#Henry musings
There’s a tired sigh from the short round man sat at the drawing desk in front of him.  Hand going near his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose , briefly  brushing against his stubbly beard. The messy auburn curls on his head move slightly with his frustrated body language. 
Henry Angelo Emily is now available as a test muse for asks and threads
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horrifichaunts · 8 months
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Henry tag dump!
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simsim54 · 10 months
blond haired emotionally repressed princes + dark haired anti monarchists boys with curls the other one is obsessed with + them playing a piano together = best scenes ever
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marzipanandminutiae · 1 month
the thing about dating in your early 30s is that there are some younger people where, while it wouldn't necessarily be wrong to date them, you might just not be at the same place in life
like, would it be creepy for me to date a 24-year-old at 31? I don't personally think so; that's around my lower limit on dating apps and such. but I might be emotionally ready for marriage and kids MUCH sooner (ie yesterday, to be honest) while she could still be figuring out what she wants in those respects. while that's not always correlated with age...age frequently plays a part
I think it's easier to look at MUCH younger adults and think "ew, with a few rare exceptions, nobody my age should date them; I would never" than to face the fact that sometimes it's not a moral issue. it doesn't have to be CreepyBadWrong for age- or rather, life stage -to be an impediment to the relationship
in an environment where age gaps in romantic relationships are frequently portrayed as either evil or totally fine, It's Not Bad But It's Still Not Viable can fall through the cracks
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arylleth · 11 days
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I adored you. You were so soft, so diabolically angelic looking.
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ournextdoorneighbor · 7 months
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When have I ever since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you?
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Henri Martin - Mystic Scene, 1895.
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malevolent-muse · 2 months
❈ 🚔 ❈
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3remita · 10 months
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this took 3984329 years to finish i've been so busy. still feeling totally normal about this game though hahaaa 🙏😋
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simsim54 · 9 months
Alex: Henry shoved me!
Alex after one kiss: Not that there is anything wrong with shoving. Henry can shove me off the roof and I’ll be attracted to that.
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affectionatelyrs · 5 months
Seven Sentence Sunday🌟
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Another Sunday another snippet! :) Thank you to @getmehighonmagic @kiwiana-writes @nocoastposts and @firenati0n for the tags - and to everyone who tagged me on Wednesday I was like... not active at all during the week
I just finished part two (the final part) of You've Been My Muse for a Long Time and it came out to over 13k meaning that part two is more than twice the length of part one.... oops? I'm not sorry actually a lot happens and it's fun
I'll be posting it later today but in the meantime part one is out and ready for eyes to read it, naturally
Snippet below the cut because this is a birthday fic for @happiness-of-the-pursuit and technically he's not allowed to see this
“I’ve got a show in a few days in D.C., plus a few days off in between that and our next stop. Think you could make the trip? Show me then?” Henry taps a finger on his chin, pretending to think about it. “Hmm, I don’t know. I’m going to be quite busy editing these photos of a certain salacious rockstar. You might know of him: curly hair, mischievous eyes, short—” “Five nine is not short—” “Breathtakingly beautiful,” Henry concludes. That stops Alex short, his face going all fond and soft around the edges. The sun has begun to set, and it creeps through the blinds and settles on the smooth planes of Alex’s face, highlighting his golden skin. Henry’s fingers itch to pick up his camera, to capture the serene image, but he stops himself. Thinks that maybe he ought to just commit the sight to memory instead, tucked safely behind his eyelids for only him to see. “Oh.” “Oh, indeed,” Henry affirms. And then, “In case it wasn’t obvious, I’d love to come, Alex.”
No pressure tagging @read-and-write- @inexplicablymine @littlemisskittentoes @anincompletelist @anchoredarchangel @whimsymanaged @everwitch-magiks @rockyroadkylers @rmd-writes @three-drink-amy @tintagel-or-cockleshells @lizzie-bennetdarcy @indomitable-love @orchidscript @onward--upward @dumbpeachjuice @daisymae-12 @gayrootvegetable @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @hillerskas @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @rmd-writes @cultofsappho @cricketnationrise @bidoofenergy @nocoastposts @wordsofhoneydew @myheartalivewrites @sherryvalli and @matherines
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
As you read along in Mansfield Park, you, apparently like the Bertrams, almost start to feel like Fanny’s treatment is normal. This is just what people do when they informally adopt their poor nieces, right? Fanny seems content in her place, if only Mrs. Norris would be a little nicer. This is fine.
And then someone from the outside visits and reminds you how insane the whole set up actually seems to them.
Like Mrs. Rushworth, who invites Miss Price to see Sotherton and then is really confused when she can’t go. “Why not? She’s part of the family I want to confer favour upon her too,” thinks Mrs. Rushworth, somehow the voice of reason in this situation. Edmund must move mountains to have Fanny included.
And then we have Mary’s most sparkling moment, where Mrs. Norris openly berates Fanny for being ungrateful and Mary is like, “What the actual fuck did you just say to that poor girl?”
In an earlier chapter, Mary can’t even figure out if Fanny is in or out socially, not only because Fanny is so shy, but because her style of dress and pattern of going out doesn’t make any sense. Which yeah, everything done for Fanny is an afterthought even though you had a plan to bring Fanny out into the world, remember Sir Thomas?
When Henry Crawford is talking about marrying Fanny, he says he’s going to treat her so well that her whole family will be ashamed of themselves. Is this slightly problematic in itself because of the performative nature of his charity? Yes. Am I down for it? Also yes.
Or when Fanny is caught out in the rain and doesn’t want to impose on the Grants by asking for shelter. She’s so beaten down that Dr. Grant has to go out himself to convince her she’s worthy of not being soaked.
The way that Austen kind of numbs us to the abuse and then brings it back into our faces is terrible and magnificent.
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typicalopposite · 2 months
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Oh my goodness it’s been a while 👀
Thank you @adreamareads and @luainthewild for the tags today and @onthewaytosomewhere, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and @taste-thewaste (+anyone i may have forgotten 🫣) for all the other tags I haven’t got to yet! Life has been… 😮‍💨
Yall my big bang fic has been moving so so so slow… and this isn’t even what the fic is about it’s just a tidbit of what gets the plot rolling but I’m a sucker for a redemption arc so here some of Philips (its more that six or seven… or several 🫣 but I’m multiple weeks behind soooo yeah!)
“Henry, I–” Philip begins, voice hoarse and surprisingly soft. Then he takes a step forward – towards Henry – then another, until he’s right in front of him, having to slightly look up to keep eye contact. He puts a hand on Henry’s shoulder and squeezes. “There is so much I need to say to you – that I want to say— that I should have been said to you… I don’t even know where to begin–” “Philip, you don’t have to– Good god, this day is about you and Martha, and— and…” Henry looks back through the glass and gestures towards the baby. “Henry.” Philip says, softly. “Yes?” Henry asks. “No, I mean… that’s his name. Henry.” Henry gasps. He doesn’t mean to, but it absolutely takes him by surprise, and he snaps his head back to the bassinet placed just on the other side of the window; on a light blue name card elegantly scripted in black marker His Royal Highness Prince Henry Arthur Alexander James Hanover-Stuart Fox.
:) tagging @onthewaytosomewhere @taste-thewaste and @meraki-yao & @england-would-fall plus anyone else who wants to join in! <3
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 months
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OMG, production photos for Wolf Hall: the Mirror and the Light have released! My Tudor politics loving heart is swelling with excitement. I see you, Lady Margaret Pole - get ready to say goodbye to your head.
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junebugclaremontdiaz · 4 months
seven sentence sunday
tagged by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and @indestructibleheart ty!
Pez takes the phone back, "The song is about you."
“Don’t be ridiculous, it’s been two years.”
Pez rolls the thought around for a moment before finally spitting it out, “That never changed anything for you Hazza, why is it so easy to believe it has for him?”
Henry is silent when Percy places the phone in front of him again. Alex is as gorgeous as the day they'd broken up, his hair is longer, and there seems to be the hint of a new tattoo under his shirtsleeve, but all in all he looks almost identical to the way he had when Henry had broken both of their hearts. Alex's voice washes over him as the video plays, and Henry is transported to another time. The warm, cloying summer days where Alex would pull out his guitar for an audience of one rather than thousands.
Make you an offer, watch you refuse
Alex's eyes had shone in the flickering light of the fire.
let down my father, let down the muse
Henry had never understood the tales of sirens until he'd heard Alex sing. Even through a screen the effect is instantaneous, and Henry aches in a way he'd ensured himself he was through with.
tagging @mulderscully @ninzied @barbiediaz and anyone else who wants to
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malevolent-muse · 25 days
Want more? Join the Tag List Tagged:  @nephrysdarkwater-blog, @Teesee975
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