romegreeceart · 2 months
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Roman biga ;)
* Dionysus Mosaic
* 220/230 CE
* Romano-Germanic Museum, Cologne
Cologne, November 2017
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Return of the Blossoming Blade
well, I admit exaggerating but I wanted to put the video links of the trailer, MV, PV produced by Studio Lico/Webtoon in the same post😖💦
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kahixxi · 1 year
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My fav historical manhwa:
Bring the Love (zestkyō)
Philia Rose - The Prophecy of the Crown of Thorns (Kim Youngji, Yumi, Ryuta)
The Taming of the Shrew (Biai)
The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud (Bionhu)
Return of the Blossoming Blade (Biga, LICO)
Gosu (Ryu Kiwoon, Moon Junghoo)
King's Maker (Haga, Kang Jiyoung)
Mage Again (Myoung Rang, Sulmo)
The Spark in Your Eyes (Muro)
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pllat30 · 2 months
Pilot Rewatch
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A warning that my posts may contain spoilers for FIRST time watchers!!
I'm going to be sharing my original thoughts during the first time watching this when I was 17, and my current thoughts rewatching at 30. Some things have changed a lot for over the years lol
I'd also like to add that I may talk about characters being attractive or whatever, but I'm most likely talking about the ACTORS. **For example, Ezra, when I first watched PLL I fell in love with him. Of course, now things have changed with how I feel about the character, but I still find the actor, Ian Harding, incredibly attractive. So if it seems like I'm complimenting Ezra in my current thoughts, I'm talking about Ian.
The Barn Scene:
Right off the bat, the song, DONTTRUSTME by 3OH!3 throws so much nostalgia in my face!! I loved that song so much when it came out!!
Do they really only have the one glass of alcohol they're passing around? Why not a whole bottle?
I know the girls seem really cringy a lot of times but really, that's how a lot of teens are lol so cringe. I definitely was!
First Watch: Hmm. What was Spencer doing awake first??
Rewatch: My poor baby Spencer! :(
Present time, Aria moved back:
I fell in love with Aria's style right away! And her storyline with the secret between her and her dad, Bryon, got me hooked for sure.
Even now, I find it hard to see a teen girl going into a bar alone and ordering food. Unless it's more of a bar and grill?? I'm not sure.
First watch: Ezra is so cute! Just a regular guy thinking he found a cute girl his age. He seems so sweet.
Rewatch: OMG noooo Aria! RED FLAG! He even mentioned writing a BOOK!! OMG!
DANG girl! Aria, you used to just kissing guys who you JUST MET???
Hanna, Mona, and Spencer at the Mall:
I did not like Hanna, Spencer, and Mona at all at in this scene. They seemed so bitchy and snobby. I could not relate to them at all at 17. Now I see awkwardness between Hanna and Spencer, they used to be so close and now they're not. I get that now whenever I run into people I went to school with lol still think Mona is a bitch.
First Watch: OMG Hanna is going to get caught! I can't watch! Rewatch: OMG Hanna your mom is going to hook up with that pervy detective now! I mean I'm not blaming you but damn it's going to suck for you!
Back to School with Aria:
Bryon and Aria are so tense in their scenes together talking about his stupid affair. With a student... I don't fail to see the irony. I actually love how that is written.
I love Emily and Aria's friendship. And I totally get falling out of touch with people.
Oh no... the new teacher... LMAO
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Yuck, how Hanna and Mona walk into the classroom. Aria is shocked lol
Rewatch: EW... OOOH OMG! Mona is at her desk kinda looking away and down like she's discreetly TEXTING under her desk! OHOHOHO!
Emily's House:
OMG I still hate Emily's mom, Pam. At least in the early parts of the show.
Not going to lie I almost forgot about Maya lol I wish her character lasted longer. Just meeting someone and hanging out in their room is wild to me now lol but at 17, totally normal lol but still a little awkward at first.
Spencer's House:
I HATE MELISSA SO MUCH!! ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL!! This is when I started liking Spencer, I felt so bad for her. She's such a hard worker.
First Watch: Oooh who is the hot British guy?? He deserves someone better than bitch Melissa. He's seems so sweet with Spencer. They should get together.
Rewatch: UGH, Wren is still so cute but... UGH I can't remember how exactly he ties into everything with the endgame. But now realizing that he's older and with Spencer's sister, he turned into a creeper.
Aria and Ezra alone in classroom:
First Watch: OMG Aria and Mr. Fitz is so sad. They like each other but can't be together!
Rewatch: Ezra should have stuck with saying he can't be involved with her, wtf!?!
Emily and Maya kiss:
First Watch: Aww, Emily and Maya are cute together. I don't get why Emily can't just come out and tell people.
Rewatch: This is so sad. I know why Emily doesn't want anyone to know, but still.
Spencer's house:
First Watch: I would love a hot British guy to rub my shoulders. So jealous.
Rewatch: I mean I would still love that, but not as a minor with an older guy who is dating and having sex with my older sister!! Get away from her Wren!
Bryon and Ella:
Like, IDK how Ella didn't just stop Bryon right there and ask him WTF is going on. He's acting so suspicious!
Spencer's room:
God I feel so bad for Spencer. I would have been so PISSED with someone moving into my space that I made! I wouldn't have been surprised if she just set the damn thing on fire lmao. WHO THE HELL DID SPENCER SEE IN ALSON'S BEDROOM WINDOW?? I STILL DON'T KNOW!!
ALI is such a bitch, how were the girls friends with her to begin with?? WTF!
Hanna's House:
OMG that detective is such a perv. He knew walking up to Hanna's door what was going to happen with Ashley making a deal,or at least hoped for it. That pervy grin he has walking inside... I forget exactly what the detective's connections are with Alison and A and everything... but he's sus.
I feel bad for Hanna, I had problems with my body and weight as a teen too... You don't need your father Hanna!! He's a little bitch.
OMG EWW the detective making out with Ashley right in front of Hanna, GROSS that Ashley knows Hanna is right there... WTF
Finding Alison's Body... This song… Suggestions by Orella Has Orchestra. It hits me RIGHT in the feels!!
LOL the recasting of some of the characters seen at the funeral.
First Watch: OMG Ezra and Aria are so cute! He stops her and they kiss again! Maybe things will work out.
Rewatch: Aria, STEP AWAY from Ezra!!!... EZRA!!! STOP!! POLICE!
"Popular in life and death." I love Spencer Quotes lol
OOOH the phone text notification!!
I'm still here bitches!!!
I was very entertained watching this again. I started to remember some things that are connected. I look forward to continuing watching and seeing what else I can catch! I love foreshadowing!
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everychungmyung · 6 months
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cale-alberu · 2 years
I am currently head over heals with:
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goodfoodcollective · 2 years
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astoriachef · 2 years
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What do you mean I don’t need thirty pounds of sourdough starter? How do know how much starter i need?
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minden is...mindegy is. Szerettem volna azt hinni igen, jobban lettem. Totálisan jobban. A picit jobban összejött de nem totál. Ilyenkor gondoltam azt, hogy végre erőre kapok, sok beszélgetés, teóriák, önelemzés, fejlesztés és sok kitartás a nevetéssel egyvelegbe összejön. Most kell rájönnöm, hogy nem. Amikor láttam azt, összeszorult a szívem. Hiába gondoltam azt, hogy 2 percre megakadsz a fejemben és továbbállok. Bele kellett törődnöm, elfogadnom, mikor vagy te csak 2 percet a fejemben. Ha te elindítasz valamit, megmozdulsz, egy minimális megerőltetést, figyelemfelkeltést teszel...vég. Jöttek a gondolaok mit akartál ezzel, vajon mire gondolhattál, hogyan is érezhettél. Netán örülsz nekem, kárörvendsz, nevetsz, hazug kurvának titulálsz, elküldesz a búsba, vagy éppen mosolygva ülsz a gép előtt.
Most el tudom képzelni hogy fogod a fejed és téped a hajad gondolva: mit kell mindent ennyire túlgondolni, te nem vagy normális.
Sosem mondtam volna, hogy az lennék, ha rólad van szó. Ezért is örülök részben, hogy vége lett mindennek.
Tudom minden rossz ötlet volt. A kép is (mivel én nem is szerettem volan látni, mert tudom hogy látni fogod, meg alapból nem is szeretem), de te is és én is az, hogy együtt voltunk.
Muszáj leírnom: Hisz nem ezt akartad?
Kívántad: ‘Remélem találsz egy olyan fiút aki értékel téged.’ Te akatál eltaszítani, miután nem okoztam neked örömet. Te szerettél volan megválni tőlem, de ki se merted mondani, döntést hozni, amit legjobban szerettél volna. Neked nem voltam sok szempontból megfelelő.
Te akartál már lerázni, nem foglalkozni velem.
Mégis mit gondolnák ez után? Természetesen azt, hogy mi a fasznak foglalkozol és lájkolod a képem, csak azt az egyet, miközben te felszabadultál, saját dolgoddal foglalkoztál és nem foglalkoztál ezzel a ténnyel, hogy szakítottam veled. HIsz én (is) voltam a probléma. Jön a alap dolog: nem szabad barátnak lenni. Betartottam. Próbáltalak elkerülni. Ment is.
Mit sem láttam...jobban voltál, mint soha életedben. Megkaptad amit akartál. Láttam azokat a képeket és minden egyebet, hogy te szilvezsterkor buliztál, és máskor is. Csak azt láttam örülsz magadnak. Lettek szoros kapcsolataid.
Ezért nem is értettem mire kellett ezt. Most már jogosan megkérdem. Minek kezdél arra a pár másodpercre foglalkozni velem, és megmutatni, hogy láttad?
Piszkállódásból, bocsánat: Nem kellene a vizsgáidra tanulnod és szakdolgozatoddal foglalkoznod? Nem kéne barátaiddal beszélned (habár a kibeszélés tuti ment)? Nem kéne a két csajjal tanulnod? És amit nem hagyhatok ki az a... :)
Szeretve gyűlöllek, hogy így lett vége mindennek.
Azt tudom, hogy te vagy a gyengepontom, és az is maradsz. Felvetült azért nehéz felednem téged mert: érzelmes vagyok, mert az első szerelmem vagy, mert trauma ért, mert nem tudom lezárnom, mert szeretek a múltban élni, mivel boldogabb élményekkel gazdagodtam a kibaszott sok szar mellett, vagy mert nem akarlak elengedni.
Pedig tisztában vagyok vele ez egy nagy kalap citrom volt. Te és én. 
De tudod mit? Amennyire az is volt, valahogy minden percét értékelem, megbecsülöm, és eldugottan egy kis dobozkában hordozom a szívemben.
A másik de: de fogalmam nincs miért foglalkoztat ez ennyire.
Nem tudom a sok dolog, ami kavarog bennem, az hozta ki ezt az írói vénám, mert egyszerűen nem bírom, esetleg azért mert a melankónia elkapott miattad, mint minden fos érzelemnek a fő okozója buta lelkemnek. 
De az írók is a legmélyebb pontukon tudtak legtöbbször csodát alkotni, igaz?
Mennyit ér és változtat az igazság, főleg ha ki mered mondani.
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bigatamir · 9 months
Biga Tamir 🏠 Ev Tamir Hizmetleri 🏠
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#bigatamir #bigapencerementeşetamiri #bigakapıkilitdeğişimi #bigakapıtamiri #bigamutfakdolabitamiri #bigatamirci
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romegreeceart · 2 years
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British Museum
(3320 x 2490)
London, July 2022
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thisfilmisnotyetrated · 4 months
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JAVIER BARDEM in JAMÓN, JAMÓN (dir. Bigas Luna, 1992)
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canakkale17ege · 9 months
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pllat30 · 2 months
Greetings Liars!!
After many years, I'm deep-diving into the series as a 30-year-old mom. The series first aired when I was 17 and I was obsessed! Now that I have a lot more life experience under my belt, I wonder how I'm going to look at certain situations and relationships in the show. I already know of one main relationship that my feelings towards have done a complete 180. But I'll get into that more as the show goes on!
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speedexe · 10 months
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djredscrewedup · 1 year
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Happy G Day #BigA @shoes2screws #ManyMoreMyBrother 💯💯💪🏽💪🏽🎁🎁🎉🎉🔩💙 (at Screwed Up Records & Tapes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqbFYmYLSut/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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