#Franklin Simon
chicinsilk · 3 months
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US Vogue March 15, 1958
Ultramarine blue three-quarter length coat, by Dan Millstein, in Ascher soufflé in mohair and nylon over a gray-blue dress. Colibri smoked gray stockings, from Franklin Simon. Newton Elkin shoes. White pigskin gloves, by Fownes. Other surprise colors: Pink Violet lipstick, by Elizabeth Arden.
Manteau trois quarts bleu outremer, par Dan Millstein, en soufflé Ascher en mohair et nylon sur une robe gris-bleu. Bas gris fumé Colibri, chez Franklin Simon. Chaussures Newton Elkin. Gants en peau de porc blanc, par Fownes. Autres couleurs surprises : le rouge à lèvres Pink Violet, d'Elizabeth Arden.
Photo Sante Forlano vogue archive
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newyorkthegoldenage · 5 months
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A horse and carriage advertising Franklin Simon passes in front of the more upscale department store, Saks Fifth Avenue, December 22, 1958.
Top photo: Associated Press via WHNT Bottom photo: Morse Collection/Gado/Getty Images
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vintagepromotions · 2 years
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‘Young individualist is riding high’
Advertisement for clothing by Len Stuart and sold in Franklin Simon department stores, featuring the illustration of a fashionable young woman in a hot air balloon (c. 1960).
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listography · 3 months
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blackbirdswillsing · 5 months
someone on tiktok said that women had never done anything impactful in history so i listed some women, they then said that people like emily davison and emmeline pankhurst didn’t count because gender equality didn’t count???
so then i listed some more academic/science based women and they said this:
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(ignore the marie curie typo)
i’m not crazy right? these are some of the most famous women in history, famous for their discoveries and achievements
i’m sorry that you don’t know who they are but your ignorance does not mean that these amazing women did not do what they did??
tell me that you guys know all of these women and it’s common knowledge because i’m pretty sure it is right?
i’m so sick and tired of people thinking they deserve to win arguments using insults and belittlement even though they don’t have the slightest clue what they’re even talking about
edit: stop saying “i only know x but not y and z”. i don’t care, do better.
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
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Unseen characters in Fire & Blood 🔥🐉 -Nettles' mother
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oscarisaacasimov · 8 months
Hozier's interviews, radio & podcast & tv, August 2023
Aug 3, 93.1 WYEP, Joey Spehar hosts
On the power of music to unite us globally:  “I wish I had a more decisively optimistic outlook on it. If we’re looking to musicians for the answer or the cure, for the real serious challenges we’re facing, to heal them or fix them, we’re really in trouble…That being said, a song can really capture a collective moment, a collective experience, and maybe it can bring people together on an issue, or resonate with large amounts of people, and hopefully then those people could collectively turn to those who do have power and hold them to account.”
Aug 8, RadioEins
“De Selby part 1 more resonates with that character…he’s this lunatic philosopher, has an Alice in Wonderland way of seeing the world. Because light moves at a certain speed, when you look in a mirror you’re technically looking back in time, and then if he had enough mirrors, he could see himself as a child…That nighttime is not an absence of light, but the sky secretes “black air” and the world is wrapped in that…The song is writing from his perspective, when you can sit in complete darkness and complete quiet, you can establish for yourself that you no longer exist and that’s very freeing.”
Aug 8, FluxFM, Wencke Fiedler hosts
"It was important to allow each song to be what it needed to be instrumentally, texturally, each song fulfilled itself."
Aug 10, My Turning Point, Steve Balkin hosts
“Alex Ryan the MD would come in at sound check and say I want to try something - what if in this section you do that. Once upon a time, I would have said, let’s not deviate, but watching the set change is part of our experience of the tour. You become less precious, less dogmatic in the way you want to do things…It’s way more fun if you’re with people smarter than you.”
Q: Which Tom Waits song do you wish you had written?  H: Soldier's Things…it's him listing all these items that belong to an unnamed soldier, "this one's for bravery, that one's for me, everything's a dollar in this box." It's this subtle anti war song, there's a terrible sadness to it, but it doesn't preach. There's a brilliance to that.
Aug 12, RTE Radio One, Brendan O'Connor hosts
H: “The early demos were far too concept, were a little too prog, a little too music theater."  BC: "You nearly did a rock opera! Maybe that's next." 
BC: “How did the pandemic challenge you?"  H: “When you’re on your hamster wheel and you’re running, keeping yourself busy. When you step off, you’re forced to sit in the cage of your life that you’ve built for yourself.”
Aug 16, Behind the Song 
On De Selby
De Selby is part genius part lunatic, he sees the world through a very dreamlike logic, it’s a way to open the album with a reflection on darkness, as something that’s very freeing, all things are lost in that darkness…If I can’t see where my hand ends and the darkness begins, they become literally one and the same…The Irish expands upon that in the direction of a love song, you come to me like nightfall is saying, you & I mixed up together, you and I metamorphasize when you can’t see where one ends and the other begins…We’re lost together in this darkness, we are everything, there’s no beginning or end.
Aug 16, The Current On the Circles of Hell 
“It was hard to find a choice for heresy, because I was writing a lot of stuff that you could class as heretical, which is fun always to do.”
Aug 17, Hugendubek, Booket List
Discussing favorite books (Dante’s Inferno, Fairy Tales by Oscar Wilde, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Ulysses by James Joyce, 1984 by George Orwell) 
“I wish I read more. I’m not a good reader, I’m not a committed reader, but when I obsess over something, I allow it to ruin my life.”  
“With books, people could stand to gain a wider palette of understanding different human experiences.” 
Aug 17, Diffus magazine 
Reading Dante's Inferno, not a true interview but delightful. 
“That day (after he kissed me), we read no more.” A nice way of saying Netflix and chill for the medieval period.”  
“Dante is by our standards a fundamentalist thinker… Dante the character is sympathizing with people in hell, and yet Dante the poet put them there.”  
“Virgil is so taken with Beatrice and her perfection and her beauty, he says “So perfect is your command, if I already obeyed, it would have been too late,” how moved he is to do anything Beatrice would ask him.
Aug 17, Amazon Music
“An album I know by heart? Bon Iver’s debut For Emma, Forever Ago, I listened to that like an absolute psychopath when it first came out. Also Aretha Franklin's debut, and Moondance by Van Morrison.” 
"If I was a worm would you still love me?" "Of course, yes. As a fisherman, who needs to catch fish."
Aug 18, CBS, Anthony Mason hosts
Q- Did you make peace with it all?  Hozier - "Yes he says as he's welling up! I made an album."
Hozier - "As a teenager I fell in love with Tom Waits work. I was amazed that noise was coming out of his mouth." Q - Interesting because vocally he's nothing like you.  Hozier - "Well, we'll see!"
Aug 18, Good Morning America  brief interview + De selby part 2 performance
“The title Unreal Unearth got its hooks on me early in the process. I started writing some of the songs in the early parts of the pandemic which felt surreal. But then also some of the songs play with myths and fictional characters, so there’s the unreal in that. For unearth, I enjoyed that, to dig and uncover and explore.”
Aug 18, Hozier reads TikTok comments, Linda Meiden hosts 
 "Theres a lot for me to live up to, allow me to disappoint!" 
"I have an amazing mum, but she is married to my dad." 
*I should show them to my exes, I don't know if they'd agree with you."
Aug 18, Chicks in the Office 
“I used to covet alone time, what I found out in the pandemic was the upper limitations of what solitude can give me…. I was energized to work with other people when I got to LA…I haven't jammed like that since I was 15.” 
“A good idea is like putting your ear up to an abandoned well and going, oh something's in there.”
Aug 19, NME  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HlEYnU8n7g   I am a private person but I haven’t had to work hard. People work hard to be famous, I don’t have to do that, I don’t want to do that…I do reveal a lot of myself in the work and in interviews like this, most people don’t sit down and do a chat.
Aug 24, Spotify UK TikTok
"Victoria Canal, Swansong switched me into her work, The Last Dinner party, I'm excited what's ahead for them, Rachel Lavelle, I'm excited for her career, I'm excited we have artists like her." 
Aug 27, Lipps Service, Scott Lipps hosts 
"Take me to Church was the first song I released, and I think we worked extra extra hard to catch up. Something I’m very proud of, somebody does an aggregate of how many miles a touring group has travelled and how many shows it’s done, and based on that, we were the hardest working touring group of 2015. We’d do two radio shows a day and then a gig that night, it was inch by inch. Looking back, I thought everybody did it that way. "   
Q: Top 5 Irish acts ever for you?  A: Christ, no I can’t. In no order, Thin Lizzy, Rory Gallagher, Van Morrison, the Pogues, U2… it has to be top 7…Sinead O'Connor, the Cranberries. For more traditional acts, Paul Brady.
Q: Top 5 greatest voices in music today?  A: I’m always astounded by Yebba, by Brandy. You've got to look at soul and r&b, when you're talking greatest vocalists. Aretha Franklin, I think greatest vocalist ever to have lived. Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday was a huge voice for me, Otis Redding was a huge voice for me. I can’t give a solid five. An old favorite is Nina Simone, for what she carries.
Aug 28, Apple Music, Zane Lowe hosts 
Z: In 2020 most of us were drinking wine, watching family feud, pretending this wasn't gonna last more then two weeks, homie went straight into Dante's Inferno.  H: One line that really spoke to me at the time was "Through me, you enter into the population of loss." Anyone who lives long enough will go through their own hell and out the other side. 
H: There is a spot called Glendalough, and something hums in that valley. Z: Like a lay line almost? H: For those who believe in that, Ireland is very rich in lay lines, there's a thrumming, these sites that have been centers of worship and burial for thousands of years.  Z: Well there you go, thousands of years would suggest - and why would you not want to believe in something way bigger than ourselves? I'll never understand people trying to disprove it. Why would you want to think, this is it. Don't you want to believe in magic?  H: As you get older, you cultivate a relationship with joy and wonder that you never had as a child. 
H: The hard work is nothing, you love what you do, it's fine. The work gets done, you've got no choice, nothing in your body says I can't or I won't. It's the sacrifice, the relationships, the time you never get back…To be in step with yourself, to be fulfilled, to feel whole, to feel connected, to feel in place, the biggest part of that is community.
Aug 31, KXRW, Chris Douridas hosts
"With Ella, the ease with which she would forget a lyric and just riff in that empty space, do an impression of Louis Armstrong…The fresh invigorating runs, this incredibly creative way she uses her voice as an instrument, Ella Fitzgerald as a vocalist, is somebody I don’t think we’ll ever see the likes of again. I love those old jazz standards, how cyclical their lyrics are, setting up a premise of a lyrical motif and then concluding it in a successful way."  
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soundgrammar · 8 months
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Drummer Roger Hawkins (October 16, 1945 – May 20, 2021), best known as a member of the studio backing band the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section. Photo by Deborah Feingold.
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whosangitbetter · 1 year
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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US Vogue February 1, 1957
An unidentified model wears a pink polka dot silk shirt, tucked into skinny jersey pants, bittersweet pearl yards scarf. Heller worsted jersey shirt and pants. By Cooper's Cabana. Pearls of Dalsheim, Franklin Simon. Sandals by Palter DeLiso.
Un modèle non identifié porte une chemise en soie rose à pois, rentrée dans un pantalon en jersey étroit, écharpe de yards de perles douces-amères. Chemise et pantalon en jersey peigné Heller. Par Cooper's Cabana. Perles de Dalsheim, Franklin Simon. Sandales par Palter DeLiso.
Photo Richard Rutledge vogue archive
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pythiaswine · 2 years
nothing makes my heart twist in knots more than Fear Street 1666. fantastic. it's the historical, fictional sapphic movie i needed. camp as fuck. like fuck netflix okay but this is one thing i actually really love. this and Ratched of COURSE.
the absolute TRUTH in the story of a woman demonized by the covert actions of a man who plays the good guy even to the woman he's damning, the "deviancy" of teens even in 1660s colonial america, the queer love story that's pursued despite the whole "this is wrong" shebang, the offered "cure," the overshadowing horror, the trilogy altogether being about these serial killers and the absolutely sickening backstory where you're led on for the first two movies to believe it's the work of a witch who cursed the land and then really it's the fact that she was a scapegoat who was in the wrong place at the wrong time!!! fuck! it kills me. the men allcoming together and straight up lying out of their asses just to implicate sarah and hannah in the crime of witchcraft. the assault as they "search" hannah for marks. fucking vile. witch hunt unraveling in its purest. the way sarah trusts solomon. the way he kills her off not because she's a witch but because she's the only one who knows he's the real villain.
FUCK. and don't get me wrong i love Midnight Mass and even though the degeneration of peaceful small-town christianity into a cult is chilling and incredibly well-done, and it got my heart racing, something about the way Fear Street unfolds itself, something about how it tricks you into believing it's the same old teen slasher story about a curse on a town from centuries ago, or leads you to believe the witch is really a witch. it's something about the way two teenage girls are trying to just exist and love in a world that paints them as witches and whores and sinners, a world where the "holy" men of the town would control them, assault them, rape them, hang them if they so choose. they were at a disadvantage BEFORE solomon made a deal with the devil. it's personal to me as a young lesbian who has never seen such a great portrayal of the scrutiny and lesbaphobia, the intersectionality of misogyny, homophobia, and the purity culture of christianity. i went into the trilogy with a feeling of disappointment like oh good, another evil witch, another good cop... AND THEY 360 THAT SHIT!! and i love it!
and then the horror aspects?? all of the gore was awesome imo but i was never quite so uncomfortable (and that's how gore should make you feel in a horror movie, i think) as when the children and pastor had their eyes gouged out. the hand scene was gnarly too but badass as fuck. kate and simon's deaths were gross and pretty awesome, i genuinely didn't expect either of them to go despite this being the slasher genre. the whole 1978 movie was great and it's totally a modern Friday the 13th with some totally rad heroines who are well written.
the happy ending we deserved!!!?? the tragedy of Sarah ultimately being hanged despite her best fighting efforts because even though she escaped him, nobody was going to believe her anyway, then we finally have victory. Sunnyvale/the Goodes get what they fucking deserve.
and don't get me started on how we learn the story of what happened in 1666 through our current characters, it's so warming and familiar. it makes the audience keep focus. fuck i loved this trilogy. i loved RL Stine's books as a kid and the world-building in this was so colorfully reminiscent. the music was also awesomeeee ughh
amanda ford's costuming??? love her so much
and to top off the happy ending, Deena and Sam get a date over Sarah Fier's grave in honor of her memory and the history it's romantic and sapphic as fuck i love it
then of course some classic horror nonsense when ee see the book in the credits. so much to adore here.
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je5hko · 10 months
let me know!
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listography · 6 months
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geekpopnews · 3 months
Mulheres na música: conheça figuras que revolucionaram a indústria
Conheça algumas mulheres que revolucionaram a indústria musical:
Enquanto o mundo celebra o Dia Internacional da Mulher, é crucial reconhecer o papel essencial que as mulheres desempenham na indústria musical. Ao longo dos anos, mulheres talentosas têm quebrado barreiras, desafiado normas e deixado uma marca na história da música. Suas vozes, habilidades e contribuições têm moldado o cenário musical de diversas maneiras, inspirando gerações futuras a seguir…
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hollyisaberry · 2 years
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I added words :)
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simonbakeralbum · 1 year
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The Mentalist 06-09
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