baconcolacan · 1 year
Yooo remember when I gave my gen HC that Tom has PDD (Persistent Depressive Disorder)?
When he gets on medication, he does not have any fun the first two weeks. He’s quieter than usual, and even if he tags along on things he doesn’t move very much or say too much because of all the side effects punching down on him.
The one good thing is that he cuts off alcohol intake, so Edd and the gang think thats pretty swell. Though they quickly learn not to prod at him too much because his irritation is much more prone to show.
He also takes more naps than usual, the gang finds him sleeping almost anywhere he can just sit down.
They think its withdrawal, it’s just the meds lol.
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nintendonut1 · 1 year
The Punk from Paldea - a Pokemon Day Care AU
I work at a doggy day camp and my mind's constantly floating to Director Clavell caring for pokemon as a pokemon breeder so... an AU happened.
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An AU where Clavell worked at the Pokemon Day Care in Kalos and it changed his young life forever.
More details under the cut~!
In his younger years, he was basically a lot like Clive, mostly in looks but in actual greaser rebel demeanor. He, shocker!, does not care about school or pokemon or anything, due to family drama (a messy divorce). The school decides to handle his delinquent behavior by sending him on a "study internship abroad" to Kalos (they were actually just getting him away from the school bc sucky administration), and the program sets him up with the Day Care center, which back in the day is more like a full-fledge ranch and rehabilitation center for Pokemon.
And here, where he actually has to take care of Pokemon, each in their own special and unique way, does his entire perspective change and he learns to love and adore Pokemon and wants to learn more about them and become a researcher!
I then ran this AU by my bestie and Court of Roses' co-writer Lilbluebox. And, as usual, she made it better.
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Since we needed OCs for the Day Care family, she created Abigail, a no-nonsense Pokemon nurse-in-training who is in no way impressed by this punk from Paldea. She's also Jacq's older sister so there's like a lil' 5-year-old Jacq running around and talking everyone's ears off about Pokemon it's super duper cute.
We're developing the AU's story as we go, but the definite turning point is when a Bad Trainer drops off a Pokeball with few words and ditches, and when they open it, they find a terribly injured Houndour inside.
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And then he just. BOOKS IT to the Camphrier Town Pokemon Center
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He stays the night, worried sick, doesn't care that his hair was matted by the bike helmet, doesn't care about much of anything else besides that poor Pokemon.
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Completely stunned when Abigail brings him coffee and addresses a question he snidely threw at her weeks ago.
Ugh. GUH. Character development. Pump it into my veins.
DON'T WORRY THE HOUNDOUR GETS BETTER it is in fact the very Houndoom he has in ScaVio, one of his very first Pokemon.
Anyways me and Blue are RPing this and it's so much fun, so I thought I'd share it with all of you <3
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sour-heart-treats · 7 months
you know who ill be asking for ..... overworked cappuccino cookie please🎉women when they are Suffering!!!
"Guh-" Cappuccino awoke with a start, hand shooting out from its position beneath him and knocking over a neatly stacked pile of empty cappuccino cups. Something felt like it had gripped him in his entirety, though whatever it was didn't hold him in place. Trying to keep his heart from freaking out further than it already was, the prosecutor would reach across messy documents and take a sip of a long-gone cold coffee that was disappointing at best to consume. "What… was that a nightmare?" He'd wonder to himself, sitting up and giving a stretch, stopping when he nearly felt himself pull a muscle in his back. Cappuccino glanced out the window, seeing a crescent moon shining amongst clouded stars. "Wonder what it was all about… Oh well, back to work."
And back he would go, picking up where he left off on some case he constantly needed to remind himself on the details of. Cases were so much simpler when magic wasn't involved, but when they were, things became much more complicated. It didn't help that this case involved a form of magic that wasn't well known even in Parfaedia… Moonlit magic. Ancient magic toted by wizards long ago, now only used by very few, and understanding of it was so minuscule it made the possibilities in this case so much harder to decipher. Spinning around in his chair and accidentally crushing some discarded cups of caffeine under his wheels, the giant corkboard behind him held enough to make even a scholar go mad. Though to Cappu… it at least made some sense. "So if the suspect was here, and the magic readings were found here… Ugh, but it wouldn't linger that long! Someone else had to have been there to cast that featherweight spell!" Rambling to himself, the red string between images would be shifted here, there, and a third where. Nothing here was adding up, but there had to be something here that he just wasn't seeing! The prosecutor would sigh and get up from his chair, going around it rather than spinning it back around, in order to grab and drink his cold coffee without spilling it. Though as he approached the board again, that same feeling of being gripped made his entire body tense. Losing grip on his cappuccino, the person of the same name would watch helplessly as it fell and spilled all over the carpet. Ugh… Another drink for the floor, huh.
"Geez…" Cappu would groan, " I didn't think that lack of sleep would cause such drastic seizing…" "It doesn't." A second voice, bitterly familiar, would reach the prosecutor's ears. Whipping around to confront the voice, and grabbing a desklamp to shine the intruder, Cappu would find that a certain phantom thief had found their way onto his desk. Standing there. Holding… his… soulstone?! "What- how did you-?! Put that down this instant!!" The prosecutor barked, pushing forward and attempting to scramble onto his desk, only knocking down towers upon towers of empty cups while the thief simply took a step back and off of the desk, leaving them on opposite ends. "Now now," Roguefort teased, unphased by the bright light being shined upon them, "I do not intend on doing anything with your soul. Toying with people's lives isn't my line of work… though that would be interesting if it were true." "What are you doing in my house?! Why are you here!? To laugh at me after you got away!?" Though Cappu would growl and scowl at the thief, Rogue wouldn't do much more than smile and shrug. "I am simply here to prevent your soulstone from being destroyed by your own actions. There's a certain someone who's grown highly concerned about your state thanks to the number of cases you've taken that happen to match against them." Cappuccino would blink, taken aback. "You mean to tell me… that defense lawyer sent you here to check up on me?" How demeaning… He didn't need this- as much as he did appreciate the sentiment. "I would have preferred they would have visited me themself instead of sending you here. They should know how much I despise you…" "Ah, but they did not ask. They merely… implied it." Roguefort would chuckle, looking at the shining stone in their hand and tilting their head at it. "Your soul has certainly grown dim as of late. It is not worth stealing something that has not been well-polished." These insults were certainly not making the prosecutor feel any better, even if the stone getting gently pet sent an ironically warming chill through him. "You are not very good at hiding when you are in true need of help… and as someone who knows the true worth of all I come across, your worth in yourself has been dwindling, hasn't it? With all the late nights and the constant losses against that passionate lawyer…"
"Could you stop with the incessant monologue and tell me what on Earthbread you could possibly want?" Cappuccino snipped, ignoring the strange sensation of having someone touch the purest form of his soul with such gentleness. No one should be doing that- especially not someone as despicable as Phantom Bleu. "Look, sure, Langue is worried about me. Sure, these past few months have been… rough… so what do you want me to do about it?!" "Simply… take better care of yourself. I will be remaining with you until you do so, as a favor for the one who kept me out of prison." "Yea?" Housing the phantom thief? What bullshit is this? "Well good luck, buddy! You've got someone ridden with so many problems that the song with ninety-nine problems would be blown out of the water ten times over! Not to mention I'll just report you the second you let your guard down!" "Hmhm. That's cute." The thief would grip the stone in their hand, causing Cappu to gasp and seize, losing grip on the light in his hand and making the room go dark as the lamp landed with the shade covering the bulb. "Unfortunately, if you were to report me for residing with you, would that not put your reputation under scrutiny? The headlines would abhor you, darling. Rumors would eat you up… Not to mention we would go through the whole song-and-dance again with me winding up disappearing from the courtroom in a flash! It would be better if we just focused on taking care of you, wouldn't it?"
Cappuccino would catch his breath, glaring into the dark as he took longer than before to recover. Had he been squeezed harsher than last time? "You neglected to mention your… the fact that you have my soulstone, and could kill me anytime you wanted." "Kill you? Oh, no, no, no! I am not a beast!" Rogue would step back onto the desk, looking down at Cappu in the dark, eyes shining like a feline shrowded in the shadows. "Though I do plan on using this as a contingency. Would not want you to pass on of your own accord before I had a moment to aid you, would we? Now, care to let me aid you, for that intriguing defense attorney and your own sake?"
"…fine," The prosecutor hissed, crossing his arms and looking only at the thief's eyes. It was the only part he could really see, after all. "But know that I will land you back in court and win, regardless of how much help you give me. I hate you." "Cute. Well then, let's start your little 'rehabilitation' that you often claimed I am the one who needs it so desperately."
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sister-lucifer · 1 month
Downs shot. Fuck it. I lied and said I was going to bed. I’m. I’m not getting over this so here’s my dumbass kidnapping fantasy, maybe I’ll post it tomorrow or maybe not.
I’m so sick of all the other attention you get online. Your therapists and your beloved adoring fans, your other friends.
It should be me. I should be the only object of your desire. I have everything you need! I am your family, your friends, your lovers— so why do you still need them?
What, am I not good enough? I specifically stalked you long enough to find out your weight to dose the sedative correctly! Who gives you that kind of dedication if not me? Who else steals your medical records to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction to the drugs I add to your morning coffee or inject into my sleeping beauty?
None of these people, I’m sure.
Who else is making sure their cabins or basements or bunkers don’t have mold to keep your pretty lungs from developing pneumonia? Who else is making sure your bed is just right to not aggravate your aches and pains?
I know you like the beds, my sleeping beauty.
It’s a struggle every day to get you up out of it.
If I was there, I doubt you’d ever want to leave.
Not like I’d let you anyway. You’d be trapped in my cabin forever. You couldn’t outrun me if you tried. I’m too fast. My aim is too good. I’d only hurt you if you wanted me to, and what says “please hurt me” more than an escape attempt?
Nothing permanent, I promise! Well, maybe a scar or two. Just as a reminder! I’ll even clean the blades beforehand so you don’t develop an infection.
And then you’ll only see me, only know me. Just me and you, just us, nobody else. We don’t even have to do anything. We can just sit. We can be quiet. We can just enjoy each other’s company.
I’d even play nice and let you talk to the others! Wouldn’t that be fun? Seeing your Papa or Al or BriBri or Mumma every once in a while? As a treat. But then they’d have to go away, because you’re still mine.
….Okay I think I got weird there. Uh. Sorry and good morning? You know who it is no matter what, this is just fantasy, I don’t need reassurance, blah blah blah, actually this would make a good fic.
i kept trying to think of something clever to say but i literally cant i just. guh/pos i think the tags will speak for themselves on this one
sorry you thought i was mad i literally just fell back asleep right before you sent this (i’ve been waking up like an hour before my alarm, around the same time you wake up…wonder if that’s connected?)
and corvus you and the others have to be nice okay
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whumpybucky · 2 years
A little while ago @softersteve mentioned how there is so little sick Steve content and that it made her sad. I felt like that needed to be fixed so this is for her.
3.5K of an idiots-in-love grad school AU with Steve being so sick with a head cold and so sad pining over his best friend, Bucky, who is so soft for him and also pining. There’s a happy ending I promise.
“Hel–” Steve had to break his greeting to clear his throat, which turned into a rough cough. He winced, half with pain from the lingering ache in his tonsils, half from embarrassment. “Sorry, hey, Buck.”
“Well, now I know why you’ve stood me up for the first time ever. How’ya feeling?”
Steve closed his eyes and rolled back onto the pillows he had been dozing on for the past two days. His brow was furrowed as he rubbed his palm across it.
“I’mb fide,” he replied, cringing at the rounded consonants. “Is it Thursday? Gosh I’mb really sorry—snf SNFF! Coulda sworn it was Wednesday…” Steve trailed off, the statement directed more to himself than his friend.
He and Bucky always met up on Thursdays during the break before his weekly seminar and Bucky’s TA office hours. They started the recurring date (though Steve had to constantly remind himself it wasn’t an actual date) at the beginning of the semester. Thursdays quickly became Steve’s favourite day of the week.
His head immediately filled with the image of Bucky sitting at their favourite loveseat, two steaming mugs of tea on the coffee table in front of him, getting lost in people watching as folks hurried past the café, bundled up in wool and scarves and toques. Handsome, brunette Bucky, alone and waiting for Steve to show up.
His chest tightened with guilt for standing his best friend up. And a longing seeped between his ribs at missing out on their time together.
“Sorry, pal, but it’s definitely Thursday. Jeez, why didn’t you tell me you were this sick, Stevie?”
Steve’s heart clenched at his friend’s concern and the nickname. “It’s ju-huh–SNFF! Just a cold, Buck.” He grabbed a handful of fresh tissues and pressed them to his nose, hoping to quell the buzzing in his sinuses.
“A cold that I gave you, so I know for a fact that it’s a bad one. How ‘bout I bring our tea date to you?”
Steve could feel the tingling intensify, it was a losing battle. “H-hold on Bu-huh!… HUH’shiew! EHShhh! HUUHTSCHOO!”
The triplet fell out of him before he even had time to cover his mouth fully with the tissues. Instead, he made the most futile attempt at directing the increasingly strong sneezes away from the phone. After catching his breath, Steve blew his nose a few times before returning his focus back to the conversation—though the action brought little relief and only seemed to move the congestion around his sinuses.
“Guh, sorry, that mbust have sounded gross.”
“Poor Stevie. Don’t apologize, you don’t sound gross, you sound so sick. Speaking of which, what tea do you want me to bring you?”
Steve almost whined at how sweet Bucky was being, acting as if he wasn’t completely disgusted by what a mess he obviously was.
“Really, you don’t need to come over, Buck– snff SNFFF! –I’mb just going to sniffle and sneeze and cough at you and then probably end up falling asleep. Again.”
Steve cleared his throat which immediately turned into another dry, weak cough, as if his body was trying to help him prove his point. He heard Bucky sigh through the receiver and his chest tightened more.
“Just like I did with you last weekend. Remember last weekend? When you came over and watched movies with me and took care of me for two days straight? Seriously, Steven–” another sigh, “I feel so bad for getting you sick. Let me at least bring you tea. Or soup? Or maybe that natural apple juice I always tease you for still liking?”
The soft pleading in Bucky’s voice nearly pushed Steve over the edge.
The love he felt for his best friend since high school had become a challenge to suppress on the best of days. But now that he was on day three of the worst cold he’d had in ages, probably running a low grade fever, and feeling absolutely miserable? Well, it was too much for the blonde grad student to bear.
Why did Bucky have to be so nice? So caring? So sensitive? So thoughtful?
In that moment of pure and utter weakness, Steve was grateful Bucky had phoned him instead of a video call. Otherwise he would have had a difficult time explaining the stream of tears suddenly making a path down his flushed cheeks.
He sniffled into the ball of tissues he was still holding before responding. “I…sn-snffff… I’ll be fide, Buck. Really. Y-you don’t n-need SNF! don’t need to...”
Steve’s breath was hitching as he tried to quell the threatening sob bubbling in his throat. He hoped to the powers that be that it sounded as if he was about to sneeze rather than burst into tears.
“But I want to,” Bucky insisted. Soft, quiet, with a timbre of sadness.
Bucky’s admission hung between them as Steve sniffled into his crumpled tissues and, for a fleeting instance of relief, calmed the ache in his chest that wasn’t from his cold.
Maybe he could try to get off the couch and clean himself up a bit. Maybe take a shower. Tidy up the mound of tissues he had accumulated over the past few days that now surrounded his nest of blankets. Maybe he could give in to being taken care of by his best friend. Maybe he could let himself have that.
But a final sigh from Bucky broke the pause.
“Look, I don’t want to push you, especially when you’re not feeling good. But please text or call me if you need something. Anything. Promise?”
“I promise,” Steve replied, his congested voice weighted with defeat.
“I’ll call to check on you later, okay?”
“Get some rest, Stevie.”
“Thangks, Buck.”
Steve pressed the end call button just as the dam burst.
He knew crying was only going to worsen his symptoms but he couldn’t hold it in any longer. The stress of nearing the end of term. The pending holidays. Being in love with his best friend who he was certain didn’t love him like that. It becoming increasingly harder to be around said best friend because of said unreciprocated feelings.
Throw in a horrendous cold with a persistent low grade fever and Steve found himself smack in the middle of the perfect storm for a total and utter emotional meltdown.
He sobbed and sniffled his way through the remainder of the last box of tissues he had, having to reuse the balls around him until the skin around his nostrils was so irritated and his cheekbones and forehead were so sore from the combination of congestion and crying and fever that he simply fell asleep with a fist of used Kleenex pressed against his nose.
Bucky dragged his feet into his shared office with his fellow TA, Natasha. The two had met during their undergrad, while Steve was out of state on scholarship. They became fast friends, almost like siblings, eventually getting an apartment together just off campus.
It hadn’t taken long for Natasha to put two and two together about Bucky’s feelings for Steve. And if there had been any doubt, it was dispelled during second year when Natasha watched him plummet into a deep depression when Steve told him about a brief fling he had with a cute engineering student named Tony.
When Steve moved back home and started grad school at the same university as them, Natasha had warned Bucky that she wasn’t going to spend grad school watching him pine over his best friend. Three terms in and that’s exactly what she was doing.
“I can feel you moping from here, Barnes,” the redhead murmured without looking up from her laptop. “Did loverboy cancel your tea date?”
Bucky’s brow crinkled as he removed his jacket and shoulder bag, the faded royal blue canvas one that Steve had bought him last Christmas that was becoming worn in all the right places. He slumped into his chair with a huff.
“I told you not to call him that. You’re going to let it slip one day when he’s around.”
“Would that be the worst thing?” Natasha smirked over the screen of her laptop.
Bucky sighed into his hands, rubbing his face in frustration.
“We talked about this. No meddling. Besides, he didn’t cancel…” Bucky’s hands dropped to his lap as he shifted his gaze to the small window of their office. Students bundled up, crossing the quad. A faint flurry swirling around them. “He didn’t show up,” Bucky mumbled.
That made the redhead finally give Bucky her full attention. “James, I’m sure there—”
“He’s super sick,” Bucky cut her off, turning towards his roommate to meet her gaze. “He didn’t even know what day it was, Tash.” His blue eyes were a sea of worry as he subconsciously rubbed his hands up and down his jean clad thighs.
Bucky flinched at the sound of Natasha’s laptop slamming shut. The smile on her face at least told Bucky he wasn’t in for one of her I’m done with your lovesick pining lectures.
“So you’re here because why, exactly?”
“He kept saying I didn’t need to go over. I didn’t want to push him…” Bucky suddenly felt like a scolded child and his head dropped into his hands again.
“Jamie, roomie, bestie. We’ve been over this.”
“I knoooow,” he moaned, looking back up at his friend. “But what if—”
“Nope, not doing this again. He’s literally sick because he doted on you all weekend long.”
“He’d do that for anyone.”
“Not a chance. Remember that summer when we were all at the cabin and Tony, Sam, and I all got some stomach bug that somehow evaded you two?”
Bucky nodded.
“He wouldn’t even come near us and made you two sleep in a tent outside because he didn’t want to risk ruining your vacation.” Natasha emphasized the last part with her best impression of Steve’s concerned voice.
Bucky stared blankly at her, a faint blush stroke appearing across his cheeks.
“You like him, he likes you, stop stalling and go take care of the poor guy,” she directed, opening her laptop again.
Bucky could have sworn he saw an eye roll. He sat still for a moment, processing everything Natasha had just told him. Then he shook his head. “But office hours. I have—”
“I’m merging them into my schedule as we speak. Go, before I change my mind.”
This was it then. In one fluid motion, Bucky jumped up from his chair, hopped over to Natasha’s desk and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of her head—which she batted away—then turned and scooped up his jacket and bag as he rushed towards their door. He paused for an instant, free hand on the knob.
“Thanks, Tash. Really.”
“Go get the guy, Barnes” she smiled, a rare moment of softness shining through her normally surly exterior.
Bucky didn’t have to be told twice. He nodded once before turning on his heel and out of their shared office.
Steve was suspended between sleep and waking. He was vaguely aware of the dull ache in his head and sinuses, the scratch in his throat. But there was also something soothing. A gentle touch running through his hair. A soft voice, luring him to reality.
Was he dreaming?
A dry cough that only seemed to irritate his throat more pulled him fully awake. Then the voice.
“Hey Stevie. Sorry to wake you, but I think you might need some meds.”
Definitely not dreaming then.
Steve’s eyes fluttered open as he finished coughing into the ball of tissues he had fallen asleep holding. Everything still felt delayed.
“Hey Buck,” he croaked out. Though as soon as the greeting left his lips, his eyes widened as his brain finally caught up to the fact of his friend’s presence.
Bucky. Was here. In his apartment. Sitting on the chaise part of the couch Steve had fallen asleep on after his sob fest over his unrequited love. The best friend who was carding fingers through his probably very greasy hair. The best friend who was looking down at him with the most heartwarming expression, despite being surrounded by clusters of Steve's used tissues.
“Oh mby god, Buck!” Steve sputtered as he pushed himself up into a half sitting half leaning position, trying to put distance between them in hopes that Bucky hadn’t fully registered just how disgusting he must look at this moment. The movement caused a sudden shift in congestion and he felt his sinuses start to tingle. He pressed the tattered ball of tissues into his chapped nostrils.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Bucky offered, his hand falling back down to his lap.
“Snf SNF! What are you doing here?” The question came out more as a whine.
“You’re sick, I’m here to take care of you.” Bucky reinforced the matter of fact statement by holding up a canvas shopping bag that Steve hadn’t noticed until now. He then dropped the bag on his lap and started sorting through it as he continued, “Brought you some meds, the ones left over from what you brought me last weekend. The tea you always order when you’re feeling low. That raspberry oat muffin you like so much. A jug of apple juice. Soup. And some tissues—the soft ones you never buy yourself—which it looks like you need,” he finished, not unkindly, as he lifted his head up and noticed Steve’s fluttering eyes.
“Y-you didn’t ha-ha… hngxxt! Hngsht! Hngxxxsshh!”
Bucky quickly fished out the new box of tissues he had brought. “Don’t stifle, you know that just makes you sneeze more. Here,” he instructed as he pressed a handful into Steve’s palm.
Steve nodded in gratitude, eyes closing as he descended into another fit.
“Hshhmmpfff! Hngtshhh! Eishh! Tishh, tshh, ISHH!” His breath was suspended, hitching desperately as he finally brought the fresh tissues to his face. He dropped the used ball he had been holding and cupped both hands around his face just in time.
“HUH… HUUUH’HURRSSHOOOOO!” The last sneeze took him over so completely that Steve slumped sideways into the back of the couch in defeat. He muttered an “oh mby god,” before blowing his nose several times, giving up on trying to protect his friend from the grossness that was his body at this point.
“Jesus, Steve. Bless you, like ten times over.”
“Don’t have to keep count,” Steve huffed between nose blows.
Bucky chuckled at his friend’s annoyance. But he didn’t hesitate to continue his caretaking, leaning in to brush away the hair that had fallen into Steve’s face during the fit. Though upon making contact, his brow furrowed and he placed his palm across the blonde’s forehead once he had successfully pushed the hair back.
“Definitely feels like you're running a little temperature there. When was the last time you took something?” His inquiry was laden with concern.
Steve was done putting up defenses and leaned into the cool touch. Then he sniffled and coughed feebly into the now crumpled tissues before finally dropping his hands into his lap. He blinked at Bucky, simultaneously trying to recall the last time he took something and still reeling from the fit.
“Snf! Don’t know… mbabey yesterday? Or the day before?” His voice dropped and his eyes went down to his lap before adding, “I ran out.”
Bucky sighed. “What about the last time you ate something?”
Guilt flashed across Steve’s face as he looked up again. “Last night I think.”
Another sigh left Bucky’s mouth. He hesitated, but only for a moment, before moving his palm to cup Steve’s rose flushed cheek. Then he responded, barely above a whisper, “You should have called me.”
Steve returned the sigh. “Didn’t want to bother you.”
“You could never be a bother, sweetheart. You’re my guy.”
Sweetheart? My guy? Maybe he was dreaming.
An unexpected sneeze surfaced out of nowhere, forcing him to pull away from Bucky’s touch and turn his mouth into the couch cushions.
“Snf! Sorry, snfffff!”
“Nothin’ to apologize for. I should be apologizing to you, since I’m the reason you’re so sick.”
Oh, so that’s why he was here. Steve’s heart sank.
“Don’t need to feel guilty, Buck. Would’ve happened eventually. SNF! You don’t need to do this.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? I want to.”
Even though he had a low grade fever, mixed with the low blood sugar and the grogginess of being couch ridden the past two days, it was his friend’s soft words and touches that seemed to squash every insecurity he had that was making his head spin.
Surely he was reading this wrong. Bucky was just here ‘cause he’s a good guy.
“But… but I’mb so gross right now. I’mb sure you have better things to do.” Steve brought the fresh tissues that Bucky had placed into his hand after that last sneeze up to his nose, hiding behind them.
“Like what?”
Steve sniffled, nerves delaying him from voicing what was running through his head. “I dunno… going on a date or something?”
Bucky balked at that, a look of genuine offense rippling across his face before his features softened once again.
“And who would I go on a date with?” he pressed. He really wasn’t going to let Steve win this one.
The gears turned as Steve tried to figure out a way out of this hole of a conversation he had dug himself into. “What about that guy Clint? From your first year lecture. You two went out a few times, no?” He asked sheepishly, still hiding behind the tissues.
“Oh, you mean the guy that confirmed that I only have room for one hot blonde in my life?” Bucky’s smile was unfaltering, if not slightly mischievous.
Steve shook his head, unsure if he heard his friend correctly. The action must have bothered his stuffy sinuses because a triplet burst out of him before he even had time to register it was coming.
“Huh’shmmph! EISHhhhh! HURSSHHIEW!” He blew his nose before finally letting the tissues drop. “God, this cold! This is the worst.”
He knew his complaining was allowing him to avoid the elephant in the room, but he couldn’t go there. He couldn’t bear it if he was interpreting this all wrong.
“I dunno… might not be all bad.”
Steve scoffed.
“I mean, I’m here aren’t I?” Bucky asked softly, brushing a thumb across Steve’s warm cheek.
The blonde’s breath hitched at the intimate touch. “Buck,” he whispered.
“Steven,” Bucky answered, sounding so sure of himself.
“I… I don’t understand.”
Could it be?
“Sure you do, Stevie. I want to take care of you. And not just now, but… always. If that’s what you want.”
Steve couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Tears pooled at the corner of his already red and puffy eyes. “Buck… I…”
“I know, sweetheart. Trust me, I know.”
“How… how long?”
“A long time. Too long,” Bucky admitted. He let his hand drop, but Steve caught it mid air. A heavy pause hung between them as they searched each others’ eyes for a sign. Anything that might show uncertainty. Neither of them found one.
Steve’s heart was pounding so hard he was sure it would break through his ribcage and out of his chest at any moment. He finally broke the silence.
“I want that. You have no idea how much I want that.”
The relief that flooded Bucky’s face was palpable. “And you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that.” He clasped both hands around Steve’s.
“God, if it wasn’t for this cold I’d—”
Steve was cut off by Bucky’s lips crashing into his. They were soft, tender, warm. They kissed him slowly, hesitant at first, but then assured and strong without being forceful. It was just like Steve had imagined in early morning hours in bed, only infinitely better. It made his stomach flutter and warmth pool in his abdomen.
“Could get used to that,” Bucky whispered into Steve’s lips before breaking the kiss to allow his congested friend to catch his breath.
“That was…” Steve couldn’t find the right words.
“Yeah, it was.”
Before he could stop himself, Steve turned his entire body and wrapped his arms around Bucky, pulling him so that they were both leaning against the couch. He pressed his head into Bucky’s chest and sniffled wetly, overcome by the emotions of it all.
Bucky melted into the embrace, his arms wrapping tightly around Steve, one hand rubbing his back while the other gently stroked the nape of his neck. “My poor sick guy.”
They sat in quiet for a long while, holding each other, reveling in one another’s warmth.
It was Bucky that finally broke their silence, after leaning down to press his lips into Steve’s forehead and feeling the warmth still radiating.
“Babydoll, you need meds.”
“Hmmm, like those names,” Steve mumbled into Bucky’s sweater.
Bucky chuckled. “Yeah? Good. But seriously, let me go for just a sec so I can get you some water and something to eat with it.”
Steve only tightened his grip. “Five mbore mbinutes, Buck.”
Bucky sighed contentedly into the firm embrace. “‘Kay, Stevie, five more minutes. Then meds.”
“Deal,” Steve agreed, before adding, “Just got you. Not ready to let go yet.”
Bucky readjusted his arms as tight as he could around Steve. “You’ve always had me, sweetheart. And always will, for as long as you want me.”
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Patch You Up
An anonymous commission
Fandom: Pokémon (Undescribed male character)
Word Count: 2011
Genre: Sickfic, Sneezing, Caretaking
TW/CW: Brief nightmare sequence
He sniffled as the soup’s steam wafted from the bubbling pot. He was sure that it must have smelled wonderful, but now all its aroma did was make his nose run. Turning to the side, the trainer wiped his nose on his sleeve, the wooden spoon still in his hand. A small piece of tofu dropped to the floor, which attracted the previously dozing Pikachu from the couch.
It sniffed at the tofu, ear twitching, before trilling with delight and taking it in its paws.
The trainer turned to see Pikachu clutching its paw to his chest, cheeks crackling. Tears were starting to gather in its eyes.
“Aw, buddy…”
He put down the spoon and bent down to the pokémon’s level, taking the paw in his hands. This wasn’t the first time this had happened - being used to berries and pellets, Pikachu was still learning that you had to wait for some food to cool down before you could eat it.
Luckily, its paw was only a little red. The trainer took a small bandage out of his pocket, applying it as gently as he could. Pikachu didn’t really need it, but it always helped them feel better.
“There you go - snf! All better.”
Pikachu looked at the bandage, then smiled, trilling. It stretched its arms up to their owner, waving its tail. The trainer laughed and picked it up, letting it crawl onto his shoulder and into the hood of the hoodie he was wearing.
He turned back to the soup, which had gone from a simmer to a boil. He slid it off the burner, giving it one last stir before bringing a spoonful to his lips. He blew a few times, but before he could take a sip -
Without thinking, he put his nose in the crook of his arm.
The spoon’s contents dribbled onto the floor, which were promptly lapped up by Mabosstiff, much to Pikachu’s dismay. It hopped out of the trainer’s hoodie, getting on all fours and arching its back. Mabosstiff only blinked at the angry rodent before returning to its prize. Pikachu’s cheeks sparked, ready to strike. The trainer put his arms between them.
“Hey, don’t - HTSH’SHIIEW! H-Hih-? HKSH’SHIIIEW!”
He rubbed at his nose, which had begun to grow red. He patted his pockets for a tissue, but they had all been used long ago. He stood up and tore off a paper towel from a nearby roll, cringing as he wiped his already sore nose on the rough material.
The trainer blew his nose, finally feeling some relief from his congestion. However, it didn’t last long, as his nostrils quivered once more.
He put the paper towel over his nose, just in case, and dragged himself to the living room. He fell back on the sofa. By then, Mabosstiff, licking its chops, had settled back on the floor, already snoring. Pikachu was pouting nearby, thumping their tail against the coffee table.
The trainer grasped the paper towel to their face, hitching. Pikachu looked up, perking their ears.
“Snnnnf! Hah…hah-!”
Pikachu, beginning to like this new game their trainer was playing, put a finger under their own nose and squeezed one eye shut.
“Pika! Ah!”
The trainer sniffled. “Pikachu, I’b…t-trying to…ah-!”
The trainer sniffled, then sighed, rubbing his temple.
“Guh…lost it. Snf.”
But Pikachu, who didn’t want to stop playing, climbed onto the trainer’s lap, trilling and waving their tail. The trainer chuckled, running his hands through the pokémon’s fur.
“What ab I going to do with you?” he teased, using his thumbs to rub wide circles into Pikachu’s cheeks. Pikachu trilled, squinting its eyes shut.
Suddenly, the trainer’s nostrils flared with new vigor.
“Gah-! HAH-!”
With both his hands occupied and not a lot of time to think, the trainer bent over Pikachu, pressing the pokémon into their chest as the long-awaited sneeze finally came.
The trainer groaned, leaning their now pounding head back. The paper towel lay crumpled in their hand.
“Sorry, Pikachu - snf! - snug up on be.”
He blew his nose as Pikachu looked up at him with wide eyes, still a bit dazed. It held a hoodie string tightly in each paw.
The trainer groaned again, shifting to his side. Maybe if he could just lay down for a few minutes -
Pikachu climbed onto his trainer’s chest, sniffing at his face.
“I’b sorry, Pikachu - snf! - I can’d play right now. Just…let be rest a little bit…”
The trainer coughed, leaning his head on the arm of the sofa. He hadn’t realized how sore he was until he laid down. His head, his chest, his arms, his legs - they all hurt. And though he had put on a hoodie this morning to chase away a chill, it had now become a pounding fever. As much as he wanted to take it off, he didn’t think he could move his aching joints. The trainer felt sweat pooling down his back and beading on his forehead.
A gentle gust of air made the trainer open his eyes. A yellow tail moved back and forth in front of his face, fanning him. He sighed with relief as the cool air washed over him.
He didn’t know how long he had been asleep, or even remembered dozing off, but the next thing his trainer knew, there was a soft growling and snuffling next to his ear.
The trainer opened his eyes to see Mabosstiff’s big brown eyes staring into his. The pokémon barked softly through its chops, using its paw to nudge the trainer’s shoulder.
Trying to assuage it, the trainer reached out a hand to pet its head, but fell short as his energy ran out. Mabosstiff whined, putting its cold nose on the trainer’s cheek.
“What? What do yo-”
He cut himself off with a rough cough. Mabosstiff put its snout under the trainer’s shoulder, supporting him as he tried to sit up. Between Mabosstiff and the sofa, he was able to heave himself up, shivering.
Getting off the sofa, however, was a different story.
Mabosstiff, sensing the trainers unsteadiness, turned around and backed against the sofa. It turned its head expectantly.
After a few minutes, the trainer managed to will himself up, using Mabosstiff as support. His entire body throbbed in pain, but he managed to keep himself upright. Mabosstiff shuffled along with its trainer, waiting patiently for each step.
The pokémon led him to the pot of soup that he had previously abandoned. Luckily, he had taken it off the burner, but it had probably gone cold. Mabosstiff barked through their chops again.
“Do…you want soup?” the trainer rasped.
He took the wooden spoon and dipped a spoonful, then held it to Mabosstiff. Despite having scarfed it down earlier, though, it no longer seemed interested. The pokémon just stared at the trainer, waiting.
Shrugging, he put the spoon into his mouth. The soup was still warm, and the vegetables had just the right texture. At length, he swallowed, letting the warm broth soothe his sore throat. Mabbostiff grunted happily, and began to wag their tail.
Is that what the pokémon had wanted?
The trainer took a small bowl from the cupboard and dipped more soup into it. Then, using Mabosstiff, he went back to the sofa, sipping it. The pokémon sat in front of him, staring at him until he had finished. Once the bowl was empty, Mabosstiff took a quilt from the nearby armchair and dragged it to the trainer between its teeth. The pokémon jumped onto the sofa and draped a corner over its his feet, and the trainer pulled it over his shoulders.
With his stomach full and a warm blanket chasing away the chill, the trainer closed his weary eyes.
“Hello? Hello!”
A darkness had enveloped the trainer, and no matter how loudly he called, the only thing he heard was his own echo. A sense of dread began to prickle in his chest as he turned in circles, searching for something, anything to break the darkness.
“Please! Help me!”
No answer.
Cold sweat pooled down his back, and every hair stood on end. The abyss began to close in on him, its wiry tendrils inching closer and closer.
The trainer turned to see a beacon of red light flash in the darkness, chasing it back. The light dulled, revealing his Espeon sitting in the distance, tail wrapped around its paws.
“Espeon? Where-?”
Espeon only mewed in response before starting to walk into the inky black. The trainer hurried towards their pokémon, finally able to move. His steps echoed through the abyss as he got closer and closer to Espeon’s red glow…
The trainer started awake, now staring into a pair of large, violet eyes. His Espeon was sitting on his chest, their gem still glowing. As he blinked the sleep from his eyes, the gem darkened.
“Nngh…thangks…” he mumbled, petting Espeon’s head. The pokémon purred, leaning against its trainer's hand. Espeon wasn’t usually this affectionate. In fact, since the trainer caught it a few weeks ago, it was rare to see the pokémon outside of his room during the daytime.
The trainer groaned, patting his hoodie pocket in vain for the used paper towel. Espeon hopped off his chest with a twitch of its tail. The trainer tried to clean his streaming nose with his sleeves, but his smarting nostrils twinged with every rub.
He turned to see a tissue box floating a few inches from his face, a violet aura surrounding it. Espeon sat nearby, its eyes glowing brightly.
Of course, the trainer knew psychic types could use telekinesis. But Espeon had never done it before now - or at least not that he knew of.
However, with few options, the trainer plucked a tissue from the floating box. And just in time.
He blew his nose, finally able to use something clean and soft to clear his sinuses. Many tissues later, the trainer settled down again, and Espeon set the tissue box down on the coffee table. Along with it, there was a box of medicine, a washcloth, and a few pokémon pellets.
Pikachu waddled into the room, carrying a half full glass of water. Both his tail and paws were soaked as it left a wet trail behind it. Finally, the pokémon managed to get to the sofa, lifting up the glass to its trainer. By then, the glass was only a quarter full.
But the trainer smiled, carefully taking the glass.
“Thangk you, Pigachu - snf! You did a very good job.”
Pikachu puffed out its chest, waving its tail. Espeon was less impressed, and continued licking its paw.
But they weren’t the only ones who were busy. Mabosstiff had wrestled the trainer’s comforter, sheets, and pillows off his bed, using all of its strength to drag them into the living room. Soon, the trainer was a cocoon of various quilts, blankets, and cushions.
Once the canine had finished, it collapsed in a heap next to the sofa, snoring almost immediately. Espeon hopped onto the sofa and curled up on one of the many cushions. The trainer patted a place in the blankets.
“Cobe on, Pigachu. Up!”
Pikachu looked at its trainer, ears twitching. Then, suddenly, it scurried behind the couch. A few moments later, it returned with something in its paws. It scampered up the mountain of blankets, then held it up for the trainer to see.
It was a small, red bandage - just like the one the trainer had used earlier that day.
Pikachu laid the bandage gently on the trainer’s red nose, smoothing the edges on the side of each nostril. When it was finished, it leaned back, admiring its handiwork. The trainer chuckled, scratching behind Pikachu’s ears.
“Good boy, Pigachu…”
Pikachu trilled, circling a few times before curling up on his chest. As the trainer settled in himself, he made sure the bandage was still on his nose.
Sure, he didn’t really need it.
But, somehow, he already felt better.
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himebushou · 10 months
I finished watching Shaman King 2021 yesterday! Some scattered thoughts on Episodes 38-52!
So much happened in this episode but absolutely everything has been wiped from my brain because WHAT is Marco's battle outfit —
Episode 38
Episode 39
I really need Team The Ren to win this fight!
Yoh finally gets to share his big news, lol
Man, the X-Laws' reveal was a big deal but again, it went at a 100 miles an hour so there wasn't much space/time to absorb everything... and I can't believe how huge that table has gotten, lol
Marco is. A dope.
Episode 40
For me, a Team Horohoro fan, this episode was... truly a lot. I want to know his full story (and despite what Yoh and Ren say, I know that they do, too). He was seriously amazing and guh, just such a fantastic character. I loves the kanji and etymology lesson from Hao, too.
I'm still kinda shocked that Yoh is back in the Shaman Fight as I thought that his being out of the game was a massive divergence that was going to set the series apart, but the way things have worked out is pretty cool!
And the Five Elemental warriors are gonna come from Gandhara, huh? Nice!
The new ending is GORGEOUS. Whoa whoa.
(Also, finally getting some closure for why Yoh has felt so off — poor chilled boy is so stressed.)
Episode 41
I think Marco is dead dead (unless he'll be revived?) and phew, the stuff with the X-Laws' satellite was cool! ALTHOUGH. I'm wondering what the heck they saw that made Hao so damn angry.
Sati doesn't waste any time taking prisoners fjdk
Honestly, some moments have been jawdropping fjhfh
And Oh!Oni was back! And beloved Matamune!
I love this Yoh and Amidamaru focus, eee
Episode 42
I am just becoming increasingly incoherent EVERYTHING IS SO EXCITING but phew, so many people kicked the bucket in this ep?
I am emo about Yohsen oh maaan
Episode 43
And now one of Manta's relatives is getting in on the action and trying to nab the Great Spirit PHEWWW
Jun having trained with Sati? Whoa! And having the mana to resurrect THREE people? When Faust could only do one? I have some questions, but I'm happy my girl is involved!
But since Anna has also mastered the Ultra Senji Ryakketsu, surely she should also be able to resurrect people?
This is so wild but it's exciting so I'll roll with it!
Episode 44
ANNA VS HAO and there are still so many secrets there? THE TENSION.
And then the coffee!! I'm so glad that Yohsen is somehow still around fjfjf
Though damn, Hao, you cheapskate: pay your damn bill!
Tao Ran and Tao Yúan on screen together, yahoo! (Flipping heck, I loved those moments when Ren was so embarrassed about his family cheering him on, lolol)
BUT BLOODY HELL THIS BATTLE. TBH I really want Team The Ren to win because I do feel that they've got Yoh outclassed... the Ren/Horo lightning/ice combo is just too good. Though wow, Horohoro is MAD.
Episode 45
I'm so close to the end and I'm so sad!
Phew, so we find out which elements the boyos are going to have! I was fully expecting Yoh to have fire, so I was super surprised that it'll be Lyserg instead. Joco with the 'Wind of Change' makes sense, as does Ren with lightning (though I'm surprised that this was an element over metal, tbh, especially since Ren made some comments about Yoh's mastery of metal where Spirit of Sword was concerned) and Horohoro with water. Yoh as the sturdy earth guy is good.
(I'm slightly angsty for Ryu... there wasn't much of an explanation from Sati and Gandhara about precisely why the Elemental Warriors had to be kiddos, apart from the established conversation about adults knowing their ceilings. I assume that there's a bit more detail in the manga.)
This fight against the rest of the world, though? Huh, dramatic! I'm a bit sketchy about the whole laser thing becaaause I thought that was spiritual energy that was fired at the island, but it couldn't have been if the whole world is aware of it? So I have questions!
Everyone chillding in the hot spring is so cute, good gracious.
Episode 46
Wow, show's over. Hao is the Shaman King.
Episode 47
HOW is this going to wrap up in a satisfying way when we still have another 8 Patch Officiants to get through djdjd the Lyserg OST hits so haaaard...
Episode 48
Waaaa the adults are having a barbecue and the kids are fighting for their lives and we are losing healers left and right and Opacho can read minds and there are still SO MANY REVELATIONS crikeyyyy
Episode 49
The tone changes are so odd to keep up with; one second, Redseb and Seyrarm are dying and the next, Kalim is bringing everyone dinner and the guys are taking a break to recover mana when it's been explicitly stated they have 15 hours to save the world! This is so whack to me.
WAIT I nearly missed that there was a ton of stuff after the credits and djhff Horohoro doesn't like his full name?
Episode 50
Oh man, the way Tamiko died was actually harrowing and then she's revealed to be Kororo and Ren's just like. Horohoro is now in dope mode we must ignore him fhfjjlfj
Ren has been taking on most of these fights and his battle against Nichrom was swift, but cool; I loved Joco vs Thalim though — and Thalim himself was adorable!
Episode 51
I'm weeping Shaman King is so special the whole thing is just WE WILL DEFEAT THE BADDIE WITH THE POWER OF LOVE.
urgh urgh this OST!!
Episode 52
I definitely cried during the last episode because parts of the ending were so beautiful; everyone coming together to show Hao that he could be saved — that salvation is in accepting your humanity and believing in the humanity of others. And I found Hao's mother's words so freaking soothing... I'm glad that Hao missing his mother was foreshadowed earlier, but we could have had more of that, I think.
And sure, they haven't fixed the world by 2007, but that is OKAY — most of them are around 22 and at that age, I was a wreck! So they have time and their lives to look forward to and... and I guess I disagree with the folks who say that the end of Shaman King is bad because they feel 'everything was pointless'; there's a lot to do and, even with guardian ghosts, shamans can't do everything alone.
I think this is an anime I could definitely rewatch, at some point. Wow. I love these characters and, as much as I griped about this, that and the other, I loved this story.
And I think it's so interesting that Yoh just. Didn't end up as the Shaman King djbdfh that;s definitely not what I was expecting!
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grimalkinmessor · 3 months
10. Top three favourite fic tropes.
OH BOY *scrubs my grubby paws rogether* Ain't that a fun question? I'm a big fan of AUs—soulmates, hanahaki, A/B/O, you name it, I'm probably in love with it. My all time favorite trope is definitely arranged marriage, though. Or—I guess you could say it's technically dubious consent? Because it's really the power imbalance and the struggle for freedom that I really like about it, it doesn't have to be specifically Arranged Marriage, it could just as well be (and often is) captor/captive. The CODEPENDENCE. The PARASITISM that develops 😩👌✨ They need each other more than air, more than anything but they're killing each other, they're making each other stronger and worse, even if you die you'll never be free of me because a part of you is always in me and a part of me is soldered to you, I wish I could hate you, I wish I could love you, I wish things were different— the GOOD SHIT ✨👌🤌💕💞💖🙏✨❤️‍🔥💯✨⭐🔥🌟
Which sort of leads into my second favorite trope; fantasy AUs!!! Put some magic in that shit!!! Drop down some monarchial or even dictoral intrigue!!! World build!!!! Make that character a dragon!!!!! HELL yeah!!!!!!! Fantasy AUs are always so so so much fun for me and I love them. It's about 🤌🤌 the political/magical/moral intrigue 🤌🤌🤌🤌
Now. I say that vaguely because one of my favorite tropes that is hard as FUCK to find are creature AUs. Selkie and wing AUs specifically. Selkie AUs because they tie back into the above very nicely, but WING AUs always have me by the throat because it's just,,,,,everything to me. I desperately, desperately wanted wings as a kid (and still to this day), so a world where everyone has wings is my ultimate escapism fantasy. Plus the angst that tends to come with it?? Top tier, real shit. Your wings are broken, they're stigmatized, they're useless, they've been taken from you—or, my fucking favorite, they've never been touched :) Never been groomed :)) And the first time someone shows them that sort of intimate yet common affection you just start shaking because it's so overwhelming to feel loved. To be cared for. ESPECIALLY if the wings in question are broken, useless, bad luck. LOVE that shit 💖
11. Three tropes that are fine but overrated.
Tattoo/Flower shop AUs. They're alright but honestly they feel so much like coffee shop AUs to me that I can't really see the difference lmao. Plus it usually comes with too much fluff for me to find it interesting, even as someone who loves flower language and loves tattoos.
Gonna contradict myself with this one, but soulmate AUs. They can be good, but when you don't dive into the inherent darkness of having choice snatched away from you by fate itself and the horror that can come with knowing someone is the other half of you, connected forever with no way out, then what's the point honestly. The whole reason I adore soulmate AUs is because the very premise of it all is so fucked up, dressed up and romanticized as something sweet and wholesome. If you make it something ACTUALLY sweet and wholesome—which many people do—then I think it gets old quick.
Fake Unrequited Love. OH my God this one. It's fine, alright, it's fine but it irritates the shit out of me most of the time. I adore the angst of unrequited love, and to just say "well it only LOOKS unrequited because they didn't COMMUNICATE clearly enough haha the sillies" babe that is just dressed up miscommunication. Guh. Sometimes it doesn't bother me but honestly it's always been overrated to me. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Bonus one: There Was Only One Bed Trope. It's fine but I have personal issues with it. I like it in theory but it's one of the very few tropes that triggers the hell outta me. I wish I could enjoy it, but since I can't it just feels like it's everywhere, therefore making it overrated to me specifically.
(Hilarious because I keep intending to make use of it in my Matsulight fic but I chickened out the first time lmao)
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To Make You Well
Guess what, it’s another Secret Santa post from @softsnzstuff KB’s Secret Santa! I wrote for anon who requested a Grey’s Anatomy cold fic. I’ve always meant to write for Grey’s. Glad I finally got the chance! Hope you like it, anon
Words: 1957
Derek Shepherd was in the kitchen making coffee. Meredith Grey, freshly showered and ready for another day at the hospital, had just come into the kitchen. As she approached, Derek suddenly threw an arm over his face to muffle a sneeze:
"Bless you," Meredith laughed, coming to his side to kiss him on the cheek. "Are you okay?"
"Thanks," he said, chuckling as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "I'm fine. Dusty in here I guess."
"Well it's not like I have a lot of free time to dust. If the dust bothers you, then you take care of it," she said playfully. 
"Or we could just hire a cleaning service." He kissed the top of her head. 
"I like the way you think," she said, taking the mug of coffee he held out to her. 
They finished their morning routine as usual, and soon enough the pair was arriving at the hospital for their shifts. As busy surgeons, they saw very little of each other throughout the day. On this particular day though, the next time Meredith saw Derek, he was sneezing again. She was coming up a hallway only to find Derek standing at the nurses station, reading through a chart. Before she could catch his attention, he quickly turned his face into his elbow:
"HhHIITCHH'uhh!" With a little 'guh' sound, he freed his face with an annoyed-sounding sniffle, shaking his head. 
"Bless you!" Meredith called.
He looked up, startled, but smiled upon seeing her as she stopped in front of him. 
"Now don't tell me the hospital is dusty too," she said. 
"Must be," he replied. "Or maybe someone is wearing strong perfume." 
"I don't smell any perfume."
"I guess my nose is better than yours, then," he said matter-of-factly, scrubbing his nose into his shoulder with another small sniffle. 
Meredith looked skeptical. "Are you sure you're–"
"Meredith, I'm fine. Really. Don't worry about me so much," he said, gently scolding.
She sighed, shaking her head. "Okay. But you better actually be fine."
"I promise I am. Will that be all, Dr. Grey?" he said with a smile. 
"That will be all, Dr. Shepherd," she grinned back, continuing on her way. 
The third time she caught him sneezing, she began to think it wasn't a coincidence. She was swinging through the cafeteria for a bagel for her and Cristina when she caught sight of him once more, evidently on his way out with his own food. She would normally not have tried to get his attention since he seemed to be in a hurry, but just as he passed the last table he stopped, hunching into his elbow to sneeze: 
"Hihh'TEHHCH! HEHHTchoo!"
Bless you, bless you," she called, striding over to him. He jumped when he heard her, turning. This time he didn't smile when he saw her. She couldn't help but notice how much more tired he looked even from a few hours ago, with dark circles under his eyes. 
"Thanks. But you know you don't need to bless me every time you hear me sneeze," he said, sounding annoyed. 
"Yes I do. It's part of the rules of being a couple," she replied. "And you're sneezing in pairs now. You never sneeze in pairs except when you're sick."
"And how could you possibly know that? That's not true. I'm fine as ever."
"It's absolutely true. I have my sources. You're getting sick, Dr. Shepherd, don't try to deny it. Even if I didn't hear you, I could see it in your eyes."
Derek sniffled self-consciously. "As much as I would love to argue about that, I don't have time right now. I was due in surgery two minutes ago. I have to go. I'll talk to you tonight." He sped away without giving her a chance to reply. 
She rolled her eyes at his retreating back. "Men. They're all the same, even dreamy doctors," she muttered to herself, getting back into line for her own food.
Meredith caught Derek sneezing one final time before their shifts ended, and it was the most pathetic display of all. As usual, she was not even looking for him. She had just gotten herself an iced coffee and was heading back to the nurses station when she heard the familiar sound of a pair of wet, stifled sneezes coming from inside the on-call room she had just passed. 
"Hihh'GHETTchh! Ihhg'EHTCH!!"
The sound stopped her short, but she wondered if she should just let him be, since he was evidently trying not to be noticed. When he sneezed again a moment later, though, another miserable pair, her mind was made up. With a short knock she entered the small room, making Derek jump, his hands still cupped over his nose and mouth. 
"Bless you," his partner said quietly, closing the door being herself and giving him a knowing look. 
"… Thank you," he sighed, looking defeated. 
"So do you want to explain why you're hiding in an on-call room to sneeze?" she asked.
"I'm not hiding. I just happened to sneeze while I was already in here," he retorted. 
"Well, why were you in here at all?" She glanced at her watch. "Your shift ends in less than three hours. That's not enough time to bother trying to sleep. And I know you got out of surgery not that long ago." 
"I just… needed a minute, I guess. I wasn't planning to sleep, just rest my eyes," Derek said, scrubbing a hand over his stubbled face, with special attention given to his nose. Meredith looked at him in concern, stepping closer to caress his cheek.
"You're not feeling well at all, are you? You look exhausted. And you feel pretty warm, too. The OR is the last place you should be if you're sick, you know that. It might be best if you go home early." 
"You don't need to worry about me so much, Mer. I promise I'm fine. I can still do surgery and there's no reason I can't finish this shift."
"But you're coming down with a cold. What if you have to sneeze while you're in surgery? What if you sneeze on someone's brain!" 
Derek gave her a warning look. "I've never sneezed on someone's brain before and I don't plan to start today. I can survive for a few more hours."
The last word was almost lost as he yawned hugely, immediately contradicting his statement. Meredith gave him a look of her own, then sighed. She knew she would be acting the exact same way if their roles were reversed. After all, they were surgeons first and foremost. 
"Well if you're going to stay, then you'll need this." She handed him her precious coffee. "Take a twenty minute power nap, then drink that when you wake up."
He chuckled softly. "Alright. Any other orders, Dr. Grey?" he asked, his eyes dancing even through the fatigue.
"That's all for now. I'm sure I'll have more when we get home," she said. 
"Then I'll await your wisdom with bated breath," Derek said. "And thank you for the coffee."
"You're welcome. You know I wouldn't give my coffee up for just anyone."
"I appreciate the sacrifice. I'll do my best to honor it," Derek said solemnly. 
"Good. Then I'll leave you in peace. I'll see you later." They shared a tiny kiss, then, true to her word, she backed out of the room and closed the door.
She didn't have much of a chance to worry about him after that. In fact, she hardly had time to replace her coffee before the ER got busy with surgical cases, and from then on there was no down time for anyone. Before she knew it, her own shift had ended. She made her way home in the usual sleepy, post adrenaline haze, hardly noticing her surroundings. 
The house was silent when she arrived. She knew Derek had come home a few hours before, and she hoped he was in bed. After a quick shower, she was also ready to sleep, so she headed straight for the bedroom. 
Derek was indeed fast asleep and snoring away congestedly when she entered. He was wearing a sweatshirt and flannel pants even under the duvet and his nightstand was already littered with used tissues and bottles of cold medicine. Meredith considered waking him to fuss over him, or at least feel his forehead to check his temperature, since the flush over his cheeks was worrisome, but in the end she let him be, too tired herself to want to do more doctoring until she slept for a while. She fetched them both bottles of water to find when they woke, then crawled into bed beside him, thankful for the pre-warmed sheets, and was asleep beside her partner in minutes. 
She was awakened an indeterminate amount of time later by the motion of the mattress as someone crawled under the covers. Rolling over, her eyes met Derek's. He was sipping from a steaming mug, red-nosed and bleary-eyed, but gave her a tired smile. 
"Sorry I woke you," he said, hoarse and congested. "You can go back to sleep. You don't need to be up for hours yet."
"No it's okay," she yawned. "How are you feeling?"
As if in reply, Derek's breath hitched into a messy pair of sneezes:
"HEEIHT'choo! Hihh!- Hiihh'TEHHTCH!"
"Bless you," Meredith said. "That good, huh? You sound very germy." 
"I am very cold-ridden," he agreed, sniffling pathetically. "I don't plan to leave this bed in the foreseeable future, unless it's to get more coffee."
"Is that so? I thought you had to work today."
Derek sniffled again. "I already called off. That's what I was doing just now. I really don't feel great. And as a wise person noted, it would be pretty terrible if I sneezed on someone's brain in the OR. It's safer for everyone if I stay home. This way you're the only person that's at risk of catching this."
He coughed wetly after the long speech, covering his nose and mouth with his shirt collar before returning to his drink. 
"Poor guy, you really must be sick. I didn't think there was anything that could convince you to call off." 
"I can be reasonable when necessary," he replied with a yawn. "And before you ask, yes, I have a mild fever. 100.5 when I checked just now. I think it was higher when I got home, though."
"Then I'm definitely glad you're staying home. And as it turns out, we'll both be staying home. Since you were getting sick, I thought it might be best for me to stay home too, since like you said, I'll probably catch this or at least be a carrier. Plus, you need someone to take care of you. I traded my next few shifts, so I'll be here with you for whatever you need." 
"That wasn't necessary, you know. I've taken care of myself just fine for all these years before you came along."
"Well it's done now. You're stuck with me." 
"If you insist." Derek said, shaking his head. Meredith could tell he was pleased, though. He set the mug aside, yawning again. "Before you start doctoring my cold though, can I request some more sleep as the first course of treatment?" 
"Absolutely," Meredith mumbled around a yawn of her own, rolling back over and closing her eyes. "As long as I get the same treatment." 
"Deal," Derek agreed, sliding under the blankets. Before he drifted off, though, he slid closer to his partner until he was spooning her from behind, making her smile, which in turn made him smile. It was only when they were pressed together that they both fell deeply asleep. 
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Can you do a short fic of Terzo having pretty bad morning sickness and how Copia and Omega help? 🥺 Thanks!
I can do that
tw: morning sickness , Onomatopoeia
The retching sound filled the small cabin that morning. It has been a reoccurring thing for the past few weeks since Copia moved in. The poor rat man wasn't expecting this to say the least. Wasn't expecting the man that he decided to knock up that one night after his ritual , drunk to say the least decided to be proclaimed dead and then only to find out that he is still alive, with his loyal ghoul in a cabin kilometers in the woods . Not to mention, pregnant with possibly his child.
Omega thought he owned it up. The taller ghoul was expecting for Copia to at least visit them weekly or so but Copia proved otherwise by deciding to entirely ditch his position at the clergy and move in with them. In what others could describe as a dumb move , perhaps it is the best move.
The nervous rat man looked at the taller ghoul while they're waiting in front of the bathroom door.
''what should we do?'' he murmured '' this is getting a bit more frequent..''
Omega sighed a bit . '' Maybe it's one of those days...'' He uncrosses his arms before heading into the kitchen.
''Wait where are you going?''
''Hot tea for him and breakfast''. The ghoul replied.
leaving Copia whining to himself.
''Should I go in?'' He gestures to the door, face pale as well.
Omega, already having the pan ready with eggs only nodded at him.
He's still , skittish one could say. It could be because he wasn't used to this. Back in the abbey Copia was tasked, told what to do by those higher up than here, it kept him occupied. He does seem like the person who wanted to please .
''Go in and comfort him . Clean him up if you need to as well. ''
Copia nodded before entering but not without a knock. He slowly closes back the door and approaches Terzo who's kneeled down on the floor still emptying his insides out with a groan.
''oh mi amore...'' The rat man kneels as well, rubbing Terzo's back.
''guh...look what you did to me Copia'' he means no venom in those words, only to tease him with a chuckle.
But Copia of course, his face went pale as he squeaks at him apologetically.
''I'm sorry! I didn't know I truly didn't I shouldn't have drank so much wine that night I-''
Terzo grasps the other's hand squeezing reassuringly. He smiles a bit.
''It's alright caro. I was only teasing. This is normal for me si?''
''O-ok'' Copia nods before grabbing a small towel , wiping the other's mouth a bit. '' Are you ok? can you walk? do you want me to carry you to the bed?''
Terzo watches him with a smile before getting up slowly, the other man holding his arm throughout the whole ordeal.
''I'm fine, i can walk to the bed'' But his legs falters a bit , ending in Copia holding him . Terzo groans a bit, his head definitely is still having one of those dizzy spells.
''I got you''.
''Knock knock''
Omega's tail opens the door of the bedroom, before slowly shuffling in with a tray of breakfast fit for the two of them on the bed.
Copia had snuggled Terzo in a pair of fluffy socks, a bottle of warm water for his hands as well before he takes a spot beside the bed , making room for Omega.
''that smells heavenly''. Terzo smiles, he cant wait to dig in.
''For you two'' . He smiles before setting in on the bedside table , handing them both their own plates of pancakes with maple syrup.
''I got you hot peach tea and coffee for you , Copia''
Copia squeaks a bit '' me? ''
''well yea, of course''.
Copia smiles a bit ''Grazie.''
''You're part of this family too, silly.'' Omega chuckled grabbing his own cup of coffee.
The man smiles and nods to himself, watching the two of them contently.
Yup, my family.
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atvbs · 1 year
OK SO. Tokyo ghoul’s story is actually kinda lame imo and the characters are boring BUT. I’m incredibly addicted to the lore. SO. pretty much there are these creatures called ghouls that look identical to humans. However, ghouls can only eat human meat to survive— anything else will make them sick (except coffee, which can be used to stave off hunger, but only the barest bit). Most ghouls are just people trying to live normal lives, but there are some that get a little too carried away and excessively kill humans even when they don’t need to. Thus there is the ccg aka the doves which is a government organization that hunts and kills ghouls. However, ghouls are extremely hardy. Their skin cannot be punctured by blades or bullets, and they have incredibly quick regeneration capabilities, like lizards. They also have these organs called kagune, which can retract in and out of their bodies, and are used to fight and kill. They come in four different types (if you’re interested in more detailed ghoul anatomy I will gladly tell you about it lol), and so what the doves do is when they kill a ghoul they will rip the kagune from their bodies and turn it into a weapon used to fight ghouls, as it’s the only thing that can harm another ghoul. Their regeneration is best after eating, and they can go up to two months without food, their strength slowly dwindling in that time. If they push past this time limit, they will grow weaker, but also lose their self control more and more. The smell of blood can cause a ghoul to lose control at this point. Their eyes will revert to their natural state (red iris black sclera) and it’ll be hard to keep their kagune in. In this state, they could kill and eat anyone, even the people they love. Ghouls love under the guises of normal humans and do everything to keep from being discovered. There’s a lot more to it than this but this is the barest details lmao. Anyway what I’m getting at is. Toya au
HOLY SHIT thats insane but sounds really interesting ?!?!! TBH idk if i could handle watching the anime or reading the manga but in concept thats so metal...
also GUH please elaborate on the au you have i am looking sooo respectfully HUHWAAH (either asks or discord IM LOOKING.)
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sapphiresterreart · 10 months
Tried to scribble a Sonic idea with a throwaway joke-reference only to get completely sidetracked by that very same joke. Got in too deep. Hope it's coherent enough!
Note: Usually picture them as young adults. Prolly early 20s or so. Not super important but might help with context. It's fun for me to mix youthful energy with slightly older characters. Whatever canon experiences they've had took time to happen kinda thing.
Rouge shares her struggle with her roommate’s terrible, no-good very bad coffee bean addiction eating habits. Starring Sonic, Tails, and a startling amount of memes and modern(?) slang as her prisoners. 
Sonic's desperate cries for help go ignored. Maybe if he was a better communicator he wouldn't have these issues.
Under the Read More it goes!
Off-screen, Shadow is blissfully unaware of such plights as he savors a cereal bowl of coffee beans for breakfast. Only faintly wondering why the bag of new beans had been stashed in the wrong kitchen cabinet. Didn’t Rouge know they were supposed to go in the pantry? Mentally shrugs. Everyone makes mistakes. She must've been tired last night or something. She did have eye-bags before putting on makeup this morning. Ah, well. Not his problem.
No. Instead it's Sonic's problem.
"Shadow thinks he's so smart but that guy eats coffee beans for breakfast. It was one thing when he had a gardening phase and cluttered the counters with potted plants; at least that was nice. Got fresh lavender for free and his chao could take care of 'em while he was away, ya know? But coffee beans? Raw? How am I supposed to have my morning coffee when Shadow keeps eating all my chaos-damned coffee beans, boys?" 
"Ah." Sonic blinks and shares a glance with Tails. They’d been trapped on their own living room couch ever since Rouge showed up a solid hour ago with eye bags so heavy not even the secrets of modern makeup could hide them.
Still. He's her friend and he's tried to give her his attention. He tentatively ventures, “I get the feeling you haven't had coffee this morning?"
"I haven't had coffee in days, Sonic, days!"
"Yikes." He grimaces, playing at an attempt for sympathy because there's only so long he can keep trying. An hour is a long time and he still doesn't see what the big deal is, or even care honestly, but he'll at least pretend. "Big oof. That's no good."
Tails slaps his forehead and slumps from where he sits on the couch beside him. Rouge stares at them both. Or maybe just him. Apparently he didn't pretend hard enough. Huh. Oh well. Guess he'll have to try again. 
"I try not to judge people by their dietary needs." Sonic beams, making sure to look as innocent as can be. Adds blinking for good measure
It's a strategic trick he learned while babysitting Cream long ago. She had been, and unfortunately still is, a master of them-big-ole-eyes paired with rapid-fire-eyelashes. 
Whenever Amy did it she looked like she had a bad case of allergies and sometimes caused her mascara to run which only ever made him think of the horror movies he'd seen late at night. It was a problem. She was not good to learn from for that. He's glad she started wearing waterproof stuff or whatever it is at some point. Turns out, black streaks for tear-tracks are terrifying. Not cute.
Guh. Moving on. Maybe his powers of persuasion will sway Rouge away from the dark side of more long-winded rants and dangerously boring tangents. Alas. They fail. She seems unmoved.
"Your diet is nothing but chili dogs." She points at him, needlessly affronted. 
Oh hey now. An age old argument apparently no one is willing to let go of. Not even Rouge. Hmph. He stands by his statement: there's nothing wrong with chili dogs and there never will be! Why fix what ain't broke?
"Like I said," Sonic continues undeterred by non-believers even after all these years. "Dietary needs."
Rouge huffs and whirls on a needle-thin heel. They click click click as she paces a circle in front of the TV.  Dang. Those boots look like they could kill someone. Sonic idly wonders if they have then decides he doesn't wanna know. He might be the next victim otherwise. At least not if this endless talkin’ doesn't do him in first.
"As I was saying; it'd be one thing if he ate them after I brewed them," she flicks a wrist already back on topic as she cocks a hip to the side. Her wings twitch from where they're folded along her spine. "But does he do that? Does he have the decency to do that, boys?"
She pauses a beat. Oh no. Is she expecting proper responses now after all that? Or maybe it’s is a rhetorical question and does not require an answer. Should he risk death by boot or death by boredom?
Tails, brave soul that he is, offers himself as tribute. "He... doesn't?"
"No!" Rouge whips around and her wings snap out on cue. The brothers jolt. "He does not!"
Tails makes some sort of noise. "That sounds rough." 
"Major bummer." Sonic agrees and hopes it'll get her tirade to stop.
"It is! And that's not all-"
Ah. It does not. Was she even listening to him? Or hearing him at all? His attention can only last so long. He's reaching his limit here! Maybe if he throws enough nonsense at her, she'll stop? Or talk about something else?
"What an L, Rouge."
"--maybe had some decency he'd-"
"L plus ratio?"
"What am I supposed to do without the beans, Sonic?"
She's not stopping. Luckily, Sonic ain't no quitter. "Cool story, bro. No cap?"
"The beans, Sonic! Focus on the beans!"
"The beans. So not gucci."
"Exactly! What am I supposed to do about the-" 
Tails leans over to him, bumping shoulders, and mutters. "You've been messing with my tech again, haven't you?"
“I just think it’s neat,” he chirps readily. Grins as he takes the lifeline his benevolent brother has provided him like a drowning soul. Ugh, drowning. "The internet’s a pretty cool place to be. So many ways to get your groovy on."
Tails sighs, sounding faintly irritable but his muzzle's twitching. He ain't foolin' nobody. "You are abusing slang on purpose." 
Sonic’s grin only widens. Score! "I would never do such a thing. Especially not in front of a friend. That's way past uncool, totally un-hippoed."
His brother may or may not have choked. An elbow knocks into Sonic’s side and he jumps with a snickering wheeze.
Tails mutters out the side of his mouth, face impossibly composed while pretending to pay attention to their mutual friend. "What even-? That's not- What are you up to?"
"Nuthin'," he lies like the liar they both know he is. Rouge is still goin' on strong in front of them. "Maintaining my sanity in the only way I can, maybe."
"How's that working out?"
"I may or may not lose my mind."
"It was nice knowing you, bruh."
It's Sonic's turn to choke on a snort.
Rouge continues her tirade apparently oblivious to the lapse in her audience's attention. So Sonic seizes the opportunity to set up a new game plan. He whips out and fiddles with his shiny new phone. The sound file had to be in here somewhere. It was unlikely to have been lost in the recent data transfer. His brother was too smart to let that happen.
Tails had done great work on the device; making it so it could keep up with the speed in which he tapped at the screen. The previous one had been durable but admittedly too slow. Yet his kid brother had fixed it up like the champ he's always been. 
He smiles to himself, unbearably soft, gloved thumbs stalling atop the glass. What couldn’t his baby bro do? Well, not much of a baby now, sure, but who gave him permission to grow up? Not Sonic! As his right as the older brother, he made the rules and the rules say Tails is not allowed to get older. 
What was he doing? Oh yeah! That funny audio. Where was it again? Tails had probably kept it in the same place. Or at least with the same name if he used the fancy search bar, right? He adjusted his grip to tap the screen. 
Bingo! Now let’s see here… A clicking of some buttons, a tapping of a few things, and a finger at the ready to press play. He was all set. Now to time it just right...
Rouge, unintentionally or not, plays her part well. She continues on as background noise with his brother watching her indulgently, politely smiling and nodding along to all the right bits because at some point in all these years he had learned manners. Sonic will never know from where. Certainly not from him.
Sonic waits, politely nodding along himself because misusing slang had proven futile. Tactics had to change and as Rouge works herself into a righteous tizzy he sits up and leans forward. Tails doesn't say a word though he can no doubt sense when his big bro’s ‘boutta cause some trouble. 
Wings flare as Rouge hoists herself off the floor and hovers in the middle of the living room. A fist shakes dramatically at the ceiling and her voice get louder with the momentum. She bemoans the tragedy of mortal kind and the emotionally constipated disasters that will be the downfall of them all. 
It's almost moving. Sonic finds himself engaged despite earlier grievances. She shoulda led with that instead of the bean nonsense. Apparently whatever it is she's talking about now is an infectious disease that only plagues the majority of the male population of everyone found everywhere. Unfortunately, Sonic’s not entirely convinced. It’s a good argument, though, he’ll give her that.
Then it happens. Finally happens. He feared he’d lose his mind before he could execute the most ultimate of masterplans (heh heh, Ultimate. No he'll never let it go, Shadow) but his time to shine has finally come. She makes a statement. Perfectly punctuated on a bold note and everything. She pauses for breath and Sonic takes the chance. 
He clicks the screen and the sound plays. A perfect accompaniment to Rouge’s declaration.
“Oh no.”
Tails. Slowly. Very slowly turns to him. 
Sonic. Very very slowly turns in turn. He makes sure to wear the biggest, most trouble-causing-eatingist grin as possible. Barely cuts off a giggle before it can escape. 
Tails does a remarkable job of maintaining a straight face while also stifling the faint wheezes Sonic can see his stomach make only because he's sitting right next to him. Yellow and white fur almost vibrates from the strain. Wow! What an impressive display of control. He's so proud of him. 
Sonic doesn’t even try to hide his delight anymore. A joke well-received is always a good thing. Even the dumb ones.
Neither notice Rouge coming’ in hot to snatch the phone outta his hands. 
"Was that Knuxie.” She says, honing in on the device in her hands like a starving vulture in desperate need of a feast. 
Sonic will never admit he startled as, between blinks, the bat was there and then she wasn’t. He recovers pretty darn well if he does say so himself. Blinks lashes innocently up at her even if it didn't work earlier.
This time he demurs very charmingly. "Who?”
“Don’t play games with me, big blue.” 
Aw. Foiled again. 
She taps at the screen, face nearly smushed against the glass as she clearly finds the recording and plays it again. A grin of her own spreads. Oops. He almost feels sorry for what he's probably unleashed onto Knuckles. Almost. 
“Where is this from?” Her grin’s looking a lil more evil by the second.
Sure she’s been thoroughly distracted from her war on coffee beans (Or was it a war on Shadow? Dang it! Maybe coulda used that somehow). But at what cost?
Eh. It’s probably fine. Knuckles can handle it.
So he leans back into the couch with an evil grin of his own and threads his arms through the quills on the back of his head. Relaxes in place as he firmly decides to delight in the shared goal of causing trouble.
Heh heh. Sux to be Knux. The guy needed to lighten up anyway.
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Grape Time
Part 2
Pairing: Lucifer x gn!amab!MC
Warnings: smut, placebo effect, overstimulation, cum eating (minors DNI)
Summary: You try to distract Lucifer from work by pretending to give him an aphrodisiac but your plan ends up working a little too well.
Note: I know the title is weird but please bear with me. I wrote this as it came to me so excuse any and all mistakes I made :’)
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You release your breath, not even realizing that you’d been holding it until now. You glance at the coffee in your hand and look back at the door. Now or never. Hesitantly you bring up your hand to the wooden frame and knock once, instantly Lucifer calls out.
“Who is it?” You gulp before replying.
“M-me.” You’re met with silence from the other side for a few seconds before Lucifer relays a ‘come in’. You brush down your shirt, trying to look as natural as possible. Don’t forget your lines.
Stepping into the room you close the door behind you, Lucifer eyes you up and down, you hold up the coffee cup as a sign of peace and a small smile appears on his face. “For me I assume?”
“Of course.” Walking over to his desk you place the cup on it. Once Lucifer grabs the cup you walk to stand behind him. He gives you a skeptical look but ultimately lets you do as you please. After all, you didn’t pose any immediate threat to him. You offer him the most genuine smile you could pull off and place both hands on his shoulders. Just as Lucifer is about to take his first sip you lean in and start talking. “Don’t you want to know what type of coffee this is?”
He shudders at your proximity, his cheeks tinting a light shade of pink. Tilting his head to the side he narrows his eyes at you. “Is it not the usual?” You chuckle, slipping a hand into your pocket you pull out a glass vial filled with a deep red liquid. “And that is...?” You place the glass on the desk with a tap and point at his cup.
“The same stuff that’s in there.” Making your voice even deeper you lean in close and place a kiss to his ear. “an aphrodisiac.”
You could feel Lucifer stiffen against his chair, taking in a gulp of air to calm his nerves. He takes a deep breath and gives you a smug smile. “I shall enjoy every last drop of it then.” Bringing the cup to his lips he takes his first sip and instantly recoils at the overwhelming sweet taste. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his reaction. Lucifer shoots you a playful glare, then holding his breath he gulps the whole thing down in one go. He almost gags at the feeling of the sickly sweet beverage sliding down his throat, you see his whole body shudder as he emotionally recovers from the aftertaste. “Whoever you bought this from did an awful job.”
You simply shrug at his comment. Just as he’s about to wipe his lips you stop him. “There’s no need for that now.” Tilting his head up you press your lips to his, Lucifer closes his eyes, letting you take the lead. You guide him to his desk, hastily brushing off the important papers and stationary to the side so he could take a seat there, all the while your lips stay connected. Lucifer wraps his arms around your neck, pulling you closer, chest pressed against each other. He lies down, bringing you with him, the extra weight pressing down on him making his cock twitch in his pants and you could feel it. It hasn’t even been five minutes and you were both already so engrossed in each other.
Lucifer grabs the glass vial from beside him and opens it up. “You ought to have some yourself.” You knew you didn’t actually need it, but to make it more believable you had to subject yourself to that nauseating taste and so you did. Lucifer carefully places the vial to your lips, tilting it up ever so slightly so you could drink it. Pressing your eyes firmly together you consume it all at once and instantly have to stop yourself from gagging. Lucifer mockingly claps and praises you, happy that he wasn’t the only one to suffer.
“Guh..uhh…why does it taste like…cough syrup, but worse?” You almost retch as your mouth pools with sickeningly sweet saliva.
“Ah yes, now that you mention it.” He pretends to mull it over in his head. Seeing Lucifer really getting a kick out of watching you writhe in agony made you want to slap him. “Are you…crying?” oh great. You were indeed crying, the god awful taste refusing to leave your poor taste buds alone. Lucifer almost felt bad for you, after all, his dose had been diluted with coffee, but you? You drank the pure substance.
“It’s so bad-” The excruciating experience almost made you forget what you were doing to begin with, until Lucifer pulled you in for an open mouthed kiss. Tongue darting out to play with your own, the taste long forgotten. You hastily rummage through his drawer, feeling around blindly for the bottle of lube and condoms you knew he kept there for emergencies such as now. Once found you place them on the desk and get to unbuckling your pants. Finally freeing your dick, you try to help Lucifer but he stops you.
“Just tear it.” You stare at him, wondering if you heard him right.
“I don’t think-” he reaches down to his pants and with a grunt, tears a hole in his pants along with his underwear. “Oh, that’s so hot.” You hold up his knees with one hand, staring at his bare ass adorned with a ragged crown of torn fabric digging lightly into his skin. His flushed hole clenches around air, desperate for something else to hold onto. Lucifer whimpers, breaking you out of your trance.
“Hurry…” you allow him to hold his knees to his chest while you work on preparing him. Pouring a generous amount of lube right on his hole you rub it around the entrance. Lucifer shivers at the cold feeling, he tries lifting his hips up a little, urging you to go faster. So you collect some of the lube dripping down his cheek with two fingers and roughly shove them both inside him. Managing to draw out a ragged moan from the demon. Usually you’d prepare him slower but neither of you were patient.
Rubbing his cock through his pants, you continue to finger him at a rapid pace. Pumping your fingers in and out while also scissoring him occasionally to prepare him for your length. He throws his head back as your fingers continue to stretch him out, too lost in pleasure, he doesn’t even notice when you add in a third finger. Curling your fingers up, you brush against his prostate and he nearly screams.
“You’re awfully bold today.” You drawl, pulling out your fingers. Lucifer whines at the loss, wanting to be stuffed again. “Begging to be fucked and now, nearly waking up the entire house.” Surprisingly he doesn’t glare at you, instead he just looks to the side, face flushed red all the way down to his neck.
“I-it’s just…the d-drink you gave…me.” He covers his mouth and mumbles into his palm. It was rare seeing Lucifer so honest and you were going to suck up every moment of it. Tearing out a condom you pinch the tip and slide it onto your dick, then lining your tip with his hole you push in slowly, dragging your length against his walls at a painstakingly slow speed. Lucifer feels like he could cum just from you entering him, his whole body twitches in pleasure as you bottom out. He wraps his legs around your back, grinding himself on your cock, wanting you to ram into him. Leaning back down you capture his lips with your own, slowly starting to pick up your pace. You press your chest to his, trapping him to the desk, the friction from his clothed dick being rubbed between you both driving him insane. With every thrust adding to the knot of arousal forming in his stomach, it didn't take long for him to go over the edge.
Lucifer separates from your lips, letting out a long stuttered moan as the waves of pleasure wash over him. He feels himself spill in his pants, the warm semen making a noticeable wet patch in the front. You stop moving your hips, waiting for him to come down from his high. Once his breathing becomes more steady and he settles for lightly panting, you toy with his dick. Still hard and fully sheathed in him you rub him through the cloth, spreading his own cum around his cock.
“Wha-stop that! It- hngh, feels gross…” Contrary to what he said, his dick seems to really enjoy being slathered in its own juices. You could feel him getting hard again and you shoot him a smirk.
“Gross? But it’s your mess.” You slide your thumb across his tip, making him jerk his hips up. “You made this, Lucifer.” You outline his member with two fingers, sliding all the way down to where you’re still connected. “And you seem to be enjoying it quite a bit too.” He clenches hard around you at that.
“It’s…the drug…?” he breathes out, the statement coming out more like a question.
“When are you going to stop blaming that and admit that you want to get railed?” You emphasize your point by pulling out fully and ramming into him. Lucifer bites down hard on his lower lip, trying to suppress his moan but he still manages to make a loud sound. Hands gripping the edge of the desk, he holds on as you grab his hips and pull him towards you, hammering his hole repeatedly. You vaguely register the sound of one of his shoes dropping to the floor, joining some of the stationary that had fallen over the edge.
When you finally cum, Lucifer lets out a deep moan, you weren’t sure if he had orgasmed a second time or if he’s just happy that you finished. He whimpers and lifts his head up, giving you a look of betrayal and you instantly feel your heart drop.
“What’s wrong?” You cup his face, brushing a finger against the bite on his lips. “Does it hurt? Should we stop?” He shakes his head.
“I…didn’t know y-you-” he pauses to look away from you. “Why did you wear a condom?” Looking ashamed to have asked that he continues. “I wanted…your cum, inside, not-” having noted that this wasn’t a serious situation, you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing a little. Lucifer obviously didn’t take it well from the look he gave you. You pull out and slide the used condom off of you, dangling it in front of the demon like a treat.
“You want this?” He vigorously nodded, opening his mouth as he patiently waited. You hold the condom upside down above his face and squeeze it, letting the contents drip. Some of it lands in his mouth but most of it ends up outside, he doesn’t mind. Wiping it off with his fingers he licks them clean, not wasting a single drop. When he’s done he looks at you with his tongue out, showing you that he swallowed it all. “Good boy.” You praise him. Lucifer wraps his hands around your neck, pulling you closer.
“I want more, please, want your cum in me…so bad.” He desperately kisses you, trying to get you ready for another round. “I don’t care where, just want you…inside me.” He pants, almost sounding like he’d die unless you fuck him senseless.
“Don’t worry, we won’t be stopping anytime soon.” 
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Note: Did not mean for it to be this long so it’s gonna have a part 2 soon, might be a little shorter than this one tho, Luci gotta be one of my fav characters to write ngl.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
I guess the sane sibling (as in the one who isn't interested in their stepsibling not-platonically) is a rule to have a incest or pseudo-incest kink but it's just saddens my perverted sick fuck self 😭 I just wanted to yandere!step-bro Tamaki to be his creepy shy so I could (probably kill him in the process) worship his cock knowing the boy would jest get SO overwhelmed 🥴 I'm sorry but I want him to stuff his lil sis with his cum while he sobs 😭 when he sees it oozing out he would RIP
When I write a character to be yandere, it’s usually my intent to not glorify their behavior. If I were in the situation as reader, it would feel like a horror movie, bc yandere actions are so not cash money.
But I’m able to write like, non-yandere smut y’all. I’m still a dark content blog, and I’ll write kinks that are a bit.... well, dark, obvs lol you just gotta ask!
and since you did - 
(What to expect - incest, NSFW, unsafe sex, blowjobs, consensual sex, toys)
Your brother came around the corner, backpack still slung on his shoulder. Socked feet padded towards you on the couch, the ravenette shrugging his backpack off and gently setting it on the floor by the couch, before joining you as you sat on the plush cushions.
“Hey, you okay?” You asked, setting your textbooks on the coffee table in front of you before leaning against your older brother, rubbing his arm a little bit.
Both of you were in college, taking classes, working on the weekends to pay for the tiny little apartment you shared. 
Tamaki looked tired, eyes downcast, soft frown on his lips, shoulders slumped. he was a shy man, but he didn’t usually look so..... defeated when he normally returned home after class.
“Mm.” The man hummed, sinking against you, melting into your touch.
“You look tired ‘Maki.”
He hummed again, closing his eyes as he brought his feet up, curling them underneath him as he pressed against you. The soft sweater he was wearing brushed against your bare arms, a little bit of your exposed thigh.
You weren’t shy about what you wore around the house, but for your brother’s sanity, you tried to keep somewhat covered, foregoing sports bras and wearing tank tops instead, ditching booty shorts for slightly longer (but not by much) shorts that covered you more fully.
Wearing less clothing meant Tamaki was clumsier, fumbling with the remote, bumping against things while he walked, bright red flush coloring his cheeks and melting to his collarbones, all because his eyes were glued to you.
Plus, it meant the man struggled with constant erections. He tried to hide it, embarrassed at his body no matter how many times you’d told him you adored it.
Your brother was shy, too shy to come to you and initiate, to find relief where you so gladly offered it.
That just means you had to get real good at noticing when he needed to relax a little.
You pushed Tamaki upright, ignoring his cute whine as you slid off the couch to kneel in front of him, dancing your fingers along his jean-clad thighs.
“Tell me how your day went.”
Your hands gently pushed his thighs open, watching your brother’s lips part with a gasp as you handled him. His head fell back against the couch, dark hair falling away from his eyes.
He was so pretty.
“Uhm, it was nice.”
“Mmhm.” You unzipped his jeans, slowly peeling the fabric down, your brother lifting his hips to help you out, his hands clutching at his soft sweater.
Boxers came next, Tamaki gazing down at you with red cheeks as you slipped them off his legs.
“Well, I-I woke up on time this morning, and I made it to class before the professor.”
“Oh, that’s good.” Praise easily tumbled from your lips as you wrapped a loose hand around Tamaki’s pretty pink cock, squeezing the shaft gently.
“Bio and psych went well, I got my test scores for my language class, and-and I got a B+.” His breath hitched as you took your hands off his cock, bringing a palm up to your mouth so you could wet it with your tongue, get it nice and slick for when you touched him again.
“I-I ate lunch with Mirio... and then I had math...” HIs voice was getting quieter, mumbling.
Math was never his strong suit, and you know it was one of his most-hated classes. Luckily, it was just once a week, on Tuesdays.
“How’d that go?” Your hands were on his cock again, wet with your spit, twisting around his length slowly as you moved them up and down.
“Uh, it-it went alright. I-I just ha-hate math.” Tamaki whimpered, his hips bucking up a little as you squeezed his tip, watching precum bead before bubbling over.
“Mm, well, maybe you can tell me some of the concepts? I might be able to help you out with homework.”
Tamaki couldn’t even nod, nor thank you for your offer before you were slurping his cock into your mouth. The man cried out, soft voice rising in pitch as you swallowed around him.
You fluttered your eyelashes up at him, but that didn’t get his attention, so you resorted to a gentle tap to his thigh to remind him to keep talking.
“Oh, oh, uhm... There’s..... ah...s-statistics. We-we’re learning how to.... how to display, and de-scrIBE-oh!” He lurched upwards, fingers flying to your hair as you used your tongue to play with the opening at the top. You could feel his little sweater paws as Tamaki gently fisted your hair.
Another gentle tap to his thigh.
“There’s also-also.... ohhh, uhm-ah! There’s.... prob-probablity, and I don’t.... unhh, unh-don’t get it at-at all...” His sentence ended on a breathy whine as you began bobbing your head. His voice was so cute, so pretty just like the rest of him, smooth and sweet.
“Oh, (Y/N), yes, yes! Can I-can I cum? Please?”
It had only been a few minutes, but Tamaki was close to the edge, slim thighs tensing behind your head as you considered his request.
You popped off his length, licking your lips and ignoring his pleading whine.
“Of course baby boy, always-” A soft kiss was laid against his thigh, and Tamaki threw his head back, thin chest heaving underneath his cute sweater, his face bright red.
He got overwhelmed at the littlest things.
Once his cock was back in your mouth, it took a tiny bit of work to bring him to the edge, bobbing your head, swirling your tongue, hollowing your cheeks and really sucking.
Those pretty moans echoed throughout the tiny apartment, filling up the space, filling your ears, making you want to smile. He was a sweet man, and you were glad to be so close to him.
A moment more and he was cumming, hot seed dripping down your throat, his fingers twisted in your hair, balls drawn up and pulsing against your chin.
“Tamaki, you already got to cum and I didn’t.” You pouted, sitting on your bed.
You had helped your younger brother wash-up, licking his spent cock clean before tucking him back into your pants. Climbing up into his lap to boop his nose and whisper an “I love you” into his ear, grinding against his thigh in the process.
He had gotten his release, and now you were hungry for your own.
“Don’t be greedy-” Your fingers plunge into your cunt over and over, palm grinding against your clit as you stretch yourself out, watching Tamaki through hooded eyes as he sits obediently at the foot of your bed.
“Please, I-I just wanna t-touch myself a l-little?” His hands are pinching at his bare thighs, desperate to fist themselves around his dripping cock. You’d told him to be good and stay still and watch as you got yourself ready, and he had been.
Tamaki was just needy.
“Okay, but just a little, okay? No cumming.”
“Thank you, oh, thank you-” The man breathes, hands flying to wrap around his cock, his eyes fluttering shut as his hips bucked up a little towards the pressure.
You giggle a little at how cute he is, those big indigo eyes focusing back onto you again, dropping to your wet fingers as you eagerly fuck yourself on them.
But it’s not enough, and you want more.
A quick search through your bedside drawer and you find your vibrator, quickly flicking it on, watching Tamaki gulp as you bring it against your cunt. You sigh as it makes contact, the buzzy, rumbly sensation traveling through your thighs as you easily grind your hips forward against the wand.
“Mmh, I’ve been thinking... ooo, that feels so nice.” You moan, placing a hand behind you so you can steady yourself as you begin to hump against your vibrator. “I’ve been thinking though, that I should get you some-oh-get you some toys.”
Tamaki whimpers, high and pitched, and you smile when his cock visibly throbs. The man has to clench a fist around the base, squeezing hard to stop himself from humming.
“You like that idea? Yeah?”
He nodded, hair bobbing as his head moved enthusiastically.
“You’d look so pretty with a cock ring, mm, you would. And-oh, I could get one that vibrates, and it’ll feel like heaven when you fuck me.”
Your pussy was gushing, throbbing against the wand. You didn’t want to cum too soon, so you flicked it off, before crawling towards your brother.
“We could get you a nice little plug, maybe one that vibrates? And you could keep it in allllll day. You could go to class with it, and jerk yourself off in the bathrooms. I’d love if you sent me a video of you moaning my name as you cum into the toilet.”
The man whined again, his hips bucking up.
You giggled, rising to your knees so you could straddle the man, a hand finding his hard cock beneath you, lining it up to your dripping cunt.
“Would you like that ‘Maki?”
“Yes, yes-oh s-so much, please, that sounds-gUH!” His words choked off into a pathetic moan as you sank down on his length, and you sigh at the feeling of fullness.
Tamaki presses a hand over his mouth, embarrassed by the needy moans that he’s unable to suppress, hips bucking up against your warmth, trying to seat himself deeper.
“Don’t cover your mouth, I wanna hear you. You feel so good inside me.” You coo, using your thighs to bounce a little on his cock.
His hand falls to the side, and you lean forward to kiss him, letting your tongue play with his, slick, wet sounds filling the room.
And then you tell him to fuck you.
The man doesn’t hold back, greedy, slender hands fixing themselves around your waist as his hips work, pushing himself inside your cunt again and again and again.
Both of you are breathing heavily, and it feels so good, the way he fucks you.
“Oh fuck, keep going, ‘m almost there!” You pant, reaching a hand down to play with your clit, four fingers rubbing across the little nub as you climb higher and higher.
And when you cum, it’s with a full-body shudder, a cry tumbling from your lips as you slam your hips against your brothers.
Tamaki tumbles over the edge soon after, barely managing to pull free from your slick cunt before his cock is bursting with cum, painting the soft skin of your tummy with his release.
You rest against him, laying your head on his shoulder as you pant onto his skin, satisfied and warm.
When you gather your bearings, you shuffle off his lap, searching through the covers to wind the wand you’d previously dropped.
“You’re such a good boy ‘Maki, but I wanted you to cum inside-” You were pouting again as you held up the vibrator, waving it in the air.
Tamaki looked like a deer caught in the headlights, eyes wide. “W-what?”
“I’m gonna play with you a bit until you get hard again, and then I’m going to put your tip inside me-just the tip- and you’re going to cum while I use the vibrator on you, got it?”
The man shivers in anticipation, and you smile.
You love each other so much.
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dajaregambler · 2 years
HeliosR - Wondrous Tea Party On A Bitter Afternoon - Chapter 11
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Translation of chapter 11 of the event ‘Wondrous Tea Party On A Bitter Afternoon’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.  
Gast: Okay, so one round from start to end. To keep it simple you’ll be Alice, and I’ll be the others.
Ren: Got it
Gast: Guess I should record with my phone to see how the reading comes across….
Gast: Alright, I’m starting. “Alice was beginning to get very bored of sitting by her sister on the riverbank, who was reading a book hard to understand…”
Gast: “And now Alice was more than nine feet high. But to get through the small door as was clearly out of the question now. Thus she burst out into tears.”
Ren: “You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a great girl like you to go on crying in this way!“
Gast: “She told herself yet went on all the same, shedding gallons of tears”....
Ren: “Waah, waah, I can’t help myself from crying!”
Gast: …“And so she wept until there was a large pool all around her”
Ren: “Oh dear, what ever will I do. Now I shall never get home.”
Gast: ….
Ren: ? Is there something wrong?
Gast: Ah… uhm. Not really wrong no, but… don’tcha think it’d have more impact if you read with a little bit more intonation?
Ren: I am doing that
Ren: (...I’m reading it the same way Nee-san did for me, what is he worrying about?)
Gast: Uh, right…. We’re halfway through but, let’s listen to what got recorded already. You’ll probs realize it yourself like this
Gast: “Alice was beginning to get very bored of sitting by her sister on the riverbank, who was reading a book hard to understand…”
Ren: “How can one possibly pay attention to a book with no pictures in it”
Ren: …!?
Ren: “What a peculiar rabbit. A rabbit with a waistcoat and a watch.”
Gast: “Burning with curiosity, Alice ran across the field after it, popping down a large hole…”
Ren: ………
Ren: …..How, terrible
Gast: D-don’t be that discouraged now. You kinda got the picture of what parts could use some improvement, yeah?
Ren: ….I didn’t think it would be this difficult….
Gast: It’ll be fine…! You def can do it with practice. Give it all you got for that book store!
Ren: …Yeah. Let’s do it one more time.
Gast: OK! Then, I’ll start from the beginning
Gast: “Alice was beginning to get very bored of sitting by her sister on the riverbank, who was reading a book hard to understand…”
Ren: “How can one possibly pay attention to a book with no pictures in it….”
Ren: (That’s wrong. She didn’t do it like this… Nee-san was more…. more like….)
Victor: Excuse me. Gast, Ren, there’s something I’d like to inquire--
Victor: ! What may this be…?
Ren: Guh…!?
Gast: D-Doc!? Why….
Victor: It seems that the place where the coffee beans are kept has changed, thus I wanted to inquire with you two about it, however…
Victor: Is there anything wrong, Ren. It’s unlike you to raise your voice…
Ren: Ghh…!
Gast: Aah- Y’see we just got this situation on our hands right now…
Victor: That’s what it was. You’ve discovered quite an interesting unique point with Alice in Wonderland
Gast: Yep. All because of Doc’s advice. Thanks for that
Victor: No need to thank me. After all it was up to you two that had to see how to handle the subject.
Gast: Haha… And after thinking ‘bout it, we decided to do a reading of the book
Victor: Hmm. Would that explain why you had raised your voice?
Ren: Gh…..
Victor: I fail to see why it was necessary to raise your voice that much for a reading. Had there been any reason to do so?
Ren: …I was… imitating Nee-san…
TL Note:
For the reading parts of Alice in Wonderland: the translation is a mixture of text borrowed from the original, the Disney adaptation’s movie script with finetuning here and there to be a bit more close to the Japanese but also have some of it’s better known charm. I mainly used this website to find everything I needed.
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s1utspeare · 2 years
10 Characters I Fell in Love With in 2021
alighlaskdfjlaksdjf ok fuck. this is gonna be HARD because y’all know me you know i LOVE characters asdgihalsdkfjadslkjf. anyway THANK YOU @lasenbyphoenix​ for tagging me in this I love you!! and all your characters were so good! 
Alright I’m going to try and only choose one per show/actor otherwise they would all be from mystic nine or william characters and I can’t do that lmao
1. Fo-ye from The Mystic Nine
Is anyone even surprised? Cause I’m sure not. this man is the love of my life and my heart’s delight and FUCK i just love him so much. is it because he’s william? yes partially. but also just because fo-ye is SUCH a good character and SO tragic about it. like this mans is the embodiment of self-sacrifice and I’m never going to be over it. he wasn’t even my favorite character from m9 at first but he has slowly taken over my heart and soul and i would legitimately do anything for more Him npss pls give us season two PLEASE anyway i’m obsessed with him goodbye
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2. Choi Myung-hee from Vincenzo
I FUCKING LOVE HER and not because she’s nice because she is the WORST and MOST EVIL but because of how important she is as a character. everyone’s like “jang han-seok my poor little meow meow” and then are like “choi myung-hee >:(” like if she were a male character people would LOVE HER but she’s NOT but she’s my favorite because she is EVIL and fucked UP and absolutely UNAPOLOGETIC ABOUT IT and i genuinely love how she is written and acted and GUH. she’s stellar. everyone appreciate her NOW
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3. Saya from The Arthdal Chronicles
Sayaaaaaaaaa ok half of this i think is how good song joong-ki is at acting in this drama, cause he does like. two completely different characters with his choices i fucking love him (it’s mostly in his mouth too like GOSH when are actors going to stop Fucking Me Up with their acting choices surrounding their lips), but Saya is! feral! but like? elegant about it?? idk i hope there’s more of this show coming out bc i need to see him lose it just a little bit i think that would be great for me
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4. Nam Seon-ho from My Country: The New Age
hghghgnnghgngghgngnghgngn SEON-HO MY LITERAL ANGEL. BB. YOU DID NOTHING WRONG EVER. jk he absolutely did make mistakes but FUCK this character just hit every single Good Button in my book. for me, he is the perfect character. if i wrote a drama it would be like this i.e. every time someone should be angry at their Misunderstood Best Friend, the Misunderstood Best Friend just gets Covered in Blood instead. like I think that’s great. i love him i love this drama i love everything about it if you haven’t seen it yet YOU WON’T REGRET IT
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5. Ding Mao from Tientsin Mystic
he is. my baby. the love of my life. my son. i would die for him. i’ve talked a lot about tientsin mystic recently and I will keep talking about it because I literally adore him and i want to scream about it. he’s so so good. so well acted. trying his best, but also ultimately blinded by his privilege and seeing him work through that is just!!!! it’s really really good i love him and his curls
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6. Gu Xiang from Word of Honor
GOSH SHE FUCKS SO HARD???? damn. like. damn. i want her to kick my ass. she’s so badass and competent and feisty and i am cao weining, following her around with heart eyes. she’s so so so fun and amazing, and i want to be her when i grow up
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7. Lee Jae-sun from Meow! The Secret Boy
this drama was a blast and a half but lee jae-sun my gentle boy?? he’s so SOFT in this. just. he’s the softest. he’s got the type of background that could have made him angry and aggressive but instead he’s a cute shy introvert who has a combination coffee shop/leather working studio and he handmakes crafts and loves cats and wears soft sweaters and is just a really really good man all around. just his general aesthetic makes me 🥺
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8.  Tang Fan from The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty
admittedly i have only seen two and a half episodes of this show but tang fan already owns my heart. i too want to be an eccentric gay foodie detective that writes erotica as my side hustle. he’s such a bitch. so high maintenance. rip his boyfriend he’s going to have his hands FULL with this one. 
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9. Han Ho-yeol from D.P.
i saw this actor first in Train to Busan: Peninsula, and he was great and crazy! his face is so interestingly structured! anyway i think i really like ho-yeol bc he treats his work as a job. like it’s a fun job for him, and he takes it seriously, but at the end of the day, he’s doing it because he has to, not because he feels like he’s being a hero or trying to save people. He’s just working, and would step away from the work in a second if given the opportunity, i think, which is very refreshing honestly. also he’s a little unhinged but in a good way, and i just think he’s neat
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10. The Main Trio from 3 Will Be Free
3 WILL BE FREE MY BELOVED!!!! thanks to @mejomonster who clued me in on this one and finally made me watch it bc ghghghghghghh i loved it so much?? if you haven’t seen 3WBF yet, it’s free on youtube, PLEASE watch it. Anyway i went into this one expecting Shin to be my favorite and I loved him but Neo and Miw also own my heart? they’re all such different characters and so multi-faceted but so well written and acted and they break my heart and put it back together again, and I don’t think any of them are nearly as good without the other two. like??? shit. find me a better canon polycule (you can’t bc they don’t exist ahahahahahahahahaha :/) anyway i couldn’t choose just one of them bc i love them all and they are inseparable :)
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ONCE AGAIN THANKS TO LASEN!!! THIS WAS SO FUN AND I LOVED IT! I am tagging @highpriestessofjogan, @pissmeoffanddie, @psychic-waffles, @bimingjue, and @rose-nebulijia, cause I wanna see what your favorite characters were!!! <3
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