#Enjoyment is a Choice
kyliafanfiction · 2 months
I know this may seem rich coming from me, since at least 50% of this blog is complaints and bitching by volume, but enjoying something is a choice. You can choose to enjoy a thing, warts and all, or you can let the warts consume your enjoyment.
Nothing will be perfect. No perfect book, no perfect game, no perfect show. I'm not saying 'settle' or 'never criticize' - again, this blog is at least 50% complaints by volume - but ultimately, you have to decide:
Are you going to enjoy the thing, while also admitting flaws, or just let your hate for those flaws consume your entire perception of the thing.
Or of course, you can set it aside, but this is about the things we can't set aside. The books or shows or games or w/e that just won't leave our brains no matter what.
And if you can't just set it aside and move on, like a rational, sane person would (or so I hear, haven't meant many of those in my time here in fandom and on tumblr), or you can choose to... just hate. Just bitch. Just refuse to like it, and stew. Just... stew.
And the thing is, I don't actually do that. I don't stew. With the exception of my endless rage at Captain America, who continues to squat rent free in a corner of my brain, I actually don't spend much time in my real life focusing on what I don't like about the things I love, or enjoy, or otherwise consume my life and brain. I have things I don't like about my favorite book serieses (What is the plural of series?), or my favorite shows, or my favorite games. Things that bug me, things that annoy me, things that make me wanna pull my hair out.
And when I bitch about them here on tumblr, it's 'I had the thought, I bitch, I move on'. When I have a whole string of them, it's because I'm consuming the thing actively, and I'm venting about whatever annoys me. But if I genuinely hate or can't stand the thing... 99.99% of the time, I just stop. I stop reading, I stop watching, I stop playing. If there's nothing or not enough drawing me in... I quit. Boom. Done.
Because, at the end of the day, I choose to enjoy. That game that I love to pieces and that so many people make snarky videos about how much it sucks compared to the earlier 'good' part of the series? Or about how the game's developers suck because... other game developer did 'basically the same game' better? (When, 75% it's entirely different and not comparable, or actually didn't do the thing better, just different in a way that appealed to the other person's idiosyncratic tastes) Or that book that's trash that sooooo many people insist X or Y or Z did a better version of? That show that 'became garbage' because of a choice you're still butthurt over five seasons later?
I can give you chapter and verse about what's wrong with them. The little things, the big things, the minor annoyances, the quality of life changes, the big picture sweeping reworks I wish we'd had. The stuff that has left me up mad at night when I really can't control myself. The things that I understand why the creator(s) did the way they did, even if I don't agree, and the things that, to this day, I still don't grasp the motivation behind.
And yeah, sometimes those things bubble up to the front of my mind, and sit there for a while, despite my best efforts.
But frankly? I refuse to let that shit stick with me forever (again, Cappy-Fucker excepted, and for the record, I don't like that my hate for him is so deep-seated). I have shit to do. Books to read (again). Games to play (again). Shows to watch (again).
I'm not going to let my hate or annoyance run the show.
I'm going to choose to enjoy it, god fucking damnit.
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timothylawrence · 9 months
"Wyll is boring" he is the personification of daddy issues. he hides away at a beach TWICE and leaving the tav to go find him because he's not used to having people around who care abt him. he's been running around the sword coast for seven years just killing things and saving people because he got EXILED and chose to prove himself to his father and just help others. he spends his time training kids how to defend themselves. you find out his dad is the ARCHDUKE of Baldur's Gate. he almost drowned once trying to find mermaids. he has a literal devil haunting him that watches his every move. He managed to stop an entire cult of Tiamat AT AGE 17!!!!!!! he loves clowns.
Wyll isn't boring, ppl just haven't taken the time to explore his story and it SHOWS
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delicourse · 1 year
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mop finale....
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penny-anna · 4 months
Willow: since we're trapped in the Human Realm and have time to kill, we've been thinking that it'd be great if you could show us some of some of the human 'movies' you're always raving about!
Luz: oh man I'd love to show you guys some of my favs! but uh, a lot of my top ten picks are horror movies so maybe we should start with something less scary
Gus: pfft, Luz, come on. after all the stuff we've been through together, what could these 'horror movies' possibly have in them that could scare us?
Luz: yeah, I guess you're right
*cut to the Hexsquad frozen in horror in front of John Carpenter's The Thing while Vee & Luz eat popcorn*
Luz: oh man you guys, this is the best part coming up!!
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dmbakura · 6 months
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This is from the interview larian did with ign today talking about various characters and their endings but I just wanna say ascended astarion being such a paranoid weirdo is very important to me and I'm glad it was touched on here 🤪👌
Edit: since apparently I need to break this down for people who can't read, this is not a statement on his evil ending being "more canon" or "the real astarion." It's saying that when you ascend him, he's not a different character. He's still Astarion just at his worst self. The two endings are not different characters despite them behaviorally being quite different, the contrast is meant to show validating his worst fears vs telling him he can be more than what Cazador made him to me. In other words, none of this is new information ie it's what we already knew about his character.
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a2zillustration · 6 months
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gently places the Gale and Croissant dolls in a little box and VIOLENTLY SHAKES IT
Also here's what Karlach was right about if you forgot.
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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lcecrown · 6 months
This one goes out to all my fellow chartedders I hope this edit I've cooked up doesn't inflict too much psychic damage upon you all
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rox-of-iu · 10 months
my old blorbos are back in my brain
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heart pirates my absolute beloved. shame theyre chillin somewhere in the ocean lol (do not mention the pre-time skip hats of penguin and shachi I'm still attached even tho its already been a million years since then)
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anyway every time i remember that Law and Kid are assigned german and Scottish by Oda i gain one hundred years
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20′s Mentopolis episode 1
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balladofthe101st · 1 month
often think about how toye didn't have to pull luz closer to him to ask for a drink but he did anyways
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kyliafanfiction · 28 days
I honestly don't see the point of writing a fic where the sole purpose is characters from another fandom (or worse, the author's OCs) get to 'kill everyone' or otherwise destroy the setting that you hate so much.
Like... just don't consume the media? Enjoy shit instead?
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hallucxnating · 14 days
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You know what? I like you. *yuris your yaoi*
Also a bit of titi under the cut here's hoping i won't get flagged
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Thank you for your services itty bitty titty warrior Kanra-san i release you from my clutches. For now.
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heroesriseandfall · 7 months
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Tim and Damian seeing the Jason Todd memorial case for the first time:
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(Comic sources: Tim in Batman #442 for his introductory arc A Lonely Place of Dying, and Damian in Batman #657 for his introductory arc Batman and Son.)
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lale-txt · 9 months
"kill them with kindness" wrong. fuck their dad and their grandpa. actually fuck their whole family tree
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cloudmancy · 25 days
I had the thought earlier that helped me realize why this episode felt so icky in that the bad kids have now canonically been more empathetic and forgiving of known sexual predator biz fucking glitterdew than the rat grinders who were killed by a god of rage and given the choice between a horrible death with no afterlife or a life serving the rage god
thinking about this forever. murph pointing out at the table that [irt jace stardiamond] it takes an incredible amount of courage to cease to exist and he stopped just short of that. why are one of the two adults who manipulated and killed the group of teenagers who trusted them being given more grace by the cast than the rat grinders... it's very sad because they came to the conclusion that it takes more courage than the average person has. but when confronted with the rat grinders themselves the bad kids are like ohhh you teenagers are all going to hell forever and ever for being coerced into facing this extremely difficult choice that not even an adult made
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Michael Sheen playing Aziraphale as cockhungry as possible VS the Good Omens fandom and Neil Gaiman and the Lord himself screaming for Aziraphale to be asexual
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