#Don’t ask me a single thing; don’t tell me a single thing; I’m literally useless for the entire duration of that experience.
chilapis · 23 days
I love posts that are like “imagine your f/o picking you up” because they’re meant to be so sweet and gentle but every time I get picked up by a friend my brain just… shuts down. Like for whatever reason my brain physically fails to compute the situation. I cannot imagine what it would be like with Ajax
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peachdues · 5 months
This shit is annoying asfk.You have all ur followers sitting here waiting on netherwood and all u keep doing is pushing back,I get you have a life and all but if u really don’t have time for it to be done then tell us that instead of doing things like “going to try to have it done this weekend”or the week after that.i understand u may have a life and things outside tumblr but u can’t blame people when u literally created a mini fic that people are waiting for,if u knew there was going to be multiple parts you should have saved them in ur drafts and then published them once they were all finished instead of leading us on with mini little parts that u post of things in the story..
And instead of trying to start new fics..maybe finish the ones people are waiting on?Like why are u posting ur written fics about other characters and starting on new fics when people are sitting here with their notifications on for netherwood because u said it may be dropping soon.
If u don’t have motivation to finish something,then don’t lead people on with ur little mini spoilers.
You know, I went through a range of emotions while reading this. Annoyance. Upset. Anger. I thought of a plethora of replies that ranged from whiny to downright hostile.
And then it clicked.
You’re not a follower of mine and you’re not someone who enjoys my writing.
You don’t want me to finish Netherwood at all.
You want me to quit and leave tumblr.
That has to be it — because any true supporter of mine wouldn’t send this shit. Any true supporter or friend I’ve made on here would know and understand that I have a life and beyond that, that the writing process is not linear. There are fics I have teased since July that are still WIPs — why? Because writing takes time. I don’t write things from start to finish (so your insipid little suggestion to ‘save in drafts and post in installments’ is as useless as you are).
My followers — my friends, mutuals or not — know this and respect this. They have been so supportive of me since I first debuted on here. They were here cheering me on while I studied for and took the Bar exam. They celebrated my becoming an attorney. They ask about my writing and my personal life because they are sweet and kind and successful in every way you aren’t, you miserable quim.
Your lack of reading comprehension makes me question the school system in whatever country is unfortunate enough to bear your existence. Because I’ve never said I’d lost motivation to finish Netherwood (no matter how much it is clear you hope I do). It is my top priority among any of my works; that I work on other fics has no bearing on that and is frankly none of your pathetic concern. I have never asked anyone to turn on their notifs — turn them off and fuck off if it bothers you so much. No one is forcing you to be here.
As much as it’s clear you want me to give up and leave, I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint you once more — I’m not going anywhere. I will finish Netherwood on my time and on my terms and if that means you lose interest, then so fucking be it. It’s not for you, anyways. If you had a modicum of creativity, you’d understand that, but your brain, much like your life, is so devoid of any true substance that I feel sorry for you. You pathetic, miserable little speck of wasted dirt.
On behalf of writers everywhere that have to deal with this shit, and as disrespectfully as possible, fuck off, you wart. 🤍🤍🤍
And next time, at least put your name on your ask so I know who to block 🤍 at least you can’t send this bullshit on anon anymore. Now you have the freedom to say it with your whole chest 🤍
PS — you’re likely lonely and single and ugly as sin, and your ask is precisely the reason why 😘
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The Good, The Bad And The Very Ugly
So from what I've gathered, you all seem rather fond of a pregnancy fic and I was honestly astounded at the response to my attempts. I was even more surprised that there were a few comments asking for a follow up?!
Well, how could I not when you asked so nicely? This follows on this pregnancy fic rather than the single mom one (though there is a part 2 coming for that too!) and is one of 3 further one shots I have planned. So...all that is to day I hope you enjoy!
When you pad through to the kitchen with the intention of putting the kettle on, you don’t expect to find Melissa grasping the work surface, her breathing ragged and uneven.  You immediately cross the space between you, laying one hand on her back and the other on top of the hand closest to you which has a white knuckle grip on the worktop. 
“’Lissa, what’s wrong?  What can I do?”
She just shakes her head, tears in her eyes, her breathing coming in short, sharp gasps. 
You recognise the symptoms you realise; she’s having a panic attack.  Prising her hands from the work surface, you hold them in your own, turning her to face you.  Speaking slowly and as calmly as you can you ignore the tremble in Melissa’s hands and instead focus on getting her to breathe.  It doesn’t happen immediately, but slowly, she responds to your quiet counting.  You tug her close, leaning her head on your shoulder as you slowly stroke one hand up and down her back.
Her breathing begins to settle, but you know from her intermittent sniffles that her tears have not.  The hand that still grasps your own finally loosens its death grip and you feel her shift so she can place her hand on your ever growing bump.
“You want to tell me what’s going on?”
She lets out a deep breath, finally pulling back to look at you.  “I can’t help you,” she whispers.
You frown, not following.  “You can’t help me?  Help with that?”
“This,” she says, looking down at your stomach.  “I feel like I pressured you into this and now you feel awful all the time and I can’t do anything to help.”
Smiling softly, you shake your head.  “Mel, I wouldn’t have let you put a baby in me if I didn’t want this.  And you didn’t put pressure on me.  We had a discussion, lots of them actually, and we agreed that this was what we both wanted.”
She sniffles, her eyes red rimmed with tears.  “But…”
“But what?” you prompt.
“But you’re miserable,” she grumbles.
You smile.  “No, I’m not.”
She takes a few shuddering, hiccupping breaths.  “It’s just hard, to see you going through all of this…the morning sickness that’s not just in the morning, being tired all the time because you don’t sleep so good, the aches that never go away and I just…”
“Exactly,” you breathe.  “You’re right there with me.  Mel, you’re literally there holding my hair and rubbing my back.  If I didn’t have you I’d be miserable.”"
“But I’m useless!” she whines.  “There’s nothing I can do to make you feel better and…what if something happens?  It all went so wrong for me before.”
Fresh tears gather in her eyes and you gather her close in a gentle embrace.  “A lot of things happened before,” you say softly.  “For both of us, but it brought us here, and I for one can’t regret what went before if it brought me to you.”
You cover the hand that still rests on your bump, moving it slightly to ensure she can feel the movement beneath.  Yes, it went wrong for her before, you know this.  It’s the reason you’re carrying the precious cargo that is the product of how wrong it went for her before.  It’s also part of the reason she’s so terrified something might happen.  You’re carrying a piece of her.  She’d gone through the ordeal of having her eggs frozen meaning that they’re a finite resource.  The IVF wasn’t easy, but it worked, and all the checks so far have been promising.  Everything is going well. 
“Feel that?” you ask.  “That’s your daughter, and she’s growing every single day.  Yes, she’s using my body as an amusement park and it’s not cute, but she’s strong, Melissa.  She needs you to be just as strong.  I need you to be strong.”
She takes a few deep breaths before looking up at you.  “I can do this.”
“Yes, you can,” you smile sweetly, leaning in to kiss her.  “I want this.  I want you.  I want this with you.  Never doubt that,” you whisper against her lips.  “If I had doubts about any of this, we wouldn’t be here.”
You lean your foreheads together.  “But that little life you can feel under your hand?  She’s here because I love you and I want this life with you and I know it’s scary and something might go wrong, but it also might not.”  You pause, taking a deep breath before you continue.  “But whatever happens, I’ll be here, because I will always want you.”
Your words come to a sudden stop as you make a run for the bathroom, leaving Melissa standing in her kitchen, tears in her eyes, still struggling to take in your words.  She’s never had quite such a heartfelt declaration in her life.  She’s still reeling as she moves on autopilot, fetching a glass of water and a pack of your mints before following you to the bathroom.
She sits next to you on the bathroom floor, despite the fact she knows she’ll probably need you to help her up afterwards.  In a few weeks time you’re going to need Janine or someone suitably young and agile to haul you both up off the floor.
“See, where would I be without you,” you smile.  “Sat on the bathroom floor and miserable.”
“I love you,” she says quietly.  “And I’m sorry about before.”
You shift until you can lean your head on her shoulder.  “Never apologise for that,” you tell her, lacing your fingers with hers.  “You’re allowed to be scared.  Hell, so am I.  But we’re in this together.  I put up with the vomiting and feeling gross and disgusting and you put up with me, the good and the bad and the very ugly.  It’s teamwork.”
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strniohoeee · 7 months
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader *friendship*
Synopsis: Y/N is stuck in a toxic relationship, and when they break up. She runs to Chris for his advice🥹
Warnings⚠️: Talks of a toxic relationship, trauma, mentions of a hand being raised at readers face
Song for the imagine: Conceited- Lola Young (this song is fucking good literally LISTENNN)
Told me that you loved me, you're just talking to yourself
I don't wanna know, I don't wanna hear it
Let yourself out, you're so conceited
365 days….365 days trapped, hurt and angry. I was angry because I was trapped. Trapped in this god awful toxic relationship. With a “man” who did not care. He could care less if I lied there bleeding in front of his eyes. He’d probably laugh in my face and walk over me. This I knew, and I hated myself everyday for staying with him because I loved him.
How could I love someone as crazy and deranged as him? That I’m not sure of, but when you fall for someone you fall for it all. The imperfections and the beauties. But he…he had too many imperfections. Ones that would bleed into our relationship tainting it.
Him and I started off strong. He was amazing to me, he did it all. I truly felt like a princess when I was with him. He got along with my friends, my family, just everyone in my life. I thought I would eventually marry the guy. But here I am hurt and alone.
About 7 months into our relationship something in him flipped, and to this day I can not understand what happened to him. He wouldn’t talk to me, or explain anything it always ended up in him lashing out.
“Baby…I’m not sure what’s wrong, but I’m here for you” I would tell him
“I don’t need you here for me. Go away” he would tell me
“How can we be in a relationship when you won’t even communicate” I told him
“Shut your fucking mouth” he’d warn
“I don’t know why you resent me so much. If you’re not happy we can break up” I would say softly
“Break up? You’re nothing without me. You need me, you can not live without me.” He would say scoffing
That’s how most of our arguments went. He’d call me useless, pathetic, no good, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I’d have no one on my side if I broke up with him, he’d turn everyone against me. Every horrible thing you can think of, he has said to me.
And like an idiot I stayed. I stayed because I was scared. Scared that he’d truly truly hurt me. Sometimes when we argued and he’d get close to me there would be this twinkle in his eye. A twinkle of malice like he’d actually put his hands on me. Fear controls every aspect of life, more than you’d think.
The only person I felt comfortable going to was Chris and his brothers for help. Often they’d tell me to just dump him and come stay with them, and that they’d keep me safe. However I could never bring myself to do it. I was scared.
Chris and I had grown really close a few months back. I would even consider him my best friend. I told him everything, and when things would get bad and I would have a panic attack it was Chris who was there to calm me down. At first * Y/N boyfriends name* didn’t really care that I was friends with Chris up until things started to get really really bad.
He’d check my phone whenever he wanted, read my messages, go through my DM’s, look at my call history. He’d watch my location constantly asking where I’m going. I was his prey. He wouldn’t leave me alone and he knew it scared me, but that was something he loved
When he would go to work I’d call Chris and catch him up on everything, and then had to beg him to not text or call me, or initiate any contact until I did.
For our one year anniversary last week we didn’t do a thing. He even acted like he forgot, and when I mentioned it he flipped out. Telling me that I’m a piece of shit, and that I didn’t deserve a single thing. But I never wanted anything, I just wanted my boyfriend back.
Today he was at work, and I wanted to be nice and make him some dinner, turn on some music, and just try and have a good night with him.
When he got home I could immediately tell he was not happy, and that this night would end in another fight
“The fuck you doing” he said walking into the kitchen
“Uhhh hi to you too, i was making you dinner” I said giving him a smile
“I’m not eating that shit” he said opening the pot and throwing the lid down on the stove, causing me to jump a little bit
I paused for a moment contemplating how I would go about my next comment
“What the fuck have I ever done to you?” I asked him finally looking at him
“You haven’t done shit for me. You’re nothing, you’re a nobody” he said
“What’s your problem with me? You used to be so sweet and loving, and now you’re just angry and mean” I said back
“You ain’t nothing to me” he spit like venom
“So then leave me” I told him getting angry
“Ha! Leave you. You couldn’t survive a single day without me. You need me. I’m all you have” he shot back
“Not true at all” I spat back
“Don’t fucking speak to me like that” he said walking a little closer
“Speak to you how? I’m talking to you like a normal adult. You’re acting like a child” I told him
“I should fucking spit on you” he said with a smug face
“You’re a fucking psycho. You’re crazy” I told him shaking my head
“Walk away then! Go LEAVE!” He yelled the last part
“Make up your mind! Want me to go or want me to stay” I said rolling my eyes at him
“I could give a shit what you do. I know you’ll be crawling back” he said crossing his arms
“You’re so full of yourself. I don’t need you” I spat back at him
“Yeah you fucking do” he said now standing infront of me
“NO I FUCKING DONT” I yelled at him
“LITLE GIRL?” I questioned yelling back
“YEAH LITTLE FUCKING GIRL. GO BOOHOO CRY TO YOUR FRIENDS…..oh wait you don’t have any” he said laughing
“FUCK YOU” I screamed in his face, and immediately he raised his hand and I flinched and stepped back. Utter shock on my face
“Did you just try and hit me?” i asked started to walk away from him
I ran and grabbed my purse, phone and car keys. Walking to the front door
“You’re not going anywhere” he said following me
“I am! YOU DONT OWN ME! I'M LEAVING AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. YOURE A FUCKING LUNATIC WE ARE DONE” I yelled at him, swinging the door open and running out and to my car
Once in my car. I started to drive to the triplets house. As he kept calling and texting non stop but I kept ignoring him.
I got to the triplets house, and once I rang the doorbell Chris came down and was shocked to see me
“Hey! What are you doing here?? Are you okay?” He asked reading my face in worry
“I broke up with him” I said as he let me into the house
“What happened??” Chris asked as we went down to his room
“He’s a fucking psycho” I said pacing his room back and forth
“Go on” Chris said
“I make dinner for him trying to be nice, and he comes home all nasty and rude and starts fighting with me calling me all types of names and that I’m nothing without him” I told Chris still pacing the room shaking with anxiety
“And then”…my voice “he fucking raised his hand like he was going to hit me” I said finally stopping
“Did he hit you?” Chris asked in disbelief
“No he didn’t. I walked out before he could do anything” I said
“Y/N, I’m so fucking sorry! You don’t deserve this, and he doesn’t deserve you” Chris said
“God! What the fuck is wrong with me. How could I stay with someone like this for so fucking long. A fucking maniac” I said finally breaking down and crying, and Chris comes running over to grab me and bring me back to his bed
“Hey! Don’t beat yourself up for someone like him. Kids got a lot of fucking problems, but this isn’t your fault” Chris said rubbing my back
“I fucking love him. I will always love that kid, and no matter how shittt he treats me. My chest hurts from how much I love him” I said sobbing
“You can love him, that's normal. But you can’t beat yourself up for how you feel!” Chris told me
“I know but I’m just so fucking stupid for staying with him. No matter how many time you told me to leave him, and so I just didn’t” I said still sobbing
“Listen he’s a horrible person, and yes you should’ve left him a long time ago, but it’s your life and you will do what’s best for you” he told me
“I don’t wanna feel this pain anymore. I don’t know who I am. He completely ruined me” I said to Chris
“It’s going to hurt. It’s going to fucking suck, but you need to hurt and cry and feel pain in order for you to heal. So allow yourself those emotions, and you will see with time it will get better. You don’t need him. You never did need him, you’re a strong independent woman, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. Got it?” Chris said
“Yes. Thank you Chris I love you so much. You have no idea how grateful I am to have someone like you in my life” I responded wiping my eyes
“Kid I love you so fucking much. You’re my best friend, and I don’t want to see you hurting or crying, especially over some loser like him. You deserve better…way better” Chris said pulling me in for a hug
“Thank you Chris” I said hugging him back
“There’s plenty of other guys who will truly care for you, and treat you like the beautiful queen you are” he said kissing my head
“You’re right” I said pulling away from the hug to wipe my eyes one more time
“Who knows?? Maybe I’m that guy” Chris said wiggling his brows
I started to laugh “yeah maybe. Who knows” I said giving him a smile
“There’s that beautiful smile of yours” he said smiling back
“I love you Chris”
“I love you too Y/N”
The End
Hope yall like this one too. I’m like ehhh about this, but I liked the idea. I’ll be posting the Matt cabin in the woods, and poignant part 2 tonight, but for rn IMA TAKE A NAP CAUSE A BITCH IS TIREDDD
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vennyvenadito · 1 year
I watched Derision and….oh God, it’s a mess
I hated it
Everything was so lame
Everyone was so out of character in this episode
And I gonna ask this, when Mari was akumatized, we see her memories right?, alright, now can some please tell….why the heck we could also see other characters point of view???!!! Isn’t this sequence is in Mari’s POV?? Like, someone explain that
And please, look me in the eye and try to tell me this backstory make sense, come, try
Because none of this make fucking sense!
And before you go to tell me otherwise, I’m saying this as some who was in the fandom since season 1, like, when everyone where trying to figure out who Hawkmoth is, that old I am, so no, no try to tell me I don’t know anything about the show and the characters because I know them perfectly
So yeah I can tell, Chloe wasn’t this type of ““eViL””” in previous seasons back then, Marinette wasn’t even scared of her, she was just annoyed by her, even before Alya came she wasn’t really afraid of her, she was like “ugh, this bitch”
And tell me Mari, if you where so traumatized about falling in love with someone, than why didn’t you do the same thing with Luka and Chat Noir huh?, Please explain yourself young lady?
In fact, why are you panicking in front Kim??, you always acted normal around him!!
And for last, I just loveee the doble standard in this show
Marinette can be excused of her stalking behavior towards Adrien, every bad thing she does was just because she is traumatize, so please don’t be harsh on her, after all, she is young, and kids do stupid thing
But nooo, no no, Chloe shouldn’t be excused, forget the fact her mom is a abusive bitch, forget about the fact she openly say to Ladybug she feels useless, forget the fact she was only Adrien’s best friend back then and did care about him (watch “Collector episode 1, season 2), forget the fact she has Andre as a pathetic excuse of father
Because every teen can be forgiven except Chloe
She is evil, she always will be, she can’t change, because Thomas say so, and if you not agree than you are an abusive person, your evil as well
And Mylene…shut up, please
When Thomas would release that not everyone reacts the same way on trauma?
Back to Mari’s panic attacks, everything go to fast to me!, there’s no time no analysis what the hell is going on, also, didn’t she used to be in the public pool before this episode?, like, Mr Pigeon 72 never happen I guess
Also, this episode make her look worse because back in season 3 in Animaestro, she fucking team up with Chloe, Chloe, her bully, the person who made her life back then a living hell, to humiliate Kagami in front Adrien
What the hell Mari!?
And Chat….sweety, honey, I love you, and I insist your deserve better but….please don’t do that, this isn’t you, your not like that, your better than this
Anyway this episode is trash, is literally every salt fic in one episode, every single cliche of a generic backstory perfect for a Wattpad’s fanfic
And please, instead of trying to tell me every episode that Chloe is evil and I should hate her, what not you guys try to focus in more interesting lore instead? Please, like, kwamis, Gabriel and Emilie? (Representation doesn’t count)
And even then, why show this episode in season 5, you literally have a lot of seasons to show this, and you decided this was the right moment??
Ok, that’s all I wanted to say
Se ya folks
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wambsgansshoelaces · 4 months
hii! i heart ur headcanons sm, so i was gonna ask if u could right some sibling headcanons (especially with roman) of growing up and getting a chronic illness so we end up unable to work like they do so logan treats us like were useless a lot of the time. sorry if that's too angsty or u don't want to, but if you do thanks you! i have a chronic illness and it would be cool to have comfort characters so comforting and stuff but thanks again! 🫶🏻 have a good day!
(can i become raccoon anon?) - 🦝
anon, I literally love you so much!! and of course you can be THE raccoon lol 🦝
I just want to let you know that if you ever, EVER need support, my ask box and pms are open to you always. I’m here for you, I will be your best friend, whatever it is you need 🫶🏽
thank you so much for requesting, and hopefully I can make this a series for you so that you have representation - if that’s something you want, just let me know xx I will literally write whatever you want me to <3 enjoy 🩷
chronic illness (sib!roys)
ᝰ you’re a difficult to thing to talk about for the roys
ᝰ shiv is the only one who’s ever really defended you to your father
ᝰ kendall and roman still supported you, but were just too afraid of logan to do anything
ᝰ early childhood, connor made sure you took all your meds exactly when you were supppsed to, every single day
ᝰ roman would make up games that you could play that didn’t require you to run or exert yourself to the point where you got hurt
ᝰ you and shiv would read the harry potter picture books together
ᝰ kendall, in secret, would do all of your homework if you weren’t feeling well
ᝰ which was a lot
ᝰ shiv would always convince your dad to let you sleep in or stay home from school certain days
ᝰ roman would physically fight kids who bullied you or were rude at school/on the playground
ᝰ in high school, kendall wrote a five page letter to the principal and got one repeat bully of yours expelled
ᝰ shiv campaigned hard to make school more accessible for you
ᝰ roman still fought people that looked at you funny
ᝰ he tells you one night after getting a bloody lip that he’ll never stop fighting for you
ᝰ it was tradition that if you were bed bound or in the hospital, shiv, roman, and kendall would bring a deck of cards to you so you could all play
ᝰ but as you got older, you all drifted apart
ᝰ first ken moving away for college, the other two following slowly after
ᝰ they kept in contact, sure, but now you’re in this massive house, all by yourself with no one to talk to
ᝰ you did college online
ᝰ and even then, you don’t ever think you’ll really be able to work
ᝰ you avoid your father as much as physically possible
ᝰ he’s always thought you weren’t worth anything
ᝰ you’ve learned not to let it get to you
ᝰ after kendall graduates and comes back to new york to work for waystar, he visits more
ᝰ connor’s been long gone, so now it’s him staying on top of your meds
ᝰ even though you can do it yourself, you let him
ᝰ you know he feels bad for you
ᝰ some dystopian pity
ᝰ you didn’t want to talk about it with him, ever, so you just let him do it
ᝰ things only change after roman graduates
ᝰ even though he’s arguably the most afraid of your father, he came back to new york and made you move in with him
ᝰ “you don’t even take care of yourself, ro,” you tell him one day
ᝰ “so? you’re more important to me. i’m not going to let you fucking be in danger because dad’s a jackass.”
ᝰ he makes sure his fridge and pantry are stocked with solely food you can eat
ᝰ your dad never asks after you
ᝰ but oh well
ᝰ you only ever talk to roman anymore
ᝰ it changes after a particularly bad scare with your health
ᝰ and it’s just like ten years ago, the four of you cramped together on one hospital bed, playing cards
ᝰ shiv and ken never lose touch with you again
ᝰ you walk ken down the aisle at his wedding
ᝰ and at every wedding you attend for your siblings, you’re their person of honor, standing, sitting, whatever you can, right behind them
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smilingformoney · 6 months
Rickmas 2023: Day 13. Shimmering Icicles | Sinclair/Betty (OC)
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AN: This takes place shortly after Sinclair and Betty get together, which hasn’t happened in the main fic yet, but I don’t think it’s a spoiler that they will get together!
Read now on Ao3 or below the cut:
Sinclair was rummaging around in Betty’s closet, pulling out blankets, while she stared uselessly at the boiler.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with it!” she complained. “Can’t you have a look at it, Sinclair?”
“Oh, I’m useless with anything mechanical!” came his reply as he crossed the flat to deposit the bundle of blankets onto the sofa. “If you can’t tell what’s wrong with it, I definitely can’t. You have a lot of blankets, by the way.”
“Yeah, this isn’t the first time it’s packed up,” Betty replied. She turned to him and had to stifle a laugh to see he was piling every single blanket onto the sofa, like he was going to ask her to lie on top and tell him if she could feel a pea at the bottom.
“It wasn’t winter then, though. Look, there are literal icicles on the window! Sorry, Sinclair. This must seem like squalor compared to your place.”
“No, it’s cosy! Come on, get under the blankets, Betty, and I’ll get us some snacks.”
He literally did a little jump for joy when he said the word “snacks,” like he was a puppy dog hearing the word “walkies.” He made a beeline for the cupboard she’d nicknamed the Sinclair cupboard, because she kept it stocked up with snacks especially for when he visited.
She had to admit, he’d made a good blanket fort. If he was cold, Sinclair didn’t show it as he laid out an array of snacks for them on the table, although Betty wouldn’t have been surprised if he kept himself warm by the amount of energy he emitted.
“Alright, I think that’s enough!” he declared.
Betty looked at the snack table.
“Have you just emptied out the Sinclair cupboard?”
“Yes! That way we don’t have to keep getting out of the blankets to get more food.”
“Excellent idea. Come on, get in here, I need your body warmth.”
Sinclair burrowed himself into the blankets, eventually finding his way to her, and she immediately cuddled up to him.
“You’re so warm! How are you so warm? I’m stealing your warmth. Gimme!”
Sinclair laughed as she curled up against him, not caring that her skin was freezing cold - he liked just being able to hold her at all. He’d spent so long trying to ignore his feelings for her that now he was able to, he wanted to spend the rest of his life holding her, kissing her, doing anything and everything with her.
“What do you want to watch on the TV?” he asked, picking up the remote to switch it on.
“Anything you like, Clair,” Betty said, knowing full well he’d spend at least another ten minutes flicking through the channels before choosing what to watch. “I’ve got snacks and I’ve got blankets, what else could I need?”
“What about me?” Sinclair asked, and she chuckled at the way his puppy dog eyes looked genuinely sad that she hadn’t mentioned him.
“Well, of course I need my puppy. I thought that was a given.”
“I like to hear you say it,” he admitted, slightly embarrassed. “Just so I know you haven’t changed your mind.”
“Sinclair, blankets, snacks. That’s all I need, in that order, so I’m happy.”
“More than snacks?!” he gasped.
“Of course. You’re my favourite snack, after all.”
Sinclair smiled, and Betty leant her head against his chest, doing her very best to absorb his body warmth.
“Go on, then, puppy, put something on. I’m probably just gonna fall asleep on your lap anyway.”
She closed her eyes and settled into her favourite position, curled up on his lap with her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and his breathing.
Sinclair chuckled. “I just realised something… curled up on my lap for warmth? If I’m a puppy, you’re definitely a cat.”
“I do knock things over a lot,” Betty mumbled in reply, already half asleep.
He smiled and kissed the top of her head. “Love you, kitten.”
She giggled.
“Love you too, puppy.”
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red-archivist · 29 days
finally caught up on tmagp!
eps 11-15 thots below
ep 11:
celia? again?? jack???
"Besides, I’m sweet enough already" is such a dad joke. As in, literally a joke my own dad has made several times
Ink5oul cameo!
lollll the change to stuffy business language
ah, ink5oul you can't be stealing corpses now, behave
GWEN Thank you, Alice. ALICE I… Sure. Whatever. Don’t get used to it.
tsun tsun~
"he's one of our externals" what a way to phrase it. also tells us that the oiar/the government works with several monsters
ep 12:
omg he's actually asking her out? fair play
"I think I'm done with Magnus stuff" buddy boy, its episode 12- magnus stuff isn't done with you, i can tell you that much
"Date of Incident: 9 March 2024" ooh v recent huh
stags are the worst, jordan, ty
oh. bonzo is back. lena meant it when she said to keep an eye out
the groom's was the name gwen handed over i assume
gwen. gwendolyn. you are not okay.
GWEN Thanks, Alice. Utterly useless as always. ALICE Anytime.
okay but purposely useless. purposely joking and irritating bc if you cant take it seriously it cant hurt you- that attitude is going to bite Alice sooner rather then later
ep 13:
ooh date night (morning)
"it all went downhill" > proceeds to describe being generally successful- oh sammy we got to work on this hang-up
oh alice's parents are both dead? so just her and the little brother she is always looking after and giving money to anytime he is mentioned? bet that hasn't given her a complex
oh celia, you know the cases are real you're just trying to sound him out
"is it my fault?" GWENNNNNNN 😭
"we are... managing... the bad guys" oh boy
crypto bro, betting against your own life is a crazy idea what is wrong with you?
it reminds me of the dice case, a luck/circumstances based thing where you try to beat a rigged game
oof. sam. you hit a sore point there "professional"
"Stop trying to make an impact" is alice's motto tbh
ep 14:
"i went through the same thing when i started" i knew Alice had gone snooping, you dont get that avoidant without having tried first. of course, raises the question of what scared her off?
alice stop running away from your feelings challenge level: impossible
where the hell is there a marsh near Newcastle-Under-Lyme?
ooohhh boy hello sudden tone change
snake mannnnn, mannnn full of snakkeeessss
rejection notes from an institute....
ep 15:
sam. sam this is not smoother flirting than before
The Pillowman... we are making a note in case that's important
awww Alice loves her brother so much... shame that she's pitching him in such an awkward, intrusive way
"babies... are cool..." same, Alice
the fucking harpsichord? in the bg of the case reading is making me sooooo tense. i know what's going to happen and they're just drawing it out 10/10
oh. oh no. this is not what i thought was going to happen. i thought sure okay, rich assholes hunting ppl through the woods not... making them hunt each other oh this is so much more fucked up
"none of them got far" JESUS oh its not even all of them, just him
and now he is being hunted, okay
FUCK, the gunshot
oh. why is she in the office
mowbray... is she one of the 'externals'...
LADY MOWBRAY Catch you next time, dearie. CELIA No, you won't.
oh that's vicious, celia knows she's a threat and won't give her a single inch, her hackles are raised sky-high
ah! sudden rock music!
And we finally meet Luke, hello
ummmm and another new voice??
this is... the presence alice thought was following her? the thing she and sam set loose from the institute?
well. fuck.
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hannieehaee · 6 months
i’ve stanned svt for a while and i just wanted to build on what the other anon said ^^
i highly doubt any of them will leave!! they’ve said many times in the past esp seungcheol that the members are more important than the company. if one of them was to leave i imagine all of them would follow.
unfortunately pledis is really fucking useless 😭 they almost never handle things well and within the industry most companies only care about what kfans have to say. majority of ppl getting on joshua for possibly dating someone are kfans and no matter how much we ask them to protect the boys better if it’s not kfans asking for it then they just won’t do anything :/ but joshua’s situation rn is not comparable at ALL to the shit lucas did - shua hasn’t done anything lmfao.
as for the hao/hoshi/dk thing.. ah it’s hard, but out of context or not, i don’t think that acknowledging that what they said was wrong or understanding why a lot of people were upset makes you a bad fan or them bad people etc etc. you can love people and still criticise and disagree with them. as cliche as it sounds, they’re human too and they won’t be perfect all of the time. it’s good to remember that, and that goes for any group or person you stan.
sorry for this rant.. tldr: the guys love each other, no one is leaving anyone; do not worry! focus on the present. i understand the worry, but constantly thinking about the possibilities of everything that could happen is just so draining imo. i’m gonna go now LOL. much love 🫶
i completely agree with u! pledis is fucking useless i knew this before even getting into svt bc my older carat friends would tell me 😭 and yeah i absolutely dont see any of them leaving. theyre the literal definition of found family i dont think theyd ever wanna continue if even a single member had to leave.
pledis rlly only cares for kcarats. maybe for jcarats too since they bring in the most revenue to them. and since they dont seem to care for the shua situation i doubt pledis or hybe will ever do anything :/
i also agree abt the dk minghao hoshi thing. it was very disappointing to see as it happened but sadly thats just to be expected from idols :/ but as u said its still completely understandable for people to be hurt and angry at their actions.
thank u for coming in to give ur two cents anon ily <3
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silversoulstardust · 1 year
steddie motorbike rider au
happy valentine's day, lovelies! here's the last part of steddie motorbike rider au on tumblr <3
part 1 here part 2 here
word count: 2k
“Oh my god Steve, this is a sign from the universe,” said Robin excitedly through the receiver, high pitched in a rapid chatter. “This is god telling you to bang that beautiful stranger.”
Steve scrunched up his face in mock disgust at the suggestion, pulling away the receiver from his ear and scowling at it as though Robin could see it. “What? No! Robin, what?”
“Pshht, please Steven Beverly Harrington, don’t act like you’re above all that,” replied Robin, and it sounded like she rolled her eyes as she said it. “Above fucking someone on a first date.”
“Stop saying my middle name,” snapped Steve without a bite. He paused for a moment, his finger twirling around the cord. “I don’t know that much about him.”
“Okay, genuinely curious. How much did you know about Heidi, or Susan, or Megan, anyone really, before you let her hop on your disco stick?”
“Eww. Don’t talk about my disco stick, Rob. Also don't call my dick a disco stick. May I remind you I just broke up with Amanda a few days ago?”
“Amanda who?” asked Robin, but she didn’t even pause for Steve to answer. “Exactly, she’s nobody in your life anymore. She ceased to exist in our lives the moment she cheated on you, Steve. Good riddance, to be honest. I don’t even like her, and I just know she doesn’t like me either. Girl’s gut feeling. Anyway. Don’t change the subject. I’m onto you.”
Steve ran his hand over his face and groaned into the receiver. “Okay, how do I even bring it up? Make my move? I literally just ran out of the room the moment I saw the bed. It was awkward, okay? But I also don’t want to sleep on the floor, or on the couch here in the middle of the lobby.”
“Why are you asking me? How do you always make your move in the bedroom? Just put on your Harrington’s charm or something. People seem to dig it.”
“You’re useless.”
“You need me to lie to Keith to get another day off tomorrow. So, no, not entirely useless,” mused Robin. “Just fuck that guy. Like, literally. It doesn’t have to mean anything, it can be a one time thing, but also, is it so bad if it does spark something?”
“You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?” Steve deadpanned.
“Thoroughly. Already popping popcorn for when you tell me about all the juicy details tomorrow.”
“Ughh. You’re the worst,” sighed Steve as he rolled his eyes. “Love you, Rob. Good night.”
“Love you too Stevie! Make good choices! Night night,” said Robin chirpily, the last thing Steve heard before he hung up the phone.
He sighed again, heavily this time as he looked up at the stairs from the reception counter where the phone was, like it was a behemoth thing he had to conquer. He dragged his feet up after turning off the light at the main lobby area, heading towards the room again. 
Just moments after they reached the room over an hour ago, Steve and Eddie were rendered speechless for a moment. It wasn’t really that awkward, not like how he emphasized it to Robin anyway. But there was a moment of silence where they exchanged looks with one another and it was as though they were telepathically playing ping-pong with the single thought of having to share the bed for the night, not verbalizing the arguments of other options at hand. 
In the end, as Eddie was rummaging through his backpack for a pair of clean clothes he shrugged it off with, “I’m cool with sharing the bed. You?” 
“Yeah, I’m okay with it too,” Steve stuttered, before making an excuse to call his workplace to let them know he wouldn’t be able to make it to work tomorrow. Technically, it wasn’t a made up excuse. He really did inform work. It just so happened that the assistant manager was his best friend too. And with Robin, there was no way he could get away without telling her the entire thing, so a quick phone call easily turned into an hour-long chat.
When Steve reached the room, Eddie was looking out a slightly open window, shirtless in a sweatpant with a towel on his hair. The sound of key clicking as Steve locked the door gathered his attention. And when he turned to look at Steve, there was a lit cigarette in between his fingers, a wisp of smoke slowly escaping the burning ember. 
But of course Steve’s attention wasn’t drawn to that. His eyes instead went to the intricately designed inks on Eddie’s pale skin, of a creature and a spider on his chest and an odd looking dragon bracing his toned bicep. And there were bats too, on his forearm, but Steve had seen it before at the restaurant. He couldn’t help but wonder how many more tattoos were there on Eddie’s body. Wonder if he could have a closer look at each one of them. To admire it up close. His throat suddenly became dry, and he had to swallow hard before he was able to speak again. “Did you shower?”
“Yup," replied Eddie as he stubbed the cigarette. He rubbed his hair with the towel and let it fall on his shoulders as he took steps to close the gap between them. “You should take a shower too.”
“And you washed your hair? Dude, it’s freezing out there,” Steve gestured outside the window Eddie just closed, to the droplets on the glass and the sound of pattering rain and thunder in the distance. “You’re gonna catch a cold.”
“Hah! Nope. My uncle told me if you get rained on it’s better that you shower. Otherwise it’ll get you sick.”
“Yeah, I’m not buying that.”
“I haven’t gotten sick even once since I was fourteen, so,” Eddie shrugged, and pulled a black shirt over his head, before leaning into Steve’s personal space as he made his point. “Suit yourself, big boy. But don’t come at me crying when you catch the sniffles.”
In a fit of panic, Steve elbowed Eddie away, and Eddie narrowly evaded it with a shit eating grin on his face. “I won’t, because I’m not going to,” Steve sputtered his response. He then went into the bathroom and took a shower avoiding water from his hair, adamantly sticking to his gun.
When Steve stepped out of the bathroom in a cotton robe that barely fit him, Eddie was already tucked in bed. The overhead light was turned off, only a pale yellow light from the side table was illuminating the room. The robe was probably a standard size. But he felt like a giant in it, with the robes not overlapping all the way and had one of his thighs exposed, the slit splitting high and close to the crotch area as he walked. And he had no other choice, either that or he’d have to sleep in his birthday suit, because he wasn't prepared to overnight anywhere tonight.
He thought Eddie was already sleeping, lying in bed with his arm slung across his eyes, but he raised his head slightly to watch Steve emerge from the bathroom and walk towards the queen sized bed, settling on the empty space next to him. Even in the low light, Steve was aware of the burning gaze that was aimed at him. Eddie’s eyes were tracking Steve’s every move much like a lion preening on its prey, as Steve straightened his legs and crossed them at the knees, revealing a strip of skin on his thigh. 
Steve pointedly ignored it. One thing was because he loved being a tease, but mostly because he was swimming in thoughts of what pick up line was best to use in this situation. 
Steve wasn’t lying to Robin about how clueless he was to make this first move. Yes, he had a reputation, but he really liked Eddie. He didn’t want to ruin this budding friendship, and Eddie was a fun ride buddy he’d like to keep. If he had misread the situation, that was it. Game over. Tomorrow morning they split ways, and Steve would return to his sad life in Hawkins, and Eddie would continue his journey up north, never to be heard from again.
“Hey, um. Eddie?” said Steve finally, breaking the silence, testing the water.
Eddie shifted to lie on his side, with his elbow and hand propping up his head, giving Steve his full attention. “Yeah?”
In the end, Steve couldn’t help but parroted what Robin had said earlier. “Do you believe in the signs from the universe?” 
Eddie was silent for a long time. Maybe it wasn’t that long, but it was long enough for Steve to start feeling self conscious and second doubting himself. Eddie’s neutral expression then slowly turned into glee,  his mouth stretched into an amused grin, a wobble of his lips clamped down with a bite. A snort escaped him and Eddie flopped back on his pillow with a giggle he was unable to contain, and it didn’t take long for it to morph into a full blown raucous laughter.
Steve was dumbfounded. He stared at Eddie, flushed in the face and breathless as he laughed, rolling on his sides as though Steve just told him the funniest joke in the world. He scowled. “What’s so funny?”
Eddie promptly propped himself up to sit against the headboard next to Steve, shoulders brushing one another as Eddie was breathing in and out trying to stop himself from laughing. 
“It’s just,” said Eddie in between giggle, biting his lower lip hard, “you spent all day flirting with me, an hour on the phone, over half an hour in the shower, and plus however long it was since you’ve been sitting on this bed with your thick thighs out here begging for my mouth to get on it, and ‘do you believe in the signs from the universe’ was the best pick up line you can come up with?” 
Eddie shook his head and chortled. “You’re really hot, Steve, but I didn’t expect you to be such a dork.”
If Steve was a cartoon character, he was pretty sure there would be steam coming out from his ears at this point. His entire face was red and warm from the rush of embarrassment. It really was a lame and dorky pick up line, Steve had to admit. He was about to cover his face and lament on his cringe attempt at flirting but his mind bounced back. “Wait. You think I’m hot?”
“The hottest,” said Eddie simply, with a deep dimpled smile on the corner of his lips, his face inches away from Steve’s.
Steve’s line of sight fell on his lips. It was a little chapped, but the plump of the bow of his lips looked thoroughly kissable. He shifted his gaze to Eddie’s brown eyes, and caught him staring too. Steve swallowed thickly and with a voice barely above whisper he asked, “May I?”
The answer came in a form of plump lips pressing on his own in a gentle, languid kiss and yup, it was as soft as Steve had hoped it would be. Steve found himself a lapful of Eddie as Eddie deepened the kiss, playfully nipping on Steve’s lips to let his tongue in, licking and tasting the insides of his mouth. In turn, Steve could taste Eddie too – a little minty and very much smokey — but it all tasted sweet to him.
When they finally broke apart, out of breath with pink, swollen lips, Steve pressed a chaste kiss on Eddie’s cheek. “Um, before we carry on, I want to make one thing very clear. I think you’re kinda hot too. Not kinda. You’re hot. Beautiful actually. I hope you don’t mind me calling you beautiful, Edd–”
Eddie cut him off with a slap of his hands to cup Steve’s jaws and a punctuating kiss on Steve’s lips with a grin on his face. “For the love of god, Stevie, just shut the fuck up and fuck me.”
Steve had no choice but to oblige. And Eddie? Eddie just landed himself a pretty sweet ride.
@zerokrox-blog @evix-syne666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @original-cypher @i-must-potato
That's it for tumblr! Thank you for reading. I plan to write an explicit version but it'll only be posted on Ao3, maybe sometime later this week. (I feel bad for not being able to meet the deadline that I myself set up lol work and immigration paperwork got in the way </3)
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cloismami · 1 year
*sigh* no one dislikes Lana more than me but that doesn’t stop my ability to realize that she was, at many times, a victim. Yes, she treated Clark like the anti-christ. Believing others before she believed him, running back to him when other relationships didn’t pan out, lying to him when they supposedly came to a point in their relationship where honesty should’ve been a priority. There are so many other issues. But people often forget that Clark lied to her as well (understandably so bc his secret is quite literally larger than life). It’s not going to be easy for her to believe him when he’s like that and it’s not going to be easy for Clark to trust and really love her when she acts the way she does. That’s why his relationship with Lois is more special and deep bc DESPITE his secret, she understood him, she TRUSTED him, and CHOSE to love him knowing he was keeping a secret from her. Clark does the same thing in return. But this post isn’t about clois so let’s move on. Yes, Lana is annoying, repetitive, and can be so wrong that you just want to physically remove her from the show at some point. She can be considered a “villain” under the notion that she held Clark back for so many years, becoming literal poison, therefore demonstrating how useless and detrimental that relationship was. This, I agree with. But that also isn’t her fault bc Clark chose not to see beyond his nose for so many years, he chose to stay comfortable, even in a situation that he wasn’t completely happy in. But for anyone to say that she is worse than Lex, simply bc he is a better written character, to me, is dumb. Because at times, I believe the writers were very much intentional with their portrayal of her. Yes, they ran out of ways to make her actually relevant to the story that stays loyal to the comics post s3, but that doesn’t mean that the way they portrayed her was unintentional. They time and time again showed us who she was, her flaws, her questionable character which proved why she and Clark were never a good fit and also showed that their love never went deeper than the surface, because they never truly knew each other. So chalking Lanas character and characteristics to bad writing all the time diminishes her satisfying s8 arc where she literally becomes the poison that she is to Clark ( I hope that makes sense lol). I’m not saying that she was perfectly written bc again, there were times where it was so obvious that the writers/producers were trying to fit her in at all costs even when she doesn’t need to be there. An example of this is her s4 storyline. Her most popular I believe bc aesthetically, it looks amazing. Who doesn’t love witches??? But logically, what does a 16th century witch have to do with scientific artifacts that were planted by Jor-el or whatever kryptonian. That’s right, nothing. It’s one of those plots where you’re scratching your head asking what does that really have to do with anything. BUT, the plot gave room to explore her flaws and once again showcase not only why her and Clark are incompatible but also why they don’t really love/trust each other. I always found it very telling that she told Lex that she “killed” Jason’s mom and not Clark, because although Clark would’ve been put off, he would’ve understood bc she was possessed. But instead, she never told him and ran to Lex. As she always does. Which shows that as much as Clark never trusted Lana, she most importantly, which people tend to forget until s6, never trusted him. It’s always been like that with her, right from s1 which brings me back to my point that she believes others before believing him. So, no Lana is not an all around bad written character. Was she squeezed into every single plot line? Yes. Was it meaningless? No. I do agree that if the character were written today, she wouldn’t come across so helpless and relying on men all the time, but I do think that she would still be portrayed as someone who doesn’t trust and really know/love Clark, which to me is the whole point.
Her flaws and unfortunate characteristics would still be portrayed at some point but the grooming and pregnancy storyline were completely out of pocket and unnecessary, although it did show the kind of monster that Lex is, leading up to the fact that he is worse than his father. So because of this, it unfortunately serves a purpose even though it’s disgusting on the writers part. (I hate this subplot btw, she deserved better).
The writers did a terrible job writing her to be a strong woman who doesn’t need to rely on men. She wasn’t really independent or an independent thinker (she had her moments, like when she was actually genuine about the Isis foundation). They also did a terrible job trying to paint her as some saint bc she was not (but I also think it was intentional bc it showed how everyone else viewed her, as some innocent butterfly who needs to be protected and can do no wrong). But they did a good job showing her flaws and characteristics and how that affected her relationships, especially with Clark. A comment was made that it’s bc KK is a woc, I can agree with that bc if Lana was played by a white woman, they would’ve taken more care to make her independent (like Chloe, she never really relied on a man to make her way in the world. And also, post s4 her story didn’t revolve around Clark the way that Lana’s did. She was able to help him and still be independent) BUT that would not have stopped them from showing the audience and Clark eventually what kind of person she is. It didn’t stop them with Lex and Chloe so why would that be the case if Lana was played by a white woman? Also, that does not defeat the fact that she was very much a writers/producers pet (yuck). Someone on that set was obsessed with the character which is probably why, aside from contract issues, she wasn’t written out earlier.
Now the reason why I brought this up is the recent debate on whether or not she is the real villain, compared to the likes of Lex, Lionel and even Chloe. (yes Chloe so definitely the real villain of the show, she’s an underdog in the situation if you will but I will reserve my comments for another post). Under no circumstance is Lana a bigger or more real villain that Lex when she was literally abused and groomed by him. The only thing Lana is a villain of is stealing screen time and plot lines (she should’ve had less episodes than Lois s5 onwards). People have argued that she is the real villain bc she was badly written, which i’ve already contradicted. People also think that she’s the real villain because of how she treats Clark and being with Lex and trying to get back a Clark. Now, I completely understand that perspective. But one thing I will always stand on is that Lana is a victim. Yes, she decided to be with Lex and I don’t care for her reason bc at the end of the day, she’s not dumb. She saw how Clark and Lex’s friendship diminished into thin air, she saw the problems they had, how they fought. Let’s not forget the episode where her and Clark sleep together for the first time (another huge sigh) he came to her apartment, straight from the mansion, injured. He was bloody. A baby would be able to put two and two together that “hey, maybe this Lex guy is shifty if he had that bad of a falling out with Clark after years of friendship). Lana even had her reservations about Lex herself. But because of her issues with Clark, she still CHOSE to run to Lex, despite the warnings from all sides. Maybe she feels safe with him bc they’re both fighting the same thing, Clark’s secret idk. I will never defend her in that right. But let’s not act like Lex hasn’t had his eye on her for a very very long time. We also cannot move on from the fact that he made her think she was pregnant just to trap her. Which is funny bc at that point of their relationship, she wasn’t going to leave him. She literally chose him over Clark, but Lex had to manipulate her to stay. I also think he manipulated her in the earlier seasons by always helping her, whether it was teaching her self defense or taking on the Talon. Making her feel comfortable with always running to him, and not looking for any other solutions. Because what does a 15 year old have to do with that old man?? Almost everyone knows that nothing comes from the Luthors for free. You will end up paying a price. She unfortunately payed that price. With her sanity, her time. She literally went through depression bc of the miscarriage. What happened to her is cruel and inhumane whether you like her or not. She is in fact a victim, and therefore can never and will never be a bigger villain that Lex. Lana made mistakes. And when she did things intentionally, they were misguided, out of anger, or simply immature. But after everything she’s been through with Lex, I simply cannot say she was worse.
Also, calling lana a slut isn’t the flex that you think it is. She isn’t and it’s weird when people say that. I don’t like her but you don’t have to lie please 😭.
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padawansuggest · 5 months
with the whole ‘chapter kudos’ thing, do you mind people coming back and saying “oh wow i loved this so much, i cant click kudos again but if i could i would” kind of comments? because there’s been a whole campaign i keep seeing recently to encourage people to comment on stories more in that kind of way? sorry if i’ve overstepped in anyway, i’m totally just curious!
If that is going to be the entirety of the comment, please do not.
Listen. I don’t care about how many comments I get. I want sincere comments. I don’t care if that’s only like five comments. Comments don’t actually boost the story. In fact, there isn’t a single state that HONESTLY (and by that I mean with a sincerity) boost the fic because ao3 will never give you recs. We don’t have competitions to see what fic gets the most comments, and if they did I wouldn’t want to be a part of it.
My fics are fully free. I don’t ask for donations (tho I do have an Amazon wishlist because I am a person and like gifts and sometimes people wanna give them that’s okay with me) and they aren’t about some top breaking political news or some message I need to share with the world.
I don’t get why it’s so hard to understand that I like actual engagement with the story even so little as ‘wow; this was great’ and I’m getting annoyed with the extra kudos thing. It’s a useless idea to me.
If you want to do it once. Sure. But I swear to god if I start reading the same exact thing every chapter that’s when I snap. I don’t want to be trapped in an echo chamber where nothing ever changes and I could write my Magnus Opus and all I hear in return is ‘chapter kudos’ or ‘🩵💙💜’
Like. I am okay with ONLY getting those few sincere comments. I’m not saying I hate the people that only have it in them to comment chapter kudos or emojis. But just leave it off my fic. You don’t have to comment if you ain’t got shit to say.
So. Okay. If that’s what you wanna put, it’s somewhat useless but sure. But if every comment you make from there on out is a variation of ‘nice, wish I could give this a chapter kudos’ then I don’t want or need it at all.
For the most part, I write for me. And when I truly do have some worries about the fic I’ll either ask for a nice opinion (not like ‘I like it’ vs ‘I hate it’ but ‘this part was my fave’ or ‘I like how you-‘ type opinions; if you don’t like it it’s not for you and you shouldn’t be here) but those few sincere comments that seem so happy and tell me what they liked??? That’s enough for me.
If you’re worried you aren’t engaging with fics enough, just remember, you aren’t actually required to say something no matter what. If you have nothing to say, you have nothing to say. Nothing is better than something that makes the author anxious. Also literally a 💩 emoji is better than asking for the next chapter so also never do that or you’re just trash.
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This ask is sorta random, but its a thought I rly wanted to share since I think it’s kinda wholesome :)
If you think about it, Roger’s wife Kamillah is living every fan girl’s fanfic dream. From my understanding, she met him when she was working as his driver and he literally fell in love with her at first sight. Compared to his other wives and gfs (except Judy I guess, not sure about Carolyne) all of them were sorta prominent or worked in the entertainment industry like Priscilla and Laurie. The way he looks at her is unlike the way he’s ever looked at anyone in my observation. I think she really is the one. He always dedicates the last song for her at his recent concerts.
Good for her, I’m honestly so happy for them. Hope they stay together forever ❤️ (this is so random, apologies for the nonsensical ramble!)
Does he really dedicate songs to her ? That's indeed really sweet. I'm not sure how you evaluate 'the way he looks at her' though, especially compared to other partners, given how few pictures we have of Roger + Kamilah together and even fewer of him + previous wives.
I do believe he's finally found true love with Kamilah, but I don't think her social/professional background has much to do with it. True love transcends class or income ; though I guess social expectations among certain social groups and tensions linked with money can jeopardize a marriage, and there might have been some of that in his relationship with Carolyne, Priscilla and Laurie. But tbh trying to resolve the mystery of Roger's many failed marriages is a bit of a useless quest until the day he clears it up himself. There just isn't enough info out there, it's all conjecture.
What makes me believe in the viability of his relationship with Kamilah is what he's said about his new vision of love in several interviews a few years ago. It's not that he had a massive breakthrough or that he realized he never actually loved his previous wives, more that his understanding of love & relationships has matured in the meantime. He's finally linked the part of his psyche that cares about the plight of human beings all over the world and the part that falls in love with women ; he's figured out that romantic love should stem from the basic, universal brotherly love that you might call charity or humanitarianism. I wanna say, 'duh !' But you know, better late than never.
Relevant interview excerpts (+ links to full interview) :
Are you married now ? RW : "No, I’m… not. I’m single. [...] I did fall deeply, deeply, deeply in love about a year ago and uh… I’m not going to talk about that except to say that that has opened up fresh horizons." Being in love is different than it was before, or…? "Yeah. With all due respect to my many ex-wives.  [...] Oh god, my god yeah, open yourself up to love… It’s the hardest, most kind of dangerous thing that anybody can do. And that’s, you know, on a personal level with a woman… But it points the way maybe to the fact that there is only one path worth walking in life, and that is to attempt, insofar as you can, to open yourself up to everybody else as well. That is the mission, is to discover how much you can open yourself up to the rest of humanity." WTF Podcast, october 2016 (before he was with Kamilah)
Tell us about "Wait for Her." Why did you decide to interpret that poem into an English ballad, and what special meaning does it hold for you? "Well, that’s sort of private. You see it has something to do with love and it has something to do with how feeling the power of emotions that one can feel in a love affair, in a love for a woman or a man, I don’t care … Romantic love, and physical love and passionate love can bring out in one, maybe encourage the potential that we have for a broader expression of the love that we all have within us." Stepfeed.com, october 2017
What is good? "Love is good, obviously. It requires maturation. If you have real love, it will surely last a long time. Because love is about giving, not receiving." Do you have a 'real love' today? "Yes, I have Kamilah. We are not married, but we have been together for a couple of years. And I'm happy." Infobae.com, november 2018
I'm assuming that this last interview is the one you referenced when you talked about how he & Kamilah met, but if it was a different one, please share the link ! I'm always hungry for some fresh interviews ! Oh and btw, I'm remembering now that I was supposed to post a translated version of it some time last year. Is anyone still interested in this ? If so PLEASE tell me. (Otherwise I won't bother)
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audball · 1 year
This Is Gonna Make Me Sound Ungrateful But Idc. (Long post).
Two people in my family are major gift-givers. But the problem is, its to a fault imo.
For YEARS I have complained that I never have any room for the shit I Already Have. I am currently in the process of gathering up a bunch of shit to give to goodwill or whomever because i literally have NO place to put it. I do this every so often and every single time these two just completely undo it with their gift-giving no matter how many times I tell them not to.
My family, also, tend to keep a lot of pointless shit. I’m NOT calling them hoarders, thats an actual major mental illness which I don’t think they fall under. what they DO do, however, is they are the type where as long as you shove everything under a bed or in a closet, its “clean”. very “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. well, we’ve been doing that for so many years now that we no longer CAN put shit under our bed, we no longer CAN put shit in our closets. But every single year my father AND my brother, even tho everyone is ACUTELY aware of how i feel about this type of shit, gets me these Big gifts that take up all this space. OR its a bunch of Little shit that does nothing but sit on a shelf. like I appreciate the thought, its really nice, but at the same time i have had MULTIPLE meltdowns, M U L T I P L E, over how I NEED to get shit out of this goddamn house because my tiny-ass room is just covered in useless figures and items that do not Have a place to go. And don’t get me wrong, I Do get rid of stuff! Problem is, Christmas will come around again, and now all my progress was for Nothing while I get gifted all these giant video game pre-order figurines or special collectors edition whatevers or Another Gundam. None of which is asked for by me. And I’m not allowed to get mad!!!! Any attempts to tell these people “I JUST WANT MONEY OR GIFT CARDS PLEASE” is either disregarded Entirely, or is taken as a joke (usually taken as a joke no matter how much I basically Plead with them to not get me anything). Hell, honestly I don’t really want ANYTHING for christmas or birthdays or whatever. I’m a big girl, I make my own money, I can buy my own things. But if I get upset at the fact that I’m getting more shit thats just gonna get put on a shelf and forgotten about, I’M THE BAD GUY! I don’t care if I sound ungrateful or whatever. I Really, REALLY wish this shit would fucking STOP. I’m sick of having to play fucking Tetris in my tiny-ass little fuckin room that I’m in in this god-forsaken house just because if I decline or get rid of some big-ass knick-knack gift I’ll hurt someones fee fees. :( They always fuckin say too! “I have no idea what to get you anymore!!! :)))” HOW ABOUT PLEASE DON’T. IF I HAVE SOMETHING I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS I WILL LET YOU KNOW. YOU  ASK ME FOR A LIST AS IT IS, WHATS THE POINT OF GIVING YOU THAT LIST IF UR JUST GONNA OVERLOAD ME WITH SHIT ANYWAY!!!! MAYBE LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SAY “I HAVE TOO MUCH SHIT ALREADY”. PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING CHRIST. I SWEAR TO GOD THESE PEOPLE IN THIS HOUSE DO NOT FUCKING LISTEN UNLESS IM ACTIVELY THROWING A TEMPER TANTRUM LIKE A CHILD!!!!!!!! AND I FEEL SO TERRIBLE CUZ IM YELLING AND SCREAMING OVER BEING GIVEN GIFTS!!! I DONT MIND GETTING GIFTS BUT WHEN I HAVE NO ROOM: I. HAVE. NO. R O O M. AND ME DUMPING A BUNCH OF SHIT TO GOODWILL DOES *NOT* FUCKING MEAN I WANT MORE FIGURES THAT WILL JUST SIT THERE! I’M TRYING TO GET RID OF THIS SHIT SO I DON’T FEEL LIKE I’M CONSTANTLY LIVING IN A TRASH HEAP.
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charleslebatman · 2 months
Thanks bestie. 🫶 To have talk sometimes with medical students (French students of course 😂). I was surprised to see how much it’s staying uni studies of course, but how much the system is different. I was, okay not understanding everything here 🙃 while I’m in uni as you. //
Hii!! I will be happy to explain!
Okay so first of all, even if the main organisation and division of subject and years is by state law so subject are equal for every one, there is a degree in which single school chose their organisation (depending on how many students are there, spaces, hospital). You enter the speciality training after you obtained the medical degree, before you Internship that are basically Training while you are still in school, but you have the same legal responsibility of a normal doctor, so if they send you to do something and you fuck up, that's on you (don't worry, they actually make us do simple things). This is mandatory and you go in every department, they show you cases and particular disease and you need to study mainly on your own if you really want to understand something because they will never explain too much to you while in the hospital ground. (They are working there and also you can't exactly tell everything in front of patients). She is doing this mainly, so she is following a department and she goes around and sees things in the Operating Theatre for example, but that's the mandatory training in school and usually there are too much of us.
Another thing you can do, if you know some professor and professional that are really open to teaching you can ask them to be with them in their department. I'm doing it for General Surgery, since because the early you start to have some kind of familiarity with surgery the better is if you want to became one. You gain experience and trust from your professor. But like, even in this case, I review my Anatomy and Physiology alone, I study the case beforehand(also because I don't want to look stupid) they usually explain if I don't understand by they use technical terms and specific language, so If you aren't familiar, it's a little bit useless.
For the exam load, I don't think it's worse than other universities. Despite one might think, Medicine is Logic and memory. Nothing more. Nothing less. It's not that difficult, i consider engineering more difficult with all that math. The thing that is too much is the volume of the exams. The modules are huge, books are huge, so it requires time. I do everything, I workout, I go out with friends, so I have a good life-study balance, but even then, I need to study a lot and I need to renounce to things from time to time (like travels in the middle of the semester to the other side of the world *coff*) but this is also depend on one life. In my case I don't have that financial support that will let me take things more easily and slowly, or for example the simple thing to have someone close to you in that environment is a huge help.
Also you can do Erasmus, Traineeship abroad, and things like that to enriching your curriculum...that if you a really specific goal, you really need those things.
Wow bestie all my strength to you. Old generation forgot or don’t realize how much students, young adults are working and dealing so hard to archive their goal. A thousand of thanks to take time to explain all that. I’m proud of your mental, your hard work you’re on to archive your goal.
I’ll not hide it, I’m imagining you as a Grey’s anatomy student. Ooops, it’s my only not too bad ref. 😭 You’re Meredith Grey in my head now bestie, it’s a compliment promise. 🫶
I think it’s working quite the same in France, and I’ll not talk to you how health department is literally shattered into a thousand pieces. So don’t want to imagine how it must be for intern students in this case… ❤️
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diariesof-kg · 1 year
Full Moon.
I am not sure if I am comfortable speaking on this, but I feel as though, writing everything out will relieve some sort of misery.  I’ve been quiet for some time about this incident.  You’d think it was a dude the way this whole thing occurred.  This is why, when I interact with people publicly I make sure I shift my body a certain way.  This girl, literally, did the most one night.  And I definitely don’t understand why she continues to create different IGs and Ph#s and calling me when I am aware of who they are and don’t respond.  Of course, I head downtown and have two drinks, at which I am unsure why people think alcohol is going to make you feel loose.  Third eye and conscious will never make me not be present.  She came late and ordered two margaritas and of course had drank prior and smoked.  Now as we are sitting in this place, its subtle things she attempts to do that I am like no, I’m okay.  Yes I was single at the time, but I honestly wish people would stop thinking, I am down for everyone and everything.  Anyway, I am always ready to leave, of course I get in my car and start my car and left my door open, because I was irritated and ready to go.  The person asked for a hug and everything kind of went left. 
The person started grabbing on me and feeling on me and to my ignorance I had placed both arms against my chest in the effort to push her off of me but she grabbed tighter and at this point I could not move and kept leaning back and pushing at the same time telling her to get off of me and to stop.  She was licking on me and kissing on me and feeling on me.  It was ...disgusting.  If there is a alternative word other than violated, I’d use it.  She also in the midst of that, told me, “I did not come all the way here for nothing...” I remember my feet being off the ground at some point.  I remember car headlights passing by and people walking past on the sidewalk, looking.  I wanted to throw myself into on coming traffic just to get away.  She let me go, because there was this couple walking past and they had stopped.  I dislike being small, I honestly do.  I... drove home confused and took a 45 minute shower to be exact.  She actually reached out with a different number and texted some crap about having sex dreams about me.  I have been quiet for awhile, I tend to hold things inside until something triggers one emotion and then it all comes out at once.  If I was trifling and I mean a savage, I’d out her whole entire existence.  I have friends in the industry with blogs that would literally make her lose her damn teaching job.  But once again, Ke’Anna spares the souls that destroys hers.  
Just thinking about it has me gagging and wanting to fall into a black hole.  If my friends knew, or my one friend knew, I mean I can’t even discuss further, what would happen.  I think that’s why I be scared to touch people sexually sometimes.  I kind of always wondered why.  Just my past childhood and other occurrences.  I remember the last chick I asked permission and she found it annoying, but she knew of my past, but didn’t care.  This world has sheep in wolves clothing forsure.  Since I am always the bad guy, I guess I deserved to be assaulted like that even though I know it was uncalled for.  I wish I could speak up and say something to her, but I know every time I speak my mind, I end up in the wrong and I don’t even come at anyone sideways, just calm and open.  It honestly sucks, but this is how I felt when the incident happened as a child.  Just a muted mind, with a tainted body and useless soul.  No one to save me or have my back, no one to speak up for me, when I feel silenced.  I am probably in the wrong for even speaking about it on my blog, I am always wrong for expressing my feelings.  
People want to know whats on my mind and its hard for me to express myself, because I always feel like I am wrong.  This world wants someone gentle and can communicate and I am more of a sensitive person, that shuts down and cries.  I think also, I dislike being called mean, when I am placing boundaries and don’t tolerate a lot of things.  I kind of accepted that title “mean lady.”  I can barely convince people that’s not me.  I remember I wanted to out this girl that literally stalked me, I posted a picture and she wrote, “If that’s how you look all the time I want to taste your p*ssy.” *gags, I wish I could do what I really want to do and expose.
To end this blog ----
I ...feel a relief of writing out what happened.  Although, I am numb and don’t know how I truly feel, but since Ive written it, I don’t believe I will speak about it again unless someone asks.  Humans are less than kind these days.  I wish, I could vent this out, but I also, dont like to pour this kind of heavy load onto someone.  I wish I could post on my IG, but knowing my followers it would create drama and of course the person would deny it all.  I wish I could post all my DMs of the inappropriateness I receive, but that’d make me the bad guy.  I wish the world didn’t just tell people to simply ‘block’ a person, but to encourage them to speak up.  
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