#Buyers Details of Rice
importexportinfo · 1 year
The top exporters of basmati rice were India, Pakistan, China, Netherlands and Oman and the top importers of basmati rice were Iran, Saudi Arab, Iraq, UAE and USA. Download basmati rice buyers suppliers details here.
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thenightling · 5 days
Interview with The vampire season 2, episode 3 review
What's maddening about this episode is how much they get right while also sprinkling in such a mess. Again we are reminded that someone wants to buy this triptych art piece that Louis didn't even know that they were selling and this mysterious buyer is using a middle man. I'm calling it now, the buyer is probably Marius. And now The Talamasca has finally made its appearance. I'm actually amused that the showrunner calls them the supernatural Men in Black because that's how I used to describe them as a teenager and I felt my description was woefully inaccurate but I'm amused by the concept, even though that seems to be what Winston is doing with The Ghostbusters in the current film franchise and I think they might be doing it better. Did you catch the Talamasca agent's name? Raglan James AKA The Body Thief who wants to run off inside Lestat's powerful, immortal body. The flashback of Armand meeting Lestat is maddening. I get that it's from Armand's point of view and he's very bias against Lestat but Some of it is so painfully out of character for those of us that love Lestat. For example, it was Nicolas who came up with the Theatre of The Vampires out of the theatre that he and Lestat worked at when they were mortal. Lestat would have thought it was vulgar, he wouldn't have come up with it. And why would Lestat seduce Armand to learn how to read minds and use telepathy? These things came innately to Lestat in the books. It was Armand who tried to seduce Lestat and at one point tried to blood r8pe Lestat and Lestat beat the crap out of him for it. I also noticed this episode had the weird addition of vampires with seasonal allergies. Why? Vampires are supposed to be immune to things like that. And vampires with moles all over their groin. Again... why? Whatever happened to Anne Rice's vampires having perfect skin? Why add these weird details? Armand conjuring fire in his hand like a video game sorcerer was just plain cheesy. The "Fire gift" (pyrokinesis) worked more like Stephen King's Firestarter, not Harry Dresden on a bad day. Also this was an odd thing to do with Armand, that he was ready to execute Louis. Armand never had any intention of killing Louis in the book and the main reason he wanted Claudia dead was to have Louis's heart to himself, what she did to Lestat was just a convenient excuse. Also does anyone else notice a weird theme of ableism this season? Last episode it was "How can he hunt if he can't see?" so a vampire's head was bashed in. Now a rule about not to make a child into a vampire has "Don't make someone a vampire if they're crippled." Why the Hell not? Most physical disabilities are corrected with vampirism in Anne Rice's novels and if they aren't the vampire has heightened senses to compensate. This strange ableism is an odd, recurring theme, almost as annoying as the excessive and unnecessary smoking. Another odd detail, with the theatre of the vampires, why does the human victims dragged out on stage all say the same "Line" without deviation? It's not an act so why do they all say the same exact thing? Wouldn't there be variety like "Help! This theatre is actually a cult!" or "This is not an act! These people are cannibals!" or "These are REAL vampires!" or "Where the f--k am I?" This is surprisingly unrealistic and draws me out of the story that each victim says the same thing when they stumble out on stage. Finally, it's becoming more and more obvious that the first season was supposed to tell all of Interview with the Vampire and they decided to stretch it out because now it's waring thin. You can FEEL the padding now, it might as well be a CW show.
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fatefulstars · 2 years
JJK Cafe 2022 - Info & Food and Drink Menu
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Event Date: August 11 to October 10
Locations: Tokyo & Osaka
Details: Early reservation provides the buyer with an A4 poster of the above picture.
Food Menu
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Yuji Itadori - Chicken Over Rice
Chicken over rice with chili tomato sauce and a salad filled with oranges, carrots, and chorizo sausages that are shaped like Sakuna’s fingers.
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Megumi Fushiguro - Fitting Dark Garden Sandwich
Black French toast served with orange and chocolate sauce and chocolate ice cream.
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Nobara Kugisaki - Vegetable Spice Curry
Medium spicy millet rice curry with bell roses and vegetables. it comes with a cheese crisp as well.
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Second Years - Breakfast Plate
A plate of eggs benedict, Vichyssoise soup with non-powdered protein, and a pancake with a picture of Panda on it. The eggs benedict can be served with hot sauce if wanted.
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Kento Nanami - Apple Pork Wrap Sandwich
Balsamic flavoured apple pork sandwich with Camembert cheese, a small bowl of Vichyssoise soup, and potato salad.
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Satoru Gojo - Fictitious "茈" cake
A whipped pancake that uses vanilla ice cream and berry sauce in the image of Gojo’s "茈" technique. The plate is decorated with blueberry sauce, has  blueberries and raspberries, and has a silhouette of Gojo showing this technique.
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Area of Curses Plate
A dessert plate inspired by the curses (we know who you’re talking about 😉) who enjoy playing soccer on the beach. It comes with a yogurt and cheese parfait, a lemon sorbet, and a chocolate cupcake.
Drinks Menu
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Yuji Itadori - Passion Cranberry Tea Soda
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Megumi Fushiguro - Green Apple Mint Soda 
Contains Ramune jelly at the bottom.
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Nobara Kugisaki - Orange Rose Hip Tea Soda
Contains bell rose and raspberry.
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Kento Nanami - Coffee Mojito Soda
Non-alcoholic (😂) lemon mojito soda with a side of espresso to pour in.
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Satoru Gojo - Blue Hawaii Lemon Drink
Contains lemon jelly.
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Gojo’s Hot Coffee
Since Gojo doesn’t like alcohol, here is a cup of hot coffee inspired by the scene where he puts a lot of sugar cubes in his coffee. ☕️
The goods list will follow in a separate post as this has became a monster post!! 😎
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libra-stellium · 2 months
Saturn transit I tracked! Saturn trine Mars (Feb 27-Apr 18, if you have mars in Scorpio 12° like meee the dates are the same)
Descriptions from Saturn in Transit by Erin Sullivan and Planets in Transit - Robert Hand.
Saturn trine Mars
Can produce many contrary feelings with focus on issues that pertain to psychological polarities (like love vs hate)
I was having a lot of deep conversations! Also talking to myself like you can't say you want [this] but act like [that] that's not how life works! lol
Potential for burnout but only if the aspect follows a long period of unsatisfying activity
I don't think I've been burnt out during this time but I have so many heavy transits going on all I could do some days was just sit on my ass lmao like recently that mars-saturn conjunction was at 14 degrees aka my rising degree smh FUN
The form of anger of Mars-Saturn can emerge either in explosion or depression
I was pissed off some days for sure! Especially with my aunt bc I've just become so sick of listening to her talk about things she wants to get or wants to do but doing nothing about it like do something or shut up omg and my job pissed me off and this show i was watching pissed me off lol at least I wasn't depressed!
Lay the groundwork for long range goals and find that it is not only possible but enjoyable to apply ourselves diligently
I went to the doctor and he asked me to lose weight bc my blood work was on the higher end of the green and I knew this was coming lol I knew saturn return 1H was going to involve losing weight at some point! I've never truly tried before ?? I was active bc I was always dancing on a team but when I wasn't in school anymore that stopped lol so i've been trying out different recipes recently bc food and ordering out is my biggest weakness! I've cooked a lot over the last couple months and it's been nice! It's like a muscle so the more you do it the less hard it feels to get up and do it again. I also got an electional reading on 3/18 for best date to get my gym membership. Putting the pieces together fr!
Will highlight times when it is best to be cautious about expending more than our immediate energy allows
I've been fucking tired bruh! I get bursts of energy and then I have to recuperate for 3 days lol
Brings acute awareness of our range of influence and power in the world
This has been interesting because one of the attorneys I work with has been showing how much he trusts me lately and I'm like omgggg he was like "be honest does my argument here sound stupid?" lmaoo It's really easing the imposter syndrome!
Mars’s drive is tempered by Saturn in the trines allowing more productive and realistic avenues for expressing ambition and assertiveness
I noticed this in the meals I was choosing to prepare! Instead of going 0-100 like "I'm gonna stop ordering out cold turkey and I'm gonna meal prep every day" I've been finding easy recipes I like and just buying those ingredients and trying it out! The rest of the time I would make it real basic with just a rice, protein, veggie combo lol can't go wrong there!
Able to organize many small details into larger tasks
Idk why I thought this one would show up in me finishing this 3000 piece puzzle that's laid out on my floor lmao but instead it was just being able to think clearly about all the moving pieces of planning my Amsterdam trip!
Content to be patient and to work slowly
I spent 3 weeks with nothing to do at work at all and that was just sooooo boring but I wasn't nearly as antsy as I had been before when that happened.
Expectations are modest and you are willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve them
My goals this transit were just to cook more and actually use the groceries I bought. Even today I ate my last banana! I'm not ashamed to say I'm a banana buyer but I only eat one and the rest stay there to rot but this time I ate all 4!
This is not a glamorous time in your life but your actions can lead to real and lasting accomplishments
Facts omg my apt is not cute rn but I wasn't in the mood to upkeep it (aka put my clean clothes away lol) but I am cleaning up on the last couple days of this transit so it better stay clean for a while lol
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sheep33hallow · 2 years
Deluxe Apartment in the Sky: BakuDeku
Summary: Izuku in his old age, was tired of waiting.
Izuku, 50, retired, and one armed with a fat yellow cat, his ex-sidekick, Kacchan gave him when he retired.
The fat cat, currently sitting on his lap while they wait for Kacchan to finish making dinner. Kacchan was 35, and still active in the hero community, but always visited every two weeks. He was Izuku’s first sidekick for three years before moving on to start his own agency with his best friends Denki and Kirishima.
Their agency was moderately small which they liked because they had more free time since they didn’t have a bunch of sidekicks to look after. Along with that free time, Kacchan continuously made appearances at Izuku’s over the years. He would come over to cook, nag or just simply be around his old mentor.
Seeing him was always a beautiful thing, a not so beautiful thing about Kacchan, is that his bratty attitude never went away and it seemed to have gotten worse when Izuku retired. When he first got Kacchan as his sidekick, his coworkers used to tease him when Kacchan would berate him when Izuku wasn’t in his sight. The man was 33, with over a decade of experience, yet this explosive kid would have him feeling guilty for leaving him alone.
It tampered off when he got more responsibilities with his own agency, but when Izuku lost his arm in a horrible battle and was forced into retirement, the bratty Kacchan resurfaced and followed him all throughout his physical therapy sessions.
Deep down, he knew he was a sucker for punishment, because all in all, Kacchan kept his life entertaining. Another entertaining detail is that Izuku had been trying to marry him for the past year. They weren’t dating. Izuku didn’t feel the need to date Kacchan. He wanted marriage and to tie that brat down to his fat cat owning, one arms hero self.
Izuku brought it up everytime they were together.
“I want to marry you.” Sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen, he put Gary on the floor. He put the cat down gently, but it always seemed to flop over with a ugly yowl as if Izuku chucked him over his shoulder. Bratty as it’s buyer.
“And, I want a deluxe apartment in the sky.” Stirring the fried rice in the pan.
“You talk as if you aren’t currently standing in one.”
“You’re on the second floor, grandpa. You need to be on the 10th before I care.”
“Well I was mauled a few years ago, so I still have that insurance money that I haven’t used.” He said. Laughing at himself irked Kacchan at times.
Crouching down to check on the fish in the oven, he lowered the temp before turning the burner under the rice off.
“Why would I want to marry something defective then?” He leaned his hip against the counter. He was currently in one of Izuku’s merchandise hoodies.  
“Same reason I want to marry someone as bratty as you.”
“Those aren’t even comparable. Your arguments to marry me used to be better.” He joked.
Izuku smiled. “Well, I don’t know what else to say at this point. I just want you.” He looked down and saw Gary hadn’t moved from the spot he was placed at. He used his foot to scoot him closer to his food dish, so he could stand up.
He walked around the counter space to stand in front of Kacchan.
“How about this?”
Those red eyes staring intently at him. “What?”
“I’ll change my name to Bakugou and you can choose anywhere in the world, we can be buried together at.”
He always imagined Kacchan having his last name, and would make references to it when they were together sometimes, so he knew Izuku was getting desperate here.
Kacchan’s eyes widened a bit, the Deku hoodie ears on his head shifting a bit as he watched his ex-sidekick think.
“I want that, plus three more cats and for us to move out of the city in the next five years.” That was doable. He just hoped the animals weren’t as lazy as Gary.
He raised his hand to shake on his. Kacchan copying his motion, but when he went to take his hand back, Izuku wouldn’t let go.
“The fuck, Deku.”
“Now?” He said. Confused.
“Now. Married now.”
“I know a spot that is 24/7.” Kacchan wouldn’t be leaving his home tonight. He could leave all of his things at the apartment he shared with Kirishima.
“I have friends, my mom would be so fucking mad, if I did this without her.”
“Call her then.” Grip still tight.
Izuku was calling his bluff. His mom didn’t give a fuck.
“Deku….” He whined.
“You can walk out of here with me, or I’ll carry you. I thought you were a man of your word, Kacchan.” He loved agitating the blond.
“I am! You absolute fossil. Fuck!” Feeling his face heat up. He could just see the picture in the paper tomorrow. Him in Deku’s hoodie and Deku in some sweats and black tank top that exposed all of his scars.
He turned the oven off with his other hand. The other, he knew, was probably going to be held hostage for the rest of the evening.
“I want Katsudon after we sign the papers.” Wow, he was really doing this. His heart was doing a thing. Was it excitement?
“Anything.” He said. Pulling Kacchan toward the door. They both slipped their sandals on.
“I want my mom to design our rings.” He demanded. His mother had wonderful taste.
“Of course.” Walking out the door. He locked it behind him. Heading to the elevator.
“Can I say what I want?” Izuku said.
“I am taking you to the bank with this whole shindig, so shoot.” He pressed the button to the bottom level.
Switching to grab Katsuki’s other hand. Izuku pressed close against his back.  “I want you to bounce on my cock later.” He whispered in his ear. “You know defective people can only do so much in the bedroom. So watching you try and handle my girth is all I need for the remainder of my days.”
Any bystander walking by, would have only missed a slight glimpse of a person in a Deku hoodie dropping to his knees as the elevator doors closed.
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b2btredingplatform · 5 hours
Indian Rice Gains Traction Amid Competitive Pricing
India, the world's leading rice exporter, has seen an uptick in demand for its 5% broken parboiled variety. This week, prices ranged from $536 to $544 per ton, a slight increase from last week's $531 to $539. The competitive pricing has attracted buyers, particularly from Africa, as Indian rice remains cheaper compared to offerings from other major exporters. A Mumbai-based trader highlighted that the price advantage has been a key factor in driving demand from African markets and key opportunities for rice exporters.
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sahilsingh01 · 8 days
Why Sirra Foods is The Best Basmati Rice Exporters in India?
Welcome to Sirra Foods, where the magic of Basmati rice comes to life! Nestled in the vibrant city of Ludhiana, Punjab, Sirra Foods has earned its reputation as one of the best Basmati rice exporters in India. If you're looking for the finest quality rice, you're in the right place. Let's explore what makes Sirra Foods the ultimate choice for Basmati rice.
Why Choose Sirra Foods?
Sirra Foods stands out among basmati rice exporters in India due to its unwavering commitment to quality. They ensure that every grain of rice is meticulously selected and processed to meet the highest standards. This dedication to excellence has made them a favorite among international buyers.
The Journey from Farm to Table
Sirra Foods sources its Basmati rice from the lush fields of Punjab, known for producing the best Basmati rice in the world. The journey begins with local farmers who use traditional farming methods combined with modern techniques. This blend of old and new results in rice that is not only delicious but also healthy and nutritious.
Quality That Speaks for Itself
When it comes to Basmati rice, quality is paramount. Sirra Foods takes great pride in being among the best Basmati rice exporters in India by adhering to strict quality control measures. Each batch of rice undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets international standards. This attention to detail guarantees that customers receive only the best Basmati rice.
A Legacy of Trust and Excellence
Sirra Foods has built a legacy of trust and excellence over the years. Their commitment to providing top-notch Basmati rice has made them a reliable partner for clients worldwide. Whether you're a small retailer or a large distributor, Sirra Foods ensures timely delivery and consistent quality, making them a leader among Basmati rice exporters in India.
Sustainable Practices for a Better Tomorrow
At Sirra Foods, sustainability is not just a buzzword; it's a way of life. They believe in responsible sourcing and environmentally friendly practices. By working closely with farmers and investing in sustainable farming techniques, Sirra Foods contributes to a healthier planet while remaining one of the best Basmati rice exporters in India.
Customer Satisfaction: A Top Priority
Customer satisfaction is at the heart of Sirra Foods' operations. They understand the diverse needs of their global clientele and strive to exceed expectations with every shipment. This customer-centric approach has solidified their reputation as leading Basmati rice exporters in India.
Global Reach with a Personal Touch
Sirra Foods has a global reach, exporting Basmati rice to various countries across the globe. Despite their extensive reach, they maintain a personal touch in their dealings. This blend of global presence and personalized service sets them apart from other Basmati rice exporters in India.
Innovation Meets Tradition
While Sirra Foods respects traditional methods, they also embrace innovation. They invest in state-of-the-art processing facilities and use advanced technology to enhance the quality of their Basmati rice. This fusion of innovation and tradition is why they are counted among the best Basmati rice exporters in India.
A Commitment to Health and Nutrition
Sirra Foods recognizes the importance of health and nutrition. Their Basmati rice is not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients. By offering healthy and nutritious rice, Sirra Foods promotes better eating habits and a healthier lifestyle, further cementing their place among the top Basmati rice exporters in India.
Join the Sirra Foods Family
When you choose Sirra Foods, you're not just buying rice; you're becoming part of a family dedicated to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. Whether you're a business looking for a reliable supplier or an individual seeking the finest Basmati rice, Sirra Foods is the perfect choice.
Conclusion: Experience the Best with Sirra Foods
In conclusion, Sirra Foods is your go-to destination for premium Basmati rice. Their unwavering commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction makes them one of the best Basmati rice exporters in India. Experience the magic of Basmati rice with Sirra Foods and taste the difference today!
With Sirra Foods, you're always assured of the finest quality, making them the preferred choice among Basmati rice exporters in India. So, why wait? Discover the best Basmati rice exporters in India with Sirra Foods and bring home the true taste of Punjab!
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cmdenning · 16 days
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{Author’s Note: This post includes table of contents, prologue, and chapter 1. P.S If you prefer another platform to read on I am active on Wattpad, AO3, Neobook, and Inkitt under the user cordialmoon.}
The Falling of Angels
Chapter 1. Opera
Chapter 2. Contact
Chapter 3. Dwell
Chapter 4. Flight
Chapter 5. Pearls
Chapter 6. Hotel
Chapter 7. Prodigal Son
Chapter 8. Flesh
Chapter 9. Dishonor
Chapter 10. Point-Blank
Chapter 11. Run
Chapter 12. Butterfly Garden Part I
Chapter 13. Butterfly Garden Part II
Chapter 14. Nightmare
Chapter 15. Daydream
Chapter 16. The Falling of Angels
Chapter 17. Old Lies
Chapter 18. Saturn
Born in the year of the rat on January 31st, 1900, Cheung Fu. He was the son of two rice farmers in the outskirts of Hohhot, China. When he was born just in time for the Lunar New Year, his parents believed he would bring great wealth and luck to their family. However, Fu had not been easily persuaded to achieve greatness. Life was hard and grueling, his father was addicted to gambling and his mother had suffered addiction to opiates after white men from America and Britain flooded in, demanding disastrous trade and causing the heir to the Qing dynasty to flee. China seemed like it was in shambles and by the age of ten Fu knew the cost of trusting too easily, even if it was family.
Each week he earned his wages with his parents on the rice fields, and each week his father took his wages to gamble. His mother suffered delusions and oftentimes forgot to cook dinner or care for Fu and his newly born baby sister. That was Fu's first lesson about family. He knew then that blood meant nothing about loyalty or shared responsibility. It only meant oppression and when Fu reached his twenties, he was ready to make it big. His father always told him he'd never amount to anything, that there were snakes lurking in every patch of grass ready to take away glory.
Fu killed his father and his mother. They were the snakes in the grass, at least to him. When he took his sister with him, he taught her the same. Trust no one, not even family. That is how you thrive in this world, how you use it to attain your own greatness. However, the years that passed by Fu had married and joined the Nationalist party during the revolution, which of course they had lost to the Communists. Resentment for the world built up in Fu, he saw the new Republic of China as a farce and misguided, thus he built his own empire. The Triad.
At first, it was petty dealings such as moving small amounts of narcotics to buyers and sellers, acting as the middle man and building himself up. His wife was none the wiser as she raised their son and worked in the textile factory in the city. The petty dealings weren't enough for Fu who desired more. He wanted to make his family powerful and wealthy beyond imagination. He wanted to live as a king, not a poor son of a farmer. He hated poverty and he hated not having a voice. The perfect opportunity presented itself during the 1940's with the great war, Fu was indicted and served as an officer and there he made his connections. His wife raising their son and they had bought land in Beijing, slowly building their home.
Sparing the details, the Triad become the power house that it is now when our story begins. Fu is known simply as Grandfather or Master Cheung. His wife had died several years before their son was married. Their son Cheung Min married a woman named Lee Hua, together they had three children. Hana, Gao, and Lien. It was the first time that Fu had a family that honored him, all loyal to him and his wishes as he began to get older. Min was prepared to take over the Triad, learning all from his father. Everything was perfect, until on the day of Grandfather Cheung learned that his son Min and his daughter in law Hua were planning to make their eldest daughter Hana the next boss of the Triad.
Fu believed in tradition, honor, and expected roles of gender. There was no world in his mind that a daughter would come first before a son, in fact, he hated the idea so much that he regretted having a family. The paranoia of the Triad falling apart, his own son turning against him. It was all too much. Grandfather Cheung's worries all vanished when Min and Hua died in a car accident after visiting the opera in the city with Hana surviving the wreck.
Year later, Grandfather Cheung is tasked with raising his grandchildren in a way that he sees fit. To ensure that he is preserved in time and everything he had worked for remains. Hana is missing, Gao is primed to become the next leader of the Triad, and the youngest Lien is constantly trying to prove his worth to a family that doesn't accept him. However, this story begins with the greatest threat to the Triad. A traitor hides in the midst and Grandfather Gao will stop at nothing to oust this traitor, even if it means hurting the ones he is supposed to protect.
Welcome to The Falling of Angels.
In the gritty underbelly of the 1980s, where power is synonymous with the Triad, loyalty is paramount. Yet, when Lien, the youngest grandson of the mafia boss, succumbs to the forbidden allure of a Russian enemy, the fragile balance of power teeters on the edge of chaos. As the Triad grapples with internal strife and the looming threat of betrayal, Lien finds himself ensnared in a web of passion and deceit with Vitya Reznikov. In a world where privilege is bought with blood, Lien must navigate treacherous waters to prove his loyalty, even as he discovers that the price of selfishness may cost him everything. Welcome to a world where trust is a luxury, paranoia is a constant companion, and betrayal lurks in every shadow.
The Falling of Angels (TFOA)
by @cordialmoon
8CC JAN-FEB 2024
This book was written as apart of the 8 Chapter Challenge where writers are encouraged to give their best shot at 8 full chapters (1500-2,000 words or more per chapter) of an original story! It is featured on @JustWriteIt's reading list for JAN-FEB of 2024 along with many other amazing authors!
I. The Falling of Angels ( 17 Chapters)
2. The Prince & The Sea ( 13 Chapters)
3. Ghoul and His Boyfriend (3 Chapters)
1. DRON (Harry Potter Fanfic) this is permanently shelved. I may in the future create a fanfic.
🐦 OTHER PLATFORMS: @cordialmoon on all!
- Neobook
- Youtube (audio version of the book)
- I hope you enjoy reading and please comment and share your thoughts!
"This is a hidden gem."
- greenfan7 (ao3)
"Heartbreaking, intense, and riveting."
- seladiel (inkitt)
"Crying my eyes out."
-KaiTheTwinkiePie (wattpad)
I. Opera
Beijing, China
November 8th, 1979
The Cheung family was affluent and well-connected to the elites of the Chinese government since its inception. Matters of narcotics trafficking, political corruption, and money laundering—you name it, they had their hand in it. Leading the Triad was no menial task and the issue of inheritance became the greatest concern for Master Cheung, the formidable boss, following the death of his son and his daughter-in-law. Their death was reported an accident; however, it was never comprehensively investigated. Though, that part of the story comes much later. Instead, the pressure befell the three children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cheung and these children were now the future of the Triad.
Before the passing of their mother and father, the eldest daughter Hana was primed to take an apprenticeship under her father to one day lead the Triad. This plan was met with spiteful resistance from Master Cheung, who adhered a preference for a male successor. And after the funeral, her younger brother Gao was promised leadership over his older sister, leaving her without agency. Of course, Hana had felt stripped of who she was raised to be. Her future blown away in one fleeting moment of despair and loss by the hands of her stern grandfather.
Hana desperately attempted to advocate for herself, oftentimes demanding her rightful place. When that did not work she resorted to other forms of protestation against Master Cheung. At first, it was disruptive behavior like throwing lavish parties while he was away for business and leaving the estate littered with sweaty bodies and powdery counter tops. It failed like all of her attempts to undermine her grandfather and resulted in silent disapproval. Master Cheung dismissed it as brash hysterics, further proving she was unfit to lead. It wasn't until she found her solace at the Yuan Opera in the city, away from the soul crushing estate. She found where she flourished, where she learned to sing, dance, and act. It was her saving grace and she took to it like bees to honey. For her, she discovered she could find family with the actors. One in particular was her favorite, Master Liu, who could perform any role, sing any tune, and love whomever he desired. He seemed to hold within him the ebb and flow of yin and yang.
She loved how effortlessly he was connected with both the feminine and masculine qualities of his identity. And though he could be secretive, his flamboyant personality and talent for human connection shined through every endeavor. It uplifted Hana in ways that could only be expressed by immense gratitude and the softening of her heart. He gave her that feeling of power back, because in the Opera she was free to act as a queen, foe, lover, and friend. As if by ritual practice, she avoided the attention of her grandfather and balanced her time with her youngest brother Lien and the Opera. He was thirteen at the time and was quite similar to Master Liu. When Hana could not be at the Opera, she brought that magic to Lien and together they became inseparable.
Understanding her younger brother shared that same spirit that Master Liu had, she knew she could extend that lifeline to him. She recognized the way he flailed his wrist when he spoke, the way he adored brightly colored garments, and preferred music over sport. The way she would catch him singing in his room or smelling flowers when no one was looking gave her hope she was not alone at the estate. She did everything she could to ensure that Lien would never be made to feel how she did by their family. That light inside of him like radiant authenticity and pure love for the world and the people in it, the touches of femininity in his personality that would surely be crushed when he grew up in the Triad drove her to take any measure to safeguard his true self. His identity, his uniqueness, and his love for beauty had to be protected.
When autumn came and called the leaves to find their bedding in dry grass, the Triad became busier as the blanket of night was longer and more profitable. Lien was soon to be primed for leadership much like their older brother Gao. She witnessed he was beginning to lose that song inside of him each time Master Cheung slapped his flailing hands or confiscated the pretty things Lien collected. She felt an obligation to take Lien to the Opera, so that he may find that there are still places outside of the Triad that would embrace him. Hana and Lien snuck out during an annual dinner for the Triad, held to entertain socialites and government officials. "Where are we going?" The young Lien asked, his dark brown eyes watching the street signs and the dawn redwood trees pass by. "Somewhere you'll love, do you trust me little brother?" She asked and held his hand. He nodded his head with the hesitation of a beaten dog.
When they reached the Yuan Opera house, Lien's eyes lit up like fireworks upon seeing the beautiful Ming dynasty architecture standing out in the sea of growing modernity. "Here it is, little brother. Go on inside, they are expecting you." Hana encouraged and Lien, afraid to make that first leap, had moved out of the car. He cautiously went up the steps, pausing at the grand doors. Hana noticed he was apprehensive and she kneeled next to him. "I won't force you to go in, you know that," she whispered to him. "Will I get in trouble?" He asked with that fear of dishonor rearing its ugly head.
"Little brother, I won't let anything happen to you." Hana rubbed his back and he looked at her. The grand doors that suddenly began to open revealed the richness inside. It was Master Liu wearing the traditional female dress with long black hair and pale makeup that dazzled Lien immediately. Master Liu bowed and took Lien's hand in his, "Welcome to the Opera, to home." He smiled warmly at Lien, winking to Hana. The boy's worries washed away as the excitement of childhood imagination took the reigns. Once inside, he and Hana were greeted by all the actors, some of whom were practicing their singing and stunts. It was a place of freedom and joy that eroded traditional gender roles. Men dressed in the feminine style and women dressed in the masculine ones, everyone there had the fluidity to explore all facets of their identity, something Lien yearned for.
Hana took Lien's hand and brought him to the dressing room where Master Liu began to take out the xingtou dresses for both of them while a woman approached with a tray of white and red powders, a jar of black liquid, and a set of makeup brushes. She never said her name and was referred to as Mei Mei, or sister. She was mute, but her eyes gave way to glimpses of a rich inner world. Gently, she began applying the makeup to Lien's face. Master Liu dressed him and Hana soon after as if they had always been there. Lien could not contain himself, humming along to the musicians practicing outside. Mei Mei placed the jeweled headdress and wig onto Lien, he looked beautiful and for once Hana could see him smiling from genuine happiness. He was more in this moment than "The heir and the spare," Master Cheung would always say to Hana and Gao. Instead, Lien was gifted his own path.
This time was different, Hana had given Lien something he'd always have. She had given him his power and his voice in a life that told him who to be. Now, Lien could know it was up to him to decide where he belonged. "Come, little brother. Would you like to see yourself?" Hana asked and Lien looked at her with an enthusiastic nod. She led him to the full-length mirror and that joy blossomed into a radiance from his heart as he spun around, the both of them giggling. "We are so beautifully dressed, no? It would be a shame to hide this. Maybe we could sing our favorite song for the other actors?" Hana offered and Lien, like a moth to a dazzling flame, had no hesitation in his heart this time.
The two of them would go to the stage behind the closed curtain, "If you get scared, just squeeze my hand and I'll keep you safe, little brother." She comforted him. "Thank you, sister." He responded and the curtains opened with the sweet melodies of the erhu strings filled the Opera. The both of them preparing to sing Lakme, a hymn their mother used to sing to them. Hana started off the first solo and swayed her arms, bringing her fan to her face, fluttering it as her eyes looked over Lien who held his fan up to follow her lead. He sang as best he could for having the first performance jitters. When he stumbled, Hana helped him with his part. The entire acting team stood in the wings hands held over their hearts. Not a soul was straying away from a brother and sister expressing freedom. Lien loved every moment of it and that shaky voice grew confident, his song returning to him.
By the end, the actors applauded and cheered. Hana and Lien bowed on the stage and Master Liu looked like a proud theatre dad. Though, beauty in this life was precious and unfortunately a joy that was cut short. The doors of the Opera house swung open and hit the wall. Silence followed the deafening boom of the wood cracking against the stone. Hana pushed Lien behind herself, watching suited men crowd the entrance. It was Master Cheung and his men. Master Liu turned around, giving a grandiose bow to activate his persuasive and enchanting flare. "Gentleman, come! It's a beautiful performance, young Lien and Hana make quite the dazzling dans, no?" He chimed with airy laughter. Master Cheung looked the man up and down with a disgusted expression as if Master Liu was a diseased leper. The old man then looked to Hana with a crooked smile, provoking her begin trembling. Master Cheung rose his hand and one of his men shot Master Liu in the chest. The frilly fabrics tainted with blood and the man's body thudded against the ground.
The actors began to back away, panicking as Master Cheung lifted his hand again, "Lien, come!" He roared and Hana shook her head in defiance, "You can't do this! He did nothing wrong!" She pleaded even while Master Cheung boiled over with rage, sending his men to the stage to grab both Lien and Hana. They took them out front of the Opera house. Master Cheung firmly grabbed Lien's arm and dragged him around like a rag doll, aggressively wiping the makeup off his face, "Disgusting! No grandson of mine will be a sissy!" He claimed, ripping the headdress and wig from Lien's head, throwing him into the back of the car. On the other hand, Hana fought to get out of the henchman's grasp. Her grandfather faded towards her and she was let go, quickly steadying herself.
"You're a monster and mother and father would never let you speak to us like this!" She spat in his face and for this, Master Cheung slapped her hard, causing her to fall on the ground. "Set it on fire." He ordered shamelessly, and turned away from his granddaughter getting into the black Mercedes speeding off.
Hana remained on the steps of the Yuan Opera house, her eyes welling with tears as bright flames wrapped around the building. She watched as two of Master Cheung's men broke the handles of the doors to lock the actors inside the blazing inferno and she rushed to the doors. She heard the haunting screams and smelled the burning of flesh. Her home reduced to ashy embers by morning and she was forever changed.
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bestshirtcanbuy · 2 months
Horror Pennywise And Red Balloon Art Crocs Shoes
Horror Pennywise and Red Balloon Art Crocs Shoes: A Gift for Everyone In recent years, custom-designed footwear has become increasingly popular. From sneakers to sandals, people are seeking unique and eye-catching designs that showcase their personality and interests. One such design that has gained significant attention is the Horror Pennywise and Red Balloon Art Crocs Shoes. Combined with the nostalgia of the iconic horror character and the allure of customization, these shoes have become a gift for everyone. The Horror Pennywise and Red Balloon Art Crocs Shoes are inspired by the terrifying clown character from Stephen King's novel, "It." Pennywise, with his sinister smile and red balloon, has become a prominent symbol of horror and suspense. The shoes capture the essence of this character, featuring detailed artwork that is both captivating and chilling. The combination of the clown's face and the red balloon on a pair of Crocs is a unique and unexpected design that appeals to horror enthusiasts and fans of the novel and film adaptations. One of the main reasons these shoes have become a popular gift choice is their versatility. Available in both men's and women's sizes, they can be worn by anyone who appreciates the horror genre or wants to make a bold style statement. Whether it's for a Halloween costume, a horror-themed party, or simply to showcase one's love for Pennywise, these shoes are guaranteed to turn heads and spark conversations. Furthermore, the customization aspect of these shoes adds a personal touch, making them a truly special gift. Buyers can choose from various sizes and customize the design according to their preferences. The artwork is meticulously crafted, capturing every detail of Pennywise's face and the floating red balloon. With high-quality materials and precise printing techniques, these shoes ensure that the artwork remains vibrant and intact for a long time. In addition to their visual appeal, the Horror Pennywise and Red Balloon Art Crocs Shoes provide maximum comfort. Crocs, known for their cushioned soles and breathable design, are renowned for being comfortable footwear. The added bonus of having a charming and creepy design elevates the overall experience of wearing these shoes. The popularity of the Horror Pennywise and Red Balloon Art Crocs Shoes can be attributed to their ability to capture the essence of horror and nostalgia in a unique and fashionable way. They offer a gift option that is suitable for horror enthusiasts, fans of the "It" franchise, or anyone who appreciates customized footwear. These shoes allow wearers to express their individuality, make a style statement, and show off their love for the horror genre. In conclusion, the Horror Pennywise and Red Balloon Art Crocs Shoes have become a sought-after gift for everyone due to their captivating design and personalized touch. They allow wearers to embrace their love for horror and create a unique fashion statement. With their versatility, comfort, and attention to detail, these shoes are the perfect gift option for any horror enthusiast or fan of the "It" franchise.
Get it here : Horror Pennywise And Red Balloon Art Crocs Shoes
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gaurangenterprise · 2 months
Papad Making Machine Supplier in Valsad
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Gaurang Enterprise is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Papad Making Machine Supplier in Valsad. Gaurang Enterprise Specialized offers Automatic Papad Making Machine, Fully Automatic Udad Papad Making Machine, Fully Automatic Khichiya Papad Making Machine, Fully Automatic Rice Papad Making Machine, Khichiya Papad Making Machine, Nachani Papad Machines, Papad Making Machine, Papad Rolling Machine,Applam Papad Making Machine. papad-making machine is sophisticated equipment designed to streamline the production process of papads. It automates various stages of papad making, from dough preparation to rolling, cutting, drying, and packag-ing, significantly reducing manual effort and ensuring consistency in quality. Features: Buyers acknowledge the offered equipments for their PLC-controlled operation. Hygienic operation and consistent functioning Daily 40 kg to 100 kg production capacity, low maintenance charge, low labor cost Useful for maintaining the small, medium, and large shapes of papad How Does a Papad-Making Machine Work? Dough Preparation: To achieve the desired consistency, mix the ingredients for papad dough thoroughly. Rolling and Cutting: The machine feeds the dough, rolls it into thin sheets, and cuts it into precise dimensions for individual papads. Drying: The cut papads are transferred to drying trays or conveyor belts within the machine, where they undergo controlled drying at optimal temperatures. Packaging: Once dried, the papads are ready for packaging, ensuring freshness and shelf stability. Services Offered: Installation and Setup Training and Support Maintenance and Spare Parts Customization Option Gaurang Enterprise is Papad Making Machine Supplier in Valsad, Gujarat, India serving various locations, in-cluding Pardi, Dharampur-II, Bhilad, Valsad, Umargam, Sarigam, Vapi, Unai, Bilimora, Navsari. For further details, feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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importexportinfo · 1 year
In 2020 the top exporters of Rice were India, Thailand, Vietnam and Pakistan and the top importers are China, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, United States and Iran. Download rice exporters importers details.
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palmoilnews · 2 months
Export Summary-Egypt buys wheat; Exporters sell US soybeans March 20 (Reuters) - Snapshot of the global export markets for grains, oilseeds and edible oils reported by government and private sources, as of the end of business on Wednesday: WHEAT PURCHASE: Egypt's state grains buyer, the General Authority for Supply Commodities, bought 110,000 metric tons of wheat in an international tender, GASC and traders said. The purchase comprised 50,000 metric tons of Bulgarian wheat and 60,000 metric tons of Romanian wheat, they said. SOYBEAN SALE: Exporters sold 120,000 metric tons of U.S. soybeans to unknown destinations for 2024/25 delivery, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said. RICE TENDER: An international tender from Indonesian state purchasing agency Bulog to buy 300,000 metric tons of rice seeks arrival of the grain in Indonesia by May 31, European traders said on Wednesday. Bulog had announced the tender on Monday but given few details. Traders said price offers must be submitted by March 25. DURUM WHEAT PURCHASE UPDATE: Algeria's state grains agency OAIC is believed to have purchased durum wheat in an international tender which closed on Tuesday, European traders said. The precise volume bought was unclear, but estimates were of a relatively small purchase of between 100,000 to 200,000 metric tons. PENDING TENDERS: WHEAT TENDER: Bangladesh's state grains buyer issued an international tender to purchase 50,000 metric tons of milling wheat, European traders said. The deadline for submission of price offers was Feb. 22, they said. RICE TENDER: South Korea's state-backed Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp issued an international tender to purchase an estimated 100,800 metric tonnes of rice mainly to be sourced from the United States and China, European traders said. The deadline for submissions of price offers in the tender is March 21. FOOD WHEAT TENDER: Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) is seeking to buy a total of 119,345 metric tons of food-quality wheat from the United States, Canada and Australia in a regular tender that will close late on March 21. RAW CANE SUGAR TENDER: Egypt's General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC) said it was seeking 50,000 metric tons of raw cane sugar from any origin in a tender on behalf of the Egyptian Sugar & Integrated Industries Company. The deadline for offers is March 23. WHEAT TENDER: Jordan's state grain buyer issued an international tender to buy up to 120,000 metric tons of milling wheat which can be sourced from optional origins, European traders said. The deadline for submission of price offers in the tender is March 25. FEED BARLEY TENDER: Jordan's state grains buyer issued an international tender to purchase up to 120,000 metric tons of animal feed barley, European traders said. The deadline for submission of price offers in the tender is March 26.
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commodities-india · 5 months
Rice Mills in India
In the heart of agricultural innovation, Commodities India stands as a comprehensive directory, dedicated to the realm of rice mill machinery and plants in India. This platform serves as a vital resource for those seeking information on cutting-edge technology, reliable suppliers, and industry experts in the field.
Overview of Commodities India: Commodities India is a dynamic directory website that specializes in aggregating essential information about rice mill machinery and plants. With a user-friendly interface, it offers a seamless experience for individuals and businesses looking to explore the diverse landscape of this industry.
Features and Benefits:
Extensive Listings: Commodities India boasts an extensive database that includes a wide array of rice mill machinery and plant suppliers across India. From traditional to state-of-the-art equipment, the directory covers a broad spectrum to cater to diverse needs.
Supplier Profiles: Each listing on the directory provides detailed supplier profiles. Users can access valuable information about the suppliers, their product offerings, certifications, and contact details. This facilitates informed decision-making for potential buyers.
Product Descriptions: The directory offers comprehensive descriptions of various rice mill machinery and plant products. Users can delve into the specifications, features, and applications of each product, empowering them with the knowledge needed to make well-informed choices.
Industry News and Updates: Stay abreast of the latest trends, innovations, and market dynamics in the rice milling industry. Commodities India regularly updates its platform with relevant news and insights, ensuring users are well-informed about the evolving landscape.
Interactive Platform: The website provides a platform for interaction and collaboration within the industry. Users can engage in forums, discussions, and connect with experts to share knowledge, experiences, and insights.
Navigating Commodities India:
Search Functionality: The search feature allows users to find specific machinery, plants, or suppliers quickly. The intuitive search interface ensures a hassle-free exploration of the directory.
Filter Options: Refine searches based on location, product type, or other relevant parameters. The directory's advanced filters make it convenient for users to narrow down their options and find the most suitable solutions.
Responsive Design: Whether accessed on a desktop or a mobile device, Commodities India offers a responsive design for seamless browsing. Users can explore the directory at their convenience, anytime and anywhere.
How to Get Listed: If you are a supplier or manufacturer of rice mill machinery and plants in India, getting listed on Commodities India is a strategic move to enhance your visibility and connect with a broader audience. Simply visit the website and follow the easy steps to create your profile.
In conclusion, Commodities India emerges as a pivotal platform for anyone involved in or seeking information about rice mill machinery and plants. Its commitment to providing reliable and updated information makes it an indispensable resource in the agricultural machinery landscape. Explore Commodities India today and unlock a world of possibilities in rice milling technology.
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rajanmagar · 5 months
Basmati Rice Exporters Online offers Several Advantages
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Choosing Basmati rice exporters online offers several advantages, particularly for international buyers or those looking for high-quality rice with convenience:
Wide Range of Options: Online platforms provide access to numerous exporters, allowing you to compare different suppliers, their products, and prices. This variety enables you to find the perfect match for your specific needs in terms of rice quality, type, and price range.
Convenience: Purchasing Basmati rice online saves time and effort. You can place orders from anywhere, at any time, without the need to physically visit suppliers or manage logistics in the initial stages of procurement.
Transparency and Information: Online platforms usually provide detailed information about the product and the supplier. You can access product specifications, quality certifications, and user reviews, which help in making informed decisions.
Competitive Pricing: Online marketplaces often offer competitive pricing due to lower overhead costs for sellers and the presence of multiple suppliers on a single platform. This competition can lead to better deals for buyers.
Quality Assurance: Many online exporters provide quality certifications and detailed descriptions of their processing and packaging methods. This information can assure you of the quality and authenticity of the Basmati rice you are purchasing.
Direct Communication: Online platforms facilitate direct communication with exporters, allowing for negotiations, customization requests, and better understanding of the supply chain.
Ease of Export Formalities: Established online exporters are usually well-versed in international trade regulations and can efficiently handle export formalities, reducing the burden on the buyer.
Tracking and Support: Online transactions often include order tracking and customer support, providing peace of mind and assistance throughout the purchase process.
Remember, when selecting an exporter online, it’s important to verify their credentials, read customer reviews, and understand their terms and conditions. It's also advisable to request samples if possible, to assess the quality of the rice before making a bulk purchase.
India is renowned for its export of Basmati rice, and there are several top exporters that you can consider if you're looking to buy Basmati rice online from India. Here's a brief overview of some leading Basmati rice exporters:
Shri Lal Mahal Group: established in 1907, has grown from a small business house into a large multinational conglomerate in India. With a history spanning over a century, the group has developed a substantial presence in the global market, particularly in the export of rice. They are renowned as one of the largest exporters of both Basmati and non-Basmati rice from India.
ASM Global Inc: Known for its high-quality Basmati rice, ASM Global Inc has established itself in the global market with consistent quality and timely delivery. They are located in Gondiya, Maharashtra.
Muskan Overseas: With four decades of experience, Muskan Overseas excels in the production and export of a wide range of Basmati rice including Traditional Basmati, 1121 Basmati, Pusa Basmati, and Sharbati rice. Their operations are based in Taraori, Karnal, Haryana.
SKRM India: This company, located in Karnal, Haryana, is recognized for its high-quality Basmati and non-Basmati rice. They offer a variety of rice including Sella, Parboiled, Brown, Raw, Steamed, Golden Sella, and more.
Rajesh Industries: Established in 1981 in Karnal, Haryana, Rajesh Industries is a leading producer of high-quality Basmati rice, known for its delicious taste and aroma.
Rice Master Global: A prominent exporter of Basmati Rice to various countries including the UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and the USA. They are known for their premium quality Basmati rice with distinctive aroma and flavour.
Rice One Food Corp: Based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Rice One Food Corp is a global rice brand exporting to over 15 countries. They offer a wide range of rice products including Basmati and Non Basmati varieties.
These exporters not only provide a range of Basmati rice varieties but also focus on quality control and customer satisfaction. They have established a strong presence in the international market, exporting to various countries around the world.
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b2btredingplatform · 7 days
Government Continues 20% Export Duty On Parboiled Rice, Introduces Zero-Duty Import For Yellow Peas
With retail and wholesale prices rising 15% annually, these measures are an attempt to control the rising rice prices. Tradologie.com is a user-friendly SaaS based global trade hub and your streamlined solution for B2B parboiled rice procurement and sales. Connect with global bulk parboiled rice buyers or Parboiled Rice Sellers, bypass middlemen for higher profits, and secure the best bulk prices effortlessly. Simplify your parboiled rice sales or procurement with Tradologie.com.
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centuryjm21 · 6 months
Top 05 Jamaica Luxury Real Estate Listings for Sale
Jamaica, with its beautiful landscape, vibrant culture, and welcoming hospitality, is increasing in popularity as a luxury Jamaican real estate destination. Century 21 Jamaica is one of the region's best real estate agents in Jamaica, recognized by its commitment to excellence and unparalleled listings. In this piece, we will look at Century 21 Jamaica's top five luxury real estate listings, providing insight into the beautiful living experiences that await potential buyers.
Top 05 Jamaica Luxury Real Estate Listings
JMD $323,211
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The Sovereign Centre Shopping Mall is easily accessible by foot from this relatively new apartment. With porcelain tiles throughout, contemporary bathroom fixtures and fittings, in-unit laundry, and a stunning view of a small section of the city, the unit has two bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. Quartz worktops and hardwood cabinets with views of the living room and dining area can be found in the kitchen. Additional features include underground parking, a swimming pool, elevators, water tanks, water heaters, ceiling fans in every room, and security. The rental apartment is not furnished. For discriminating locals or foreigners alike, this is the perfect house. Give us a call to schedule a viewing today!
JMD $35,000,000
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This place could almost be referred to as a "Old school classic." Bring back memories of Sunday afternoon family get-togethers when your uncle would set up big speakers and play classic music that, of course, only the elderly knew. Dominoes would be played under the mango tree, ludo would be played under the breadfruit! While mommy cooks three meats, the aunts fight over who makes the best rice and peas and who is incapable of baking. Although there is a strong sense of family, the history needs to be updated. Are you the one? Who is the visionary that can transform this two-family home with two bedrooms and one bathroom, with a kitchen on each side and a dining/living room combination on the larger side, along with a sizable verandah and a single car garage with additional space for parking outside? This house, with its perfect placement on the lot, allows you to park and drive in the back? This house has two bathrooms, two kitchens, four bedrooms, and a partially completed addition that could add two more bedrooms. 
JMD $29,500,000
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A beacon of beauty, practicality, modern sophistication, and secure apartments emerges in the fabled cool Mandeville hills. These apartments feature a really amazing floor plan, lots of windows, and a roof terrace with views of the hillside for entertainment. Belair, West Indies College Preparatory School, which has an outdoor pool and plenty of parking, is three minutes away from NCU. An engineer constructed the 2 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom apartment with great care and attention to detail, making it very durable. For those who prefer to live in a gated community and experience the charms of a centrally located mandeville, this is an excellent investment. It is near banks, eateries, and entertainment venues.
JMD $35,000,000
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IN HOLD...In an exclusive gated community in the heart of New Kingston, this well-kept townhouse is close to both commercial and recreational areas. The complex is family-friendly and prepared to give a small family, whose main source of income is the KSA metropolitan area, a place to live.
JMD $303,972
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In a gated community in Kingston 6, an elegantly furnished two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment is available for rent. The complex features underground parking, a generator that powers all common areas and apartment units, a pool, a gym, elevators, and round-the-clock security. This unit is situated in the middle as well. Every room, including the living room, has air conditioning. Give your agent a call right now!
Century 21 Jamaica's collection of outstanding properties aims to change the luxury real estate landscape in Jamaica. Whether you're looking for an oceanfront retreat, an urban oasis, or a golfer's paradise, these top five properties represent the pinnacle of Jamaican luxury living. With Century 21 Jamaica, you can explore the luxury, appreciate the lifestyle, and make your goal of owning a piece of Jamaican paradise a reality.
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