#Dean is reading Outlander
sunlightdances · 24 days
Lost In Time | Dean x OFC | Chapter Three
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x OFC Series Summary: Sam and Dean answer Jody’s call about a ghost wandering in the woods, calling for help, wearing period clothing. Thinking they’re taking a break from the end of the world and handling a run of the mill haunting, they hit the road, unaware their world is about to be turned upside down. Genre: Time travel AU, WW2, Romance, Angst Warnings: None for this part. Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural, or Sam and Dean. Eva is an original character, and mine. The depictions of members of Easy Company in this story are based on the actor’s interpretation in the HBO series Band of Brothers, which I also don’t own.  A/N: *Taps mic* Is this thing still on? Uh, hey. Hi. It's me. I have not been here in ages. But I re-read this the other day and got the itch again. So here we are - another chapter. *SNL Stefon voice* This chapter has EVERYTHING. An Outlander reference. More Band of Brothers references. Dean having an emotional ~*crisis*~ … enjoy!
Masterlist / Prologue / Chapter One / Chapter Two
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“Anything?” Lieutenant Dick Winters asks as Nixon walks into the mess hall in the early morning, rubbing his eyes.
“Nothing.” Nixon replies, gratefully taking the warm cup of coffee shoved in his direction.
“Did you ask Harry?” Dick asks, referring to their latest transfer, another Lieutenant from the 82nd. “He’s good at knowing things he isn’t supposed to.” 
Nixon offers a wry smile. “This one might be a little harder to figure out.”
The truth is, Nixon doesn’t really trust anyone outside of Easy Company to care about what might have happened to Eva Simmons. Lt. Welsh is a new transfer, and Nixon likes him well enough, but he’s not sure who to trust when it comes to finding her.
Simmons made friends in Easy, despite all the odds, and even in her short time training with them, she proved herself smart and capable. She reminded them all of their sisters, he supposes, and he knows the men have a soft spot for her. Deep down, Dick is as worried as Nixon is - Lewis can see it in the furrow between the man’s brow, the tight set of his jaw.
Later, Nixon sits down behind his desk and puts his head in his hands. A dozen or so coded messages came through overnight, but nothing from Simmons. 
“Where are you?” He whispers, looking at the maps in front of him. They’ve only got two more days before the weather is meant to clear.
Two more days before they have no choice to drop on Normandy, whether they know what they’ll be facing there or not.
Present Day
Eva has nightmares. 
Dean could hear her, all the way down the hall in his own bedroom. At first, he thought something had happened to her, but when he tried to check, Jody was already there, leaning on the wall outside Eva’s room. 
She shook her head, telling him not to worry, and that he should go back to sleep. 
Fat chance of that happening. 
He has no idea how to help her, and it’s frustrating. He and Sam have faced nearly every scenario in hunting - ghosts, vampires, angels… but this? She’s not a spirit with unfinished business. She’s a time traveler. An important one, from what he can gather.
In the morning, he goes straight to the library where Sam is waiting, a cup of coffee steaming on the table. He’s frowning.
Sam glances up. “I’m– having a hard time finding anything out about Eva.”
Dean takes a sip of the coffee. “So? It was a long time ago. Technically.” 
Sam shakes his head. “No, like– I can’t even find a record of her. Her family, her ancestry… I can’t even find any record of her enlistment.”
Dean frowns, leaning over Sam’s shoulder so he can see the screen. 
“There should be some record of this - it’s a public database.” 
Right away, Dean’s spidey senses start tingling. “I knew it.” Dean says, voice pitched low. “This hasn’t been right from the start.” 
“Before you jump to conclusions–” 
“Already jumped.”
“Dean–” Sam stands, trying to ward off his brother’s temper.
“She’s in our home, Sam. We drove for hours to help her.” 
“Dean, you’re overreacting. We didn’t even think she was real. We had no idea any of this was going to happen, and she didn’t either.”
“Or that’s what she wants us to think.” 
Sam shakes his head, but he doesn’t reply.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, Dean knows he’s being reactive. It’s in his DNA. He has this fierce, innate need to protect his brother, to protect anyone who is important to him. But – this is all too convenient. The entire thing is batshit crazy to begin with. They’re so quick to believe a story after everything they’ve seen, but what if she’s lying?
Sam basically reads his mind. “What reason would she have to pretend she’s from the 1940s?”
“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out.”
Sam sighs, but doesn’t bother to stop Dean. He knows that there’s nothing he can say to change his brother’s mind.
Almost as if on cue, Eva comes in, looking tired and wary.
“Sorry…” she says hesitantly, “I was looking for the kitchen.” 
“I can show you–” Sam says, standing.
“Sam, wait.” Dean says firmly, hands on his hips. “We need to talk to you, Eva.”
She looks like a deer in the headlights, and Dean feels his protective instinct kick in, though not for her, for his brother. For Jody, for anyone in his orbit that this woman might have it out for. 
“Who are you?” Dean cuts right to the chase, his voice hard. “Really. Who are you really?”
Sam looks down, jaw clenched, but he doesn’t try to stop the interrogation this time. 
Eva looks shell-shocked. “I’ve told you–” 
“You’ve told us some bullshit story that isn’t adding up. So unless you want to figure out the hard way what it really is my brother and I do, you need to start talking.” 
“I told you who I am. I told you my story, and I know it’s insane, but it’s the truth.” Her voice cracks, and Dean feels a small shred of empathy. A tiny part of him wants to back down, but he doesn’t think he can, not now.
“We’ve been doing research–”
“I’ve been researching.” Sam interrupts, muttering. 
Dean glares at him. “Sam did some research, and he can’t find any record of you. It’s like you don’t exist.” 
He expects her face to harden. He expects something – some kind of maniacal, evil laughter. Something to prove that he’s right, that she’s really a demon out to get them. It doesn’t happen. Her face goes blank. Carefully blank. Practiced.
Something clicks in his brain. “It’s not your real name.” 
Just there - a small tick on the left side of her jaw.
Understanding dawns on Sam’s face. “You’re– undercover?” 
“Intelligence.” She says quietly. 
Dean scrubs a hand over his face. “You have to tell us who you really are or we can’t help you.” 
She straightens. “Do you know how many times I’ve heard that before?” 
Dean looks at her, mouth falling open in anger. “It’s not 1940 anymore! We can’t help you if we can’t figure out where you’re supposed to be–”
“It’s not happening.” Her voice is firm and sharp. “Do you have any idea what I’ve given up–” She stops herself, arms banded tight around her middle, as though she’s trying to keep herself together. “I have given up everything the last few years, my name being one of the things I threw away when I enlisted. It’s not for you to know.” 
Something in her eyes has Dean reeling. She’s serious, deadly serious. He can only imagine how it felt to be told you couldn’t see anyone, talk to anyone, even use your own name. All for the sake of your life and your country. 
There’s something else Dean feels that he didn’t expect. He wants to know her real name. He wants to know her. 
“You can trust us,” Sam says. 
“You say that, but I don’t know that for sure.” She says, shrugging. “I’m Eva. To you, I’m Eva, and to them–” She gestures broadly, “To my unit, to my friends… I’m Eva Simmons. And Eva Simmons has to find her way back. I’m going to do that without being compromised.” 
Dean shakes his head. “We don’t even know where to begin.”
“I’ll tell you as much as I can remember before I was here.”
Sam shrugs. “That’s a good enough place to start.”
Hours go by. Eva feels like she’s being debriefed. She paces, Dean paces, and Sam takes a turn pacing. Jody pops in and offers to help, but Sam and Dean instead offer to drive her home. 
Eva is relieved that she’ll have some time alone. She can’t make sense of this, and she desperately wants some rest.
She finds the kitchen, and begins to help herself, all the while wondering if she’s doing the right thing. Does it matter anymore? If she tells them who she is, who she really is, will that help? Or will it make everything worse? 
She’s in the middle of an unfinished sci-fi novel, and she has no idea how to get her life back on track. 
Keeping secrets and hiding things has become so ingrained in who she is, she’s not sure she remembers how to be herself anymore. She told herself a long time ago that it didn’t matter what she lost, as long as she helped win the war.
She doesn’t know how to let people in, not anymore. 
She does her best not to fidget in her uncomfortable chair in front of the Director, but it’s no use. Her left hand tightens around her right hand in her lap, idly spinning the ring on her right hand around and around. 
The man in front of her hasn’t said a word, not even when she was introduced. He had gestured wordlessly for her to sit down as he read through her file, and that was nearly five minutes ago. 
“Why did you enlist?” He asks, blunt. He doesn’t use her name, he doesn’t use her rank, he doesn’t do anything except stare at her, face blank.
She’s prepared for this. “My brother was at Pearl Harbor.” 
Again, his face gives nothing away. “Dead?” 
“Wounded, sir. I wanted to do my bit.”
He stares at her again, not breaking his gaze even a little. “Are you married?” 
She feels herself flush. “No, sir.”
He closes her file with an audible snap, “Good.” He says. He leans forward on his elbows. “You’re certainly qualified.”
“Sir–” She stops herself, unsure. “I beg your pardon, but qualified for what?” 
“What I’m about to tell you doesn’t leave this room. You can’t tell anyone, not even your parents, not your best friend, not a boyfriend.”
She wants to scowl, but she doesn’t. “Understood, sir.” 
“The United States is launching a special operation that will specialize in intelligence, espionage, and code breaking. You were recommended to me after you enlisted and took your aptitude tests. We’re looking for someone with experience in languages, and high scores in math and science. But we also need someone who can keep cool under pressure.” 
She doesn’t know what to say, so she stays silent. 
“Your work here would be invaluable to the war effort. Anything you do here could have far-reaching consequences, for us, and for the enemy.” 
“I accept.” She says quickly. In the end, there was no choice. She would do what she could to help.
“This would mean you’re giving up life as you know it.” He says, leaning forward again to make his point. “You’ll get a series of aliases to use in case of trouble, and you’re going to have to lie to everyone you know about what you’re working on. And if it comes to it, there’s a chance you’ll be sent overseas.” 
“I’m ready.” She says, her words ringing clear and true in the quiet room. 
Present Day
Eva looks exhausted. She’s cross legged in the chair across from Dean, rifling through a set of record books they dug up from the archive. 
She’s in a pair of borrowed sweats and a t-shirt, and for a minute, he can almost pretend that she’s a normal girl that they met working on any other case. But it’s almost June 6th, and Dean’s not an idiot. 
Nothing happens randomly. He’s learned that the hard way. There’s a reason Eva Simmons is here, days before the anniversary of D-Day. 
“Tell me again,” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose. “What you were doing the day you– left.” 
She sighs. 
“I know–” He sits forward, elbows on his knees. “I just… there’s got to be something we’re missing.” 
“I dropped with the Pathfinders. My objective was to make contact with a member of the French Resistance. I landed fine, alone. I don’t remember anything–” She stops. 
“What?” Dean leans forward. “What?” 
“I ran into some trouble on my way. Nothing I couldn’t handle, but I– I was trying to stick to the woods and only move around at night. I was almost made, and I ran. I fell.” 
Dean makes a face. “And?” 
“I hit my head, I think.” 
Dean sits up, rifling through the book in front of him. “Any chance you remember where you were? Any landmarks…”
Her eyes light up. “A church. I was supposed to meet my contact at this church–”
Dean shoves the book under her nose. He’s pointing to a grainy photo of a church and steeple. The roof looks nearly blown off, and there’s rubble surrounding the grounds. 
“This place was a key resistance hideout during the early days of the war, before America even joined the fight,” he says, shifting so he’s facing her. “The nuns hid people and helped downed airmen. They were bombed right around the time you may have been there.”
Something flashes through her mind, a memory of a distant rumble, and then an explosion. A bright light.
“Jesus Christ.” 
“What?” Dean is leaning forward, eyes focused on her. “Did you remember something?” 
“I know where I was.” 
They stay up all night. Sam finally skids into the room in sock-clad feet, a book that looks like it’s a hundred years old. “I have something.” 
“Wait–” Dean says, holding up his hand. He wants Eva to continue, wants her to get that look on her face that he’s beginning to recognize means she’s putting puzzle pieces together in her mind. 
“Let me see.” She demands, thrusting her hand towards Sam. He comes closer, handing her the book, the pages yellowed and spine soft with age. “That’s it.” She breathes. “Look.” 
She turns the pages towards Dean. There, a description in French, and one in English underneath. “These churches. They’re sister parishes.” She reads aloud the name of the church in French, her accent impeccable. “This one here, it’s in Virginia. Isn’t that near where you found me?” 
Dean feels the breath whoosh out of him when he recognizes the smaller, less clear photo of a church steeple through the trees. It’s not far from where they had parked the Impala the night they found Eva.
Sam frowns. “So…. what? It’s a wormhole or something?” 
She lets out a hysterical laugh. “Or something.” She stands, raking her fingers through her hair. “It’s the best we’ve got, though.”
“We’ll go in the morning.” Sam says, “We don’t have much time.”
The day is spent preparing - Dean has no idea what they’re in for, and yet again, he feels the weight of the world on their shoulders. Why is it always them? He feels a calling to help people, but he wishes sometimes that the burden wasn’t always on him and his brother. 
He’s tired.
“Want some company?” Eva asks from the doorway, and Dean jumps, startled. “Sorry - I’ve gotten used to moving around without making much noise.”
Dean smiles. “I guess you have.” He waves her closer. “Come here for a second, let me show you this stuff.” 
He surprises himself by telling her what he feels he can about hunting. He’s not sure if telling her any of this is going to change things in the present day, but at this point he’s too tired to care. 
Hell, she might not even survive the war, he thinks, and the thought makes his blood feel cold in his veins. He watches her as she runs her fingers over the various weapons - mostly the guns are what catch her attention - and feels a pang deep in his chest at the thought that in a few days they’ll never see her again. 
Not like this, anyway. He shakes the thought away, feeling foolish and sentimental. “Can you tell me anything about what you do? Why’d you enlist?” 
She pauses, meeting his gaze quickly before she takes one of his pistols from the case and begins the familiar motions of stripping it and cleaning it. “My brother was at Pearl Harbor.”
Dean frowns, but doesn’t interrupt. He watches her hands work with careful, precise motions. 
“He was pretty badly wounded, and I was… I was so furious. I wanted to do something to help. Truthfully… I wanted revenge.” She meets his eyes, and though he expected to see regret in her face, it’s not there. Her eyes are clear.
“I went to every women’s recruitment event I could get to in a day’s train ride. Nursing was out of the question - I’d only end up making it worse–” She says, her nose scrunching up when Dean laughs. “I had half a mind to join the Red Cross and become a Clubmobile girl.” 
When he shakes his head, she explains.
“A lot of them are attached to the field hospitals and air bases. They’re going to do a lot of good work - it’s not just coffee and donuts, no matter what men back home say.” She looks up, meeting his gaze once more. “I just don’t have the temperament for it… I was– am– too angry.” 
“That sounds like a normal reaction.” Dean muses. 
He’s fascinated by the way she’s going about her work with the gun, her hands sure and steady as they move over the pieces and clean each one thoroughly. He pictures her a few years younger and wonders if it always came so easily. 
“I was recruited, basically. I still hadn’t found a unit and I was telling someone at a party about it. Two days later, I got a letter telling me to show up to this building in Washington DC – no name, no office name, just an address.”
“The spooks.” Dean jokes.
She laughs. “Yes. Apparently the guy I talked to at the party was actually some junior agent with the OSS–” she stops, “do you still have that?”
Dean shrugs. “Not sure.”
“Well – it was a completely new, secret organization. Focused on espionage and intelligence. I was athletic, spoke French and German, and could do math. That’s really all it took. Whatever else I didn’t know, they taught me.”
“And you ended up in Europe.”
Dean can’t really fathom what she’s telling him. He can’t imagine setting off to do something so monumental at her age. He pauses, wondering if he’s going to get smacked for it. 
“How old are you? I’m not– I just wonder, how old were you when you–”
She grins. “Relax. I’m twenty-seven.”
He whistles. “I– I just can’t believe you had the guts, really.” He stops, watches as she looks at him questioningly. “I’m sorry I was so… I’m used to people lying to me.” He doesn’t quite know why he’s telling her this, but something about her makes him trust her. He feels like he can tell her things he hasn’t told anyone in a long time.
“In your defense, it must seem insane. It still seems that way, to me.” She finishes her task, and hands him his pistol. “For your inspection.” Her voice is light, teasing.
Dean takes it, their hands brushing lightly. “Looks good to me, Private.” His voice is nearly a croak, the quiet moment feeling too soft, too intimate.
“That’s Lieutenant to you, Winchester.” 
Dean’s eyebrows rise, a surprised laugh escaping him. “No shit?”
Eva chuckles. “My college degree had some perks, after all.”
Dean grins.
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tabswrites · 11 months
9 Questions, 9 People
Tagged by @writinglittlebeasts here :)
Gently tagging: @all-write @mthollowell-writes @clairelsonao3 @hd-literature @rachaellawrites @fayeiswriting and uhhh an open tag because I’ve run out of people. As always, no pressure!
Rules: Answer the questions, then tag 9 people.
List three ships:
Eda Clawthorne x Raine Whispers (The Owl House). Great bi/nb rep, especially for older queer couples! Not to mention they are two of the most canonically powerful witches in the show.
Amanita Caplan x Nomi Marks (Sense8). I tear up every time I think about the story of how they met. I would die for them, I really would.
Nico Minoru x Karolina Dean (Runaways). Nico is already one of my fave comic book characters and her relationship with Karolina is so powerful. It was one of the best parts of the show too, until the travesty that was season 3.
Currently listening to?
I have been listening to Childish Gambino a lot lately, especially Zombies.
Last movie you watched?
Clueless. Parts of it didn’t age well but it still has some solid one-liners.
What are you currently reading?
I just started The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. I am also reading As A Stranger, Or A Friend? by @writernopal which has been such a wild ride already and very compelling! Also Between a Rock and a Hard Place by @outpost51 has been taking me on a roller coaster of emotions.
What are you currently watching?
I just finished season one of Outlander, which was different than expected but very interesting. I love a man with curls, what can I say?
What are you currently consuming?
Ginger ale and cool ranch Doritos, and later, mac and cheese. “Day Off Tess” is very unmotivated to feed herself.
What are you currently craving?
Like most days, I want chicken wings. Or a yellow curry ramen bowl from downtown.
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lxvepotiion · 4 months
welcome to kore's writing haven
¸ about me : hih, im kore, 22, an aquarius. i use she/her. bisexual. italian/american 🫶🏻. occasionally a writer but mostly just a procrastinator.
❛ writing preferences/info ,, i'll write anything from smut to fluff to angst. the only things i will not be writing for or entertaining is pedophilia, things like age play, or the like. readers will almost always be female / afab. preferably mdni. but i can't control your media intake. just...reader at your own discretion. don't like it? don't read it. easy to close the app. simply don't interact.
fandoms and characters i write for + masterlist
Bridgerton ,, Anthony Bridgerton. Benedict Bridgerton.
Call of Duty ,, Simon "Ghost" Riley. John Price. Johnny "Soap" Mactavish. König.
Criminal Minds ,, Aaron Hotchner. Spencer Reid. Emily Prentiss.
Game of Thrones ,, Jaime Lannister. Tyrion Lannister. Ser Bronn. Tormund Giantsbane. Robb Stark.
Good Omens ,, Aziraphale. Crowley.
Harry Potter ,, Sirius Black. Remus Lupin. James Potter. Wolfstar x Reader.
NBC's Hannibal ,, Hannibal Lecter. Will Graham. Hannigram x Reader.
House of the Dragon ,, Aemond Targaryen. Alicent Hightower. Daemon Targaryen. Aemond & Helaena x Reader.
Marvel ,, Bucky Barnes. Steve Rogers. Tony Stark. Bruce Banner. Druig. Loki Laufeyson. Andrew!Peter Parker. Stucky x Reader.
Outlander ,, Jamie Fraser.
Once Upon a Time ,, Killian Jones. Rumplestiltskin. Regina Mills. Zelena
Peaky Blinders ,, Thomas Shelby. Arthur Shelby Jr.
Supernatural ,, Dean Winchester. Sam Winchester. Castiel. Rowena MacLeod. Demon!Dean Winchester. Gabriel.
The Vampire Diaries ,, Damon Salvatore. Klaus Mikaelson. Elijah Mikaelson. Kol Mikaelson. Rebekah Mikaelson. Kai Parker. Katherine Pierce. Marcel Gerard.
The Witcher ,, Geralt of Rivia. Jaskier. Yennefer of Vengerberg. Geralt x Yen x Reader.
feel free to browse through my page and let your thoughts fly to my ask box! if you have any requests or questions, don't hesitate to reach out. happy reading! 📚
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dunbonnets · 5 months
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a COMPLETE MASTERLIST of all the fanfiction works, series, and fandoms that DUNBONNETS writes for.
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attack on titan. ━ 1 published fic; incomplete, sporadic updates. 2 drafts; coming soon, dates tbd. no current series.
outlander. ━ 1 published fic; incomplete, sporadic updates. 2 drafts; coming soon, dates tbd. 1 series in progress; incomplete, sporadic updates.
bridgerton. ━ 1 published fic; incomplete, sporadic updates. 3+ drafts; coming soon, dates tbd. 1 series in progress; incomplete, sporadic updates.
marvel cinematic universe. ━ 5 published fics; all incomplete, sporadic updates. 10+ drafts; coming soon, dates tbd. 1 series in progress; incomplete, sporadic updates.
once upon a time. ━ 1 published fic; incomplete, sporadic updates. 10+ drafts; coming soon, dates tbd. 1 series in progress; incomplete, sporadic updates.
the vampire diaries universe. ━ 2 published fics; all incomplete, sporadic updates. 5+ drafts; coming soon, dates tbd. 2 series in progress; both incomplete, sporadic updates.
teen wolf. ━ 1 published fic; incomplete, sporadic updates. 10+ drafts; coming soon, dates tbd. no series in progress.
the umbrella academy. ━ 1 published fic; incomplete, sporadic updates. 1 draft; coming soon, date tbd. 1 series in progress; incomplete, sporadic updates.
mission impossible. ━ 1 published fic; incomplete, sporadic updates. 1 draft; coming soon, date tbd. 1 series in progress; incomplete, sporadic updates.
30 days of night. ━ 1 published fic; incomplete, sporadic updates. no other drafts for fandom. this is the only fic. no series in progress for this fandom.
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of dreams and freedom ( armin arlert × fem!oc, attack on titan ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on ao3.
dark days ( eben oleson × fem!oc, 30 days of night ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3.
no time to die ( ethan hunt × fem!oc, mission impossible ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3.
a touch of death ( dracula's vampire daughter!oc × natasha romanoff ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3.
my bloody valentine ( sheriff!stiles stilinski au ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3.
cursed ( elijah mikaelson × fem!oc ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3.
somewhere only we know ( diego hargrees × fem!oc ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3.
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the sands of time saga ( outlander )
  book i. ━ labour of love ( traveller oc × oc ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3. written by liz.
  book ii. ━ deep hearts core ( fraser sibling!oc × oc ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3. written by andrea.
the earth-5871 series ( mcu )
  out of time ( pre-serum steve rogers × fem!oc ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3.
  infinite galaxies ( peter quill × fem!oc ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3.
  viper ( tony stark × fem!oc ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3.
  symbiosis ( hope van dyne × fem!oc ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3.
  catch the wind ( sersi × male!oc // eternals ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3.
a series of love stories ( bridgerton )
  book i. ━ paper rings ( bridgerton!oc × oc ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3. written by andrea.
  book ii. ━ cruel summer ( bridgerton!oc × oc ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3. written by bee.
  book iii. ━ gold rush ( colin bridgerton ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3. written by bee.
the bloodlines saga ( tvdu )
  book i. ━ broken wings ( stefan salvatore ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3. written by andrea.
  book ii. ━ dead girl walking ( caroline forbes ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3. written by liz.
  book iii. ━ ruin of me ( damon salvatore ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3. written by daniella.
the unsung heroes saga ( supernatural )
  book i. ━ live before you die ( dean winchester ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3. written by liz.
  book ii. ━ the ballad of henry winchester ( winchester brother!oc × oc ) ✶ fic tag. available to read only on wp & ao3. written by andrea.
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    the banners used were made by @cafekitsune.
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stellaluna33 · 1 year
Have you watched Outlander? Because now I want to talk of au where Rory comes back in time while being with Dean or maybe when she’s 17ish and meets Jess in the 18th century and falls in love with him and marries him later on and then comes back to 21th century 😭 And of course everyone in Stars Hollow (including Lorelai) thinks she’s dead or something and cannot be found 😭
I have not seen or read Outlander! But I've heard a lot about it, and seen a lot of gifsets. 😆 But that would be swoon-worthy! Have you ever read the poem "the Highwayman"? Well, that's what comes to mind when I picture an 18th century version of Jess, I admit. 😂
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Supernatural 2.0: #31 The Flower of the Moon
[Back to Foreword and #1 Meet Kira or #30 Surrender]
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It was a real pleasure to be somewhere in the nature finally. No, it’s not that Sam didn’t like the Bunker. On the contrary, he adored it for its safety, comfortable beds, wide range of supernatural artefacts, but primarily - for the rich, centuries old library, of course. 
Still, sometimes Sam felt like he needed a break from the reddish underground light of the hallways and monotonous buzzing of ventilation machines.
Oh, and, yes, those two also needed some days of privacy. Finally. 
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So, Sam treated his hunt for a rare (if not inexistent - no guarantees there) and crucial for the “anti-Eve potion” Moonpetal Flower in the freshness of Moonwood Mill woods as a great opportunity to restore his level of admiration towards the Bunker. Luckily, his hunt was not a solo one. 
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With Eileen Leahy, a hunter from overseas, Sam became acquainted a year and a half ago, when he and Dean were investigating a series of mysterious murders on the border of Evergreen Harbour and Komorebi. It appeared, that the murders were committed by an ancient dark-forced mountain fairy, who originated from Eileen’s motherland and who murdered Eileen’s parents. 
The fairy was hunted down successfully and quickly, and Eileen went back to her tiny hut in Moonwood Mill, leaving Sam zero chances to get to know a pretty outlander closer. It goes without saying, that an urgent trip to the town of woods was taken by Sam with increased excitement exactly because Eileen agreed to help him find the mysterious Flower of the Moon. 
Upon arrival, Sam briefed Eileen on the Eve case (after raining a dozen of compliments on Eileen, of course), and they decided to start their search from the local library, famous for its vast collection of ancient books on werewolves.
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Eileen introduced Sam to Wolfgang Wider, the librarian and a member of the ruling werewolf pack in Moodwood Mill (as Eileen has explained to Sam on their way to the library, the Moonwood Collective pack was devotedly enforcing the Order of the Sages, making sure that every single wolf of the town behaved). Wolfgang admitted, that he had once read about the Moonpetal Flower and directed Sam and Eileen to the herbal section of his book kingdom. 
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They spent the rest of the day digging up for evidence. Luckily, both appeared to be passionate bookworms and enjoyed the rustle of old paper and the spiciness of book dust at its most. 
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Their efforts were paid off: from one of the ancient manuscripts on werewolf cure Sam found out, that the Moonpetal Flower “is usually found in highlands” and “blossoms at full moon only”. 
“Well, then we have only one option,” concluded Eileen. 
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They found the Flower on the top of the local Rocky Mountain next to the Lunar Lake. The full moon was two days close, so the flower buds were already clearly seen. 
“I believe, we have nothing else than wait for the full moon,” said Sam, examining the flower. 
“Should we have a drink then?” responded Eileen with a wide smile. “The local bar serves excellent beer.”
Well, who could say no to a glass of excellent beer… 
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And to a pretty girl. 
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The spark, that has certainly emerged in between the two of them back in the mountains of Evergreen, seemed to flame up with new, increased, intensity. 
Or did the mysterious wild beauty of the local woods and waters contributed to speeding the passion flare up? 
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The two days seemed like two weeks. During their energetic joggings and long walks in the woods, they learnt everything about each other: their past and present, their interests and fears, their dreams and regrets. 
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They were very much alike: passionate for sports, wellness and books, fearing loneliness and losses, and dreaming of a simple family home. The most important thing that they’ve learnt, however, was the never fading intention to spend every single second with each other. 
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Their hunt for the magic flower started exactly at the full moon midnight. The woods were surprisingly calm and peaceful, when Sam and Eileen headed to the Rocky Mountain. Sam had to admit, that even a werewolf town could be nice if it is ruled by a well-behaving pack. 
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When they completed their hike up the Mountain, the big white bells of the Moonpetal Flower were already waiting for them. They took three flowers (just in case) and returned to Eileen’s hut. 
It was time for Sam to head back to Brindleton Bay, no matter how much he wished he could extend his unexpectedly beautiful trip. Packing his bag after a short sleep and a light tasty breakfast prepared by Eileen, he was desperately thinking of a nearest future chance to visit Eileen again. Sadly he had to admit, that with the Eve’s case uncertainty this chance could arrive not soon (if at all). 
It was Eileen, who pushed him to a solution.
“You know, I would be happy to visit you in Brindleton some time soon,” she said watching him finish his packing. “I miss the sea, I grew up next to it. And they say the Bay is very pretty in Brindleton. But I will visit only if you are fine with that.”
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You’re such an idiot, Winchester.
“Why don’t you come with me right now? You can stay as long as you want. There’s surely enough space for four people in the Bunker.”
She froze and gave him a cute look of shy puzzlement.
“Are you sure about it?”
“Hundred percent sure. So, are you coming?”
She hesitated but then the puzzlement on her face faded away and in its place a bright happy smile appeared.
“Fantastic!” exclaimed Sam. “Just, please, keep in mind, that my brother is a master of stupid jokes. Kira is handling him nicely, but she happens to join his mischiefs from time to time.”
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Luckily, both Dean and Kira behaved that day. Dean recalled only one embarrassing moment from “Samy’s childhood”, so Sam had to blush once only. Kira tried to interest Eileen with a new album of a famous band and a cooking show. Eileen was a fan of neither, so she had to simply smile and nod at Kira’s inspired monologue. 
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In all, the introduction of Eileen to the Bunker folks went well, considering the untamed characters of the elder Winchester and his ginger baby…
[Read next: #32 The Circumstance]
{Behind the Scenes (Sam & Eileen)}
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ylva-syverson · 1 year
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
1. Elizabeth Bennett (Pride and Prejudice)
2. Aragorn (Lord Of The Rings)
3. Kate Austen (Lost)
4. Cyd/Codex (The Guild)
5. Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
6. Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) but do I really love Jaskier too
7. Moira ( The Handmaid’s Tale Hulu series though I’ve read both the handmaid’s tale and the Testaments as well)
8. Murtagh ( Outlander) I do love Claire & Jamie Fraser too but Murtagh makes me smile, he’s cranky and y’all know my love for cranky teddybears.
9. Aziraphale ( Good Omens)
10. Walter Marshall (Night Hunter) he was a complex character and a grumpy teddybear and again I like that.
I think I sent this to 6 or 7 people but anyway if anyone wants to do it you can.
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pink-sparkly-witch · 7 months
10 Fandoms/ 10 Characters/ 10 Tags
Thanks @wayward-dreamer and @winchestergirl2 for the tag! I don’t have 10 fandoms, but here’s the ones I do/did have:
1. Supernatural - Dean Winchester
2. Big Sky - Beau Arlen
3. The Walking Dead - Negan
4. Sons of Anarchy - Jax Teller
5. Outlander - Jamie Fraser
6. Chicago Fire - Kelly Severide
That’s about it for me, but I will give special mention to the fandoms and characters that got me into reading fanfic MANY years ago:
7. E.R - Noah Carter
8. Lord of the Rings - Legolas
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everyoneexceptme · 3 years
a little domestic destiel scene
my contribution to the @takethefandomtowork challenge 😌
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This is I think the longest I’ve spent on an art piece. 24 hours of straight drawing over the last 3 months, but it was so much fun! Especially deciding on what to put on the shelf and what are they gonna wear and what book will I let Dean read (it’s Outlander btw :D)
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mrsalwayswrite · 2 years
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I recently passed the milestone of 1K followers and am beyond honored that so many people would want to follow me and my random postings. I have met so many wonderful people on this site that have quickly become friends. You guys are all incredible!
So to celebrate I'm hosting a small challenge! Yay!
I love all kinds of fanfiction but my absolute favorite are AUs. So with that in mind, my challenge is going to be an Alternative Universe challenge!! Participants can choose an AU and base their contribution around that.
This challenge is open to everyone - friends, mutuals, acquaintances, we've never spoken but creeped on each other's blogs, you happened to just stumble upon this posting and are intrigued - the more the merrier!
Rules & Prompts are below the cut!
-To participate you can write something, create a moodboard, edit, color palette or even a gif set.
-Please use Read More if your writing is over 500 words.
-You don't have to follow me to participate.
-Can be any pairing - x reader, x OC, canon couple. Or no romantic pairing at all.
-Use appropriate tag warnings.
-No underage fics, choking kink, humiliation kink, watersports, non-con.
-Up to 2 different people can use a prompt, then I'll cross it out.
-Feel free to choose more than one prompt, if you're inspired.
-Use the tag mzAUparty and make sure to tag me in your contribution also!
-Send me an ask with the prompt you want, so I can keep track of everything easily.
-Fandoms you can choose from: Vikings, Peaky Blinders, The Last Kingdom, Band of Brothers, Marvel, Fury movie, The Witcher, Outlander
Deadline: December 31, 2022
AU Prompts:
• Regency AU - @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
• Biker AU - @tvserie-s-world (?)
• A/B/O AU
• Pirates AU
• Fairytale AU
• Meet Cute AU - @sophieshelby
• Arranged Marriage AU - @geekandbooknerd
• Bodyguard AU - @geekandbooknerd / @youbloodymadgenius
• Time travel AU - @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
• Mafia AU
• Coffeeshop AU - @notyour-valentine
• Dystopia/Post-apocalypse AU - @solinarimoon / @grimeundglow / @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
• Royalty AU - @geekandbooknerd / @runnning-outof-time
• Lumberjack AU
• Detective AU
• High School AU
• College AU
• Roommates AU -@emilyhufflepufftlk
• Soulmates AU - @typewritersandfanfiction
• (Rock) Band AU - @serasvictoria / @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
• Futuristic AU - @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
• Magic AU - @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
• Supernatural/Mythological Creatures AU - @lilyrachelcassidy
• Assassins AU - @errruvande
• Monster Hunters AU - @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
If you have a different AU you wish to use, just let me know!
(Shout out to @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie for helping with prompts)
Tagging those who might be interested: @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @youbloodymadgenius @geekandbooknerd @tvserie-s-world @doctorwhoandfairytaillover @solinarimoon @punkrocknpearls @quantumlocked310 @runnning-outof-time @errruvande
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cutestkilla · 2 years
Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me @creepyspice and @captain-aralias, it’s nice to learn more about you beyond our shared Snowbaz obsession!
Three ships: Snowbaz is my number one by a long shot, but my brain has also been rotted this past year by Thyon/Ruza from Strange the Dreamer (I joined Laini Taylor’s Patreon just for the short story she wrote about them, which if you read the series and enjoyed them as a pairing, I recommend highly), and I had an insane book hangover from the most recent book in Samantha Shannon’s The Bone Season series featuring one of the slowest slow burns that’s ever been burned, Paige/Warden.
First ship: My very first true ship obsession was Lois Lane and Clark Kent (basic, I know), courtesy of the TV series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman in which both Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher were extremely hot. I used to make my parents serve me dinner on Sunday evenings in their bedroom so I could record every episode on VHS without commercials…
Last movie: I just finished watching Encanto, which was lovely. I rarely get a chance to watch movies these days (because by the time I sit down to watch TV I can usually barely stay awake for one TV episode, let alone a feature-length film), but I’m dying to watch Power of the Dog.
Currently watching: Season 2 of Raised by Wolves, Ridley Scott’s excellent and super-creepy series featuring two androids raising human children on Kepler 22b. Also, The Righteous Gemstones.
Currently reading: I have been listening to the Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone (the latest in the Outlander series) audiobook since the beginning of December, but also just picked up The Folk of the Air trilogy. I just keep getting detained starting it by all of the excellent fic coming up daily.
Currently consuming: White chocolate crème brûlée bark. Very good.
Currently craving: Yeah, the answer is pretty well always chocolate but I also have some Rockets valentine’s candy (another Canadian classic) so I might get down with that.
Favourite colour: Teal is my beloved, just ask all my throw pillows. And my duvet cover. And my kitchen stools. And my other throw pillows.
Last song I listened to: Pretty Little Head by Eliza Rickman (from @whatevertheweather’s The Space In Between playlist, which is all around great and resulted in my adding several new things to my rotation).
Sweet, savoury or spicy: Sweet by a million miles. I have a renowned sweet tooth (see crème brûlée bark above)!
Currently working on: I’m still working away on the illustration I previewed yesterday, and also a few other illustration WIPs, and just putting my brain to work on ideas for CO Reverse Bang that would be inspiring enough for someone to want to write a fic.
Hi to @whatevertheweather (you’re already tagged on this anyway for your primo playlist) @fatalfangirl @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @technetiumai and @bookish-bogwitch – I would love to hear more about you all, if you’re so inclined!
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
TV Guide, February 1-14
You can now buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: The Hot List -- Outlander’s Sam Heughan on Men in Kilts
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Page 1: Contents, Your Feedback 
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Page 2: Ask Matt -- Call Me Kat, Las Vegas with Josh Duhamel, Lucky Dog, Coming Next Issue -- TV Guide Magazine’s February 15 issue cover story is When Calls the Heart 
Page 4: TV Insider -- 25 top shows 
Page 5: First Look -- Aisha Hinds and Rob Lowe in 9-1-1: Lone Star as wildfires devastate the Austin area, The Show We’re Talking About in the Office -- Prodigal Son, The Big Number -- 70 is the staggering number of original movies Netflix plans to release this year with at least one new title each week 
Page 6: The Roush Review -- WandaVision 
Page 7: Resident Alien, Snowpiercer, The Long Song 
Page 8: Hot List 2021 -- read on for 32 reasons to love TV now including beautiful stars and jaw-dropping drama and sizzling costar chemistry plus puppies! -- Hot Scots -- Sam Heughan on Men in Kilts 
Page 9: Hot Topic -- Grey’s Anatomy, Hot Mess -- Tom Payne on Prodigal Son’s Malcolm Bright, Hot on the Trail -- TV Investigators Clarice Starling of Clarice and Eliza Scarlet of Miss Scarlet & the Duke and Tom Brannick of Bloodlands 
Page 10: Hot Chemistry -- NCIS’ Ellie Bishop and Nick Torres, Warm Sendoff -- a tribute to Alex Trebek, Hot Heroine -- Javicia Leslie on Batwoman 
Page 11: Hot Spot -- Space, Hot Dogs -- Puppy Bowls’ pooches, Hot Groundbreaker -- The Bachelor’s Matt James, Hot Soap -- General Hospital 
Page 12: Hot Trend -- costar couples like Scott Bakula and Chelsea Field on NCIS: New Orleans and Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone on God’s Favorite Idiot and Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Hilarie Burton on The Walking Dead, Hot Property -- Fixer Upper: Welcome Home, Hot Competition -- new game shows, Burning Hot -- the cast of Station 19 
Page 13: Hot Home Theater -- streaming movies, Red Hot -- Conan O’Brien, Hot Streak -- Reese Witherspoon, Hot Hosts -- Tina Fey and Amy Poehler 
Page 18: What’s Worth Watching -- Week 1 -- Queen Latifah on The Equalizer 
Page 19: Monday, February 1 -- The Investigation, Roots, All American Stories, Atlanta Justice, 9-1-1: Lone Star, Golden Turkeys on TCM 
Page 20: Tuesday, February 2 -- Charlie’s Angels, The Resident, Finding Your Roots -- Jane Lynch and Jim Gaffigan, Home Again With the Fords, Wednesday, February 3 -- Chicago Med, Super Bowl Greatest Commercials 2021, Europe’s New Wild 
Page 21: Thursday, February 4 -- Al Davis vs. the NFL, Married at First Sight: Australia, Summer House, Impractical Jokers
Page 22: Friday, February 5 -- Made in Italy, Killer Advice, Gold Rush, Magnum P.I., In Concert at the Hollywood Bowl -- Katy Perry and John Williams 
Page 24: Saturday, February 6 -- Wonder Woman, Whitney Houston & Bobbi Kristina: Didn’t We Almost Have It All, Beverly Hills Wedding, Devil May Care 
Page 26: Sunday, February 7 -- Super Bowl LV, Kitten Bowl VIII, Crikey! It’s the Irwins!, Miss Scarlet & the Duke 
Page 27-41: TV listings 
Page 42: Stream It! Your guide to the very best streaming available now -- Netflix -- Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer, The Ripper, The Staircase, three reasons to binge The Crew 
Page 43: Katherine Heigl and Sarah Chalke on Firefly Lane, new movies for every mood -- I want sci-fi thrills...Outside the Wife, I want to be scared...Red Dot, I want international drama...The White Tiger, I want family comedy...Charming 
Page 44: Prime Video -- Anna Paquin on Flack, Dexter, Black History Month Movies -- One Night in Miami, Sylvie’s Love, Freedom, What I’m Bingeing: Mozart in the Jungle 
Page 45: Hulu -- 5 great rom-coms for Valentine’s Day -- Date Night, 50 First Dates, Palm Springs, The Princess Bride, The Wedding Planner, BritBox -- The Pembrokeshire Murders, A Confession, The Heist at Hatton Garden, The Moorside 
Page 46: New Movie Releases 
Page 47: Series, Specials & Documentaries 
Page 48: What’s Worth Watching -- Week 2 -- Robin Roberts on Tuskegee Airmen: Legacy of Courage 
Page 49: Monday, February 8 -- Black Lightning, Monk, Ellen’s Game of Games, Street Outlaws, Antiques Roadshow, Crossing Lines, American Greed 
Page 50: Tuesday, February 9 -- Clarence Stewart on Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, House Hunters International, The Food That Built America, Battlestar Galactica 
Page 51: Wednesday, February 10 -- Louise Keoghan on Tough as Nails, Big Bend: The Wild Frontier of Texas, Name That Tune, Chicago P.D., Hart to Hart 
Page 52: Thursday, February 11 -- Clarice, Days of Our Lives, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Young Sheldon 
Page 53: Friday, February 12 -- Henry Ian Cusick on MacGyver, TCM Romantic Weekend Getaway, Ancient Aliens, Hip Hop Uncovered, Saturday, February 13 -- 30 Coins, Playing Cupid 
Page 54: Sunday, February 14 -- American Idol, Crossword Mysteries: Terminal Descent
Page 55-74: TV listings 
Page 80: Cheers & Jeers -- cheers to Jeopardy!, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, The Good Doctor’s Christina Chang, The Goldbergs, jeers to the Sex and the City sequel, This Is Us, Riverdale’s Auteur storyline 
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treeseyes71 · 2 years
So I'm late to the Outlander party. I came across the first episode in August of 2020 (binged through Season 4), just last year. Nonchalantly watching, and then BAM.....I was hit right in the gut with Jamie Fraser. Dadgum! At first I was a "Jamie Only", because Sam was just not my type...I like the overweight, funny guys (like my husband😉). That changed after the first Sam interview and fan interaction I witnessed. I am 50 years old, and haven't had a crush on a celebrity since 1984 when I wanted to marry Simon LeBon from Duran Duran. Imagine my surprise when I realized I was smitten. The man just oozed charisma, charm, humility, and wrapped up in the body and face of a Greek God....geeze Louise!!!🥵 Well then I found out there were books. Oh crap!!! How did I miss those?!?! Oh yeah....I was reading Stephen King, Lee Child, and Dean Koontz.🙄 I quickly ran to the local library and snatched up the 1st book and read it in 3 days. (I'm a fast reader🤷‍♀️). Ordered the 1st 5 off of Amazon the next day. Watched the 1st 4 seasons again....and heard about this thing called "Droughtlander". It didn't last long for me, thank heavens. Season 5 came pretty quickly, and now 🐝🐝!! I incessantly bother my husband with "did you know Sam [insert Sam fact here]" to his eyerolls and fake puking noises. (He says Sam has 🐔 legs🤣) The series and books have given our marriage "new life" (😉😉).
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I think the takeaway here is that the Outlander books are beautifully written to represent marriage the way it should be. Standing the test of time, for better or for worst, in sickness and in health....all the things I vowed when I married my soul mate, my helpmate. Sam (and Cait) just happen to play the part beautifully and their chemistry is something I just can't figure out. In the history of television, I have never experienced co-stars bonding and reacting to each other the way these two do.
I will end by saying, there is a ship, and I am a passenger along for the ride. If that makes me a fool....so be it.
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spnfanficpond · 3 years
Pond Diving - Imagineteamfreewill
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Welcome to today’s Pond Diving Spotlight! We hope that you enjoy this little insight to our members and perhaps even find some useful tips for your own writing. Happy reading!
Want to volunteer, send us an ask! We’re looking forward to learning more about all of you! Not sure what PD is, you can learn more here.
“Don’t Be Koi About It” - All About You
Name: Meg
Age: 20s
Location: United States
URL: @imagineteamfreewill
Why did you choose your URL: I first started out structuring my stories as imagines, and the “Team Free Will” part was pretty obvious.
What inspired you to become a writer: Reading Supernatural fanfiction inspired me to get back into writing, but I’ve always enjoyed it. My mom likes to talk about how when I was in Kindergarten, I drew a picture about how I wanted to be an author and now I write in my free time.
How long have you been writing: According to tumblr, I’ve been writing fanfiction since 2014, but I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember.
What do you do when you are not writing i.e. Job/Hobbies etc? I’m a music teacher, so I sing and play piano, and I’ve played a bit of cello and tenor saxophone as well. I love movies, baking, sleeping, and a few video games.
How long have you been in the SPN Fandom? I joined sometime around Season 8 or 9, I think. I don’t really remember!
Are you in any other fandoms and do you write for them? I really enjoy Marvel and I’ve read a lot of Marvel fics, but I don’t write for them. I like a lot of TV shows (New Girl, Parks and Rec, The Good Place, Outlander, etc), but I wouldn’t consider myself part of the fandom.
Do you do any writing outside of fanfiction? If so, tell us about it? I love to write poetry. I had a poetry blog at truenorth-ink a while ago, but I haven’t updated it recently at all. Most of my poems aren’t published or posted anywhere.
Favorite published author: I love some of the early series by Rick Riordan and I also really enjoy poetry by Nikita Gill and Atticus. Lately, I've really been getting into Leigh Bardugo's books.
Have you ever read a book that made an impact on your life? Which one and why?: I think "East" by Edith Pattou really affected me! I read it when I was in 6th-8th grade and I think about it often. I think it's something that really stuck with me and got me interested in fantasy books so much. I read it at least once a year.
Favorite genre of fanfic (smut, angst, fluff, crack, rpf, etc): I love angsty stuff, and most of the time I prefer it when it has some fluff mixed in. Straight fluff is often hard for me to read because I need something that’s more realistic for my own life and point of view. I also really like whump, but that can be a lot sometimes so it depends on my mood.
Favorite piece of your own writing: I don’t know if I have a favorite, but I loved writing Back to the Start (my mermaid series) and The Switch (a canon-divergent apocalyptic Reader x Sam series). Right now, I'm really enjoying my Consort series (a Goddess!Reader x Dean series). Creating my own rules in my own little universes is one of my favorite things to do, especially since I can’t always do whatever I want in real life.
Most underrated fic you have written: Empire. I loved getting to write Boyking!Sam because it was so different from my normal Sam stories and I did a lot of research for it. I’m pretty proud that the story never got too bloody or gory, too, so if you want some Boyking!Sam that’s not drenched in blood (for lack of a better term), I’m your girl!
Story of yours that you’d most like to see turned into a movie/tv show: Probably Back to the Start or The Switch. I think those two series would be amazing to see with J2, the rest of the cast/characters I included, and special effects! There’s so much I’d want to explore with both of them that I didn’t put into the series.
Favorite Tumblr Writer(s): @luci-in-trenchcoats, @sunlightdances, @supernaturalfreewill, @lipstickandwhiskey, @smol-and-grumpy, @percywinchester27, and @kaz2y5-imagines
Favorite fic from another writer:  I don’t think I could pick just one, but I’ve read all of @sunlightdances Dean fics multiple times. Her works got me through some pretty sucky times in my life and I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of her writing! I’ve also been reading her Bucky fics recently and it’s made me love Marvel fics even more than before!​
Favorite character to write: Sam Winchester
Favorite Pairing to write: Reader x Sam (Reader x Dean is a close second)
Least favorite character to write (and why): I don’t like to write for Crowley or Gabriel. Gadreel is hard for me even though I can do it, but I don’t understand Crowley or Gabriel’s personalities at all because they’re literally so far away from mine.
Do you have anyone you consider a mentor? No, although @lipstickandwhiskey and @kaz2y5-imagines really encouraged me in my writing!​
Do you have any aspirations involving your writing? I would love to write a non-Supernatural work of fiction to publish, but that’s a long way off.
How many work-in-progress stories do you have: Oh Lord, I have so many! I have at least four series and two one shots in the works right now. I've also got over 100 one shots/series plotlines written out in the notes on my phone and various Google Docs.
What are you currently working on? I’m currently working on a Cinderella series, my Underworld series, my Puer Rex series, my Consort series, an Author!Sam fic, and an Author!Dean fic. I also write stories for my Words series now and again.
“Pond Diving” - All About The Writing
What/who has had the biggest influence on your writing? Reading other people’s work. The intense storylines of @luci-in-trenchcoats ’s fics have gotten me to be more bold with my writing and the emotions and description in @supernaturalfreewill’s works have inspired me to let my work have more feeling.
Best writing advice you've been given: Not necessarily writing advice, but I was once told that anything worth doing is worth doing at least a little bit every day. Think about it—if you wrote even just five minutes a day, how much better will you get over the course of a month? A year?
Biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your writing: Repetition of words and commas. So many commas and so many uses of the same word over and over again. It’s a hard balance between using the word and using synonyms without sounding like I’m sitting there googling synonyms for “said”. I also tend to spend a lot of time on things that I think are super important but aren’t really important in the long run. I’m wordy as hell and my writing would be dull if I didn’t edit it as thoroughly as I do.
What aspects of writing do you find difficult when you write fanfiction? A lot of times I have these ideas that I think would make a great series but I don’t think through them, so planning out the plot of a series (or even a standalone fic) beforehand is something I struggle with.
Is there anything you want to write but are afraid to (and why): I would love to write more fics that have the characters dealing with severe mental disorders or that take place in a mental hospital, but I’m afraid that I’ll portray something wrong and solidify harmful stereotypes about what it’s like to deal with those things.
What inspires/motivates you to write: Honestly, just wanting to write things that I enjoy. Sometimes I get sick of reading other peoples’ stuff since it’s not exactly what I want, so I just write my own!
How do you deal with self doubt: Understand that sometimes it happens. You’ll doubt yourself—everybody does. If I’m doubting myself or my writing, I’ll take a break until I remember why I write. Then I’ll remember that yeah, writing for an audience is fun, but I write because I have cool ideas I want to explore, not because I need the attention or love of strangers. Lastly, I’ll reread my old fics, especially the ones I love, and then I’ll go back and edit old fics that I haven’t looked at in a while. That way I can see how I’ve improved and I don’t feel so terrible anymore! Reading my own fics is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, and I’ll read through my masterlists every once a while just to remind myself of the things I’ve loved, where I’ve been, and where I’m going.
How do you deal with writer's block: Like I said, I reread old fics and edit old fics that I haven’t looked at in a while. Seeing the things I’ve done before always helps to focus me. I’ll also read other people’s stuff or talk about headcanons with some friends to try and find some inspiration.
Do you plan/outline your story before you start: Lately I have been, but only because my periods of intense inspiration and productivity are getting farther and farther apart because of my job. I’ve found planning it out to be more and more helpful, especially for my series. A lot of times if I get a great idea, I’ll outline the whole plot or any significant details I want to put in that one shot/series so that I can come back to it whenever I have the time or I’m inspired for it again.
Do you have any weird writing habits: I write best in places that are unfamiliar to me or in places/times where I shouldn’t be writing. Class? Writing. Airport terminal? Writing. 4am when I have to be up at 6? Writing.
Have you ever received hateful comments on your fic and how do you deal with it? Not that I remember! I feel like there’s probably been one or two over the years, but I probably just got upset about it with my friends for a while and then got over it.
Conversely: what’s been some of your favorite feedback on your fanfic? A long time ago, when I was writing Back to the Start, I had one person who sent me asks for every single series update. I screenshotted them and saved them on my laptop. There’s one particular one where they say that they’re happier because of my writing and honestly, isn’t that what we all strive for? That people’s lives are better because of our stories? I’ve also had some pretty great friends recently who’ve made it a point to reblog and send asks/messages on all my works, which has been so meaningful that I never replied to the asks. They’re sitting in my inbox and I go through and reread them sometimes when I’m feeling down.
If you could give one piece of advice to a new and/or struggling writer, what would it be?  ​Write down everything. If you come up with an amazing piece of dialogue, even if it’s just one sentence or one person talking, or if you come up with something you’d think would be a great title… WRITE IT DOWN. It doesn’t matter if it fits into whatever you’re currently writing or not, it’ll come in handy! I don’t know how many times I’ve gone through my idea list and found really obscure lines/titles/inspiration that didn’t make sense when I wrote them down, but are now exactly what I need to finish a fic. Even if you don’t end up using it, jotting down your ideas is still writing, and that’s good practice!
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Becca’s Reblog Challenge
I am participating in a reblog challenge hosted by @beccaanne814.  This is my weekly update for the challenge
A little light on reading time this week, but there are some great stories to check out.
Dean Winchester’s Witch Reblog Masterlist
Golden Cage -Chapter.15 - @smol-and-grumpy. Author’s Summary: She’s a spoiled little princess — at least that’s what people say. Her father is the King of all Kings, the man who everyone fears. Then, along comes Dean Winchester, the one guy who manages to see into her soul, but — — is Dean really who he says he is?
Second Chances, Ch 5 - @waywardbaby. Author’s Summary: He is a man starting new, seeking a second chance after everything he ever loved was lost. She is a woman running away from her past, trying to forget and make a new beginning.Their paths cross at “Second Chances”, a bar that may very well mean its name and help both of them find exactly what they’re looking for.
Only Ever Been You - @winchest09. Author’s Summary: Y/N couldn’t continue playing the game anymore, knowing that her heart couldn’t take another fake attempt at happiness. When her mask finally falls, her secrets pass her lips.
Wet Enough? - @winchest09. Author’s Summary: On a rare day off from hunting, Y/N and the Winchester’s decided to make the most of the fine weather. Whilst sunbathing, Dean decides to give his Baby a wash…a sight that Y/N is fully appreciative of.
The One Where You Go Flat On Your Ass - @sebbytrash. Author’s Summary: AU Reader is an Art Major and needs a life model for a major assessment. The catch? It’s gotta be a stranger.
Thursdays - @waywardnerd67. Author’s Summary: Jensen reflects on all the wonderful things that Supernatural brought into his.
Heritage - @cleighwrites. Author’s Summary: Jared is the King of the Wolf Realm with heightened wolf qualities, while Jensen is the Prince of the Dragon Realm with equally unique dragon abilities. The two realms are at war with each other with regard to the outlands. Jared flees from a losing battle only to meet the son of his enemy, Prince Jensen, in the woods. By accident, Jared nearly kills Jensen, and they grow closer when Jared does the only thing he can do to save his life.
Good Morning-Chapter 7 - @smol-and-grumpy. Author’s Summary: Dean Winchester, owner of Dean’s Beans is living a humble and quiet life. Roasting beans and selling coffee in his little shop is what makes him happy. When she walked into his shop four months ago, his life changed, but is it for better or worse?
Life on Tour-Chapter Nine-The Bus - @waywardbeanie. Author’s Summary: Jensen Ackles had starred in Supernatural for the past 15 years, a television show that transformed his life. Now that it’s coming to an end, he has to decide on his next adventure, one that will take him on tour with his band, Radio Company.  Y/N is a small-town girl making a name for herself, documenting life on the road for some of the biggest bands in the world. Will this decision be one that changes the course of their lives forever?
Quarantomb - @crashdevlin. Author’s Summary: Dean locks you in a tomb to wait out the time it takes to see if you’ve been infected. You’re not happy about it.
Golden Cage -Chapter.16 - @smol-and-grumpy. Author’s Summary: She’s a spoiled little princess — at least that’s what people say. Her father is the King of all Kings, the man who everyone fears. Then, along comes Dean Winchester, the one guy who manages to see into her soul, but — — is Dean really who he says he is?
Camp Wayward (1: Initiation) - @cockslut-padalecki. Author’s Summary: Camp Wayward was meant to be a new start for Y/N; a way to escape the life she was running from. But almost as soon as she arrives, she realises that her problems have only just begun.
Port in a Storm-Chapter 7 - @wayward-and-worn. Author’s Summary: Dean and Corey get closer.  Sam has a job.
The One at The Beach - @justagirlinafandomworld. Author’s Summary: A friends’ weekend at the beach churns up drama as Dean wants to know why exactly you won’t consider him to be your fake-boyfriend for an upcoming office party. Enter a well-meaning Charlie and loads of alcohol.
Good Boy - @smol-and-grumpy. Author’s Summary: The first time she walked in on Dean fingering himself open was awkward. That first time brought him into the situation he is in now. On all fours, on his bed.
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preempire-a · 3 years
Going to throw a few fandoms your way, for you to pick one (or more) you're familiar with ^-^ : Pirates of the Carribean, Harry Potter, Charmed, Supernatural, Outlander.
send fandom, get shitty preempire-flavoured muse
DUDE....................... ok i’ve never seen charmed nor outlander BUT i have seen all the POTC stuff (embarrassing), have s1 knowledge of SPN (and whatever appears on tumblr as GIFs because uhhhhhh i have problems it’s fine), and have not watched any but did read all of harry potter (but like a million years ago) so this is. just. it’s fine
potc: jack sparrow :( i hate that for me... but a pre-english speaking lance was super into jack/will LMAO. i used to rp on a japanese forum for square enix characters and i had a will i shipped with my jack but like kingdom hearts flavour... the good old days... and also i’d write davy jones but i think i’d only want to write him for shallow reasons and not give him what he deserves in the long run
spn: DEAN WINCHESTER IS MY TYPE FOR WRITING AND I REALLY HATE THAT FOR ME but i’m a canon purist so my dean winchester would be pretty fuckin’ terrible, actually. why delete canon when you can deal with the mess that writing has turned a character??????? i ask u this.
harry potter: james or sirius. one of those marauders dudes. potentially the bill weasley guy? it’s surreal that i’ve never written for harry potter now that i think about it but i think i like harry potter AUs more than actually playing the canon characters themselves din djarin would be a hufflepuff type if he were magic... in my mind i imagine him finding the magic school for the magic baby that he pseudo-adopted and then the sorting hat’s like. lmao aren’t u magic too. and din’s like what the hell are you talking about... and that’s how he finds out.................. he isn’t a muggle after all :’)
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