#Hiraga Josef kou
hinaiyano · 3 months
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Happy birthday Hiraga!
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kplparadise · 17 days
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Fun little style experiment
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This was based on very not scientific compilation of data.
Also please watch Vatican Kiseki Chousakan. It is glorious.
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
Vatican Miracle Examiner Vocab: Chapter 1
100+ vocab terms from Ch 1, Vol 1 of the 5-part manga series.
Mostly Catholic terms in Japanese and unique usage related to the series.
This list is not exhaustive. I focused on terms that would be unfamiliar (or unfamiliar as used in this series), and/or directly relate to Catholic terminology in Japanese.
I list part of speech, pronunciation, and simple definitions. I have not included additional of these if they are not relevant to this series.
Character names will have titles where applicable and those will be in brackets to minimize confusion; titles will be listed under general vocab as well.
At the end of the list I’ll have a few sources for some of the more obscure terms in case you want to read more or get better context.
As of now I have things listed in the order in which they appear, roughly, in the manga.
Note: This will be a long post since it’s the first chapter in the series and 31 pages long.
Character Names/Places
Note: I’ve chosen to spell names close to the katakana spellings; keep in mind some may be transcribed with slightly different spellings (like Joseph instead of Josef).
平賀•ヨゼフ•庚 [神父] - Hiraga, Josef Kou [Father], Franciscan order
ロベルト•ニコラス[神父] - Roberto, Nicholas [Father], Franciscan order
良太 - Ryota (Josef’s younger brother)
サウロ[大司教] - Saul [Archbishop] , Franciscan order
ニコラス[枢機卿] - Nicholas [Cardinal], secretary of the Dicastery for the Causes of the Saints (also potentially the head of the miracle examiners), also known as “the prefect (of the Curia)” in English
ドンナ•ドロレス - Donna Dolores, a nun from St Rosario Church
[大天使]ミカエル - [Archangel] Michael
[聖]ペテ - [Saint] Peter
パウロ[大司教] - [Archbishop] Paul, Dominican order
アントニウス[神父] - [Father] Antonius
セントロザリオ教会 - St Rosario Church, a church in South America where Josef & Roberto are sent to investigate
バチカソ市国 - Vatican City, the City state of the Vatican
Other Vocab
奇跡、きせき (n; の adj) miracle
常識、じょうしき (n) common sense, common knowledge, common practice
科学、かがく (n) science
説明、せつめい (n, する v; trans v) explanation, account, caption, legend, description
不可思議、ふかしぎ (な adj; n; yojijukugo) mystery, miracle, something inexplicable, unfathomable
現象、げんしょう (n) phenomenon
神、かみ (n) God, divinity
御業、みわざ (n) the works (of the gods)
真偽、しんぎ (n) veracity, authenticity
確かめる、たしかめる (Ichidan v; trans v) to ascertain, to check, to make sure
神父、しんぷ (n) Catholic priest [Note: this is the term used when speaking to someone , like “Father” So-and-So, as opposed to a general word for priest, 司祭, which you don’t use when speaking TO someone but rather about them.]
害、がい (n) evil influence
礼服、れいふく (n) cassock, vestments, etc
暗号、あんごう (n; のadj) code, cipher, password
解読、かいどく (n; するv; trans v) deciphering, decoding
聖年、せいねん (n) holy year, jubilee [see additional notes below]
大聖年、だいせいねん (n) the Great Jubilee (of 2000)
聖堂、せいどう (n) church
バチカン (n) (the) Vatican
市国、しこく (n) city state (as in the Vatican)
宗教、しゅつきょう (n) religion, faith
ブラザー(n) brother (as in, a monk or priest)
天使、てんし (n;のadj) Angel
悪魔、あくま (n) devil, demon, the Devil (Satan)
骨肉腫、こつにくしゅ (n) osteosarcoma
治療費、ちりょうひ (n) cost of medical treatment
ルルドの泉、いすみ (n) Fountain of Lourdes, aka home of “Lourdes Water” in France
奇跡調査官、きせきちょうさかん (n) miracle examiner
調査、ちょうさ (n; するv; trans v) investigation, examination
聖痕現象、スティグマータ (n) stigmata (phenomenon)
未知、みち (のadj; n) the unknown
知れる、しれる (ichidan v; intrans v) to become known; to be discovered; to be known; to be understood
舞い込む、まいこむ (godan v む ending; intrans v) to happen unexpectedly
大司教、だいしきょう (n) archbishop
キリスト (n) (Jesus) Christ
聖書、せいしょ (n) Bible, scriptures, holy writ
黙示録、もくしろく (n) book of revelation; the apocalypse
悪魔が書いた魔法書 - literally, “magic writing written by the devil” [see additional notes below]
古文書、こもんじょ (n) historical document, ancient manuscripts
断片、だんぺん (n) fragment
読む、よむ (godan v, む ending; trans v) to decipher, to read, to recite (a sutra, prayer)
原文、げんぶん (n) original text
会、かい (n; n suffix) meeting, assembly, conference, clerical order
イエズス会 (n) society of Jesus, aka Jesuit order
ドミニコ会 (n) Dominican order
フランシスコ会 (n) Franciscan order (which Josef and Roberto belong to)
派閥 (n; のadj) faction; used in the manga as in orders of priests
破門、はもん (n; するv; のadj) excommunication
枢機卿、すうききょう (n) Cardinal (title)
執行部、しっこうぶ (n) leadership (for example, the Roman Curia, that is the administration of the Vatican)
列聖、れっせい (n; するv) canonization (of a Saint)
列聖省長官、れっせいしょうちょうかん (n) literally, “canonization ministry secretary”; I believe this is intended to refer to the Secretary/Director of the Dicastery of the Causes of Saints; a position in the Vatican overseeing things related to canonization [see additional notes]
祈り、いのり (n) prayer
申請書、しんせいしょ(n) Written application
申請、 しんせい (n; する v; trans v) application, petition, request
教会、しょうかい (n) church, congregation
修道女、しゅうどうじょ (n) nun
大天使、だいてんし (n) archangel
神の子、かみのこ (n) son of God (Jesus Christ); child of God (Christian)
処女懐胎、しょじょかいたい (n) virgin birth, such as Mary with Jesus (immaculate conception)
受胎、じゅたい (n; するv; intrans v) conception
聖母、せいぼ (n) Virgin Mary; holy mother
カソリック (n) Catholic, Catholicism, Catholic Church [note there are a couple diff katakana spellings of this word, but this one is used in VME]
受肉、じゅにく(n) (Christ’s) incarnation (as Jesus of Nazareth)
降臨、こうりん (n; するv) descent to earth (of a god); advent; epiphany
罪、つみ (n; なadj; のadj) sin
永遠、えいえん (n; なadj) eternity; immortality
贖う、あがなう (godan v, う ending; trans v) to atone for
最後の審判、さいごのしんぱん (n) judgment day; final judgment (religious sense)
聖、せい (n) Saint (may also be written with katakana, as in 「セント」, like “St Rosario’s Church”
ローム (n) Rome
司教、しきょう (n) bishop (catholic)
代理人、だいりにん (n) proxy, representative
存在意義、ぞんざいいぎ (n) raison d'être, reason for existing
冒涜、ぼうとく (n; するv) blasphemy, sacrilege, desecration
主、しゅ (n) the Lord (God)
カルト (n) cult
教徒、しょうと (n) believer, adherent
法王、ほうおう (n) Pope; aka ローム法王
司祭、しさい (n; のadj) a priest [do not confuse with 神父, the title of “Father”]
大罪、たいざい、(n) mortal sin, grave sin
契約、けいやく (n; するv; trans v) covenant, contract, pact [as in a deal with the devil]
最高責任者、さいこうせきにんしゃ (n) chief executive [such as, of the Vatican Bank]
教皇庁、きょうこうちょう(n) the Curia, the administration of the Vatican
地位、ちい (n) position, such as within the Vatican hierarchy, or in line to be a papal candidate
潜り込む、 もぐりこみ (Godan v, む ending; intrans v) to go undercover, to infiltrate
マリア (n) (the Virgin) Mary [sometimes seen as 聖母マリア]
聖母子 (n) Virgin and Child, Mary & Baby Jesus
全知全能、ぜんちぜんのう (n; のadj; yojijukugo) omnipotence and omniscient, all powerful and all knowing
救世主、きゅうせいしゅ (n) savior, the messiah, Jesus Christ (the messiah, savior)
背徳、はいとく (n) immorality, corruption, lapse of virtue
堕落、だらく (n; するv) depravity, degradation, corruption
偶像、ぐうぞう (n) idol, image, statue
天罰、てんぼつ (n) divine punishment, wrath of God, judgment of heaven
主よ、しゅよ (なadj; n) Lord, head (of a group)
信仰、しんこう (n;するv; trans v) (religious) faith, belief
印、しるし (n) a sign
聖所、せいじゅ (n) sanctuary, inner sanctum
邪悪、じゃあく (なadj;n) wicked, evil
Additional Notes
Holy year, 聖年 ; Great Jubilee, 大聖年
“Devil’s book,” 悪魔が書いた魔法書
I did a lot of searching trying to figure out what book, specifically, was meant here, and came up with 2 possibilities:
the Gigas Codex, ギガス写本 or 悪魔の聖書, a book that is not held by the Vatican but was supposedly written with magical assistance from Satan himself;
the Grand Grimoire, 大奥義書 or 大いなる教書, not written by Satan but that is held by the Vatican.
It’s possibly intended to be vague, but the exact phrasing here is different than used for either of these actual books and I couldn’t find any other possible real option. Note the anime does call a book “the devil’s book” and describe it as a “Bible written by the devil” but it doesn’t seem to really be a reference to Gigas, so maybe it’s intended to be a fictional book inspired by these real texts for the purposes of the story.
Secretary of Dicastery of the Causes of Saints - 列聖省長官
As always, I’m human and make mistakes. If you find anything feel free to let me know.
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best-underrated-anime · 7 months
Propaganda for Vatican Miracle Examiner:
(This is the description on MyAnimeList, is that ok?)
Fathers Josef Kou Hiraga and Roberto Nicholas are Vatican Miracle Examiners who investigate the authenticity of miraculous phenomena reported from all over the world. In every seemingly sacred event lies horrors of hidden conspiracies, mysterious murders, and devil worship. In this battle of good and evil, Hiraga, a scientific and mathematical genius, and Roberto, a polymath in linguistics and classics, must work together to bring the truth to light. Will their friendship and faith endure the evils in their journey to find a true miracle?
A propaganda is not a summary...
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animeyecatchers · 3 years
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Vatican Miracle Examiner End Card 1-10 (Cont.)
Vatican Kiseki Chousakan End Card 1-10 (Cont.)
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shadowgale96 · 5 years
Maybe I have a type
Eruri ~ Shingeki no Kyojin
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RobHira ~Vatican Miracle Examiner
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Jedtavious ~ Night At The Museum 
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GerIta ~ Hetalia
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AshEiji ~ BananaFish
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SixBisher ~ Cloud Atlas
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Elio x Oliver ~ Call Me By Your Name
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Tall blonds who need love and their dark haired shorties that adore them.
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znzn06 · 4 years
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Forgot to upload!! 24th October was Nobu’s birthday!!!!! I hope he had a good one!!!!! This might look good as a print so I kinda want to try print it haha...
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robehira · 4 years
Roberto: Are you alright?
Hiraga: Yeah, I'm a little hungry though
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yoshimei · 5 years
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The last of my VME merch haul.
1. Pamphlet from the first screening event. Photos are as follows. They included mainly interviews and a few artworks. Also showed the goods at the last page that I’ll never be able to buy anymore unless someone lists them for a reasonable price ahah
2. Acrylic standees I’ve searched for for FOREVER. I’m so lucky to have gotten them brand new!!! They are surprisingly huge. I can’t wait to put them on display!!
3. Cute spare Robehira keychain that I can use! The other one there is gonna be sealed forever haha (it was purchased from Goods Republic)
4. Rosary!!!!!!!! I’ve also been looking for this for forever!! The logo has some protective cloth but I believe this is used so I’ll be wearing this daily.
5. Grand prize from the DMM lottery event. YOU BET I GOT IT EVEN THOUGH I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW I’LL DISPLAY IT!! The cloth is microfiber and surprisingly high quality. And can anyone refuse getting a physical copy of this cute interaction?? Haha
6. Their acrylic pin trading badge set. I actually got this from Amazon.jp along with the teacups from Dantalian no Shoka but I’ll just put them here too. The artworks are so cute 😭
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hinaiyano · 9 months
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kplparadise · 3 months
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Where The Flock of Angels Leads page 346
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thecrazyanimegirl · 5 years
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“Science and faith - if you combine the power of the two, most problems can be solved!”
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
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Just so you know... these characters are meant to be priests from the Vatican but the more you watch it, the more you can see the clear intent to make us ship these two together. And yeah... it pretty much works because it’s just so damn blatant...
That said, it isn’t a bad show really. Just very packed with miracles, murders and strange occurrences - enough to make your head spin (Ha! A“The Exorcist” joke!) and moves at a rather brisk pace to cover all the clues and discoveries, which will require a bit of adjustment. I might do a 5 minute review sometime but hey, if you’re into the forbidden ship (priests in this case), give this one a go!
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tokimekimode · 5 years
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it's been around 2°F/-17°C here lately... | twitter link
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vampiremirror · 5 years
I decided to do a short translation from the first book. This conversation happened right after the talk with their boss. 
-Are you serious? You really want to accept this case?  asked Roberto, once they were back at Hiragas place to start packing. 
-What a question! Obviously! Not only might i have the chance to meet a demon, i have an opportunity to finance the care for Ryouta. I don’t see any reason to refuse.
-I get the second reason, but this doesn’t look like it will be a pleasant case.
-What about it would be dangerous?
Annoyed, Roberto continued: - Don’t you understand? They’re just using the situation with your brother in order to impose a very difficult case on you. It’s implied that the case involves conflicts between factions of the vatican, as well as the P2 and their activities in the mafia. The slightest misstep could put us in great danger. Usually we also have the option to decline an investigation. Archbishop Saul always offered us a way out. 
-Certainly, yeah, that’s not wrong. But like, it does sound exciting, replied Hiraga boldly. 
-Sometimes I can’t tell whether you are actually smart or really dumb. In this world there are sects devoted to satan or i-don’t-know-what else, all gangs of fools. Don’t you understand how dangereous they are? Especially the P2: they are clearly not gentle, could call them real demons even. What do you hope to get by hanging out with them?
While Hiraga continued to pack his bags, Roberto turned around, preferring to laugh about it instead of crying.
- I imagine we could be killed. But what can you do? This investigastion interests me immensely. Still, we are talking about a deal with the devil. Oh, darn it! If i die, what will become of Ryouta?
- I guess that if you die, they’ll at least disregard him in their discussions.
- I think so, too. Uuf!
Roberto was disappointed by the way Hiraga had cut of the discussion. 
- You won’t regret anything?
-Nothing. On the contrary, i can’t wait to get there.
-Let me at least put you on guard. If you feel that things are getting to dangerous, you will be reasonable, drop the invesigation and come back immidietly. 
- That is not very likely. Once i start something, i need to finish it. Also, i’ve been a fan of spy movies since my childhood.
Roberto was now certain that Hiraga had a screw loose.
He uttered a long sigh of spite. He finally decided to go home and prepare his own affaires.
I didn’t think Roberto would call Hiraga a moron to his face.
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