#Azula and Ursa
elainiisms · 8 months
what she wanted vs what she got
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fishyupmywishy · 13 days
Anyone know any good Azula and Ursa fics? Preferably no ships or anything but it’s fine if it gives me what I’m looking for just. Just Azula and Ursa like actually interacting😭
I can never find anything like it because everyone refuses to write Ursa actually caring about Azula so I’m seriously hoping that I was just looking in the wrong place
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frog-man-moments · 16 days
quick question for azula fans,
how would you feel about azula getting a found family arc instead of her rejoining the royal family?
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galaxythreads · 11 months
Princess "my own mother thought I was a monster, she was right of course, but it still hurt" Azula, who, as far as we're told with flashbacks, the only interaction that Azula and her mom have is when she asks "what is wrong with that child?" and then completely ignores her. Yeah, Azula turned out totally fine. She's fine. no trauma there. There's nooooo way that the only good interactions she got with her parents were from her abusive father, who, might I remind you burned her brother's face off in front of her when she was 11. Azula is totally fine and not abused or traumatized at all.
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xmsmarvel18 · 3 months
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->Mommy Issues
->Harsh Childhoods
->Bully/Hurt People As They Wanna Get Their Attentions
-I Honestly Love Chloe, Azula And Cassandra As My Favourite Characters. It's Sad To See Chloe And Azula Having The Sad Ending Except For Cassandra Who Had Happy Ending (Thanks To Rapunzel).
-It's Painful To See How Those Girls Here Have Mothers Who Would Look Down On Them And Abandoned Them.
- They Became The Villain Because Of The Pain They Had Gone Through Since Childhood.
-I'm Planning To Edit Those Three Girls With One Of Melanie Martinez's Song As It Describes Them As The Unlucky Ones.
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scamper333 · 7 months
After years of trying to go on a famous “life-changing field trip” with Zuko, Toph decides to take one with Azula instead
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julietwiskey1 · 4 months
can we get some more of those ursa and azula head cannons that you have no proof for. i liked them they seem fun (especially the one about the sweet tooth they have)
Sure! (Just a little late I guess)
Azula and Ursa both have a beautiful singing voice. When Azula was little she awed her vocal teachers but when Ursa left she stopped taking lessons. And she was actually pretty happy about it. She enjoyed other subjects more. They also made her sad even though she couldn’t figure out why. When Ursa came back and would quietly hum to herself it made Azula realize why. When they work on bonding together they tried singing classes together and had a few beautiful mother daughter duets.
Ursa has a very powerful “not angry, just disappointed” face. It cuts Zuko and Azula to the bone. While Ursa used it a lot on Azula Zuko was not home free. While he gets in trouble with her less Azula just so happens to share the same face. So growing up he got it from the both of them, even more often post war. When Azula was five Iroh was visiting and she gave him the face. He laughed very hard never having seen such an expression on a small child.
How about something sad? In Ursa’s last few years she started to go senile. Often forgetting when it is or how her relationships have grown. The worst of it is when she forgets that she and Azula reconciled or that she was still living away from her children. She would cry at the thought of not having Azula in her life. And it could take awhile for them to assure Ursa that Azula is still with her and that she is home with her children and grandchildren.
To continue spy Ursa from last time, after Ursa left Azula would write letters to her. Often times they were in the form of a report. Little things that Azula would notice. Like the type of people her father was seeing, the conversations she eavesdropped on, but also things like the changing of seasons, or Ursa specific decorations being removed.
Some more happy thoughts to end out. In Ursa’s youth she loved to play the volleyball type game Azula liked. And she was competitive. Post war people can’t decide if it is better to have them together on the same team and have them crush others, or be forced to play game after game as they try to beat each other. One year Zuko just burned the net because he got fed up with them. He regretted it when he got both of them doing the “not angry just disappointed” face at him.
Thank you for the ask.
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theowritesfiction · 3 months
the lunacy of people screaming 'victim blaming' as soon as Ursa's qualities as a mother are being called into question is astounding. it's like people have too much microplastics in their brain to comprehend that Ursa can be BOTH the victim of Ozai's abuse, but also a bad mother. that contrast is literally THE thing that makes her an interesting character, you partisan numbskulls who will screech like wild banshees as soon as someone points out that *GASP* your beloved character has a FLAW. Oh no, the sky is falling. give me a break.
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sleepyfriend · 7 months
Katara and Azula are two sides of the same coin, they’re complex but so important to me AND OF COURSE THE STORY.
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loiseau-lyre · 1 year
Bad Dream
She had a nightmare and seeks her mother’s comfort.
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I wanted to do something sweet and innocent for once. It was meant to be part of a mini-comics but it’s too much work and I’m not patient enough for long-projects when it comes to drawing.
Reblogs are very much appreciated if you like it.
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The Last Waterbender Of The Southern Water Tribe
read on AO3
1.2k, Kya & Ursa, Azula & Ursa & Zuko, T-rating, Pre-S1 Summary: For years, someone has been wrongfully kept in one of the prison-towers. Ursa frees them once she's been banishment.
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elainiisms · 8 months
azula's dream in life being her mother telling her she is proud of her??? you guys will never be hearing from me again
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fusionfanatic · 1 year
Azula-antis: You like Azula? But she’s crazy! She’s a psychopath incapable of humanity! She killed Aang! She attacked the Gaang and Zuko and Mai and Ty Lee and Ursa and Iroh and…
My honest reaction to that:
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nexstage · 1 year
Trigger Warnings: mentions of abuse in the marriage and child abuse
Something that got my interest about Ursa’s relationship with Zuko and Azula is the level of difference in how she adapted to raising her children in a warmongering family and being the wife of a monstrous man.
While she had an easy time dealing with Zuko, she was incredibly maladaptive with Azula. Her neglectfulness and shortcomings aren’t excusable because she had a duty as a parent to be there for both children but instead she went only for Zuko’s aid leaving Azula with the idea that she was a monster to her mother and therefore unlovable. Of course, Ursa isn’t blame-filled 100% because she was forced into a loveless, political, and abusive marriage and Ozai took advantage of her mistakes to deepen the wedge between Azula and her.
Now talking about maladaptive parenting, it all comes down to two things: projection and evasion. The first one is to projecting her fears and trauma caused by Ozai into Azula as seeing her as a mini him. Sure, those worries might be farfetched or overthinking things but the question “What’s wrong with that child?” might hide the terror Ursa felt of a future where Azula has emulated her father to the point of being Ozai 2.0. To the point of being too dangerous to be around which can be extremely triggering.
It is like what happened with Shoto’s mother in My Hero Academia if any has watched the anime. His mother was so on edge due to Endeavor’s abuse of the family, that she snapped after watching Shoto’s face thinking his eyes were Endeavor’s, and threw a kettle full of boiling water, scarring him physically and emotionally.
The next one is evasion, it is more explicit than projection because it hides behind an act Ursa resorts to too often: reprimands. But if she was reprimanding Azula, how can that be evasion? Easy, a parent scolding their child if they misbehave or do something that isn't right is an important aspect of raising children because it creates structure and guides them to be better. However, Ursa’s scolding ran hollow as she never explained to Azula why what she was doing was wrong, how was it wrong, and the importance of changing that behavior. She evaded her responsibility with “spit and glue” AKA angry reprimands to spend less time with Azula and checking on Zuko.
And this is where it gets more complex, her whole focus on Zuko for being the “safe to be around” kid, the easy and predictable one, the no-triggering one, her refusal or poor attempts (if there ever were some) to find common ground between her and Azula and separate her Ozai-based trauma and her daughter’s identity led her to expand that trauma on Azula as she got closer to Ozai and let him twist her more and more with the sole purpose of getting some attention and validation.
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timur-pannonicus · 10 months
Parental advice
Azula: Mom, how DO I get a romantic partner?
Ursa: It's simple dear, just don't do anything evil, don't be a bitch and don't act crazy.
Azula: ... You think I'm going to die alone, don't you?
Ursa: Oh sweetie, I still pray for a miracle!
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scamper333 · 10 months
Another scenario, Azula has already been redeemed and has a decent relationship with Kiyi and her mother
One day Kiyi gets in trouble with Noren and out of fear that she will be punished like her father would Azula takes her and they go into hiding. It takes everyone to convince Azula that Noren is nothing like her father and he would never hurt Kiyi or herself. At the end Azula and Noren have a heart to heart.
Please use this
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