didsomeonesayventus · 10 months
damn so how about the latest fe engage manga chapter (tw for talk of crucifixion under the cut not like. horrendously detailed at all but also hi most people may understandably not want to read about that w/ out a warning sjakghsdkgh)
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I HATE TO SAY IT BUT LIKE. kinda giggling thinking about this you're telling me back when I was writing Black Tourmaline (which, for the uninformed, has Alear kidnapped by Fell Cult Leftovers a few years post canon that I finished like back in mid June you should check it out maybe) I could've included crucifixion as a means of torture* and it would've been confirmed a canon aspect of fell worship a matter of months later
damn i could've crucified al- (a comically large frying pan slams against my head, knocking me out instantly)
* tho also I will concede that, while swift intervention + lack of nailing (which I don't think there is any here *squinting*) means you could have a chance of survival, typically the goal of crucifixion is uh. execution. remember kids crucifixion is an obscenely nasty ass way to go and frankly im not surprised it would be involved in Fell worship given the kind of attitudes Sombron takes up of course he'd probably be chill with if not promote something that- if you're lucky -would still take hours of agony to kill you, if not days.
fuckhead sombron fuck you
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scentedmiracleobject · 7 months
Oh, no shadow and bone, and the spin-off got canceled. So tragic. Let me act like I didn't see it coming since the release of S2.
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The cast deserved better. Best wishes for them in their careers 😊
- The way they rushed through S&B plot, Y'all cheered for it because to you, it meant the quicker they wrap s&b, the quicker you get your crows spin off. Having 0 regard to s&b plot, fandom, and characters.
-When they ruined Darklina scenes, and Darklina fans complained about how they changed the tether and their relationship as whole in S2, Y'all enjoyed it at that time. Look who is laughing now 😂
The way the Crows fans disrespected s&b fans saying shit like "we are the ones carrying the show on our back" and "S&B is so boring, give us the crows" " I speed past s&b characters to see my babies "
-The way the writers disregarded S2 during its streaming and started talking about the spin off dialogs instead of promoting S2.
- The way they used darklina in every meeting to promote before the release when they actually fucked it in the actual show.
- The way they put an anti darkling/darklina in charge of their accounts in Social Media.
Again, the hate that darklina fans got for liking the ship, and the way they got pushed aside by the entire fandom ( even tho darklina is the most active with the most views in terms of: posts, fanfictions, fanarts, fanedits).
Now we know who carried the show for a S2 🫢
I guess watching multiple times on repeat didn't work out 😜
Y'all have been lying to yourselves saying S2 was great, but now you've got a reality check ✔️ rottentomatoes 🍅 says hi 👋
Also, this is officially the third time SoC gets rejected by Netflix 🤡 You hear that Eric??
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delopsia · 2 months
Hello and welcome to "Del wants to ramble about the Outer Range season 2 trailer." I hope you're ready for a whole lot of nothing...
The CGI continues to remind us that it is, in fact, CGI. What the hell is this?
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Flash scene of Wayne burning his damn house down. I'd know that bald spot anywhere.
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Y'all already heard me ramble about this, but there's something wrong with this dinner scene. Aside from us knowing that the family is not together, there's one major oddity in the background.
Rhett's truck is an entirely different color.
That's his lightbar with the iconic four lights. Still a single-cab GMC Sierra. But Rhett's truck is blue. Not tan.
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Wilder, we see Rhett's truck a few scenes later! You can even see how the hood is bent from hitting the billboard.
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We finally confirm that Amy is 8. Even though the writer said she was 9...😑Brian Watkins, I had faith in you being correct. If you squint, you'll notice that Rhett's right hand is wounded. I doubt this stems from the rodeo because he always uses his left hand to hang on to the bull. The only injury we saw was to his left shoulder.
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I'm taking the guess that up until now, Rhett likely didn't know that Amy went missing during the rodeo. Which may cause him to realize that Cecelia never abandoned him; she was just looking for Amy.
In the official Season 2 press notes, the following is mentioned: "After Amy's disappearance, Rhett is torn between his dreams of starting over somewhere new with Maria and being a dutiful son to Royal and Cecelia." So, I can assume that this might be what sets that into motion?
Offhanded, but this is SUCH a good look on her
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MY TOUCH THEORY IS DOING THINGS. Look at Autumn's hand. Royal's touching the back of it, and as soon as he pulls away, the cute cosmic lights stop.
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I'm so happy to see this random side character make a return. I was so nervous that she was one of those characters that appear for two minutes and that's it.
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...this is a wild way for Joy to get in touch with her roots. But unfortunately for her, talking about it will more than likely get her a one-way trip to a psychiatrist.
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Clyde is alive and well; bless him.
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I've said it once, and I'll say it again. How the hell did Billy survive being shot through the neck??
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and also
WAYNE? All it took was Billy feeding him a little bit of time powder and he's back to his old menacing ways. Meanwhile Luke looks like he lost part of his soul when that herd of buffalo ran him over.
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Luke, what does this gesture mean. Strangle? Punch? My jaw hurts? And I assume this is Autumn we're seeing on the corner? Patricia maybe? I dunno.
Edit: I'm 99% sure that's Patricia.
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PERRY YOU DAMN IDIOT. HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING FROM YOUR LAST BAR FIGHT?? I don't know who this other dude is but I hope he gets Perry square in the mouth <3 please I need to see Perry get his ass handed to him
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This gives me so many thoughts. Rhett's shorter hair. He's a hand holder, your honor! Sentence him to a lifetime of snuggles and interlaced fingers!
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So we know that for sure, Joy will somehow return to the present timeline. I don't know who could be driving this vehicle, but it looks a lot like the one that was sitting in the Tillerson's driveway in S1. We know Billy drives the older red vehicle, so this can either belong to Luke or Trevor.
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Hear me out, hear me out. We can assume that the blonde woman is Autumn, considering the whole...cult thing. We've seen a handful of scenes of her with Luke in this trailer, so what if that's him holding her hand? That hat silhouette looks an awful lot like the one we saw in S1.
Alternatively, It can also be Rebecca and Perry, but I have no evidence to back this other than the blonde hair.
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*in my best patrick star voice* WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?
I cannot be convinced that this is a real scene. It's gotta be some kind of dream that Royal is having, especially when you take note of the little white things floating around. It gives a sort of dreamy effect.
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THIS IS SHERRIF JOY! Not only is the outfit the same in the following scene (not the one of her running lmao, that's just to show you what the gun looks like), but you can see the gun on her hip.
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The hand on Rhett's throat is smaller than his is. Look how thick his fingers are compared to the mystery ones. I'm betting my left foot that this is a female character doing this to him. Autumn and Rebecca are on my list of suspects.
But also, what the hell is he looking at? Never once is he looking at the person doing this to him; he's looking at something behind the camera. Baby, what did they do to you this season?? 😭
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I hit my picture limit, but Wayne (I think) diving into the hole made me giggle. He picked such an iconic pose.
Someone says quote "Time reveals all." But I don't think we've heard this voice before?? Who the hell is speaking?
This final shot is insane. Don't know who is coming out, presumably Perry or Wayne, but you could ABSOLUTELY spin Outer Range as a horror if you really wanted to. The elements are all there; they just need a little reworking!
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fandoms-writings · 1 year
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Those of you wanting to submit a story for the writing challenge at the end of this post, I'm accepting submissions until the end of the year. I'm a slow writer myself and I want y'all to have as much time as you need to join in <3
Welcome to my neon milestone party!
It’s been a few months since I last did a celebration or writing challenge so why not kick off summer with both! I also hit another small milestone, so thank you so so much to all of you for your support 🤍
You must be 18+ to follow me, so you must be 18+ to participate!
We’re gonna have a summer long sleepover, mood boards, a writing challenge, and my requests are officially open for drabbles! 
The cut off is the last day in August!
Under the cut you’ll find all of the ask games and prompt lists and challenge rules! 
Have fun babes  🤍
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💎 Rare gems
- Show some love to your fav fics and their authors by sending in some recommendations!
🗒 Ask the Author
- Ask me anything you want about something I’ve written!
📖 Book talk
- Tell me about your favorite book or what you’ve recently read, and why you enjoy it (or why you don’t)
🤫 Secret admirers
- Anonymously (or not) send a love letter to your favorite tumblr person!
🎶 Karaoke
- Send a song recommendation or I’ll put my liked songs on shuffle and send you which one played first!
🫘 Spill the Beans!
- Anonymously (or not) tell me a secret of yours.
🔍 Clue!
- Send me this emoji and I'll post a wip clue (a picture, emoji, a word, etc) and you guys get to guess what it's about. 
🎩 Top 5!
- Another classic. Send me a category, and I'll tell you my top 5 choices within it. 
🙅🏻‍♀️ Never Have I Ever
- This one's pretty self explanatory I think. 
💌 Love letters (mutuals only) 
- I’ll write you a love letter 🥺
🎰 - Spin the Lottery! (mutuals only)
- send me a lil snippet about you (a hobby, your job, your music taste, etc) and a fandom (or not) I’ll pair you with a character from that fandom🤍
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Send me a little something - a song, a character, a trope, a quote - anything to give me an idea, and I’ll make a mood board for you 🤍
If you need one for a story even! I’ll gladly help out 🤍
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My requests are open for drabbles! Send me a character (it can be from one of my AUs! or not)  and one or two of the prompts from the list below, and I’ll whip up something small for you! As they get requested, they will be crossed off the list 🤍
"Don't go where I can't follow. . . I thought I lost you." (1/2)
"Why didn't you say how bad it was?"  (2/2)
"You shouldn't be out here by yourself."  (1/2)
"You're a mess"/"I'm not a mess."/"I can tell you've been crying."  (1/2)
"You were supposed to be different. They were supposed to be wrong about you, but they were right. They were so fucking right."  (2/2)
"What are we doing?"/"Why are you doing this?"  (1/2)
"I know you, how else do you think I found you so easily?"   (1/2)
"Choose me."  (2/2)
"You know my door is always open for you, right?"  (2/2)
"Will you taste this? Tell me if I'm missing anything?"  (1/2)
"Let me kiss it better."  (2/2)
"You're exhausted honey. Go back to sleep."  (1/2)
"Can I hold your hand?"  (2/2)
“Is that my shirt?” (2/2)
"Come get me? I miss you."  (2/2)
"You're not as bad as everyone says you are."  (2/2)
"stop staring." / "i can't, you're so pretty like this" (2/2)
"Keep your pretty eyes on me."  (2/2)
"You're already wet sweetheart."  (2/2)
"What if someone hears us?"  (0/2)
"Let me hear you make that sound again."  (2/2)
"We shouldn't be doing this."  (1/2)
Characters: (spice it up by adding an au in the ask 🤍)
Bucky Barnes 
Marc Spector / Stephen Grant
Miguel O’Hara
If you don’t see who you’d like me to write for, just ask me about them and I’ll let you know if I’m open to writing for them!
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Just have fun with this one and follow the rules below! I'm not really making a theme or anything like that, but if you'd like a prompt from me, just ask and specify what kind of prompt! Also feel free to DM me and bounce around some ideas if you need to!
Use the 'read more' option if what you write is over 500 words. 
Properly list your warnings. 
Your story does not have to contain smut if you don't want it to. 
Dark stories are okay, just no non-con, scat, underage characters involved in sexual activity, DD/LG, bestiality, necrophilia, etc. 
Please use characters that I know, from fandoms I'm in. (If you aren't sure what all is on that list, because I don't post about all of them, just ask!)
Tag me! And use the tag #remisneonparty
Make sure it can be read as a stand alone piece. 
The cut off for this will be the last day of August. I sometimes take forever to write something and want to give you all ample time to submit your stories!
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Moodboard and all dividers were made by me, but feel free to use them if you’d like 🤍
Tagging some friends (no pressure!)
@sweetdreamsbuck @shamevillain @pocolatte @perdidosbucky-yyo @treatbuckywkisses @foreverindreamlandd @historygeekfics @barnesafterglow @navybrat817​ @jessybarnes​ @buckysdior​ @honeybloomss​ @banana-cheese-cake​ @sparkledfirecracker​ @sidepartskinnyjeans​ @real-jane​ @archive-obsess​ @mutual-monsters​ @bucksangel​ @thepsychewrites​ @starchildbucky​ @nexusnyx​ @lofaewrites​ @thornsnvultures​ @aquariusbarnes​ @captainsimagines​ @writing-for-marvel​ @heavenlybarnes​ @matchamunson​ @buckybleu​ @boxofbonesfic​ @chloelucia13​ @snugglingbucky​
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tvintedspvrkmoved · 7 months
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hahahah i'm losing my mind ??????
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so two very cool things are true right now which are :
- in twelve days my best girl will have existed in some form for an entire year - i'm about to be able to say there are officially HUNDREDS of you here ???? like as in the plural form ??????
neither of these things make any sense to me , but since both are true i figured it would be a good time to do what i guess is a little follow forever type thing. SO. here are some of the people who have helped emma grow and develop and also helped me grow and develop as a person and as a writer 🤍
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@dalphahale : honestly a day one bc i didn't really do very much with emma until around march i think and that's around when we started writing if i'm not mistaken ?? one of the best / most show accurate dereks i've ever come across and one of the best people too !!!! you're an incredible writer and honestly a saint in human form for putting up with me ooc lmao it's an honor to bless your dms every day with the most random and chaotic messages and thoughts and only be a LITTLE bit judged for it 😂 derek and emma are one of the most adorable ships i've ever seen and derek and allison are iconic as well i just think you're the bee's knees okay you're stuck with some form of my chaos indefinitely i fear 🤷‍♀️
@stanfordprepped : jared. JARED. another og and one of my best friends in the rpc. samemma is so unbelievably iconic and i'm so amazed and proud of everything that's come from them and from us writing together and from you in general i'm SO excited about charlotte's development and about samlena and about just all of our dynamics ahhhhh you are so unbelievably strong and talented and you deserve every good thing in the entire world bc the love and respect that you hold for others even on your worst days is so admirable i can't even fathom it sometimes.
@multi-royalty : MADDIE MY BELOVED i ????? owe so much of everything i've accomplished this year to you 😭🙏 you not only pulled me back when i was debating whether or not to even continue writing , but helped to develop some of my most cherished muses and threads and plots and headcanons. you're the sweetest little bean in the entire world and i can't even begin to thank you for everything you've done for and with me and the light that you bring to this community even when you can't see it 🤍
@guiltye : bitch i'll yell FOREVER at and about you are you kidding ????? your writing gives me literal chills and the plots that we have are some of the deepest most complex and incredible dynamics i've ever been a part of. you've been through so much this year and kicked ass until you got to the other side and still managed to help ME through so much too and i'm sure so many others and i just adore you okay i live for all lilly content but especially your ooc posts bc i just think your brain is so neat and i love getting to glimpse into it sometimes you're just incredible 🥹🤍 ps thank u for letting me yell about noah kahan without abandon and getting in ur feelings about him with me lol
@boundforhale // @stilesstylelinski : obviously i had to put y'all together you can't split up the gremlins okay. i love you both so much and i actually can't even begin to describe how much you guys have helped me this year both to be a better writer and to get through so many rough patches irl. i'm still not entirely convinced that australia is real but if it DOES exist i will not rest until i can fly there and we can all meet at a central location and proceed to just implode the whole universe with the sheer chaos and buffoonery. y'all are actually family at this point i don't know what i would do without you fr
@carp3diems : LISTEN HERE BITCH bff bestie angel i love you to pieces and if you ever leave me again i'll riot !!!! you're genuinely one of the coolest people i've ever met and i love all of our dynamics so damn much but what we've created with colbemma is just so insane and incredible and i know i just screamed about this in the dms but i genuinely cannot believe they started out hating each other lmao they're truly iconic and i can't wait to see how they continue to grow and thrive and also how YOU continue to grow and thrive
@redhoodiskra : A. you are an actual ray of sunshine and so incredibly talented and WAY TOO HARD ON YOURSELF and completely amazing and fantastic and i just love you a lot !!!! stiles and emma and the little family they've created make my heart so happy and so do all of our other dynamics !!!! we haven't written much on @westwingsolo yet and we absolutely should change that bc i'm in awe of you and your writing and the creativity you bring to your muses they're both so special and you can 100% see the love you've put into both.
i wish i could write everyone a little message but here are some more lovelies that you should absolutely go follow !!!! a lot of them have other pages with more incredible muses as well 🤍
@fuckmeupindie , @hellgiven , @gunchamber , @ofcrxwns , @escapedfromthevoiid , @ruinedmyself , @goldenboybarracuda , @delicatestm , @sarcasticsnackpack , @fidelissimi , @ofblackskies , @ratkiing , @snnydcys , @flamefallen , @impurc , @clockturned , @r4chelamber , @unbearablyindifferent , @mystictragedies , @conradfish3r , @jimh9334 , @jchnwinchester , @qapsiel , @thornstocutyouwith , @unitcd , @surgcns , @localsalt , @mecwmellc
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cinamun · 7 months
Hey Cin, I had been meaning to remark about Hope's mannerism in that last post of her and Jayce. You mentioned possible boredom, I agree it seemed almost like she was trying too hard? I don't know exactly how to explain what I mean but like when she mentioned to her husband about trying out the pizza oven (which congrats Hope on not setting off the fire alarms! *wink wink*) it almost seemed like she had to mention something that was not mundane or baby related in her life. Maybe she feels all she can 'bring to the table' rn is mommyhood, meals, and intimacy with her husband. If she doesn't have one, she may need a in person mommy group to commiserate with since her closest friends are not married nor parents and maybe get a WFH part time job? She was a writer once...just thoughts. And please go get that poor baby off the porch with the Simazon packages and the thunda. :D *I still giggle snort EVERYTIME I see Raven, our official logo.*
See y'all, this is what I mean!! The Ratchet Reading Room™ never closes either, so let's get into it....
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OKAY SO!!! Friend you are seeing some things that I was seeing but didn't want to be the oddball if no one else saw it so, here is my theory:
Hope went from a powerhouse PR mogul that everyone who was ANYONE sought out to fix their image and for just dope representation. She loved the big name clientele, she loved the fast pace, she loved when her celebrity clients fucked up royally and she had to go into overdrive. We all knew she was a workaholic, too. Going into the office on her off days, etc. You mentioned that she used to write and she should indeed open that journal back up, AND she started in the journalism career which is kinda what catapulted her into the PR career.
And then.....
She and her dear husband decide to start a family and all of that comes to a grinding halt. I think she absolutely wanted babies and she couldn't wait for it. But her reality now (as you've outlined) is totally different from her reality before marriage, the Tragedy™ and later Jack and Jayde.
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So here we are, after a quickie, standing on the porch discussing dinner plans.... *sigh* I think she misses her husband AND seeing him leave back to a rewarding career is stirring up some grief in her.
So I typed all that to say GREAT observation. I think she's lonely on the days he's professoring and trying to reconcile how being spit up on all day outweighs the power she once had.
WHEW! I guess we gotta stay tuned now don't we?
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rollingubeomgyu · 6 months
FLIGHT 231218 : rollingubeomgyu ⋆ ★
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hello everyone! i am finally opening my account as a writing blog and i will try to start officially writing! my old works are NOT going to be archived since idk.. they were a social experiment..? ANYHOW! WELCOME TO MY INTRO! i'm ren, a filipino artist, writer, voice actor, and stan of a lot of things! my timezone is gmt+8 and school is an asshole so maybe i might update slowly.. (never posted that akaashi fanfic lol, i forgot about the plot) my number one skill is procrastinating! if not writing. i guess. HAHAHAHA. anyway.. I WILL MAINLY BE WRITING FOR. . . [self inserts or oc] & [ships] may include: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, slight suggestive but no smut. > haikyuu!! > kpop including , , , seventeen, tomorrow x together, enhypen and astro > genshin impact and... not only that, but i accept requests! just go to my requests/inbox and you can drop anything there! like anything, like any side stories to oneshots i'll write, or ideas, or just hang by! doesn't need to be a request :) also yes, i will take anons for this account and i actually don't.. request on other people's pages so you'll just find me here. i'm very sneaky as a reader. ANYWAY! aside from my main fandoms, requests are open to... > my hero academia > demon slayer > project sekai > other kpop groups other than those mentioned (if i'm not familiar with them, i might not be able to do it, but i will try!) > spiderverse (check out @nicostenz he's awesome) > mcyt but, i will strictly state this. DREAM STANS/PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT DREAM IN ANY WAY, DO NOT INTERACT WITH MY ACCOUNT. (i will be very nitpicky with MCYT requests, because of drama/problematic creators, and since i haven't been in the fandom for a long time running since i left TT.) want a free blog suggestion though? @checkingunpowderpower she's the best y'all
[fun fact though, i've been a technoblade fangirl for 3-4 years already, crazy, right? RIP :') i love people who still write for him (to honor his memory) and maybe you'll see a techno fic here. idk. ] probably won't see me writing. . . > anything nsfw, incest, lolicon, noncon, etc. > marvel I HAVE REASONS OKAY I'M NOT AS EDUCATED AS @siennafrxst when it comes to the topic and I DON'T WANNA BUTCHER YOUR FAVS anyway visit her account > anything illegal bruh please 😂🫵 ANYONE IS WELCOME IN MY ACCOUNT! js dont be weird lol i dont write smut though i read dont call me out on that 💞 SEE YOU GUYS AROUND! —  all rights reserved to rollingubeomgyu. 2023
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years
The Suresh Problem.
If you’re here from that reddit petition, please be aware that this post was used without my consent.
Okay, I've received yet another four or five asks in my inbox about Suresh, so I'm just going to discuss this properly, once. I'm going to put the majority of this under the cut, because it specifically addresses very triggering topics for a lot of people.
TL:DR; you're all getting played by Fusebox, and they wrote Suresh to be an asshole on purpose.
I really appreciate that y'all are sending me these asks. Particularly as so many of them have mentioned that they feel that my blog is a safe space for POC. I cannot express how much that means to me. Thank you. I'm doing my best.
After this post, I will not answer, acknowledge, or in any way interact with any asks that compare Suresh to Harvey Weinstein, Andrew Tate, or any of the other real-life sexual predators & abusers he's been compared to, even if it's to defend him. While I appreciate y'all bringing it to my attention, it's just exacerbating it, and I'm not giving it a platform after this post.
I am not an expert in talking about race, nor am I an expert in writing POC. I'm not a POC, nor have I ever claimed to be. I just don't believe in putting discussions like this in the too-hard basket, and pretending they doesn't exist because it's a hard conversation to have. My willingness to have these discussions is not 'bandwagoning', or at least, it's not intended to be. I don't have the world's largest platform, but I have a small soapbox and I'm going to use it properly.
I'm also going to put a disclaimer here and say that this is only an opinion, and an uninformed one at that. I don't work for Fusebox, I don't have a degree in marketing or digital engagement, but I have done some work in User Experience and my degree's partly in Cultural Anthropology, so I know a little bit about human behaviour and the way we engage with online media.
Again, not an expert. Just cynical and sick of the debate.
So here's the sitch.
They wrote Suresh to be a toxic, pushy asshole on purpose.
His behaviour, in some areas, is not great. The gaslighting, the manipulation, implying he used to trick her into sleeping with him. Many people, including myself, have been in emotionally abusive relationships with people who are like this. It's not nice. It's certainly not entertainment.
But you cannot sit there and tell me that this script did not go through multiple rounds of revisions. You think this wasn't brought up at Fusebox HQ? I can absolutely guarantee you that it was.
So why on earth would writers write him this way?
Because it gets you talking about the game.
Ever heard of the phrase 'Any publicity is good publicity'?
There are 1000+ LITG Fanfictions on Ao3. Guess which season has the fewest fanfics? Season 3. Often casually referred to as 'The Disney Season'. The only drama during that season was Ciaran/Tai/Yasmin picking MC, and/or Rafi/Lily flirting heavily with MC. Feel free to tell me I'm wrong, but overwhelmingly, it was a very sweet season with generally likeable and unique characters.
Season 2 had so, so many characters with different backstories, interests, motivations, etc. that it was hard to find someone who didn't like one of them at least a little. And people engaged so much with that content. Just based off the fanfiction numbers (because I don't have any official stats) at least 75% of the LITG FF content is for Season 2.
But here's the thing: It's far easier to make people angry than it is to make them fall in love.
What is the one thing almost everyone spent gems on during Bombshell? Telling off Juliet. It's basic engagement principle that people are going to be more engaged when they're emotionally invested in a piece of media. It's why clickbait exists. It's why internet trolls exist, for fuck's sake.
So why on earth would they bother spending the extra time in developing complex, multifaceted characters, when as a fandom, we've made it perfectly clear that we'll spend more money, more time, and more brain space into tearing apart characters we hate, rather than doing the same for characters we love?
Fusebox are a business. They do not care if the game offends you. What they do care about are those sweet, sweet advertising dollars. And if they can show a reddit sub with thousands upon thousands of eyes on it, all ranting and raving about Suresh, they can absolutely turn to an advertiser and say "Yo, look at our engagement levels!"
This is just capitalism. It's business. If they take it too far on a TV show, advertisers will start pulling out. But advertisers only pull out when there's an actual, honest-to-god backlash. And most of the advertising (in my LITG2 app at least) isn't for products or companies with a reputation. It's for other games. Meaning that, realistically, if you did want to complain to an advertiser about the game being racist, sexist, misogynistic who are you going to complain to? Apple? The fuck do they care? They haven't broken any laws?
It's specifically designed to be controversial and problematic. That is the entire point. If this kind of thing triggers you, DNI.
Fusebox do not care about individuals' experiences.
A few people will be so triggered or turned off by the content that they'll leave. But enough of us stayed, engaged, and participated in the game to make it worth their while. So Fusebox just continues to exist in this sweet space, where they just insert more and more problematic characters, leading to higher and higher engagement. As long as they don't cross any hard lines, they can do it forever.
The inherent problem with this, is that a lot of people don't know when to stop.
And this is when it starts getting really fucking sad.
Y'all are taking a guy that's specifically designed to piss you off, and deciding he's an abuser, gaslighter, manipulator, etc. There are already so many stereotypes about South Asian men being pushy, or demanding, or that they don't respect women.
I've seen so, so many instances in the reddit sub, on facebook, and even in the official Discord server of language that tars all South Asian men as being this way. People saying, and I fucking quote, "I wouldn't mind it so much if it was Eddie". (Thanks, Reddit).
Firstly, there's a good reason that it's not Eddie. And that's because, as demonstrated by the quote above, a lot of people would be far more willing to excuse this behaviour if it was coming from a pretty white boy.
So why is this?
Why do you think they made the manipulative, 'won't take no for an answer' man be from Southern Asia?
Why do you think they made Hope a sassy, determined black woman?
Why do you think they made Miki a quirky, shy, but nosy East Asian girl?
Even Lottie, who's a whiny little shit isn't from the UK.
This game is most popular in the UK. It's also popular elsewhere, but its main target audience is the UK. It's why most of the characters are from there, the script contains UK slang, etc.
It's so much easier to hate someone when they're not 'from here'.
Check out any American superhero movie. The villain is foreign. In Hollywood movies, they're British, French, Russian, Chinese, South American, Arabic, whatever. They're just foreign. Or different.
They're others.
Because it sells.
It's easier for you to team up with your mates on reddit and condemn Suresh for his behaviour than it is to do it to someone who looks like you.
But guess what?
There are people who play this game who are People of Colour.
(Shocking, I know. They enjoy playing games too!)
And whenever you buy into this bullshit that Fusebox is feeding you, whenever you pile on a character like Suresh, you are making them feel like they're not welcome here.
People of Colour are being used as a means to an end.
Instead of writing complex, multi-dimensional villains with real motivations, Fusebox are using basic clickbait to get you to engage.
And that's super fucking unfair.
I'm not telling you to do anything. I'm not telling you not to play. I'm not going to stop spending money on it. I'm certainly not going to stop.
I just want people to be aware of what they're doing.
Be aware of the fact that they're playing into your preconceived ideas of race, culture, and ethnicity.
Be aware of the fact that they are trying to you to engage at at all costs.
Be aware that your rabid fan-ness can actually spur others into a mob mentality.
Be aware of the fact that you're allowed to criticise characters. But criticise the writing. Criticise the business tactic.
Don't fall into the quicksand!
Don't let yourself make it about race. Stop letting others make it about race.
Stop engaging with it when it becomes about race.
Stop engaging when your friends compare him to Harvey Weinstein, Andrew Tate, Prince Andrew, etc. He's a character from a mobile game. They are real people who have hurt real women.
Show Fusebox you'll engage with the stuff you do like, as opposed to only engaging when it's piling on to a character.
Get rabid about the drama, not about the character.
And look, I'm writing this out in a long, one-shot rant, so I might've completely rambled, contradicted myself, or said something completely wrong, so please forgive me if I have.
I just hope this helped someone see it for what it is.
So in conclusion:
Do: Make memes about Suresh not apologising.
Do: Hate him for cheating.
Do: Push him in the pool.
Do not: Compare him to a real life sex offender
Do not: Make it about race
Do not: Think for a second that Fusebox don't know exactly what they're doing.
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2af-afterdark · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
I got tagged by @fickleminder and @theevilpretty1. Gotta answer here since many answers are NSFW
1. How many works do you have on AO3? >Officially: 233, Unofficially: I have a looooot of orphaned works, so probably closer to... around 300?
2. What's your total AO3 word count? > Officially: 621,923, Unofficially: Again, many orphaned works, so idk
3. What fandoms do you write for? >Mostly Obey Me and What in Hell is Bad? I have also written for: Twisted Wonderland, Homestuck, Ikemen Prince, Bustafellows, Tears of Themis, Fire Emblem (Awakening and Fates), A Date with Death, Fate/Grand Order, Ikemen Vampire, Undertale, Degrees of Lewdity,
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? > She Would be Queen, This Court is Full of Jesters, Punishment for a Brat, Dark ABCs, Bonding Time
5. Do you respond to comments? > I try to. Eventually. Sometimes I am bad and I don't respond for several weeks. That's my bad everyone. Sorry.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? > Hands, Mine to Hold or If Only This Tale Had No Obligations Welcome to nothing but sadness.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? > She Would be Queen I think it's the only long fic I have with a happy ending, so it's kind of the only option.
8. Do you get hate on fics? > Sometimes. Mostly people who get upset that I write about problematic things (noncon/dubcon, abusive relationships, etc.) Strangely, I have written about waaaaay more problematic things (in my opinion), yet no one ever talks about those things.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? > Yes. I write a lot of smut. It's all bad because I have to think of how sex works as an asexual and... lol. I don't know. I have a limited knowledge of that kind of stuff.
10. Do you write crossovers? > Never. I don't read them either.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? > Stolen? No, but I did have a fic where the back half of it was copied. So... plagiarized.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? > Someones asked to translate a fic into Chinese once, but I don't know if they ever did. Oh well.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? > Yes? Sort of? I mostly wrote it and asked the other person what their OC would say in a given situation.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? > I am a shipping junkie. I love shipping. I have many ships and am a multi-shipper. I cannot pick a favorite.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? > To Have and Hold or Absolutely Nothing. I know exactly how each one goes. I know everything that happens. I just... I have started to really fall out of Obey Me, plus both of those fics are very taxing for different reasons. I may just release a plot summary at some point if people want them?
16. What are your writing strengths? > I have no idea? People tell me I am good at characterization and I accept the compliment, but... I don't know how much I agree with that. (Y'all caught me on a down swing in my self-confidence, sorry)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? > I have always hated overly descriptive language so I am not great at it. If it takes you 3 pages to describe the couch someone is sitting on... I am out. No thanks. Not my thing. However, that means I suffer when it comes to vivid descriptions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? > It's cool. I don't speak a second language, so I try to only use fictional languages in my fics so that I don't accidently say anything weird or offensive.
19. First fandom you wrote for? > My first fanfic was for Babe so... I was, like, 8. If you mean when I actually started writing in modern times though... it was Homestuck.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? > Umm.... I don't know? My comfort fic is Follow Someone Home so... I guess that? But it's not my favorite in the way I think this question is asking. It's just to one I type away at when I need something relaxing.
I feel anxious to tag others so... please do this if you want. No pressure.
Questions Below:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
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gregoftom · 11 months
I'm the new tomgreg anon, had a family emergency recently so I've just finished s4 e1, and you're right!!! This episode is so delicious, I feel like there's this definite linking between logan/kerry and tom/greg that the writers trying to do??? Like kerry being the one specifically approaching greg about bridget, the "logan's friend, assistant, and advisor" line, and then tom talking to logan but then the camera focus on bridget in the background and right after that he calls kerry? The many reminders that kerry is sleeping with logan but also suddenly a reminder about greg's gay dad?? And then tomgreg being so close talking about sexual encounters like WHY do you wanna know the details so much tom?? And greg not being able to admit that he cum, which means he definitely didn't, and then when greg confessed it to logan he made it sound like bridget was the one who jumped him by being eager and under the influence lmao tom immediately talking shit about bridget and then greg also disapproving of her behavior when she tells them she asked logan for a selfie ashffjfkgll I can't, the fact he didn't even know her last name and admits to tom that she's just 'another name in the list' but tells kerry and colin that he's fond of her? Feels so much like he's just doing it because he thought that's what tom would like him to do (since I guess that idea was cemented in his head after tom and shiv told him to climb up the ladder)
THEN shiv accusing tom of taking turns with greg??? In the same episode where she was jealous of naomi pierce because she thought the meeting was not about business?? She was definitely jealous there I think she senses how important greg's become to tom but still in denial
Not to mention all the touches tomgreg do this episode, greg is like an overly eager puppy with tom, and tom still wanting to tease greg with the cctv thing like sure they've gotten close now but that urge to tease greg is still there that's how he has fun y'know, even though the teasing is not that mean anymore lol I think he'll always tease greg on little things even when they officially get Together together later down the line
hiiii new tg anon! i'm so happy to hear from you again and so happy that new ppl are coming into the fold all the time, ahh <3
YEAH GODDDD LITERALLY just wait just fucking wait it gets more. keep kerry in your hip pocket because when you finish the show it'll get even more HUH????? in how much it is insinuating. just wait on that front. just wait. and YEAH tom is so funny like girl just SAY you wanna know if greg came or not bc you're possessive of his ass just saaaay it my man. i've said it before but greg also saying "we put our hands down each other's pants" lends to the idea that the whole thing never even happened. like maybe she pulled him into a room but the whole even sexual encounter didn't even take place. so idk what happened but. bridget was wearing a dress, so how could he put his hands down her pants????? makes no sense right? add that to him not being able to say he could come.... yeah i don't think anything happened. i think his embarrassment and shame MOSTLY came from the fact that he lied and he had to hastily cover that up and thus slipped with the pants thing when he told tom, bc tom pressed it out of him. greg is so comphet it's insaneeeeeee. if we think about this it's entirely plausible to say his ass has NOT even touched a mf woman. it's piss easy to spread rumours if you're a guy in his environment that you're some kind of slick asshole casanova, especially if you have the rep that you hang out with a fellow guy and y'all go out and score chicks. also interestingly, a very good cover up if you and fellow guy wanna fuck on the down low. just as an extra benefit.
god don't even SPEAK to me about that, that whole thing was inSANE. like that started the whole, shiv is aware thing, and adds fuel to the fire of greg is the mistress thing. there's more of that later too, so add that to your hip pocket along with kerry to keep in mind. may i also remind you that "we sometimes have a drink shiv" is the same response tom gave about naomi; that they were just getting a drink which indicates that shiv has the Exact same suspicion about greg as she did about naomi. same excuse. and exactly like, i don't think she actually cares if tom is fucking greg. i think what matters/upsets her is that tom has feelings for/is in love with greg, and that greg is important to him, because tom told her greg is expendable and now here he is for all to see, unkillable [as connor said about willa when speaking to her at a point in the scripts] to tom. when you get to 4.04 there is a particular scene near the beginning with tom greg and shiv which i think you'll notice yourself indicates her utter distaste towards them and their relationship, so watch out for that.
GOD yeah. yeah. yeah. there is a buttload of that so be prepared to get even more assblasted with ridiculously intimate touches. i love how affectionate greg has become because it just shows that something shifted between them in the s3-4 gap. they're best friends :( and yeah god tom's teasing of greg is so much more. in that way. he loves to rile greg up because it's so easy but atp i think it's more out of affection/for fun than before when it was using greg as an emotion stress ball. he would Absolutely keep doing it when they got together, and what's even better is greg would play with him too [you'll see More why when you get to the finale] and they'd just banter and mess with each other because that's their bestie lover behaviour <3
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so now they've added her flop series to the timeline order 😐
correct me if i'm wrong but didn't the russos say that the events of AC weren't canon? which lead the stggy stans argue that she never married and/or had children with anyone else? (which btw doesn't make any sense whatsoever cus she did infact had children or a child.. i don't know i'm not so sure, shown in pictures kept in her hospital room in CA:TWS) but now apparently it's canon and even included in the official MCU list 🙃
all i gotta say is, try as hard as y'all want to make her relevant Disney, but it's not gonna change the fact that she was one of the people who enabled the growth of HYDRA in SHIELD, who were the very people Steve "the love of her life" fought against until the moment he put down that damn Valkyrie into the Arctic
TBH I think they're intending it to be seen as happening in an 'alt universe' / timeline (idk what the difference is, and frankly I don’t think they do either). 
The events are impossible / could not have happened within the MCU timeline, because it's all supposed to be happening at the same time that CATWS told us she and Howard had already co-founded SHIELD and released/employed Zola (1946).
And all the events of CATWS are themselves impossible if that didn't happen, which would have had an enormous knock-on effect for the subsequent Avengers movies. Including Howard wondering where 'Arnie' is in EG, *ach-tw*
And with WhatIf they think they've made her history A-okay by treating Zola as if he's just another fun Nazi side-character like Zemo, and making Bucky a douchebro who's to blame for what TWS did (so the people like Zola who tortured him are not bad or to blame, apparently). 
But in fact all they've done is point out that hiring and working with and enabling Nazis to be immortalized and accrue world-shattering power is such an intrinsic part of Peggy's character that she'd even do it in other universes!  
(And they went with 'because she's incompetent' as the reason. Feminism!)
Canon-in-main-timeline or not (it's not), AC is still very revealing of character. Just not in the way the stans, writers, and actress think.
It's the show where we find out exactly how much of a rich privileged posh Englishwoman Pggy is. 
( Girl's boarding school, debutante, Stork Club, fiancee in the Home Office, brother in the Old Boys Network, skipping from career to career without worry of consequences, handed every job she's ever had, daddy's friends with a Senator, only non-rich friends are servants, etc. etc. But tell me again how she earned her place? ) 
It's the show where they really doubled down on 'she's the most important to Steve because- [delete Bucky delete Sarah]!!'
While simultaneously stealing every bit of Bucky's characterisation.
( Signature outfit colours, blue and red? Steve's last message was about her not his mother and Bucky? living in dingy apartment in Brooklyn with blond Irish 'room mate'? friend to disabled guys? math skills? boxing? war-record? besties with the Howlies? on the continent not in London? crackshot? whiskey drinker?? Stark Tech admirer? being the damsel rescued by Steve makes you his love-interest? 
Literally all she is is stolen wholecloth from Bucky. I guess I should be glad that, now that they’ve nerfed Bucky’s characterisation, she has moved onto stealing from Steve and Sam?)
It's also the show where the character based on a Nazi gets the only female Jew in the MCU sterilised by GSW because of arrogant incompetence, but can herself be literally impaled and just walk it off.
Where the line 'no woman is going to choose an aluminium crutch over a red white and blue shield' is apparently proven true.
Where the 'feminist' stabs blue collar creeps for offending her friends, but her rich white creep friend (Stark) merely gets told off. 
Where the threateningly pretty fan fave will be written out because lesbian ship is icky. 
Where Peak White Feminist Princess stops her disabled colleague from protesting women's disempowerment, on the grounds that she, the one posh white girl working there, knows how great she is, and that's all that matters. (Meanwhile she is shouting that being a woman makes her a better spy than the men but she can't spot a Black Widow until they're literally kissing her on the mouth. Oh, btw: lesbians are only villains!) 
And where POC will only appear (after fans have complained) to kiss her ass (to remind us how great she is! because that's how making a great character works! totally not a racist!) be Family Friend-ily desexed by Plot Machinations, and then be killed off.
Every time Pggy appears, they tell on her and tell on her tell on her, but still don't see it because-
Well, clearly, Disney are not going to hire people who think having a past of collaborating with Nazis is a bad thing and would criticise that in the writing, because putting that attitude in the media would damage Disney's IP.
They can subtly endorse Disney's Nazi past, though, to please the people who are into that. 
By erasing Judaism from any adapted Jewish characters, except the one who’s going to be sterilised. (Or adapting Jewish characters, if they’re going to be villains). 
By simultaneously adapting Nazi characters as 'heroines'. 
By introducing Nazi villains, but making them 'fun', saying they’re not Nazis... but keeping everything about which connoted Nazi-ism originally. 
( EG. an aristocratic Baron with a German accent who mysteriously managed to hang onto generational wealth after the Holocaust, from an Eastern European country that hates Captain America, with a big Hydra (Nazi) base in it? Who is a Nazi in the comics?? A woman whose interest in a disabled man is pitying but who becomes overtly sexual towards him once he’s an ubermensch? Who is a ‘spy’ but spends all her time around Allies because she’s actually spying on them? Who is a Nazi in the comics? Gee, I wonder it what it all means! Dog whistle! )
By making heroic characters mute whenever these Nazis speak -- and what they say will be treated as rational and correct (see: Zemo mansplaining what supremacy is while Sam agrees). By having non-Nazi villains do the same things Nazi villains did, but then becoming allies of the heroes (John Walker, Red Skull, and Pggy, all deemed themselves worthy to receive superserum).
By blaming the Jewish-character expy (Bucky) for things the Nazis did (to him). 
By pushing the Colonial-Power Superhero in rep and exposure just as a black man takes over the Cap Mantle (and citing ‘feminism’ to explain why this is Fine Actually. These are ‘Margaret Thatcher Utilised Girlpower’ people.)
And by making leftwing people the Bad Guys. 
(FATWS, TPB. The logical next step will be bringing back Steve -- the ultimate leftwinger -- as a Baddie). 
Now you might be tempted to think Pggy wasn't originally part of all this. Because in the original script she was more of a maternal figure, in Steve's eyes, and he was supposed to do what he did in the comics, and dump her for Sharon, with her blessing, while she died of old age. 
But she was always an adaption of Nazi Cynthia, for absolutely no earthly reason... other than pleasing people who are into that (if they needed a pre-serum woman for Steve, then Gail Richards was right there!) 
She was always, from way back in her short, intended to be the co-founder of SHIELD. 
And SHIELD was always intended to have been Hydra all along, because they’ve been adapting the Ultimates Run of comics (creepy, shit, misogynist), in which that happens. (And in which, incidentally, Pggy is not Steve’s love interest!) 
And now with WhatIf they’ve confirmed that working with Nazis really is just who Pggy is in every ‘verse, making this the fourth- sorry, FIFTH time the Same Nazis have “infiltrated” while she was either running the show or high up in the organisation. 
How many times is enough before people take the hint?! SIX?! Why wasn’t one enough?
It’s not an accident. 
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This is gonna sound like such a dumbass question and I’m so sorry in advance but.. are you and/or Inky DoL devs? I’m hella new to this game and I love both y’all’s content and some of the things y’all post make it sound like y’all are developers for it 😅
Hey! Not a dumb question at all.
So no, we aren't developers. There are only two, Vrel (the og) and Puri (who was made an official dev this update after all the years of hard work he put in).
Inky and I are writers. In the discord, you'll see people floating around with orange names. This means they're a contributor to the game. It's all free to do, it's basically doing it because we want to help the game and/or it's fun. Some members are purple (VIPs), and this means their contributions have been in there for a long time, they are significant or something else, I'm not entirely sure tbh.
There's writers, coders and spriters, and we all co-ordinate in contributor chats (which is how I can post potential bugs and get feedback for y'all). However in 99% of cases, a contributor doesn't know any more lore than the average player. Some do, but they're outlier cases and it's usually for very good reason. We always need more coders and spriters, so if anyone interested come along.
The coders are rarely just coders. They're often writers and coders, and they do most of the heavy lifting with contributions. I'm trying to learn to code myself to help out more. Writers have to be very patient if they can't code, as it can take months before a coder is free enough to squeeze your stuff in. You write it, post it and hope that one of the coders gets googly eyes for it and puts it in straight away (kinda like sending fic requests to your favourite tumblr writer lol).
We're managed by contribution managers, who I think do know a bit more of the lore, or at least can receive it upon request to help them decide what gets in and what doesn't. They ensure that when things are OOC, when kinks that aren't allowed etc don't get in.
What Inky and I post on here in terms of writing, headcanons etc is still just fanfic in terms of how lore accurate it is most of the time. We're guessing based on what we can observe about the characters so far.
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June 15th, 2022 (06.15.2022)
So, today I officially have turned 18.
It's still hard to believe that I'm no longer a kid but a grown-up woman. Well, still a girl, of course, I'm not THAT old to call myself a woman, but still, I guess you got what I meant. The realization slowly comes to me: I'm an adult! Geez! And I've finished school!
This year of my life was one of the biggest of my mental growth. I've learnt and realized many things: that it's okay to fail, it's okay to be "awkward" if you just made something that doesn't do harm to other people but they just think it's "awkward", it's okay to be angry and sad, it's okay to feel offended or insulted and it's okay to feel upset over things others consider "small". And many more. And you know what? It's all thanks to my tumblr fam! It's you guys who made me grow up! I greatly realize just how much I've learnt after getting along with y'all!
And, of course, the biggest credit should be addressed to Svetlana and Pyotr, aka the best parents I could ever have! Despite all the misunderstanding and hardships there were between us throughout my life, at the end they prooved they really are the greatest parents I could ever dream of. They gave me childhood I can brag about, and thanks to their will to transfer me on distant learning during my highschool years, they gave me time to grow up as a person, outside this trashy building full of dorks called "school". They were here when I was bullied in school, they were here teaching me about how to be a good person, they were here when I had troubles with teachers and principal. My mom especially, she was ready (and still is) to literally tear apart everyone who messed with me. My dad was here to reassure me that whoever messes with me is a fool and "screw them" tho!
Now, it is time to say thank you, guys, for appearing in my life and being with me. You were here when I had breakdowns, you gave me advices, you were so kind to me and you were here when I cut ties with my ex bestie!
@castleofsweetanxiousness, aka the Ultimate Big Sis (and Mama) (and Big Bro-in-law Kagehara too!)
@ohlookitsnormannn, aka the best Big Bro in this universe!!!!
@bananaboy0603, aka another sweet Big Bro-in-law! (even tho we're kind of peers, I see you as a big bro ghfghgh hope you don't mind!)
@mentally-ell-deactivated2022061, aka sweet Ellie where did you go come back pls we all miss you
@th0tpimusprime, aka another big sis!!!!! really happy to be friends with you and that you initiated the first interaction <33
@self-shipping-freak, aka one of my beloved nephews that got me into cool disney movies and that I love sharing f/o rambles with <33 (sorry for not answering sometimes my energy is jumpy these days
Also, the other moots I haven't interacted with that much but the ones I also adore and appreciate vm!!!: @howuart @newdanganronpaanotherv3 @sleepygamerotaku @queen-of-wires @mobianwithablog and some other mutuals that probably changed their blog names or (sadly) deleted them?
and omg I really hope I didn't forget anyone pls I'm very very VERY sorry if I did ><"
And, of course, I cannot not mention my beloved f/os (main ones at least) that were here for me at the toughest times and that I cherish so much!
Korekiyo Shinguji, the best and the prettiest man in the world and a huge husband material, I love you so much, thank you for accepting me the way I am and loving me <3
Kazutora Hanemiya, another prettiest boy that with time going on became also a big husband material and, despite having an impression of a bold delinquent with anger issues, turned out to be a loving and gentle boyfriend <3
And Idia Shroud, the best gamer boyfriend ever, my beloved grumpy-wumpy boy, no matter what others might think about and tell you, you're smart, talented and a huge cinnamon bun I will protect at ll costs, I just love you so much and your affection makes my heart melt every time <3
So, happy birthday to me!
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mrstsung · 2 years
Why do people hate kung lao so much?
More importantly why does canon hate him so much?
He didn't do anything fucking wrong?
They blame it on pride. But is it tho? He is no more prideful than hanzo,no more prideful than liu kang,no more prideful than the shokan,why does he get flack but the others dont?
They blame it on trying to live in liu kangs shadows when liu and lao have always treated each other with respect and as equals. They all just want liu to be like the great kung lao. When that is kung laos direct predecessor. Liu kang isn't even related to the great kung lao. Or isn't supposed to be. They even officially stated they aren't related. But in all media they actually are chill with each other and are besties. And nobody has any fucking problem with lao,at least on the surface. So why in the fighting outside of story do they treat him like shit? Like its so fucking hot/cold and toxic af. Liu kang,johnny cage and to a degree hanzo maybe fujin treats him better.
Same goes with any character.
Also not to mention. Everyone who is talking shit has a lot of dirt on them too they aint fucking saints or special. So why is kung lao getting the short end? Every since 9 when they decided to fuck him over and kill him off pettily.
Like fr. They butchered his character in so many ways. And never give him the respect that he not only deserves but actually fucking had. In previous games he was badass and treated very fairly.
SO WTAF HAPPENED?! did nrs get so salty and gamers go so fucking butthurt they got wrecked by kung lao mains they were petty enough to fucking destroy a character for a haha gotcha?! Like wtaf man.
Or is this because nrs plays favorites.
Or is it both?
I guess we'll never know.
This isn't just coming from a kung lao lover.
This is coming from someone who is tired of disrespect to outspoken Characters. And tired of the disrespect to character who have a high sense of fucking honor towards their fam and close bonds with their peeps. In the case of kung lao he is proud of the order he serves.
Can this be reckless? Of course. Thats just how it be if unchecked. That i can see with lao.
But to make it out to be like this god awful thing and treat him like shit and like nobody else is just as guilty or even worse is fucking ridiculous.
Not to mention if you hc him like i do as nurodivergent and has adhd. Yeah....this fucking annoying petty bullshit the characters talk about him gets more infuriating.
I will defend kung lao till the day i die. Not because i love him. But because i cant stand hoes to kick a man down who is just trying his fucking best. And not to mention i hate bullying. Of any kind.
So yeah i will body hoes with a vengeance to dare come at kung lao.
Try me binch.
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just-emerald-star · 4 months
WARNING: This post contains spoilers for both seasons of Total Dram's Reboot. Just as a head's up.
Since I never intend on discussing the series on my channel (at least not until it gets an official release in the US...thx for that WB/Max) I'll share my thoughts on the Total Drama Reboot (both seasons in context) here in detail. I'll be doing so through explaining my thoughts on the characters.
If you want my basic thoughts on both season first, here's the gist:
SEASON 1: Excellent from start to finish. Minus a few glaring issues the show has been known for (gross out jokes/fart jokes), it was absolutely phenomenal. A real & true breath of fresh air after a streak of shit seasons (not including Ridonculous Race <3) | 9.5/10
SEASON 2: This season had a lot to prove since it was gonna bring back the cast and we all know what happens when Total Drama insists on keeping characters longer than necessary. I was pleasantly surprised when they dodged a bullet and made a damn good second season with the cast. The new writing team has given this series a much-needed edge to put it back on the map. That said, some of the characters very clearly stayed on for too long or in one person's case...won the whole damn season. It suffered from keeping certain characters around for too long but it did give some (mainly my boi Caleb) some much needed screentime and development. | Gets a 8/10.
Now onto the character stuff.
First things first: Here's the tier list I made for the cast. It'll help as I explain myself per each placement.
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Ok so let's start from the bottom and make our way to the top cuz I'd like to end this on a positive note.
No. Just. No Tier
Chase: Easily one of the most annoying characters in the entire show. I know that's the point, cuz he's a shitty influencer type who cares mostly about himself and the views. I totally get that. But that's ALL he was. We often saw him be a nuisance who cared more about himself or impressing Emma. I didn't laugh at him not once. He was just plain awful. And if that was the point, then good shit writers, I guess lol
Emma: Sadly she suffered from being attached to Chase. Her whole reason for being on the show was just connected to Chase. It was also the point for her but what gets me is that she was a tour de force outside of Chase's shadow. This was proven when she tried focusing on herself and was besties with Bowie. Those were glimmers of hope. And I was hoping she'd come back stronger post-S1 upon learning that Chase lied to her. But in the end, Emma was just...kinda there until she left.
Millie: Nah fam, I couldn't stand her. Started out fine enough and was fun to have around, but once she started moving forward in the game with Priya in the alliance, I started growing tired of her. I'm glad she started taking the game seriously but man oh man it was too late. Didn't need to see her in that finale, but she's lucky it was for the sake of reconciling with Priya. And the less said about her time in S2, the better. Just glad she left early.
Ripper: Fuck Ripper. He wasn't funny. He had a few good lines here & there but was just...not great. If you like him, that's cool. His relationship with Axel was admittedly adorable though. Not enough to make me like him but still cute nonetheless lol
Gonna combine these two since they have one character each in there.
Nichelle: Sweetie, I'm so sorry. We were all rooting for you. you were a victim of high expectations just by design alone. And it's a shame cuz you could've been great. You left in S1 so early & that hurt like hell. But then you came back swinging in S2 and kicked ass...until you fell for such a shitty tactic. Brilliant on Julia's part but fuck y'all for not giving Nichelle more time to shine.
Axel: I don't have much to say on her tbh. She was just kinda in the middle for me. She honestly would've been much higher if she wasn't dragged down by her lovey-dovey relationship with Ripper as S2 went on. Still adorable pairing tho. Glad she was around a bit more in S2 tho.
Wayne: I suppose I'll start with S2's winner. I love Wayne. He's a great friend & ally to Raj, on top of just being hella funny. Love what he was all about. Sadly, S2 didn't do him any favors. He was still the lovable goof we know & love but it felt like his IQ took a bit of a nosedive between seasons. And on top of that, IDK how tf he reached the finale over Raj. Again, I love Wayne. I really do. But him winning S2 was...a choice.
Zee: Funny af guy. Crazy how he got sent away for similar reasons twice. I don't have any critiques of the guy. He was funny everytime he was on screen. He's just good. Not great, but good. Loved him.
MK: This lady would've been a bit lower if I was only talking about S1. But the writers gave her a major glow up in S2. Seriously, her & Julia's friendship is some excellent TV. Seeing them work together and fuck around with everyone was fun to watch. She's never been a fave for me but I do appreciate having her around.
Damien: Oh honey, you were robbed. Damien was one of my faves from the beginning. Was hoping for more from him in S1 but realized he left at the perfect time, otherwise he would've gotten annoying af. S2 however...my man stepped the fuck up & I'm so damn glad. He was SO GOOD and he made merge. And then my heart broke when he got sent packing. I knew the moment he found that idol he was done for. He was gonna lose it. I hated it. He could've reached the finale.
Scary Girl: Scary motherfucker who had some of the best lines/moments throughout S1. I appreciated the writing for her in S2, even if it didn't quite stick the landing...that is, until she returned in the finale. She was back to her crazy self and I loved every minute of it. Entertaining character from start to finish.
Julia: Easily the second best antagonist in this reboot. One of the best surprises in the reboot. Holy shit, Julia was given all the good shit. Whether it was the writing or character moments, Julia basically delivered what I look for in villain in Total Drama. One thing that bitch is gonna do is find a way to win immunity by any means necessary and honey, she's a challenge beast in the right circumstances.
Priya: Ah yes, S1's winner. One of the best competitors in Total Drama. She was made for shit like this, as explained to us by her lol. I loved her in S1, cuz she was hella focused and stayed in the game despite being let down by Millie at every turn. Don't cross Priya y'all homegirl will win lol. S2 Priya was solid and I especially loved her budding relationship with Caleb, despite all the hiccups. She kinda lost her focus when Caleb came up but even that didn't entirely stop her from kicking ass. Also kudos to Total Drama & I having characters named Priya.
Bowie: The baddest bitch out there. I've spoken at length about how I'd love to see more prominent queer black rep in mainstream media not centered around being punchlines or tragedy. And Total Drama delivered just that to me on a silver platter. Bowie is literally everything I was looking for in great queer rep. Best part? He was well-written. Dude was written perfectly from start to finish in S1. Every move he made was executed well. Even when he fumbled, he found a way back on top. His rivalry with Julia is perfection. His friendship with Emma was cute...wish they rekindled it. And of course his relationship with Raj was so damn cute. Speaking of Raj...
Raj: Y'all gave me not one but TWO queer POC in the same season?? And they ended up together??? Total Drama you're spoiling me! Raj is one half of the hockey bros. And he was my fave of the duo. Raj just kept surprising me as the show went on. When I realized he was gay, I screamed. Jaw dropped...I really thought Bowie would be the only one. So glad I was wrong. Similar to Wayne however, his IQ did drop a bit in S2 but it wasn't as bad compared to the former. I would've preferred him to reach the finale over Wayne. Raj v. Caleb v. Julia would EAT DOWN.
And finally...
Caleb: From a first boot to a literal king of the game. Caleb was one of the biggest surprises in the show and I'm so thankful he did the dam thing in S2. Seriously, Caleb could've been another one of the show's infamous first boot punching bags. He was the one I was cautiously optimistic about coming back for S2. What was he gonna do? Was he actually a threat as Bowie assumed? How will Caleb turn out character-wise beyond the good looks? All of that was answered and then some in the first ep of S2. He made a point to be a great asset to his team. He's the embodiment of the hot guy who's got a great balance of brain & brawn, while also being a very nice guy. I especially appreciated his whole thing with Priya. I was almost certain they were gonna reach the finale ngl lol. If there were ANY justice in the world, it would've been a Caleb v. Julia finale instead of what we got. But hey, at least he made it to the end. Biggest glow up from a Total Drama character.
Annnnd that's all I've got. If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Share your own thoughts in the replies below. These are just my thoughts and I've been holding them in ever since S1 got leaked last year. With both seasons out, I just felt like it was time to finally speak on them since I had no plans to make a video. As I said, maybe I'll still make one if there's interest...but no promises.
Anyway, thx again for reading & until next time, peace out!
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sea-owl · 2 years
It's 2022 and I'm still salty at how Festivia was used for plot convince, and force sympathy on a unsympathetic character. Then the writers throw her away with no resolution to her story or her character. Like what? No finish that arch, especially after you all revealed the queens' ghosts.
Like it almost feels like they fridged Festivia.
Hey you know instead of making Mina the final bad guy you know what y'all could've done? We could have gotten a pissed off Festivia haunting Mewni. No magic affects her because she has no body, she's a magical, pissed off spirit. Plus she was a queen of Mewni, she knows how the magic works.
Festivia hides in the magical realm between her hauntings so it makes it almost impossible to take the fight to her.
When asked for advice Glossaryk just floats like the lazy bum he is. "Hm, but you already know how to destroy magic."
Marco tried to talk to Star. "Is destroying her ghost really the only way to stop her? If Eclipsa and Meteora get a second chance why can't we give one to Festivia?"
Justhin stops them before they can attempt the whispering spell for the first time. Festivia escapes back to the realm of magic. "You mean to tell me you weren't hurt when you found out everything you believed your whole life was a lie? You weren't hurt when you found out you could have had a different life than the one forced upon you? You expect Festivia to be ok learning everything she lived for, all those feelings she had, everything that made her who she was was just politics trying to morph her into their puppet?"
Like the queen she is Star steps back, and she observes Festivia. Star sees the tears that Festivia won't let fall. She sees that while the Magic High Commission and both sets of Butterfly families are bombarded by attacks, everyone else mewman and monster was left alone. She listens to Festivia's wordless screams.
Festivia is angry, but she's also in pain. It's almost fair to say she's devastated.
At midseason Star tracks where Festivia would attack next. With her is Marco and Meteora. Festivia appears, but she only watches the trio in front of her.
"Queen Festivia the Fun, we wish to parley!"
Festivia floats down, table, chairs and a high chair appearing.
For the first time Festivia speaks. "Very well, I was always better at negotiating anyway."
Star, Marco, and Meteora hear the story once more, but this time from a side that has been tricked into silence for too long, Festivia's. At some point Meteora crawled over to Festivia who plopped her into her ghostly lap.
"To start, I never knew about the switch until now. I was sold to the Commission to replace Meteora. They raised me while I believed my parents were eaten by a monster. Grunkle Justhin raised me for a time too, he even taught me the whispering spell." Festivia pauses to take a breath. "We were at war with monsters my whole life, and there was a threat of a coup for all of my childhood. I had surrvied a few assassination attempts. Hekappo took me to travel for my saftey after an assassin got too close when I was twelve. We traveled for two years. Then when I was fourteen they officially crowned me queen, despite the title and wand being in my posession longer than I could remember. The war got worse, I sheltered every citizen. Distracted them with parties so they would be happy. I reestablished trust in the Butterfly family."
Festivia stops herself again. "I wasn't perfect, no queen was, but I didn't ask to be thrown into this life. I never asked for magic or crowns. I just wanted my family and to be happy, but I guess I never got those either."
Moon and Eclipsa interrupt with accusations and an attempted whispering spell. It sends Festivia back into attack mode.
The rest of the season shows various episodes of Star and Meteora helping Festivia heal and in turn she helps heal a part of themselves that this switch affected. Meanwhile Festivia, Moon, and Eclipsa are still at conflict. Star tries to get the two women into talking with Festivia.
Several other of the ghosts show up to talk too. Moon and Eclipsa have heart to hearts with their mothers. Star and Marco have a big discussion with Dirhhennia and Crescenta, who have already sorted out their issues with their mother in the ghostly plane.
We see Moon and Eclipsa slowly get conflicting thoughts. They get worse every time Festivia is with their daughters and doesn't attack tthem. They're still set on stopping Festivia via whispering spell.
It all comes to head in the season/show finale in the realm of magic. Mothers vs daughters in the battle over Festivia's fate.
It's here where Festivia speaks to Eclipsa for the first time.
"You know the worst part about this is that I still love you, a complete stranger who wouldn't hesitate to use the whispering spell on me. I still love a lie."
Eclipsa stops, Moon stops. They stop using their magic to hurt, and they start using it to heal.
They talk, they scream, they heal.
"I'm sorry you never got the parents or the childhood you wished for." Eclipsa tries to embrace Festivia, she's surprised when Festivia let's her.
Festivia cries, she cries for that little girl who was given a crown but only wanted a family. She cries for the girl who was only ever told lies. Festivia gets the resolution and closure the writers cheated her out of before. Moon, Eclipsa, Star, and Meteora all are in a better place for it too.
It ends with Festivia reuniting with her own daughters.
(And if we have to destroy the magic then that can be done too with Festivia showing the living Butterflys where the core of the magic is, and then joining the spell.)
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