how could you not be?
things really start getting #Complicated for striker when he’s ABOUT to graduate from college and his dad yeets this mortal coil in a Shocking Tragic Unexpected death ! it doesn’t really affect striker all that much bc striker spent a lot of his life living with his grandfather in the city but… rather when his father dies it’s dagger that ascends into the role of acting boss and BOY OH BOY that’s nothing but trouble for striker 
dagger gets striker roped right back into the mafia that he worked his whole life to try n get out of.. just like that. sad.
and because striker is… como se dice…. a stubborn shithead with a penchant for the dramatics, he starts looking for a way to make his brothers life absolute hell because! yes! striker IS the person who fucks with the mafia! what a moron!
for a good few years it was just minor stuff, nothing really consequential, but that gets boring very quickly bc ... u know ... it is what it is 
ANYWAY. he really finds his in to what’s going to make dagger kim’s life HELL and that is getting himself involved in a little heist group. there are only so many events that striker can show his face that end with a robbery of some sort before it starts to become suspicious, and it doesn’t take a genius to connect the kim family to the corallo family to the lucchese family. it’s just enough to keep people talking but not enough to actively incriminate himself. and as long as he’s not publicly throwing the lucchese family under the bus, he’s still, by all accounts, insured by the mafia as the son of warren kim.
anyway! enough w the backstory! here’s some fun lil personality n headcanon stuff :’)
first and foremost.. he does have a face tatoo. ( and an eyebrow piercing and yes i have photos of both if u want to see them )  it’s of a crown on his left cheek and he   got it within a week of his father dying and dagger forcing him to come back into   the mafia to Assert His Dominance n show dagger he was still in charge of his own   goddamn decisions so fuck you dagger
dagger punched him in the face for getting the tattoo and he had a black eye for two weeks but you win some you lose some
on the surface? rich kid asshole!!! rich RICH kid asshole!!! you know the kind of guy you take one ( 1 ) look at him and you’re like yeAh u absolutely think that ur better than me ? that’s him 
does he rly think he’s better than u? unclear.. depends on who u are... i already have some thots abt who striker wld dislike hmu tho aha x
fluent in english ofc n also korean and italian, his primary language is lit rally a jumble of korean and italian tht nobody can understand but like.. him n dagger n his dad ( rip ) n he also knows a little spanish and japanese.
he’s afraid of horses but will never admit it
he loves to bet!!! he loves it!!! it’s probably from growing up in a family where making bets on things was a major source of income but he will 100000% place bets on anything there is to place bets on and will rope as many people into his betting pools as possible
he hasn’t had his gay awakening yet isn’t that tragic??  turns out the mafia ISN’T a very lgbt friendly place, who would have thought?? so that’s absolutely something that’s going to happen bc we know that i love to make my characters suffer esp when it’s related to their attraction to someone whew…
he’s somehow both the biggest gossip and the most secretive person that you’ll ever meet??? like he’s an instigator n will make offhanded comments abt what he’s observed other ppl doing recently that he thinks are… inch resting… and you’ll have this long ass conversation w him and not realize until like 2 hours later that he didn’t say one ( 1 ) thing abt himself the entire time
you know how finnick from the hunger games used to get paid for things w secrets??? that’s so striker to the core… like you can’t buy him or bribe him bc baby has $$$ and is so disinterested in the glitz and glamor of fast cars and expensive drinks and whatnot, so if you really want him to do something for him… you’re going to have to trade him some secrets… n that’s that on that!
he doesn’t like to take his shirt off around ppl bc #scars ( predominantly the large letter L that’s branded on his chest but there are some others that i haven’t decided on yet ) anyway he does not partake in the pool parties n as explanation has just always  told everyone that he doesn’t know how to swim… n he’ll die w that lie, thank u !
very paranoid... has 2 different phones w his contacts n codes.. folds his clothes a certain way so he can know if someone touched his stuff... has a fun in a safe under his bed that he changes the passcode to regularly.... he also has some ocd but a lot of it is #trauma
im sry there r so many points here i .. rly tried to trim them down n there are like 300% more in my app but.. whew... ok
i’m going to stop now but pls.. pls plot w me i beg ok thank u bye
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yoonminficsrecs · 5 years
Hi! What are your fave fics that you haven’t recommended yet? Thanks so much love the blog💖
hello boo, thank you so much for your love ♡ Some of these are already on my drafts ready to be recommended :)
Settle Down With Me, and I Will Be Your Safety [arranged marriage!au, strangers to friends to lovers!au, romance, fluff, slow burn, rated m, 60k]
Thank You, Daddy [non traditional sugar daddy!au, friends to lovers!au, romance, fluff, rated m, 65k]
Nudes In Return [uni!au, fake relationship!au, friends to lovers!au, fluff, light angst, rated m, 74k]
Boys on Film [university!au, strangers to lovers!au, fluff, rated m, 46k]
Midnight Blue [soulmate!au, fluff, light angst, 8k]
red string of fate [soulmate!au, violence, romance, mild angst, 67k]
the dragon’s blessing [fantasy!au, fluff, light angst, minor violence, 17k]
Petals and Ink [flower shop/tatoo artist!au, hurt/comfort, slow burn, rated m, 133k]
yoonmin au [thread fic, fantasy!au, demon!au, fluff, light angst]
Carry Me Home [abo!au, enemies to lovers!au, action, romance, light angst, slow burn, 109k]
A Secret for Shy Affection [hybrid!au, fluff, light angst, rated m, 26k]
Dog Days Are Over [fantasy!au, humor, fluff, light angst, 28k]
Paper Hearts and Passager Seats [university!au, slice of life, fluff, angst, 17k]
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murdererowl · 5 years
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Finally finished one of my girls. Here’s 15 very random facts about out of nowhere because I’m a dumb idiot who doesn’t know how to put it all together (I edited some from the previous post with her):
Best friends with Rosalya and Alexy. The first one she knows since middle school but got a deeper relationship only when both got into 11th grade (US/International); Alexy and Armin got into Sweet Amoris in the same year and quickly got friends with the Cailhol twins due to their similar sense of humour. She also maintains a warm friendship with Lysander.
Is dating Castiel since 17. They got their ups and downs, but there’s no break up whatsoever; actually, in five years they’ve grown up a lot as a couple becoming very supportive and genuinely fond of each other (despite their numerous flaws).
Has a great relationship with both of her siblings. All three being much of dorks, they’re always up to make crimes and do idioties all together.
Worries a lot about other people. A bit too much in fact, sometimes forgetting the sake of her own mental health, which turned against Noémie plenty of times, - though eventually learned to care a little more about herself when she got into University.
Good social skills. Can find an approach to most of people; also is one of the rarest persons to actually enjoy group projects. 
Overflows with energy, optimism and dumb ideas. Noémie’s someone you can always call to steal some ice cream sandwiches from a corner store at 3 a.m. and she’ll run to you in the next minute. 
Most of people either love her or hate her, almost never in between.
Often borrows clothes from... everyone around. She has a good dozen of Castiel’s T-shirts and hoodies (he eventually found a good side of it, no longer having to bear change clothes with him everytime he went for a sleepover in Noé’s house), some of Rosa’s and Hélène’s blouses and skirts and somewhere there’s an old Alexy’s vest. She just forgets to give them back to their owners, so if you don’t remind Noémie once or twice about, the clothes you gave will probably disappear in the black hole of her closet.
Adores stupid prints. Owls on shirts, lamas on socks, pineapples on undies...
Had a tatoo on her left shoulder for 17th birthday (Mei Ling and Violette’s design). She also later had 2 more on her right wrist, one paired with her twin and one reffering to all three siblings altogether.
Is REALLY into Tony Stark. One of Noémie’s room corners is dedicated to him, full filled with all kinds of merch.
Got a lot of stress and pressure at the end of the high school. Not knowing what she wants to do in her life, the early choice of her following studies led her to have constant meltdowns at the end of the year.*
The previous Sweet Amoris art teacher actually had a big impact on Noémie. Even after quitting the school, she continued to mentor the girl and helped her with future plans.
Went to Paris** for 1 year to study under her favourite artist, between 3rd and 4th year of Uni. 
Ever since her childhood, being apart her twin was pretty hard for both of them, even though it arranged with growth. That was one of the reasons of doing matching tatoos, as a reminder for each other. They in fact love the whole “matching” idea, having lots of accessories that relate to one or another of them, such as bracelets, rings or neckalces. 
Cat mom. 
* - In my HC, the story is settled in France, so I take the french studies program and my own experience there as a reference (the schoolers have to choose their future studies in January-March of the last HS year). ** - Also in my HC, for several (personal) reasons the MCL town is settled in South, somewhere around Bordeaux (just....because...I...love Bordeaux.........;; And it’s not far from the sea/ocean).
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