#Chapter 112
rampo-obsession · 3 months
Watch my grandad have feelings and not a poker face
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He’s adorable you won’t change my mind
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ineffablejaymee · 5 months
!!! last warning
we fucking won oh my god LOOK AT THEM
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dazai making fun of dostoyewski for being a loser and not trusting anyone 👌✨
ofc he trusted chuuya with his life i love them sm
and them ruining this cool af climac by dazai mocking chuuya and chuuya immidiately snapping at him>>>>>
the best part is dostoyewski telling dazai he didnt know chuuya as well as he thought a few chapters back, fyodor honey u
u kinda
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sillyyuserr · 21 days
I feel like this being shown in dark light, and being depicted as more serious and detrimental
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Compared to this, nene’s version of what happened, shown in a more comedic light, with it being very much less serious both on nene’s end, and on akane’s with him pathetically whining
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I feel like this really really means something but idk if i wanna write an analysis on it 😭
i feel like the entirety of the terukane portion of chapter 112 should get an analysis in its own, theres sm i could point out just from memory
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manhwamuneca · 10 days
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I come back to these chapters a lot (111 & 112)
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He got the whole squad to act for him. Han yoohyun's acting tho.. 🤣
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soukokumychildren · 3 months
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Alright, so I saw this generally things like this would make people upset and I can understand that, but for some reason just makes me happy. Yes, Dazai, put any remenance of that fucker far away from you, go back to your Chuuya, I bid you permission- And Nikolai...uhhh... cradle the whatever relationship you had going on's arm..er, sorry buddy :,}
1 | Chapter 112 - Bungou Stray Dogs - MangaDex oh yeah, english translation for those who want it.
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thekingofwinterblog · 6 months
Hell If I Care! - Soul Eater's Original Message
One of the way i find both of the endings of Soul Eater facinating, is how they overlap in so many ways.
This is not surprising, given the fact that Ōkubo Atsushi had his hand in both of them, and so he effectively got to do a doo over when he himself had free reigns for the Manga, withouth having to worry about episode limits... Unfortunatly in many ways, He learned the wrong lessons from the mixed reaction the original anime ending got when first released.
Asura was innitially heavily critiqued by fans for how he was defeated, so Okubo made sure to mix his stupidly high powerlevel with pretty much being completely unflappable, when the entire point of his character was that for all his power, he was a massive coward.
Thus removing that genuine fear removed pretty much everything that made him stand out from other uber powerfull Shonen villains.
The lesson Okubo should have taken from this, was to make sure to emphasise the fact that just like Kid, Asura was a living embodiment of a very volatile force, and just like his brother could he brought to his knees with incorrect symmetry, Asura could and were in the end, defeated by his own opposite, bravery.
Instead we got the sealed moon. Yay.
There were a lot of bad lessons learned from the anime reception, and in many points the result was to rewrite the overall plans, rather than refining them now that he knew what did, and didnt work.
One of those things that was very obviously changed, that stuck out to me, is something Crona says at the end of the manga as justification for resorting to sealing Asura away, rather than fighting.
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This is beat for beat the exact same thing Asura said at the end of the anime as he was going through his mental breakdown.
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Ultimately, the Thing that turned Asura into the person he was, was the certainty that nothing was absolute in the world. There was no guarantees that he would be safe, and would remain safe. That madness would always exist, and with it, the knowledge that he would have to face it for the rest of his life.
That is what drove him to madness, and here at the end, He is screaming this line of thoughts to Maka.
Even if she defeats him, the madness of the world that made him wont go away, sooner or later there will rise another Kishin up to take his place, a successor(Any potential demon egg that is allowed to reach its full potential), a junior(kid falling to madness like Asura did), a newcomer(really anyone could do it with the right set of circumstances), or a hidden number 2(Asura doesnt have one, but the point here is that maka cannot for absolute certain refute that he might in this moment) or really whatever else will pop up to replace him.
That is the ultimate point of Soul Eater's villains.
There will always be darkness, always be madness, so long as humanity exists, something, somewhere, will always pop up as the next great evil.
In asura's case, that is specifically a new incarnation of the madness of fear, but it goes for anything really. If Soul Eater shows anything, its that evil didnt begin with asura, and it wont stop with him either.
So with that in mind, what is Maka's response?
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Hell if I care!
This is the moment Soul Eater was building towards as it's climax, both the anime and manga. The culmination of the entire story, and it's themes is encapsulated in this moment.
Madness and Bravery are two sides of the same coin, but they are not opposites.
Fear and Bravery is.
The World is Terrifying, and anything can happen to you. You can die tomorrow, and you WILL die at some point. Everyone you know will die. Horrible, murderous people exists, and will be replaced by other, horrible, murderous people.
If you have a lover, they might break up with you tomorrow, or they might cheat on you. Your parents might break up. Your brother might turn out to be a deranged killer. you could be an orphan. Your Dad could be actively dying. Your mother might abandon you on the street. You might simply draw the genetic lottery and be doomed to subpar talent and always remain second rate in doing what you love. Dictators exists, and will continue to exist somewhere in the world. And there is nothing you can do about any of it.
This is truth. It is true for countless people around the world, and will remain so for as long as humanity exists.
It is fully logical to fear it.
Soul Eater's message is not to deny this truth, but instead say that it doesnt matter. Everything horrible can happen yes, but by that same token, EVERYTHING that makes life worth living is full of risks.
Loving someone means exposing your heart to betrayal, but it also means opening it up for warmth that can only be found in companionship, be that of a lover, a friend, family, or a even a pet.
only by taking risks, and falling on your face, will you ever be able to grow, while those who run away will never grow at all, and remain stagnant, or even atrophate.
Great things in life, only comes by being willing to take risks, take chances, and confront the fact that the world is terrifying head on.
The future is terrifying, but so what?
If you want to live a life worth living, you have to be willing to face the risks of life head on.
It's a great message, even if the anime could have handled it better. It's a shame though that the manga ultimately abandoned it.
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miimo96 · 2 months
This chapter is scaring me, I don't like this..
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So I looked this up,and it turns out that these butterflies symbolize when someone is near Death. Yeah already not a good sign.
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Alright so from the last chapter I had the theory that yashiro may have probably lost her memory and now she doesn't remember hanako or kou or ANYTHING from the past Events, judging my this panel I was right. ^^;
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She Got the role that's so cute, I hope hanako is somewhere watching, I really hope she remembers him, this feels too good like if this is getting into the endgame of the series. 😰😰
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He WAS!!!😭😭 please lord don't not let anything bad happen to them PLEASE!
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So it looks like my time travel theory is coming true and tbh I dont like it, because this story has ONLY 2 possible ways to end. And judging by this series, it looks like it wants to break us and end on a SOUR ASS note like a bad ending. I swear if the thing the clock keepers changed was something with yashiro and her death and it she Still Has to DIE, because canon event or fate, I'm going to SCREAM! Like meeting hanako is the reason shes on the path of dying or something like bruh!
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No god PLEASE NO don't do this to them or ME!😭😭😭😢 I swear if he has to watch her die and THAT fixes everything, I'm done, I'm just done.... wait what' about sakura?
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edogawautism · 3 months
why does he actually look sad in the manga
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potionsmash · 1 year
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♱  𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖜 𝖒𝖆𝖓 ★ !
chapter 112 icons  ♡
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manga-meow · 1 year
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w898i · 1 year
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kyoukalover · 3 months
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my sexy hot sexy cutie patootie wife/husband :3
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a-forbidden-detective · 7 months
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Is it wrong to ship Spitz Feier and Winter Moriarty? Look at them girls!!!
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sofiabc00 · 1 year
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jessamimi · 2 months
No but in the arc where we find out about the clock keepers and nene’s lifespan(I forgot what it was called) it is stated that the clock keepers abilities do not work as effectively on supernaturals. What does this mean. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN.
I feel that it would be dissappointing if shijima/mitsuba was actually alive and their mystery selves don’t exist at all in this present, period. With no memories coming back to them. Or anything, really.
Aidalro what are the ramifications of this I am in your walls
Aidalro tell me
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