#He wants to seduce a man in a relationship just to validate his own gender identity
coochiequeens · 2 years
Please let this be a troll. If not the women in his life, and that guy he wants to seduce away from his girlfriend, are in danger.
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He probably doesn’t get invited because they can sense his hostility and envy towards them but they are too woke or just too nice because of female socialization to outright say no to him. I also bet he’s so focused on “girly” bonding activities like shopping that he doesn’t bond of the unglamorous “girly” stuff like cleaning up after social gatherings.
So glad reddit didn’t humor him and advised him to get therapy for his anger issues.
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knoutopia · 1 year
Accepting Myself: Part of Community
It's indeed hard to become one.
Having a different beliefs of course is a thing. Having a different ethnic sometimes makes us couldn’t make it. Having the same gender will never match us up. Living in such a strict environment will lock it there, leaving us forever separated.
I'm surely don't know if I had explain this enough, because my thoughts about these has running through inside my brain for long, just that I haven't spoken out of it loud. I've started my journey years ago. Starting from generalizing people out of my disability to accept differences, act as if I hate those I secretly love, trying to familiarize myself on that, and slowly figuring out how to tolerate people; all that comes together by refusing my own self, trying so hard to show that I am not part of them.
The truth is, with all those readings about the unfamiliar community and everything I went through to finally let myself agree that they had rights just like other human being, didn't make me understand myself just yet. Because I saw mostly of us doing the same: accepting everyone else before our own, even till the point where you despise yourself, cursing-believing to the image in the mirror that one day that person surely get straight into the hell.
Long way to go, but I’m turning my first age of 20s to accept myself fully as a part of LGBTQ+ Community.
I've been going through much along my experiment to find who I really am. There was the time when I let myself do something that I thought was so taboo and "strictly forbidden": smoking cigarettes. It may sounds so lame yet had nothing to do with creating explosion that could change me so greatly, but my journey starts from there. Because that was the time I could finally cut ties with something people around me calls 'norm', the idea that people forced to be mine also. As I put myself together and try every single thing that was being part of things I believe should've always become my opposite, I found hints I've been searching on.
Playing with fire, seducing men. That's where I found myself free from the cages my trauma form inside me which always told me, I, a mere girl, are just their doll. My experience taught me who I am. A human with her own minds that has control of every single thing belongs to her and her body. Realizing what should've been taught before I had the very first interaction with strangers: no one could touch you without your permission at all. And also a prove to my beliefs, that men aren't superior even slightly comparing to women.
I got tired playing, realizing that myself is all to me. I throw one single experiment to become my last in this journey: getting myself into a relationship with a man. Not gonna lie, though. It was beautiful, my heart felt so familiar with him and I easily feel comfortable around. Until then we broke up and I realize: I was just trying to find my dad in him. The person I hate the most for some times, and I just want this boy to fill up the empty space. For me, my-dad-like type of person is the one I should never tolerate because he was the one who taught me to hate a relation, or to be precise, marriage by all of his acts. It was nice, just that I realized then: it wasn't my thing.
I won't close my door for any chance that could be happen to me in the future. But, if I could control my life just like how God let me living my life then I won't hesitate to skip the "normal" templates.
Being odd with 'him' who is also weird. Choosing to become the grey in the world that is full of black and white. The love I feel comes with nothing but obstacles. However, no matter what, it is still beautiful.
And us, still valid and still human after all.
[A writing that I wrote last year when I was turning 21. This is full English version.]
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What is gender? Please send help
Content warning: ignorance about transgender issues, discussion of sexism, well-meaning-ally-who-doesn’t-quite-get-it-ism. Callouts welcome and encouraged.
I want to start by saying that despite my profound lack of understanding about what gender is, I don’t want to invalidate anyone. I want so badly to be a supportive ally to trans and nonbinary folks, and at first I did a lot of reading to try to understand, but no matter how much I read, I stayed confused. So eventually, I gave up. After all, I don’t have to have a deep understanding of an identity to know that people are deserving of respect. If calling someone a particular name or using a particular set of pronouns will help them know that I love and respect them, then of course, of course, I will do that. Nothing I am about to say changes that.
The only problem is, not understanding makes it really hard to call out bigotry, because I don’t always see it. This post was triggered by a recent transphobic tweetstorm by JK Rowling, and I think I get why most of those were bad, but with some I’m still more sympathetic than I’m comfortable with. This continues a trend I’ve seen for a while: some of the most helpful pieces of reading material have been posts from radical feminists that I found myself nodding along to, only to find that the point of the post my friend was sharing was the attached comment and call-out. These served as huge wake-up calls, but it still wasn’t enough to explain to me what I wasn’t getting. More than that, even after the call outs, even after knowing that some of the points of the original post were transphobic, I sometimes can’t help feeling that some part of it rang true. Therefore, my problems as an ally come in two parts. One, I deeply lack the understanding to call out bigotry in others and myself, and two, there are some real conflicts between the feminism I subscribe to and certain aspects of trans ideology (ideology is not a good word to use here, but I’m at a loss for what else to call it)(sorry).
I’ll start with the second— it’s the worse one anyhow. The crux of the problem is this: there are distinct consequences to being assigned female at birth. We are treated differently, we are socialized differently, and no matter how progressive your parents are, it’s impossible to completely escape. Put simply, cis women and trans women do not experience 100% the same types of oppression. This is not to say either experiences more or less pain, this is not to say either is more or less deserving of support, this is not to say that we as feminists should not strive to be intersectional (we should). All I am saying is that inclusion cannot come at the expense of erasing or silencing the experiences of people who were assigned female at birth.
I have a few specific concerns on this matter - these are the points that make me sympathetic to radical feminism (even when I see them called terfs, as ashamed as I am to admit it).
One, we need to be allowed to use words about female anatomy without being called terfs. It’s not okay to exclude people and imply that all women have uteri and all people with uteri are women, but it needs to be okay to talk about uteri.This one comes up less often, but when it does come up I find myself extremely indignant. I am sincerely sorry that talking about anatomy triggers dysphoria, but in a world where female anatomy is treated as inherently explicit, and people have been silenced in legislative settings simply for using those anatomical terms, we can’t afford to be silenced within our own communities. 
Two, it’s not okay to shout people down for how they experience attraction. I really shouldn’t have to say this, but too often I’ve seen lesbians pressured or called transphobic for not being interested in being with someone with a penis. It’s not uncommon for lesbians to experience compulsory attraction to men before recognizing their sexuality. That, combined with the prevalence of sexual violence against women and people who are assigned female at birth, makes me extremely skeptical of anyone whose response to rejection is to attempt to shame them into changing their mind. Again, I’m sorry, and it sucks that it causes dysphoria, but no one is entitled to anyone else’s attraction. It is not okay to pressure anyone else into a relationship or sex, regardless of the circumstances. I myself am gray-ace and panromantic - suffice to say I don’t really get how being attracted to genitals works, but if that’s how it works for them, then that’s how it works for them. If we need different words for “hi I’m attracted to the gender of woman” and “hi I’m attracted to female anatomy” then so be it, but honestly people probably shouldn’t have to disclose that much information right out the gates, and both should be allowed to call themselves lesbians. There’s a balance to be struck here, but I’m sick of seeing lesbians alienated for this, and it needs to be addressed.
Three, there need to be spaces for people who were assigned female at birth, without people who were assigned male at birth (unless they are invited as a guest). As mentioned above, sexual and gender based violence against AFAB people is incredibly common. A lot of us have trauma around it. We need spaces where we can talk about those experiences without being shouted down, the same way trans people need spaces to talk about their experiences. This is a bit of a slippery slope - obviously there need to be intersectional spaces as well, and it’s not okay to exclude people, as long as everyone is being respectful. But it’s important to make space for all of us, and understand that our experiences are not uniformly the same.
I’m not sure why this has been such an issue. Some part of me that I hate to acknowledge suggests that part of the problem is that people who are assigned male at birth tend to be more entitled than people who are assigned female at birth, simply because that’s how they were taught and socialized when they were younger, but that brings up a whole slew of other issues, and I’d hate to paint with too broad a brush. Perhaps it’s just that the fight for inclusion needs to be fierce and thorough, and any space where one isn’t included is treated as an attack, even if that isn’t the intent. No matter the reason, we need to understand that we are not all the same, and that’s not a bad thing. 
In a roundabout way, this brings me to my other barrier to being a good ally: I just don’t *get* gender. It’s not that I haven’t tried. As I mentioned early on in this post, when I first realized how much I didn’t understand about gender I did so much reading. I watched videos. I listened to podcasts. I went to a workshop (though truth be told the workshop did more harm than good). And what I got is this: it sounds like there’s a common experience, some strong internal certainty that composes gender identity, that says “I am a woman”, or “I am a man”, or “I am neither”, as the case may be. I have never felt this certainty. There is no emotion that tells me I am a woman, there is no internal compass, there is no sense of “no, that’s not right” when I imagine myself as a man, except a sense of unfamiliarity with the idea. As far as I’m concerned, I’m a woman because that’s what I’ve always been, and that’s how I’ve always been treated. It would be odd to use he/him pronouns for me because no one’s ever done that, and it would cause confusion, but that’s about the end of my issue with it.
This is, of course, directly in conflict with much of the narrative around gender these days. There must be something I’m missing, but I can never seem to pin down what gender actually *is* and every analogy and metaphor seems to confuse me even more.
Gender must not be biological sex, because trans people exist. Nonbinary people exist. Both are valid, and for all that I’m not a very good ally, I know that much.
Gender must not be personality traits, because, that’s personality. There are people on all areas of the gender spectrum with all types of personality traits. Don’t tell me that women can’t be brash, that men can’t be sweet.They are.
Gender must not be how you dress, because hey, we should all be able to dress however we want! How you dress doesn’t change your identity. (This part is gender expression though I think, if I’ve followed the articles correctly) Butch women exist, feminine men exist, androgynous people exist, all are valid.
Gender must not be gender roles, because honestly, fuck that. Gender roles are a tool of patriarchal oppression, and I’m not about to sit here and that be all there is to gender identity. If it helps you feel more at home in your skin then more power to ya, but that can’t be all there is.
So then, what is it? What is left? This isn’t a rhetorical question. I have genuinely tried to find answers to this and I have never been more lost. When I went to the trans allyship workshop mentioned above, I was told by the others at my table that to them being a woman was being nurturing, valuing family, being empathetic, being a caretaker. I was so relieved that we ran out of time before it was my turn. I don’t know what being a woman is to me, it’s just what I’ve always been. The only thing it has ever meant was shame about my body, shame about my period, enduring r*pe jokes and kitchen jokes from my guy friends, always having to be the one to “seduce the guard” when we played d&d, and other, darker things I don’t want to mention. It’s only ever been painful, and fearful, and ashamed. On the one hand, it means I’m inclined to believe trans women when they say that gender isn’t a choice— after all, who would choose this? But on the other, I know there must be more to this, something that I’m missing because my identity is too deeply rooted in oppression. I am ripping those roots out one by one, but they go deep, and I’m scared that without them I won’t have any point of reference left.
I want to understand gender, but even if I never do, I will always respect the identity and pronouns that people claim as their own. It is never my intent to dehumanize, or exclude. I want to be able to call out bigotry, I want to be able to stand up for my trans and nonbinary friends, I want to be sure that I don’t say something to them that causes them harm. 
But at its core: I don’t get it. What is gender? What makes a gender what it is?
Again, this is non-rhetorical. If you have the time and energy, I welcome any information, any resources, any anecdotes, anything at all to help me understand. I’ve looked, hard, but I won’t pretend to have read anywhere near the full lexicon of literature on this subject. If I’ve said something that upset or angered you, please don’t hesitate to call me out. Yell at me, if that’s what this post inspires, and I’ll do my best to learn from it, or at the very least maybe it will serve as a wake-up call for someone else. Or, if you agree, I’d be grateful to know that too. It can get pretty lonely feeling like there’s some manual to gender that everyone else has that somehow I never got.
TL;DR: What is gender? I want to learn but I’m hella lost and struggling to be both a trans ally and a radical feminist, and I was so afraid of offending anyone that I literally made a blog just for this post, which is silly because I don’t even really use my main blog. I just know that if you’re looking for callouts, this is where you go.
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thebirdwhodoesart · 5 years
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♤Full name♤
Elizabeth Eloise Hart
October 10th, 1992 (Libra)
♤Sexual preference♤
Heterosexual, heteroromantic
Human, mortal
Liz is quiet but will chime in her subjective opinion, not very talkative. She would rather speak when spoken to. Naturally cruel, violent, and temperamental. She has problems with her pride and sex drive, because it never stops. Though she's not up for a long term relationship, she'd rather hit and quit it, due to having various trust issues. Hellbent on any kind of revenge, but she can be kind at times. She has too mainly lure victims into a false sense of security, but there are people she actually likes, but a very few amount.
Her features are sharpish, resembling Meg's from Heracles slightly, a split eyebrow, short messy black hair, blue eyes, 5'3, and curvyish (with the slightest gut but still on the skinny side, with a 22C Cup), a burn on the side of her neck, a rose tattoo up her left arm, she wears black slightly baggy jeans with a black and white scarf used as a belt, a gray tank top with rubbed in blood stains (because she got mad at it, trying to get them out, saying fuck it), usually under a black oversized sweatshirt, black combat boots, bandages around her hand, her mask resembles the muses of comedy and tragedy, comedy is white at the base, with the accents being black, whist tragedy has a black base and has white accents (half n half), has several scars all over her body from alterations with stronger and bigger victims
-Smoking Cigarettes
Usually something- anything on hand, loud or quiet, doesn't matter, if she can't find anything she beats em to death
Vincent Hart - Father
Status: Alive
Occupation: Murderer, partial baker
Audrey Jones - Mother
Status: Alive
Occupation: Freelancing Murderer - retired
Daniel Hart - Younger brother (Liz is two years older then him)
Status: Alive
Occupation: Freelance Murderer and Poison dealer on the black market
Malachi Fitzgerald - Half younger brother
Status: Alive
Occupation: None currently, still going through school
Elena King- Grandmother (mother's side)
Status: Alive
Occupation: Black widow, currently working on getting rid of husband number six
-TicciRow (Ticci Toby x Elizabeth)
She lived with her parents that weren't very nice to each other, as Audrey and Vincent barely knew each other when Liz was born, (because Vincent couldn't pass up a one night stand with a sleazy bar singer who called herself "Mademoiselle Two face" aka Audrey, at like 18. And Vincent couldn't swallow his pride and run away when Audrey had Liz, so he was intent on marrying her, for the wrong reason though) and they disagreed on alot of things, making Vincent start to gamble and want Audrey to stay away by the time her brother came along, their relationship got slowly worse, so her grandmother (who was stupid rich but was an old crone (that has gone through six husbands[husband 3 was Audrey's father. Husband 1-5 are dead, 6 is in a coma due to food poisoning], and expected her daughter to make it on her own when she was 18, and since then Audrey didn't want anything to do with her) needed to get rid of a maid, and give Audrey a little less stress and Liz and Daniel weren't helping, mostly because Elena (Audrey's mother) wanted to insult her by giving her one of her maids to take care of Liz and Daniel, even though Nursie was out of her mind but only when she talked. Liz was taught alot of shit, like how to clean blood off a surface while teaching her how to cook, but little of that info she has retained,at the age of seven she started getting into brawls on the playground with the other kids in her class, for pure fun, despite other parents calling her a hellion for beating other kids up, even though she got battered herself, Audrey encouraged her daughter to continue to let her fight, her and her brother were on track for a few weeks
Vincent said fuck it after his debt was piling up, so he hiked his skirt up and got out of dodge, he was wanting to take Liz and Daniel with him but getting both of them up at the time he was going, was impossible, seeing Liz started to have bad migraines like her father, and light exasbated it, and Daniel could be standing up and fall asleep, and their mother. When she was 12, two men, pretending to be the repair men, tampered with the gas stove they had, as payback for Vincent not paying his gambling debts, causing a fire, Liz and Daniel got burned but only the crooks of their necks, but Audrey wasn't so lucky, half her face was burnt, seeing as she always had her wavy black hair covering her left eye, and it had caught fire there, after they were released from the hospital all of them poorly treated their burns mainly because they couldn't afford the supplies, so it was just the bandages and pain meds.
When she was fourteen, and now living in Quebec, Canada instead of Anaheim, California, Liz started to talk with a boy, Owen and his friend Jane, Liz dated Owen for a while, but there was no communication between them, so he started annoying Liz with his silence when she's trying to get advice for a situation, but he dumped her because she talked too much, and he wanted someone alot more quiet, but Jane stayed friends with Liz, when she was fifteen, she dated a douchebag that berated her for saying no to anything, especially if it put a dent in his ego, since Liz thought that kind of relationship was normal, as she grew up with a great example of a toxic relationship, Daniel had to intervene, but Daniel gets over powered, Liz broke her ex's nose, a month after she turned sixteen, she met her half brother Malachi, and her friend Jane talked her into going to a rave with her, which she met her last boyfriend, Logan, the son of the owner of the club, and let's say, Liz didn't trust him alone, and that distrust was validated after she found him cheating on her
And how she reacted, she basically grabbed Daniel's baseball bat and bashed both their brains in, and in the middle Audrey walks in, impressed but now she had to help Liz hide the bodies, after they buried the bodies, she let Liz and Daniel live in her mother's vacation cabin, giving Liz her mask, then started to train her when she turned 17, and once she turned legal (18), she caught wind of some fuckery from the man who sent his goons to burn down her childhood home, she goes, seduces him (disguising herself as a red head Russian lady), kills him (getting a little carried away with stabbing him with her swiss army knife), then burns down his home.
-Allergic to peanuts
-Can't swim
-She was a cheerleader for the short time she was in highschool, because her mother is stubborn and won't take no for an answer
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lionhvrted-archive · 5 years
                              tw: suicide mention (passing)
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FULL NAME: Ellaria Sand GENDER & SEXUALITY: female / bisexual / polyamorous (to a certain extent) ETHNICITY & SPECIES: Dornish (Sandy), of House Uller BIRTHPLACE & BIRTHDATE: the Hellholt,  260 AC. GUILTY PLEASURES: very few, not because she lacks for pleasure but because she doesn’t like to feel guilty. she’s a terrible gambler - both in terms of enjoying it too much for her own good, and in terms of just being plain bad at it. PHOBIAS: she’s never minded the usual phobias - she adores snakes, can take or leave spiders, and rather likes heights, really. she is terrified of the loss of her family and, secondarily, of the loss of her own position, of disgrace, of being consigned to the Hellholt with nothing but disdain and pity from her brother and his family. She absolutely hates sailing, though she does it rather a lot (a punishment for living in Dorne, she calls it) - it makes her horribly sick even now, though she has improved since she was first put on a boat. WHAT THEY WOULD BE INFAMOUS FOR: she is the paramour of Oberyn Martell - being the mistress of any man in most of Westeros (save Dorne, whose opinions are far more free) would be enough to make her infamous; to be the lover of the Red Viper propells her to almost mythical status; a villainess to the Septons and the delicate maidens, a source of great erotic interest to the men, and sometimes a mixture of the two. An unmarried woman who spends all her time in the bed of such a man - sharing it, and the people he invites into it - will inevitably draw censure, and the fact that Ellaria has never hid the fact that she is a bastard means she is perhaps one of the most infamous women in the land. WHAT HAVE THEY/WOULD THEY HAVE GOTTEN ARRESTED FOR: honestly, Ellaria’s surprisingly law-abiding. She’s certainly not as violent as her precious sand-snakes - though she knows very well how to defend herself - and is the diplomat in the family (to be fair, that’s a low bar). In canon, she would be arrested if Oberyn was, simply for being at his right hand; she would never deign to turn him in to save her own skin. Religious courts would absolutely try her for adultery and what they might see as ‘prostitution,’ but Ellaria views such trials as nothing even close to legal. In a modern AU, she’s definitely a bit of a pickpocket, and I can see her as wife to a certain mob boss, so...that. Definitely that. CHARACTER YOU SHIP THEM WITH: Oberyn Oberyn Oberyn. On a lesser level, Ellaria probably has about three (3) friends she hasn’t slept with, and even then. She expresses her love through physical affection, is a constant, life-long flirt, and adores men and women equally, with a slight preference towards women. She adores engaging in extended, dramatic love affairs, but her adoration rapidly cools, and no one could ever replace Oberyn in her heart - that said, she likes to seduce the wives of irritating men. Call it their just desserts. CHARACTER MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM: Political enemies. Cersei (though not in the manner of the show. We don’t talk about the show under my roof) through sheer spite. Ellaria has little intention of living long after Oberyn - she will remain on this earth for as long as her daughters need her, and no longer. FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE: Ellaria’s a big reader. She loves poetry (she writes a fair bit herself) and devours anything romantic (or Romantic, to be more accurate). Stories of chivalric knights and beautiful maidens might seem incongruous when you take into consideration the way she lives her life, but she has a soft spot for them; she also loves the myths and legends of other cultures, and will drop large amounts of money having the beautiful illuminated manuscripts brought to her from the Free Cities. It’s a weakness of hers. LEAST FAVOURITE BOOK CLICHÉ: That dark skin, hair, and eyes inevitably means the women is going to betray the protagonist. TALENTS OR POWERS: incredibly intelligent, a witty conversationalist, flamboyant, extroverted, charming, and fun. Excellent with a knife, fair with a bow, pretty terrible with a whip. A brilliant dancer, though she hates the dull Westerosi reels that they dare call “dancing.” Her stepmother taught her, painfully, to sew, but Ellaria’s never been good at sitting still - that said, on long carriage rides or sailing trips she can often be found with a needle in hand, darning or embroidering. Needles are good for stabbing in people’s hands, too. She’s got excellent taste in clothes, women, and wine. WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: Ellaria is almost painfully charming - sweet, endearing, outgoing, and funny, she enraptures most who meet her, even if they set out determined to find fault. She has an ease of manner that can soothe even the most upright nobles, which is one of the reasons why she, despite her low birth and the obvious drawbacks of her current relationship (one might say profession - loving Oberyn certainly is a full-time occupation), is welcome in most of the Grand Houses of the land. Besides this, Ellaria’s love for her daughters is visible at all times, which does much to smooth the path with women who would obviously despise her; her kindness and maternal spirit are genuine. Also, she’s fun. WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: Ellaria can be arrogant, defensive, and stubborn beyond belief - once she has set her mind to something it’s impossible to sway her, and frankly the best way to get her to do something is to tell her not to. Her loyalty is unswerving, and she will hear no bad word against the Martells (not even those that are, perish the thought, potentially valid criticisms) - her self-righteousness and utter certainty that she is always right can come across as vicious, selfish, and even snobbish. Oh, and she’s an unmarried bastard mistress of the most dangerous man in the Kingdom, and men hate women who don’t follow societal rules. It makes them much harder to control. HOW THEY CHANGE: She has mellowed hugely with age; as the years go by - and especially as her daughers, both blood and step, grow into young women - Ellaria can see more of her stepmother in herself, and she’s grateful for it. She is more temperate in her emotions, less stubborn, and certainly more even-tempered. She once believed she could never want children, except in that she enjoyed making them; now, her life revolves around her daughters (and, of course, Oberyn). WHY YOU LOVE THEM: a) she’s the BEST b) Antony and Cleopatra vibes all the way c) everything I’ve written, also her whole bio, also Indira Varma.
               TAGGED BY: @estoires ENTIRELY inspired by and dedicated to you & your Oberyn                TAGGING: @agirlofwinterfell​ ; @gloriaregali​ (for cleo ? ), @setepenptah​, @tymptir​ ( for robb or beric maybe? ), @seducens​ ( for edmund ! ), @thewxnderer​ ( for your arthur ), and anyone else who fancies having a go !!  apologies if anyone I’ve tagged has already done this xox
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autisticandroids · 7 years
DS9 for the fandom ask
The first character I first fell in love with:
okay so storytime: i actually watched ds9 out of order, because when i’m at home i mostly watch trek with my parents. we were running out of good tng, and mum and dad were like “hey, everyone likes ds9 even though we hated it back when it aired, let’s watch it” and i was like “nooooooo, dataaaaaa” and they were like “we’re watching it.”
so we watched emissary and they were like “this sucks” and i was like “but i heard worf is there in later seasons let’s jump” and so i picked a random middle season and that’s how i started ds9 with season five.
anyway, the first character i really fell in love with was odo, oddly enough. or rather, not oddly at all because he is superficially smack dab in the middle of my Ideal Character Type, but i later got quite disillusioned with him because of the show’s uncritical attitude towards his Police-ness, the way he is set up as a Protagonist of the show instead of the lovable quirky side-boy, and his conspicuous lack of gender complexity (he is the most comfortably masculine of the spocks, and it’s a symptom of ds9′s uncritical valorization of masculinity, degradation of femininity, and specifically villification of male femininity)
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
okay so there are three answers to this that each deserve equal space.
first, ben. ben ben ben ben ben. my love, whom i adore, and care very much about. it took me so long to understand him.
i spent the first maybe..... two months? of watching ds9 ranting at my mother for three hours a day about how benjamin sisko had the possibility to be such a good character with so much potential if he wasn’t so INCONSISTENTLY WRITTEN. i really couldn’t understand him. i wanted to love him but i couldn’t get inside his head. i spent all of my time wishing that he’d been better written so i could have the character i wanted him to be
this has a lot to do with the fact that i need to understand a character’s ethical system, why they follow it, and what efects it has on them to really understand a character, especially in a series as driven by ethical dilemmas as star trek. most characters i get get a read on it fairly quickly. to use the other two characters i’m about to list here, julian bashir is an idealist, in a way that’s rooted in a combination of naivete and his raging god/hero complex. elim garak has no morality, just a system of loyalties that he will follow to the death, and a sense of propriety based on rather conservative cardassian ideals; this has a lot to do with his tendency to dehumanize other people, and to not see himself as a person with agency but rather as a tool, as well as his rather uncritical patriotism.
anyway, i just could not figure out captain sisko. i couldn’t do it. and then i read hollow men, and it all slid into place.
the funniest running gag/plot point in hollow men (which takes place directly after in the pale moonlight, an episode which i fumed about for WEEKS after watching it) is ben sisko going around to approximately every member of starfleet who outranks him and begging them to yell at and punish him. and none of them will do it, because he did, you know, actually do the right thing.
before this, i had assumed that his ethical beliefs had been carelessly and inconsistently written. after, i realized that he was actually a hypocrite, of a very particular type. specifically, three things are true about his worldview/psychology and they’re totally incompatible. first, he truly, genuinely believes that a Good Starfleet Officer is a Moral Paragon of Perfect Idealistic Purity. second, he is a pragmatist who will always, in the end, do what needs doing. but third, most importantly: he needs to believe that he is a Good Starfleet Officer. this is why he is always so surprised at himself when he must Do Something Bad, and yet always so willing to do it. why it always throws him into a crisis. he has to lie to himself about things in order to function. he’s also incapable of maintaining a healthy level of detachment from affairs at hand, even though in the end he will generally make the right decision. he gets very emotionally involved in things, in all sorts of way: he holds a personal grudge against eddington. he gets angry at garak at the end of in the pale moonlight. hell, he gets caught up by dukat’s friendly and charming demeanor and happily banters with him despite knowing he’s a monster. ben is very bad at taking a step back. and that was the piece i was missing.
next: julian. here’s the story on julian: whether i like a character depends very much on how they’re framed. and i fucking hated the framing he got from both the show and the fandom. i’m not interested in julian as the audience avatar the way he is framed in the show, nor am i interested in him as the naive baby/perfect caretaker/sidekick boyfriend/garak’s pet twink that he is in the fandom. i don’t care for it.
now, i thought i hated julian bashir in an uncomplicated way for a long time. but about four months into my watching of ds9, three things happened at once: first, i began bingeing season seven seven with my parents. you know, the season where julian goes off the rails to the point where the show can’t lie to itself anymore. second, i hit a string of julian/miles episodes on my own personal runthrough of the earlier seasons. and third, i realized that i talked more about julian bashir than almost any character except mr garak, and that....... normally doesn’t happen with characters i straight up hate.
julian is a perfect, beautiful nastyboy antihero who thinks he’s hot shit and the savior of the galaxy. and i love him for it. but i couldn’t love him for it when i thought that i was supposed to love him for being a different character. which he wasn’t. 
third, and this is the one that’s gonna shock EVERYBODY: i didn’t like garak at first. and the thing is, garak is like odo: he’s my type, to a t. mr queercoded (ex-)villain, wildly gnc, utterly fucked up, no healthy coping mechanisms we die like men and yet still dangerous through all of it.
but see, i started with season five. and his first episode of season five involves him 1) being a racist asshole and 2) not doing anything else of note. so i was like ???????????? why don’t i love this guy like everyone says i should. sooooooo i went back and watched past prologue. and i didn’t care for it. past prologue is a VERY badly written episode, on a number of levels. first of all, garak doesn’t make any attempts to not be obviously suspicious. second of all, he CREEPS ON JULIAN IN THAT FIRST SCENE IN A WAY THAT MAKES MY SKIN ABSOLUTELY CRAWL JESUS CHRIST. third, it just isn’t a very good episode. imo.
AAAAANYWAY so instead of giving up like a sensible person i kept skipping through garak episodes one after the other. i enjoyed cardassians (although the resolution was, imo, Bad), and i absolutely LOVED profit and loss, (although that was as much for the quodo as for garak), and then i got to the wire. here’s the thing about the wire: it is a LOT of emotional turmoil for a character who we’ve only seen in three episodes. it helped me reconcile my biggest issue with garak (that he seems like a spy when he should be able to seem innocuous since he has spy training; he acts suspicious bc he was high and also as a form of self-sabotage) and it also made me more attached to both him and julian, but also...... after watching it, i felt like i should have been more invested going in. i felt like i didn’t Feel enough, because i didn’t know him (or julian, really) well enough.
so i kept going on my garakbinge. the first time i felt maybe a touch of the emotions i feel for him now was in second skin. it was when he vaporized that obsidian order agent after bantering with him and quipped “a shame, i rather liked him”. and then the other charcters turned and looked at him in absolute horror. deep in my gut i felt a little bell go off. a bell that said damn that is a good piece of writing. because like, action hero style quips right? actually kind of a brutal and terrifying concept. no one ever points that out. and like..... god damn is he quick with the quips.
and then.... then........
civil defense. civil defense helped me to truly understand what kind of monster garak is. what makes him tick. and it’s all in the scene where he insults dukat for hitting on kira. what he focuses on in his insults? the fact that dukat is married, and calling dukat unattractive. he focuses on dukat’s failings according to Propriety (that he’s slipping around on his wife) and as a man (that he’s an incompetent seducer/unnatractive). he doesn’t comment on the fantastic rapey-ness of the situation, doesn’t comment on the fact that what dukat wants is one last validation that his role in colonialism was justified/is forgiven. it showed me that garak dehumanizes everyone, yes, and thinks of himself as above everyone (except, as i was to learn later, the Objects of his Loyalty), but that he had two categories. non-cardassians couldn’t know any better. they were sub-cardassian by nature. they could never be held to the same standard. whereas cardassian should know better. they should be better. the fact that they’re not is their own personal failing. this racist principle controls garak’s entire way of relating to other people, and i didn’t understand him until i understood it.
and then........
improbable cause/the die is cast. never has a piece of television quite so effectively Totally Destroyed My Ass.
improbable cause is a smart little piece of comedy that brilliantly develops a relationship that has a ton of potential: garak&odo. they’re both brilliant on their own, but together they reach new levels, and the writing is glorious.
the die is cast is a harrowing walk through elim garak’s daddy issue riddled psyche and i don’t know if i could not-love any character after watching them go through that shit. 
the mood whiplash between the two episodes is ingenious, the writing is tight, and the emotions? very real. i was so invested. i decided i was ready to die for elim garak at about exactly the moment odo punched him in the face.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
jadzia dax. she’s the only in the credits-main character who i truly cannot muster up some love for, somewhere. the only time i ever enjoyed an episode focused on her was rejoined (yeah, shocking, i know). jadzia dax is a sex object who is defended from accusations of being a sex object by doing two things: 1) giving her a superficial list of traits (sass, scientific knowhow, some fighting skills) associated with Strong Female Characters, and 2) making her a Mighty Whitey with the klingons.
but she isn’t actually a complex person. she responds to workplace sexual harassment and even stalking (lookin at u juli) by laughing and flirting back, and her sexual libertinism mostly serves to make her supremely available to all nearby men. if you are a young straight man in the audience, she is your wise mentor (but without any kind of power over you), your fuckbuddy (with no strings attached), your best friend and drinking (but without any of those nasty feminine interests and habits girls tend to have) and your girlfriend (but with no difficult Womanfeelings). ds9 has some really terrible gender bullshit and essentialism that we can blame for this. miles o’brien’s line about wishing keiko was more like a man in that one episode is a good example. it sounds gay, and it is, but it’s also underpinned by this terrible gender essentialist, heteronormative assumption that women are inherently alien to men and inherently difficult, (and also that men don’t have feelings/shouldn’t have feminine traits/yadda yadda). jadzia dax is the perfect woman for a man who follows this philosophy. she is a sexy woman who has none of the traits that make women difficult, won’t ever so no, and will always make things more fun without being a person in her own right.
the only time she ever gets to be a person on screen is when her gender is overridden by her performing the role of white audience avatar among the scary, barbaric, non-white-coded klingons. she is a textbook mighty whitey, an audience avatar who is instantly loved and respected by all klingons she meets, and can out-klingon most klingons as a party trick. it’s really absolutely disgusting and plays into ds9′s really bad racial politics and especially bad racial politics regarding klingons. like, she just waltzes into their culture and they shower her with adoration, and also she’s used to highlight the barbarism ds9 likes to portray klingons as having.
i’m gonna work myself up into a snit about ds9, klingons, and worf so i’m just gonna stop here, but, god DAMMIT,.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
there aren’t a ton of universally hated characters in the fandom? but ben sisko doesn’t get the three dimensional appreciation he deserves and i cringe every time i see him reduced to “baseball dad”
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
odo and jadzia, but just so i can round this out with another character, i’ve gotta say quark sort of too. i still love him, and actually i still love odo too, but i no longer get excited when i see a quark episode because they’re so repetitive. as the series went on, quark got more and more shunted off into his own corner of the narrative and stopped being allowed to interact with others in meaningful ways, and that just made him less interesting to me? because without outside influence, quark is totally cyclical. he can’t develop. he’s trapped in his own trap and all his plots are the same. i love him but i need him to do something else for once. please.
The character I would totally smooch: 
kira :3c
The character I’d want to be like: 
i don’t normally take fictional characters as role models, because i tend to be more interested in them for their flaws than their virtues, but if i had to pick i would say ben.
The character I’d slap: 
julian. deserves slapping but doesn’t deserve anything worse.
A pairing that I love:
:3c y’all know
A pairing that I despise:
all the het especially the canon het, garashir
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matchasquids · 7 years
god damn
Full Name: Marco AmoreGender and Sexuality: Male and HomosexualPronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Latino (specifically Mexico)/Colossal squidBirthplace and Birthdate: Calamari County, January 25thGuilty Pleasures: Sleeping in late, singing along to the song on the record player, dancing when nobodys watchingPhobias: n/aWhat They Would Be Famous For: His writing and reports?What They Would Get Arrested For: Tresspassing, he probably tried sneaking into somewhere to get information for a new story and got caught, thankfully he was only off with a warning.OC You Ship Them With: @rringabel (its u) OC CyrilOC Most Likely To Murder Them: @rringabel‘s Robin........Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Science-fiction, ComedyLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Horror!!! He’d be so jumpy after watching a scary movie he would refuse to go to the bathroom.Talents and/or Powers: Writing (Journalism), he’s quite good at farming as his parents back home own one, Instrument playing (Guitar)Why Someone Might Love Them: How overall passionate and caring he is, he likes to learn about others and takes interested in others work and helps them in anyway he can. Why Someone Might Hate Them: Their cold voice and stoic expressions might piss people off at firstHow They Change: When he moved to Inkopolis he became more independent and quiet due to the change of scenery and it only worsened when his Grandfather passed away. Upon meeting Cyril he begins to open up more and lossens up a bit and tries to taking pleasure in the little things in life.Why You Love Them: B O I H O W D Y He’s only been recently made (and I haven’t even posted him on this blog yet oops) but his overall design and personality is really relatable?? 
Full Name: Cecil SourieGender and Sexuality: Male/HomosexualPronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Filipino/InklingBirthplace and Birthdate: Inkopolis, February 14thGuilty Pleasures: Getting a quad kill/decimating the opposing team, Lying in bed with their significant other for hoursPhobias: Cynophobia (fear of dogs)What They Would Be Famous For: His sniping skills? Also his study in medical sciences, he wants to become a doctor like his dad.What They Would Get Arrested For: Can’t imagine him getting arrested, maybe for causing a public disturbance of sorts?OC You Ship Them With: @rringabel (once again, u!!) OC AloisOC Most Likely To Murder Them: Can’t think of anyone he isn’t problamaticFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Science fiction, Horror, MysteryLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Romcoms, he just doesn’t get how there funny.Talents and/or Powers: Sniping/Turf war, Strategic thinking/planning on the spotWhy Someone Might Love Them: Cecil is very empathetic and tries to be there in the time of need, his overall presence is calming and he is very gentle and caringWhy Someone Might Hate Them: How They Change: After meeting Alois he got a majour confidence boost, he begins to break out of his bubble and become more social and Why You Love Them: My first boy squiddo oh how far he has come!! I’ve grown attached to him over the year and a half time of his existence, he’s changed so much since I first created him and i’m proud of that!!
Full Name: Donut Diana CadburyGender and Sexuality: Female/Homoromantic AsexualPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Latina/French, InklingBirthplace and Birthdate: Inkopolis, March 13thGuilty Pleasures: Reading awfully cheesy romance books, Sleeping in, physical contact with someonePhobias: Astraphobia (Fear of Lightning), Entomophobia (Fear of Bugs) and Trypanophobia (Fear of Needles)What They Would Be Famous For: Their baking, turf wars skillsWhat They Would Get Arrested For: I can’t imagine her getting arrested?? Maybe accidentally taking a cookie and didn’t pay 50 cents idkOC You Ship Them With: @rringabel‘s (thats u) OC Lofty OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Onigiri (yikes)Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Fantasy, Comedy and, depending on how the relationship is portrayed, romance movies.Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: ANYTHING SAD AND SHE’LL BE IN TEARS!!!Talents and/or Powers: Baking, Volleyball, First aid, Sewing, Choreography/dancing and communication skills. Though she only pursues her passion for baking, she still enjoys dancing and playing volleyball.Why Someone Might Love Them: How genuine and kind she is, she puts others before herself and always tries her best to help someone in any way she can.Why Someone Might Hate Them: Her gentleness is often viewed that she’s weak and somewhat of a pushover, also a bit of a goody two shoesHow They Change: They slowly become more Why You Love Them: She’s probably one of my most developed OCs and I love her to bits!! Her colour palette/personality/overall design just fits really well to me and I enjoy talking about her.
Full Name: Goya GaliaGender and Sexuality: Male/BisexualPronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Black/Octoling Birthplace and Birthdate: Octo valley, December 1stGuilty Pleasures: Gaming all night, eating a whole jumbo size bag of doritos in one sitting.Phobias: n/aWhat They Would Be Famous For: Gaming? That’s literally all he does he needs to go out more.What They Would Get Arrested For: Probably stealing a nintendo switch or somethingOC You Ship Them With: @rringabel’s (ONCE AGAIN, YOU) Romeo. Also with a warm comfy bed.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Hmm maybe Camellia cause he failed his team or somethingFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Action, AdventureLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Romance, DramaTalents and/or Powers: Gaming??? He’s also good at hiding stuff like all those dorito bags in a box under his bed so his older sibling wont find them.Why Someone Might Love Them: His overall goofy and chill nature makes it easy to talk to him and be around, he never tries to pry information out of someone and focuses more on making the other feel better.Why Someone Might Hate Them: How gullible and simple minded he seems and how he’s very much a child at heart, he’s very immature.How They Change: They start going out more and socialize and make new friends and takes notice that his emotions are valid and shouldn’t be bottled up.Why You Love Them: He’s such a lil sweetie and is starting to grow on me!! I love the whole Galia family gang (and the backstory behind them)
Full Name: AdelaGender and Sexuality: Female/BisexualPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Latina/OctolingBirthplace and Birthdate: Octo valley, August 21stGuilty Pleasures: Singing along to rap music, dancing around the apartment when nobody else is home.Phobias: Autophobia (Fear of abandonment)What They Would Be Famous For: She has quite the talent in arts (traditionally and graffiti), maybe even her photography?What They Would Get Arrested For: Vandalizing propertyOC You Ship Them With: @rringabel​‘s OC PoppyOC Most Likely To Murder Them: Probably Cecil ngl she probably has a lot of blackmail on him from the days he stays over.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Comedy, Action, Romcoms in some casesLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Sappy romance,Talents and/or Powers: Photography, Art, Memorizing lyrics and preforming, also playing the trumpet (she likes to stand outside of Alois’s room and play a note, just to freak him out)Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s carefree and honest and likes to make others laugh, she’ll try anything to cheer someone up and tries to support her friends and family in anywayWhy Someone Might Hate Them: Their reckless behaviour causes others to get in trouble, as well as her tendency to talk during class, she can be a bit annoying.How They Change: Once moving to Inkopolis she became more tamed and chill, especially after meeting Poppy. They start getting more confidence and is much more social then back in Octo valley, she also has a knack for turf wars.Why You Love Them: I love her overall design and personality, she can be a bit of a goof ball sometimes and I love her childish personality we incorporated into her!!
Full Name: Ailura ZhuGender and Sexuality: Female/LesbianPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Chinese/Moon JellyfishBirthplace and Birthdate: Unknown, December 25thGuilty Pleasures: Cutting through flesh with a knife with ease, long (like, hour long) bathsPhobias: Autophobia (fear of abandonment)What They Would Be Famous For: ??? Murder maybe I don’t knowWhat They Would Get Arrested For: uh.......there’d be too many to list but mainly murderOC You Ship Them With: @rringabel​‘s OC Cherry, also Ailura x Jail and Ailura x ChurchOC Most Likely To Murder Them: CrowFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Mystery, Horror, Adventure, ComedyLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: RomanceTalents and/or Powers: Knife sharpening, Knife throwing, negotiating.....is blackmailing a talent?Why Someone Might Love Them: Man I got no clueWhy Someone Might Hate Them: Her crude and sadistic behaviour makes a lot of people uneasy, also how manipulative and cunning she is.How They Change: They dont???Why You Love Them: Man i don’t even know why
Full Name: Crow OmeriaGender and Sexuality: Male/Pansexual AromanticPronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Thai/Great White sharkBirthplace and Birthdate: Unknown, July 29thGuilty Pleasures: Completing a rubix cube in under 30 seconds, Downing a whole jug of milkPhobias: n/aWhat They Would Be Famous For: Can’t imagine he’d be famous, maybe setting the record on fastest rubix cube finished?What They Would Get Arrested For: Once again, murder.OC You Ship Them With: @rringabel​‘s Robin....also Crow x JailOC Most Likely To Murder Them: AiluraFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Action, Adventure, HorrorLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: RomanceTalents and/or Powers: Rubix cube, Parkcour, Seducing others (?)Why Someone Might Love Them: I got no clueWhy Someone Might Hate Them: Acts very oblivious and innocent which pisses people off (especially when they know he’s of wrong doing). Also his bad habit of asking too many questions at once, he can be a nuisance.How They Change: They don’tWhy You Love Them: My first shark OC!!! Thats literally it
Full Name: Zixen CaruseeGender and Sexuality: Male/BisexualPronouns: He/himEthnicity/Species: Black/Flying squidBirthplace and Birthdate: Inkopolis, November 19thGuilty Pleasures: Smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, doing other people’s hair or playing with other people’s hairPhobias: n/aWhat They Would Be Famous For: Being a assholeWhat They Would Get Arrested For: Shop lifting.....He was arrested once when he was younger and his family was struggling, he was caught quickly thought.OC You Ship Them With: @rringabel‘s King and also Zixen x Financial stabilityOC Most Likely To Murder Them: His ex boyfriendFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Comedy, Action/Thrillers, HorrorLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Muscials, he just ain’t a big fanTalents and/or Powers: Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, Mechanical work and weapon fixingWhy Someone Might Love Them: Despite his intimidating looks he is actually a huge softie with a big heart and cares for people deeply.Why Someone Might Hate Them: When you first meet him he acts very rude and is aggressive, he takes time opening up to people which makes impatient people hate himHow They Change: After meeting King he feels a bit at ease, after making a new friend he could feel like he could be himself and not keep up the ‘cold and independent’ act and begins showing his feelings more.Why You Love Them: At first he was just a OCs older sibling, but after developing him a bit more he’s grown on me 
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asksythe · 7 years
Hey! Long time fan here. I was just wondering what would it be like if Kagome and TF!Naruto met? Basically Kagome transporting to the TF!Narutoverse (before or right at the very moment or after) when Naruto goes on a rampage of slaughter and consumption. If you want, please answer all 3 of the options I gave.
Hah.... these questions... I have actually answered them before in my old Le-feline tumblr account. Anyhow, I shall paste from that old post below here. 
This is the person’s original ask post: How would TF Naruto and FTGoG AU Kagome interact? How would the Narutoverse be effected by these two powerful people if they were in the same timeline and universe? Would Naruto try to off Kagome? How would each react to the other? If Naruto ever told Kagome about his being of male mind in female body would Kagome be understanding of his plight?
And this is my answer:   
They either bring about the end of the world as we know it or get along like a house on fire.
Augh… there are just too many reasons why I don’t want to answer these questions. First of all, the Naruto world of TF and FtGoG AU I created have several distinct differences to them. The timelines don’t quite match up (Naruto arrives at least 6 years before Kagome first emerges in Gems). Several key characters have different characterization concepts to them. For example: Hashirama. TF Hashirama and FtGoG AU Hashirama are built on two distinctly different character concepts I created based out of the little we got from canon. On the surface, they are similar, but at the core, they are vastly different people, especially when we take in the fact that TF Hashirama has been influenced by Naruto’s existence for at least 9-10 years when the Kage Summit occurs. Several key events are also different, one of which is the creation of Konohagakure and later on the birth of the hidden village system. In TF, though we are not there yet in the story, because of Naruto’s influence and interference, the creation of Konoha is vastly different from canon and so are Konoha’s relationships with other villages.
If TF Naruto and FtGoG Clan War Kagome meet, it won’t be in any circumstances recognizable to you or to me because Naruto’s arrival and influence and the difference of Hashirama’s character concepts will have changed thing too much.
Well, I said there were too many reasons why I didn’t want to answer your questions. Those reasons are valid, but I’m gonna make an attempt anyway. Just so you know, the situation you request simply can’t come to be because of all the foundational differences between the two universes. Now, if we are to disregard all of that and let’s just consider a hypothetical situation in which Naruto and Kagome happen to bump into each other… Maybe they happen to meet in the ever-shifting labyrinthine landscape that is Sythe’s imagination…
… Hmm… I’m still seeing an end of the world as we know it situation. Both Naruto and Kagome harbor what amount to Weapons of Mass Destruction of the highest order. Worse, their WMDs are of the Von Neumann variety. Even worse, both WMDs are sentient and possess wills of their own completely separated from their hosts. Even worse worse (!!!!), both WMDs are barely under the control of their hosts. Naruto struggles with the full power of the Jubi within him. He needs the constant application of the toad seal just to keep it at bay and even then, as the story goes on, he looses more and more control. Kagome’s situation is better but not by that much. Though she is not in explicit danger of being subsumed by her WMDs, her relationship with the Shikon is fundamentally different from Naruto’s relationship with the Jubi. Whereas Naruto is very clearly the jailer of the Jubi, Kagome is the Shikon. She is not the jailer nor the prison. She is an aspect of the Shikon who is exerting her will on the entirety of her existence in order to stay on the human side simply because she wishes to retain her human heart. Whether in Naruto’s case it’s a clear struggle to keep control of a uncontrollable entity, in Kagome’s case, it’s an existential question that can go both ways. Both have ups and downs and both, while fairly similar on the surface, have some significant differences from each other.    
One thing is clear however, if Naruto meets Kagome and the Jubi within Naruto becomes aware of the Shikon within Kagome (and vice versa)…. well…. so long, beautiful universe. It’s been nice knowing you.
Now… if we disregard even the possibility of end of the world scenario and say… no bad fantasy, sentient WMD shenanigans, I’d say they get along like a house on fire. They have much in common and their personalities have great synergy. They share similarly dark pasts where their mistakes result in the death of their loved ones and are both on a journey to seek redemption. Both bear the burden of controlling an entity too strong and dangerous for the world. These similarities will make for a foundation of sympathy and empathy between the two. In terms of temperament, their vastly different temperaments actually compliment each other very well. TF Naruto is disillusioned with the world and yet in his heart he still clings to a piece of the ideals of his youth. That is the reason why he will stop at nothing to protect Hashirama’s dream of creating the hidden villages. If he meets Kagome and sees the grand vision of peace, prosperity, and progress she is trying to bring about, he will probably see her as proof and vindication that his boyhood dream is not so naive after all (it will take him sometimes however). Once he has seen this, he will count Kagome among the handful of people he will protect no matter what (as in burn down the world with no hesitation to protect her and her vision. TF Naruto has lost too much and so the few things that he still has he treasures beyond everything).
Kagome will probably be a very pleasant surprise for Naruto. The Naruto verse during clan war era is a grim dark world where little hope can be found. Naruto is used to thinking that only Hashirama and the future he is fighting for is the only positive scenario available. So… the existence of Kagome and the alternate vision of the future she is bringing about is an outside of context solution. It will be a rare moment of delight for Naruto to see that the world is not such a hopeless place after all and that he can still find the rare, unexpected light amidst all this darkness and strife.
They probably will have a very positive relationship though with a small touch of codependency. Naruto seeks forgiveness for the sins he has commited in Kagome’s compassion. Kagome, on the other hand, will see Naruto as the dark mirror image of what she may become if she lets herself be seduced by the omnipotent power of the Shikon and so will try her damnedest to help Naruto overcomes his dark self. She will see that task as her redemption for failing her friends in the past. So… fairly positive relationship where both sides bring each other up but the codependency can be a mild problem in the future.
As for Naruto’s gender issue, if he ever brings this up with her (don’t see why he would. He’s a very private individual when it comes to things like that and his issue has more to do with how he sees his body as a tool to be used and less with whether he views himself as male or female), Kagome will probably be weirded out for a couple minutes before things go back to business as normal. She has seen weirder things on her treks across the Sengoku Jidai really and… at the end of the day, whether Naruto sees himself/herself as man or woman really doesn’t affect Kagome in any way does it? They are friends, and that’s what counts, not some silly social construct that dictates rules of binary genders only.    
With your questions, it’s a bit different since it’s a case of Kagome being transported to TF verse instead of some unspecified mish-mash or a TF Naruto in FtGoG verse. So their meeting and becoming friends is more likely. The rest should still be the same though. If Kagome runs into Naruto right at the start of his rampage, she will stop that cold. No if and or but about it. But long term... it’s kinda up in the air. What they harbor are incredibly volatile elements. It’s a really precarious situation despite the potential of a beautiful friendship. 
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